The Bikernis including my Mom, Principal, her friends have a group while Manasi and her friends formed different bikerni group, but once in a week all get together to have night out, they have a ritual of driving bike making
high sound in night and smoking marijuana in the forest preserve
behind theart college every Friday night. They wear similar saree keep their hair open. This time it was not possible, so we family rode to follow the tradition, I sat behind Manasi, Mom carried both her husbands on her bike, principal madam carried Saasu Maa. Except men women taking joint, it was relaxing, they have dropped their saress now in petticoat and blouse. We men prepared some snacks on bonfire. As usual we men changed into tribal minimum clothes a small saree wrapped showing our side boobs, nice round ass. We have to dance for women after they get fully intoxicated. Women also will join too in dance. Meanwhile Manasi was repeatedly asking Mom about her job, how she killed with such dexterity, but Mom just kept silent smiling only reply she said was she knew she is cleaning garbage from this world, so she is happy. One man aged 30 riding through jungle saw women in saree sitting on bike smoking joint and few women preparing food not knowing they are men. He thought this is oportunity to enjoy many women a night he was dreaming.

The pig announced his presence and said that everyone was under arrest for possession and public intoxication. The cop had to frisk the kids to make sure they had no weapons. Officer Trup let his fingers linger a little too long as he squeezed mom's tits. Officer Pig was dreaming of
interrogating her in private after letting the other go. He had a
boner, if you could actually call it that, 4 inches. He was dreaming of fucking the dreamy devoted wife having 2 husbands.

Our precious little hellraiser had other ideas. "Hey you pervert, get your fucking hands off of my tits!" Mom shoved the portly pig away from her.
The slim cop stumbled backwards and reached for his service revolver. As
soon as he extracted it from the holster, my karate trained sexy
mom pivoted her petticoat and rotated her saree spinning aimed at his gun. Her execution was flawless. A direct strike separated the gun from the pig's paw. The gun landed harmlessly about 20 feet away. Officer gulped as
he knew he was in big trouble.

"You filthy slim fuck! You felt me up and tried to pull a gun on me. What, did you think that you could let everyone else go to leave you alone with
me in the woods? With no witnesses. You were going to bang us. Weren't you?
Well now the shoe is on the other foot now. Citizens arrest! Wait. Are you resisting arrest? Good. That gives me an excuse to beat you up. Have you ever been beaten up by a woman before? Get ready. You're about to learn a lesson in female domination. I'm going to beat the shit out of you in front of my family and then I'm going to bang you with my very own tool!"

I quipped "Mom is going to slaughter a pig."
Mom,”No Babu, for that I have to take permission from Saasu Maa, Maa ji if
you permit I will show you how I do my job, Manasi ji today I will show my
skills you have been asked, but permission from Saasu Maa.”
Saasu maa,” Chhoti Bahu (refering my Mom) I also want to see your skill and get rid of this low life scum.”
Beating up and stripping my rival gang member few months before in front of
half the gang members really turned me on. After the fight she went home and gave her vibrator a good workout. But this was even better. A grown sexy man. A cop.
In private with only her family was as witnesses. Her libido was
exploding. She not only planned on beating the pig up but she was going to
receive her own dose of oral servitude as well. Besides, the slim cop was kind of cute in a bulky woman sort of way. He reminded her of a small male version of Marie Osmond. Mom harbored a teensy bit of sexual urges.

Mom was ready to put on a show. Who wants to hear about what happened next?

Mom moved toward the pig who was more like a deer in headlights as he stood frozen. She snapped a right karate kick into the side of the soft belly of the cop. Thud. A groan escaped the lips of Porky Pig.
Mom pivoted and buried her left fist in the dough like gut of the
portly pig. Bwoa groaned the slim fuck who almost barfed from the impact. All the women cheered and urged her on. Mom was not going to disappoint. She was just getting warmed up. Inside her loins, she was on fire!

The slim pig was flummoxed. This busty saree woman had disarmed him and now was beating him up. His training went out the window. He was helpless against the muscular hellcat. He needed to come up with a plan and quick.

Mom stepped back and spun around like a ballerina with her hands over
her head in a dancing sort of way. And then she raised her left foot and kicked him twice. First in the stomach and without resetting, she kicked
him in the side of the head. As the slim cop felt for blood on his face, the larger and heavier woman stepped forward and punched him in the stomach.
Not once. Not twice. Not even 3 times. No. She went left right left right
left right left right left right left right left right left right left
right left right. She beat the daylights out of him. 20 punches in all. The
slim cop opened his mouth in a wide O from having all the air beaten out of him. As he was leaning forward trying to hold his gut, Mom the killer
threw one more punch. Not to his tummy. Not even his balls. No, Mom
bent down and then rose with a fury. A basement to penthouse right uppercut flush to one of the chins of the roly poly pig. Splat! His teeth clattered
together and Porky Pig knew he was about to die at the evil hands, feet, and fists of Cheer Captain Mom.

The force of the blow stunned the pig like the stun gun used in slaughter houses. His head jerked back and his arms hung limply at his sides. Not one to squander an opportunity Mom grabbed a bunch of hair and pulled
downward at the same moment that her knee was ascending. She crushed his
nose against her kneecap. She broke his nose. She was sure of it. Blood instantly appeared from both nostrils and the cop just grabbed his face and fell to his knees. He was finished. Thankfully, Mom hadn't even reached halftime.
Mom,” I need some more entertainment, I am feeling erotic, my husbands can
you show dance to entertain me while i wnjoy my job.”
Her two husbands started doing belly dance with background music from phone.

Mom lifted her petticoats to show those strong legs choosing to finish the brawl barefoot. She then grabbed the hair again from the stuck pig and started slapping the ever loving shit out of him with the tennis ball shaped calves.
With a busted nose. (One can only dream) But
it was not a pretty sight. Unless you're someone reading this who kind of gets off on that sort of thing.
Back to our heartwarming story. Mom is standing over the phony wannabe
cop with a deathlike grip on his hair with her left hand
She is beating the bejesus out of Officer Butthole. Forehands
backhands side to side. Blood was raining from the broken nose and disintegrating lips of the beaten shell of a man. After about 2 dozen swats, she switched hands. His cheeks were past red. They were turning purple.

Man was bawling like a baby and sputtering out apologies and pleas for mercy. This was music to the womans ears and rocket fuel for their burning cores. Especially Mom. Officer Trup was about to explode. So was
Mom except for entirely different reasons. The pig's face was about to explode whereas her woohoo was ready to melt.

Mom finally and mercifully stopped beating the poor slob before he bled to death and informed him of the ways of the jungle. She kicked him onto his back first. "Listen here slut, you were hoping to have your way with me. Not going to happen. However, I intend to get my yayas out instead. So it's your lucky day. I'm going to mash my cunt all over your disgusting face and you will worship your conqueror. You will feel, smell, and taste me. But you don't get to look at my teenage twat that you are willing to die for. Close your eyes. No peeking."

Mom removed her black soiled panties and threw them in his face. She told him to close his eyes and open his mouth. She lifted her petticoat giving the women a quick beaver shot before she jumped in the air spreading her legs and landing right on his face. He screamed in agony.

The horny hellcat began swabbing his face with her burning inferno. He couldn't see a thing under her petticoat but he could smell her.
And she was ripe too. Between her cuntal juices and his blood and tears he was drowning. Air was in short supply. She humped his face like she had no shame. Officer pigpen was suffering in shame. Back and forth and faster and faster she rocked.

Just before he suffocated, she raised up for a moment. He gulped down a much needed blast of oxygen. The air was life saving and polluted. Back on his face she returned hurtling toward her first orgasm.

"Eat me! Suck my smelly cunt you slim bastard! When I'm done with you you're going to need to go to the Dentist for a haircut! Swallow my woman cum
bitch! That's it. Eat me out. You're gonna make me cum. Oh fuck oh fuck oh
FUUUUCK I'm cuuuumming!"

Mom came in his mouth but she wanted more. Mom told her friends to
strip the cop. He needed to get fucked. Mom unceremoniously
pantsed him until he was naked as a jaybird. His microdick was rock hard
but all but invisible, hidden under the rolls of slim. It was so small that it looked like a pencil which had been sharpened down to a nub. It looked more like a kitty with a boner.

Meanwhile, Mom was convulsing in an endless stream of multiple orgasms. After a couple of minutes she was sated. She suddenly had the urge to pee. She lifted up a couple of inches and hovered above him. Man gulped
in much needed air. Drops of rain followed by a thick stream landed on his face. To his horror officer Pigpoke realized that she was pissing in his face.

"You look like a thirsty whale so here's a little liquid refreshment. Drink my woman piss loser." Officer cried and gulped and gagged and coughed
as her stream of woman piss rained on his parade. This was the ultimate humiliation. When the rain storm finally finished Mom flipped the giant whale onto his stomach. She requested his nightstick which Amber gleefully handed her. "Lookie lookie, slimo has a boner. I guess he wants to get fucked."

With absolutely no foreplay, she plunged her strapon deep into his asshole. Blood gushing out of his ruined rectum ensured that officer was not going to enjoy his first, last, and only woman fuck. Ok,
bang. His pathetic wailing and screams died down as he passed out in agony.
They left him there naked with a nightstick embedded deep inside him and basically just the handle outside him.

Other women were rubbing their ussies watching this.
Mom kneeled before Sassu Maa,” Maa ji, I want to enjoy this man as you
Saasu Maa,” I have known sex normal way, I have missed it, but I want to enjoy to buttfuck a man using strapon, it will be my 1st time.”
Mom,” as you wish.”
Mom tied strapon carefully around Saasu Maa’s pussy so she will receive
pleasure. Then others also tied strapon. Saasu Maa walked to man, Mom made
him in doggy pose and helped Saasu Maa to fuck him, once Saasu Maa got rhythm
of fucking, Mom returned, now women surrounded we dancing men, stroking
rubbing their protuding strapon they watched us, they pushed us on grund and fucked our ass, we all were moaning in pleasure. In 20 minutes all satisfied, even Saasu Maa.
Mom,” after fuck effect of Marijuanna fading, lets smoke more.” The women
dropped their strapons, adjusted their saree petticoat blouse, took joints and sat on body of cop, principal madam on his leg, Mom on his thigh, Manasi on his chest and Saasu Maa on his face, they were blowing smoke on air.
Mom,” Saasu Maa now squeeze your pussy muscle so you will enjoy more.”
Saasu Maa did same she was making high pleasurable sound Ahhhhh Ohhhhhh even
abusing foul languages, cop was trying to move his body but other women weight made him unbearable, he was only moving his hands on air frantically but in 1 minute he gave up. Saasu maa gave high sound.

Then all restedfor few minutes. Mom confirmed the person is dead, it is better to return. We all returned on bike and in next morning being obedient Bahu of house Mom prepared tea for Sassu Maa, covering her face with pallu properly she offered tea. Saasu Maa was watching news,she asked Mom to sit, Mom sat at Saasu maa’s feet, kept her feet on her breasts and massaging it, while still maintaining her face in pallu, Manasi came and sat on chair looking at news, news was flashing:
The dreaded gangster Rahim Khan who robbed banged and killed an entire security officerwoman’s family after banging her, security officerwoman had put the man behind bar for extortion, after being released from bail, gangster bangd security officerwoman in front of her husband and daughter and killed all three. His body found in jungle, he died from suffocation swallowing some liquid. God allmighty has taken correct step punishing sinners.

Saasu Maa,” Bahu how do you know he is a criminal. Not security officer.”
Mom,” Maa ji, I have lot of informers, one of them has gave that sinner that
a group of woman partying in jungle. So to confirm he wore that security officerwoman’s
dress and reached there. Once he thought it is safe he aproached us.”
Manasi,” Rekha you have done nice work, keep it on.”
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After that Mom got a mission,.Mom is on a mission in which she has to capture a terrorist alive. She's in a party in which the terrorist is present in as well. Intelligently dressed in attractive attire, she comes in looking ravishing as ever in a black saree and catches his attention. Her body language entices the terrorist as she makes obvious signals to engage with him.Mom walks slowly and reaches the stairs to which she leads him into a room. They both enter and Mom closes the door shut and tells him to wait in the room as she goes in the bathroom of the master suite. She quickly changes her clothes to a blue short dress and heels. Exiting the bathroom, she looks taller than ever with her heels on. She flaunts her strong legs and the man watches in curiosity. She slowly nears him.Her height outmatches his height as she looks down upon him and grins. Clearly in a more superior position, she takes the man by the shoulders and smashes him against the wall. The terrorist astonished, screams for help.Mom does a rear naked choke hold, as he cries for breath.He tumbles down to the carpet floor and Mom scissors his neck as she tapes up his mouth and ties his arms together with a rope. In complete awe, the terrorist's face goes red and begins to sweat.Mom gets back up and takes her heels and dress off, leaving her with only her more comfortable lingerie briefs on for her next move. She lowers down to the man and performs a gbang vine pin. She lays on top of the poor man, facing down and snakes her legs around his lower legs and spreads her legs, pinning his arms down into submission. He struggles for breath and movement as her chest smothers against his face and her legs damage his lower body,leaving him unconscious.
Mom has a camera pinned to her bra. she was in wireless contact with Manasi, Manasi guided her path, in order to not to create confusion or ruckus in party she changed into unconscious terrorrist's pant shirt and covered the terrorist in her black saree, with carefully manner she lifted and carried the terrorist in her arms such that no one could see her face. she used saree pallu nicely to hide her face and terrorrist's face. hotel bell boys did not interrupt as they knew it is dangerous to disrupt privacy of intimate couples.
at gate a limousine was parked, Mom went inside, it was driven by Manasi. Mom changed into saree and handed the terrorist to security officer along with recording camera footage which showed with whom terrorist talked.

in evening we were having nice time at home. we watched romantic movie, family serials. Mom cooked a nice food. she normally does not discuss about her job at all unless urged by all. she combed our hairs, did puja as usual. a nice family time after a dangerous job is soothing. rather she loves to discuss about saree and jewellery.
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Thats all from satish's story and his Mom's too. I have written this as unfinished as many cases can evolve from this. i have many small stories which are partially completed, those I can upload
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You can post your all story in thi shis site
Waiting for your next stories
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I will post two story on Shalu and Bipasha,
Shalu speaks about his favourite night:
Shalu thought about his suhaagraat:

“I began to kneel as had become my custom when in Bipasha's presence, but she quickly grabbed me by the locked collar around my neck and dragged me to our(!) bedroom. The king size bed was covered in a thick, black silk sheet. Arrayed on it were a short, braided white and black whip and one of Bipasha's strap on dildo's already secured in its leather harness.

To be clear, while Bipasha had been 'training' me with and for anal play for the past few months, she had never fucked my ass with her strap on - tho she often alluded to its inevitability in our relationship.

"Oh My God!" I gasped on registering the display. These were 'toys' Bipasha had dared not used when I was still married. But now she had no such need for restraint. I began to realize the depth of submission Bipasha was intent on extracting from me.

"No Frank, your Goddess!" Bipasha half joked at my reaction.

"By your own choice - many choices really - you are now in fact my chastised, cuckold, slave husband!" Bipasha almost sang with satisfaction and lust. "And tonight we consummate our marriage!" she continued.

She was right. I had made my choices. Now my only choice was to obey Bipasha or leave. We both knew I could never, would never leave her.

She spun me around by my collar so we were face to face, me looking into those intense grey green eyes, "For the rest of your life you will obsess about me. It is your fate, now, to think about me all the time," Bipasha stated with conviction and pleasure. "You will serve me, as I please,
for the rest of your life," she concluded.
"Yes Mistress Bipasha!" I agreed with equal parts conviction, anticipation and trepidation. "Strip!" Bipasha commanded.
I obeyed, placing my folded clothes neatly on our dresser.

Bipasha began fondling my cock and balls, spreading my copious precum over my genitals and stroking my rigid rod. She moved both her hands to my mouth. Without a word, I began licking my goo from her fingers and hands. She cooed in approval.

"Help me off with my clothes," Bipasha instructed.

I lifted Bipasha's blouse over her extended arms to reveal her massive magnificent breasts barely constrained in a black satin bra. I knelt by her side and lowered the zipper to free her tight white slacks. Hooking my fingers in their waistband I began to slowly strip them from her toned, smooth thighs and down her long firm legs. Below her waist, Bipasha wore only the black satin thong which matched her bra and her modest white shoes.

I extricated her slacks from her feet and placed it on the neat pile of clothes on our dresser. I stood looking into her sharp, commanding eyes and she nodded.
Without a word being exchanged, I moved forward reaching around to her back, holding her closely to me, slowly undoing the clasps which held her bra in place. Removing the straps from
her shoulders, I slid her bra forward to release her breasts. Despite having seen and suckled at them many times before, I gasped as they sagged slightly, sexily on her chest.

Bipasha smiled as I wantonly admired her twin mounds of pleasure and comfort. Reaching for my leaking cock she gathered a dollop of my precum and smeared it over her boobs. Searching her beautiful face for permission, Bipasha nodded.

I eagerly lowered my face to her left nipple and began to lick my precum from it. I felt her nipple harden in my mouth and diligently worked it gently with my tongue and teeth. Taking hold of
my hair in either hand, Bipasha directed my questing mouth and tongue over her luxurious titflesh, ensuring that every trace of my goo was cleaned and swallowed.

Too soon for me, Bipasha pushed me lower until I was kneeling before her, my face now even with her full, mature pussy covered only with her thin black satin thong. I could see and smell that it was soaked!

"Lick!" she commanded.

Gladly I pushed my tongue into the covered folds of Bipasha's cunt. I was amply rewarded by the taste and sound of her squishy thong on my tongue. I sucked a portion into my mouth, covered it with my saliva and drank the heavenly nectar gratefully. Bipasha allowed my indulgence, sighing with pleasure and satisfaction at my efforts.

"Remove it!" Bipasha next directed. I began to slip the thong from her wide hips with my fingers. Bipasha slapped them aside. Puzzled, I gazed upwards as Bipasha snarled, "With your teeth!"
I began the tedious, awkward but erotic task of grasping Bipasha's drenched thong in my teeth, slipping it a few inches down one gorgeous thigh, then moving to the other side to repeat. I loved the taste of her juices and her flesh as I carefully moved her thong past her thighs. Bipasha was patient, enjoying my struggle to please her and the feel of my lips on her skin.

Finally, I dragged Bipasha's thong past her knees and followed it down to her feet. Raising each leg in turn, she allowed me to completely remove the garment, still clenched in my teeth. Standing, I placed Bipasha's soaked thong with my teeth on the pile of clothes on our dresser.

Turning, I gazed in lust and longing at Bipasha, completely naked except for her shoes. Smiling, she said, "Change my shoes, Frank."

Dropping once again to my knees, I noticed Bipasha's 4 inch, black leather spike heels under the bed. I carefully, with Bipasha steadying herself on my shoulders with both hands, unbuckled each of her modest heeled white shoes, replacing them with her 4 inch black heels.

Bipasha spread her legs and commanded, "Worship me now,!"

I rose to my full kneeled height and was looking up into Bipasha's glistening, swollen pink pussy. My eyes chanced to stray even further upwards where I saw her coiled braided whip gripped tightly to her massive tits.

Bipasha's grey green eyes flashed as she intoned ominously, "Begin!"

I reached around to firmly grasp the globes of Bipasha's glorious ass. I looked in wonder at the succulent cunt which had enslaved me and began licking her puffy outer folds. Her taste, as always, was intoxicating - viscous, tangy, sweet. I savored each flavor as her lips began to swell
and open. I felt Bipasha move and heard the hiss of her whip as it slashed thru our bedroom air and into my naked, vulnerable back.

The pain exploded from my ass to my shoulder blades driving my face suddenly deeper into Bipasha's quivering quim. She allowed her whip to lay on my skin. I swear I could feel the welt growing - red, hot and painful - beneath it.

"Ugh!" I gasped into Bipasha's cunt before renewing my slavish laving of her pussy lips. Bipasha sighed deeply accompanied by a slight shiver which shook her whole body.

I pulled her pelvis forward and shot my tongue deeply up and down her slimy slit feeling her pussy lips wrap around my mouth and straining face.

I felt Bipasha's whip slither from my back, I felt her body tense, I again heard her whip cut the air and again I felt the incredible pain from my ass to my shoulders.

My grunt was muffled in Bipasha's enveloping pussy folds. Her second stroke crossed the first, reigniting its pain. Again she let her whip lay on my tortured skin. I was no way prepared for this. Tears began to well from my eyes and roll down my cheeks. I clung to Bipasha in desperation.

Bipasha pressed her cunt against my face fucking it frantically. Her pussy gushed her scented juices as I sucked them down desperately.

"MY CLIT!" Bipasha screamed. "Just one more my love!" she added between gasping breaths. Despite my pain and thru my sobs I searched for, found and began sucking Bipasha's swollen
clit. She shuddered slightly, raised her whip and sent it crashing down harder than ever on my back.

Simultaneously my entire back was aflame in searing pain, I sucked wantonly on Bipasha's tender pink impossibly enlarged clit, she dropped the offending whip to the floor with a thud and she grabbed two fistfuls of my hair to force my face even deeper into her sex.

"YESSSSSSSSSS!" Bipasha screamed in orgasmic ecstasy, shuddering in my embrace and gushing her cum into my waiting, wanting mouth.

Her orgasm seemed to last forever. My face was now deep within the mature folds of Bipasha's sloshing slit. I sobbed and sucked and swallowed her sweet cum as she continued to fuck my face, painfully pulling my hair to increase and prolong her pleasure.

But the pain that I felt in my scalp was overwhelmed by that radiating from my back! I could feel the agony of each whip lash. The pain of each began to merge adding a throbbing, bruising component to the whole.

I clung to Bipasha, holding her ass flesh in my hands, licking, sucking, nibbling at her engorged pussy lips as much to give me comfort and stability as to bring her pleasure.

Bipasha's beautiful, lusting body gradually slowed its sexual dance and she deeply sighed, momentarily sated. Pushing my face from her pussy, thru blurred eyes I could see her cunt was still dribbling her sex cream down her strong, smooth thighs.

Thru the pungent odor of Bipasha's spend, I gasped for air. The pain which suffused my back began to subside.

Slowly, we both began to regain control and breath more evenly.

Bipasha's eyes fluttered open as she looked down on me with contented and satisfied bliss.
Looking past my face a mischievous smile graced her lips.

"You are such a beautiful man Frank. MY beautiful man," she said.

I followed her gaze and realized that I was still rock hard. A pool of precum had accumulated on our floor.

Bipasha was obviously pleased that I had not only survived her whip and simultaneously willingly pleasured her as she directed, but that my sexual arousal remained undiminished thru it all!

I was simply stunned.

Bipasha looked deeply into my upraised adoring eyes from her impossible height. We both knew then that nothing she could ever do to me or ever ask of me would diminish my lust, love and devotion to her.

"I have waited my entire life for you and for this moment," Bipasha intoned in her deep, sexy voice. She gently lifted me to my feet, drew me to her and looking up into her now quiet grey green eyes shared a warm comforting embrace and lingering, tongue exchanging kiss.

As Bipasha gently embraced me, her hands grazed my welted back. I winced, but held her steadily. She played gently upon my bruised back with her left hand sending little jolts of sharp electric pain into the background of general soreness. She dropped her right hand between us to cup my sore, swollen balls and stroke my hard slick cock. The pleasure she evoked in me was both blissful and demanding. I needed to cum so badly! We both knew she was embedding deep
into my mind her ability to elicit both blinding pain and blinding pleasure in me. Pleasure and Pain. Bipasha controlled both my pleasure and pain completely. And we both loved it. We both needed it.

It was another moment of willing surrender on my part. And Bipasha accepted my deepened submission as her right.

When she broke our kiss and embrace, she pushed me again to my knees. Her compelling grey green eyes once more smoldered as a wicked smile appeared on her lovely face. Reaching behind her to our bed, she retrieved her strap on dildo, complete with harness.

I knew this was one of her collection of only middling size, tho it looked huge and threatening to me. She slowly displayed her toy, revealing that in addition to the lifelike veined tan cock and balls, a somewhat smaller fleshy protrusion would fit deeply between her glorious pussy lips.

Bipasha reached behind her again, this time producing a bottle of lube. Wordlessly, she slowly slickened her toy and inserted it into her already sopping, red cunt. In a slow, choreographed dance, she stepped thru the straps, tightened them and presented her cock to my face for inspection and adoration - always holding me in thrall with her steady, predatory gaze.

"Suck!" Bipasha demanded.

With a sigh of surrender, I raised myself on my knees and began to worship Bipasha's cock. I gently laved the bulbous head with my tongue. I stroked up and down its shaft coating it with my saliva. I licked her balls. I repeated the process several times until finally taking the head into my
mouth and began the humiliating, difficult, but oh so necessary and erotic task of engulfing my
Mistress's cock into my mouth and throat.

All the while a renewed sensation spread from my anus, still fully filled with Bipasha's butt plug. And of course my own cock remained stiff and dripping.

It didn't fit! Not surprising I suppose. Bipasha placed her hands on either side of my head, slowly backed her cock out a bit and then moved slowly forward as I stretched my lips, teeth and jaw. It pushed my tongue down and to the side as the head abutted the back of my throat.

I gagged!

Again Bipasha slowly drew her cock back a bit, tilted my head slightly with her loving hands and pushed forward. Her cock again stuck the back of my throat, but a tad further down this time. Bipasha was training my lips, my teeth, my tongue and my throat - me! - to accept her cock fully, lovingly, adoringly, slavishly. She proceeded with a quiet confidence that could only come from experience.

'She's trained other men to her cock!' the thought flashed thru my fevered brain.

"You're doing fine Frank," Bipasha encouraged me. "Soon you'll be able to take me ALL in!" she continued as she pulled her dick out completely with an audible 'plop'!
"On our bed now husband mine!" Bipasha commanded with anticipation and impatience. Crawling fully onto our bed my face at the head stared with wild eyes in the mirror as Bipasha
followed behind me. Radiant, dominant and voluptuous, Bipasha positioned herself and me for the long awaited consummation of our marriage.

She spread my ass cheeks and gently removed the butt plug which had been my constant companion all afternoon and evening. Tossing it to the floor Bipasha said, "You'll be carefully cleaning that for me later won't you my submissive husband!"

"Yes Bipasha," I gasped as my anus felt empty and cold. Not for long.

Bipasha smeared the lube generously on the glistening phallus she held erotically in her hands. Once again spreading my ass cheeks, she slowly began to insert the bulbous head of her cock!

Thank goodness Bipasha had thoughtfully plugged my ass all afternoon! Her cock still stretched my anal ring as she slowly, but relentlessly pressed forward. There was discomfort and then actual pain. I almost balked at this point, but providentially looked in the mirror to see the supreme pleasure and command in Bipasha's face. Her vision both calmed and excited me.

Letting out a deep sigh, I relaxed and the head of Bipasha's cock slipped into my protesting anus. I sighed again in relief and pride at accepting Bipasha's deflowerment of my ass.

Looking pleased, but no less sexually hungry, Bipasha encouraged me, "Good Boy, my Shalu. Soon, you will be begging me to fuck your ass - and I will, joyously!"

"You will cum only on my command my husband, now and for the rest of your life!" she said with a hardened, sexy voice which brooked no discussion.

Our eyes now locked. Taking my hips in both her large, powerful hands, Bipasha began to steadily insert her cock into the deepest recesses of my ass. It slid across my prostate and I gave an involuntary jolt.

A knowing, salacious smile spread across Bipasha's lovely face as she commented, "Nice, huh!"

It was! I had felt a small sample of this pleasure as Bipasha had slowly trained my ass in the previous months, but this was something else entirely. Yes my entire ass ached, but the intense pain was gone. Bipasha wriggled her cock from side to side in me, reproducing the pleasurable prostate sensation. It was now obvious that Bipasha's part of her strap on was working itself on her tight pussy and clit sending pleasure coursing thru her body.

Knowing that Bipasha too was receiving great sexual pleasure gave me a new and special feeling of submissive contentment and even joy! As I became more responsive physically, emotionally and spiritually to every manifestation of Bipasha's dominance over me, the certainty of her pleasure and happiness encouraged me to eagerly, gratefully submit to even more of her dark, sinister, humiliating, enslaving pleasures. She was training every part of me as her slave - and I loved it!

After a seeming eternity of kaleidoscopic feelings, Bipasha finally pushed her cock balls deep into my ass. She was a dominant, erotic vision - pelvis flush to my impaled ass, her key dangling seductively between her large breasts which drooped slightly over my welted back, her beautiful face transformed with commanding, deep erotic pleasure and - of course - her grey green eyes which held me in submissive thrall.

With a slight, sly smile Bipasha began to slowly pull her cock from my anus, bringing the head to my anal ring. My disappointment at losing her presence within me must have been written on my anxious face.

"Don't worry Shalu, I am not leaving you yet!" Bipasha smirked as she steadily drove her cock back into its full length, her balls and pelvis gently smacking my ass.

"Oof! Thank you Mistress," I gasped in pleasure and relief.

Bipasha's smile faded as she began the serious business of consummating our marriage and my submission. With her strong hands grasping my ass, she began a slow steady rhythm of withdrawal and impalement. Almost naturally, and without urging, I began to match her movements by pushing my ass back onto her penetrating cock.

A savage smile now lit Bipasha's face as she recognized my movement and my need. "Good Boy!" she gasped before her face transformed into a look of transcendent bliss.
We both began to move with greater urgency - crashing together in escalating ecstasy. Though now inextricably linked physically, sexually and emotionally, we became trapped in our own world of mind numbing, dark sexual pleasure - Bipasha's dominant, mine submissive.

We each fed off the other - giving and receiving in equal measure. Gazing into her eyes, I knew we both wanted these moments to last forever, but neither of us could slow our inevitable race to climax.

Using what little control I retained over my own body, I fought my orgasm even as I pushed back harder to bring it on. Our faces were grimaces of effort and pleasure, both dripping from sexual sweat.


"YOU ARE MINE! CUM NOW!" Bipasha shrieked her command.

Even before my sexually besotted brain could process Bipasha's words, they triggered my body's response.

"YESSSSS! I AM YOURS!" I howled in ecstasy.

Never breaking eye contact I began to cum - long, hard, repeatedly - blasting my cum on the black satin sheets of our bed. Bipasha writhed in joy, impaled on her end of the harnessed dual dildo which had consummated our marriage and confirmed my eternal submission to her.

My pleasure was mind shattering - searing itself indelibly on my soul. I continued to pump with ever weakening bursts my seed onto our bed.
Bipasha's orgasm also slowly subsided as both our movements ceased. I could feel her cum leak from her pussy onto my bruised ass. She collapsed on my back, the contact reminding me of her whip marks, as I collapsed on our bed into a pool of my own sperm, still impaled by Bipasha's cock.

Our breathing slowed and we remained spent and content. Our shared euphoria faded and Bipasha began to stir atop me.

I began to move, but Bipasha pressed down and said with a touch of humor, "Stay still cowboy. Let me disentangle us."

She did, carefully pulling her cock from my sore, well used ass. She knelt behind me and unstrapped her phallus, tossing it to the floor next to my butt plug. As I gingerly raised my self to my knees, I caught
Bipasha's eye. She was staring at the pool of my congealing semen. Cocking her head she said, "You know my rules."

I did. It was pointless to argue and I lowered my head to the sopping sheet and began the task of licking and swallowing my cum. Bipasha's hand found my wilted cock and emptied balls. She began to massage my mess into the the tender tissues as I worked on the sheet.

Finishing the sheet I again rose to my knees, looking deeply into Bipasha's eyes. She raised her hand and
I obediently licked each finger, her palm and her wrist clean of my sperm.

"Very good boy!" she purred as she stretched on her back like the feline predator she was.

"Now me!" she commanded as she spread her smooth, firm thighs to reveal her red, swollen, angry pussy lips glistening with her cum. Tho exhausted, I needed no further invitation and joyously buried my face in her quim.
Enjoying her sweet taste much more than that of my ammonia tinged cum, I dutifully, carefully, slavishly, thankfully licked and swallowed from each of her delicious folds. Beyond reason or expectation, Bipasha began to respond to my servile oral ministrations. Holding my head in her large,
powerful hands and squeezing my head with her gorgeous powerful thighs, she directed my tongue until it landed on her clit. Sucking it in, I played at it with my tongue until she erupted in another powerful orgasm, filling my waiting throat with her delicious nectar.

Finally spent, Bipasha pulled me by my leash to her side where she lay her head on my chest.

Bipasha looked up into my eyes, seeing my face covered in her goo, her collar securely locked around my neck, her leash trailing between our bodies and asked, "Today you gave up your wife, your home, your family, your friends - all for me. Am I worth it?"

"Yes," I assured her.

"I love you my slave husband," Bipasha softly said. "I love you my Mistress wife," I softly replied.
We fell asleep in each others arms, happy, content and eager for tomorrow
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Shalu speaks another thought in his own word:
Shalu continued to think:
“And, her wish is my command. So, here I am writing down my experiences for a greater audience.
I could still taste her juices in my mouth, having brought her to a satisfying climax five times in a row.And, all that was tongue sheerly with the power of my tongue. My tongue, which in reality belonged to my wife. The tongue which she has trained so well, along with other parts of my body that belongedto her to be used at her disposal. Entirely her call.
A few minutes ago, we were in the heat of the moment. She was riding my mouth, almost frantically.Her cries upon reaching each climax attested the fact that she was indeed having a great time. So was I.Well, what else could I have wished for?
There is this Goddess of a woman who took a guy, who is about more than a decade younger than her,and taught him everything he needed to learn to live his life. Live his life on her terms, which was moresatisfying to him as a person than living his life for himself. She has me by the balls, and I love thatfeeling. I enjoy every bit of it. At times, she is harsh with me, but I know she is equally caring.
Today I ate her out. Both to her's andmy heart's content. She bobbed up and down on my face, yet Imanaged to slide my tongue in and reach her special spot. She would slow down on purpose, just before
she would reach her orgasm and wait for me to touch and caress her clit. Every single time.And thenshe would erupt in pleasure. We shared a bond of intimacy to the level that I knew what is to be donewithout her saying it out loud to me.
At present, here we are. In the master bedroom of her house, on her bed with her sleeping on me. Shehas always loved riding me, right from the beginning. And, I love being rid by her. Although at times thatmakes me feel completely exhausted. Also, degraded to quite an extent. But, I enjoy it. Consider thecurrent situation.. My entire body is sweating afterthe intensive workout which it got in eating herback-to-back for five orgasms and yet I did not get any of my own. Usually, I get to have one orgasm forevery five of hers. But it entirely depends on her mood and I am nobody to question her decisions. Rightnow, I am completely naked and drenched in sweat with my wife asleep on me. To make mattersworse, or best,”
Pressure cooker whistle reminded Shalu of his current situation, he looked at his wife Bipasha complained how she is neglecting him always.
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Bipasha laughed wore jeans and tshirt started her good old Bajaj Chetak scooter to journey to her office. It was her 1st two wheeler like 1st love it remain her favorite during her long work life in beginning and college time her 1st two wheeler she got a gift from her mother after standing 1st in district in 7th board exam. She remembered when she rode many boys wished to sit on scooter, she obliged in return boys sucked her pussy  for long time and she sucked nipple of boys, no more intercourse, each day at least 3 boys sucked her pussy. She also coerced some to service her mom, they gave lip service to her mom to sit on her bajaj scooter. Both mother daughter enjoyed soft tongue of boys on their fanny. Life was so beautiful for her mother, her. It has been 1 month she has met her mother, she wished to visit her mother who prefer to stay in a bunglow in nearby village.

Her mother has been a world tour for last 5 month, she has to arrive today, normally her mother stays with her family for three to four days in a month, specially she loves Anushka, while thinking she steered handle to unknown direction 30 km away to village where her mother lives happily. She stopped
scooter, she opened gate, she could hear soft moaning sound coming from back yard, she looked her mother sitting comfortably in nude sipping her imported whiskey basking in sun and reading a playgirl magazine through her aviator sun glass, beneath her lied two nude boys aged 18 to 20 their head locked together and buried beneath her mother’s heavy ass, slurping their tongue into pussy and ass of her mother, slurp sound of boys tongue and moaning of mother. It was not a new scene, Bipasha took a glass of whiskey and a chair placed besides to her mom, took sip and said,” enjoying life.”
Her mother,” what can i do in this age except one i have been doing from long time and spending all money my daughter sends to me, i am badass lucky bitch, so how areyour family.” Biapsha,” they are fine, but what value you are paying these boys.” Her mother,” nothing more, just three chocoltaes hidden my two holes, they are trying to retrieve it, what makes you here.”
Bipasha,” as a reporter to report boy molestation by a near dead old lady, by the way Shalu has invited you for this weekend.”
Her mother,” why, to baby sit so you can bang your whore’s ass in different places outside home.”
Bipasha,” come on mom, he is your son in law, of course i plan to bang his ass in public outside home, but it was his wish to offer you a nice banquet in return to India and Anushka winning her football tournament against boys team.” Her mother,” Hmm so my grand daughter taking step of her mother to succees, keep it on, i will provide finest tongue of men to her pleasure if she continues to win like this.”
Bipasha,” come on mom, she is 7 years old now, you are a bad effect, i think i should put a ban on you entering in my home, polluting it.”
Her mom,” i told you , i am a big bad momma, now if you keep silence i want to explode on mouth of these sweet boys, ohhh, ahh, come on boys, get those chocolates, momma promises if you get you will get more chocolate with a trip to thailand, ohh, ahhh, madarchod, behenchod, what a fun,,ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh.”
Bipasha,” you continue if you get rid of pleasure just consider to meet us at my home this weekend, it is Shalu’s request.”
Her mother,” yes, i will, if he moves with low hips saree around me all the time.” Bipasha just laughed she knew her mother will not change, started her chetak scooter and returned to home instead going to office, just to ensure a long tongue service by her husband in dining room while her daughter in college building her future.

Bipasha squeezing breasts of her husband tightly and smoking  told,” Shalu i am lucky to get a lovely husband like you. But you know my mom, she acts like a bitch, she has returned India, but i do not want to call her to my home, besides you are present, she says she will come if you wear low hip petticoat, deep cut blouse around her serving food or talking , you have to bear very sexy slutty remarks of her, it will be offending to me, you are her son in law no boy toy or gigolo of mine.”
Shalu,” i know, she is my Saasu Maa, respected, what ever she behaves acceptable to me, why do not you give her some present, from her womb she had given me my best present, that is you, just give her best, i have one idea, i will dress as per her wish, but lets prepare a surprise, can you arrange 2 shemales, 2 hijra, 2 boys aged 18 to 20, 2 muscular men, i will decorate our guest house as my saasu maa’s pleasure house, she will be shocked, i will provide tasty food for her during her pleasure tenure, i promise she will stay 7 days here, in rest time she will join us. Ohh i am forgetting, purchase different sets of strapons dildos, lubricants, condoms, perfume, scented candles, some handcuffs, floggers, whips”

Bipasha was sucking Shalu’s nipples stopped it said,” you are truly a planner, hats of to it, i will arrange it, but your plans have made me horny, turn around i want to plunder your body treasure again by strapon. Why do not i use flogger whip to your cuffed hand on my bed, nice idea i will try it”

Shalu laughed he was satisfied as his body always excites his wife. His life is fulfilled serving his wife, his ass gives mixed pleasure and pain, but pleasure overcomes, his penis never penetrated his wife for a long time like usually couples do, Bipasha do not like it as she feels she is getting weak or being bangd , neither he got a blowjob, it is him who sucks his wife’s pussy when she in work or in tension, his penis is
only 3 inch in erect, yet it cums 5 times a day with healthy volume of semen being ass fucked by his wife, his ass gives tingling sensation always and he cums largely without touching his penis, Bipasha never touches it. More over strong body of Bipasha, her 6 pack abs, muscular arms , thighs make him quiver in pleasure whenever that strong body touches him. More over Bipasha is a confident successful woman , so she gives a strength of assurance for him and money income is sufficient, she gives him costly saree, ornaments what else he needs.

Next weekend Bipasha picked her mother in her bajaj scooter, her mother did not know bike ride, so commutes by car only. Shalu met her wearing skimpiest cloth bikini blouse backless, low hip petticoat showing his almost gstring panty and see through saree. When he touched feet of his saasu maa, she told,” place of such a sexy bimbo beauty not on my foot but on my crotch, you know why from here i gave Bipasha to you, she gave you Anushka, so it is your holy place not my foot.”
She moved her hand over her pussy on tight kurta, she squeezed swaying ass of her son in law over saree smacking and enjoying it, Shalu sexily said,” you are right Saasu Maa, why do not you take a rest in guest house, i have arranged everything for you, if you need any service just tell me.”
She replied,” i need to enjoy your body, is it permitted.” Shalu,” i will  be obliged to please you, but 1st recieve our hospitality in guest room.”

When she entered she was surprised to see well decorated room with sexual pleasures. She enjoyed her stay of 7 day and night, she gifted Shalu a costly diamond panty she had purchased from Dubai, she spent quality time with anushka before leaving. Shalu got his soft ass flogged by cat tail whip while his breast was red ripe by heavy force of Bipasha, he saw most wild side of Bipasha using her Femdom in hardcore, he could not walk, every breath gives a sharp pain on his breast, nipple aching more. In 8th day he could not walk, his legs got stiff, breast was so purple colour that even slight rubbing of blouse was stinging pain, so he just covered them by saree. With each difficulty he prepared food, after Anushka left college, Bipasha to office Shalu jumped to bed holding his breast and crying heavily, there were some cysts building up on his breasts, his shoulder can not move, he was having some fever. He could not sleep, his breast now turned to bluish dark with black patches. It was evening, Bipasha entered with her key, she saw bluish black marks with cyst on shalu’s breast, he was having fever. She called her friend a lady doctor, doctor arrived on her mercedes car. She checked on Shalu, she said ," nothing to worry, heavy forces have bruised the tissues, 3 month complete bed rest with no sex will give him recovery, no tight cloth around breasts."

Bipasha felt sorry for her husband, she was shattered, she took a long leave from her work, even her mother helped her in household chores as she was inexperienced, they did not hire any maid as their family problem will be escalated outside, Bipasha found another soft gentle avataar of her mother, she cooked, cleaned took care of Anushka completely while Bipasha stayed with Shalu always, taking care of his every need. She believed in God,
so she started doing fasts, worships, even did Karwachauth religiously while Shalu was in unconscious
state, from a tough woman to she converted to a gentle woman soft emotionally weak woman doting to her husband. Finally operation completed successfully, Doctor told that Shalu is too weak , so he have to take complete bed rest for atleast one year. Bipasha resigned from office , stayed at home always, Shalu slowly recovered, he felt sorry for Bipasha for her current condition, but Bipasha made him belief it was her duty to serve him. In one year Shalu took over kitchen and household chores, they went everyday bike ride, as his breast was stil very sore he wore salwar suit always, or saree without blouse petticoat inside house.

Bipasha rejoined as editor of a monthly magazine rather than being a dare devil field reporter. But she controlled her physical desire. Even Shalu requested to give her a nice cunnilingus she declined, so Shalu offered her she can bring male prostitutes for her pleasure and he will watch her copulation with them,
it will be alright as it is his consent. Shalu called Bipasha’s ex colleagues to his home party, he discussed
everything and asked if they could provide feminine shemales or sissy men to satisfy Bipasha. Ofcourse Bipasha was angry and frustrated at this proposition of Shalu, her husband wants her to fuck other shemale sissies or hijra. Finally she agreed, the girls took Bipasha and Shalu to Dhaba where they enjoy most on their bikes. Girl’s asked it has to be Shalu who should negotiate with dhaba owner to provide shemales for his wife’s needs. Shalu it was 1st time, he entered to a room,he saw 4 beautiful big breast big ass shemales , medium penis tattoos on breast, navel, waist standing massaging a girl of aged 19, she was wearing gold made shirt pant, smoking a costly cigarette. Shalu approached her saying he wants to meet owner of dhaba, the girl said she is owner, initially Shalu did not believe but he he informed all condition of him and Bipasha, he wants Bipasha should enjoy her life. Girl said take these 4 shemales, dress the way you want, price you will pay as per my wish after service, but as per dhaba your wife will have sex in open air on cot , if you agree deal is on.Shalu agreed, he took 4 shemales, dressed one in saree blouse petticoat, other in mini skirt and bra, another in ghaghra choli, last one in bikini panty, he also picked a large 14 inch long 7 inch thick strapon with artificial vein and black harness, anal gel, he guided 4 shemales personally near to Bipasha, he removed her jeans shirt, lovingly fastened the harness and tightened strapon base tightly rubbing Bipasha’s pussy, she placed her on cot and personally sent one by one shemales to get their ass fucked, it was a long time, so Bipasha enjoying a lot. Shalu cooked food prepared drinks and served to Bipasha frequently. Bipasha fucked shemales each for 4 hours giving rest to each continued to fuck for 20 hours marathon fuck, after she lay tired , Shalu massaged her feet till she was asleep, he hugged her and sleep. They awoke next day, Bipasha thanked Shalu being such a nice husband, man. She also wanted to thanks and pay for dhaba owner, owner girl came, she fell at feet of Bipasha she was no other than the girl of the tribe where she killed her father by biting his penis. She did not take any charge for service, Bipasha asked about how she is here, since when she is in this business.

Girl said ,” after i killed my father my mother married a boy 5 year younger to me, me with my 5 accomplices came to city as some women in our tribe stay here. They gave us work, mostly women who were abused by unknown, boyfriends, husbands or bosses or bullies even sons verbally or physically or mentally they come to us, we offer them what punishment the abusers need, some say feminization, some say castration, some say bang or even some murder by continuous fuck in his ass, me and my 5 accomplice girls take that mission and do that in front of female / woman who gave us contract, these shemales we forcefully converted by hormone injection and kidnapping, after that we make them serve women, payment goes to female victims they abused so they can live happily. We have now castrated
30 men mostly husbands by our mouth the process you have seen, killed 5 by continuous fucking his ass till he dies, it is a profitable business and we can keep society safe for women.”

Bipasha,” thanks, for service, i will come frequently here.”

Girl,” yes, sure my pleasure, you can get free of service.” Bipasha left with shalu on her bike from dhaba, she was satisfied.
Life was beautiful smooth until Shalu got bitten by snake when they were having sex in a jungle in night. Bipasha now took care of her house, Bipasha left her job bike ride. Anushka became engineer, in 1st year Bipasha also died from sorrow alcoholism smoking lungs cancer. Anushka did not knew how to
handle life, she graduated joined work but lacked guidance experience to handle life situation. Her initial life was turmoil, she never got a love like she deserved from Shalu, no men wore saree do household chores. After 5 divorce and 1 girl child , she inclined for lesbianism but being submissive she exempted for her love.
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Hi I request you to write khatun begum story, where 4 . boy changed their religion to ., to became khatun begum wives...
Khatun begum always wear men cloth like tuxedo, trouser suit, sherwani, pathani suit, jeans pant shirt, t shirt..
Her wives always wear female cloth like saree salwar suit, anarkali, nighty.. khatun begum fuck her wives her big strapon cock....
Please write this story
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I can not write that, I am writing different story
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i can not write that, I am busy with other stories
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So sad
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I am posting a new long series story, multiple characters, very long one. if interested I will post
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Please post
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Marriage - Part 1
Kishor, got down from the bus, tired after a long day at work. Working for many years in a hotel,
Kishor was in his late thirties, married to his teenage sweetheart, Bhavna. They were married for
more than a decade and a half now. Kishor trudged home, thinking about nothing but having a
hot cup of chai, and the morning's newspaper to read. He rang the bell of his home, to be
welcomed by the smiling face of Bhavna. 'You came a few minutes late today, what happened?',
Bhavna inquired. 'Ohh nothing, the bus was caught in traffic jam...', he replied, but then he
thought to himself, was he really that predictable lately?? He changed into home clothes, and
then settled down on the sofa.

Bhavna brought him his cup of tea, and the morning's newspaper. Ohh yes,life was predictable.
He watched her walk back to the kitchen, her hair bunched up over her head, dressed in a
rumpled cream salwar kameez. For a brief moment, he wondered why he kept piling on the kilos
and acquired a soft paunch,while his wife seemed unaffected by the effects of aging. He knew he
had to do something about it, but kept putting off the idea. The same way he dismissed the idea
now and went back to reading the business page. That night, after dinner, he was again back at
the sofa, flipping through the television channels, not watching anything really, but just trying to
spot something that would hold his interest. Bhavna came and sat next to him,'Sonia had called
today, shes doing great and having a great time', she said. Sonia was their soon-to-be sixteen
daughter, who was currently staying at a relative's place in a neighbouring city for a few months,
doing her 10th Standard. That place was famous for producing lots of top ranking students, and
they really wanted their daughter to do well. 'Hmm..Good..', he managed to reply, without taking
his eyes away from the TV. Bhavna moved closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulders. He
didnt appear to notice. She moved closer still and placed her arm across his shoulders, looking
intently at his face. He still was unmoved and engrossed by a news item on TV. She decided to
wait for a few minutes, and then suddenly grabbed the remote and switched the TV off. 'We are a
husband and wife!', she exclaimed. Kishore gave her a mildly funny look, and replied,'Yes, but
thats no reason to switch the TV off',he said taking the remote and switching it back on. He
noticed Bhavna sighing and walking away to the bedroom, but the cricket match being retelecast
seemed to be of great interest, so he concentrated on that instead. In the bedroom,she lay awake,
thinking. Was he really now the man she had liked all those years ago? Or had something
changed gradually ? Were they living the way they were just out of habit ? She needed
something. Something that would bring the 'interest' factor back into their life. And she knew
exactly what was to be done.

A week passed. As usual, Kishor came back from work, expecting his usual tea and reading and
dinner and TV routine. He was actually looking forward to it. Routine was good. Routine
Predictable, and safe. He walked home to be greeted by a warm smile of his wife. 'You seem
happy today', he said. 'Yes! Isn't it good, the soft and fading evening light, the silent roads and
the tweeting of birds??'. 'Yes yes...', he managed to mumble. Bhavna walked up to him and took
his hand in hers...'Dear, theres something Iam dying to show you!'. Before he could say,
'What...??', he found himself being led by his wife outside. She held on to his as she purposeful
strode down the stairs and into the parking area. Kishor was confused, he couldnt figure out what
his wife would possibly want to show him. And then he understood. Standing there, behind a
pillar, was a Yamaha. Spanking clean, sparkling black Yamaha RX100. HIS Yamaha. His
parents had bought him that back when he was in college. Since the day he had bought it, it was
an inseperable part of him. He went everywhere on his bike. He went to the movies, to nearby
lakes, to hill stations on his Yamaha. Heck, the Yamaha was an integral part in his wooing
Bhavna. He had decided he would hold on to it forever. But then came marriage, and the baby,
and the car, and financial prosperity. In the midst of it all, the old bike was forgotten,
occasionally started up and ridden on weekends, but usually just lying around gathering dust and
rust, being kept for the sake of sentiment. And now, it seemed that it had been bought just

'Whaaat...', he began, but was silenced as he felt his wife pressing something onto his palm. He
saw what it was, the key. 'How could...', he began again, but felt silent again as he was again led
closer to the bike, by her. 'Common, go ahead, try it out', she said, with a glint in her eye. She
was smiling from ear to ear. He gingerly got on and got the bike off its stand. Turned the key and
got it off the stand.And For the first time in many years,gave it a kick. And then another.
Nothing. He could feel the engine turn, but just wouldnt catch. He kicked again, and then again.
But the engine remained stubborn. At the corner of his eye, he could see that Bhavna was already
at his side, with the dupatta of her purple dress purposefully tied diagonally across. 'Here, just a
moment', He felt her standing next to the bike, and taking the accelerator in her hand. With one
hand on the handle, and a raised leg, she gently pushed the kick down, before giving it a mighty
whack. To he surprise, the engine immediately caught.. 'How could yoou...', he began yet again,
but decided to shut up. The day was full of surprises. He revved it for a few times, just to be sure.
It was a long time since he had done that. 'Lets go for a ride', he heard her in his ear, and this
time, he was smiling from ear to ear too. Bhavna put a leg across and sat behind him. Gingerly,
he set out, very slowly, putting the bike in gear and....stalled. He was out of practice. He
sheepishly turned around to face his wife, who was already back on the ground, kicking the
machine back to life. 'Thanks..', he again mumbled, unable to say anything else. Bhavna was
laughing. Very slowly this time, they set out. No Sooner had they got out of the building, Kishor
managed to stall again. "We should get down and check what the matter is.." , he managed to
mumble. Bhavna had already stepped down, and so did Kishor. Just as he was about to put the
bike back on stand, he felt his wife taking the handles and indicating with a smile to him to step
back.. In one fluid motion, she swung a leg over the bike, kickstarted it back to life, and engaged

Kishor was staring with his mouth open! How did she do that?? Her smile indicated that she
intended to continue sitting there, on the drivers seat. Unsure and confused of what to do, he
gingerly sat behind her. The bike sank a bit at the rear with his weight. Infact, he had never
ridden pillion on his own bike! He never allowed anyone to do that.. Bhavna had already
engaged gears and was setting off, the engine setting a steady rythm. She was doing much better
than his previous attempts. She was laughing. Her childish laughter was infections, and kishor
felt himself laughing too. The roads were deserted , barring a few pedestrians and evening
walkers, and they reached the end of their lane, without stalling. Kishor rested one arm on her
shoulder and decided to lean forward a bit. The pedestrians must be staring at him, he thought.
After all, their quiet lane had probably never witnessed a middle aged man sitting behind a lady
in a salwar kameez riding a motorcycle. Kishor felt a bit awkward, after all, his wife was doing
what he was supposed to, and now was not able to. Thankfully, she had turned back at the edge
of the lane and was now entering their gates. She came to a stop in the parking space, where he
got off. She revved the bike once, before switching the engine off.
"Howw...did you manage to do that...", he muttered. His wife's lovely face was still set in a
smile. She simply put an arm around his waist while he was standing next to her , pulled him
closer in a gentle hug, and planted a soft kiss on his cheeks.
It was a long time since they did that.....
Marriage - Part 2

Yet another long working day, and Kishor juggled two bags with office stuff as he stepped down
from the bus in the evening a couple of days later. It was stuffy in the bus, and he was not
looking forward to a long walk home from the bus stop lugging files and a computer. He cursed
himself for loosing his stamina and developing a paunch. He had walked no more than a few feet
when he heard honking behind him. And a familiar engine note. His smiling wife, Bhavna, had
rolled to a stop right behind him, on his Yamaha RX100. She was dressed in a bottle green
salwar kameez she usually wore at home, and was smiling at him. "How did you..I
mean...where..", he began, "I was in the area, and knew what time your bus came.", she replied.
"I knew you wouldnt like the idea of your colleagues getting to see me on a motorcyle, so I
waited some distance away and came around when I saw you get down". She was right, he
thought, it would be an awkward moment for him if he saw any of his colleagues noticing his
wife on a bike. The woman really knew him, he thought. He remembered the time when he used
to wait around at bus stops, waiting for Bhavna to arrive. Those were awkward times too, but
only because he didnt want her parents to know whom she came back with. Those were the
"Well...are you just going to stand there looking at me or are we going home?" , she asked with
her usual smile. He didnt even bother to expect this time around for her to move back and let him
ride. He simply sat behind and they set off. He was grateful of being spared of the walk. Bhavna
was a smooth and a cautious rider. He remembered his olden days, when he threw caution to the
winds and ripped the bike on the roads, mostly with Bhavna tightly clutching onto him. He
decided to relax his awkward feeling a bit and be more at ease. He leaned forward and placed a
hand on his wife's shoulders. A cool breeze was blowing around. He looked about, there were a
few people on the road and nobody was paying any attention to him. He found that slightly
reassuring. Bhavna steered the motorcycle through their gate and came to a halt. Before he had
even completely got down, she had switched of the engine, gotten off and put the bike on its
stand in one fluid motion. "I ought to stop being surprised", he thought to himself.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Marriage - Part 3

That night, as Kishor sat relaxing with Bhavna in front of the TV, he again felt his paunch. He
had become lazy and soft. Little things tired him easily. He had to do something about his it.
"Weighty issues on your mind ?" , he heard Bhavna saying. How did she know?? The lady did
know him, more than he expected.
"Why dont we do something about it? An early morning jog does wonders", she continued. It
was worth a try, he readily agreed.
He felt himself being shaken, Bhavna was whispering gently into his ear... What?? It was
morning already? He glanced at the bedside clock, it said 5.30 AM. Not used to getting up too
early, he was still rubbing his eyes. By the time he was up in a t-shirt and shorts, Bhavna was
already in her shoes, dressed in a pink jogging pant and grey t-shirt. He briefly admired how
nicely the pants emphasized her form. But again, sleep took over and he longed for a bed.
Bhavna had taken his hands and was leading him through the stairs below. As they reached, he
started reaching for the gates when he heard his wife call out to him. "Where are you going?" ,
she was asking. "I thought we were out to take a walk.." , he said. "Our colony isnt the place to
walk, I know of a nice track amidst a hillock 10 mins from here".
"But how would we get.." , he broke off.... There was no need for that question, since Bhavna
had already gotten the Yamaha off its stand. He staggered sleepily towards her and sat on. He
was too sleepy even now to think clearly. With her husband sitting behind her, Bhavna was
pushing the bike with her feet outside the building. She was thoughtful enough not to wake the
other residents up with the bike's rather noisy engine. Her husband glanced around to see if
anyone else was around at this hour. There werent any.

Once outside, a swift kick from the lady brought the bike to its life, and they were off. Still
groggy, he lay his head on her shoulders. The morning breeze was cool, gently blew her hair
across his face, and he loved it. Far too soon for his comfort the ride was over, and they were in a
nice hilly region covered in greenery. The spent a pleasant time liesurely walking through them.
He didnt even realise when they had started walking hand in hand. He Enjoyed the conversation
too. Far too soon , it was time to turn back. When they reached the bike, he felt Bhavna thrusting
the keys of the bike into his hands. "What .." , he began again, but realised that he hadnt ridden
the bike properly since its 're-birth'. He got on and kicked, and surprisingly, it caught on. Now to
get hang of the tricky clutch, which was once such an integral part of him, that it almost felt like
he was moving one of his own body parts. But no luck, he stalled again. It was getting trickier by
the day for him. Besides, this was no time to experiment as it was already getting late for office.
He was more than glad when he felt his wife get down, and he readily slid back onto the pillion
They got home... and he got ready in record time. But it was still tight. And then there was the
bus stop which needed getting to. "I guess it will be too tight a margin for you to get to the bus",
he heard her saying. She had already thrown a scarf over her head, bike keys in hand. He was
greatful for the wonderful understanding the lady showed. She dropped him some distance from
the stop, since she had correctly guessed he still didnt want to be seen riding behind her.
And so it continued, for the entire week, she came without fail to pick him up from the bus stand.
He also regularly went for a walk in the morning, because his wife always dropped him so that
he wouldnt be late for the bus by a few minutes.
Just like he did, everyday, without fail all those years back, tailed and followed Bhavna. Always
ensured she never missed her bus, or dropped her to her college, if she did. On the motorcycle.
That was how he had wooed her in the first place.
Was she trying to do something similar now ?
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Marriage - Part 4

A couple of weeks had passed, and it was Friday night. Kishor was relaxing in front of the TV,
when Bhavna came along and seated herself next to him.
"How about we take a trip tomorrow ? " , she asked him casually. He sat up. A trip? Really ?
How long since they had done that ?
"I have heard that GD farms is still a nice place" , she continued. "They are still open?" , he
asked. GD Farms was a place a few kilometers outside the city, where they used to go away on
secret romantic escapades many years ago, before marriage. It had large open spaces, gardens
and restaurants.

He got up early in the morning, and found that Bhavna was already up. "We need to fill up the
car with fuel on the way.." , he was telling her.
"I have already filled up!" , came back the cheerful reply. He thought nothing of it and went back
to being ready.
When they were ready to go, Bhavna was wearing a bright orange kurta and jeans. He again
admired her form and thought how well most clothes fit her. He on the other hand, was barely
managing to keep his weight in check, thanks to the brisk morning walks taken with her.
When they went down, he was about to take the car keys out and walk towards it, when she
placed a hand on his. "We know how we are going right...?" , she whispered in her ear. He
should have known..when she said she had filled up. The lady was good with planning... And

She walked towards their machine (it was no longer 'his', it was 'theirs' , in every sense now). He
had given up assuming or debating over who would ride. And anyway, he preferred to be led,
rather than lead, these days. And lead him she did. She got the bike off its stand and started to tie
a bright green dupatta as a scarf over her head. The ride was long, and she thought she could use
some protection against the dust and the fumes.
A swift kick brought the engine of the Yamaha to its life. Her husband sat behind her, confident
that she would do a better job of getting them there on a motorcycle, than he would.
The morning was crisp and clear. The traffic was light, and soon they were making good
progress in the city roads. Though Kishor now was a bit less bothered by being seen riding
pillion on a motorcycle with a lady, he was now slowly getting used to it.
He tried to look out for how many other women on bikes he saw on the city streets. That
morning, before the rush hour began, he didnt see many. A couple of college girls on a Hero
Honda. A woman dropping a young kid somewhere on a Bajaj.
Soon though, they were out of the city, and onto the highway. His wife increased the speed of the
bike on the free roads. He hugged her waist from behind , and inched closer to her. Though she
didnt say it at the moment, Bhavna was pleased with this action of her husband. During these
rides, and especially now that they were out of city bounds, her husband didnt mind sitting close
together on a bike. She could understand.. when they were younger, and unmarried, she tried her
her level best not to be seen sitting with him or even hugging him on the bike. It was only during
long rides when he took her out of the city that she used to. Just as he was now. The road got
narrow and twisty, but had pleasant surroundings and light traffic. Bhavna road with poise and
comfort she herself didnt know she was capable of. The couple thoroughly enjoyed the half an
hour so bike ride.

Soon though, they were at the GD Farms gates. When they were younger, it was a favourite
place amongst young lovers looking for some privacy. It seemed still unchanged, though there
werent as many vehicles as there used to be.
She parked the motorcycle outside, and they walked through the gates hand in hand. The gardens
were just as green as they used to be, and the fields just as vast and lush as they remembered
them from all those years ago.
As they walked along, Kishor didnt even realise when his wife had put an arm around his
shoulders and drawn him closer. So engrossed was he in the idle chitchat with his wife, that he
was startled when she suddenly stopped him, and pointed at something.
It was a big stone. The Stone. It was a smooth, round shaped one, big enough for a person to sit.
It was on this stone, fifteen years ago, that Kishor was sitting on, when he pulled a standing and
slightly reluctant Bhavna onto his lap, and gave her a deep, passionate kiss.
Their first ever kiss.
They looked at each other and giggled. Before he knew it, Bhavna was leading him by the hand
towards it. And...she had seated herself too. He just stood there, unsure of what to do. Clasping
his hand firmer, his wife pulled him closer towards her. He didnt understand what was expected
of him next... His wife , gently pulled him and guided him to sit on her lap. He lowered himself,
totally in control of her now. Her thighs felt soft underneath him, he had never been on her lap

She was looking into his eyes and stroking his hair. She felt his tense body relaxed a bit, and
brought his face closer to her. Their lips met, and were held into the longest, sweetest kiss they
had in a long time.
They hugged, for a long time. He felt more and more comfortable being led by his wife, even if it
meant sitting on her lap, just like she used to, on his.
"Long time right...." , she said. With one arm around his waist, she adjusted him so that he could
sit more comfortably on her lap. What she didnt know that he already felt quite good, just being
there. They were giggling like collegechildren.
Lets take a walk, she suggested. They were wandering through the tallish blades in the fields
when she mused "Do you remember, how you used to carry me across the fields on your back?"..
"Hahaha...yes, I do.. "
"But wait a minute..I am too old for this.. you dont expect me to .." , he broke off. His wife had
gotten right in front of him, and was standing close. He should have known.. .
"Are you sure..." , he began... She had already taken both his hand over each of her shoulder, and
was bending over. He felt his legs leave the ground as they both bent over... "C'mon, yaar, climb
on..", she was telling him. He decided to play along, and didnt want to dampen his wife's
enthusiasm for old times. He wrapped his legs around her waist. She straightened up, giggling.
Taking his legs in her arms, she bounced him up and down a bit to get a more comfortable. He
couldnt control his laughter and enthusiasm too now.
He couldnt believe, his wife, a woman, was actually carrying him, a full sized guy. But she was.
She was a lot fitter than she looked, or he cared to notice beforehand.
She was now walking...small and careful steps, but very confident, and did not stumble at all.
They were both laughing like crazy..
He nuzzled her hair and planted a soft kiss on her cheek from behind. "do you think you should
give me a chance now...?", he asked, still laughing..
"C' I not good enough for you..?"
"Its not that...but.." , ohh well, he might as well enjoy it to the fullest. He planted yet another
gentle kiss on her cheeks. He found that they had walked almost back to the parking area, where
she had parked their motorcycle.
She had paused for breath.. "Aawww, I dont want to get down.." , he pretended to crib.. "Who
says you have to sweetie.." , she bounced him to a comfortable position once more, and off they
were. "I...I...was just kidding.." ,
"No problems sweetie, I think we can make it to the bike" ,

Bhavna,” do you know how much you have told you are tired of your job, you want rest.”
Kishor,” yes, now I think it is time, I am tired of working in hotel, cooking cleaning washing for
others, with no time for my family. But money is good, that is for our daughter’s study.”
Bhavna,” soooooo, shhhhhhh sweety, it is alright, do you mind if I go starting to work. I stopped
my job to look after our daughter. I am well educated than you, so you told me to guide our
Kishor,” yes, I have told you I can remember clearly, thanks to you she looks like you, she
inherited your brain. Now she is outside you can do job, but you are out of job market for long
Bhavna,” yes, sweety, but you know I was trained karate in college also mathematics gold
medalist in university with Physics as minor subject. So I have contacted local girls college, they
are in dire need of good teacher. Without informing you I have ben taking their class part time.
Student’s response is excellent. So if you allow their principal is ready to accept me as teacher.”
Kishor,” so what is salary, is it good.”

Bhavna,” 1.5 lakh per month.”
Kishor,” omg, i can not believe it, it is 10 times more I earn, atlast I can take retirement.”
Bhavna,” Yes, honey, you have taken a huge strain in supporting us, now you retire, pass that
driving sit of our family to me, just relax enjoy life.”
Kishor,” yes, then our daughter can stay with us for +2, you can teach her for IIT.” Saying
Kishor dropped few tears, Bhavna held his palms hugged him said,” are you crying for
Kishor,” donot you think we should have another child. Our daughter will go for higher
education and she will be married off to her in laws, we will be alone then.”
Bhavna smiled kissed on his forehead,” who said she will leave us, I know her capability, we
will get a suitable unemployed good househusband for her, who will take care of us. By the way
if I will do job who will take care of home, and I will be busy with our daughter for her study.”
Kishor looked at her just sucking her fingers said,” I have been cleaning cooking doing laundry
for others. Now I will do for my family. You just relax and enjoy my homely duty. It is my pride
that I take careof my family.”

Bhavna,” I missed your homemade food, do you remember when we had 1
arguement, you
convinced me wearing saree, for 1
time, you looked beautiful by the way, more than any lady.”
Kishor,” I miss wearing saree, actually I love sarees, but you do not wear, rarely wear.”
Bhavna,” then why not you wear my sarees, they are not being used, you will stay inside home,
so full time wear saree.”
Kishor,” Bhavna will you be my husband, treat me as your wife, care me pamper me, take me on
bike ride, protect me. I will look after you and family.”
Bhavna,”yes, I will, my man wife. This will encourage our daughter to take a weak submissive
docile househusband. Now my dear wife lets go for home where you will wear saree.”

And she did, even the slight incline that led to the parking. He had got down to let her get on the
bike. As she got it off the stand, he went and seated himself on the fuel tank, between the
handlebars and her, both legs dangling on the same side. He grabbed her face and gave her one
more long, passionate kiss. She responded with the same vigour....
He continued to hug her, when he felt her letting go of her hand on his back, and grabbing the
She started the bike, and put it in gear.. "Hold on sweetie.." , and off they were. he was still
seated one sided on the fuel tank, hugging her tightly. She rode the bike, with the guy sitting on
her front, slowly, and carefully. They were both laughing themselves silly.
At home Bhavna stopped bike, found another white colour bullet standing there, but no one is
there. They looked surroundings, as no one was near by Kishor showed his naughtyness,”
Bhavna your wife is too tired to walk, do you mind if you carry your man wife to home.”
Bhavna,” yes, my princess.”

Bhavna lifted Kishor on her arms and started walking to their room, in front of their daughter
Sonia was standing.
Sonia,” Mom you brute, romancing in public.”
Bhavna ,” when did you arrive, whose bike is outside.”
Sonia took key ring from her purse showed to her parents,” ta daaa, it i smine, my exams are
over, i got scholarship for math olympiad, it was 2 lakh rupees, so i purchased a bike for you
mom and for dad I purchased a rolex watch.”

Both hugged their daughter for her achievements.
Kishor,” for you what did you buy.”
Sonia,” you are there for me, what else I need, and I am 16, I can not ride bike legally.”
Bhavna,” today is very lucky day for me, two two good news. 1
my daughter returned with
success, she will stay with us from now. 2
my husband is retiring from his job and I will go for
job. He will look after house.”
Sonia,” Yes, yaaa finally I will get delicious food cooked by dad.”
Bhavna,” Sonia, will it matter if your dad wears saree in house.”
Sonia,” no, I know he is loving person most, takes care of our needs however means, rather I will
support to wear saree. Mom I have decided I will marry a saree wearing boy who will be
househusband and look after us, so I will always stay with you.”
Bhavna,” I knew my child, you are god gifted, most precious treasure for us.”
Sonia,” then you guys must have a wedding in home, in my presence too.”
Bhavna,” Kishor go wear my bridal saree, with makeup. Call when you are ready, you can use
makeup, Sonia will help you.”
Kishor,” after i wear i will call you Sonia.”

Kishor went inside bedroom, removed his sparse body hair, wore his wife’s bridal lehenga choli
over saree and chunni. He did slight makeup. He asked Sonia to help. Sonia came with lot of
jewelleries which her mother wore on her wedding. Except nosepin and earring everything
Kishor wore, Sonia did his mehendi and other makeup, Kishor looked at mirror, he was looking
gorgeous bride, he was plump so blouse fitted properly, his ass popping out from petticoat and
his tummy covered in saree. He was fair. He was escorted to puja room, a small diya was
lighting the room, few flowers were there.
Bhavna wearing sherwani with turban, she was looking majestic.
Bhavna,” Kishor, Sonia will do kanyadaan and she will be priest for this ceremony.”
Sonia chanted mantra, couple took saatphera, Bhavna put sindoor and mangalsutra, Sonia did
kanyadaan. Kishor touched feet of Bhavna. Sonia took some photos.
Sonia,” so marriage is over, now party time.”
Bhavna,” actually we will go for a hotel, one of my friend will come. Do not worry I have
informed her, she is cool, Kishor you do not have to worry, just be yourself. But she want you to
be in this bridal costume. Do not be nervous. We will go by our scorpio car, so no one will

Sonia,” then I will drive, you lovebirds can enjoy in backseat a romantic evening.”
Bhavna,” No my daughter I will not take any chances, you do not have driving license, if security officer
stops it will be trouble, I do not want to spoil my party. And Sonia I promise while returning you
can drive, as no security officer will be there.”
Sonia,” what will I wear, afterall it is party. I think my pink ghaghra choli is fine.”
Sonia already had makeup, she wore waist band, anklets, bangles, earring. She wore small
ghaghra just covering her thighs, backless choli with no bra, showing her growing breasts
partially and her 4 pack abs, definitely it has been effect of her karate practice, her arms also
bulging, shredded ripped. She thought her parents will object for her dress but no such reaction.
She finally gave her lips dark red lipstick touch.
Bhavna sat in driver’s seat, in back her bride husband and her slutty dressed daughter. On
mirror she was looking at her saree clad bridal man who was blushing. Her daughter was
arranging light makeup for her husband, adjusting his chunni, blouse giving soft touch,
massacre, lipstick, kajal so he looks fresh for party. They arrived at hotel, no one was there only
flower decorated path welcoming them. They walked along the path to reach the destination.
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The Surprise - Part 1
Nikhil was depressed. It was 9 am, and he was already up...far before his routine wake up time.
Rajukaka, the elderly manservant, had been sent to wake him up. He silently cursed him under
his breath. Nineteen year old Nikhil was the only son of famous actress Rajani Advani. All his
life, he had been raised by Rajukaka, the manservant who had been with his family for two
decades. Actually, his "family" consisted of only his mother and him, his father had left for
greener pastures in a country abroad two months before he was born. His mom too was almost
never around,being busy with her shooting schedules and he was largely raised alone but
amongst the best of luxuries. At that moment though, Nikhil loathed his mom Rajani. He hated
the fact that he was financially dependent on her and also hated the fact that there wasnt much he
could do if he set out on his own. He did not want to give up on his current lifestyle either : the
clothes, the innumerable cars with drivers, holidays abroad, and entertaining his friends at the
best clubs every night. "What is it Rajukaka..?? Why did you wake me up at this ungodly hour?",
he asked the servant.

"Because Membsahib wished me to do so..", came the polite reply. He reluctantly got up from
his comfortable position, and dragged himself to the bathroom. By the time he freshened up
though, he was feeling a bit cheerful. He let his mind wander..and thought about which girl he
would give a call to today to give him company, whether they should go shopping or hang out at
some expensive restaurants.. With this mood, he came out of his room, only to find his mother
Rajani sitting on his bed. "Hello Nikhil", she said, "Hope you are feeling fresh today, because we
are going on a trip." What??? A trip with her?? Nikhil did not particularly like her overbearing
presence, as also the facts she still made decisions for him. "I am not coming anywhere with
you..". Rajani sighed, and got up. Walking up to him, she put her arm on his, and said with a
finality "Yes you are, Rajukaka has already packed for you. I will be waiting downstairs". As she
walked away from his room, he dislike for her grew a bit, and he did not like the fact that he
always buckled under her pressure and gaze, no matter what his opinion was. Reluctantly, he got
dressed and went downstairs. His mom was waiting for him in the posh lobby of his house.
"Good", she said,and gently touched his cheek with her palm. Nikhil sized her up. Now in her
40s, Rajani wasnt an unattractive woman at all, as her profession demanded.She was almost as
tall as he was, perhaps half an inch less.She was wearing a white shirt and cream trousers today.
He followed her out, where a gleaming black Tata Safari was waiting for them. He did not
remember seeing that before, but then, they had many cars, and he hardly paid attention to the
ones in which was being driven around by drivers all day in his quest for fun and frolic. He was
surprised when his mom walked over to the drivers side, opened the door and got inside.
"What??", He exclaimed, "No driver??". "No sweetie, its just you and me today." . Ohh, he
groaned internally, this was going to be one hard trip. Rajani started the big vehicle, and slowly
steered out of her lavish home.

"Where are we going?", he asked. "You will know when we get there.",came the reply. Rajani
handled the big vehicle to morning traffic in the city in the direction of the highway. Nikhil was
surprised she could drive it without a problem, he had never seen her do it before. He himself
had never bothered to learn how to drive, who needs it when you have drivers at your beck and
call at every hour. Rajani deftly steered the vehicle on the crowded highway, and they were
making good progress. After about an hour and a half of driving, they turned off the main road
onto what seemed like a village road. About 20 minutes later, they came to the actual village
itself. The roads were extremely narrow, and the vehicle barely fit onto it. Many a times, he
thought they were almost going to hit something, but nothing happened. Rajani, as usual, and
calmly steered around the obstacles. A while later, they came to a big compound, where the road
was comparitively wider. "This", explained Rajani,"is our village estate". They came upon a gate
and honked twice. Slowly, the big gate opened, and Rajani steered the vehicle inside. Nikhil
could see a biggish house built in a retro style. The door had been opened by a lady who
appeared to be a maidservant. "That is Kamala, she looks after the house along with the
gardener.", came the unasked for explanation. She parked and they got out. "Why are we here?",
he wanted to know. "You wait here, I will change and come", came the reply. Nikhil was
irritated by the fact that as usual, she had this mom-knows-best attitude,and deflected his
question with an instruction.

He couldnt wait to get back to his friends and those shopping malls. Five minutes later, Rajani
was back out in the courtyard, but now she was dressed in an orange and green salwar kameez.
"You must be wondering na..why I changed into this?" . "Well...yeah...sort of..". "Well, its
because we are heading to a temple.". Nikhil sighed...he was bored. He started walking back to
the car... "Where are you going, we are not taking the car.." Rajani called back after him. "You
mean....we are going to walk??!" he gasped. "No sweetie.. but didnt you see the roads back
there? So narrow, a car isnt always practical". She clasped his hand into hers and began leading
him to the back of the house. "We will be taking.....this!!", she said with a smile. In front of
them, stood a black coloured motorcycle. The tank said 'Royal Enfield' , and the middle part said
'500cc'. "What??",he exclaimed, "But I dont know how to ride a bike!!" "Who says YOU have to
ride sweetie",his mother said with a mischievous smile and before he knew it walked over to the
bike. The Enfield looked in to good be in good shape, and seemed as if it was recently polished.
"Butt..can you...I mean...", he began, but stopped as he saw his mom put the bike down from its
main stand in one single fluid motion. The bike looked heavy to him, but he didnt know much
about them. She gently swung a leg over on the bike. Nikhil didnt know it was possible to get on
a bike wearing a salwar kameez. He looked on with a mixture of amazement and doubt. Rajani
bent down and engaged the choke, then she swiftly kicked the bike. It spluttered once but did not
start. She gave another hard kick, and with a mighty noise which sounded like a thump and a
roar, the big motorcycle came to life. Nikhil was more than impressed, he didnt know his mom
could start bikes.

Slowly, she engaged gears and called her son over. He slowly stepped over. "Common son, we
are going for a ride!". He didnt know what to say...he was amazed. He gently sat behind her,
unsure whether the lady could handle both his as well as the bike's weight at once. His mother
had tied her dupatta at diagonally across so it wouldnt interefere with her riding. Slowly, they
edged out of the compound and into the village. Nikhil could feel the people staring at him, but
didnt know whether it was out of amazement of seeing an attractive salwar kameez clad woman
riding, or was it because they hadnt seen her with HIM before. Nikhil had a gut feeling it was the
latter. They left the village behind and came to a shady tree lined road, and Rajani started
gathering speed. She rode deftly, without the slightest hesitation or sign of struggling or
imbalance. He figured this was something she did regularly. "When did learn to ride a
motorcycle??", he yelled into his mom's ear, struggling to make himself heard above the wind
and the bikes noise. "Well....I had ridden bikes before in my movies too!". This was news for
him, not that he watched too many of her movies. Just then, he realised that he was sitting in an
awkward pose, with his hands behind him, holding the grab bar. "It would be better if you hold
me instead.." Rajani said over the wind. He slowly let go, and put his arms around his mother's
waist. He placed his head gently alongside hers, on her shoulders, feeling the wind in his face. It
sort of felt good. As he was discovering, his mother was a skilled rider, taking the twists and
turns of the road without upsetting the big bike the slightest. After what seemed like half an hour
of riding, they came across a stone temple, at the side of the road. Rajani gently rolled to a stop
alongside it, and Nikhil got off. The bike ride wasnt as bad as he had imagined it to be. His
mother got down and smoothed out her dress. She parked the bike on the main stand and went
“What’s the matter beta? Why so quiet tonight?” Rajani asked Nikhil.
“Nothing maa just feeling a bit sleepy.”
“Beta we have got a special order for a wedding,” Rajani said while playing with her hair.
“Oh really maa? How and Where?”

Rajani,” Nikhil, get ready, we have to go for a reception of my old friend’s marriage reception.”
Nikhil wore a nice suit, Rajani wore purple full shirt with pink tight pant. Rajani started bike and
Nikhil sat behind her, they travelled to a nice hotel, to a small decorated room. Rajani called
hotel staffs did more arrangements flowers, music, candle lights, banquet and two decorated
seats, garlands, light in floor and music boxes with dance floor, she checked costly shampene
boxes. After everything she found satisfactory she told employees to leave hotel, just give them
full privacy. The swimming pool was floating with diyas giving nice environment. Nikhil was
wondering who is coming, some celebrity or politician.
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Finally Rajani and her son met with Bhavna and her family. Sonia was surprised to see her
famous action heroine in front of her. She could not speak any word, her body was excited, she
asked for autograph, she praised Rajani for her tough fight scenes, emotion scenes in movie, but
why she is here , no one there.
Bhavna introduced Rajani to her family,” Rajani, she my karate sister, we were training partners
during study, deep rooted friendship, i continued for study and she went for acting, we lost
contact, but last month we reached each other in facebook, only we were competitor no one
could challenge us except we both. Thanks Rajani my best friend, you have made this
arrangement really memorable.”

Rajani,” stop praise me, not friend remember we are sisters, blood sisters of iron fist. By the way
can I call your husband / wife Bhabhi.”
Bhavna,” yes, of course.”
Rajani,” you are beautiful Bhabhi, she is lucky to get a husband/wife like you.”
Then Bhavna introduced Sonia, Rajani congratulated her for her studies, she also being karate
practitioner, she also praised her figure lean muscles ripped. Then Rajani introduced her son,
Bhavana did not want to humiliate Nikhil asking about his studies, but she complemented for his
beauty, Nikhil has long hair upto shoulders leaving it free like pop star, he was thin fair slender
body in suits, pretty fair with long eyes and long face long nose, no body hair. He looked like
model, his voice also sweet. Both Sonia and Nikhil looking at each other.
Bhavna,” Sonia why do not you both go and hang out, you both are of near same age.”
It was like opportunity both needed.
Nikhil,” ok, we will go for icecream, Mom where is icecream.”
Rajani,” omg, i hav eforgotten in the menu, my mistake, then why do not you both go for
Nikhil,” ok, then how will I go, you know I do not know how to ride 2 wheeler or 4 wheeler.”
Bhavna,” do not worry beta, Sonia knows both 2 wheeleer and 4 wheeler ride, so which one you
will prefer, rest assured she is a good safe rider. She has been riding for last 3 years.”
Sonia,” if you do not mind I prefer 2 wheeler but we came by car.”
Rajani,” no beta, I came riding my bullet, you both go by my bike.” She handed her bullet keys
to 16 year old girl Sonia while her son being a boy elder than girl do not know anything. Nikhil
was impressed by knowledge, mind and attractive figure of 16 year old standing in front of him,
moreover his attraction for her multiplied when he knew the girl knows bike as weel as car

Sonia got key, she started rotating the ring and walked towards outside. Nikhil fixed his eyes on
her slim waist, shapely thighs, rippling back with tattoo. He stood there silently controlling his
enraging member, like a lamb he followed Sonia. Sonia saw bullet outside nothing else there so
sure it is the one. She swinging her legs sat majestically , gave a kick, in one go bullet making
thumping sound, she accelerated to hear more about the sound as the white beast roared obeying
her mistress’s desire. Sonia’s shapely thighs now visible, her small ghaghra slightly dislodged
while she sat on bullet, it showed her pink panty lines above it. She dared to adjust her ghaghra,
living as it was, she was more interested in riding bullet. She pressed clutch and shifted gear and
bullet moved slowly for journey of two love birds 1
Nikhil,” will you ride wearing this dress.”
Sonia,” come on, what is wrong, are you intimidated that some one will tease, may be bang me or
comment both, do not worry , I am 7
dan blackbelt holder, if anything happens I am always
there to protect us my darling damsel in distress, your hero is here.”
Nikhil,” I do not know how well you trained yourself to move your arms and legs for fight, but
you have trained your tongue well.”
Sonia showed her tongue,” this one, this can be used for many purpose, it will give pleasure
many more way. Now hump back, put your ass in back seat and hold tight with seat belt, because
this flight will take off as captain of this bike Sonia says it will be a turbulent ride.”
Nikhil laughed and sat behind, he held back rod to support, he was shy nice guy, never have been
with any girl before, talked to any girl. Here a hot strong girl taking lead making him nervous,
any mistake he will be in trouble that what the rider girl’s muscle conveys sublimally.
Bike was slow ride for 2 minutes, then he felt sudden jolt as Sonia gave a sharp acceleration, his
head butted against back of Sonia.
Nikhil,” are you sure, you have ridden bike, it seems like you are novice, I am fearing for my

Sonia,” are you sure, people in market see a half naked girl riding bullet with a full dressed
gentle man behind her, what will people say, not about me, about you, if some of your friend will
see, remember reputation of your mother, they will chide you. So hold me tightly in half
kilometre the market will come, we will cross it as quick as possible, so no one will recognize,
only they can hear sound, can not see anything. Then it will be a nice ride.”
Nikhil held her shoulders, still he was not comfortable. Then reluctantly he placed his palms on
shapely thighs of female rider. He was feeling excited. Sonia again gave sharp acceleration, he
felt like he will slip off the bike, his head again hitted Sonia’s back, he realized if he will get one
more hit on his head from a strong back of the girl he will get headbump and he may become
unconscious. To get more grip he dug his fingers hard to thighs of Sonia. His nails gave scratch
on thighs searching for soft flesh but to meet hard muscles with no fat, even his nails ached.

It gave a sharp pleasure to Sonia, her pussy was uncontrollable, it was near to overflow, she
thought of stopping the bike and insert her pilions head inside her ghaghra to get releif. But she
controlled her thought, her panty was getting wet, it was smelling musky. To control her desire,
she closed her thighs hard squeezing pussy muscle, in doing she put hard break on both front and
back wheel, again Nikhil’s head bumped on her back, this time slowly. Still 400 metre away
from market, road empty, Sonia,” Looks like some one is sitting in a bike 1
hold the rider properly. Is it 1
time you are sitting behind or something.”
Nikhil,” No, it is my 2
time, 1
time, who can not
time I sat behind my mother’s bike, I held her waist, but she
was riding slowly, not like you.”
Sonia,” your choice , you want a slow ride in market.”
Nikhil,” No.”
Sonia,” then hold like you love your life. It is end time, else we will return to hotel without your
favourite icecreammm.”
Nikhil,” ok, madam.” Saying he held her by her stomach. It induced excitation among both birds.
Both in near to cumming, precums wetting their underwears. Nikhil get some encouragement, he
started massaging slowly feeling those hard pecks, pinching, rubbing those tight muscles. It sent
electric sense on Sonia’s spine, her body shivering inpleasure, pussy juice dripping completely
making wet. Her hand shaking, she now focused on speeding bike and handling it steadily. It is
new experience. She now shifted gear and moved acceleration, air lifted her ghaghra, cool air
now making her pussy drenched panty dry and keeping her elevating body temperature more
high. Nikhil hugged more, now his face pressed on her back. His hot breathing, elevated heart
beating showed how excitation both were. Bike speed was now 130km/hr, road was mild busy.
But Sonia was expert rider, no less than crosscountry racer( who knows she may take that career
in future). In 10 minute they crossed 2 km long market, as usual Nikhil could not see anything,
so he assured others can not too. Now road was deserted, Nikhil was thinking now market is
gone, in deserted road where they will get icecream. Sonia slowed bike, her overflowing ghaghra
now reduced from swirling ghaghra to simple fluffing one.

Sonia,” By the way you are a good masseuse, cutie pie.”
Nikhil pinched her navel hard, she gave a soft moan.
Sonia,” you are a good boy, by the way I am not your mom, so I do not ride like one. I am
unique. Can this masseuse be a good one, my breasts are paining, can you give it some comfort.”
These words came like bolt from sky, Nikhil could never beleive to his ears, but he was more
comfortable, he obliged. He started massaging those hard orbs over choli, feeling those erect
nipples, he felt hardness firmness of these two round goblets dreams of every boy.
Nikhil,” your body is like a rock cut sculpture, muscles are rock hard. Figure amazing.”
Sonia,” thank you, I have been practising kung fu, karate, judo since age 3. There are many
amazing things my body can do. You will see. Just make my ride pleasant, most memorable.”
Nikhil,” are you riding to Himalaya to get icecream.”
Sonia,” Omggg, it feels nice, if you continue like this I can ride to north pole to get icecream.
Your hands are so soft, amazing touch, your long fingers. Just give me more, you are really a
Sonia’s body trembling, she kept bike in slow steady pace of 50km/hr. She now lifted both her
arms from handle and used them both occassionally to press Nikhil’s palms over her choli, if she
felt bike is losing balance she used single handle, in turns she used both to control accelerator
and clutch.
Nikhil now pressing her nipples, blowing hot air of his breathing on neck of Sonia, with soft
voice he said,” you are beautiful, strong sexy. Moreover intelligent. I have never been on such
bike ride, i wish this rid enever end, you ar elike mixture of goddess Durga and saraswati. You
have talent power to be a bike racer and be madam curie. Your aroma is exciting.”
Such flattering making Sonia weak on her knees, but it remained short as they reached icecream
parlour in middle of road, no one was nearby. It was verge of closing. Sonia kept the heavy bike
in centre stand. She walked with her palm crossing palms of Nikhil.

As expected only one serving girl, no one was present. So both could talk. Sonia ordered eat to
death icecream( it is a mixture of all types of icecream scoops with tooti footi and banana
icecream, fruit salad, dry fruit salad topped differently, it cost was 10000 rupees), parlour girl
prepared it for 20 minutes. Meantime both body heats reduced, they went for pleasant
conversation. Sonia felt sorry for Nikhil’s raising in isolation, he missed family bonding warmth,
he is not a bad guy, but a guy who needed family love, so little strayed, but handsome pretty with
long hairs, thin arms. Nikhil said he is not sure about future as he is not good at studies sports or
anything, even he is not confident to ride bicycle, he fears a lot, nearly no friend, dejected in
college and do not wish to carry on studies. He asked Sonali what about her dreams. Sonali said
she want to pursue IIT and join MIT as mechanical engineering, the branch which is considered
as male only, she wants to pursue for her love for bikes, cars, automobiles. For love life she said
she has no boyfriend or love till yet. She also said she wants a boy who is considerate enough,
homely , so she can work hard, support him, he will take care of home and her parents as she will
never leave them, boy will have family bonding. Nikhil said about his future woman that any girl
who is self sufficient, caring, strong and have family bonding.
Sonia held his palms gently rubbing looking directly at his eyes said,” Nikhil, I do not think you
are a loser. For me you are loving caring. If you do not mind we can go for dating, be lover, feel
each other, not sexually rather emotionally. Will you agree to love me, care for me and my
family. You know my father wears saree, he takes care of my house, but he is respected. I do not
bother what you wear, as long as you love cherish my family I will suport you financially,
physically, emotionally. You will stay with my parents, you will get much deserved family
bonding, time, respect. Will you Nikhil.”
Nikhil,” actually from seeing you my heart saying you are my right choice. You are much more
like my mother strong, independent, decisive. I know my future in safe hands. I do not bother
what society will say, yes I do love you, I will take care of you, your home, parents.”

Now it was love, some tears building on their eyes, hands locked, eyes fixed on each other.

The highheel sound of parlour girl got them to reality. It was a large icecream, enough for 5
people. It came with two spoons, Sonia threw one spoon to dustbin, she took one spoon and fed
to Nikhil, Nikhil took same spoon fed to Sonia. Both continued to feed other from same spoon,
looking each other, removing stray cream from lips of each other. No one was nearby except girl
who was now planning to close the parlour. She requested if anything more required, Sonia made
parcel of 2 of Maharaja icecreams. Parlour girl was happy as last customer made her 20000 rs
business. She gave one coconut as token of appreciation as she had no chocolates for her new
Parlourgirl closed shutter, she came to herohonda cbz bike. Sonia came to her bullet. Both had
talk as both are biker girls.
Sonia,” so you ride bike, from your age you look young, you are working late, no one is here,
will not be any problem, you are carrying large sum of money.”
Girl,” yes, I am only 17, I am only earning member of my family. I started this icecream parlour
when I was 14, to afford my studies and run household as I have 2 younger sisters and one
mother. We do not have any land, it was only land we have, so away from main market. I have to
go to college in morning, do studies in noon and operate this in evening. Earning is good, from
my earning I purchased this bike, it is cheap easier to commute, I can carry my goods from
godowns on its back. Initially I feared for late night operations, but I joined krav Maga class, it
gave me confidence, also I carry a pocket gun always in case of emergency. Till now nothing
bad happened, hope it will nevercome to use my gun. By the way nice bullet, you are two nice

Sonia,” thanks a lot, this bike is not mine, I am not financially independent , it is his mother’s.
She has loaned me to entertain her son with costly icecream. Do you have any boyfriend.”
Girl slightly lifted her salwar upto waist showing her gun on her waist, gently rubbing over it
said,” if you think a boy or man then sorry I do not have time for it. This is my boyfriend, always
with me, ready to protect me. I love it.”
Sonia laughed, the girl kicked her cbz bike and zoomed the opposite direction of Sonia waiving
Nikhil,” she is such an independent girl, now most girls know bike ride and martial arts. “
Sonia said,” yes, most girls know for therir safety. I am sure she will get a nice boyfriend who
will be a househusband for her. There are many boys who will fall for her and take her name to
be recognized in society.”
Nikhil,” will I get the opportunity to be recognized in society as husband of yours, your title will
refer me, define me.”
Sonia,” yes my love, this will, now we will go.”
Nikhil,” Sonia I am thirsty, I forgot the shop is closed.”
Sonia saw it was dark night no one was near, she took coconut said,” Nikhil do you want to
quench your thirst, I will show you some magic. Nikhil lick my navel like you searching for
water from deep well.”

Sonia took coconut placed it over her choli in between her breasts and Nikhil started licking her
navel looking at her eyes. Now Sonia with her breasts started pushing the coconut from both
sides without using hands, Nikhil was amazed such strength of Sonia, by shear breast pressure
she was able to crack the coconut, the water startedto drench her choli and flow downward
accumulating on her navel, Nikhil drank it happily. After finishing drinking he stood, he saw
perfect round shape of breasts with erect nipples over choli as it was drenched.
Nikhil,” what will happen if you press my head by your breast.”
Sonia,” honey I love you, it is my long practice of martial arts I can control my force, I know
how to give pleasure pain or death by my body parts, rest assured you will never be hurt.”
Nikhil could not control he wanted to kiss breasts, Sonia pushed him away holding his arms
gently said,” to kiss my body parts, you need permission, you can touch, but kiss only after my
wish, I love you. I can not give my permission now, it is our 1
date, I want to keep this
excitation till marriage.”
Nikhil,” I love you, I can not live without you, I need something, something that can remind me
of your essence, your smell.”
Sonia smiled,” Nikhil I will give you one, if you take it accept it I will consider you love me.”
Sonia put her hand beneath her ghaghra pulled out her g string panty, she gave it to Nikhil.
Nikhil smelled it, deep essence smelling. Nikhil walked behind store. After 10 minutes he
returned to Sonia, he was wearing her panty. Sonia looked happy, she hugged him and said,” i
am lucky as you will be my life partner, I wish I have worn my bra today, my bad. But what
about your underwear.”

Nikhil,” who needs it when one is giving me something else, I just dumped one.”
Sonia,” ok, keep it, now we will go, else mom will scold.”
Sonia started bike, her bare pussy now touching leather seat of bullet. Nikhil continued to rub her
breasts, his hot air blowing over her necks made the leather wet. They reached at hotel, found
Bhavna, Kishor, Rajani sipping shampene having dinner and chatting.
Nikhil and Sonia joined them in dinner too, Bhavna said,” I think you both had nice icecreams.”
Both looked down only blushing.
Rajani,” now dinner is over why not some dance, lets have paper dance.”
Bhavna,” I agree, but it is competition right, who will compete with me.”
Rajani,” why not, Sonia and Nikhil will join, both are young. They will challenge you”
Bhavna,” ok.”
2 newspapers were placed, 1
Nikhil gave blatant attempt to lift Sonia, later Sonia lifted Nikhil
like a cup. Kishor was lifted by Bhavna. Rajani started music, it was slow, she acted as judge,
slowly newspaper size was reduced by folding. Rajani poured shampene on newly wedded
Bhavna and Kishor, drenching them completely , their bra panty nipples was visible. But most
romantic was Sonia and Nikhil, their eyes locked, slowly swinging Nikhil like he was riding a
rollercoaster. Sonia’s ghaghra while dancing lifted by air showing her moistened pussy dripping
from it, Rajani and Bhavna gave silent approval to eachother by their eyes.The effect of
shampene was strong, Bhavna stepped out of newspaper. Rajani declared young couple as
winner, but who bothers.

Finally they set goodbye, at outer of hotel. Rajani smiled looking at stains on her bullet seat, she
said,” I have to change my bullet seat, the city is such polluted that keeping it open in air makes
them stained with pollutants and moisture.”
Bhavna,” Beti, I am drunk, you wished to drive it, now drive.”
Rajani started bullet, Nikhil sat behind her holding her stomach and massaging it and his face
buried on his mother’s back.
Rajani,” you are a good masseuse, cutie pie.” Same expression Sonia had given, it gave Nikhil
back, he hold his mother’s waist.
Rajani,” so how is Sonia.”
Nikhil,” Hmmm, just.”
Rajani,” did she ride bike good, safe.”
Nikhil,” Hmm, just.”
Rajani,” How is she in study.”
Nikhil,” Hmmm, just.”
Rajani,” how she looks.”
Nikhil,” Hmm, just.”
Rajani,” what are you saying only Hmm, just.”
Nikhil was still in dream feeling Sonia riding bullet and he sitting behind replied,” Hmm, just.”
Rajani gave a sharp disc brake and said,” what are you saying, what did you guys speak on
Nikhil,” Nothing, why are you asking about her always, it is only 2 hours, we did not talk
nothing, just had icecream, you are irritating me mom asking about her, we had no interaction.
Now I am feeling sleepy, ride quickly Mom.” Rajani knew her son is lying, she smiled in her
own and started riding to her bunglow. RajuKaka was awake, he opened gate. Nikhil,” Mom I
am feeling sleepy, will you carry me to my bedroom.”
Rajani obliged while Raju Kaka locked gate and followed them. Rajani placed her son on bed,
kissed him goodnight. Nikhil fell on bed and started snoring.

Meanwhile Sonia was driving scorpio, behind her effect of shampene overwhelming effect on
her parents. They were eating icecream from eachothers mouth. Sonia was thinking about Nikhil,
but focused on driving ignoring erotic icecream licking from each others lips happening behind
her. When did she realize she has reached her home, she did not want to disturb her parents.
Bhavna asked her to keep the scorpio in garage, she lifted kishor on her arms to her bedroom and
locked it. Sonia placed scorpio in right place, locked garage and went to her bedroom. She could
not sleep, she called Nikhil. Nikhil woke up and answered, both had long chat about college,
childhood, movies, music, games, sports, fashion. It was not erotic rather love that made them to
know each other better. Nikhil said he is wearing her panty. Nikhil opened his door, he saw light
coming from her mother’s room beneath the door, it was 3 am in night, what is his mother doing.
He tried to peep through keyhole, what he saw was astonished, his mother in stripped fullshirt
smoking a cigar , a glass of whiskey besides her, she was reading some papers must be scripts,
she has a shooting tomorrow, her jeans was down to her ankles, she was wearing sportsshoes. He
remembered costume belong to her last successful movie IPS JHANSI an action movie where
she was main lead. It is costume she wore during making the villain press her feet after
interrogation, it was a blockbuster scene. But more amazing thing was RajuKaka wearing bra
panty sucking Rajani’s hairy pussy, he was lying on her jeans, his head deeply suported by both
her thighs. Rajani was giving slight moans. RajuKaka was never lifting or shifting his head, his
tongues making slurping sound. Nikhil understood why RajuKaka treated him well, he did not
feel guilt, it is alright, his mother is rich, beautiful, single and successful leading stressed life.
She needs her share of pleasure. If she had got married again may be his stepfather would have
treated him badly, may be his mother’s boyfriends will try to blackmail her. She is a good
mother never stepped away from her roles responsibilities. Now sound becoming more and
more, Rajani put down cigar, scripts on floor, she was relaxed and sleeping while Raju Kaka was
massagig her feet wearing bra panty.
Nikhil also returned to his room and slept well. Next day he got up at morning 6. His mother
already woken doing calisthenics in gym. 1
time he saw his mother having such strong figure
like Sonia had, but a six pack which lacked Sonia. He missed lovely scene as he has been waking
up in noon, never to find his mother in training bra panty. Rajukaka was preparing breakfast. He
went to kitchen to help him. His mother was shocked to see him waking him early and in

Nikhil,” Mom I will not study more, now I will help Raju Kaka in managing house.”
Raju Kaka sound fumbled to protest Rajani said,” yes, you will, I will accept your change, I am
proud of you. I hope you will learn everything including child care remember it is Raju Kaka
who raised you, so he will train you better. RajuKaka you train him in everyhousehold job from
kitchen to grocery to bedroom to bathroom. I assign you this responsibility. My son is changing,
I am happy, now get me breakfast.”
Rajani had her king size breakfast 200gm chicken breast , avocado brocolli salad, vegetable
juice. RajuKaka has prepared her bag and lunch box. Rajani,” I will be late, as i have shooting
150 km away from here, it will be a long day.” Nikhil agreed, he went to his room to pretend
what is happening, he was watching everything. Rajani was wearing her shirt pant to shooting as
usual, there she changes in vanity truck. She lifted RajuKaka’s kurts and bra beneath it, she kept
one of his nipples in her mouth sucking it, biting it, pulling it through her teeth, then did to other
nipple. Raju Kaka has pujathali, he did arti of her bullet and Rajani, touched her feet, did her
tilakam. Rajani gave his nipples sharp tweak by her nails, started her bullet and start riding to her

Meanwhile in Bhavna’s home Kishor has woken, he adjusted his saree, mangalsutra and sindur,
there are lovebite marks over his bodies some turned blue, some purple. Kishor went to kitchen
prepare food and Bhavna supervised study of Sonia. After food Kishor ate from plate of Bhavna.
Bhavna knew all about Nikhil and Sonia.
Bhavna,” Beti Sonia, Rajani called me, she said she wanted to taste home made food of your
father, he has prepared, why not you drop the tiffinbox at Rajani’s. I will go to college, you take
bullet, I will go by scorpio.”

Sonia was in cloud 9, she dressed quickly in jeans and tshirt. Ran to basement with tiffinbox and
raced bullet for her lover’s house. RajuKaka was sleeping in his room, Nikhil opened door, both
dod not utter word.
Sonia,” you know, my father has sent his homemade lunch for aunty and you.”
Nikhil,” Mom is not at home, she is at shooting, by the way thanks to uncle, what else.”
Sonia,” what else, my Mom also sent something, she told if no one is home then her daughter’s
bra to be offered to my lover.”
Nikhil blushed, Sonia pushed him inside home, she latched the door, she opened her bra beneath
her tshirt and threw to Nikhil said,” yesterday I gave you my panty, now my bra. I want my lover
to wear my things and appear before me wearing this only.”
Nikhil went to his room and returned wearing Sonia’s bra panty, he was thin and these suited
him more for his soft features. Sonia was excited, she wanted to force herself on Nikhil. There
was something Nikhil wanted to speak, Sonia assured him , Nikhil told him what he saw
lastnight and today Sonia is in jeans and tshirt he is in bra panty. Sonia lifted him to Rajani’s
bedroom, she wore her shoes and sat on bed, taking champene, smoking cigar and reading some
script which was something interesting, she pulled down her jeans to ankle, showing her pussy,
said,” now do what Rajukaka doing to your mom, think you are Rajukaka and me as Rajani.”
Nikhil did as he saw lastnight, it was best orgasm Sonia had as it was 1
time. Sonia sked what
else Nikhil has seen. Nikhil said what he saw in morning. Sonia sucked his nipple, bitten it,
kneaded it, finally Nikhil touched her feet, did tilakam.
Sonia,” now your mom left, I have nothing to do, why not we go for bike ride, I will call my
famly and yours. Wear these bra panty beneath your formal pant shirt. Beleive me it will be a
long journey and you will worshiping me by your tongue in many locations I have planned. Be
quick we have only 12 hours.”

It was a long nice bike ride, Nikhil sucked Sonia’s pussy in restaurant’s ladies toilet, in movie
hall, in jungle, in river. Both were tired, Sonia dropped Nikhil in his home an dreturned to her.

Sonia reached her home, she was happy, she saw vbhavna her mother was checking out the
miniskirt and the chiffon saree.
“Hey, mom what’s that?” Sonia asked feigning innocence.
“It’s just something a boutique owner sent to ‘Our Model’,” she said smiling.
“Oh cool maa you could pack it for Ooty.” Sonia.
Bhavna,” yes Beti, I will go for honeymoon.”
Sonia,” Model means Dad correct. This saree will suit him most, he will look beautiful, skirt is
“Hmm, ok Beta but I’m not sure it will fit,” Bhavna said.
“Don’t worry maa just pack it,” Sonia said hiding her excitement.
Bhavna went to room, which was partially opened. Sonia peeped into it with curiousity.
Kishor wore that saree and boy he looked blazing hot. It was a curve fitting saree and his fleshuy
man melons were dying to pop out. His boobs looked magnificent. “Kishor before we head our
shall we do a photo shoot here,” Bhavna suggested. “Hmm okay beta that’s a nice idea, tell me
how to pose.”

Bhavna took a couple of pictures with some normal poses. Now Bhavna wanted to test Kishor’s
limits. Bhavna told him to lay on the sofa which made the saree go low and his navel was clearly
visible. The next one Bhavna told him to turn back and do a pose showing off his back.
Surprisingly Kishor was being very cooperative during this.
Next, Bhavna decided to show a few examples of poses from the internet especially sona aunty
for reference.
“These are a bit bold Bhavna,” Kishor said.
“Models have to do this maa,” Bhavna said with confidence.
She thought for a bit and decided to comply. The picture was of a lady posing in saree bending
down. Bhavna clicked a picture and it looked glorious. “Darling make the pallu fall just like in
the picture.” Kishor could not believe Bhavna was saying this and could not believe when he
agreed to do it. Meanwhile Sonia was watching her dad posing sexily in saree, she wished to see
Nikhil in these poses, despite Nikhil had sucked her pussy off dry 10 times today, it was dripping
again. But scene of her dad’s sexy pose in saree still roaming her mind. Then the room was
completely shut.
Then some muffled voices and at times some sounds coming from the room....then Sonia would
hear Kishor's voice....shhhhh or hmmmm , or nahiii. In 40 minutes door opened, Kishor was
lying, his saree falling on ground, blouse button opened, petticoat lifted, jewelleries on bed,
flower distorted on hair, lipstick smeared on face. Bhavna was feeling thirsty, she was wearing
her panty only, Bhavna now comfortable roaming in her house topless, her breasts jiggling,
lipstick marks all over her breasts, stomach, thighs. She drank water, sat on chair still in topless
and watched series.
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Evening Bhavna returned. Kishor gave her coffee and said near her ear,” taste it, because it
contains special milk of your favourite cow, just say how it feels.” Bhavna drank and said,” best
coffee ever in my life, now I and Sonia will practice karate.”
Bhavna went to her bedroom, she saw her clothes not pressed, room untidy, she never kept like
this earlier, she was disappointed, she removed her salwar kameez, she is in her sports bra, she
wore her jeans pant for training.
She called Kishor and locked the room.
Bhavna,” Look Kishor I know this is new for you to do household chores wearing saree. I
appreciate that. But I want room neat and tidy, being in charge I will punish you, so you
neverwill make mistake.”

Bhavna,”If you agree to let me discipline you right here and now, I'm willing to overlook this

This was it. This could change the dynamic forever. If he submitted, she knew she'd have him by
the balls.


Kishor’s short one-word reply sent a shiver down her spine. She told him to take of his saree and
he immediately complied. She admired his body.

She grabbed his petticoats and yanked down. His throbbing erection sprung out bobbing inches
from her face. His cock a fiery red roaring for release.

Bhavna placed her palms behind him and in one swoop had him over her knees with his
pulsating dick radiating between her lycra encased thighs.

"Count each slap and say thank may I have another." a very dominating Bhavna ordered.

A then she went off. Each smack echoing through the surprisingly spacious room.


Smack smack smack.


Smack smack smack.


Bhavna was having the time of her life completely owning this sexy man her husband in saree.

Her nerd. He was hers now. The erection between her thighs confirming the new dynamic.
Kishor moaned in pain. Or was it pleasure.


Bhavna hand grew tired, but she couldn't relent now. He was in sub space. He was the most
malleable at this moment and she had to make sure this morning would be etched into his mind.
She leaned down and wrapped her gloved rubbery fingers around his balls. Her pointer finger
rubbing against the underside of Kishors hard cock.

"Somebody is having fun." she giggled.

"Oh-oh god. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Just..-ju..-just please..."

"Please what?" Bhavna replied with mock confusion.

" I -i I don't know." a submissive Kishor replied.


"Do you want to cum?"

"Yess." a frustrated and confused Kishor answered.

"Then answer my questions."

"Where do you live?" Bhavna asked.

"Uhmm... here?" Kishor answered confused at the question.

"Wrong you live in my queendom. You are my subject and I am your ruler." Bhavna corrected
him gently caressing his cock with her thighs.

She began lightly smacking and pushing Kishors butt.

"Who's your queen?" Bhavna quizzed him.

"You are." Kishor replied.

"And what's my name?" She asked as she rubbed his erection faster between her legs. She
noticed him starting to gently hump.


"Yes, but from now on you will address me as queen Bhavna. Say it!" she ordered.

"queen Bhavna." Kishor whispered.

"Louder!" Bhavna demanded as she continued milking his cock.

"Queen Bhavna!"

"Now salute your queen!" and with that Bhavna furiously slapped his bottom as she stroked his
cock with thighs. Kishor let out a loud groan of pleasure as he surrendered to Bhavna's

For 30 scintillating seconds Kishor coated the floor and her lululemon yoga pants with all his
pent up cream from the last few days. Both Bhavna and Kishor formed a rhythm of smacks on
his bottom as he continued to hump her lycra thighs at the pace she set.

"Quite a little bitch boy, aren't you?" she remarked as she drained. his balls. She rolled him off
her thighs as she stood up and straightened her pants. Kishor lay on the floor panting and
completely spent after being completely dominated. His semi-erect penis lying in a bright white
puddle of his own discharge. Kishor was absolutely enchanted by her complete control of him.

"This better be cleaned up by the time I'm back from my train. Or else."

Kishor looked up in a post nut daze to a radiant Bhavna standing by the door. Her flat stomach
exposed under her pink sports bra. The same magical bra that kept her more than generous
breasts in place.

Bhavna smacked her ass as a warning while walking out the door. Kishor deflated cock twitched
and spurted one last salute to her female dominance before deflating completely.
Kishor,” Bhavna will you do that everyday, I loved that, I missed it.”
Bhavna,” yes, I know, but everyday will lose its charm. From when you wore saree I admit our
relationship is secure hapy and more intimacy, I enjoy sex more, you too.”
Kishor,” I never knew it will be such exciting, my penis remains always hard.”
Bhavna ,” I will take care of, now I have to practice karate, I want you too to do some exercise.”
Bhavna took Sonia with her to terrace, Sonia was in sports bra and jeans pant. Kishor came near
to both, he removed his saree, remaining in blouse and petticoat he walked around terrace for
half an hour while Bhavna and Sonia doing rigorous training.
Kishor,” after long time I am doing some exercise, it is tiring.”
Bhavna,” no need to exert, light exercise is fine.”
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Nikhil’s change ( Nikhil speaks)
Though born as a boy, I have had the desire to dress up as a woman right after I fell in love with
Sonia. My mother were outside the house mostly , I would wear my mother’s left over clothes
such as bras, panties, salwar kameez, and occasionally, a sari which she does not wear now a
days. I grew my hair long enough to have a ponytail.

After I failed in mid term, I was taught by an English teacher named Meena. She was in her 30s
and she was extremely pretty and she would mostly wear salwar suits and plain colored saris.
She was unmarried and whenever I would see her in these outfits, I felt curious and jealous. I
wanted to know what it was like to be like her.
My english grades were poor in middle college, so my mother arranged for me to go to her
Tuitions. Meena madam took a liking to me and she would constantly pull my leg because I
would be a tad shy during her classes. As tests approached, the frequency of tuitions increased.
One day, there was heavy rain. Since I didn’t want to miss any chance of spending time with my
favorite teacher, I still decided to go to the class. By the time I reached madam’s residence, I was
completely drenched in water and dirt.
When madam opened the door, she sighed “You shouldn’t have come!! There are heavy rains
out there. It would have been fine if you missed a class. Anyways no problem , come in. You
need to bath and a change of clothes or else you’ll catch a cold.”
“By the way you can use whatever soaps,shampoos and cream as you please ” added Meena
madam. I spent a good thirty minutes reveling in the girly lotions and soaps madam had; I was
already feeling like a woman. After drying myself, I came out of the bathroom, with a towel
wrapped around my body. I was searching for my clothes. I asked madam where my clothes

She replied that it was put on a hanger on a bed. I checked the clothes : There was a light pink
salwar kameez and a purple panty waiting for me! I got excited and immidiately got a hard on. I
pretended to be disappointed and asked madam ” Are you sure that’s the right outfit? Looks like
you have given me a salwar kameez.”
She replied ” I’m sorry dear, I dont have male clothes. You have no other option but to wear it or
else you’ll feel cold”. With immense happiness, I put on the dress.
I wished that Madam had put out a bra. I would have had the feeling of having breasts. I came to
living room where madam was seated. I pretended to be shy and embarassed. Madam recognized
my expression and she said that the salwar kameez and its color suited me very well.
I blushed easily. She joked that I was being like a girl and maybe I was meant to be one. I
blushed harder and she laughed.

Being in the salwar kameez made me feel very feminine; I enjoyed every second of it. On the
other hand, it was extremely difficult to control my hard-on. My mind was racing with thoughts.
I did not know what to tell. Despite this, I told madam that I really enjoyed wearing this outfit
and I ended up telling her that I cross-dress and I have been doing it for a long time. She was
amazed, not shocked and she replied that she always thought I was a feminine boy. Hearing this,
I was not suprised at all. But madam did not think of femininity being a bad thing to me. She ,in
fact encouraged me to be myself.

She asked me if something was bothering me. I replied that I wanted to wear a bra and I did not
know how to ask you for it. Hearing this, she immediately took me to her bedroom and she
showed her collection of bras from her wardrobe. Seeing this made me feel as if I was in heaven.
I ended up opting for a purple padded bra.
She remarked “I love your choice, dear”. With her help, I put on the bra and ma’am put some
socks in my bra so that I could feel womanly. She then applied some eyeliner, blush and lipstick
on my face, and then she took a medium sized black bindi and put it on my forehead.
She tied my hair into a pony and then showed me in front of the mirror. I was very happy to see
that I looked like a woman. Meena madam then said that I could wear women’s dresses every
time I would come for the class. She was willing to have a separate time slot for me. Hearing
this, we hugged each other like sisters.

We then spent time watching Indian television shows and then I helped her make snacks and tea.
She appreciated my desire to help her and said that I would be very good at being a housewife.
Later on, at my request, Meena helped me wear a sari; a black colored one with a red border and
black blouse. I felt extremely happy and felt like wearing it for the entire day. Soon, the rains
stopped and sadly I had to return back home. I wanted to be a woman for the entire day. She
asked for any role model, I spilled all about our love between Sonia and me and how I promised
I will be her male housewife and she will be houseowner. Madam praised for my determination,
also supported my decision to leave my study, but she encouraged me to read novels magazines
so I will be more romantic dreamy. She has good colection of novels many feminist novels from
India and around the globe.

In the next classes onwards, I only wore women’s clothes ( a black salwar suit , a black bra and
black panty which madam gifted me). Not only the desire for feminity increased, so did my
english marks, my novels reading enhanced my emotional attachments. She acted like a elder
sister, she promised me she will come in my marriage like sister. I ended up topping the class in
English. She got transferred to outside another city far away near to her hometown, I miss her
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Bhavna Fucks kishor
"Do you like me inside of you?" she whispered. "Do you like me making
you my girl?"

Her finger became two, then three and the pushed into him more firmly.
The feminine moans and whimpers he was producing had already told
Bhavna what he felt. There was no reason to deny it. "Yes," he
whispered in a weak hoarse gasp.

"Yes, What?" she asked as she exerted more pressure onto his inner G-

"Yes, I like it when you make me your girl."

Bhavna smiled. She liked this. She liked it a lot. "Good." She nibbled his
ear, inserting her tongue into that hole as well.

"Faster, baby," her voice was quiet, but filled with excitement. As the
speed of his manipulations increased, so did the speed of hers. She was
being so forceful that she was actually lifting him onto his tip-toes
with her thrusts. "Faster. Faster."

When the head of his penis was purple with strain, and she knew that
the moment was imminent, she thrust deeply and wiggled her fingers as
much as she could, causing Kishor to gasp and hold his breath as he
began to ejaculate. Bhavna kept one hand planted deep within the thin,
frail man, as the other caught several ropes of his ejaculate before it
reached the water in the toilet.

"Was that good?" she asked.

He nodded.

"You know what I like?" she asked.

He shook his head.

"I like to have my man stay in me after he's done. I like to feel him
go soft and them I like to feel him pull out slowly. Can you feel me in
you, now?"

He nodded.

She began to relax the stress in her fist and Kishor could feel the
shape of the intruding object changing within him. "Can you feel me
getting softer?"

He shivered and nodded again.

When her hand was loose and relaxed, she slowly pulled her hand free.
"What am I doing now, baby?"

"You're pulling out."

"What am I pulling out of?"

"My rear."

"Not your rear, baby. I'm pulling out of your vagina. Say it for me."

"You're pulling out of my vagina."

"Good girl." She was as excited by this after-glow teasing as she was
by getting him off. "What am I pulling out, baby, and don't say my
hand, it's not my hand. Hands don't go into vaginas. What am I pulling

"Your... penis."

She smiled. "That's right, baby. You've had my penis in you and you
liked it, didn't you? You liked my penis, my dick, my cock, inside you,
didn't you?"

"I did." He nodded.

"Lick my hand, then." And as she pulled one hand from within him, he
licked his wife's other hand clean of his own seed and it didn't seem
at all shameful. He was just obeying his dominant partner.

Slowly, very slowly, she untied the belt of her pajama bottoms, then
lowered them to reveal her womanhood. “I want a blowjob,” she said in
that same firm tone, and again, Kishor acquiesced to her wishes.
Starting slowly, with little licks and kisses, he soon had her worked
up into a frenzy. She clutched his head tightly to her groin and she
thrust herself firmly into his face, demanding more and more
enthusiastic tonguing from the man who knelt in supplication before
her. When she looked down at him, his pretty hair and abundant nightie
were all that could be seen. She’d never been a big fan of oral sex,
but now she understood why men liked it. It wasn’t just the feel of a
lover’s tongue on your genitals, it was the feeling of power one got
from looking down at someone in such a submissive position before them.
The fact that this submissive was once a confident man, but now was a
willing sissy in what was a very youthful, pink with virginal white
lace nightie, made her feeling of dominance even more powerful.

When she could take no more, she pulled his head away. “Get on the bed.
I’ll be right there.”

He did as he was told and he watched as Bhavna opened her nightstand
drawer and pulled out what looked like a panty made of straps. She
stepped into it, tightened it around her, the pulled out last night’s
sex toy, which she inserted between the straps, holding the large penis
in place where just a moment ago, her vagina had been visible.

Then she took some KY and poured it into her hand, and massaged it into
the pliable silicon dick.

“Get on your knees,” she instructed and he obeyed, turning his back to
her, as she climbed up onto the bed. “On all fours,” she whispered into
his ear, “like a little little puppy. A little female puppy. My cute
little, girly puppy.”

Just the words were nearly too much for him to take. He complied

“Such a pretty little nightie,” Bhavna said in a seductive growl.
“Someone must have loved you an awful lot to have bought you such a
pretty nightie.” She raised the hem, exposing his panties, the back of
which she then lowered to his bent knees. “And such a pretty fanny,
too. No ugly hair. Just soft, smooth skin and my pretty baby’s vagina,
the prettiest thing of all.”

Kishor was already panting as the tip of the fake penis touched the rim
of his anus. Last night, Bhavna had played with with his opening for a
long time, eventually inching the toy into him. It was blissful.

Tonight, though, without any warning, she suddenly thrust the phallus
deep within him. He let put a surprised squeal of exquisite pain. It
was painful and wonderful! Intrusive and welcome! It was the most alien
and most welcome feeling he’d ever experienced in his entire life. He
wanted it out of him almost as badly as he wanted it to penetrate even
deeper, but more than anything, he wanted it to keep moving!

He pulled forward and felt the invading form move towards leaving him,
so he slammed back against Bhavna so that it would push as deeply as
possible back into him. He repeated that motion and he swung his hips
from side to side just trying to keep some movement continuing. He was
wagging his bottom in excitement as he attempted to keep the rod within
him in constant motion.

It was huge and it was in him!

In him!

Straight men didn’t feel these things, but he was feeling it! He was
feeling it and he wanted to feel more!

He began grunting and moaning, but he wasn’t even aware of it. All of
his focus was on the sensations caused by his wife’s penis invading
him, tearing him in half in the most amazing way possible.

Bhavna heard the grunts and moans though. There was nothing male about
them. They were the sounds of a female in rut. That’s what Kishor had
become. He was reacting entirely on instinct, deep-seated, female
instinct. He wasn’t just trying to feel passion, he was trying to bring
his lover to an explosive orgasm that would impregnate him. He wasn’t a
cute little, female puppy, he was a bitch in heat.

She leaned over him, grabbed his wrists and forced him to grab the
headboard so that he now knelt erect. The toy never left his opening.
Now, she pulled herself close, her firm belly pressed to the small of
his feminine back. “Come,” she grunted as she thrust over and over and
over. “Come, you little slut. Scream for me and come in those pretty,
silky panties. Be my bitch. Come, baby. Come.”

And he came. He came again and again and again. When he was done, his
panties were nearly was wet from his release as they had been at the
salon when he’d peed into them. Through his spasms, Bhavna remained
pressed as deeply as possible into his guts.

When, at last, she did pull out, he grunted and began to weep.

“Baby?” Bhavna was suddenly very concerned. “Baby? Are you ok?”

He turned and threw his arms around her neck, sobbing into her
shoulder. “That was wonderful,” he gasped.

On Tuesday morning, Kishor did find that he was a bit bruised on and in
his posterior, but he’d do it all again to relive that ecstasy.

After breakfast, Bhavna dressed him in little, mustard yellow dress,
with white polka dots she’d found at Old Navy for a good price. It had
a rounded, jersey style neck line, not unlike a tee shirt, sleeves that
ended just at the elbow and a swing skirt down below, that hung
playfully at his knees. It was a little stretchy and pulled over his
head, also like a tee shirt. It was remarkably comfortable and it made
him feel free and flirty.

The entire day was spent out in public, doing ‘research’ to be sure
that Kishor could pass as a woman.
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Bhavna and Kishor's night out
Kishor got his composure after 1 hour, he walked to kitchen for prepare Bhavna
wore her salwar. She adjusted her hairs, she asked Sonia to look after house as she will take her
Dad to late night ride. She wants for icecream. Sonia told her about icecream parlour.Kishor
knew in night no one could recognize him in saree, so safe for outing. Bhavna applied lipstick to
her and Kishor’s lips. Bhavna was wearing blue colour salwar suit, Kishor in yellow saree.

Sonia,” come on you girls, it is modern age, there are couple goals, couple motivations, even
names are mixed. Whereever they go they wear matching dress, matching clothes.”
Kishor,” we are traditional, where love is eternal in pure bliss form.”
Sonia,” but it will add flavour, you are doing for your love.”
Bhavna,” not bad if we try new one, by the way we are not that old.”
Bhavna wore same blue colour designer salwar wih blue colour bangles, she wore mangalsutra
and large bindi with sindur. Kishor wore blue colour saree with blue colour blouse petticoat, blue
colour bangles, same type mangalsutra and bindi with sindur.
Sonia looked at both said,” it is good, but can be better.”
Sonia gave same set of anklets, finger rings and sandals of blue colour. Now you look like
couple in relationship goal. Kishor had made two vonis of his hair, so Sonia made it a bun, she
made a bun of Bhavna, placed gajra on both buns of her parents. She sprayed female scents over
Bhavna,” omg, we are really looking great, our daughter is so lovely.”
Kishor,” yes, she is making us proud.”

Sonia,” it is not my praising night, but for both it is outing night as girls, enjoy.”
Bhavna started her bullet, Sonia helped Kishor to sit one sided, he was unable to hold and how to
sit. Sonia placed his hands tight on breast of Bhavna and said,” just keep it tight, you will be
safe. If you sense any danger then press these buttons as hard as possible.”
Bhavna,” you wicked witch, talking dirty.”
Sonia,” enjoy ride lovebirds.”
Kishor blushed and smiled trying to suppress laughter.
Sonia,” Look dad, your hands control button, until you press it bike will not start.” Saying Sonia
entered to her room, she is now more sexually excited, 1
watching sexy photoshoot of Kishor in
closed room. She opened 42 inch TV screen, connected it to her pendrive and with full sound
started watching B grade femdom and sissy sex movie with lots of softcore strapon scenes and
female fight scenes. Her fingers massaged her pussy, but she could not get satisfaction that
Nikhil’s tongue provided, really they were amazing.
When Kishor saw nobody near, he pinched Bhavna’s nipple hard and said,” now we may go,
remember what my daughter said, i will follow, if i pinch hard to your nipplesd mean drive fast,
if i massage your breasts slow then go slow, i can reward your good driving if I feel , else for
your bad ride your nipples will be sore, I promise.”

Bhavna,” Ok, Ok, now lets go.”
Bhavna kick started, Kishor started massaging her breasts, Kishor found it difficult to handle his
saree from wind. Bhavna could feel it as he was constantly shifting his hands from her breast to
his saree pallu. Bhavna stopped bike in isolated area. Kishor got down. Bhavna took Kishor’s
saree pallu, opened few blous buttons, inserted pallu in it and closed blouse buttons and tucked it
on his petticoat deep to his panty wrapping his penis with it. Kishor,” never thought wearing
saree is difficult.”
Bhavna,” so I love salwar always, by the way thanks for wearing sarees meant for me.”
Kishor started massagin her breasts gently,” I am happy with your service, let me reward you.”
Kishor picked fingers of Bhavna leading to behind tree. He pulled down pyjama of salwar of
Bhavna and her panty to knees and licked her female pleasure point for good 10 minutes, his face
glittering with female love juice. He then looked at saisfied Bhavna, then again started their bike
ride. Bhavna was thinking how she can get more of this reward from this journeyon road.
Now kishor continued to rub pinch massage Bhavna’s breasts, nipples. Suddenly a small cat was
limping on road. Bhavna carefully stopped bike, helped kitten to reach its other end. Kishor
again led Bhavna to side to road, this time Bhavna herself lowered her kurti, Kishor engaged his
head between Bhavna’s thighs.
Bhavna pulled Kishor’s hands to her breasts and told him to pinch her nipples hard. She enjoyed
both hard pain on nipples which excited her sexual needs and Kishor’s tongue did quality
service. Again both rode to icecream parlour. Bhavna understood as this parlour is situated far
away from city not in main road that too late night, it was empty. The same parlour girl
welcomed them. Bhavna ordered large Baadshah King icecream, girl served them. But it was
late, so she requested them to take packaged one. Bhavna agreed, in cool night they started to
ride. In 1
gear Bhavna could feel bullet is not moving smoothly, its tyres feeling heavy, bullet
looks heavy, she checked oil indicator it was half full, no issue. She now got down from her seat
and tried to push it, and found that both tyres are punctured, though it is tubeless tyres but no
puncture shop is open at late night and they are 15 km away from city, so no option.

The parlour girl shut down her shop and came outside her with her bike, she saw punctured
tyres. Parlour girl said there is no one near by, but she can help as she faces several problems
from her bike , she has kept some basic tools for bike repair in icecream shop’s basement along
with ice, boxes, generator. It has light provision so she can repair.Bhavna pushed the bullet to
basement, the girl lighted it, it is a large one with 2 generators, diesel petrol drums in case of
power failure and small look like garage with all facilities.Kishor followed them. Girl opened
box for slywrench, spanners, hammer, mobil and she brought a tub of water and air compressor
hose. Air compressor provides air to keep dust free inside icecream parlour. Girl said she does
not know how to open disc brake as she never rode one having disc brake in front and back also
having heavy chain sprocket.
Bhavna assured she will do it. But her salwar will be soiled, but who bothers in night.
Girl,” Madam, remove your salwar it will be soiled with grease, we are all ladies here.”
Bhavna,” who says we all are ladies, the one in saree is my man, husband.”
Girl,” really I am sorry, by the way your man is most beautiful one i have seen, his saree matches
well, yesterday I also saw one beautiful boy with on egirl coming in same bullet you have ridden,
such nice couples.”

Bhavna,” oho, then you must be talking about my daughter Sonia. She gave me your address.”
Girl,” you both look similar, by the way society needs more biker mom daughter pair like you
and man like your husband, I wish I have one wearing saree mangalsutra for me.”
Bhavna,” yes, you will get definitely.”
Girl,” do not feel any bad, you can remove your salwar not to get soiled, you both wearing
matching dress, so couple’s relationship goal, quite modern. So protect it.”
Bhavna removed her salwar, kurta, bra only remaining in panty. Her large boobs hanging freely,
her body though not muscular but strong fit healthy. Her large black pointed nipples exciting
Kishor, his penis is lifting his petticoat. Bhavna quickly took spanner, slywrench and dspanner. It
is not any small bike, bullet, its wheel is heavy, so are its nuts, bolts, gear assembly of wheels.
Bhavna’s muscle tensed showed her veins and sharp cuts of muscle when she applied force to
loosen the bolts, sweats building on her face, it dripped down on her breast, nipple, belly finally
accumulating on her deep navel like water deposit in well. Sweats overfilled her navel and
running down to wet her panties, slowly her thighs and whole body glowed when sweat drops
reflected in dip light. Her hands moved swiftly stroking slywrench loosening bolts holding
threads. She kept bolts nuts in diesel to lubricate them.

Kishor,” you are like expert mechanic.”
Bhavna,” a woman must be self sufficient, strong and well equipped to protect her and family. I
just observed some, learnt some from shops, youtube and few hands on when you are not in
home at a left over garage on our bike and few of other women’s bike, not for monetary purpose
but for experience confidence and fun. To build something.”
Bhavna picked the wheel in air and rubbed it with her fingers to find a nail pinned to it. She
removed it, aplied gel and tube patches to fix this inside, then applied pressure, definitely the
wheel with full pressure must be 50 kg atleast. She lifted it like a child, Kishor knew why she
could lift him in outing easily. Bhavna dropped the wheel in water filled tub to get satisfied
everything ok, she again fixed it back to bullet, gave a kick start, acceleration and brake checked.
She cleaned the floor and tools. She herself kept them as its place, a tool must return to its place.
Why to cause trouble for girl who is getting late to her home. Bhavna thanked the girl. Kishor
wiped Bhavna’s sweat all over body using saree pallu of his. Bhavna’s body smell now soaked
by his saree, it gave him excitation. Girl left to her home by her bike.

Kishor,” the icecream melted.”
Bhavna,” my body is in heat, may be we use icecream to cool it, by the way I have nice thing to
do with it.”
Saying Bhavna got completely nude and kissed Kishor hard, continuing kissing she made kishor
nude too. She poured molten icecream over her and Kishor’s body. Both started licking each
others body making it clean, specially in each others nipple and breasts. Bhavna poured icecream
on her pussy and Kishor’s throbbing penis. Bhavna standing lifted Kishor on her arms and
inverted him, she held kishor by his torso so that his penis directly on her mouth and her pussy
ditectly on Kishor’s mouth. In this standing inverted 69 position both tongues made slurping
sound to clean off icecream from each other’s love organ. In 20 minutes both ejaculated two
times. Bhavna kissed Kishor mixing both cum in mouth and then each swallowed this mixture of
love juice, really a marriage/ sex of equality. The something happened to Bhavna, she dropped
rest left over icecream on Kishor’s chest and started sucking like child sucks mother, kishor was
excited, his penis again grew, this time Bhavna inserted her pussy to it continuing to mow down
Kishor’s nipples and humping her hips. Blissful sex when Kishor ejaculated in her pussy. Both
sat some time, wore dress. This time Bhavna asked Kishor to drive and she will control him by
pressing button. Kishor wanted but his confidence was too low, he has never ridden his bike long
time ago and bullet like heavy bike never in his lifetime. So he handed keys to his confident wife
and loved to sit back controlling her he loves most.

Meanwhile at Bhavna’s home ,Bullet stopped at their home, it is 2 am in night. Sonia has
masturbated heavily, she was hungry and tired. She did not know how to cook. When both of her
parents arrived she said she was hungry. Even Kishor and Bhavna were too. Both hurried to
kitchen, kishor in saree and Bhavna in salwar. Both bangles busy in cutting vegetables, arranging
dishes. Kishor wanted to pull some ingredient from top shelf, his hands did not reach there.
Bhavna placed one arm on Kishor’s waist and other on his blouse, lifting him up to grab the
bottle, it is a lovely scene, she slowly downed Kishor looking at his eyes and pressing his
On ground Kishor tried to open the cap of bottle, he could not. He asked Bhavna to do it, which
she obliged by doing easily. While Kishor tried to move away, Bhavna gave a tight grip hold to
Kishor’s delicate forearm. Kishor gave a soft Awww sound.
Kishor,” BHHHAAVVNAAAAA, please honey leave my arm, the curry will burn, you will
break my delicate arm.”
Bhavna,” do not fool me, I am also cook, 30 minutes till it burns and I have no intention to leave
this soft arm. Try which method you want.”
Kishor tried to pull, but he knew it is futile from strength of his wife who showed her strength
lifting wheel of bullet. He tried to bite to set him free, but Bhavna now using more force, he gave
up. He did a naughty way,by other hand he opened few blouse buttons, showing his aerola,
massaging it and pinching it he made his nipples poke out, he threw some spits on it and started
massaging it, half closing his eyes looked at Bhavna and made soft moaning sound. Bhavna
loosened her grip, Kishor freed his arm and ran to gas stove. He could button his blouse, Bhavna
poured ketch up on his nipples, sucking them.

“Mom, how long will it take.” Hearing footsteps of Sonia, both came to normal state. Kishor
covered his unbutton blouse with saree. Now Bhavna making dough to make roti. Kishor cutting
Sonia,” can I help anything.”
Kishor quickly replied to keep Sonia in kitchen so he can work without sexual advances from his
wife Bhavna,” yes, you clean the utensils and keep them in racks.” He could see naughty
frustration in eyes of Bhavna. Then they had nice roti dal sabji dinner and went to sleep, this time
Kishor’s nipple in Bhavna’s mouth, no compromise.
Next morning Bhavna was busy to prepare lesson plans, she is a curious and interesting teacher.
Besides her sitting her daughter Sonia studying mathematics. Bhavna knew if Sonia will grasp
mathematics easily then for her physics and chemistry basically will be a cup of cake and she
will get good rank. But Sonia’s mind is at different level at Nikhil’s. Bhavna then asked her to
focus what is she teaching. It is made like small classroom with white board, marker, small
library with various books. Bhavna loved to study specially mathematics, thanks to her she
generated easy lucid understandings to Sonia, Bhavna’s target finish math completely in 3 month
before college starts. She is very strict too, once Sonia made mistake she slapped her so hard ,
ofcourse her karate hands are like steel rod she never uses cane or sticks, Sonia got black eyes
for 7 days. Sonia knew it well , so she focused, ofcourse her mother’s teaching was interesting.
Now Sonia busy with set of problems, Bhavna prepared her lesson plans for her class, she was
also building a machine that will demonstrate how fourier series work by set of gear assemblies
each rotating at different speed showing different frequency and a lever interlinking, finally the
shaft attached with a striker paint that draw figure in a paper. It took her 3 month to build.

Bhavna was wearing white salwar suit, no jewellery as per college’s uniform for teachers, for
girls it is white frock, salwar, for teachers white saree blouse else white salwar. No one can wear
gold as it will create jealosy showing a partition of rich and poor in college, also bangles anklets
banned as they make sound creating disturbance in teaching, all will wear sports shoe. Bhavna’s
long hair was open and she kept it dry under fan.
Kishor was preparing food for family, his morning duty is hard specially, he has to clean the
house, prepare breakfast, pack lunch for Bhavna, clean her shoe, did his puja. Now he prepared
tea for Bhavna, wiping his sweats from his saree pallu. He put off gas, poured tea to cup and
walked to study room, he has tucked saree in petticoat showing his fleshy belly and deep navel
and one side of blouse. He saw Bhavna studying one book of Ramanujan. He bent over table to
keep the cup on it, his saree pallu sided, his mangalsutra stuck on his nipple and showed deep
cleavage. Bhavna saw it transfixed on her reader glass, she adjusted it. Kishor then left room
swaying his hips slowly over saree. Bhavna tasted tea and faked it it is not tasting well as it has
no milk.

Bhavna: this tea tastes so bad, give me milk to add. I'm out of milk
Kishor" What type of milk? 2%, skim? Chocolate? Bitches like chocolate I hear.”
Bhavna locked kitchen door and said,” Get down on all fours you stupid cow. Alright. Fine. I'll
milk you myself since you're a such a beautiful sexy male cow, Maybe I can sell your milk to
pay off the hunger of world.”
Bhavna strated sucking one nipple of Kishor downing his blouse, her other hand dipped with
castor oil penetrating Kishor’s sphincter.Kishor’s hardon grew over his panty.Bhavna’s finger
started pushing, her other fingers started playing pingpong with Kishor’s ballsfeeling relax as
she started to massage his prostate. Bhavna’s teeth rubbing nipples.
"Are you going to produce milk, cow?" Bhavna asked.

Kishor moaned while trying to moo. His cock became hard as a rock as Bhavna stroked his
asshole. "That's a good cow. Now it's time for some milk." Bhavna took her hand out of his
asshole. She again pushed her fingers, Pressure started to build up in Kishor’s testicles. She kept
thrusting the finger and biting nipples, a mixture of sensation of pleasure and pain. Bhavna put
tea cup under Kishor’s cocka and precum started dripping into it. Now Bhavna started stroking
Kishor’s penis hard. He was moaning, streams of cum flew into hot tea cup. Kishor exhausted
adjusted his saree, blouse, his blouse hook pushed his Mangalsutra beads to his already sore
nipples, he gave soft moan and cry. He looked at Bhavna who was now tasting his cum mixed
with tea savouring it.
Bhavna,” this is best tea, I want this milk everyday, can you give me.”
Kishor,” yes, but it will be you who will milk me.”
Bhavna nodded , opened kitchen door, Sonia was busy solving problems. Bhavna was pleased
seeing her daughter’s answers. Now clock alarmed 9 am, Kishor served her breakfast, he had
prepared her tiffin. Bhavna took her lesson books, her math model in her vanity. She went to her
bullet gifted by her prodigy daughter. She kept it clean, Kishor and Sonia wave her off, she
started the bullet for her college. It is an intermediate college, girls only, where they teach them
for cracking IIT, medical. Sort of coaching centre for girls but it also holistic as teachers are all
women, all were talented but remained housewives. It has only 30 girls in 3 batch, +2 1
year and 1 year preparation. They have 3 teachers physics, chemistry, math. One lady doctor
teaches biology in free time and one writer in magazine teaches English. They give practical,
moreover Bhavna teaches girls bike riding, car driving and karate. college rule is compulsory all
girls must come by bicycle, teachers in motorcycles. On her way Bhavna joined by all teachers in
respective motorcycle, physics and chemistry teacher was in saree and doctor and writer in
salwar like Bhavna. The class was good, girls are more dedicated. It is not like Kishor the
women’s husbands wear saree do cooking, only kishor does, so teachers have to look after their
families, cook , ofcourse they get suport from their in laws, husbands, children. They all agreed
to get such nice in laws where Saasu Maa does cooking, husbands do laundry, Saasur ji take care
of children so they get time to pursue study, do experiments and moreover take their
motorcycles. Specially Saasu Maa support their bike ride and all family love to sit behind them,
feel proud that their Bahu is talented bikers as well as good teachers. Women also do all
housework whenever they get time, in holidays they are ideal Bahu do all work, giving rest to
others. Then discussion shifted to bikes, new models their pro cons and new exam pattern,

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