Adultery Transformation of a homely girl
Over the next few weeks, the kisses between Chitra and John grew more frequent and passionate. She found herself thinking about him constantly, wondering when they would kiss again. And the pictures with Salim were growing more intimate too—now they were posing together in bed, and kissing as John snapped photos of them.

Suresh was noticing the change in Chitra, and disapproved even more of her modeling. “You’re dressing too provocatively,” he told her one day, his voice angry. “You’ve changed, and I don’t like it.”

Chitra was taken aback by his reaction. She didn’t think she had done anything wrong, but apparently he disagreed. “How have I changed?” she asked, feeling a bit hurt. “I don’t think I’ve done anything bad.”

Suresh sighed, running his hands over his hair. “You haven’t,” he said quietly. “But you’re not the same person anymore. You used to be so innocent and naive, but now you seem more experienced.”

She nodded slowly, understanding what he meant. She was different now, and it was mostly because of her modeling with John. “Do you still love me?” she asked quietly, hardly daring to hear the answer.

Suresh looked at her in surprise. “Of course I do,” he said emphatically. “How could you doubt it?”

She didn’t know, she realized. She had been so caught up in her modeling, she hadn’t stopped to think about how Suresh felt. “I guess I just wondered,” she said quietly. “Things have been different lately, and I didn’t know if you felt the same way about me.”

He stepped forward, pulling her into his arms. “I do feel the same,” he murmured into her hair. “But please be careful, okay? You’re changing, and I don’t want you to change too much.”

She nodded, feeling a tear roll down her cheek. She loved him too, but she knew that things would never be the same again. She had grown too much as a person for that to happen.

The thought made her sad, but she didn’t know what she could do about it. She couldn’t turn back time, couldn’t go back to the way she was before. All she could do now was try to enjoy her new life as a model. * * * On Friday, Salim picked her up from her house at 7. Suresh didn’t say anything when he saw them leaving together, but Chitra could tell he was disapproving. She ignored his look and climbed into the passenger seat, trying to enjoy the evening.

For the first hour or so, they didn’t talk much. They just drove around, listening to music on the radio. Chitra found herself enjoying the evening despite herself, despite her guilt over being out with another man. It felt nice to be alone with someone who appreciated her.

Suresh hardly touched her anymore, let alone complimented her.

After a while, Salim pulled over to the side of the road. “Do you want to get something to eat?” he asked, turning towards her in his seat. “I know of a great Italian place not far from here.”

Chitra hesitated, unsure if she should be eating alone with him. But her stomach was growling, and she didn’t want to offend him. “That sounds great,” she replied finally.

He grinned and reached over to pat her hand. “Excellent,” he said. Then he turned back to the wheel and started up the car again. Chitra watched him as they drove, her eyes appreciating his good looks. She hadn’t expected him to be so nice to her tonight, hadn’t expected him to pay her so much attention. But she had to admit, it felt nice to have someone treating her so well.

As soon as they arrived at the restaurant, Salim jumped out of the car to open her door. He helped her out, then followed behind her to the entrance. Once inside, they were seated at a cozy little booth in the corner.

The waiter came over right away to take their order. Chitra ordered pasta with tomato sauce, while Salim ordered chicken parmesan. They talked and laughed together as they waited for their food to arrive.

When it did, they dug in eagerly. “Wow, this is delicious,” Chitra said as she took a bite of her pasta.

“Glad you like it,” Salim replied, smiling over at her. “I told you, it’s one of my favorites.” He paused, then reached out to touch her hand. “I’m really enjoying this evening,” he said softly. “You look beautiful.”

Chitra felt a spark of arousal at his compliment, but she tried to ignore it. She knew she shouldn’t be encouraging him, but she had no idea how to stop him. She didn’t want to hurt his feelings. “Thanks,” she murmured quietly. “You look good too.”

Salim grinned and squeezed her hand. “So, tell me more about yourself,” he said. “What do you like to do for fun?”

Chitra thought for a moment. She rarely did anything for fun anymore, she realized. Ever since her children were born, she had spent most of her time taking care of them. “I like to spend time with my family,” she said finally.

He nodded, looking disappointed. “I was hoping you would say we could spend more time together,” he said softly.

Chitra bit her lip, feeling torn. She enjoyed his company, but she shouldn’t be spending time with him alone. She was married, and so was he. It wasn’t right for them to be together like this. “I’d like that,” she said softly, hating herself for the answer. She knew she was doing something wrong, but she just couldn’t seem to help it. Salim made her feel alive, and she was addicted to the feeling. She wanted him to keep treating her this way, no matter how wrong it was. As they finished dinner and headed back to the car, Chitra knew she needed to take a stand. She needed to tell Salim that they couldn’t see each other like this anymore. It just wasn’t right.

But as soon as he opened the passenger door for her and she caught his eye, her resolve vanished. She couldn’t do it, she realized. She was too addicted to him already. She would need to find a different way to end things between them. Or maybe she just wouldn’t, she thought with a small smile. Maybe she would just let things between them keep happening.

Over the next few weeks, Chitra avoided meeting Salim alone again. She gave him different excuses, hoping he wouldn’t guess the truth. But Salim was smarter than that, and soon realized that she wasn’t interested in dating him.

“It’s okay,” he said as they finished a photoshoot. “I just wanted to get to know you better.”

Chitra nodded, relieved. “Me too,” she lied, hoping he would believe her.

* * *

Then one day John called her at home with an excited tone. “Guess what?” he asked when she picked up the phone. “You were selected for the final round of the competition I applied you for!”

Chitra gasped, hardly believing her ears. She had forgotten about the application, had figured it wasn’t going to work out. “That’s amazing,” she said quietly.

“It is,” John agreed. “It’s huge recognition, and will be great for your career.”

She nodded, still feeling a little stunned. She wondered why they had chosen her, wondered what had made them think of her. “How many people applied?” she asked.

“Over 200,” John replied. “So you should feel really good about yourself.”

Chitra grinned, feeling proud. It was amazing, and she knew she would never forget this moment. “What happens now?” she asked. She hoped she wouldn’t have to do anything embarrassing, anything that would make Suresh angry.

“Now we have to prepare you for the finals,” John said. “I’ve already booked a slot with a stylist, and will work on some new poses with you too.”

Chitra nodded, glad he was still willing to help her. She couldn’t imagine going through this without him by her side. “Thanks, John,” she said quietly.

He chuckled. “No problem,” he replied. “Now let me talk to Suresh and set up a time to meet.”

“Wait,” she said quickly. “Why do you need to talk to Suresh?”

John laughed again. “He’s your husband, isn’t he?” he said teasingly. “I thought you might want him to be there at the competition. And maybe we’ll need him to pose with you for some shots too.”

Chitra bit her lip. She didn’t know if she wanted Suresh involved anymore, now that she had grown closer to John and Salim. She wasn’t sure she wanted him to see her posing half naked in front of all those people. “Okay,” she said finally. “Go ahead and talk to him.” She handed the phone off to Suresh, wondering what he would think of this new development.

* * *

Suresh’s face lit up as he talked to John, and Chitra realized she was glad for him. She knew this meant a lot to him, almost as much as it meant to her. They hung up a minute later, and Suresh turned towards her. “Are you ready to become a famous model?” he asked, his eyes sparkling.

Chitra laughed, feeling happy. “Not yet,” she said teasingly.

He grinned. “Well, we’ll see what happens then,” he said with a smile.

Over the next few weeks, John worked on preparing Chitra for the competition. He booked her appointments with various stylists and makeup artists, hoping to get her looking her best. And he worked on some new poses too, trying to push her out of her comfort zone.

Chitra tried to do her best, but it was hard. Some of the poses were so daring, she felt like she was losing her modesty. John would ask her to pose in skimpy lingerie, with Salim and other models in the background. Sometimes he even had her posing on top of a man, or laying across his chest. She had never felt so exposed before, and wasn’t sure how much more she could take.

But Suresh seemed to be enjoying the process. He was at every photoshoot, watching with a critical eye as she posed for John’s camera. And at one point, John even asked him to pose along with them. He wanted them to do some family shots, and thought Suresh’s presence would be perfect.

At first Chitra was hesitant, but then she realized how much sense it made. She and Suresh had been married for some years, and he was her partner in every sense of the word. She wanted him involved, especially since she was still so unsure about what she was doing.

Once he had agreed, John started to work on setting up the scene. He cleared out some space in his studio and laid down a rug in the middle of the floor. He added some pillows and chairs, and a table for food and drinks. It looked like they were at home, Chitra thought with surprise.

John positioned them as a family would be. She and Suresh were sitting together on one couch, while Salim sat opposite them on another. Chitra’s girls were also sitting on the floor, playing with their toys.

As John started to snap photos, he instructed her to act natural. “Just be yourself,” he said.

Chitra did her best to relax, but it was harder than she thought. She felt like John’s camera could see right through her, like he could see all her insecurities. But then Suresh leaned over and kissed her, and her anxiety started to melt away. She smiled up at him, feeling grateful to have him in her life.

As they continued to pose, Chitra found herself growing more comfortable. Suresh was beside her, supporting her, and she felt safe. She didn’t feel so exposed and self-conscious anymore, didn’t feel like John’s camera was judging her.

Instead, she felt happy and at ease, like she had finally found her place in this world. She realized that this was where she was supposed to be, and that she couldn’t imagine herself doing anything else.

As they wrapped up the photoshoot, John grinned at her. “Great work,” he said proudly. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

Chitra smiled back at him, feeling shy. “Thanks,” she said quietly. She didn’t know what to say, didn’t know how to express her gratitude. But then she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, and the smile on his face told her that he understood. * * *

Over the next few days, Chitra was busy preparing for the competition. John took her shopping for some new clothes, and had her working on her makeup techniques. He also worked on her poses, trying to make sure she was ready. He didn’t want her to make a fool of herself in front of so many people.

Chitra tried to concentrate on her work, but found her mind drifting back to Suresh. She realized how much she loved him, and how much he had done for her. She never would have had the opportunity to model if it wasn’t for him, never would have been able to get away from her former life. He had opened her eyes to a whole new world, and she couldn’t thank him enough. She wanted to do something special for him, something that showed her appreciation. But what?

The question kept her up that night, and she didn’t fall asleep until the early hours of the morning. When she woke up, she was exhausted, but knew she had a lot of work to do. She got ready as quickly as she could, then headed downstairs to eat some breakfast. Suresh was already there, sitting at the kitchen table with his coffee. He smiled up at her as she entered the room, and Chitra felt her heart fill with love. “Good morning,” he said cheerfully. “How are you?”

“Not bad,” she replied, taking a seat beside him. “Just tired.”

He nodded. “You look it,” he said. “Maybe you should take the day off.”

Chitra thought about it for a moment, then shook her head. She didn’t need to rest, not when she had so much to do. “No,” she said firmly. “I need to prepare for the competition.”

Suresh frowned, looking unconvinced. “I’m worried about you,” he said quietly. “I know you’re working too hard.” He reached over and took her hand, his expression soft. “Let me help you,” he added. “Let me be there for you.”

Chitra felt her throat tighten as she looked into his eyes. He really did care for her, she realized, and not just in a physical way. He cared for her as a person, and wanted to support her. The thought filled her with love, and she squeezed his hand gently. “Thanks,” she whispered. “I’ll let you help me.”

They spent the day preparing for the competition, working side by side. Suresh made her lunch and helped her pick out an outfit, then drove her to John’s studio for their photoshoot. He even offered to pose with her again, and she accepted eagerly.

As they posed for John’s camera, Chitra couldn’t help but think about how lucky she was. She had a great husband who loved her, and a career that she loved too. She felt so grateful for everything, and knew she would never take her life for granted again. * * *

The evening of the competition finally arrived, and Chitra was so nervous she thought she might vomit. Suresh could see her anxiety and held her close. “You’ll do great,” he whispered. “Just relax and enjoy it.”

Chitra took a deep breath, then nodded. He was right, she realized. This was just one small moment in her life, and shouldn’t define her. She needed to relax and just enjoy the experience. With that in mind, she gave Suresh a kiss, then stepped out onto the stage. The crowd gasped at her entrance, then erupted into applause.

Chitra smiled and waved at them, feeling like a celebrity. She walked to the center of the stage and stood there confidently, waiting for John’s signal. When he gave it, she struck a pose, then another, then another.

The crowd watched in awe as she moved across the stage, their eyes fixed on her beauty. She was a sight to behold, and everyone knew it. Even Chitra could sense it, could tell that she was turning heads. She felt like a million bucks, and loved the feeling. When she finished posing and the crowd erupted into applause again, she knew she had done a good job. She grinned at them, then took her seat with Suresh again. The competition continued with some more models, and then they announced her name as the winner.

Chitra gasped in surprise, then jumped up to accept her award. Suresh followed behind her, beaming with pride. She walked across the stage again and shook hands with the announcer, then held her trophy up high. She felt so proud of herself, so happy that she had taken a chance and done this. It was an amazing feeling, and one she would always remember.

When she finished speaking to the announcer, she walked back to where Suresh was waiting. He grinned at her proudly, then gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Congratulations,” he whispered. Then he reached over to take her hand and led her away from the stage.

As they walked through the crowd, people were congratulating her and praising her beauty. Chitra blushed at their words, feeling shy. She didn’t think of herself as beautiful, but was glad they did. It felt nice to know that she made an impact on people. When they finally reached their car and got in, Chitra turned towards Suresh. “Thank you,” she said quietly. “This couldn’t have happened without you.”

Suresh smiled at her, looking pleased. “You’re welcome,” he said. Then he leaned over to kiss her, his arms wrapping around her waist. Chitra returned the embrace eagerly, feeling happy and content. She had found her true self in this journey, and it felt amazing. She wasn’t sure what the future would bring, but she was excited to find out.

In the night,  Suresh looked at Chitra as she slept peacefully. He knew now what was happening in her life. He understood her completely. He felt happy that he was the cause of the change. He knew he couldn't stop her, but he also didn't want to. He knew she enjoyed her new life as a model. She was feeling confident and beautiful, and he liked it. She had changed completely since she started her modelling career, and he understood her.

But he had a doubt. John and Geetha might have done something to Chitra for this change. They wanted Chitra in modelling, and now she was completely changed.

He understood Chitra now. He loved her and wanted her to be happy. So he decided to support her in every way. He just looked at his sleeping wife and kissed her forehead.

* * *

John and Salim were really impressed with Chitra’s performance. They didn’t expect she would win the competition. But it was the best opportunity for them. Chitra was now completely under their control. She would do anything they ask since they made her a famous model.

John didn’t waste this opportunity. He hugged Chitra tightly and kissed her cheek. “You are amazing,” he said with passion.

Chitra was surprised by the kiss but didn’t say anything. “Thanks,” she replied shyly. “You made this happen.”

He smiled at her. “We made this happen,” he corrected. Then he kissed her lips passionately.

Chitra didn’t resist the kiss, since she felt like she owed her life to John. She allowed his tongue into her mouth and kissed him back passionately.

Salim and Geetha were watching this. Salim winked at Geetha, who was watching with lust.

Salim winked at Geetha, who was watching with lust.

“You are a genius,” Salim said to John. “I can’t believe that you made this happen. Now Chitra is ready for anything we ask.”

Geetha came near John and hugged him. “You are the best,” she whispered in his ears. “You know how to make it happen.”

Then Geetha kissed John passionately. Salim joined and kissed both of them.

Chitra was watching this with lust. She felt something different, something she had never experienced before.

It's not over yet. The modelling competition was just a trap for her. What are John and Geetha planning to do with Chitra? What will happen in the photoshoot?

Will Suresh know what his wife is doing and can he save her from being cheated by John and his wife?

What will be John’s next move? Will Chitra sleep with John? What Salim has planned for Chitra?

What happens after the modelling competition? John has some big plans for Chitra. What will happen to her? What is his plan? Will Chitra agree for this? How this photoshoot is going to change her life?

Everything is described in the next episide of the story.
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Thanks for the update but problem is if u give update in regular basis then we can say this is ok... But next update will be after 1 month... So in tat case we need an update which makes story to move forward.... Unfortunately thats not happening with this update and we readers are getting bored .sorry but tats the truth
[+] 1 user Likes Victorjohnson's post
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Dear Sivakumar_naughtyboy .

Good Morning.
How are you doing.
The update was very nice.
Thank you so much for the update.
But please try to give us the updates soon.
I think if you can give us updates on regular basis then readers does not get bored.
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story stuck at the same theme,,,,,slow, but thanks,,,want to some process,,, kuch mazajer laye story mein,,maza nahi aa raha hai
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The whoreship process has started for chitra. Suresh will be happy for his wife.
[+] 1 user Likes Kamalesh Nathan's post
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I thought salim and john would fuck her in the process of modeling and fill her in all holes. Nothing of that sort happened. So they are not interested in her body. They wanted to change her into corporate slut and make money out of it.. ha ha ha
[+] 1 user Likes Dorabooji's post
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super update
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Waiting for threesome and foursome and chitra begging for cocks of salim and john.
[+] 1 user Likes kangaani's post
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Looks like the useless suresh will turn cuckold soon, quit his job and live under the shelter of his high earning wife licking and cleaning the well fucked pussy daily.
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(24-02-2025, 03:33 AM)Victorjohnson Wrote: Thanks for the update but problem is if u give update in regular basis then we can say this is ok... But next update will be after 1 month... So in tat case we need an update which makes story to move forward.... Unfortunately thats not happening with this update and we readers are getting bored .sorry but tats the truth
aab bore lagne laga hai,,,,,BORING
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The husband character has to be strong for these type of stories, unfortunately, it is very weak here.
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Beautiful update
When will she turn submissive slut
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Update fast brooo
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update aayega bhi nahi,,,interest hi khatam ho gayi
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Update bro waiting
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Update bro
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Where is the update
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Waiting for breaking of barriers and full fledged romance of chitra.
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