Adultery The Facilitator
(02-02-2025, 09:12 PM)NityaSakti Wrote: @harry. Hope author make your wish come true, so that you will get a good sleep.
You want the fate to have a bad play on a woman. you are male chauvanist.
Assuming esha had agreed for an abortion, do you think kunal can live happily with her thereafter.
if kunal leave aditya, he will hate him as well as much like Esha
You climax is more cinematic like a common man turning super man. It can happen only in your dreams.

(Bad play on women) What have u read the story !?!  Women who leave  family for a bigger penis is a savi savithiri r what do u call!?
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(02-02-2025, 10:05 PM)Speedy21 Wrote: (Bad play on women) What have u read the story !?!  Women who leave  family for a bigger penis is a savi savithiri r what do u call!?

This is kaliyuga !!
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(02-02-2025, 10:19 PM)NityaSakti Wrote: This is kaliyuga !!

Of course it is , we have people like you who are defending actions of characters like Esha and painting her as a saint. Even Kali started his kaliyuga by corrupting minds of people in places like brothel where lust thrived. Esha is engulfed in Kali's charm , she has succumbed to Kaliyuga.
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User                           # Posts
Harry Jordan           108
clearlover                   32
a2011                   20
DeanWinchester00007   16
Saradagaa                   12
Ananthukutty          10

clearlover should thank harry jordon for keeping this story on top.  Big Grin banana
[+] 1 user Likes chellaporukki's post
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(02-02-2025, 10:31 PM)chellaporukki Wrote: User                           # Posts
Harry Jordan           108
clearlover                   32
a2011                   20
DeanWinchester00007   16
Saradagaa                   12
Ananthukutty          10

clearlover should thank harry jordon for keeping this story on top.  Big Grin banana

Just doing my duty and helping the story get some buzz!  congrats
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(02-02-2025, 10:19 PM)NityaSakti Wrote: This is kaliyuga !!

So in this kaliyuga man should accept whatever women's does !? Is that what ur saying?? man cannot question women!?
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(02-02-2025, 10:51 PM)Speedy21 Wrote: So in this kaliyuga man should accept whatever women's does !? Is that what ur saying?? man cannot question women!?

You must have read many news about extra marital murders. If a woman is cheating on a her husband and he comes to know about it. He should immediately throw her out of his life. Otherwise, in the fear of him knowing and her new life disturbed, she will plan and kill him sometime. Some woman even kill the children born to the husband for being hinderance for mating with the paramour. Stay safe.
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(03-02-2025, 06:34 AM)chellaporukki Wrote: You must have read many news about extra marital murders. If a woman is cheating on a her husband and he comes to know about it. He should immediately throw her out of his life. Otherwise, in the fear of him knowing and her new life disturbed, she will plan and kill him sometime. Some woman even kill the children born to the husband for being hinderance for mating with the paramour. Stay safe.

We. Can't affairs has long has  ppl want more in life desire make you do craze things
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Aditya's fate. If we are taking the realistic approach , Aditya will have to be left with his mother since he is too young and a case of adultery even if it is proven would still won't affect the child's custody (Thanks to India's wonderful Court of Law). Its clear as day that Kunal will loose Aditya in the near future and he will be force to visit his son only on weekends. But I humbly suggest Writer to please give some improvement arc on Kunal. Don't push for more suffering for the character. Kunal has been taking loss after loss ever since the beginning of the story. Let this divorce and separation start the arc of redemption and improvement for the character.  Have Kunal work on himself become a better man and let him thrive in his own life. Aditya's life is screwed anyways since he will be labelled the son of a slut after divorce.

I might be biased but honestly I connect more with Kunal and his heartbreak more than any other character's motivation. And there is a perfect underdog story that can be told for the character that can elevate the story. In my opinion bring a new character , someone that can push Kunal to be better or have an existing character to lets say Priya. Have Priya motivate Kunal to become a better man , and make her do it because she doesn't want to loose Kunal as a puppet in her game. And have this new and improved Kunal make Esha realize the mistakes she did to her marriage.
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Does Esha wants Aditya?
Yes and No.

Yes... She don't want to leave their wonderful family. Esha, Aditya and Kunal.
No... She is afraid to see hatefulness in Aditya's eyes, when he learns the truth at right age.

Yes... In order to get what she want, she will put Kunal and his family in Jail, And blackmails them. But truthfully that won't work out. Kunal will hate more and more.
No... She left Aditya for his own good and start life with Aniket.

Yes... Esha tortures Kunal and his family and wins Aditya's custody, Does she really win... at what cost..
No... Esha try to live happy life with Aniket, But sometimes cry for their past mistakes.

Yes... Esha decides to brainwash Aditya, making Kunal is wrong and is a cheater... in order to cover up her mistakes...
No... Aniket disappoints in Esha because she is worrying about Aditya than their child.

Yes... Years later, Aditya learns whole truth and saw her mother's true face. And distances himself from her.
No... Esha and Aniket family problems

Yes... Aditya live his life as 'rat in the gutter' and finally end up as thug.
No... Esha witness Aniket cheats on her with other woman. Esha broke down. Other side.. of the coin Aditya, hates his father for not letting him to meet his mother. Eventually live his life, Few years later he went and meet his mother and saw her miserable state. Feels pain. and supports her without his father's knowledge.
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(03-02-2025, 11:56 AM)3sivaram Wrote: Does Esha wants Aditya?
Yes and No.

Yes...  She don't want to leave their wonderful family. Esha, Aditya and Kunal.
No...  She is afraid to see hatefulness in Aditya's eyes, when he learns the truth at right age.

Yes...  In order to get what she want, she will put Kunal and his family in Jail, And blackmails them. But truthfully that won't work out. Kunal will hate more and more.
No...  She left Aditya for his own good and start life with Aniket.

Yes...  Esha tortures Kunal and his family and wins Aditya's custody, Does she really win... at what cost..
No...  Esha try to live happy life with Aniket, But sometimes cry for their past mistakes.

Yes...  Esha decides to brainwash Aditya, making Kunal is wrong and is a cheater... in order to cover up her mistakes...
No...  Aniket disappoints in Esha because she is worrying about Aditya than their child.

Yes...  Years later, Aditya learns whole truth and saw her mother's true face. And distances himself from her.
No...  Esha and Aniket family problems

Yes...  Aditya live his life as 'rat in the gutter' and finally end up as thug.
No...  Esha witness Aniket cheats on her with other woman. Esha broke down. Other side..  of the coin Aditya, hates his father for not letting him to meet his mother. Eventually live his life, Few years later he went and meet his mother and saw her miserable state. Feels pain. and supports her without his father's knowledge.

Goddamit just turned this into a Mani Rathnam script man....just pain after pain... Sad
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With six chapters left,  I wonder how this story will conclude. I have to point out that Priya's arc is a little bit confusing because Priya herself is conflicted whether to seek revenge on Isha or to protect Isha. And there needs to be a concrete mindset and feelings of Esha regarding Kunal because I simply don't understand why she is unwilling for a divorce to him but at the same time has shown no respect or feelings towards him one bit. When Kunal was heartbroken and suffering from the betrayal of Esha , Esha was with Aniket listening to the heartbeat of their child born of adultery and acting like a couple like there is nothing wrong. As a story I can understand the segment since it brings duality and mirrors Kunal and Esha's different reactions to the situation. While Esha shows Love and Affection  , Kunal showcases loss and hurt. I hope that eventually when the story concludes Esha's mindset regarding Kunal is revealed because I am confused regarding what she expects from Kunal. At first she was angry at Kunal when he wanted to see her and Aniket together which Kunal too admitted was his worst mistake , something he doesn't want to repeat. But then Esha shows no sympathy or feelings towards Kunal while at the same time is against the idea of Divorce. And now even after separating , she only cares for Aditya and not once did she think about Kunal. Does Esha expect Kunal to be her slave for life? Even after she is the one who made mistakes. I hope Esha sees her mistake or else Kunal is the final victor in this story because judging by how Esha treated Kunal , she doesn't deserve a happy ending. She is showing the traits of a gold digger and a self centered narcissistic BITCH and she deserves her life be ruined and live the rest of her life with Aniket. She better have consequences for her actions that will scar her for life or she find some closure with Kunal and let Kunal live a peaceful life and find redemption in life.
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Also , I would like to add LOVE is a big joke in this story. I cannot help but recollect this specific portion from part T.

Kunal walked aimlessly, his mind a maelstrom of memories and agonizing realizations. He thought back to the first time he saw Esha, at her college event-an event he'd only attended at the insistence of a close friend—her laughter like music to his ears, her eyes sparkling with life and joy. He remembered the first time they spoke, how effortlessly they connected, how her presence felt like coming home after a long journey. Their courtship was a tapestry woven with countless such moments, each one a building block of what he believed to be an unbreakable bond.

Their wedding had been a vibrant, joyous ceremony, a celebration of their love under the soft glow of the moon, with the sacred fire as their witness, surrounded by friends and family who wholeheartedly believed in their eternal bond. He vividly remembered the saat phere they took around the fire, the sacred vows of love, fidelity, and unwavering support they exchanged, vows that now echoed mockingly in his ears, hollow words in the face of this devastating betrayal.

The overwhelming joy at Aditya's birth was perhaps one of his most cherished memories. The moment the doctor placed their newborn son in Esha's arms, Kunal felt a sense of completeness he had never known before. Their family felt like a perfect circle, their love expanding to encompass this new life, their laughter and tears of joy mingling in the sterile environment of that hospital room. Now, as he walked, each step felt like a journey through the wreckage of their shared history, each memory tainted by the bitter knowledge of Esha's repeated infidelity. He had been aware of her past transgressions, had seen the subtle signs, but he had chosen to believe in redemption, in the power of their love to heal the wounds of the past. He had poured his heart and soul into rejuvenating their marriage, striving to fill it with the passion he thought was missing, believing that was all it took to keep Esha from straying again. But now, with her pregnant by Aniket, all those efforts seemed futile, a cruel joke played by fate, or perhaps by Esha herself.

The more I read this part the more I understand that Love has been treated like a disposable emotion in this story. According to this story , the easiest way to break a bond of love is by a bigger dick in the woman's vagina. I used to laugh at this idea but then I read real life stories in News today and realize LOVE is no longer an unbreakable bond. It is just a convenience. You can only have LOVE if you have a bigger dick. 

Life lesson to Kunal : Don't ever love , if you want to love , love yourself. Women aren't worthy in this universe so walk away , seek your long lost dreams and fullfil it. Live Life To The Fullest.

My life lession for all the readers : Never put your faith in Love in today's day and age because chances are the mobile in your hand will be more loyal and will live longer than your love ever will!

Heart Thought Of The Day From Harry Jordan Heart
[+] 3 users Like Harry Jordan's post
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Nice Update . Well , I already said that I am fan of your writing , Part T from literary point of view is very good but overall i think its one of weakest .

Finally, KUNAL woke up . I wanna thanks to you for not turning him into CUCK . You see how story turns out to interesting , The Husband character really add new dimension and chaos to the story . Kunal reaction was very natural and Logical too . Though I thought his reaction was calm , There should have been more anger and more dialogue exchange and more fight but again Its was better than to be CUCK . I understand Kunal is calm minded and simple Man , He did the right thing . Finally Divorce is happening , Best decision he ever make . And as for Aditya , That is what happens when father stay away from kid and mother take care of children , Children often neglect their father's role, Kunal helplessness shows that He alone cannot fulfill Aditya's life , He is kid and her mother was his primary caregiver he cant stay from her for long time . At some time Kunal will see this and Let Esha have him , and its good for him . What I dont like is Kunal again went on behind the curtain . He is just vanished again . I wanted more of him . But again At this point I dont wanna bargain more , I am happy that he is not cuck .

And also Changing the demeanor of Priya from Revenge taking bitch to caregiver angel is not good . Now i see she will turn into good guys , accept her mistake and help Esha to get her family back or definitely get Aditya back to her . Or Kunal will expose her or get his family back . Both are worst possible ending . I see the end of story is gonna be Good ending . Kunal though he lost everything he still has his child , He will share joint custody thanks to Law , Esha can easily destroy his life but she will not, Esha and aniket will get married, raising their kid together . etc etc . Aniket turns out to be better Man than Kunal . What i dont like is How easy Aniket got everything , a wife , child and probably A New life .

Thanks to writer for not following that Old cliche cuckold route .
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(03-02-2025, 04:43 PM)Harry Jordan Wrote: With six chapters left,  I wonder how this story will conclude. I have to point out that Priya's arc is a little bit confusing because Priya herself is conflicted whether to seek revenge on Isha or to protect Isha. And there needs to be a concrete mindset and feelings of Esha regarding Kunal because I simply don't understand why she is unwilling for a divorce to him but at the same time has shown no respect or feelings towards him one bit. When Kunal was heartbroken and suffering from the betrayal of Esha , Esha was with Aniket listening to the heartbeat of their child born of adultery and acting like a couple like there is nothing wrong. As a story I can understand the segment since it brings duality and mirrors Kunal and Esha's different reactions to the situation. While Esha shows Love and Affection  , Kunal showcases loss and hurt. I hope that eventually when the story concludes Esha's mindset regarding Kunal is revealed because I am confused regarding what she expects from Kunal. At first she was angry at Kunal when he wanted to see her and Aniket together which Kunal too admitted was his worst mistake , something he doesn't want to repeat. But then Esha shows no sympathy or feelings towards Kunal while at the same time is against the idea of Divorce. And now even after separating , she only cares for Aditya and not once did she think about Kunal. Does Esha expect Kunal to be her slave for life? Even after she is the one who made mistakes. I hope Esha sees her mistake or else Kunal is the final victor in this story because judging by how Esha treated Kunal , she doesn't deserve a happy ending. She is showing the traits of a gold digger and a self centered narcissistic BITCH and she deserves her life be ruined and live the rest of her life with Aniket. She better have consequences for her actions that will scar her for life or she find some closure with Kunal and let Kunal live a peaceful life and find redemption in life.

I stopped asking this question the Idea of love in these stories . Her focus is only her child . The subject of story shifted from Adultery to Child custody battle . But its fine Her love for Kunal was dead long ago , they were merely living together , that is why she cheated on him . And She is feeling guilty cause she caught in the situation which she cannot escape not that her husband leaving her forever . and Aditya angle fetching her sympathy.

Someone gonna say :- Just chill its just a story , Sex stories , Read, enjoy and move on . So I think wife/husband fucking half the town and then coming back to their spouse is the real love . You have to just trust on their words , When they say or in this case when she says " I still love him ,in a way" . In a way ? Ye kya hota hai ? Big Grin  

When Kunal was heartbroken and suffering from the betrayal of Esha , Esha was with Aniket listening to the heartbeat of their child born of adultery and acting like a couple like there is nothing wrong.

Man , this was worse .

Kunal live a peaceful life and find redemption in life.

Not only Kunal but everyone is gonna have peaceful life , The overall mood of the story has changed. Its gonna be happy ending for everyone . I think Esha too gonna forgive Priya and gonna thanks her because of her vicious plan helped her to find herself,  and find aniket who brought new adventure in her life and he made her felt alive , Her new life , kid and new husband all of that because of Priya's Revenge . Big Grin
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When is the next update?
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(04-02-2025, 04:46 AM)DeanWinchester00007 Wrote: Not only Kunal but everyone is gonna have peaceful life , The overall mood of the story has changed. Its gonna be happy ending for everyone . I think Esha too gonna forgive Priya and gonna thanks her because of her vicious plan helped her to find herself,  and find aniket who brought new adventure in her life and he made her felt alive , Her new life , kid and new husband all of that because of Priya's Revenge . Big Grin

Honestly after seeing how Esha has behaved against Kunal , I want her to suffer. Kunal's loss should forever haunt her life and make her see the mistakes that she did. And Kunal should reinvent himself and right now is the best time to reinvent the character.

I've read a story on Literotica called "Man in the Mirror" by javmor79. It was one of the best husband redemption story I have ever read where the husband driven by the cheating and breakup of his partner turns it into motivation and reinvents himself. He becomes a better man and eventually finds a woman who loves and respects him and acknowledges the "fighter" in him. That is something that has been completely missing in stories in this site. Everytime a husband is cheated or eventually breaks up , he stays the same , no motivation , no inspiration to move forward. Just live that same boring life. Things like this should be a big warning for men to reinvent themselves,  especially in case of Kunal where not only his wife cheated on him , she is now pregnant and about to raise a child with the guy she is with in front of him. 

Its time for some real change in Kunal's perspective , because after everything he has suffered. He deserves to push himself and better man. There is a great quote called "Insult is the worlds' biggest investment. It can turn even a failure into a victor. People who are insulted are often learns the path and tastes success" . Kunal here has faced the worst kind of insult , he has been consistently avoided by his wife and now the woman is seeking another happy life with another man while at the same way taking away everything that Kunal has built with her including Aditya. So I believe Kunal should seek this as motivation and push for change in himself. Find the real happiness in him that he has sacrificed for his marriage. Forget the "family man" trope that society wants to impose on him and live a "free man" for once.
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Insult is the worlds' biggest investment. It can turn even a failure into a victor. People who are insulted gets the drive to taste the ultimate success and they achieve it because they are motivated. So if you feel insulted , understand that it is your destiny to be a Victor. And when you achieve that Victory , it will be the biggest moment that can be one of the defining moment of your life.

Heart Thought Of The Day From Harry Jordan  Heart
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Aditya will not leave that easily, he will fight to get his mom. Kunal will not have any options other than turning a (un)willing cuck to be with his son. Did priya sleep with Aniket for this deal?
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(05-02-2025, 06:53 AM)fuckandforget Wrote: Aditya will not leave that easily, he will fight to get his mom. Kunal will not have any options other than turning a (un)willing cuck to be with his son. Did priya sleep with Aniket for this deal?

They will have to share Aditya's custody. Adultery doesn't matter in the court of law for child custody in India. Kunal will be forced to have visits to him only on weekends while the care will be handed over to Esha. I hope Kunal finds another woman that actually loves and respects him and move on in his life. Let this divorce drive a motivation for change in Kunal.
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