Adultery Annabelle
This story about Annabelle.. this Is a collective story from net.. Hope you all like it..



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Ritu ki daastan 
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Day One: 

Annabelle looked at the acceptance letter one more time, scarcely believing she'd got the job. She'd lived in a rural area of Ireland her whole life and now, after a hopeful application to a bank in London, she'd been hired. She couldn't believe it, it made little sense that they'd pick her over other, surely more suitable candidates?

"I... still can't believe it," she said to her fiancé, David. "I'm not sure I want to go, the big city, London, it's too much for me. We're going tomorrow and I don't know what's going to happen to us."

"It's going to be amazing, a whole new life, exciting opportunities," he said, touching her shoulder as a gesture of support. "Just think, all the bands you like, you can see them live now. The cinemas, the restaurants, the melting pot of different cultures."

Annabelle nodded, knowing he was right.

"And just think, we'll both be earning decent money now, we can live properly, together. Forever."

She looked up, love in her eyes. He was so kind to her, sometimes she thought she didn't deserve him.

"Of course, of course," she said. "I just don't know about leaving my friends, this place. I've never gone far afield and... it's overwhelming."

"It'll be fine. Trust me."

David was right, it would be fine. For entirely different reasons than he expected.

 Day Two: 

 Annabelle looked out the plane as it took off, Ireland disappearing beneath her. A single tear rolled like a cliché down her cheek. She had to be positive. This was a new life, a new beginning for them. They'd be earning good morning, they could go on holidays, they could plan a family. All things that were in the distant future back home. Why was she so upset? Both her parents had died, she had no real close family in Ireland now... so why did she not want to leave? She'd been looking after herself for a few years now, since she was 19. Now 23, she was a healthy, beautiful young woman heading to the big city. This was her big shot, to make a difference, all those things. So why was she sad?

There were so many things to look forward to, people to meet, things to see. She'd lead a sheltered life, not really being exposed to much beyond the internet. She'd had girlfriends who'd talked about this and that, boys and - in one case - girls, but she'd always been resolutely straight, never deviating from her moral path. David was a local boy who she knew was a bit more adventurous, but not that much. He'd got a job in the city and she'd applied for one as well, never expecting to actually get anything. She'd have been content to be a housewife, at least at first. But here she was, the main breadwinner, and flying off to parts anew.

She had this funny feeling that life was going to change for both of them. She didn't know why, but she felt that it could be the start of something wonderful, something so extraordinary she'd never want to come back. Or it could be a total disaster. Maybe that's why she was sad.

Day Three:

 "Wow, this place is great. The bank owns this and rents it to employees? Amazing."

David and Annabelle were stunned by the apartment. It was huge, lavish, luxurious. Everything was provided for them, big TV, stereo, full kitchen, balcony. It was extraordinary, nothing like her home in Ireland. And it was all hers. Well, her and David's. Well, the banks. Whatever, they were living here and she couldn't be happier. This was definitely a place, with a bit of personalisation, that could be a home for them.

"You want to go out, check out the area? A nice little romantic walk, eh?" David laughed, still trying to take the new place in.

"Yeah, ok, let me just freshen up," Annabelle said. She went into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. Crossing to the pristine sink, she looked at herself in the mirror. They'd stayed in a hotel the night before, by the airport. It was nice, better than she expected, but this was something else. A smile slowly broke across her face and she grinned. Things were looking up for them. She began to think she could really like it in the city.

Little did she know just how much she would like it.

Ritu ki daastan 
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Day Four:

 The gym was located across the street and, as an avid fitness buff, Annabelle felt the need to head over to do a few miles on the running machines. She was nowhere near confident to go running the streets of London like she'd done in Ireland. There weren't many people in the gym when she got there. Most people would probably be at work, but Annabelle didn't start for a month. The bank were letting her get settled in. She was still struggling to understand an employer who could be that generous.

"Can I help you with anything?" a voice said as she gazed at the treadmill, trying to figure out just what was going on with it.

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"No, it's... er, fine," she said, turning to face the mystery voice. A tall black man was standing next to her, wearing only a pair of tight shorts around his waist and some training shoes. His torso was sculpted like a classical statue, muscles rippling, not an ounce of out of place fat anywhere. Annabelle's eyes were drawn downwards inexorably to his groin, a huge bulging mass clearly visible behind his tight shorts.

"Er...." she said again, unable to tear her eyes from it. What was wrong with her?

"Let me show you how things work," he said. Was that a double entendre? She wasn't sure. As she showed her the machines, some she was familiar with and some she wasn't, Annabelle only half took in the information. Her brain and eyes were more interested in the glistening physique and extraordinary groin of the man. When he'd finished, she thought she might swoon at the sight of his body, sweaty, manly and... oh wow, what was wrong with her? She'd never had a man have such an effect on her.
Then again, she thought, just how many guys were there like this in Ireland? Not enough. Did she really think that? What was wrong with her? She was happily pre-married, thanks very much. But the man... she couldn't shift his image from her mind as she walked back across the street to the apartment.

As she lay in bed, thoughts of him continued to plague her. She couldn't sleep, her body was disturbed enough to be... oh God, was she wet? She touched herself and discovered yes, she was sopping wet. Thinking about a black man! She needed to talk about this.
"Darling," she whispered, nudging David out of his slumber, "we need to talk."
"Mmm, what is it?" he said, sleepily.
"I, er, don't know quite how to put this... but there was a man at the gym and I ... well, I kind of found him ... hot. I'm sorry."
David sat up. He was a skinny man really, Annabelle noticed. It seems strange to say that, but she'd never really paid any attention, but after seeing the black man today, suddenly his lack of adequate physique was noticeable.
"It's ok, honey," he said. "Everyone looks at other people every so often. I see other women and think they're nice, it's fine."

"Yeah, but... I thought... well, my... urgh, how do I put this?"

"Just say it, I won't be mad," he said, softly, fully awake now.

"Ok... well, my ... place is really wet and I was thinking about him. The man in the gym. It's bad."

"Well, I'd much rather you think of me and get like that," David smiled, "but it's ok, it's natural."

Annabelle smiled, but deep down she knew it wasn't. What she was feeling now wasn't natural. She didn't know what it was, but she'd never felt it about David. Even when they'd had sex, not bothering to wait for marriage like their parents would have wanted, she'd never felt this... desire before. It was wrong and she knew it.

And yet she went to the gym at the same time the next day.

 [b]Day Five: [/b]

 "Hi there," the man said, a big smile on his face. "Good to see you again!"

He seemed genuinely pleased to see her, Annabelle thought. She was pleased too.

"Yeah, need to get into a routine, you know. Fight the flab and such," she joked.

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"Oh, I don't know, you look pretty much perfect already, girl," he said, giving her a noticeable up and down appraisal with his eyes. She should have been uncomfortable, but she liked the attention from this strange man.

"I was just about done anyway," she said. "Guess I'll see you around sometime."

"I'm done too, you know where the changing rooms are, right?" he said.

"No, I didn't use them yesterday, I just live across the street..." Damn, why did she say that? Telling a stranger where she lived. Idiot.

"Ah, ok, well, let me show you where they are anyway, just in case. Saves wasting your own water on showers and so on, just use them here," he said.

They walked together. He introduced himself as Curtis and she told him her name.

"It's just... oh, typical, must be some broken ... hmm," he said. On the door to the women's changing rooms was a sign prohibiting entrance.

"Look, it's fine, I'll just go home and shower," she said.

"Hey, just use the men's room, there's nobody else about anyway at this time. I'm only here because I work nights so... if you don't mind, I promise I won't look."

What made her say yes? What in God's name made her say yes?

"Er, yeah, ok..." she said, following him in. He went to the other side of the room and Annabelle nervously disrobed. Completely naked she went to the other side of the two-sided shower room, so at least he couldn't see her now. He was right, she thought. Why waste water in her own place? Might as well... hang on, she didn't even pay the bills. The bank paid for everything... so why was she here? In the men's room, naked as the day.

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A cough shocked her from her thoughts. At the other end of the block of showers, Curtis stood, naked.

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"Sorry, the other side of the showers is fuc... broken too. It's awkward, I know, but do you mind if I use the ones at this end?"

Annabelle thought for a second. Of course she minded, a strange man in the same shower room as her.

"No, go ahead," she said, smiling. Suddenly she realised she was facing him full on and wasn't covering herself at all. And he was looking right at her body!

"Um, sure, thanks," he said, coming completely into view from around the corner. Her mouth dropped open as she saw his penis. It was huge and it was still soft. With a great effort, she tore her eyes away from him, but she was sure he'd seen her looking. He'd looked at her, she'd looked at him. They'd seen each other naked. Evil, evil girl, she thought, closing her eyes and shaking her head. She couldn't shake clear the image of that enormous penis though.

She opened her eyes again and risked a glance down the row at Curtis. He didn't see her, but she noticed his cock was... oh God, it was hard! Standing proud like a baseball bat, it was like a huge staff of ebony had sprouted from his loins. It was beautiful. A thought raced into her mind: she wanted to touch it. No, no, NO! She quelled her sudden desire and got out of the shower. Quickly drying herself and dressing, she left without saying a word.

Back at the flat, she sat in the bathroom and cried. What was wrong with her? Why did she feel these things? She loved David yet she was, and she wasn't going to lie to herself, immensely turned on by Curtis. She couldn't tell David. Could she?

Ritu ki daastan 
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(28-02-2025, 09:57 AM)Umavictor32 Wrote: Superb

Ritu ki daastan 
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Yaar esi foreigner story read karne me maja nhi aat kuch desi naam rakho yaar
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Day Six:

  For a third day in a row, she was in the gym with Curtis. She worked out in silence, but she was always eyeing him when she thought he wasn't looking. Her feelings for him, wicked and hated as they were, could not be denied anymore. She was growing more and more attracted and she was worried something might happen. Yet she continued to come back. Part of it was because this was her gym now, why should she stop using it? But she knew the real reason: Curtis.

By coincidence, not one of her own planning, they finished at the same time again. There was no way of her avoiding him this time.

"Hi girl," he said as they walked to the changing room again. Why was she going again? "Just go home, just go home" said the voice in Annabelle's head, but she ignored it.

"Ah, they're still broken. Well, same deal as yesterday if you need a shower."

He didn't wait for her this time, entering the room and when she finally plucked up the courage to go inside, he was already in the shower. Nervously she disrobed and made her way towards the shower block. Just as she was rounding the corner, Curtis appeared, heading the opposite way. They collided and Annabelle gasped as his penis flattened against her stomach. To her dismay - and inner delight - it immediately began to engorge. Instinctively and without thinking she reached down to touch it, wrapping her left hand around the shaft.

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Realising what she was doing, she looked up into his eyes. Both of them stood there for what seemed like an age, his penis throbbing in her hand. Then the moment was over and she dropped it like it was on fire, scooting round out of sight into the shower area. He disappeared and Annabelle was relieved as he eventually exited the rooms in a hurry. What a dirty bitch, she thought. Actually holding his penis! What's wrong with you?
And yet, she looked at her hand and remembered how wonderful it felt to hold him. Without thinking, she touched herself and was soon furiously masturbating as the water cascaded down on her. Crying out as an explosive orgasm wracked her body, she sunk to her knees, the water remorselessly raining down, and wept tears of pleasure and shame.

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Day Seven:

 She was determined. Today she wouldn't go across to the gym. David was out for the day with some friends of his from Ireland who'd come over. Annabelle knew them as well, but she just didn't feel like going out. Not with a bunch of guys anyway. The apartment was luxurious so why not enjoy it. As she settled down to watch some trash on the TV in her pyjamas, her mind wandered to the day before. Try as she might, she became absorbed in her thoughts as the dross passed by on the screen. She kept imagining the touch of Curtis's penis against her naked skin, her hand holding, her.... ah damn, was that the door bell?

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As she hopped off the plush sofa, she realised her knickers were soaked. She really must stop thinking about... "Oh, hi Curtis."
He was standing at her door, a bunch of flowers in his hand.
"Sorry to interrupt, but you weren't at the gym and I thought maybe yesterday had put you off coming and I didn't want it to be my fault and..."
His apologies warmed Annabelle's heart.

"No, no, it's fine. Come in, please. I'll get you a drink."

He entered and she busied herself in the kitchen fixing him a drink.

"You okay with some sherry? Or something else?" she shouted through.

"No, that's fine, thanks," he replied.

She came back in with the drinks and handed his glass over. Sipping on it, he looked troubled.

"Something wrong?" she said.

"I have a question... do you, er, find me attractive?" he said, bluntly.

Annabelle was shocked, her heart in her mouth. What was she going to do? She felt her knickers get wetter.

"Um... I have a fiancé, I can't ... er, I mean, I don't..."

"Thing is, it's like this," he said. "I forgot something yesterday and when I went back to the changing rooms, I heard you... er, masturbating in the showers. Was that because of me and what happened?"

She couldn't breath. He'd heard her? Oh dear God, no.

"Er... okay, yes, it was," she said, sighing. "I admit it, it turned me on a lot. But I can't do anything about it. I'm getting married, I love my fiancé, I would never cheat on him. Please, I think it's best if you just le..."

"Have you ever been with a black man before?" he said, continuing to sip his drink.

"How dare you? Please, leave," she shouted, but there was a quiver in her voice. She was outraged, but her body was responding to this in a way that was betraying her mind.

"I know you've been thinking about me, it's ok, a lot of women do," he said. "I can see you're excited right now. Your nipples are so hard, I can see them through your pyjamas. And I'm not going to pretend your bottoms aren't soaked through with your... juice."

Annabelle took a step back, looking down at herself involuntarily and seeing how obvious her arousal wal.

"Now... oh God, yes, ok, you win, I want you," she said. "But I can't, please. I made a promise. I can't betray him."

"Ok, I won't press it. But if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me. I'll leave you with this."

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He approached her and she melted into his arms, not resisting at all. He kissed her passionately and she reciprocated. Finally, he pulled away and she moaned with regret.

"Why don't you ask your guy about me... some white guys like their girls to be, er, 'freaky' with us folks. Just see what he says."

With that, he left and Annabelle couldn't help but cry, touching her lips and thinking about what might have been.

Ritu ki daastan 
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Oh stopped when things were getting interesting. Please update soon.
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Day Eight: 

It was a Saturday morning and all Annabelle had been thinking about was Curtis, the kiss and what he'd said about asking David. He obviously meant asking permission for her to sleep with Curtis, but surely no sane man would allow his partner to just go off and ... be with another person like that? She'd die before letting David be with another woman. Curtis had planted that seed of doubt in her mind though, so she knew she had to at least ask, to see what would happen.

"Honey... I spoke to that man again yesterday, the one from the gym," she said, lying in bed, head on David's chest. She was trying her best to appear innocent, to not give away the feelings she'd been experiencing over the last few days.
"Oh yeah, still fancy him?" he said, chuckling.
"Well, he's not got any less handsome," Annabelle said, smiling. "He said he liked me and wanted to, er, go out with me."
"Really?" David said. "Just proves what a catch you are, my dear. Any man would be mad not to want to be with you."
"You mean that? You really mean that?" Flattery always worked on Annabelle, but this time she saw through it. She needed to know the answer to the next question.
"So," she continued, "if he kissed me, you'd be really jealous?"
David looked down at her and Annabelle fought desperately to keep her innocent, hypothetical look on her face.
"Well, I guess it's not the end of the world," he said. "It's only a kiss."
"And if it was more than that?" she pressed on.
"What's made you talk like this? Did he do something?" David said.
"No, he just said he liked me. I just saw something on this TV show yesterday and I thought it'd be fun to ask you, see what you thought." Keeping going, she thought. See what he says.
"Well, I know it happens. Swingers and things like that. I don't know, I guess I'd have to think about it. I don't know, I guess it's only sex. As long as the emotional ties were still to the husband or the wife, it's not that bad. If it were behind the back, without saying anything, that would be worse. But yeah, I don't know. Maybe? You expecting me to say "Yes, you can sleep with some stranger?"
Yes, I am, Annabelle thought, but stopped suddenly. Did she really want to sleep with Curtis? She felt herself getting wet again instantly at the thought. Guess that answered that one.
"No, of course not," she laughed. "Just, you know, hypothetically, if it happened, you wouldn't want to leave me?"
"I'd never leave you, darling, I love you completely," he said. Annabelle looked in his eyes and believed him. What she also believed was that if she slept with Curtis, David would forgive her. God, she was so wet right now. She kissed David, but her mind was full of Curtis.

[b]Day Ten:[/b]

 Today was the day. Annabelle waited in front of the gym for an eternity, trying to pluck up the courage to go in. She was going to tell Curtis that, more or less, her fiancé David had given her the all clear to have sex with him. The first man other than him she'd have allowed into her body. She was terrified and amazingly turned on at the same time.
Finally, she entered the gym. Immediately she saw him. He looked up at her, torso glistening with sweat and she just nodded. He smiled the broadest, toothiest smile she'd seen on a man and hopped off the treadmill.
"He said yes? I told you he would," he said, taking her hands in his. "Come on, let's go to the private workout room."

He whisked her down into an area of the gym she'd never been before and into a room with some more equipment and a wide bench. She hadn't imagined being taken by Curtis here, she had to admit.

"I can't do it here," she said, edging towards the door. "It's cheap and... no, I can't."

She turned to go and his big hand came down on her shoulder.

"It's ok, I wasn't going to, you know, in here. I just wanted to talk a bit," Curtis said.

She turned and apologised, sitting next to him on the bench. She explained what David had said and he nodded along.

"Mm, I get it, yeah," Curtis said. "Seems like an all clear to me. Why don't we go back to my place and ... talk some more?"

This was it.
"Ok, I think so," was all Annabelle could manage.

20 minutes later, she was sipping a glass of water in his apartment. He sat next to her and his closeness made her heart beat like a drum. Slowly he leaned in and she closed her eyes as his lips found her neck. It wasn't long before their lips were locked. Her passion rose and it wasn't long before clothes were being torn off and thrown to the floor.
Naked, they sat next to each other. Curtis then picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. Gently placing her down, she looked up at his chiselled form, his enormous penis pointed at her. She wanted it so badly. Slowly, she spread her legs, inviting him between them. His dark flesh contrasted so much with hers, it was intoxicating. The head pressed against her slick opening and her vagina gleefully took him into her. It was big, so big, but it slid in. She gasp as his body pressed down on top of her, his penis slowly entering her until she felt fuller than she'd ever been before.

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Wrapping her legs around him, her feet crossed over. She groaned as he started to slide in and out, their pace quickening as excitement grew. She gasped as pleasure rose within her, their movements completely in sync. She yelled as she felt an orgasm building, shrieking as it finally exploded, sending her whole body into paroxysms of ecstasy.

Curtis pulled out suddenly and flipped her over onto her hands and knees, pushing himself back in and going deeper from behind. His pace was frantic now and he grabbed her hair, pulling it and making her arch her back. She grunted with every punishing stroke until they were both collapsing in a writhing pile of flesh, spent. As they curled up together to bask in the afterglow, she wondered why she'd not had the courage to be with him sooner.

It had been a wonderful experience and all thoughts of regret or guilt were, for now, absent. She felt his penis softening inside her, but it was so big it didn't slip out. She smiled as he spooned her, closing her eyes and sleeping.

An hour later, Annabelle woke, a smile of satisfaction on her lips. She gently squeezed Curtis's hand as it lay comfortingly on her belly. She eased away from him and turned around, wanting to look at him as he slept. As she did so, his penis finally slipped out of her, followed by a stream of sperm. She suddenly realised they'd used no protection. What if she hadn't been on the pill? For some reason, she didn't feel horrified at the thought. Incredibly, she felt extremely turned on at the thought of a black man's baby growing in her stomach.

She reached down and took his slick penis in her hand, stroking it. It began to stiffen as he woke from his slumber. Annabelle did what she'd never done before, moving her head down and placing her mouth over a man's penis. Greedily she licked at the head and up and down his engorging shaft.

"Mmm yeah, suck my cock, slut," he groaned. A slut? Is that what I am now. she thought?

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It didn't seem to bother her too much, so she kept on sucking, licking. Moving her head off and grinning with the dirtiest smile she could muster, she straddled him and sunk her vagina down on his meat, gasping as the whole length entered her in one go.

"I'm going to fuck this pussy up," he said, growling. As he began to pound her, Annabelle threw her head and begged for more, for him to screw her harder, faster. Falling forwards, she fed him her breasts and he eagerly suckled on her nipples, sending ripples of pleasure through her. It was too much and her orgasm exploded. Every muscle in her body tensed as she screamed her ecstasy out.

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He was relentless, driving his cock up into her as she ground her hips downwards to meet his thrusts. She was losing all her inhibitions.

"Oh yes, fuck me!" she said, using language she'd never considered before. "Fuck me like the Irish whore that I am!"

This spurred him on, amazingly finding more energy to increase his pace. He roared as his climax came, jets of sperm erupting from his cock, cascading into her womb. She shrieked as his spasming penis set off her second orgasm and they, for a second time, collapsed together into a blissful heap.

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"That was amazing... again," Annabelle groaned, her body coming down from the highs of her orgasms. "I've never felt anything like that. Your... cock is so good, you're so good. I love it. Is it like this with all black guys? I've heard things and you were so wonderful..."

"Baby," Curtis chuckled, "you were great too. Any black man would love to stick his dick up in you, let me tell you. And yeah, I think it's pretty much true about us. Most of us are packing some serious hardware. I'm not really that big, not compared to some of my friends, you know?"

Annabelle was shocked. To her, Curtis had been huge, a monster... and he was considered small? Her body trembled with a post-orgasmic shudder, but she felt a burning desire to see if what he said was true.

"Well, it's something I need to think about..." she said, coyly. "I'd better go in case David wonders where I am."

"Will you tell him about us?" Curtis asked.

A pause.

"Yes, I think so," Annabelle said. "I think he deserves to know."

Ritu ki daastan 
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Day 13:

 It had been three days since Annabelle had been with Curtis and she hadn't realised how much she'd be missing him. She would find herself looking out the window at the gym, wanting to be there. But it was closed while they fixed the problems with the changing rooms and she'd not been able to go back since.

She'd told David about her and Curtis the day afterwards. He hadn't taken it well, but as she'd predicted, he hadn't left. Slowly, it seemed, he was coming round to it. She'd said how much she'd enjoyed it, how wonderful it was to be filled up, something David couldn't do. She stressed that her heart was still with him, but she felt a physical connection with Curtis that David just couldn't provide.

He'd accepted it, for now. He didn't know quite how deep her desires ran and how they were changing. Already she'd begun to think about what Curtis had said regarding his friends and whenever she did, her pussy - she was trying to think more in vulgar terms, it made her feel more slutty - twinged and became wet when she did so.

"I'm going out," David said. "I need to think about a few things."

Annabelle turned from the window, a look of genuine concern on her face. David smiled at that, a gentle smile.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to leave," he said. "I just need to get my head around what's been happening, see how I want to approach it. I appreciate that you didn't hide anything from me, that you were honest. I just need to think about whether I'll be happier in ignorance or, well, if I want to know. I'll be back later, don't worry."

She waved weakly, a timid smile of her own. She turned back to the window to look down at the gym.

"Oh Curtis, I really need to be fucked right now," she whispered. He hadn't given her his number and she'd already forgotten how to get to his place. Her hunger was eating her up inside. She'd never imagined having such a strong desire for sex.

A knock on the door roused her from her thoughts. David must have forgotten his key. Sighing, she went over and unlocked it. She gave a gasp of surprise and put her hand to her mouth as she opened it. It wasn't David, it was a stranger.

"Hi, you must be Annabelle," he said, a deep, booming voice. "My name's Theo, a friend of Curtis. He told me to say he was sorry for not being able to see you, but he's had some business to attend to. He said perhaps I could help you out while he was away."

Looking up at him as he pounded her, she smiled the dirtiest, most slutty smile she could come up with.

Her surprise turned from fear to lust as she figured out what he was saying. Ushering him in, she wasted no time dropping to her knees and unzipping his pants. She was almost slapped in the face by his enormous cock as it sprung free from its prison.

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"Oh my .... " she said in wonder. Curtis had been right, he was small. This man's penis was at least a few inches longer than his had been, plus it was fatter too.

"Help yourself," he said, grinning. Don't mind if I do, she thought, gobbling up the head.

Grabbing her hair, he lead her on her knees to the sofa, all the while keeping her salivating mouth wrapping around his cock. Sitting, he allowed her to go to town on his groin. She was like a madwoman, licking his cock all over and even slobbering all over his balls.

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"Let me see you," he said eventually. She stood and slowly stripped, putting on a little show. She laughed as he began to clap, dancing a little as she disrobed.

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"Curtis was right, you are one sexy Irish slut," he said, appreciatively.

"Thank you kindly, sir," she giggled. Her face turned serious all of a sudden.

"I want that fucking cock inside me right now," she said. He nodded and she came over to him. Just as she was about to straddle him, he stood and they switched positions. She lay back and put her legs in the air, but instead of fucking her, he swooped down and began to eat her pussy. She gasped and grabbed hold of her ankles, keeping her legs wide apart so he could get best access.

She gasped and moaned as his tongue probed and lapped at her most intimate area. David had never gone down on her before, so this was an entirely new experience. Naturally, she was loving it.

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"Oh yeah, lick me, it feels so good," she moaned as his tongue frantically flicked her clitoris. She felt a familiar sensation rising within her and she shuddered as an orgasm hit her. Grasping the back of his head, she held him there, bucking and thrashing as he continued to lick her out. Finally it was too sensitive to continue and she pushed him gently away. Before she could do anything, he appeared above her, simultaneously guiding his cock into her sopping wet snatch and delivering an open-mouthed kiss that meant she was tasting her own pussy off his face.

Annabelle's wails of protest were cut off as the thick cock pressed into her body, stretching her beyond anything she'd experienced before. He was gentle, but insistent, urging himself into her. She was so wet, the cock had no trouble entering her, but she was still stretched out. She'd never felt so full. Not even Curtis had been like this. This... was something else. As he began to slide slowly in and out, it felt like her vaginal walls were glued to his shaft, so tightly were they gripping to his penis.

Gradually he sped up as Annabelle grew more used to such a huge invader in her body. As she did so, she could feel just how extraordinary the sensations he was provoking from her were. It touched areas she didn't realise could be touched, stimulated her beyond what she thought was possible.

"Oh God, I love your black cock," she groaned as he picked up the pace. "Fuck me, oh please, fuck me harder, I need your dick inside me!"

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He grabbed her ankles, splaying her legs wide. She was flexible and they ended up in the 9 and 3 position, horizontal like she was doing the splits. Looking up at him as he pounded her, she smiled the dirtiest, most slutty smile she could come up with.

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They fucked for an hour, swapping positions and eventually taking it into her bedroom. As she was pounded facedown on the bed, she had thoughts of David sleeping with her later in this very same bed, innocent of what was happening right now. The thought turned her on so much she came for a third time, shrieking like a banshee as her climax tore her to pieces.

Eventually, Theo left her. She just lay on her back as he left, her legs spread wide, two loads of cum seeping from her slit. She must have drifted off because the next thing she heard was the front door opening. Something in her mind screamed at her to get under the sheets so David wouldn't see her like this, but the new, rebellious Annabelle wouldn't condone such a thing. She wanted him to see her like this, well and thoroughly fucked and inseminated.

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There was a pause. David was looking for her. The bedroom door opened and he came in, head down.

"Look, I've been thinking about all this and I think it's ok, just so.... oh, wow," he said, doing a double take as he saw her spreadeagled and leaking sperm.

"What the hell's been going on here?" he said, alarmed.

She groggily raised herself on her elbows.

"Essentially, I just got fucked to Heaven and back by a stud with massive penis," she said, matter-of-factly.

"Er, right... ok, um, I was going to say it was ok for you to be with other men, just so long as it's not in this flat... and only if it's only a rare thing..." he stammered.

Annabelle was full of herself now. Who was he to deny her the experiences she'd had over the past few days?

"It seems Rule 1 has been broken already, so we'll ignore that," she said, flexing her pussy a bit, a trickle of sperm flowing out as if on command. "As for Rule 2, I'm a woman. I have needs, needs that, until a few days ago, I didn't even realise I had. That horse has bolted now and my paddock needs to be filled."

Did she really say that? Yeesh. Anyway, she continued, undeterred.

"Lucky for me I have some studs who are willing to fulfill my needs, so... I guess it's going to happen whenever I want it. That ok with you?"

"Well, n..." David began.

"Tough," she interrupted. "It's just the way it's going to be if you want to stay with me. You don't want to leave me, do you?"

"No, of course not... ok, ok, you can be with your," he groaned, "...studs. Just please, for me, don't be too brazen about it. Please?"

"Ok, for you, darling," Annabelle said. Of course, she had no intention of doing anything of the sort. She was right, the horse had indeed bolted. She was already feeling a desire in her loins to be filled up once again by a stiff black cock. If she had her way, she'd get fucked by one every day. David nodded and left her alone. She lay back on the bed and smiled. Her thoughts immediately turned back to her lovers. She wondered what it would be like if she were to be with them at the same time. Reaching down to touch herself, she closed her eyes and imagined it, her hands thrusting into herself. Scooping out some of the sperm, she gleefully tasted it before repeating herself until there was none left.
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Ritu ki daastan 
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Day 15:

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Annabelle had never dreamed of sex really before, but she woke up during the middle of the night, glistening with sweat, her pussy dripping with excitement over a dream in which she was lost in a sea of chocolate-coloured men, their penises rock hard and all demanding she satisfy them. She got out of bed and went to get a glass of water. She had taken to sleeping naked now, something David knew was a sign of her new lifestyle, but it wasn't something he was unhappy about. She was gorgeous and, with the newfound confidence of her lifestyle, she knew it. She stood in front of the full length mirror in the lounge, looking at herself.

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"I'm a black cock slut," she mouthed, smiling as she said it. "I'm a fucking black cock slut."

Running her hands over her body, she continued to mouth the words, over and over. She was so turned on, she couldn't believe it. Maybe it was time to finally read Theo's note. She'd discovered it tucked into her jacket hanging on the back of the front door. She'd not dared open it yet, for some reason, but she was so, so horny now, she had to read it. Retrieving it, she stood again in front of the mirror and read it.

"Annabelle, if you ever need me or want to be with me or Theo, here's my number and address. Call us anytime and we'll make sure you get what you want and deserve."

It was signed Curtis.

She almost jumped for joy before instinctively glancing at the phone. Could she really demand sex now? At 2am? She looked at her body again and knew the answer. The phone rang six times before Theo's voice answered.

"Hi Theo, it's Annabelle," she said, nervously. "I just read Curtis's note... I was wondering... er..."

"Sure, we're both here. You do know we work late, right? This is mid-afternoon for us, yeah? Look, I'll be over in 10 minutes in the car, just wait in the lobby of your building for me, ok?"

"Ok," her heart was beating like a drum. "Sure, I'll be waiting."

"Oh and Annabelle? Two things. One, wear a coat, but NOTHING else, ok? No clothes, no underwear, nothing. Just the coat. You won't be needing anything else, you feel me?"

She quivered with excitement at the thought of basically going out naked.

"And second... make sure you tell your cuck just what you're going to do, right?"

Annabelle's knees weakened as her excitement threatened to overwhelm her. She could feel her pussy overflowing, juice dripping down her thighs.

"Yes, yes, anything you say," she moaned.

"Good, be there in ten," he said, hanging up.

Quickly, she grabbed her coat and put it on, enjoying the feel of it over her naked skin. Opening the bedroom door, she poked her head around.

"David?" she whispered, but he merely mumbled in his sleep. Sighing, she raised her voice. Still nothing. Fuck it, she thought.

"DAVID!" she shouted. With a start, he woke.

"Wha... what's the matter?" he said, before noticing she was in her coat and not in bed with him.

"I'm just going to head out, I won't be back until... well, the morning, I guess. Bye!"

"Wait... where are you going at this time of night?" he said, though she could see he had a fair idea.

"I'm going to my lover's apartment to get fucked," she said, calmly. "Ok with you?"

He was silent.

"Good," she said, chirpily. "I'll be back later on with a pussy full of cum, ok? Love you!"

With that, she left him behind. Laughing at how dirty she was now, she bounded down the stairs, full of energy and excitement. Entering the lobby, she saw that Theo was already waiting for her. Quickly, she glanced around her. There was nobody in sight. Fuck it, she thought for the second time that night. Swiftly, she removed her coat, standing naked as the day she was born in the middle of the lobby. Confidently, she walked out of the building, the cold air hardening her nipples and giving her goosebumps.

Theo was nodding appreciatively as she descended the steps and got in the car. Tossing the coat on the backseat, she leaned over and gave him a wet, sloppy kiss, fondling his groin at the same time.

"Hi lover," she giggled. "I see you've brought your package with you." She squeezed his stiff length from the outside of his trousers.

"Want me to suck you while you drive?" she winked. He didn't need to be asked twice, unzipping his fly and unleashing his monster cock. She hummed with pleasure before gobbling it up, using all her newly learned skills on him. Occasionally, he would hold the back of her head and press it down, making Annabelle choke as the huge meat entered her throat, but she was determined not to disappoint him.

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It wasn't long before they arrived. Theo removed a disappointed Annabelle from his dick, saying there was plenty of time for that later. Annabelle grabbed her coat and looked around. Noticing people in the vicinity, she moved to put it on.

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"No," Theo said, grabbing it off her. "Sluts go naked in our part of town, especially gorgeous white ones. Let the people see what they're missing."

She should have been shocked. She should have refused. Instead, she got out of the car without a second thought. They walked from the car to the front of the apartment block, drawing a few admiring stares. One man stood and watched her as they went in. Just before they disappeared, she turned and slipped a finger in her pussy. Moaning as she then sucked the juice off it, she closed the door on the amazed man.

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Laughing as they ascended the stairs, they entered Curtis's apartment and she was immediately spun around and embraced by Theo. Lips met and she was helping him disrobe within seconds. Pulling his cock out, she sank to her knees and took him in her mouth with pleasure. A few seconds later, a hand touched her head and she removed herself from the cock, strands of saliva dripping from the union.

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Behind her was Curtis and she couldn't surprise a cry of delight at seeing him. Standing, she threw her arms around him.

"Oh God, I've missed you so much," she said, a tear in her eye. "Don't ever leave me again, please. I'll do anything, just don't leave me like that."

"It's ok, baby, both of us will be here for you from now on," he said, soothingly. "Now.... are you a slut?"

"Yes," she said, giggling.

"Are you truly a slut? A whore, a harlot, a freak for cock?"

"Oh yes, yes, I love black dick," she moaned.

"Would you do anything for your black masters?" he said, holding her chin gently. She nodded desperately.

Curtis smiled and clicked his fingers. Annabelle's eyes swivelled to the left and widened in shock as out of his bedroom came an astonishingly gorgeous, naked white woman. She was six foot tall with long, flowing brunette locks cascading halfway down her back. Her legs were exotically long and ended in a naked pussy, above which was a tattoo of a black spade, the point directed down to her groin. Her only other decorations were a gloriously expensive wedding ring, an ankle bracelet and a necklace with another spade symbol dangling from it.

"This is Nicole," Curtis said. "She helps me with my business. We run a club for women like you and her, dedicated to giving white girls the thing they desire most in the world. She's responsible for helping the new members get used to the lifestyle, so I thought I'd invite her over and let you two get to know each other.

Annabelle stood still as Nicole came over to her. The tall woman reached out and touched Annabelle's left breast, tweaking the nipple and eliciting a groan of pleasure.

"She's been fucking you two for a week?" Nicole said, Curtis just nodding. "Good, good, she's coming along nicely. She's clearly suffering the craving terribly, given she called you so late... and the fact she agreed to being naked in public so readily. Wonderful..."

Nicole slowly walked around Annabelle, examining her body.

"She's so small, I love it," she laughed, "the studs will love pounding her to bits. Yes, she'll be perfect..."

Curtis tilted Annabelle's head to the right and let go. Nicole swooped in and kissed her before she could react. Alarm bells went off in Annabelle's head, but she didn't pull away. On the contrary, she felt her pussy twinge and fluid drip down her thighs. She was being turned on by a woman! And she loved it!

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Nicole slipped her right hand between Annabelle's legs and inserted her middle and ring fingers into the girl's wet pussy. Without warning she immediately began to move them about vigorously inside Annabelle, mercilessly mashing her g-spot. Annabelle screamed and her knees turned to jelly. She only remained on her feet during this assault because of Curtis and Theo holding her up.

"Good, good, cum like a bitch," Nicole snarled, showing no mercy. "Scream!"

Annabelle couldn't have disobeyed even if she'd wanted to, the sensations exploding from her pussy driving her crazy.

"Aaaahhh!!!" she shrieked, convulsing as an orgasm exploded within her. Nicole whipped her hand out and Annabelle was shocked to see jets of fluid spurt out after her.

"A squirter, wonderful," Nicole said. "Here, slut, taste yourself."

Nicole fed her juice-covered hand to Annabelle, who gleefully sucked her own vaginal slime off each finger. The men let Annabelle slide to the floor. Her chest was heaving as she recovered from her climax.

"That was ... wonderful..." she gasped.

"But...?" Nicole prompted.

A huge grin appeared on Annabelle's face.

"Ha, but nothing, NOTHING compared to getting FUCKED by a big black cock!" she laughed.

"Too fucking right," Theo said, grabbing Annabelle under the arms and hauling her into the bedroom. She laughed as he tossed her onto the bed. Nicole swiftly appeared next to her and grabbed Annabelle's ankles.

"Fuck this pussy, Theo," Nicole growled.

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"My pleasure, ma'am," he said, getting on the bed and sinking his meat into Annabelle in one, easy stroke. She squealed as he began to pound her, her itch finally being scratched. She opened her eyes to find Nicole's wet pussy inches from her face. The woman had moved to straddle her and, sure enough, down it came, smothering Annabelle.

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"Lick both my holes, cunt," she said, a duty to which Annabelle, lost in her lust, dutifully obliged, slathering Nicole's pussy and asshole with her tongue. Soon both women were moaning as their pleasure rose. Theo was giving Annabelle everything he had and they both cried out as their climaxes hit at the same time. Annabelle felt the cock inside her spasming and begged for his sperm.

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"Oh yes! Fuck me full of cum! God, I love it, being bred by a black STUD!" she bellowed. Theo pulled out and immediately Curtis swooped in and replaced him. Annabelle cried with joy as he filled her up, no letting up in the pace. As the night wore on, each man took turns inside her while the other regained his erection, either naturally or assisted by Nicole's mouth.
Annabelle was in heaven. There was no let up in the fucking, just constant sex with no interruption. Her nerves had been frind with orgasm after orgasm until she was in a blissful trance.
"I think she's had enough," Nicole said, as Annabelle's speech came out as slurs and incomprehensible mumblings, so deeply gone was she. They'd been fucking her pussy for two hours and she was exhausted.
"Let's let her sleep," Curtis said. "She's earned it."

Ritu ki daastan 
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Day 16:

Annabelle woke to a bright, sunny day, light streaming through the window. For a second, she was unaware of her surroundings, not recognising the trappings of this bedroom. Then she smiled contentedly and realised she was still in Curtis's flat. She stretched and gently moved the duvet off her. She lay naked on her back, limbs spread out, enjoying the eroticism of waking up nude in another man's bed.
Eventually, she got up and walked into the living area. Curtis was there, reading a newspaper and Theo was in the kitchen cooking up a bit of breakfast.
"Hi lovers," Annabelle said, sitting opposite Curtis.
"Hey girl," he said, smiling. "Good sleep?"
"I slept like a log," she winked. "A log that's been fucked by two gorgeous black studs for hours! So, what you guys up to today?"
"Theo's got a few odd jobs to do and I've got nothing on until I head to the club tonight," Curtis said. "Do you want to come to the club tonight?"
He said it so innocently, but Annabelle felt her pussy moisten as she thought about 'the club'. They'd mentioned it last night. She knew it was a sex club, but she wanted to know more.
"Tell me about the club, it sounds... fascinating," she said, cradling her head in her hands.
"Well, it's like this... oh, thanks Theo," he said, as the other man put a large round of toast on the table for them both to eat.
"Ok, so, it's a club for discerning white ladies and black gentlemen to come together and appreciate each other, either with or without a white male partner for the woman. If the male doesn't come along, it's fine. If he does, he serves the women and black men, catering to their every need."
"Sounds good," Annabelle said, munching some toast.
"There are two different sections to the club, Soft and Hard," he continued. "Soft is where women can go, relax, choose some men and have a good time. It's good for when you want to have some fun, but don't want the full works, as it were."
"In the Soft side, we have massage tables, private rooms for one on ones, some larger rooms for those who want to have three or foursomes, and a general bar, jacuzzi, lounge place for chilling out."
"Wonderful, I like that... but what about the Hard bit?" Annabelle wondered, desperate to know more.
"Well... I'm not sure you're ready for the Hard rooms yet, girl," Curtis said. "It takes a while to graduate from one to the other."
"Still... please tell me," she said, her pussy so wet it was making her chair slick.
"Ok, well, I'll tell you a bit, but it's the sort of thing that you need to see and experience for yourself," he smiled. "So... it's like the name. Hard. Anything goes and you're not in control. The men are. Obviously, it's all safe and you have a safe word if anything is too much, but on the whole.... you'll get fucked so hard and so much you'll feel like you're going to die. In a good way."
"Oh my... that is so hot," she said, moaning.
"There are no limits and only the one rule, the safe word. To be honest, nobody ever uses it, but it's there just in case. I want to keep it a surprise, as I still don't think you're ready for it... tell you what, we'll go down there tonight and I'll take you in there, show you what's happening. It'll be the only time you can go in and be free from any sexual obligation. After that, you're on your own. Deal?"
"God yes..." she groaned, wanting them both to fuck her that instant.
"Oh... and to give you a little taster... no, we're not going to fuck you. Get your coat and we'll drop you home. By tonight, you'll be so fucking horny, you'll do whatever we say. If you're ready, well, we'll see..."
Annabelle merely moaned with desire, but she was to get no release from them. Half an hour later, she was home.
"Oh Anna, I was so worried," David said, immediately rushing to her when she opened the door. He held her and she accepted his embrace. Despite everything, she still loved him. In a different way to Curtis and Theo, but it was still love. Even after she left him to go have her pussy fucked by strangers, he still cared for her.
"Oh David, don't worry about me," she said, a tear in her eye. "I was with Curtis and Theo and they treated me like a queen. So did Nicole."
He pulled away sharply.
"Wait, two men? And a woman?" He reeled as if he'd been punched in the gut. "Oh my God..."
"No, no, don't worry, please," she said, kneeling in front of him. "I love you, so much, you never have to worry about me leaving you, I promise. I just... can't be satisfied by you sexually. I've discovered this amazing side to myself I never knew existed and it's come because I've ... become addicted to black cocks."
"They're BLACK?!" he gasped. "This just gets better..."
"Yeah, they're black. They're also wonderful and kind and treat me like a goddess in bed. They have enormous penises and they reach places I hadn't known were there two weeks ago. I feel like a woman reborn and Nicole is helping me become a true slut. How can I be a proper slut if I don't fuck men and women?"
Silence from David.
"But hey, it's not just about me. It's about you too," she said, smiling, holding his hand in hers. "This is a lifestyle we can share. You can't satisfy me, but perhaps watching me be satisfied by others will help you, help us. If you deny me this, I'll probably just get it anyway, but I'd feel so much better if you were with me, in spirit if not in body. Please... I want to be a slut."
"You are a slut," he said, then to her delight, he smiled. "I've never seen you so passionate about anything. Does it really mean so much to you?"
"Oh David, it means everything, it means ... the world, the universe. My body is built to service black men, I know it now. And fuck if I don't get so much pleasure out of it. I cum so hard I pass out, for God's sake!"
"Wow, really?" he said.
Annabelle unburdened herself, telling him everything. He listened intently as she described how she'd been so nervous and how she now was constantly lusting after the men.
"Tonight they want me to visit the club," she finished. "I'm so wet thinking about it and about the Hard room, but he makes it sound so scary. Will you come with me? He says it's open to cu... to cuckolds." She paused at the word.
"I guess that's what I am now," he said. "I'll come, it's ok, I want to make sure you're ok and safe."
"Oh David, I'm so happy!" she exclaimed, embracing him. She pulled down his pyjama bottoms and whipped out his small penis. It was disgusting to her now, so small and pathetic, but she had to thank him for blessing her new lifestyle. She used all her new skills to bring him off as quickly as she could. The only thing she enjoyed was swallowing the cum - to her, that tasted good no matter what cock it came out of.
The evening seemed to be an eternity away and Annabelle was a nervous wreck waiting for it to begin. She'd texted Curtis to say David was now her cuckold and he'd be coming with them tonight, though he'd only replied with "8pm, don't be late". She tried to behave normally, but it was impossible. Tick tock, tick tock, she watched the clock with her nails digging into the sofa's armrest, impatient and needing so desperately to get fucked.
Finally, finally, the clock struck eight and she bounded down the stairs, David locking the door behind them. She'd decided to wear her bikini combo underneath her summer coat, coupled with her sexiest heels. She made a mental note to go buy some 'fuck me' boots as soon as she could. She wanted to look trampy, slutty.
David was in a fine suit he'd bought the first day they'd got here, but to be honest, she didn't care what he was wearing. Her eyes were fixed on the road in front of them, waiting for Curtis to arrive. Five minutes later, he did. She almost dove into the vehicle, David sheepishly getting in beside her. Introductions were made and Annabelle had to bite her lip to keep from urging their departure.
Annabelle was a bundle of nerves, fidgeting about as they travelled. The club was a 30 minutes drive (in city traffic) away and she was beginning to reach her limit of frustration. It's not just kids who say "Are we there yet?" all the time.
Finally, her ordeal was over. They pulled up in the private parking lot of a substantially sized building. They went round the front, which was subdued yet classy. It just said "Kings and Queens" in a neon sign, but it wasn't gaudy. It was as if they wanted people to know they were there, but not make themselves too obvious. A bouncer nodded to them as they walked in, though he scowled at David. Annabelle had to suppress a chuckle.

 gestures they made. Kimiko looked delighted to see Annabelle. To David's surprise, she leaned in and gave Annabelle a passionate, sloppy kiss, which Annabelle eagerly reciprocated. Eventually they broke it off, but even David could tell Annabelle was burning with desire. She said something and the Japanese woman smiled, nodding. Annabelle turned on her heel and strode confidently back to the booth.
"Kimiko and the guys are coming with me to one of the big rooms," she said. "Come on, David, you can finally watch me get fucked!"

She grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the booth, laughing. They made their way back to the threesome, all of them looking with disdain at David.

"He going to watch then?" Kimiko said, her accent beguiling but her English flawless. "Good, I like it when the cucks are there."

"Come on, I really need to fuck," Annabelle said. They swiftly headed through the crowds and corridors to a large room, a king size bed in the middle. Sex toys and huge bottles of lubricant adorned the bedside tables. The four of them ignored David and wasted no time undressing, before joining each other on the bed. David watched as the two girls devoured the incredibly large cocks of the men. Annabelle was insatiable, her lust translating to the sloppiest blowjob David could have imagined. She lathered the penis with her saliva, licking every centimetre of it with wanton abandon.
Both women were soon on their backs, slick cocks descending into both their bodies, eliciting moans and groans of desire and satisfaction. David watched, hypnotised, as the men brought the two women to climax over and over again, switching between them but never letting up their remarkable pace. Then Kimiko did something extraordinary. Straddling one man, the other seemed to know precisely what she wanted. Removing himself from a clearly disappointed Annabelle, he took up a position between Kimiko's legs and, to David and Annabelle's surprise, fed his dick alongside his partner's into Kimiko's wet slit.

"Oh my God!" Annabelle gasped as she sat up on the bed to witness this sight. Both cocks were so big and yet this small Japanese woman was easily taking them both at the same time into her massively stretched pussy.
"This is the hottest thing I've ever seen, oh my GOD!" Annabelle cried, utterly fixated the slippery mess between Kimiko's legs. "I so want to do this myself, but... god, my pussy could fit that much in it!"

As the men pounded Kimiko, her whole body shook and tremored with an ungodly orgasm. She was like a rag doll flopping about, eyes rolled back in her head, completely lost to her feelings. Finally, the two men slipped out of her.

With glazed eyes, Kimiko turned to face Annabelle, a seductive smile on her lips.

"Your turn, slut," she groaned. Annabelle's jaw dropped through the floor.

"No, no... it's too much, I.... oh God, I need to try..." she whimpered. Jermaine lay next to Annabelle and she nervously straddled him, her back to him. Sinking her pussy down on his rock hard meat, she put her hands on his chest. Jermaine grabbed the back of her knees and spread her legs for her. Whimpering, she and David watched as the second cock touched her stuffed pussy.

"Oh God, oh God..." she muttered over and over as John's penis attempted to press into her. She grimaced and yelled until, amazingly, the head plopped into her. She screamed as her pussy was stretched more than it had ever been before. David was in awe of his fiancé as she managed to squeeze inch after inch of the second cock inside her body. He'd believed she'd been sleeping with other men and was prepared for that, but for two men to be inside her pussy at the same time just was beyond what he'd expected.

To his (and her) surprise, she'd managed to take both cocks balls deep inside her. Time seemed to stand still as the cocks remained motionless inside her, allowing to get used to the sensations she was feeling. When they began to move, her mouth was an O of inexpressible pleasure. she fell back on Jermaine, John following her down, her pale white skin sandwiched between the dark chocolate of her twin lovers.

It wasn't long before she was in a similar subspace-like state to the one Kimiko had been in, eyes rolled back, body an uncontrollable mess of orgasmic surges and spasms. It all came to a head when, incredibly, all three climaxed at once. Annabelle's screams were ear-splitting, yelling about how much she wanted their cum inside her.

Finally, all were satiated and Kimiko, John and Jermaine left, the former giving David a derogatory wink as she went by. David gingerly sat next to his prone wife, whose body was jerking every so often as post-orgasmic shocks coursed through her. She was weeping with pleasure.

"Uhhhhh," she managed, "amazing..."

David patted her on the shoulder and tried to sit comfortably. To his shame, he'd had a raging erection ever since the men had started pounding his fiancée and he needed to do something. What the hell, he thought, she's such a slut anyway. He stood and pulled down his trousers. Annabelle looked up groggily and smiled as he emptied his balls all over her naked body.

Tucking himself away, he asked whether she wanted to go home now.

"No, let's go... mmm, relax in the jacuzzi for a bit."

David towelled her down and helped her into her coat, putting her skimpy bikini set into the pocket. Didn't seem like she needed it. As they went to the jacuzzi, they noticed Curtis and Theo in another room. Annabelle waved to them as they pounded some unknown girl, one after the other.

"That was me last night, you know," Annabelle laughed, leading David to the jacuzzi.

"Ooh, that feels good," she cooed, slipping herself into the hot water. There were quite a few tubs in here and there was a good, friendly atmosphere of chatter and, it had to be said, heavy petting. One or two women were clearly taking black cock in a few of the pools, but Annabelle had picked one just for her and David.

"Come on in, don't let your tiny little penis embarrass you," she winked. He grimaced at that, but disrobed, placing his clothing neatly in a hamper for safety.

"You're right, it is nice in here," he said, sliding in alongside Annabelle.

"I'm so glad we're here, that experience just now was mind-blowing," she said, dreamily.

"You certainly looked happy," he said, surprised at the lack of bitterness in his tone. Maybe he was genuinely happy for her, for discovering herself in this way?

"I was... deliriously. Hey, guys, come join us!" she said, waving at a group of black men who were walking past.

"Sure," one said and they halted, disrobing themselves. David was instantly ashamed of his penis as each of the men was sporting a cock at least twice the size of his.
"Come on, let the men sit next to me," Annabelle said, gently pushing David away from her. He reluctantly moved to the opposite side of the tub and watched as the four men surrounded his fiancée.

"You in the mood to fuck?" one said, hand moving between her legs quite brazenly.

"Mmm, not yet, I just got screwed a few minutes ago, so I need to just relax a bit... but maybe later."

"Sure, sure, you just holler and we'll be happy to fill you up, girl," another laughed. "We're off to the Hard side anyway soon."

"I've not been there yet," she said, and David could tell the idea of the place intrigued her. "Maybe I'll pop in and see you in a bit?"

"Yeah, that's cool," a third agreed.

They exchanged names and David was aghast when she happily gave them their address and number. It didn't seem an issue to her. They eventually got out and left David and Annabelle alone together.

"You just... gave them our home address..." he said, incredulously.

"Fuck yeah, of course, how else are they going to come over and fuck me in our bed?" she said, without batting an eyelid.

"Jesus... this is going too far..." David said.

"Well, you know if you don't want to be here, just go, I can just go home with Theo and Curtis. I'm the one with the big job and the fucking flat from it and ... you can just go and fuck off if you don't like the way I'm going to be living my life. Your choice. I love you, but you're not going to keep me from being satisfied the way I want to be, got that?"

David was aghast. Annabelle had never spoken to him like this before, even when they'd argued.

"Look, don't even answer," she continued. "It's just the way it is. Stay or don't stay. I'm a black cock SLUT and that's all there is to it."

She got out of the tub and David hastily moved to follow her. God knows what she was going to do if he wasn't there to calm her down. After drying off, they both ended up outside the club. Annabelle was in no mood to chat, saying David had ruined her night. She asked the bouncers to pass a message inside to Curtis, saying she wanted to go home now.

After a while in the cold, Curtis appeared, smart as before.

"Everything ok?" he said, casting an aggressive glance at David.

"This wimp ruined my evening, I need to go home now..." she said, grumpily. Curtis gave David a stare that had him cowering.

"Cucks don't fuck up their woman's nights, boy," he said, snarling. "I'll let you off this time, but if it happens again, you're banned and Annabelle will be coming here without you. Got it?"

David nodded, nervously. What was going to happen?

"Right... let's go then," Curtis said. As they walked to the car, David sensed a change in Annabelle. She put her hand on the car door, but didn't open it.

"Fuck it..." she said, removing her hand. "Curtis, take me to the Hard part. This loser can get a taxi home."

"That's what I'm talking about," Curtis smiled. "Here, take this and get the fuck out."

He tossed a few notes at David and they walked off together. David felt himself welling up, his beautiful Annabelle walking away to God knows what. Would he ever see her again?

"Fuck that guy," Annabelle was saying. "I want hard cocks and I want them now."

"Look," Curtis said, "don't be too hard on him."

"I thought you just told him to get the fuck out?"

"Yeah, well, that's just the club policy for cucks, treat 'em badly," he said. "In reality, it's clear he loves and cares for you, you don't want to let sex get in the way of that. Keep him at home, make him your bitch, doing everything you want him to. Let his passivity enable your own lifestyle."

"Wow, yeah, you're right," she said, thoughtfully. "I think so, yeah. But now... I want to get fucked!"

They laughed and went back in the club, this time through the Hard door.

"Now, this time out you'll be allowed to just go at your own pace. Every time afterwards you'll be on your own and ... well, you'll see," Curtis said pushing the door open.

Inside it was dark, pulsing pink and purple neon the only light sources. The room was larger than she expected, and there was nobody to be seen. All along the sides of the black walls were black doors, nothing to distinguish them from the other.

"Behind each door lies an encounter," Curtis said. "Each one will be different, depending on who is in there. Sometimes there's nobody in there, in which case you can either wait and enjoy the ... facilities provided or leave and go to a different room."

Annabelle noticed green and red lights above each door, and asked about them.

"Green means the room is looking for more people to join in and red is closed," Curtis said, "although there are viewing areas for each one, so people can still watch the red ones."

"Cool," she said. "Can we have a look?"

"Sure, let's see a red one for now," he said, going through the first door. Annabelle's heart was beating. Just what was she going to find inside?

The first door lead to a very small foyer, two more doors leading off from it. Taking the door to the right, they entered a small room with a big glass window and a few seats in front of it. Curtis sat and Annabelle followed suit, turning her attention to what was happening on the other side of the window. She gasped at what she saw.

A beautiful woman was in the room, her golden locks flowing down her back, milk-white skin naked and free. Around her were three black men, also naked and sporting enormous erections. Their balls looked to Annabelle like coconuts and she wondered how much cum they could be holding.

Inside the woman were two more men, one underneath thrusting up into her stretched vagina and the other on top, pounding his huge cock into her ass.

"Oh my God," Annabelle said, in awe of the woman. "In the ass? Five guys?"

"If you come into the Hard section, expect to get your ass fucked," Curtis said, matter of factly. "As I mentioned, there's a safe word - Zebra - but nobody will stop fucking your ass if you say it. If you've come in here, you've implicitly suggested that you want to be fucked into unconsciousness by the studs."

"Sounds delicious... but I don't know about my ass... I'm not sure I could take it," Annabelle said.

"Maybe if I got you some toys, butt plugs and stuff," he continued. "You can... test yourself. Or we could help you. If you'd like."

"Mmm, sounds good," Annabelle said, her pussy soaking as she watched the woman take more cocks than she'd ever imagined at once. "I did some double vaginal earlier, by the way. Maybe Theo and you could... help me do that as well."

Curtis grinned. "Dirty little slut, that's what I like to hear. Sure, we can stuff you full, no problem."

"I can't watch much more of this," Annabelle sighed. "It just makes me want to get in there and fuck those men myself."

"Well, you can if you want to..."

"No, I need to prepare myself," she sighed again. "I don't want to hurt myself."

"Ok, want to go home now? I can drop you off at your place."

"No, I want you and Theo to fuck my pussy together."

"Done," he grinned.

Ritu ki daastan 
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Day 17

"So, er, all ok?" David said, nervously. Annabelle had only got home an hour before and they had barely said a word.
"Yep, all fine," she said, flicking through the clothes in her wardrobe. "I'm going out again in a bit, so you'll have to entertain yourself today."
"Oh, right, where are you off to? Is it with Curtis?"
"Yes, we're going to a sex shop to buy dildos and butt plugs for me," she stated simply. "I need to get my tight little ass ready for lots of big black dicks."
David was stunned. He found that was happening quite a lot recently.
"I just need to expand my sexual vocabulary a bit, and the woman I saw with her ass full of cock last night was really, really enjoying it."
She turned to face David.
"And I want it too."
He could do nothing but nod.
"Good, I'm glad we understand each other. I'll see you later."
David watched her leave the flat before slumping into a chair, depressed. Annabelle was happy, that should be what he cared about. But was he happy? He didn't think so.
A little while later, Annabelle and Curtis arrived at the sex shop.
"Ok, I know the owner, he supplies us with stuff for the club, so you can have your pick of the toys for free," he said. "Within reason. There are some really expensive things in here, but we're only interested in the dildos, so it's ok."
"Right, let's go, I'm really excited to see what's going to be inside me," she said, rubbing her hands with glee.
Annabelle couldn't believe the sheer scope and variety of items on offer in the store when they entered. Plastic phalluses of all shapes and sizes greeted her, with a mind-boggling array of bondage gear, leather clothing, anything you could image.
"Here, butt plugs are the first thing you need," Curtis said, indicating some strange-shaped toys on a shelf. "These are for keeping in you for long periods, helps stretch your hole, prepares it for getting fucked. Or you just have it in when you're just taking one guy, feels like a DP, plus the guy likes how tight it makes your pussy."
"These," he said, continuing, "are just your general dildos, lots of shapes and sizes. Then you've got your specialty items like the big fists, the DP dildos, vibrators and so on."
"Ok, I think I'll take that butt plug," Annabelle said, indicating a medium-sized one.
"Why not this one?" Curtis suggested, pointing at a three-tiered affair. Three bulbous 'heads' of different sizes were positioned one after the other on the central stalk. "This allows you to start small and build up. Apparently it's incredible when you get all three in."
"Hmmm, ok, I'll go with the medium one and I'll take the biggest of those three ones. Gives me a challenge for later," she laughed.
"Ok, how about dildos?"
"Right, so, let's start small with this 9 inch one here," she said, tapping her chin with one finger as she mused. "Then... move up to this one here, the 11 incher and then the big 14 incher one. And that one with the fist."
"Impressive," he chuckled. "Anything else?"
"Hmm, so many I'd love to try... but no, I think we're good."
Curtis led Annabelle to the main counter and greeted the owner.
"Hi Ty," he said, shaking hands. "Annie, this is Tyrone. He owns the place."
"Pleased to meet you, sir," she said, acting innocent.
"I see you're interested in some of our wares, my dear," he said, charmingly. "Like I always do for Curtis, I'll give you these one for free, but if you want a couple of special items, I'll have to ask a ... fee."
"What special items?"
"This," he said, pulling out an enormous black dildo from underneath the counter. "We call it the Climaxer, because no woman can put it inside her without cumming all over it within seconds. It's 18 inches long and thicker than a baseball bat. Then there's this."
He bent down to pick up a large box. On it were the words "The Punisher 2000".
"Bit of a corny name," Annabelle laughed.
"Ah, yes, can't be helped," Tyrone said, placing it on the counter. "It's a fucking machine, fastest on the market. It has a special grip that can take hold of any dildo and use it as its... weapon. Both of these are yours if you suck me off and drink my cum right now."
"I don't see why not, but why not just fuck me? I'm more than willing," she purred.
"I'd love to, but if another customer comes in and complains, I could lose my licence. So... "
"Right, I get it," Annabelle said, moving behind the counter and unzipping his trousers.
"Oh yeah, what a lovely cock!" she cooed, freeing the nine inch beast from its lair and devouring it. "I fucking love black dicks so much, give me your cum, I want to drink it down into my belly."
"Wow, she's good," Tyrone said, groaning as Annabelle lavished his dick with her mouth and tongue. "Fucking take it!"
He pushed forward, sliding into her throat. She gagged but managed to hold on.
"Oh fuck!" he groaned again as he came in her throat, jets of sperm cascading down into her belly.
"Woah, you're one cum-hungry bitch," he laughed as she got up, licking her lips. "Hey, I've got a group of brothers who're looking for a slut to do a bukkake for them. You interested?"
"What's a bukkake?" Annabelle said.
"One girl is showered with the cum of many men," he said.
"Oh fuck, where do I sign up?" she moaned, the thought turning her knees to jelly.]
"I'll give Curtis a bell once I've told the guys, he'll let you know."
Annabelle resolved to look it up on the net when she got home. After she'd played with her toys, of course. After picking up a huge bottle of lubricant and a substantial enema kit, they headed back to Curtis's flat. Once there, Annabelle couldn't wait to get started, rushing into the bathroom. After a while, she emerged.
"I feel ... hollow inside," she laughed. "Guess I'd better fill myself up.."
"Ok, let me help you and we'll start with the 9 incher," Curtis said. Annabelle got on her hands and knees, thrusting her bottom out in his direction. She wiggled it provocatively, giggling.
Applying a lot of lube to the plastic cock, he told her to spread herself, showing off her virgin ass. Drizzling more lubricant on her tiny hole, he gave her one more chance to back out.
"No, give it to me," she growled. Positioning the tip of the phallus against her ass, he told her to relax. As she tried to do so, he pushed gently until, finally, the plastic penis plopped into her body.
"Oh my..." Annabelle gasped, not used to the new sensations she was experiencing. She forced herself to breathe deeply and slowly, relaxing herself. She groaned as Curtis slowly slid the plastic cock deeper into her until, finally, it was all the way in.
"Slow, slow," she mumbled as Curtis started to slide it out again. She closed her eyes and let her body get used to the new invader and it wasn't long before feelings of discomfort had disappeared. "Mmm, yes, I like that, it's ... strange, but good."
Curtis kept sliding it in and out, occasionally adding more lube to the already slippery shaft.
"Harder, harder," Annabelle growled, really getting into it now. She reached underneath with her left hand and began to play with her clitoris, furiously working it as Curtis began to force the cock into her with more vigour.
It soon became too much for her and she climaxed hard, her ass pulsating around the cock inside her. Collapsing to the bed, she gave Curtis a little smile of satisfaction.
"Mmm, that was gooooood," she sighed. "Different to normal, difficult to describe."
"Girls I've fucked in the ass have said they can cum just from being fucked there, no overtly direct clitoral stimulation," he said, slipping the cock out of her and placing it off to the side. "Only when they fuck a real cock though, so perhaps its a mental thing. Anyway, next size?"
"Try and stop me," she beamed.
"Let's try a different position," he said. "Get on your back."
Annabelle flipped over and spread her legs. The next dildo was thicker and longer, Annabelle eyeing it with relish. Just before Curtis slipped it in, she told him to stop.
"No... the biggest one, skip this, I want it all in me," she said, chest heaving with desire.
Nodding, Curtis took the enormous 14 inch dildo and lubed it up. Annabelle gave a cry of surprise when the bulbous head finally entered her.
"Oh God, it's SO big!" she gasped. "I can't take it!"
But she did take it, much to her shock. Inch after inch stretched her virgin hole until, astonishingly, it was all the way inside her.
"Look at this," Curtis laughed, tilting the dildo's base downwards a tough. Annabelle gasped when she saw her belly rise slightly.
"Oh my God," she exclaimed. "That's... deep! Fuck my belly!"
Laughing, Curtis slid the cock in and out slowly. Annabelle grasped the sheets as the huge penis seemed to pull her insides out as it moved away from her, so tight was her rectum gripping the shaft.
Harder and harder he gave it to her until she couldn't resist touching her clit again, resulting in another grinding orgasm. When he removed the dildo, she felt so empty it was disturbing.
"Jesus, I never thought I could get it in me," she said as Curtis lay, now naked, spooning her from behind. "I hope it hasn't done any damage."
"You'd be surprised how resilient an ass can be," he chuckled. "Like, if I were to do this, there'd be nothing to be concerned about."
Annabelle gasped as she felt the head of his cock press against her stretched hole and slip easily in.
"Mmm, real cock," she purred, grinding her hips back against him, letting the penis sink to the hilt inside her. Slowly, they made love, Annabelle letting herself become used to the joy of anal sex. She felt comfortable with it now and even when he pulled out and slid back in again, it wasn't uncomfortable. She was ready for the Hard club.

Ritu ki daastan 
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