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When the Raos dropped Kajol at home, she was giggling like a college girl and talking nonsense. Mrs. Rao made a silent sign to Ramesh about her being totally drunk and he nodded in acknowledgment. Immediately thereafter they turned to leave. Kajol heard them saying goodbye and turned around. Ramesh’s eyes widened when he watched his wife going back to Mr. Rao and kissing his cheek. Before he could act any, Kajol had turned to Mrs. Rao and joined lips with her. His jaws dropped and a sudden chill enveloped him. God! This was his boss and his wife. What the hell was she doing?
Mrs. Rao took control of the situation immediately. Smoothly she turned Kajol around and marched her to the bedroom with Ramesh following them. Kajol offered no resistance as Mrs. Rao put her to bed and drew the cover. She turned her head to one side and closed her eyes. Mrs. Rao threw a shawl about her and came out of the room. In the drawing room she took Ramesh’s hands in hers and looked him in the eye. “Sorry dear. Had no idea that the wine would affect her so much. Will be okay in a couple of hours. Just don’t take any notice of what she says or does now.” She dropped his hands and patted his cheek. With that and a ‘see ya tomorrow’ from Mr. Rao, they had departed.
Shortly after they had left, he made his way to the bedroom and crawled to Kajol’s side. She was murmuring something. Instinctively, he touched his cheek to hers and gave a quick peck on her lips. Kajol’s eyes opened. “Sleep Kajo, sleep”, said he as he tried to crawl out the bed to head for the second session of the ODI on the tv. She had closed her eyes again. But she had slipped her hands in his. To his utter amusement, he found her guiding his hand to her crotch. He understood and gave a small laugh. “Oh baby, couldn’t do without me for a couple of hours”, he said as he slipped his fingers into her panties where he encountered dampness. “Gosh, my sexy foxy, wait till I give you a proper rimming.” With that, he removed her pants and undies completely and dived to her alluring nether regions. She was oozing, profusely as his tongue discovered an instant later. Then he began his frantic tongue lashing and she bucked up under the assault. Typically, he found her hand clutching his hair and attempting to push him deeper. He always loved when he brought her to that state. Deftly, he flicked his tongue to a teasing touch on her clitty. “Ohhhhh” she moaned as a deep shudder ran through her. Before he realized what had happened she had pushed his face away and was whispering fiercely, “Put it in, damn you sir. Put the dick in.”
Rarely had he found her in such desperate state. He grinned as he removed his clothes one by one. Her cunt was so overflowing that he entered her smoothly like a sword into its sheath. He looked at her face but her eyes were closed. Then rhythmically he started pumping into her.
Less than a minute later, she had started climbing the pleasure curve as was evident from her moans. His breath was rising and so were her moans. Her moans were so incoherent. As he was pumping in, he thought he heard her say something like, ‘fuck… be strong … like rao’ Must have been imagination he thought as climaxed and short while later so did she as her grip on his neck tightened. He lay on her still, catching his breath. When he raised himself up, she was already asleep. He dbangd back the cover on her and made way to the bathroom. She was still sleeping peacefully when he joined her later in the night.
A very gentle brush and he woke up. Through the window shades, he could surmise that it was pretty early in the morning.
“Wake up baby, wake up”, came the whisper from Kajol whose face was inches aways from his. She shook him a bit and deposited a kiss on his cheeks.
Ramesh got up and headed to the bathroom. Half an hour later, he was going through a delicious breakfast. Kajol was humming in the background. Carrying his plate to the kitchen sink, he watched her going about the morning chores gaily. Presently, he made off to the drawing room sofa to settle down with the newspaper. There was an hour to kill before rushing off to office.
Kajol joined him shortly. She had a shy smile on.
“Why didn’t you wake me up last night? You had to eat alone.”
“Chill Kajo. It was nothing. You were sleeping so peacefully, I didn’t have the heart to wake you up. anyway, it is not everyday that you get to enjoy so much.”
They remained silent for a while.
Then he opened up with a smile, “Jaanu, do you remember any of yesterday’s ?”
Her cheeks flushed. She palmed her face. A bolt of pity rushed through him. It was better if he mentioned nothing about her kissing the Raos. Instead he adopted a kindly tone. “You should know how much to drink. Wine is not 7 Up.”
She lowered her hands and looked at him. “I know, I had no idea what it would be.”
“Hey, did I make a fool of myself with your Sir and Lekhaji?”
“Ha ha! Nothing like that.” He couldn’t let that one pass. “In fact, you were telling me to be strong like Mr. Rao sir when I was riding you.”
It took a couple of seconds to register in what he had said. Simultaneously the image of Mr. Rao rubbing her under the table came up in a flash. Her cheeks reddened. Picking up the nearest pillow she started bashing him up. “You scoundrel,…, how dare you, …,” Thump, thump, thump. “Leaving me alone with them”, thump thump, “while loafing at home”. She threw away the pillow.
Ramesh was guffawing uncontrollably. In between the paroxysm of laughter, he found breath to say, “The sex was the best yesterday. I don’t mind if Mr. Rao is able to so excite you as long as I get the final rewards.”
Kajol’s eyes flashed. She turned to him and a slow smile spread on her face. He could read the mischief in her eyes.
Raising her palm she uttered one word, “Tathastu.”
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Oh yessss.....Mmmmm forgot Riyaz. From what I read, I think he's not interested in having Kajol. He's probably interested in "other" things!
[/url] Great to see Ramesh picking up the "verbal nuances"....soon will notice how she's become quite the tigress in bed recently (from the stuff with the prof's wife). Boy, will that be an interesting conversation!! Hope he'll start putting it all together.
[url=- -web/20170717032304/]
[/url] As you know, when one is in the throes of total pleasure, totally overcome with lust, things just happen, you do and say all kinds of things that are normally kept locked away in your inner slut (love that expression!). Same as when you're really angry with your other half....that's when the real feelings, the real truths come out.
[url=- -web/20170717032304/]
[/url] It will be quite a challenge for Ramesh to put it all together... stopping the dastardly Rao's, saving his job, saving Kajol from the prof's SM stuff, saving Kajol's academic progress (prof is going to blackmail her over her PhD), figuring out how to deal with the "new" Kajol, whether he even wants to have a wife like that unless he discovers his inner cuckold and joins in. And is Preeti going to take up the slack while Kajol is busy?
[url=- -web/20170717032304/]
Highly complex.....great work!
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Ramesh sat in his cubicle staring at the spreadsheet of numbers on the computer screen. He was seeing Preeti emerging out of a swimming pool with the barest of a two piece clinging to her vitals. She was looking at his direction and waving. From his lounging position he raised his beer can. Cuddly muddly she started to run towards him cute boobs bouncing in the effort …
He looked up and scowled at the office boy who had now replaced Preeti. The latter was pointing at the flashing lights of the intercom. Jolted back to reality, he picked up the receiver.
“Hey slacker!”, boomed Sekhar, the senior manager, “Monday morning blues eh!” There was a chuckle from the other end. “Rao wants you in the conference room A S A P.”
“What’s it about?”, he asked. Suddenly he felt a sense of unease. Did it have anything to do with Kajol’s badtameezi yesterday. ‘No, no. He wouldn’t call from the conference room if that was the case.” He listened to what Sekhar was saying.
“Look hero”, Sekhar replied merrily from the other end, “I am upto my nose in deep shit with the Bajajbhai case and when Rao wanted to dump on me an airy-fairy overseas account; I smartly diverted the bamboo towards you.” Ramesh heard him laugh heartily. “Will take your mind off from wife’s chafing for a while. You see, we all go through these right when the pheras are completed but only a few brave ones will admit. You should be thanking me for that.” The laughter still continued though subdued. “Seriously Ramesh, if I were you, I should go over pronto. Boss sounded as if he has discovered a diamond mine. Problem though is that he persists with that lousy trick each time. Bigger problem is that neither me nor you can say that to his face. So be the blue eyed boy of the management and rush over with your notepad and pencil and nod sagaciously to all that the pompous ass says.” Sekhar had terminated the conversation.
He found Mr. Rao and a couple of junior employees sitting at the oval sized conference table waiting for a video conferencing to begin. Mr. Rao beckoned him to the chair near him and whispered urgently “Singapore office says they got a hefty lead for us. Pay attention.”
He was indeed very alert. And during the ensuing video conferencing with their Singapore office staff, it transpired that one of their major clients wanted to make an entry to the local market and were looking for a high level assessment of the market risks albeit within a short period of time or else the contract would certainly go over to a big fish. Mr. Rao enthusiastically commented that they would certainly be upto expectation. The Singapore side confirmed to send all the terms of reference and client profile by the following day. As soon as the video conferencing was over, he turned over to Ramesh. “Neither Sekhar nor de’Souza are free at the moment. The three of you should come up with the detailed project report in three days’ time that is by Friday. Saturday, we review it and Sunday it should be mailed to Singapore for vetting. You are in charge Ramesh.”
Ramesh felt as if a huge slab of marble had been lowered over him without warning. He looked at the other two who were barely a year into the job. Their faces told all. They just didn’t fathom the amount of work that would be involved. He turned back to Mr. Rao.
“Oh yes, for secretarial work; what’s the name of that new girl in HR? Preeti, yes Preeti” , he assented on a prompt, “she would be with you throughout. And daily progress reports Ramesh.”
He didn’t know about the other two who were still shell-shocked to react. But he heard a cuckoo’s note in his heart. The cuckoo’s face resembled very closely with that of Preeti.
Contrary to Muphy’s Law, he finished all his pending assignment in an hour and signed for the outward mail. His desk was clean. The info would arrive tomorrow morning and he had to be ready with his team by then. He spoke briefly into the intercom and arranged that the three of them would chart out the groundwork over lunch at a nearby restaurant.
Halfway through their discussions Preeti joined in. She was vexed as in their excitement none of the three had remembered to inform her about their meeting. She drew a chair near Ramesh and squeezed in, her knees touching his. He said sorry to her and explained what all they knew and discussed between them. Preeti listened carefully, tucking back the loose strands of hair behind her ears. Presently it was decided that each of them would ensure to clear their desks by tonight itself and strategizing would start once the inputs were obtained the next morning. Ramesh settled the bill for all and they prepared to return for office.
“Hey guys”, Preeti was addressing the two juniors, “You two carry on. I have something further to discuss with Ramesh.”
Ramesh cocked his eyebrow at her, sure that she still felt miffed at not having been invited to the meeting. The others left immediately.
“What is it Preeti? I told you I am sorry. It was just an oversight”, he blurted out.
“Arre leave that”, she answered sweetly. “Though damn right you should be sorry. In fact I should be reporting you for gender bias.” But her eyes were shining.
“Then what? Tell me.”
“You know what this assignment means. The boss has confidence enough in you to ask you to head the team. You understand what that means ..” she gave him a slow wink.
Ramesh was thoroughly puzzled. What was Preeti talking about? He had no clue whatsoever. Then came the realization.
“You mean, you mean”, he stammered, “London?”
“Yesss Sir”, Preeti added a dramatic flourish. “The results come out tomorrow.”
He sat stunned. He had completely forgotten about the three week training program at London HQ. Preeti had previously confirmed that he was the frontrunner. And tomorrow it would be declared. He felt so overwhelmed.
“Preeti …”, he choke on his words. Impulsively he hugged her. “Thank you.”.
She patted his back as he released her.
Both of them rose to leave. At his desk, he thanked his stars that he had had enough good sense to clear his assignments before lunch. For now he could hardly concentrate on any work. He rummaged through his drawer and brought out the old flier mentioning the details of the three week training at London. He reread that the company hq had decided that as a moral boosting exercise, they would be sending one employee from each of their world wide offices for the all expense paid training at London. And the result was to come tomorrow. He felt very restless. Sharp at five, he left for home.
On the way back, he suddenly realized that there had been no mention about the spouse joining in the trip. That would of course mean significant expenses for the company and certainly he couldn’t afford it on his own. For an instant, he felt sad for Kajol. She won’t be able to see London with him. Stopping at a florist, he picked up a bunch of roses for her. By the time, he turned his keys in the front door lock, the feeling of sadness had gone.
x x x x
He entered the drawing room and was in for a shock. Rizwan and Kajol were sitting on the sofa, knees touching, her hands in his and their faces just inches apart. Apparently, he was discussing something important and both were so engrossed that they didn’t notice his entry.
“Abbe loafer” he shouted, “when did you come?”
Both of them got startled. Kajol recovered first and said, “Just an hour back.” She smiled when she saw the roses in his hand. “For me?”, her eyes twinkled.
Riz had sprung up. “Teri to…”, advancing towards Ramesh he snatched the flowers from his hand, “Roses for my girlfriend” and he deposited them with the still seated Kajol. Extending his hands wide he turned back towards his childhood friend and clung to his neck.
Ramesh dreaded what was coming next and sure enough a short while later he heard the small sniffling. Riz’s face was on his shoulders and he was clutching him tight still. Then he heard more sniffling. He moved his hand over Riz’s back trying to calm him. “Come on Riz, settle down yaar. Ye rone dhone se daru ka party ka mood kaisa banega?” But Riz wouldn’t listen. He shot a desperate look at Kajol.
“Help for god’s sake Kajo. Take your boyfriend off me.” As she gently pried his arms loose, Riz let go off him. Kajol led him back to the sofa and still somewhat sniffling and teary eyed he buried his head in her lap. She ran her fingers through his hair.
He saw the opportunity and bolted to the bathroom before Riz got up with other ideas.
Half an hour later, when he stepped out; he was relived to find that the boyfriend-girlfriend due had retired to the kitchen. For Riz, cooking was a serious affair and he was equally glad to share his expertise with anyone. Ramesh walked in ostensibly for a glass of water but in reality for a recon. “Get out”, Riz shouted at him. “Get out”, Kajol said to him as well. He laughed back. What he saw gladdened him. The hilsa fish and crabs, which no doubt Riz would have brought with him when he had come and of which he would be preparing mouth watering kolkatan dishes, the sight of all these made him very happy. Also there was the fact that Riz and Kajo would be thoroughly preoccupied for the next hour and half, a time for him to scoot to the nearby FL shop and make the necessary arrangements for the booze party.
Once the cooking was over, Riz came out washing his hands and they moved over to the balcony, the favorite place for their intimate party. They were already two pegs down when Kajol joined them with a plateful of fried fish. Riz would hear none of her protest and plunked a glass full of vodka in her hand. “Ladies drink”, he told her, “Nothing to fear. Your boyfriend is here.” Kajol threw a sharp look at Ramesh, who was now quite buzzed up and started to take a small sip. Then their talks resumed. Riz mentioned how he had been ploughed down under since he had taken up the new work order from here. His turnover had jumped five fold. So had been his staff strength. But it had taken its toll. Forget about social life, he had no life at all for the last couple of months. He had no time for cooking for himself and subsisted solely on outside food. Work hours meant nine to nine for him these days. His skin had turned pale and his eyes had glazed. He spread out both his hands and hugged Ramesh and Kajol who were on either side of him. Then he started crying again as how he was unable to even find time to meet his two friends. Kajol dried his tears and gave a reassuring kiss to calm him down. Eventually he regained control and took another swig from the glass. Turning to Kajol, he dropped his head on her shoulders. “Stay with me always”, he said with a whimper.
Ramesh had taken a lot of the stuff and after felt his head reeling even after the sumptuous dinner was over. He looked at both of them sitting close on the sofa and when Riz called him over, he politely declined saying that he was off to bed and so should Riz as he had an early morning flight to catch. With unsteady steps he walked to the bedroom and crashed there face down. An instant later, he was out.
Sometime in the middle of the night, he woke up, feeling the urgent pressure in his bladder. To his surprise, Kajol wasn’t beside him. Moreover, the lights were still on. Relieving himself he walked to the drawing room and then to the guest room whose door were open. There he saw the two of them on bed, fully dressed, curled up and facing each other knees touching. Like sleeping children, they had put their arms round the others neck. Carefully he drew the double blanket over them, tiptoed back and switched off the lights one by one. Then he drew the door shut and retired to his own bed.
Kajol woke him around seven. He enquired and learnt that Riz had left around five, in time enough to catch his flight. Over breakfast, he said, “Tell you what, this boyfriend of yours is more of a girl.”
She gave him an annoyed look. Then her gaze became even. “Happens, if you grow up with three sisters and a mother for company.”
Ramesh nodded thinking of Riz’s family members and relieving the love that all of them had showered on him during his childhood.
“And he is more of a man inside than many a others that I can think off”, Kajol declared.
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Kajol hummed softly beneath her breath as she went about her chores. She made the bed and looked at the window. Bright sunshine was streaming in. She smiled for no reason. She walked over to the refrigerator and took out a ‘rosogulah that Riz had brought over from Kolkata yesterday. As the syrupy sweetness spread in her mouth, she closed her eyes and dissolved herself in the sweetness of the moment.
‘Sweet, like my Rizu’, she said to herself.
Dimly she recollected both of them getting up from the sofa as Riz had to get up early. She had gone to the guest room to check if anything was needed but Riz was already sprawled out and when she got brought out the blanket, he had suddenly pulled her towards him. She tumbled over him and he had moved away slightly to accommodate her. Then he had buried his head in her bosom.
”Stay a minute”, he had pleaded flinging an arm around her neck.
She did. Instinctively, she started to smooth his curls. Oh he had curly hair alright, she said to herself, only that she was observing from close quarters. And oily as well - as she discovered stickiness in her palm. A moment later she heard him snoring softly and her heart swelled in contentment.
‘Sleep my sweet baby, sleep’, she kissed his head. Somewhere, the image of a child asleep at its mother’s breasts floated to her. She hugged his head tighter and released it. Riz’s mouth had gone slack and a thin stream of saliva had come out. The sight pleased her and she kissed his forehead again before trying to move out of the bed without waking him up.
But that wasn’t possible. Even in his sleep, he maintained his hold round her neck. Kajol was growing tired. The effect from the glass of vodka was still there. She decided to rest a while he fell fully asleep. Pushing herself down, touching forehead to forehead she had cast her arm round his neck for comfort.
That was the last thing she remembered. Early in the morning around four thirty the alarm on Riz’s mobile had woken her and she was completely disoriented. A minute later, she was fully awake and discovered herself under the blanket with Riz . That puzzled her a bit, but then that must have been due to Ramesh. She looked at the watch and realized that it would be a touch and go for Riz to catch his flight.
She shook him violently and Riz got up.
“Whats up?” He blabbered in confusion.
“Get up Rizu, you got half an hour to catch a taxi to the airport.” With that she had physically pulled him out bed and shoved him in to the bathroom. “Hurry up, I am making tea for you”, she said as she slammed the bathroom door after him.
She packed his few items and had a steaming cup of tea and biscuits ready for him as he emerged. The Uber ride, she had booked had arrived. She saw him off at the doorstep.
Bag in hand he had turned towards her at the doorway and looked down. Without a word he again buried his head in her chest and started sobbing. She patted him for a second and then pushed him off, pointing firmly at the open door. Riz had wiped his eyes and left.
“What a baby, a sweet baby!” She had exclaimed after the lift doors had shut.
“When I have a child, I want a sweet one like you Rizu”, she said to herself.
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The team of four had seized control of the conference room for the Singapore client’s project. The room was spacious; the oval table in the center provided ample space to spread out the reams of charts and market reports. True to form, their Singapore office, which opened four hours earlier, had sent in all the necessary documents, client profile and requirement stats etc. early in the morning through the secure company server. The necessary printouts had been taken, copies made, reuter reports scavenged – and all these lay littered over the table. Ramesh was sitting at one end, Preeti close by while the other two flanked them on either side.
They had already made a hurried reading of the data and were now going through it minutely. But now Ramesh had a problem as he was finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate. Periodically when Preeti turned to face him with a query, her knee bumped against his and that sent shivers down his spine. Casually, as if almost absentmindedly, he started watching her from the corner of his eyes. She was wearing an ivory colored plain shirt from which her pert breasts jutted out. He was mesmerized by that sight. Those lovely suckable cones, which rose and fell with her every breath …
He became aware of the stirring in his loins. That was absurd. Abruptly he got up from his seat and walked over to the other end of the table where a sheaf of papers lay. He leafed through the lot as if something had just struck his mind, for others to note, then dropped it and headed outside the room to the water cooler, taking his time to go through a cup. The distraction had served his purpose and he returned to his seat.
Couple of minutes later, Preeti got up to get back to the HR cell. Though primarily attached to their project, she had to perform the minimal routine tasks at HR as well. The rest of the boys had finished their jottings and it was time for brainstorming. Ramesh pulled up the chair and their discussion began in earnest.
An hour later, he was so engrossed that he failed to notice Preeti returning who stood silently besides him, taking in their discussion. She was pulling her chair when sensing sudden movement, Ramesh swiveled around in a reflex action. As she was standing very close, his face brushed very lightly against her shirted chest. That was enough. He cursed himself for the sudden hardness down below.
‘This won’t do’, he told himself. ‘This is collegeboy stuff, hardly appropriate at my age.’
But the massive hard on that had appeared was beyond his control. Frantically, he tried to distract himself. It was the cones that he had to avoid, those succulent cones. ‘Oh, oh! What was the formula for volume? One third base area times slant height was that the curvilinear surface. What a mess.’ The member down below had assumed a mind of its own and won’t listen in. He was getting drawn in to her body odor , its heady musk choking his senses, derailing his thoughts. He knew the familiar symptoms very well, his thighs rubbing against the hard tool and the pleasure, the ultimate pleasure that was now well in sight. A part of his brain, still tried to tell him, the shame, that shame which would come, were he to release himself, right there in the middle of a meeting of the team of which he was the leader. A look of desperation came over him when he knew, he was fast losing control and how was he going to change his underwear in the office.
His cell rang. It was Kajol.
Her bright voice came over. “Honey, forgot to tell you that today I am going to the university. Have to submit a paper to sir.”
“Oh that’s ok”, his voice was hoarse.
“May get late”, Kajol added.
Ramesh had climbed down the plateau of disaster. He spoke more evenly now.
“Hey, sorry. I also forgot to tell you that there is a new project and I will also reach home late.”
“Ok then, chao.”
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Kajol walked along the familiar corridors of the social sciences department and stopped at a room where the nameplate read Prof. Dinesh Bharadwaj, Phd. She frowned to find the doors closed but not locked. That was unusual. Hesitantly, she knocked. There was no answer. When the second and third knocks did not elicit any response, she pushed open the door. The professor’s chamber was empty.
Hurriedly, she took out her mobile to recheck his message. Yes, she was right. He had asked her to come in for discussion at eleven and she knew him to be punctual. She let out a deep sigh. Taking out the draft of the paper, she had prepared, she placed it on his table and left a note. Then she came out of the room.
In the corridors, she sighted the departmental peon and queried if he knew about the Prof’s whereabouts. The peon scratched his head for an instant and then his eyes lighted up. Probably he had gone to attend the senate committee meeting. Of course, he had no idea, when he would be returning. Who knows how long a senate committee seating lasts.
She had walked on. She was pretty disappointed at the happenings. Better to be doing something, she headed towards the library. Halfway she changed her mind and changed her course. She was thinking of all the labor that had gone in, in the pursuit of the PhD. It had been a grueling three years of slaving away at the library, poring through established research works and producing a couple of minor papers together with her guide Prof Bharadwaj. After marriage, she had decided to give up the academics but Ramesh wouldn’t hear of it.
“What if we don’t have enough time for romance”, he had said during their first anniversary dinner that they had six months back, “I promise, I will make it up to you during the rest of our lifetime.” He had taken a sip of the wine and continued, “But remember, one thing is certain. If you step off the track now, it will be several years before you will find courage to get back again in. And then you will have to start all over again. There will also be kids and other family issues. So no question of your quitting now.”
“But Ramesh, don’t you see how guilty I feel. I am not even half the wife that you deserve”, she had complained.
“Kajo” he had taken her hand, “Promise me that it is the last time we will be having this discussion”, he now put her hand over his heart, “Further, promise me that should you ever feel that I am wavering in my decision, you will remind me of this day today and how important your obtaining the PhD would be for both of us.”
She had beamed at him with pride then …
True to their pact neither of them had gone back on their words ever …
‘Hah!’, she sighed deeply. It was that every now and then, she was experiencing the frustration of a research scholar who sees her goal just so near and receding like a mirage when approached.
She realized that she had been walking aimlessly for the last half an hour, being lost in her thoughts, With a start, she realized that she was on the deserted lane of staff quarters with Prof Bharadwaj’s house at the very end.
Her pulse quickened as the vision of the Goddess came to her. Should she or shouldn’t she? Before she could decide, she had already walked over to the house, that had those indelible memories of the exciting afternoon session she had last fortnight. She rang the bell.
x x x
Bhimu opened the door on the second ring. He looked at her questioningly.
“Madam hai?” She gave him a smile.
The oaf was racking his brains as to who she was. Then recognition dawned in slowly. He wiped his face with the stained gamcha
“Nahin hai. Saab ke saath gayi hai kuchh der pehle.”
“Achha”, she gave another deep sigh. Nothing was going right for her.
Then she asked if he knew when they would be back and the slow-wit scratched his head for a while. He made a bright deduction. They had to come back by two pm because that is when they had lunch. .
She was feeling thirsty after the prolonged walking and requested for a glass of water.
“Abhi laata hun”, the simpleton answered, “Tum baitho ander.” He switched on the ceiling fan.
She had plunked on the sofa, legs spread out slightly and emptied almost the entire bottle of cold water that Bhimu had got for her. Bhimu recognized her tired state and asked her to rest a while. Then he excused himself, telling her that he had the cooking to complete and so retired to the kitchen. Kajol found herself drowsy and closed her eyes. The breeze from the fan felt so good.
Barely fifteen minutes later, she had woken up, feeling totally refreshed. It took an instant to register where she was. She looked at her watch. It was still an hour and half before they would be returning. She had to wait. With nothing better to do, she decided to find out what Bhimu was doing. She headed for the kitchen.
Apparently, Bhimu had completed the cooking as he was loading up the utensils. At her entry, he turned towards her, wiping his hands dry on his gamcha. Suddenly, he recollected the scenes of the previous week.
He gave out a broad grin. “Babyji, aap bahut sundar hai.”
She flushed at his complement. It was so unexpected. She loved this simple rustic fellow. Walking over to him, she put a kiss on his cheek.
That was the proverbial red flag to the bull. Bhimu, circled his arms around her, drawing her to a tight embrace. Kajol’s lips opened in surprise. To her astonishment, the found them crushed under Bhimu’s lips who lingered on for a deep kiss.
He released her after a long time and grinned sheepishly. “Aap bahot achhe bhi hain.”
In an instant, the entire day’s disappointment had vanished. It was just the old marvelous feeling, similar to what she had experienced in the presence of Riz, which of course was totally different but simultaneously the same. They both adored her.
This time, she came to him and showered kisses all over his face. At the same time, her hand snaked down to the monster down below. To her surprise, she found it already primed up. Giving him a smile, she sank to her knees and removed his lungi. He had nothing on underneath. The stubby angry looking cock sprang up at her. Lovingly she caressed it, observing with satisfaction how it swelled up in her mouth. Memories of the previous encounter came up as if it was only yesterday. Taking it out of her mouth, she started to lick it systematically, from the base of the balls, directly to the tip. Bhimu quivered in excitement and clutched her head at the back. She continued her ministrations, forgetting all the unwanted unwashed odor emanating there from. After having fellated him to her heart’s content, she paused. Methodically, she removed his clothes off one by one. Bhimu wanted to reciprocate but she denied that with a smile. Standing up, she removed all her clothes, one by one and folded those neatly and placed them on the kitchen slab. Then taking his hand, she had pulled him down to the floor.
Bhimu lost no time. He already had that wild look on his face. Parting her legs, he thrust his organ directly into her. By that time, she had been totally wet and the assault made her feel so complete. Bhimu had started his thrusts and only a couple of strokes later, she had achieved her first orgasm. As he ploughed in, she found herself raising her pelvis, to meet thrust for thrust. A stroke managed to hit the sensitive point within and she started moaning.
“Ahhhhhhh, zorse Bhimu, aur tez kar, …”
Spurred on, he increased the tempo, stroking her without mercy. Somewhere along the way, she had encountered two more major orgasm but the beast on top of her still carried on. Finally, she saw the clenching on his face, the total wild look, and the collapse over her. She guessed, he had ejaculated, but in her completely spent out state, she had now way to ascertain.
Bhimu rolled off her and with the plop of the pulled out penis, she felt his juices oozing out and spreading over her crotch. The whole experience was so mind blowing that she felt numb from the overdose of excitement. Gratefully, she turned about and snuggled on his chest. For a moment, she couldn’t help but compare the experience against that with Ramesh. Ramesh her husband, the ever gentle one, would slowly build up the tempo and pleasure her exactly as she wanted. The brute, she had dbangd her arms around, had no compunction in using her exactly as he please. Yet it was Bhimu, who brought out the most violent orgasms in her. After resting a while, she started tracing her finger nails on his thick matted chest and gave small pecks on his face, then on his chest, moving southward further and finally gazed at the magic stick, which had by now woken up again.
She examined it tenderly in her hands, and gave a tentative peck to the tips. To her surprise, it showed signs of waking up again. Fascinated, she repeated her ministrations, and to her amazement, it had regained its fully erect state.
“Bhimu”, she whispered softly on the kitchen floor, “Ye kya hai?”
The country bumpkin gave off a sheepish smile. “Babyji, man nahin bhara.”
She slapped him playfully “Badmash, ab kya irada hai?”
“Babyji”, he was finding it difficult to speak and so turned his face, “Picture me ek baar dekha tha. Peechhe se karne ko.” Then he looked guiltily at her. “Aap bura to nahin manenge?”
She was shocked and fearful at once. That was something she had never done before, But the thrill of the unknown beckoned her. Professing mock anger in her tone, she remonstrated him. “Kitne gande baat karte ho.” Then she jiggled the magic stick, which was rock hard in her hands. “Chalo ek baar to sahi.”
Happily, Bhimu got off from the floor. He remembered seeing the priming of ass with cream. Without wasting any time, he brought out a dollop of butter from its case. He spread a bit on his stiff penis and turning her around, started rubbing her anal region, Rubbing gently, he started pushing the butter, bit by bit into her anus.
She shivered at the totally unfamiliar sensations that was emanating from the rear end. Bit by bit, he had lubricated the opening, digging his fat finger in. The resulting sensation was out of the world. Then he had withdrawn it completely, she felt a mild disappointment. But he had now hauled her up to all fours and positioned himself at her rear opening. The moment, he had placed the tip of his cock at her hole, the pleasant sensations returned again.
A moment later, she was flooded with apprehension. What if something went wrong? The next moment, all her fears were justified, for without warning and without any other prompt; the brute had inserted his full length of cock inside her and her insides had bust with pain. It was pain like no other that had ever felt. He was clutching her thighs for support and started the to and thrusts.
Tears sprang out of eyes as she attempted to stifle her cries. The periodic pounding was tearing her insides and she started whimpering softly. Through her eyes, now blinded with tears , she saw her hair hanging about her on either side and the tears running over them.
“Stop Bhimu, stop!” She commanded him, but the brute did not listen. The pain was certainly becoming unbearable and she had a feeling that she won’t survive the onslaught.
“Ruk jao Bhimu, bahot dard ho raha hai”, she pleaded.
That had no effect either. It served to encourage him to increase his pace and her corresponding level of pain had increase. Dully she thought that it was the end of her. She blocked her mind out.
Then suddenly, miraculously, the pain was gone. She was puzzled. It was being replaced by a slow glow of pleasure, she discovered to her utter amazement. Tentatively, she started moving her ass in tandem to his thrusts. That had the effect of increasing it. Then she increased her pace and started entering into the acute pleasure pain zone. Her breasts, hanging down and flouncing in the thrusts demanded attention.
“Bhimu, meri chuchi ki ragdo na”, she shouted at him.
Dutifully he obliged. Taking hold of her hair in one hand, he had her bucked up and at the same time, mauled a breast with his other hand.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh”, a deep cry of contentment came out from her.
From the behind, Bhimu went on pounding.
She floating towards high heavens and had no sensations further to access. At that time, her gaze rested on the serene face of the Goddess, who had walked in to the scene. Seconds later, she also saw the face of Prof Bharadwaj behind her.
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Ramesh stared at the watch. It was nearing two pm. His team had already managed to chalk out the contours of the market entry strategy for the Singapore based company. Working with the two youngsters he realized how talented both of them were. They had broached a dozen innovative ideas, some solid and others preposterous.
“Hey guys! That would be enough”, he had addressed them, at a time when they were discussing a particularly harebrained strategy, “Remember, we are to devise a basic working model now and not to build the East India Company.”
Reluctantly, the two lads abandoned their research on moon-landing operations and focused back on the job at hand.
Lunch was of course out of question. The office boy had been asked to deposit couple of sandwiches, all of which lay untouched at the other end of the table. They had to finish the first draft of the presentation in an hour. After half an hour, he had said okay to the draft and called back Preeti from the HR.
They had discovered that when it came to a presentation, she was a genius. She came and took her place by his side. The two lads got up and came to stand behind her, bending over to be of help. Her fingers flew over the keyboard and the dry data began to be transformed to into colorful graphics. Where earlier they had only texted bullet points, she had appended suitable voice-overs to add emphasis. The resulting work was outstanding and the first hurdle had been crossed. It only needed the boss’s approval. He mailed it promptly to Mr. Rao.
The two lads were stretching out their limbs. They wanted some off time and Ramesh advised them to grab a late lunch outside. For himself, he said, he would wait till Mr. Rao called him up. Both the boys left and he was alone with Preeti now.
She drew her chair closer to him and commended him, “That was a great job and there was so little time.”
His mind was on what Mr. Rao would be thinking about it, for after all it was his first assignment as a team supervisor.
She assured him that it would all turn out to be okay. Then he remembered not having thanked her properly for her inputs and so grabbed her hand. “You know, I can’t”, he stammered, “can’t thank you enough for your magic with the presentation.”
She smiled in reply and was about to say something when Mr. Rao’s summons came. He hurried over to the boss’s chamber.
“I think this should be adequate”, Mr. Rao came directly to the point. “Just carry out the minor changes”, he held out paper with his jottings, “and send it over pronto.”
“Certainly, sir.” Ramesh said and returned to the conference room. Ten minutes later, the necessary corrections had been made and the whole presentation rechecked. He logged in to the company server and made the dispatch
“Whooooosh”, he exhaled audibly when the confirmation of mail delivery lit up on the screen.
Preeti hit him playfully on his arm. “Relax boss.”
She brought over a couple of sandwiches and put the plate before him. He pushed it aside as he was still in the adrenalin driven mode. She would have nothing of it. With brows furrowed, she sat down again beside him, knocking him on the knee in the process. She held out a sandwich to the level of his mouth and said “Eat.”
He conceded and taking it from her hand started to nibble at it. Slowly at first and then he finished it. Preeti pushed the whole plate towards him and this time he started eating without a fuss. He was hungry, as he realized now. Just that in the tension and everything else, he had overlooked that. He looked in her direction and said “Thank you.” She just nodded in response. How pretty she looked with that half smile. Again he noticed her perfume. It felt so good to be near her. All alone. Just the two of them. Just as in his dreams. There he would be taking her to the nearest available shack and they would be …
As if on cue, the damn thing between his legs started to remind him of its presence. It was starting to swell up. ‘What a nuisance’, he thought considering the situation he was in. He tried feverishly to shrink it back and distract himself looked away from her and directly into the report before him, pretending he had remembered something important.
Preeti noticed the peculiar look that had come over him and his weird actions. Concerned, she placed her hand over his. “Hey, is everything ok?” she asked.
It was her touch, that did it. His excitement level climbed up rapidly. There was no way he could back off from the plateau now. With a hoarse “Excuse me”, he shot off from his seat and moved quickly to the attached bathroom. Preeti eyes got widened.
Locking the door from inside, he zipped down his pants, lowering it and the underwear simultaneously as the tell tale pressure from inside signaled that he had lost the battle. He made a dash to the nearby commode and in time as well for second later the floodgates had opened. Spurts after spurts went to the loo as he shuddered under the impact. It seemed to go on for ever and when it stopped, he reached out for the roll of tissue. After it was all over, he flushed the commode a couple of times, splashed water over his face, dried himself and stepped out.
Striding over to Preeti, he smiled weakly. “Sudden spasms. Must be something I had eaten earlier …”
She nodded in relief. Good that it was nothing serious.
Then she brightened up. Moving closer to him, she adopted a conspiratorial tone. “Oh yes! The results came in. You have been selected for the London training program.”
His happiness shot through the roof.
“Are you sure?’, his voice had a tremble.
She smiled again. “Just now when you were gone”, she gestured towards the bathroom, “I just have put it up to the boss for confirmation. Any time now …”.
“Oh Preeti!”, he said and pumped her hand up and down not letting go of her.
She was certainly the best thing that had happened to him today.
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She had returned home and collapsed on the sofa. Her heart was still pounding from the excitement. She fisted her hand and banged it to her forehead repeatedly. ‘What a disaster. What a god-damned disaster.’, she went on repeating to herself as she played the scene in the professor’s quarter over and over again.
Impaled on Bhimu’s cock on her all fours in the kitchen, what a sight she must have presented to her guide and his better half…
Grimly, she began to recollect the sordid details. The face of the Goddess, so serene and appearing so suddenly when she was riding the waves of pleasure. She had smiled at the Goddess, for her face was the very thing she wanted and surely she would approve and certainly Kajol would be able to pay homage to her feet thereafter… ‘Ah heavens!’, she had closed her eyes in anticipation …
A chill passed through her as she recounted what had followed…
When she had opened her eyes, she had found a sudden look of terror on the Goddess face. Her palm flew up to cover her mouth. Before she could realize, the professor – her guide, was standing at the door surveying the scene before him – where his student was buck naked on the floor with the servant and getting ass-banged. In an instant, the exotic world of pain-pleasure that she had been floating around in had vanished. Behind her she realized that Bhimu had also stopped abruptly.
Prof Bharadwaj was not looking at her directly but observing the scene overall. Abruptly, he turned on his heels and struck the Goddess on her cheek, the sound ricocheting like a gunshot throughout the house. The woman gave out a cry of shock. “Bhimu”, the professor called in a menacing tone.
Bhimu pushed her away and Kajol fell on the floor. Then she heard him getting up and going near the professor. Without any prompt, he bore down on the Goddess, raining slap after slap on her face. She heard the woman sobbing out violently. Bhimu’s onslaught continued and the woman fell down under it, trying ineffectually to ward off his raised hand…
Kajol had come to her sense fully. Springing up, she snatched at her clothes on the kitchen counter and hurriedly put them on. Just outside, the Goddess was taking a severe beating from the naked Bhimu with the professor standing nearby…
Nothing made any sense to her. Self preservation was the only thing that came to her mind. Dressed up, she passed the scene in the verandah where the Goddess was sobbing hard on the floor and mercifully no one had any eye on her. From the drawing room, she remembered to pick up her bag. Then she had dashed out of house in quick strides – almost running … till she had reached the safety of the auto-rickshaw stands and dropped into the first one that she came across. By the time she reached home, her breathing had become somewhat normal…
‘God! How am I going to face him’, she slapped her forehead again.
A fresh wave of shiver went through her. She touched her neck with the back of her hand. It was hot. Definitely, she had a fever coming on.
Then she remembered the state of her clothes. She hadn’t had a wash after her session with Bhimu …
She walked over to the medicine cabinet and popped in a crocin tablet. Rapidly discarding her clothes, she got under the shower.
'What a mess. What a god damned mess!', she uttered again.
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The news had circulated fast. First it was the two lads who came into the room and learnt it from Preeti. Discarding his severe admonition that nothing was final till the boss had actually signed the order to which they had replied that who cared for a formality; they had trooped out and broadcast it to the entire office staff.
In the conference room, he then faced the stream of colleagues streaming in to pour their congratulations and some like the senior manager Sekhar, who were too busy to come, had called him up on his phone. Their tones varied too – ranging from genuine happiness to pure envy and shades in between as well. It was a harrowing time for him, having to respond to each of them. His face had started to ache as well trying to fake a smile each time while trying to fathom which of the compliments were genuine.
Then the two idiots of his team had come up with the bright idea.
‘Party tonight boss! And no excuses.’
He sank into his chair and put his head between his hands. Let the madness subside on its own. Taking that as a cue for his assent, the boys had let out a war cry of victory and immediately gone out to spread the invitation.
With their departure, the conference room had become empty and he felt relief. It had been an hour of full madness and he was grateful for the breather now…
Half an hour later, the euphoria was starting to vanish. A vague sense of uneasiness started to prick at the back of his neck. Why was the confirmation taking so long? That was very unlike Mr. Rao. And also, the matter having been decided by the Group HQ certainly should have come through in a routine manner. A slow sweat started to build up.
Preeti walked into the conference room. He was puzzled as she locked the door from inside and walked over to him. Her face was expressionless.
She stood silent for a second as if deciding what to say.
“Speak Preeti”, he said, his stomach definitely churning.
She sat down in the nearby chair and placed her hand over his.
“Boss has decided not to send you”, she said simply.
For an instant, he couldn’t understand what she was saying.
“What? Who is going then?”
She averted her eyes, feeling his pain. “No one. Just that he had us mail that due to pressing client business situation, you can not be spared from the office for the training.” Then she took a deep breath and continued like a robot, “And the confirmation from London has also been received as well. They said that they quite understand and have taken off your name from the list of selectees.”
The wind was knocked out of him. His entire world seemed to have collapsed. He shot a brief look at her and put his head down on the table. ‘What a humiliation, bloody humiliation’, a sob rose inside him.
“Just the thing that was needed to make me a fool before the whole office”, he cried out.
Preeti placed a hand on his shoulder and didn’t utter a word, till the initial wave of grief had passed. He was grateful for her remaining silent.
Later, he had composed himself and got out to wash his face. Returning, he found her still standing where she had been.
“I must see him”, he made a motion towards the door but Preeti’s voice stopped him.
“He has gone out and said that he won’t be returning today. Also said that no one was to call him for something that couldn’t wait till tomorrow.”
Ramesh looked at her puzzled.
“Why don’t you sit out a while”, she suggested, “I will make sure no one drops in on you. If you want to leave for home early, better still.”
With that she had gone out and softly closed the door.
He was now left to his own thoughts. He had no clue, how such a thing could have happened. The same Mr. Rao who had recommended his name had now prevented him from going over once he had been selected… His mind rambled on the various possible reasons that could have led to this fiasco … Had he fouled up sometime earlier or been less than polite to him at any instance … Or was it that Singapore presentation … and had he fucked up on that? … His mind went over all aspect of his performance and conduct over the last couple of months … Try as he might, he couldn’t come up with any reasonable answer.
It was then that his mind latched on to the only possibility that was left. Must have been the incident with Kajol. He felt a stab of anger towards her. What business she had making a spectacle of herself before the boss and his wife. ‘My God! She had kissed him’, he shut his eyes in horror, ‘and Mrs Rao as well like a lesbo. That was atrocious.’
He looked at his watch, it was still an hour to closing time. He couldn’t stay a minute longer in the office. Standing up, he switched off his mobile, to ward off any of the commiserating calls that would surely follow. Lifting his bag he set off for home. Kajol had said that she would be late.
“Well, let her come. She would find him dead drunk. And all because of her behavior.”
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He thrust in the duplicate key, opened the door lock and slammed it back after entering inside. Kicking aside his shoes, he stepped into the drawing room where he unslung his bag and stopped dead in his tracks as if he had seen a ghost. It was Kajol, sitting motionless like a statue in the corner and she was observing him without expression.
His mouth fell open. How come you are here now? Didnt you go to the university?
She appeared not to have heard his question. Ramesh approached nearer and repeated his question.
She took time to change her attention to him.
Returned early. Guide wasnt available, she said slowly. And then she remembered him having said something about some project running late or something else like that.
You, her eyebrows lifted a bit, in home before office closing time. Everything okay?
He wanted to vent his anger on something nearby. Taking off his office bag he threw it with force near where she was seated.
She winced and turned sidewise as if to avoid the bag. Her eyes grew wide with alarm and her palm flew to her mouth.
What?&, she croaked.
The blood was pounding in his ears.
Today, he paused drawing in full breath, today, I became the laughing stock of the entire office. His spoke in spurts, That motherfocker, , that harami kahinka, , mujhe sabke saamne mazak banake rakh diya. His heart was pounding and he wiped the layer of sweat that had appeared on his forehead. Saala. Fuck you Rao. Fuck you, fuck you London training first recommended my name and then vetoed it, that slinky double faced bastard.
Kajol shot up from her seat and came up besides him.
Baby, there will be opportunities further. Dont you worry. Everything will turn out alright
He shoved her off violently, and she was unprepared for the assault and found herself landing back on the sofa. She had hardly ever seen him getting so worked up. Scared, she backed up against sofa trying to get away far from him. He whirled around facing her.
All this because of you, he shouted. There was the look of madness in his eyes.
She kept quiet.
He continued the tirade. If you hadnt made a bloody fool of yourself on Sunday, kissing him and his wife,, bloody could you be any less of a spectacle, , , what did you think you were doing ein, did you think of yourself as a bar girl or what ein ?
Now she could make out what he was saying. The unfairness of the allegations stung her. Her eyes blazed with anger. She shouted back, Dont lay all the blame on me. It was you who had pushed me to go. Why didnt you come with us? Was the cricket match all that important? What were they to me - your office people na? Did I say that I was interested in going No, it was you who pushed me. You wanted to show me off as your trophy wife before your boss thats what you wanted. Admit, admit.
She had poured more ghee into the fire.
Bloody foolish woman, he ranted at full, each word like a knife-stab, Do you realize how you had behaved that day, , hah - like a bitch in heat. Were you trying to show off how modern you could be by kissing my bosss wife on her lips thats what lesbians do. Fuck you, you dont have the dumbest idea of what you have done to my career. He sat down. Damn you, damn
She was numbed by his ferocity. There was no escaped as he raved on. A sob rose from her. Her eyes had welled up and started flowing freely, running down her cheeks, onto her chin and dropping she stared ahead fixedly, suddenly wondering if she knew this man at all, the one who was now unreachable somewhere a sense of guilt raised its head inside for she had failed as a wife she couldnt take that anymore
I am sorry, she walked over to where he sat and boxed her ears, I havent been the wife that you deserved, she didnt care if snot was running down her nose now, I am sorry that you lost your career opportunity due to my behavior, Forgive me, she said wiping her running nose, I will be a good wife now and only a good wife from now on. I will stop my PhD program and all my time will be yours now.
Then she fled to the bedroom, flung herself facedown on the pillow muffling her crying thereon.
Ramesh sat in the drawing room, the rage still coursing through him. It was definitely her fault and he had said that to her face. The clock on the wall ticked on and he had lost sense of time. It was with a start that he realized that the shadows were lengthening outside. Checking his watch, he realized that he had been sitting for over an hour
Kajol had not come back. He got up to check on her. She had cried herself to sleep, it seemed. The sight of her, wrenched his heart. He had said too much and said too many things in the heat of the moment And there was merit in what she had said too, for he had pushed her to go with Mrs. Rao and backed himself out, and of course the fact that she was not very experienced at handling wine
He eased himself onto the bed and gently touched her arm. Face turned away from him, she let out another small sob. Oh she was awake, he said to himself and gently laid himself behind her and held her tenderly:
Kajo, honey, forgive me, I dont know what came over me when I said those terrible things. I was very upset at the office today, he added lamely.
She turned over to face him. Her arms went round his neck as she buried her face in his chest and now started crying in more earnest. He knew she was deeply hurt by his words and so let her have her cry. A while later, he started to brush her hair with his hand and patted her shoulders. Sorry honey, sorry. He kissed her face.
It took time but eventually she managed to calm down. She could feel his pain. After all, he had been looking forward to his selection for a long time. She should have allowed to say all and remained silent and not have shouted back it was not such a good idea
She gave him a tight hug and got out of the bed. I will get you your tea, she said and headed for the kitchen after washing her face on which the tears had dried up.
The mood was still somber when she returned with the tea tray. On purpose, she sat close to him, their bodies touching sidewise, and handed him his cup. Ramesh too was not feeling well till now and they sipped their tea in silence.
Later she spoke. I was serious when I had said that I would drop the PhD program. Let us have a normal life like other young couples with kids and all that. Our respective ambitions leave us nothing for each other.
He returned the cup to the tray and turning towards her cupped her face in both his hands. Then he sank a deep kiss to her lips. “Kajo, I will never forgive myself if you do that now. We both know that your PhD is just six months from now, give or take a couple of months. Do you think I can ever face myself? Please, never again say that.
He had then continued,You see people like Mr. Rao can always give a big boost to a junior level employee and you understand what the competition is like. All that I was saying is that we should always be polite to them and not do anything which would likely ruffle their ego.
She nodded gravely. He kissed the top of her head. Then she pushed herself back on the sofa and laid her head in his lap. There was nothing that needed to be said and neither spoke a word.
The ringtone on her mobile intruded into the idyllic moment. She got up and fetched it, looking at the screen for the caller. Ramesh saw her furrowed brows and a moment later, she looked at him, thrusting the mobile in his direction. Strange, its Lekhaji, she said.
Take the call, he said and looked outside at the evenings darkness as he wondered why Mrs. Rao was calling her now. He watched as Kajol screwed her face and just said acchaji into the phone. Then the call was terminated.
Is your mobile switched off?, she asked him and suddenly he remembered having done so at the office before heading back home. He nodded.
It seems like, Mr. Rao is trying to reach you for the last hour. Thats why she had called.
He bolted up from his seat and switched his set on. As soon as the screen got back to life, he placed a call to Mr. Rao.
Sir, Ramesh here.
Arre, Mr. Raos voice came over from the other end, I am just turning into your apartment. I will be coming up. Got something important to tell you.
He relayed the conversation to Kajol and both of them wondered what it meant as they went about readying up the drawing room. Could it possibly mean, that he has changed his mind about the London trip?, he wondered aloud. Kajol shrugged as she smoothed a pillow.
x x x
Mr. Rao stepped in, his arms full. His face broke into a broad smile when he saw Kajol. How are you, he said to her even as he was delivering the bottle that he had brought with him to Ramesh. He was holding a wrapped parcel in his other hand. They walked into drawing room and settled down.
Have been trying to get hold of you for the last couple of hours, he said to Ramesh and his tone was accusatory. Rameshs heart started beating faster. He looked at his boss for what he was about to say next.<
But that one is for latter as also the wine, dont open it now, he addressed Ramesh in a mock bossy tone. He looked down at the rectangular package in his hand and turning towards Kajol, held it out for her. Please, just a token of our gratitude for the lovely time we were privileged to have with you on Sunday. He sensed the slight hesitation in her as she glanced briefly at her husband. But Mr. Rao knew how to play his cards perfectly. It is Lekhas idea actually, been pestering me since yesterday, then he mad a grave face, she would kill me if you dont accept it.
Kajol was unsettled and shot a furtive glance at Ramesh who nodded imperceptively.
Oh, you really didnt have to do that, she gushed, it is really so sweet of Lekhaji please tell her that
Oh, you should tell her that yourself after opening it but let me share what I came here for in the first place. He turned towards Ramesh. That draft presentation you sent to Singapore , his mouth widened to a wide grin, Boy have we hit pay dirt! The client have been so impressed - and they specifically mentioned that they had never seen such quality presentation prepared in such a short time span you know what they want? They want you over there at their office, next Monday with the full proposal.
Ramesh head spun. What had he just heard? Was he about to go to Singapore in five days time? He just gawked at Mr. Rao.
And that is the reason I had to cancel the London training program, he smiled again. Bah, who cares for a three week training! Mark my words, we swing this job contract and I will see to it that you enjoy yourself there for three months.
Ramesh choked. His eyes brimmed over in gratitude. Thank you sir, he said in a small voice, I dont know what to say, sir
Mr. Rao brushed away his feeble attempts. Just get three glasses and open the bottle. Lets celebrate to your success.
Ramesh got up promptly. He headed for the crockery cabinet.
Mr. Rao now turned towards Kajol. He pointed at the parcel that was in her hands now.
Why dont you open and see what it is.
Kajol smiled and the strings of the parcel came undone in her hand. She lifted the lid out of the cardboard box. Inside, there was a mauve green saree. As she lifted it slightly for a cursory examination, she realized that it was completely transparent. A flush came over her and her heart started pounding hard. The hazy memory of Mr. Rao fingering her at the restaurant while she was fully drunk came to her. She couldnt look Mr. Rao in the face. She looked downwards
Oh, we can surely change it if you dont like it, Mr. Rao said smoothly.
Ramesh who had come in with the glasses and the fried cashews looked towards Kajol. Hey, you are forgetting to thank Mrs. Rao, he reminded gently, not having looked at the gift, for his mind was already back in the clouds
Yes, yes, sure; let me call her for you, with that he dialed up Lekha and handed the phone over to Kajol.
Still red in the face, Kajol managed to utter a couple of appropriate words.
Ramesh, in the meanwhile, had set up the glasses and Mr. Rao poured a generous portion in each of the three glasses. Then he made Kajol raise a toast to Rameshs first overseas success and insisted that all three upend their glasses in true camaraderie. In five minutes, Kajol had received her first kick and she wanted no more.
Nonsense, Mr. Rao chided, Today is one of the happiest days for your husband and you must stand by him all through. So saying he filled all their glasses again and all Ramesh could do was to nod and give out a weak smile.
At the end of the second round, Kajol was truly drunk. She wanted to rise up but lacked the energy to do so. She was also fast losing control over mind. She thrashed lazily on the sofa.
Mr. Rao read these symptoms perfectly. He complained to Ramesh, She thanked Lekha for the gift. But look, she has no feelings for the person who effected the delivery.
Ramesh slurred Come Kajo, sir ko bhi thanks bolo. He already had three glasses and was on the fourth. He couldnt see properly but it looked as if Mr. Rao had pointed at his cheek and Kajol had kissed him there.
Funny things that alcohol makes you see, Ramesh said to himself as he upended his glass.
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The evening before yesterday’s, they had Mr. Rao at home conveying Ramesh’s selection for Singapore; and the evening after tomorrow’s, he would be actually leaving, Kajol mused. She threw her mind back to that night or rather to what remembered of it through the buzz of the wine that had flowed. There had been much laughter and Mr. Rao’s effusive praise for Ramesh and in extension for her as well. When he had left around 10 pm , it was too late for cooking, and Ramesh was so buoyed up; that he had attempted to lift her up and swirl her around – the way they show it in the movies – but actually caused both of them to fall down. And then both of them had laughed and laughed …
After munching over some leftovers from the fridge, he had wrestled with her on the floor – attempting to do a Shakti Kapoor style bang – and she had laughed more and tumbled him down and climbed over him … dared him as to who was to get bangd by whom … and had rolled away laughing … the copious wine showing it effect … neither having the strength to carry on any longer – even to climb on to their bed.
She had woken up with a terrible hangover. ‘God! I must go easy on wine’, she uttered to herself as she held tried to press her temples with both hands. The blanket had slithered away, ‘oh, so he must have been up before … and covered me up’, she thought as she clenched her eyes to shut off the dull pain that seemed to cover all her head.
She saw Ramesh approaching with two mugs of coffee. Wordlessly, she took a sip from her cup. “Sphattt’, she winced and looked at first at the black coffee … something she always hated … and then looked up at him … “What have you given me?”
Ramesh was smiling. He loved to see her in this condition – those rare moments of finding one’s wife in a helpless state. “Drink up baby”, he said solicitously … patting her gently “unless you want to keep on suffering for the rest of the day…”.
She looked at him with murder in her eyes and finished the cup in one go, “Tccccchhha!”
“What time is it?’, she asked.
“Oh! A quarter to eight”, he replied and gently pushed her back to the floor, “Don’t you worry about me, just try to sleep off a bit more … I will have my breakfast outside.”
As she curled back under the blanket, she heard him already on the phone, speaking to his colleagues, his voice very confident and with a new found authority. All of a sudden, he had developed a sense of urgency. As she drifted back to sleep, she heard his receding footsteps and the faint click of the front door closing. …
Late in the day, she had woken, feeling much better this time and started on her daily chores. Much later, after she had completed her lunch etc., she thought about him and though knowing that he would be very busy couldn’t help herself ringing him up …
He had taken her call but was continuing to speak with others, possibly his colleagues and she heard his voice frantic and filled with urgency. Then he was on, “Hello Kajo, yes?”
“Did you have your break…”
But he had already intercepted her. “Yes, I had my breakfast and lunch here, don’t your worry, see you when I return.”
The line had gone cold. She couldn’t remember when it was the last time that he had cut her off in the middle of a call.
She let out a deep sigh! Then she headed back towards the bedroom. ‘Better to start a revision on her dissertation paper …’, she consoled herself. After all, she had now several hours at hand for undisturbed study.
Ramesh had called in sometimes during the evening with a brusque one liner that he would be delayed considerably and that she should not wait for him for dinner. She had said ok and then gone back to her books. By eight, he had not returned and she thought better of calling him again. Dragging herself to the kitchen, she had prepared a simple roti and sabzi. Then she was back in her study table.
When he returned sometime around ten; he looked bushed. Wordlessly, she took off his office bag and removed his shoes away. After freshening up, both of them had dinner, speaking little. Then he had headed towards the bedroom. Kajol joined him a little later after cleaning up planning to give him a head massage. But, he was already fast asleep, mouth slightly open, a soft snore emanating … She adjusted his pillow, drew the blanket over, switched off the lights and again went back to her study desk.
* * *
This morning, her alarm rang at five. She got up and so did he. They had tea together and he had straightaway opened his laptop and was immersed in it. After a couple of hours, he had shut it, got up and placed some calls to his boys. Just before heading for the bath, he had paused and turned towards her.
“Kajo”, he had that sheepish smile on, “Sorry yaar, you know how it is … it’s my big chance – you know.”
She had squeezed his arm and turned him towards the bathroom door. “I know, I know. Come out quickly. I don’t want you to go out without a proper breakfast.” And then she had pushed him into the bathroom.
After he had his tummy full of toast and omelet, they discovered that they still had ten fifteen minutes to spare and so moved over to the sofa for tea.
“You have become so busy, all of a sudden.”, she said, running her hand over his hair. Her eyes had the misty look.
“Yes, yes”, he said almost guiltily, “will be like that, I suppose, till I get on the flight.”
She brushed away a stray strand. “Did you see the saree that Lekhaji sent for me?” “Wait”, she said and brought the packet and opened it, “See”, she held it out, “How silly of her! If I step out in something like that, then …”
“There will be a traffic jam”, Ramesh intercepted her and started laughing hard, and choked, coughing violently …
“It’s a joke for you, isn’t it?”, she shouted, eyes flashing. “Then I will dance with Mr. Rao in this saree”, her lower lips were quivering.
Ramesh placed a placating hand on her thighs. “It’s okay baba. It’s a saree after all, why so serious”, he drew her closer in a hug, “and you know, we can’t be any less grateful to both sir and madam. So just wear it before them, …, sometime, … , they would love it, … , and they would love it … and that’s that!” He kissed her forehead.
She sat quietly and her breath rose and fell as she evaluated what he had said. Then she remembered what she had to say.
“I have to go to the university today, guide has called, … , in fact, soon after you leave. But I will be back by evening. Give me a call if you are to arrive early.”
Hanging back his head, Ramesh rolled up his eyes and let out a deep sigh. “Kajo, … , no way darling, … , I think it will be like this, … , till the project is completed.” He looked at his watch and got up suddenly. “I got to go now. I will see you at night.”
With that he had packed his laptop in his bag and made his way out. …
After Ramesh had departed, Kajol sat in sofa and threw her mind to the email she had received from Prof Bharadwaj yesterday. He had informed her curtly that he had gone through the paper she had left for him to assess during her last visit and that he was surprised how her standard had plunged so low. She was to meet him today at ten for a whole re-write.
She sighed deeply. It was true. She had prepared it very hastily, without the usual due diligence. And her mind had been clouded with the episode with the Raos, with the Goddess …
With a jolt she recollected the last time Bharadwaj had seen her. She palmed her eyes, as the memory of him looking at her ass impaled came back to sting. How was she to face him today! Her heart started beating hard.
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Kajol cont'd
She marched to his chamber with the bearing of an outward bravado, which she knew she didn’t really possess. Knocking once, she entered. He was alone, inside, seated behind a massive desk, full of books and journals, all untidily arranged.
He beckoned her to the seat in front and she sat down obediently. Casually, he tossed her paper back at her and asked her to go through it. She opened it, leafed through the pages and immediately closed her eyes thereafter. ‘Was it that awful’, she wondered. For, on every page, in every paragraph, the professor’s writing in bold red correction pencil stood out. All in all, the paper was ready for the trash bin. ‘God! How do I get out of this’, she sent out a silent prayer.
“Imagine my co-authoring this paper with you, …, would have been the laughing stock of the year. What bilge!” He spat out in disgust.
Sudden tears stung her eyes. In a quivering voice, she said, “Sir, please, please sir. Let me do this right this time. Please sir.” Her voice had gone small. A sob came out.
He raised a hand to stop her whining and when she had stopped, continued.
“I have a fair notion of why this has come about”, his eyes bored onto her over the rim of his spectacle. She lowered her gaze. “This way”, his voice had gone cold, “you can give up your ideas about a doctorate and go back to being a housewife.”
She had bowed her head down. The tears wouldn’t stop now. It was the end, the very end, …, to her dreams …
“Get up”, he heard his voice while wiping her tears and she obeyed immediately.
“You will sit today, till you rewrite the whole thing and will not leave this room till you do so – that is if you still want to continue …” his voice trailed ominously.
She nodded dumbly, for her tongue failed her. He motioned her to the small anteroom separated by a curtain. She had never been there before and following him inside, she observed that it was basically a small passage to the attached toilet. There was a small ledge with a stool underneath, to which he motioned her. Immediately, she placed her laptop there and placed the paper to be corrected. A while later, the professor brought out a couple of books and journals, all heavily flagged and dumped them there. She sat down on the stool and immediately started to leaf through the objections which he had noted …
Barely had she started, he drew the curtain and came back again.
“Oh! Forgot to tell you. Remove your shoes and place them there”, he pointed at a farther spot.
Without comprehending anything, she bent down and took off her comfortable sneakers. He soles touched the floor. It was so cool. Then he came closer to her and sat down on the tool and when she faced him, he beckoned her closer. At arms length, he put his fingers inside her belt and deliberately drew her close.
As if she was in a dream, as if things were happening to someone else, and not to her; she watched the professor, unclasp the belt and pull the ends apart. The zipper was pulled down – the trrrrrrrr sound – she heard from afar. A moment later, the big button had been undone and the pant now pulled wide open. Strange fingers entered her panty sides and loosened their grip. Deliberately, the pant and the underwear were pulled down and now covered her ankles. The professor raised both foot, one at a time, and threw off the clothes to where her sneakers lay. His fingers brushed her pubic hair, as if to air them, and then pulled at the strands gently, here and there, everywhere …
In the dream she heard him say, “It gets pretty warm inside. Now you will be all comfortable to continue your work.”
In the same dream he saw walk out behind the curtain to his chamber and heard the creaks of the chair as he sat down …
A sudden draft through the vent placed above, let in a gust of winter breeze and the cold wrapped her instantly around her naked legs.
She looked down and realized that it had been no dream. She was buck naked, waist down. Wearily, she walked over to the stool and sat down. She sighed again. There was a research paper that had to be fixed today…
An hour later, she was deep into the intricacies of the caste - class stratification matrix in the modern times, when she heard another voice in the next room. She froze…. The voices coming from the other side of the curtain indicated that, it was some student who had come in for a discussion on some topic … She held her breath. … They were continuing their talk within ten feet of her, with just the curtain separating her from a very routine and normal world, a professor and a student discussing, only that, only that, on this side of curtain, she lay … For a second, she looked around the room, seeking the non-existent escape route … She shut her eyes and plugged her ears with her fingers, … , as if there was a very physical assault on her persona … Mechanically, she began to cross and uncross her legs, … , tight …
A while later, she opened her eyes and realized that the conversation had stopped in the other room. She was relieved and started breathing normally. Simultaneously, she loosened her calf muscles and opened her legs a bit. There was a dampness in her nether region. Tentatively, she probed with a finger there and was surprised. She was fairly wet… ‘What was happening to her’, she wondered … But she had the paper to finish. She went back to the opened journal…
In the next couple of hours, she counted at least seven visitors, among which she could recognize the voice of three other faculty members. Strangely, she felt excited. There she was sitting, just a couple of paces away, naked on a stool and working on her paper. Her concentration had reached a sublime level – and the outside distractions seemed to spur her on to higher peaks – she had entered into the zone …
After she had rewritten the first para, she threw her head back and exhaled deeply. Elsewhere, in her private parts, there was something happening, as if a burning threat arising. She gave a quick fingering job and the itch subsided. She went back to the next para, …,
The stool was all gooey by the time she completed the job. Also she felt completely bushed. A look at the bottom right hand corner of the screen told her that it was already past four and that is when she remembered that she had not had any lunch, forget the lunch, she didn’t even have any water…
She called out to him and the professor asked her to come over. She made a step towards the curtain and suddenly realized the state, she was in.
“What’s taking you so long?”, the professor asked and she marched up to him hastily. She stood besides him and wordlessly handed over, the flash drive containing the revised paper. He took it and was trying to insert in, when there was a knock on the door…
She panicked and was about to jump back behind the curtains, when he said, “Stay.”
Horror of horrors, she watched the room door opening and in stepped the peon…
She could have died of shame right there and wished for the floor to split and swallow her up, when she noticed that the peon was looking directly at Bharadwaj. Swiftly, she noticed the pile of books at the corner of the desk and moved fractionally, just so …, as to her nether portions being out of sight, …
The professor handed him over some reports and asked him to have those delivered to some one else. He came forward to receive those and Kajol closed her eyes …
But he didn’t look at her, nor at least until he had collected the papers and was turning to leave. Then he looked at her, directly in the eyes, and gave a smile – with that hint of recognition.
After the peon had closed the door behind him, her legs gave way and she collapsed, her naked legs splayed outwards, pussy visible to the professor, in a very un-student like pose.
He asked if she had her lunch. She waved her head in denial. Then he enquired, if he would have some snacks ordered for her. She came to her senses and replied feebly that she had her lunch box. With that she got up and went inside the anteroom. She pulled out the lunch box from inside her bag. The professor had walked in unnoticed. Just as she was about to open her box, he took it out of her hands. Then he started unbuttoning her shirt, … , she had no energy to protest, the shirt landed on the rest of her piled up clothes, … , and a moment later the bra was off and was discarded off similarly.
She faced him now, … , fully naked, … , totally powerless, … , fully aware that she was in his complete control … Very casually, he held a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, as if examining a particularly interesting artifact . She had no complaints to make and awaited his further action. He twisted it this way and that, albeit gently, and she let out a soft moan. Then he dropped it and led to the small toilet where he made her sit down on the commode. There, he opened the lunch box and took out a sandwich. He took a bite from it and held it before her mouth. She understood what was expected of her. Nibbling away piece by piece, she ate it off his hand. Thereafter, she licked his fingers for the crumbs. He indicated at the basin faucet nearby, that was partially stained and she opened it to let the water flow. Cupping her hand, she took a gulp. He frowned at her action. She understood and put her mouth directly to the rusted tap.
The professor had taken out his mobile and punched in some keys. He spoke one word into it, “Come”. Then he motioned her to get back to her stool. Three minutes later, Pooja madam, the junior lecturer, who was still on ad-hoc basis walked in. Kajol looked at her in shock. She was the same woman, she had threatened with exposure, the same who had managed her to meet with the Goddess…
Pooja, if at surprised in any manner in finding her there, showed no emotion. Nor did she demonstrate any sign of recognition. The professor mentioned pointed at Kajol’s crotch and she sat down on her haunches before her. Wordlessly, she opened the latter’s legs wide and stuck her mouth at her pussy. Like a professional, she started on her job.
The first flick of her tongue and Kajol closed her eyes. Her pulse had quickened. Then her rimming started in right earnest and she bucked up. Expertly, the women below had found her clitty and was pinging on it remorselessly. Kajol grabbed the head and pushed it further in. She didn’t care any longer if the woman was getting any air to breathe, … , now that she had been launched into the trajectory of pleasure, …, her grip tightened on the woman’s hair, … , her own body now arched back fully to provide maximum access to the probing tongue, … , “Ahhhhh…”, she grunted as the rainbows loomed closer, …,
A sudden slap and she came to her senses. Through her bulging eyes, she saw Bharadwaj naked before her, holding his manhood, shaking it up, …, offering it up, …, to her … She took it in her mouth , sucking him up greedily, grateful for the second orbit of pleasure that he had shot her upto, …, furiously she started licking the head, the smooth foreskin, gently easing it back to reveal the glans, … , then she flicked her tongue around it before devouring it fully and as the professor held her head tight and started a furious face fucking that choked her and rushed the blood up; she didn’t know where it was coming from, … , the pleasure, … , or the agony, for both were extensions of each other, and it was her whole body that was on fire, …, saliva dripping from her mouth to over Pooja’s head, …, the latter having inserted two fingers inside to open her vulvae lips as her tongue probed in deeper and deeper …, and she no longer existed, … , she had been transformed into an organism of multiple orgasms – a smoldering cauldron of sensation, then there was nothing and nothing, she felt absolutely nothing, as the multiples tremors had wrecked her throughout, leaving her spent, totally empty…
Bharadwaj came in her mouth and mechanically she sucked him dry. He touched the woman below with his foot and indicated her to back off. She got off and walked away. Without waiting for Kajol to regain her breath, he pulled her to the toilet and again made her sit on the commode, her legs astride Then he walked over near her and pushed her head back to his penis. Mechanically, she opened her mouth, took him in and commenced sucking him again. His manhood shrunk back rapidly as she realized and wondered how long it would take to rise up for the next round, for he still maintained the vice like grip on her head. There was a slight stirring and immediately her mouth was full. He was pissing, she realized immediately, as she opened out her lips and the warm liquid trickled out. It gushed out in a torrent, and filled the small room with the characteristic stink. She tried to back away, but the grip on her head was firm. It was so tight that she couldn’t move her head an inch, in any way. The first spurt had already gone inside her, when she was unprepared and she closed down her throat…
He was finished. Releasing his hold over her, he went to the basis and washed there. Then he walked out.
Kajol sank down to the floor. She had no strength to get up. His piss was everywhere – on the floor, on her chest, on her face and inside her. The small cubicle stank. Her stomach started churning and before she knew, she had thrown up repeatedly in the loo.
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Kajol con'd
She heard him saying “Come out when you are ready” and made with much effort stood up. In small steps, she went over to the basis and filled up the single plastic mug available, which then she threw over herself… She filled it up again and repeated it, …, like a mechanical doll, …, like a robot, …, till fifteen minutes later, she felt, she could now barely endure her smell…
She came out, fully dressed with bag in hand; the professor motioned her to the chair in front. She sat down. He handed back her flash drive.
“Excellent work! Keep up the good work and in six months you could have the Dr. before your name.” It was as if nothing unusual had happened between them.
“Thank you sir”, she said not daring to look into his face.
“I want you to work on the next chapter of the thesis. Can it be ready in two day’s time?”
“No sir, sorry sir. You see, Ramesh is leaving for Singapore, in the daytime. It won’t be possible to come in the afternoon”, she pleaded.
“No problem”, Mr. Bharadwaj said, “Let’s meet in the evening”, I will tell you where at.”
He gave her that piercing look. She couldn’t bear that. She lowered her head.
“Yes sir, in the evening sir”, she said, her voice barely audible, and breaking down.
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Mr. Anand Mohan Rao
He took Lekha’s hand in his and gave a squeeze and she patted his back. Earlier this morning, he had called Ramesh and told him that he had some last minute urgent instructions to give him and so wanted to drive him to the airport and discuss the stuff on the way. Ramesh, who was by then extremely keyed up for his first overseas assignment, said ok. Moreover, he was grateful for the boss backing him so well.
As they had rehearsed, Lekha shouted in the background, asking him if he was speaking with Ramesh and then had wanted to speak with him herself. Mr. Rao had passed over his phone.
“Hey Ramesh! Wanted to wish you all luck for the trip”, she had trilled.
“Thank you mam, thanks”, Ramesh had gushed from the other end.
“I know you will do very well and listen if Anand gives you any hard time, just give me a call.”
She heard his embarrassed chuckle from the other end. “No mam, I am so lucky to have sir.”
“And don’t forget to get some duty free gold for Kajol”, she had added deftly adding the personal touch. “By the way, Kajol would be alone, … , why not let her have lunch with us today, do you mind?”
“Certainly not, mam! But that would be too much of an imposition…”, his voice had trailed off.
“Nonsense”, she had chided him, “put her on, let me talk to her direct.”
When Kajol’s voice came on, Lekha had brushed aside all her arguments and extracted her agreement to come over to their house today for lunch, directly after they had seen off Ramesh at the airport. “Let’s have some ladies talk.”, she had said.
Then she had changed tack. “Er, Kajol, have you tried out that saree?”
There was a moment’s pause and Kajol’s voice had a tremor in it, “No Lekhaji, err I mean Lekha. I don’t know if I can wear it.”
“Nonsense!”, she had shouted, “I know you will look simply beautiful in it. Put it on when you come over.” After that, they had terminated their conversation.
Mr. Rao sighed. Things looked promising now …
* * *
The couple were already waiting downstairs when he reached them in the company car. He did a double take – Kajol was indeed wearing that mauve green saree. Probably, she had done some adjustments – like putting on a double fold back at the front – so that it afforded some acceptable degree. Nevertheless, she was a sight to behold and he said so.
Kajol had flushed and they had got seated, Kajol riding in the front while the visibly nervous Ramesh sat besides his boss in the back. The chauffeur drove on.
Throughout the ride, he went over with Ramesh about the presentation that he would be delivering tomorrow to the Singaporean clients, making him repeat his points systematically and adding some trades of the trick from his side. By the time, they reached the airport, Ramesh was considerably less nervous. He thanked the boss for all the support and promised to send back his feedback at the earliest.
“Tell you what”, he had added, “if required, I will simply hop over there, if there is a need.”
Then they had shaken hands and Ramesh had walked in through the security gates.
* * *
He invited her to ride back with him on the way back.
“I will drop you with Lekha and then head out for outside work”, he told her with a straight face. “You two ladies can have a nice afternoon to yourselves.”
“Oh thank you sir”, she had said, “really you shouldn’t have gone into all that trouble.”
“Trouble”, he countered her, “trouble is when Lekha instructs me to do something and I forget it.” His smile was disarming.
They reached his two storied bungalow. They walked in and she was amazed at the opulence. “It’ so beautiful”, she commented.
He just smiled in acknowledgment and said, “Come let’s go up. She must be waiting upstairs.”
He guided her upstairs and opened the door of the bedroom and both walked inside.
But there was no sight of Lekha there to Kajol’s surprise. Mr. Rao also had a perplexed look on his face. He gave one look at Kajol and then brought out his cell phone.
“Where are you Lekha?”, he shouted, “Kajol is already here.” Then his brows furrowed as he listened closely to what he heard from the other end. After a while, he offered Kajol the mobile, “She wants to speak with you.”
“Hello..”, Kajol didn’t know what this all was happening.
“Hello Kajol”, Lekha’s cultured voice came over from the other end, “Right now I am at the … hospital, … , it’s a close friend, …, slipped in the bathroom, … , called me up, … , and I couldn’t possibly say no, … , couldn’t I, … , good you understand, … , what did you say?, … , no she just sustained a minor sprain and is getting bandaged over, … , no no, you must stay for lunch, … , I will be back in a couple of hours, … , don’t worry about his programs, … , he will wait till I come over, … , no, no, you can’t think of going away like this – this is your first time in our house – how do you think I shall feel, … , no it’s final, you are staying there till I reach in an hour, … , then we shall have lunch.
She handed the mobile back to him, and he spoke a little further, making a wry face at her suggestions, and finally hung up.
“So”, he let out a sigh, “here we are” spread out his hands in a gesture of helplessness, “at the ladyship’s command”, he made a very good imitation of a hen pecked husband, “to wait out till her highness returns.”
Then his eyes lighted up as if he had remembered something. “Let’s make the best use of it”, he gave her a foxy smile and led her by her arm to the nearby sofa and made her sit there. Thereafter, he went out of the room and returned shortly thereafter with a bottle and two glasses, which he gleefully waved before her face and sat down besides her.
“Let’s toast to Ramesh’s success, the poor woman’s recovery, our friendship, Lekhaji’s continued good health, your academic achievements, to world peace, to all those who are winning the nobel prize this year …”
He was being so facetious, that she couldn’t help bursting out into laughter. Her mind went on to Ramesh and she asked, “Do you think he would be airborne by now?”
He made a show of consulting his watch and then replied gravely, “He is among the clouds for the last half hours – and by that I mean, he would be truly in the clouds, if I know my boy – you know they serve free liquor on international flights.”
Then he had laughed out loud and handed her over a full glass. “Remember bottom up. Let’s see who finishes first”
She clinked glasses with him and joined him in the race to drain the glass in one go. Laughing, she waved her empty glass and shouted in glee “I won, I won - see.”
He made out a sour face , that of a sore loser and finally shrugged his shoulders and refilled the glasses. “Okay, okay, I concede”, he lifted his hands in dramatically in defeat. “Let’s now enjoy the this round, slowly – the way it should be.
She nodded happily. He started telling her some interesting facts regarding his profession; and she was amazed to learn how many movie actors, industrialists and politicians were using image branding. True, Ramesh had tried to tell her these things a couple of times but she couldn’t find any interest. But the way Mr. Rao, explained things, it was so easy to understand. She had a sudden respect for him.
Between the rounds of the filling of glasses, she discovered, that somehow they had moved closer to each other on the sofa. His free hand, had gone round, face close to hers and voices dropping to close intimate levels …
The wine had already started to take its effect and she was no longer in a state to decide what was proper and what was not … As a matter of fact, she was discovering how handsome he looked at close quarters. She took in his dark face with the pointed nose, the manly moustache; the glint of intelligence in those eyes; the suave cut of his suit; and most importantly his voice, the tone that suggested raw power …
He stopped talking, aware that she was sufficiently gone now to offer any resistance. He took away the empty glass from her hand and put his arm around her neck. Inches apart, he looked into her eyes. An instant later he had placed his lips on hers …
Then he withdrew abruptly. “My god! You are so beautiful – forgive me – I don’t know what came over me”, he said, his arms still around her neck.
Kajol looked back at him and gave a drunken giggle. “Hee hee, your mustache tickles.”
He lost no time thereafter. Latching on to her lips, he thrust his tongue deep into her mouth. Kajol was taken aback at the sudden assault. Before, she could act, his tongue had already started exploring her inside. She was at a loss what to do. Then the familiar sensations rose their tentacles. Instinctively, she started sucking back. Her arm went behind him, pulling him closer, for more traction, more pleasure …
Rao now changed tack. Still engaged in the tongue-play, he pulled her down to the sofac maneuvered her feet up. Cradling her head in her hands, he withdrew the tongue and started kissing her in earnest…
Kajol was swept up in another world all together. She registered the masculine scent of the leather below, the heady aroma of the wine and the strong musky odor of her aggressor above … she closed her eyes and gave in to the deliciously wicked sensations…
Above her, Rao had now systematically started to kiss her eyes, her brows, her nose and everywhere on her face. Her eyes were closed and a soft moan issued from her. Deliberately, he moved to her breasts, tracing out the contours of a breast and gave a small squeeze. Kajol opened her eyes and smiled a bit. She pulled his head down. Deftly, Rao moved on to her saree pin clipped to the blouse and pulled it off. The flimsy saree came off, leaving her full bosom in his full view. He sidled down to her chest, placing his cheek on the inviting mound. His hands went to her blouse and, he started disengaging the hooks, one by one, without any hurry. A moment later, the blouse flaps were cast to each side. In full view, were her magnificent breasts, bulging out from under the brassiere.
She helped him get rid of both the blouse and bra. He took both her hands in his and raised them above her head. He looked at the perfectly shaped treasures below and pecked at a nipple. Then he let go of her hands and latched on to the other …
Kajol experienced a jolt of electricity at his touch. Despite herself, she quivered
“You are so strong, oh so strong”, she half murmured…as Rao went on methodically sucking at her breasts.
When her pleasure was about to reach the climax, she pushed him off her and straightened up. Then she started pulling at his suit, his ties, and unbuttoning his shirt. Rao knew what she wanted and stood up. One by one, Kajol, removed his suit, the pant, the vest and finally lowered his underwear.
Leaking profusely, his monster bobbed up at her face. Her gaze softened as she looked at it. She ran a loving hand over it and noted the veins standing out. To her it seemed like a Viking god demanding obeisance. She pulled at the foreskin and the glans underneath seemed to pulsate. She caressed it lovingly. Then she felt the pressure of his hand behind her head and then the gentle push, …, she understood and opened her mouth and took him in.
She gave it a thorough licking, running her tongue all over and then moved to his balls, taking in each and sucking on them. The skin around had tightened, she found and that he was leaking profusely now, ... , she went back to the tip and placed her mouth in a sucking kiss, …, enjoying that unique salty taste, … Simultaneously, she became aware of the flooding in her crotch. Reluctantly, letting go of his cock, she stood up and unwound the saree which dropped down. The petticoat and her panties cames off in a trice.
He led her to the bed, and held her in a close embrace there. Then he placed his hand in her crotch and noted happily that she was all wet by now. Pulling away her legs, he mounted her, the penis poised at the entrance. He felt her hand on his cock, and her adjusting herself below him. Then she had guided him inside her. Next, he had started pumping her and she was thrusting back, matching him thrust for thrust …
Later, he had rolled off her and Kajol lay by his side. Catching her breath, she half straddled him and kissed him tenderly. Her hands started making circular motions about his hairy chest. She kissed him longer this time. “I love you”, she whispered in his ears. Immediately, he embraced her and they snuggled, arms and legs intertwined. Later, he remarked that probably Lekha would be returning now and both got up immediately.
* * *
When they came downstairs, Lekha was already back, seated on the divan. For a second, dread struck Kajol. But she need not have bothered. Lekha had looked at her and in that single look had conveyed her knowledge of what had taken place and also her approval.
“Come guys, you must all be hungry”, she had said ushering towards the laid out dining table.
There was just some small talk over lunch. Afterwards, Lekha had entreated her to stay over for the night. But Kajol had refused.
“I have an appointment, that I can not afford to miss”, she said.
* * *
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02-01-2019, 01:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-01-2019, 03:15 PM by Ramesh_Rocky.)
Barely had she reached home, when Ramesh called.
“Kajo…”. He sounded tired.
“Ramesh”, she answered relieved. “Reached there alright honey?”
“Yeah! Just settled in the hotel. And note this number; I will be using this one here.”
“How is the place?”
“Oh, so wonderful!”, she heard his tired yet excited voice from the other end. “So clean everywhere. Everything is so spic and span.” Then his tone grew heavy “Miss you honey, wish you were here to see this wonderful city.”
“Me too honey”, she told him. “Remember to eat in time and rest as well.”
“Ok honey”, he replied, “Its already night here” reminding her of the time difference. “I am going down for dinner and will turn in early. Have to be ready by eight tomorrow.”
“Sure honey, take care. Muahhhh”
“You too! Muahhhh. Bye.” And he had hung up.
* * *
The chauffeur had knocked on her door and when she had opened, had handed her a wrapped cardboard box and a note. The instructions contained were precise and meticulous. She was to use all the accessories in the parcel and she was to be ready for pickup by seven which left her with a couple of hours, she realized when she looked at her watch.
With a mounting excitement, she opened the somewhat heavy box and took out the contents one by one. The first was a set of bra and panty, both being black. She felt the soft muslin of the panty and her fingers conveyed the sheer luxury of it. ‘Ahhh’, she closed her eyes for a moment and imagined what she would feel wearing it. Just the touch of it was so soothing, she thought. She put it back and took out the bra. “Ooii ma!”, she exclaimed aloud when she discovered that it was a pure net contraption. ‘Do they make things as such?’, she cringed imagining putting that on. ‘How could she possibly wear that?’ Her mouth fell open.
When she took out the next one, her hand flew to her mouth. It was a set of black garter silk stockings. She had never worn one such in her lifetime. Mind elsewhere, she examined the suspender clips, wondering how these contraptions worked and then put in away. A small box inside contained shaving equipments, a bottle of hair remover, a hair remover, a makeup compact set, a mascara pencil and one lipstick – again black. ‘Who the hell puts on a black lipstick”, she wondered. She checked the instruction sheet again. One bulleted point mentioned, use every item. Another, contained the terse message. She was to use the hair remover after shaving off all repeat all body hair. Her eyes roved over the last instruction, it said her to be ready by seven and that quickened her pulse. She took out the rest of the stuff which included some shower gel and bathing salts. Finally, she lifted out the last parcel. It contained a pair of black pointed stilettos, gleaming… She smiled to herself, ‘All this was so naughty….’
An hour and half later, she stood before the dressing mirror, examining the transformation. The image in the mirror was someone she hadn’t seen before – the rouge, the heavy mascara, the black lipsticks said it all – there was a high society prostitute behind the mirror, and she was smiling at her. Her pulse quickened.
She checked the note for the last time to check for anything left out inadvertently and then folded it back. That is when she observed the small handwritten line. It read,
PS: This is all that you need to wear for tonight.
‘Oh my God!’, she had a terrible fright. How was she to go downstairs in that attire? That was simply not possible. ‘Oh my God!, Think, think, think…’ , she banged her head with a closed fist as she broke out in a cold sweat.
Then suddenly her panicking mind grasped on a possible solution and she opened her wardrobe to take out a heavy long shawl and carefully wrapped around herself. ‘Hey bhagwaan! Let no one notice my feet’, she sent out a fervent prayer as she put on her heavy dark sunglasses. Then she called up the chauffeur to pick her up.
Seated inside the car, she breathed a sigh of relief. Luckily for her, the lift had been empty for the whole journey and the basement had a bunch of kids returning with bat and balls, and she had hurried her way to the car and nipped inside quickly. A moment later she started noticing the luxurious interiors. The plush leatherite upholstery exuding the musky fragrance, the darkened windows, the mini refrigerator and small TVs set into the front seat … ‘Must be a pricey model’, she mused, ‘wonder who owns this!’, she wanted to ask the chauffeur. But then she remembered the explicit instructions about not entering into any discussion with the chauffeur. However, she had to know when she reached the destination for she had to remove the shawl and dark glasses beforehand.
“Bhaiya”, she addressed the chauffeur, “please let me know when we are about to reach the place.”
The driver adjusted the brim of his cap. He had seen many such tarts as the one riding in the backseat and also was quite acquainted with their tantrums. He scoffed out a gutteral ‘yes’ without looking back. As the car picked up speed, Kajol tried to make out where they were heading for, but could only guess that they were leaving the city and entering its outskirts. After an hour or so of riding, the chauffeur called out ‘ten minutes to reach’ and she immediately got busy. In the closed space, she took out her ‘extra’ clothes and stuffed those into a bag. She noticed, the car getting into a high-walled compound with security and come to rest before a bungalow inside. The chauffeur got down to open the door and she stepped out clad in her garters and net bra and the stiletto heels, provided earlier, her white flesh standing out against the black lingerie and makeup. ‘My god! What have I become’, she told to herself as she entered inside.
Pooja, the junior ad-hoc lecturer in her department and who was clad exactly as herself, but entirely in red, came forward to take her hand, and led her to a room inside where the professor and three others were lounging about. All at once, she found herself moved to a very different world. She was transfixed at what she saw. There was the big circular bed in the center with easy lounging sofas placed. She looked up at the beautiful chandeliers which lit up the inside in a soft hue. Simultaneously she noticed the , the mirrored ceilings directly above the bed. Then her gaze turned to the four persons seated. Besides Bharadwaj, she had definitely seen one of them before. She took a quick look. He had that patrician profile, that carelessly effete look with a burning cigarette dangling between long tapering fingers. Kajol racked her mind to remember, where she had seen him before. ‘Yes, of course! He was frequently on the TV, some sort of financial expert, as far as she could recollect … yet the name eluded her.
She glanced at the next guy. It was a fatty guy stuffed in an elegant safari suit. She watched in fascination at the thick gold chain necklaces he was wearing and the sheer number of the rings on his fingers. He was fiddling with an iphone while he was dishing out quick fire instructions on another. ‘Businessman’, she made a mental note. The last one was in all whites, in tell-tale khadis that only political class wore. He had a large paunch as well. Again, she tried to guess which political party that the ‘netaji’ belonged to, but drew a blank there, as well.
She looked at the trolley containing the liquor bottles, ice pail and snacks. She noticed the half empty glasses that these people had been holding and of Pooja rushing in to serve everyone. The smell of alcohol, cigarette smoke and non-vegetarian starters pervaded all around. Then she became aware of another set of smell. It was in fact a combination of three things - of money, of sex and of power. She looked back at Bharadwaj.
The professor just acknowledged her presence and signaled her to the fatso who had now completed his telephonic conversations. She made way towards him and the man suddenly pulled her into his lap. “Ah! Kya maal hai”, he said to Bharadwaj while grabbing her breast. He lowered his face over hers and pressed his lips to her. After a deep kiss, he released her and made her stand up, then turning her around gave a playful slap on her naked buttocks. “What an ass!” He slapped again, this time harder.
“Ouch”, she cried out in surprise; but before she could react, she had been pulled by the netaji. He held her at a arms length, and examined her. Without warning, he thrust his hand in her skimpy panties and directly pushed a thick finger inside. Kajol bucked up in surprise and collapsed on him, clutching his neck for support. He let her keep her weight on him but went on rubbing in right earnest. She came on his fingers and he pulled out and let all see his glistening fingers. Her knees felt weak from the brutal assault and the orgasmic blast. Gradually she raised herself up and walked over to the tv personality.
Cigarette still in hand, he waved her down to crouch before him. She was at once thankful for this small gesture as she was still in pain down below. He pulled her head placed it directly over his crotch. Taking a deep drag, he let out the smoke and said “Open the zipper with your mouth sweetie, and no hands please.” Shuddering slightly inside, as she had never done anything remotely similar before, she directed her mouth to the top of his pants and after a couple of false tries, she somehow managed to get the lever in her mouth. Then she moved her head down and surprisingly the zipper came down. It was a moment of triumph and she looked up in pride at his smiling face. “Good job!”, he commended stubbing the cigarette. From a nearby plate, he took a fish finger, nibbled a bit and put the rest in her mouth. “Reward for you, bitch!”, he said putting the plate below on the floor. She understood at once and started eating the rest with her mouth lowered. There were appreciative chuckles all around as she licked the mayonnaise clean as well. She had been a good bitch.
He lifted her up to the bed in the center and the rest three of them came aboard as well. She looked at her reflection in the ceiling above as they spread her arms and legs wide in a long X. Then all the hands were on, unraveling the goody in the parcel, which was her in the lingerie. She felt the sure hands of the fatso businessman, the fumble of the netaji, the silken touch of the tv man and the no-nonsense approach of Bharadwaj. A couple of minutes later, she lay totally naked and spread-eagled, the parceled gift opened up to the participants … the color rushed to her cheeks as she shut her eyes in shame, but another part of her looked forward to the sensation of the multiple hands which were freely exploring her body, and yet another part of her began to be a little proud of the sight that she presented. She opened her eyes and thrust her chest forward…her mouth creased in a slight smile … and above her, she found the set of faces, filled with lust, filled with greed as well. Then a curious feeling, for something had been inserted into her cunt and taken out soon after, which had been a syringe without needle as she discovered later … ‘What had they put in there?’, she wondered.
But the four had already taken their position around her and dealing out a deck of playing cards, only that she was the board before them. She felt the cards on her exposed chest, belly, the fingers touching her in the process, cupping a breast or pulling a nip, running a palm over her smooth hairless crotch, Pooja recording it on one of their mobiles … and found herself enjoying the situation … till half an hour later, that slow itch started down below … Five minute later, she could no longer bear it, for the itch was so terrible, and it was then that she realized that it must be due to what they had injected. She squirmed, trying to clamp her vaginal muscles to ease the discomfort, but that was of no avail. The men above her stopped playing and watched her squirm. They held her hands as she tried to relived the itch and laughed at her struggling. Later on, it had become so terrible and she was almost reduced to tears now, she urgently needed the relief. “Fuck me’, she cried out, “fuck me please … any of you … all of you … please.” She thrashed about wildly.
Suddenly there was the relief and the doorway to heaven had opened up. She was being suckled, forcefully and at both nipples. A mouth had latched on to her pussy and was furiously sucking out the now gushing out juice. She thrashed her head from side to side and the pleasure sensations washed over her and she was being primed up for the journey to the moon. Overhead, she saw the reflection of the netaji’s head doing yeoman service to her nether region while Bhradwaj and fatso were happily at kneading her breast. That left the TV man, whose face she couldn’t see, but that must have been the one who was now sucking on her toes one by one … Pooja’s face coming up once in a recording everything in the mobile …
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Kajol cont'd
That had been two days earlier and had been only been the start to the fuckfest which had commenced thereafter, she mused as she felt the aching all over. She had cast a glance at the bed-side clock; it was close to noon. Stifling a yawn, she had got up and rushed to the bathroom, first to urgently relive herself and then to have a quick shower. Her body felt sore all over. After, the first seven or eight penetrations; she had lost count. The four of them had stuffed her up, every possible way, multiple times … she had been dropped home around three pm. Mercifully, again, under the long shawl’s cover, she had been able to sneak back into her apartment without coming across any known face. What she had needed was a long dip in the bath tub. However, she felt hungry as well. In no mood to do any cooking; she stirred up a bowl of instant noodles and gulped it down. Then, she was back in the warm water tub … something that she needed badly…
She had dozed off in the bath and woke up with a start to the chimes of the calling bell. ‘Now who could be there at this hour’, she wondered as she stepped out of the tub and tied the bath-robe about her. As she opened the door, her mouth dropped. There was Mr. Rao standing before her, waving a bottle of wine before her. She didn’t know how to respond. But Mr. Rao had marched right in, scooped her up and carried her to the drawing room. After she had got the glasses, he had made her sit on his lap and the first toast later he had kissed her. Then they had been to each other in right earnest and a moment later the all the clothes were lying on the floor. He had carried her to her bed and made tender love to her there. She had felt guilty about, the joint photo on the bedstead and had put it face down when Rao was not looking. Then they were on in right earnest…
Later, seating naked on him, she had put her arms round his neck and kissed his head. He was jiggling a breast. “Such full breasts”, he had commented, “Meant for kids, my kids”, he had looked at her face and she had been suddenly frightened, and he had swiftly deflected, “these two kids”, he had said pointing at his lips, “hungry for mama’s milk”. A moments pause and she had laughed and brought his mouth to a nipple. “Drink baby, … drink all you can, just be gentle ….”
He had come at about three, directly after lunch with a client, as he told her and stayed till ten. They made languid love, slowly exploring each other’s body. She counted out his til marks and made approving sounds. Between the ordered Chinese food and pizzas, the wine flowed. She started filling gloriously light, especially after the previous day’s “adventures”. His cell phone was the major nuisance, as he had to take the calls, but she loved it when he would issue orders, in his assertive tone…
* * *
This morning, she had woken up to Ramesh calling up.
“Sorry honey, was just so sucked in that couldn’t call you. Returned late as well and was completely bushed …”, he sounded completely drained out.
“Okay honey, its alright”, she had comforted him. “Call me whenever you are free.”
“These motherfuckers …”, he vented out.
She laughed and he got a bit relaxed. He started telling her, the grueling time he was having here, what with getting back to the others in his team for details and then back to the new client company, to whom he had to communicate through a translator. In short, his life had become just a notch more chaotic than what it was when preparing. Then they had made some small talk and by the time he hung up; he was in much better spirit.
“Will nail these bastards”, he had lambasted.
“That’s the spirit baby”, she had added and both had laughed.
Later, when she was working on her research papers and lost track of time, the bell had rung and she had got up. The clock told her that she had been at her desk for the last five hours, after having had a quick brunch earlier on. It was now almost three and there was no surprise as to who had rung the bell.
Mr. Rao came inside and held her in a tight embrace. He kissed her hard and then release her. Both headed for the drawing room. She brought out the glasses and deposited herself on his lap, for she knew he loved that.
“Tell me”, she had asked after they had clinked glasses, “how are you able to get away from office at this hour?”
“He he”, he had laughed and kissed her nose, “anything for my sweet princess. And besides, I have this”, he said pointing to his cellphone. She had melted in his arms and made love in the bedroom and later on in the kitchen as well, when he had come from behind while she was preparing some snacks. He had pushed her down on the counter, hitched her gown up and shoved inside her. The sheer novelty of the position and his enthusiasm had blown her mind away. “You are just an animal”, she had said while punching him in the chest. He had just smiled.
That day and on the day following, they had made love everywhere inside – on the dining table, in the drawing room sofa, under the shower, in the bathtub and also once riskily in the balcony also during evening hours. She had made fellatio on him while he was on the phone and loved the look on his face when she had made him ejaculate while he was trying to maintain a normal tone with some possibly important influential client. Later her had chased her and tickled her half to death as retribution.
It was in one of those evenings, that she got a call from a woman named Preeti, who introduced herself as a colleague of Ramesh and being in hR. She apologized for calling after such a long time and wanted to know if there was anything that she needed now that Ramesh was away.
“No, no; I am absolutely fine”, Kajol told her, “But it’s mighty nice of you to ask.”
“That’s my job Kajolji, after all I am in HR”, she heard the genuine laugh from the other end and took an instant liking to this girl-woman.”
Kajol’s heard the ringing on Rao’s mobile, which was lying on the bed. She looked around and knew that he was inside the bathroom.
“Hey Preeti, can I call you that? Can we talk later on or what let’s meet up sometime, that would be nicer still. Got an urgent call on another phone.”
“Sure Mrs. Ramesh, I mean Kajolji. I would love that. Take care and don’t hesitate to let me know if you need anything. Bye for now.”
“Bye”, said Kajol and disconnected. She took the ringing phone to the bathroom and knocked at the door. “Call for you”, she shouted.
“Will be out in a minute”, Mr. Rao’s voice came from the other side, “just let it ring”.
She put his mobile back on the bed and moved on to the kitchen for preparing tea.
* * *
Preeti had put her mobile back on her desk. Ramesh’s wife had turned out to be such a nice lady and she felt the mutual warmth. She gave a short smile. But there was a niggling thought, something that she couldn’t put her finger to. ‘Yes, yes’, her mind latched up to the oddity, ‘there was that mobile which had started to ring in the middle of their talks … and that ringtone, the distinctive melody … she had heard it somewhere before … probably on Ramesh’s phone … but was it his … seemed like she had heard it somewhere else before …hell, that was nothing to ponder over’, she said as she turned her attention to the research that Ramesh had demanded from Singapore.
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He was fidgeting in his hotel room at Singapore.
‘God! What do I need to do to convince these imbeciles!’ He banged a fist into his palm.
Two days back he had arrived in this wonderful land, whose beauty he could observe only through the car windows while commuting. Their counterparts at Singapore had taken good care of him. They had put him up in a nice hotel which faced a nightclub. A small but comfortable cubicle had been cleared for him for his work. Also, they had allotted Jim to assist him in all possible way. Jim who spoke mandarin fluently, was of immense help when he dealt with the client viz. the JHCorp or JHC for short. JHC was a multi national corporation primarily owned by Singaporeans of Chinese descent – they spoke halting English, were of old money, of lots of that, which was what mattered most.
“Damn! What do I do!” He slammed his fist again.
Yesterday, directly after lunch, Jim had taken him to the JHC hq and there he had made his first presentation before an audience of board members whose facial expressions were totally inscrutable for him. He had carried out his presentation with his usual flair and halfway through felt as if the proposal was agreed to in principle, considering the nods that he was getting all around. Later, he had been asked to wait outside, while the board mulled it over. The meeting inside had gone for over an hour and Jim had gone round the corner for a cup of coffee. He was chewing his nails, when they called him in. He was frantic for a second but Jim’s returning figure calmed his nerves. Both of them walked in.<
Inside, they were ready with the knives drawn out. Barely had they settled in when the barrage of questions started which Jim started translating for him. He was amazed at the depth and the variety of questions hurled at him. They asked him every tit bit of details on which his premises were built. What was the sample size? Which psychographic profiles had been targeted? What was the annual disposable income of the families concerned? What was the basis of the projections? What would be mid-level manpower requirement, their credentials … … the questions dragged on. He sighed. Everyone was looking at him. He could hear the pounding of his heart. He opened the backup spreadsheets and started to address a couple of their concerns. Problem was, it was his two junior colleagues who had done the spadework and they were the ones who had an answer for the missing links. The explanations he gave started to sound weak, even for himself. The sweat was building up behind his back now. He made the decision. The wizened owls who sat at the board room and who could barely speak passable English, were by no means to be taken for granted. JHC was certainly not going to cough up a million in investment unless they were completely satisfied of the soundness of his strategy. Clearly, he had underestimated them.
“Gentlemen”, he addressed them while Jim translated into mandarin simultaneously, “I completely agree with you that there are certain issues which need to be looked into with more depth. I am also extremely grateful for your having provided certain insights, without which, we would not be able to translate the strategies to reality. May I seek your indulgence for a continuation of this meeting tomorrow, where I am certain, I would be in a much better position to refine our approach to this project after consultation with our people back home.”
The grunts that followed gave no indication of their pleasure or displeasure at this request. Nor could Jim throw any light on it, on the way back. He had felt like a total idiot.
Immediately after return to office; he had a videoconferencing with his team back home. Preeti and the other two team members had observed how tensed up he had been.
“Take it easy Ramesh”, Preeti’s tone had been like a balm, “we will take care of all the issues. Expect a detailed reply in a couple of hours.”
He nodded and took another sip from a glass to wet his throat. “Thank goodness for the time difference”, he had commented. “Guys don’t let me down.”
“Even if it takes, all night, we will provide you with all the details”, one of the juniors had commented, “Just let us get to work.”
With a wave of his hand he had dismissed them. He was about to switch off the transmission when he remembered something.
“Hey Preeti, one sec. Just don’t blab anything to the boss. I will talk to him directly after tomorrow, ok.”
Preeti’s smiling face looked at him. “No issue, he is out meeting a client and said won’t be coming back today.”
“Yah ok”, he was relieved, “Say can I ask you a personal favor. Could you please call up my wife– just to see if she is ok?”
“Sure will do”, she had assured, “will do that tomorrow. That ok?”
“Yeah! Thanks.” He switched off and walked outside the conference room. Most of the work cubicles were deserted as the office staff were starting to walk out. An AVP on his way out asked him how he was getting along and if he would need anything. When he had mentioned having to stay late for the info from India, the AVP had instructed Jim to arrange for coffee and sandwiches for him before the latter left. Ramesh had returned to the conference room, opened his lappy and got to serious work.
His team members reverted later. Together, they got into serious some huddling while they sent him voluminous information. He was still in deep discussion when Preeti had interrupted and asked him to relent for the night and have some rest. With a shock, he realized that it was already 11 pm and he wound up the discussion. Picking up the remaining sandwiches, he had taken a taxi back to his hotel room. Entering inside, he had taken his office bag off and immediately opened the mini-bar and pulled out a couple of drinks. Emptying those, he had straight away hit the bed. He felt dead beat.
‘Will talk to Kajo in the morning …’, he murmured before turning sidewise and starting to snore softly.
* * *
Today had been entirely different. He had woken up slightly disoriented. Stretching his arms, he felt the lingering tension of the previous day in his limbs. Suddenly, he remembered the previous night’s discussion. He jolted out of the bed and hurried to the bathroom.
After a hurried breakfast, he had returned to the office. Setting out his papers, he had immediately started digging into the back-up material that his team had sent. Brows knit deep, he had made notes, cross-checked references and mentally made up his defense; all the while the coffee had gone cold. By the time, he had his lunch with Jim, his old confidence was back. He felt reasonably surefooted with his own presentation. He had made the mistake of taking JHC for granted.
‘Today he would be cautious and today he would secure the deal.’ That is what he had said to himself before setting out.
‘Damn!’, it was evening now and he slammed his fist again for the umpteenth time. He looked at the mobile screen, wondering why Mr. Rao was not taking his call. Had he got scent of today’s happening.
Despite himself, his mind played back the happening at today’s client meeting. Brimming with confidence he had addressed all their queries and misgivings of the day before. There were cheerful nods from most of them. It was then that the carnage had begun. Mr. Ching, a frail looking man, who had posed no questions yesterday and who he later found out to be their marketing head had started making his speech. He spoke slowly, in an even cadence but there was no mistaking his authoritative assertions. Bit by bit, he explained, why the project would not work. He was versatile with both facts and reasoning. In the half an hour that he proffered his views; the room had fallen completely silent. Even as a drop of sweat started trickling down his sideburns, Ramesh felt his whole proposal being stripped off its logic base and being reduced to a cipher. Instinctively he had started to protest, to give his side of the logic and Ching had listened to him politely before dismantling the points with the acumen of a zen master. A couple of more injunctions from him and at that point the Chairman had stepped in and saved him from complete humiliation.
“Mr. Ramesh”, he had spoken kindly, “I believe, this proposal, we need not to have, what you say - rush, yes rush. Let all of us think a little more.”
That was the suckerpunch delivered. There was no mistaking what he had meant. In simple words they had told him to fuck off.
Jim had dropped him at the hotel. The first thing that came to his mind was to call up Mr. Rao and appraise him of the developments. It was his first independent assignment and the results were for all to see.
From his hotel room, he put the call to Mr. Rao. Surprisingly, he didn’t answer even after a couple of tries.
“Damn, damn, damn!” He punched at the nearby pillow.
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Mr. Anand Mohan Rao
He returned from the shower and had was about to put on his shirt when Kajol came back with two mugs of coffee. She gave him a smile as he took one and sat down on the bed, the damp towel still around him. Coming up to him she gave him a full kiss on his dark lips.
“Here is your phone” she said, handing it across. As he thumbed back the screen to check the missed call, he saw her sitting down on the floor - right between his legs. She had separated his calves and muzzled in inside. He smiled knowing what was to follow. In time, the flaps of the towel had been set aside. He returned his gaze to the missed call. It was some unknown number starting with a +65…
“Ouchhh”, he jerked back as something hot touched his penis tip. He looked below. Kajol was smiling, her eyes shining and wide. She took another gulp of her coffee and lowered her head to his cock…
A world of heavenly warmth engulfed him as Kajol took him wholly inside her mouth. The exquisite pleasure radiated out from his center. ‘What a wanton slut’, he said to himself as he threw his mobile aside and took hold of the back of her head. To his pleasant surprise, he found his cock rising again. ‘And to think that I had just pumped into her half an hour back’, he wondered while starting to pull her head in and out … ‘Talented whore – just what I need to breed’, he thought again as Kajol had started to fellate him again …]
An hour later, in the backseat of the company car, he remembered the missed call and then recollected that it had been a call from Singapore as the ISD code suggested. Immediately, he called back. It was Ramesh at the other end.
“Sir, sir”, he sounded panicky.
“Yes Ramesh, tell …”
“Sir, I don’t think”, there was a pause, “I don’t think we are getting JHC.” He thought he heard Ramesh sniffle.
“Calm down boy. Just tell me what has happened.”
During the rest of the ride back to the office, he heard out Ramesh bemoaning how things had gone wrong. He heard the despair in his voice. After all it was his first independent assignment for a foreign client. Ramesh was informing him about returning tomorrow.
“Listen, you stay put there”, he switched the mobile to the other ear, “I will join you there tomorrow. I believe there might be some communication gap involved. I had seen the proposal and it was quite sound. So no need to give up at this stage. Just relax and let me handle things.” He had clicked shut.
The moment he reached his cabin, he had the JHC team assembled before him. There were the two youngsters, still green behind their ears, who were distinctly feeling uneasy. They knew that something had gone wrong.
“ Get me all the papers and executive summaries of the case”, he had barked at them and they had fled out. That left Preeti, the HR girl, the one who never seemed to lose her cool, never to bow before him as he had observed over the last several months since she had joined. It was time to put an end to all that, he thought, of showing her who was the boss.
“You, you were the one preparing all the presentations, I suppose?”
“Yes, sir” , she answered calmly.
“Then you accompany me tomorrow to Singapore. This deal is too big to let go.”
Preeti’s eyes had shot up, which he noticed quickly.
“Any problem?” he asked her casually, “Could mean a potential rise for you.”
“No sir”, she added hastily not knowing what to say. “But it is so sudden. Perhaps madam could accompany …”, she blurted referring to the HR head.
“No”, he answered emphatically. “You are the one who had prepared the presentation and you will deliver it there, with me and Ramesh besides you. So call up the Singapore PRO for hotel accommodation etc. and revise your presentations thoroughly before we reach there tomorrow. Now get going.”
She nodded dumbly and got out.
* * *
Ramesh had finished his reporting to Mr. Rao and though the load was off his chest, he still felt miserable.
‘To hell with it’, he called out as he reached for the intercom to order a bottle of scotch.
Halfway through his second peg, as the bee was starting to sing inside his head, his phone had rang. It was Preeti.
“Ramesh! Mr. Rao is coming tomorrow and would be reaching there in the evening. I am also coming along.”
He came off the ‘nasha’ instantly. “What? What did you just say?”, he asked.
Preeti’s voice sounded heavy. “ Both Mr. Rao and myself are coming over there tomorrow. Would be staying at your hotel also, the PR man has confirmed. So do you need anything … something I should bring from here?”
“No no no”, he added hastily, still in shock. “Just get here and we will all talk.”
“Hope this thing works out”, Preeti’s voice didn’t sound convincing at all.
“Don’t worry, Preeti. After all, sir would be here.”
“Ok then, see you tomorrow. I have got lots of things to do here …”
“Bye bye. See you tomorrow. Don’t you worry at all.”
Later he had felt a joy, he couldn’t understand why. His heart was pounding again.
“Oh drat!” He had suddenly remembered something.
He called up the front desk.
“Two of my colleagues, one Mr. Rao and another Miss Preeti Jain would be joining me tomorrow at this hotel. Is it possible to accommodate all three of us in the same floor?”
After some time a manager had called in. “Sorry sir! Mr. Rao is booked for the executive suite and that is available only on the fifth floor. As for Ms. Jain, the room adjacent to yours is available. Shall I book for her there?”
“Please do and thanks”, he hung up.
He threw up the pillow to the ceiling and took another swipe directly from the bottle.
“This call for a celebration. After all, Christmas has arrived early.”
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