09-02-2025, 04:59 PM
Just as she drifted off to sleep, her phone beeped. She picked it up, expecting a message from one of her friends. Instead, it was a message from John.
*I’m glad you’re doing this, Chitra*, the message said. *You deserve to find yourself.*
Chitra’s heart skipped a beat. How did John know that she had been thinking about modeling? And how did he know that it helped her find herself? It was almost as if he knew her better than she knew herself.
She typed back a reply. *Thank you.*
John’s response was immediate. *Come see me in my studio tomorrow. I have a surprise for you.*
She hesitated for a moment, then typed back. *Okay.*
What was John’s surprise? And why did he want to see her tomorrow? She had no idea, but she found herself looking forward to it.
The next day, John met her in his studio with a huge smile on his face. “I’m glad you came,” he said, hugging her hello. “I want to talk about the shoots.”
Chitra was surprised. They had talked about the shoots often, but something about John’s tone today seemed different. “What about the shoots?”
“I’m getting great feedback,” John said. “People are saying you’re the best model I’ve worked with.”
She flushed at the praise, feeling warm inside. “That’s so nice to hear.” She paused. “But why is it such a big deal?”
“I’m thinking of launching my own magazine,” John said. “And I want you to be on the first cover.”
Chitra gasped, shocked. “Me? You mean me?”
John nodded. “Yes, you. You’re perfect for the cover.”
She felt a surge of excitement. Her, on the cover of a magazine? It was a dream come true.
“I’d love to do it,” she said, hardly daring to believe it was happening.
John grinned, looking pleased. “I knew you would,” he said. He pulled her in for a hug, his hands wrapping around her waist. “I’m proud of you, Chitra.”
She hugged him back, feeling his hard body against hers. It was different this time, the embrace more intimate. She felt his erection against her thigh, and knew he wanted her.
She looked up, meeting his eyes. They were dark with desire, filled with a hunger she had never seen before. And yet, he waited, letting her make the next move.
“I’m glad I did this,” she said softly, running her hands up his back. “You’ve opened my eyes to a whole new world.”
“I knew you had it in you,” John murmured, pressing his lips to her forehead. “You just needed someone to push you a little.”
She smiled, feeling more alive than she had in years. “I don’t know where I’d be without you.”
He kissed her again, his lips warm against her skin. “You’ll never have to find out,” he said. And then he pulled away and turned back to his camera bag.
Chitra stared after him, wondering what had just happened. Had she just come close to sleeping with John? It wouldn’t have taken much, she thought. He was an attractive man, and she was drawn to him.
But she was also married, and she knew that was a line she couldn’t cross. She needed to focus on Suresh, and figure out why he was so disapproving of her modeling. Maybe then she could find a way to reconcile her two worlds.
It wouldn’t be easy, but she knew it was necessary. And with John by her side, she felt like she could do anything. * * *
The next day was Suresh’s day off. Chitra woke up early and made him breakfast, trying to make up with him. She wore a demure yellow sari and tied her hair back in a bun, trying to look more presentable.
When Suresh came into the kitchen, he looked surprised at seeing her in a sari. “You look nice,” he said, sitting down at the table.
Chitra smiled, feeling happy that he had noticed. “Thank you,” she said, setting his plate of eggs down in front of him. “I was hoping you might like it.”
Suresh nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. “I do,” he said. “I like it a lot.”
She sat down next to him, feeling a flutter in her stomach. Maybe things were going to be okay between them after all. Maybe they could find their way back to each other.
When Suresh finished eating, she asked if he wanted more eggs. He shook his head, then looked at her curiously. “You know, you’ve been dressing differently lately,” he said. “Is that because of John?”
She hesitated. “Maybe,” she admitted. “He’s been teaching me about style and makeup.”
“I see,” Suresh said, his tone neutral. “I suppose he’s a good teacher.”
“Very good,” she agreed. “I’ve enjoyed learning from him.”
Suresh was silent for a few moments. “Chitra, I know John’s a nice man,” he said finally. “But I wish you would stop the modeling. It doesn’t suit you.”
She stared at him. “Why not?”
He sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. “Because you’re a respectable housewife, that’s why,” he said. “This modeling business is not suitable for women like you.”
She bit back a retort. She knew Suresh thought he was right, but she also knew he didn’t understand her. She needed this, needed the validation and the chance to explore a different side of herself. And she wouldn’t let him take it away from her.
“Just be careful, okay?” Suresh said finally, getting up from his chair. “Don’t do anything to shame us.”
She nodded, feeling a pang of guilt. She knew she needed to respect Suresh’s wishes, but it was hard when she felt so alive doing something else. Maybe she could talk John into helping her find a compromise.
But one thing was for sure—she was going to continue with her modeling, no matter what. It made her too happy to give it up. * * *
Over the next week, Chitra modeled in several different outfits and poses. John taught her how to smile for the camera, how to make her eyes sparkle and her skin glow. He directed her through various poses, telling her how to move her body to make the most of each shot. She learned quickly, enjoying the sensation of posing for the camera.
At home, Suresh watched her dress more adventurously. He didn’t say anything, but Chitra knew he disapproved. She tried talking to him about it, explaining that this was something she needed to do. But he just shook his head and told her to be careful.
The tension between them grew over the next few days. Suresh hardly spoke to her, and when he did, it was curt. Chitra tried to make things up with him, cooking his favorite meals and dressing up for him. But it made no difference—he continued to withdraw into himself.
One day, she caught Suresh in the act of deleting photos from her phone. They were all pictures that John had sent her, pictures of her from their modeling shoots. Suresh saw her looking at him and flushed.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, handing the phone back to her. “I know I shouldn’t have done it.”
Chitra felt a cold sensation in the pit of her stomach. “Why did you?”
Suresh hesitated, running his hands through his hair. “I just can’t stand the thought of you with another man,” he said quietly. “I hate that you’re doing this, and I hate John for teaching you how.”
Chitra stared at him, shocked. She had never thought Suresh would resort to this. “You need to understand that there’s nothing going on between me and John,” she said. “He’s married, and so am I. I’m just his model, that’s all.”
“I don’t believe you,” Suresh said flatly. “You’re different since he came into your life, more confident and more independent. I don’t like it.”
“I like it,” Chitra protested. “And John’s just a friend. He’s never made a move on me.”
Suresh scowled, looking unconvinced. “I still don’t like it,” he said stubbornly.
Chitra sighed. There was no point arguing with him, she knew. She needed to find another way to get through to him. And with that thought, she knew exactly what to do.
“Suresh, listen to me,” she said gently. “If you love me, you need to let me do this. It makes me happy, and that should be important to you too.”
Suresh stared at her, his expression softening. He knew what she was asking, and he knew he couldn’t deny her. Finally, he nodded.
“Okay,” he said. “If it makes you happy, I can accept it.” He paused. “Will you still love me?”
Chitra smiled and reached out to hug him. “Of course, darling,” she said. “Nothing will ever change how I feel about you.”
Suresh hugged her back, holding her close. “I love you too,” he said softly. “And I’ll support you in whatever makes you happy.”
* * *
Suresh’s change of heart made their relationship much easier. Chitra continued to model for John, but she made a point to spend more time with Suresh too. She cooked his favorite dishes and dressed up for him, trying to please him in all ways she could.
In turn, Suresh stopped giving her a hard time. He asked her about her modeling shoots, listening with interest to her stories. He even started to help her pick out outfits for each shoot, learning what styles and colors looked good on her.
John noticed the change in Suresh right away. “What’s changed?” he asked Chitra one day as they were preparing for a shoot.
She told him about her talk with Suresh, how she had asked him to accept her love of modeling. She told him how Suresh had agreed, and how things were better between them now.
“I’m happy for you,” John said, smiling at her. “You deserve it.”
She smiled back, feeling grateful to him for all his help. Without John, she would never have found the courage to ask Suresh to let her model. Without him, she would have given up her dreams of becoming a model.
“Thanks for being there for me,” she said, hugging him. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”
John hugged her back, his hands lingering on her waist. “You can do anything you want to do,” he said softly. “I believe in you.”
She pulled away, feeling a spark of desire. It happened whenever they were close now, whenever she felt his arms around her. She wondered if there was something more between them than just friendship, but she wasn’t sure.
As they posed together, Chitra realized that she enjoyed touching him now. She liked the way his arms felt around her, the way his chest pressed against hers. She felt alive when she was with him, more alive than she felt anywhere else.
It was a dangerous feeling, she knew. But she couldn’t help it, couldn’t stop the desire that swept through her whenever they touched. All she could do was hope that Suresh never found out.
* * *
Over the next few weeks, Chitra modeled more and more with John. They worked on several different shoots together, posing in various outfits and styles. Chitra was growing more confident with each shoot, and John’s praise helped her feel even better.
One day, John told her they would be shooting with Salim again. Chitra was excited—she loved posing with Salim, who was so professional and nice. She wondered what today’s shoot would be, and what they would be posing in.
When they arrived at John’s studio, Chitra saw that Salim was already there. He smiled when he saw her, and she smiled back happily. She loved the way he made her feel, the way he put her at ease when they posed together.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Salim said, pulling her into a hug. “Missed you.”
Chitra hugged him back, enjoying his warm embrace. “Missed you too,” she replied.
John looked on with a smile, pleased that the two of them were getting along so well. “Okay, let’s get started,” he said, clapping his hands together.
For the next hour, the three of them worked on several poses. They started with casual shots, just the two models together. Then they moved on to more intimate poses, with Salim’s arm around Chitra and her head resting on his chest.
As they worked, Chitra felt a growing sense of arousal. She knew it wasn’t appropriate, but she couldn’t seem to stop it. She was enjoying the way Salim touched her, and the way John made her pose for him.
When they finished, John hugged her goodbye. “Great job,” he said, pressing his lips to her cheek. “I’ll let you know how the pictures turn out.”
Chitra hugged him back. “Thanks,” she said. She started to leave, then remembered what she had forgotten to ask. “Hey, John—what kind of poses did you want for the magazine cover?”
John smiled. “Just you and Salim together,” he replied. “Maybe we can do some shots with you sitting in his lap, or leaning back against him. Just whatever feels natural.”
Chitra nodded, feeling a tingle in the pit of her stomach at the thought. She knew what was happening, knew that she was attracted to Salim. She just didn’t know how to stop it.
* * *
That night, Chitra couldn’t sleep. She kept thinking about Salim and John, about the way they had made her feel. She couldn’t remember when she had last felt so alive.
She tossed and turned in bed, unable to get comfortable. Suresh slept soundly beside her, oblivious to her restlessness. She watched him for a few minutes, feeling a pang of regret. She loved Suresh, but she couldn’t lie to herself anymore—she wanted something more.
Finally, she picked up her phone and started to type a message to John. She didn’t know why, but she needed to talk to him. Needed to ask him what was happening between them, and what he felt about her.
Before she could hit send, the phone rang in her hand. It was John, calling her from his cell. She answered, feeling a sense of surprise.
“Hey,” John’s voice came through the phone. “Couldn’t sleep?”
Chitra laughed, feeling a little foolish. “You either?” she asked.
“No,” John replied. “I keep thinking about you. About us.”
Chitra swallowed hard, wondering what he meant. Was he implying that there was an “us” between them? “What do you mean?” she asked tentatively.
“I mean, I think we have something special,” John said quietly. “Something I’ve never felt before. Do you feel it too?”
Chitra’s heart skipped a beat. This was exactly what she had hoped he would say. “Yes,” she replied softly. “I feel it too.”
There was silence on the other end of the line for a few seconds. Chitra wondered if she had said too much, but then John spoke again. “Come see me in my studio tomorrow,” he said. “We’ll talk more about it then.”
“Okay,” she breathed, hardly daring to believe her ears. “I will.”
As soon as they hung up, she started to text Salim. It was crazy, she knew, but she felt drawn to him as much as she did to John. And he was single, free to explore whatever might be between them.
*I had a great time today*, she typed into the phone. *Thanks for being such a great model.*
There was silence for a few minutes, and Chitra wondered if he was ignoring her. But then a message appeared on the screen. *I had a good time too*, he typed back. *Maybe we could have dinner together sometime.*
Chitra’s heart raced at the suggestion. Was Salim asking her out on a date? She couldn’t tell, but either way, she wanted to go. She typed back quickly before she lost her nerve. *I would love to.*
*How about Friday at 7*, he replied. *I can pick you up at your house.*
*That sounds good*, Chitra typed back, trying to sound casual.
*See you then*, Salim replied, and then the screen went back to black.
Chitra lay in bed the rest of the night, her heart pounding with excitement. She couldn’t believe it—she had a date with Salim on Friday. And she was seeing John tomorrow. Her whole life was changing, and she couldn’t wait to see what would happen next.
Over the next few days, Chitra continued to model with John and Salim. They did some daring shots together, including one where Chitra straddled Salim as he lay back on a couch. She could feel his erection through her skirt, and knew he wanted her as much as she wanted him.
As soon as she had changed out of her modeling outfit, John took her into his office. “Sit,” he commanded, pointing at a chair in front of his desk. “I need to talk to you.”
Chitra sat, feeling a shiver of desire as he looked down at her. She knew how attracted he was to her, and knew she felt the same way.
“I’ve been thinking about what you said on the phone,” John told her. “About feeling something between us.”
“Yes,” she replied, hardly daring to meet his eyes. She wondered what he was going to say, wondered if he felt the same way. “What about it?”
John’s chair rolled towards her, until he was leaning forward with his arms resting on his desk. “I think I feel the same way,” he said quietly.
The conversation in the room built the closeness between John and Chitra. John didn't express anything. But he makes her fall for his trap. John knows he needs to trap her a lot and make her come out of her modesty and she needs to be daring and more expressive. He planned some very close shots between Salim and Chitra. The hug and kisses are now just a daily part in their life in which Salim too join that circle. Salim started to flirt openly with her and touch her frequently she too started to accept and love it.
*I’m glad you’re doing this, Chitra*, the message said. *You deserve to find yourself.*
Chitra’s heart skipped a beat. How did John know that she had been thinking about modeling? And how did he know that it helped her find herself? It was almost as if he knew her better than she knew herself.
She typed back a reply. *Thank you.*
John’s response was immediate. *Come see me in my studio tomorrow. I have a surprise for you.*
She hesitated for a moment, then typed back. *Okay.*
What was John’s surprise? And why did he want to see her tomorrow? She had no idea, but she found herself looking forward to it.
The next day, John met her in his studio with a huge smile on his face. “I’m glad you came,” he said, hugging her hello. “I want to talk about the shoots.”
Chitra was surprised. They had talked about the shoots often, but something about John’s tone today seemed different. “What about the shoots?”
“I’m getting great feedback,” John said. “People are saying you’re the best model I’ve worked with.”
She flushed at the praise, feeling warm inside. “That’s so nice to hear.” She paused. “But why is it such a big deal?”
“I’m thinking of launching my own magazine,” John said. “And I want you to be on the first cover.”
Chitra gasped, shocked. “Me? You mean me?”
John nodded. “Yes, you. You’re perfect for the cover.”
She felt a surge of excitement. Her, on the cover of a magazine? It was a dream come true.
“I’d love to do it,” she said, hardly daring to believe it was happening.
John grinned, looking pleased. “I knew you would,” he said. He pulled her in for a hug, his hands wrapping around her waist. “I’m proud of you, Chitra.”
She hugged him back, feeling his hard body against hers. It was different this time, the embrace more intimate. She felt his erection against her thigh, and knew he wanted her.
She looked up, meeting his eyes. They were dark with desire, filled with a hunger she had never seen before. And yet, he waited, letting her make the next move.
“I’m glad I did this,” she said softly, running her hands up his back. “You’ve opened my eyes to a whole new world.”
“I knew you had it in you,” John murmured, pressing his lips to her forehead. “You just needed someone to push you a little.”
She smiled, feeling more alive than she had in years. “I don’t know where I’d be without you.”
He kissed her again, his lips warm against her skin. “You’ll never have to find out,” he said. And then he pulled away and turned back to his camera bag.
Chitra stared after him, wondering what had just happened. Had she just come close to sleeping with John? It wouldn’t have taken much, she thought. He was an attractive man, and she was drawn to him.
But she was also married, and she knew that was a line she couldn’t cross. She needed to focus on Suresh, and figure out why he was so disapproving of her modeling. Maybe then she could find a way to reconcile her two worlds.
It wouldn’t be easy, but she knew it was necessary. And with John by her side, she felt like she could do anything. * * *
The next day was Suresh’s day off. Chitra woke up early and made him breakfast, trying to make up with him. She wore a demure yellow sari and tied her hair back in a bun, trying to look more presentable.
When Suresh came into the kitchen, he looked surprised at seeing her in a sari. “You look nice,” he said, sitting down at the table.
Chitra smiled, feeling happy that he had noticed. “Thank you,” she said, setting his plate of eggs down in front of him. “I was hoping you might like it.”
Suresh nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. “I do,” he said. “I like it a lot.”
She sat down next to him, feeling a flutter in her stomach. Maybe things were going to be okay between them after all. Maybe they could find their way back to each other.
When Suresh finished eating, she asked if he wanted more eggs. He shook his head, then looked at her curiously. “You know, you’ve been dressing differently lately,” he said. “Is that because of John?”
She hesitated. “Maybe,” she admitted. “He’s been teaching me about style and makeup.”
“I see,” Suresh said, his tone neutral. “I suppose he’s a good teacher.”
“Very good,” she agreed. “I’ve enjoyed learning from him.”
Suresh was silent for a few moments. “Chitra, I know John’s a nice man,” he said finally. “But I wish you would stop the modeling. It doesn’t suit you.”
She stared at him. “Why not?”
He sighed, rubbing his hands over his face. “Because you’re a respectable housewife, that’s why,” he said. “This modeling business is not suitable for women like you.”
She bit back a retort. She knew Suresh thought he was right, but she also knew he didn’t understand her. She needed this, needed the validation and the chance to explore a different side of herself. And she wouldn’t let him take it away from her.
“Just be careful, okay?” Suresh said finally, getting up from his chair. “Don’t do anything to shame us.”
She nodded, feeling a pang of guilt. She knew she needed to respect Suresh’s wishes, but it was hard when she felt so alive doing something else. Maybe she could talk John into helping her find a compromise.
But one thing was for sure—she was going to continue with her modeling, no matter what. It made her too happy to give it up. * * *
Over the next week, Chitra modeled in several different outfits and poses. John taught her how to smile for the camera, how to make her eyes sparkle and her skin glow. He directed her through various poses, telling her how to move her body to make the most of each shot. She learned quickly, enjoying the sensation of posing for the camera.
At home, Suresh watched her dress more adventurously. He didn’t say anything, but Chitra knew he disapproved. She tried talking to him about it, explaining that this was something she needed to do. But he just shook his head and told her to be careful.
The tension between them grew over the next few days. Suresh hardly spoke to her, and when he did, it was curt. Chitra tried to make things up with him, cooking his favorite meals and dressing up for him. But it made no difference—he continued to withdraw into himself.
One day, she caught Suresh in the act of deleting photos from her phone. They were all pictures that John had sent her, pictures of her from their modeling shoots. Suresh saw her looking at him and flushed.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, handing the phone back to her. “I know I shouldn’t have done it.”
Chitra felt a cold sensation in the pit of her stomach. “Why did you?”
Suresh hesitated, running his hands through his hair. “I just can’t stand the thought of you with another man,” he said quietly. “I hate that you’re doing this, and I hate John for teaching you how.”
Chitra stared at him, shocked. She had never thought Suresh would resort to this. “You need to understand that there’s nothing going on between me and John,” she said. “He’s married, and so am I. I’m just his model, that’s all.”
“I don’t believe you,” Suresh said flatly. “You’re different since he came into your life, more confident and more independent. I don’t like it.”
“I like it,” Chitra protested. “And John’s just a friend. He’s never made a move on me.”
Suresh scowled, looking unconvinced. “I still don’t like it,” he said stubbornly.
Chitra sighed. There was no point arguing with him, she knew. She needed to find another way to get through to him. And with that thought, she knew exactly what to do.
“Suresh, listen to me,” she said gently. “If you love me, you need to let me do this. It makes me happy, and that should be important to you too.”
Suresh stared at her, his expression softening. He knew what she was asking, and he knew he couldn’t deny her. Finally, he nodded.
“Okay,” he said. “If it makes you happy, I can accept it.” He paused. “Will you still love me?”
Chitra smiled and reached out to hug him. “Of course, darling,” she said. “Nothing will ever change how I feel about you.”
Suresh hugged her back, holding her close. “I love you too,” he said softly. “And I’ll support you in whatever makes you happy.”
* * *
Suresh’s change of heart made their relationship much easier. Chitra continued to model for John, but she made a point to spend more time with Suresh too. She cooked his favorite dishes and dressed up for him, trying to please him in all ways she could.
In turn, Suresh stopped giving her a hard time. He asked her about her modeling shoots, listening with interest to her stories. He even started to help her pick out outfits for each shoot, learning what styles and colors looked good on her.
John noticed the change in Suresh right away. “What’s changed?” he asked Chitra one day as they were preparing for a shoot.
She told him about her talk with Suresh, how she had asked him to accept her love of modeling. She told him how Suresh had agreed, and how things were better between them now.
“I’m happy for you,” John said, smiling at her. “You deserve it.”
She smiled back, feeling grateful to him for all his help. Without John, she would never have found the courage to ask Suresh to let her model. Without him, she would have given up her dreams of becoming a model.
“Thanks for being there for me,” she said, hugging him. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”
John hugged her back, his hands lingering on her waist. “You can do anything you want to do,” he said softly. “I believe in you.”
She pulled away, feeling a spark of desire. It happened whenever they were close now, whenever she felt his arms around her. She wondered if there was something more between them than just friendship, but she wasn’t sure.
As they posed together, Chitra realized that she enjoyed touching him now. She liked the way his arms felt around her, the way his chest pressed against hers. She felt alive when she was with him, more alive than she felt anywhere else.
It was a dangerous feeling, she knew. But she couldn’t help it, couldn’t stop the desire that swept through her whenever they touched. All she could do was hope that Suresh never found out.
* * *
Over the next few weeks, Chitra modeled more and more with John. They worked on several different shoots together, posing in various outfits and styles. Chitra was growing more confident with each shoot, and John’s praise helped her feel even better.
One day, John told her they would be shooting with Salim again. Chitra was excited—she loved posing with Salim, who was so professional and nice. She wondered what today’s shoot would be, and what they would be posing in.
When they arrived at John’s studio, Chitra saw that Salim was already there. He smiled when he saw her, and she smiled back happily. She loved the way he made her feel, the way he put her at ease when they posed together.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Salim said, pulling her into a hug. “Missed you.”
Chitra hugged him back, enjoying his warm embrace. “Missed you too,” she replied.
John looked on with a smile, pleased that the two of them were getting along so well. “Okay, let’s get started,” he said, clapping his hands together.
For the next hour, the three of them worked on several poses. They started with casual shots, just the two models together. Then they moved on to more intimate poses, with Salim’s arm around Chitra and her head resting on his chest.
As they worked, Chitra felt a growing sense of arousal. She knew it wasn’t appropriate, but she couldn’t seem to stop it. She was enjoying the way Salim touched her, and the way John made her pose for him.
When they finished, John hugged her goodbye. “Great job,” he said, pressing his lips to her cheek. “I’ll let you know how the pictures turn out.”
Chitra hugged him back. “Thanks,” she said. She started to leave, then remembered what she had forgotten to ask. “Hey, John—what kind of poses did you want for the magazine cover?”
John smiled. “Just you and Salim together,” he replied. “Maybe we can do some shots with you sitting in his lap, or leaning back against him. Just whatever feels natural.”
Chitra nodded, feeling a tingle in the pit of her stomach at the thought. She knew what was happening, knew that she was attracted to Salim. She just didn’t know how to stop it.
* * *
That night, Chitra couldn’t sleep. She kept thinking about Salim and John, about the way they had made her feel. She couldn’t remember when she had last felt so alive.
She tossed and turned in bed, unable to get comfortable. Suresh slept soundly beside her, oblivious to her restlessness. She watched him for a few minutes, feeling a pang of regret. She loved Suresh, but she couldn’t lie to herself anymore—she wanted something more.
Finally, she picked up her phone and started to type a message to John. She didn’t know why, but she needed to talk to him. Needed to ask him what was happening between them, and what he felt about her.
Before she could hit send, the phone rang in her hand. It was John, calling her from his cell. She answered, feeling a sense of surprise.
“Hey,” John’s voice came through the phone. “Couldn’t sleep?”
Chitra laughed, feeling a little foolish. “You either?” she asked.
“No,” John replied. “I keep thinking about you. About us.”
Chitra swallowed hard, wondering what he meant. Was he implying that there was an “us” between them? “What do you mean?” she asked tentatively.
“I mean, I think we have something special,” John said quietly. “Something I’ve never felt before. Do you feel it too?”
Chitra’s heart skipped a beat. This was exactly what she had hoped he would say. “Yes,” she replied softly. “I feel it too.”
There was silence on the other end of the line for a few seconds. Chitra wondered if she had said too much, but then John spoke again. “Come see me in my studio tomorrow,” he said. “We’ll talk more about it then.”
“Okay,” she breathed, hardly daring to believe her ears. “I will.”
As soon as they hung up, she started to text Salim. It was crazy, she knew, but she felt drawn to him as much as she did to John. And he was single, free to explore whatever might be between them.
*I had a great time today*, she typed into the phone. *Thanks for being such a great model.*
There was silence for a few minutes, and Chitra wondered if he was ignoring her. But then a message appeared on the screen. *I had a good time too*, he typed back. *Maybe we could have dinner together sometime.*
Chitra’s heart raced at the suggestion. Was Salim asking her out on a date? She couldn’t tell, but either way, she wanted to go. She typed back quickly before she lost her nerve. *I would love to.*
*How about Friday at 7*, he replied. *I can pick you up at your house.*
*That sounds good*, Chitra typed back, trying to sound casual.
*See you then*, Salim replied, and then the screen went back to black.
Chitra lay in bed the rest of the night, her heart pounding with excitement. She couldn’t believe it—she had a date with Salim on Friday. And she was seeing John tomorrow. Her whole life was changing, and she couldn’t wait to see what would happen next.
Over the next few days, Chitra continued to model with John and Salim. They did some daring shots together, including one where Chitra straddled Salim as he lay back on a couch. She could feel his erection through her skirt, and knew he wanted her as much as she wanted him.
As soon as she had changed out of her modeling outfit, John took her into his office. “Sit,” he commanded, pointing at a chair in front of his desk. “I need to talk to you.”
Chitra sat, feeling a shiver of desire as he looked down at her. She knew how attracted he was to her, and knew she felt the same way.
“I’ve been thinking about what you said on the phone,” John told her. “About feeling something between us.”
“Yes,” she replied, hardly daring to meet his eyes. She wondered what he was going to say, wondered if he felt the same way. “What about it?”
John’s chair rolled towards her, until he was leaning forward with his arms resting on his desk. “I think I feel the same way,” he said quietly.
The conversation in the room built the closeness between John and Chitra. John didn't express anything. But he makes her fall for his trap. John knows he needs to trap her a lot and make her come out of her modesty and she needs to be daring and more expressive. He planned some very close shots between Salim and Chitra. The hug and kisses are now just a daily part in their life in which Salim too join that circle. Salim started to flirt openly with her and touch her frequently she too started to accept and love it.