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I spread the sides of Lorna's blouse open and was more than a little happy to see she was wearing her red lacy bra, a favourite of mine.
I started kissing the side of Lorna's neck and worked my way to her shoulder, slipping one bra strap down with one hand while my other felt her breast in its red lacy cup.
Stacey tapped me on the shoulder and I turned. With heat in her eyes, she put her arms up in the air. I hesitated for a moment, a little overwhelmed by what was happening.
'Stacey, are you sure?' I said.
'I'm sure. Come on, you've been wanting to get your hands on my boobs for a long time. Now's your chance.'

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जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
This story contains consensual family sex in a total fantasy world where it is permissible
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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All characters are 18 and over. This story has lots of dirty talk, straight sex, a bit of lesbian and anal sex .

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जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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I was making an effort to be extra romantic this year and had booked a posh restaurant table for our anniversary. Me and Lorna had been together now for seven years, married for five.

Lorna was a nurse, and we had met randomly at a party back in the day. I admit the nurse thing was a turn on, and I was one of those guys for whom something about the uniform got me all hot and bothered. Turned out the reality was somewhat different. The last thing any actual nurse wanted to do was come home, and keep the uniform on to keep their man happy, or wear a sexy version on their off days.

Nevertheless we had a good sex life, and I loved Lorna with all my heart. She was blonde, smart, pretty, with a decent pair of legs, a good sense of humour and nice if not big tits.

But being with someone who did shift work came with its own challenges. My own 9 to 5 job (IT systems analyst if you want to know, as boring as it sounds) meant that sometimes we were ships that passed in the night, or indeed sometimes the early hours. We had to book date nights carefully - which came with two meanings. Date night type A was actually going out somewhere; cinema, restaurant, that kind of thing. Date night type B meant an early night and reliably good sex.

The first flush of any relationship is the most exciting I think, and so it was for sex. In those early days, Lorna had actually indulged my mild nurse fantasy from time to time. The most memorable time was when I had picked her up from a late shift in the early hours and she had given me a blow job in the car park, having taken my temperature and determined I was running a fever, the cure for which was making me come in her mouth apparently.

Occasionally I was away on business and stayed with her sister Stacey overnight to split the onward journey. The firm had a regional centre close to Stacey plus a concentration of work sites. I usually tried to schedule this when Lorna had a run of nights so that we wouldn't have seen much of each other even if I'd been working at home or the office.

Stacey was a single mom to two little girls, now aged 5 and 7. Deadbeat Dad wasn't in the picture much and barely saw his kids. Lorna and Stacey's folks were well off and helped Stacey buy the house and sort out all the legal business with her ex. They had never been married so that made things easier.

I don't know if it was the mom thing, the sister in law thing, or Stacey's curvy figure or all of the above, but I had had many fantasies about taking her to bed, sometimes with Lorna as a threesome and sometimes just the two of us. They were just harmless thoughts - I would never act on them.

In those fantasies I would hug my sister in law at her door, then strip her in the kitchen, bend her over the table and fuck her senseless, bouncing into her delicious ass, and finishing with her on her knees and me coming all over her face and naked tits.

Sometimes when Lorna and I screwed I would imagine it was Stacey underneath me. I came particularly hard when I did indulge that fantasy. It wasn't that my wife didn't turn me on still, she did. It was Stacey's big tits I craved.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Over the years of visiting Stacey with Lorna, and on all my overnight stays in the spare room, we had become close as family, and sometimes stayed up late chatting. I had grown to love her as a sister in law but I'd be lying if I said I didn't still spend time thinking about how her bare breasts would look or whether she had a shaved or hairy pussy. Those were not the thoughts a brother in law should be having but I couldn't seem to help myself.

So when Lorna had to change shifts at last minute and couldn't make our anniversary night dinner, it was her who had suggested Stacey be my back up rather than reschedule. I was disappointed of course, as I'd wanted to spoil Lorna and had had been looking forward to a type B date night.

But there was a part of me that was looking forward to spending time with Stacey. She could be somewhat anxious and intense, and was always worrying unnecessarily about whether she was a good mom or not. But she also had a good sense of humour and was sharp and intelligent.

Also, more shallowly, I wondered what Stacey would wear for our 'date' and hoped for a dress which showed plenty of her ample cleavage.

The Red Vine restaurant was half way between our places. It was quite posh in the pictures, had good reviews, and I'd had to book it a month in advance.

Fortunately, Stacey's mum and dad had been able to take the kids overnight at their place so we were all set. I'd stay in the spare room as usual, then head back home to meet Lorna.

I sat waiting in my car in the restaurant's small car park and waited for my sister in law's 4 x 4 to turn in. She spotted me, and pulled up one space over from me.

I got out and saw her check herself in the driver's mirror before opening the door. A long bare leg ending in a black strappy high heel came out followed swiftly by the rest of her.

I knew I was staring but couldn't seem to tear my gaze away. Stacey had gone all out tonight and looked sexy and sophisticated. She was wearing a spaghetti strapped black cocktail dress with a V neckline. Those beautiful big tits I sometimes dreamed about were partly on display, with a cleavage that gave me all sorts of wrong ideas. She had curves for days and her makeup had that strong evening look - the smoky eye shadow thing really did it for me. Her warm red lipstick emphasised the fullness of her lips.

She had her brown and blonde highlighted hair pinned up with little curly ringlets framing her pretty face.

Basically, she was smoking hot. This is my sister in law, I reminded myself.

'Wow, Stacey, you look amazing,' I said, leaning in to kiss her soft cheek. The delicate scent of her vanilla perfume filled my senses.

She laughed and slugged me on the arm.

'You scrub up well too, Adam.'

I was wearing a casual jacket and trousers with a smart shirt, the kind that worked without a tie.

She hooked her arm through mine.

'Shall we?'


जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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By the time we got to dessert we had both had a few glasses of champagne and were a bit tipsy.

I watched as Stacey forked a piece of chocolate cake into her mouth and moaned. The sound went immediately to my cock and I imagined it was me in her mouth and not cake. Then I thought of her licking chocolate off my hard on. I had been battling an erection for most of the evening.

It hadn't helped that when Stacey went to the ladies after our main that I could watch her juicy ass sashaying across the restaurant without being caught. The black clingy material of her dress was stretched nice and tight across her rear and I speculated whether she had panties on underneath. There were no visible lines at all. That made me think of her mommy pussy. Was she bare just a few feet away from me?

She's your sister in law, I reminded myself again.

But I realised then I was at least a little in love with Stacey too. As well as dirty thoughts over the years I had also entertained romantic feelings too I guess. She brought out the protector in me. It was hard for her bringing up the kids as a single mum, I admired her and respected her, and I sometimes had thoughts of what my life would be like if I had asked her out and not Lorna all those years ago. I had once imagined being comforted by Stacey after losing Lorna in some kind of accident. After a few months of suitable grief, we would comfort each other in bed.

Lorna and I had tried to get pregnant and had just finished a second round of IVF without results. It hurt and had placed a strain on our relationship but we loved each other and would get through. But there was something about Stacey being fertile and having brought two kids into the world that made her more womanly than Lorna, more mature somehow, even though she was actually two years younger than Lorna.

I was a terrible person to be even having these thoughts, I knew.

'Penny for your thoughts? You look miles away.'

'Sorry, Stace. I was just thinking about Lorna.'

She looked momentarily hurt, before smiling and covering my hand with hers across the table. Her fingers were warm and soft. I felt a pleasant spark with the contact.

'It sucks she has to work tonight,' she said. 'But her loss is my gain.'

She squeezed my hand. Was she flirting with me?

My gaze dropped to the creamy curves of her big tits, beautifully pressed together as they were, straining against the fabric. Were her nipples hard or was it just the clingy material?

'Eyes up here, buster.'

'Oh god, I'm sorry Stace. I just...sorry.' I was mortified.

She laughed. 'I'm flattered, honestly. And I did put this dress on after all. I guess I've not exactly hidden them away tonight, have I?'

Heat went to my face. And lower down as well. Now I imagined those beautiful breasts in my hands. Not for the first time, to be honest.

'Well it's a great dress, that much I can say.'

'Very diplomatic. And thank you. It's been a long time since I've had reason to get all dolled up.'

Her smile was warm but I thought there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

'No-one special in your life at the moment?'

She played with those pretty little honey coloured twists of hair around her face. She really was beautiful tonight, her blue grey eyes popping with the makeup. But to be fair, she looked good in a zip-front sports bra and leggings too, with no makeup - another image of her I had wanked over.

'Not unless you count the kids. I don't have much time, and most guys aren't interested once they know I'm a single mum.'

'Those guys are idiots.'

Now I got her full wide smile which was impressive.

'What a charmer. I can see why my sister locked you down.'

It was my turn to laugh now.

We were definitely flirting with each other. It felt risky but it was also the most fun I'd had in ages. Lorna was very much on an even keel, whereas Stacey could go from one extreme to the other. When Stacey wasn't anxious, she was a really great person to be around. I ordered us another bottle of champagne. We could pick up the cars later.

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भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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By the time the cab dropped us off at hers, we were both beyond tipsy and we giggled as she unlocked the door and practically fell in. I had sat in the front of the cab but had spent time glancing at Stacey in the back who had caught me looking several times.

I followed her through to the kitchen and stood behind her as she put the kettle on. Again my eyes dropped to her ass and I had the urge to hug her from behind, bury my face in her pretty neck and cup those big boobs. How would she respond? There was plenty of smooth naked back and shoulders for me too ogle too. One of her straps had fallen half way down her shoulder too. Fuck.

She was laughing at herself at how difficult it was to make a coffee in her slightly inebriated state. God I wanted to take her in my arms and kiss her senseless. But of course I didn't.


As we sometimes did when I stayed over, we'd decided after showering (separately of course) to watch a movie and crash in the sitting room. The two sofas made an L shape against the walls, so there was me on one, Stacey on the other, our heads close enough that if I wanted to I could have reached out to touch her hair. And I did want to.

So there we were watching a romcom we both liked, Stacey in a long and soft pink Disney t-shirt that went to her thigh and me in pyjama shorts and top. Stacey looked so soft and feminine, her honey coloured damp hair prettily tousled, her breasts large and soft in her nightdress thing. I tried not to notice how high up her T shirt had ridden up her leg and how much thigh was on display. I also tried not to think about her black bra straps, one of which I could see. I imagined the bra was one of those substantial underwired types. Then I wondered if she was wearing panties. Again. Jesus.

At some point we had both stretched our arms out in such a way that our hands were very close to touching.

'Stacey, I-'

She turned to me, smiling. 'What? Spit it out.'

'I just wanted to say thanks for having dinner with me tonight.'

'It wasn't a hardship. It was nice to have a boyfriend for a night.'

Before I knew what was happening, she had linked her fingers with mine. My heart was thumping and we looked at each other for several long moments. Tingles went up my arm from where our hands were joined and my mouth went dry.

'Can I ask you a question?' she said, heat in her gaze.

I nodded.

'Have you ever thought about me as more than your sister in law?'

I took a long breath before I answered.

'Stacey, I don't want to lie to you but I'm afraid of what you'll think of me.'

'I have the same worry. For example, if I said that I've thought about you as more than my brother in law what would you say?'

I swallowed.

'If you did say that, then I'd say that I had thought about you that way too. A lot.'

'But we'd never act on it right? We both love Lorna and would never do anything to hurt her.'

I was both relieved and disappointed. What the hell was wrong with me?

'No, of course not.'

She squeezed my hand then.

'But what if Lorna said she was ok with it? You and me, I mean.'

My cock answered that question irrationally by hardening.

'Well then I'd think she was crazy and trying to trick me somehow.'


This conversation was insane. But god Stacey was so pretty. And those tits. I could see her nipples now through her bra and top. Was she as aroused as I was?

She caught me looking and smiled.

'I should go to bed, Stacey.'

She sighed. 'You should. But what if I told you that Lorna had planned this whole thing tonight, that she knows you want me more than just as a sister in law and that we have her blessing?'


'I'm serious. Lorna has watched you trying not to look at me that way for years. Being so careful about it. Sisters talk you know. Here's the thing. She thinks we can be happy together. Being together. You and me. And her. The three of us.'

The image in my mind of the three of us together is something I had fantasised about. What if this could possibly be true? No.
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भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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'Well then I'd think she was crazy and trying to trick me somehow.'


This conversation was insane. But god Stacey was so pretty. And those tits. I could see her nipples now through her bra and top. Was she as aroused as I was?

She caught me looking and smiled.

'I should go to bed, Stacey.'

She sighed. 'You should. But what if I told you that Lorna had planned this whole thing tonight, that she knows you want me more than just as a sister in law and that we have her blessing?'


'I'm serious. Lorna has watched you trying not to look at me that way for years. Being so careful about it. Sisters talk you know. Here's the thing. She thinks we can be happy together. Being together. You and me. And her. The three of us.'

The image in my mind of the three of us together is something I had fantasised about. What if this could possibly be true? No.

I had an older brother but not a sister, so naturally I very much thought of Stacey as my actual sister and I knew she looked at me as her brother, as it was just her and Lorna.

'It doesn't matter what you say. Unless Lorna turns up on your doorstep and tells me she wants it, and shows me she does, then I'll never believe it. I would never betray her. Or hurt either of you. I love both of you.'

She smiled then as if I had somehow said the right thing.

'Hold that thought. I'll be right back.'

I was 100 percent sober now. What on Earth was going on? I stared sightlessly at the TV as Stacey got up and went in the kitchen, her mobile phone in hand. And yes I did look at her ass, despite everything.

I heard the kettle go on and waited for Stacey to reappear and tell me she had been winding me up the whole time while I told my hard on to go away.

Instead my mobile phone buzzed. It was a message from Lorna.

Shit! I was trying to think how to reply when another message came in.

My heart hammered in my chest.


Stacey and I sat at the kitchen table and waited for Lorna. I sipped my coffee.

'You look like you've seen a ghost,' Stacey said

'I can't believe this is happening. I must be dreaming.'

She smirked at me, and leaning over gently pinched my cheek.

'Nah, you're awake.'

Then her hand slid round to my jaw. The contact was electric. We had never touched like this before. I turned into her touch and sighed.

'You're cute when you're nervous.'

I laughed at that.

'You're not nervous?'

'I guess I am a little. And haven't you ever wondered why I get anxious around you?'

Had I been mistaking Stacey's intensity for having a crush on me?

She continued. 'But Lorna and me have been speaking about this for a while so I'm way ahead of you on this. And honestly the way you've been looking at me - or trying not to look at me - for years now, I'm looking forward to getting laid by you.'

My eyes must have gone out on stalks.

Now it was her turn to laugh.

Then I heard the sound of the front door being unlocked and Lorna, not in her nurse's uniform, strode into the kitchen.


'He's still in a state of shock I think, Lor.'

We had moved to the sitting room and I was sat between them, my sister in law to my left, and my wife on my right. We had sat like this before but boy, this felt different. The movie was still playing in the background.

Lorna turned to me.

'This is not a trick Adam, I promise. You love me, right?'

'You know I do.'

'And you love Stacey?'

I took a breath. 'Yes. Yes, I do.'

Lorna put her hand on my thigh.

'So shut up and kiss my sister.'

Could I do this? My cock was certainly on board. I turned to Stacey, her pretty face expectant, her lips curved in a smile. My gaze dropped to her chest in that soft pink top and up again. God I wanted to see and then suck on those tits. I might never have the chance again. Fuck it. I leaned towards her, and pressed my lips against hers.

They were soft, warm and welcoming. I had dreamed of doing this but the reality was more incredible. It felt deliciously wrong but oh so right. I kissed her again, chastely, my eyes closed, savouring the moment. My heart was thumping and my cock was throbbing now.

I was kissing my sister in law. The thought made me lose the control I had been trying to hold on to. I deepened the kiss, Stacey returned my kiss harder and opened her mouth, and our tongues met. She tasted of coffee and mint.

'That's better, right?' said Lorna.

I kept kissing Stacey, breathless with a desire that I had tamped down for so long. I cupped her face in my hands as we explored each other's mouths and I sucked on her tongue. She broke the kiss, panting a little.

'Mmm,' said Stacey. 'You were right, sis. He is a good kisser.'

Lorna laughed. 'He's good in other ways too.'

My wife squeezed my hard cock through my pyjama shorts and I gasped. Then Stacey's hand joined hers in my lap and I couldn't help but groan. I had ached to have Stacey's hands there and now it was actually happening. She was more tentative as she felt my hard on through the thin material of my shorts.

'Oh, god, Stacey '

She giggled as she wrapped her fingers around my length.

'Someone's excited,' she breathed. 'You really are my big brother.'

Then Lorna turned my head to hers and took my mouth in a kiss. Her familiar lips were more passionate than usual though. I ran my hands through her ashy blonde hair, much lighter and straighter than her sister's. She was as turned on as I was. My hands fumbled with the buttons of her blouse as our tongues clashed. Stacey meanwhile was wanking me slowly through my pants which suddenly felt a lot tighter.

I spread the sides of Lorna's blouse open and was more than a little happy to see she was wearing her red lacy bra, a favourite of mine.

I started kissing the side of Lorna's neck and worked my way to her shoulder, slipping one bra strap down with one hand while my other felt her breast in its red lacy cup.

Stacey tapped me on the shoulder and I turned. With heat in her eyes, she put her arms up in the air. I hesitated for a moment, a little overwhelmed by what was happening.

'Stacey, are you sure?' I said.

'I'm sure. Come on, you've been wanting to get your hands on my boobs for a long time. Now's your chance.'
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भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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With slightly shaking hands, I pulled at the hem of her soft pink nightshirt and lifted her top up her body, her arms and then over her head.

I was almost afraid to look but when I felt Lorna tugging at my cock again, desire took over and my eyes dropped to Stacey's big tits, firmly held up and pushed together in a gorgeous lacy black underwired bra. Her skin was creamy and soft, her cleavage mouth-watering.

'Oh god, Stacey.'

Then my eyes drifted down to her slightly parted legs, where pretty, flimsy black lace panties hugged her pussy. Her thighs were full and her stomach soft but toned. Her curvy body was a delicious contrast to her sister's more wiry frame.

I didn't know where to start.

Suddenly Lorna was tugging my shirt off over my head and then I felt the familiar soft warmth of her breasts on my naked back..She must've taken her own bra off whilst I was ogling her sister's sexy underwear.

My cock was tenting my sleep shorts as Lorna started kissing the back of my neck. Stacey turned so I was looking at her back now, transfixed by the back band of her bra and her bare shoulders.

'Undo me?'

With trembling fingers, I reached for the clasp and fumbled a little with the three little hook things as she giggled.

Lorna stood up and I heard her unzip her skirt. I quickly turned to look and my gaze went straight between her slim legs to the lacy red triangle of her panties.

I turned back to Stacey and finally got her bra undone and she slipped it off her shoulders. I noticed how big the inner supportive cups were, then the lines on Stacey's otherwise smooth back from where the material had pressed into it.

Then my hands went to her warm back. I could see the slopes of her breasts from behind. She sighed and I slowly moved my hands round to her front. I closed my eyes in anticipation.

Finally, finally after all these years my hands went where they had wanted to go for as long I could remember as I cupped Stacey's big tits from behind, feeling their soft and warm weight in my palms as I caressed them, groaning, touching her nipples for the first time.

I opened my eyes now and moved closer, my bare front pressed to Stacey's naked back, the contact electrifying.

I kissed the side of Stacey's neck and we both watched as my hands brought her gorgeous perfect heavy breasts up and squeezed them together, the smooth flesh of her tits running through my fingers. Her nipples stiffened as I ran my thumbs over them. They were thick and pink, her areolas a neat surrounding circle of stippled, lighter flesh.

Now Stacey groaned and murmured.

'You're beautiful Stacey. I've wanted to tell you for so long,' I said, caressing her big tits as I nuzzled her neck.

'Charmer, ' she said, laughing.

Then Lorna was tugging at my sleep shorts.

'Let's see what we have here then shall we?' she said.

I turned to her now, releasing Stacey's breasts with some regret.

Lorna was standing, naked apart from her tight red panties. I reached a hand out and cupped her between the legs, her pussy warm and her panties a little damp as I rubbed her through the silky clingy fabric from my sitting position. Her nipples were hard on her small but perky tits.

Lorna had slipped my sleep shorts and boxers off now and my hard cock was out. In front of my sister in law. I was self conscious but so turned on my shaft was flexing all by itself.

'Mmm,' said Stacey, her eyes on my erection. 'He does have a big juicy cock, sis.'

I had never heard my sister in law talk like that. She had a naughty side that I hadn't even imagined in my dirty fantasies of her.

'Told you,' my wife said, pulling me to my feet.

That they had been discussing my manhood behind my back made me feel absurdly proud and masculine. I knew I was well endowed, and as Lorna looped her arms around my neck, my long hot length pressed upwards against her tummy.
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भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Then my hands went to her warm back. I could see the slopes of her breasts from behind. She sighed and I slowly moved my hands round to her front. I closed my eyes in anticipation.

Finally, finally after all these years my hands went where they had wanted to go for as long I could remember as I cupped Stacey's big tits from behind, feeling their soft and warm weight in my palms as I caressed them, groaning, touching her nipples for the first time.

I opened my eyes now and moved closer, my bare front pressed to Stacey's naked back, the contact electrifying.

I kissed the side of Stacey's neck and we both watched as my hands brought her gorgeous perfect heavy breasts up and squeezed them together, the smooth flesh of her tits running through my fingers. Her nipples stiffened as I ran my thumbs over them. They were thick and pink, her areolas a neat surrounding circle of stippled, lighter flesh.

Now Stacey groaned and murmured.

'You're beautiful Stacey. I've wanted to tell you for so long,' I said, caressing her big tits as I nuzzled her neck.

'Charmer, ' she said, laughing.

Then Lorna was tugging at my sleep shorts.

'Let's see what we have here then shall we?' she said.

I turned to her now, releasing Stacey's breasts with some regret.

Lorna was standing, naked apart from her tight red panties. I reached a hand out and cupped her between the legs, her pussy warm and her panties a little damp as I rubbed her through the silky clingy fabric from my sitting position. Her nipples were hard on her small but perky tits.

Lorna had slipped my sleep shorts and boxers off now and my hard cock was out. In front of my sister in law. I was self conscious but so turned on my shaft was flexing all by itself.

'Mmm,' said Stacey, her eyes on my erection. 'He does have a big juicy cock, sis.'

I had never heard my sister in law talk like that. She had a naughty side that I hadn't even imagined in my dirty fantasies of her.

'Told you,' my wife said, pulling me to my feet.

That they had been discussing my manhood behind my back made me feel absurdly proud and masculine. I knew I was well endowed, and as Lorna looped her arms around my neck, my long hot length pressed upwards against her tummy.

I kissed Lorna with a passion I hadn't for years, pressing her breasts tight against me as I hugged her to me. Her hard nipples on my chest felt so good.

My hands went to her panty clad little ass and I squeezed the familiar flesh, appreciating anew how hot my wife was.

'Hey, don't forget me,' said Stacey as she stood up and watched us for a moment, before moving behind me.

Then I felt my sister in law's big soft breasts on my back as her hands came around my waist. I was sandwiched between the two women. Lorna stepped back a little to make space between our bodies and then, incredibly, I felt Stacy's bare hand on my cock, skin to skin, for the first time, as she reached around from behind me, wrapped her fingers around my erection and squeezed.

I moaned into Lorna's mouth as I tried and mostly failed to process what was happening.

'Oh, god, that feels good,' I breathed.

I felt Stacey's warm breath on my neck as she ran her fingers up and down my shaft, her stiff nipples on my back. One hand went from my hip and drifted down to my ass and cupped me there. I gasped.

'You like that, big bro?' she said as her fingers danced now over the sensitive swollen head of my cock.

'Fuck yes,'
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Stacey's girlish giggle and her sort-of pet name for me had me turning in Lorna's arms and Stacey let go of my rigid cock as I crushed my sister in law's curvy body to me and kissed her hard, my cock throbbing on her soft tummy. Those big, warm tits squashed up against my chest sent a thrill to my balls and I had to concentrate not to come there and then all over her stomach.

As Stacey returned my kiss with tongue, my hands played with her gorgeous hair and without thinking they moved down the curve of her back and then my hands were on her generous ass.

I grabbed a handful of both round cheeks and squeezed. This was another moment I had dreamed of. There was a lot of juicy ass to grab, so different from my wife's, as I took my fill, playing with the line of warm skin where the soft material of her black lace panties began, caressing my fingers up and down there.

I knew I was mere inches from her pussy but just as I began to consider the possibilities, Stacey stepped out of my arms and knelt in front of me, right there on the sitting room carpet.

'Mind if I suck your husband's cock, sis?'

My cock jerked in anticipation in front of my sister in law's pretty face. I don't know what I'd done to deserve this but then Lorna wrapped her arms round me from behind and grabbed my cock.

'I thought you'd never ask,' my wife said. 'Make sure you blow him good, sis. Don't forget his balls though. He likes getting them sucked too, don't you baby?'

Oh my god.

'I haven't done this for a while, bro. And I can't believe how fucking big you are.'

Lorna gave me a good squeeze, then let go of my cock and Stacey took over. She surprised me by slapping my cock against the side of her face a couple of times.

'So fucking hard, too. Jesus.'

Stacey looked up and me and brought her pouted lips to the tip of my purplish mushroom head. I gasped as she kissed my swollen tip, and my cock jerked.

'Easy tiger,' laughed Stacey.

'I don't think you know how much I've dreamt about this,' I breathed.

Her answer was to slide her lips over the head of my cock, sucking gently as she took me in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around my cockhead and I let out a groan. I couldn't believe what was happening but I didn't want it to stop.

'Mmm. Tastes as good as it looks, Lor.'

She took me deeper into her mouth, wrapping her lips tightly around my shaft, and I had to close my eyes then. I could feel her using a gentle twisting motion with her hand on the base of my cock as she started to bob up and down my length, her warm and wet mouth making a delicious seal around my hardness as I felt myself at the back of her throat.

'Oh, god Stacey. Fuck that feels good.'

She let me out of her mouth then and I missed it immediately.

'Good to know I haven't lost my touch. You wanna come down my throat, big bro?''
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भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Before I had a chance to answer she took my length back into her mouth and I opened my eyes, looking down as I watched her, transfixed. Her tits looked delicious from this angle as I watched her work on my cock

Then Lorna spoke into my ear as her hands roamed my chest from behind.

'You like my little sister sucking your big dick, baby?'

'Fuck, Lorna.'

I put one hand on top of Stacey's head and curled my other hand round my wife's pert little ass and brought her round to my side, pulling her in for a kiss, our tongues running over each other as our mouths met feverishly. The press of her breasts on my side and Stacey's suction on my cock felt incredible.

I moved my hand down Lorna's slim frame, caressing her breasts, then her hip before settling between her legs where I cupped her between the legs. Her red lace panties were wetter than before and I could feel the heat of her pussy as I rubbed her and she moaned into my mouth.

My sister in law was really going at my cock now, her big tits swinging as she throated me over and over. I began to thrust into her mouth in return, my cock sliding easily in and out of her mouth as she gazed up at me with heat in her eyes. I was close to coming just from that look.

Then she let me out of her mouth and my wife reached down and grasped my cock, holding it upwards.

'Suck his balls, sis.'

Stacey wasted no time as she lent forward and started licking my heavy hanging balls all over, as her tongue sent little wet thrills of sensation to my core, while Lorna wanked my cock, sliding her fingers slowly up and down my wet length.

Then my sister in law took one of my balls into her wet mouth and sucked gently whilst she caressed the other with her fingers. I was in heaven.

'Oh fuck, Stace.'


Then she swapped to my other ball, taking it into her mouth and pressed her fingers gently but firmly underneath my balls which made my cock throb and I let out a long groan.

'He's about to come, sis,' said Lorna.

Stacey switched to cupping my balls whilst she ran her tongue in a long lick all the way from the base of my shaft underneath right to the tip, where she licked all over my swollen head before plunging my cock back into her hot wet mouth and sucked gently but firmly.

She looked up at me again and smiled around my cock.

'Mmmmhmm. Come for me, big bro. Come down your little sister's throat.'

I had no conscious control so when she squeezed my balls, the aching and tingling contraction built quickly and then with a cry I came hard, crying out, my heart thumping in my chest as I throbbed and pulsed down her throat, spurting my release over and over as she sucked the cum out of me.

I was overwhelmed with feeling and turned to kiss Lorna, one hand stroking Stacey's hair back from her head as my breathing started to return to normal.

Then with a gasp of her own, Stacey let some of my cum out of her mouth and it dripped down her chin and on to those beautiful big tits of hers.

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भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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The girls had sent me upstairs to have a shower so they could talk, Stacey smacking my ass on the way out. Apparently I was to give them twenty minutes and then meet them in Stacey's bedroom.

As I washed, I thought about what had just happened and shook my head at the incredible turn of events. I hadn't lasted long in Stacey's mouth which didn't surprise me, but I was already getting hard again wondering just how far this would all go.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed towards Stacey's bedroom, a place I had not spent much time in obviously. Although once Lorna had sent me up there to look for something and I'd had a quick look in Stacey's drawers, finding a lot of silky looking panties that gave me an instant hard on just looking at them, but I'd been too chicken to take any away for nefarious purposes.

I heard giggling before I went in and my jaw literally dropped open when I took in the view.

My sister in law and my wife were lying next to each other on the bed on top of the covers wearing only lacy panties. Lorna was on her front but Stacey was on her back. Those big tits were hard to look away from.

Both had changed into fresh panties apparently and judging by their damp hair had showered too. My wife Lorna was wearing a high cut pair of baby blue thong style bikini panties so I could see a lot of her ass, while Stacey was wearing a fuller lacy pale green pair, her legs slightly open, her soft inner thighs begging to be kissed.

Seeing them side by side like this emphasised their similarities and differences. You could tell they were sisters, having similar faces of course and they were about the same height. Lorna's hair was blonde, long and straight, contrasting with Stacey's brown and blonde softly curled tresses.

Stacey had the curvier body, thick thighs, juicy ass and a softer tummy where Lorna was slimmer and leaner.

They were both gorgeous though and I knew many men would be more than a little envious of me.

'Take a picture, it'll last longer,' said Lorna, rolling on to her front now so I was looking at two pairs of tits, medium and large sized.

'Believe me, I would if I thought I could hold the camera straight right now.'

Stacey laughed at that.

'Come here, bro. And get that towel off. I want to see that big juicy cock of yours.'

I did as I was told. My hard on sprang out.

'Someone's happy to see us,' cooed my sister in law. 'Come on, there's plenty of room.'

There was actually. Stacey had a king size bed, which I'd thought probably came in handy when her little ones wanted to sleep in with her.

Right now it came in handy for other purposes too. I climbed on the bed and lay on my back between them as they made room for me, not knowing where to look or where to put my hands. I settled for putting my hands behind my head for now.
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भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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My cock was pointing straight upwards as I felt the heat from both of their clean bodies envelop me, Stacey's warm hand wrapping around my length as she squeezed.

I turned first to my wife and kissed her soft lips, before nuzzling into her neck as my sister in law started to wank me. My hands skimmed down Lorna's back and I squeezed her pert little ass as I felt the soft and warm press of Stacey's tits on my back. I groaned with the sensation and turned now to her instead, my lips finding hers in a French kiss as our tongues met wetly. The thrill of kissing another woman was doubled by it being my sister in law. Stacey was a good kisser and when I felt Lorna's hands go between my legs and cup my balls from behind, I deepened the kiss with Stacey.

I felt Lorna's breath on my back when she spoke.

'You gonna suck my sister's tits then?'

'Oh fuck. God, yes.'

My fantasy was coming true as I positioned myself above Stacey who rolled on to her back, my cock on her soft stomach, my balls brushing her panties as I straddled her and looked reverently down at her beautiful big tits.

My sister in law cupped her own breasts and pushed them together for me, which raised their delicious curves up and towards me. I could just make out faint blueish lines here and there under the smooth surface of those big mouth watering mounds as I lowered my head, first moving to her left tit as I tongued her strawberry coloured nipple, which lengthened and hardened with my attention.

Stacey gasped as I feathered my tongue across her wide areola then returned to kiss the stiff nipple before finally taking it into my mouth and sucking it gently.

I loved sucking my wife's tits but Stacey's were something else. She clearly had super sensitive nipples and as I sucked harder, she moaned. With that sound, and with her nipple in my mouth, my cock throbbed.

Bracing myself on my arms, I kissed across the curve of one breast to the other, taking that nipple into my mouth now and sucking hard enough to lift the whole of her tit flesh up off of her chest. I swirled my tongue around the hard bud and using my free hand gently tugged at her other nipple. Stacey arched her back off the bed and started to pant a little, so I knew it was working for her. I kept going, lovingly kissing and licking her nipples and sucking on the surrounding supple flesh.

At some point Lorna had moved behind me and her hands were on my ass and then she was rubbing my balls.

I took Stacey's hands off her breasts and held them over her head with one hand, and started kissing down her body, nuzzling the valley between her gorgeous tits, one hand cupping her right breast, caressing it as it over spilled my fingers. Now that she wasn't pressing them together, her large firm mounds went to the sides of her chest a little.

Then I kissed her soft tummy, loving her mommy curves as I went lower, placing open mouthed wet kisses in a line as I let go of her hands and knelt now between her thick but firm thighs, her pale green lace panties filling my vision, the thin material the only thing standing between me and my sister in law's pussy.

She sighed as I spread her legs and started kissing the smooth and soft skin of her inner thighs, kissing the warm mound of her pussy through her panties, the scent of her arousal filling my senses as I worked up one thigh and down the other.

Stacey's hands were in my hair now, pushing me between her legs, and I buried my face there, nuzzling her, licking her through her panties, the wetness of my tongue meeting the wetness of her pussy.

'Mmmm. That feels good, big bro. Now get my panties off and eat my pussy properly.'

She lifted her juicy ass up and I pulled her panties down slowly, tenderly almost.

I realised then that Lorna was kneeling next to me on the bed and watching me with a smirk as I spent long moments appreciating the view. My wife's nipples I noticed were hard little buttons. I would get to them later.

It turned out my sister in law had a gorgeous, plump pussy. Unlike Lorna who shaved her pussy bare, Stacey had a cute little trimmed bush above her full pink outer lips, which were wet with her juices. Her clit was big and tasty looking, even though it was partially hidden. Her whole pussy mound was bigger than Lorna's.

'Get in there Adam. My little sister is soaking wet for you. Eat her out good. Make her come on your tongue.'

I groaned at my wife's dirty talk. I ran a finger up and down my sister in law's damp slit, just brushing her clit. She giggled as I got comfy between her thighs.

I spread her outer lips with my thumbs and was rewarded as her pinker and juicy interior and inner lips were fully revealed.

It was a long time since I had seen a pussy other than my wife's and I was like a kid unwrapping a present, which in a way was exactly what Lorna had arranged today.
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licked her tentatively at first. She tasted different to Lorna, sweeter, sharper but somehow earthier too. As I got used to the taste, I took some long licks up and down her pussy, kissing here and there like it was her mouth. I gently ran my fingers through her trimmed bush and placed a kiss there on that silky, hairy patch too. Stacey moaned as I worked her over, pushing up on her thighs to open her pussy up further, and getting my tongue as far inside that juicy pink space as I could.

My mind was reeling a little - I was eating my sister in law's hot pussy - devouring it actually, taking her lips into my mouth and sucking, tonguing her clit now which made her buck on the bed, and really getting her juices flowing.

But all that was topped by what happened next. My wife crawled up the bed, her panty clad tight little ass moving past me, and before I knew what was happening, she lowered her mouth and started to suck on one of her sister's big stiff pink nipples, taking two hands to hold Stacey's big tit steady.

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My cock throbbed at the sight but I was too stunned to speak. It turned me on so much I started to suck now on Stacey's clit, which had swollen a little.

Stacey had one hand on my head but I saw now her other hand held my wife's head to her breast as she panted.
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'Oh yeah, sis, right there, god that's good. You're gonna make me come so hard, you two. Fuck!'

I put a finger into Stacey's juicy cunt now as I lapped and sucked at her clit. I reached my hand out somewhat blindly and starting groping my wife's ass, rubbing between her legs, trying and failing to get her wet panties off but I was getting something right as she started to moan too, even while her mouth was full of her sister's big tit.

Lorna had moved over to Stacey's other tit and was licking around and on top of her sister's nipple. The angle change meant I was able to pull my wife's panties down to her knees and I wasted no time in getting my fingers in her slippery pussy from behind too.

As I fingered both my wife and sister-in-law, I came very close to blowing my load all over the bed but I re-focussed on Stacey. I wanted to make her come and come hard all over my face and fingers and when I added a second finger, and began sawing in and out of her whilst sustaining the sucking of her clit, her thick thighs started to tremble and I smiled even while I ate her out.

'That's it big bro, fuck that's it, right there, right there, ah, ah, ah, oh fuck I'm coming, uh, uh, uh, fuck, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm COMING!'

Those juicy thighs clamped on my face now which was bathed with a fresh warm flow of her girl juices which I swallowed even while she cried out. Her whole body was shaking and trembling from the orgasm and I quickly grabbed the base of my cock hard so I wouldn't come.

As her orgasm subsided, she sighed and her thighs parted. I lapped gently at her as she twirled her fingers in my hair, her breathing returning to normal.

'Good job, big bro. Good job.'

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Stacey went to take a shower, and I watched her heart shaped ass as I lay back on the bed. I wanted to smack her juicy rear, but decided I would do that later, preferably whilst I fucked her from behind.

'You like my sister's ass?', Lorna said, one long leg thrown over me.

'Not as much as you like her tits, apparently.'

My wife laughed at that, even whilst she played with my cock.

'You think you're the only one who likes sucking her tits? And no, I'm not bi. And no, I've never been with anyone else. But when Stacey turned 18, we started playing with each other a little.'

'I had no idea.'

'Obviously. But when we both got boyfriends, we moved on from that. But tonight, seeing you going at her, got me going too.'

'It was fucking hot,' I said honestly. 'I nearly came when I saw what you were doing.'

'Oh yeah?' Lorna said, 'First you come down my sister's throat. Now you nearly came on her bed. I'm sure you can think of a better place to shoot your load.'

'Lorna, are you really ok with all this? It doesn't worry you, what we're doing?'

'No, it really doesn't. Me and Stacey have been talking about this for a while. Tonight was a set up, you know that. When Stacey rang and said you'd turned her down and would never cheat on me, the final piece fell into place.'

'The final piece?'

'You, dummy. Your faithfulness in the face of temptation. Plus, Stacey has been in love with you for years. Couldn't you tell? You just needed my approval.'

'I don't know what I've done to deserve you. Or your sister.'

'Well this guy has a little something to do with it,' she said, squeezing the head of my cock.

'I love you, Lorna.'

'And I love you. That's why this is going to work out just fine. Now shut up and eat my pussy.'

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I had my head between my wife's long slender legs, my tongue right up inside her familiar smooth wet cunt when I felt the bed dip.

'Hey, bro. Mind if I join?'

I put my head up even whilst Lorna was mid groan. My sister in law was fresh from the shower, smelt amazing, and was kneeling next to me naked, her beautiful big soft tits in my face, her nipples big and tasty looking. I still wasn't used to the incredible view.

She smirked as she saw me ogling her.

'You can titfuck me later, but for now let me take over here and you can stick that huge cock in my big sister's mouth.'

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'Good idea, little sis, just like the old days,' said my wife. 'Get up here, Adam, it's my turn to suck your dick.'

Without thinking about it, I got up on my knees and kissed Stacey hard on the mouth, giving her an early taste of her sister's juicy pussy. I fondled her tits while she wanked my length for a few moments, then she smacked my ass, getting me to move.

I climbed on top of my wife, straddling her carefully and slapped my erection on her perky tits a few times before she grabbed hold of my hips, and pulled me towards her parted lips.

I put my hands on the headboard for balance and fed the tip of my cock into her waiting wet mouth, angling down. Lorna took it without hesitation and tongued my sensitive slit before sucking on my swollen cockhead.

'Oh fuck, Lorna that feels good.'


Behind me I could hear the wet sound of her pussy getting thoroughly eaten out by her sister. Lorna wrapped her lips tightly around my stiff pole and I started to slide in and out of her mouth as she looked up at me, heat in her gaze.

My breath was coming in gasps now. I held the sides of my wife's face to keep it steady while she took care of my cock, the tight seal of her lips moving back and forth on my length, her tongue tapping, swirling and licking the underside of my shaft. Her hands came round my back and she dropped them lower to squeeze my ass. That made me fuck her throat faster and I tipped my head back, closing my eyes, lost in the sensation.

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Then I was surprised to feel what had to be a third hand on my ass, and a wet tongue on my balls.

'Oh, fuck Stacey.'

'Feel good, bro?'

Stacey had moved behind me and was rubbing and licking my heavy hanging balls even while I was getting throated by her sister.

'Christ, yes.'

'How about we swap, bro. I think you should fuck my big sister now. You need to fill her pussy with your big juicy cock. She's soaking down there. Mind if I sit on her face?'

Fuck. Even I hadn't gone so far as to fantasise about this. Lorna let my wet cock out of her mouth. 'Stick that fucking thing in me, Adam.'

I moved down Lorna's body whilst Stacey moved up. I wasted no time in getting myself situated between my wife's shapely thighs, sitting back on my knees as I fisted my cock, but when I looked up I had to pause to appreciate the view. My curvy sister in law was facing me, those big tits shifting around while she got settled, her knees either side of Lorna as she lowered her plump pussy to meet her older sister's waiting tongue. It was easily the hottest thing I had ever seen in my life, as surprising as it was a turn on. Stacey gently braced her hands on Lorna's toned stomach and leant forward a little.

Lorna's cunt was glistening wet with her juices and moving my hips forward, I easily penetrated her, my shaft parting her lips, opening her up in a smooth movement that had both of us groaning, my wife's voice muffled as she worked between her sister's full thighs.

I bottomed out quickly in my wife's familiar pussy, and I was balls deep when she squeezed me with her vaginal walls, sheathing me in her warm and wet channel.

'That looks good, bro,' said Stacey, looking at where I was joined with her sister. 'I get to watch you screw my sister. You get to watch her eat me out. Oh fuck, Lor, right there. God, you always were good at this.'

I got into a rhythm as I stroked slow and deep into Lorna's slippery pussy, but I couldn't take my eyes off the junction of my sister in law's deliciously thick thighs, where my wife's long pink tongue moved inside Stacey's wet slit. Stacey was cupping and caressing her own tits with one hand, and with the other she was spreading her lips open and running a finger up and down through her trimmed bush to her clit.

Lorna got her ankles up on to my shoulders, and I leaned into her, taking her wet cunt now in faster thrusts, my balls slapping against her ass, her firm tits bouncing on her chest.

My sister in law shifted position on my wife's face, her eyelids fluttering as Lorna panted and groaned into her pussy below.

With the changed position I was much closer to Stacey and reached for her. She came into my arms and we sort of hugged each other, my arms round her back, her head on my shoulder, those luscious breasts pressed against me as below us I reamed her sister. Stacey was getting a little red in the face, the flush reaching down her neck too.

'You fuck my sister hard, bro. Fuck her tight little pussy. Make her come all over that big juicy cock of yours.'

Lorna was clenching on me now, her tightened channel sucking on my stiff rod as I ploughed her with increasing intensity, so turned on I didn't think I could last much longer.

I dipped my head and closed my lips around one of Stacey's big pink stiff nipples, sucking hard, with my other hand cupping her other breast, caressing the soft and heavy weight of it as the bed bounced.

Then Stacey brought my head up and our mouths crashed together in a frantic kiss, our tongues meeting, my hands in her hair now as I began to lose control. I reached one hand down between our bodies and felt Lorna's tongue licking around my fingers as I pressed them into Stacey's hot and juicy pussy, finding her clit by feel alone and rubbing it as Lorna tongued into her vagina below.

The effect was almost immediate. Stacey let out a long groan into my mouth and stiffened in my embrace as she came all over my fingers and Lorna's face, crying out.

I could feel Lorna tighten beneath us both and Stacey rose up a little. Lorna's face was wet with her sisters juices and she was trembling on the edge of orgasm as I kept pumping into her, the wet sound of her pussy as I fucked her filling my ears.

'I'm coming, oh fuck I'm coming!' Lorna gasped.

At her words I felt my balls contracting and with one big thrust I speared her deeply, my eyes locked with Stacey's as my wife's pussy gripped me tightly. I came hard at the same time as Lorna and we shuddered together as the tingling squeezing rush reached the head of my cock and I pulsed and throbbed and jerked inside her, coming in big spurts, buried between her shaking thighs as we both cried out in mutual release, her walls clenching on me.

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Then Stacey brought my head up and our mouths crashed together in a frantic kiss, our tongues meeting, my hands in her hair now as I began to lose control. I reached one hand down between our bodies and felt Lorna's tongue licking around my fingers as I pressed them into Stacey's hot and juicy pussy, finding her clit by feel alone and rubbing it as Lorna tongued into her vagina below.

The effect was almost immediate. Stacey let out a long groan into my mouth and stiffened in my embrace as she came all over my fingers and Lorna's face, crying out.

I could feel Lorna tighten beneath us both and Stacey rose up a little. Lorna's face was wet with her sisters juices and she was trembling on the edge of orgasm as I kept pumping into her, the wet sound of her pussy as I fucked her filling my ears.

'I'm coming, oh fuck I'm coming!' Lorna gasped.

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At her words I felt my balls contracting and with one big thrust I speared her deeply, my eyes locked with Stacey's as my wife's pussy gripped me tightly. I came hard at the same time as Lorna and we shuddered together as the tingling squeezing rush reached the head of my cock and I pulsed and throbbed and jerked inside her, coming in big spurts, buried between her shaking thighs as we both cried out in mutual release, her walls clenching on me.

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We had collapsed on the bed, the three of us tangled together in a hot mess. My face was comfortably settled between my sister in law's big tits as she stroked my hair and I caressed her full ass. Behind me Lorna was pressed up against my back, one leg thrown across me. I was drifting off as my breathing slowed, listening to them murmuring to each other as I nuzzled the valley between Stacey's gorgeous boobs.


I woke alone in bed some time later, the covers at my feet. For a second the whole thing seemed like it could have been a crazy dream. But my cock felt used in the most pleasant way and my pubic hair was matted and sticky.

My phone beeped on the nightstand. It was a message from Lorna.

That got my cock twitching and my ass moving.


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