Adultery Jaya - young college teacher
Jaya in transparent white shirt showing her body to javed

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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Sorry to say the last update was a complete bore.
[+] 1 user Likes Vasanthan's post
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(02-03-2025, 10:18 AM)Vasanthan Wrote: Sorry to say the last update was a complete bore.

Big Grin For me also, I am not satisfied with this update.....?. I informed to some one in private message, this will not accepted by some reders......  Anyway thanks for your comments... and Can you mention, which part disappointed ? Reghu-Ashima or Jaya-Javed...?

Dear readers I need your genuine replay...... I want to know what changes I need to do to make this story more beautiful.... Thank you all...
[+] 2 users Like kuttoosan009's post
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(01-03-2025, 06:14 PM)Herbiee Wrote: Woow.

Thanks Harbee

(01-03-2025, 08:45 PM)Tamilmathi Wrote: Excellent narration ......

Thank you dear

(02-03-2025, 02:42 AM)kanikaakochr Wrote: Good nration
But honestly I like now aashima story her emotions n how she discuss about her hubby

Heart Its Jaya's story, but Ashima have special place in this story...

(02-03-2025, 03:02 AM)krantikumar Wrote: Excellent update reghu is genuine with ashmita but she is not accepted with reghu decision.. he thinking about Jaya but she is enjoying... When Jaya will come back to home.. can I expect Jaya have 3 some... Thank you

Thanks,  3 some will be there.

(02-03-2025, 07:36 AM)karimeduramu Wrote: nice writing, then why should they still stick with this marriage when their husband are completely useless and uncaring. They can be liberal and freedom and open the legs to any men of their choice.

in my POV, they are concerned about their social status..... They are in affair with those men secretly, but things are under control of them....

(02-03-2025, 08:37 AM)Sandyrockz703 Wrote: Super update bro. I think its  jaya- javed time from now. Hope jaya teaches everything about sex to javed and make his fear go away?.

Wil there be any chance of mani- jaya- javed  episode in future??

May be, not planned

(02-03-2025, 08:42 AM)Sandyrockz703 Wrote: Jaya in transparent white shirt showing her body to javed

[Image: IMG-20250302-084037.jpg]

Heart Heart Heart
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One of the best updates
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Superb update but missing Ashima story....

Come back soon.....
[+] 1 user Likes abhirajfree's post
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Cuckold husband contact --littledinasour039;
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Go with your flow , donot change anything ............
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Nice Story
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Wow. What a erotic update. Jaya teaches Javed what he really needs to know and clears his doubts. Now She proved him that he can satisfy women.

Ashima was lead last update 40A, Now Jaya has scored more in the last update. You keep fun going on both sides. Your writing skills are amazing. Thank you for the update BrO.
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[+] 2 users Like Herbiee's post
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Hello kattoobro..
Thanks for the long update.. Jaya with new character Javed.. though as you earlier informed that Javed will not get much form Jaya but in last update he got everything except the real fucking.. 
Your characterization Jaya is superb.. she is the most beautiful with sensuous figures with that she has a kind and lovely heart.. she came across many characters form the youngest Javed to eldest Shekhar uncle.. she shared, enjoyed and given everything with/to them wholeheartedly,. Without any ill intention.. 
Initially.. a lovely dutyful wife of Mahesh.. later as he moved to abroad, the watchman Rahim tried to fill the void and ignites the fire slowly within Jaya to enjoy life and some betrayal from Mahesh also leads her to enjoy her life fulfill her desires fully.. and come across different males and she purely shared everything on the basis of trust with every character.
But, what I feel.. the breach of trust was broken by Raghu.. as he revealed the name of Jaya as his lover to Ashima.. though Jaya told to keep their secrecy of relationship.. second Mani told Jaya about Javed.. to teach him about the sex.. but I think in the last update instead of Mani.. Javed himself meet Jaya and express his hidden feelings and than they both do what they did..

So, as you created the character Jaya and yes she is the main and leading character of the story.. her kindness to everyone must be repaid by others to her.. she is near to our heart and don't want anybody will spoil her.

So I want to know.. if You want to share.. 
In future Jaya will be in trouble or anything like that..?
if Yes than I would like to say GOOD BYE to your story.. for me she will be the most beneficial one.. don't betrayed or blackmailed by anyone..

And the threesom you are planning.. might be Jaya, Raghu and Ashima.. I think so..
[+] 1 user Likes Yampag's post
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(02-03-2025, 12:31 PM)kuttoosan009 Wrote: this is a beauty of your writing skills as you turned ourselves from Jaya to aashima.
Specially when she has a feeling of cheating her husband.
It's your story n you have right to write in your way. But being a genuine reader & appraiser of your writing, i just want to put what i like to read.

1. About Aashima reason is above. 
2. Let her realise more her husband is not good for her. 
3. But still a guilt of cheating since she was the looyal one ever. 
4. Slowly she also degrades her husband. 

Again it is a your story n i will read whatever you write.

Thanks Harbee

Thank you dear

Heart Its Jaya's story, but Ashima have special place in this story...

Thanks,  3 some will be there.

in my POV, they are concerned about their social status..... They are in affair with those men secretly, but things are under control of them....

May be, not planned

Heart Heart Heart
[+] 1 user Likes kanikaakochr's post
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Heart Heart
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[+] 1 user Likes Herbiee's post
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Dear Kattoo Bhai. I just see This Story Recently after Long Break. at least Approx 3 year and I understood that You start up date in This Story. Thank you. Now i restarted Riding This story. There are 1 Request that. Pl dont write any thing that harm our Lovely jaya. No Blackmail, No Proper force from any kind. But...
I am very Happy if you describe in Upcoming episode's That she gate Rough sex and Unwillingly some kind of hard sex from his lover. (sp. From mani)
because .....
she is Now capable to Handle This type of Love. witch Give her Pleasure more Then simple Fucking.
[+] 2 users Like Bhikhumumbai's post
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i write That Upper comment Because One's You maintain that she enjoyed slapping from Mani
[+] 2 users Like Bhikhumumbai's post
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Bro nice update plz add little bite more moan words anyone female characters in story.
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Jaya facial expression while javed licking her pussy so nicely

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[+] 1 user Likes Sandyrockz703's post
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Jaya waiting for mani and javed in her room

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[+] 1 user Likes Sandyrockz703's post
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Hot Ashima

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