Fantasy Actress Roleplays
Nice writing. Can you post a story on lavanya tripati or pranitha.
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Nice stories, can you please post a story on Raasi/Mantra
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Write on nabha , nidhi or shraddha srinath bro
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Please add a story on Raveena Tandon
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one story on ragina cassindra
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Raveena tandon story please bro
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#Regina cassandra

It was a Monday Regina cassandra and Mohit (Regina hubby) &  had gone to attend a wedding. She was dressed in a red colored sari & a matching sleeveless blouse. Her silky brown hair was tied up in French knot & only the narrow back of low cut blouse covered her back. The front was also equally low cut but pallu was covering cleavage (at least at that time.).

[Image: 0447f93974e47d5ae621a6b2a972d2ad.jpg]

At the wedding Regina  had started to flirt with a couple of young studs & had let them come very close to her.

She was looking hot & sexy & they got carried away a bit. 

They took her to a corner & one of them began caressing her bum while the other was stroking her breast when her hubby came searching for her. 

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

The boys moved away quickly but her expressions were enough to tell her hubby what she had been up to. 

Surprisingly, he didn't react as she expected him to. 

He just grabbed her arm & dragged  away from there without a word.

It was around 5:00 in the evening when they left the venue.

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

car was parked in the parking lot but he took her towards the railway station. 

"Mohit, where are we going? The car is...!" She started to ask but his angry look made her keep mouth shut. 

It was the peak of rush hour when they reached the railway station. 

The crowd at the station was being doubled with every passing minute. 

Mohit left her standing in the centre of the ticketing hall & went to buy tickets. 

He was gone for almost 15 minutes & during that time she felt unseen hands brush her body & She was pushed & prodded by the jostling crowd.

[Image: regina-cassandra-in-balakrishnudu-movie-stills-4.jpg]

"Come fast, don't just stand there like a whore!" scolded Mohit as he came towards her. She blushed as many heads turned when he said that.

Again he held her arm & they climbed up the pedestrian bridge. We waited in the centre of the bridge as he watched the trains coming & going.

Then without warning he pulled her  & dragged towords down the stairs.

[Image: DM4U8V2U8AA7eal.jpg]

A train was inching its way out of the station. 

People hung onto the doors. Many turned & stared as her boobs heaved as Mohit pulledg her behind him. They ran as fast as her heels would permit her to without stumbling.

The train was picking up speed slowly as they were running alongside. 

Regina saw the green stripes marking out the ladies compartment & said "Mohit, I will get into the ladies compartment you take the gents!" he looked at her in disdain & said "Regina you bitch! If I let you go there you will get into a clinch with some lesbian or get off at the next station & slut around with some college kids again! No!! You bitch you are coming with me!"& he pointed towards the general men's compartment. 

Regina was stunned!!

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQF5IxG9SE_za2VNKj2yKQ...zZNk_EZPtz]

Men were crammed into the compartment; many were hanging out of the doors. Some were clinging to the rods of the windows. 

"Mohit! Do you know what they will do to me?" She asked. He turned towards her & said "you like to get close to men don't you? You like them touching your bums & boobs, don't you? I think you will enjoy it?"

Suddenly he pushed her towards a group of men hanging in a door of the train.

[Image: 1KpKINy]

"Take her inside... please" he shouted at them. 

Two of them gleefully reached out & pulled Regina in. She was passed along inside the throng of men. 

As She was passed inside, men started to turn around to face her. She could feel their bodies touch . The smell of their sweat was overpowering.

She kept looking back to see if Mohit was there behind her, but couldn't see him so she called out "Mohit, where are you?" Almost all the men surrounding her answered. "Darling! Forget him, I am here!".

[Image: BALANCING.jpg]

She was shit scared & an uncontrollable panic was rising within her. she tried to push out from the crowd but her way was blocked by 2 tall men. she couldn't see where she was going.

"Please... let me go!" she pleaded with them.

They laughed & she felt hands crawl up her body. Some were groping around her bums; others were caressing her bare waist & flat tummy while most were crushing her breasts.

[Image: 20180228151981354213548158016gQ4SOrIN28.jpg]

All content are copied from INTERNET. if any one have object i will remove the content. This is a work of fiction.This stories and pics are not my own. copied from Internet .  Please find Index in 1st Page.
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"Noo...oo!" She cried as the men got bolder & bolder. Someone pulled her pallu and shoved his palm inside the blouse. 

Another man was trying to pull out he tucked in sari & another hand was pushing inside towards her crotch. she was helpless. 

It was so cramped she could barely move & both of her hands were busy trying to push away the faces that were leaning towards her, trying to kiss her.
[Image: DyZGRJzUUAApWeP.jpg:large]

As Her hands were busy pushing away salivating lips, Her body was being squeezed & probed.

"What a babe! Bloody Whore" She kept hearing such things as She yelped & moaned in agony.

Without warning a tall man in front of her reached forward & placed his huge hands on either side of her face. 

Regina tugged at his hands & scratched at them but he was too strong & tough. 

His right hand grabbed her tied up hair & his other hand moved over her cheek & his fingers dug through her hair & into scalp. 

[Image: e71a8e5f41985a941fefe2a7f20b3753.jpg]

Her face was held in his vice like grip & She watched his grinning lips come towards her lips. 

"UMMmmfff!" she groaned as his slimy mouth engulfed her lips. His teeth bit into her soft lips & his tongue probed deep inside her mouth. 

She recoiled in shame & tears ran down face. He continued kissing her all over  face while the rest of the men around her were squeezing whatever part of her body they could lay their hands on.

[Image: VwAjNL.gif]

That's when She felt the train slow down. She realized they were close to a station. 

Regina had to take this chance & get out before anything else happened. 

She stopped hitting at the man smooching her & instead reciprocated by pushing her tongue inside his mouth. 

She put her hands into his hair caressed his cheeks. 

He froze for an instant & then their tongues met in a wet sloppy kiss.

"Hey, the bitch is hot!", someone shouted & the others cheered.

The train was slowing & the man kissing her was relaxing as she nibbled his lips & caressed his cheeks. 

She felt many hands relax their tight grips on her boobs & bums as they watched her slutty performance.

[Image: hqdefault.jpg]

The train was coming gently to a stop & many people were getting out. 

Suddenly, with as much strength she could muster she pushed at the man kissing her, turned around & ran straight towards the door. 

He was too surprised to react. 

Someone shouted "Stop the whore", She ran as fast as she could & had almost reached the door when a large group of men rushed in pushing her back. 

"Ohhh NOOoooo...!" she cried as she saw her escape route blocked. 

Then a hand fell on her hair & she was jerked backwards into the arms of a man. As soon as she came within his reach, he clasped his palms on to her breasts & began kneading them. 

She bit his hands & freed herself from his clutches & ran towards the door. 

But the train was moving again as the men closed around her. 

Suddenly a voice called out from behind "The bloody bitch is trying to run out again! Catch her & rip off herclothes! Let's see how she runs out naked?", all of them laughed & three or four pairs of hands coiled around her naked waist & dragged her back to the centre. 

Immediately her blouse was grabbed from both sides & she heard the fabric rip. 

She felt fingers being shoved inside the crack between her ass & get hold of her petticoat & panties. 

She screamed "No! please let me go! I am like your sister!". she was begging them to let her go.

Somebody said "if you are our sister then we all are sister fuckers!"

Their lust filled eyes bored into her body & their eager hands pressed onto her body. 

Regina heard her blouse tear & screamed "Stop it! Stop! "Don't tear my clothes!".

Somebody grabbed her hair & led her further inside the compartment. she was pushed to the farthest corner of the compartment. 

Now the door was impossible to reach. 

Men were pushing & shoving to get a better view & everyone was trying to come further ahead in the crowd which was forming to fuck her.

[Image: regina-cassandra-hot-in-nakshatram-telugu-movie-3.jpg]

There were almost 100 men in that compartment & She knew that even if less than half of them bangd her, she would be almost dead.

Many of the men had their mobile phone cameras aimed at her as tears began flowing down her cheeks. 

She had her back towards the barred window, the seats around her had emptied & the crowd of men was closing in. 

She clasped one hand to her breasts trying to hold on to her flimsy blouse & bra. The other hand  placed on her crotch & tried to pull up her almost un-tucked & disheveled sari.

For a few minutes the men watched her feeble attempts to protect herself from their assault. Then a man directly opposite her sneered & asked "Are you done decking up, whore", she didn't even look up. 

Her knees were shaking & sweat poured from every pore of her body.

Suddenly a voice called out "Ask the whore her name? It will be fun while we fuck her", laughter spread through the crowd.

"Speak up bitch! They are talking about you! You are the only whore here!", the man opposite her guffawed as he said it.

She didn't utter a word & looked down at her feet.

'Slaaaaap!' a hard slap almost pushed her down onto the seat.

She looked around at the crowd of men hoping someone would step in to help her. But she was on her own. 

The man who had slapped her leaned forward & grabbed the shoulder straps of her blouse & pulled her to feet.

As soon as she was on her feet he pulled the blouse straps down her shoulders.

She flung her head backwards & screamed "No..Noo please don't do it!"

More than half of my sweating boobs & her bra were exposed to the men.

[Image: regina-cassandra-hot-big-boobs5.jpg]

"we asked you your name, whore" he grimaced.

"Regina!" She said with helplessness.

"Regina"..."Regina" her name was repeated around the compartment.

"Hmmm! Regina! Sounds just like a bitch's name", said the man who was still holding her blouse.

"Hey, how much you are sweating, Regina" he said mockingly & squeezed her naked shoulders.

Oohs & Aaahs were heard as he touched her bare skin.

He squeezed her naked flesh till she closed my eyes in shame.

As soon as she closed her eyes he grabbed her bra straps. In one motion he pulled down her bra & blouse revealing her firm boobs & dark brown nipples. 

"! She screamed in vain.

[Image: regina-cassandra-naked-pussy-pics.jpg]

She covered nipples with  hands as he reached below her breasts & tore away her blouse. 

He reached behind her & unhooked  bra & tossed it away. 

Regina saw it being caught by someone who immediately began sucking & biting on one of the cups. 

She was horrified at the sight.

As she stood covering her boobs with her hands, the man caught hold of sari & began pulling it off. she was forced to turn round & round as he stripped off her sari. 

She closed eyes unable to bear the shame of being stripped naked in front of so many.

He grabbed her petticoat & ripped it off in strips.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR9pUDB0Xi-3byFbPAKuaS...rjlg9Bfpnc]

"No..No.. No" she was sobbing, crying & screaming all at once.

Men were whistling & yelling as he put his palms behind on her ass & caressed them. 

Suddenly he pressed her bums harder & pulled her towards him. His lips clasped on to her  mouth smothering my screams. His tongue probed her mouth & his teeth bit  her lips.

The man kissing her had moved his hands on to her bare naked back & was squeezing it. 

Suddenly another man pushed his way to her side & groped her breast. He pulled down her panties & began kissing her neck & cheeks form behind.

[Image: Reg3_3_4.jpg]

She was writhing in shame & pain as these unknown men groped & felt her all over. 

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The worst part was there almost another 100 men waiting to do the same.

But the real horror was about to begin as her panties were torn away at her knees. 

she was stark naked except for the ornaments that she had worn for the wedding.

"Strip Regina naked" someone screamed & both the men fondling her naked body stopped & roughly pulled away all of her ornaments. 

her bangles, necklaces & earrings were plucked out & flung into the yelling throng of men. 

her waistband was stuck so they turned her around such that she was facing the window. 

Somebody began spanking her naked butt as the two struggled to unhook the band. 

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRwnD4daCSWsz6_f7gwa2C...7KRljx2VRu]

She yelped at every hit. One of the men was caressing her thigh as he fidgeted with the waistband. 

By then the train was slowing at another station. She had lost track of where they had reached.

The train stopped. 

For a while there was chaos as people shoved & pushed & ran around to board. Then suddenly a face looked right in the window which she was facing. 


The person stared at her in shock & peered even closer to the window. 

She also bent forward & said "Please help me! Help me! I am being bangd"

The face stared intently. 

She followed his gaze & realized that he was staring at her naked dangling breasts. 

Regina lost all hope as he excitedly told his friends "There's a naked girl getting fucked! Shove your way into this compartment!" & with that She saw he & his friends run towards the door to her compartment!!

[Image: Naked%2Bass%2BRegina%2BCassandra%2Bfull%...%2Bbed.jpg]

She was still being spanked on her butt when all of a sudden one of the men exclaimed "I am done!" She turned to see & saw him pocket her costly gold waistband. 

The other man bent lower down & pulled at her ankles trying to remove heels.

Suddenly he froze. her eyes locked into his & she saw the look of unbridled lust in his eyes. 

she realized what had happened. 

she was bent forward towards the window with her hands on the grills. her butt was facing the men. her legs were spread out as he was trying to remove her heels. she was in the classical doggy pose & he was bent slightly over her back reaching for her ankle.

He grinned at her & grabbed her thighs & pushed inwards towards her. her face was pressed against the bars of the window.

"No...No...nooo!" She began screaming in fear of impending ruin. 

He pulled out his erect cock & without wasting a second hammered it into her bone dry asshole.


"AAAAaaaaaaaa...hhhhhHHHHHH!" She scream must have echoed throughout the train. He withdrew & plunged in again.

"AAaaaaahh! Aaaaaaoowwww! Aaaaaahhh!" Regina was screaming continuously as he pounded her ass with his cock. 

He grabbed her hair & pulled her head back towards him. He kissed her cheek & growled "Scream more, you bitch! Scream louder!".

He kept holding on to her hair as he butt fucked her.

"Bitch! What a tight asshole you have", He screamed as he fucked her ass harder.

she was clinging tightly to the window grill with her thighs wrapped around his waist. 

Every time he thrust in, her silky hair slipped from his grasp. Then He would clutch another hand full of her hair & drag her head back till the next thrust.


Then after what seemed an eternity he started fucking her in short hard thrusts & she knew he was reaching climax.

She hated the thought of his sperm inside her body. But She knew even worse was to come when so many would breed her with their sperm in her pussy.

He had stopped thrusting & was arching backwards when she felt his cock roughly pop out of her ravaged asshole. 

she felt his warm sperm splash onto her bums &  naked thighs. she turned to see why he had been so considerate as not to have ejaculated inside her & was shocked to see that two men had pulled him & thrown him on a seat to get at her.

[Image: Cum%2Bon%2BRegina%2BCassandra%2Bnude%2Ba...C416&ssl=1]

"It's our turn now" one of them screamed. 

She had collapsed on her knees & looked at the men who had by now removed their cocks from inside their trousers.

All the faces seemed to blur into one another. Then she saw a familiar face staring back at her.

But before she could say a word she was lifted & flung onto a seat & forced to lie on her back.


One man mounted her from the top & pushed her knees towards her boobs. 

The other man put his bent knee next to the backrest & sat almost on her neck. 

she choked & spluttered but he pulled her hair so hard that she had to open my mouth with a pain filled moan. 

Instantly his cock was thrust into her open mouth. 


She looked at him. 

His eyes were half closed, his head was tossed backwards & he seemed to be living his fantasy. 

She decided to fight back & tried to viciously bite his cock. 

But just as she was about to clamp onto his cock the man who had mounted on top of her banged in his cock in her tight pussy. 

Instead of closing her mouth she was forced to open it wider in a shriek of unbearable pain. 


The man fucking her mouth seemed to love it & he pulled harder on her hair & began slapping her. 

she screamed!!

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The more she screamed the more he hit her. 

Meanwhile she felt her pussy being fucked in long hard strokes. 

Whoever was fucking her was very strong. His cock was penetrating deep inside her making her raise her back in agony. 

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS3ttlVqqAJr_GnEjtxA8f...cJMPihFOFA]

This actually served to give more pleasure to the man fucking her mouth. 

As every deep thrust in her pussy forced a muffled scream from her; her tongue would move upwards & wrap around the penis in her mouth.

As she stared ashamedly at the look of utter satisfaction on the face of the man with his cock in her mouth, Regina felt a harder thrust in her pussy & felt the hotness of sperm spread inside her. 

She felt him hold & then spray his second load. 

The first man amongst the crowd had bred her; surely there were more. 

As soon as the man ejaculated he pulled out his cock & said "You have such a tight pussy, Regina! I enjoyed myself! You also must have enjoyed it?", as he was saying it he sat on the opposite seat & kept looking at her being fucked in the mouth.

Other men had by then rushed towards her naked pussy & were fighting to mount her.

Suddenly the cock in her mouth stiffened & shuddered. 

She tried to remove it from her mouth but he held onto her hair & thrust in deeper almost reaching her throat & making her gag. 

[Image: 17723074.gif]

He half removed his cock & dumped his sperms inside her mouth. 

He just kept cumming. 

It flooded her mouth & dripped out from the corners of  lips. 

He slipped backwards & rested his dangling cock in between her cleavage. 

He held her mouth shut & said "Swallow it, Regina! Swallow it, darling!" she struggled but to no avail. 

He watched her closely until she gulped his warm fluid. 

Tears trickled down her cheeks as he tugged at her hair & wiped his cock clean with it. 

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR-WFBXkWjXSGS4sayCj5n...ZDcy-j6pmf]

He pushed her cum covered hair in her mouth & said "Lick it clean, you slut! Other's also want to enjoy!". 

She spat at him & he laughed as most of her spit landed on her boobs. 

He got off her breast & three others rushed in fighting amongst themselves.

Regina was fucked in her pussy  two more men in quick succession. 

Both dumped their loads inside her twat. 

While her mouth was ravaged by just one man who took a long time tit fucking her & then made her suck his cock. 

He sprayed his sperms in mouth & all over her face.

[Image: Regina-cassandra-big-boobs.jpg]

As the two men got off her body others jostled to replace them.

She was left untouched as men fought between themselves to fuck her.

She was thankful for the respite when a familiar voice spoke "What the fuck are you guys upto? I brought such an hot slut for free fucking & your assholes are fighting amongst yourselves & wasting time?".

Many of the men turned to look at who had spoken. Regina looked as Mohit stood up & walked over towards the seat where she was lay naked.

[Image: Full+nude+Regina+Cassandra+big+fake+boobs+photo.jpg]

"No more free fucking!", he said.

"Who will stop us, you? Alone?", asked a swarthy man. 

He moved closer to her & laid his dark brown hand on on milky thigh.

Regina lay still feeling worse than the cheapest prostitute.

"Look guys, many people must have seen this whore getting fucked at every station" If anyone goes to the security officer, we all will get screwed! That's why stop bickering & get down to the real job!", said Mohit.

"one more thing. If all of you fuck her in her Pussy & asshole, the slut will die! So let's fix a rate & accordingly fuck her!" Mohit looked all around grinning.

[Image: Fat%2Bass%2BRegina%2BCassandra%2Bnaked%2...Bdress.png]

"What's the rate?", the swarthy looking man asked.

Regina stared at Mohit with unconcealed hatred. He was selling her to this crowd. He was pimping for her! His own wife!!

"Rate for Regina's pussy for 1500! Rate for Regina's asshole 1000! & to get a blowjob from Regina just 100", he laughed along with the rest of the crowd.

"Stand in 3 lines!", he ordered.

Regina watched as lines formed as per the rates for fucking her body.

The swarthy man was stroking the inside of her thigh & She wanted to kick him hard in his balls. 

But her body was not responding after the pounding it had taken. 

[Image: Regina%2BCassandra%2Bbig%2Bfake%2Bboobs%...e%2BHD.jpg]

She was watching how many were lining up to ravage her pussy & ass. 

She was shocked to see that even though most of the men were waving a 100 bucks quite a few were lining up for her pussy & ass.

She counted almost 30 men lining up for my pussy while another 20 were in the line for my asshole. 

There were almost 50 men lining up for a blowjob!!

Mohit was actually taking the money from the first in line when the man stroking her thigh said 

"Hey pimp, take 3000 First I will fuck Regina properly & then your line starts! Got it?), Mohit nodded & the other men also seemed a bit scared of this arrogant man.

He removed his shirt & put it on rack above. 

He was dark & had a big pot belly & had a lot of body hair. 

He was chewing paan (betel leaf) which he spat out of the window.

He pushed her off the seat roughly. 

She fell on the floor. 

He towered over her grinning like a demon & dropped his pants & underpants. 

In spite of the condition she was in, her eyes widened at the sight of his cock. 

It was almost 12 inches long & more than 5 inches thick. 

It looked like it had been transplanted from some horse rather than being a human penis.

She shuddered at the thought of getting bangd by such a cock.

He pulled out a couple of bottles of water from his bag & ordered her " Stand up Regina"

She obeyed without a whimper.

He pinched her mouth open & poured water into it & said "wash your mouth".

She nodded, rinsed her mouth & drank some. 

He took the bottle & poured water on Her head & on her boobs. She wiped the traces of cum from her body as best as she could with such little water.

He poured some more water on on hair & then said "lie down Regina! Now you will know what it feels to be fucked by a real man!".

she obeyed just like a prostitute would have.

she pushed her wet hair behind & lay down on the floor.

He smiled at her & lay down heavily on top of her. 

she gasped as his weight took away her breath. He ran his fingers through her wet hair & began kissing  all over. 

He was very gentle as he kissed & nibbled on her lips, nipples & around her crotch. 

He fingered her pussy & asshole. 

She moaned as she was being turned on by his gentle caressing. She was ashamed at being turned on by her rapist & that too in front of such a huge crowd. 

She quickly tried to locate Mohit but he was lost in the crowd which was watching her writhe & wriggle shamelessly. 

The man cupped his hands around her boobs & fondled them. 

He was so gentle she never realized when he had lifted her legs & placed them above his huge shoulders. 


He was still teasing her lips with his tongue & his fingers were probing gently into her ass when she closed eyes & moaned in an oncoming orgasm. 

She felt his body move a bit above her but the pleasant sensations in her body had lulled her into relaxing.

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"Ummmmm!" she was moaning one second & then "AAAAAaaaaaaaaarrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she screamed as he shoved all of his 12 inches deep into her pussy in one thrust. 

[Image: Regina%2BCassandra%2Bnude%2Bsex%2Bwithou...2Bfake.jpg]

Her eyes blurred with intense pain & she screamed again as he removed his cock completely. 

He waited till she finished screaming & immediately thrust in his cock again. 

He did that for almost 10 minutes & she was feeling faint with pain. 

Once again he withdrew his shaft completely & she braced for the pain. 

she closed her eyes shut tight & waited. 

She felt his breath on her face & knew he was waiting as before. she felt his lips brush my lips & his tongue enter her mouth.

She opened her eyes & saw his evil smile on his face & his eyes were locked onto her.


She did not have time to prepare for the pain.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaa!" she screamed as he thrust. 

But his penis was not aimed at her pussy it was rammed into her already ravaged asshole. 

Deeper & deeper he thrust till she was twitching in agony. 

He removed his cock roughly & she whimpered again. 

Without pausing he banged his cock deep inside her ass. 


She don't know whether she screamed or not but the last thing she remember is his dark face above on her his fat lips sucking her lips & unbearable pain in her ass & pussy.

She fainted and don't know for how long he fucked her nor do  know how many others fucked her in all holes.


She kept regaining & losing consciousness. 

Every time she opened  eyes  saw a different man with his cock in her mouth & felt cocks hammering away in her pussy & asshole.

In one of her conscious moments she found that she was sitting on top of a man with his cock shoved into her pussy. Another man had bent her forward & was fucking her ass while a third man was pulling her hair backwards & fucking her in mouth.


She flitted in & out of consciousness.

The last few times she regained consciousness she was kneeling & two or three men were forcing their cocks in her mouth & then ejaculating all over  face, hair & boobs.


Her whole body was covered in a sticky white paste. her mouth was hurting & she had trouble closing it.

The last thing she remember is Mohit standing in front of her counting money & the dark swarthy man sitting in a seat & stroking his 12 inch long cock.

She don't know how long it took her to regain consciousness. 

But She did, her knees were folded against her body & she seemed to have fallen face first into the slimy mess on the floor. 

her sticky wet hair was covering her face & thus hiding it from view.

The train was at a standstill & everything was dark outside. She guessed we were in the yard.

She looked through her hair & saw Mohit & the dark man were still sitting in the row of seats opposite to where she lay.

"Regina slut got fucked a lot today! Atleast 30 fucked her pussy! Her asshole was pounded too & she was force fed milkshake by atleast 50 to 100 men! We should have called the World Records people!, said Mohit 


"Called them to fuck Regina or to record it?", the man asked & they both laughed heartily.

"Regina's got very good stamina. Any other whore would have died by now!", the man said.

The man removed his wallet & handed a card to Mohit & said "Here, take me card, after Regina recovers send her over for the weekend to me! Don't worry, we will fix the rate properly!.

She expected Mohit to refuse but she was shocked to hear him say "take her with you right now, if you wish!".

[Image: REGINAsssssq-1.jpg]

The man laughed & said "No man! Fucked her 3 times tonight. Enough for now! Think about her also! Give her a week's rest, clean her up & then send her to me!".

Mohit nodded & pocketed the card.

She moaned involuntarily & they both looked at her.

They both got up & the man said "Bye! Tell Regina she's a top class whore!".

He walked towards the door & stopped & asked "Mohit?"

"What happened", Mohit asked.

"Tell me one thing? Is Regina related to you?", he asked Mohit.

[Image: Regina-Cassandra-nude-fake-10.jpg]

"What relation can there be with a whore? She is a whore & I am her pimp!", answered Mohit.

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Amazing story! Please do Kriti Sanon next
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Next Story : Raveena Tandon

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(04-09-2019, 10:06 PM)Thank you   Krishan202 Wrote: Next Story : Raveena Tandon

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Write on Kajal Agarwal and nithyamenon
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It was in 3rd year of engineering that I first met Koshy. He was a freshman and I remember being amused as I took my first look at him. Typical nerdy guy with well oiled hair, thick glasses and a very demure look. Most of my guys were rubbing their hands in glee when they first laid eyes on him. He was the dream 'junior' that we would all love to rag.

And he got it from everyone- left, right and centre. They were all very rough on him. And the idiot took it all without a word. One day as I was sitting in the hostel balcony and I found Manoj dragging him towards me.

"Arjun, give this guy some gyaan man. He's such a loser in life. Fucking I'm fed up trying to put to paisa worth of sense in him."

I laughed and said- "leave him with me for some time."

Manoj agreed and dropped him off with me. But, not before giving him a knock on the head.

"He's gone?"- I enquired.

"Yes"- replied Koshy.

"Good. Sit down."

"No. It's okay."

"Sit down"- I said firmly.

He sat down. I took out my packet of cigarettes and offered him one.

"No sir, I don't smoke."

"Well, if you want to then you can go ahead."

"No sir. I don't want to."

"No prob. Only you'll have to tell me why."


"Yes, go on."

"No, sir."

"Arrey bugger, don't worry. I'm cool. Go ahead, tell me."

"Sir... my mother told me only bad people smoke."

I laughed my head out when I heard that.

"Why are you laughing Sir?"

"Koshy my boy, you're an original."

"Sorry sir, I didn't get you."

"Okay. Let's put it this way. My dad smokes. My grandpa used to smoke. So according to your logic they are bad people?"- I enquired accusingly.

"No sir... sorry sir... no sir. I didn't mean that sir. Sorry sir!"

I laughed again.

"What about your dad, does he smoke?"

"My dad passed away ten years ago sir."

I was a little taken aback when I heard this. "I'm sorry"- I said.

"It's okay sir. You didn't know. It happened long ago."

"So at home?"

"It's just my mother and my younger sister sir. My mother's been taking care of us all these years. I want to finish my degree and get a good job to reduce her burden a little bit. She's been working very hard for us."

I nodded approvingly. We shook hands and I told him- "All the best!"

That was our first meeting. We used to meet quite often. He figured that I was the only senior who wouldn't go after him and so he was a little less guarded around me. We talked a lot. He opened up a lot. He was a nice simple guy. Maybe too simple. I was getting a bit annoyed with him taking all the ragging and all from everyone and I told him so.

"Let it be sir. I can manage."

"Bull shit. I see what they are doing to you. It's high time you draw the line."

"No sir. I can't do anything. Let it be."

"Listen buddy. Let me tell you this one time. But let it get straight in to your head and let it stay there. You have to stand-up for yourself. I might be able to stop those guys but I'm not going to do it. It's up to you to do it. You need to find your balls. I may or may not be there the next time. But you will always be there. You need to stand up."

"But how?"

"You figure."

Manoj came to my room a few days later. "You know that laddoo Koshy."


"Son of a bitch's found balls man. God alone knows from where."

I smiled at this and enquired what had happened.

"Bastard man. Couple of us cornered him and asked him to strip. Bugger smiled and said sure thing but that he'd only do it in front of the ARC."

ARC was the anti-ragging committee of our college. If a case came up before the ARC it meant a sure suspension.

Koshy came to my room later in the day.

"Arjun sir." "Ah... Mr. Koshy who's finally found his balls."

He smiled at that.

"Thank you sir." "For what?"

"No one has ever spoken to me like you did that day. Made me realize things. Thank you."

At that instant it hit me. Koshy's quirky behavior was because he didn't have a strong male influence in his life. He was mainly a mama's boy, and understandably so. But, it had made him soft. He needed someone to show him what being a man was really about. And, I'd done just that.

We became even closer after that. He had his first drink with me. He was an intelligent conversationalist and we would discuss everything from philosophy, to religion, to politics, to sex. I even made him reveal his crush.

"Deepa"- he said after much persuasion.

A small part of me broke hearing that. Deepa was his class mate and unfortunately was the girl I also had a crush on at the time. Anyway I decided that if he wanted her then I had to step back being the friend and all.

And I used to help him in his relationship with her. SOB became so good that in his 2nd year she proposed him! And the first person he told it to was me. Honestly I didn't know whether to be happy or sad. But, at that moment I decided to be happy for him and I was.

I had moved to my final year. I needed to do a project. I really wanted to do it in DoST as they were working on some real cool projects. Problem was I didn't have any contact to help me out.

I told my problem to Koshy. He said he could arrange it. I was astounded. "How?"- I enquired.

"Simple. My Mom works there."

And so I went to the DoST to meet Koshy's mom.

It was a huge complex and Koshy's mom sat in the admin. I went there and that's when I first realized that I hadn't asked for her name. It was going to be tough to ask for Koshy's mom in that huge complex. These were the days when mobiles were still a novelty and neither Koshy nor myself had one. So there was no way I could call and ask.

I went in to the main building and went straight to the receptionist. She was a middle-aged lady.

"Arjun?"- she enquired.

"Yes"- I replied. She gave me her hand and I shook it.

"My name is Teena. Sara told me to expect you. Sara sits in that room in the 4th cubicle on the right. You can go right in."

"Thanks"- I said. I'd caught on to Koshy's mom's name.
I was not sure what I expected. But I had not expected what I found. Koshy's mom was sitting in front of her computer punching data in. She looked way younger than I thought she would. Her hair was black with a few streaks of gray in it. She was dressed in jeans and a full-sleeves shirt which she had rolled up. This woman looked very mod, very pretty and very sexy. I caught a gulp in my throat.

[Image: raveena-at-the-shooting-of-maatr-the-mother-5.jpg]

"Mrs Raveena?"



"Finally I get to the meet 'the Arjun'. The one my boy can't stop talking about. Nice to meet you."

"Thank you."

She got me a chair and I sat down. She explained the formalities to me. I was absent-mindedly taking notes. I couldn't get the woman in front of me out of my head.

On my journey back to the hostel I remember feeling very guilty. This was after all my friend's mom. And she was doing be a big favour. It was not right to be thinking this way. I focused my mind and pushed out all sexy thoughts of Raveena.

Each time I met Raveena though it was an effort to focus. I had to meet her a few more times in the months that followed in order to get all the approvals. Finally it came through and I got a 45 day internship in the DoST. I was thrilled.

My internship started in the second week of Novemeber and would go on till just before Christmas. On the first day I dropped by Raveena's cubicle on a courtesy call. My work-area was on the other end of the complex and there was no real way that we were going to meet.

It was my first Friday at DoST. I was on the floor in the work-shop getting hands-on experience like I'd always dreamed. One of the supervisors called out to me and said I had a visitor waiting for me near the main entrance.

It was Raveena. She enquired about how things were going. She gave me her desk number and asked me to get in touch with her in case I required anything. She also asked me to come home on Saturday for lunch with her family. I agreed.

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It was a good lunch. I was having home-cooked food after a long time and I couldn't help myself. I excused myself constantly for my pig-like behavior while gorging on the food. Raveena and Koshy laughed and asked me to continue. And so I did.

I did run in to her once or twice. One day it was near the canteen. She called out to me and bought me a coffee and a plate of samosas.  it was the first time I was with Raveena, alone and having coffee in the canteen. It sort of felt romantic but I tried to control that.

We started chatting. She asked me about college and my plans. It was a pleasant conversation. I had to head back to the floor quickly so I called off and headed out to the workshop.

It was the second week of December. I had just got back to the room. Manoj immediately dropped by and said that Koshy had called him up and had asked me to call him back urgently.

I called Koshy. Koshy's class was going on a tour for a week. I couldn't figure out what Koshy wanted so I said that's nice and waited for him to open up.

Then came the blow- "Dude I wanted to ask you."

"Ask me what?"

"Should I buy condoms?"

Sonovabitch! Deepa would be on the tour too. Gosh I felt a pang of jealousy but I quickly got hold of it.

"It's better to be safe than to be sorry."

"Thanks man. That's what I thought too."

"Ya. But, frankly speaking. I don't think it's going to be that easy to get away and do whatever you have in mind."

"Don't worry about that. I have it all planned."

"Good. Be careful."

"Thanks man. You take care. How's the internship going? Miss having you around in college."

"It's going great. I'm loving it. Met your mom a couple of days back. She bought me coffee and samosas."

"We like doing charity."

"Fuck off"

He laughed, we said good-bye and cut the call.

I wanted to catch a new movie that had come out. So I booked tickets with Manoj for Friday night. I kept his phone with me so that we could keep in touch and work out plans later in the evening.

In the evening that son of a bitch called and ditched me. What's more he told me he was off to Pondicherry with his girl for a couple of days. He asked me to hold calls from his folks in the interim. Nice. Just nice. Everyone in the world was getting laid and I was stuck.

I sat in the canteen gulping my coffee slowly. There wasn't much work to do. Everyone was already in the Christmas mood.

"Hi"- came a voice from behind me.

I looked behind and it was Raveena.

I stood up. She laughed and put me down.

"Sit down, sit down. You give me too much respect."

"That's okay Aunty. I'd be upset with myself if I found you saying the opposite."

She looked at me coolly.

"Honestly Arjun, do I look that old?"

It was then I noticed that it was the first time I'd called her 'aunty'. But I called all my friend's mom's 'aunty'. So it just came out naturally.

"No. You look way younger than you should be. But I call all friend's mother's aunty. So it just came out."

[Image: Raveena-Tandonin-black-and-pink-at-Waman...launch.jpg]

"Do me a favour. Cut it out okay. I get called aunt or aunty by a lot of kids. But, coming from you it makes me feel really old."

I laughed and nodded my agreement.

"And you are not just friends with my son. You are friends with me also- okay?"-and she offered me her hand.

"Okay"- I said and shook it.

"Good. Now, first part you will call me Raveena. Just Raveena. Clear?"


"And since we are friends you will tell me what's bothering you."

"Nothing's bothering me."

"Come on. I've seen you enough times to know that you are sulking on that coffee."

I nodded. And I told her about my movie plans and how I'd been ditched and that since Manoj wouldn't be there I'd be all alone in the hostel for the weekend and that I didn't really look forward to it.

"You still have those tickets?"

"Yes. I need to go cancel them. I'm not in a mood to watch that movie."

"Really? I thought I'd join you."

I was surprised. It was the 6 pm show. It'd get over only by 9. I told her so.

"That won't be a problem. The kids are not at home. Koshy's gone for his class tour and Rebecca is having xmas hols and has gone to my parent's place in Trivandrum."

I agreed but it felt slightly odd. We caught a bus to the theater. We'd walked in and I was about to enter the hall when she stopped me.

"What's the hurry mister?"-she said and pulled me by my arm to the pop-corn counter.

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"There is no movie-date complete without pop-corn"- she said and winked.

Gosh. She'd said it. Yes, it felt like a date. It was a date. It was odd. I must have looked lost because I felt it.

So we bought pop corn and moved in to our seats. I didn't know if I should place by arm on the rest which we shared. I folded my hands and sat glued to the screen. I didn't know what people who saw us would be thinking.

But Raveena didn't mind. She was enjoying herself. She kept munching on the pop corn and making comments on the trailers. It was like watching a movie with a school kid or a college kid. She must be having fun I thought to myself. 

About fifteen minutes in to the movie my worst fears were realized. There was a really hot smooch scene between the lead actors. I kept my eyes looking straight and didn't dare to look at my side throughout that entire scene. And it was one bloody long smooch. It had me completely embarrassed.

We stepped out at the interval. She told me that my ears were red and laughed. I didn't know what to say or do. She guided me again towards the food counters. We bought one more large pop-corn and two large cokes with extra ice. She told me the extra ice was for my ears.

It was a great movie. Raveena also enjoyed it. It was taken in the Quentin Tarantino style. I was not sure if Raveena had watched any Tarantino movies so I briefly explained about Tarantino and his movie style.

She cut me off and asked-

"So where are you taking your date for dinner?"

I was embarrassed again for two reasons. One I couldn't see this as a normal date and it tripped me. Two I didn't have any money. I tried to sound neutral when I suggested a place nearby. It was kind of cheap. It wasn't exactly the sort of place I'd have liked to take her. But on a tight budget I thought I could just about manage the 'ac family room'.

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We entered the restaurant and I was surprised when she chose a place outside itself (not ac). We ordered noodles and chilly chicken. I was famished and wolfed my food. She told me that she enjoyed watching me eat. I smiled at that.

We sat talking for a long time. It was past 11. We got up and out of the restaurant when the skies opened up. It rained like it was going to flood for Noah. It was crazy. We waited by the restaurant for a few minutes.

"You know what, it's getting late. Let's quickly catch an auto."

Saying that she just jumped in to the pouring rain. I had to follow after her. She stopped an auto and jumped in. I jumped in after her. We were both soaking wet. She started laughing.

"God! I haven't felt that good in years!"

We were dripping wet. Our clothes were hugging our bodies real tight. I think you get what I'm trying to say.

[Image: Raveena-Tandon-644x362.jpg]

As we reached near her house I looked at her and said-

"Thanks for the wonderful night."

She looked at me and said- "Thank you my gentleman for a wonderful time. But I'm not going to allow you to go on dripping wet like that. You need to come inside and change."

We went in to her home. It was the second time I was there so I knew my way around. She had turned on the gyser and asked me to have a shower to wash off the rain. She kept a change of clothes on the bed and gave me a towel and left.

When I got naked was when I realized I was excited. But, I knew what I had to do. I washed up and changed in to Koshy's clothes. It felt good to be dry.

She was ready in her night-gown and with a towel on her head. She looked absolutely sexy. And I could feel a hard-on. I hoped the bulge didn't show. She'd made some coffee and offered me a cup. I took it.

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"It's getting late. I better make a move."- I said.

She nodded and took out an umbrella and gave it to me.

"Do you have enough money?"-she enquired.

I nodded my head. I didn't but I couldn't embarrass myself.

"I know I allowed you to pay for everything today. I know you are the chivalrous type and you couldn't have enjoyed yourself if you hadn't done that. But, don't let it ruin you. If you need money just tell me. Don't worry."

"I have enough. I can manage."

"How will you go back?"

I will take a rick to the station and from there a train back to college.

"You are going back to college? At this hour?"

"Yes. The hostel."

"And in this rain?"

"Don't worry. I will manage."

"Manage my foot. You forget everything else. You spend the night here. In Koshy's room. You can leave in the morning. There's absolutely no problem."

"No Raveena. I don't want to impose on you. It's not a problem. I can manage. I have also."

"I know you can. But, I will feel better if you were not taking the risk. That's all. Okay?"

She really knew how to handle a guy's ego. I nodded my agreement.

I went in to Koshy's room and climbed in to bed. It was absolutely fantastic weather. It was cold and the rain and thunder made the night alive. A naughty part of my head was telling me that there was this absolutely sexy woman in just the next room in a very sexy night gown. I had half a mind to take a peep. But, it wasn't right and I quashed the thought out of my brain.

I couldn't sleep. It must have been the coffee I decided. I looked around and there was a novel on the table. I took it and began reading.

Suddenly I noticed a sound from the living room. It was the TV. I looked at the clock. It was 2AM. Clearly Raveena was a lark. I wondered if it would be okay to go join her in the living room. One part of me was against it. It told me not to try and make moves on my friend's mom. The other part of me was like- you are not making any move or anything. She's already told you that she considers you a friend. So what harm if you ask her if you want to watch TV together? The second part of me won.

I opened the door and walked in to the living room. She looked in my direction and said-

"I'm sorry. Was the TV too loud? Did it wake you?"

"No. I actually wasn't getting sleep and was getting bored inside. Is it okay if I join you for some TV for some time."

"Oh sure. Come."

She was watching some old boring hindi movie. She looked gorgeous. The wet hair now hung loosely on her shoulders. I knew if I kept looking at her I would go mad so I focused completely on the TV.

"This movie is too boring na."

I looked at her. She had that devilish smile on her face which I'd grown fond of.

I nodded.

"I really liked today's movie."

"I liked it too."

"Especially the kiss scene."-she said and laughed.

I was embarrassed. She came and sat next to me. Played with my hair and said-"that was so cute. You trying not to look at me when it was going on."

Then she mocked me by taking my glasses and putting them on and looking straight on at the TV. It was funny I couldn't help but laughing. We both laughed. I was a little restrained in the beginning but then I felt comfortable and threw everything in to the laugh.

And then she kissed me. It was a soft little kiss. But a kiss. And, for a moment I was shocked. I looked at her.

She took off the glasses. Pulled her hair back and said-

"Arjun, are we friends?"

I looked at her. I was too stunned.

She repeated her question. I nodded my head in the affirmative.

"Good"- she said.

Next thing I know she climbed on my lap and was kissing me full-on. She was digging inside my mouth with her tongue. I couldn't hold back the passion and I gave it everything I had. We were lip wrestling there. I'd kissed before but this was nothing like I'd experienced. We broke off for a bit and I felt my lips burning.

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"You have experience kissing."-she said.

It was a statement. Not a question. I nodded.

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"Are you a virgin?"

I nodded my head.

She smiled. Kissed me lightly on the lips and got up. She pulled me by my hands in to her bedroom.

She looked at me and said-

"Just forget everything else. Let us make this special okay?"

I nodded and was about to jump on her when she held me and said-

"Easy tiger. I know it's your first time and you will be excited. But I want us to enjoy every moment of this okay. So go slow and enjoy yourself."

I nodded.

"Right now. Give this lady of yours a beautiful kiss will you please?"

She said this and walked in to my arms and we locked our lips in another passionate kiss. I could feel her hands at the back of my head, on my shoulders, on my waist, on my ass. When she got to my ass she gave it a tight squeeze.

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My hands were on her ass. I gave them a tight squeeze too. She broke the kiss and looked up at me. "Squeeze them once more please- I loved that."

I smiled and squeezed them real tight this time. I could hear her moan softly. It drove me crazy.

She placed her hand on my crotch. Even through the jeans she could feel my hard shaft. She kept rubbing it gently. In my evil mind I realized that I was wearing Koshy's jeans and it was his mom rubbing my dick through it.

"Hmmm... I've turned you on I see."

I was lost in pleasure. She unbuttoned me and almost ripped open the zipper. Thank god it didn't happen or I'd have a hard time explaining it to Koshy. She lowered the jeans below my ass and I waded through it and finally when it reached my ankles I kicked it off.

Now it was my swollen underwear that she was rubbing. I'd never felt this good before. It was unbelievable. Then she opened the elastic and slipped her hand inside. This was good but I wanted it better.

"I'd like to take it off."-I said.

She smiled and said-"I want it off too."

With that she pulled down my elastic and for the first time I'd shown my penis to a woman. And it was a sight. Long, hard and pulsing with blood and energy. I stepped back from her. Admired my cock for a second and was happy with what it was about to get to do. I then took off my shirt and threw it aside. I was standing there butt naked in front of Raveena. Let me correct that- I was standing there butt naked in front of Koshy's mom with my dick pointing at her. It was maddening. I held my shaft and at the tip I could feel the moist film of pre-cum. It was a miracle that I hadn't exploded yet.

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She looked at me and smiled. "You look delicious"-and she came in to my arms. She was stroking my naked cock. It felt so good to have a woman's soft and delicate fingers around my prince. She stroked it lovingly, tenderly and then slowly she moved to my ball-sack. She played with my balls and slowly she cupped them. At that moment I let out a gasp.

"You liked that?"

"Loved it." 

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She slowly teased my shaft with her fingers. My prince was waiting to explode. It wanted something, anything and it told me so.

I moved forward and kissed her forcefully. The force broke her grip from my cock. That my prince didn't like and it told me so.

"I want to see you naked"


She stepped back. I held my cock in my hand and began rubbing it.

She pulled up her night gown and pulled it over her shoulders and threw it away. She was wearing a black satin bra and matching panties.

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I caught my breath. I couldn't believe this was happening. Koshy's mom in bra & panties in front of me. Wow! The view was unbelievable.

"This is the most beautiful moment of my life"-I said. My voice and breath meant it.

"Thank you my love. You sure know how to please a lady." And with that she came towards me and we kissed again. This time she put her hands on my naked butt cheeks and squeezed it. My hands were going all over her body. It was my first discovery of the female body and I wanted to touch every part of it. From her hips I moved my hands across her flat tummy and on to her breasts. This I squeezed lightly. As I did this I could feel a small explosion in my brain. I loved it. I hadn't felt anything like it before.

I slid my hands in to her bra. I wanted to feel her naked breasts. As I did this she let out a small gasp. With my hands inside her bra I looked at her. She looked at me. We both smiled. I gave her a little kiss and continued with my exploration.

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My palms had never experienced anything like this in their lives and they were enjoying every bit of it. I could feel my prince rub against her soft tummy and my balls rub against her panties. Every moment of this was getting etched in my mind for eternity.

I was pushing her on to the bed without realizing it. Suddenly we both fell and there I was on top of her. We were a little surprised with our fall. She smiled but I didn't bother to. I turned down to look at our bodies meet and saw my hands inside her bra. I was wild with passion. I couldn't smile anymore. This had got too serious for me.


An animal instinct in me moved my mouth to her neck and kissed it. Then I took a nice long lick from the nape of her neck all the way to her chin. My palms were still feeling her boobs while I was doing this. As I licked her neck and my tongue lifted from her skin she let out a small- "Wow!" That turned me on even more.

I licked her cheek and then the other cheek. Then I licked her from her forehead, down to her nose and her lips and again ended at the chin.

"Wow!"-she said again. "You're a natural!"

My ego-meter must have shot through the roof as she said that. I kissed her and she kissed me back. This was another mad passionate kiss and lasted longer than any of the others.

[Image: raveena-tandon-porn-3.jpg]

We broke and she said-"I want to get out of these two. I want to be completely naked."

I broke out and kneeled below her on the bed. She got up and leant herself against the pillows. She was looking at me and my prince when she placed her hands behind her and unclasped her bra. Then she squeezed her chest which made her boobs jut out for a second and also made the bra slip over her shoulders. Then she slowly removed them from both her hands. She then placed both her hands by her side looked at me and my prince and proudly asked-"What do you think?"

[Image: raveena-tandon-ki-nangi-photo-collection-4.jpg]

Each moment of this night was getting better than the next. I didn't have words anymore to describe what I felt at that moment. Everything else had left my mind and all I could see was this incredibly beautiful naked woman show her boobs to me. Time ceased to matter. Nothing could break the beauty of what I was experiencing.

I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything. All I wanted to do was jump on her and let my body take-over. And I almost jumped on her.

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She stopped me with her hands on my chest. "Easy my darling. You have the look of a hunter that's found it's prey. I love that look in your eyes. Completely filled with lust and passion. It's beautiful."

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I didn't want any of these sermons. I just wanted to fuck this lady. And so I made a move again to jump on her. "Wait! Wait! wait! Wait my hungry tiger. Your lady needs to get her panties off before you can devour her."

I moved back. She lifted her ass and slid the panties off and slowly took them off from her legs and threw them aside. Now I could smell her. The strong smell of a woman in heat. I'd never smelt it before but a primal instinct in me instantly recognized it.

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It was a shaved pussy. She rubbed it herself with her two fingers. As she did this she closed her eyes. My fingers went to her pussy. As it touched her outer walls she slowly arched back.

"My god! Oh my god!"

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I rubbed her. It felt like my fingers belonged there. I loved the feel of everything I touched. The opening was rubbery and there were soft folds of skin which I held in between my fingers. The sides were smooth and soft like cushions. Her eyes were closed and she was biting her lips when suddenly I felt her body give a wild shudder. Her body jerked violently and suddenly she was gasping for breath and holding her head in her hands. I looked at her and I kept on rubbing.

She caught hold of my hand and said-"Enough!"

I stopped and I looked in to her eyes. I could see the passion there. The lust. It was like looking in to a mirror reflection of my eyes.


"Lie down on your back"-she ordered. I complied. She lay next to me on my arm. I moved my other arm to hug her. She stopped me. She looked down at my prince. He was a full 180 degrees straight and was touching my stomach. She looked in to my eyes and I could feel her hand slowly make its way down to my prince. Then she gripped it. I felt an electric pulse through my body. I felt I could explode any moment now. I wanted to hold. But I was not sure how much longer I could control.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS5cpYlRqe9i7z5H-e7zK4...tkiZrQxyXS]

I placed my hand on hers. She began rubbing gently and my hand was following her. Slowly I began to control the strokes and she began to follow my rhythm. It was incredible. She found the right speed and style in no time. I moved out my hand.

"I'm going to cum"

She increased her speed and tempo. It was like she'd been doing this all her life. It was incredible. Even I with all my experience in self-pleasing had never found the exact pace and rhythm like she'd done. And it was so good, I was in such a frenzy I lost all control and I came.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRBPmnD3iwAvK_uzomc80m...6NjP0TnUb1]

My prince shot out white stuff in loads. I'd never cummed so much, that I was sure of. It fell on her thighs, on her hips, on my stomach and on the bed. She reduced her rhythm slowly to take out the entire juice. I felt slightly embarrassed that I'd come. I knew that the longer you took the more pleasure you gave your woman. Technically I was still a virgin and there was a doubt whether I'd blown my chance. Now she might not be so happy with my initial performance and would put a stop to things.

She grasped my tip and took the entire last bit of cum in the plam of her hand. And then she took it and rubbed it on her pussy. It was extremely erotic. I got hard again in no time. She looked me in the eye when she rubbed my jism on her pussy. I wanted to eat her. I kissed her lips and the fire just blew out of control.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRwSZxhoXTFfcw-3nK7Y9B...PNYgRq3yxz]

I put her down below me. My prince was throbbing again. I needed to fuck her then and there. Without any need to communicate she spread her legs and pulled me in to her. Her hand found my shaft and slowly guided it home.

I had entered her. I could feel all my senses on my prince. I could touch her, feel her, taste her, hear her from the inside through my prince. It was the most incredible connection I'd made to anything in my life. And all I could think of was wanting more. So I thrust even more deeper.

[Image: nude-raveena-tandon-sex.jpg]

Her nails dug in to my shoulders as I thrust. Her head went backwards. I went back only to thrust even deeper. I was pounding in to her. Harder and harder and harder with each stroke. She let out a yelp with each thrust of mine. All my energy went in to my hips and I went on with my mission.

She moved her legs on to my back and locked them at the ankles. With each thrust I would unlock them but she would bring them back. Slowly her noise-levels started growing louder and louder till she was practically screaming. It was just raw natural screaming. I loved it. I was hurting her and I was enjoying it. I wanted to make her scream her head off.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS6xJqieiZ6PCS75SP027F...ycis_TQTdE]

I could feel her body jerk violently again under me. My head went to her neck and I was rubbing my nose on it and thrusting in to her at the same time. My hands were on her hips placed there firmly. I had gripped her tight. She was not going to go anywhere.

And then I could feel the explosion slowly come from my balls through the length of my prince. I controlled it. Forbade it to explode yet. I needed more from this. Much more.


Her nails dug harder in to my flesh. I felt pain and that only increased my passion. I doubled my thrust speed and I felt complete. I felt in union with the world, with the universe. I felt like a true man.

All content are copied from INTERNET. if any one have object i will remove the content. This is a work of fiction.This stories and pics are not my own. copied from Internet .  Please find Index in 1st Page.
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My prince was begging to explode and finally I gave my approval. I shot my cum as deep as I could in to her. With each thrust I was milking my prince to her side squeezing out ever more. I thrust and thrust and thrust and finally I collapsed on top of her. I felt a sense of accomplishment. A deep personal satisfaction from within.

She had one hand on my shoulder and the other on her head which she slowly dropped to her mouth. We were both breathing heavily. I could feel my dick soften. I needed to lie down on my back. Slowly I slid my prince from out of her. The feeling coming out was almost as good as going in.


And then I put my hands behind my head and lay on my back looking at the ceiling. We'd not spoken one word. I couldn't think yet. I was still too high.

We must have lain down like that for a long time. Suddenly she said- "after 12 bloody long years!"

"After 21 for me"- I replied.

She turned and looked at me. And then she laughed. We both laughed and I took her in to my hands and we kissed a passionate, tender, loving kiss.

[Image: 944_1000.jpg]

I could feel my dick turn hard again. She felt it too because she looked down at me and then said-"Boy, that thing has got some stamina."

I still hadn't tasted her boobs. That was something that needed immediate correction. So I bent over her and placed my lips over one of her nipples. I rolled my tongue to taste the sweetest most beautiful thing I had ever tasted. I could feel the hunger from within consume me. I began to suck on the nipple. I wanted to suck out everything I could from it. Her hands were on my head and playing with my hair as I was devouring her nipple. With each stroke I could feel the pressure of her hands on my head increase.

[Image: Raveena-Tandon-bouching-boobs-nipples-ho...images.jpg]

I wanted to taste her other nipple. So I moved my head to her other breast and started sucking. This tit was equally good. My one hand was massaging her other breast and tuning its nipple. And the other hand was cupping the breast I was sucking so I could suck out everything from it.

I kept at this for as long as I could. My prince was throbbing again demanding release. But, I was having too much fun. I didn't want to stop. My mouth hurt from all the sucking but I couldn't stop.

I heard Raveena's soft moans. From time to time I would bite her nipple and she would yank my hair and say- no biting. She did this three times when I took a large portion of her breast in my mouth just beside the nipple and bit it as hard as I could.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRSY4LM66Ze_uoqz85zLym...Qrzb06zegQ]

She yelped in pain. I could see tears trickle down her eyes. I saw a bit of blood where I'd just bitten and clearly visible tooth marks. I felt stupid.

"Sorry. I lost control. Sorry."-I said about five time contiously.

She gave me one playful slap across my face. I rubbed my cheek. She looked me in the eye.

"It's okay. I understand. Just be little more careful. I love what you are doing. But don't go overboard. Okay?"

"Okay"- I said.

"Bite me on my neck. Slowly. Not as hard as you did last time."

I did. I loved it. I bit her on shoulders. I bit her ear-lobes. And then I went back to her breast. I licked the wound I'd created. Then I began rolling her boobs with my nose. I loved doing this.

I sucked and played with her tits for a little longer.

"I want to fuck you."-I said.

"Say that again."

"I want to fuck you"


"I have to fuck you. Right now. I mean right now."

She smiled.

[Image: Raveena-Tandon-Nangi-Chut-Naked-xxx-hd-Photo-1.jpg]

"Okay. But slowly this time. My pussy still hurts from the last time. Don't be so forceful. You need to be a little more gentle okay?"


"And go slowly. I'll tell you what rhythm you need to take. Be gentle please?"

She was almost begging. I nodded my head.

I went down. Her pussy was moist now and was leaking cum. Both mine and hers I guess. I went over her. She took hold of my throbbing prince and guided it in to her once again. It was the same explosion all over again. Once I was inside she took one leg and placed it over my shoulder.

"Okay now. Slowly!"

I thrust slowly in to her. 

"Ah... Perfect! Again!"

Once more I went in to her.

"Good now keep up this rhythm."

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRFVsRMIpPVDsyxwUGw6FA...g78KZK-iop]

And I did that. This time I was more in control. I loved the feeling. I could see her breasts heave. See her face change emotion with each thrust. She continued with her soft sounds and I felt great that I was making her feel that way.

I caught the leg that was on my shoulder at the thigh. And the other hand I was massaging her breasts. With each thrust I would make her breasts juggle. I loved it.

My prince was having other wonderful experiences. He could feel the walls of Raveena's pussy contract on him with each thrust. He could feel the inner walls and the thick juice inside. His head loved exploring the hidden portions of her body and with each touch he felt more ennobled.

[Image: 17-(Porn-On-24.CoM).jpg]

Slowly, without realizing it, I'd increased the speed and momentum of my thrusts. Raveena was not complaining so I continued on in that trajectory. Then slowly the mania of the last fuck came over me and I was pounding away. Raveena was still not complaining. In fact this time she was going- "Yes! Yes! Yes!" and each 'yes' was louder than the last one.

Then suddenly she went to "Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!". I could feel her body jitter again. Her walls contracted hard on my dick and let loose suddenly.

I could feel the excitement come through now.

"I'm going to cum!"-I said.

"Please! Please fill me with your seed. I want to be filled with your seed."

[Image: Ravena%20Ravished.jpg]

When she said that my ego went through the roof. I went pounding harder and harder. The screams that came from her were unintelligible. My world was going crazy. And then I exploded.

I could feel each jet load shoot its way from my ball sack through my dick and in to Raveena. It was complete fulfillment.

"Stay inside me"

I did. 

"Lie on top of me"

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRRMF8KXfBvTBETl2n-MdL...I3Rqg4gbrQ]

I did. We kissed. It was a deep sensual kiss. Then we just hugged and lay there, me on top of her.

"I need to lie on my back"-I said after some time.

All content are copied from INTERNET. if any one have object i will remove the content. This is a work of fiction.This stories and pics are not my own. copied from Internet .  Please find Index in 1st Page.
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