Adultery A Cuckold by Birth by vyasya
"But more importantly he is docile enough to tolerate your indiscretions."

"Uncle what are you talking about?" Nishma blurted. She was certainly annoyed by his demeanor; he was taking her for granted. Yet she understood that the reason for his behavior was her own weakness.

"Keep calm Nishma," he said hushing her.

"Even though Aunty is ill, she can hear very well."

Nishma was getting increasingly nervous as she felt that it was getting out of hand. While she bravely ventured to seduce my uncle, she wasn't quite ready for the immediate consequences. She felt that she could tease him for several months or perhaps years. Even though we did talk about a possibility where things may move too quickly for our comfort, we never anticipated this.

"No one has to know anything," he said getting up from his seat.

"And nothing has to happen without your consent," he assured.

"You are subject to "right of the first", right?" he quickly asked.

Uncle was referring to the same custom that Nishma alluded to me in the morning. It was "right of the first night." Nishma shuddered as she heard those words. She wondered how Uncle would know about it. It was to be kept a closely guarded secret. She felt a little wobbly and Uncle expertly once again took her in his arms.

"Although the custom is waning," he quipped supporting her, "there are several merits for pretty women like you."

"I can assure you," he added, "that it would be a much better experience with your dhani than your husband."

"Dhani" was a local word used to refer to your master in master-slave relationship. Usually, it referred to the feudal lord and often house-wives addressed their husbands as "Dhani" especially if they came from affluent families. The later didn't imply a master-slave relationship between husband and wife but rather implied the elevated status of the husband as the primary bread winner for the house.

Nishma was quite ashamed to confess of her quandary to a stranger, whom she hardly knew. Yet Uncle didn't behave indecently and neither was he bullying her. It was his way of assuring that even though it seemed like a stigma, there were benefits to be had. Nishma knew some of the benefits already and hence had embarked on such a relationship with me but perhaps it is best left for a later time.

Nishma didn't share this tidbit with me at that time. All of this was a closely guarded secret and I learned it after quite a while.

"If you can have a relationship with your Dhani and your husband, there is no reason why you can't have it with me as well."

"Dhani's move on to greener pastures and husband's are simply no good - I can assure you about your one," he added confidently.

Nishma was practically shivering with fear and sexual anxiety. It was one thing to act slutty in a remote, private place and quite another to do so at my own Uncle's place with him. Was he for real? Did he really wanted to have an affair with me or was he simply testing my resolve, she thought.

"Uncle you are embarrassing me," she pleaded.

"I am making it easier," he answered assuredly.

"There is nothing for you to fear from me," he added, "irrespective of whether you agree to my proposal or not."

It relieved Nishma a little bit but her sexual anxiety wasn't gone.

"Uncle how do you know about this?" she asked.

"The other girl with whom I got in trouble," he whispered into her ear practically, "I had foiled "right of first" for her."

Nishma was getting comfortable with him yet again. He was already supporting her by holding her by her waist. Although Nishma was still standing sideways to him, her body now made a V with his and she was increasingly leaning forward to bridge the gap between them; quite essential since she was quite taller than him.

"It was closely guarded secret but eventually things got out and it wasn't pretty," he continued.

"Uncle you slept with her even before she got married?" she whispered with a sense of amusement.


"How is that possible?"

"Adwait thought it was something else," she mumbled.

"Nishma if you are consenting then it may happen yet again," he replied confidently, "but I would rather have an affair with you than a one night stand."

"Uncle you are embarrassing me," she quipped. Nishma realized how close she was standing to him and instinctively tried to retreat but Uncle was in no mood to let go of her.

"There is no shame in it," he said lowering his voice again.

"This tradition has been going on for generations and even if the families are not as enslaved as they once were, the women have simply opted to continue it in the name of family tradition."

"That doesn't make any sense," retorted Nishma.

"It does," he quipped. Uncle was inspecting her body in the faint light of the candle. She became aware of his intentions and froze for a moment. Uncle was so lost inspecting her body that he simply pulled down her scarf to expose her sizable bust.
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"These are quite sizable," he said, looking up at her; his hand gently caressing her breasts. Her face had reddened with nervousness but she didn't stop him. She lowered eyes in shame as Uncle's actions only became bolder. He squeezed her right breast.

"Your dhani would not wait to impregnate you," he whispered. Nishma shuddered hearing him explicitly describing what was perhaps intended of consummation.

"You are quite ready for it," he added winking at her. Nishma gave him a nervous smile.

"Although I am tempted," he added, "I wouldn't foil it for him this time."

"It would allow us a chance to have an affair that you surely would want it."

Nishma hesitantly leaned forward and offered him her lips. Uncle latched onto her lips and kissed her voraciously. Unlike the last time where she only parted her lips and used her tongue sparingly, she indulged him wholeheartedly. Uncle squeezed her breasts several times, which only intensified her kissing. Nishma took him in his arms as Uncle's hands moved to her butt and pulled her into him. She passionately explored his mouth and tongue conveying her strong desire to become his mate in the illicit relationship he had proposed. Uncle squeezed both her breasts vigorously, which only intensified her kiss. She was practically drooling into his mouth. Making a bold move Uncle led her hand to his crotch. She willingly fondled the sizable bulge and learned that he was quite well endowed.

"Uncle you are getting me into a lot of trouble," whispered Nishma breaking the kiss.

"I may get a divorce even before getting married," she added.

"Far from it - the worst that can happen is that you get pregnant even before marrying," he added jokingly.

Uncle was holding her in a tight grip now. She could feel his penis trying to climb up to her snatch but she was clearly was a much larger woman for him. His boldness and confidence had certainly struck a chord with her. She offered him her lips once again and this time their kiss was rather languid as they explored each other's tongues and bodies.

"We should meet again after Adwait is asleep," he said breaking kiss. Nishma continued kissing him.

"It is not a good idea," she whispered. Uncle pulled her further into his groin until she lost balance. His hands gave a good squeeze to her butt.

"You are too short Uncle," she said chuckling. It didn't dent his ego. He simply pushed her against the wall and in a swift move he lifted her up and held with her thighs. Her legs splayed open hinged onto his butt bringing his pelvis in contact with her pussy. Nishma confessed how vulnerable and how connected she felt to him that very moment. His thick, taut penis was lined up against her pussy, all the way from the bottom and reached just below her navel. The thin cloth of the Salwar allowed for that close connection. As she adjusted her weight to allow for my diminutive Uncle to hoist her carefully, she felt her pussy lips itch to experience the girth of his equipment. She mused to herself - this man lacks everything when it comes to courting pretty woman except for his character and sizeable equipment.

"Allow me a chance," he replied confidently and aggressively kissed her. Nishma was lost in her lust filled passion for him. Even though she approached him with circumspection, he had definitely rocked her world.

"I am not the first one I suppose," she quipped between her kisses, "to fall for your charms."

"You certainly are the prettiest," he responded.

"We should stop this now - Adwait may be back," she whispered catching her breath.

"Would he mind?" he asked. Nishma was speechless. The only response she had was to offer her very best to him. Her instinct told her that Uncle was not an ordinary man; he definitely deserved her physical attention. Nishma lowered herself and standing tall she took Uncle in her arms and offered him her sloppiest and perhaps the deepest of kisses. It was as if she wanted his breath to permeate her nostrils; her body to carry his odor. After what seemed like an eternity - perhaps well over five minutes - at Uncle's insistence, she knelt before him and nuzzled into his crotch. Nishma had a fascination for the natural odor of loins and especially when they were unwashed for a day but not much longer than that. She also liked the slight pungent odor of an unwashed anus but she never strayed southwards if she suspected it was unclean. She was okay with the odor but never rimmed them in such a state. Uncle then untied the knot of his pajamas and let his short pajamas fall down. Nishma's hormones had taken over her completely by now. She nuzzled into his crotch and inhaled his musky aroma that had a mild stench of urine. She moved upwards and kissed the top of his penis that was peeping from the top of his underwear as the tight elastic held it tightly hugged against his abdomen. The bitter taste of his precum hit her as soon as she flicked her tongue across exposed peehole. Nishma exclaimed how long his penis was that could peep out of his underwear despite a very thick elastic band at the top. As she eagerly licked on his knob, Uncle freed up his monstrous equipment. She suckled on his knob as a baby would on mother's nipple. Occassionally she tongued his peehole. Uncle moaned in pleasure and instinctively pushed forward. Nishma made no attempt to stop him and opened her mouth wide to facilitate the penetration. She has been instructed well in the art of pleasuring men. Nishma let him continue his futile attempts but soon he gave up. Nishma was young and a novice at performing fellatio, although she did receive good training on it. She quickly moved to his large testicles and bathed them with her saliva. It was a subservient gesture of hers to show the man that she treasured his seed and would be privileged to receive it in her womb.

In that pitch darkness, all she could sense was his humongous size - both the length and girth. Compared to his skinny legs, his appendage felt huge. She imagined how a stallion's penis look when it dropped on sighting a female in heat. Her hormones had already amplified the effect of the aroma she was experiencing and his oversized equipment further instigated her subservient tendencies. She continued pleasuring him with her tongue and encouraged his futile attempts to drive more of his penis into her mouth. He didn't seem to have much of staying power and released his semen in a hurry. She tried to catching it in her mouth, instead of letting him spray her clothes with his semen. Nishma quickly tidied her clothes and stepped out quietly and directly headed to our bedroom where I was waiting for her.

It was dark in the room with only a lantern kept in the corner. She stepped inside and promptly closed the door. I was standing in the corner trying to hide as I didn't have time to step out. She caught her breath for a few moments. I noticed her breasts heave as she inhaled and exhaled through her mouth. She whispered to me as she realized me standing in the corner. She didn't move but waited for me to step towards her. She had a mischievous smile on her face as I took her in my arms. Without any thought I planted my lips on her. She parted her lips and let my tongue slide in to taste my uncle's fresh semen that she had just gulped. Her lips were smeared with her bitter tasting, sticky liquid that she offered me to relish on.

Nishma continued to kiss me passionately even as my hands squeezed her breasts roughly. Her breath was so intoxicating that it only fuelled my hunger for her. We must have been wrestling with each other for over five minutes, when she whispered, "do you want to lick me?"
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It wasn't a question but an order. I hastily knelt in front of her and helped her pull down her Salwar. She was soaking wet and for a moment I wondered if Nishma had sex with Uncle. On the other end, I had convinced myself that she had fucked him already but was only entertaining the thought as it would been adventurous for Nishma to do so. Nishma's wet juices devoid of his semen confirmed that she had note mated with yet. Nishma stumbled to the bed and laid back, spreading her legs and let me eat her to my heart's content. Nishma squirmed and moaned as I tried to pleasure her. It took a little over five minutes for her to orgasm.

She lazily got up and tidied up her dress as I looked at her earnestly. My to be married wife had made out with my dominating Uncle. The sheer thought itself made me shudder in excitement as my penis would drip semen without any physical manipulation.

"Are you happy?" she asked, breaking my reverie.

"Your Uncle knows how to recognize a bitch in heat," she quipped, trying the knot on her Salwar.

"He is a terrific kisser," she added sensually.

"Not to mention the long dong he possess - every woman's dream."

"So you approve of him?" I quipped.

"Very much," she responded, arranging her clothes and checking her hair in the mirror.

While I was resigned to the life of a cuckold the moment I allowed her to make out with a ordinary local back in the temple, I didn't expect to have such casual conversations about such a sensitive topic. Nishma showed no qualms of such illicit things and very soon I too was desensitized. More importantly, however, was how scandalous this was considered during our times. This was in the early eighties, when the black and white TV sets started appearing in houses. Color TVs were rare and to be found in affluent houses. There was practically no programming on TV's most of the week but for Saturday's and Sundays. A closed society such as in Indian didn't even allow for live-in relationships and generally frowned up on any kind of premarital sex. Sex itself was a hurried affair in the dark with not too much of physical intimacy as men and women were not comfortable with their bodies to flaunt them openly in front of their partners. This was true for a majority of the population leading a normal life. French kissing as it was called then wasn't practiced between couples. It was quite uncommon. So for woman of Nishma's caliber to make out with my Uncle was no ordinary feat!

"He is quite a charmer," she added as my mind was weighing the gravity of her approval.

"Has he bedded other women from your family?" she asked.

"What about your cousin's wife?"

"I don't know," I replied shaking my head.

The dinner was uneventful but I noticed the chemistry between them work like magic.

Immediately after the dinner, Uncle made out with her in the kitchen as she tidied up the kitchen. They kissed passionately as I watched them secretly from our bedroom opposite kitchen. Not much was visible but it was evident that Nishma was an active participant. Their activities had several interruptions due to Aunt's requests but they continued where they left off. It was actually working much better for them and even though Nishma would reconsider it every time they had an interruption, she would soon indulge him upon his return. Uncle showed special interest in her breasts and she gave him plenty of opportunities to play with them. This went for a long while - perhaps half-an-hour or so and eventually I saw Nishma kneel down and fellate him. Most of it was not visible but I could imagine that Uncle immensely enjoyed her act. Uncle had much better control and although Nishma tried her best, he could control his ejaculation much better.

Eventually Nishma stepped out after bidding Uncle a good bye. She spent some quiet time with Aunt while I fiddled with sexual anxiety inside our bedroom. Uncle had stepped out of the house to run a few errands. Perhaps it was his regular trip to spend some time with his local friends. It was only around eight or so in the evening, yet everything was quiet. I visited Aunt a few times but didn't feel welcome so left leaving both of them alone. As I fretted inside our bedroom, little did I realize about the impending doom.

Nishma did emerge from the bedroom after almost an hour or so. There was no sign of Uncle, so I was by myself eagerly waiting for her to return.

I pounced on her as soon as she stepped in the room. Bolting the door, I shoved her towards the bed and kissed her frantically. Nishma was a little surprised but she kissed me back leisurely.

"You have to slow down Adwait," she said after allowing me to kiss her for couple of minutes or so.

"What is with you men?" She blurted irritated by efforts to squeeze her breasts. It was as if I was besotted by them. Words could not describe my fascination for her breasts and her butt itself. She was like a sex goddess to me and I felt that she always deserved the best.

"Look how bruised they are already," she exclaimed as she removed her Salwar quickly and then untying her brassiere in a snap.

Even in that darkly lit room by lantern, I could see how reddened her skin looked. She had a few dark marks right around her areolas; almost as if Uncle sunk his teeth into her flesh. Instinctively, my lips pursed and enveloped her bruised areolas. As my teeth tried to nibble on them, Nishma urged, "just suckle them."

"Your Uncle has ravaged them already."

Nishma moaned as I swirled my tongue around her nipple and occasionally gently tugged on her tit with my teeth. Her nipples were quite perky for an unmarried woman or even a woman without children. She moaned in pleasure as I pandered to her needs. My hand reached into her Salwar, the knot of which she had untied subconsciously. My fingers traced the opening of her pussy. I had caressed her pussy a few times earlier with my fingers but never attempted to insert my finger into them. Funny thing was that even though Nishma was sexually very excited at times, she never encouraged me to do so. She herself did it a few times, if I recollect it correctly. Nishma's one hand strayed to my penis, which she held in her hands lightly and gently stroked it. Nishma's other hand moved to her pussy and after gently caressing my fingers, she proceeded to finger herself. Within moments, Nishma shuddered. It wasn't as if she was frigging herself aggressively. Later I realized that it was just her imagination that allowed her to orgasm with very little physical manipulation.

"Oh Adwait," she exclaimed, "I can't wait to feel his big dong."

"Did you know," she said excitedly, "that your Uncle indeed enjoys a special status in your family."

"I mean in the families that are very closely related to yours," she clarified.

"What special status?" I asked as my ears perked up.

"You have to promise me," she immediately responded. Her tone quite serious and businessmanly as she looked at me intently.


"These things are closely guarded secrets of the family," she said, "usually it is the mother-in-laws who share it but strangely she didn't."

"Instead it was your aunt who spoke to me."

"Did you tell at home that we two are traveling to Uncle's place?"
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"And did they know that we may stay over the night?"

"Not quite but they suspected we would due to the distance we had to travel."

"You know," she said after a lot of deliberation, "your mother may have talked to Aunt and requested her to explain it to me."

"What are you trying to say?" I asked.

"Look - this may be very hard for some men," she continued, "and hence it is kept secret from the men."

"Do you think you can take it?"

"You are quite liberal in perhaps encouraging your wife to have such illicit relationships."

"I never encouraged you," I objected.

"But you did," she quickly replied, "by not objecting to it."

"Nevermind it is better left a secret between the women," she exhaled.

"No - tell me," I pleaded. Nishma was onto something that perhaps had suspected but never entertained as a real possibility. Maybe there was something that all the undercurrents that I had noticed in the presence of him. It was evident to me that I wasn't going to like what I was about to hear. Maybe it was better left as a secret but Nishma felt comfortable sharing with me because of the unusual relationship we had embarked on before even getting married.

"Are you sure?"

There was a pause. Nishma only looked at me as her hand gently stroked my penis.

"I have a feeling," she whispered, "that although it may hurt in the beginning, you may actually like it."

"Adwait was your cousin's wife pretty?" she asked after some thought.


"Well you were right," she responded, "your Uncle did court her and was successful."

"Who told you that?"

"That's just rubbish - people just misunderstand her."

Nishma stayed quiet but continued to stroke my penis and after a few precious moments, she whispered, "do you want to hear it or not?"

"Go on," I grudgingly encouraged her and leaned forward to suck on her tits again. Nishma moaned as soon as my tongue flicked against her taut nipple. She was incredibly aroused as her grip on my penis tightened.

"Your Uncle was able to court her," she went on, "it took much longer but within a year he broke her resolve."

"What more," she continued.

"He has possibly slept with most women you saw him interacting with."

"That is quite outlandish."

"Precisely," she said.

"And that's the reason why it has to be true," she added.

"I don't understand."

"Look," she explained, "it is easy to make small lies and pass them as truth - if telling lies were the intention then one would stay away from such exaggerations."

"Your Aunt was only telling the truth and hence she never bothered about how it could be interpreted."

"But why did she tell you this?"

"She never told me - I don't think even my parents know about it."

"Adwait," she responded with a little bit of frustration, "you are not getting it."

"Only the women are trusted with this secret. Men have been left out mostly. Exceptions like you are rare you know."

"Why would all the women entertain an old hog like him?" I retorted.

"Firstly, when he started courting your aunts, he must have been quite young and secondly, he is very gifted you know," she said as she jerked my penis. It took me a moment to realize that she was referring to his size.
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"Still why would my cousin's wife entertain him?"

"It is the tradition."

"You know there are some tribes still in India where the newly married bride appeases elderly men before consummating marriage with her husband."

"So you are suggesting that aunt was introducing you to our family tradition and that Uncle is your paramour for this?"

"Isn't that strange?"

"I mean you imagining him to be the main guy allowed illicit relationship with your wife and then this strange tradition."

"Are you serious?"

"What did she exactly say - you are meeting her for the first time after all - no one can directly jump to such conversations."

"When we were alone - soon after meeting her - she asked me if Uncle had misbehaved."

"Nervously I shook my head and decided to ignore his overzealous nature with her."

"But Aunt said if he did misbehave then don't mind it - it is to be expected."

"I felt she was complaining of Uncle's lecherous behavior," continued Nishma.

"But she wasn't - she was actually validating his behavior as normal and expected."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing - I hinted that he was trying his charm on me."

"She wasn't amused but only asked if I was perturbed by his direct approach."

"She also told me that my mother-in-law already approved of him as my potential bedmate."


"Did your mother know that we would be visiting Uncle?"

"Yes but she didn't know that we may spend the night. In fact I told them that I would return by night time."

"Didn't you ask her - why would my mother say such a thing?"

"Yes I did."

"She said it was the family tradition and it was the duty of every daughter-in-law to mate with a well endowed stallion on a more or less regular basis."

"The stallion was carefully chosen by the family - essentially the mother-in-law - who is closer to the family and can be trusted with a scandalous family secret."

"More often than not it is a married man who is not particularly good looking to ensure that no other kind of bond develops between the daughter-in-law and this man."

"You can't be serious?"

"That means even my mother was subject to such a tradition?"

"Aunt said that your mother was more of an exception but over these years she has realized that the tradition has deep roots and must continue."

"She didn't have the courage to say this to me directly and hence asked Aunt to do it for her."

"So to be honest I don't know if your mother did live such a life or not but it is clear that she knew about it and was encouraging me to not commit the mistakes she committed by abandoning the family tradition."

"You didn't have a chance then - neither to refuse nor to choose another man if you wished?"

"In the olden times - the choice was made and that was it."

"It was very common, she said, for these stallions to introduce the newly wedded daughter-in-laws to the pleasure of sex."

"But now things have changed and the decision was left to daughter-in-law's."

"Aunt told me that Uncle will be pushing his luck as was expected of him."

"I have the option to either yield or resist him."

"Of course resisting wasn't much of an option especially when we came here with a clear intention of yielding."

"You agree don't you?" she whispered seductively and pulled me into a kiss. My taut pecker of course left nothing to her imagination. Just realizing that my own mother had rolled the dice in favor of my Uncle struck a chord in me. Perhaps my feelings to be cuckolded weren't as perverse as I used to think. It just seemed that my fate was sealed the day I was born. Nishma too was equally worked up and kissed me voraciously while vigorously stroking me. I had to contain her excitement by holding her hand. There was a subtle push from her hands soon after and I found myself gravitating to her pussy. Nishma writhed in the pain and pleasure as I devoured her pussy eagerly; perhaps she desired for Uncle's thick penis but instead had to be content with my tongue. I must have pleasured her for twenty minutes or so when she finally started showing signs of climaxing. We dozed off soon after that. Neither Nishma nor Uncle tried anything fancy that night, although I was fully expecting them to.
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We slept blissfully for a little while perhaps a few hours but soon my erect penis and pervert dreams broke my sleep. After fighting my urge for half-hour, I moved to Nishma's bed. I fondled her bare stomach that was exposed due to her short Kurta ridng up. I imagined how her milky waist must have tempted Uncle last evening. How he may be already envisioning her belly swelling with his child. After all, it took almost no time for him to pounce on her and for her to convey her willingness to entertain him. Why wouldn't she? If such a union was blessed by her in-laws and the stallion was overly endowed then surely any woman would entertain such a thought. But then what she described was so outrageously far fetched that I was still not able to grasp it. Even as she explained it that it was a closely kept secret between the women folks of the family made it impossible for me to find out without creating yet another scandal. Why would such young, pretty women mate with such elderly men, who weren't even good looking? Nishma did make a reference to the size of his penis - was I really small compared to him? I gently tugged at my bulge. It looked okay to me. I soon pulled it out and wondered how Nishma gazed the size of his equipment. Perhaps she just felt it with her hands. I positioned my penis on the top of her hand, lining it up from the tip of her fingers touching my scrotum to the base of her hand. I imagined mine would reach the base of her palm quite easily. But I reached only half way with a little difficulty. Nishma was a large woman and it had started dawning on me rather gradually or perhaps I reluctantly accepted it. Most pornographic pictures that I had seen showed women inspecting very large penises in this manner. The tip would easily stretch beyond the base of her palm and onto her wrist. Maybe that's what meant to be well endowed I thought to myself. In inspected the girth of my penis in the dim light and could clearly see wide patches of pale white palm skin of hers visible on either side; perhaps Uncle's penis might have exposed slivers of her palms on either side.

It was evident to me that I would acceded to her illicit matings even after our marriage. Hence, there was no point making a fuss over it. If Uncle was well endowed as she made me believe it then he certainly deserved to mate with her at least a few times in reality and perhaps several times in my fantasies. And if all of this was pre-ordained then it certainly made a lot more sense for Nishma to mate with one of my family members instead of an outsider. I had heard rumours about Uncle having impregnated my cousin's wife, although I didn't share this tidbit with Nishma; perhaps the result would be the same in Nishma's case.

My hands caressed her whole body and eventually rested on her breasts. She was fast asleep. It was the first time I had almost free access to her breasts. She was always sensitive about them and the reason was that it was easy for her to get sexually excited to the point of practically orgasming by simply playing with her breasts. As elaborated earlier, Nishma was a woman with big frame and even on her largish frame, her breasts looked sizeable. As my hands liberally felt her breasts, it was apparent that my hands were small enough to cover only half of her breasts. Her breasts were so soft and ripe that they almost deserved to be feasted on as Uncle had no doubt done it. I gently kneaded her breasts in a state of stupor. I could only imagine how ripe her breasts would be once she becomes pregnant. Nishma showed signs of waking up. She smacked on my hands after regaining consciousness. It was as if she was enjoying the pleasant sensations as well.

"Haven't you tried to be naughty?" she whispered. Her hand reached to my pecker that was already close to her hand and she stroked it gently. My hands became more adventurous as they started generously kneading and squeezing her breasts. Nishma moaned and squirmed as the pleasant sensations started taking a hold of her. As my hands got rough with her, she eventually, pushed my hands away and pulled me into her arms. With one hand she grabbed my hair and pulled me in for a loud smooch. Our breaths were stale but neither of us complained as our sexual desire for each other had been simmering the whole night. She slapped on my butt with her other hand.

"Rascal - do you think you can abuse without impunity?"

Her hand pushed my trousers away, exposing my butt and slapping it once more, she soon pushed her middle finger into my butt crack. Her kissing became languid and she played with my tongue as her finger probed my anal opening. Within moments I started enjoyed that feeling. Nishma sensed it and whispered, "don't you like that Adwait?"

She wet her finger soon by pushing into my mouth and then used the saliva to make the massaging and eventual penetrated even more enjoyable. As her finger made inroads and was logged into my tight anus up until her second knuckle, she started working it playfully inside and continued kissing me aggressively. Nishma soon settled into a steady rhythm and alternated between kissing and massaging the sensitive part inside of my anus, which I later learned was the prostate. As the crescendo built up, Nishma started talking dirty.

"Can you imagine how Uncle's fat penis would have felt?"

"Would you like that?"

"No," I quickly replied in disgust. Such a thought had never crossed my mind. Yet, it was very true that I had a lot of fascination for large penises but it primarily stemmed from their ability to pleasure the women of my dreams effortlessly. My pleasure was through her pleasure and never directly.

"Perhaps you would like to taste in your mouth," she continued.

"You are talking so vulgar Nishma," I grunted as her finger continued massaging the erogenous part.

"Would you let him cum in your mouth?"

"No," I revolted as I tried to push her hand away but Nishma muscled her way to keep my other hand in check. It was the first time I learned how strong Nishma was. Nishma could have easily carried me if she wished.

"Come on Adwait," she seductively whispered, "after having pleasured your wife don't you think he deserves at least that?"

"How bad it can be?"

My penis twitched involuntarily as it spurted semen into my own underwear. Nishma had arranged for it - anticipating my impending climax.

"That was fabulous," she whispered and kissed me. Nishma then slid forward and took my well spent and shrunken penis in her mouth and sucked the remaining juices into her mouth. She wiped her soiled finger using a kerchief and whispered, "I think it is disgusting - let me go and clean it up."

She stepped out fearlessly in the dark and walked to the small open cleaning place that was built right next to the kitchen. She quickly cleaned herself and hurried back in. She clung to me and slept right next to me on my bed.

"Do you really want me to perform such perverse activities with Uncle?" I asked with a hint of resignation in my voice.

"No - it was just for fun."

"I do understand you want to give him full freedom in terms of whenever, however, and how many ever times he takes me," she added.

After a long pause, she whispered, "just know that he is a virile man and I am fertile young woman!"

Nishma was up very early next morning. Due to my nocturnal activities I didn't get up but Nishma had other important activities to take care of. After taking a nice bath she made hot tea for both Aunt and Uncle and of course Uncle visited her in the kitchen one more time. Nishma kissed him even more eagerly and willingly kneeled down to give him an arduous blowjob. Having cum last night he was in no hurry. She paid homage to his testicles by lathering them with her saliva and sucking on them. She practically tried everything for well over twenty minutes when even she got worried about getting caught with him in an awkward position. Eventually he did yield and after furiously pumping her mouth, deposited his semen into her mouth, spurt after spurt, practically overflowing her mouth if she hadn't been eagerly gulping it. As expected, soon after that she promptly made way to our bedroom, where I was still fast asleep and planted her lips on mine after waking me up. She had practically gulped all the semen but I did taste the remnants.
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Our fascination for semen had developed at the time when there was very little outside stimuli. Nishma was very much attracted to men's semen - particularly other men's but she was even more interested in giving me a taste of what she had tasted recently. There was no precedent for such a rancid behavior at that time and today we do understand that we weren't as uncommon as we thought we were. The important part was that we both felt it was a completely normal to act the way we did even though our entire story may seem out of the ordinary.

Uncle had a smirk on his face on that day as he locked his eyes with mine a few times. Aunt was quite ecstatic having learned the progress Uncle made with Nishma in a such a short timeframe. Apparently with my cousin's wife it took almost six months before she even let Uncle hug her. On the drive back things were quiet for a little while, so mustering courage, I broached up the subject finally, "So, Nishma are you thinking of continuing the tradition?"

She was caught off guard but she was ever ready to converse on such illicit topics.

"What do you propose Adwait?" she asked me instead, in her rather innocuous voice. There were times when she could annoy me by acting rather innocently but perhaps it was a rhetorical question. My intention was of course to understand her feelings and share mine with her.

"It is your family tradition first," she argued.

"I am not even sure of it yet," I replied. I was hinting about the validity of such a tradition but Nishma interpreted as my unsureness about whether to continue such a tradition or not.

"A tradition that has survived the test of time surely must have some merits to it."

"I too had similar concerns and was glad that Aunt was there to explain me about it."

"If it helps, we can talk about it - my only request is that you be non judgemental and keep it strictly with yourself."

"Don't let anyone else know about it - ever, do you understand?" she again suggested.

"Of course," I assured her.

"Aunt explained how - like all customs that favor the men - it started as a specific favor to bestow on the male members of the family."

"The elderly and perhaps the powerful men were very specifically offered such opportunities - to mate with the newly wedded daughter in law of the house."

"It is not clear how the tradition evolved but the one night stand bonanza gradually morphed into opportunistic benefits."

"You know - in those days," she added, "even that only meant a handful of opportunities in a year!"

"Did the women really tolerate this stuff?"

"Yes they did - although the initial men they entertained were well past their prime, however, the later ones more than compensated for it."

"What do you mean?"

"The first mates were old enough to be their grandfathers - late fifties or early sixties but once the tradition blossomed they were subjected to middle aged men, who could better capitalize on such opportunities."

"The women in late twenties and early thirties - who were considered to be middle aged - were more than eager to mate with men in their late forties and early fifties."

"Any kind of sex was welcome - after twenty years of marriage and several children, men usually lost appetite for their own wives."

"You see - it was parasitic at times but largely a symbiotic relationship."

"So the only criteria for the men was that they were elderly people from the husband's family?"

"Yes, at the beginning, but soon it became difficult - the guilt, the constant attraction to their son's wife, and the complexity of managing such a difficult relationship."

"Hence - there was an introduction of slightly distant relationships to this equation."

"But what is the point?"

"The original purpose behind the tradition is not served."

"Precisely my question," agreed Nishma.

"This is where nature took its own course."

"Women realized that such a splendid tradition that afforded some solace in their married life that otherwise was mundane apart from the rigors of managing a large family and bearing children was about to slip away."
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"Interestingly, by then women had developed a taste for men and no longer aspired for the solitude of monogamy."

"So you are saying they had multiple partners apart from their husband?"

"Yes - usually the father-in-law and his cousins; sometimes the eldest brother of husband - the frequency increased significantly after 15-20 years of marriage, which usually meant an otherwise sexually dissatisfied wife in her early thirties."

"The chemistry often worked as well and the abundance of time on her hand made it more fruitful."

"Isn't it interesting?" she remarked.

"Today when we think of a characterless woman, we imagine her to opportunistically mate with other men in rather infrequent manner."

"Yet a woman who mates with multiple men on a more or regular basis even if infrequently doesn't project same kind of image - it's as if she is married to multiple men."

"Anyway, the tradition took a new meaning - the satisfaction of women that in turn keeps the men happy."

"And this is when the role of the men in such relationship defined more clearly in sexual terms."

"Men who knew how to take charge but more importantly in such intimate manners and who were particularly gifted in the art of love making."

"It seems natural - doesn't it?"

"I mean the men should be much better than the partner she already has otherwise what is the point."

"Not just better - much, much better given the risk she runs."

"And if the men were so much better, then they deserved even better - much younger and prettier women," I added involuntarily.

"Absolutely - and hence the process for looking up for an appropriate daughter-in-law became even more intricate."

"In the past - they only needed loyalty to the family, a strong sex drive, and intellect to manage such affairs privately and amicably."

"Now - they had to be incredibly beautiful and a strong ability to procreate multiple times!"

My thoughts ran through the checklist to see if Nishma qualified as a good candidate. She of course had a strong sex drive as was evident with our rather adventurous beginning to our relationship. She was very beautiful with a body that men lusted for. Physically she was well developed and did seem to have the ability to live through multiple pregnancies. And lastly - but not the least - she had a strong desire to please the men who mattered in bedroom.

Nishma kept silent for a little while allowing me to digest everything that she shared. If any of it were true then it was quite scandalous and if all of it were true it wasn't short of the biggest conspiracies that the families were able to pull it off for such a long duration.

We pulled over to a small joint to have dinner as we both were getting hungry. It was a small restaurant but quite deserted and remote. Nishma was getting frisky as we walked towards the dingy restaurant. She dragged me to the toilets on the pretext of having to go but then pulled me inside the ladies toilet and kissed me passionately. Her raspy breath left nothing to my imagination. The discussion had a similar effect on her as well. She mumbled to me between her kisses, "my pussy is on fire, please soothe it with your tongue."

I knelt down in that dingy toilet and proceeded to pleasure her. She was wearing her traditional Salwar Khameez and had little difficulty in presenting her pussy for my pleasure. It was a rather quick and aggressive session for both of us as she grinded her pussy on my mouth and I in turn I tried to probe the remotest corners insider her pussy with my tongue. Very soon I latched onto her clit and sucked on it for what it was worth. She came down with a shuddering climax within five minutes. Her knees buckled and she straddled my mouth looking for support. From the top of the pussy, my tongue moved to the bottom and it was now on the perineum. She held onto me as she caught her breath. I sensed the musky odor emanating from her anus and involuntarily darted my tongue towards it. Nishma chuckled as I made a few futile attempts to reach her anal opening.

"You just can't get enough of me, isn't it?" she whispered, catching her breath. She delicately scooted forward allowing my tongue to reach the source of musky odor. She was clean so I had no hesitation and licked her immediately. Nishma let out a low moan in a few moments.

"Adwait," she whispered, as I continued my task, "Uncle is very interested in my butt."

"He would love to learn that you are prepping it for him!"

I continued to pleasure for another five minutes. Nishma gave me a loud smooch after we wrapped up. Nishma's sexual overtones didn't subside even though I had relieved her. She constantly played with me by massaging my bulge under the table in an inconspicuous manner. We spent well over an hour at the restaurant sampling various dishes but more importantly talking about the exciting half-a-day we spent at our uncle's place. She divulged more during that brief interlude - much more than she wanted to.
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Firstly, she reinforced the notion that everything that Aunt must have shared was completely true. She did so in classic Sherlock Holmes style by constructing a coherent picture from the tidbits shared by both Aunt and Uncle. Aunt shared that Uncle had established a similar relationship with my cousin's wife. But Uncle shared that he managed to get her pregnant in almost no time. It took more than a year and half to score with her and Aunt was hoping that with Nishma it would be much faster. We even speculated that Uncle may have sampled my mother as well. As mentioned earlier, we had special bond with them for a long time and even after things turned sour, my mother would occasionally visit them on some pretext or another. In terms of impregnating women, Uncle wasn't as prolific as we thought him to be. He had only one child with my cousin's wife. Secondly, she revealed about how my mother had conducted a private interview with Nishma before we officially met. She asked her seemingly private questions about her health, her sexual health but even more intimate questions to assess her sexual drive and her knowledge about sexual activities. Nishma concluded that my mother had planned it all along and the trip to my Uncle's place was part of a well orchestrated strategy. Surprisingly, I never felt that she ever urged me to visit Aunt and Uncle but Nishma's confessions seem to all fit together well. Nishma was of course happy to oblige and deepen the roots of our family tradition. She told me in clear terms that she very much expected Uncle to sow his seeds with her just as nature would have intended. She even reasoned how that would keep her adventurous behavior in check as she was destined to err sooner or later - this provided a vent for her sexual hunger and longing for sexually promiscuous lifestyle.

Nishma alluded to elaborate plans on how to arrange our affairs after getting married. Uncle's house was perhaps the best to have uninhibited sex as Aunt was practically bed ridden and access to the large house with total seclusion allowed complete freedom to them. Although they lived only a few hours away but traveling every weekend was not an option. Nishma also hinted if he could visit us regularly on the pretext of helping us with our business. Nishma was attracted to the notion as a Bee was attracted to honey.

It just seemed my fate as a cuckold was preordained.
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Chapter 5 - Realizations, affirmations, and a sweet treat!

My life was in a turmoil for the next few weeks. I was sexually excited at the prospect of learning my predetermined cuckold status; visualizing Nishma and Uncle having frantic sex soon after our marriage and even her getting pregnant by him. Yet on the other hand, learning my family history felt humiliating. I looked for rejecting everything that I had learned during that trip.

I looked at the plausibility of the story first. Women from our inner social circle did have plenty of opportunities and perhaps even incentive if they wanted to indulge in such affairs. Husband's usually managed some or other businesses and were traveling quite frequently. Yet nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I then turned my attention to my cousin's family. He had two sons now and everyone had noted how they looked very different from each other. The elder one had a tad darker skin complexion while the younger one was very fair just like her mother. I tried very hard to look at the pictures and soon enough I could see my Uncle's features in the elder son. Not sure if it was my mind playing tricks or there was some truth to the story. Each passing day only reinforced my initial conclusion.

Even if it weren't true, my mind by now wanted it to be true. I would have nervous breakdown thinking about the consequences. What if Nishma too got pregnant by him and someone else was able to spot the differences. Nishma was supportive as I discussed my quandaries with her during the next two weeks. We spoke about her having extramarital sex with not just one but potentially many partners during our lifetime. This definitely had its own challenges but I was concerned about her getting pregnant by them. Even though it seemed that Nishma wasn't stable or patient, I learned that she could listen with empathy. In her mind, it wasn't such a big deal - as I learned about it later - but she never brushed aside my concerns as superfluous or baseless.

I have tried to condense the gist of our conversation that practically spanned across two weeks for the benefit of readers. It may seem concocted and perhaps it is because of my attempt to concisely capture our dialogue during that brief period. Keep in mind that this conversation happened much before the advent of Google; even Televisions were just making their way in.

It is also an attempt to capture the angst that a new cuckold goes through. He wants all of it to be true and yet aspires for redemption by finding that it was completely baseless to begin with. You may have read such stories where the climax of the story is the realization that it was all a dream. It is an attempt to protect the fragile ego of the readers and perhaps even the writers.

Truth is never at the extremes; it is always found in the middle, sitting comfortably in the grayest of areas!

"Nishma aren't you afraid of social consequences?" I broached up the subject.

"What if someone learns about our clandestine activities?"

"What if you get pregnant?"

"What if someone learns the child is not mine?"

There were a zillion questions and perhaps many different ways I must have said it.

"Adwait calm down," she responded in the most assured fashion.

"The foremost thing is that I love you. I understand that no matter how many times I say it; it just won't be enough," she started.

"Whether it is our family tradition or not, it seems that we would have opted for such a lifestyle eventually."

"And if it indeed was our destiny then why fear it?"

"Why did we want this?" she continued to elaborate.

"I loved the thrill of sex - and you fantasized a well endowed man ploughing my pussy."

"Life is providing such an opportunity - why refuse?"

"Suppose we decide to refuse - do you really think it is possible?"

"Don't think so," I mumbled.

"Once you start playing with fire, nothing less adventurous appeals you."

"Adwait whether this is the lifestyle for us should be a foregone conclusion. What matters is how we orchestrate it and who we choose to entertain us as the lead characters in our life."

"But what if this tradition was completely untrue - something of a ploy to suck us into this dark web?"

"Even if it were untrue then also it serves our purpose?"

"How so?"

"As I said, it is our realization that the traditional monogamous or rather monotonous life is not for us."

"If the traditional structure of our culture forbids it then this tradition offers us a solid foundation for our alternative lifestyle."

"If this tradition were true then it should be apparent that it was socially acceptable in our families - even if on the face of it everyone feigns ignorance."

"If it weren't true then at least we have it as cover and can claim that we did it to continue the tradition and were misled."

"Aren't you worried about real consequences - diseases, pregnancy?"

"I am."

"But you don't show it?"

"Perhaps because I have given sufficient thought to it."

"You see," she continued, "diseases are not a concern if we remain in the trusted circle."

"Social stigma should be the foremost concern in mind," she added, "when it comes to such clandestine affairs."

"That is of course mitigated by the fact that he is from the trusted circle; even if you reject the validity of the tradition itself."

"Pregnancy is perhaps the last concern I have, if I may call that."

There was a little relief hearing her accede to at least one concern even if she seemed non committal on it.

"Condoms may help but aren't foolproof," she continued, "I mean thinking that something of his size can be found here."

Nishma mentioned it quite casually and it didn't even seem as if she was boasting about his equipment. She was only hypothesizing that such penises were uncommon in India. I had some guess about his dimensions but mostly it was based on her description itself. I didn't feel it was worth arguing over. Besides I had hoped him to be well-endowed as well. Thinking of the central issue - about pregnancy - it was only relieving to learn that Nishma had some apprehensions about it. It made sense to not overcomplicate such relationships by bringing in little ones. On the other hand, we both knew, that if there was a zenith to cuckolding then it was allowing alien seed to take root in her womb.
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"Besides insisting on such a flimsy barriers only increases the distance between us without really offering any security."

"I am a little old fashioned - prefer everything natural - just the way nature intended it!"

"But I am digressing - pregnancy is a concern but we are predisposed to that risk already."

"Isn't it?"

"Accidents can happen right?"

Even though in today's world avoiding the use of condom can only be called stupid, the situation then was far different. AIDS was only a rare form of disease that had recently descended on the planet and we hardly knew much about about it. Condoms were a recent phenomenon. Even after the government's persistent encouragement, to use condoms, have only 2 children and keep a minimum of 2 years between the two children, most couples practiced natural sex and perhaps tried very little to avoid pregnancy. It was common to have at least 3 children in any family and 6 was not as uncommon as it is today.

"Nishma but why would you complicate things with such considerations in an already complex relationship?"

"You are right but we are discussing possibilities here - and we can't seriously deny such a possibility."

"In fantasies, it was given - a privilege bestowed on the well endowed by virtue of his sexual prowess."

"Yes but in fantasies living the wildlife is much easier."

"True but not many are like us, who have the courage to enact them in real life."

"And surely none has the courage that you have to let your fiance play with a stranger or lecherous uncle and actually risking intercourse."

"You even risked pregnancy by taking me to uncle's place during my fertile period."

"No one could be that courageous," she exclaimed.

"Or foolish," I remarked.

"Living life on your own terms is a privilege that not many can afford. You should feel proud and not ashamed," she countered.

Nishma was a free spirited person. She never let circumstances or traditions dictate her life. You would be naive to conclude that she was subjugating herself to such a demeaning role for simply carrying on the tradition. She would break most traditions in a heartbeat but not this one. She believed in this tradition and felt it was coherent with her own aspirations.

Sex was an important consideration for her. She never really confirmed if she was a virgin or not as she constantly kept on vacillating between yes and no on some pretext or another. I did learn later that she was in fact a virgin since she had no penetrative sex yet; although that shouldn't put her in the innocent category.

Nishma had a conventional outlook towards life. She believed that it was meant to be lived fully - morality was not much of concern as this was the only life we would live; there were no favors to be reaped for the next life. Sex had a very important place in her routine - without it everything fell apart for her. I learned this soon after getting married but then I had suspected that it is simply her young hormones that were acting up. It was just wishful thinking on my part. Perhaps I am jumping ahead a little.

"What is important that you have the character to admit your strengths and weakness without having an inflated opinion about yourself - and although it may seem that you have rather inferior feeling about yourself at the moment, it is something that shall soon pass."

"Why do you say that?"

"What strengths are you talking about?"

"You are bold Adwait," she replied, stunned with my ignorance.

"Who would hold the hand of a woman who has lost her virginity before marriage?"

"Even then who could even admit having such perverse thoughts to their better half, so early in their life."

"Most men die with those desires securely stashed in the deep corners of their hearts."

"And if that were not enough, who would have the courage to live it out?"

"Unfazed by the social consequences."

"I am concerned Nishma," I interjected.

"Yes and so you should be. It is not something that should be taken lightly."

"What is it that bothers you the most Adwait?" she asked in her calm voice.

We were restarting the conversation again. This happened so many times during that period as we indulged in long discussions but without resolving anything. Eventually Nishma took it in her hands and tried to pry it out from me.

"I can see a few things that are bothering you," she continued and enumerated them.

"1. You don't like me choosing your Uncle."

"2. You are afraid of the consequences - pregnancy and social stigma to be specific."

"3. You are not sure if you could handle it once everything is set in motion."

"Is there anything else that bothers you?" she asked.

"Oh yes and that you don't think this tradition is true - it would bug you if it were indeed true."

It was not clear to me at that time but the truth was that it was the "social stigma" that bothered me the most. I had danced around enough and thought it was the best to be direct and talk about it rather openly.
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"I agree," I said.

"Let's ignore the tradition aspect for now," she started.

"You knew that I may fall back to my errant behavior, right?"

"I had only promised to try my best to curtail it but I wasn't sure if it could be controlled," she added.

"Yes but this is far more than what I had imagined."

"But isn't it because of your tacit approval and encouragement - you could have stopped everything but instead you chose to only support me."

I couldn't fault her logic so acceded, "perhaps you are right."

"It doesn't mean that your concerns are not valid but the truth is that you have paved the path to my sexual engagement with two men in less than a month's time and yet you have abstained from having actual intercourse with me."

"You see - it says a lot," she emphasized.

"Needless to say that your worry about your ability to live in such a lifestyle are misplaced if not unwarranted," she added.

Nishma had snatched the veil from my face. My initial missteps had guided her on this path - there was no turning back.

"Now," she continued, "these things have been going for generations and if they have been successfully able to guard it, I don't see why we should be worried about it."

"What I did in the temple was scandalous and I admit that," she elaborated, "but what I did with Uncle is at the best a humane gesture and at the worst an adulterous behavior."

"He has an ailing wife for more than a decade - how much of sexual satisfaction do you think he has received."

"But don't you think Aunt already knows about it?" I asked.

"She does but not the complete truth unless Uncle himself has shared it with her."

"You didn't tell her anything?"

"Not that I gave him a blow job," she frowned.

"She only knows that I let him romance me and that he took advantage of me by kissing on my lips."

"Aren't you worried that she knows?"

"Not at all," she quipped.

"What if Uncle boasts about his latest conquest among his friends circle?"

"He is smarter than that," she retorted.

"Why do you presume so?"

"I know so."

"He has the best opportunity to have a young, beautiful woman practically as his wife for the rest of his life - why would he jeopardize that?"

"Sharing the secret with others puts an end to such illicit arrangements - isn't it?"

"So you don't think anyone would know?"

"People may learn if we do stupid things - not if we are well aware of it and preserve the decorum of our relationships consciously in public."

"What if they talk behind our backs?"

"Which they always will - whether we do such things or not."

"Don't you think Uncle would suspect that I know?"

"He may and perhaps he would learn that sooner or later."

"Does it bother you?"

"Shouldn't it?"

"Why should it?"

"It is up to you - if you want to pretend ignorant then you can. Either way he will have some opinion that you may not like."

"Maybe. What about getting pregnant then?"

"What about it?"

I rolled my eyes and sweared to myself on the phone. Nishma didn't really hear it but understood that I wasn't agreeable.

"Let's first accept that your Uncle or anyone else for that matter who mates with me will try to impregnate me," she said after a little though; perhaps changing her tact.

"There is no point refuting it. It is simply human."

"Now bringing a child in this world is not an easy task and we may have only a handful of children and hence closely guarding the privilege for impregnation makes a lot of sense."

"Exactly my point," I added, realizing for once Nishma was agreeing with me.

"Three or four is the norm - if we really want to push then we can consider five or six but not more than that."

We hadn't talked about children but as a modern, educated woman, I expected her to aspire for not more than 3.

"With my age and health it should be possible to have half-a-dozen if it makes sense."

"What we should make sure is that they have best genetic heritage that is possible," she added.

My heart skipped a beat as I heard that. She didn't want our children to be genetically necessarily our children; instead the very best that we could get. There was no way she would adopt a child, so it only meant replacing my genes!
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"Uncle should get couple of opportunities, you a couple and perhaps one another - that much diversity should suffice."

"Are you sure Nishma?" I asked.

"Why you don't want any?" she retorted quickly.

"After all I love you!"

"I didn't mean that but ..."

"Listen Adwait," she continued, "If he really is what he is and is able to fulfill our wild fantasies then I would rather treat him as my second husband and allow for all the liberties than rather lose him to some other young bimbo."

"But we are getting ahead - let's not worry about who it is for now but clearly understand this is in the realm of possibilities."

"You mean getting pregnant by other men?"

"Yes but not accidentally - intentionally."

"Accidents can always happen but I would rather risk it with the people whom I prefer," she clarified.

There were pensive moments of silence.

"You mean to say you would like to get pregnant from the men with whom you may have affairs?" I asked hesitantly.

"No - I mean only with the men with whom I feel that strong bond and desire to be their lifelong mate."

Even though it sounds strange, I was a little relieved. First, it just seemed that she intended to have long affairs with only a few people. And secondly, it just seemed that she would not err with everyman she meets. Contrary to popular belief, having your wife associate with very few men for prolonged periods may be a more fruitful strategy for an aspiring cuckold. It is a foregone conclusion for a cuckold that his wife would mate with potential alphas as and when the opportunity arises. More men only increase the risk on all the dimensions - diseases, pregnancy, social stigma. The biggest challenge, however, is the uncertainty it brings to your life. A husband's wife spending a night with another man is a gnawing feeling in itself, having to worry about what this new man would do to her and your relationship with her is only making it worse. And here is where Nishma's wisdom and intelligence had far surpassed her age.

After further deliberation, she turned to the final point of her choice.

"Adwait," she started, "let's not talk about him in particular."

"It could be any other man who you don't quite like."

"And this is the point," she emphasized, "the choice for a mate is solely mine - not yours."

"This is not even something that I can clearly articulate," she continued, "still I would like to."

"When it comes to choosing a man with whom you spend the rest of your life - most women understand the process and the criteria very well."

"However, when it comes to making a choice of such men with whom you only want to indulge in sex, most women fail miserably."

"The usual criteria - good looks, charms, etiquette, social standing, etc have almost no significance."

"I prefer - and even other women would have preferred if they knew better - a man who has the courage to court a woman with a clear intention of bedding her right in front of her husband or her family."

"Most men fail this test quite admirably," she added giggling.

"And women reject such men vehemently even if they were more inclined to indulge in promiscuous matings."

"When they find such a man, who is not only well endowed but also has a little bit of character to invest for long haul then they should not resist but succumb."

"Even if he happens to be not particularly good looking," she continued, "perhaps I should say more so when the person is not good looking."


"Because it allows you an upperhand in the relationship - a not so good looking man would treat a beautiful woman well. And perhaps may even be more inclined for a longer term association."
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"And if that man happens to be middle aged and the woman much younger then the odds of a fruitful relationship increase quite significantly."

"Finally, if there is little complication from his side then it makes it even more promising."

"He should be a married person though," she added

"So you are saying that a person with all the right characteristics but ugly looking should still qualify?"

"Firstly Uncle is not ugly looking; true he is rather ordinary looking and much darker than either of us but not ugly."

"Secondly, these principles will only aid in your selection. The eventual decision has to be made by the woman."

"So, Nishma are you saying that you don't consider Uncle to be quite the opposite of who we are?"

"He is very much the opposite of who we are - and perhaps that's why the attraction between us is so strong."

"According to the tradition, he was the chosen alpha," she continued justifying, "but he didn't get the same privilege from your mother. Not at first."

"With me, however, he didn't waste any time."

"The way he held me the moment I ascended those steps with utter disregard for your presence, I knew that his position in your family was well earned."

"And in the kitchen when he confidently made his move - without much regard for his perspiring body and his pungent odor, I knew that he was quite capable of taking charge of our lives."

"And then when I noticed his very large specimen - there was no turning back."

Nishma was absolutely smitten by my uncle. There was no other way to describe it. It was one thing to accept a liking for someone but shamelessly confessing sexual desire for their paramour was quite another. There was a human side to it as well. Apparently, despite being gifted with such a majestic equipment, his sexual life hadn't been as exhilarating as it should have been. My Aunt had been ill and bedridden for more than a decade, so I presumed that there wasn't much of sex life for him for the past 10 years. However, Nishma's claim was that he had scored with my mother perhaps half a dozen times per year during that period and maybe half-a-dozen time overall with my sister-in-law. Both of these I refuted vehemently; it was rather humiliating to accept such a scandalous behavior on their part for me. Nishma was sold on the concept of making out with my Uncle on a frequent basis. She wanted to increase that frequency to perhaps half-a-dozen times every month. It just seemed fair to her that the failure of mother-in-law (and even her mother) had to be compensated by the daughter-in-law. Even though at that time I made quite a scene of objecting to her adulterous behavior both of us knew very well that this idea tremendously excited me. Nishma had thought through her future life quite carefully and I thought I understood what she had in mind but I had just begun to comprehend her grand plans.

It wasn't her desire to pursue this lifestyle that surprised but it was her choice of the man and the way she justified it. My uncle was anything but good looking and even though she tried to describe him as plain looking, it was due to her politeness. Still her willingness to surrender herself to him stumped me. Surely, there could have been other good looking, younger men, who possessed what he did. Nishma was determined and had made the choice already.

After having elaborated on her preference for my Uncle, she turned her attention to the topic of tradition itself.

"If you don't believe in the tradition then why don't you wager on it?"

"How are you going to prove it?"

"That's easy - if your sister-in-law clandestinely meets him - then would that convince you?"

Based on the history between them, I knew that there was some chemistry between the two. Such a meeting would be quite possible but I wasn't sure if one conclude much from that.

"Not quite," I retorted.

"How about she makes out with him passionately?"

"Really you think that's even possible?" I replied with disdain in my voice.

"Attitude?" she casually remarked with utter disregard in her voice as well.

"May be the odds should be higher if you are so confident then," she added.

"What do you have in mind?"

"If you win," she said, "I will be your slut for the next 5 years - nobody touches me without your consent and if you demanded I would be completely monogamous."

"Why 5 years?"

"Let's be realistic - it is practically impossible for me to lead such a life."

"What if I lose?" I asked, trying to clear my throat.

"I would be the dominant person in our relationship and lead a sexually fulfilling promiscuous life for the next 5 years."

"If your sister-in-law only meets him - alone - but doesn't indulge in sex then I would simply offer opportunities for him to pursue me but won't voluntarily yield to his advances. However, the responsibility of thwarting his attempts would be up to you."

"And if she makes out with him passionately then your Uncle would become the primary person in our sexual lives for the next 5 years. He would get to mate with me whenever he desired."

"And finally, if she allows him to take her bareback then your Uncle - possibly other chosen men - would be allowed such a privilege with me as well."

"If she doesn't meet him alone then you don't entertain him at all for the next 5 years?"

"Yes; him and for that matter any other man unless of course you would like me to," she replied.

"Please note though," she quickly added, "even if she meets him alone then whether she entertains him in a physical manner or not, I would allow him to romance me."

"And just like the way he did it this time," she continued, "if he pushes his luck, he would be able to reap the rewards unless you actively put a stop to it."

"And if she does sleep with him then?"

"Oh then he would have a very willing partner to indulge him. I would take care of him just as a newly wedded wife would."

"Deal," I said confidently.

Even though I knew I would lose or perhaps I wanted to lose, I made that bet with her. Don't get me wrong - I still hated him with the same passion but now understood that was the very reason I wanted him to take my wife and impregnate her.
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Knowing Nishma, she would not have accepted the bet unless she was confident of winning it. For her to prove though, my sister-in-law had to come down for our marriage. I had heard from my parents that they wouldn't be able to make it for some reason. I was satisfied that I had pushed my fate back by at least a year. However, to my dismay later that evening, I learned that my sister-in-law was already in India and it was her husband who could not make it. I waited for Nishma to make the move with unabated breath. I didn't have to wait for long. She showed up that Friday - mere two days after we agreed on that wager - unannounced to our place and dragged me out on the excuse of shopping.

I wondered, how she would do it. For her to show that Uncle had taken my sister-in-law without a condom would require her to collaborate with him. Would she be willing to do that? If she was indeed collaborating then on what pretext? Did she tell him about our tacit understanding or the wager? My body was in a hyperdrive; constantly producing semen, something that I later came to understand was a natural reaction to competition. I had stiff erections all the time last few weeks; ever since we visited my uncle's place.

As she lead me to a hotel, I managed to ask - feigning ignorance of what she had on mind, "Nishma can't you wait until after our marriage?"

She grasped what I was saying but her mind was more on making sure that we remain inconspicuous.

"Stupid," she quickly retorted, "it is not what you think."

We ascended the stairs and Nishma unlocked the corner room that was just right by the stairs and closed the door behind us.

"Sit quietly," she whispered and tiptoed to the window to peek down. Nishma hushed me as I tried to talk to her. There was an air of nervousness and excitement in her mannerism. I suspected that she was about to deliver a blow to my inflated ego. I wondered, how, she would prove it; perhaps she would show me both Uncle and my sister-in-law entering the hotel from the window. What if they were already in the hotel and were about to exit the hotel any moment? After a few minutes, she quietly tiptoed to the door and beckoned me to join her. I sauntered aimlessly to her as she peeped into the eyehole. Nishma was wearing a nice long skirt with a short and tight top on it. Since she was quite tall, she was sort of stooping down to peep, jutting her butt rather obscenely. In a rather rash move, I lunged forward and embraced her from behind, trying to align my stiff erection between the her butts. Once again, I realized how large she was. Her waist was slimmer than mine but her butt was quite wide. Since she was tall, I would have to lift myself on my toes to mate with her in that position. Usually a man would have to bend his knees if he was evenly matched to her. My hands cupped her handful breasts. Nishma was engrossed in watching the scene outside and apart from pulling my butt into her, she practically ignored my antiques. I nuzzled into her neck and kissed her. Mustering courage I started squeezing her breasts as if I was trying to milk her. Nishma seethed and pushed back against me. Our interlude was quite brief as she ushered me to look outside through peephole.

And there she was. Even though I knew who the lady was my heart skipped a beat. My brother's wife stood outside our door or rather outside neighboring room. She was simply dressed, wearing a Saree and without any makeup, as was her nature. She checked her hair, wiped her lips and then carefully checked her breath. There was an air of nervousness or perhaps it was the sexual excitement that was delicately wrapped in feminine charm. I was seeing her after several years. She had put on a little weight but was quite slender. Her physique suited her height and she still looked attractive; I believed she was a little over thirty by then and her body although quite young clearly indicated that she was a mother of two. She was still attractive in a traditional sort of way; there was nothing that stood out in particular about her. She was short, with a frail build but a well proportioned body, pale white complexion and attractive facial features. I definitely fancied her and was hungrily trying to take in her picture. While I was lost in my thoughts observing her, Nishma was playing with my pecker.

Our next door neighbor opened the door and she nervously smiled and blushed. The person next door, which I presumed to be my Uncle, grabbed her hand and pulled her inside the room.

"Now you believe me?" she asked as I turned around.

"What does that prove?" I retorted.

"Still cocky huh?" she remarked and latched onto my lips. Nishma was quite worked up; her raspy breath and her actions confirmed that. The kiss was deep but quite short; she lead me inside to the common door that separated our room and the neighboring room into which she had stepped. I had obviously missed it completely. She removed the towel that was hanging on the door knob and urged me to peep into the next room.

It was just like the one we were in. The bed was opposite the door; perhaps a little to the right. Within moments I saw my cousin brother's wife walk to the bed along with my Uncle. He had already got rid of her Saree and she was standing only in her blouse and petticoat. My cousin's wife was considerably shorter and quite petite even after having stacked a few pounds. He kissed her aggressively while she undressed him. It was unbelievable!

She was pale and attractive per our community standards. Her curly hair was jet black and her lips deep red. Her tummy had bulged out a little, having delivered two kids but still was quite taut. Her waist showed the hip bones quite visibly but her butt was fleshy and very well shaped. It was her shoulders that were a little narrower than expected but her chest was quite full. While not in Nishma's league, she was pretty!

I heard some commotion behind me. Nishma had moved behind me and whispered into my ear, "enjoy it," and started unbuckling my trousers. I focused on the scene in front of me ignoring Nishma's actions. My sister-in-law was in a comfortable embrace kissing him actively. Even though I had harbored strange thoughts of the women skipping on kissing him, I was surprised to see that they rather indulged him. The color contrast between their skins was arousing. Soon I saw her hand massaging his sizeable bulge as he was playing with her breasts. My attention was riveting to her breasts that were sizeable but comfortably fit in his palms. She seemed queasy as he played roughly with her but soon latched onto his lips. She was the aggressor. It lasted for a few more moments after which he let her play with his bulge. My attention drifted to his bulge that was concealed inside a loose pajama. She was lovingly petting his snake that must have poked out of his underwear but still confined in it, comfortably resting against his leg. The more I stared at it the more apparent it became. Even though I had some clue about his dimension, it was different this time as he was perhaps only 3-4 feet away from the door.

"Did you miss me?" she asked.

"Not really," he responded rather callously. There was a smile on her face; perhaps she fully expected that response from him. Her attention drifted to his rather long penis that didn't seem quite stiff yet but was now rearing its head.

"In case you are wondering," she said, looking at him briefly, "I didn't miss you as well."

She then carefully kneeled down and untied his pajamas. His penis sprang up languidly from it - almost as if he was woken from slumber. It was semi-flaccid but already much longer and thicker than my penis when fully erect.
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Mark of a true cuckold is his predilection for super sized penises. It is true that even a gay man would have similar yearning but the difference is that the cuckold would like to witness such a supersize penis mate with his partner. He wants to witness his partner in the throes of the orgasm, the pleasure that he believes is beyond his capability to deliver but even more important, the belief that his partner deserves a lot more.

What caught me off guard was not the length. I fully expected him to be much longer after Nishma had described it to me. What surprised me was his girth! Even in his semi-flaccid state, his member filled her smallish hands. It looked menacingly big as her dainty, pale white fingers tried to hold onto it. As she pursed her lips on his dark knob, he let out an audible moan, throwing his head back; in satisfaction or perhaps it was just his smug look. She sucked on his member as a kid would on a lollipop. There was no attempt on her part to bob her head up and down on his member. She gently stroked his penis all the while and soon it swelled to its majestic proportions. Witnessing his member from the distance of only 3-4 feet, I eventually understood it's gravitational power over the women of our families.

Behind me, Nishma was playing with my anus. Her fingers felt unusually slippery. I realized that she was wearing latex gloves and had applied some sort of lubrication to my anus. Nishma had a morbid fascination for anuses. She had played with mine for a handful times already. The very first time we got physically intimate she introduced me to this pleasure. It felt humiliating at times and times quite ecstatic but overall it always felt good.

Nishma whispered into my ear, "Adwait I love you so much," as she inserted her middle finger into my anus in a smooth move.

"Do you like it Adwait?" she asked again as her finger started tantalizingly penetrating my anus. Her finger started rubbing the sensitive zone that made my penis jerk in anticipation.

Inside, my sister-in-law gave up on fellating him and urged him to mount her. She had undone her brassiere and her petticoat eagerly and laid on on the bed. Her pale white skin looked so alluring but she was a little frail for my taste. She propped her butt by shoving a pillow under her and beckoned him to the bed. Uncle languidly turned to her and looked at her honey pot intently, leaving me to watch his black butt and scrawny legs. Instinctively, I calculated if Uncle would use his tongue on her pussy; something that I would have done involuntarily. He climbed on the bed and crawled on top of her, first kissing on her navel and then sucking on her tits as if he was draining her milk. She reached his penis and stroked it lovingly with one hand and with the other hand she massaged his balls. I intently watched the dangling penis that looked humongous flanked by his meagerly thighs. I suspected that Nishma was attracted to him not because of his equipment size, which in itself was definitely worthy of her attention, but because of it being disproportionately bigger than his body dimensions. His short stature, very ordinary looks, and dark complexion only added to his allure.

"Oh Uncle," I heard her moan as she tugged on his penis, trying to make him mount her. He steadfastly continued milking her breasts.

"They are empty," she pleaded. He continued to ignore.

"Mount me - it is a good time," she pleaded yet again.

Uncle eventually moved up and kissed her. She kissed him back voraciously as she took his fat penis and rubbed it against her pussy lips. It was an incredible sight. Her pussy lips were slightly distended as was expected for a woman for her age and a mother of two but the deep red color of her pussy lips stood so vividly against the black penis that was looming at the entrance. The sight was perhaps 6-7 feet away from where I was and hence could see all of it in great detail. Even against her distended pussy, the knob looked menacingly big and if one were to simply compare the size of his penis, testicles against the size of his butt and his legs, it looked completely mismatched. The size and color contrast between the two was amazingly stark. As she got excited and tried to push his knob between the pussy lips, the monstrosity of his penis became even more evident. My sister-in-law withered under him and tried desperately to get his penis inside. However, Uncle was toying with her whilst kissing her aggressively.

Without any warning, he thrusted forward with all his might and lodged himself inside her. There was an yelp from her. He watched her contorted face as he bottomed out inside her. She held onto him dearly and convulsed with sheer pleasure. The bed started creaking in a steady rhythm. Nishma sensed it and peeped in to see if she was right.

"Oh god," she whispered into my ear, "he is taking your sister-in-law."

"Is he wearing a condom?" she asked.

"No," I answered casually.

"You don't think?" she asked in amazement.

"You are absolutely right," I said looking at her. She mouthed the words - OMG. She sneaked another peek to confirm. This time she watched them for more than a minute or so. I nuzzled into her neck and started massaging her breasts. Her finger - inside my anus - that was idle for a little while came alive again. Nishma was raving about how masterfully he was fucking her and how my sister-in-law was already moaning as if she was about to cum. She let me peep inside and it was true she was practically whimpering as he fucked her with long, full strokes. And then I saw her clench his butt and hold it tightly as if he was cumming.

"Really? That's it?" I blurted looking at Nishma.

"Let me look," she said and peeped inside again. After another minute or so, she said take a look.

She had re-positioned herself on all fours and he was taking her from behind.

"It was your sister-in-law, who orgasm'd so quickly," she whispered into my ear.

"It happens," she added tantalizingly, massaging the sensitives spot with renewed vigor. My sister-in-law couldn't bear his onslaught for more than a few minutes and collapsed forward. Uncle continued to stroke her and now with complete abandon. She grunted every time he sunk his penis inside her. Nishma was applying even more pressure and it just seemed that both Uncle and myself would cum in unison. Nishma pulled my face towards her and latched onto my lips. Nishma's raspy breath confirmed that she was equally excited. We passionately kissed each other forgetting about the couple in the other room. I squeezed her breasts as hard as I could. She moaned in my mouth.
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"Is it feeling good?" she asked, breaking the kiss.

"Imagine how good your Uncle's would feel?" she said and latched onto my lips again. I was shocked to hear her say that. Although I enjoyed what she did to me, at no point I felt a need to ever experience such a sex with a man. In fact, it was rather repulsive.

Nishma continued kissing me. It took me few more moments to sputter semen from my penis. Nishma let me recover and peeped inside. They were done by then to. Uncle was lying next to her as she recovered from his onslaught.

Nishma soon pulled me to the bed. She carefully covered the keyhole with a towel and pushed me back on the bed. Without much ado, she directly took my spent penis in her mouth and licked remaining semen into her mouth. She threw away her gloves and quickly latched onto my lips. She forcefully kissed me and pushed her tongue into my mouth. I tasted my own semen and to a certain extent understood the bitter taste I had tasted on her tongue earlier.

"My pussy is on fire, come on lick me," she said as she straddled my face soon after. Her pussy was soaking wet and gobs of her juices descended into my mouth. Her pussy was so flared up that it just seemed she had been fucked. Soon I learned that a sexually excited woman would have such signs. Nishma was incredibly worked up. She was moaning incessantly within a few moments. Her pelvis exerted immense pressure on my lips but it felt like heaven. It took a few more moments for her to quieten as she came crashing down with her orgasm.

"Oh god," she exhaled loudly and lifted her pelvis, giving me more breathing room.

"Your tongue feels surreal Adwait," she said looking down at me. Her face was beaming with the satisfaction she received from my servile act. Although she had relieved me earlier the acts weren't exactly equivalent.

"Make tender love now," she encouraged me, looking into my eyes lovingly.

"Acquaint yourself with those lips," she said.

Her lips were beautiful. Even though she had more of a wheatish complexion her lips themselves were deep red in color but not black or dark as was the case with some women. The slit itself was tiny and apart from the red color it was hard to trace in the thick black bush surrounding it. Nishma was relishing my languid movement of tongue as I tried to get familiar with the terrain. There was no way it would look the same a month from now, after she had mated with my Uncle I thought. I tried to keep the current image of her pussy in my mind.

She made small talk for the next ten minutes or as I ate her. Most of it was about the new reality she wanted me to imagine. The reality in which my disgusting Uncle would consummate our marriage with Nishma and proceed to impregnate her.

Soon we heard the creaking sound of the bed once again. Nishma hurriedly proceeded to our secret spot and peeped inside. She beckoned me. I saw her caressing her pussy as she excitedly peeked inside. When I peeped inside, I realized that Uncle was stroking her once again. My sister-in-law was moaning audibly and was confessing her love for him. She was kissing him passionately between her groans and moans. I noticed from the corner of other eye, Nishma was mildly fingering her pussy. Nishma pushed me aside and peeped inside excitedly.

She whispered, "how much I wish he was mounting me instead of her." Her middle finger was fully inside her pussy. We witnessed the amorous love making for another half hour or so. A good part of it Uncle was fucking her. She eventually climbed on top of him to continue the action while giving him some respite. It ended with him on top once again. It didn't take much longer after that and he collapsed on top of her releasing his semen inside her pussy again. She held onto him by crossing her legs over his thighs and pulling him in with her hand. Her languid kisses confirmed that this was an act of making love - something primal - with a real purpose behind it.

"Come," Nishma said and lead me to the bed again. We both were practically naked from the waist down. My penis had shrunk to its usual size. She sat right next to me and leaned to kiss me. Her breath still had the excitement I had sensed earlier. Her hand fondled my penis. She looked at it lovingly.

"My pussy is on fire," she quipped and looked at me briefly.

"We could consummate our marriage, you know," she said seductively and looked into my eyes. Our lips met once again and we kissed intensely. My penis started inflating back to the required size. Still she held it between her thumb and index finger; stroking it gently.

"But that would be end of a tradition as we know it," she added breaking the kiss. She had a seductive smile and even perhaps a grin. Maybe it was my mind but she had me under her thumb now. For the next five years, I couldn't complain even if she put me through the toughest ordeal of my life.

"You know," she continued, realizing that I wasn't keen on breaking the tradition, "we both are special in some ways."

"You mean about the tradition?"

"Both your mother and mine have abjectly rejected the tradition and refused to comply," she said.

"They refused to believe it but even more importantly they refused to abide by it."

"But you said that they did follow it," I replied.

"Yes but much later - the tradition required for the daughter-in-law's to mate with the identified alpha male for the family before she sleeps with her husband."

"The daughter-in-law's responsibility is to conceive the first child from the alpha male."

"For generations this has been going on but in some of the recent generations this may not have been followed as diligently."

"So," she said taking a deep breath, "since we both have a special purpose - correcting the mistakes our parents committed."

"Are you listening?" she asked. My pecker was fully taut now. She stroked it gently and kissed on my neck.

"You are lucky Adwait," she whispered into my ear.

"There are two alpha males who are willing to mount your wife and help you fulfill your destiny."

Her words shook me; even my penis jerked all by itself. There was lust in her eyes as she leaned forward and kissed me. Next she held me lovingly from behind and stroked me until I ejaculated. We didn't speak much after that and silently left from that room.

There were several revelations that day. I learned how innocent my cousin's wife was and how supremely capable my Uncle was. It was the first time I witnessed lovemaking of a man and a woman. Until then I had seen it only in porn movies, if you could call that love making. I was intensely aroused by Nishma's actions and the activity in the other room. Contrary to my conventional view of love making lasting not more than 10-15 minutes, the episode between my sister-in-law and Uncle spanning a good 2 hours was enlightening. It introduced me to the special privilege that nature had granted only to women - the ability to entertain multiple men and the ability to orgasm multiple times. Finally, Nishma's confession about the second alpha male from her own family brought forth another mystery; now that the first one was solved.
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Nishma and I spoke more about the other alpha male next week. He was her brother-in-law who had married her cousin sister. Her cousin sister was her actual sister but she was adopted by very close relatives soon after her birth. Her sister's name was Reshma and her brother-in-law - the chosen alpha for her family - was Ratan. Reshma was 6 years elder to her and Ratan was 10 years elder to Reshma. Uncle was 44 or so and so her other alpha was a little younger. Ratan had been bedding their mother for over two decades. At times they both heard the moans of their mother when he mated with her. After Ratan married Reshma a special chemistry developed between him and Nishma as well. Although neither of the sister's really liked him as a person but when it came to sex they would gladly surrender themselves to him. Reshma ended up marrying him due to some reasons that Nishma wasn't comfortable in sharing. Nishma kept herself shielded from him but it was clear to her that if this tradition ever walked into her life again then she would gladly opt him as her alpha male. Nishma had decided that he would be her first but Uncle wouldn't be too far behind.

The following Friday evening, there was a private ceremony at Nishma's place. Due to the nature of the occasion and that such parallel ceremonies happened at groom's place as well, it was not usual to invite the groom's family. However, Nishma invited me saying that she wanted to introduce me to her other alpha. Just like the last time, Nishma encouraged me to not masturbate that week to make it even more exciting.

The occasion was meant for very close members of the family and still there were perhaps fifty people or so at their home. Nishma met after an hour or so. She looked gorgeous in her traditional red Salwar that striked a delicate balance between traditional and modern design. The soft cloth clung to her body and highlighted her shapely body and yet the design of dress didn't stray far from acceptable norms. Once again my eyes were on her breasts that looked so ripe. As usual, she was not wearing any special makeup, something that attracted me towards her immensely. Nishma caught up me after greeting all the guests. There was constant attention on us, so she made small talk. Her face was beaming, her eyes so beautiful and her lips extremely alluring.

"You are looking gorgeous," I whispered. She looked around and stealing a glance, gave me her lovely smile.

"Are you looking for him?" she asked, looking around.

"Sort of," I responded, evading her eyes.

"They should be here any moment," she replied, "but I need to get ready for the occasion."

"Maybe I should change now," she whispered and without much warning left. I sensed that perhaps her brother-in-law was here or was on his way. I watched the gate with unabated breath for another half-hour or so. A lot of folks made excursions and I was interrupted as Nishma's parents wanted to introduce them to me. Finally, I noticed a heavily pregnant lady enter the party. I knew that her sister was pregnant with her third child. Two small kids were following her. The elder one was perhaps 4-5 years old and the next one perhaps 2-3 years old. Both were boys and it just seemed as if the exhausted mother was making her younger one walk after entering the gate. She had pale white complexion and was considerably thinner and shorter than Nishma. She stood perhaps 5' 1" or 5' 2" and barring her pregnant belly was quite frail. Her face had a little bit of chubbiness but much less than one would anticipate in her pregnant state. She had big, beautiful eyes and pink lips. The more I looked at her the more I was attracted to her beauty. She just seemed like the beautiful woman that I should have been getting married to. She was everything that Nishma was and perhaps seemed a little bit prettier than even Nishma but wasn't as tall as Nishma. True, Nishma's junoesque physique had an entirely different charm that I simply could not ignore but her sister seemed more of an appropriate partner for me.

And then within a few minutes after her I noticed a tall, overweight middle aged man walked in. He stood next to the pregnant lady and conversed with her briefly before leaving her and walking towards the table where most men had gathered. Physically he was strongly built; perhaps was 6' 2" or 6' 3". His complexion was rather dark, which even reflected in the wheatish complexion of both the kids. Although, their complexion was much closer to mother's complexion than their fathers. His thick mustache adorned his manly face. He wasn't bad looking but rather much darker for our taste.

The age difference between him and Nishma's sister showed up quite prominently even when the stark difference between their builds and complexion were competing quite intensively. I imagined how this alpha male fared against my Uncle. If Uncle was well-endowed then he had to be huge. Even a person of Nishma's physique would struggle to accommodate him. I imagined his penis to be at least 25% longer and thicker than Uncle's. How her sister could handle a beast of his size was simply beyond my imagination. She was married to him for 8 years or so and within that period he had managed to sire 3 children. She conceived a child practically as soon as nature allowed her.

My pecker was taut the moment I realized how potent her second alpha looked. Nishma showed herself soon after that. She greeted her sister lovingly and the kids rushed to her and lead her inside the house. After a little while, the servant girl caught up with me and requested that Nishma wanted to see me. I had forgotten about having seen them. Nishma's sister was in her bedroom, comfortably leaning back on her bed. The younger one was sleeping right next to her; perhaps the elder one was playing outside. Reshma - her sister - intently looked at me. Nishma closed the door after telling the servant girl to not let anyone in. I couldn't quite understand what she had in mind.

"So you are the lucky one," she said trying to get up from the bed. Nishma scrambled forward to help her up. Her sister was laying back on the bed when we entered, trying to take some rest.

"Sit here," urged Nishma as I tried to sit towards southern end of the bed giving space for Nishma to sit closer to her.

"He is quite cute," remarked her sister to Nishma.

"Come closer," she ordered, after looking at me intently, sharing secret smiles with Nishma. I hesitantly scooted further towards her. I was sitting very close to her now; quite nervous about getting intimately close to her. She propped herself up bridging the distance between us even further. She exuded a mesmerizing aura; there was no nervousness on her part, if at all she looked a little amused.

"Nishma never told me about you," I started to break the ice. She cut me off immediately and instead continued to look at me. Her face showed strange fascination for me. She looked incredibly beautiful. Although she looked elder to Nishma, she didn't quite look her age and she definitely didn't look like a mother of two kids. Her flawless skin complexion with the pale white color and jet black hair tied neatly behind her head beckoned for more attention.
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She had zero ounce of fat on her body, practically. Even though she was heavily pregnant neither her face nor her body showed any excess flab. The only difference between the two women was their body build. Apart from being taller, Nishma was also strongly built. Reshma was on the petite side while Nishma more on the curvy side. As I was lost in my thoughts her hand crept into my lap and gently fondled my bulge. There was only a moment of hesitation on my part and with little encouragement from Nishma, I kissed her sister. She parted her lips and kissed me. It was rather slow and deliberate.

"I have heard amazing things about this tongue," she quipped after breaking the kiss.

"Why don't you show me?" she said.

"Yes of course," Nisha responded as her hands were busy with pecker already while I was kissing her sister. I kissed her sister again and this time holding her confidently in my arms. I understood Nishma's relationship with her sister was anything but normal. Nishma necked me from behind whilst stroking my penis that she had fished out from my trousers. Nishma's sister leaned back slowly as we continued our kissing. Nishma moved to undo her sister's Salwar for me. I continued to kiss Nishma's sister passionately. Her lips and kissing was almost like Nishma's. Her breath was fresh and sweet. She led my hand to her puffed up breasts that were so soft and full. Once Nishma was done, she got rid of my trousers in a snap. The sight of her parted legs mesmerized me. Her tummy was huge with a few scar marks at the bottom of her belly and her legs were nice and shapely. Most important of all was her her pale white skin that caught my attention. Nishma was fair too but her sister could easily pass as a white female. As I instinctively got myself between her legs to pleasure her with my tongue, Nishma pushed a pillow below her butt to raise it up for my convenience.

The thought that I was indulging in a taboo was on my mind but her sister was simply irresistible. Besides it was clear that Nishma was already contemplating on taking Ratan as her lover. Nestled between her legs, I had a view of a real woman's pussy. Nishma's can only be termed as a young girl's pussy. Her sister's pussy was flared up with her hole quite visible. Her labia were deep pink. There was no doubt she was a woman who has been mated to a well endowed man. Without encouragement I pushed my tongue into her pussy and it entered inside with a surprising ease. And then I realized that my sudden change in fortune was as pernicious as I thought it would be. The strong bitter taste hit me and gobs of white fluid descended onto my tongue as I probed her opening. Behind me Nishma had taken my penis in her mouth as swirling her tongue around my knob. However, the awkward position of my penis - bent down and curled up between my legs - was causing a little bit of discomfort. I tried to turn sideways to offer a better position for her but she pushed on my bum and probed my anal opening with her tongue. And I suddenly found the conditions far more agreeable.

Nishma's sister flexed her pelvic muscles and pushed more and more of her husband's semen onto my tongue. She was continuously moaning as I licked her pussy and sucked out the remnants of her recent mating. On the southern end, Nishma continued to pleasure my anal opening. I was in heaven.

After about fifteen minutes of this, Nishma's sister urged me to mount her. Even though she was so heavily pregnant, she encouraged me to mount her in missionary position. Nishma propped her butt even further by shoving another pillow under her butt. Nishma locked her lips with mine as I started stroking. It was the first time I was having actual intercourse but I realized how ill-equipped I was in handling such a well-handled woman. The walls of her pussy loosely held my penis as an oversized condom would hug it. There was hardly any response from her sister, although Nishma was getting super excited and she started seriously fingering my anus. Due to the presence of her saliva, her finger slide in without any resistance. Due to the very little friction and almost no response from Nishma's sister, I kept on plodding. After about five minutes or so, she finally started showing signs of enjoying it. Nishma turned from simply seesawing to applying pressure at the most pleasurable spot. Despite Nishma's valiant efforts, I stroked her sister for another five minutes before cumming inside her. Beads of sweat had formed on her forehead by the time I finished with her.

Although I had climaxed my desire for Nishma's sister had not subsided. I started kissing her and she returned back the kisses with the same fervor. On the southern end, Nishma pulled out my penis and took it in her mouth licking all the juices of our mating. She was burdened with my weight so I rolled over and continued to kiss her while Nishma continued sucking on my penis that was losing its girth very fast. After just a minute or so, Nishma moved northwards and lay on top of me and pushed her tongue into my mouth. It was Nishma's sisters turn to feed on my shrunken penis. She gave it tentatively a few licks but then soon moved to my anus and tongued it. Nishma kissed me passionately and in the process transferred some of my semen into my mouth.

She smiled after breaking the kiss and asked, "How was your first time?"

I smiled. Nishma' sister was getting ready. Nishma herself wasn't undressed as the action was mostly between her sister and me. I too got up and dressed up quickly. Nishma and her sister were talking in private, giggling over something. Nishma's sister had captivated me. She was so beautiful and size-wise she just seemed like a perfect fit for me. She was quite short; perhaps 5' 1" or so with a pale complexion and more refined features - a sharp nose and pink red lips that were just wide enough for her face. She looked huge in her pregnant state but what enamored me was that there wasn't an ounce of fat on her body. Neither on her face, nor arms, nor her thighs. She just looked a traditional model even in her pregnant state. Her breasts were full and tad larger for her build. They were a little longer and droopy due to her build - providing a classic mango shape to them. She looked a quintessential woman, who has been mated with several hundred times and still in her prime to deliver several more children. Nishma on the other hand was younger; perhaps by 5-6 years. She was a woman with substantial frame - standing 5' 7" with wide shoulders and relatively wide hips. She had more of wheatish complexion - still very fair but not pale. Her features suited her frame but were not sharp; if at all they were a little broad. She looked gorgeous and certainly fitted the fantasies of men who dreamed of junoesque women. Everything about her was big. Her breasts looked reasonably sized for her frame but were actually bigger than her sister's already due to the difference in their frames. Her butt was already wider than mine and even though I didn't think she was fat or anywhere closer to being one. Needless to say that they both were highly desirable women.
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Remember this is back in the times when televisions had just started rolling into affluent households and those were only turned on for few hours every evening, with nothing really exciting on it to watch. Both Nishma and her sister could have easily made it as an actress from a looks standpoint. Nishma, however, would have been more successful as men were besotted by taller women anyway.

Nishma reminded me of the yesteryear's Italian actresses who acted in famous Tinto Brass movies. These movies were not accessible in India but as things got liberalized I did see them later in life. Serena Grandi, Stefania Sandrelli, and even the contemporary actress Monica Bellucci perhaps should give you an image. Imagine how an Indian woman would look given their physique. In other words, Nishma was way above my league. Every time I made love to her or hugged her I had a feeling of immense pride and privilege. On the other hand, her sister made me feel at home. Her distended vagina did remind me of my inadequacies but still she never overpowered me - physically as well as mentally.

In a brazen move of confidence or over confidence, I stepped towards Nishma's sister and once again took her in my arms and planted my lips on her. She let me take in her arms with a little bit of awkwardness at first but later on hinted for Nishma to leave. Nishma slapped my butt playfully as she left us alone. There was sweltering chemistry between us that even Nishma at times felt jealous about. Reshma held me lovingly but we couldn't really hug each other tightly due to her pregnant belly.

"You love her don't you?" she asked breaking the kiss.

"Very much," I replied and kissed her on the neck.

"Nishma is very privileged to have you as her husband," she said, looking at the door.

"As much as she loves you," she said biting her lips, "there is simply no way she can be a one man woman."

"In the name of tradition, she has sucked you into this vortex," she added.

"The tradition is not a lie but a lot of it has died already - very little of it remains, if at all."

"We had a recourse you mean to say?" I asked, surprised with her admission.

She smiled, saying, "not with Nishma as your wife."

She caressed my cheeks with her hand and lovingly said, "Nishma will be a sexually promiscuous woman - I would worry about how to keep her occupied with as few men as possible."

"And who do you have in mind?" I asked a little hesitantly.

With a little bit of smirk and perhaps a sense of disappointment, she said, "My husband should keep her contained for a few years but ..."


"You know he is a mean bastard and treats everyone like dirt - and with you he may just push the boundaries further."

"After all he would be mounting your wife on a regular basis and your wife revels in that fact!"

"More important point though is that he is a perpetual breeder," she said pointing to her belly.

"We haven't talked about starting a family?" I tried to mumble. She smiled and replied with a little bit of sarcasm, "you still have time."

"Not that it matters - the right to first breed the daughter-in-law was reserved for the alpha's."

"In fact, the husband wasn't even allowed to mate with his wife until she was sufficiently ravaged during her fertile period."

"Did you have to live through it?" I asked a little amazed with her passionate description.

"My husband himself was the alpha and even though it may sound strange during the fertile period after our marriage he mated with me 3-4 times every day for a week."

"While it may sound normal to you - it is not," she added, rather emphatically. Reshma had an uncanny sense of judging people pretty quickly. Among the two, Reshma was the smartest and politically savvy. Nishma was the obstinate child. Reshma chose the path of least resistance but Nishma paved her path quite literally and didn't give much credence to precedence or norms.

"In the beginning, it seemed that I was a total mismatch to him," she continued.

"He was so huge and often didn't indulge in foreplay, essentially making it difficult for me to enjoy. No matter how much it pained earlier on, eventually it only felt pleasurable."
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