Fantasy The Blackmail and Retribution by shanti2010-Completed
Story :- The Blackmail and Retribution

Written by shanti2010

Theme :- Mind Control
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Barun was the one to notice it: Shanti Rangaswamy cheating on an examination! He nudged his friend Girish and pointed towards the front of the class.

"Check it out," he whispered.

They were all in the 11th class of the 10+2 stream and Stacy had failed twice while the guys had failed thrice in their previous classes - and now aged past the prime of a 11th class student at 18 years of age - and the two boys were men of 19 years.

Girish saw, but couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Shanti Rangaswamy- the ice-queen cock tease of the senior class at Greenwood High School Adyar Chennai - was staring intently at a slip of paper hidden on her desk under the exam.

Just then, Mr.Wilson, the teacher, coughed quietly and shifted position in his seat at the front of the class.

Shanti quickly pushed the cheat-sheet back under the exam paper and looked up guiltily, her face flushing a pretty shade of red. If Mr.Wilson had glanced over at her at that moment he would certainly have known that something was wrong with her.

But why would he be checking out Shanti Rangaswamy, who had been getting straight A grades ever since she had begun attending Greenwood High four years ago?

Instead, he turned his attention to Barun Pal and Girish Raman, who were the class trouble-makers: Barun with his long, greasy hair and semi-stylish ripped clothes and Girish with his cynical, cutting sense of geek humour. Sure enough, they were grinning and whispering together at the back of the classroom rather than writing the exam.

"Pal... Raman," he called out, drawing himself laboriously out of his chair and up to his rather unimpressive full height, "Front of the class."

No longer smiling, the two boys got up and walked slowly forward, the centre of attention, with everyone in the class looking up at them from their exams.

Barun noticed Shanti miring at him with her typical, haughty sneer. Bitch, he thought, we'll see who's laughing in a second.

"Mr.Wilson," he blurted as he reached the front of the room,

"We saw..."

He was cut off by Girish elbowing him subtly, but stiffly, in the side. He drew in a breath to continue speaking, but he was interrupted by the angry teacher. "You two have been nothing but trouble since you started this class in September," Mr.Wilson announced, his full white mustache quivering with indignation.

"I can no longer allow you to disrupt this class with your infantile jokes and games, particularly during exams."

Barun started to protest, but was again cut off by Mr.Wilson, who had worked up a full head of steam.

"You have both failed this examination. You will apologize to the class for the disruption, and then you will leave." He glared at the two boys. "Do you understand?"

Both boys nodded a sullen 'yes'.

"Any further problems," the teacher finished his pronouncement of sentence, "And you will be removed from this class permanently. Perhaps you will be able to make up the course in summer school."

Girish didn't react, but Barun looked up in alarm.

That was about the most serious threat a teacher could make, short of outright expulsion.

Adyar was a beach town in southern Chennai, and summer was by far the best time of the year, particularly for these outgrown school going folks and being forced to waste the summer months inside the stuffy high school while everyone else partied on the beach was about the worst fate a schooler could suffer.

Apparently cowed, Barun and Girish turned around and stammered out an embarrassed apology to the class.

A few kids giggled - Barun noted that Shanti was one of them - but most looked away, uncomfortable at the humiliation of their fellow students. The two boys then filed out of classroom and into the hallway.

Shanti shrugged her black hair off her shoulder and looked back down at the examination as the class returned to normal. Thank god those two geeks were gone, she thought, and tried to put Barun and Girish from her mind.

In her world, there were "people" and there were "geeks", and Barun and Girish definitely fell into the latter category. She wouldn't even have known their names except that Barun had spent the better part of the first term of the previous year following her about, and had even asked her out on a date.

As if! She had refused in as cruel a manner as she knew how (which was pretty cruel), and had later asked Prasad, her then boyfriend and captain of the football team, to beat Barun up, just to warn him off.

Prasad had dutifully administered the beating, and Barun had backed off.

She had soon afterward broken up with Prasad - he had lost his place on the football team that spring - and had put the entire episode from her mind.

Reluctantly, she turned her attention back to the exam. She frowned down at the test, as if she could intimidate the answers off the written page.

Questions which had been easy for her a year ago now seemed impossibly hard.

Shanti was quite intelligent, and had always gotten almost perfect marks at school, but lately the constant burden of socializing - cheer leading, beach parties, student council etc. - had left her little time for schoolwork. As a result, she had found herself approaching the first set of school exams of her senior year completely unprepared.

And if she did poorly or - unthinkable - failed, she would loose her record of straight as and would probably fail to be elected Homecoming Queen, the goal toward which she had been working for the last few years.

Hence, she had decided to make a few crib notes to get her through the first round of exams. After that, she told herself, she would get back on track with the schoolwork.

Looking around to make certain she was unobserved, she pushed the exam paper upwards to expose the notes she had written on the cheat-sheet...

Barun smouldered with anger as walked down the hall with Girish. That had been the perfect chance to get back at that bitch Shanti, and Girish had blown it for him! Barun's thoughts lingered on Shanti as he grumbled to himself.

Shanti was one of those unattainable high school princesses who enjoyed showing herself off, but didn't put out.

With her shoulder-length black hair, perfect face (large green eyes, pert nose and thick,pouty lips), and athlete's body (she was a member of both the swim team and the track team), she was easily the most beautiful girl in Greenwood, and every male student's dream.

But dream she remained for most. She moved exclusively in the highest high school social circles, and only went out with sports stars and the like. Barun had developed a crush on her earlier the previous year, and it wasn't until she had in sent that football jerk to beat him up that he got over her.

The fact was, she only noticed guys like Barun (and Girish, for that matter) when they bothered her, and she had to put them off (or "...out of their misery..." as Barun had once heard her laughingly remark to one of her friends).

The two boys left the school by the side entrance and began to walk across the south parking lot. Finally, Barun could contain himself no longer.

"Why'd you shut me up in there?" he complained, "I had that bitch right where I wanted her. I owe her."

Girish just smiled at this, making Barun uncomfortable. Where Barun was loud and obnoxious, Girish was quiet and strange. Despite the fact that the two had been friends for a number of years, Girish was still capable of unnerving his larger friend with his strange smile and even stranger ideas.

"What's so funny?" Barun asked nervously.

"You're right," Girish answered quietly, "We do have her where we want her, but not in the way you mean."

Barun was puzzled. "What are you talking about?"

"If you had told on her back in the classroom just now, Wilson might or might not have believed you. Probably not; you know he doesn't like us.

And if not - if Shanti had managed to hide her cheating - we would have been kicked out of the class for good, and been stuck in summer school. And even if he had caught her, at most she would have failed the exam, if that. The teachers love her. Then she would set her friends on us."

"But..." Barun began.

"You remember Prasad."

Barun could only nod glumly in agreement, recalling the beating he had suffered last year. Shanti had no shortage of friends on the football team. "So," he said finally, "You said we had her where we wanted her."

"Yes, I did," Girish agreed.


By now, the two boys had reached Girish's car, a large, black Elentra. Girish unlocked the doors before answering. "If she's cheating now on a math test," he explained, "she must be in trouble with her schoowork. She's always gotten top marks in math."

"Yeah?" Barun was still confused. "So?"

"So," Girish continued patiently, "It's a pretty safe bet she'll cheat again. There's an English test coming up next week, and I don't think a little cheat-sheet will be of much use to her. You have to have read the material." He started up the car and began to pull out of the parking space.

Barun thought this over as Girish maneuvered the vehicle out of the school parking lot and onto the road.

"So," he asked finally, "What do we do about it?"

"I'll tell you when we get to Reshma's place," Girish answered, "We'll need her for what I have in mind."

Reshma was Girish's friend and sometime girlfriend.

Barun was never really sure about their relationship - he knew that they went out and that they occasionally had sex, but he also knew that Reshma did the same with at least a couple of other guys.

Girish, however, didn't seem to mind, so Barun had decided to take things at face value. He had even made something of a pass at Reshma at a School party last summer, but had been rebuffed.

He was philosophical about it; Reshma wasn't really his type anyway. The girl in question appeared in the doorway, answering their knock.

A year younger than the two boys, Reshma was short and heavy, with large breasts and curly, brown hair.

Any suggestion of cuteness, however, was quickly dispelled by her hard face and small, piggy (Barun thought) eyes. If there was any beauty there, it was definitely in the eye of the beholder.
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She was smoking a cigarette as she answered the door.

After a quick greeting (and an obligatory "hello" to Reshma's mother - propped up, as usual, in front of the television), Reshma led the two boys down to her basement bedroom, locking the door behind her (Reshma's parents were "progressive", and felt that she needed her privacy).

Barun accepted a cigarette and flopped down into a chair while pulling a lighter from his jacket pocket.

Girish, who didn't smoke, just leaned up against the dresser. Reshma lay down on the bed and propped herself up with a pillow.

"So," she asked, flicking some ash onto the dirty shag carpet, "What are you guys doing here? I thought you had math with Wilson until 3:00."

Barun grimaced. "We did," he answered, "Until he kicked us out."


Girish took over the explanation and outlined the sequence of events that had led to their expulsion from the math class.

Typically, Reshma immediately blamed Shanti. "That cunt!" she swore angrily, "Cheating on the test and getting you guys kicked out. She's really asking for it."

"Yes, she is," Girish agreed quietly, "And I think I know how we can give it to her."

"What do you mean?"

"We know she's cheating on her exams, right?"

Barun and Reshma nodded in agreement.

"I think that it's pretty likely she'll cheat again. I don't think that she's had to do it before, so she's probably way behind in her work.

The fact that she's cheating - and that we know she's cheating - gives us a hold on her; a way of blackmailing her, but we need more."

Barun thought this over for a few moments. "Like what?" he asked.

"First, we need concrete evidence of the cheating. No one is going to take our word over Shanti's. That's where you come in, Reshma. Your dad lets you use his video camera and radio - microphone. We'll use that to trap her."

"And then what?" Barun was starting to become excited at the prospect of blackmailing Shanti. Girish fell silent for a moment, looking at his two friends.

"How much," he asked finally, his voice strained and odd, "How much do you hate her? I mean really. How much do you want to see her suffer?"

"Hey man," Barun answered uneasily, "I just want to get back at her for putting me down last year. I don't want to, like, beat her up or anything."

"Well, I would," Reshma spat out. "I hate the bitch. Always flaunting herself, and prancing about like she owns the whole fucking school. She deserves whatever she gets. I'll do whatever you want to help get her."

Girish looked over a Barun, his eyebrows raised as if to ask 'are you in?'.

"Aw, fuck it," Barun said finally, "I hate the bitch as much as anybody. I'm in all the way."

"Good," Girish nodded, "Cause when we're through with her, she'll be the biggest slut in the history of Greenwood High."

The English exam was being held the following Monday, only five days away, so they had to move quickly.

The first step was to get a hold of the exam questions beforehand, a proposition which might have proved difficult but for the advances in electronics technology which had culminated in the computer.

Exam papers were commonly written out on school computers and stored in the school network, which allowed for "maximum flexibility within the school bureaucracy regarding application of secretarial assets".

Incidentally, it also allowed someone with the appropriate equipment and skills to break into the system and download the required information without leaving any traces of his actions.

Girish, something of a hacker, had broken into the system a number of times in the past with his home computer and modem and was quite familiar with both the security measures and the layout of information within the network.

In the end, it took him all of about twenty minutes to download the appropriate exam paper. Barun and Reshma were impressed.

"Deva deva," she muttered, "I wish you'd told me about this before I failed my fucking history test last year."

Girish just shook his head. "I don't think this is the kind of thing you want to do too often. If I go in often enough, they'll figure out what's going on. I was saving if for a special occasion." He looked up at his two friends and grinned maliciously. "And I think this is it."

Frustrated, Shanti slammed the book shut.

The exam was coming up in just a few days, and there was no way she was going to be ready.

She had done her best to catch up on the first two months' work in a couple of days, but it was almost impossible for her even to get through the material in time for the test, much less actually understand it. And there was impossible for her to cheat on this exam the way she had in math.

In that class, she had gotten away with writing out a number of formulas and applications on crib notes, but that just wouldn't work for an English test.

There was too much material to read and assimilate, and without knowing exactly what material the test was going to focus on, she was forced to try to learn it all in just a few days: a daunting task at best, and almost certainly doomed to failure.

She was going to blow the test for sure!

Shanti slumped back in her chair and stared at her pouting reflection in the desk mirror.

It wasn't fair. How could she be expected to keep up with all of this classwork while at the same time attend all the student council meetings as well as the swim club practices each morning.

It was impossible. They just expected too much of her! She felt her large, green eyes brimming with tears; she wanted to be Head Girl so badly, and now...

She was interrupted from her self-pity by the ring of the phone at her bedside. Sniffling, she got up and crossed the room to answer it.

"Hello?" It was Ashima, her friend from school. Careful to disguise her inner turmoil (Ashima, like all of the other girls in their particular clique, could smell weakness the way a shark smells blood; any hint of a problem and it would be all over the group by the end of the next school day, threatening Shanti's position), Shanti fell easily into the standard school banter of gossip, innuendo and casual put-downs of other students. Shanti was good at this, and Ashima sensed nothing out of place.

After a while, Barun's name came up and Shanti happily recounted the events of yesterday's math test.

Ashima had almost certainly heard about it by now, but the combination of a first-hand account together with Shanti's particular style of sarcastic humour made the story well worth hearing for a second time.

The two girls were soon laughing together at what had happened.

"Well," Ashima laughed at the end of the story, "It does sound as if they made absolute assholes of themselves, alright. And that threat of summer school must have scared the shit out of them from what I heard."

"What do you mean?"

"I heard that Barun has got a hold of some of some of the exam papers coming up. I guess he wants to bring up his overall marks so Wilson can't fail him or something like that."

Shanti felt her heart jump a beat as her breath caught in her chest. Barun had copies of future exams? "Where did you hear that?" she asked, trying to keep her voice casual. Evidently she had succeeded, as Ashima failed to detect the change of mood.

"Sana told me," she answered, "I think she heard it from Reshma, although why she was talking to that cow, I don't know. You remember Reshma? She was the one..." Ashima started to drone on about Reshma, who was definitely not a part of their exclusive clique, but Shanti wasn't listening. Barun had copies of some upcoming tests.


After a while, Ashima wound down, and Shanti let the conversation die a natural death. While she was careful not to mention Barun and the exam papers again, it was never far from her mind. Finally, the two girls said goodbye and Shanti hung up the phone.

Thoughtful, she walked back to her desk and looked the pile of unread English books. Cheating was a serious matter at Greenwood (it had taken her a long time to screw up her courage enough to do it during the math test), but stealing exam papers was something else altogether.

She remembered a guy who had been caught with a stolen paper about four years ago, when she was in her first year at the high school.

He had not only been expelled, but the school had prosecuted him for breaking and entering and theft (they succeeded on the first count, but failed on the second).

It had been all over the papers in Adyar. She shuddered at the thought of that happening to her, but what was the alternative?

Besides, she thought, making up her mind, she wasn't going to get caught; she was too smart for that.

It was all too easy!

Shanti had approached him the next day - just as Girish had predicted - and, in the guise of sympathizing with him over his humiliation in Wilson's math class a couple of days ago, she had sounded him out about the papers for the upcoming exams.

As Girish had instructed him, Barun pretended to be suffering from a bad cold and sore throat, and lowered his voice to a rasp. Shanti didn't seem notice; either she didn't care, or couldn't remember what he normally sounded like. Probably both.

Enjoying the experience of Shanti being friendly to him (although aware that Shanti had skilfully manipulated the circumstances of their "accidental" meeting in such a way as to locate it in the Study Hall, which was usually deserted), Barun drew the encounter out, repeatedly side-stepping her indirect attempts to get him to admit to having the papers.

Finally, she was forced to ask him directly: did he have copies of the upcoming exam papers? Seemingly reluctant, Barun eventually admitted that "yes" he happened to have some copies of future exam papers, and "yes", in particular, he did have copy of next week's English exam.
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"Why do you want to know?"

Shanti looked down and flushed. When she looked like that, Barun was almost willing to feel sorry for her.

Almost. All he had to do to push back any feelings of affection was remember the bitchy way in she had rejected him last year and then gotten him beaten up. He knew what she was like.

"I want a copy of that exam," she admitted finally, "I need it for this weekend."

Barun pretended to be shocked. "Shanti, you mean you want a copy of a stolen exam paper so you can cheat on next Monday's English test?"

Shanti swallowed back an angry retort. Couldn't he be a little more subtle? Idiot! Still, there wasn't much she could do about it. "Yes," she admitted, "I need it to pass the exam."

Barun just stared at her, not saying anything.

"I'll pay money," she added, "How about Rs.1000?"

Still nothing. She was almost frantic.


"Alright," Barun relented, as if making up his mind, "I'll sell you the stolen exam paper for Rs.1000." Shanti almost collapsed with relief. Everything was going to work out! "Will that be all, Shanti, or do you want any more exams? I can probably get whatever you want."

Shanti looked up, excited. This would solve all of her problems with the schoolwork. "That sounds great," she told him enthusiastically, "I'll buy whatever you can get for the classes I'm in. Rs.1000 a paper."

"It's a deal." Barun could barely repress a grin of triumph. They had her! Now, only one more thing... "Meet me tomorrow after school in the woodworking shop. It should be deserted on Friday afternoon."

"Fine," Shanti agreed, "I'll be there." She turned to go.

"Don't forget the money," he reminded her, but by then she was gone.

"Remember," Girish repeated for what seemed like the hundredth time, "keep your back to the wall and face slightly away from the closet. Make sure that Shanti is always facing you so that we get a good angle from where Reshma will be filming."

Girish and Reshma had cleared out one of the storage closets in the workshop, and Reshma was set up inside with her video camera filming through a knot-hole.

Girish was set up with a still camera in the upper storage area across the room. In order to cover the noise of the camera, he had turned on the rotation fans which were fastened from the ceiling; the resulting hum was more than sufficient to mask any noise he might make.

Satisfied at last that everything was in order and Barun knew what to do, Girish climbed the short ladder to the storage area and concealed himself behind a stack of wood. Barun watched him disappear from view.

After a quick glance to make certain the closet door was properly closed, he sat back in a chair and waited for Shanti.

Shanti arrived ten minutes late, looking a little uncertain, but determined to carry through. She crossed the room as Barun watched in appreciation.

She was wearing tight jeans and a white blouse which left her tanned arms bear past the shoulder.

Adyar was having an unusually long Indian Summer, and her clothing reflected the fact of this unseasonable warmth. Barun got hard imagining what lay beneath the blouse. Soon, he told himself as Shanti approached him, soon he wouldn't have to imagine. He stood up as she approached.

"Well," she asked as she got to where he was standing, "Do you have it?" She was more her usual bitchy self today, now that she was getting what she wanted.

Perfect, Barun noted silently. She's standing exactly where Girish wanted her to stand. "I've got it," he told her in the same gruff voice he had used the day before, "One stolen English exam paper for Shanti Rangaswamy." He held up the computer printout. "And my money?"

Shanti reached into her pocket and pulled out the cash.

Silently, she handed it over to him. Just to make her angry, he slowly and noisily counted the money, making a production of it. "It's all there," she said angrily, "You don't have to worry about that; now or in the future."

"Fine," he answered, handing over the exam questions, "It's all yours."

In a hurry to leave, Shanti snatched the paper and quickly scanned the contents. As promised, the paper contained the four questions which would form the basis of next Monday's English class examination.

"Thanks," she said shortly, all business, and turned to walk away.

"Good luck with the test," he called after her, but she ignored him and left the room.

The room fell silent for a few second, and then Girish popped up from behind the wood. "Looked good from here," he announced, "I think I got some good shots." He began climbing down the ladder as Barun walked over to the cupboard where Reshma was hiding. He opened the door and helped her out from behind the camera tripod.
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"That was great," she chortled, "I got everything."

Barun reached into his jacket and pulled out the small radio-microphone.

He handed it over to Reshma who clipped it back onto the video camera.

"Well guys," Girish stated, "A little bit of editing, and I think we have her."

Barun began to get hard again, just thinking about what that meant...

They waited almost two weeks before lowering the boom.

By that time, the English exam had come and gone, and Miss Massey had read out the marks in class. Shanti had received the highest mark ever given out in Miss Massey's English class, a fact commented upon several times by the impressed teacher.

Barun, on the other hand, had barely passed. When his mark was announced, Shanti gave him a startled glance, but then quickly looked away.

If he was so stupid that he could barely pass with advance notice of the questions, that was his problem.

By that time, Girish and Reshma had suitably edited the video and audio evidence, and Girish had developed a large number of prints from his still pictures of the event.

Girish still hoped that the audio tape would be enough on its own (he didn't want Shanti to realise the extent of the plot against her), but if not, the additional evidence was very convincing. Everything had turned out perfect:

Shanti's actions and words were crystal clear, while Barun was unrecognizable. Between his disguised voice and positioning during the filming, there was no way to prove the identity of the person from whom Shanti bought the stolen exam paper.

Girish thought that this, along with the fact that Shanti had done so well and Barun so poorly on the test, should serve to protect Barun from expulsion if they were forced to use the evidence.

As well, Girish and Reshma were willing to give Barun an alibi. At best, it would be Shanti's word against their's, and, if it came to that, Shanti's word would not be worth much by then.

So, it seemed that everything was in order. All that remained was to determine the method of delivery...

The small package arrived in the mail at the Rangaswamy household on the Friday almost two weeks after the English exam.

It was addressed to Shanti. When it was opened, a cassette tape fell out along with a small piece of note paper. She picked it up and read it: 'SAT. MORNING: 10:00 AM Krishna Perambur Park Vaddapalni. It was written in clumsy block letters.

Puzzled, she took the tape up to her room, slipped it into her walkman, put on the head-phones and hit the play button. Almost at once, her head was filled with the sound of her own voice: "I heard you have a copy of next week's English exam. Is that true?"

"Why do you want to know?" That was Barun! What was going on here? There was a brief hissing, then the tape continued, relentlessly. Shanti listened in panicked disbelief.

"I want a copy of that exam. I need it for this weekend."

"Shanti, you mean you want a copy of a stolen exam paper so you can cheat on next Monday's English test."

"Yes. I need it to pass the exam... I'll pay money. How about Rs.1000? Please?"

"Alright, I'll sell you the stolen exam paper for Rs. 1000. Will that be all, Shanti, or do you want any more exams? I can probably get whatever you want."

"That sounds great. I'll buy whatever you can get for the classes I'm in. Rs.10000 a paper."

"It's a deal. Meet me tomorrow after school in the woodworking shop. It should be deserted on Friday afternoon... Don't forget the money."

The hissing stopped for a second as the tape fell silent, but before Shanti hit the stop button, it started up again, this time with a small humming sound in the background.

The fans, Shanti realized, fighting down panic, the fans in the woodworking shop.

Trembling, she listened as the voices began once again: "Well," her voice again, "Do you have it?"

"I've got it. One stolen English exam paper for Shanti Rangaswamy. And my money?"

There was a brief moment of silence, and they the sound of paper being crinkled.

"It's all there; you don't have to worry about that... now or in the future."

"Fine, It's all yours."


The voices fell silent, and she heard a door slam: the shop door slamming when she left the room. The hiss slowly faded as the recording came to halt.

Hands trembling, she pulled the ear-phones off her head and sat still in stunned disbelief. This couldn't be happening to her!

Her eyes brimmed over with tears as she picked up the note and re-read it.

The writing blurred through the tears as she realized that she had no choice: she would have to go to the meeting tomorrow and see what he wanted.
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Barun checked his watch for the tenth time in as many minutes, still five minutes to go before the 10:00 meeting with Shanti.

He paced back and forth on the path before the fountain, pausing only to push back his stringy, brown hair and survey the surrounding area for any sign of her approach. The park was empty, however, with the exception of a few joggers and the odd person out walking their dog. At least, Barun thought they were odd; he hated dogs. The area around the fountain was pretty much deserted, which made it perfect for the upcoming meeting. If, of course, that meeting ever took place. Despite Girish's repeated assurances, Barun was still not certain that Shanti would show up.

He half-expected to see a security officer car pull into the parking lot or something like that. Girish, however, had been sure of their plan.

He argued that for someone like Shanti, social standing and reputation were all; she wouldn't put either at risk by taking any chances that the evidence of her cheating would get out.

Reshma had agreed with him, but Barun was not so sure; it wasn't Reshma's or Girish's ass on the line out here in the park. Still, he thought, it was worth a try, particularly considering the potential prize at the end of the day! He checked his watch again, still a few minutes to go.

Barun looked up and scanned the park - if she didn't appear soon...

There she was: large as life and twice as beautiful! Shanti was approaching slowly along the jogging path which led into the park from the beach; she must have parked her car in the beach parking lot, where it was much less likely to be seen. That made sense. As far as Barun could tell, she was alone, which eased his anxiety considerably. Maybe this would work after all. He stopped pacing and watched as she walked towards him.

As she drew closer, he saw that her eyes were red and puffy, as though she had been recently crying, or hadn't slept much. Maybe both and she looked scared. If anything, though, Barun thought it made her even more gorgeous. This is really going to work, Barun thought to himself, his heart picking up speed. Finally, she reached the circular path before the fountain and, after hesitating briefly, she walked up to him.

"Shanti Rangaswamy" he greeted her...

Shanti had indeed spent an almost sleepless night, tossing and turning in anticipation of what would happen the next morning. When she finally did get up, she was almost exhausted with apprehension. All she could think about was what had happened to the last person who had been caught with a stolen exam paper. The expulsion from College... the criminal charges... the public exposure! That was the worst. The thought of the humiliation made her tremble as she quickly got ready to leave for her encounter with the person who sent the note. A brief excuse to her parents at breakfast, and she was out the door and on her way.

Shanti was not surprised to see Barun standing at the fountain as she entered the park. The Tamil Iyer damsel had quickly realized last night that the note must have come from him. He was the only person who knew about her cheating, and he was the only person who could have taped their meeting. The question was: what did he want from her to keep quiet about it? The answer unfortunately was not difficult to figure out. She could see the way he watched her as she approached the fountain. The way his eyes played over the curves on her body, undressing her. Shanti shuddered.

She did not find him attractive - he was tall and painfully thin, with long greasy hair and an unpleasant complexion - but had made up her mind the previous night that she would do anything - almost anything - to get the tape back, including sleeping with him.

She would do anything to keep him quiet as she was afraid, however, that thiswas exactly what she was going to have to do and keep him quiet.

"Shanti," he greeted her as she approached. He was smirking.

"I thought it would be you," she spat out, unable to hide the anger and hatred in her voice. "What do you want?"

"Why, Shanti," he feigned surprise and hurt, "is that any way to greet your partner in crime? You seemed happy enough to see me a couple of weeks ago... when you needed the exam paper." The tall damsel sat himself down on a bench and patted the space next to him, gesturing for her to take a seat next to him.

"Fuck you," she blurted out. "I want that tape." She couldn't believe he had the nerve to treat her like this. She fought down the urge to slap that obnoxious smirk off his ugly face; there was time for that later.

Barun just smiled slightly and again patted the place next to him on the bench. "I don't think that that's a very helpful attitude," he said mildly. "Why don't you just sit yourself down right here, and we'll have a little chat about it."

She just stared at him angrily.

"After all," he continued, "it wouldn't do to be seen arguing in public. Someone might ask why."

Torn between anger and fear, Shanti hesitated for a few moments more, but finally gave in and sat down beside him. She tensed up as he put his right arm around her shoulder, but didn't pull away. She hoped no one could see them together; it would be impossible to explain this to her friends at College.

"That's better," he said smoothly. "Now we can talk."

She turned slightly towards him, ignoring the condescending tone of his voice. Anger had won out over the fear, if only briefly. "You know what I want, you fucker. You tricked me. I want that tape back, and I want you to shut your fucking mouth about the whole thing, you asshole..."

She was stunned into a shocked silence as he brought his left hand around and slapped her across the face. It wasn't particularly hard, but it was surprising and humiliating. She brought her hand up to her stinging cheek and started to pull away, but Barun held her close. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"First thing, Beautiful," he told her quietly. "Don't swear at me, or even in my presence. It makes you sound cheap. Do you understand?"

Dumbly, she nodded her head as the tears began to flow down her cheeks. The humiliation at being talked to like this was even worse than being slapped. What was he doing to her?

When he saw her nod, he relaxed his hold, but still kept his arm around her. The cheek he had slapped was starting to turn red, so he leaned forward and kissed it. Shanti tensed and started to tremble, but she didn't pull away. "There, there," he said soothingly, as he brought his hand up to wipe the tears off her cheeks, "Is that better?"

Trembling, she nodded.

"Fine," Barun leaned back on the bench. "Now we can talk. As you know, I have evidence that could fuck you up at Greenwood. I don't want to use it like that, but I will if I have to."

"If you give out that tape," she argued, regaining some control (but still not pulling away from his encircling arm), "you'll be expelled too. I'll let everyone know who sold me the exam. We'd go down together." She had thought of that argument last night, while tossing and turning in bed.

Barun just shrugged. "You can try," he answered. "But I don't know if anyone will believe you. My voice can't be recognized on the tape and I have friends who will be willing to swear that I was somewhere else that Friday. Besides, I almost failed the test; who'll believe I had the questions ahead of time?" He fell silent for a moment and looked at her. "And even if I do get expelled, it's no big deal; people expect it of me. It's your reputation that matters."

He was right. Shanti began to cry again, and was forced to suffer the humiliation of Barun again brushing the tears from her cheeks. "S-so, what do you want, then?" She was defeated. She would give him what he wanted.

"You for just one night and that too tomorrow night and I want you to make love with me, have sex with me, lick my cock balls and then let me have your sexy Tamil pussy and act as though you like it. After, I'll give you the only copy I have of the tape." ," came the expected answer.

Shanti began to tremble again as he said this, but she was not particularly shocked. Here, she was on familiar ground; most of the guys at College wanted the same thing of her, and she was used to dealing with their desires. As well, she had expected something like this, and it could have been a hell of a lot worse. She didn't find Barun attractive, and almost gagged at the thought of having sex with him, but she was certainly not a virgin. And one night wasn't forever. It would be unpleasant, but it would be over with quickly, and she would never have to talk to him again. And, once she had the tape...

Shanti was careful, however, not to let her thoughts show. No need to let this asshole know that she was not as scared as she seemed. "And you'll give me the tape?" she asked quietly.


"How do I know that you won't keep a copy of it and blackmail me again?"

"You don't," came the simple answer. "But I swear on my mother's grave that I will not use the tape to blackmail you again." She looked doubtful, but he just shrugged. "That's the best I can do."

"Just one night?"

Barun nodded.

"And it'll be a secret, right? You won't tell anybody?" This was crucial. If anyone ever found out that she had slept with Barun, whatever the reason, she would be ruined at College.

It would be even worse than being caught cheating.

Once again, Barun nodded. "No one will have to know," he told her.

Shanti fell silent for a few moments and then nodded her agreement. She had stopped trembling and seemed thoughtful. "OK," she agreed, finally, "I'll do it, just one night and no one knows."

"Right." Barun could barely keep himself from laughing out loud. If only she knew what they had planned for her! "Show up at my place tomorrow night at 7:00. Can you find it?"

"I have a student directory," she answered, "I'll find it." She pulled away to get up and leave, but Barun held her close.
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"Don't I get a goodbye kiss? Just to keep me until tomorrow?" he asked her

Fighting down an urge to vomit, she allowed herself to be pulled toward him and pressed her lips to his. Her hands hanging limply at her side, she tried to keep her mouth shut, but his tongue was insistent, and was soon exploring the inside of her unwilling mouth. His breath smelled like smoke and she almost gagged.

"Just one night," she told herself, as he drew the kiss out until it was more like necking than a single kiss.

Finally, he released her. Gasping, she staggered to her feet

and hurried off.

"Until tomorrow then," he called after her.

Reshma squeezed herself into the back of closet, trying as best she could to make herself comfortable in the pile of clothing Barun had laid out for her. From where she sat, she had an unobstructed 3/4 view from the head of Barun's bed. She peered through the viewfinder of her father's video camera. "Looks good," she reported to Girish, as he watched from where he sat on the side of the bed. "As long as the lights stay on, I should have no trouble with the filming. It's kind of tight in here,


Girish smirked at her. "You should be getting used to it by now," he joked. "That cupboard a couple of weeks ago was no bigger."

Reshma laughed in agreement. What with the filming in the Woodwork Shop, and now in Barun's bedroom, she was becoming something of an expert in this sort of thing. Perhaps, she reflected, she should look into becoming a private detective. There must be a lot of money in doing this sort of thing for divorce cases in the like.

The 18 year-old girl settled back against the closet wall as her friend and sometime boyfriend adjusted the tripod and camera in front of her to give her a little more room. She was looking forward to the upcoming events, although she still found it hard to believe that Shanti would show up and go through with it. Imagine... the Ice Queen agreeing to fuck Barun! (Imagine anyone agreeing to fuck Barun.) And she was there to get it all on tape!

Between the camera she was running, and the second video camera set up on the bookshelf beside Barun's bed, they should be able to catch the whole event for posterity. And after that, Girish had plans for Shanti that made Reshma wet and shivery just thinking about them. She hated Shanti, and all of the stuck up cunts like her at College. The chance to fuck one of them over was irresistible for her.

"You OK?" Girish broke into her thoughts. The camera was set up in front of her, and everything was ready.

"Give me a kiss," she ordered, reaching up. Girish leaned over and kissed her fully on the mouth, his tongue playing with hers and she could tell that he was as excited about what was going to happen as she was, despite his calm manner. Maybe they had time to...

"Hey hey," Barun called out jokingly, entering the bedroom. "This is supposed to be my night. Knock it off." Reluctantly, Reshma let go of Girish and settled back down into her position in the closet. Trust Barun to show up at the wrong time. Girish smiled at her and shrugged his shoulders.

"Later," he whispered.

Reshma shivered as he partially closed the closet door, leaving it open just a crack. "Shit," she muttered to herself, trying to get comfortable. A few moments later, she was wishing that she had a cigarette.

Shanti preceded Barun into his bedroom and stood there while he closed the door behind him. She was wearing blue jeans and a yellow tee-shirt, and had her Tamil Iyer hair pulled up into a simple ponytail.

"Like it?" Barun asked, gesturing vaguely towards the room. Shanti looked around. It was a small, basement bedroom, surprisingly bright considering the fact that there was only one, small window. The light, however, did the room no favors. It merely exposed the battered '70s-style wood paneling that covered the walls. That, along with the worn shag carpet gave the room a slightly sleazy look to it. More or less what Shanti would have expected?

Besides the bed- a single bed, she noticed -which sat in the corner of the room next to the closet, the only furniture in the room was a battered couch and coffee table set up under the window. The table was covered with comics and magazines, as were the bookshelf which lines the wall over the bed.

"Nice," she said sarcastically. "I can see you've done a lot with it." Before coming, she had decided to be as pliant as she could be, to go along with everything as quickly as possible, but now that she was here, she was unable to conceal her contempt and anger.

Barun did not react to her sarcasm. "Like a drink?" he asked, pulling out a bottle from under the coffee table. "Whiskey, I'm having one."

The last thing Shanti wanted to do was hang around for a casual drink, but as long as he was going to have one, she figured she may as well have a drink as well. It might even make things a little easier. "Yeah, fine," she answered. "With water"

Gingerly, she sat down on the edge of the couch, careful to avoid the magazines and - she now saw - cigarette ashes which were spread out on the cushion. Barun disappeared into the adjoining bathroom and mixed the drinks. She heard the water running for a moment, and then he returned with two glasses. He handed one to her and then raised his drink in salute: "To us," he stated.

Shanti just stared at him for a moment. Fuck you, she thought. "To us," she echoed unwillingly, raising her own glass.

After this is over, she told herself, taking a sip of the drink, I'm going to have to get this asshole taken care of. She knew a few guys on the football team who...

"So," Barun interrupted her thoughts, sitting down next to her on the couch, "did you have a nice weekend?"

Oh fine, she thought, small talk. Asshole. "Just great," she answered sarcastically. "How about you?"

"I've been horny all weekend," he told her, "thinking of you."

His directness and unapologetic crudity shook her, reminding her of her situation, and why she was here and best to get it over with as soon as possible. Deliberately, she drained the glass in one gulp and slammed it down on the coffee table. "Stop fucking around. Let's get on with it."

Barun, however, was in no hurry. He took a casual sip of his drink and smiled at her. "Get on with what?"

"You know." She gestured vaguely with her hand. "...It."


"Sex," she blurted out. Just how stupid was he? "That's what you want, isn't it? That's why I'm here, isn't it?" She flushed and looked down. He wasn't making this easy on her.

Barun suddenly reached over and grabbed her face, turning it towards him so he could look straight into her large green eyes.

"No," he told her. "I don't just want 'sex'." He mimicked the way she had reluctantly said the word. "I want to fuck you." He made a point of emphasizing the crudity.

"We're going to fuck. Ball. Screw. Get it on." He got up and walked to the bed, pulling his shirt over his head; the complexion of his back matched that of his face. "But first," he said, carelessly throwing the shirt onto the floor beside the bed, "you're going to have to ask."

"Ask?" Shanti's head swam in disbelief. She felt a little dizzy, probably from the drink. "Ask?"

Barun lay down on the bed, put his hands behind his head and grinned over at her. "You're going to ask me to fuck you," he told her. "And then, if you ask nicely, I'll do it."

"You're out of your mind!" Shanti tried to get up from the couch, but stumbled against the coffee table and sprawled back onto her ass, knocking over a pile of magazines. "I'm not going to ask you..."

"Alright," Barun interrupted her. "Then go." He pointed towards the door. "But by the end of the College day tomorrow, that tape will be in Dr. Gaowrivaran's office." (Dr. Gaowrivaran was the College principal.)

Shanti lurched back to her feet, carefully this time, her head spinning. "B-but..."

"Well?" Barun was relentless. "What's it going to be?"

Shanti grasped at a straw. "But you said yesterday that I wasn't supposed to swear around you," she begged. "You said it made me sound cheap." She was more than a little humiliated at having to make this argument, but it was all she had. Surely he wasn't going to force her to...

"That was in yesterday," he told her, smirking. "Now, I want you to sound cheap; you are cheap."

"You bastard!" The tears were starting to flow down her face. "You bastard."

"It's your choice," he told her. "Take it or leave it. Either you ask me real nice to fuck you, or you get the hell out of here. What's it going to be?"

Girish watched intently from his position in the yard outside the window. From where he sat, peering through a small opening in the blinds, he could see everything that was happening, but was unable to hear what was being said. Silently, he cursed himself for not opening the window a crack, but it was too late for that.

Hopefully, Barun wasn't fucking up. Still, he would hear it all later from the video tape. He hoped Reshma was ready.

Inside, it looked as if things were shaping up nicely despite his worrying.

Barun had got Shanti to take the drink which Girish had specially prepared for her. Beside the alcohol content, he had mixed in a small amount of a depressant - to lower her inhibition and a stimulant - to keep her awake and heighten her senses. Between the two drugs, he hoped the mixture would have the desired effect.

From the look of things inside the bedroom, it was. Shanti seemed confused and frightened. She had staggered to her feet and moved towards the door as Barun had said something to her, but she didn't leave - as Girish had known (hoped) she wouldn't - and had turned back around to face Barun on the bed. Girish looked down to make certain everything was ready with his camera. There should be some interesting shots coming up...

Shanti looked over at Barun, lying smug on the bed. She was paralyzed with indecision and disbelief. This couldn't be happening to her; it couldn't! Her head swam. He couldn't be expecting her to...
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"One more chance, Beautiful," he called over to her. "Ask or leave."

Shanti turned away from his leering face and leaned against the bedroom door, trying to gather her thoughts. She was still dizzy, though, and it was hard to think. Ask or leave... ask or leave... What could she do?! Eventually, however, she came to the only decision she could; there was no way she could let him release that tape.

OK you bastard she thought, drawing a deep, shuddering breath, I'll give you what you want and more. She spun around to face him again.

"Barun," she asked, her voice quivering slightly, "I... I want to fuck you." She couldn't believe the sound of those words coming out of her mouth. Was that really her talking? It didn't sound like her. She was beginning to feel strangely detached.

"What was that?" Barun asked, cupping his ear. "I didn't catch what you said."

Hands clenched into helpless fists, she repeated the hated words, a little louder this time: "I want to fuck you. Please let me fuck you."

"You don't sound as if you mean it." Barun pretended to be hurt, drawing the humiliation out a little longer.

OK, Shanti told herself, trying to remain calm, just give him what he wants. Do what he wants, get the tape and get out of here. "Please," she repeated, this time pleading in an exaggerated manner, "Please let me fuck you. I want to fuck you."

To her shock and anger, Barun just shrugged his shoulders dismissively. "I don't know," he answered. "Maybe I don't want to."

Her heart skipped a beat. Was he planning to release the tape after all? "Please," she pleaded - this time for real. "Please let me fuck you. I want to... I really do. I'm sorry I was mean to you before. Please let me fuck you?" She looked up at him, imploring.

Barun seemed to reach a decision. "Let's see what you've got," he told her. "Take your clothes off. If I like what I see, maybe I'll let you do it."

Shanti, now numb from shock and still dizzy from the drink, reached down and slowly began to take off her tee-shirt. She had gone so far now, she might as well see things through to the finish. Her hands shook as she slowly pulled the shirt up over...

"Not like that," Barun leered at her. "Do it sexy - like a strip-tease. And ditch the pony tail."

Swallowing, Shanti complied, pulling the tie from her hair and shaking it out. With her wavy Tamil Iyer hair hanging free, she began to undress in as sexy a manner as she could manage. Trying to smile in a seductive way, she slid the tee-shirt up over her head and twirled it into a corner of the room, exposing her bra.

Barun grinned in appreciation.

Shanti's tits weren't particularly large, but they were very firm and well-formed. Next, to his delight, she began to fondle her breasts through the bra, still looking at him seductively. After doing this for a few seconds, she unclipped the bra, and pulled it slowly off. Her breasts jutted proudly, nipples erect. Shanti felt a moment of shame at this, but she was careful not to show it.

She was too far along to think of pulling out now. Suggestively, she ran her hands down her chest, across her naked breasts and along her flat stomach to the waistband of her jeans. Hesitating only slightly, she undid the button and allowed the jeans to slide down her long, athlete's legs to the floor. She wore simple, white panties. Shanti stepped out of the jeans and towards Barun, time to get this over with.

Barun however gestured towards the panties and shook his head. Her theatrically seductive smile wavered a bit at this, but she took it in stride. After all, how much worse could it get? Bending over, Shanti slid the panties down her legs, completely exposing her crotch to his Barun's view.

Now naked except for her socks, she straightened up and looked at him. What now?

"Ask." Barun mouthed the word at her.

In as seductive a voice as she could manage, Shanti did as she was told. "Please," she begged, her voice a throaty whisper, "Please fuck me. I need it so bad... please fuck me." While she begged, she ran her hands over her hardened nipples, almost causing Barun to ejaculate right then and there. Was this Shanti Rangaswamy standing in front of him? "Please," she pleaded. "I want it now..."

Unable to wait any longer, Barun swung his legs around onto the floor and sat up at the side of his bed. "Come here, bitch," he growled, his voice hoarse with lust.

Dizzy from the mixture of drugs she had been served in the drink and almost numb from shock, Shanti obeyed. She felt detached, as if her body was acting on automatic while she - the real Shanti Rangaswamy - watched from a distance. Breathing quickly, she hurried forward, her tits bouncing as she moved. She kneeled in front of him as he gestured for her to do so.

"Do you want it?" he asked her gruffly.

Shanti looked up at him with her large green eyes, puzzled and unable to think. Want...

"My cock, Beautiful. Do you want my cock?"

Shanti fought back tears. "Oh yes," she breathed. "Please, let me have your cock."

At his nod, she reached in between his legs and fumbled with the zipper. A few seconds later, his cock popped out onto her grasping fingers. It was already extremely hard, and - Shanti noted with loathing - glistening wetly. What now?

"Kiss it," he ordered, answering her unspoken question. "Give it some tongue."

Gagging, Shanti moved her face forward, grasped the penis and, rubbing it gently with her fingers, she began to kiss and lick it. She had done this a couple of time before with a previous boyfriend. She didn't like it, but was able to keep her revulsion under control. This activity carried on for a few minutes before Barun reached down and began to fondle her tits.

To her embarrassment, they responded immediately, the nipples regaining their previous hardness. Her own body was betraying her! Her face went red with shame, but she definitely began to feel a tingling between her legs.

"Take it in your mouth," Barun whispered at her a few moments later, pushing her hair away from her face. His breath was short. Reluctantly, she did so, sliding her warm, wet mouth over his now-sticky cock and sucking gently. The salty taste was unpleasant, but she could stand it as long as he wasn't planning to come in her mouth. Surely, he wasn't...

Suddenly, he leaned back and raised his legs. Surprised, she pulled her mouth off his cock and looked up from where she was kneeling, her chin glistening with spittle and pre-come. She quickly saw what he wanted, and co-operated by pulling off his pants. He was naked underneath, and his cock stuck straight up as he leaned back on the bed and swung his legs around so he was again lying lengthwise.

"Climb on," he ordered. Panting, and out of breath from giving head, Shanti scrambled onto the bed and straddled his naked body, her knees propped up on each side of his thighs. Holding this position, she panted and trembled, waiting for his next order. It wasn't long in coming.

He reached forward and played with her breasts for a moment but then dropped his hands to her crotch, feeling her cunt lips.

Shanti's hands twitched with the urge to push his hands away, but they remained at her sides. He smirked at her. "Wet," he pronounced. "You're really into this." Shanti fought back tears, and tried to maintain a seductive leer. This wasn't her kneeling naked over Barun French; it was someone else. Barun relaxed back on his pillow. "I like them a little wetter, though. Let's see if you can't make yourself a little more ready."

Grasping his meaning, Shanti moved her hands back to her crotch area and began to play with herself. Closing her eyes, she was almost able to imagine that she was back in her own room, and none of this was happening. She moaned involuntarily, as Barun began to play with her breasts, kneading them roughly. Her fingers were doing their work, though, and her crotch was soon damp with desire.

Finally, Barun had seen enough. Pushing her hands away, he positioned his cock directly underneath her pussy and looked up at her expectantly. Shanti leaned forward on her hands, so that her breasts hung directly downwards, and slowly slid Barun's cock into her now-wet pussy. It went in easily, despite that fact that she was very tight. Eventually, his cock was entirely swallowed as she knelt on top of him.

"Get moving," he ordered her hoarsely.

Completely defeated, Shanti began to move up and down, riding his cock in and out of her pussy. Despite herself, she began to moan and pant with desire. Barun leaned up and began to bite and lick her breasts as his hands played over her straining thighs.

Shanti gasped. It was painful, but after a while, the pain seemed to meld into pleasure, and warmth radiated out of her pussy to envelope her entire body. The detached part of her mind wailed in horror as her body abandoned itself entirely to the experience.

She was now making soft moaning sounds in time with her rhythmic self-impalement on Barun's cock. Gradually, her moaning became louder and louder as the pace increased and she approached climax. Barun, beneath her, began moving his hips in time with her, all the while mauling and biting her small, firm tits as they dangled invitingly in front of his face.

"Oh... oh... oh... oh..." Her moans got louder and louder until she was almost screaming. Her eyes were screwed shut and her mouth hung open, slack with lust. "Oh... oh... OH... OH... Ahhh..."

Finally, she came with a loud scream of pleasure, her body shaking and trembling. That was all for Barun; he could hold back no longer. Just as her orgasm ended, he thrust forward with his hips, and pulled her down, crushing her mauled breasts against his sweaty chest and forcing his tongue into her gasping mouth, his cock pumping sperm into her warm, damp pussy.

The two fell limp, their spent, sweaty bodies stuck together. A few seconds later, Shanti roused herself with a groan and pushed herself off her unwanted companion. His prick slid limply out of her pussy as she clambered off the bed, leaving a thin trail of sperm along the inside of her thigh.

Shanti bit back a scream as she caught sight of herself in the bathroom mirror. Her Tamil Iyer hair was plastered back from her sweaty face, leaving fully revealed her wide, frightened eyes and nostrils which flared as she gasped for breath. Drool glistened on her cheeks and mouth where Barun had slobbered on her when he came. Her sleek body was covered by a fine sheen of sweat and her tits shone red and purple where Barun had mauled and bit them.

Sperm trickled out of her sopping cunt, joining the thin, white trail laid down on her leg by his cock when she had pulled away. A thin wail rose from her throat as she stared at her reflection. Both the dizziness and the lust which had possessed her earlier had left as though burnt away by the intensity of her orgasm, leaving her clear-headed and terrified. How had she let this happen? Panting and choking, Shanti stumbled into the bathroom, fell to her knees and threw up violently into the toilet.

Her retching was interrupted by the impact of clothing being thrown into the bathroom and hitting her back. It was Barun. "When you're done in there," he called out to her heaving rear, "Get dressed and get out." He had pulled his trousers on and was leaving the bedroom.

Shanti continued retching for a few moments before climbing to her feet. Unsteadily, still coughing and gasping, she pulled her clothes on over her sticky, abused body. Dressed, she left the bathroom to find Barun sitting on the couch, smoking a cigarette. He ignored her for a moment and then looked up, as if surprised that she were still there. "Well? I thought I told you to leave."

Shanti looked down. "T-the tape," she mumbled. "You said - you p-promised to give it to me."

Grinning, Barun reached into a pocket and pulled out a cassette tape. "Fair enough," he agreed, tossing it to her. She was unprepared and it bounced off her chest and slid under the bed. Barun laughed as she got down on her hands and knees to retrieve it.

The tape securely in her possession, Shanti stood up and moved towards the door her only thought to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Haven't you forgotten something?"

She turned to face him. "What?" The anger was back now, making it easier to deal with his leering face.

"To say thank you," Barun told her.

"Fuck you," she muttered and stormed out of the room. Behind her, Barun laughed.

The End
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Awesome. More please
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too hot...

further episode please
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