Adultery The Facilitator
Author has been sharing certain subtle hints all along the story to use them in revealing the other side of Priya or Aniket
It's interesting to see how he uses them
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I think during the initial phase of the affair, Esha never in love with Aniket. If it has one or two nights stands the equation would have remained the same. But, when kunal was in US, she was with Aniket one full month living together and had lot of fantasy sex 3-5 time a day and it changed her totally.

She understood that she never felt happy like this in her marriage life. It is when she found what her desires are and how the real orgasm will hit and she experiencing it multiple times a day and being on top of the world is never before feeling. She had felt contented with the two minutes sex with kunal earlier without knowing this existing. After doing hours of foreplay and sex, she understood whatever sex she had with kunal is not sex at all. her husband is not a real man to satisfy a woman. She was cheated by her husband. luckily Aniket came to her life and she was able to get this before dying burying all the desires and living like a dead wood with her husband.

She wants to thank Aniket someway by satisfying him giving milk from her breast which he was asking for and agreed to be part of fantasy of getting impregnated. Deep inside, she wants to do this for indebt towards Aniket. Even if it is not now, due course, she would have definitely skipped the contraceptive pills and got impregnated. it is her way of thanking a man giving a new lease of life.
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This story is definitely going great. Reading this first time, i thought would share my views

1. The author is an atmosphere lover and the way he details rains, curtain, coffee cup, dance floor etc is really wonderful narration. But, not everyone will like such detailing as they get very less time to come and read stories in the forum. Few readers may get bored with these vivid details and wants to see the action of the characters.

2. Author has not analyzing the behavioral pattern of the characters and their reaction to each. For example like one reader pointed out hickeys in the body of Esha is not noticed by kunal during the love making.

3. Generally, when a woman has affair and love her husband will initiate and give more sex to her husband to remove the guilt of sleeping with another man and that she is not ignoring him and also the husband cannot doubt her.

4. Even after knowing that his wife cheated him due to the performance in bed, kunal has never tried to improve his sex life by going to gym or taking some viagra etc. Instead as a fool he brought a dildo and gave it to his wife to use. in the case of adultery, there will be more humiliations from the side of wife and the paramour. She would have told Aniket about the dildo and both would have laughed at it. It was great opportunity for them to continue the affair openly citing that kunal is half man to satisfy his wife. she can even convince him though she sleeps with Aniket, she still love him and aditya.

5. Priya and her mother episode is something unwanted. Except the reason for revenge, the thesis incident, the personal life of Aniket or Priya is not taking this story anywhere.

6. Aditya is imporant character around which the story revolves. His attachment towards father or mother could have better displayed. He spends most of time with kunal, yet wants to be with his mother who touches him only in sleep.

7. More sex would change the shape of any woman. By now, Esha should have become bulky and it is sad that kunal failed to notice the changes in his wife. Especially after the betrayal, any husband will have more eyes on the woman fearing that she should not go back to her older ways.

8. After bringing the affair out, the interacction between kunal and Aniket should have started atleast few times, but it did not happen. Aniket should have explained that he is not here to take her away, but help her on the needs that kunal cannot do.

9. Esha did not have sex in her house instead visited Aniket like a bitch. If neighbours would see a man coming to house, neighbours of aniket will also see a woman visiting the house right.

10. By this time, Esha should have introduced Aditya to Aniket and made him close. But, she did not do that. Both talk, fuck, sleep and never share about their family. Even Aniket did not explain about his family past life etc.

Each character can be explored more as needed would make the story even more interesting.
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(02-02-2025, 06:26 AM)Karmayogee Wrote: I think during the initial phase of the affair, Esha never in love with Aniket. If it has one or two nights stands the equation would have remained the same. But, when kunal was in US, she was with Aniket one full month living together and had lot of fantasy sex 3-5 time a day and it changed her totally.

She understood that she never felt happy like this in her marriage life. It is when she found what her desires are and how the real orgasm will hit and she experiencing it multiple times a day and being on top of the world is never before feeling. She had felt contented with the two minutes sex with kunal earlier without knowing this existing. After doing hours of foreplay and sex, she understood whatever sex she had with kunal is not sex at all. her husband is not a real man to satisfy a woman. She was cheated by her husband. luckily Aniket came to her life and she was able to get this before dying burying all the desires and living like a dead wood with her husband.

She wants to thank Aniket someway by satisfying him giving milk from her breast which he was asking for and agreed to be part of fantasy of getting impregnated. Deep inside, she wants to do this for indebt towards Aniket. Even if it is not now, due course, she would have definitely skipped the contraceptive pills and got impregnated. it is her way of thanking a man giving a new lease of life.

I get your point , okay Aniket gave her raw sexual pleasure. But does that mean she can just forget everything that Kunal has done for her? Is marriage just about sex? 

her husband is not a real man to satisfy a woman. She was cheated by her husband.

If that was the case , she should have talked to Kunal and separated then and there. But she never did , she gave him false hopes and made him think that their marriage is safe. Hell even now , she wants this marriage to work. And this is the same woman who hated the idea of Kunal watching her with Aniket. Thankfully Kunal proved that he wasn't exactly a cuckold as after that night , he threw up and felt disgusted with himself showing that it was a mistake from his part which he doesn't want to play anymore.

To quote Kunal himself from the recent part T.

"What do you think of me Esha? some wimp , a character in your dirty games? I won't play along anymore!"

Kunal has made mistakes but he was mature enough to accept the mistakes he did. But Esha , not once she has shown regret or remorse for her actions. Even now despite loosing Kunal , she finds solace with Aniket and have more romantic moments with him.

Since you prefer "survival of the fittest" in this story , here is my version of how this story ends.

Kunal will reluctantly leave Aditya with Esha due to his connection towards her and he will completely leave Esha and his past and go to USA and completely exits the story until the end. By the end of the story , Esha will see Kunal but he is completely changed. Gone is the family man , the pot belly and the "not so good looking" Kunal and in walks Kunal , a playboy millionaire who has started a new life in USA. Just like how Priya "Liberate" Esha in sexual satisfaction. An old friend "Liberated" Kunal and showed him the wonders of sexual satisfaction. He has worked out and is now sporting a well ripped body , he no longer believes in marriage but believes in sexual freedom and is following a polyamory relationship with multiple women in his life. When Aditya becomes adult , Kunal will tempt him and take him to US giving him the best experience of loosing his virginity to the finest women possible. The father and son will then become best friends and live their life satisfying their own sexual pleasures. 

Kunal will then return to Mumbai and start a sexual relation with Priya and impregnate her. And the same Priya who was once so supportive of Esha will become a slave to Kunal and his new sexual prowess. Kunal will stick it to Esha as Priya will give birth to multiple kids of Kunal and they will start a family right in front of her and Aniket. How is that for a twist?

After all , Women are sluts in their hearts. If they can abandon their husbands for bigger dicks then Men must treat every woman as an object of sexual satisfaction.
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(02-02-2025, 08:40 AM)Harry Jordan Wrote: I get your point , okay Aniket gave her raw sexual pleasure. But does that mean she can just forget everything that Kunal has done for her? Is marriage just about sex? 

After all , Women are sluts in their hearts. If they can abandon their husbands for bigger dicks then Men must treat every woman as an object of sexual satisfaction.

Bro, Marriage is only about sex. Only sexually satisfied woman will have long married life. These days you can see many divorce cases common only with love marriages. Does it mean that they did not love. No. Love is different. When it comes to sex, if the lover did not satisfy the woman and bring the best out of her and make her cum again and again, she gets disappointed and feel cheated. The man who she believed would give the best pleasure has let her down. It is the start of break in the relationship.  if the woman is not self independent, she will suffer and still continue to live with her husband burying her desires. Esha is a independent and well earning woman and so she need not be like that. 

Every woman has a slutty part inside. It is duty of the man should bring that out in bed and make the mating pleasurable for her. Try different positions and introduce her new things. Talk dirty and pleasure her with finger, tongue, see porn, make her dirty and feel freedom with him without any inhibitions or shy. Husband should learn and find different ways and techniques to make the sex interesting. It is where she will feel liberated. 

Also, many men are selfish in bed. once they pour inside their wife, they dont talk to them and starts snoring. They are not bothered how the partner has felt. Feedbacks are more important. They should be open enough to say, it is good or bad or ok and what went wrong. If the husband is a selfish or male chauvanist, the wife will just fake the orgasm for his sake and sleep with disappointed mind. If the woman not feels alive, complete or good, she is likely seek for men outside the marriage only for big dicks and long play which their husbands failed to provide whenever they get an opportunity. 

Here Esha did not go for searching a man herself. She got an opportunity luckily through Priya and after having sex and knowing that Aniket is the man she was yearning for, she used the opportunity wisely to satisfy her desires. Kunal did not change himself even after knowing that his wife betrayed him. He is cooking and doing household chores like a maid without understanding the real feeling and desires of the wife. On top of it, he purchased a dildo to point out indirectly that she is cock hungry and she may need it.  It is the point where Esha love for kunal diminished and love for Aniket started.
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(02-02-2025, 09:47 AM)Kallakadhalan Wrote: Bro, Marriage is only about sex. Only sexually satisfied woman will have long married life. These days you can see many divorce cases common only with love marriages. Does it mean that they did not love. No. Love is different. When it comes to sex, if the lover did not satisfy the woman and bring the best out of her and make her cum again and again, she gets disappointed and feel cheated. The man who she believed would give the best pleasure has let her down. It is the start of break in the relationship.  if the woman is not self independent, she will suffer and still continue to live with her husband burying her desires. Esha is a independent and well earning woman and so she need not be like that. 

Every woman has a slutty part inside. It is duty of the man should bring that out in bed and make the mating pleasurable for her. Try different positions and introduce her new things. Talk dirty and pleasure her with finger, tongue, see porn, make her dirty and feel freedom with him without any inhibitions or shy. Husband should learn and find different ways and techniques to make the sex interesting. It is where she will feel liberated. 

Also, many men are selfish in bed. once they pour inside their wife, they dont talk to them and starts snoring. They are not bothered how the partner has felt. Feedbacks are more important. They should be open enough to say, it is good or bad or ok and what went wrong. If the husband is a selfish or male chauvanist, the wife will just fake the orgasm for his sake and sleep with disappointed mind. If the woman not feels alive, complete or good, she is likely seek for men outside the marriage only for big dicks and long play which their husbands failed to provide whenever they get an opportunity. 

Here Esha did not go for searching a man herself. She got an opportunity luckily through Priya and after having sex and knowing that Aniket is the man she was yearning for, she used the opportunity wisely to satisfy her desires. Kunal did not change himself even after knowing that his wife betrayed him. He is cooking and doing household chores like a maid without understanding the real feeling and desires of the wife. On top of it, he purchased a dildo to point out indirectly that she is cock hungry and she may need it.  It is the point where Esha love for kunal diminished and love for Aniket started.

OK? But don't you think what I stated would be a good arc for Kunal? Yes Kunal sucks in bed and he is not exactly improving but to be frank no one is pointing out his shortcoming in this. For Esha there was Priya who showed her the path to Aniket , then don't you agree there should be someone that should show the same path to Kunal and show him that he needs to improve?

Esha was "liberated" in sex with Aniket. So shouldn't Kunal be "Liberated" in that same thing because after all just like Esha , Kunal too was stuck in this marriage. Doesn't he deserve happiness of his own? Someone to show him that he needs to improve and thus Kunal should get his "Liberation"? 

Are women the only ones who deserve Sexual Liberation in life?
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(02-02-2025, 02:51 PM)Harry Jordan Wrote: OK? But don't you think what I stated would be a good arc for Kunal? Yes Kunal sucks in bed and he is not exactly improving but to be frank no one is pointing out his shortcoming in this. For Esha there was Priya who showed her the path to Aniket , then don't you agree there should be someone that should show the same path to Kunal and show him that he needs to improve?

Hi, i think certain things cant be teached. kunal is not a kid. There are something called lessons learnt. Having seen his wife betrayed due to his short comings, he should have done self introspection and started done the corrective action and preventive actions. When he failed to plan, he planned to fail.  happy
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(02-02-2025, 03:07 PM)Mookuthee Wrote: Hi, i think certain things cant be teached. kunal is not a kid. There are something called lessons learnt. Having seen his wife betrayed due to his short comings, he should have done self introspection and started done the corrective action and preventive actions. When he failed to plan, he planned to fail.  happy

Ok then why isn't there the same criticism for Esha's actions compared to Kunal's failings. Because if we take into the story  , Esha has committed the worst kind of betrayal to Kunal but she is being rewarded with a wonderful life with Aniket and a new life. And now with how things are being set, there is a good chance Aditya will return to her as well. 

Why is Kunal being punished for being a dutiful husband in a relationship while Esha is being applauded for throwing away her marriage and being an ungreatful bitch? Are women not considered to be the reason of a failed marriage?
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(02-02-2025, 03:27 PM)Harry Jordan Wrote:  Are women not considered to be the reason of a failed marriage?

Hi, only when the woman cant give birth to child, she is considered unfit. Otherwise, all the blame will be only on men.
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(02-02-2025, 03:36 PM)Mookuthee Wrote: Hi, only when the woman cant give birth to child, she is considered unfit. Otherwise, all the blame will be only on men.

So what you are saying is this whole divorce and separation is Kunal's fault even though it was Esha herself who betrayed his trust and did an affair behind his back to the point that she is now about to give birth to another child born from another man?
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One thing I have learned after reading stories here and listening to comments from readers is that Xossipy should consider renaming its name to Cuckeasy or Cuckhaven because majority of the readers only expect looser husbands in the stories in this site. I just hope clearlover doesn't take that route and turn Kunal into a looser again , I mean to be honest , there is nothing honestly left for him to loose. 

Kunal is basically treated like an indirect product of Masochism in this story.

However , I have hopes that the author will give him the rightful character development he deserves. Especially after Part T I can potentially see Kunal playing a big role in the culmination of the story.
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1. WIMP - unable to satisfy his wife
2. UNWILLING CUCK - wanted to see his wife sleeping with another man in his own house
3. SHAMELESS BASTARD - bought dildo as unable to satisfy with his dick

[+] 1 user Likes Arul Pragasam's post
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Good that divorce happened finally.
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(02-02-2025, 05:30 PM)Arul Pragasam Wrote: KUNAL IS A

1. WIMP - unable to satisfy his wife
2. UNWILLING CUCK - wanted to see his wife sleeping with another man in his own house
3. SHAMELESS BASTARD - bought dildo as unable to satisfy with his dick


Direct quote from Part T in case you forgot.

Kunal's response was laced with bitterness and disbelief, "What do you think of me, Esha? Some wimp, a character in your dirty games? I won't play along anymore!" His declaration was heavy, laden with the weight of their shattered life together, the end of their shared dreams now palpable in the air between them.

So , point 1. is prove wrong,  because Kunal had sex with Esha in the past before Aniket and she was quiet satisfied in the past. Even Esha confessed in the early chapters that Kunal was very active in their college days and it is only now that he has become stale.

As for No.2 , Kunal himself threw up after that and was pretty disgusted with himself. So in short those were some signs showing that he didn't have that cuckold tendency and it was a wrong decision from him. Something he has kept insinuating that he did wrong. And unlike Esha who never accepts mistakes , I applaud Kunal for accepting his flaws.

And after a simple google search regarding Dildos , the first thing it says is.

Dildos are primarily used for personal sexual pleasures and can be incorporated into a couple's sex life to enhance intimacy and experimentation.

plus in a popular medical site WebMD , Dildos are one of the primary medical choices experts suggest to couples for an active sex life. In fact , in an article about benefits of sex toys and sex education they have stated.

Some people worry when their partner wants to use a dildo. They fear that it means their partner is sexually dissatisfied or that the dildo will replace them sexually. But studies on the use of sex toys have found that they can aid sexual relationships between committed couples

So in short , just because he bought a dildo doesn't mean he is shameless. On the contrary its the opposite because him bringing a sex toy basically means he wants his wife to be satisfied with him. Still we don't know what kind of dildo he brought. If it is a dick extension dildo , then he really wants himself to satisfy her.

So in my opinion , kill Priya and Aniket, Leave Esha to the streets so she can make money selling her body and have Kunal move to the USA with Aditya and find a woman that actually loves and respects him.
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The Divorce will be finalised and Kunal will be forced to leave Aditya with Esha. Kunal can no longer live and cannot stand the sight of Esha and her romance so before he moves permanently to the US , he reveals the truth of what he saw in the hospital to Esha and leaves Esha for good. Esha finds solace in Aniket and raising his child. Hearing the news of Esha's divorce results in the stroke and death of Esha's father , Esha's mother curses her for her actions and banishes her from ther family. Esha still maintains some solace and continues her life with Aniket. Aniket marries Esha and moves into Esha's home which Kunal sacifices since he doesn't want a single memory from her whatsoever. Aditya will start getting bullied in his institute when the reality of Esha's marital status and affair becomes public. Aditya will be called a "Son Of a Bitch" which results in more trauma for his little mind. Eventually Esha finds out about Priya's mind games and cuts ties with her. But she doesn't let go of Aniket since she has no one left in her life to support. Aditya suffers severe trauma from the constant bullying and he at last states he wants to go to his father. Esha reluctantly agrees and contacts Kunal.

Kunal returns to the story by the end but he is completely changed, he is no longer the boring middle aged pot belly idiot anymore. He has started a business and made ton of money and reinvented himself , getting physically fit and changing his lifestyle. It is revealed that Kunal has married another woman and has two kids with her. When Isha asks whether he is happy he replies.

"Of course , because I finally found a woman who loves me and "fixed" me rather than break me. Leaving you was the best decision of my life"

He also makes it clear to Esha that he understands her and women in general now. Which is why Kunal is no longer a principaled man and is more a free spirited and adventure lover now. Aditya really likes Kunal's transformation and thus Kunal takes him to US and makes him part of his family. While Esha is left hurt realizing her mistake of abandoning a good man in her life. But then Aniket will start getting stale since he is 10 years older than Esha and his age starts to make him go less impressive in bed. 

Kunal on the other hand lives to satisfy his wife in many ways he has loved and will live a happy life with his new family. In short , Priya's game as a Facilitator has one victor , and that is Kunal  , who gets to have his happy ending.

[+] 1 user Likes Harry Jordan's post
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@harry. Hope author make your wish come true, so that you will get a good sleep.
You want the fate to have a bad play on a woman. you are male chauvanist.
Assuming esha had agreed for an abortion, do you think kunal can live happily with her thereafter.
if kunal leave aditya, he will hate him as well as much like Esha
You climax is more cinematic like a common man turning super man. It can happen only in your dreams.
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I think this is the best climax @ Jordan. After reading find Kunal get his dues. But still the story of priyas mother story is not connected yet. Instead of someone Kunal can marry Priya only.
[+] 1 user Likes aravindkkumar08's post
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By seeing the story in the climax the true facilitator will be aniket or esha
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(02-02-2025, 09:12 PM)NityaSakti Wrote: @harry. Hope author make your wish come true, so that you will get a good sleep.
You want the fate to have a bad play on a woman. you are male chauvanist.
Assuming esha had agreed for an abortion, do you think kunal can live happily with her thereafter.
if kunal leave aditya, he will hate him as well as much like Esha
You climax is more cinematic like a common man turning super man. It can happen only in your dreams.

Don't come with your pathetic defense on Esha's actions. That woman literally threw away her marriage for a bigger dick. Instead of talking her issues with her husband , she seeked another bigger man and cheated on him behind his back that too to the point where she is now pregnant with that man's child. And to top of that , she still doesn't wanna separate from Kunal even though she has no feelings or love or respect towards him. You are defending a woman who has done all kinds of betrayal and humiliation to her husband. More than calling me a male chauvinist , maybe look in the mirror and you will see a Misandrist looking back at you.

As for the abortion part , at this point I honestly don't care. Esha can have her life with Aniket and this child , just leave Kunal alone. He has suffered enough with this BITCH of a woman!

As for Aditya , when he grows up he will realize his mother is a bitch who abandoned her entire family and her husband for a bigger dick. And he will have no choice but to return to his father who atleast tried to save him from his mother's toxic life. And if you seriously think a "common man turning superman" is a cinematic thing then please get your eyes and mind examined because there are dozens of real life stories where it has happened. 

I will give you one example , the life story of a man from Kerala named Murali Kunnumpurath whoes story was so inspirational that they even made a regional language film about the man. He was a full on drunkard and a big humiliation to his wife and his entire family bringing only insult and shame to everyone. He became a successful businessman who runs his empire on 22 countries around the world by turning his life around. So this is not something "unachievable" for Kunal , he can achieve anything if he is motivated enough and Esha's betrayal should be his motivation.
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(02-02-2025, 09:22 PM)aravindkkumar08 Wrote: I think this is the best climax @ Jordan. After reading find Kunal get his dues. But still the story of priyas mother story is not connected yet. Instead of someone Kunal can marry Priya only.

It seems Priya has no feelings or any kind of emotion towards Kunal so I cannot see the possibility of Kunal starting a life with Priya. However , I can picture a new woman who understands Kunal can give him inspiration and push to be better and make his life turn for good.
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