Adultery The auction( collected)
Claire and Robert sat in their car outside the venue. Claire was pissed. She couldn't believe they were still having this argument. "Just come in and play nice," he was saying. 

"Oh, please forgive me if I'm not in the mood for one of your fucking charity auctions, Robert. Things aren't exactly as rosy as last year." 

It was true. Since last year's charity auction fundraiser, Claire had caught Robert sexting with some skank secretary at his work. Claire hadn't suspected a thing. She wasn't even going through his phone. She wasn't the jealous type. Why should she be? She was so out of his league it wasn't even funny. Claire's body looked like it had been carved by a sculptor. Her slim waist curved out like a race track. She had spectacular music-video girl tits and an ass that simply could not be believed. Everything she wore from skirts to jeans to the tight, elegant silvery gown she had on tonight drew stares and whistles everywhere she went. Once in college, at some divey bar that she only went into to piss off her country club president father, a bartender told her she was a PAWG. "What's that mean?" she giggled. 

"Phat-assed white girl." She had always liked that.

But no, she didn't even have to be suspicious of Robert to catch him. The stupid prick hadn't changed his privacy settings on his phone. Little miss 20-something sent pictures of herself in some ridiculous corset and a dildo buried in her snatch right to his goddamn lock screen. The little punkass couldn't even cheat correctly.

"We are not in a good place, Robert. I do not want to go in there and be your fucking trophy wife tonight. Let ALONE be bid on in the auction. It's HUMILIATING." 

Robert rubbed his eyes with his hands, "I know. I know. I just... if we can get through tonight and my boss is happy with the amount of money we raise, I could get promoted. If I get promoted, we could literally buy a new house. We can figure all this shit out later, but if we get through tonight, it'll make everything a whole lot easier." Claire sulked. She couldn't really argue with that. Robert had been on the short list for a VP position for some time now.

"Okay. Fine. I won't cause a scene. We can go in, but I am not participating in the auction. I just can't deal with some weird old guy acting like he 'owns' me all night." 

Robert shook his head, defeated. "Fine. Just be a good girl." He exited the car and Claire pursed her lips as she thought how fucking sick she was of being told that.Inside the ballroom, all the bigwigs from Robert's company were there. Claire dazzled Mrs. So-and-so, head of whatever the fuck, laughed at the lame jokes of Mr. Big-fat-and-mustached who oversees the blah blah blah, and of course, found time to glare at Robert's secretary lurking in the corner drinking some childish pink cocktail. Claire ordered a Basil's Hayden on the rocks, slammed it back, and ordered another all without ever taking her eyes off the girl.

Robert and Claire took their seats next to Ben and Heidi Gardner. Claire was genuinely happy to see them. They were all good friends. Well, used to be before the texting debacle. They were all caught up to speed on Robert and Claire's issues, so there was a bit of tenseness in the air. Claire did her best to seem cheery and put them at ease, gabbing with Heidi about this and that while Ben tried to talk to Robert about horse racing, of which he knew nothing.

Inevitably, the auctioneer, an ancient local comedian named Archie Templesmith, took the stage to polite applause. "Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the main attraction of the evening, a grand Southern tradition, the sweetheart auction!" More applause. "The rules are as follows: you fine folks in the audience will hear a little bit about our lovely ladies who have graciously agreed to participate this evening. Then the bidding will commence. All proceeds go straight to the Clean Water Foundation." More applause. "And, should you win the hand of one of these lovely ladies, they become your date for the evening. But no funny business now!" He winked and the audience laughed politely. "May I call to the stage, Brenda Lamont, Trish Del Toro, Missy Walker, Desiree Anderson, and Claire Mulcahey." 

The audience applauded as the four other women got up and approached the stage. Claire's expression turned incredibly grave and she locked eyes with her husband. He gave her a sheepish grin. 'Fucker,' she thought. 'I should fucking kill him.' Before she could do or say anything a spotlight hit her. 

The auctioneer said, "There she is! Claire! Come on up here!"

The walk up to the stage seemed to take an eternity. Claire was stewing mad. 'How could he put me in this position?' As she walked, Claire noticed man after man (and some women) taking time to check out her famous ass, no doubt imagining what they'd like to do with her if they were given the chance. An idea started to bubble up and she tried, with difficulty, to shake it off. 'No. That'd be insane. You're being insane." But as she climbed the steps onto the stage, she caught site of that trashy little selfie-taker blowing a kiss to Robert in the audience. An atomic bomb went off in Claire's head. Something snapped.

"Who would like to go first?" said Archie. 

"I would!" said Claire, loudly and clearly, surprising herself and Robert in the crowd."Well all right then!" said Archie. "Mrs. Mulcahey, why don't you take the mic and tell your potential suitors what they might expect if they are lucky enough to win a date with you."

Claire walked up to the microphone. "Um... A date with me. Well... (a deep breath) for my date this year, I'd like to offer something a little different. Our date will happen right here on this stage." 

The auctioneer made a big show of stroking his chin. "Intriguing! Tell us more, Mrs. Mulcahey." 

Claire's heart was pounding in her chest but her winning trophy wife smile didn't show it. "Well, you see Mr. Templesmith, I've always been known as a good girl." She added a coquettish little hip pop as she said 'good girl.' The audience chuckled. "Ever since I was little, it was drilled into me how important it is to be good. All my life, men have been telling me to be good. My father, my teachers, my husband. 'Everyone knows Claire Mulcahey. She's a good little girl.'" Archie and the audience were starting to wonder where the hell she was going with this. "But the truth is folks, I fucking hate being good."

Over at their table Robert stopped breathing. What the fuck was going on? Heidi and Ben whipped their heads back and forth from Robert next to them to Claire on stage.

Claire forged ahead, thinking it was now or never. "The truth is, I want to be bad. The truth is... I'm just a phat-assed white girl who wants to get fucked." 

The audience gasped. Some people laughed. A good portion of the men leaned forward in their seats. Archie was completely taken off guard. "Um— uh well we could—," he sputtered but Claire kept going. 

"And so, to the highest bidder I offer you this: you get to take part in a once-in-a-life-time, no questions asked, nothing off-limits sex show right fucking here on this stage. With me." The audience was positively buzzing now. A few, Claire noticed, were scrambling for their checkbooks.

Archie was trying desperately to get control of the situation but before he could get to the mic, Claire had reached under her gown, pulled off her thong, and held it up with one finger before saying, "So... let's start the bidding. Who wants to beat up my married pussy with their big fat dick?"

At their table, Robert clapped his hands to his mouth and choked out a scream but it was drowned out by the excited and disbelieving furor coursing through the audience. Robert turned to Heidi and Ben and said, "What the fuck do I do?" 

Heidi and Ben looked condescendingly at him. "I suppose a real man would get up there and try to stop it," Heidi said. "What ARE you going to do, Robert?" Ben grinned wickedly and kissed Heidi's neck. She bit her lip. Robert noticed the ballroom buzzing with energy, but he remained firmly planted in his seat.
Then, someone shouted, "$1000!"

Archie snapped out of his daze. "Uh... $1000. We'll start the bidding at, uh, $1000. I have to say folks this isn't like any Sweetheart Auction I've ever done. I can put a stop to it if you like?" 

The audience practically exploded in a chorus raucous boos. People were laughing and clapping and shouting, "Come on! Let her go! Do it! Do it! Do it!" The show it seemed, was set to go on. Claire was beaming from ear to ear, standing with the banal confidence of a Price is Right model.

Archie shrugged and said, "Do I hear $1500?" 


"Do I hear $2000?" 




Archie was back in showman mode, "Well well well! It seems quite a few men are willing to show this pretty lady a good time!" 

Claire grabbed the mic. "I'm more looking for a man who is willing to show this little whore who's fucking boss." More screaming and cheering. Claire's pussy was on fire. In the back of her brain she mused, 'I'm talking a big game. I better be able to put my money where my mouth is.' 


Archie couldn't believe it, "Ladies and gentlemen we have a officially beaten our record for highest single bid ever in the history of this auction. And we're not even done! Do I have 5? $5000?" Silence from the crowd. "$4000 is the highest bid, looking for 45. Do I have 45? $4000 going once." Claire grabbed the edges of her neckline and pulled the material aside to show off her gravity-defying tits. She bit her lip and bounced a little to put on a show. Archie could only grin and point at the delicious pair. "$4000 going twice!" 


"There we go!"

The audience whooped and cheered. The man who bid $5000 stood on his chair and whirled his napkin around, whipping the crowd into further frenzy. Archie again, "Will anyone dare to outbid this brave benefactor?" 

"Show us that ass!" called someone from the crowd. This time Archie beat Claire to the mic."A bid of $5500 hundred or more and the lovely Mrs. Mulcahey will give us all a peak at that beautiful round rump!" Several people immediately jumped to bid. 

Claire bit her lip again, shrugged at Archie, and cooed, "A deal is a deal, Mr. Templesmith." At this point she was determined to not let anything phase her. She wanted to seem like a pro and put on a show for the good people. 

Claire turned her back to the audience and gyrated her ass to one side like a stripper. She tossed an out-of-breath sexy look over her shoulder and began to slowly inch the bottom of her long, elegant, "good little housewife" gown higher and higher until her delicious, cream colored ass was out for the whole room to see. 

This hoity toity fundraiser crowd had devolved into a wolf-whistling stag party. Someone screamed, "That's fucking right bitch! Slap that phat ass!"

Robert was positively pale hearing this thirsty crowd objectify his sweet little wifey like this. On stage, however, Claire giggled like this was the most charming thing she had ever heard and brought her right hand swiftly down onto one of her cheeks. Her beautiful ass jiggled satisfyingly and she let out her best exaggerated pornstar moan. 

She let the skirt of her dress drop back down to cover up again. She played bashful which got the crowd even more hot and bothered. Ben was straight up groping Heidi's heaving chest at this point, and they weren't the only ones getting handsy. Robert finally let it sink in: this was going to happen and no one was going to stop it.

"I have $5500. Do I hear 6?" continued Archie. "$6000 to the Clean Water Foundation for the chance to degrade this desperate housewife in front of all your coworkers. 55 going once! Claire, if you've been such a good girl your whole life, how do these potential lovers of yours know they'll get the most bang for their buck?" Their tone was so professional, like this was some normal beauty pageant. The surreality of it all made Robert feel like he was in a nightmare. 

Claire said, "Well, Archie. I suppose nothing is a guarantee but I'll just say this: If you win me tonight, I am your slave. You can ask me to do anything in the world and I can't say no." Each time she doubled down like this, Claire's cunt grew wetter and wetter. "I've never fully submitted to anyone, but based on how wet my pussy is right now, I have a feeling I was always meant to be a subservient little cum whore." 

"My goodness folks!" Archie bellowed. "She means business! Fifty-five hundred going twice!" 

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The room went silent. All eyes turned towards the back of the room. There stood a tall muscular man looking sharp in black pants and an expensive button down shirt. His rolled up sleeves showed off his toned, masculine forearms. He had steel grey eyes, an incredible jaw, and an air of complete confidence.

"SOLD!" screamed Archie Templesmith from the stage. The crowd went wild and Claire burst into her biggest grin yet. "Get on up here, you charitable soul you! Come collect your reward!" 

Robert watched this unknown man stroll across the floor toward the stage eyeing Claire with intensity and hunger. Claire's casual beauty pageant attitude was still the most unnerving thing about this whole situation to him.

Claire's winning lover-to-be had made his way on stage. Archie brought the mic over to him and said, "And what is your name, young man?" The man whispered into Archie's ear. Archie informed the crowd, "Ah! Our lucky bidder has chosen to remain anonymous. He's humble too, folks!" The audience and Claire all laughed at Archie's joke. "Now, I must admit, Mrs. Mulcahey, I don't know how we should proceed from here." 

Claire thought about this and said, "Well, I think the only thing to do is to ask him how he'd like to get started and we're off to the races." The stranger thought for a moment and then whispered in Archie's ear again. 

Archie blushed a bit but recovered and said, "He's a gentleman through and through folks! Our noble mystery man will begin by devouring Mrs. Mulcahey's marital canal!" The audience made confused noises. "He's going to eat her pussy." Deafening applause. Everyone was on their feet to get a good look except Robert who was pushing on his head with both of his fists.

On stage, Claire sat in a chair. Mr. Mysterious got down his knees and spread Claire's legs slowly apart, locking eyes with her as he hiked her dress up once more. Claire helped him by pulling the gown all the way up until her bare ass was on the seat. Without another moment's hesitation, the man buried his face into her bare pussy. She yelped out and arched her back. 

Archie, ever the showman, brought the mic over to Claire. "Now Claire, tell us a little bit about what brought you to this decision tonight." Claire's head rolled from side to side as she enjoyed the sensation of this stranger's tongue expertly working on her clit. She struggled to find the mic.Um... hoo fuck. Well... you see... my husband has an incredibly small dick." Laughter from the audience. "And even when he can get it up, he never wants to try anything adventurous. I've bought... SHIT-" her toes curled as the man inserted a finger into her hole. "I've bought sexy outfits, offered my asshole to him, none of it interests him." 

Archie said, "I think I speak for everyone when I say, 'What a chump!'" All Claire could do was nod and moan again. 

"And so I thought, 'If he won't let me blow his mind and rock his world, why not whore myself out for a good cause?'" The audience whooped and applauded as Archie gestured to entangled twosome.

"There you have it folks, and now I think we'll turn the stage over to our lovely couple. Enjoy everyone!"

Mr. Mysterious had retreated from in between Claire's legs. She stared at him hungrily, the thought of all he could do to her and of her promise ringing in her head: 'I can't say no.' 

He opened his mouth to speak: "Lick your juices off me." Claire leapt up, eager to prove herself. She kissed him full on the mouth, running her tongue over his, then lapping at his lower lip and chin like a cat. He held out his finger which she immediately grabbed and began to fellate. He whispered, so that only she could hear him, "Are you a good girl or a bad girl?" 

She popped the finger out of her mouth. "I want to be bad for you, honey. Make me your bad girl." While she said this, she was grabbing at his belt and undoing it. She caught her breath as she reached down his pants and grabbed what felt like a fucking tree branch. An involuntary moan escaped her mouth. She pulled the stranger's cock out and the audience was in silent awe.

Mr. Mysterious gestured to Archie for the microphone. Archie held it in front of the man's mouth as he said to Claire, "Get on your hands and knees and face the audience. You're going to look them in the eye as you get fucked." 

"Yes sir," Claire breathed.

Claire walked to the edge of the stage. Everything moved in slow motion. She had let it get this far and there was no turning back now. She knelt there under the bright lights of the stage on all fours, her head low to the ground. The audience seemed to be holding its breath. She noticed people with their phones out, recording her. She noticed women with their legs spread, unabashedly, absentmindedly finger fucking themselves. This, it surprised Claire to learn, made her feel incredibly proud. 

Back by their table, Robert was positively sick to his stomach but he couldn't look away. He stole a glance over at Heidi and Ben to see they had their hands all over each other. They were incredibly turned on and so it seemed was the whole room. If Robert couldn't work up the nerve to intervene, no one in this whole venue would bail him out. He turned his eyes back to the stage.

The stranger rolled Claire's expensive, silvery dress up over her delicious, round ass. The man's cock twitched at the entrance of her hole, still glistening with spit from his oral performance. He hesitated.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked, and Claire made an impatient noise. She turned to face the crowd and flashed her million dollar, trophy wife smile. 

"You didn't pledge all that money to ask 'if I'm okay with this.' You pledged all that money to use my holes like a fucking whore. Now," she locked eyes with her husband, horrified and unable to look away, "fuck my married cunt with that big fucking cock."

The moment of uncertainty passed and he pushed his monster 9-inch cock inside the debutante's slit, who groaned from somewhere deep inside her throat. She slapped the stage in front of her. "Oh FUCK, honey." Claire took a moment to collect herself, clocking the fact that she had just burst into a sweat. "Fffff-FUCK." She let a little laugh escape her and then she flipped her hair up behind her so the audience could see her face. "Fuuuuuhuhuhuck that feels good." 

A tentative "woo!" from the crowd. 'They're loosening up,' thought Claire. 'Good.' Claire started grinding her ass in lovely, slow circles, letting her cunt get acquainted with every inch of this man's pornstar dick. He started to make small, savory thrusts.

"Mm, that's right honey. You fill up that little good girl cunt. You want to turn me into a slut?" Then, louder: "You want to make me your slut?! Ohhhhhh fuck yes, baby. Turn that good little pussy into a bad girl's pussy." Claire was playing all of this to the crowd. She had never said words like this in her whole life, but that only fueled this spiral of arousal she found herself in.

Then the man currently balls inside her exclaimed, "I'm gonna stretch that pussy out until it's a fucking WHORE'S pussy." The crowd cheered and Claire bit her lip and groaned again as she quickly thrust back on his dick all the way to the hilt. She was in heaven. 
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She could never have foreseen it when she hatched this little scheme but she was buying into every dirty word she was saying. 'I AM a whore,' she thought. 'This is where I belong.' 

She turned on her best doe-eyed innocent voice as she said out loud, "But I don't want everyone here to know what a little slut I am. Everyone thinks I'm a good girl, daddy." 

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but everyone here definitely knows," responded Mr. Mysterious.

Claire smiled at the crowd: everyone was now actively squirming at the sight of this respectable woman backing her ass up with delight onto a stranger's dick in front of a full house. "You won't tell, will you? You all can keep a secret right? You won't tell everyone you know that Robert Mulcahey's wife got fucked raw on stage and loved every. FUCKING. SECONDOFIT." 

On those last few screamed words, the man had slammed into her with three brutal thrusts for emphasis. Claire felt like the wind had been knocked out of her. This cock was beating her pussy up and she only wanted more.

"Fuck yeah we will," someone shouted from the audience and the crowd laughed. Claire blushed but giggled and smiled again. 

"Oh well, I guess my secret's out. Tell them then. I don't give a fuck who knows..." She extricated herself from the man's throbbing dick and scrambled to her feet. She reached behind her back to untie the top of the dress. "...I'm sick of being a good little wifey anyway." 

And with that, she let her dress drop to the floor in an undignified puddle. The crowd went fucking ballistic. Claire took a moment to soak up the adulation wearing nothing but her clear stiletto heels and the unbelievably expensive diamond necklace her cheating, chicken shit husband given her for their last anniversary.

Just then, her onstage lover came up behind her and roughly wrapped a large masculine hand around her throat. He pressed himself against her and she was delighted to find he had removed all of his clothes as well. His skin felt hot against hers. His muscular body was hard and sturdy. His massive dick pressed impatiently between her ass. Claire was positively dripping wet. As he tightened his right hand around her throat, he reached around with his left to play with her pussy. He kissed the sides of her face. Claire's eyes snapped shut, practically going crosseyed underneath the lids. 

He growled in her ear, "You like all this attention? You like knowing that all your friends are watching a man who isn't your husband dominate you?" 

She rasped out through her tight airway a clenched, "Yesssssss." Claire had never been this horny in her entire life. "And you'll follow my every command? Do absolutely everything I say?" Claire lost herself in the sensation of this man expertly working his finger under the hood of her clit and she forgot to answer. He responded by letting go of her pussy and spanking her as hard as he could. "Will you?!" 

"Yes." she choked out, barely a whisper. He let go of her throat and she took a big gasp of air. 

He said, "Tell them I own your pussy." 

Claire raised her voice to the audience but still addressed her master: "You own my pussy. I'll do everything you say. I'm yours. You paid for me and now I'm yours. I'm at your command. Command me."

He pulled up a chair and sat down. "Bend over my lap." Claire did as she was told. She didn't have to wait long until his mighty hand came slapping down on her round, white ass. The slap resonated throughout the ballroom and already Claire felt it getting hot. "Do you deserve this?" he said, almost kindly. Claire nodded. "Say it!" 

"I deserve this!" SMACK. Her owner started fingering her in between smacks. Claire's eyes were watering. She had never submitted to a man like this. She felt like she was home. 

"I thought you were a good girl?" Claire shook her head no. "I can't hear you." 

Claire put some pepper on it this time: "I deserve to be punished. I'm not a good girl. (SMACK) I've been such a fucking bitch. A little uptight CUNT. (SMACK) I need to be taught a lesson. I need to be put in my place. (SMACK) I want you to reduce me. Make me YOUR bitch. Bring me down to the gutter. Give me what I deserve. Make me be bad. (SMACK) Oh fucking GOD that feels so fucking GOOD. Please baby. (SMACK) Please give me what I deserve. Give me that cock." 

"Get down." the man said, incredibly casually.

Claire instantly dropped it low, squatting in her designer heels, then took a kneeling position. The man stood up and positioned his dick in front of her face and said, "A bad girl knows what she wants. A bad girl asks for exactly what she wants and doesn't take it back. Now tell me what you want." 

Claire took a moment to think of something delicious and fucked up. When she spoke she said, ever so sweetly, "Fuck my face and throat until I choke and gag. Make my pretty makeup run. Use me and mark me up in front of my husband. Don't stop until you're bored of fucking my little bitch mouth."

The man didn't hesitate. He grabbed Claire by the head shoved his mighty cock into her mouth. He towered over her as he thrust in and out of it just like he was fucking her cunt.The crowd was rapt in awe. Robert watched through his fingers as Claire guttered out choked, crying moans every time the monster dick hit the back of her throat. 

The man gave Claire a break after fifteen full seconds of facefucking. She gasped and drooled all over herself. She just stared hungrily at the dick that was so expertly fucking her shit up. "More," she said. 

He slapped her across the face, pulled her head back by the hair, and continued to slam his rod into her mouth. Claire reached down and jammed three fingers inside her sopping wet snatch. 

The moment those fingers were inserted, it was like Claire had been sucked into space. Her ears rang and her eyes shut. The audience was gone, her friends were gone, her husband was gone. She was instantly transported outside of her body as that strange man's dick pounded into her throat, her mascara running down her watery face, and her pussy spasming around her fingers pumping that wet hole for all it was worth. 

Claire came like an ocean crashing on a cliff. By the time all her senses returned, Claire realized she was screaming and writhing on the ground.

Her lover watched her twitch and writhe, a victorious smirk on his face. The crowd was mostly silent and in awe, save for a few folks who were enjoying their own partners in various ways. Next to Robert, Ben was on his knees with his face buried in his wife's pussy. Heidi ran her hands through Ben's hair as she watched her best friend get used and abused and love every second of it. Robert could only grip his pathetic little prick, furious at it for being so hard and aroused.

As the fog started to clear and Claire started to come back down to Earth, she opened her eyes and said to the luckiest auction winner in the world, "Cum on me." 

His grin spread wider. He cupped a hand to his ear and made face like, "Hm?" Claire flipped over onto her hands and knees. The audience watched as she crawled across the stage, predatory, like a panther.

"I said, jerk that cock until you spray your hot, thick cum all over my body. No. YOUR body. You bought this body, and now it's yours." The man began to grip and jack his big dick with increasing intensity. Claire let out a thrilled, insatiable little noise somewhere between a moan and laugh. She was positively bouncing up and down with excitement. "Yes. Yes yes yes. Please give it to me? Please? You want to coat your little whore with your cum don't you? Ohhhh come on I want it, I want it, I want it. Gimme that cum. Let them know. Really drill it home that you own my body and that I'm a fucking slut. Cover me. Mark me as yours."
The man continued to work his shaft but he seemed frustrated that he wasn't making it happen yet. "What's the matter?" Claire said, chasing an impulse, pouting like a spoiled little bitch. Maybe she could tweak this submissive angle for the big finish. "You haven't given up have you? You just throatfucked a married woman in front of her husband." There was a hard edge to her voice. "You can't give up now. You have to make me your bitch, remember? I did everything you said now give me your fucking cum." 

He was starting to sweat. "You want it?" 

Claire nodded and opened her mouth, "Uh huh. Yeah. Uh huh. Do it. Cum on another man's WIFE. Do it, you big, scary mother fucker. You fucked my shit up. You're a fucking MONSTER. You ruined my pussy forEVER. I'll never be able to take my husband's little prick again because you stretched me out into a bad girl." 

"You a bad girl?" 

"I'm a bad girl, give me that cum." 

"Tell me what you said to your husband the day you married him." 

Claire let that hard edge drop out of her voice. She smiled so sweetly up at the man, "I said, 'I love you honey. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I will always be faithful to you.'" Then, in practically a whisper as her smile disappeared, she said, "Now fucking cum on my mouth." 


An impossibly large stream of cum hit Claire's outstretched tongue, another drew a line across the length of her face. Claire puckered her lips right at the tip of the man's dick as more cum shot out and fell down on to her tits. 

Claire stared up at him as she flipped the cum in her mouth around with her tongue and rubbed the rest of it into her chest. She made a big show of swallowing and then planted one last, airlock strength suck on the man's still twitching giant of a dick. She leaned back on one hand as she licked clean the other.

The audience went fucking wild. Some people stood on their feet and cheered. Others, like Heidi and Ben, were too busy full on fucking to notice. 

Archie and the remaining ladies took in the sight: a well-to-do, upper class charity auction had completely devolved into a depraved sex party. One of the community's most respected members was ass naked on the stage licking a stranger's cum off her body. 

The auctioneer turned to the ladies, each of whom displayed a different level of shell-shocked. "So," he asked, "who's next?" The women snapped out of it to look at him, unsure of what to do. 

Then, at the same time, their hands shot up.
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Hot. Please some writer try in hindi.
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