Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III
Desai last bullet is maithrei with whom krish got physical and that is enough for meera to part ways with him.
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I follow stories of Krish, bdrew, shiprat. Got hold on to pure topnotch works of Aurelius. Then some stories started well like that nuptial thread. But author left it halfway. Never I rethink about commenting or writing my thoughts. Rural posting is good, but...

Actually I thought of commenting after every update. I felt I was amateur to comment, didn't have the courage. You don't really have a chance against RCF. Once he just blasted me for Ph.d something comment. And got deleted by the moderator. Finally got an like from RCF for a comment. Which itself was like an achievement.

And this was the first stroy I did bookmarked.
-Pickup, drop, escape.
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Come soon krishhhhhhhhhhhhh... we are waiting for the final mating of Desai and Meera as lovers before they get married and reaction of krish of course.
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(09-02-2025, 10:36 AM)Hornytamilan23 Wrote: I follow stories of Krish, bdrew, shiprat. Got hold on to pure topnotch works of Aurelius. Then some stories starred well like that nuptial thread. But author left it halfway. Never I rethink about commenting or writing my thoughts. Rural posting is good, but...

Actually I thought of commenting after every update. I felt I was amateur to comment, didn't have the courage. You don't really have a chance against RCF. Once he just blasted me for Ph.d something comment. And got deleted by the moderator. Finally got an like from RCF for a comment. Which itself was like an achievement.

And this was the first stroy I did bookmarked.

I apologize if I offended you my friend...Lets enjoy the finale and have healthy discussion and bid a good farewell to this series.

[+] 1 user Likes RCF's post
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I have refreshed like 1000 times for the update.
-Pickup, drop, escape.
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Krish_999 wrote a malayalam erotica. RCF should review it. Find my latest comment there.
-Pickup, drop, escape.
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(09-02-2025, 10:51 AM)Hornytamilan23 Wrote: Krish_999 wrote a malayalam erotica. RCF should review it. Find my latest comment there.

Really? I rarely go to other sections. Will check it out, thanks
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Relax guys have some patience looks like every one is waiting for world cup finale.... Ha ha ha... Site admin will be very much worried today looking at enthusiasm of readers server should not crash....ha ha ha
I am not much worried about the ending, it's krish story and how he gives it , it's upto him..... Last time I was upset that story had ended abruptly that's it. But that part has been corrected now... So just want to see how it ending unfolds... Also many people asked many points to krish and asked him to clear everything in this chapter... It's pretty difficult what I feel he is not an AI to check minor minor things cover everything to close all loop holes. He is also a normal human so chances are there to miss minor things. Some people also told many characters came and their role is not clear...these things happen right in our life too some people come unexpectedly they stay for short time and leave without saying anything , it's not necessary that each person should have purpose. In our life.. They came played small role and vanished that's all..... So hope for something best .... All the best Krish....
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Time is over our heart's beat lever unconditional.
When ... Maybe I am going to dead for waiting this story .
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I am afraid that we are not getting the chapter 51 today.
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Don't wait here friends.
Do your work .
Maybe update coming midnight
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Waiting for update krish
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Update is coming he is online now
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I hope so. Its Already noon. Scorching heat.
-Pickup, drop, escape.
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No it's gonna come any sooner. See you all, catch you later.
-Pickup, drop, escape.
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(09-02-2025, 11:36 AM)lambalaunda2020 Wrote: Update is coming he is online now

No he just visit to foolish us
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Something seems not right...
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Relax guys...He might be trying to fit the story in parts. Give him time and have patience.
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Hey man ,if you are not ready just let us know . don't rush the ending if you are not satisfied
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This is the world first story people wait more anticipation.
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