Adultery The Facilitator
Esha has prepared herself for the life with Aniket. All she wants his Aditya to join her. Aniket will not object.

Priya has finally won. kunal is a big loser now will have to end his life unable to keep his wife and son happy. Priya will facilitate to bring the mother and son together.

Esha will introduce Aniket as new father to Aditya and Aniket will take care of Aditya better than kunal and he will be ready to welcome a sibling soon forgetting the wimp father.
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(31-01-2025, 06:41 AM)sexycharan Wrote: Esha has prepared herself for the life with Aniket. All she wants his Aditya to join her. Aniket will not object.

Priya has finally won. kunal is a big loser now will have to end his life unable to keep his wife and son happy. Priya will facilitate to bring the mother and son together.

Esha will introduce Aniket as new father to Aditya and Aniket will take care of Aditya better than kunal and he will be ready to welcome a sibling soon forgetting the wimp father.

Kunal's response was laced with bitterness and disbelief, "What do you think of me, Esha? Some wimp, a character in your dirty games? I won't play along anymore!" His declaration was heavy, laden with the weight of their shattered life together, the end of their shared dreams now palpable in the air between them.

This little detail from Part T is enough confirmation to give that Kunal was never a wimp but a victim to manipulation. I am sick and tired of Wimp father characters and this story really peaked my interest with this update. I applaud Kunal for finally standing up for himself. And as for Esha's "Love" for Aniket , that will come crashing down when she learns the real truth of how Priya manipulated her life and basically pushed her towards Aniket. Half of Esha's feelings towards Aniket was instigated by Priya. I honestly don't care what happens to that bitch Esha and her new lover Aniket. And I hope Priya dies the worst death possible.
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(31-01-2025, 12:36 AM)Saradagaa Wrote: As you said Harry, Kunal's character could eventually expose Priya to Esha.

Author in concluding 2 paragraphs of part R, left us a hint.
I quote

"It wasn't until he was leaving the hospital, making his way through the bustling market nearby with thoughts of errands and evening plans, that his mind circled back to the peculiar interaction. He remembered hearing Priya call the woman 'Ma'. Confusion clouded his thoughts for a moment. Esha had once shared the tragic story of Priya's mother being murdered for not bearing a son. Who was this woman then?

He scratched his head, the puzzle momentarily consuming him, but the demands of the day, other tasks, and the whirl of city life soon overtook his curiosity. Kunal's thoughts drifted away from the mystery, forgotten."

I remember this. I believe Kunal might have a bigger role to play in this story to reveal the truth eventually. After all there is only six more parts left for the story to conclude. I just hope the writer explores Kunal well. I've become his biggest fan after the way he narrated Kunal's pain and heartbreak which made me teary eyed reading it. Imagine you do everything to make your relationship/marriage work , accept that it is your fault even when it is not and still support your partner , motivate her , encourage her. But still at the end of the day , the partner chooses someone else and begins a life of love and commitment with the person. That in itself is the biggest dick punch and the greatest insult to your life ever. I hope Kunal eventually recovers and he finds someone who will actually love and respect him as a person unlike that BITCH Esha!
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(31-01-2025, 07:55 AM)Harry Jordan Wrote: I remember this. I believe Kunal might have a bigger role to play in this story to reveal the truth eventually. After all there is only six more parts left for the story to conclude. I just hope the writer explores Kunal well. I've become his biggest fan after the way he narrated Kunal's pain and heartbreak which made me teary eyed reading it. Imagine you do everything to make your relationship/marriage work , accept that it is your fault even when it is not and still support your partner , motivate her , encourage her. But still at the end of the day , the partner chooses someone else and begins a life of love and commitment with the person. That in itself is the biggest dick punch and the greatest insult to your life ever. I hope Kunal eventually recovers and he finds someone who will actually love and respect him as a person unlike that BITCH Esha!
I think kunal has a bigger impact in cmng chapter ,divorce won't happens priya manipiulation wil do something else .esha she is what righter want a perfect puppet between two individuals  chapter T got me wer esha is feel guilty and all of sudden when she c Aniket guilty taken aways now that great storytelling and puppet being played perfectly
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Few things I have noticed after the recent chapter that I would like to share with all the readers here.

1. Kunal's heartbreak and his moments of pain.

In my opinion , this was the biggest highlight and the best part about the recent chapter of this story. Contrary to this site's usual belief system of "Husband should be wimp" scenario , Kunal took a stand for himself. He reacted in the same way any man would react after the level of betrayal that Esha has did. And for all the drastic steps he took in the this chapter , it wasn't a relief for him but the mounting of pain and hurt in his life. The whole recollection of his life with Esha and how he built it with her with love , respect, admiration , care and feelings for each other. To see it all come crumbling down like a once beautiful castle now reduced to a rubble and showcase the pain and sadness that Kunal had to go through. When I read the part where Kunal struggled to console Aditya and he often threw his tantrum and then regretted doing it and hugged his father , that part made me cry. It also gave me the realization in this part that Kunal is a loving father and in general one of the only good character in this story. I can already see Kunal seeing Aditya's strong connection with his mother and he might make the ultimate sacrifice by handing over Aditya to Esha for good , resulting in Aditya starting to miss his father. Contrary to what many people believe , I don't want Kunal to die. In my eyes , he dserves a second chance in life. In this game of manipulation and betrayal , I believe he should be the one who should get the last laugh. Let this separation ignite a flame in Kunal in building a better life for himself and maybe for his son as well. Let him improve on himself and become a better man , have him seek his long lost hobbies that he abandoned when he marries Esha and have him become a better man than he was with Esha. Let Esha see this changed and improved Kunal and realize what she had lost in the name of her so called "love". Esha was "liberated" in her life by Aniket and Priya when she was with Kunal. Now lets "Liberate" Kunal now that he is no longer bound to Esha or any of her choices. Let Aditya go from loving his father to idolising him for his improvement. That in my eyes will be the perfect anti thesis to Esha and Aniket's "love" story.

2. Esha's acceptance of Aniket's Love and complete ignorance of Kunal.

In my opinion , the moment shared between Aniket and Esha was romantic and wholesome. Because not only it showed that their bond and connection had grown to new heights but it also added more weight to Kunal's heartbreak. Esha basically states how she has felt all kinds of things that she has never felt with Kunal. She confesses that not only Aniket completes her , but he also succeeds in adding more to her life. Giving her a glimmer of hope and happiness in the time of depression. In many ways , she has accepted that he is a part of her life. And for them to have that wholesome moment seeing their child's heartbeat it added another layer of commitment and love they have grown for each other. Esha still states that she loves both Kunal and Aniket but its clear she only cares for Aniket. In the recent chapters ever since Kunal went for US , Esha didn't even think about Kunal or thought about him when she did her deeds. Her only worry in life was for Aditya , and thats it , Kunal never came into her heart or mind. This basically shows that Kunal is not only gone from Esha's mind as a distant memory , she has to some extent completely took him out from her life. She states she loves Kunal in a way but none of her actions show she has any feelings towards him whatsoever. But I am curious what would Isha's reaction be when she eventually finds out that she was manipulated and coerced into being with Aniket by Priya and that the whole thing was her setup. Would she question her love for Aniket realizing that the feelings they have generated for each other was built on a lie , people seem to forget this important factor that Priya played a majoy role in helping Aniket try to woo Isha. None of Aniket's reconciliation actions towards Isha since the kiss was on his own but help from Priya. In a way that is also betrayal because they were playing with her emotions which eventually led to her first sexual encounter with Aniket. What would her mindset be about Kunal after that , would she realize her mistake and try to reconcile with him? And if that happens , can Kunal accept her after the painful realization of her having a child with someone else? These are some interesting dynamics that could be explored as the story culminates.

3. Priya the ultimate puppet player and the Villain of the story.

Despite the justification the author gave for Priya and her actions , its clear as day she is the villain of the story. And I can see that because of her own perspective. How she uses the concept of feminism as her ultimate tool for deception and chaos. Her verbal assault on Kunal's mother when she insulted Esha was evident enough showing that Priya is a sociopathic lunatic. Her equation Esha is full of confliction , a part of her wants to take revenge on her for abandoning her and ruining her career , but then there is that old friend in her that wants to protect Isha from all the ill intents. That confliction is not exactly clear and cannot be related as Priya sometimes struggles with her emotions but at the same time fuels her revenge towards Esha. And now it is clear she has lied about her past to convince Esha and manipulate her into an affair with Aniket. In many ways,  she is the true villain of the story. Everything was going according to her plan until now , as Kunal became an odd player in her puppet game and he decided to divorce Esha. This was something she didn't expect , but at the same time , this was her realization that one of the player she wanted to control is now moving away from her grasp. For the first time , her game of manipulation has become a challenge for her because things are not the way she wanted. I am curiously waiting to see her eventual downfall and hope the author gives her a painful death in the end.

All in all , I am engaged to this story for now. I was nervous in the last update with the whole argument from readers about "Wimp Husbands" and "Loser Cuckold" ideas being shared. I love this site simply because this place has some incredible Indian themed stories compared to other sites , but this site overly propogates the "Loser Cuckold" stories to the hilt. I believe this site is still stuck in the 90s about the concept of cuckolding and that is depressing. However , I once again applaud you for this wonderful work clearlover. This is by far my favorite chapter in this story. Even if things go south from here, I will be happy thanks to this chapter because now I can device my own head cannon on how this story should end if this story doesn't end the way I like. Keep going and cannot wait how this story concludes. 

With Love.

Harry Jordan.
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As per the story still esha loves aniket than Kunal. She wants only her son back. If she wants to resolve the issue she should stop seeing aniket which she is not doing. She wants the life with aniket. Writer have some idea. Till now Kunal lost everything atleast he should got his son.
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Yes, Kunal deserves Aditya. Esha is one who betrayed him, just showing her anguish doesn't change anything. The author has tried incredibly hard to create a balance between Kunal and Esha and to paint Esha as a better person than she actually is. Esha wanted Kunal to be a wimp so that he could have both Aditya and Aniket but is just disappointed that it turned out that he wasnt.
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By recent update shows aniket is looking for esha body and think for intercourse with her. I don't think he is a family material. In future he may leave esha also. Still esha is not seeing Kunal loves to her.this is the best story how women throwing love over lust.Wants to see in final who will win love or lust?
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I still don't understand how Esha claims she still loves Kunal in a way. Not once in her life ever since she met Aniket have she felt any kind of remorse for her actions or shown any guilt towards Kunal. The only guilty part that Esha has shown was towards Aditya. Other than that she never showed any emotion or feeling towards Kunal. She has completely removed Kunal from her mind and is dedicating the rest of her life reciprocating to Aniket's love and affection but then when Priya asks she claims she does love Kunal is kind of very hypocritical of her. If she cared , there should've been some level of guilt in her heart , but there is nothing. She doesn't even think about him , only about her son. Its that part that bothers me , I just hope Kunal gets a happy ending eventually and he gets a woman in the future that actually respects her as a person. I don't think Esha ever loved Kunal , no human can just completely forget a partner when someone else enters their life. Kunal deserves a woman that loves him unconditionally as a person and respects him. Something Esha doesn't have anymore. Esha has become everything a woman shouldn't be , an ideal woman to hate.
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This is out of context.
I remember having read that Aniket is a client at the start of the story. A HNI, may be with a PMS arrangement with bank. Then, when did he became a colleague and has access to Esha and both started participating in team meetings?
I quote from story :

Driving to work, Esha thought about her team, her clients, and her strategies. But mostly, she thought of Kunal and Aditya, who made her mornings special.

Esha walked into the bank, her light green kurti and black trousers reflecting her professionalism. She was excited yet nervous about her new role as a manager, handling a big client like Aniket. She had the potential, everyone agreed, but there was a quiet tension in her ambition, a nervousness about the unknown.

Her office was modest but warm, with a small window letting in light. On her desk, photos of Aditya playing and one with Kunal at a picnic grounded her, reminding her why she excelled.

The day started with her supervisor's words, "He's big, Esha, but I trust you." His confidence was both comforting and challenging. Esha's heart raced with both thrill and pressure.

She dived into preparations, her actions focused, reviewing Aniket's background, understanding his investment needs. Her team saw her earnestness, her questions not just for show but for real learning.

Between meetings, her mind wandered back to the morning with her family, bringing smile on her face.

When dealing with clients, Esha was clear, professional, yet still learning. Her colleagues admired her dedication, her late hours to prepare for Aniket.

As evening approached, Esha reviewed her notes, anticipating Aniket's questions, her dedication personal as well as professional.

Packing up, she felt both accomplished and anxious. Her colleagues' encouragement was a balm to her nerves.

Leaving the bank, her thoughts shifted to home, to Kunal's warmth, Aditya's tales. This new role was more than work; it was proving she could balance her life's many parts.

While returning back home, Esha felt determined. This was her chance to show she could manage, learn, and thrive, even with less experience.

Next day,Aniket walked into the bank like he owned the place. His suit was sharp, his stance confident. He was here for a new portfolio manager since his last one retired.

Esha, in her office, was a mix of excited and nervous. She'd been picked to handle this big client. Her desk was neat, all set for the meeting. She straightened her pink kurti, glancing at her family photo for courage.

When Aniket entered, they were strangers to each other. Esha stood, her handshake professional.

"Welcome, Mr. Aniket," she said, her voice steady but with a hint of nerves.

"Thank you," Aniket replied, his voice formal. He sat down, looking around her office, sizing her up.

Esha introduced herself, explaining her role and the bank's service promise. She was clear but still had that eager-to-please vibe.

Aniket was used to dealing with experienced people, but he seemed to like Esha's fresh approach. He asked questions to see how she'd manage his investments. Esha answered with confidence, though she checked her notes now and then.

"I need someone with new ideas," Aniket stated, his tone neutral. "Why should I choose you?"

Esha took a deep breath. "I focus on what each client really wants," she said, her eyes sincere. "I might not have the years, but I've got dedication and a drive to learn."

They talked about Aniket's financial goals. Esha suggested strategies, her approach thoughtful despite her newness to the role. Aniket listened, his questions were sharp, his interest clear in how she handled the financial talk.

Everything was strictly business. Esha wanted to prove herself, and Aniket was checking if she could handle his company's money. No personal vibes, just work.

When the meeting ended, Aniket stood, his face unreadable. "Let's see how it goes," he said, shaking her hand. "Good approach, Ms. Esha."

"Thanks for this chance, Mr. Aniket. Looking forward to working with you," Esha said, her handshake firm this time, feeling more confident.

Aniket left, and Esha sat back, feeling the weight of what lay ahead but also excited about proving herself in finance.

Next week,Esha had everything ready for her meeting with Aniket, wanting to show how much she'd learned. Her desk was covered with notes and graphs.

Aniket arrived right on time, his handshake firm, his eyes scanning the papers in front of him as he sat down.

"Please, sit," Esha said, her voice calm, her smile professional. She felt more assured since their last talk.

"Thanks," Aniket said, his voice neutral.

Esha jumped into an update on his investments. "I've been watching your portfolio closely. Here's what I've noticed from recent market changes," she said, showing him graphs, highlighting where his money was growing or at risk.

Aniket paid close attention, his questions sharp. "How do you deal with the ups and downs in tech?" he asked, looking at her intently.

"I see the risk in tech, but there's growth in new markets," Esha replied, pointing to a slide. She explained her plan for managing risks while seeking out opportunities, watching his reactions.

They kept it all business. Aniket nodded at her thoroughness, his next questions digging into her strategy. "What's your plan for these risks?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"Spreading your investments into stable sectors when tech dips," Esha said, giving him a list of her ideas.

Aniket looked over her suggestions, his face serious. "Good work," he noted, showing he respected her effort.

They discussed further, Esha quick to respond when Aniket threw in a market shift scenario, suggesting ways to protect his investments, her confidence based on her knowledge.

As the meeting ended, Esha felt proud of how she'd shown her skills. Aniket stood, saying, "Thanks for the insights, Ms. Esha. Excited to see these in action."

Esha shook his hand, professional to the end. "Thank you, Mr. Aniket. I'm all in for your portfolio's success."
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One more observation
Priya's grudge
It's mentioned that her carefully written theses was poiled due to Esha and kunala carelessness.
Assuming that happened 10-12 years ago, by then also Computers and DTP have become commonplace.
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(31-01-2025, 12:52 PM)Saradagaa Wrote: One more observation
Priya's grudge
It's mentioned that her carefully written theses was poiled due to Esha and kunala carelessness.
Assuming that happened 10-12 years ago, by then also Computers and DTP have become commonplace.
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(31-01-2025, 12:52 PM)Saradagaa Wrote: One more observation
Priya's grudge
It's mentioned that her carefully written theses was poiled due to Esha and kunala carelessness.
Assuming that happened 10-12 years ago, by then also Computers and DTP have become commonplace.

That is too much nit-picking. Honestly there is a lot of that kind of errors if you read the story. But I recommend enjoying it for the time being rather than trying to make it realistic.
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Esha father still alive after suffering the heart attack? He will surely die knowing that his daughter is giving birth to a bastard child.
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Priya character is poorly etched. She is not strong in her revenge. changes her mind like mood swing.
Aniket pov is something not revealed throughout story. kunal thought about his love life to separation, but esha did not want to think about kunal or his love. She is happy with new found love and all she wants the child back. the child nurtured and grown inside her. in real world scenario when a woman gets into adultery they will hate the child born to her husband too. because the adultery will change them cruel. lots of loopholes, but overall ok.
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Nice update

Why should kunal leave his own house. He has sold his shares to buy the house.
Instead, he should have asked Esha to leave the house without creating a scene.
He should have called and informed her parents about her act.

The pity is that Aditya prefers to be with his mother than kunal even though she has not done anything to him
He is in the hopeless state now. Divorce will take at least six months if it is mutual.
Esha will give mutual divorce as she now loves Aniket more than kunal.
Will Aniket accept to be father of another man son?
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(01-02-2025, 05:34 AM)adangamaru Wrote: He is in the hopeless state now. Divorce will take at least six months if it is mutual.
Esha will give mutual divorce as she now loves Aniket more than kunal.
Will Aniket accept to be father of another man son?

Mutual divorce is not immediate? if it is female child mother will take the custodian, if male child father will be the custodian. but court will ask to show the child to the mother every week/month. unless kunal take the child outside the country, he has to face once loved esha periodically because of son and that will hurt him more.

Author is rocking !!!!!!!
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Ah yes, misery porn for masochists. No much seen around here lmao.
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One thing I am curious about, is Esha's feelings towards Aniket really genuine? Like I understand the connection she shares with him now, even after this separation from Kunal, she finds happiness and some sort of comfort with Aniket and his new child. But this raises a question. What would Esha's reaction be when she finally learns the truth about Priya's manipulation?

Obviously she will feel betrayed by Priya but other than that will she feel regret knowing that her relationship with Aniket wasn't exactly an organic one but rather being manipulated into? Not to mention Aniket seeked Priya's help to seduce Esha so could Esha see Aniket as part of this betrayal? Remember Aniket did make poems and letters and he did all that seeking Priya's help and finding out about Esha's favorite things. That can be considered manipulation.

Unlike Kunal where their relationship grew mutually in college, Aniket and Esha's relationship was formed in adultery and molded in manipulation. Will there be a future for this couple when it is clear their relationship didn't exactly begin in good grounds? Can they really blame Kunal in this debacle since it isn't exactly his fault for their failing marriage?

At the end of the day, the reality is Esha strayed from her marriage but I wonder what will her mindset be when she realizes the truth of the manipulation played on her life by Priya. Can she continue loving Aniket after learning that her feelings towards him were part of a manipulation? Will she start to realize that there was no fault in Kunal and it was herself that made the mistake and ruined her family? Will she try to reconcile with Kunal after learning that his love has always been sincere and genuine for her?

In my opinion , the true victim in this story has been Kunal because he has been taking losses after losses ever since this manipulation game has began. I won't be surprised if he commits suicide considering the amount of emotional and mental torture he has been through. Kunal didn't get a single upper hand in this story. Even now the love story of Esha and Aniket directly runs parallel to the hurt and anguish that is going through Kunal. He has gone through enough mental torture that Kunal can become a Psycho Killer now. He can descend to complete madness.

I have honestly no idea how this story will end , but to be honest I don't think it will be a happy ending for sure.
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Anyways, priya had done only good to esha from the start of their friendship.
She won the revenge of seperating the couple.
kunal is the main reason for juice felling on the thesis and on why priya lost her phd. so he deserves big punishment and it was given.
kunal will leave to US and Aniket Esha will start a new life and Esha will give birth to two more children and her life will be complete.
Priya will leave the city and settle in another and with no belief in marriage, she will be single whole life.
All that started well will end well.
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