Adultery The Facilitator
My Analysis of the characters that are in this story.


Like many kink stories everywhere , Esha was initially portrayed as a very conservative but an adapting woman. According to Priya,  she was a cheerful and life enjoying woman in her college days. After marriage , her life was primarily focused on leading a wonderful family sharing life duties and responsibilities with Kunal. On paper , she was the ideal wife in the start. Finding balance in family and in work life. But everything changed when Aniket entered her life. For a woman who was past her 30s and suffering from a stale sex life , Aniket was a relief for her , a breath of freshness that made her feel living life was an experience compared to the family responsibilities she had to endure with Kunal. In a way , she loved the dual life , with Kunal she was a dutiful wife and with Aditya a loving mother , their family time and bond were perfect. With Aniket , she get to live out her fantasies and "sexual freedom" she apparently missed in her life. With Aniket , she got to experience the true potential of romance and intimate bonding , a connection so good that she had completely forgot Kunal in her life. Even when she made mistakes she only had the guilt that her actions would hurt Aditya and his future but not once never did she even think or considered what would Kunal go through after her betrayal. For some reason , Esha was addicted to her double life , where she got to play two roles but that is not possible anymore. Now she has to deal with the consequences of her actions. Yes Aditya is gone from her life but I have a feeling she will eventually reunite with him if we are taking some realistic approach unless for the first time Esha will start to care for Kunal and let him have Aditya and not ruin the man's life for good. Judging by how much the story has progressed it is safe to say Esha is basically the perfect example of "Loyal Wife Turned Slut" , for her she only thinks with her vagina right now. After all the woman got pregnant simply to fullfill the fantasy of her boyfriend Aniket to drink her breast milk. And that torture will happen eventually in the future.


The title character of the story and the mastermind in this mindgame. There is without a shadow of a doubt that Priya is definitely the villain of the story. She is basically the embodiment of "girl boss" and a "witch". She likes playing games with other people's lives , espeically with Esha and Kunal's. And to some extent , there is some justification because her career was ruined by Esha's foolishness and she also hates Kunal because he took away the Esha that was Priya's loyal friend. In a way Priya has an obsessive need to control and play with Esha's life , and that also brings her duality. Her one side wants to get revenge on Esha and completely ruin her life which she has already done partially. Then there is another part of her that wants to be the savior of Esha and be her guardian angel making sure she isn't hurt by anyone. This duality has also resulted in her own inner turmoil in what she wants with Esha , is it revenge or is it belonging to be a family to her. But there is also lies that she has she has used to make this puppetry work. Now the question arises is what will she do next knowing that now , things have went out of control for her. Her actions have resulted in an innocent child Aditya stuck between his mother and father's care. Whatever happens , I hope Priya eventually pays for her crimes and she dies a horrible death possible.


There is still a lot of things that are still left unexplained about Aniket but from what we have seen , he is a rich businessman and ten years older than Esha. But he is an ideal male attraction , dresses well , has well maintained ripped body  , and an attractive look and personality. Basically all the tropes of a Bull in a "Cuckold" story , the big alpha man that a woman swones over. And here in this case , its Esha. He transformed a conservative woman like Esha who believed her family was everything and her love with Kunal will be everlasting into an addictive woman to his charms and qualities. Within years,  Esha completely forgot about Kunal thanks to Aniket's ability to satisfy her in every way. He is rich , he is handsome , he is sexy , and he fucks like an alpha wolf and now he made her pregnant and wants to have a future with her. Ironically he is also the only person that has actually shown compassion and care for Kunal and his fate. Aniket also has a fantasy of wanting Kunal to be a "cuck" and make him part of their relationship. But Esha has stayed against that idea. And now , Aniket dreams of a life with Esha and this new child and he wants to build a family with her , something he lost in his past. He sees his dead partner in Esha and there is a drive in him that wants Esha to be a part of his life and they can build something together. But at the end of the day , Aniket cannot run away from the reality that he did break a happy marriage for his own personal feelings to take Kunal's woman from him and make her his own. But one thing is very clear , Aniket does love Esha and he is genuine about it.


Now this is a character I see a lot of potential but at the same time feels disappointed because he has become a cliche character. Kunal is a normal man with normal dreams. There is no charming factor about him , or maybe there was once. He is a regular family man in which his dreams and aspiration always revolve around his family. Unlike the conservative men in society , he likes sharing the household responsibilities with Esha. On paper , he is the ideal husband that any woman would wish they had. He was a perfect partner helping in household chores while at the same time earning to make sure the family get the life they deserve. But like every story with characters like this , he is also the ideal PUNCHING BAG. When there are so kindhearted and good people in this story , the conventional way to go is make their life a living HELL. And that is what Kunal is in this story. A man who thought he was living a wonderful life but his world is swept off his feet and he is send falling to the depths of eternal pain and suffering. A man who goes from having everything to nothing. He is also the character with the least character development because I believe the story might be eyeing to maintaining his victimhood. In short we are familiar with characters like Kunal in the similar stories like this , they are conveniently written to the story to be the measuring stick of good vs bad. The character is written way too pure hearted and forgiving type which makes it hard to people to connect to which eventually leads to readers wanting him to suffer further. His fate is unfortunately sadder when you consider how much the story has developed but people won't care because they could never connect to a character like him. He is basically one more chapter away from turning into the ideal product of masochism. He kind of reminds me of the character Invincible from the Invincible animated show in Amazon where the character is portrayed bright and has cool superpowers but every episode he is getting beaten up or almost destroyed to death. Kunal is indirectly the looser of the story unless this divorce and the change in his life right now is used to bring some much needed progression and evolution to the character that will elevate the story.

In short , the story is quiet interesting. I once again point out the ability of the author to tell such an incredible story with very few words to captivate readers with this. I am definitely looking forward on how this story goes and how it concludes. Expectations aside I really wanna see how this story end for now.

Note to Author: If you plan to kill Kunal's character in the near future, make it actually mean something because right now his death in the story will only be a blessing in disguise for other characters involved.
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Every time Esha see Aditya, she will remember kunal. So kill both the wimps.
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(05-02-2025, 09:06 PM)fuckandforget Wrote: Every time Esha see Aditya, she will remember kunal. So kill both the wimps.

There are no wimps here. There is only one woman turned slut and a horrendous bitch that deserves the worst death possible.
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(05-02-2025, 09:06 PM)fuckandforget Wrote: Every time Esha see Aditya, she will remember kunal. So kill both the wimps.

Bro , Sorry but Calm down, that's too dark  .  Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
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In the effort to show a balance of good and bad in all the characters, the author has been unfair to Kunal. Would want to see Kunal turn a bit bad too and screw up Esha and Priya and Aniket, then all of them can be balanced.
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(06-02-2025, 09:45 AM)a2011 Wrote: In the effort to show a balance of good and bad in all the characters, the author has been unfair to Kunal. Would want to see Kunal turn a bit bad too and screw up Esha and Priya and Aniket, then all of them can be balanced.

To some extent I agree. I won't be mad if Kunal eventually evolves to become a Villain and become Cruel and Cold Blooded because storywise his actions will be justified. I won't mind if he decides to turn on Esha and starts to ruin Esha's personal life on purpose because Esha betrayed his love and trust. And to be honest , what Kunal has endured , a normal man will turn to a serial killer with how much he was tortured and ruined.
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Next update, early next week. I want to reach at certain point before giving update.
[+] 1 user Likes clearlover's post
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(06-02-2025, 07:01 PM)clearlover Wrote: Folks,

Next update, early next week. I want to reach at certain point before giving update.

Take your time mate , I am sure you will do justice to this story.
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(06-02-2025, 09:45 AM)a2011 Wrote: In the effort to show a balance of good and bad in all the characters, the author has been unfair to Kunal. Would want to see Kunal turn a bit bad too and screw up Esha and Priya and Aniket, then all of them can be balanced.

Indian Husband dont do that .  Tongue
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(06-02-2025, 07:01 PM)clearlover Wrote: Folks,

Next update, early next week. I want to reach at certain point before giving update.

Nooooooooooo..............  I cannot wait ..  banghead lol .

Thanks for this update . Please take as much time as you need . I hope our comments dont interfere with your original plot . Please dont make changes with original plot . 

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(07-02-2025, 11:35 PM)DeanWinchester00007 Wrote: Indian Husband dont do that .  Tongue

I think they should. This ain't the age of simp boys anymore. Its the age of Kabir Singh and Animal , Indian Men should either stand for themselves or go FULL TOXIC!!!!  cool2
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Priya is the common friend for kunal and Esha. Esha reach out to priya for any issues, whereas kunal does not. Somthing seems missing here.
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(08-02-2025, 01:56 PM)Sarvesh Siva Wrote: Priya is the common friend for kunal and Esha. Esha reach out to priya for any issues, whereas kunal does not. Somthing seems missing here.

She is not exactly a common friend , as per her backstory she is more close to Esha than Kunal. There is also some issue in her with Kunal since he is the one that made Esha move away from Priya when she fell in love with Kunal. Which explains why Priya wanted this marriage ruined because she feels Kunal took Esha away from her.
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Waiting for next update
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Why Esha still lying that she is still loving kunal.
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Since Aniket is projected as good character, he will not like the separation of the couple. It will be a life time guilt of spoiling another man life for him. He will also have a fear that Esha had love marriage and now left kunal and carried his baby. What if she turns to another man when he gets older and not able to satisfy in bed. So, Aniket will be the Facilitator bringing Kunal and Esha together and apologize to kunal before moving away from life of Esha.
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(09-02-2025, 07:00 AM)xbiilove Wrote: Since Aniket is projected as good character, he will not like the separation of the couple. It will be a life time guilt of spoiling another man life for him. He will also have a fear that Esha had love marriage and now left kunal and carried his baby. What if she turns to another man when he gets older and not able to satisfy in bed. So, Aniket will be the Facilitator bringing Kunal and Esha together and apologize to kunal before moving away from life of Esha.

Aniket is a business man, he will always look for win win situation. He may talk business to kunal telling that if he stay with Esha, he will give half of his wealth to him and come to an agreement as she has his child inside her. All his properties after his death will go to Esha and the child. Kunal will agree to it as money is always ULTIMATE Big Grin
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Parting ways is good for kunal to avoid further suffering.
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