Thriller Farmhouse
Hi readers,
Iam posting here a story
Credit goes to original writer.
I hope you all enjoy it.

Update 1

OOOOHHH!! OAAAUUHH!! NO! PLEEEAAAASE STOP!! AAAAUUUUH!" the woman screamed. The man behind her ignored her pleas and continued his thrusts even more vigorously. 

Damn! Not this dream again!

I couldn't see their faces at first and then slowly their faces came into focus. She was beautiful but I struggled to recognize her; the man was as ugly as the woman was lovely. The woman was bent over something I couldn't see, her white round bottom sticking out behind her. The monstrosity of a man standing behind her held her by her hips in a vice grip, thrusting in and out of her tight asshole, making slapping noises on every forward thrust, making her scream.

Suddenly she turned her head, looked at me and mouthed, "Help!" 

I recognized her now! At that moment the man also looked at me, winked, raised his right hand brought it down, slapping her left butt-cheek, hard. I stood paralyzed unable to speak or move.

I awoke in a sweat, with a raging hard-on. Damn! That same effing dream again. I got up from my bed, reaching out to my walking stick with my right hand. It's the only hand I have. My left hand was lost in a childhood accident. I was too young then to remember now what had happened. The same accident also left my left leg pretty useless. The good thing about being crippled so early in life is that I don't remember what being whole was like. So for most of my life I could move around quite well despite my disability. Growing up, I made it a point to climb trees, etc just to prove to myself that I wasn't a useless, helpless eater.

But then one incident proved me wrong.

I've been having that same nightmare since many years. I'm an old man now, with just a few more years left. Perhaps, putting down on paper what had happened that night, will bring a small measure of closure.

In spite of my disability we were a happy family, living in Chinalpur, a mid-sized town in India. My parents had a great marriage. Dad ran a consulting business that took him away from home for extended periods. Mom had left her job to care for me after my accident and since dad's business had taken off, she continued to be a housewife. I was their only son.

Mom was a beautiful woman, turning heads wherever she went. She took good care of herself, regularly doing yoga.

I just thought of her as my beautiful mother; that was until that awful night that twisted my mind for good. After the 'incident' I started noticing how sexy she was, the way she moved, her figure,... 

At the time she was forty three but didn't look a day over thirty, she was 38DD-29-39 (I checked later, don't ask), about 5ft 9in tall, long wavy dark hair reaching down to her waist, fair complexion. When she walked, her breasts would jiggle with each step, her ass would wiggle with the sway of her shapely hips. Like I said, my mind is permanently twisted, I started noticing these things about my own mother after that night.

It happened so many years ago, yet I can remember everything like it was yesterday.

One of dad's important clients had thrown a party but dad couldn't attend as he had gone abroad for a month. So my mother had to attend in his stead. I also went along with her as I had nothing better to do anyway; it was the middle of my summer vacation. I was a frail nineteen year old cripple then, agile but weak nonetheless, tiring easily.

The place was about a three hour drive from our town. We took a cab because our car had broken down the day before. 

I chatted happily with my mom part of the way and slept part of the way. We reached the place around noon when the party was just beginning. As usual heads turned when my mom walked in. She looked stunning in a yellow silk sari and a low-cut round neck, dark blue blouse. The 'pallu' (upper part) of her sari covered her ample breasts, which otherwise seemed ready to burst out of her blouse. I hobbled along behind her, carrying a backpack.
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She had insisted that we carry a change of clothes in case we got late and couldn't make it back the same night. The party place did seem to be in the middle of nowhere and I wondered where we would go looking for hotels to stay the night if we did get late.

After greeting the hosts we went our separate ways to mingle. After some time, I noticed a man standing aloof. He was a big man, dark balding with cold beady eyes. He had a pot-belly but the rest of him seemed to be all muscle. What little he had of his hair was grey; he may have been around 60 or 65 years old but still surprisingly agile and strong for his age. When I passed from near him, I caught a strong whiff of 'gutkha', a flavoured chewing tobacco popular with some people in India. Apart from the hosts, everyone was giving him a wide berth, and even they seemed to overdo their show of respect out of sheer nervousness. The man radiated danger and just plain bad vibes.

A waiter noticed me staring at the man and asked me if I knew him. I replied that I didn't.

So he told me, "He is Chandra, the local mafia don and the real power behind all the politicians in the area. He has the whole security officer department, labor and transport unions and traders guilds in his pocket. No one dares go against him. A dangerous man to cross."

So, that was Chandra, I had heard about him before.

He was just moving around the party looking bored. I steered clear of him and continued making new friends.

The next time I saw Chandra was about an hour later, he was staring intently at something. His cold eyes, which had seemed so dead, were now alive with excitement. I turned to see what he was looking at and my heart lurched. He was staring lustfully at my mother. She was smiling and talking to the host. Then when she turned to walk away, Chandra got up, his eyes glued to her swaying round ass. He walked up to the host and said something gesturing towards my mom. The host, momentarily flustered, said something to him and Chandra nodded and walked away. The host looked at my mother who by now was talking to someone else, unaware of what was happening. He took a step towards her, looking concerned and then appeared to change his mind, shrugging his shoulders as if to say, "None of my business." and walked away.

I decided to tail Chandra and went looking for him. I finally found him, talking to a man who had been introduced as the transport union chief. By the time I got close enough to listen to what they were saying, the conversation was ending and I only heard the union man say to Chandra, " cabs or buses will go to Chinalpur tonight. Just as you say."

Wtf?! What is this bastard up to? Just like that, he had stopped all transport to my hometown for the night! Maybe, if I had just gone to my mother and insisted that we leave immediately, things would have turned out differently. But I didn't and we remained at the party until the evening, when it started to wind down. Throughout this time, Chandra kept staring at my mother from a distance.

As we were leaving, the sky suddenly became overcast and all evening breezes stopped. It was going to rain soon. We tried getting a cab but all cabbies refused to go to Chinalpur. We walked to a bus-stop and waited but of course no buses were plying to Chinalpur that evening. Maybe I should have taken that overheard conversation seriously. We were positive that we would get a cab, so we hadn't bothered to ask any of the other guests for a lift.
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Soon I and mom seemed to be the only people for miles around, all the traffic also seemed to have disappeared. And then it started to rain. We were soaked in no time and mom's sari clung close to her beautiful figure. She seemed to be the very image of a sex goddess.

It was stating to get dark when finally, a car drove up and slowed down in front of us. Mom said, "Let's see if we can get a lift." gesturing for the car to stop.

It stopped and mom walked up to the driver. I couldn't catch the conversation in the sound of the rain.

Mom turned around and came to me, "This gentleman is also on his way to Chinalpur. He has kindly offered to give us a ride."

She opened the back door for me and smiled, "You need to stretch your leg on the seat. I'll sit in the front. You be comfortable."

I was too tired to object and climbing into the back seat, stretched my leg across it. Mom sat in the front seat, soaking wet and all. She apologized for ruining the seat covers.

The man replied, "Don't worry about it. It's a good thing I came along or you would probably have been stranded here. These damn cabbies just follow their own whims causing trouble for everyone."

That voice! It was Chandra! I wished I had told mom about him but it was too late to warn her now.

The car started up and I don't remember when I fell asleep.

When I woke up, we were still in the car but seemed to have left the highway and were on some country road. It was raining heavily and visibility was very low.

Mom noticed that I was awake and said, "Hey sleepy head, Mr Chandra was finding it difficult to drive in this rain so instead of going home, we are going to spend the night at his farmhouse which is close by."

"We're almost there." Chandra said.

I tried to ignore the alarm bells going off in my head and when I noticed Chandra giving my mom sideways glances, the bells only got louder. The pallu of mom's sari had slipped off her shoulder and Chandra seemed to be discreetly drinking in the sight of her lovely breasts, rising and falling with each breath, inside her tight blouse.

We reached a large gate. Chandra got down and opened the gate, got back in the car and drove us in. When we all got down from the car, he went back and locked the gate from the inside. This just made be even more worried. I tried to get mom's attention to warn her but he was back with us.

"This is my humble farmhouse. Please come in, ladies first."

"Thank you." said mom and walked ahead with Chandra close behind, staring at her wiggling butt.

We went inside and he showed us to our rooms. My room was across the hall from mom's room. I took my clothes from the backpack, giving her the backpack and went into my room to change. Once changed, I paced and thought about what to do. We seemed safe so far but that could change fast. In my condition, there's no way I could take on the full monstrosity that was Chandra. Calling the security officer would be no help ; they were in his pocket. Even mom now seemed uncomfortable having seen him in the light of the house.

Deciding there was nothing I could do, I went back out of the room. Mom was already sitting on a sofa in the hall. She had changed into her cream colored full-length nighty. At home mom never wore underwear under her nighty. But in this strange place I could make out that she was wearing her bra.

She looked up startled when Chandra walked into the hall, dressed in only a 'lungi', (a long cloth tied and knotted around the waist, extending down to the feet) Bare-chested he looked more like an old gorilla than a man. His ugly face broke into a smile, baring his yellow stained teeth. His arms, torso and back were covered with rough looking grey hair. In all, a very disturbing sight.

He sat opposite mom and they made small talk with mom trying to avert her gaze from the ugly sight in front of her. It turned out he already knew a lot about our family from their conversation in the car.
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I was still wondering how to warn my mother when she excused herself saying, "I better get some sleep."

She got up and walked towards her room, Chandra staring at her retreating ass as usual. I noticed he had a bulge in his lungi near the crotch. After mom closed the door to her room behind her, I also excused myself and hobbled to my room, shutting and bolting the door behind me.

Once inside, I began to look for ways of escape. I could easily jump out the window but the storm outside was only getting worse besides how would I get to mom? I looked up and there seemed to be a loft near the top of the wall. But the loft seemed a bit too deep. So, pulling a table, I managed to climb up onto the 'loft' and realized that it was in fact a crawlspace. I crawled ahead in the dark to investigate. I could see some light up ahead, going there I soon realized that this crawlspace led to every room in the house.

I crawled to another lighted area and looked down, it was Chandra's room. I regretted looking almost immediately. He was sitting up in his bed, looking away dreamily with his large, erect, dark cock in his hand. And it was quite large, must have been at least ten inches long and as thick as my wrist.

Maybe I needn't have worried so much. Maybe he'll just jack off thinking about mom and go to sleep. Then I turned and went ahead looking for mom's room. Sure enough, the next lighted area was above her room. I peeped down and saw that she was lying on a king-sized bed, on her back with her eyes closed. She had left the light on.

Having made sure that everything was alright I headed back to my room. Once there, I climbed down, dusting myself off as best as I could. All those hours of climbing and hanging off poles had served me well. I crashed into my bed and fell asleep almost immediately.

I woke up hearing the sound of someone bolting my door from the outside. It took me a few seconds to regain my bearings. I hopped onto the floor and tried the door. It was indeed locked from outside.

Panic gripped me again as I climbed back onto the ledge and into the crawlspace, moving as fast as I could towards my mom's room. While climbing up, my eyes fell on the clock, it was 9:30 PM. I don't know why I remember this but I do.

When I got to the crawlspace above mom's room, I saw that Chandra was in there, standing near the bed, staring at mom.

Mom looked very beautiful, her dark black hair splayed on the pillow above her head, a small smile on her luscious pink lips. Her large round breasts under her nighty and bra, slowly rising and falling with each breath. Her left knee was folded up, causing the hem of the nighty to get bunched up below her waist. Her entire left leg, creamy white, shapely, smooth and glistening in the light was exposed. As was her right leg from her knee downwards.
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Chandra just stood there for a couple of minutes drinking in this beautiful sight. Then he moved forward slowly and quietly climbed onto the bed near mom's feet. He slowly lifted the hem of her nighty which had ridden above her right knee and pushed it towards her waist. Her white panties with the outline of her pussy lips could now be seen. He brought both his hands to the waistband of her panties and started pulling them down.

Mom woke up with a start and got up. The downward movement of Chandra's hands with her panties gripped tightly in them and her getting up, almost jumping up from the bed and moving up caused her panties to slip down from her hips. Taking advantage of this, Chandra put his left hand under her right knee and folded it up to the same position as her left knee and deftly slid her panties across her thighs. over her knees and to her feet, finally removing them and tossing them aside.

Mom seemed unaware of what had just happened. She looked at him and said, "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to collect tonight's rent", he laughed.

"What? We can talk in the morning..." she said, still confused.

He put a hand on each of her knees and pushed them apart. Her pretty pussy was now clearly visible. It was completely shaved and smooth, except for a small 'landing strip' above it.

He removed and threw away his lungi and was now completely naked, a very disgusting sight. She looked at his huge raging hard-on and yelled, "No! Please, don't! I'm married, my son is just across the hall...!"

He said, "Yeah, and you're going to pay tonight's rent with that married pussy of yours. Don't pretend like you haven't done this before. Don't make too much noise or your son will wake up." moving in between her legs.

"Nooo!" she shouted, "This is wrong."

He slapped her across her face and said, "I'm only doing what a man does to a woman. Don't lecture me about right and wrong."

I was paralyzed by fear looking at the scene below me.

Mom suddenly folded her right leg and kicked him on his chest, more like pushed him away with her foot. She tried to get up but Chandra was back on her in a flash. In all this struggle, she was turned around on her belly, her nighty riding way up just below her armpits.

He seemed stunned for a moment looking at her perfectly rounded buttocks. His hard cock started twitching up and down like crazy. He quickly pressed her thighs together straddling them and placing his hands oh her back, pressed her down onto the bed. Then he lowered his face to her ass and started kissing it. And by kissing, I mean, not sweet gentle kisses but mad, wet, sloppy kisses. He would suck as much of her smooth ass flesh into his mouth as he could and then release it. He would do the same with the other buttock. Then he licked the deep partition between her ass cheeks, sending a shiver up her spine.

But all this time, mom kept crying helplessly, "Please stop, no, don't do this..." while he grunted and moaned his approval of her lovely ass, "Mmmm, gnommmm, pichhh, mmmuah, hmmmmmhh!" as he ate it.

After licking, kissing, sucking and nibbling her smooth white ass for a few minutes, he raised himself up and opened up her ass, pulling mom's ass cheeks apart with his hands, exposing her cute brownish pink rosebud. He spat onto her butt hole twice and using the fingers of his left hand to keep her ass open, held his huge cock with his right hand, placed the cock head at her rear opening and thrust, hard.
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Mom screamed, "Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!"

But it had not gone in. He slapped her ass with his right hand, making her squeal with pain. Then tried entering her enticing ass again. She screamed again and he failed again.

Frustrated, he gave her two hard spanks, one on each buttock and said, "Don't you fucking move bitch. I'll be right back."

He got up off the bed and walked to the dressing table, where he picked up a small bottle of oil. He poured a generous amount of oil in his palm and applied it first to his cock head and then rubbed it all over his ugly hard cock.

Seeing her chance, mom quickly jumped off the bed and started running towards the door. As she was running her nighty which was bunched up above her breasts fell back down, causing her to stumble. Lifting up the hem above her knees she continued running. But when she reached the door, it was bolted by a latch near the top and she could not reach it.

In the meantime, Chandra had finished lubing his hard-on and carried the little bottle of oil with him, quickly walking towards my mom who was standing at the door, still trying to reach the door latch.

He placed the bottle on a small stand near the door and bending slightly he grabbed her nighty and started to lift it up over her smooth alluring body and over her head. Her back was still to him. Mom, realizing that she had lost, gave up struggling and bursting into tears raised her hands above her head, enabling Chandra to take the nighty off her completely. He threw it back on the bed.

Then he reached his left hand around her front and placing it just below her belly, started pulling her hips towards himself saying to her softly, "Oh baby, we're going to have so much fun. What a perfect ass!"

Mom knew what he wanted, so she stuck her beautiful round ass out towards him, arching her back and bending her knees slightly. Her smooth white buttocks were now red with Chandra's hand imprints from the three spanks he had given her and were also wet with his saliva.

Using the fingers of his left hand again to open her ass, he picked up the bottle from the stand with his right hand and poured some oil down her butt crack. Putting the bottle back on the stand, he placed his hands on her hips and started to move her ass around a little, trying to adjust it for the best position. Mom was still sobbing softly when he said, "Stick out our ass a little more."
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Mom placed both her palms on the shut door in front of her, bent her knees a little more and arched her back some more.

Now, placing both his hands on her ass, one on each cheek, he used his thumbs to pry them apart at her butt hole. Moving forward, he placed his thick round purple cock head at her back door again and said, "That's it baby, you're already relaxing your butt. See, this is why I like fucking married women, they know how to pleasure a man."

Removing his hands from her ass, he gripped her waist with his left hand and held the base of his hard cock with his right. Then he gave one swift, hard thrust and mom screamed, "AAAAOOOOOO...OOOHHHHHH...AAAAUUUUO..OHH...OH."

Then he thrust again and she screamed again, "AAAAAWHHH ... HHHHHUUU ... UNNNNHHHH...AAAAAAARGHHH!" almost jumping up with that second thrust and quickly shifting her weight from one foot to another; she seemed to be dancing due to the pain. When he gave her another thrust, she screamed, "NNOOOOO!! PLEASE STOOOOPPPHHHH...AAAAOOOOOHH!"

He replied, "Just hold on princess, it's almost all in." and he gave one final great push making her scream again, "AAAAAARRRRGHHHHHHHH...AAAAOOOOUUUUHHHH!"

"That's it princess, good girl, you've taken it all in. Not many women can do that!"

She sobbed, "Please take it out! It hurts! Aaaoooohhhhh"

"What's wrong? You've never taken it up your sweet ass before?"

She nodded, still sobbing, "Unhh..haave..."

"How many men have you given this ass to?"

"Ju...just h..husssband, ooohhhh!"

"And you scream your head off every time he takes your ass?"

She shook her head, "'re too biggg...please take it oouut, let me g..goohh!"

"How can I let a beauty like you go, princess? I'm going to collect my rent from you ass and pussy all night tonight"

Saying this, he tightened his grip on her waist and took his right had around her front and stated rubbing her pussy. Finding her clit, he held it between his forefinger and thumb and pressed and diddled her clit.

Mom's eyes flew wide open when she realized what he was doing and whispered, "No, please!"

But she didn't get much time to protest as he pulled his rock hard cock half way out of her butt and then thrust it all the way back in again, all the time playing with her clit and pussy. She screamed again, "NOOOOO..AAAAAUUUUUHHH"

Then he pressed her clit with this thumb and put his first two fingers inside her pussy as if searching for something, giving her ass another thrust in the meantime, eliciting another scream.

Suddenly mom froze, with a look of horror on her face and Chandra gave a triumphant laugh. He had found her G-spot. Rubbing it hard, he began my mom's ass-bang in earnest. He established a rhythm thrusting in and out of her round ass: Two long thrusts followed by four short thrusts,one ... two... one ... two ... three ... four ... two... one ... two ... three ... four ... two... one ... two ... three ... four ...

They made slapping sounds everytime his front hit her aching ass and balls slapped against her pussy. He continued rubbing her g-spot and clit.

Mother's screams were now an incoherent mess: "MMMMMMM...AAAAAAAUUUUU...NNOOoo, please STOPPHHH!! ...YESSSSS...OOOHHHHH!! DOon't...hhhmmmmmmhhhh...Stopphhh...Noooo...Yeahhhh!!...OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!, HuuunhhHHH...YEaHHHH...NNNooooo..MMmmmmm...AAARRRGGGGGHHHH ...Ddoo...ohhhh noooo... AAAUUUUUUU.. OOOOOHHH!!"

Sloppy wet sounds started coming from her pussy as Chandra continued to finger her. Suddenly, he changed his thrusting rhythm to just rapid long hard thrusts. So hard that mom's feet were being lifted up off the floor with each forward thrust. Mom immediately started squirting, her pussy discharging a huge amount of juices. Chandra removed his right hand from her pussy, cupped it a caught some of the juice and poured it at the junction between his thrusting cock and my mom's butt hole. Then grabbing her waist with both hands he continued his long rapid thrusts.
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Mom's screams had now muted down to soft, sexy moans. Her palms were still resting on the door, she had lowered her head, her long hair falling all round her pretty face, hiding it from view. Each of Chandra's thrusts sent a shock wave that could be seen traveling all the way from her hips to her head and arms, making her flesh jiggle sexily. Her big mommy breasts were still encased in her white lacy bra and jumped up struggling to pop out with each thrust. Her 'mangalsutra' (a necklace married women wear as a sign of their marriage) also swung wildly in between her face and breasts as this ugly monster of a man forcefully took her ass.

Suddenly, Chandra tightened his grip on her waist and gave one deep thrust, but this time he didn't pull it back out. Instead, he kept his cock inside her and clenched his own butt, crying out as if in triumph, "AAAAAAAARRRRRGGHHHHHH...HHHAAAAAAA...HAAA!"

I realized he was flooding my mother's bowels with his cum. He gave a few more quick in and out thrusts in her ass and almost collapsed on top of her. My mom also, removed her hands from the door and slid onto the floor. Chandra's satiated cock popped out of her ass and he lay down on the floor on his back saying, "Wow, babe, you're incredible!"

Mom, in spite of herself blushed at her rapist's compliment.

Then she started sobbing softly, realizing that she had just had an earth-shattering orgasm with a stranger banging her ass.

After lying next to her like that for a few minutes, Chandra got up and placing his hand under her armpit, stood mom up, "Come on babe, stand up." Then putting his arm around her waist he led her to the bathroom, "Come on..."

I quickly and quietly changed my vantage point to be able to look into the bathroom.

Chandra washed his dick with water while mom sat down to pee. When they were both finished, he called her, "Come here princess"

Mom, too scared to disobey went and stood in front of him. He just ran his eyes over her sexy body again. She was trembling a little, her boobs shaking in her white lacy bra.

Chandra grabbed my mother and held her in an embrace and then holding her face under her jaw with his right hand, with his left hand he started caressing her freshly fucked ass. Some of his semen was starting to drip down from her now burning bunghole.

He started kissing her mouth wildly. Her eyes were tightly shut and she was trying to hold her breath and move her mouth away from his to avoid chocking on the stench coming from his mouth. He then raised his left hand and held her by the throat with it and putting his right hand around her head, tightly grabbed bunch of hair on the back of her head. And now that she could not move her head, he thrust his tongue inside her sweet mouth. And he kissed and licked and sucked her beautiful face.

"Open your mouth wide.", he said. When she did he spat inside her mouth and then attacked it again, trying to get to his spittle inside her mouth with his tongue. Then he opened his mouth wide and asked her to do the same. Mom spat gently into his mouth and kissed him. He continued to make out with my mom for some time. Then, still kissing her, he started fingering her pussy with his right hand again and started massaging her bra clad boobs with his left hand.

Soon her pussy started making wet sounds as he continued to finger her expertly. He placed both hands on her shoulders and pressed down. She knew what he wanted, so she sat down on her haunches and brought her beautiful face in front of his penis which was slowly growing hard again.

She looked up at him and he said, "You know what to do."

Indeed she did. She held his hardening cock at its base and opened her mouth to take him in. She ran her pink tongue over his cock, swirled it around his cock head and put it in her mouth, sucking. She bobbed her head forward and backward to give her rapist a classic sloppy blowjob.
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,Now when he was hard again, he stood her up and bending down, he lifted her up onto his right shoulder with a heave-ho, looping his right arm around her waist. Then he carried her, caveman style, back to the bedroom and threw her on to the bed.

Mom suddenly seemed to have a change of heart and decided to fight her rapist.

"No, no more, enough, let me go!", she said, trying to slap and punch him.

Chandra just laughed and slapped her across her face, hard, stunning her momentarily. He took her discarded nighty, and crossing her wrists above her head, tied them together with one end of the nighty and fasted the other end of the nighty to the bed's headboard. Mom was now trapped again. He took a pillow and placed it under her ass. Bending her knees, he lifted her feet so that her back was bent almost double and he had easy access to her wet pussy and throbbing ass. Chandra then lowered his mouth over her pussy and said, "That's one beautiful pussy, babe. Let's see what it tastes like."

He kissed her pussy with the same passion that he had earlier shown for my mom's ass and beautiful face. He kissed, licked, nibbled and sucked until my mother was a moaning, writhing mess, "Mmmmmmmm, hmmmmmm, yesssssssssss, nooooooooooo, ooooohhhhhh, hhmmmmuuuuummmmmnnnnaah, uh-huuuhhhh..."

He grunted and slobbered like a pig on her pretty, smoothly shaved pussy. Then she squirted again, "OOooooohhh...Aaaaaaaahhhhhhaaaaahhhhnnnhhaah!"

He knew she was now ready to take his thick fuck-stick up her slick love-hole. So he sat up, placed his cock head at the entrance of her love tunnel and gave one great shove.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHAAAAAARRRGGGGHHHHHHAAAAAAAH!" mom cried out. I guess she just wasn't used to his size. He gave another push and she screamed again, "NOOOOOOOHHHHHH!! TOOO BIGGGG!!"

Naturally, this only excited him more and with one last push, he was all the way in, all ten inches long and three and a half inches thick. Mom was flailing her legs about around his waist and screaming in pain, "NOOOOOOHHHHHH, OOOOOOOOHHHHHH!...AAAAAUUUUUUUU"

He lowered his ugly face to hers and licked it and then pressing his lips onto hers, he drew half of his cock out and shoved it back into her hot aching pussy.

"MMMMMMMMUUUUMMNNNNNNMMMM!" she tried to scream into his mouth. He thrust again and she screamed again, "HHMMMMMMUMMNNUUUAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" as he let go of her lips half way through her scream.

Then he began to fuck her pussy and her screams once again slowly changed into moans of pleasure and humiliation as she felt her body aroused by this ugly rapist and she found herself returning his kisses, arching her back and lifting her hips to meet the painful thrusts of his thick cock into her tight, wet pussy.

For his part, Chandra grew more and more excited listening to my mother moan with each each of his thrusts. He kissed and licked her face wildly, even licking her nostrils, then as she writhed with pain and pleasure under him, he started licking and kissing her smooth white armpits, moving down to her breasts which for some reason were still trapped in her lacy white bra. He finally decided to remedy this situation and to remove her bra. The bra hooks were at the back but by now my mother's squeezing wet, hot pussy and her moans and kisses had made him mad with lust for her. So instead of trying to unhook her bra, he simply pulled and tore away the last garment protecting my mother's modesty, from her sexy body. The whole bra removal action seemed to cause my mom some pain as she groaned and squealed, "OOORRGGGHHHAAA, AAAUUU, AAUUU , Ouch, WooAAAOOUUCH!"

Looking at my mother's beautiful naked breasts seemed to have stunned Chandra as he stopped thrusting into her pussy and supported his torso with his elbows, staring at them. They were quite stunning. Perfect round shaped, firm enough to stick out even when she was lying down on her back but soft just starting to sag a little.
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Her large breasts were topped by hard pink nipples which had grown as large as small cherries because of her arousal, surrounded by large pink aureoles.

Chandra moved his hands to them and started squeezing them, he pinched her nipples and tugged and pulled at them, stretching her breasts until mom squealed in pain, then releasing them to watch them collapse back down with sexy jiggles. He slapped the sides and undersides of her breasts. Then lowering his mouth on them went crazy with the beautiful pair. Licking, sucking, nibbling, chewing, biting, squeezing, kissing, slapping, grunting and moaning like an animal, "HHmmmmrrgggghhhhhh, mmmmuaaashhh, mmmonnnoommm, mhhhaahhh..."

Meanwhile, my beautiful mother whose breasts were now the object of this monster's undivided attention kept moaning and squealing with pain, pleasure and humiliation, "HHmmmmmhhhh, aaaauuuuuuhhhh, oh! noooo...ouch, aaaii, ahhhh, naaaahhhh, yeahhh, oohh..noooo..ooooaauuuh!"

After a few minutes of this, he put her left breast in his mouth, sucking on her nipple and aureola and taking in as much of the surrounding tit-flesh in his mouth as he could and then started moving his hips to begin thrusting in and out of mom's tight pussy again. All this was too much for mom and she suddenly let out a series of yelps like a puppy, "Ooww..oohhh.aaahhh...yaaoow..ooohwwh..oohhh...aahhh...owh!"

Chandra released her left breast and started sucking on her right breast, at the same time speeding up his thrusts. Mom went quiet, keeping her eyes tightly shut, biting her lower lip.

He continued his rapid thrusts into her sloppy wet pussy, making loud wet slapping noises. He continued sucking on her breast. Mom suddenly let out a loud sigh, "HHNNNNUUUUNHHHHHHH!" and arching her back she wrapped her legs around his waist. He released her breast from his mouth and kissed her mouth deeply. She screamed into his mouth, "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMUUUNNNNNMMMMHHH" As soon as his mouth left hers, she gripped his waist with her beautiful long legs and screamed, "AAAAAARRGGGHHHHHH!...AAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUHHHH...HHHHHHUUNNNHHHHH...NOOOoooooo...PLEEeeeeease...OOOoooohhhh...OOHHH...AAAHHH...NNNoo...GGNnnnnghhhhh...NNAAAUuuuuu...AAAUUU...Oh...ohhhh...oh!"

Chandra also let out a loud groan now, "GGRRNNNNNAAAAAAAAAHHHH...AAAAHHHH...OHHH...AARGHHH!"

His groans mixed with mom's moans and squeals, "MMNNnnnoooo,!"

Chandra stopped thrusting and mom started sighing and taking deep breaths. I realized that he had released his load deep inside her love tunnel. He remained lying on top of my mother, occasionally twitching his hips as her tight pussy muscles continued to milk is cock of every drop of his cum.

He then reached up and untied mom's hands and to my surprise, she immediately placed her hands on his buttocks and began to squeeze them. She was still moaning softly, it seemed her last orgasm was just now getting over.

She let out one last sigh, "MMMHHHHHHmmmmmmmhhhuuunnnhhhh!" and opened her eyes. She came back to her senses and realized what she was doing and immediately removed her hands from Chandra's hairy backside.

He also raised himself up from above her, removing his cock from her now distended pussy with a plop sound. Mom turned away and sobbed softly as waves of shame overcame her when she realized that, for the first time in her life she had had an orgasm with a man who was not her husband. And not just a single orgasm but multiple ones, with the ugly old man who was banging her.

Mom got up and went to the bathroom. She was there for a good twenty minutes during which she cried, relieved herself and washed out all three of her orifices that had been used by Chandra for his pleasure. then washed her breasts and the rest of her sexy body.

When she came out she was disappointed to see Chandra still lying naked on the bed.
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He beckoned her to come to bed, "Let's sleep together tonight." A look of anger, fear and frustration flashed across her face, followed by a look of resignation. Lowering her head, she climbed onto the bed next to Chandra, who immediately took her in his arms and kissed her cheek, "Goodnight, princess. You're one awesome fuck."

I looked at the clock in the room, it was nearly midnight and the storm outside showed no sings of abating while the storm inside the room seemed to have calmed for now.

As they slowly fell asleep in each others' arms, I too decided to take a nap in that crawlspace.

I woke sometime before dawn. It took me a while to remember where I was. My twisting caused some noise and caused my mother also to wake up. She was confused finding herself stark naked next to an ugly old man but then remembered it all, letting out a horrified sigh, she sat up.

Hearing her sigh, Chandra also woke up, looking at my beautiful naked mother, he smiled, sat up and planted a wet kiss on her cheek.

He sat admiring her smooth, white beautiful body. his cock quickly stirring back to life. He reached out and tried to kiss mom on her mouth. But she turned away, not able to endure his morning breath.

So Chandra angrily, slapped her across her huge breasts, making her yell out in pain, "HUUNNNHHOWWH". He then stretched out his left hand and grabbed her by the back of her head, giving her a long, deep french kiss while squeezing her right breast with his right hand . It was all mom could do to keep herself from throwing up. She continued to gag for some time and then started to kiss him back.

He then released her head and breast and said to her, "Turn around babe, give me your sweet ass."

She shook her head in protest, "No, please, no more... I'm still sore..."

Ignoring her pleas, he placed her hand on her smooth hips and began to lift her up, turning her around.

She once again lowered her head in resignation and turned her back towards him. Chandra got up on his knees behind her on the bed. She also got up on her knees and bending forward, rested her torso on her elbows, her breasts hanging and pressing down onto the bed. He placed two pillows under her belly for additional support and put his hands on her lovely round ass, caressing it lovingly. He spread her ass cheeks and looked at her tiny little abused hole. She had done a good job of cleaning herself up. Her cute little butthole opened up slightly, as if inviting him for another round.

"Oohhh, your ass is just perfect." he said, "It's begging to be fucked."

Mom just whispered, "No, please... not now." But he just ignored her pleadings.

He lowered his face and rubbed it all over her buttocks, then he grabbed a handful of her right buttock with his right hand and placed his mouth on her left buttock, sucking in as much of it as he could. Then he did the same to the other buttock., lightly spanking her before changing which buttock would get squeezed and which one would get sucked. All the while the expression on mom's face was one of fear and disgust. She didn't want his giant cock inside her still sore ass but there was nothing she could do.

He straightened up and said, "Open up that ass, baby." Obediently, my mom reached behind with both hands and pulled her ass cheeks apart, once again completely exposing her enticing pink back door to him. He spat on it and then holding his erect cock in his hand he started rubbing the head up and down mom's crack, over her butt hole, until her hole was well lubricated with his saliva and pre-cum.

Then he pressed his cock head against her back door and pushed and mom screamed with pain as her already sore asshole was staring to get stretched again. She instinctively moved her hips forward away from the painful intrusion behind her. He grabbed her waist with both hands and pulled her back towards himself and in three great thrusts, he was in! Causing mom to scream, "OOOHHHHH...AAAAAHHHHHH...AAAUUUUUHHHH!" with each thrust.
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Now that he was fully inside, he climbed o top of her, causing her shoulders and head to press even lower into the bed, her massive breasts to press almost flat on the bed and her sexy ass to rise up higher. He began a slow pumping action in and out of mom's tight butt, causing her to cry out in great pain, "AAAAUUUUHHHHHH...NNNOOOOO...PLEEASE STOOPPP...HURRTTSSSSS...OOOOOOHHHHHH...AAUUUWWWWHH!"
Then he gradually increased his speed making my mother cry out even louder in pain, "AAAWW...OOUUUU...AAOOUUUCHH...AAAAIIIEEE...OOOOHHH!"

Soon Chandra was giving her long, solid rapid strokes. He would withdraw has penis from her hot asshole until only the head was left inside then he would pull her hips towards himself with his hands tightly gripping her waist. At the same time he would give a rapid and powerful thrust forward into her tight little bunghole, making a slapping sound when her hot round buttocks would crash against his lower waist. Mom screaming in pain on every thrust, every slapping sound.

The mingled sounds went something like, Slap..."AAUUUO...OOHH"...Slap..."OUCH... NOOO" ... Slap... "AAOOOOUUCH ...Don't.."..Slap.."..OUCH... NNNGGNNN..."

Unlike the previous night, Chandra was not playing with mom's pussy to get her off too. This was nothing but a good, honest ass-bang of my mom. Slowly, mom quieted down as perhaps her pain subsided.

Chandra then gave mom a few good spanks, causing her to squeal in pain. Then he grabbed her tightly by her hips and started a new ass-fucking rhythm. He would give her five long thrusts followed by a burst of ten or more rapid thrusts. This made her scream again like before.

After banging mom's ass for a full 20 minutes, he pressed forward pushing her completely face-down on the bed and lying on top of her continuing to thrust into her ass, this time with slow circular motions, emptying his balls into her bowels, groaning and moaning and at same time licking , sucking and kissing mom's left ear, "HHHHRRGGHHHMMMMMMMMHHHH...HHMMMMmmmmmmOOOOOOOHHH...OOOH... AAAAHHHHH... HHAAAAAAA... AAAAAAHHH... YES, Yes... take it...take it... take it all baby ... yes ... mmmmuuuaaaahhh ...yes, you're incredible ... what a hot ass you have ... oh baaabyyy. ... oh baby ... mmmmmhhhh... take... take ... take it".

He remained on top of my mom for some time and then got off her, withdrawing from her much abused rosebud. As soon as he got off her, mom jumped up from the bed and covering her ass with her hand, ran into the bathroom to relieve herself. Seeing this Chandra laughed and got up and went out of the room. I also hurriedly crawled away to my room.

After freshening up, I tried my door and found that it was still locked from outside. Had Chandra forgotten to unlock it or was he not done with my mother yet?!

I climbed back up into the crawlspace and crawled to mom's room. Mom had come out of the bathroom, still beautifully naked she was looking at her torn bra and nighty; they seemed to be quite useless now. Just then Chandra came back into her room. She turned around and seeing him, instinctively raised her torn clothes in front of her breasts to hide her nakedness. Picking up the bottle of oil from the stand, he laughed and said, "Why so shy princess? We're not done yet."

Mom sobbed, "No, please, no more..."

He came up to her and putting his arms around her said, "Stop fighting it baby, whether or not you like it, you are getting fucked again. If you stop pretending to be Ms Goody two shoes, maybe you'll enjoy it more than last night. You did like it, didn't you?."

Mom was quiet for a moment and then lowering her head in shame, she nodded quietly.

He said, "Great! Come here." and went and sat on the edge of the bed, keeping the bottle of oil at his side, his feet on the floor, legs spread out and his immense manhood starting to grow again. He held his penis in his hand and waved it and said to mom, "You know what to do, don't you, you lovely housewife?"
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She nodded and without another word walked up to him and knelt down between his spread legs, her beautiful face less than an inch from his dick. Her warm breath made his cock lurch up. Placing both her hands at its base, she opened up her mouth and took just the tip of his smelly cock in her mouth, gently licking it, swirling her pink tongue around the thick head. Then she proceeded to give the whole organ a tongue bath, licking every inch of his now hard manhood. She then opened her mouth wide and tried to take as much of the hard cock in as she could. Keeping it in her mouth she started moving her tongue on its underside, inside her mouth, I could see the bottom of her jaw moving. Then she sucked, and she sucked, all the while moaning sexily, "Mmmmm... hmmmm ...mmmmuaaa... haannnnhhhhaah ... haaaanhnaaah. ... mmmmm ...mmmmmmh"

Chandra also seemed quite pleased with her efforts and and leaned back and looked at her with his cock in her mouth and said, "Ooooh're so beautiful ... so sexy with my hard dick in your married mouth ... hmmmmmmmm ...oh yeah ... you sure know how to please a man, you sexy little slut wife ... ohhh yesss... you're my sexy little slut wife... oh yeah... lick my balls, you sexy wife..."

Mom took his cock out of her mouth and holding it across her face, went down and started licking his balls. Then she put one ball inside her mouth and sucked gently and then took it out of her mouth and running her tongue over it, moved to the other ball and took it in her mouth to suck. She did this a few times and went back to his cock, taking just the tip in her mouth and sucked. Mom then, opened her mouth wider and pushed her head lower taking more of Chandra's cock into her mouth until it hit the back of her throat. Choking, she moved her head up until only the tip was again in her mouth and repeated the process, continuing her sexy moans.

All this made Chandra mad with lust and he grabbed her head with both hands and holding it in place started to face-fuck her, raising his ass from the bed. Then he held her by her hair on the top and back of her head, keeping his cock in her mouth, bent down over her and started fingering her pussy with right hand, over her naked back. She arched her back, sticking out her ass to give him easier access to her pussy. Soon, wet sloshing sounds could be heard as he thrust his fingers in and out of my mother's pussy and her moans grew ever louder.

Chandra then put his hands under her armpits, standing her up said, "Come here on the bed with me, baby."

As mom climbed onto the bed, he also lifted is feet off the floor and got on the bed. Then, taking some oil from the bottle, he oiled his fingers and then started massaging mom's ample breasts, pulling and tugging at the now erect pink nipples.

As I looked, my mother also took some of the oil in her hands and started applying it to Chandra's thick, erect penis, stroking him as she applied it. He then began to massage some oil onto mom's pink pussy lips.

When my mother started to moan again, he pushed her down onto her back by her shoulders, put a pillow under her well ravaged ass and spread her legs wide apart. Then he straddled her right thigh and lifted her left leg, placing the calf of her left leg on his right shoulder and then, placing his right hand on the top of her left thigh and his left hand on the left side of her waist, he pulled her towards himself, making her cry out in pain at the awkward angle of her spread legs, "AAOOWWWWW!!"

She was now lying on her right side, unable to move much.

His thick knob was now at her pussy lips, it seemed to have life of its own as it seemed to be stretching ahead straight towards the entrance of my mom's love tunnel.

He pressed it against her hot, wet opening and gave one big shove. Her scream, "AAAOOOUWWHHHH!" signalling that he was in. Two more shoves and he was all the way in. "AARRRRGHHHOOOWWWW ... OOOOOOWWWUUUUCHH ... PLEEeease.
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In this position, Chandra's hands had access to the whole of my mom's sexy body. With his right hand he caressed her smooth naked back and fondled, pinched and spanked her buttocks. With his left hand he touched and caressed the front of mom's body., caressing her belly, fingering her deep navel, fondling, pressing, squeezing, pinching and kneading her lovely firm and smooth breasts. Her left knee was near his face, so he would also occasionally kiss and lick the front and back of that knee, then lower his face a little to bite, lick and nibble her smooth white thigh, raise his face up again to do the same to her left calf.

He started fucking her pussy slowly, running his hands over and abusing the rest of her hot body, occasionally spanking her sore ass lightly, caressing her front and her breasts. In spite of the pain at the fulcrum of her legs because of the strange wide angle that they were held in, her pussy started to respond and mom started sighing and moaning softly, "hmmmm. .. mm...hhhmmmm ...mmmmm ...hhhuunnmmmhhhh ... haaannhhhhhh ..mmmmmmmm ...mmm..hmm ..hhmmmaannhhh", closing her eyes.

Suddenly, he stopped mid-stroke, with just his cock head inside her, placed his left hand on her left breast, holding her swollen nipple and pink aureola between his fingers, he squeezed her breast, cruelly twisting her aureola and nipple making her scream with pain, eyes opening wide, "AAAAAOOOOOOOUUUCCHHHH!" Raising his right hand, he spanked her ass... Hard! And putting his mouth on her left thigh, he sucked her smooth flesh into his mouth and then bit her thigh, making her scream again, "Wha NNOOOOO..OOOWW!" Then his thrust his thick cock into mom, hard. Without releasing his twisting vice like grip on her breast, he brought his right hand around the top of her left thigh and starting diddling her protruding clit. Then he began to bang her sloppy wet pussy, hard with rapid thrusts, making loud smacking, slapping and fucking sounds.

Her whole body was pushed forward with each thrust and Chandra had to pull her back onto himself at regular intervals. Her left tit was was still twisted in his tight, painful grip, her massive right tit was resting on its side on the bed. As Chandra began his rapid, deep hard thrusts, her beautiful right tit was thrown around in all directions.


He let go of her left breast, which seemed to jump up at its sudden freedom from it painful captivity and joined her right breast in its crazy movements at Chandra's hard thrusts: her massive round breasts would slap against each other, swing away from each other, move up, move down, move in circles. The hand that was holding mom's breast now moved to the base of her throat. He held her there, biting, licking and kissing her left knee, calf and thigh, repeatedly spanked her bottom, hard.

He then asked her, "Do you want me to stop or do you want me to fuck you?"

To my surprise and mom's surprise and chagrin her screams and moans changed to "OOOOOHHHHHH ...NNNOOOOHHHH ...YEEAAHHHHHHH ...DON'TTT STOOPPP ... FUCK ME . FUCK ME FUCCCKKK MEEEE!!"

My mother never swore, never even raised her voice in anger, she was so gentle, sweet and loving. So I couldn't believe what was happening.

But now her body had betrayed her again, her body seemed to enjoy the rough loving that Chandra was giving her. Dad probably never treated mom this way but Chandra had humiliated and subjugated her and her body instinctively loved it, making her cum hard. Chandra laughed at the embarrassed expression on her face and said, "I knew you would love this. Don't hold back baby, just enjoy your fuck. Your husband will never give you this kind of loving."
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The mention of dad seemed to trigger some weird part of her animal brain that now seemed to be in control of her and the thought that she was getting orgasms with another man again pushed her over the edge into another hard, screaming orgasm, "AAAAAAUUUUUHHHHH ...HHHAAAAA. ... FUCK FUCK FUUUCCCKKKKK ...FUCK ME HARD. OOOOHHHHHNNNN HHHHAAAAAH!"

"You're having a good time, my sexy little slut?"

"YEESSSSSSS ...YESSSSSS ... YESSSSS ...OOOOHHH ... FUCK YOUR SLUT HARD ... FUCK ME ... YESSSSS ... OWWWW .OHH ... Owww ... hooooonnnhhhhh ...hhmmmmmmmh ... hhannnnhhhhhhhh ... oooohhh... yesss ... ohhh nooooo ... oh nooo... hmmmmhhhh!"

As her orgasm subsided, she was overcome with guilt again and started sobbing, "Ohhh nnoooo ... nooooo ...sorrryyyyy ..ssooo nooohhh"

He removed his raging cock from her tight wet pussy and continuing to hold her in the same position, he shoved it up her already ravaged and sore ass hole. She screamed in pain and terror at this new intrusion, "AAAAAAUUUUHHHH ... NOOOOO ...NOT There ...NOT NOW... NOOOOO!"

A couple of thrusts later her ass seemed to throw Chandra's dick out. So he stuck it back into my mother's still wet pussy and started thrusting hard. He ran his right hand over her back,her ass, her left leg and then moved it back to her ass,slapping, kneading and pinching it and rubbing the tiny space between her pussy and ass hole. With his left hand he now started assaulting her right breast, kneading, pinching and slapping it.

Mom started moaning and again felt another orgasm building up, "Mmmmmm ... hmmmmmmhhh ... Owwwwwwhhh ...oohhhhhh no no n oohhhh noo .. owhh ... YES... YESSSS ... " She roared, "FUCK YEAHHHHHH ...FUUCCKKKKK MEEE FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME ... I'm your slittl ... slexy ... ohhh sexy slut ... Fuck your sexy little slut ... Fuck me .. I'm you sexy little slut ... Yessss Yes ... ohh yess."

Chandra then moved his legs and with his left hand lifted her right leg from under him, his cock still firmly embedded in her pussy. Now, he placed both her ankles on each of his shoulders making mom sigh with relief at this more comfortable position. Then placing both his hands under her, each hand gripping each of her sweet ample buttocks tightly, he lifted her ass up, moving his shoulders a little lower so that her calves were now resting on them and his head was between her knees. Her back was now folded almost double. Chandra lowered his head to kiss her, this time she responded enthusiastically to this ugly man, raising her neck and head to meet his black purple lips with her luscious pink lips. Then mom stretched out her hand and grabbed another pillow, placing it below her neck and head so that they could continue kissing properly. And kiss they did, long sloppy wet kisses, thrusting their tongues into each others mouths, sucking on each others lips and tongues, licking each others faces, cheeks, chin even nose and nostrils and more noisy sloppy kisses with continuous moaning.

Chandra was still hard and still deep inside my mom and now he started fucking her slowly again. She let out a loud moan to signal her approval, "HMMMMMMMMOOOOHHHHNNNHHHHHHAAAH!"

As they continued to fuck, mom's wet pussy again started making sloppy, fucking noises as he thrust in and out of her. Only this time, her pussy also started making 'farting' noises as air and her juices escaped out from around his large cock through her pussy lips.
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This only seemed to excite them more as Chandra picked up the pace of his thrusts and my mother moved her hips in tandem to meet his powerful thrusts, placing her soft white hands on his black, grey haired butt.

He looked into her eyes and amid their kisses he asked, "Your husband can't give you a fucking like this can he?"

"Mmmmm nnoo ..he can't!"

"Why not?", more kissing.

'Kiss' "Mmm...because " 'kiss' .."He's not as big as you" more kisses.

"Hmmm ... Can he give you rough fucking like me" kiss kiss

"NNooo...never." kiss kiss kiss

"Do you like it?" kiss

kiss "Like what?" kiss

"Being rough fucked." kiss

She didn't answer so he bit her on her shoulder, "Do you like being rough fucked?"

"Ouch! Oh yesss.. yesss ...I love it!!" kiss kiss kiss

In the mean time his thrusting cock caused her pussy to go into another orgiastic convulsion and she cried out her climax, "OHHH YESS... OWWW ..OW ...OW... OH ...OWHH ... Ohhhh!"

He asked her, "WHat do you want baby?"

"I want to be FUCKED!!"

"Do you want my cock?"


"Who are you?"

"I"m your sexy little slut that you're FUCK FUCK FUCKinggggg!! OOOHHHhhhhh! FUCCKK!!"


Hearing my sexy mom calling out his name during her orgasm made Chandra also lose control and with a great roar he released his sperm deep into her womb. "AAAARRRHHHHHAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAA TAKE IT DEEP INSIDE YOU FUCKING SLUT ...TAKE IT ...TAKE IT ... TAKE IT ...AAAHHHHHRRRGHHHH AAAAHHAAAAAAHHH!"

They continued kissing and moaning for some time and lay there intertwined with each other, sighing, moaning, kissing. After some time, mom started move her hips to get Chandra's dick out of her pussy and started pushing him gently with her hands saying, "Ohhh, I can't breathe!" Chandra's cock plopped out of her as he moved away, lying down at her side.
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"That was great!" he said.

"Mmm hmm" mom nodded, smiling dreamily.

"You're one great fuck, you know that? Perfects tits, perfect ass and a sweet tight pussy. I can't believe you shoved a baby out through that tiny hole."

"No, you're sooo biigg!" she giggled.

Her pussy didn't look tiny anymore, the lips were swollen red and had a gaping hole between them.

I just lay there on the crawlspace unable to believe my eyes and ears. My straight-laced, gentle, honourable mother, lying naked with her rapist, making post-coital small talk.

Then mom got up and placing her hand over her well-fucked pussy started walking towards the bathroom saying, "We'd better get cleaned up, my son will be awake soon."

Chandra also got up and began to put on his lungi.

I quickly scrambled back to my room and got into my bed, pretending to be asleep.

After some time, I heard my bedroom door open and the light steps of my mom coming towards me. She kissed me lightly on my forehead and said gently, "Wake up, we have to leave now." I stirred, nodded my head and said, "Yeah" thinking that pretty mouth that just kissed me was sucking and swallowing a filthy cock just some time back. Mom smiled and left the room. I got up, got ready and when I entered the hall I saw my mother looking radiantly beautiful as ever sitting at a respectable distance from Chandra. The two were talking about the weather and the raging storm that was outside all night. No one could have guessed that these two people had spent the night together in debauchery or that he had bangd my mother into submitting to her own debauched side.

As we were leaving I think I saw Chandra give my mother a slip of paper while whispering, "If you want some more rough loving, this is how you can find me."

My loving mother, the faithful housewife blushed and accepted the paper, slipping it into her purse quietly.

And then we started for home.

So this was the story of how my mind was twisted and what the stuff of my recurring nightmares is made of.
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Two years had passed since Chandra had said to her, "If you want some more rough loving, this is how you can find me." The beautiful wife and mother had thrown away the piece of paper he had given her. .

It was bad enough that he had bangd her repeatedly but she had also orgasmed multiple times.

If her husband found out that she had been bangd, he would have tracked down her rapist and killed him. He had once put a man through a wall, head first for trying to molest her. She would have told her husband about the bang if she wasn't so ashamed of how she had reacted to it, how she had cum over and over again and in the end had given up all resistance and completely submitted to her ugly old rapist.

She loved her husband and had spent the last two years trying to make up for her 'cheating'. She devoured him at every opportunity, even surprising him by eating his ass. He of course had no idea about the reason for his sexy wife's increased affection and horniness.

Whenever her husband was away on one of his frequent business trips, the hot mom found herself thinking about the events of that night. She remembered Chandra's huge cock shafting in and out of her, his weight on her, his wet slobbering kisses and love-bites. Luckily her husband had been gone for a full month at that time, enough time for all the hickies Chandra had left on her breasts, ass, thighs and shoulders, to fade away.

She had always loved having her husband fuck her ass; he was so gentle, making her feel loved and dirty at the same time. she loved sucking his cock, which she thought was a beautiful work of art, very different from Chandra's filthy, stinking monster.

Sex with her husband was great, it was soft intense love between two people who loved and respected each other. What had happened with Chandra was raw, brutal, rough, animal sex, that she had not known could exist. Chandra's body odor, the unbearable stench of his mouth, the foul smell of his balls and cock disgusted her. His huge cock had hurt her greatly but once she got used to his size, she couldn't stop cumming over and over again. She couldn't understand her body's intense reaction as the disgusting man had taken her again and again.

She had often wondered if her son, who had been sleeping in another room, had heard her moans and screams as she was being fucked through the night. She had noticed him looking at her strangely since that night and there was an awkwardness between them as opposed to the easy, fun relationship they had earlier.

So she was glad when her son went away to college in another state, studying pharmaceutical science .

However he was now back home for the summer break, bringing back the awkwardness. Her husband was also home and had noticed the change in his son. So when he announced that they were going out for a couple of days, both mother and son thought it would be a nice change.
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Chandra was sure the woman would contact him. He had been pleasantly surprised when she had cum hard as he bangd her ass. Just recalling her soft body, big firm breasts and perfect ass, her tight pussy, her kisses, moans and screams, the way she wrapped her smooth long legs around his waist, the way she had licked and sucked his cock, the way she had called out his name as she came hard on his cock, made him hard all over again. It had been a long time that he had fucked a woman like her.

So when he did not hear from her again, he decided to find her. The bitch needed to be punished, keeping him hanging like that. He knew where she lived but he needed to be careful. Her husband could be a resourceful and dangerous man if he wanted to. A simple kidnapping would not do.

It took him over ten months to set the trap. Finally after two years, the sexy slut wife would now be his.


The two years since the 'incident' had been strange. I couldn't help but look at my beautiful mother as a sexual being. The images of her smooth naked body, of her getting fucked, the way she had opened up her ass to her rapist, how she had sucked his cock, the way she had kissed him and wrapped her lovely legs around his waist, even the sounds of her moans and screams as she came over and over again, were all indelibly etched on my mind. I had been avoiding even looking at mom.

I had spent the two years finding as much as I could about Chandra, his business dealings, his finances, his strengths, his weaknesses, associates and idiosyncrasies and had come up with a plan to not just make him disappear but also commandeer a whole bunch of his money.

My opportunity came sooner than expected.

Dad's consulting business was going through a long slack. So, when he landed a whole bunch of new contracts through a certain Mr Singh, dad rolled out the red carpet for him. And when Mr Singh invited the whole family to spend a weekend at one of his many houses away from the city, dad could not refuse.

The atmosphere in our home was quite strained so a weekend away came as a welcome change. Dad, mom and I left in our car in the afternoon on Friday. Dad kept talking about how important Mr Singh was in securing the new contracts; it was essential to impress him and keep him happy. I guess dad was just rambling because he just couldn't understand the changed dynamic and tension between mom and me and didn't know how to handle it.

As we were on our way I realized that the road seemed familiar; soon it became clear that we were on our way to Chandra's farmhouse. Of course! His full name was Bheem Chandra Singh! Mr Singh was Chandra!

Mom also seemed to have realized this and seemed very nervous.

Our worst fears were confirmed when dad pulled into the driveway and we were welcomed by Chandra himself. Mom avoided making eye contact with him and stood behind dad. We pretended that we were meeting for the first time.

We had supper during which mom was mostly quiet and Chandra was respectful and formal towards her.

When dessert was served, I noticed an evil glint in his eyes as he kept glancing at dad and me. I avoided eating any dessert and managed to dump it discreetly.

At Chandra's suggestion we retired to bed early; dad seemed a bit wobbly on his feet.

After I was lying down in my bed for sometime I heard somebody trying to open the door and when they did not succeed I heard the door being bolted from outside.

I immediately hobbled out of bed and climbed up into the crawlspace like the last time. I made my way to the space above my parents' bedroom.
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I noticed three things, dad was lying unnaturally still on the bed, breathing slowly. Mom was lying awake beside him. She was wearing a sheer, knee-length nightie with spaghetti straps and no underwear, she was probably more confident with her husband at her side. The third thing I noticed was that the door didn't have a single latch on the inside and could not be bolted shut.

Mom was looking very sexy lying on the bed, her long black hair splayed above her head, the parting of her hair colored with red vermilion powder, signifying that she was a married woman. Her 'mangalsutra' necklace lying between her rising and falling breasts, the wedding ring on her finger and silver toe rings on the second toe of each of her pretty feet we other signs that she was married. Mom was also wearing silver anklets with tiny bells, which made sweet tinkling noises every time she moved.

Suddenly, the bedroom door opened and Chandra walked in wearing only a lungi. Mom smiled and shook dad to wake him up. When dad didn't wake up, she started becoming scared and shook him harder, calling out his name.

Chandra came near the bed and standing next to mom said, "He won't get up for at least ten hours. Waking him up earlier than that could harm him."

"What did you do?" mom asked, panicking and slapping dad's face trying to wake him but he did not move.

"Don't worry, he's just unconscious; he'll be fine in the morning." Chandra replied reaching out and grabbing mom's hand, "Come baby, let's go."

"What?! No! Don't you dare touch me! My husband will kill you."

"Bitch, if you don't co-operate, your husband and son will disappear without a trace and after I'm done with you, I'll sell you on the market; lots of men will pay good money to fuck you."

Mom looked terrified and tried to wake dad again in vain.

Chandra bent down and scooped mom up in his arms from her unconscious husband's side. He carried her like she was his bride, out of the room, the hem of her nightie riding up, exposing her milky white thighs. She had to hold onto Chandra's neck to support herself, causing her breast to be pressed against his chest.

As he carried her through the hallway, I followed them crawling in the crawlspace.

Chandra carried mom into a room which was furnished with a king sized bed, a couch, a couple of chairs and a table. There were some ropes, a bottle of oil, a leather belt, some long rods and an ice-box on the table. There were also some harnesses hanging from the ceiling.

Chandra started kissing and licking mom's face as he carried her into the room with mom trying to turn her face away and begging, "No, please... let me ggoo...! "

He carried her to the couch and put her down on it. Then he removed his lungi and was completely naked, his huge dick growing harder rapidly. He sat next to her and lowered the straps of her nightie. Mom, sobbing softly further lowered the straps one by one freeing each of her arms and exposing both of her exquisite breasts.

Chandra lunged at her and started sucking, biting and licking her breasts, holding her in his arms, making mom cry out in disgust, "No ... oooohhhh ...aaaahhhhhhuuuuuhhhhh ... nnn.."

After a couple of minutes of this, he said, "Stand up, slut."

Mom obeyed and as she stood, her nightie which had bunched around her waist, slipped down to the floor.

He then slapped her ass, hard making her cry out, "Owww!" and kissed her beautiful, smooth pussy deeply, pushing his tongue inside. Mom drew a sharp breath and then sobbed louder, "Hhhhnnn ...nnooohhh ...oohhhhh..."

He then made her stand between his legs and then pulled her down so that she was now sitting in his lap; her smooth naked ass was resting on his right thigh and his huge erection was resting on top of her smooth, glistening left thigh.
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