Bhabi who was frustrated with her husband's lack of manliness finally said," He is

also I think like his brother's size. But his cock does not get hard for long and he

finished in few minutes and sometime in few seconds. Also sometimes he cums so

little that I can't feel him cumming and have to ask him if he has finished. So what is the

use of discussing size if it does not last long dear?"

Sunitha laughed hearing Bhabi's cock woes and proudly said," All the 4 men I fucked

last long and hard and Arvi bhaiya lasts at least 45mins."

Un-Luckily the kids arrived and the cock size and performance discussion had to be

interrupted and now both women were busy with the kids feeding them and after

having bath getting them ready for their tuition.

Once the kids were gone Sunitha went over to Bhabi's flat to see how she

had processed the stunning news that she was a cheating whore.

Sunitha's mind had been working all the time while getting her kids ready

and seeing Bhabi with her adopted kids, she now had a solution to the

Bhabi problem even though she knew that she could trust Bhabi,

she wanted to make it 100% safe and foolproof.
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Bhabi had made tea for them both and now siting like two sisters together Sunitha

told her," Bhabi, I think this is all for the best."

Bhabi intrigued as to how Sunitha's fucking around behind her husband's back

(even though he deserved it ) was all for the best."

Bhabi's mind also had been working and imagining her innocent Devaraani getting

fucked by all those men especially the 2 labour class which did not seem to affect

the young girl at all either physically or mentally and who took it as if it was a

normal thing to do. It was all somewhat exciting for the villager woman who could

not have imagined this of her decent rich educated Devaraani .

Sunitha," Bhabi I overheard some sort of discussion the elders were having at the

family get together and the conversation was dominated and instigated by our MIL

and that nosy Ajmer aunty was suggesting that they find a new bahu for Kamlesh

so that she can bear him a child. Stupid people don't realize that it may be his

fault that you can't bear kamlesh a child."
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Bhabi was shocked and scared that she and her sort of adopted kids would be

sent packing of to Rajasthan and looked at Sunitha with sad eyes.

Sunitha continued," So now I got an idea and that's why I said what happened to me

is for the best. See, we don't have proof that you can't bear a child as the family is

refusing us medical opinion. So we have to resort to the natural method of testing it."

Bhabi in a sad voice asked," How?"

Sunitha," That's easy. You have to get fucked by another man like Arvi bhaiya

without condom especially when you are ovulating and take all his sperms in your

womb and just wait a few days and do a simple piss test and then confirm

pregnancy and if you can or can't bear children. To make it a perfect experiment

it's better that you get fucked multiple time a day and by multiple men to increase

the chances of pregnancy,"

Bhabi stunned that her devaraani could suggest such an unthinkable shocking

suggestion squeaked out in a high pitch," Are you mad? How can I get naked

and get fucked by strangers and cheat on my husband?"
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Sunitha replied cruelly," Then OK. Just pack your and the kids bags and be ready to

be kicked out all the way back home to your village in Rajasthan."

Bhabi had tears in her eyes hearing and imagining that and started sobbing.

Sunitha," Bhabi, I love you and you are my closest friend in this family and both

of us are bahu's of these bastards. This is the only way to tackle them and we

both should be united and find ways to handle them. Listen to me and I will plan

everything and I promise you that nobody will know.

Bhabi wanted to retort that she came to know about Sunitha's indiscretions and

also all the men who fuck her will know and don't know then what will happen

in the future. But the thought of being kicked out with the kids and her husband

taking on a new wife was worse than anything she could imagine.

Sunitha seeing Bhabi's confused face told her," Let's just think this overnight

and we will discuss this at the picnic tomorrow at the beach.
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Bhabi also was relieved that she did not have to take such a big decision so quickly

and just thinking about it made her blush pink.

The next day there was a business picnic organized by the cell phone company that

Rajesh, Kamlesh and their family was connected with and all Rajesh's close associates

would be attending along with all the company executives and their families.

It was organized at a beach resort about an hour from Pondi and had some ancient

temple half submerged and other ancient attractions.
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Bhabi had a sleepless night and twisted and turned in the bed disturbing Kamlesh who

asked her to stop disturbing him and to go and sleep in the living room. This was normal

for the couple and Bhabi picked up her bedsheet and pillow and went to the living room

and spread a mat and tried to sleep. Not only was she worried about getting kicked out

of the house and sent back to Rajasthan but also highly perturbed that the solution was

for her to get fucked by strange men and that too naked. She blushed red and got

goosebumps just thinking of the unthinkable. She wondered how her devarani was

so casual about getting fucked by strange men.

Also thinking of 2 labour class men fucking her was totally unthinkable. She also did

not want to have dark skinned babies. Once Bhabi had analyzed the situation and

knew that the only way to save her marriage was for her to get pregnant was to listen

to her devarani and get fucked by Arvi Bhaiya and maybe by Shenoy Uncle who

though old was fair skinned. By the time Bhabi fell asleep she had decided to accept

Sunitha's plan and also strictly tell Sunitha that she will only fuck Arvi Bhaiya and

Shenoy Uncle for pregnancy. Thinking of this decision made Bhabi blush in the dark

and an involuntary unusual wetness of her pussy. Bhabi had nightmares and in

them she saw the milkman and watchman banging her and cumming in her and

making her pregnant. She got up shaken and startled and sweating even with

the AC and a completely damp pussy. She heard the bell ring and knowing that

it was the milkman she hurried and quickly opened the front door to receive the milk.
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Normally Bhabi would hold her pallu with her teeth covering part of her face as per tradition

but today she opened the door wIth just a nighty and looking at the milkman's startled face

she also was startled in her half sleepy state to see the milkman's face and recollect

Sunitha's description of his big cock. Bhabi blushed red and was unable to look the

milkman in his eyes or face and looked down to only see the large bulge in his lungi.

She trembled and collected the milk and quickly shut the door with her heart beating

fast. The milkman's was surprised at the unusual behaviour of Bhabi but could

not decipher the cause and left.

Bhabi's pussy was now tingling and she definitely needed quick relief and she left the

milk on the stove and went to the bedroom to see if Kamlesh was willing for an early

morning quicky even if it was for a few mins or seconds. Kamlesh woke up shocked

at feeling his wife feeling his limp cock as she never initiated sex and also was docile

and he normally had to coax her for sex.

Kamlesh was not a sexual person and was irritated with his wife's behaviour that too so

early in the morning (not knowing that the rest of the world's couples enjoyed early morning

sex all over the world). He also was excited about the company picnic and scolded his

wife for behaving like a cheap whore. Bhabi had tears in her eyes and left the bedroom

to finish her morning chores and get ready to leave for the picnic.
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Arvi also was busy the next day as he had meetings with the Bank Divisional Manager along

with Shenoy Sir who was the coordinator helping Arvi with the loan. The young Bank

Divisional Manager had worked under Shenoy Sir as a new direct officer and had risen up

the ranks rapidly due to his exceptional performance as well as mentoring from senior

managers like Shenoy Sir who had recommended the young officer for promotion in his

very 1st year under Shenoy Sir and had helped him start his rapid rise.

So if Shenoy Sir recommended anybody then the DM would not refuse the request.

There were just some formalities and tons of legal documentation for such a large loan.

Also as a Chennai branch was also involved,

the Chennai Divisional Manager would be coming soon to Pondy to finalize everything.

It so happened that the Chennai DM was Shenoy Sir's younger middleaged close cousin

who was more like a close friend with Shenoy Sir. When he had asked Shenoy Sir about the

entertainment in Pondy Shenoy Sir had promised him a very good time that he would never

forget. The Chennai DM had planned just a day's visit but had been coerced his cousin to

take at least 3 days as official business visit and stay with Shenoy Sir and pocket all the

hotel and food expenses that the Bank paid for.
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Shenoy Sir refused to enlighten his cousin but assured him that he will

not be disappointed.

He had already discussed the entertainment for the 2 DM's with Arvi

who readily agreed.

Shenoy Sir planned to pimp out Priya, Radha and Sunitha to the DM's

for entertainment as thanks for the loans and for future continuance of

the loans to Arvi. So for Priya's cunt Arvi gave permission and for

Radha's cunt Shenoy gave permission and for Sunitha's cunt

nobody's permission was required.

It was free for them to use whenever they wanted.
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Long time no update
Please come back, and update.
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Anybody wants to get fucked his women by me can contact 
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Good Story
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