19-01-2019, 11:51 AM
(18-01-2019, 11:33 AM)pastispresent Wrote: I created a Telegram Group for telugu xossipy users. It is general group for chatting or sharing things. It is only general group. (not for sex stories or sexual content)Chala manchi idea....
Please note that Telegram offers complete anonymity which means even if you join this group, your details like phone number remain hidden to others. If you want complete anonymity, use a anonymous telegram ID (don't use real name for telegram ID)
Interested people can join the group using following link:
https://' joinchat/IseqZBZTvqkd9HVi2izcAg
Sarit gari daggara unna rachayithalaku kuda oka request pedithe baguntundi