Adultery The Facilitator
Priya is not interested in the institution of marriage. If priya marry kunal, by any chance, Esha will be happy for kunal. Her guilt of cheating him will go off. But, priya already opening her legs to many men. Why would she prefer kunal for lifetime. After more than 8 years, what chance she has got to complete her phd and start her profession again.
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(22-02-2025, 02:41 PM)Karmayogee Wrote: Priya is not interested in the institution of marriage. If priya marry kunal, by any chance, Esha will be happy for kunal. Her guilt of cheating him will go off. But, priya already opening her legs to many men. Why would she prefer kunal for lifetime. After more than 8 years, what chance she has got to complete her phd and start her profession again.

Actually no , Priya can eventually fall for Kunal knowing how much he cares for her , maybe he will show Priya that marriage doesn't need to be a bad thing and Kunal might treat his marriage with Priya differently than he treated with Esha. Both can change each other's perspective and find love , hell if not marriage , they can definitely opt for a live in relationship. As for Esha , on the contrary , this will make her hate herself and them when she realizes the woman that had ruined her own marriage is now living a happy life with her ex husband and to top it all she will still have to share Aditya's custody and will have to witness Kunal and Priya's growing romance in her close proximity.

People can change if the right individuals influence them , Kunal can do that to Priya and in the same way Priya can bring change in Kunal. Maybe Priya will see that family life is not that bad and probably even see Kunal's undying love and determination for his son Aditya make her realize that there is good in men after all. This angle can work in a way.
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If kunal does something good to priya like saving her mother or saving her from some critical situation, then out of guilt, priya will change for good.
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(22-02-2025, 03:05 PM)Karmayogee Wrote: If kunal does something good to priya like saving her mother or saving her from some critical situation, then out of guilt, priya will change for good.

My belief is Kunal will actually relate to Priya's revenge. And maybe even find a way to get revenge for Priya's mother's fate and teach a lesson to Priya's father if he is alive. But my idea for her to fall for Kunal will be Kunal returning her dream to her and build her an opportunity to fullfill her PHD. That way Priya would understand that Kunal is not some patriarchal product of male chauvinism but rather he is a more understanding and caring partner. That way Priya would eventually fall for Kunal and at the same time help Kunal rediscover himself , bring some physical changes in him. Basically Priya will do things what Esha should've done in the first place. Mould her man into something better and help build him a better personality. Compliment each other and evolve each other to co-exist and love.
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(22-02-2025, 01:54 PM)Harry Jordan Wrote: Honestly this can work even without the miscarriage part. In my opinion, I imagine a sequence where Esha accidentally comes home dropping Aditya and sees Kunal taking care of Priya during her pregnancy days showing the reformation in him , like he is helping her during the worst period pain time by calming her or singing to her or something. Something Kunal didn't do during his time with Esha. Showing that Priya had influenced Kunal to become better.

Its like I said in a previous comment , Priya molds the Coal that is Kunal and turns it into Gold , while Esha abandoned that coal and picked another already polished Gold.

Lol better, better and obsessed in making Kunal better? Better for what? One one end you call Esha slut, bitch for opening her legs for some one so she is a cheater..other end you are validating her cheating by saying Kunal needs to get better, Either she is a cheater and Kunal has no problems or her cheating is valid and Kunal is a pussy and needs to get better. Choose one. 

There is nothing wrong with Kunal and there is no need for any one to get better. Stop thinking that only a woman can make a man better. You are contradicting your points left and right. Kunal is fine as he is and need not require someone like Priya to make him better. Just because Esha felt her marriage stale doesn't mean Kunal has some problems sexually. After 10 yrs of marriage who knows Aniket will not even fuck her once a month.

Monotony becomes a problem in every marriage after a while and couple talk and resolve it by thinking to make it better. Bitches like Esha doesn't value talk and rather seek pleasure outside. Author gave us one chapter of bullshit from Aniket with poems, letters and his desperation to make us believe he is genuine lover and care for Esha and a lady like Esha who constantly looks at her family photo for making her day bright and talks about balancing work and family seems to fall for child's play feminism bullshit from Priya. 
Problem is there is no depth in love story weaved here between Esha and Aniket, esp when you write Kunal and Esha were lovers from college days. Compare to that this one stales. Hence people think its all about dick power but the plot is weak esp when once she is caught , despite regret her going back to Aniket doesn't have much depth in it. If not for so much well written vocabulary and nice crisp writing , this story has such a weak plot and unrealistic loopholes.

Only interesting point left is why Priya choose to be a mediator for Kunal and Esha. One reason is obv that she wants Esha to have Aditya and not lose him but there is also another motive related to Kunal. I do not think she is planning to marry him or make him hers as she already shown him she is not one man woman.

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(22-02-2025, 05:55 PM)RCF Wrote: Lol better, better and obsessed in making Kunal better? Better for what? One one end you call Esha slut, bitch for opening her legs for some one so she is a cheater..other end you are validating her cheating by saying Kunal needs to get better, Either she is a cheater and Kunal has no problems or her cheating is valid and Kunal is a pussy and needs to get better. Choose one. 

There is nothing wrong with Kunal and there is no need for any one to get better. Stop thinking that only a woman can make a man better. You are contradicting your points left and right. Kunal is fine as he is and need not require someone like Priya to make him better. Just because Esha felt her marriage stale doesn't mean Kunal has some problems sexually. After 10 yrs of marriage who knows Aniket will not even fuck her once a month.

Monotony becomes a problem in every marriage after a while and couple talk and resolve it by thinking to make it better. Bitches like Esha doesn't value talk and rather seek pleasure outside. Author gave us one chapter of bullshit from Aniket with poems, letters and his desperation to make us believe he is genuine lover and care for Esha and a lady like Esha who constantly looks at her family photo for making her day bright and talks about balancing work and family seems to fall for child's play feminism bullshit from Priya. 
Problem is there is no depth in love story weaved here between Esha and Aniket, esp when you write Kunal and Esha were lovers from college days. Compare to that this one stales. Hence people think its all about dick power but the plot is weak esp when once she is caught , despite regret her going back to Aniket doesn't have much depth in it. If not for so much well written vocabulary and nice crisp writing , this story has such a weak plot and unrealistic loopholes.

Only interesting point left is why Priya choose to be a mediator for Kunal and Esha. One reason is obv that she wants Esha to have Aditya and not lose him but there is also another motive related to Kunal. I do not think she is planning to marry him or make him hers as she already shown him she is not one man woman.


Lol I get your point , and I am just tip toeing with ideas on how this story can develop. I mean I have already told you Love is a joke in this story. Sure the relation between Esha and Aniket is definitely unrealistic , I simply shut my brain when Kunal of all perople actually asked to watch Esha and Aniket , from that point in my eyes , realism has gone out the window LOL. I mean for a woman like Esha who seems to have doubts regarding Priya but still seeks her help in everything is in itself a huge contradiction. Forget Kunal , Esha's mindset is the worst here.

Which is why I insinuate to have Esha suffer the worst ending in the story beacuse I don't honestly care where and how her character goes unless she starts suffering some really serious consequences. Even until now to this point of the story , we don't see the consequences of her actions but rather her happy times with Aniket. Even when everything is going down , she is opening her mouth so that Aniket can stuff his cock in her throat. She is happily talking about her pregnancy not worrying about anything. I mean clear as day Esha is more bad of a person than Priya is at this point. To be frank Priya with her actions actually saved Kunal from a terrible woman as a wife. 

And yes , I also believe there is some bigger connection between Priya and Esha than just a PHD project being ruined. To some extent I can understand Priya's annoyance with Kunal because in her eyes , Kunal is the one who took Esha the best friend of Priya from her. That could explain why she wanted to ruin the marriage because she wanted to destroy their love and she did it though pretty unrealistically. 

To some extent I can understand the characters decisions while at the same time I do find it quiet ridiculous. But the writing is pretty top notch , the chapters aren't lengthy but in few words a lot of plot is told. But still there is a lot of empty spaces in the story.

To me its like the movie MARCO a movie I found one big critique about , in the end of the movie when his family is slaughtered. Marco takes revenge , by giving some gruesome deaths to the villains , but one of the villain who did the most tortorous acts , gets killed in an instant by a head chop. To me that is something I never liked about plot ideas , when you are showing such severe brutality to innocent characters , there must be a pay off worthy of it. But the Villain gets the easy exit. So in my opinion , PAYOFF matters. When you inflict so much pain and punishment on others , it must come bite you back. Here in this story , Priya has indeed done some terrible things to Kunal and Esha ,and at the end I do want her to get what she deserves for all the acts unless the justification for her acts have weight or relatable motivations. The same way , I DO want Esha to suffer the consequences for her actions , for now there is some , but that isn't enough. Her punishment should be in the same magnitude of her sins. And the same way , even though I like the character , Kunal too deserves his karma. This game he is going to play , it will change him and there might be consequences. This has to transform him , for better or for worse. The only innocent soul I can see in this story is Aditya. So I believe Aditya could become Kunal's drive to never falter too much and find a way back to his son. Be committed to be his father and the responsible parent. 

That is my only desire from this story , at the end of the day , the story should have a desirable pay off to its characters. Or else it will loose its traction and meaning.
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The one thing I learned from this reading this story is. You can destroy a marriage in a couple of sentences and in a minute of time. But it takes a lifetime to fix one.
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Last Update felt too short. Please Provide big update or end chapters with cliffhanger .  happy

Man , I dont know why whenever I read Kunal's part My sympathy grows little more for ESHA .  Tongue 

At this point , ESHA's cheating and pregnancy is everyone's fault but ESHA . Big Grin . Her plot armor is getting thicker every day . 

My Boy Kunal is busy playing Byomkesh Bhakshi . This whole Detective Arc feels so stupid, unnecessary, and Illogical . I mean what He is going to gain from this . ( Unless , read down below )

Lets Imagine , He found out that Priya was behind everything ( Though she did no do anything other than fake pregnancy pills , ESHA's cheating was her own choice , She cheated because she wanted too Not because Priya taught her some feminist bullshit ) , What he is gonna do after this finding this out ? He is gonna take revenge ? and for What ? That She made her naive, innocent, and Pious wife to cheat on him and get pregnant by her lover because It was her lover sick fantasy ? That it was priya who made her imagine to get a child from lover ( I know it was fantasy ) ? PRIYA IS INNOCENT Tongue . Yes , She wanted to take revenge , but again its not crime to hate anyone . She did not physically harm anyone . She did not does half of the things she wanted to . ESHA is Cheater and Kunal is WHIMP. They are both worst people . 

Okay lets imagine , Kunal Telling the truth to ESHA :- Oh my dear faithful wife , You are not cheater , She played you , She pushed you on Aniket'dick and Tricked you to get pregnant . She manipulated you , She took advantage of you because you lack brain. Its not possible that you really wanted to cheat on me , You really crave another man's dick. You were perfect wife untill Priya force you to sit on aniket's dick . My wife is not cheater . You are not cheater . HURRAH ! . 

ESHA to Kunal :- Of course my Dear hubby , I still love you . I did not enjoy single moment jumping up and down on Aniket's dick . Its All Priya , She was jealouse , She wanted to take revenge that is why I fucked Aniket while you were working hard for our family and our kid was with you mother. Priya also made me to get pregnant . Lets get back together , Now that we know , Its was Priya and we did nothing wrong . Lets start fresh new .  Big Grin

ESHA is cheater . She would have fuck any next tom, dick, and harry , Aniket is just accident. Its not Priya's fault . Yes she it was her objective but still It was ESHA choice . There is reason why ESHA got so shocked when she received Divorce Papers because she knew Kunal was pussy , She knew he would never do something like that , But Finally Kunal Woke up . ESHA knew Kunal is a whimp that is why she fucked Aniket even after Kunal forgave her and put effort in their Marriage . Kunal's only fault is that He did not sent those Divorce Paper earlier when ESHA cheated on him First Time . 

And as for Kunal's Detective Arc . Kunal still think ESHA cheated on him because of Priya , That is why he goes after her . He is just plain stupid . It is so hard for him to accept that ESHA cheated because she wanted too because she wanted to felt alive, That ANIKET made her feel alive , ANIKET is her real love and She never loved him. He just cannot let it go so He is looking for reason and culprit to pin blame and here Its Priya  .lol . But This guy instead on focusing on him and his child and his court case , He is out their investigating on Priya . Only if he Investigate his own wife none of this would have happened . lol  
 BUT , If it was written as showed in last paragraph that Kunal was thinking to get closer to Priya then its perfect. Its perfect way to get them closer . Kunal and Priya's plot can turn out to be pretty interesting . Why ? 

I think Priya's is not shitty Person . She grows up in trouble household , Her idea of Marriage and her hatred for marriage comes from her own mother and her married life . 
Kunal is An average family Man . For him Marriage is a important part of Man's life . He worked tirelessly for his family and he succumbed her wife's affair just for the sake of his marriage and for his child . Kunal is literally The  Anti-thesis to Priya's View on Patriarchal society and male chauvinism. He is the guy who did everything opposite of what others male would have done if they caught their wives cheating on them. 
Kunal can show Priya's that not all Men are like her father . 
Priya has never felt what love is , what real caring is , what a real relationship is , its not her fault with Kunal there is chance she can finally experience all of these . I am not sure but with Kunal lots of her views can change. ( Not saying that they end up married , No but short fling . Its not cheating because Kunal is already Ended her relationship with ESHA )

So i hope that writers give it chance or the whole detective arc is waste because in the end it bust there nothing to gain , Yes Priya's backstory would reveal but still there is nothing to gain from it . 

 I always said it That It should be the KUNAL who should have cheat not ESHA because like Kunal ESHA would never forgive Kunal . Maybe after Priya and Kunal's affair. She might feel jealous or finally see Priya's game and maybe feels that whatever the perfect world she is building with Aniket was all lie , She is actually love Kunal and realized her mistake. Or maybe something else . 

The Best thing about last update is The way Kunal handled ESHA . My boy finally Manned up . ESHA is done . Its better for her to get marry with ANIKET ASAP . 

Let see what Happens in next update.

Request to Author , PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE , give an earlier update  Tongue
[+] 3 users Like DeanWinchester00007's post
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The readers are opening up all the possibilities of the story and keep the authors on their toe. Now authors have to think more to outbeat all these and bring the story more interesting. more challenges are set. why do you put so much pressure on the authors. They must have the basic plot already and working only on the screenplay to weave interesting events.
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(23-02-2025, 06:04 AM)Karmayogee Wrote: The readers are opening up all the possibilities of the story and keep the authors on their toe. Now authors have to think more to outbeat all these and bring the story more interesting. more challenges are set. why do you put so much pressure on the authors. They must have the basic plot already and working only on the screenplay to weave interesting events.

In the very start of the story, author indicated that he has finalised the ending and also told that whatcome may, he would not change the ending
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Wonderful updates
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(22-02-2025, 10:56 PM)DeanWinchester00007 Wrote: Last Update felt too short. Please Provide big update or end chapters with cliffhanger .  happy

I think you are seeing this in the wrong way. Kunal's detective arc is not at all unnecessary but acutally important for his character to evolve. Unlike the other characters , Kunal is the one who actually sees Priya's manipulation and is actinge against it now. In many words he is the ace in the game. And this is no longer the detectice arc. Kunal is going to play the same game Priya has been playing on their lives. In his search for truth he is going to get close to Priya. This is the beginning of his transformation , whatever he finds or whatever the truth is , this will change Kunal for better or for worse. The only difference is  Esha lost her family in Priya's manipulation. Kunal alteast has the drive to protect his son , this will result in making an anchor to his mind where no matter what happens , he will eventually return to his son and will still protect him. Remember this is not just his drive to find the truth , what Kunal is trying to do is find justification behind all of this and eventually find someone or something that can be held responsible for all of this. By doing this , he can close that part of his life in whole and find closure with Esha and her cheating. Be it Priya or be it Esha , he can finally have someone who he can blame and see the person responsible for all the wrong things in his life. This will draw him to change his perspective in life and eventually find peace and love in the future. He won't have to hold on to Esha or Priya to keep blaming on. He can finally move on , a relief from all his pains. A fresh start to his sanity and a bright future.

Now in Priya's case , there are two things that can happen. The first thing is justification for her actions , when Kunal finds out why she does this manipulations and mind games or what is the source of her mindset is , Kunal might actually accept why she does this and either end quest against her and move on or possibly form a romance seeing a different side of Priya. This is just my personal preference to have both characters eventually find each other appreciative and form a life transforming their mindsets and form a bond. The second thing is finding Priya's manipulation to get much worse , remember her game is not yet done. She just wanted Kunal away from Esha's life , she still wants to control Esha's life and mayve she is planning to ruin her life further. Maybe a more psychotice side of Priya will come in the future where she will either target Aniket or much worse Aditya just to control and fiddle with Esha's life. But then Priya's mind in itself is a huge puzzle , a part of her wants to take revenge on Esha , another wants to protect her long lost friend. This confliction is also interrupting her game with Esha's life. Her game alone is a complex cascade of emotions , one point she wants to see Esha suffer , another point she wants to comfort her. Like a violent storm in the sea , Priya's choices are as unpredictable as waves , there is no idea what she will do next. Maybe Kunal's search to her or his counter game against her will draw out a resolve in Priya that will make her do the ultimate decision in what to do with Esha's life. In my opinion , the most interesting part of the story to me is finding what Priya truly wants , and I am quiet happy that Kunal will be the one who finds it because on a storyline standpoint he is the right character to find this truth.

At the beginning , she was the innocent victim in the story but the more and more each chapter comes , I am pretty much convinced Esha is the inevitable Villain in this story. She tries to justify her actions for seeking her affair , but at the end of the day , she is a cheater. She refused to give divorce to Kunal for some reason. She claims there is a part of her that still loves Kunal and regrets she met Aniket but at the same time , she haven't shown one ounce of remorse or guilt for cheating Kunal. Even during her big affair phase , her concern was only for Aditya , not once in those stints did she ever think for once about Kunal. Which is why , as a personal grudge and on a storyline standpoint ,I expect the worse ending for Esha. One of the reader here pointed out there is some similarities between Esha and the famous novel about Anna Karenina. And it is true , her actions in the novel is somewhat similar to what Esha has done , and in the novel as well , Anna eventually suffers a terrible fate because of it. My expectation with her arc is to let her live a life of consequences. She already is at this point. She will soon be divorced in the grounds of adultery , her father should die hearing the news making her see the magnitude of her mistakes , at the end of the day all she will have left in her life will be Aniket and this new child , she will never get Aditya as her whole son as Kunal will be raising him as well. My initial headcannon of the epilogue having an older Aditya leaving Esha for good to live the rest of his life with Kunal still stands. That is something I will find quiet wonderful with the ending of this story. In short I don't see or want a happy ending for Esha. Hell if she suffers the same Anna Karenina fate , I will be quiet satisfied.

And there is the idea of a Kunal and Esha reunion , that is pretty much impossible until some really drastic and terrible things happen to these characters. Like Priya under desperation starts to target Aditya putting his life in danger , Esha suffering a miscarriage loosing Aniket's child. Aniket dying or secretly cheating on Esha during her pregnancy phase. Or a secret alliance between Aniket and Priya to ruin Esha's life. There are many ways that can happen , but I honestly somewhat wants it and at the same time don't. Unless there is some drastic things happen in the story , I don't want an Esha and Kunal reunion , and if there is ever a chance , then I would like Aditya to be the key to that reunion and the characters of Kunal and Esha to change in many ways when they reunite signifying the magnitude of Priya's game which has resulted in both of their lives to go through a storm and change their approached and mindsets about life.

That is all I will say about this story for now , I have my own story to complete and it has been quiet time consuming in that regard. However , all the best to clearlover and hope the best for future. This is most likely the last time I will discuss about this story because I intend to focus on my story for now. I wish well for the author and let him take his time as much as he desires to complete this story and I will definitely be reading the upcoming chapters and the eventual conclusion.

Wishing you all a great day and week.

Heart  HARRY JORDAN  Heart
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(23-02-2025, 06:04 AM)Karmayogee Wrote: The readers are opening up all the possibilities of the story and keep the authors on their toe. Now authors have to think more to outbeat all these and bring the story more interesting. more challenges are set. why do you put so much pressure on the authors. They must have the basic plot already and working only on the screenplay to weave interesting events.

There is no problem in predicting the ending. The problem comes when you want to subvert the expectations as shock value , it doesn't work all the time. So what if someone deduced the ending the story desires. Changing it for shock value will ruin its quality. This mindset is wrong , there is no problem in predicting the story , the problem comes when the ending is not satisfied. Prediction or not , the story should be satisfied and be loyal to its narrationa and dynamic and characters.
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When the suspense factor is broken every time by readers, they get to a mindset of one climax. If the climax did not meet their expectation, only disappointment remains after reading a wonderful story.
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Guys, enough of the predictions. Story is now in pre-climax stage. Only four more updates left. Relax and enjoy the climax.
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I wish Aniket die in an accident and Esha has miscarriage. kunal marries priya and she give birth to a girl child and they form a great family. Esha turns a roadside whore opening legs to strangers. Ha ha ha . I must be very cruel. I know.
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(23-02-2025, 10:01 PM)Shriya George Wrote: When the suspense factor is broken every time by readers, they get to a mindset of one climax. If the climax did not meet their expectation, only disappointment remains after reading a wonderful story.

I respectfully disagree. Not every story has to be surprising to subvert expectations. Some stories can be predictable and still be good. At the end of the day , the only expectation a story needs is its loyalty and faithfullness to its narrative. There should be a pay off , like after everything the story must culminate. I personally don't have any expectations with this because even now I cannot expect how this will go down in the end. And that is indeed good , however , even if I am proven wrong or right , I will still like the story regardless because of its writing style and literature skills. 

In my opinion , subverting expectations all the time is the wrong move , its alright sometimes when story ends in an expected way. If the expected way is satisfying or paying off to the characters in the story then the story is good.
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The comments are disturbing. Author please post the next update.
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skip the court scene and investigation scenes and proceed. they are not interesting.
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(26-02-2025, 11:09 PM)Yesudoss Wrote: skip the court scene and investigation scenes and proceed. they are not interesting.

I too feel the same. It is like a serial. banghead
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