Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999
That the world saw. Just how much of it she got from the house servants no one suspected.

As time wore on, she realised that nothing else mattered to her quite as much as sex. She loved it and craved it and couldn't live without it. She would do anything for a fuck.

Already, within a few months of Raju fucking her, Vaishali was very nearly the whore of neighbourhood for all the servants. Long lines formed in her house when her parents were away as she took them all, one by one, enjoying each without reserve.

It was getting out of hand and Raju began to regulate it, drawing lots and setting up schedules so that she had no more two or three a night. That way, he explained, everyone was happy, everyone was satisfied.

And by keeping her exclusive, he made a killing. Raju became her pimp.

He soon discovered that there was nearly as much money to be made from allowing guys to watch her fuck other guys.

Voyeurism was a neglected sexual activity. Raju saw no reason whatever to look a gift horse in the mouth. Those who couldn't afford to fuck her, for want of money or inclination, were welcome to take their pleasure in watching her.

It happened that Raju's rather randy fifteen-year old nephew, Pankaj, came to visit for a fortnight.

He was a tall, strong, strapping lad, and Raju noticed Vaishali eyeing him and, grinning to himself, resolved to induct the lad into manhood before he went back to his hometown. But things had to be handled right.

A poor start with a broad like her and a guy might get warped for life with quite the wrong ideas about women and how to handle them. He would have to gift-wrap it nicely. He kept Pankaj away from Vaishali's antics and gave no chance for the lad to find out.

But things don't always happen as they should.

Late one night, the teenager woke from his sleep, curiously restless. He stole out of the little room behind the kitchen which he shared with Raju; his uncle wasn't around and the house seemed silent and deserted.

It was a close, still night and he silently opened a door and stepped out for a breath of air.

Outside, the sprawling, slightly decrepit house was quiet and dark, silently slumbering. He looked around and saw the lone light that shone from the window of the servants' quarters in the outhouse to one side of the property.

He was puzzled. The outhouse itself was enormous and that particular window looked out of a room that was unoccupied. He had it explored it recently. The servants either lived away or in the house now, like Raju. Pankaj had explored the room.

It had a minimal amount of furniture, a bed, two chairs, a long mirror, one steel cupboard and quantities of junk that no one had ever thought of throwing away but that Raju had assured him he could spirit away. No one would ever know. No one cared.

Something jangled in his head. He looked at the gate. It was slightly ajar, the padlock undone. The guards' cabin was empty. The silly fellow must be asleep, or off for a piss. Raju was always complaining.

He felt his scalp tingle; the open gate; that light in the otherwise deserted room ...

Pankaj padded stealthily across the grounds, got to the outhouse and crept up to the flight of external concrete stairs that led to the room on the first floor.

He peered around the corner of the solid balustrade and, just then, the door was flung open. Pankaj ducked back out of sight, his heart pounding in his head.

He heard a man grunt, laugh. He peered around again. A tall, vaguely familiar figure stepped out of the room onto the open landing and went over to the balustrade. Pankaj saw the man stretch both hands between his legs and then heard the loud sizzle and splash as he urinated over the far edge.

"Hey motherfuckers! Wait for me!" he heard the man call.

There was an answering guffaw from the room. "C'mon, you sonofabitch! Hurry up! Can't think of anything else to do with your prick?"

The man grunted, chuckled. Pankaj saw him shake his cock and turn around, going back into the room, slamming the door shut.

Pankaj stole silently up the stairs. They ended in a small landing. There was a door to the room which opened out onto the landing, and a large window beside it. The room was the furthest away from the main house, with nothing else close.

The other servants' rooms had a separate, joint access.

Pankaj got to the landing and bent low, flat against the wall beside the door. It was firmly shut. The window was beyond. He ducked low and crept towards the window sill. The window was ajar.

He heard a voice. Two voices. And another, and a fourth. Oh god! He froze in shock. One voice he recognised. Vaishali.

Lovely Vaishali, about whom he had all those wonderful dreams, with whom he was so desperately in love, who looked like a film star, whom he wanted to marry and cherish and life happily ever after with
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Another voice now, no, two, no, three, all male, chuckling, calling, cheering and hooting loudly. Kneeling under the window, Pankaj cautiously raised his head over the sill, and looked inside.

He thought his heart had stopped beating. The sight that met his eyes took his breath away, then sent his pulse hammering in his head, and instantly, his cock was hard and erect, straining at his cheap cotton shorts.

At the same time, his jaw dropped open in shock, and he felt a sudden, sharp, painful knot hit his belly, as though he had been hammered in the solar plexus.

Vaishali was in the room all right. And she was with three men. He knew them all. They were the guard, the family chauffeur, and one of the servants. And, by the corner, grinning, watching, licking his finger and counting a wad of banknotes, his uncle, Raju.

Bahadur, the handsome guard who had deserted his post, was a short, sturdily built young man. He was fair-skinned and good-looking and obviously powerfully muscled. Pankaj could see that, even through the thick khaki uniform he still wore.

He was clean-shaven, with the slightly Slavic features of the hillsmen of the north. His eyes were slightly slanting, small and long, with the characteristic epicanthic fold to them.

He had high cheekbones and hollowed cheeks that gave his youthfulness an unexpected machismo. His ears were flat against his head, and his hair was long, swept back, jet black. He had a slightly stubby nose and a wide, lean mouth.

His body was obviously strong, with broad shoulders, a curved, hard chest, a firm belly, narrow hips and taut buttocks. His legs in the figure hugging trousers were strong and muscled. His butt was actually very small, very firm.

He wore a short-sleeved khaki shirt with epaulets and twin breast pockets, a broad black leather belt, tight trousers and heavy black shoes. Pankaj could see that his forearms were thick and hairless and corded with muscles, that his biceps bulged powerfully in huge swelling bunches of strength.

A whistle on a matching cord was looped through one epaulet under his arm. He was the man who had stepped out for a piss earlier. Now he stood at the rear of the room, a big grin splitting his face, showing very even, white teeth.

There was a mid-sized bed with a bare mattress on it, no sheets, no pillows. On the bed was Yaqub, the driver, leaning against the wall. He was a handsome devil, a dark, good-looking '., tall and well-built.

He had a square-jawed, angular face, with a hooked nose, thick brows, and deep-set, dark eyes. His cheeks, too, were hollowed, and his face was weather-beaten and tough. His lips were slim.

He sported a slight mustache. His face looked utterly macho, slightly cruel, very, very tough, not a man to cross lightly. His shoulders were wide and powerful, the chest was hard, deep, curved and cleaved, the arms were thick and bulging, the forearms veined and thick, the hands broad and strong.

His belly was hard and flat, his hips were small, and his legs were long and powerful. His torso was smoothly dark, hairless. His arms were stretched along the headboard, and he was clad in a lungi and a sleeveless vest.

There was a grin on his face. Pankaj knew he had been with the family for years and years. Pankaj liked him -- he had taken Pankaj for rides in the car once or twice.

The third man was Ramdev, one of the servants of the household. He was a dark man, like Yaqub much older than Vaishali, not as good-looking as the other two, but certainly well-built.

He wasn't very tall, and his features were slightly fleshy, the nose a tad too thick, the mouth a shade too fleshy, the eyes a bit too small. But he, too, was well built, with broad shoulders, a solid chest and hard belly, small buttocks and muscular legs.

He wore a pair of baggy short pants and a half-sleeved vest, and he was seated on a rickety wooden chair, the chair turned around under him, his arms folded along the backrest.

They were all looking at Vaishali, and Pankaj himself could barely keep his eyes off her. She was outrageously dressed, in some sort of houri ensemble. Her long hair was parted in the centre and braided, the braid ending in tassels that hung down her back.

There was a touch of *kajal* rimming her eyes, but no other makeup. She wore an upper garment, if it could be called that, which was really a sequined, shiny strapless brassiere.

It was knotted at the back, and it was very narrow and tight. It barely covered her bulging breasts, which were squeezed taut by the sheer tightness of it to make a devastatingly deep cleavage.

It was of some filmy material, and from the nipples there hung tassels.

Beneath, she wore a long, ankle length skirt of diaphanous muslin that was slashed up to either hip. She had worn it very, very low front and back, high on her hips so that it swooped down to her cunt from both hips.

Under it there seemed to be an even more transparent garment, and Pankaj could even see a flash of the dark thatch between her thighs. Most of her superbly curved body was exposed, her back almost entirely bare.

She had on a gold girdle, a small diamond nose-stud, gold and diamond earrings, diamond-studded gold bangles, gold, silver and diamond finger rings, silver toe rings on one toe of either foot, and sexy silver anklets that dipped low, and a long gold necklace.

She looked stunning.
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Yaqub said with a grin. "Hey guys, let's have a little song-and-dance the bump-and-grind type!"

He punched the play button of a rickety two-in-one tape recorder on the floor beside the bed. Music from a cabaret number from one of the latest Hindi films crackled out of the speakers.

The beat was prominent, unmistakably sexual in its insistent, driving quality. The vocals were explicit and lewd.

Vaishali grinned at the men.

Pankaj felt his bile rise. She, his goddess, his heart, his love, a slut! She was going to dance for them, like a common tramp, for her servants! He stared at her, horrified, sickened, betrayed, yet equally aroused.

Vaishali struck a pose for a second, drawing the attention of all the men to herself. She stood with her hands on her hips, her shoulders slightly hunched, her breasts squeezed even deeper together.

She tilted her face up, her lips parting slowly, lasciviously, and then her tongue slid out and ran sexily over her upper lip. Yaqub chuckled, Ramdev grinned, Bahadur gasped.

She began to move, slowly at first, yet in time to the music. Her hands slid up her body, the palms flat, fingers spread, over her belly then higher, higher, over her breasts, pausing, her breasts cupped.

She rolled her breasts in her hands, rolling her shoulders as, in the vernacular, the music warbled ... take me, take me please ... in a plaintive moan. She began to mouth the words of the song.

Again she rolled her palms over her breasts, moving them slightly out of synch, round and round, then slowly squeezing the fleshy mounds together. Her hands rose higher still, up her long neck and over her face, rising, rising, rising, till her arms were outstretched over her head, the hands twirling delicately, with infinite grace, the bangles tinkling.

She flung her head back between her arms, shuffled her legs apart and bent her knees slightly. Her hips began to gyrate, grinding round and round, pumping and thrusting in a flagrantly, obviously sexual motion and now she moaned, a low, husky, utterly sexy lovecall.

Her hip thrusting grew more frantic, more urgent and she began to arch back smoothly, bending steeply. Now her hip movements were joined by a jiggling of her breasts, thrusting and pumping them, bent over backwards in a steep arch, her body curved, exposed.

Abruptly she snapped out of it and began to dance, gyrating to the music, mouthing the utterly suggestive words, her eyes flashing and her mouth agape, sensual, devastatingly sexy.

She flicked her hair with the back of her hands, squeezed her breasts, jiggled them and pumped her hips, kicked her legs, twirling and dancing, pirouetting and gliding, her hands and legs and feet and hand moving with surety and grace, her jewellery tinkling.

Her face grew flushed with the exertions and her body began to shine with sweat. While Ramdev and Yaqub were now grinning from ear to ear, Bahadur was gasping, staring pop-eyed at her.

"Hey, Bahadur, what did we tell you?" Ramdev said, "Isn't she a real whore?"

At the words, Vaishali blew Bahadur a kiss, and once again slid her tongue over her upper lip in direct invitation to him. She shimmered away towards Ramdev. Ramdev turned around in the chair.

Swaying and gyrating, swinging and thrusting her hips she went over and flung herself into Ramdev's lap, flinging herself back. He held her with a strong dark arm behind her back, grinning at her.

She had her hands over her head still and now she flung them around his neck and slowly, with exaggerated lasciviousness, tongued his ear. Ramdev grunted. They kissed -- oh fuck, he was kissing her! -- and she let him thrust his tongue into her mouth, sucking on it, her butt squirming on his lap.

His hand slid up her smooth body and cupped a breast, squeezed it, fondled it and instantly she was up again, rising and resuming her dance. Now she moved across to Yaqub on the bed and, as he grinned from ear to ear in delight, leaned over him, hunching her shoulders and squeezing her breasts into even larger bunches, shaking them over his face.

He kissed the top of her breasts, her nipples under the tassels. His hand slid down her back and caressed her buttock.

Again she pulled away, teasing, taunting, pouting, sulking, eyes flashing, mouth agape, inviting. She swayed and pirouetted and kicked and jigged across the room, her actions getting faster now as the tempo quickened.

Suddenly, she had whirled into Bahadur's arms, grabbed his face in her hands and before he could respond, yanked his head to hers and kissed him hard and deep, her tongue pressing into his mouth.

She broke the kiss just as suddenly and then she was slithering to her knees before him, clawing open the buttons of his shirt, kissing his naked, hard, hairless torso and belly, saying, in the local dialect, I'll torment you in my love ... the words of the song.

Bahadur started to fumble with the clasp of his trousers, but she pranced away, laughing at him, taunting him. She was obviously very aroused for her eyes were full of fire, and even at that distance, Pankaj could see the lust on her face.
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She went through a quick routine, getting onto her knees and miming an act of sex with her riding a cock, bucking up and down, her legs spread, her head flung back, moaning loudly over the song.

Then she slid onto her back, her legs spread, the knees raised and began to writhe and thrash on the floor, her hips pumping and grinding as though being fucked, in the throes of an orgasm, one hand on her breast, squeezing it, the other splayed on her firm, flat belly, her fingertips under her skirt, her hand making a lump in the skirt that moved suggestively, erotically.

She rolled over onto her front and, on all fours, began to mime a rear-entry position, her head up, her breasts jiggling, the tassels from the nipples swinging to and fro with her necklaces, her body jerking back and forth as though before the thrusts of a man kneeling behind her and taking her thus.

As she stretched a hand down between her legs, fondling herself through her skirts, Ramdev leaned over and plucked open the knot of her bra-top. It fell open immediately and she squealed, feigning annoyance, rising to her knees and then to her feet with her arm and hand covering her breasts.

The music continued and now she moved again, swirling around and as Bahadur watched pop-eyed, she flicked away the bra, sending it spinning across the room and her hands slid over her breasts, cupped them, weighed them, offered them for a man to take his pleasure with, then her hands linked behind her head and she jiggled her breasts like a tart at the men, her nipples stiff and erect already.

Bahadur tried to grab them, groaning and gasping, but she laughed again and ducked and sped away across the room to Yaqub. He held his arms wide to welcome her and they kissed again, and he cupped her freed breasts now, flicking the erect nipples with his thumbs.

Vaishali's face arched up, a look of genuine pleasure crossing it, making her look even lovelier when her lips parted slowly, her eyes closed and she moaned softly.

Yaqub bent his head and she gasped as his tongue swirled around one nipple, then his lips followed closing on the visibly swollen and turgid breast, sucking hard, letting go, sucking again. She clenched his head and moaned.

He slid his hand up her skirt, lifting it up and exposing her ass. Bahadur groaned aloud at the sight of her creamy lobes.

She shook her bottom at Bahadur, now looking over her shoulder at him, her lips parting, her tongue sliding out again and running slowly over her upper lip.

She thrust a hand between her legs and now her buttocks split, and her moist, hair rimmed cunt-lips were visible from behind and she was arching a finger up into her twat,
twisting it slowly, languorously.

Yaqub grinned at the expression on Bahadur's face and cupped her dangling breasts and squeezed them, fondling them slowly, sucking on them some more. Bahadur's hand was deep in his trousers now, squeezing and jerking his tool.

He gaped at the sight of her finger in her cunt, slowly sliding in, pulling out, sliding in, coming out moist and shining.

She withdrew it and, turning around as she got off the bed, raised it in a sticky line up her body, between her heavy, succulent breasts, up to her lips and sucked on it, twisting and rolling it in her mouth, her lips pouting, cheeks hollowing, slowly pulling it out, her eyes on Bahadur, smiling and glinting with excited mischief.

She began to sway again, closing her eyes, moving to the music, her hips beginning to pump, her breasts jiggling, her hands on her hips, on her belly, on her thighs, on her breasts, holding them.

Then she swirled away again, whirling around the stunned Bahadur and spinning away before he could react to her sudden tongue in his ear, the pressing of her breasts to his chest.

Now she was flipping her skirts like a can-can artist, kicking her legs, flashing glimpses of her hair-rimmed slit and her creamy buttocks. She swung and swayed and sashayed over to Ramdev and, still swaying and undulating, slithered to her knees before him.

She bent over his lap, her head turned to Bahadur and slid her hands up his vest, rucking it up high under his arms, exposing his dark, solid, hairless torso. Then she turned her face to his body, and her lips were on his belly even as her fingers flicked open the buttons of his shorts and opened them wide.

She slid her hand in and Pankaj gasped when she withdrew his cock.

It was enormous, even though it was still limp, a good eight inches long and correspondingly thick. Making sure that Bahadur could see her, Vaishali began to masturbate her servant's cock, pumping her fist expertly.

Then her lips parted and her pointed tongue snaked out and swirled about the cock-head and then her lips followed, engulfing the cock-head slowly, then part of the shaft. Pankaj and Bahadur, at their respective positions, watched her agog as her lips slowly, deliberately slowly, slid around his cock-head.

She began to suck him gently, lifting her head to use her tongue on the cock-head. It began to harden and swell and Ramdev gasped, grunted, grinned looking down at her and stretching his hands to fondle her breasts.
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At last, she rose, almost with reluctance it seemed, lingering over the very tip of his cock-head. Again she burst into action, moving sensuously around Bahadur. This time he tried to grab her, but she was too quick and with a tinkling laugh she was away, going over to Yaqub on the bed.

As she went, she flicked off the outer skirt and flung it wide with a high gesture. The inner skirt was of the finest muslin and completely transparent, concealing nothing.

Yaqub lifted his face as she leaned over his face and his tongue shot out, swirling over her nipple, his hand gripping the other pendulant breast. She gasped, her face arching back with a snap.

He let her go and she swung one slender, beautiful leg smoothly over his, and straddled his legs. She leaned forward, sliding his vest up his body and then her lips were on his nipples, sucking them one by one, then slithering lower, down his body even as she opened the knot in his lungi and parted the folds of his cloth.

Pankaj gaped in awe, for his cock was even bigger than Ramdev's, thicker and longer. She moaned softly and he took the enormous sausage in his hand and began to stroke her face with it, masturbating at the same time.

Her mouth opened and quested for his cock, but he laughed at her, dodging her lips and tongue, teasing her, laughing at her, mocking her.

His cock swelled swiftly and then she took it between her breasts, squeezing them in a tight mound over his cock, letting him fuck her breasts. Her mouth was avid, open, hungering for his penis and at last he relented and she was almost sobbing with gratitude when she took him deep in her mouth and sucked him hard.

Her head bobbed furiously over his lap, his cock hard and glistening, his hands behind her head, his hips bucking at her face as he fucked it. He grunted in pleasure, his head tilted to one side, watching her with a grin on his face.

At last she rose, a thin ribbon of pre-cum gunk clinging to her lips and chin. She mopped it with her finger, licked it up and then she was away as the music reached a crescendo, whirling furiously across the room to Ramdev again, her naked body like a goddess', the jewellery tinkling and flashing in the light.

She sat on Ramdev's lap, her legs spread outside his, his cock sticking up between their legs and against her belly. She held it one hand and jerked it, the other curling behind her around Ramdev's head, her face turned to his.

They kissed and he curved an arm around her and fondled her cunt, the other squeezing her tit, pointed at Bahadur, tweaking her rigid nipple. Her buttocks ground on his lap.

She got up and turned around on his lap, her arms about his shoulders, kissing him hungrily and now the music died, and there was silence and only the gasps of the men and Vaishali.

Ramdev got up from the chair, holding her with her legs wound about his hips, her arms around his shoulders and carried her easily across the room to Yaqub.

He laid her down on her back on the bed, and instantly, her face tilted up, her neck craned, between Yaqub's spread thighs and she took his cock in her mouth. Yaqub gasped and closed his eyes, his head arching back.

Ramdev bent and began to suck on her breasts, one by one, teething the nipple, fondling her body, scbanging the nipple against his teeth, sucking on a succulent mound, then the other, then squeezing both tight together and sucking on both at once.

She writhed under him. His mouth slid lower and her legs split apart, the knees rising. Her hands were above her head on Yaqub's cock, jerking it.

Ramdev's mouth and head slid lower into her cunt, nuzzling the downy pubic thatch that Pankaj wanted so much. Ramdev seemed to know it intimately.

Outside the room, Pankaj was on his knees, masturbating, his heart pounding in his chest, his breath hot, his eyes red. He wanted her, he wanted to take her, he wanted her like this!

No more the pristine, angelic woman he would love and cherish. This, this was what he wanted. Vaishali. The whore.

Ramdev's head thrust between her legs and her legs rose to hook over his shoulders, her hips grinding up to his head.

Her hips shook and swayed and his head rolled and he had his fingers at her cunt-lips, spreading them wide, his thick tongue flickering rapidly at her clit, thrusting and swirling and spiralling in and out, in and out, in and out of her.

"C'mon whore ... suck my cock! Suck it!" Yaqub gasped. He caressed her fleshy breasts, squeezing and fondling them, pinching and tweaking the rigid tips.

She moaned deep in her cock-filled throat as Ramdev licked her slit. Even from that distance, Pankaj could see the moistness bedewing the dark folds of her cunt.

The three on the bed broke apart and took new positions. This time, Vaishali turned on all fours like the randy whoring bitch she was, and took Ramdev's cock deep in her mouth. Her butt was thrust up at Yaqub and he grinned, his cock up, its head against her belly and breasts, and parted the lobes of her buttocks.

She gasped, and lurched forward, Ramdev's cock sinking deeper into her throat, and behind her, Yaqub swirled his tongue around her anus, then bent lower and began to tongue-fuck her.

Her buttocks swayed and shook and writhed and swung from side to side in undulating her circles, her back rising and dipping, her body taut and quivering, her breasts swinging gently, the gold necklace brushing Yaqub's thighs, her tasseled plait hanging over her shoulder.

"Mm ... Suck it hard, whore! Suck my cock! Harder!" Ramdev grunted, fucking her face, his hands on her head, his hips grinding to and fro, to and fro.
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Again they broke apart and now, for the first time, Pankaj saw a woman being fucked. She got onto her back once more and took Yaqub's cock in her throat.

Her hips arched up, her legs spread and knees forked, and Ramdev knelt between her thighs, his cock-head at her cunt-lips.

She reached down for it, guiding it to her hole. Pankaj watched, rivetted, as Ramdev, grinning from ear to ear, slowly squeezed his bulging cock-head into her cunt.

It slid in and then he flexed his buttocks and pushed it deeper, slowly sliding all of it into her, holding her hips. As it went in, Vaishali arched hard, crying out loudly and lewdly and throatily.

Yaqub chuckled and squeezed her breasts, fucking her face. Her hands went up to his cock, then to her breasts, then to her cunt, spreading her cunt lips open as Ramdev drove his cock deep into her cunt.

They fucked her thus, and Pankaj moaned as he watched his beloved dreamgirl make it with her servants -- two of them -- together. Her body bridged theirs, and it was jerking and spasming as they took her relentlessly.

Yaqub's face was flung back and his hips were bucking and jerking, his cock glistening and gleaming as it rocked in and out, in and out of her distended face, her cheeks hollowing and billowing as she slurped loudly on it.

Between her trembling thighs, Ramdev was fucking her cunt hard, his head flung back, wincing and gasping and grunting, his buttocks flexing and unflexing, his hips swinging rapidly to and fro, to and fro, his enormous cock shining with their commingled juices as it emerged and disappeared into the hair-rimmed folds of her cunt.

It came out, rasped and spiralled in, came out, skewered her again, came out, went in, thick and hard and dark and glorious, veins standing out angrily down the shaft, his balls swinging against her cunt-lips, moving faster and faster.

Her body jerked and jigged, her breasts jiggling, her necklace scooped about one swollen, turgid breast which Ramdev and Yaqub fondled by turn, pinching and tweaking the rigid nipple.

Her hips shuddered, swung, rose, fell, gyrated, pumped, bucked and then she bent in a bow, orgasming, her body shuddering taut and quivering.

The men laughed, grinned, and Yaqub squeezed her breasts hard, gasping and yanked out of her and came, hard, shooting thick white gobs of jizz over her lips and cheeks and face and breasts and neck.

Seconds later, Ramdev jerked out of her and shook his cock in his hand and exploded, too, his jizz spuming through the air and settling on her creamy belly and thighs and breasts like sticky ticker tape.

The men moved away from her. Yaqub squeezed her breast, laughing at Bahadur. Ramdev lit a cigarette, smirking. Bahadur was now masturbating openly, his cock big and thick and hard.

Pankaj saw that it was a fat, long prod, dark and glistening with pre-cum gunk. Bahadur stood there, his tunic open, his trousers off, frigging, his mouth open, panting and grunting. Pankaj's own erection was massive, painful, his balls throbbing.

He was excited and repelled at once, but he would not afford himself an orgasm. Not yet. Wait.

"C'mon, pimp, fuck her," Yaqub said. "Good stuff. Hot. And her cunt's still hungry for more! Fuck her hard, stud, show her your stuff!"

Bahadur chuckled in delight, beating his meat.

Vaishali lay there like a gutter slut, still gasping, her lovely body covered with sweat and gunk.

She caressed herself, running her fingers through the sticky gobs of it, licking them, lifting her hand and fingers to her mouth, trailing thick white streams on it, and lasciviously licking it all.

It was an incredibly erotic sight. Pankaj narrowly resisted the temptation to crash into the room and fling himself upon her, bang her repeatedly, force himself into her, to hit her and suck on her breasts, to ramfuck her mouth.

The whore, the dirty little whore! Oh, he wanted her! How he wanted her!

Vaishali swung off the bed and, smiling only at Bahadur now, moved across the room to him. Standing before him, she weighed her gorgeous breasts in her hands, lifted them high, squeezed them together, rolled them under her palms.

Her lips parted and her tongue slithered across her upper lip. A hand on his chest. A finger trailing a sensuous line down his hard, lean, V-shaped torso to his groin, her hands curling about his cock.

At the same time, her face inclined towards his. Her lips parted, met his. Fluttered away, then came back. This time he responded, kissing her hungrily, and she thrust her tongue into his mouth, her body pressing against his, rubbing his cock against her belly.

His hands slid up her body and over her breasts, squeezing them hard, rolling and crushing the succulent mounds, making her squirm and wince and gasp.

"Gutter-whore ... fucking slut ... bitch ... cunt!" the youth muttered in a thick voice.

"Yes," she moaned. "I'm a whore ... your whore ... just yours ... for you to fuck ... fuck me, baby ... just fuck me and fuck me and fuck me!"

She bent her head and began to suck on his nipples, tonguing and teething them, her hand busy between his legs, masturbating him.

He grunted and gasped, and her tongue swirled and rolled in circles, her head tilting first this way and then that as she sucked on them by turn. He bent his head and watched her, his mouth agape, his hand on her head, twisting his body to give her better access to his nipple.

Pankaj wanted it to be him. The constantly resurfacing thought was sour and bitter, fueling his anger.
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Vaishali was down on her knees before Bahadur now and, with her eyes raised to his, watching his face, she held his cock in her hand and then her tongue shot out and coiled serpentine over his enormous cock-head.

Bahadur's breath hissed in his throat and his belly sucked in sharply, his hips lurching, his buttocks flexing. Her tongue hovered on his cock-head, then drew a line down the under side of his throbbing shaft, swirled over his balls.

She ducked her head under the pendulous balls and slowly drew them into her mouth, one by one, sucking gently. Bahadur gasped, his hands on her head, rocking back on his feet, his head arching back with a look of wonder on his face.

Her head dipped lower and Bahadur realized her intention, and his legs spread and he leaned forward a bit with his knees bending deeply.

Vaishali thrust her face steeply upward beneath him like a suckling calf and prised apart the globes of his taut buttocks.

"OHHHHHHH!" the man gasped as her tongue swirled out and at his anus. Her face pressed it deeply, her mouth wide, her tongue flickering and rolling and roiling and swirling and Bahadur's hips trembled with delight. He began to jerk his cock hard.

She realised and at once straightened before him and took the cock from him. This time, she took him deep in her mouth and Bahadur cried out, his head snapping back.

"AHHHHHHH ... uhhhh ... AHHHHHH!" he cried.

His hand went behind her head, entwining in her long, thick plait, curling about her neck and jerking it forward to his hips. His knees bent and he began to ram-fuck her mouth.

She expected it, and took it smoothly and without effort, sucking him hard and quick with her head rocking rapidly to and fro, back and forth, to and fro, back and forth, her cheeks billowing and hollowing, her face distended and distorted, his cock running deep into her mouth.

The fucking of her face was exciting her, for one hand was on her breasts, mauling them in excitement, the other between her legs.

"OHHHHHhh uhhhh OHHHhhh uhhh ... Suck it hard, bitch! Suck it hard!" he gasped.

Her horniness could be denied no longer. She flung herself onto her back on the floor, panting and gasping, her fingers and lips shining with his precum gunk and jerked him down with her.

"C'mon, Bahadur," she gasped, "now lick my slit!"

He was in a frenzy and she gasped and cried out as he sucked her breasts hard, biting her nipples, sucking hard, scbanging them against his teeth, squeezing them together and taking both in at once, making a deep cleavage.

Then he slid down and her legs forked and arched over his shoulders and she clawed her cunt-lips open for him. Bahadur thrust his face between her legs and Vaishali's body arched in a steep bow, her head flying back, her hands on his head, her fingers clenching his hair.

... uhhhhhh ... ahh uhhh yes uhhhhh uhhhhh ahh uhhh yes uhhhh!"

He tongue-fucked her hard and quickly, his head rolling from side to side, her hips bucking at his face, her shoulders hunched, her breasts bunched together.

She moaned and hissed, her head flipping from side to side in unfaked ecstasy, her hips grinding up at his face, writhing and rolling under him.

Feverish with lust now, the slut tugged him up and kissed him hard, biting his lip, his shoulder, jerking his tunic off his shoulders, clenching his back as he moved between her legs and fumbled for her cunt with his cock.

She spread her legs wide on either side of his lean hips, lifting her knees, her feet on the backs of his knees, and then reached down, guiding his cock to her opening. He found it and surged deep into her with a cry.

"AHHHHHHUHHHAHHAHHHHHHHHHHH!" he moaned, ramming deep into her.

"UNHHHHHHH ... OHHHHHHH!" she cried, clawing at him and arching in a fierce bow beneath him. Her legs climbed up his back, her hands fell wide ... and her fingers closed on the whistle and cord that had hung from his epaulet.

Bahadur was ram-fucking her desperately, his hips rising and falling, plunging and pistoning, hammering back and forth with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

His mighty cock thundered in and out, in and out, reaming and ramming and slamming and jamming and squeezing into her, rivening her cunt-lips wide open, rising and bucking and bouncing up and down, up and down, up and down, faster and faster, harder and deeper, buttocks flexing and unflexing.

She was responding in kind, heaving and bucking in a frenzy under him, her head arched back, crying out constantly, tendons popping in her neck, her face flushed, her body jiggling her breasts jiggling, the gold necklace tossing on her flesh.

Her frenzied fingers clawed at him, and then slid down to his buttocks, clenching them, tugging them open and then, as Pankaj watched thunderstruck, she shoved the thick cord of the whistle into Bahadur's anus, at the same time heaving her hips up to his and jerking his butt down to force his cock deep into her cunt.

Bahadur reacted as though an electric prod had been stuck up his arse. He bellowed and gasped, his head arching back, his hips lunging down in a mighty, rushing thrust that drove the breath from her.

He quivered inside her, tense and taut, and she moaned, and began to move the cord, drawing it out, then shoving it back in, drawing it out again.

He went wild, and began to slam his hips up and down, his muscles popping and cording, his body streaming with sweat, and she began to orgasm under him, gasping and mewing and crying out and lurching up to him.

He crashed into her and she sensed his orgasm and suddenly jerked the cord out of his anus. Bahadur cried out and his body shook with tension and then he jerked out of her and his cock spat its load, shooting thick gobs of jizz all over her belly and breasts and thighs.

It was relentless and, for Pankaj, devastating. She seemed to be insatiable, a nymphomaniac of the kind that he had only fantasized about, never imagining he would actually know one.

She could not seem to get enough of it, no matter what they did to her.

After Bahadur had done with her, Vaishali moved back to the bed, and now she seemed to be moving in some erotic trance.
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There, Yaqub and Ramdev took her together again, this time with Ramdev fucking her from behind while she knelt on all fours like a bitch in heat, and Yaqub fucked her face.

They took their time over it, calling her whore and slut and cunt and bitch, taunting her, treating her like they might a two-bit slut in a cheap brothel, and she seemed to love it, moaning and gasping and panting, rocking on her hands and knees between them, reaching back for Ramdev's cock, her avid mouth sucking Yaqub non-stop.

Her breasts looked swollen and heavy and the nipples were rock-hard. Then Bahadur came across, recovered, his cock hardening again, and now she had all three men together.

She turned and took Bahadur's cock in her mouth while Yaqub took her from behind and Ramdev got onto his back under her and began to suck and fondle her pendulous breasts.

Her hand was on his cock, pumping it rapidly, and all three of the men thus took her, their cocks big and hot and angry and wanting only her.

Yaqub suddenly called to Ramdev. "Wanna fuck her ass, cock?"

Ramdev grinned and nodded. Pankaj moaned in despair. Numbly, he stared into the room, uncaring, unseeing, his mind blank as though it had been pulverized.

Inside, Vaishali was in the throes of ecstasy. She lay on her side with Yaqub behind her. He reached around and gripped her breasts, crushing them, kissing her turned face, his cock pressing into the cleft between her smooth buttocks.

"I want your ass, whore," he said in the vernacular.

Her leg rose high and back over his and he parted the lobes of her buttocks and pressed his bulging cock-head to her anus.

She tensed, and he paused, reached around to finger her cunt. Her sphincter yielded and she gasped in joy.

Instantly, he pressed forward and gasped in shock at the heat of her ass. Her face jerked up, screwing up hard in agonised lust, her mouth tearing open. Her cry was loud and shrill and high.

He lifted her buttock and thigh in his hand, gritted his teeth, flexed his taut buttocks and surged powerfully into her with a shuddering cry. She screamed louder, a thin cry that rang in Pankaj's ears.

Yaqub held still inside her, his cock buried deep, his hands squeezing her swollen breasts. Her voice dwindled to a sobbing moan of unmistakable lust.

And then Ramdev. God, no. Not together! Pankaj felt dizzy just watching them. Ramdev lay down in front of her and then his cock-head was at her cunt-lips, forcing them open and slowly squeezing into her cunt-channel.

Vaishali cried out in shock and agony, her twin orifices plugged by the huge cocks and separated by the merest membrane of flesh.

Her cries metamorphosed into loud, shuddering moans as her two servants took her expertly, fucking and buggering her together, their bodies rocking against hers in unison, forcing their cocks into her cunt and anus as one.

Vaishali rocked and moaned between them as the bloated penises sawed rhythmically in and out of her cunt and ass. Then, gentle now, they repositioned themselves, with Yaqub on his back, Vaishali over him, her asshole impaled on his penis and Ramdev kneeling between her thighs, raiding her cunt.

Her mouth opened and instantly Bahadur was there, and she spluttered and gasped, and then began to suck hard as he fucked her face and then there were all three of them, fucking the one teenage girl like a two-bit slut, in unison, her every orifice plugged.

They took her again, one by one, Bahadur fucking her slowly from behind, after she had sucked him, holding her hips and banging his hips against her buttocks, making her moan and rock to and fro, her breasts swinging.

Then Ramdev took her on her back, twisting and spiralling into her, going on and on and on, and then it was Yaqub, impaling her cunt on his dick and bouncing her, her cries pathetic little whimpers of lust as he fondled her swollen, angry breasts, the marks of their fingers on them in angry weals, holding her buttocks and fingering her anus, making her gasp, then yanking her down and sucking on her breasts, hard, making her scream and moan and gasp.

Pankaj's cock burst and he came, splattering his spoot all over the wall and the window sill. Moaning, he collapsed on the steps in a daze. He could not believe what he had seen.

He must have been dreaming. Dazed, he looked in again. Vaishali lay whimpering, spent, on her side, curled up and yet there was a look of such slavish desire on her lips that Pankaj knew that she had wanted every bit of it, that she had enjoyed it all. Pankaj moaned softly and felt the hot tears sting his scalded eyes.

The tangled webs of life kept Vaishali oblivious of Jayant's relationship with Anuja; and the thought of having to uncover the truth and simultaneously abandon her cherished love life filled her with the same dread as him.

When, finally, the truth inevitably was out, Vaishali revelled in her regained sexual freedom...

Mukesh, the new servant, was at the end of his tether. Vaishali was driving him mad with lust. All morning, she had teased him constantly. She did it in a hundred different ways, each apparently innocent; brushing her hand against his thigh, her buttocks across his crotch, pressing a breast to his arm, getting unwontedly close to his body.

Once it might have been a mistake, twice, carelessness; but then she kept doing it, too often for it to be mere coincidence. When he saw her face and the smouldering fire in her eyes, the animal flaring of her nostrils, her intention was plain.

She wanted him to fuck her. He kept hoping as the day dragged on -- it never happened. She continued to torment him. It was driving him crazy. Alone in the kitchen with her now, he looked at her and fought to quell his raging excitement.

Vaishali exuded a soft sexuality and she knew it. Her skin was clear as satin, utterly unflawed, smooth and fair and creamy.

She was slender and lovely, with finely chiselled features, lovely dark, doe-like eyes rimmed with *kajal* , a slim, straight nose and full lips over perfect, even teeth. She wore a long black and gold *mangalsutra* and a gold necklace around her long necklace.

Her sloping breasts were full and high and ripe like succulent fruit. Her belly was flat, her waist narrow and she had bell-shaped hips, elegant legs and arms with slender ankles and wrists.

Her hair was bound in a long, low braid that hung to the curves of her gently rounded buttocks. She wore a small *bindi* in the centre of her forehead with a touch of red in her parting, delicate diamond earrings, a gold bracelet and diamond rings on her second and third fingers.

Her hands and feet were slender and graceful. She wore silver rings on her toes and sexy silver anklets with tiny bells that looped over her slender ankles erotically.

He couldn't take his eyes of her breasts. She wore a simple *sari* in synthetic fibre with a tight, close-cut blouse. The blouse had a plunging scoop neck that rode low on her shoulders.

It showed most of her upper torso and, through the translucent fabric of the pale *sari* , gave him an unimpeded view of the invitingly deep shadow of her cleavage and the swelling of her luscious breasts squeezed together by the tight blouse.
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The gold necklace and long glistened against her creamy skin. The blouse was cut short and high, the lower hem running hard under her breasts which jutted provocatively over her flat belly.

She wore her *sari* very low on her hips, well below her navel, and he could see a long expanse of the smooth, unblemished flesh of her midriff. Mukesh didn't know it but she was naked under the blouse and the *sari* , without even a petticoat -- she had perfected the technique of wearing *sari* s like this, so that with the slightest tug, they unravelled at once.

Mukesh was dark and lean and good-looking with a square-jawed, strong-nosed face, a slim mouth, deep-set, dark eyes, and a hard, muscular body.

He was dressed only in baggy shorts and a close-fitting cotton vest that showed off the contours of his muscular body and the cleft in his chest.

His torso was hairless, which she found sexy. She had never liked hairy men, though she had fucked her share of them. He was doing the dishes while she prepared dinner.

She glanced at the kitchen clock. She would have to hurry. If she was going to fuck Mukesh, she'd have to do it now.

Jayant would be home in another hour. She smiled to herself; time enough for a good fuck with this new servant.

He was her first conquest after she married Jayant. With the air clear between them, there was no reason to force on herself a continence she did not want.

Vaishali knew he was watching her as she kneaded the dough for the chappatis, the wafer-thin discs of unleavened bread. It was hard work, and her shoulders hunched and her breasts squeezed together as she deftly knuckled the soft mass of dough.

She saw him glance at her and saw his eyes glitter as he watched her breasts move under her *pallu* . She flicked her eyes down and saw the promising bulge between his thighs.

She smiled to herself. Not long now. She rose slightly on her feet, pressing down hard on the dough, her arms stretched, her shoulders hunched and, as she had planned, the *pallu* of her *sari* slid off her shoulder.

It fell down to the shallow steel plate in which she had the ball of dough and exposed her breasts and cleavage. She made no move to raise it. She heard his sharp intake of breath and hid a smile.

There was a steel tumbler of water for the dough by the plate. She reached for it and, accidentally-on-purpose, knocked it off the counter. It clanged to the floor and she clucked in mock irritation.

Abandoning the dough, she turned and bent steeply from the waist to retrieve it, the *sari* still off her shoulder. She was facing him when she bent over and Mukesh saw her full breasts bunch and swing. Her *mangalsutra* was squeezed between the luscious mounds. He was only inches from her body.

Mukesh's loins blazed with the pent-up lust-heat of the day. The sight of her breasts in such close proximity was too much to bear. He wanted to take them in his hands, to drive his cock into her mouth, into her cunt, into her ... anus ... God, he could even smell her, she was so close, a clean and sexy-sweet intensely erotic aroma of her body and soap and soft perfume.

He lost control. With a strangled cry, he bent forward and thrust his wet hands deep down the neck of her blouse, groping and crushing her breasts.

He expected her to shout, scream, squeal, struggle free, anything. Mad with lust, he would have bangd her there and then. Her reaction stunned him.

She stopped, one hand on the tumbler, still bent over and looked up at him. His mind jerked in surprise as he realised that her nipples were hard and her breasts were swelling to turgidity in his hands.

She tilted her lovely face up and a gentle smile lit her eyes and her teeth flashed. He froze incredulously. She let the tumbler go and her lips parted and he saw her eyes shining with excitement. Her tongue peeked between her lips.

She did more. Hunching her shoulders, she squeezed her breasts into his hands. In an utterly wanton, lascivious motion, she rocked gently back and forth, rubbing her nipples against his palms.

He gasped and, quickly, squeezed them. Her face spasmed with unfaked pleasure. A slow grin creased his face. He rolled her rigid nipples under his callused palms. She gasped softly.

Vaishali slid to her knees slowly with his hands still inside her blouse. Instantly, he understood what was going to happen. He straightened. She bent her face towards his crotch and slid her hands up his strong thighs.

He looked down, still reeling in disbelief. Her face moved closer to his groin and she nuzzled his crotch gently.

Her lips parted delicately, and he gasped in shock as he felt her warm breath and fiery tongue probing at his cock-head through the thick cloth of his shorts.

"I've caused you trouble, haven't I, Mukesh?" she murmured softly, her voice low.

He stared at her, half-grin, still dumbfounded. Her eyes sparkled in delight.

"Don't worry," she murmured. "I know the solution."
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She flicked open the buttons of his shorts and fly and peeled them open. His erect cock bounced out at her face, throbbing, dark-veined, already dripping with pre-cum gunk.

It was at least nine inches long and more than two inches thick. Angry veins ridged the thick shaft. His balls were heavy and low. She took her servant's penis in her fingers and began to masturbate him.

It throbbed and pulsed alive. Mukesh groaned softly and thrust his hips at her face.

"Suck it! Suck it, whore! Quickly!" he grunted.

Pumping his shaft in her slender fingers, she rolled back the foreskin and, opening her mouth, swirled her tongue about his thick cock-head. Mukesh gasped at the electric touch of her tongue on his erection.

Her tongue swept over it with a flickering serpentine action, and then she slid her lips and teeth up and down his shaft, raking it gently. Pursing her lips on her servant's cock-head, she slowly drew his penis between her lips and began to suck on the tip of his cock.

He moaned thickly. Gently, she drew his penis deeper into her mouth, her lips parting further, her cheeks hollowing, then filling with his size as it distended her face, still jerking him in her fist.

He hissed in pleasure and lifted his vest up under his arms, caressing his torso sensuously. His hairless chest was deep and muscular. Slowly, she flipped open the buttons of her blouse, immensely aroused.

"Mukesh," she mumbled, "fuck my mouth ... please."

Mukesh groaned loudly, his pulse racing, the blood pounding in his head. Bending his head, he watched, incredulous, as she sucked his cock with a visible hunger, fondling her breasts wantonly, just like the sluts he'd fucked. Only she was prettier than the best of them.

"Yes!" he gasped. "Suck it, whore! Suck it hard!"

Vaishali moaned deep in her cock-filled throat. This was like the good old days, when rough-mannered man used her body, bending her to their desire. She loved the taste and smell of his cock in her mouth as he fucked her face, pumping his hips rhythmically, fucking her face with long, easy strokes, moving his glistening cock in and out of her mouth.

Savouring the sensations of her mouth, Mukesh caressed her face and breasts, crushing them in his hands.

"Yeh ... oh fuck yes ... c'mon whore ... suck it! Ohhh uhhh yes ... c'mon! Harder!"

Growing more aroused with each passing second that she sucked his cock, goaded by his lewd love-calls, she tugged at her *sari* and let it fall loose. It rustled off her body and he stared in wonder and delight at her nakedness as she thrust her hand into her crotch and began to masturbate.

Without letting his penis out of her mouth, she opened her blouse fully and drew it off her shoulders. Her nipples were rock-hard under his palms.

Moaning and whimpering erotically, Vaishali caressed her face and breasts with his cock, lifting her head and rising on her knees, wantonly kissing and licking his hard, flat belly, sweeping her tongue through his recessed navel.

Squeezing her swollen breasts over his penis she let him fuck them, bending her head to suck and lick at the cock-head. She caressed his balls and lifted her long *mangalsutra* and scbangd the hard beads up and down his shaft.

He groaned and pushed her head back down, thrusting his hips forward, forcing his cock back deep into her mouth.

"C'mon whore! Suck harder!" he cried, rocking her face rapidly back and forth with one hand, his hips pumping, his buttocks flexing and unflexing.

His cock throbbed in her mouth and under her tongue. She sucked and licked it lasciviously.

Pre-cum gunk spurted from the long slit in its tip and she moaned, jerking his cock rapidly, opening her mouth under it, letting him see his pre-cum jizz spurt into her mouth and spatter her face and naked breasts.

"C'mon!" she moaned. "Cum in my mouth, Mukesh!"

But the young servant had sufficient experience to resist the undeniable temptation. Gasping, he pushed her head away.

Vaishali moaned softly and went down on her back on the kitchen floor and spread her legs, bending her knees and thrusting her cunt up to him in invitation.

"Come on, lover ... fuck me," she murmured obscenely. "Shove your cock into my cunt!"

In Hindi, her words were even more erotic and obscene. In his excitement, he didn't pause to wonder where she'd learned to do such things, to talk like this.
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Chuckling in pleasure, panting heavily, he knelt between her splayed thighs. His vest was rucked up in a taut band about his chest as he bent over her naked body on outstretched arms.

His cock-head seared at her cunt-lips. Her hand went down between their bodies to his cock, guiding him to her cunt-hole.

"Yes!" she hissed feverishly. "C'mon! Do it! I want it! Fuck me! Fuck me Mukesh! I want your cock!"

Mukesh groaned and slowly flexed his buttocks and sank his hips, squeezing his penis into her cunt.

His bulging cock-head popped into her cunt and she gasped and cried out, arching steeply, biting her lower lip, her head jerking savagely to one side, her face contorting in a wild rictus of lust.

He cried out as her hot, tight cunt convulsed frenetically on his cock, drawing him in deeper. He pushed his cock further into that wonderful, hot, wet, soft crevice. In and in he went and she arched beneath him, her long neck craned, her lovely face flung back, her hands clenching his buttocks, pulling him in deeper still.

Her hips and cunt rose eagerly to meet his loins in descent. He went in to the hilt, and her cunt swallowed his cock greedily, a tight, hot vortex of joy.

"Ohmauhhh ahhhh uhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" she called, almost in relief, her crotch pinned to his.

Mukesh groaned and, arching his head, swung his hips slowly, grinding his cock in her cunt-flesh. She whimpered, her head turned to one side, her eyes closed, her lips parted.

Her cunt jerked and writhed under him. She spread her legs wider apart.

"Fuck me," she gasped. "Fuck me hard, Mukesh ... fuck me hard!"

Her obscenities spurred him. He began to fuck her slowly. He stroked smoothly in and out of her cunt. His buttock flexed and unflexed, his hips swinging rhythmically, his cock pistoning steadily in and out of her hair-rimmed cunt.

He rolled his hips with each thrust, making her groan and lurch under him. Her feet rose up the backs of his thighs and her cunt jerked and pumped eagerly at his cock. He groaned, his head flung back, and began to move faster.

Her breasts jiggled and bounced under his thrusts, her long *mangalsutra* and gold necklace slithering and tossing on her creamy, fair skin. She slid her hands up her body, lifting and squeezing her breasts erotically.

Her hips bucked in unison with his thrusts. Her erotic moans rang in his ears, spurring him on.

"Yes! Ohma uhhh yes! Oh god yes uhhh yes uhhh ahh uhhh yes uhhh ahh uhhh yes uhhh ohma uhh Mukesh ahh uhhh yes uhhh OHHHH uhhh ahh uhhh yes ... fuck me! Fuck me hard! Yeh! Oh yes, that's it! That's it, baby! Fuck my cunt, c'mon, Mukesh! Do it!"

He rose on outstretched arms and began to move even faster, ramming his cock savagely into her as the heat roiled and grew in his loins. She squeezed her breasts fiercely, whimpering and gasping.

"OHHHHH ... Mukesh ... uhhhhh Mukesh uhhhh OHHHHH uhhh OHHHH uhh OHHH uhhhh OHHH uhhhh ahh uhhh yes uhhhhOHHHH," she moaned loudly.

"Yeh! Take it, whore, take it!" he shouted in ecstasy.

She caressed his chest and arms and face, craning her head to suck on his nipples, then drawing his head to hers and kissing him, thrusting her tongue hungrily into his mouth, sucking on his own as it flickered in response.

She was fantastic. Her cunt was hot and wet and tight and he couldn't get enough of it. Her gorged clitoris rasped against his swollen penis as he plunged it deeper and deeper into her cunt.

Their bodies moved together in an erotic dance, their cries growing sharper and more obscene. Vaishali was ecstatic. Her new lover was a wonderful find. His penis was big and thick, and he was surprisingly competent, with impressive staying power.

She moaned joyously as his thick cock ran into her cunt again and again.

"Ahh uhhh yes uh ahh uhhh yes uh ahh uhhh yes uhh ahh uhhh yes Mukesh ahh uhhh yes ... ohh uhhh ohhhh uhhh ohhh uhhhh ahh uhhh yes ... fuck me ... just keep fucking me! Fuck me hard, Mukesh! Ahh uhhh yes uhh AHHHHHHH uhh oh yeh that's it, oh god yes, don't stop, Mukesh, don't stop fucking me ohhh uhhh yeh oh ma uhh yes!"

Faster and faster he went, goaded by her cries, his hips rocking rapidly up and down, his buttocks flexing and unflexing powerfully, his enormous penis surging in and out of her cunt, making waves of pleasure wash over her.

"C'mon whore ... take it! Take my cock ... ohh uhhh ahh uhhh yes uh oh uh ah uh ah uh ah uh ah uh ahhhh!"

Suddenly, despite her desperate pleas, Mukesh slid out of her cunt. Gasping at the abrupt release in pressure, she moaned, understanding what he wanted and quickly turned on her side and drew up one leg to let him fuck her from behind.

He lay behind her on his side and squeezed his cock between the smooth lobes of her buttocks deep into her cunt. She gasped as the huge penis seared into her slit.

Holding her thigh up in one strong hand, he began to fuck her rapidly, jerking and slamming his cock savagely in and out of her cunt.

She moaned loudly at his sharp, jabbing thrusts. He reached around to squeeze and fondle her jiggling breasts. His hips jerked at hers, and she could feel his balls thump against her buttocks.

She bent her hand to cup his balls, and turned her face to let him kiss her again. His tongue plunged into her mouth and she sucked on it hungrily. His hips slapped at her buttocks and he moved her body, holding her hip, jigging her up and down on his cock.

"C'mon whore ... take it ... take my cock, bitch!" he panted.

In and out he went, gasping and panting, his inflamed penis squeezing into her taut channel with a rasping squelch, jerking out, slamming in again. Her buttocks lobed outward, exposing her puckered anus.

He pressed his fingertip to her asshole and she moaned, thrusting back at him. Chuckling between gasps, he slid his finger into her ass. She writhed, moaning, burying her face in the crook of her arm, her body flushed and hot, beaded with sweat.

Vaishali's long, tasseled braid rubbed between their bodies. That gave him an idea and he took the end of it and rolled one of the tassel's beads into her anus. Vaishali cried out as the sharp bead bit into her asshole.

Her sphincter and cunt spasmed and he grunted and lurched deeper into her. She cried out, her buttocks jerking back towards him and he pressed his fingertip into her ass, forcing the bead through her tight sphincter.

Vaishali's mouth jerked open and she cried out, her face contorting with joy. Mukesh chuckled lewdly, thrusting harder and deeper into her cunt.

"C'mon ... c'mon whore! Take it! Take my prick, you fuckin' whore!" he gasped.

For several minutes, he fucked her steadily and hard, slamming his cock into her cunt. Vaishali whimpered thickly, her head spinning, her body lurching and jerking under his thrusts.

His cock was enormous and her mind leaped in exultation at the realisation that he was proving to be a far better lover than she had dared hope.

Gradually, Mukesh slowed his movements and slowly slid his cock out of her. She moaned, delirious, frustrated, grappling for his cock, trying to feed it back into her cunt.
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He probably wanted to fuck her ass. She was about to pull the tasseled bead out of her ass when he stopped her and pulled her to her feet.

He turned her about, and bent her forward over the counter, rummaging between her legs with his hand for her cunt.

It was sopping wet and sticky. Chortling in obscene glee, Mukesh manoeuvered his penis between her splayed buttocks and slowly spiralled his cock into her, squeezing the hot thickness of it into her taut channel yet again.

She clung to the counter and moaned, her face rising, her luscious buttocks writhing against his thighs. Her sphincter convulsed on the bead in her ass. She jerked forward as he thrust into her.

Her breasts jiggled and she squeezed her breasts erotically. Her head tossed and she panted and moaned obscenely as he began to fuck her with long, deep, punishing strokes, moving in and out of her cunt.

His hands on his buttocks, he swung his hips smoothly, pistoning his cock in and out of her cunt. He rolled his hips to churn her innards with his huge pestle.

He leaned over and kissed her, his tongue arching into her mouth hungrily, his hands on her swollen breasts, pinching and tweaking her rigid nipples. She slid her hand between her legs to fondle his heavy, hairy balls.

"OHHH uhh oHH uhhhhh Mukesh-Mukesh-Mukeshuhhhh ahh uhhh yes uhhhh ahh uhhh yes uhhhh OHHHHH uhhhh OHHHHHHHH uhhhhh OHHHHHHH uhhhhh ahh uhhh yes uhhh OHHHH uhhh OHHHHHHH!" she moaned loudly, in a voice husky with lust. "Fuck me! OHhhh yes! Fuck me, Mukesh! Ohhhh Muk-EHHHHHH-sh-UHHHHHr Yes!"

"C'mon," he gasped. "C'mon, whore, c'mon-c'mon-c'mon ... take it! Take my cock, whore, take it! ... OHFUCK OHHH YEH!"

"Oh ma oh ma oh ma Ohhh unhh oh oh oh oh!" Vaishali panted.

Hot firelust rippled through her. He moved faster and faster, driving his penis a good six or seven inches in and out of her cunt, ramming and reaming into her.

On and on he went, till he heard her moan and cry out. Her cunt bit down hard on his cock and she began to orgasm. He kept stroking powerfully and she gasped in joy and delight as he forced one orgasm after the other.

She felt him skewer her hard and he tugged at her braid and the bead snapped out of her ass, making her orgasm at once.

Her cunt convulsed frenetically on his cock and he groaned and ground into her savagely, his hips thudding at her buttocks.

She whimpered and gasped in joy. He jerked out of her and masturbated rapidly. Instantly, she turned around and fell to her knees and took his penis in her hand and drew it between her lips.

He gasped, his belly snapping inward and with a loud cry, began to orgasm. His hot jizz spumed into her mouth, and she opened her lips wide so that he could see his gunk jet down her throat.

She shook his cock wantonly, spraying her face and breasts with his cumshot. He stepped back, panting and gasping, his body shining with sweat. She sagged on her knees, her chest heaving, her head bowed.

He looked at her and chuckled. "So, bitch, liked the fuck?"

"Very much," she said softly.

He smiled at her, seeing the bright warmth in her eyes and looked at the wall clock. They had half an hour yet.

Her eyes caught his and her smile widened. He chuckled and pulled his vest off his head as she got to her feet and led him to her bedroom.

Mukesh followed her into her bedroom. The minute they were inside, she fell to her knees in front of him. Her fingers coiled about his cock and her face creased in pleasure as it thickened again.

She took his penis in both fists and began to masturbate him gently. Her lips parted and her long tongue snaked out, swirling round his cock-head. Mukesh gasped and flung his head back.

The heat surged powerfully in his loins. His mouth fell open and he moaned softly. Her tongue was wonderful, soft and wet and warm, licking and flickering against his cock-head.

Her breasts were swollen, the nipples rigid. He bent down and squeezed her breasts hard, thumbing her erect nipples. She moaned.

Vaishali slid her lips around his cock-head and part of his shaft. He gasped, his belly sucking in sharply. She engulfed him in her moist, warm mouth and started to suck his cock hungrily.

He moaned, his head spinning, his loins raging. She sucked him rapidly, her head bobbing back and forth, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked, her face distended with the size of his penis.

It was wonderful, thick and hard now, throbbing and pulsating in her mouth, glistening as it slid in and out between her lips.

Hot with lust, he started to fuck her mouth, jerking his hips to and fro, holding her head and moving it to suit his pleasure.

Her tongue continued to roil around his cock-head. She sucked harder and harder. He thought she would drain him dry and wondered where and how and with whom she had learned to fuck like this.

His cock glistened with pre-cum gunk, and there were sticky streaks of it on her lips and cheeks.

"UNNNhh ahh uhhh yes ... yes ... suck ... suck my cock ... suck harder, slut! UHHHH uhhhh AHHHHHH!" he gasped.

He thought she was going to drink his spoot and was tempted to come in her mouth. Sensing the imminence of his orgasm, she stopped suddenly and rose to her feet. Visibly aroused, her lips parted, her breathing shallow, her breasts swollen and hard, she pressed to him and tilted her face to his, kissing him deeply caressing his superb torso, marvelling at his physique.

Her breasts were hot on his skin. Her groin rubbed against his. Her tongue slithered in his mouth as she kissed him deeply.

"C'mon, Mukesh ... now fuck me," she said in a low, hoarse voice.

They fell to the bed together.

Vaishali gasped and arched steeply, her body tense with excitement. Her legs were spread wide and her knees were forked.

The servant bent his muscular body over hers. His penis, big and long and thick, throbbed in her fist, slippery with his pre-cum gunk and her recent lascivious sucking of it. She stroked his cock, her fingers sticky with his seed. Its taste was still sharp in her mouth.

Her breasts were swollen and hard, the nipples stiff. He moaned, his handsome face suffused with lust. His balls throbbed for release. His cock-head seared at her cunt-lips.

With a loud gasp, he flexed his buttocks and, swinging his hips forward, thrust into her, his swollen cock surging into her hot, wet cunt. Vaishali cried out, her head jerking to one side, her back bowing.

He moaned at the heat of her cunt. It spasmed on his penis. Groaning with pleasure, he ground deeper into her cunt.

"UNHHHH OHHHhh!" she gasped. "UNHHHHH ... yes! Ohhhh yes! ... UHH!"

Her cunt swallowed his prick greedily. Her hips pressed hard at his, churning and grinding round and round. His loins blazed with lust-heat.

"C'mon Mukesh ... fuck me! Fuck me hard, baby!" she gasped.

He groaned and sank his cock deeper into her taut channel. Her hands dug into the muscles of his arms. Her body arched beneath his, her legs rising high to clamp about his hips.

He began to fuck her with slow, measured thrusts, pulling out, then thrusting deep with a heavy roll of his hips, mashing her cunt-flesh. Her cunt spasmed and contracted on his cock, making him moan.

His buttocks rose, unflexing, then flexed taut as he drove into her again. Her cunt was wonderful: hot, wet, her juices flowing freely, it gripped him like a spongy glove, sucking on his inflamed penis, pulling him in deeper and deeper. Her hips heaved against his.

Vaishali was delirious. He was better than she had imagined. He was a strong, powerful, experienced lover, better by far than she had dared hope. His enormous cock throbbed in her belly like an electric cattle-prod. Its thick veins rasped against her inflamed clitoris.

He stroked like a god, now moving unhurriedly, steadily, gliding in and out, in and out. She gasped and moaned and arched under him. Her head flipped from side to side.

"OHHhhh Mukesh UNHHhh ahh uhhh yes UHHHhh ahh uhhh yes!" she called.

She dug her fingers into his thick biceps. His arms were outstretched on either side of her chest. His head was bent, watching her, his hips moving rhythmically up and down, up and down.

Slowly, he increased the tempo, moving faster and faster, with long, punishing lunges that sent her body bowing taut beneath his. His cock rasped in and out, emerging and disappearing, glistening, huge and gorged, filling her belly and cunt, piercing her deeply.

"OHHHHhhhhhh Mukesh-Mukesh-Mukesh ahh uhhh yes uhhhhh ahnhhhhhhh uhhhh ahh uhhh yes uhhhhh ohhh uhh OH uhh Ohmauhh ahhh uhhhh ahhhh uhhh ahh uhhh ahhh!" Vaishali moaned. "Fuck me! Ohhhh uhhhh yes uhhh yes uhh ahh uhhh yes uhhh ahh uhhh yes uhh ohma uhh ahh uhhh yes uhhh fuck me! Yes! That's it ... oh fuck yes ... that's it! Fuck me!"

"C'mon whore ... take it ... take it yeh ... take it all, bitch ... take my cock ... oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck uhhh yes ... uhhhhh ahhhhh uhhh ahhhhh uhhh ahhhh uhh AHHH uh AH AH AH AHHHH!" he responded.

He began to move faster still, with shorter, sharper, deeper thrusts, spearing her savagely. Her lovely body jerked and furiously under his, thrashing frenetically.

His butt rose and fell, bouncing feverishly over her lurching loins. He flung his head back, and closed his eyes, moaning in deep heat, his mouth hanging open, his face contorted. His cock surged in and out, thrusting and ramming.

They were sheathed in sweat now, their bodies glistening and squelching wetly together.
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Her breasts jigged heavily with his thrusts, her *golden chain* slithering on her breasts, looping over one, a strand thick in her cleavage. She jerking and snapped back and forth, her spine arching in a taut bow with each plunge of his penis.

The bed rocked heavily on its springs. Her hips heaved and lurched at his, moving in a hungry, fervid, pumping motion, slamming up against his thrusts. On and on he went, with deep, skewering thrusts.

She lifted her head and he gasped when her hot tongue swirled around one of his nipples, her lips following, clamping on it, sucking hard. Her fingers dug into his buttocks, prised them apart.

He cried out loudly when she pushed a finger at his anus. His sphincter spasmed, then yielded and she slid it into his asshole, drawing a guttural moan from him, making him thrust savagely into her, making her cry out in consequence, arching steeply.

He paused, panting. She moaned, teetering on the verge. He slid back onto his haunches, his legs spread wide and folded under his buttocks. He drew her hips up higher, lifting her legs high over his shoulders.

She moaned, her hands on her breasts, rolling them under her flat palms, tweaking the hard nipples. Her hand went down to her cunt-lips, fingering her clitoris. He began to move again, thrusting and ramming his hips to and fro in a punishing, furious stroke.

Vaishali cried out, her face whipping to one side, her neck arched, her mouth tearing open in agonised delight, fresh sweat splintering off her body. Her body twisted and lurched and thrashed. Faster and faster he moved, thrusting in and out of her hot cocksheath. Vaishali's body jigged furiously.

"OHhhhhh Mukesh-Mukesh-Mukesh-uhhhhhhh HUhhhhhh ahh uhhh yes uhhh ahhh uhh ah ah ah ah ah uhhh ahh uhhh yes Mukesh ahh uhhh yes!" she cried.

"Oh yeh oh yeh c'mon you fucking whore take it you fucking bitch take my cock oh yeh c'mon oh fuck your cunt's so hot baby oh baby yes!" he gasped feverishly, his body trembling with lust.

His balls and hips slapped at the insides of her thighs, his hot cock tearing into her. Vaishali's body shook and writhed, jerking and lurching desperately under his.

She climaxed in a series of back to back orgasm, moaning and shuddering, her body arching taut, shuddering, every sinew singing. He gasped as her hot juices flowed over his cock and her cunt bit down on it in a frenzy.

Still in control, he continued to stroke in and out of her, his rhythm slowing to a perfect tempo, drawing out her orgasm.

He narrowly avoided losing control. As she subsided, whimpering, her head spinning, he slid slowly out of her. He was still rock-hard.

"Okay, flip over, slut ... I wanna fuck you from behind ... like a bitch," he said.

Despite the shattering orgasm, Vaishali could not have resisted him even if she wanted to. She turned over and thrust her buttocks up at him, leaning forward on her forearms and chest, her face turned to one side, her breasts squashed against the counterpane, her *mangalsutra* riding high on the nape of her neck.

Her buttocks lobed outward. Kneeling behind her, Mukesh slid his finger into the cleft between them, fingering her anus. She moaned. Her sphincter spasmed. He slid his finger into her rear channel.

Her face contorted and she clenched at the sheets in agony, her buttocks spasming and flexing taut. He chuckled. The thought of fucking her butt aroused him.

"Want it here, whore?" he growled. "Shall I fuck your ass?"

"Yes," she whimpered in delight, aching for a good butt-fuck. "Do it ... fuck my butt, baby ... I want your cock up my ass!"

He grunted. "Later ... later ... with some butter!"

Her mind soared with joy. He shuffled forward and squeezed his penis between her buttocks. He found her cunt-lips, and slid into her again with a slow, skewering thrust.

Vaishali gasped, the breath hissing from her as the huge lance seared white-hot into her cunt. It throbbed inside her. Her body began to tremble as she felt the renewed lust flicker through her.

Mukesh fucked her slowly this time, stroking steadily. His cock gleamed and glistened, emerging and disappearing between the creamy lobes of her buttocks. Her body swung beneath him, her cunt sliding back and forth along his shaft.

Her face a vision of lust, the eyes half closed, the mouth open in a wide 'O' of lust, panting and moaning continuous obscenities. He began to move faster, holding her hips, his head flung back, his belly sucked in, his buttocks flexing and unflexing as he pistoned at her.

His balls and thighs slammed at her buttocks. He went faster and faster, stroking powerfully, rapidly, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out.

He paused and went back onto his haunches, pulling her down onto his cock, so that she was leaning forward on outstretched arms, her legs folded outside his. She turned her face and he kissed her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth.

He squeezed her breasts hard. Holding her hips, he began bucking under her, jerking her up and down. Her breasts jigged heavily. She flung her head back in ecstasy.

Her body bucked and jerked on his lap, her buttocks flexing and unflexing as they clamped and unclamped on his cock. Her head was flung back, her hands were on her breasts now, squeezing them in excitement.

Her mouth hung open and her eyes were closed. Her braid tossed, her *mangalsutra* and gold necklace jumped and bounced off her skin, flipping furiously this way and that.

Her cunt spasmed and contracted and convulsed powerfully on his penis and he felt his balls throb, aching now with the tension of restraint. Her cries rose, ringing in his ears.

"OHHHHhh Mukesh UNHHHhh ahh uhhh yes UHHHhh OHHHH uhhh OH!"

Mukesh exulted. He was fucking her at last, fucking her like a whore! She was his! The slut was his!

He changed position yet again, forcing her forward once more, and rising with legs spread wide to straddle her buttocks in a deep crouch. He did it without getting fully out of her, making her cry out thinly as his cock crushed her cunt-flesh.

Digging his fingers into the soft flesh of her buttocks, he sank into her soft-wet-hot
cunt again. It bit down hard on the invading cock, and he winced, tossing his head back, his belly sucking in sharply.

She moaned and he held still for a long moment, savouring the wonder of her, keeping her pinned beneath him.

Abruptly, he began to move in a rapid fire rhythm, pounding and pumping and pistoning furiously.

Vaishali cried out thinly, clawing at the counterpane, her buttocks spasming in shock, her mouth tearing open, her face contorting and screwing up in agonised delight.
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He growled his approval loudly, and moved faster, his buttocks rising and falling, his cock thundering in and out of her cunt like a trip hammer at full blast, thrust-recoil-thrust-recoil-thrust.

His cock was huge and gorged and ridged with throbbing veins that pulsated angrily within her. He swung his hips savagely on the downstrokes, mashing her cunt-flesh in savage circles, scbanging against her tender clitoris.

She whimpered and gasped and keened, her body jerking beneath his. He moved faster and faster, fucking her like a demon, till the stars exploded in her head once again. She spasmed and clawed at the counterpane, arching her back steeply under him.

He felt her orgasm wash over him, and, with deep cries, he thrust into her once, twice, three, four, five, six, seven times, with deep, long, hard, punishing thrusts, ramming into her, holding still, jerking out, ramming in again.

Each thrust drove the breath from her throat in a shuddering gasp. At last, he rocked deep into her and quivered, his hips twitching, his loins glued to her buttocks.

He began to orgasm inside her and her head swam in ecstasy as she felt the lava-jizz sizzle up out of his balls and through his cock, spewing in thick, awesome, white-hot jets, deep into her sopping slit.

Vaishali collapsed on the bed, panting and gasping. Gently, Mukesh eased out of her. He rolled over beside her. A few minutes later, still lying on her front, she rose to her elbows and smiled at him.

He grinned at her. Her breasts and necklaces hung pendulous against the bed. He cupped a breast tenderly.

"So, memsaab, how d'you like my work?" he grinned. "Is it satisfactory?"

She giggled and kissed him gently. Her lips were soft, her breath warm. Her tongue slithered between his lips.

"Very satisfactory," she murmured. "Very satisfying. Very good. Okay, listen. Jayant will be home soon. When we go to bed, I think he'll fuck me. I'll come to you later. You fuck me then, all right?"

He grinned and kissed her again. She responded hungrily, her tongue snaking into his mouth, fencing against his.

She murmured sexily, aroused by him again. Her eyes went glassy, her breath shortened, her nipples hardened against his chest.

He pulled her across him and began to fondle her. She drew away reluctantly.

"Later," she said in a husky voice.

They got up groggily, still recovering from the shattering intensity of their orgasms. Naked, she turned in his arms and kissed him again, her loins grinding against his.

His cock began to stiffen. She masturbated him with longing, then shook her head. She led him into her bathroom. They washed quickly. Outside, she dbangd her *sari* again. She looked damned sexy in it.

She did her hair, pinning it high on the back of her head. Her breasts moved as she lifted her hands high to do her hair. Smiling, he stood behind her in front of the full-length mirror and cupped her breasts.

She leaned back against him, and curled her arms about his neck, tilting her face up and to one side. They kissed gently, her lips parting, her tongue arching up into his mouth. Mukesh's cock throbbed against her buttocks.

Her breasts began to swell, her nipples stiffening again. Fuck, what a great cunt! He thought joyously. His mind soared.

Vaishali found Mukesh irresistible. He was a terrific lover, and he had a fantastic body, with hard, smoothly sculpted contours. She let him fondle her breasts, sighing in pleasure.

He unbuttoned her blouse again. He slid her *pallu* off her shoulder and they stood before the mirror, aroused by the sight of her naked breasts in his hands. She slid her hand between their bodies and squeezed his thickening cock through his shorts with.

He nuzzled the nape of her neck. She tilted her face to one side and kissed him again.

"Later, Mukesh," she murmured again. "Later. Not now."

He grinned and released her. They returned to their chores. Mukesh couldn't stop grinning. She chided him gently and he grabbed her and pressed his body to hers, squeezing her breasts.

She didn't even pretend to resist. Her tongue snaked into his mouth and he felt her breasts swell in his hands. The doorbell rang, her husband's signature double ring. Mukesh cursed softly.

"Gonna fuck you again, whore," he growled softly. "When he sticks his cock in your slit, remember me!"

Pentaprism End of Part 14 Wild At Heart

Next part

Pentaprism 15 Camera Candida 1 : Honeymoon Sweat
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Avinash and Anuja dined early and at leisure, taking their time over the fine meal. Anuja ate sparingly, ordering a clear soup and a small baked dish which she didn't finish.

Avinash had arranged for Salman, the lifeguard, to call after dinner and she didn't want to be lethargic with a belly full of food. He was a sexy, exciting man and she expected to have plenty of good, hard sex with him.

"Didn't you enjoy the meal?" Avinash asked, pointing his fork to her half-eaten serving.

"It was very good. I just don't want to over-eat, that's all."



"Here, I'll finish it."

Anuja smiled gently as she watched him add her meal to his. He had worked his way steadily through a grilled steak and a mountain of vegetables and fries.

"Where on earth do you put all that food?" she murmured.

He grinned. "I enjoy a good meal."

She laughed prettily, her eyes dancing. Avinash cleared his plate and took a sip of his wine. Anuja sipped her club-soda and smiled at him over the rim of her glass.

"Here's to us," she said softly.

He arched an eyebrow. "To us? Very well, if you say so."

"Any reason not to?"

He tilted his head and looked at her with a bemused expression. "You know, I can't decide whether this is a game you're playing, or if you're just crazy."

She smiled again. "It's not a game. I can't be unhappy for any length of time. It's not me."

"I see. And this despite what you've gone through?"

"And what is it I've gone through? On my honeymoon, I find my husband doesn't want to fuck me. He prefers to watch me fuck other men. All right. So be it. Fortunately, I enjoy fucking. It isn't all that bad."


"No. Besides, I enjoy being fucked so much I wouldn't have been a faithful wife anyway. This is much better, in a sense."

"That's pretty cold-blooded."

"The situation demands it, don't you think?"

"I agree. Dessert? Coffee?"

"Coffee, please."

Avinash summoned a waiter and ordered coffee, a cognac for himself, cheese and biscuits for both.

"You actually look happy," he smiled.

"I am. I like this hotel. I like the sex I've had today. I'll have more tonight and tomorrow. And the only price is that in public places I have to look happy. That's not a problem. We have a deal, remember?"

Over coffee, the conversation moved to other topics. Anuja found him intelligent and well-informed; he thought her ideas were fresh and provocative.

They finished the coffee and left the restaurant, his arm around her waist, very much the honeymooning couple, very much in love, the cynosure of all eyes. They walked slowly around the glittering pool and returned to their suite.

He opened the door and followed her through. Inside, she turned and stopped him. Facing him, she slid her arms around his shoulders and lifted her face to his. Avinash tensed. Anuja smiled gently.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to bang you. Or ask you to bang me."

He relaxed visibly.

She laughed. "All I'm saying, Avinash, is that one day, I will make you want me. I will make you want my body and my soul and my being. And then we'll fuck. We'll fuck and fuck and fuck till we can't fuck any more. One day."

He looked at her quietly and she noticed that he didn't deny what she said. She smiled.

"Till then, my husband, just this." And she kissed him gently on the lips.

Avinash didn't respond. After a second, she let him go with a small laugh.

"All right, take your time," she murmured. "Meanwhile, I'm going to get myself laid by a stud. Come and watch."

She pranced off to the bedroom and he followed. She shook her head, turning, and shooed him out of the room. "Outside. In the hall. Rig up your cameras there. Not in here. We'll fuck outside. Oh, yes. Do you have a cod-piece? Something in black leather?"

Avinash grinned. "What exactly are you looking for?"

"Well, a sort of jock-strap thing in black leather, but with a sheath for his cock in front."

"I have just the thing."

"Good. Get it. We'll be using it. Now get out, I want to change."

Avinash grinned and turned back to the living area. Humming to himself, he set up his cameras and lights, working steadily and methodically for over twenty minutes. He had just finished when there was a knock on the door.

He answered it and let Salman in. The lifeguard was casually dressed in a singlet and shorts with comfortable beach sandals. He greeted Avinash warmly.

"Hello, sir, nice to see you again."

"Good to see you, too, Salman."

"This one is special, eh? Not like last time."

"No. Not like last time."

On his previous visit, Avinash had brought Nimisha down to Goa while her husband was abroad on work. They had stayed for three days and he had some incredible footage of her in action.

"Your wife, right?"

"Yes. My wife. This is our honeymoon."

Salman guffawed. "Nothing changes, does it?"

Avinash laughed. "No. Actually, the more it changes, the more it remains the same."

"Guess so. Okay, so where is she?"

"Changing. It's going to be in here."

"Nice. I see you've got your gear this time, too."

"I never leave home without it."

"I know. Anything in particular you want me to do to her?"

Avinash shook his head. "No. Just enjoy yourself. Do what you like."

"She likes butt-fucks?"

"Loves them, apparently."

"Good. She's got a very fuckable ass."

"Fuck it, then, by all means."

"I intend to, boss, don't worry. Just keep your cameras rolling."

"Don't you worry about that. Oh, any yes. She wants you to wear this."

Salman chuckled as he took the leather underpiece that Avinash handed him. "Horny chick."

"Very horny. Very, very horny. And don't put it on just yet."

The men turned and gasped.

Anuja looked stunning.

Her tawny body glittered with gold. She wore all her bridal jewellery. Her long hair was braided and parted in the centre, held by a gold head-piece.
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Twin patterned gold strands with dainty tassels curved down along her hairline and disappeared behind her ears. A third strand swept up from the centre of her forehead and through the parting in her hair, meeting the others under her long braid.

The three strands then twined with her thick plait. A *bindi* dotted her forehead. Her eyes were lined freshly with *kajal*. Gold earrings hung from her earlobes. Around her neck, she wore several gold necklaces of different lengths, ranging from a short loop that hung just above her breasts, to a long, thick strand that touched her belly below her navel.

Her arms were bare, and she wore twin gold bands on either arm, the ends snaking upward in a little curve.

Several gold bracelets and bands adorned her wrists. Her fingers were studded with gold and diamond finger-rings, and, on each hand, a complex arrangement of finger-rings linked together with gold strands that lay along the back of her wrists.

Her toes had rings and delicate, fine anklets hung around her ankles. Around her bare midriff, there was a gold girdle, riding high on her hips and low under her belly and above her buttocks.

The jewellery was the major part of her attire. Her breasts were covered with a thin, taut band of twisted cloth, wrapped around and tied behind her back, leaving her shoulders bare.

The cloth was tight and translucent; her breasts strained at it, squeezed together in a deep and sexy cleavage, but clearly visible. Even the hard points of her nipples were discernible.

Slung low under her belly, precariously close to her crotch, she wore *dhoti* pants of the finest, totally transparent pale chiffon. The pant legs had long slits from ankle to waistband on the outside.

The inner legs were similarly cut up to the crotch, so that both her cunt and ass were easily accessible. The pants were wound so close down her legs that every line and curve was visible; even the dark delta of her cunt.

A single strand descended from the middle of the girdle and disappeared down the line of her cunt-lips and rose between her buttocks to rejoin the girdle in her back.

She stood framed in the door from the bedroom, her arms outstretched, her hands on the door frame at her shoulders, her ankles crossed.

Her body was curved like an hourglass, curving from the succulent swell of her breasts to her narrow waist and flat belly and flaring to her rounded hips and buttocks.

"My god," Avinash breathed, awed.

Anuja smiled and walked across the room to them, sexy, earthy, irresistible. Her skin glowed; the delicate birth-marks on her face and neck, the inside of her left breast and on her midriff just above the girdle made her look even sexier.

"You should get going," she murmured to Avinash as she turned to Salman.

Avinash hurried to his equipment. Anuja smiled at Salman and took the leather cod-piece from him.

"You won't need this immediately. Use it later, when you fuck me."

Salman stared at her breathlessly. He had never seen a woman so gorgeous, so utterly sexy. She was a fantasy come to life.

Anuja looked at Salman, holding his eyes and felt the first frisson of excitement ripple through her body. The man was superbly built, very sexy. He was rugged and handsome, with clean-shaven, aquiline features.

He had sharp, piercing, deep-set eyes, a knife-blade nose, slender lips that were almost cruel in their line, and a rock-hard jaw with a sexy cleft in the chin.

His cheeks had sexy hollows in them and his hair was thick and cropped short. His body was superbly sculpted. The neck was strong and hard and descended to broad shoulders that bulged with muscle.

His arms and legs were strong, rippling with thick, long, smoothly curved muscles. His torso was a savagely slashing V, tapering from his broad shoulders to a ballet dancer's high hips and narrow waist.

The belly was flat as a washboard. His chest was deeply cleaved, with thick pectorals that hung like slabs of granite. His shorts were tight and she noticed again the thick, promising bulge in his crotch.

The singlet he wore had a low neck and wide arm holes and Anuja noticed with a rush of pleasure that his body was glabrous and smooth, with even the armpits depilated.

She didn't like hairy men. As she often said, who wants to fuck an ape?

"Take off your vest," she murmured. "Slowly."

Salman grinned and, crossing his arms, slowly lifted the singlet off his head. Anuja moistened her lips. He really was an immense turn-on. His nipples were small and hard and dark, pulled wide and low on either side of his chest.

She smiled and slid her hands up his body gently, caressing the contours of his body with her fingertips, tilting her face to his. He bent his head and their lips met, fluttered, hesitated, then opened sensuously and she pressed to him, her jewelry cold and hard between their bodies, exciting rough on his dark skin.

He cupped her face as he kissed her, their tongue fencing erotically. Her mouth was warm and soft and her tongue probed in his mouth. He slid his hands down to her shoulders and then lower, caressing her back, her hips, her buttocks, her thighs, rising with tantalising slowness to her breasts. Anuja murmured as he cupped her breasts.

They swelled and grew harder and heavier and her nipples stiffened in the taut cloth band and he flicked the hard stubs through the cloth.

Anuja's lips parted reluctantly from his. Her eyes were bright with desire, her mouth open, her breathing shallow and rapid, the nostrils flared. With a soft moan, she dragged her lips and tongue down his face and neck to his chest.

Bending her head, she ran her tongue across his chest, lapping gently at the deep cleft in the centre, then gliding sensuously over the swell and down to one nipple, flicking it rapidly with her tongue. Salman grunted.

His nipple stiffened and she rapped it rapidly, then opened her mouth and clamped her lips around the nipple and dark aureole and nibbled sharply. Salman gasped. It felt wonderful.

Her shapely fingers crawled across and she scbangd his other nipple with her sharp fingernails. Salman quivered in pleasure. Her mouth was soft and moist and her tongue worked his nipple steadily while her teeth scbangd across its hardness.

She moved to the other slowly, then returned to the first, then the second. It was slow, exquisite, agonising. His cock quivered and began to swell. Her fingers crept down his belly and into his crotch and she squeezed the bulge of his penis through his shorts.

Salman pushed her down gently and Anuja sank to her knees before him. He looked down at her, his eyes glittering with excitement, his muscles corded with tension and pleasure, breathing heavily.

She smiled gently and, her eyes tilted up to watch his expression, opened her mouth and took the tip of his penis in her lips through his shorts. Salman moaned softly. He could feel the heat of her mouth, the muffled softness of her tongue.

Reaching up, she drew down the zipper fly of his shorts slowly. His circumcised penis bounced out, already hardening and she moaned it pleasure. It was magnificent. Already over eight inches long, an inch and a half thick, it was growing still, hardening, rising, lengthening, thickening.

The balls were low and heavy. The cock-shaft was shaved clean and smooth to the hilt. The circumcised cock-head bobbed against her face. Her breath was hot on his penis as she cradled it in her hands and caressed her face with it, running it sexily over her lips and cheeks and eyes.

Slowly, she slid her tongue out and ran it over his cock-head. Salman gasped softly, his belly rippling inward.

"Oh fuck yes!" he murmured. "C'mon! Suck it!"

Anuja resisted the temptation for a few seconds, plying the bulging cock-head with her tongue. Salman held still, his pulse quickening, his breathing shorter and sharper.

At last, her lips flowered and slipped around his cock-head and part of his shaft, enveloping his erection in her warm, moist, soft mouth.

"Oh fuck yes!" Salman gasped, his head bent, his mouth open. "Oh fuck yes, c'mon, suck it! Ohhhhhh uhhh yeh ... fuck yes, that's it! Mm ... yeh ... c'mon ... suck my dick, baby ... do it! Ohhhhh uhhhh yes!"

His words of excitement and the tangy taste and musky odour of his penis aroused Anuja. She sucked his cock slowly and deeply and heavily, her head moving back and forth and from side to side.
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Her tongue continued describing wonderfully erotic arcs around his thick cock-head. His cock oozed pre-cum gunk and she groaned, jerking his shaft, opening her mouth wide to let him see it fleck her lips and cheeks, dribble onto her tongue.

Her eyes lifted to watch him, she ran her tongue down the underside of his cock-shaft to his heavy balls and, opening her mouth, let his testicles drop into it one by one, flicking them with her tongue, sucking tenderly.

It was an exquisite feeling, having her soft face burrow between his thighs, her warm mouth teasing his balls.

"Fuck yes!" Salman grunted. "Oh fuck yes!"

Anuja smiled in pleasure and rose again, licking his cock-head. She went higher, kissing and nuzzling his belly, tonguing his hollow navel and caressed his cock with her necklaces.

Salman groaned at the delicate rough rasp of the precious metal on his penis. She bent his cock down and squeezed it into her deep and inviting cleavage, her hands lifting her breasts and crushing them in a tight sheath over his cock.

Slowly, she masturbated him with her breasts, her tongue and lips on his belly, her necklaces rasping over his cock-shaft. It was an extraordinary, erotic feeling and Salman's loins grew hot with lust. He pushed her head back down to his cock.

"C'mon ... suck it hard, babe ... suck my dick real nice and deep!"

Anuja groaned and, holding her lover's thighs, took his cock, now fully nine inches long and two inches thick, deep in her mouth. Salman gasped and began to fuck her face eagerly, holding her head and rocking it back and forth in his hands, pumping his hips to and fro.

His cock glistened and gleamed as it slid in and out of her mouth, appearing and disappearing between her luscious lips. His penis filled her mouth and distended her face.

Anuja kept working the cock-head cunningly and deftly, probing the long slit in its tip with her tongue. Salman gasped his joy.

"Mm ... oh fuck yes! C'mon! Yes! Ohhhhhh uhhhh yes ... do it, baby ... suck me! Suck my prick, bitch ... suck it hard, fuck yes, that's it ... ohhhhh uhhh yes oh fuck yes!"

She sucked his cock harder and faster, her head rocking rapidly back and forth between his thighs. The swimming pool lifeguard gasped and moaned, his body shaking and trembling, his hips rocking and jerking to and fro.

The fires in his loins grew and spread, threatening to burst forth any minute.

Sensing it, she slowed. "You can cream in my mouth," she murmured. "I like it when guys do that."

For a second, Salman was tempted. Then he shook his head and pushed her head away. He exhaled several times rapidly and sharply, forcing himself back in control. His breathing steadied.

"Later," he muttered. "Not now. Later."

He drew her to her feet and Anuja turned around, her back to him. He flicked open the knot in the middle of her back that held the cloth band. It unravelled and he drew it off slowly, scbanging it over her nipples.

She shuddered and leaned back against him. He nuzzled the nape of her neck, his hands on her breasts, caressing and lifting them, squeezing them tenderly. She closed her eyes and leaned her head on his shoulder.

Turning her face, she lapped gently at one stiff nipple. He ran his hands down her hips and belly, caressed her crotch. Her hips writhed erotically, her buttocks squirming against his groin. Reaching back, she undid his shorts. They split open and he tugged them down his legs and kicked them aside.

Her face turned and tilted to his and he kissed her slowly, his tongue darting in and out of her mouth, hers responding sensuously, in like manner. Her hands behind her back, she
caressed his penis tenderly.

Salman twined his fingers in her gold necklaces and fondled her breasts. Anuja shivered as the hard metal rasped over her stiff nipples. His penis throbbed between her buttocks.

"Fuck me," she murmured. "Come on Salman, fuck me."

There was a seating arrangement of three armchairs and a sofa in a square around a low, broad, glass-topped coffee table before her.

Salman turned her around and she sank down onto the table, her hips at the edge, gasping slightly as her naked back touched the cold glass surface. She spread her legs wide and looked at him wantonly, her face radiant with excited anticipation.

Salman smiled and knelt between her forked thighs. He slid his hands up her body and kneaded her breasts gently. Anuja writhed in pleasure. He squeezed the fleshy mounds together, crushing her gold necklaces between them.

Gently, he caressed her belly and thighs. Her legs trembled and split wider. Bending, Salman dragged his thick, heavy tongue over one nipple, swirling it slowly around her aureole. Anuja gasped, arching her bejeweled fingers clenching his head.

Her nipple was stiff and hard and he whipped it rapidly with his tongue, flicking the other with his fingertip. Anuja writhed on the glass table. Slowly, he drew her breast into his
mouth and sucked it tenderly, scbanging her nipple across his gums and teeth, rubbing it to the roof of his mouth with his tongue.

Anuja gasped and moaned, her hands under her breasts, lifting them for him. He moved across her chest to the other breast, his tongue dipping into her cleavage, then climbing the heavy swell on the other side, toying with the rigid nipple.

Flames of lust leaped through her body. He took some of her necklaces in his teeth, squeezed her breasts together and sucked on both nipples simultaneously. Anuja cried out, arching and writhing on the glass table as his lips and tongue and teeth and the cold metal of her jewelry scbangd across her aching nipples.

"Oh uhhh oh ma uhhh oh Salman yes oh god yes!" she gasped.

Grinning, he released her breasts and moved lower. His tongue rippled down her flat belly, swirled through her navel and moved lower. With the long slits inside and outside her *dhoti* pants, her cunt was completely exposed.

Salman quickened in excitement as he bent lower and saw the gold chain that descended from the girdle nestling between her cunt-lips, running down the length of her crack and disappearing into the deep cleft between her buttocks.

It was an extraordinarily sexy sight. Anuja's fingers rippled down her body and she pulled her cunt-lips open for him. That excited him further, seeing her slender fingers in her crotch, the backs of her wrists webbed by the fine gold chains, the rings twinkling on her fingers.

Salman pushed his face into her crotch and ran his tongue down her cunt. It was sopping wet. The tangy taste of her cunt-juices and their musky odour inflamed his lust.

Anuja gasped, her hips writhing, lifting, her legs spreading, her fingers pulling her cunt-lips wider still.

"Ohhhhhhh yes! Oh god yes, Salman, c'mon, do it!"

Salman curved his tongue into a sharp, spatular form and drove it into her wet slit. Anuja gasped and cried out, arching her back, her hands flying to her breasts, lifting and squeezing them erotically.

Her hips bucked and writhed under his face. Salman swirled his tongue through her wet cunt, savouring her streaming cunt-juices. Anuja gasped and moaned her pleasure.
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He parted her cunt-lips wider and whipped the hard, gorged stem of her clitoris with his tongue rapidly. Anuja hissed in pleasure, arching steeply. Salman slowed and, using his tongue, pushed the gold chain deeper into her slit, scbanging it delicately over her clitoris.

Anuja cried out in pleasure, her hands mauling her swollen breasts, her head flung back, jerking erotically from side to side. The feeling was exquisite; his hot breath, his thick, heavy, rough tongue, the hard rasp of the metal. Anuja's body flamed with desire.

"Ohhhhhhh uhhhhh yes! Oh fuck yes! Ohhh that's it! Yes! There! Oh god oh god oh god uhhhh oh yes uhhh oh ma uhh *hanh* uhhh ohhhhh!" she cried, writhing and thrashing feverishly on the glass surface.

Salman pushed her legs wider apart. She lifted her feet and hooked them onto the armchair and sofa on either side of the coffee-table, her feet pressed to the padded armrests.

Slowly, levering herself against the heavy seating, she lifted her hips higher, off the glass surface. Her cunt-lips unfurled fully. Her buttocks were flexed taut with the tension of the position, for she now had her hips and back in the air, her shoulders on the table.

The gold chain was crushed between her buttocks. Quickly, she pushed her hands under her hips, supporting her weight, and relaxed her buttocks. They lobed open, unflexing slowly.

Her cunt was on level with his face now. Salman chuckled and slowly ground a thick finger into her wet slit. Her cunt channel was hot and tight and, as it convulsed on his probing finger, she gasped loudly.

Salman shoved his tongue back into her cunt, now finger-fucking and tongue-fucking her simultaneously.

"Oh uhh *hanh* uhh ohhh uhh *hanh* uhh oh ma uh oh ma uh oh ma uhhh oh ma uhh oh ma! Oh ma! Oh ma! Oh! OHHHHH uhhh OHHHH!" Anuja cried.

Her face was radiant with lust, the nostrils flared, her eyes closed, her mouth open. Her body jerked and lurched and her hips writhed and swayed and undulated in the upthrust position.

Her breasts wobbled and shook sexily with her movements. Salman ran his tongue up and down the length of her cunt, flicked her clitoris repeatedly and twisted his finger this way and that inside her frantically convulsing cunt.

Her cries rose in pitch and volume. She soared up to the brink of a violent orgasm, gasping and crying out.

Timing it to perfection, Salman stopped, sliding his finger out of her slit, lifting his head. Anuja gasped in dismay and shock, moaning angrily.

"For god's sake, Salman! Don't stop! Not now!"

He chuckled and rose, denying her. Anuja moaned, her body sinking back onto the glass top, her fingers working her breasts and cunt feverishly. Quickly, Salman turned and straddled her face.

She groaned, opening her mouth gratefully, and took his cock deep into her mouth. Salman grunted in pleasure and, bending over her body, pushed his face into her crotch again.

Her breasts were hot and fleshy against his thighs; her jewelry rasped sexily between their bodies. Anuja groaned deep in her cock-filled throat as he lapped gently at her flowing cunt-juices again.

She sucked his cock slowly and deeply. His buttocks bobbed and rocked up and down over her face. His cock glistened as it ground in and out of her luscious lips. Her teeth scbangd delicately over his shaft.

He flicked her clitoris delicately with his tongue and fingertip. She groaned, her hips writhing under his face, and ran her tongue around his cock-head, sucking it insistently, scbanging her teeth along the hard shaft.

They writhed together on the coffee-table, devouring each other, prolonging the pleasure.

When he stopped again, Anuja felt like a bubbling cauldron of lust and desire. Salman rolled smoothly off her body and quickly returned to the other end of the table, kneeling between her spread thighs.

Anuja moaned softly, her bejeweled fingers pulling her cunt-lips open, moving the gold chain aside.

"C'mon ... shove it in, Salman ... fuck my slit ... fuck me hard, lover! I want your cock in my cunt!"

Her soft words, guttural in tone and dripping desire, aroused him intensely. His eyes lingered on her spreadeagled body, wantonly offered for his pleasure. Her chest heaved with excitement.

Her breasts were squeezed between her outstretched arms, luscious and tempting. Her jeweled fingers clawed her cunt-lips open, revealing the moist flesh within. Her legs were stretched apart in a wide V, her feet still on the chair and sofa on either side of the coffee-table.

Salman's pulse raced with pleasure. He prised her cunt-lips open with his thumbs and pressed his cock-head to her slit.

Anuja bit her lower lip in tension; she could feel the searing heat of his cock at her cunt. She fondled his shaft and cock-head lovingly.

"C'mon," she muttered. "Do it! Fuck me, lover!"

Salman took a deep breath and, flexing his buttocks slowly, slid his hips forward. His huge penis surged into her cunt, stretching her cunt-lips wide open. He gasped loudly as he entered her hot, wet, tight fissure.

Her cunt convulsed frantically on his penetrating cock. The breath hissed from her throat. Her mouth tore open. Her body bowed, and her head arched back.

Her hands flew to her breasts, lifting and squeezing them hard, her fingers pinching her nipples.

His cock was magnificent, rock-hard, enormously thick and long; it went in and in and in, piercing her cunt deeply, probing the innermost recesses of her cunt.

"OHHHHHHHHHH!" she gasped. "Oh yes! Ohhhh god yes, Salman, yes! Ohhhhh uhhh yes! Do it! Fuck me, baby! Fuck my cunt! C'mon Ohhhhhh yes! That's it! Oh ma uhhhh yes! Oh yes!"

"C'mon! Take it! Take it, whore! Take my cock!" he gasped.

He began fucking her heavily and deeply and slowly, his head arched back, his buttocks flexing and unflexing, his hips rocking back and forth, sliding to and fro in a deep, piercing, mesmerisingly steady rhythm.

His cock ground in and out of her cunt, sliding outward, then grinding deep into her cunt again. Anuja gasped and moaned, her head rolling from side to side, her hands on her breasts, her hips writhing and heaving.

Salman gripped her thighs, lifting them higher and wider as he pushed his cock in as deep as he could.

Her cunt was incredible: Hot, tight, wet, it convulsed and contracted fiercely on his throbbing penis, seeming to draw him deeper and deeper into its vortex.

The gold chain rasped against his thick, rough-skinned cock-shaft as it stroked in and out of her slit. Gasping and grunting, the lifeguard began moving faster.

His hips swung back and forth in longer, deeper, quicker strokes, and his cock pistoned smoothly in and out of her cunt. Anuja moaned and writhed, her body lurching and rocking under his thrusts, her swollen breasts bouncing heavily.

"Oh ma! Oh ma! Oh ma oh ma oh ma ohhhhhhh uhh *hanh* yes oh yes oh god yes Salman yes oh god Salman! Ohhh uhhhhhh Ohhhhhhh SUHHHHL-MA ... uhhhh AHHHHHHHHHN uhhhhhh OHHHHHH!"

"Ah uh ah uh ah uh ah oh yeh oh yeh uh oh yeh uh oh yeh uh ohhhh!" he cried, panting heavily, rocking his hips back and forth faster and faster.

Now he put his hands on the base of her belly, pulling her cunt-lips wide open and, gritting his teeth, grimacing, biting his lower lip in tension as the heat built and surged and spread in his loins, he began ramming and reaming greedily into her cunt.

Each thrust drew a broken, shuddering gasp from her throat. Anuja's body whipped and writhed on the table, her jewelry tinkling, the metal glinting and winking, slithering this way and that on her tawny skin.

Hissing in pleasure, he slowed again, now swirling his hips as he thrust into her so that his cunt entered her from all angles.
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"OHH uhhh OHHH!" she gasped deliriously, her head flipping from side to side. "Oh fuck yes! Oh baby yes! Fuck me! Fuck me hard, Salman! Oh god yes!"

"Ahhhh uhhh Ohhhh yeh! Ohhhhhh uhhhhh yes!" he moaned.

"The sheath," she gasped, sensing the imminence of his orgasm. "Put it on! Quickly!"

With a shuddering groan, slid out of her cunt. She gasped at the sudden release in pressure. He grabbed the black leather cod-piece and struggled into it. A thick black strap circled his lean hips and narrow waist.

Twin thongs descended from the girdle and supported a black latex sheath for his cock. He slid his penis into it. It was a snug, perfect fit. His cock-head popped out of the aperture in the tip.

The shaft length of the sheath had short flexible spikes, thick round studs and knobs and a cleverly designed free-form lattice of intersecting ribs that were thick and long. Putting it on, he felt his erection harden and, simultaneously, the ebbing of his orgasm.

He grinned in delight.

Craning her head, Anuja stared at his armoured penis and moaned thickly.

"God, I want that in my cunt!" she muttered. "C'mon, Salman, fuck me!"

Grinning, Salman bent over her between her spread thighs and gripped the sides of the table, his knees deeply bent. His cock-head probed at her cunt. She guided his penis to her orifice.

He grunted and, flexing his buttocks slowly, ground down deep into her flesh, driving inexorably inwards.

The breath rattled from her throat. Her mouth opened in a soundless gasp, her head arching back, her back bowing steeply. The spikes bent as they pierced through her cunt-lips, scbanging delightfully through her quivering cunt-flesh.

The hard knobs and studs and ribs mashed her gorged clitoris. The pleasure was intense, unbearable. Her hips jerked and lurched up to his and she dug her fingers into the thick pads of muscle in his shoulders.

He winced as her fingernails broke his skin and pushed deeper still.

"OHHHHHUHHHHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHH!" she gasped, her voice hoarse and ragged, her chest heaving, her face a vision of lust. "Oh ma uhhhhh AHHHHHHHHHH!"

Her cunt convulsed on his penis. Salman gasped: He could feel the heat of her cunt through the fine latex sheath.

He bent deeply forward, his powerful deltoid muscles rippling, his arms bending, his biceps and triceps flexed taut, and kissed her hungrily, thrusting his tongue into his mouth.

His buttocks were flexed taut, his hips pressed down between her thighs, his cock embedded in her flesh. Anuja moaned and sucked eagerly on his tongue, her fingers caressing his hard body.

"You're incredible," he murmured, kissing her eyes tenderly.

"So are you," she smiled, tonguing his ear, her hips squirming beneath his. "Come on ... now fuck me!"

Salman eased the strenuous position by spreading his legs and dropping his hands to the floor. Now his body was angled over hers, balanced on the balls of his feet and his hands, his arms outstretched.

Anuja craned her head and sucked on one nipple, running her tongue lasciviously over the hard stub. Salman began to fuck her slowly and heavily, in total control. His lifted his
hips, unflexing his buttocks, drawing his cock outward.

She groaned and her head flopped back, her face arching, soft and lovely with pleasure. He paused and then slowly ground down deep into her flesh. Her cunt convulsed on his penis.

She gasped, arching her hips greedily to his, her hands clenching his thickly padded shoulder muscles, sliding down his bulging biceps to his forearms.

"Mm ... ohhhhh yes!" she gasped, as the sheathed cock crushed into her flesh again, the spikes and knobs and studs on the surface mashing her gorged clitoris. "Ohhhh yes, baby yes! Fuck me!"

Buried deep in her cunt, Salman paused, his buttocks flexed taut, and swung his hips in slow, smooth arcs. Beneath him, Anuja hissed in pleasure, her mouth opening wide, her tongue swivelling across her upper lip.

"Ohhh fuck yes!" she gasped. "Oh god that's so good yes!"

He slid out, paused, ground down and into her; paused, swirled his hips, paused, slid out ... Anuja was ecstatic. The pleasure was keen and sharp, delicately balanced so that she was just out of reach of her orgasm.

The man was a masterful lover. He maintained the complex rhythm, fucking her entirely for her pleasure, prolonging the agonising joy, keeping her maddeningly close to the final release.

He grinned down at her, enjoying the spasms of pleasure on her face and, bending, lapped gently at one upthrust breast, then the other, sucking tenderly on the luscious mounds. Anuja gasped and moaned, kissing him feverishly, tonguing his ear.

"Please," she gasped. "Fuck me hard! Fuck me like a whore, Salman! Do it!"

He relented and steadied his rhythm to a straight up-and-down, in-and-out motion, his powerful muscles rippling smoothly, taking the strain without effort. His taut buttocks flexed and unflexed, and his hips swung rhythmically up and down.

His immense erection, in its black leather jacket drove steadily in and out of her wet cunt, appearing and disappearing between her unfurled cunt-lips.

Her pubic hair was wet and sticky with her flowing cunt-juices. She moaned and cried out, her body jerking and lurching under his thrusts, her hips rocking and writhing and heaving, her swollen breasts jiggling and bouncing, her jewelry slithering on her tawny skin.

Her head rolled from side to side. She began to sweat: Beads of perspiration dotted her upper lip and brow; strands of hair clung damply to the nape of her neck; a thin rivulet of sweat coursed between her breasts; another trickled down her belly and met her flowing cunt-juices in a mucilaginous confluence.

He began to move faster and she gasped and cried out, lurching and jerking in a frenzy under him. He was utterly relentless and kept moving, his body rocking and jerking up and down, his hips swinging back and forth, his buttocks flexing and unflexing, his cock grinding in and out of her slit.

He, too, was perspiring now, and their bodies squelched and slapped wetly together.

"Oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh ohhhh uhhh ohhh uhhh ohhhhhh uhhh ohhhhhh uh oh ma oh ma oh ma oh ma oh ma oh ma ohhhhhuhhhhh OHHHHHH!" she cried.

"Ah uh ah uh ah uh ah uh ah uh ah uh ah uh ah uh ah yes ah yes oh yes oh fuck yes oh fuck oh fuck oh fuckohfuckohfuckOHHHHH!" he cried, his head arching back.

He drove into her and paused, buried deep in her slit. She gasped, perplexed, her body writhing under his, taken unawares by the sudden change in tempo. Suddenly and without warning, he lifted his hips high and then rammed hard into her cunt and began fucking her furiously.

His hips rocked savagely up and down, snapping from the waist, his buttocks opening and closing alternately in a feverish rhythm, his cock plunging and pistoning and ramming and reaming frantically in and out of her cunt.


Anuja cried out thinly, her body rocking and jerking violently under him, her hips bucking and heaving, crashing against his loins, her cunt convulsing and spasming uncontrollably on his throbbing penis.

Her orgasm loomed, getting closer and closer and then she exploded, her back bowing and arching, sweat splintering off their rocking bodies, her breasts thrust up, her mouth torn open in a loud cry, her face contorted in a savage rictus of lust, her hips jerked up to his, her cunt convulsing frantically on his penis.

Salman gasped and rammed his cock into her repeatedly. Each thrust made her choke and gasp and cry out, sent her body jerking and lurching, rolling her up on the small of her back, drawing out the orgasm.

He kept moving, ramming wildly into her, till he felt her orgasm recede, the convulsions of her cunt diminishing in intensity and frequency. Gradually, he slowed, fucking her gently with long, smooth thrusts that drew small, broken moans of pure pleasure.

Finally, he eased himself deep into her and held still. She groaned and, opening her eyes, her chest heaving, smiled up at him.

"That was incredible," she gasped softly. "Fuck me again."
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"I intend to," he murmured. "No chance of stopping now!"

Whimpering, she moved her legs off the chair and sofa. Her thighs trembled from the strain of keeping the position for so long. He slid slowly out of her flesh and she gasped.

He rose to his feet, staggering slightly as his muscles cramped slightly when he eased the tension in them. He held his hand out and helped her up. She staggered slightly as she came into his arms.

He held her close, his thick, sheathed cock pressing between their bodies and kissed her deeply.

"I want to fuck you and fuck you and fuck you," he grunted.

"Fuck me as long as you can," she whispered, bending and licking his nipple, her fingers fondling his balls and cock. "I want you."

They turned and now he went down on his back on the table. The glass was moist with her sweat. He lay with his hips at the edge, his feet on the floor, his penis thrust proudly upward.

Anuja moaned and, dropping to her knees, caressed his cock wantonly, jerking the sheathed shaft in her fingers. Bending her head, she licked and sucked the protruding cock-head.

Salman groaned; it felt wonderful. Opening her mouth wide, she sucked on his cock-head gently, running her tongue cunningly around the gorged, thick, slimy knob. Lifting her eyes, watching his face, opening her mouth wide, she licked his cock-head lasciviously, lapping delicately at the beads of pre-cum gunk that oozed from the long slit in the tip.

"Oh fuck yes!" Salman groaned, his head bent, watching her, as aroused by the sight of her sucking his cock as the actual fellatio. "C'mon! Suck it!"

Anuja smiled, her jeweled fingers twinkling on his cock-shaft. She licked the sheath wantonly, then sucked his cock-head again till he stopped her.

She rose to her feet, gorgeous, alluring, her body glistening with sweat, glittering with the jewellery, gobs of pre-cum gunk on her face and breasts. She straddled his hips, her feet on the floor, legs astride the table over his groin.

The long slits on the inside legs of her transparent *dhoti* pants parted, exposing her naked, wet cunt and buttocks. The gold chain from her girdle nestled in her slit. She took his cock in one hand, pulled the gold chain slightly to one side and slowly lowered her cunt to his cock.

Her cunt-lips brushed his cock-head. She moved his cock back and forth and round and round gently, smiling wantonly down at hi, her eyes glittering as she stimulated her clitoris and slit with his frenum and glans. He could feel the wet heat of her cunt on his cock-head.

"C'mon! Sit on my dick!" he grunted.

Anuja hissed in pleasure, bit her lower lip. Slowly, she eased her cunt down onto his cock. The thick cock-head popped into her cunt and she gasped softly, gritting her teeth, sucking in her breath, arching her head.

Her mouth opened, and her tongue ran sensuously across her upper lip. Holding his shaft in one hand, keeping the gold chain lifted clear with the other, she began to swirl her hips in slow, wide arcs, snapping them sharply as she brought them around.

His cock-head churned her molten cunt-flesh, mashing her quivering clitoris.

"Oh baby yes!" she gasped, chewing her lower lip again.

Her hands slid away from his cock and the gold chain and moved erotically up her body, caressing her crotch, then her belly, rising under her necklaces to her breasts, lifting and squeezing them in her excitement.

Her head turned to one side, a mask of pleasure. Salman watched her, transfixed. She was the sexiest woman he had ever fucked. She hissed in pleasure, and her hands moved higher, over her neck and face and then she lifted her arms high, her hands linked behind her head and tilted her face up.
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