Misc. Erotica Re-marriage 2 (Completed)
It's boring bro... start some intimate scenes b/w kaamna and arvind rather than prolonging the story
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Thank you for Hot update Boss
Thank you very Much Boss
your writeing skill is Excellent Boss
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(19-05-2022, 11:29 AM)Bhanu180 Wrote: It's boring bro... start some intimate scenes b/w kaamna and arvind rather than prolonging the story

such kaha,,,
[+] 1 user Likes masud93's post
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Rather than being too clingy with the story, I have to honestly agree with the critisism given and definately I reckon with the fact that no story should be prolonged much.

This story has recieved lots and lots of love already and it certainly has some genuine moments to cherish.

I will be presenting the concluding chapter soon and thanks to all my readers right from the very first chapter to make this story a wonderful journey! Smile
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Last Chapter

A Sweet End to a Dark Journey

A week later, the photoshoot atlast arrived and by this time Alok had descended more into the sissy trap. His mannerisms had started to change and had a effeminate aura to every gesture, be it walking or even swaying out his buttocks for a walk. 

A rich colored Punjabi churidar was chosen for Alok and the choice was made by Pushpita ofcoarse. The lights were set and this time the setting involved a beach area and being the evening time, it seemed very very romantic and pleasent around. During this photoshoot some of Jaya's perticularly male friends were invited and they were awed by this young girl who resembled Jaya so much.

Infact some old hags even sported a hard-on thinking of their old times with Jaya, the moment they saw Alok posing sensously and that too with his glossy lips. In this precise moment, Pushpita walks upto them and convinces them that the girl over there was an aspiring model Alka, who coincidentally looked like Jaya and the horny men was fascinated with him.

In a couple of minutes the photoshoot ended and Alok felt the urge to pose more to which Pushpita giggled and told him...

"Cmmon Alok! You are behaving so horny with this tiny stuff!"

Alok blushed realising that he was indeed getting so heated with this photoshoot and this was kind of getting normal for him. But the fate couldn't be reversed anyhow!


On the other hand Kaamna had become quite amazingly even more curvy and to be honest Arvind couldn't quite hold his patience anymore. The horny angry man was very impatient because of a call from Jaya the last night, convincing him that she won't return to her regular city life anymore. His big dick growled for a prey and he banged on his table, while whimpering to himself....

"It's time Kaamna!.....it's time now!" 

On the other side the same fire was lit inside Kaamna's body as she too couldn't handle her kinks for the brute anymore. Infact she thought of a very wicked plan and immediately started to get wet, just thinking about it. The amazing day atlast came up when Pushpita had left for her home due to a very ill Rajesh and the entire house was just left to Alok, Kaamna and Arvind.

One perticular night was a living nightmare for Alok!

Alok wondered why Kaamna was rubbing him a scented oil all his skin and that too when he was still in the state of a strange hornyness. This was the result of weeks and weeks of getting his manhood humiliated at night and those awful photoshoots! 

"Is my sweet Alka ready for some sweet surprise? Hmmmmmmm?"

Alok shivered and gained control over himself, saying....

"Kaamna....I....I am not that kind... really! It's just that sometimes....I...feel..."

"Like a girl trapped in a male body right?"

Kaamna cooed and Alok got a big rush inside his stomach from those words. But this time Kaamna crossed her last limit by getting up and making Alok get up too at the same time. With tiny sensual steps she made him come out of the room while whispering into his ear....

"A sweet surprise lays for you my dear!"

Alok who was already in a state of a hypnosis and mental taming, didn't really react, but still a tiny male part of him objected...

"Wh...where are you taking me??"

Kaamna hushed cutely...

"Listen cutie pie! Don't ask! Just come with me, after this night you will have a rebirth sweetie!"

Kaamna played a naughty tanpura in her mind as he very slowly walked with Alok towards none other than..

Jaya's room!

As the door opened Kaamna bit her lip and stepped inside to see her favourite brute asleep, clad in just a langot. The white langot contracted excellently with his hairy brownish legs and Kaanna brought her husband inside the next moment. Alok shivered and stepped inside to only realise in horror that Arvind was right there infront of him on the bed!

"Whaa..why did...you ge...get me here??"

Alok moaned out although something was stirring him from inside and he was wondering what it was actually. But Kaamna being the playful devil at this moment was getting her cunny wet due to the extreme tension she was providing her husband with and without any further delay, she entered further into the lion's den with her sissy husband. 

"Stand right here and observe me okay?"

Kaamna pouted and began to strip, making Alok stare wide at the situation!

After the skimpy negligee, Kaamna got rid of her bra and panties too and then like a cunning kitty, she climbed on top of the bed and ran her hands over the langot clad groin which seemed pretty prominent even at its semi hard state and somehow her hands made the groin breathe and rise up on its own, while Arvind gave a low grunt and yet he didn't even open his eyes. As the beast inside the langot rose up, Kaamna pouted her lips and looked at her sissy hubby, while planting a kiss on the cloth clad rod.

The kiss gesture made Alok very ackward and yet he felt his own dick rising somehow. Kaamna smiled at that and continued to kiss around the langot, making Arvind groan and his face to turn sides, while his beast inside didn't give up, instead began to now rise to its real height. Seing a mighty tent inside the langot made Kaamna feel very very horny and Alok too just clad in his shorts and bare upper body with a scented oil, stood there helpless and equally horny!

Kaamna however didn't hesitate to move further and she very very sensually opened up the langot, exposing a very angry almost dark schlong! 

The scenario created some jolts inside Alok's body and Kaamna sweetly wagged her finger to come a bit closer. The tamed husband couldn't help but get closer and observe the vile act his wife was just about to put, as she now ran her tongue over the slit area and gave it a sweet tender kiss!

"Ah! Yummy!" Kaamna smiled and winked at her bechara husband!

Soon Alok felt an irritation inside his ears and also his groin area when the room was filled with wet sloppy sounds that came from Kaamna's lip contact with the head as she began to give a very sweet slow blowjob to the dark beast, right infront of Alok, who ofcoarse seemed more smitten than disgusted.

Gradually Kaamna's blowjob became more and more intense and Alok too in a way felt some salivation forming inside his mouth for all the embarrassing reasons!

His hands itched to imitate his wife, but uh! He still did the least control he could. 

While Kaamna continued to give the blowjob, Arvind now emitted out a low grunt and caught hold of Kaamna's head immediately, making her blow his cock with more integrity and at the same time he mischievously looked at his stepson too and even wink at him!

Alok shivered and his dick jumped up and down from the stare of Arvind alone while he beckoned Kaamna to suck his dick more and more and more. The gobbling sounds filled up the room and Arvind ran his hands over Kaamna's head, pouting his lips at her as if she was his very loyal pet. 

"Liking it beta Alok?" 

Arvind grinned and Alok looked down. He realised he had lost the final battle to his once arrogant union leader!
[+] 1 user Likes Mintu08's post
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You are amazing writer....
The story has lot of potential to become epic saga...
Don't disheartend by some readers comment...
Continue and it will be a block buster...
Do not end or stop this amazing story....
It's a request....
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(20-05-2022, 12:15 PM)abcturbine Wrote: You are amazing writer....
The story has lot of potential to become epic saga...
Don't disheartend by some readers comment...
Continue and it will be a block buster...
Do not end or stop this amazing story....
It's a request....

I have made up my mind. 

Don't worry. I have plans to come back with a whole new plot in the future since I want to be a part of this wonderful site!
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"Baby! Why don't you judge the performance from a more closer distance! Umm?"

Kaamna cooed sweetly and this time grabbed hold of the langot and tossed it away herself, while the brute rose up fully and grabbed hold of Kaamna's curvy back and mashed his lips against hers, making it a very very long lasting sensual kiss and Kaamna at the very same moment, clasped her hands around Arvind's back, laying over him and soon Arvind turned sides, making him come up on Kaamna and very nastily teasing her super wet cunny with his poisonous asp!

Alok realised he was enjoying more, rather than feeling remorse or angry. Infact he himself stripped down out of his last shed of cloth, his shorts! and started to rub his own dick, looking at the action in front. This time on the other hand, things had become more wild as Kaamna had now began to ride Arvind and her buttocks made quite the flap sounds since it had grown even more in the previous weeks. Thanks to the wonderful massages from Multan chacha!

"Uhh....uhhhh Arvind more! MORE ! MMOOOOREE! UHHHH!!!!!!" 

Kaamna deliberately faced Alok as she moaned out those words and the room was filled up with the thompy bumpy sounds coming out from the union of a wet fat cunny with the dark beast! At the same time Alok too rubbed on his dick as he was equally hot. He didn't care much for his existence anymore. His life had no value of its own! 

On the other hand Kaamna had joyful sex with Arvind and moaned and groaned while Alok already in the meantime spurted out his wads but his body shook with a current when he realised that the two sex maniacs were not done yet! 

Kaamna was still humping and Arvind was still banging her and very very soon the sweet ends met when Kaamna clung to Arvind and moaned out loud, while staring at her useless pansy husband with rage in her eyes..


Arvind groaned back and hugged Kaamna hard untill his chest completely mashed up against her breasts and let out some noisy grunts while he pumped gallons and gallons inside Kaamna! 

Alok stood there and saw dribbles falling from his shrinked up dick and still managed to look up and see Kaamna panting and hugging Arvind. Months and months of frustration had atlast ended and Kaamna planted one sweet kiss on Arvind's lips, while winking at her husband who dropped dribbles from both his shrunk dick as well as eyes. 

"What will you do with rhist effeminate useless husband of mine, Arvind?"

Kaamna cooed sweetly while Arvind hugged her firm, kneading her juicy fat buttocks and taking all his time to look up and down at Alok, who stood still like a looser!

"Umm...nah! Not interested in lanky eunuchs!"

Kaamna giggled at that and mashed her curvy form with the brute while Alok realised he lost it! 

Lost the battle to his once Union leader in his company who doomed his life up like he never ever imagined!

But, like they say....

Happy Endings are just a Myth!


[+] 4 users Like Mintu08's post
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I am happy with this platform and I will certainly come back some time in the future with a whole new story!

Once again thank you all the readers for giving me lots of love and support and also constructive criticism.

Happy to be an Xossipian!
[+] 3 users Like Mintu08's post
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Good , will be waiting for new story
[+] 1 user Likes Devil009's post
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Thank You very Much Boss for given a Wonderful Story
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Happy ending might be a myth. But the ending the story abruptly is not a myth. You had ended the story abruptly in the first edition as well. The first coitus between Arvind and Kaamna should have been special.
I understand Arvind and Kamna's hatred for Alok but you never justified why his mother and his aunt hated him so much. The character of Pushpita was a weak link. She tortures her own nephew for no apparent reason. Jaya was a lonely widow and a normal human being and all of a sudden hates her son and even enjoys killing a man. 
The behavior change was not explained and that was a downer.
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Mother always wishes the best for her son, I felt very sad after reading the story.
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Good story
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Nice story
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A woman's character in the world is determined by her motherhood. Motherhood has made the female character smart and selfish. Women are often accused of leaving a poor lover to marry a rich man. The answer lies in the subconscious mind of every woman. They have to bear children. It is a difficult selfish decision to secure the future of their children. prompts to take

A woman's love for her husband is conditional. The husband has to fulfill certain responsibilities. If the husband is abusive, maybe the woman will divorce the husband. But the mother's love for the child is unconditional. If the child is disabled or sick, it is important for the mother. Because when the child is in the mother's womb, A kind of emotional relationship is formed with the mother. So a woman loves her child more.
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Arvind's hatred towards Alok is natural and Alok is unable to satisfy his wife Kamna's sexual needs so Kamna can cheat on her husband Alok but you never explain why his mother Jaya and his aunt Pushpita hate him so much. The character of Pushpita is complex. I don't understand why aunt Pushpita starts insulting and torturing her own brother's son without any reason. Alok's mother Jaya, a rich widow, always cherished and loved her only son. After suddenly remarrying Arvind, her only son is thrown out of the company, which belongs to Alok's father. Jaya starts treating Alok like an indentured servant. You have not explained why mother Jaya's behavior changed.
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A lot of loose ends in this story. But maximum readers will agree that the writer is a skilled one.
It is always to have an ending (how bad it may be ) to a story compared to stories that continue to hang indefinitely.
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