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After a hug and kiss goodbye, she was gone. So many thoughts and feelings as I was standing in line to get processed. And the questions that were swimming in my brain were the new problems I had to solve. Such as, if my sister was a virgin when she married Jason, how did she become such a sexual dynamo because I know my brother-in-law didn't cause that? And did my brother really need to stay home or had Leanna engineered this somehow? How long did she know I was into her? And why does she love the taste of her own pussy? So many questions but I knew better than to ask this time around.
My first leave is a few months out and she already agreed to fetch me at the airport. She did coach me not to tell the family the exact time I was arriving because she wanted an hour or two for herself. That hour or two is my sole purpose for living.

Nothing treasures more 
The Last Word 
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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have a problem. I assumed I was the only person in the world that has ever really had a romantic leaning toward a sibling. It's a bit involved but I will try to tell the story as briefly as I can while giving it adequate context.
I was born the youngest of four kids in the early 90s. My name is Josh and the birth order is
Marie is the oldest, Leanna is the middle sister, then my older brother Zach. We are all roughly a couple of years apart and were homecollegeed for the most part in a medium-sized midwest town. By the time I was high college age, my mom was over homecollegeing and I was able to attend a traditional high college with my brother. We were also a devout church-attending family but at about the time I started high college, my parents became disenchanted by organized religion and we were all left to practice as we felt led.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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An example of this was my first successful masturbation session was after accidentally seeing Leanna in her undies. Basically, all of my fantasies early in life were about my sister. I even dated girls as close as I could to my sisters' appearance which was hard to find. When she had finished growing she was tall for a girl (5'9") with an athletic build and reddish-brown hair. Later in my teens, I even used a porn star search website that allowed me to put in my sister's face and find similar-looking porn stars. The closest fit was Cassie Young who unfortunately left the business around 2018.

As you can see my lust for my sister was over the top and even when she had gotten married and had a couple of kids, I still had the same feelings I had harbored from my youth, maybe worse. She remained the kindest to me of all my siblings and since she was sheltered and church-raised beyond my experience, there was never a proper setting to share anything beyond a normal affection of a close brother and sister.

My only safe outlet for all of the lustful energy I was producing was with my girlfriends. That's not really the right word. It's better categorized to say I had three girls similar to Leanna in one way or another that were my fuck buddies. I'm a charming and good-looking guy, so having this arrangement worked out well and I was good at my craft. I learned early how to please the ladies pretending they were all my sister. I love oral both eating pussy and ass and although not everyone is into it, these girls seem to be. That's why pretending to go down on my sis or tongue fucking her ass is one of the quickest ways for me to get going. If you're going to be a dirty boy you might as well go all the way.

A few years ago, my problem hit a fever pitch and I decided that the only way to free myself from this fascination with my sister was to join the marines and get the heck out of the country. Maybe getting away and seeing new sites and people would free me from this cage of lust for my sister where I found myself. So on my 25th birthday, I enlisted and was scheduled to be in southern California for basic training. Having never traveled in that direction I kinda wanted to road trip out but didn't want to leave my car there so my brother was going to go with me to drive the car back. Everything was set until his girlfriend got needy so my brother asked Leanna if she would fill in. She jumped at the chance for a little adventure away from her kids.

So there we were, the object of my lust for most of my young life and I headed across the county. We launched around 5 am to get a good jump on the day and we were a little quiet other than normal pleasantries. At some point to break the silence Leanna said, "Look Josh, I'm sorry that Zach couldn't come with you as you wanted and here you are stuck with me."

"Are you kidding me?" I said, "You're my favorite out of the entire family, I just didn't want to trouble you with the kids and all."

"Well, I'm glad we got that out of the way. I will always jump at the chance to temporarily abandon my mom life for a little adventure and, you are my favorite as well."

With that, we spent the next hour talking about the connection we shared and it seemed that we both felt part of the family but still on the outside looking in. I learned that Leanna never really wanted to have kids and she was pressured into the mom role by her husband Jason and partially by our mother. She also felt a little cheated by remaining a virgin since marriage when her husband was able to play the field as it were before they settled down. Since we were being so chummy she said, "I don't even know if he's a good fuck or not since I have nothing to compare to."

A little shocked by her language I said, "Wow sis, I've never heard you use the F-Word before."

"Oh little brother, there's a lot you don't know about me."

"Like you secretly have a potty mouth?" I inquired.

"It's one of the rebellions I kinda keep to myself. But I figure since I'm about to turn 30 it's time I allowed myself to talk like a big girl," she said with a wink.

"What else do you keep hidden in that rebellous little mind of yours?"

"Nothing that I want to share speeding down the highway. Maybe if we decide to stop somewhere for the night we can talk more after a couple of drinks."

"So you're a drinker now too?"

"I've always liked the taste of flavored whiskeys, but I hate beer and wine. Cocktails have too much sugar so yeah, I like a shot or two every once and a while."

"Well, I had planned for us to drive straight through but the thought of getting drunk with my favorite sister is appealing."

"Who said anything about getting drunk? I've never been drunk nor do I want to. I like to be in control of my actions too much but it's nice to feel all warm on the inside from time to time."

"Ok, two shots it is and I'll keep you honest."

My mind was going a million miles an hour as I was trying to understand what I was learning about my sister while at the same time I wanted to live in the moment and enjoy our connection. Hanging with Leanna was so natural it seemed like we were more alike than I realized. About the time we hit Albuquerque New Mexico it was getting late and there appeared to be a traffic back up on the highway west of town. Leanna was driving and unexpectedly exited the highway and pulled into a higher-end chain hotel and handed me two $20.00 bills.

"What's this for?"

"I would like for you to trot over to that store and buy us a bottle of Old Camp, Peach Pecan flavored and I will get us a room."

"Sis, this hotel is a little higher end than I had budgeted and,"

She interrupted and said," Look, Josh, we've spent most of our lives rising out of poverty, and Jason and I have been doing pretty well. Let me handle the food and lodging on this trip as a going away gift."

"Wow, that is very generous sis! Are you sure?"

"Of course! Now get going and I will text you the room number and order some takeout."

With that, we divided and conquered and I had the room number by the time I had the bottle. I approached the correct door and knocked but it took a bit before she opened up.

"Sorry for the wait, I wanted to grab a quick shower before you returned but you were too fast!"

"No worries, be careful with that towel, we don't want to overshare before you've been drinking."

"You mean be careful not to scar you for life seeing my mom bod?"

"Ok that's ridiculous. You are one of the best-built women on the planet."

Her smile and shrug told me she knew I was right. She trains nearly every day and has the muscle and build to prove it.

"I do work hard so thank you for that. Not everybody likes the lean muscular look but I do and that's important."

At this point, I was pouring us some shots as she was headed into the bathroom to finish getting dressed. I handed her a plastic cup on the way by which she grabbed and downed in one gulp.

"That was a heavy pour there Josh, don't get too heavy-handed or we both might regret it."

"I doubt that there's anything that could happen tonight that I would regret."

With that, she paused and stared me down like she wanted to say something but did not. When she was finished she emerged in her normal athletic leggings and a tee-shirt and flopped down on one of the beds. I showered and came out in my boxers and tee shirt. She said, "So you're going to make me see you in your boxers while we drink and have dinner?"

Thinking I had done something wrong I said, "I'm sorry sis, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I'll put on some pants if you would prefer."

"No, I will allow this for now. It's just that you have a very nice body as well and I want to be sure I am only thinking sisterly thoughts."
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Wow, was the alcohol already having an effect, or was this something more? I was excited and terrified at the same time and I needed to play it cool. I calmly stated, "Well if it becomes too hard for you to resist, just let me know and I will get dressed immediately."

She laughed and threw a pillow saying, "You're a cocky little bastard, one of your best qualities. Don't ever lose that or let the military water you down."

The food was taking a long time to arrive and we were getting more buzzed as we waited. I had turned the desk into the bar area and was relaxing in the office chair.

The second shot turned into a third and Leanna seemed really relaxed. "So Josh, tell me, how many fuck buddies do you have these days?"

Now, this was one of the characteristics I both loved and hated about my sister. She had a way of getting to the root of things. But if she was in a blunt mood I could certainly pace her. Looking like I was counting on my fingers I said "Three at the moment. Why do you ask? Do you have one of your cougar friends in mind for a fourth?"

"In your dreams loverboy. All of my friends are too vanilla for a stud like you."

"How in the world would you have any idea how or who I am in my adult interactions?"

"Ok, first, you're really bad at leaving your phone lying around unlocked at my house. Second, we still live in a relatively small community so people talk, and third, you never clean out your browser history on your laptop."

Oh my God!!! I could feel my face get red from embarrassment. Did she know my little secret? Did she know I had a folder of her pictures I used from time to time? I felt so dead at that moment but yet at the same time she was smiling like she had won some great prize. And, why had she been snooping?

"Ok, what's your game here?" I asked

After a long pause, she said, "No game, just having an authentic moment. You remember you asked in the car what else I was keeping in my rebellious little mind?"

"Yeah," I responded hesitantly.

"Learning about your dirty little mind is one of my secrets I haven't shared with anybody until now."

"Like what have you figured out about me oh wise one?"

"I know all of your girlfriends look like me and most of your porn searches are for girls that look like me. I know you love eating pussy and apparently are into analingus if I'm saying that right. I know that you get nervous around me sometimes because secretly you have this problem of really wanting to fuck your sister."

With that, she downed another shot and waited for my response which was only total shocked silence.

She continued, "And I know that since you've failed to protested or disagreed with anything I've said that I'm right. I also know that I have this problem that I also really want to let my brother do all of those nasty things to me that you think about. The problem is that we are brother and sister and beyond that, I"M MARRIED!"
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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At that point, the phone rang breaking the awkward silence and Leanna answered. Apparently, she had ordered pizza and it had arrived. She asked them to keep it downstairs and that one of us would be down later to get it. What did that mean? Why later?

Seeing my confused look answered, "Look, you're going off to God knows where and I don't know if you're ever coming back. I have had an unholy hunger for you since we were little and just can't shake it. I've loved you and wanted you before I was saved and before I was married so in my mind, we have some unfinished business. So, what I'm saying Josh, I know it's wrong on so many levels, but would you be willing to make scratch that. Would you like to fuck your sister?"

Totally stunned, partially paralyzed but mostly excited I thought I should respond quickly, "More than you know," was all I could get out. I started to move and she held up a hand.

"Ok buddy, I need to know something first."

"Ok," I nodded.

"Have you had your dick in anybody since you've last had a negative STD test without a condom?"

With still a bit of nervousness in my voice, I said, "I have not. I have never had an issue with that and I've been extra careful of late not wanting to have an issue in basic."

"Good! I'm still on the pill so I'm good here."

After a short pause and a deep breath, my sister slid out of bed and started to move my way. While still a step or two away she eased down to the floor on her hands and knees approaching me slowly and seductively.

"I have wanted to see your cock for a long time."

She then put her hands on my boxers and worked my mostly hard cock out of the trap door. Her touch created a blood rush that finished the hardening process and she rubbed my cock on her right cheek. It was one of the sexiest sensations I had ever felt.

"You have a lovely cock little brother, I can see why you are so popular."

"I still can't believe this is happening. You have always been the object of my desire and I have never been so..."

"Turned on?" she interrupted. She laughed and said, "I know I'm ready for this and don't expect this to last long."

With that, she engulfed my cock and appeared to savory the flavor to a degree that I thought I would instantly cum. Sensing the gravity of the situation she immediately stopped and broke contact saying, "I have so much wanted your cock in my mouth but that's not how this is going to end. I want you to cum in my pussy but not before you've gotten me off at least once with that tongue of yours."

As she was talking she was standing up and moving back to the bed simultaneously removing her leggings. She turned and crawled on the bed flashing her glorious ass while arranging the pillows to lay on for her comfort. I said, "You seem to have this all planned out sis."

"Well, I knew you would probably be down for anything I allowed so I have been holding all of the power. Assuming this would happen of course I have thought about how I wanted it to go."

Still in her tee-shirt as she laid back with her legs tightly together and her hand covering her pussy. I approached her feet with my cock at full attention having shed my boxers and at that point, we locked eyes for what seemed like an eternity. She was smiling, I'm sure I was too and I almost asked something like, 'are you sure?' or 'are you ready?' but I'm smart enough to know that guys normally make a mistake by talking too much. Knowing she seemed to like her power position I decided on, "You made a request of me and I am here to fulfill it."
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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She smiled and started to move her hand while slowly spreading her legs and I realized she wasn't worried about being sure of her decision, but she wanted to be sure that I still wanted to go through with it. Her look became a little more devious as she said, "I was planning on making you beg to eat my pussy but I want your tongue in there so bad I don't want to wait."

"Same!" I said settling onto the bed between her legs and taking my first smell of what was splayed out before me. We never broke eye contact and I began to lick her pussy ever so gently until I saw her eyes close briefly to enjoy the sensation. I was in absolute heaven and didn't really want this moment to end. After what felt like too little time Leanna said, "I love how you're being sweet and sensual but if you don't hurry up and tongue fuck this orgasm out of me I'm going to lose my mind!"

Being obedient, I picked up the speed and pressure and in no time she was moaning like crazy before clenching up and going totally silent. She was holding her breath as I saw her abs flex and her jaw clench and her eyes opened looking at me as she yelled, "Fucking finally! I've been waiting on you to do that for at least 15 years!"

We both laughed as I took a half-hearted attempt at wiping her cum off of my face.

"Same here sis. I've wanted this for so long I can't even remember when it started."

"Probably when you accidentally saw me in my undies right?"

"Oh yeah, I pumped my cock that night thinking of you."

"Well, how about you pump that cock in me right now?"

"I totally agree."

And with that, we went past the point of no return. She had the best feeling pussy I had ever felt and told her so as we were finally face to face for the first time. We hadn't kissed yet and I assumed we wouldn't be doing that now with her pussy juice all over my face. I was wrong. As she was cuming again right after entry she pulled my face down and kissed me hungrily. Almost like she was trying to consume all of her cum for future use.

We came up for air and she said, "I know you're going to cum quickly if you don't hold back but please, don't hold back. I want you to fuck me right now with all you've got and pump every drop of your cum in my pussy."

And fuck her I did. I was somehow able to last maybe another minute giving it all I had and she had to have cum at least two more times and it was glorious. As I was shooting streams of cum into her pussy I realized the reality of the moment. It was without a doubt the best sexual encounter of my entire life. As I pulled out and laid down next to her catching my breath it hit me that I had a new problem. I might as well plan my suicide now because nothing would live up to that.

"Leanna," I said.

Interrupting she said, "Don't screw this up now Josh. Just lay here with me for a few minutes while your cum leaks out of my pussy. When I say so you can get cleaned up, go get my pizza and do your best to recover because we are fucking as much as possible tonight."

"Well, how lucky am I? All night?"

"Until we are tired or sore. We have another night on the road and I want to save something for later."

"So this isn't a one and done."

She laughed and said, "Stopping what we've started won't absolve us of our sins. There may be a day when this season is over, but until then we are going to enjoy our special connection as long as it serves us."

She was using air quotes when she said special connect which caused up both to laugh. As that moment was settling I said, "It's going to be nearly impossible to join the marines knowing what I'm leaving behind."

"No, that's the whole idea bro. You have to stay alive and healthy to come back to me. And we have to be super careful that nobody can even suspect, understand? I will shut this down in a heartbeat if you are anything but normal around the family. Also, you will fuck nobody without a condom while you're away or you won't fuck me at all when you get back understand? I'm trusting you on this."

"Understood! You won't have to worry about me."

"Good, now that's settled go got our pizza so we can carb load for the rest of the trip!"
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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That's how the sexual phase of our relationship began. We continued into the night with another round at the hotel in San Diego before she dropped me off at the base. She even sucked me off one more time in the car prior to my departure. Sounding kinkier as we went she said after swallowing my load, "I guess I should feel guilty about swallowing all of those future nephews and nieces of mine that will never be but I love your cum so much I just don't."

"I'm long past feeling guilty about this. What I am already feeling is how long it's going to be until I see you again."

"I know Josh but remember our deal. Keep yourself healthy and safe and these goodies are yours when you get back."

After a hug and kiss goodbye, she was gone. So many thoughts and feelings as I was standing in line to get processed. And the questions that were swimming in my brain were the new problems I had to solve. Such as, if my sister was a virgin when she married Jason, how did she become such a sexual dynamo because I know my brother-in-law didn't cause that? And did my brother really need to stay home or had Leanna engineered this somehow? How long did she know I was into her? And why does she love the taste of her own pussy? So many questions but I knew better than to ask this time around.

My first leave is a few months out and she already agreed to fetch me at the airport. She did coach me not to tell the family the exact time I was arriving because she wanted an hour or two for herself. That hour or two is my sole purpose for living.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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I have a new problem. Sitting in the airport waiting for my plane to board I'm struck by how difficult it's going to be to contain myself around my sister. Leanna and I have stayed very platonic in our text messages as was the plan prior to my departure. The best I can tell, Leanna has shared with the family she plans on always picking me up and returning me to the airport when I have leave during my tour of duty. Since the airport is in the city an hour away from our home town it seemed inconvenient but she assured everyone it was for luck. Also, Leanna likes to shop for furniture in the stores in the city even though she rarely buys anything.
Additionally, she has some friends in the city that have relocated there so she can visit them for coffee and it gives her a mental break from family life so that was an easy sell. She also convinced everyone that I should stay in the guest room at her house since she was going to be my ride to and from the airport. I had put my things in storage and moved only the necessary items back to my old room at mom and dad's after I let my apartment go to join the Marines. The final part of what I know is that everyone thinks my plane is landing at 6 pm and they are planning a 7 pm homecoming at Leanna and Jason's house. My nieces are working on decorations and mom is baking my favorites.
The fact is that my flight is actually scheduled to arrive at 4 pm. Leanna has mom and dad coming to her house to hang with the kids at 3 pm to make preparations. Jason was going to rework his schedule to watch the girls but Leanna didn't want to put him out and the folks were happy to oblige. Beyond that, I knew nothing except it seemed like Leanna had something cooked up and I couldn't wait. Finally arriving and walking down the jet bridge I kept reminding myself that I needed to be cool and stay casual when seeing Leanna in the public airport and wait until we were alone to be our authentic selves.
I could see my sister smiling just past security holding a sign that said WELCOME HOME BRO!!! Ok, so she was telling the world that I was her brother which meant a big hug and a peck on the cheek at best. "Be cool Josh" I repeated silently over and over again. The hug was tighter from her than I remember which meant she was really happy to see me or her weight lifting was making her stronger. We acted completely normal until we walked well past the terminal toward the far side of the lot. Being safely out of earshot from everyone I asked why she had parked so far away.
"Because little brother of mine, I am going to suck an enormous load of cum out of your beautiful cock before we leave for home."
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जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Oh thank God," I said, "I was partially afraid that our trip to California was a dream and I wasn't actively fucking the girl of my dreams."

"Oh, we're fucking buddy. I have it all worked out. In fact, you are going to retake my virginity."

"Well, I can't wait to find out how that works."

"Just relax loverboy and all of your questions will be answered."

"Speaking of that, I do have some questions about a few things other than your plans for my time at home."

"All in due time little brother," She said while hitting the remote locks on her SUV, "but for now, throw your bag in the back and meet me in the front. I have a dick to suck and we're wasting time talking."

I've had several blowjobs in my day but I swear, Leanna sucked my dick like her life depended on it. Other than the frequent masturbating I enjoyed thinking of her I had no other sexual pleasure while at basic and so my load came fast and furious.

"Ah, such a good boy you are! If you don't mind me riding back with cum breath I'm not going to rinse out my mouth, but just enjoy the taste for a while."

"I'm good with whatever sis, I'm just glad to be here with you."

She leaned over and gave me a little peck on the cheek and said, "You have about an hour to get good and recovered because I have special plans for us."

Off we went, headed toward our home town and she shared how excited the girls were to learn that uncle Josh was going to be staying at their house and Jason was eager to hear about basic training. Her mention of my brother-in-law triggered my mind to recall some of the questions I had and asked if we could fill in some gaps on the drive back. "Fire away, but I reserve the right to not answer some things for now if I see the need."

"Deal! Ok, the first question, You were raised more strict than I was, and yet somehow you have become an extremely passionate and knowledgeable person sexually. How did that happen?"

"So what you really want to know is how did I become such a freak or why am I such a freak to you?"

"Maybe a bit of both because let's face it, Jason doesn't strike me as the sexual champion type, and yet here we are."

"Fair enough. First, you know my infatuation with you started long before I met Jason. I didn't know a lot about sex but I knew how it worked and would dream about you and I losing our virginity to each other. I knew it was wrong and unholy but for some reason, that made it hotter."

"Same for me."

"Then I got married knowing Jason was not a virgin so I expected he would know enough for both of us and that just wasn't the case. Losing my virginity to him was anything but pleasurable and for our entire marriage I have been the higher desire spouse."

"I can definitely see that."

[Image: 34823801_074_0cac.jpg]

"So, I spent a lot of time getting to know my body, what it liked and what I liked and did a lot of research on the internet if you know what I mean."

"So you're into porn?"

"Not so much porn but some of that. What I really got into was reading erotica and you know how powerful the mind can be and that's also where I ran across incest stories."

She paused for a bit so I encouraged her to continue.

[Image: 34823801_062_0fbf.jpg]

"Every time I read a brother-sister story I pictured us. Josh, I have fucked you more in my mind than we ever might experience in real life but I'm willing to get it a try."

She seemed to actually get a little emotional so I took her hand and tried to lighten the mood, "I know living out your fantasy with me is tough duty sis, but I'm willing to give it my all."
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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She laughed which was the desired response, "Yeah I'm sure you will be up for the challenge which reminds me. We have to be so careful. It might even be good to act like we are pissed at each other around the family from time to time."
"I'm good with method acting but we were never pissed at each other growing up so wouldn't that seem out of place?"
"Maybe. Let me think about that some more later. Was that your only question?"
"No, but that answers a lot. Can I save the others for later and ask about your plan for today?"
"Oh yeah, this is so good. You know I have mom and dad watching the girls at my house and all of the family is getting there to greet you around 7."
"That's all I know."
"The rest of my plan is we are going to mom and dad's house and we are going to act out what I wanted to do years ago."
"How so?"
"Well, the guest room was your room but now it's basically back to your room. You are going to get in that bed and close your eyes and do everything you can to fantasize about the night of your 18th birthday. I am going to sneak in wearing the same type of white cotton underwear I was in when you first saw me less dressed than I was supposed to be which if memory serves was on that day. Got the picture so far?"
Becoming quickly recovered and aroused I voiced my understanding.
"I will then wake you with my mouth on your cock until you are good and hard. Then I am going to pretend that I am taking your virginity while you're taking mine. "She paused again, getting noticeably aroused, "Just follow my lead because the mind can be very powerful when we use it correctly, you got me?"
"Message received loud and clear."

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[Image: 40497362_020_8bd6.jpg]
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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For the rest of the trip, we relived a lot of our teenage experiences which really did an amazing job of setting the stage. We pulled into the driveway and she got out with a small bag she threw over her shoulder. She punched in the garage code and said, "I need you to grab a couple of items from your room while we are here which is going to be the reason that we had to stop on the way."
"Why do we have to tell them we're here?"
"Because mom and dad have this weird radar and whether it's a wet towel or a damp shower floor they will know and I don't want to have to wipe the place for prints. Also, you are going to throw your sheets in the wash and claim you were just being nice to be sure the bed is usable for guests if needed."
"Wow, you've given this a lot of thought."
"You have no idea. Now go get in your spot loverboy, close your eyes, and pretend you are my little virgin brother sleeping in his tighty whities and I will do the rest."
I did as directed and even threw some towels up over the windows to make it darker. I was semi-erect due to a combination of the earlier blowjob and the pending excitement. I couldn't help but peek when I heard the door open. While she was in the hallway I could see her in an old robe she had as a teenager and a white-looking training bra and matching white cotton panties just like I remembered from the first time I saw them. I tightened my eyes and tried to relax as I heard and felt her move closer. I felt her hands under the covers making contact with my shorts as she found my cock. She was stroking it on the outside of the fabric when I heard her ask, "Joshy are you awake?"
Staying in character and sounding sleepy I murmured a response and then asked in a groggy voice, "What are you doing?"
"Well, I was thinking. I'm going to be leaving the house soon and I'm leaving a virgin. You know what that means right? Has mom and dad had the sex talk with you yet?"
"Yeah, I know how it works."
"Good, and I'm guessing you're a virgin too, right?"
I know it's wrong to feel this way Joshy, but I don't want to lose my virginity to just some guy, and I don't think you should lose it to just some girl."
"So would you be willing to take my virginity while I take yours?"
"Sis, I think that's a great idea."
"Ok, well I'm still a little shy and I want to stay dressed in case we get caught so you just lay there and let me take care of this."
By this time she had my cock fished out of the trap door in my briefs and she straddled me moving the crotch of her panties over to the side for access
"Now this might hurt me at first so let me take care of this ok?"
"You got it sis and I want to say thank you for doing this for us. This is the best birthday present ever"
"I know it is. We have always been close and I can sense your energy around me. Plus your dick is so hard right now I can really tell you want this."
She positioned my cock right at her opening and said, "This is it, Josh. After I lower myself on you we will no longer be virgins. Are you sure you're ready for this?"
"I'm so ready if you are."
"I am too. Here we go."
As she started to lower herself she paused like she was painfully passing her hymen and her pussy felt incredibly tight. Like tighter than I remember. When she finally got past what would have been the painful part and bottomed out, she just slowly started rocking back and forth. Not just because it felt good to both of us but it was like she didn't really know what to do.
"That feels really good sis," I whispered like our pretend parents may hear us.
"It does for me too Joshy. Now you have to be careful that I don't get pregnant so when you're ready, tell me so I can move."
Wow, she was really in character. The thought of our fertile bodies running the risk of impregnating my sister was enough to push me to the edge really fast.
"Ok, I think you better move," and with the swiftness of real fear, she moved off my cock but pumped it until I shot cum all over us both.
"My God Josh that was a lot!"
"I'm sorry sis, you are just so sexy to me I couldn't help it."


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जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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actually think I like it," she said, smearing some of it around but not taking a taste.

She added, "Now that we've done this, we might as well do it all the time right?"

"I like the way you think."

And then she made a motion with her hand like in the theater and said, "End Scene."

"Ok, Leanna, that was one of the most powerful sexual experiences of my entire life."

"One of the most," she questioned, slightly offended.

"I mean compared to our first time, the second time, basically everything with you has been more than I could hope for."

"Good recovery loverboy. I wanted to stay in the scene but the little Joshy that just lost his virginity can't eat pussy like I need to eat mine and I still need to cum."

She immediately moved up and pinned my face down with her pussy until I got her off which took like 60 seconds. After she recovered we cuddled up for a bit and then I asked, "Was that really your old robe from when we lived here?"

"It was. Don't really know why I kept it but I went and found it right when I got back from our trip."

"You've been planning this since then?"

"I thought this up on the trip back. So, other than the robe and what I wore, did you notice anything else?"

"Like what?"

"How tight my pussy was? Like a virgin."

"Now that you mention it I did. How did you do that?"

"Well, in addition to finding my robe I found extra time to do a ridiculous amount of pelvic floor training during your basic training and then I abstained from my normal weekly with Jason so I would be as tight as possible for you."

"And I did notice. I mean how fast did you get me off? That was crazy!"

"And that was my plan, among other things."

"Like what?"

"Like how you can really take my virginity."

"Ok," I said as a question.

"I know from reading erotica that the idea of a virgin ass isn't new but honestly, you could be the first person in there."

"Well I don't hate that idea and if I'm being honest, I have tried it with one of my girlfriends and it didn't go too well."

"Could you not get it in or you didn't get off?"

"I got in, but it wasn't pleasurable and we stopped."

"So cumming in my ass would be new for you?"


"Great, then we will both lose some virginity the night before you leave."

"I like it, so what is the rest of your plan?"

"Your flight is leaving next Friday but you're going to tell everyone it's leaving Thursday. I have a room and I told Jason I was going to stay over to have lunch with a friend which I will do once you're on your flight."

"So I get a whole night with you."

"Indeed you do. But until then, it's hands-off or this snoopy family may suspect something. Let's rinse off and wash the evidence."
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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We got cleaned up and headed to Leanna's house for the homecoming as it were. As we pulled up she reminded me, "Act as normal as possible. If there's going to be any extracurricular activities, I will let you know," She said with a wink.
Let the homecoming party begin. Getting back together with everyone was great and in the background system of my brain I kept hearing "If there's going to be any extracurricular activities." I would say she was becoming a tease but at the same time, I had never been happier. I mean what guy has a sister like this?
Staying at Leanna's and Jason's was great as I got to be uncle Josh to the nieces and the rest of the family wanted to take time with me on and off during the week. I had asked for all of the mornings to be for me so I could sleep in and rest up before being shipped off to additional training on my specialty which was mechanics. Everybody honored my wishes and when Monday rolled around, the girls needed to get back to college and everything was looking more normal for the rest of my family.
Around 9 am on Monday, I was getting up, having coffee and the house was empty. Just then Leanna came bounding in from the garage, "Morning sleepy head!"
"Hey sis, how's your morning going?"
"Wonderful, would you like to hear about it?"
"I would and is it just us here at the moment?"
"It is and I have good news and bad news. First, my day started at 4am when I left to meet Wes and Ashley at the gym. I set a new deadlift personal best, pulling 300 for 2."
"That's a lot of weight for a skinny girl like you!"
"Skinny girl my ass. Anyway, I got home, had breakfast with Jason and the girls, and then dropped the girls off at college. So lucky for me now that you're awake."
"This all sounds great so where's the bad news?"
"I said for you it was good news and bad news," she said in a slower sultry voice and that's when she pulled what appeared to be a butt plug from her purse.
"Where are you planning on putting that?" I asked, expecting the worst.
"I'm not putting it anywhere. You are going to gently insert this into my ass after you get me off with a combination of this plug, your tongue, and your fingers," she added her signature wink.
"Ok I like that but I'm still lost on the bad news."
"You see bro it's like this. When you butt fuck away my anal virginity on Thursday, I want you to dump the biggest load of your life in there. So it's no fucky, no sucky, no jacking off until you cum in my ass in approximately 80 hours from now."
"Oh, that is a bummer." Pausing to think of some negotiation possibilities she interrupted my thoughts.
"And this is the smallest of three plugs so you will be getting me off every day when I return from dropping off the girls except on the day we leave. After each time you put in a bigger plug, get the picture."
"I do but now this is like some kind of multi day edging for me..."
She interrupted again, "Which will have you well-stocked for what I expect Thursday."
"So what are the rules for our morning ritual?"
"Other than fucking me with your cock, you can do whatever it takes. You like eating pussy, you like licking ass, you can use this plug on my pussy but once it goes in my ass it stays for the day and I will remove it later."
"Are you afraid somebody may show up?"
She reached for her Apple showing me the location of Jason using find my iPhone and said, "The doors are locked, the girls are at college and Jason is currently at least 28 minutes away so I suggest you eat me first before eating breakfast."
She was already sliding down her leggings and sat on the breakfast bar chair hiking up one leg giving me perfect access to her goodies. I took my time again not breaking eye contact and regularly commenting on how good she tasted.
"Josh, you have to be a world-class pussy eater because damn, you get me going so fast. I should whore you out to some of my friends."
I guess the idea of that pushed her over the edge. I was using the plug on her pussy while licking her clit to have it good and lubed up for the ass placement.
"Ok bottoms up sis."
As she was repositioning herself bending over the chair she said, "There's lube in my purse to help us both."
"I think between your girl cum all over this plug and ample saliva this little one will be painless."
"But there's no saliva..."

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And before she could finish my tongue was licking her ass while I rubbed her clit to another orgasm. Her knees buckled and it was not for her upper body strength to hold her up I would have had to catch her.
"Wow, that was a pleasant surprise." She said, panting, "Now don't you think we should use the lube?"
"I replaced my tongue with the plug while you were cumming, it's already in there."
She stood up and said, "Well how about that?" Feeling it and reaching around to confirm.
"I think I'm going to like our morning routine, how about you?"
"I will never complain about going down on my sexy sister but damn, Thursday is a long way away.

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जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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After a hug and kiss goodbye, she was gone. So many thoughts and feelings as I was standing in line to get processed. And the questions that were swimming in my brain were the new problems I had to solve. Such as, if my sister was a virgin when she married Jason, how did she become such a sexual dynamo because I know my brother-in-law didn't cause that? And did my brother really need to stay home or had Leanna engineered this somehow?

Nothing treasures more 
The Last Word 
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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