Adultery Transformation of a homely girl
Superb seducing. Would now want her to go for party and meet people and get used to all vices like smoking, drinking, drugs and enjoying life
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Lovely progression.. erotic and sensual and slow... Keep going. Looking forward to a long epic.
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Man, this is just awesome.
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She is not a homely girl, she is a dream girl turned bitch.
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Wonderful, when is the next update likely
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Back at the studio, her bond with John grew stronger. Their conversations during breaks became more personal, their laughter more frequent. She shared stories of her childhood dreams, and he spoke about his journey as a photographer. She realized how much she enjoyed his company—not just because of his charm, but because he saw her in a way no one else did.

Chitra’s mornings started differently now. She no longer rushed through her routine; instead, she spent time carefully choosing her outfits and experimenting with subtle makeup. It wasn’t about vanity—it was about rediscovering herself. The reflection staring back at her in the mirror seemed more alive, her eyes holding a spark that had been missing for years.

“Alright, let’s try something different today,” John said, his voice energized as he prepared the lighting for the day’s shoot. “I want you to own the frame, Chitra. Forget the saree, the jewelry—this is about you. Just you.”

His words stirred something deep within her. She stepped in front of the camera, her movements fluid, her gaze unwavering. John’s instructions felt like an invitation to express parts of herself she hadn’t known existed.

“Perfect,” he murmured, his eyes locked on her through the lens. “This is exactly what I knew you were capable of.”

As the shoot wrapped up, John leaned back against the wall, studying her with a thoughtful expression. “You’re transforming, you know. The confidence you’re showing—it’s incredible to watch.”

Chitra felt a rush of pride at his words. “I owe a lot of that to you,” she admitted softly.

Over time, John’s gestures of support became more personal. A hand on her shoulder when she looked nervous, a reassuring squeeze of her hand when she doubted herself. These moments were small but significant, and Chitra found herself looking forward to them.

Once in the John's Office

“What’s the shoot today?” Chitra asked.

“We’re here for an exciting assignment, darling,” Geetha said, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm. “A new perfume brand wants us to do some sensual couple shots. You know, romantic poses, hugs, kisses. All very tasteful, but steamy.”

“Sexy,” John said, winking at her. “Like those you see in fashion magazines.”

Chitra’s mind spun. This was beyond what she imagined when she agreed to model. But John and Geetha seemed so excited about this shoot that she didn’t have the heart to say no. Maybe it was time to push her boundaries.

She nodded. “Okay.”

They were quick to help her get ready. John opened a suitcase full of clothes, including a set of lingerie pieces.

“Your first task is to pick an outfit,” Geetha said. “Choose the one you feel the sexiest in.”

Chitra bit her lip, staring at the skimpy pieces. She was used to wearing sarees and salwars, not these scanty things. They all seemed daring, some bordering on the indecent.

“What do you think, John?” she asked. “What would look good?”

“I think this,” he said, picking a baby pink piece with lace trim. “This would look nice on you.”

Chitra blushed at the thought of wearing such a risqué outfit in front of John and Geetha. “I don’t know if I can wear that.”

“Oh come on,” Geetha teased. “Don’t be such a prude. It’s for a photoshoot. Nobody’s going to see these except for us.”

“Maybe this would be better,” John said, choosing a longer dress from the pile. “More modest, but still pretty and feminine.”

It was a soft peach color, with a sweetheart neckline and a skirt that would end mid-thigh. Chitra took a deep breath and nodded. She could do this.

She went into the bathroom and put on the dress. It felt strange against her skin, the fabric lighter than what she was used to. The hem was higher than her sarees, and it hugged her curves in a way she wasn’t used to.

When she came out, John whistled and Geetha smiled in approval. “Wow, you look fantastic. I think we should go for the lingerie.”

Chitra shook her head. “No, this is okay. I’m happy with this.”

John shrugged. “Okay, that’s your call.” He went to the closet and pulled out a large black bag. “Now let’s get our model ready.”

Chitra stared at the mannequin in surprise. She had assumed she would be posing alone, not with some fake model.

John smiled as he began to undress the figure. “Our client wants a couple shoot, remember? And we don’t have a male model, so we’ll have to improvise.” He winked. “Don’t worry, it won’t bite.”

Geetha helped him carry the mannequin into the living room. They posed it on a couch and began to arrange pillows and sheets around it. “We have a few poses in mind,” John said. “Just follow what we do.”

Chitra was still uncertain, but seeing the way John and Geetha worked together, she felt reassured. They were professionals, after all, and she could trust them.

The first pose was simple—hugging the model from behind. John helped her sit on the couch, then directed her to put her arms around the mannequin’s waist. It felt a little silly hugging a mannequin, but Geetha assured her it looked good.

“Okay, great,” John said. “Now do the next pose.”

This time, she had to hug the mannequin from the front, with her cheek against his chest. She couldn’t get over how stiff he felt. No matter, she told herself. It was only a model, after all.

John positioned her in various poses—sitting on the mannequin’s lap, leaning against his shoulder, and nuzzling his neck. Each pose felt more daring than the previous, but Chitra forced herself to relax, to enjoy the experience of modeling.

When they finally finished, she was hot and sweaty from all the posing. Geetha brought her a glass of water, while John helped her change out of the dress. He handed her back her saree and she put it on, feeling grateful for the cool fabric against her skin.

“I think we got some amazing shots,” Geetha said as they sat in the living room, sipping drinks and chatting. “You have a natural talent for this.”

“You’re a quick learner,” John added. “And you look great in front of the camera.”

The praise made Chitra feel warm inside, especially coming from John. She realized she had grown fond of him—his easygoing nature, his encouraging smiles, and his willingness to teach her. He was the one who had seen something in her that nobody else did, and she owed him a lot.

After Geetha left, John stayed behind to review the shots. “You did great today,” he said as he hugged her goodbye. “Keep it up and you might become a professional model.”

She laughed. “Maybe, but I think I’m just happy modeling for you.”

“You’re the best model I’ve ever had.” His lips brushed against her cheek, sending a tingle down her spine.

She hugged him back, feeling his heat against her. This close, she could smell the musky scent of his aftershave, feel the roughness of his stubble against her skin. Her nipples tightened, and she knew he noticed, because his chest pressed harder against hers, the outline of his nipples visible against his shirt.

Their embrace was longer than usual, more intimate. When they pulled away, John’s eyes were dark with desire. “You know, we didn’t really capture the romantic feel I wanted for this shoot.”

She blinked. “Do you mean it needs a reshoot?”

John nodded. “Yes, maybe with a different male model.”

Chitra felt her cheeks heat up at the thought of modeling with a real man. She was already feeling overwhelmed by the day’s events, and the idea of doing something more daring was daunting. “I don’t think I can do that.”

“Why not?”

“I’m not sure it’s a good idea. I mean, I’m married and all.”

“That doesn’t matter.” He shrugged. “You said you wanted to do something different, something exciting. This could be the opportunity.”

She swallowed hard. She had never imagined modeling with a man, not even with John. But now that he suggested it, she couldn’t deny the thrill of excitement at the prospect.

“I don’t know...” she said hesitantly.

“Come on,” John coaxed. “You’re great at this. And who knows, you might just discover a new talent.”

He said it with such conviction that she found herself agreeing. And when she nodded her head, he smiled, his eyes lighting up with pleasure.

“I’ll call you with the details,” he said as he pulled her in for another hug. “I knew I could count on you.”

This time his embrace was longer and more intimate. She felt his arousal against her leg, and her heart skipped a beat as she realized he wanted her. He had been patient until now, but it was clear that he could wait no more. The thought of what they might do sent a rush of desire through her, and she felt her panties dampen at the possibility.

“I’m so proud of you,” John murmured, his breath hot against her skin. “You won’t regret this, I promise.”

She didn’t think she would, either. But she did wonder what Suresh might say if he knew.

When John finally released her, she felt bereft, missing the warmth of his body. She watched him leave with a mixture of anticipation and excitement, wondering what the next day might bring. She had no idea how her life was about to change. But she knew one thing for sure—she wasn’t going to be the same homely housewife anymore. The woman John saw in her was starting to emerge, and she was ready to embrace it. With his help, she was going to discover a side of herself she never knew existed. And she would never forget the man who helped her become who she was meant to be. * * *

The next afternoon, Chitra found herself pacing in the living room, waiting for John’s arrival. She hadn’t told Suresh about the photoshoot yesterday, not because she was hiding anything, but because she had been too excited to think straight. He wouldn’t understand anyway, not without seeing the pictures first. So she had decided to surprise him when the time was right.

When John arrived, Geetha wasn’t with him. “Where’s your wife?” Chitra asked, wondering why Geetha was missing for a second time.

“She’s not feeling too well,” John said, helping Chitra pick out an outfit. “But she should be okay for the next shoot.”

Chitra nodded, though she felt a little uneasy about Geetha missing two shoots in a row. “Is she okay?”

“She’ll be fine,” John assured her. “She just needs to rest.”

The male model arrived shortly after they were ready. “This is Salim,” John said as they greeted each other. “He’s a professional, and you’ll find he’s very easy to work with.”

Salim had short dark hair and a rugged, chiseled face. He smiled pleasantly at Chitra, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Hi,” he said. “Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too,” Chitra replied. She was surprised by how calm she felt around Salim. He had a gentle air about him that made her feel at ease.

“Don’t worry if you’re nervous,” John said as he helped them get into position. “Salim will guide you through everything. Just follow his lead.”

Salim smiled and winked. “Don’t listen to John,” he said, his voice deep and smooth. “He’s just trying to make me sound good.”

Chitra laughed, feeling more comfortable now. She had been worried about posing with a stranger, but Salim seemed kind and professional, the kind of man who would make her feel safe.

When they started posing, she discovered Salim was true to his word. He moved naturally, effortlessly, guiding her through the poses with gentle direction. She found herself relaxing in his arms, enjoying the warmth of his embrace. There was something reassuring about him, something that made her feel like everything was going to be okay.

John directed them through various poses—hugs, kisses on the cheek, and cuddles on the couch. Salim was a natural model, and he knew just how to position his body to make the most of each shot. Chitra felt herself responding to him, her body molding into his as they posed for the camera.

After an hour of posing, John decided they had enough shots. “Let’s wrap up,” he said, smiling at them. “You guys make a great couple.”

Salim grinned. “Thanks.” He turned to Chitra. “You were great to work with, darling. If you ever want to do this again, let me know.”

Chitra blushed and thanked him, feeling warm inside at the praise. She watched as Salim changed and said goodbye, then turned her attention to John.

“Thank you for arranging the shoot,” she said. “I had a great time.”

“You were fantastic,” John said, beaming. He came in for a hug. “I’m so proud of you.”

She felt his heat against her, his body hard and solid. She knew he was aroused, but he didn’t press his advantage, instead content with holding her close. She hugged him back, wishing she could give him more. But even though she had enjoyed the shoot today, she couldn’t bring herself to cross that line.

As John pulled back, he dropped a kiss on each cheek. “I’ll be back tomorrow with the next assignment,” he said. “Get ready to be blown away.”

“Blown away?” Chitra raised her eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

“You’ll see.” John winked. “Until tomorrow.”

He left, and Chitra found herself thinking about the shoot. She had enjoyed posing with Salim, and wondered if she would get another chance to do it. Then she thought of John, and how he had looked at her during the shoot, his eyes burning with desire.

She wondered if she could ever be more than a model for him. But one thing was certain—she would always be grateful to him for helping her discover this part of herself.

As she showered and changed, she realized she missed Suresh. She wished she could tell him about her shoots with John, but she knew he wouldn’t understand. Instead, she made herself a cup of tea and settled down in the living room to read a book. It had been a long day, but an exhilarating one. She had no idea what tomorrow would bring, but she was looking forward to finding out.
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The next afternoon, John arrived with his camera case. “I have a new client,” he said, dumping his case on the floor. “A skirt and top maker who wants to launch a new brand in the market.” He smiled at Chitra. “Can I interest you in a few hours of modeling?”

Chitra nodded. She was getting more comfortable with the idea of modeling, especially with John’s encouragement. He made her feel safe, and she knew she could always trust him.

“I can give you a few hours,” she said.

“Great.” John clapped his hands together. “Let’s get started.”

He took her into his studio and helped her pick out an outfit—a bright yellow skirt and a white top. Chitra stared at herself in the mirror, hardly recognizing the woman who stared back. She looked different, younger, more vibrant.

“Let’s get posing,” John said when they came back into the studio.

Chitra found it easier to pose this time, enjoying the movement and the sensation of being in front of the camera. John asked her to change into a second skirt, a black one that fell to mid-calf. She posed in several different tops, feeling more confident with each outfit. She was having fun now, enjoying the process of posing and changing.

When they finally wrapped up for the day, Chitra felt elated. “That was fantastic,” she said, hugging John goodbye.

“I knew you’d be great,” he said with a grin. “You’re a natural at this.”

After he left, Chitra couldn’t stop smiling. She had enjoyed herself today, more than she ever thought possible. And with John’s help, she was learning how to model and pose with confidence. She couldn’t believe the transformation that had happened over the last few weeks.

* * *

Over the next few weeks, Chitra became a regular at John’s studio, modeling for several different shoots. Her favorite shoots were with Salim, the male model she had first met on the perfume shoot. Salim was professional and kind, always putting her at ease.

John was there to guide her through each shoot, directing her in what to do. He posed with her too, hugging her and touching her, making her feel more comfortable with each passing day.

She modeled in various outfits—sarees, salwars, skirts and tops, even a couple of dresses. She tried different hairstyles and makeup looks, enjoying the way they transformed her. With each shoot, she became more confident, more comfortable in her own skin.

Chitra looked forward to John’s visits every day, knowing he would push her limits and help her discover a part of herself that she never knew existed. She began to dress differently at home, wearing shorter skirts and tighter tops. She started paying more attention to her appearance too, styling her hair and wearing makeup. Suresh noticed the changes in her, but said nothing.

One day, Suresh came home early from work and found Chitra posing in her living room. He watched her for a few moments, a frown on his face. Then he cleared his throat and she turned around.

“Hi,” she said, a little self-consciously. “You’re home early.”

“Yes,” Suresh said. “How long have you been doing this?”

She blinked. “Doing what?”


John must have told him, she realized. “Just a few weeks,” she replied. “John is teaching me how to do it.”

Suresh’s frown deepened. “Isn’t this inappropriate? You’re a married woman.”

Chitra flushed. “It’s just modeling, darling,” she protested. “I thought you’d be proud of me, learning something new.” She had expected him to be happy for her, not disapproving.

Suresh shook his head. “You don’t know what you’re doing, Chitra,” he said sadly. “You shouldn’t be doing this.”

She stared at him, hurt by his words. Why couldn’t he understand that this made her happy? Why couldn’t he see that it was good for her?

“John’s a good teacher,” she said stiffly. “He won’t let me do anything inappropriate.”

“He’s married too,” Suresh pointed out. “Does his wife know about this?”

Chitra swallowed hard. “Geetha helps him sometimes. She’s a photographer too.” But she couldn’t lie—Geetha hadn’t been at any of the shoots recently, and John hadn’t mentioned her in a while. Where was Geetha anyway?

Suresh sighed. “I wish you would stop this, Chitra. It’s not a good influence on you.”

Chitra bit her lip, wondering if she should tell him more. She didn’t want to argue with him, but she didn’t want to give up modeling either. It made her happy, and it gave her a sense of fulfillment that nothing else did.

But one look at Suresh’s face told her he wasn’t open to hearing more about it. So she kept silent, biting back her words and nodding instead. “I’ll think about it,” she said.

Suresh looked unhappy, but he left it at that. “Just be careful,” he said finally. “And don’t do anything that would shame us.”

Chitra watched him go, feeling a sense of loss. She knew they would argue more about this later. But for now, she didn’t know what to do.

* * *

That night, Chitra tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. She thought about Suresh and his disapproval. She thought about John and the way he had encouraged her. She thought about her own feelings—what did she want out of this?

She knew one thing—modeling made her happy. It gave her a sense of purpose that she hadn’t felt in a long time. But Suresh didn’t understand that, and it would cause trouble between them if she continued.
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(27-01-2025, 02:21 AM)Sivakumar_naughtyboy Wrote: * * *

That night, Chitra tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. She thought about Suresh and his disapproval. She thought about John and the way he had encouraged her. She thought about her own feelings—what did she want out of this?

She knew one thing—modeling made her happy. It gave her a sense of purpose that she hadn’t felt in a long time. But Suresh didn’t understand that, and it would cause trouble between them if she continued.

clps clps clps

Ohh, she is now on way to become a IN DEPENDENT WOMEN - A easily exploitable kind [Against family and trusting strangers]

Lets see how this increases the gap between the couple
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[Image: Screenshot-2025-01-25-21-15-30-29-1c3376...9010f9.jpg]
అమ్మ , దేవికా , Mansion , Bored wives

(All my images are from internet, if any objection, I can remove them)

[+] 1 user Likes opendoor's post
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Good update
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Good going..
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Good update. Time for next phase of seduction
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Nice Story...
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Geeta is hind woman, so she cannot be wife of john. May be partner in crime for getting beautiful woman to fuck. They are going slow. Whose dick is going to go inside her first, salim or john.
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Waiting for next
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Good Afternoon Sivakumar_naughtyboy ,

The story and your narration of story is very good.
I request you to continue the story and give us next update soon if possible.
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Hi friends,

I will post one update in a week and you can expect my update tomorrow for sure. Sorry for making you wait. But I have some personal works too... I will surely continue the story and will complete it.

Thank you all for your lovely and wonderful support ?
[+] 1 user Likes Sivakumar_naughtyboy's post
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Very nice update
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Let suresh die in some accident, so that wife life is happy thereafter.
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Where is the update I couldn't see
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