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Incest Vijay and Shanthi
Vijay and Shanthi


जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
ijay came with his family to stay at his parents' house in the smallish town outside the city of Madurai in South India where he grew up. His father had requested him to help in the repairs being made to the house, and Vijay, along with his wife and three year old son, soon settled in the ancestral home.

Repairs to the house was just a ruse used by his parents to have Vijay come home and handle the matter of his younger sister first-hand.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Vijay and Mahesh had gone to the same college and government Technical College together. But they were not friends. They acknowledged each other with casual hellos and goodbyes, but nothing more than that. Vijay decided to pursue work up north and Mahesh took up his father's lucrative paper mill business. While Vijay struggled to maintain his middle class status, Mahesh was destined to be rich and affluent. But Vijay had an uncanny sense that Mahesh was a sly character and did not let on to everything.

Vijay got married at twenty-five, and within a couple of years, had produced a son, and had planned on having another child in a year or two.
While Vijay was busy with his life in the big city and planning for his family's future, back at his home town, Mahesh was busy as well. He had smooth-talked his way into Vijay's house, gained the parents' confidence and somehow convinced Vijay's sister that he was in love with her.
So before Vijay could realize what was happening, the marriage of his little sister (he still considered her little as she was about eight years younger to him) and that asshole Mahesh was fixed. His objections were too late. And that stupid Shanthi! What had she said? Anna (Big brother)! I love Mahesh! He is a good man! etc etc and all that crap!!" And his father and Mother? Blinded by the fact that Mahesh was rich and in the false belief that he would pull them up in society, they married off their girl to him. How vain! How fucking naive!"
How could he tell them about what he knew about Mahesh? Oh! The stories he could tell. How could he talk to his sister about Mahesh's habits and character? His boasting of his exploits at the whorehouses in the neighboring towns, of his family's riches and political powers, about how he could make anyone in the town do anything for him and the like. All his objections fell on deaf ears.
For a while after the marriage though, it seemed that Mahesh was indeed a changed man. Vijay could see that his little sister was truly happy. She was enjoying the life Mahesh had given her and her in-laws treated her like their own daughter (though they had three of their own).
But all this soured quickly when they realized that Shanthi and Mahesh were unable to produce an offspring after about a year of marriage. And as was usual, the blame fell on Shanthi. She was deemed barren. And Mahesh's family had resorted to threatening her with divorce. Vijay had visited and talked with Mahesh each time the crisis reared its head and each time he convinced Mahesh to give it some more time.
So now, the mood at home was despondent. His sister's husband, Mahesh, was once again threatening to send her back home.
Needless to say, all this weighed on Vijay's mind. He had taken to jogging while in Chennai and the next day on waking up he decided to go for an early morning run around the park to clear his mind. But try as he may, the matter of his sister weighed heavily on his mind and he decided to cut his run short and come home.
He opened the door to his parent's house and walked in. As expected, the house was quiet, it being very early in the morning. He had walked a few paces when he heard a soft moan. Then, after a few seconds, he heard another moan. This time it was a little more drawn out and long.
Even in his preoccupied state of mind he realized that this was no ordinary sound. It was not a moan of someone in pain or distress. It was definitely by a woman or girl. It was a sound of pleasure.
He waited for a few seconds more. The same moan. At regular intervals. It was natural, sensual, sexy, passionate, intense. Female! Someone was in the throes of pleasure! And that someone was close at hand.
It was from someone in a state of bliss. It was sexual!!
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Good story
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Needless to say, all this weighed on Vijay's mind. He had taken to jogging while in Chennai and the next day on waking up he decided to go for an early morning run around the park to clear his mind. But try as he may, the matter of his sister weighed heavily on his mind and he decided to cut his run short and come home.

He opened the door to his parent's house and walked in. As expected, the house was quiet, it being very early in the morning. He had walked a few paces when he heard a soft moan. Then, after a few seconds, he heard another moan. This time it was a little more drawn out and long.

Even in his preoccupied state of mind he realized that this was no ordinary sound. It was not a moan of someone in pain or distress. It was definitely by a woman or girl. It was a sound of pleasure.

He waited for a few seconds more. The same moan. At regular intervals. It was natural, sensual, sexy, passionate, intense. Female! Someone was in the throes of pleasure! And that someone was close at hand.

It was from someone in a state of bliss. It was sexual!!

Who could it be? His wife was in the room on the other side of the house, sleeping with their child. The only other female in this house was..was...was..his mother!! What the fuck?!

The sound was definitely coming from his parents' room. Without thinking, Vijay inched closer to the door. The moans now were replaced by a distinctive, soft 'thwack, thwack' repetitive sound, like that of two bodies slamming into each other. Vijay could also make out the creaking sound from a bed and mattress. A man's soft grunts accompanied the low moans of the woman.

His parents were fucking!

Vijay was stunned. He stood still outside the bedroom door listening to the passionate sounds coming from inside. He must have spent about a minute taking everything in, imagining what might be going on inside the room. But in that one minute, thousands of threads of thoughts and a million images floated in his brain.

In all the years growing up in this house until he was out of college, he had never come across anything even close to this. How could that have been, he wondered. Yes, he had imagined then fucking girls and women, of all shapes and sizes and ages. Those that came to their house and also those he encountered outside. Some known, some unknown. Mothers, sisters, aunts of friends. How it would be to fuck them or even how they would be fucked by their husbands, boyfriends, partners. But he hadn't imagined his parents having sex. Even if the thought of his parents engaged in sexual intercourse came into his minds, he had quickly banished such thoughts consciously.

But that was then. And this was now. He had had sex with whores and girlfriends before his marriage. But since then he had been a faithful husband. But hadn't he done dirty deeds with his wife? Hadn't he asked her to do filthy, obscene acts on him? Take him in her mouth, lick him in all possible places, allow him to finish on every part of her body. All these acts seemed natural to the two of them, then and now. Acts between a man and a woman, husband and wife, behind closed doors.

That's what his parents were to him now. Not the pure and simple and religious mother, or the hardworking, loving father. He saw them just as man and woman, doing the things that came naturally. Acts that every couple did possibly. Was that so wrong?

Vijay got aroused. His dick swelled painfully inside his pants on hearing his mother's soft, erotic moans and his father's low, animal like grunts. He pictured his mother and father in the room, on their matress, the sexusl positions they might be using.

Was it plain missionary, with her legs spread wide and him between them, humping away? Or was she on top, facing him now, and then again facing away from him, allowing him to part her ass cheeks and view her dark asshole? Was she hairy down there? Did they engage in oral sex, did she give him a blowjob and have him lick her cunt?

God! Standing close to the door, Vijay freed his thick cock from the confines of his pants and felt the cool air of the room on it. His dick throbbed and pulsed and the foreskin rolled back and exposed the shiny, velvety, purple head. He fisted his cock in tune with the sounds of the room. Images of his parents floated into his mind.

She was lying face down on the bed and he was on top of her and rubbing his penis on her big, smooth asscheeks. He got up and knelt next to her ass and placed his hands on each of her cheeks and parted them and leered at her dark, hairy asshole. He tried to place his cock on her asshole but could not penetrate her anally.

He then turned her over and straddled her face and offered her his thick penis. Vijay was sure his father's cock was smaller and thinner than his own, as he himself had inherited most of his features from his mother's side. His maternal uncles were built like bulls and Vijay was just like them with thick arms and legs and thighs. But his father was thin, unfit and misshapen. His legs were slim and bony, had a thick heavy belly and his skin stretched tight over it and his dick protruded from under, tiny but hard. His mother opened her mouth as she had done a thousand times before and accepted it, and his father then started thrusting up and down and grunting. Vijay could see her lips move smoothly over the small length of his dick.

After a while, he pulled himself out and got down off the bed and stood on its side and pulled her and placed her ass at the edge of the bed and lifted her legs so his penis could enter her cunt. He placed her feet on his shoulder, crouched and pushed forward and his dick entered her easily. With both their bellies heavy, thick and huge, this was the only position that suited them.

His mother's pubic area was covered sparsely with hair and her dark, thick line of her vagina was clearly visible. As his father pushed and pulled in and out of her, some thick, white, creamy liquid secreted from her cunt. His father was now leaning over and had one of her nipples in her mouth and was slathering it with his spit and biting it, going from one tit to another.

He increased the pace of his thrusts and in the space of a few seconds became still as a board. He raised his feet and balanced himself on his toes, and his body shuddered once and he flopped on to her.

After another few seconds he got up and eased his cock, which was now limp and slimy, from her cunt, gathered his underwear and walked to the bathroom. His mother adjusted her clothes as she lay back on the baked, apparently going back to sleep. (She wore only a petticoat and blouse without an inner bra to bed. While fucking, she had unbottoned her blouse to offer her tits to him. She had loosened her petticoat and bunched it up around her waist to allow him access to her pussy.) Now she tightened her petticoat. And then she looked up at the bathroom door as if to see if it was closed. Then she pulled up her knees, reached down and held the hem of her petticoat and pulled it up, exposing her thick, smooth thighs. She reached between her thighs with one of her hands, and began rotating it on her pubic area. After a while she thrust a finger into her cunt and pushed it in and out of herself vigorously. Her hand was a blur as it pistoned in and out of her. Her other hand was massaging her tits.

His mother was masturbating! She obviously had not reached her orgasn with him. How could she have? The fucker lasted only two minutes max. Fuck! She was satisfying herself with her hands.

Within a minute, she reached her limit. She did not make any sound as she squirmed, twisted and turned on the bed in the throes of her pleasure and climax. She clamped her thighs together, crushing her hand that was between them and became rigid for a few seconds. Then she relaxed her thighs and let out a big sigh. And got off the bed and gathered her sari and started putting it on.

Vijay was rudely shaken from his reverie. There was no sound coming from the room! They had finished! What if his mother came out and saw him? He was standing in the hallway, next to their room, with is cock exposed, thick and hard in his fist. Fuck!

Vijay turned and quickly put his turgid member into his pants and tip-toed back into his room. He went to the bathroom and once again lowered his pants to release his cock. It was still as rigid as a flag pole. Ready and veins and angled up from his flat abdomen.

What was he doing? He was jerking off to imagined images of his parents fucking!! He had heard sounds of people having sex before in the many whorehouses he visisted. He had on occasion also seen others engaged in various sex acts. But somehow what he encountered that day was different. Would it have been different if it were two other people? Maybe not. Was it the fact that it was his mother and father that excited and aroused him? He couldn't say. All he knew then was he wanted a release. And he jerked off until he ejaculated. Streams of white, heavy, creamy cum spurted from his cock onto the wash basin and during the seconds it lasted, images of his parents, naked and in various positions filled his mind. His release was mind boggling. He hadn't had such a rush in a long time. In fact, he hadn't masturbated like this in a while, always having his wife nearby ready to be fucked.

He walked out of his bedroom, acting normally. He saw his mother in the kitchen and immediately felt uneasy. But he noticed his mother's face, all flushed and shiny in the aftermath of a sexual tryst. She did not look at him directly as they made small talk, but Vijay could sense a smile playing on the side of her mouth, made even bigger as his father walked in. Was she still feeling his weight of him on her and his cock inside her, Vijay thought. Still weak in the knees and his cum seeping out of her? Fuck! His dick throbbed once again.

You could not call his mother a beauty. She was a normal, natural woman. She was not curvy, shapely or sexy. How could she excite his father? How could he be aroused by such an old, graying woman, Vijay thought. But then again, what did a man need in sex? A warm, willing cunt, ass, asshole, mouth and hands, tits, nipples. What was it his friends said? All pussies are the same in the dark. That's all. Vijay was sure his father used his mother to the fullest, satisfying his lust and carnal desires, fantasizing about other women while he fucked. Just like he himself and all other men did.

Fuck! The images of his parents copulating in various positions played in his mind all through the morning. Every time he looked at his mother, he could not stop imagining her without her clothes on. Her thick thighs under the layers of her sari, her conventional white bra outlining her huge tits and showing through the material of her blouse, her exposed, thick belly and fleshy waist. He was sure she wore no panties under her sari. He could not hide his hard-on!


As they feared, Shathi came home right around lunch. Mahesh made good on his threat. The whole house was filled with gloom from the moment she entered. Thinking of the worst, both mother and daughter sobbed and wailed for a while. Vijay and his father were in shock, not knowing how to console the women. Vijay decided to visit Mahesh immediately and give him a piece of his mind.


"For some people these things take time, Mahesh," Vijay tried to convince him, as he had done numerous times before, when he visited him that morning. "Give it another few months. Keep trying. Go to a doctor and get yourselves checked again. Maybe there's something you can do." Or "Mahesh, there are other options like artificial insemination, IVF etc..we can try all that..."

But there was no use questioning Mahesh's manliness, of course. On a previous occasion, Mahesh boasted in private to Vijay about how he had fathered a child with a maid in their house and how his family had paid the maid's family off to keep this quiet. So, no, there was nothing wrong with him. It was all Shanthi's fault now. He blamed her for them being childless.

He said to Vijay, "How long can I wait, Vijay? Put yourself in my shoes. We have a family business to look after. I am next in line and my son would take over from me later on. What will happen if there is no one to continue my family line, eh?"

Vijay could only say, "Well, it could be a girl..."

"Well, that is OK as well. My grandmother on my father's side did control the business for twenty years after my grandfather died. So it is fine. As long as I have somebody in the next generation. But.. but.. You understand that, don't you? But you are a lucky man. You have a son."

Vijay had no answer for this. Mahesh's mother also intervened. "Vijay, son, don't worry. We will take care of Shanthi even after..after...this. She will have enough money and property. She will not be a burden. Just..just agree.. And we can settle it. Think about it. Talk to your parents."

But Vijay's parents had Shanthi examined by innumerable doctors. There was no test that they did not perform. All came out positive. There was nothing wrong with her. But how could they convince Mahesh's family?

From what his mother and father had told him, this time around Mahesh' family was very serious. Time was running out and they really wanted Shanthi out of the way so Mahesh could get married and hopefully father many, many offspring, bringing riches and prosperity to their family.


Vijay was surprised to find the situation close to normal on returning home. Shanthi, his little sister, was in a better mood which was something of a consolation to all. He explained what had transpired at Mahesh's house that morning and the conversation he had with Mahesh and his mother. Shanthi said, "Anna, don't worry. Mahesh has done this many times before. He's just listening to his mother. He is hot now. Within a few days he will cool down and come back and get me. We just need to be patient." Her reaction and demeanor was a bright spot for them.

Just before lunch that day Vijay went upstairs to the small room where they kept some odds and ends. It was rarely used and so he spent some time cleaning and dusting and later on started examining some old furniture and some documents related to their property. He was taking a break and was looking out of the window when a movement below just to his right caught his eye.

A female figure had just stepped out of the house and into the warm sunlit area at the back. The area offered some privacy all around but was unshielded from above so Vijay had a clear view. She had just taken a bath, Vijay could see that right away by the clothes she had on, or rather, the clothes she did not have on. She had her petticoat tied high above her chest, covering her breasts and torso and the top half of her thighs leaving the lower portion of her smooth thighs and curvaceous calves exposed. She had a towel wrapped around her wet hair. Her arms were bare, and wet and the sun glistened off her shoulder and upper arms, and she sparkled in the reflection from the water droplets on her skin. She was still damp under her clothes and the back of her petticoat stuck to her buttocks, clearly outlining her two asscheeks. The sun was behind her and made her clothes even more transparent, accentuating and displaying each of her curves. It took Vijay just a couple of seconds to take all that in.

And it took him just another fraction of a second more to realize who it was - the woman was his little sister - Shanthi!

He couldn't help himself. His mind was telling him to turn away, to wrench his eyes from the scene unfolding before him, but his body had other ideas. He stood rooted to the spot, gaping and shell-shocked, ogling at her!

And what she did next blew his mind!

She unwound the towel from her head and bent her body forward, flung her wet hair in front and twisted the towel on hair to squeeze out the water. As she did this, her petticoat tightened even further on her ass cheeks. And as she swung her body slightly this way and that, a line formed and unformed between her asscheeks, outlining them ever more so. Her petticoat rose at her rear and exposed the backs of her rounded, slick, wet thighs.
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Then she straightened and reached out to a pile of clothes next to her and shook out a white bra. With swift movements and practised ease, she untied the petticoat from around her chest, dropped it a few inches onto her chest, and in a split second had her breasts covered by the front of her bra. She set the clasp in front and pushed the bra around her body and put her arms through the straps and adjusted the cups with her upturned hands. All this within a couple of seconds. But not before Vijay had a wholesome glimpse of her supple, firm tits, topped with dark brown areola and coin sized nipples.

She placed one leg at a time on a nearby ledge and wiped it with the towel, exposing her upper thighs. Her next actions hit Vijay in the gut. She crouched and put the towel between her thighs and pushed it up her legs and wiped her crotch. Slowly, very slowly. Then she quickly moved her towel towards her rear and wiped up her ass crack. Vijay's heart skipped a beat as he saw the dark cleft where the back of her thighs joined her ass cheek.

She reached out once again to the pile of clothes and picked out a bright red piece of cloth and shook it out. Vijay's eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he realized it was her panties. He always wondered about what kinds of panties women he encountered wore. In his imagination he tried to match the type of female to the type of panties - full back, thong, hi-cut, plain cotton, satin, and the like. He always tried to get a sneak peak of a woman's ass hoping for a glimpse of any panty line that was visible. But never in a million years would he have imagined looking up his little sister's under garments. But now he watched as she bent down and stepped into her red panties and pulled it up her legs and thighs. The tops of her thick, shapely thighs stood out like two strong pillars, and her knees were well rounded and fleshy, as they appeared for a fraction of a second. Then she dropped her petticoat and placed a hand over her crotch and adjusted her panty from outside. She patted her ass cheeks, making sure her panty was well placed.

Her job done, she turned and walked into the house, completely oblivious of the pair of eyes that watched her every move.

Vijay was dumb struck at what he had just seen. He realized he was not aroused at all, but he knew for sure that the scenes that unfolded in front of his eyes were indelibly etched in his brain to be retrieved later.


Vijay somehow got through the evening. Some of his friends had come over and the time spent with them and at dinner had him thinking about other things. But at night, lying on the bed next to his wife, he got very aroused as he thought about the things that happened to him during the day. Images of his parents fucking, seeing his sister half naked - all this made him mad with lust. His wife had complained of a headache and had rejected his advances for sex. But now he had a raging erection and he removed his shorts and lay naked, fisting his cock. Man! He had to get a release. He had jacked off this morning so did not want to do it again at night.

He decided to fuck his wife in spite of her objections. He turned and slowly pulled up her nightie and moved his hands on her thighs to her crotch. His hands played on the tight front of her panties. He ran his finger up and down the length of her cunt line. She groaned in protest. But he took her hand and placed it on his thick, throbbing, hot cock and she involuntarily fisted and started jerking him off. He put his hand beneath her panties and slipped it off her legs as she protested loudly.

He parted her legs roughly and placed himself between her thighs. He reached to the small bedside table and opened a bottle of petroleum jelly and took out a small amount of it and spread it around her vagina and soon was able to insert his finger into her cunt. He started to finger fuck her and she reached down and tried to stop him. But he pushed her hand away, rose and in one smooth motion, placed his cock at the entrance to her pussy and pushed. The jelly helped, and his thick dick slipped into her easily. She screamed in protest, but not loudly. She turned away as he tried to kiss her.

Vijay did not care. He was focussed on his cock. So thick and hard and hot. Soon he was fucking her in rhythmically. Long, hard, smooth strokes. His penis was getting harder as he fucked, and he could see that in spite of her protests, his wife was creaming beautifully.

Suddenly once more, his brain was flooded with images of Shanthi, his sister, in her nakedness. He pictured the bright red panties, taut on her ass cheek and imagined the firm tightness of the cloth on her crotch and the line of her cunt pressing outward on the fabric. He recalled how after dinner she had gone back to her room and came back a few minutes later in her nightie. Did she still have her panties on? Was she naked and hairy without her undie? These images were soon replaced by those of his mother! Did she sleep in her sari or did she remove it and lie down just in her petticoat and blouse? He pictured his father slathering her heavy nipples with spit, fingering her hairy cunt and fucking her mouth. Vijay's cock swelled even more!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! He could not handle it. He rode his wife hard, imagining himself fucking the other two women in his life. All notions of incest and taboo were banished from his mind. He was just a man lusting for two other women. Boy! Why had he never thought of them this way? It was so beautiful. It was obscene and forbidden and shameful. But his mind was oblivious to these social norms. He slammed down on the woman below him, plunging into her mercilessly and repeatedly. He heard his mother's moans and his sisters grunts as he pummelled his wife.

He was rudely shaken from his reverie when he realized his wife was slapping his arms and face. He stopped and looked down at her. "You bastard," she hissed. "What the fuck are you doing? You are hurting me you sonofabitch. Let go of my hair. Get off me! You will wake up the whole house with your fucking noised. Finish fast and get off me, you asshole!!"

Vijay quickly finished inside her. But his release did not satisfy him. Now he was even more angry and mad. Mad at his wife for not allowing him to fuck her properly. Mad at his brother-in-law for the way he treated his sister. Mad and his parents for enjoying themselves as if no one else was around. Mad at Shanthi, his little sister, for strutting her naked body in front of him.

He slept fitfully but woke up with another raging boner. He dared not wake his wife from her beauty sleep. So once again he palmed his cock and began masturbating. He had a million thoughts in his mind, trying to see how the matter of his sister's life could be solved. How he could salvage some of his family's pride. But he was still absentmindedly masturbating, stroking his dick, images of his naked mother and sister also floating in and out.

Suddenly, out of the blue, in a microsecond, a thought flashed into his mind. He became stiff, and his breathing stopped for a few moments. He could hear his heart beating loudly inside his chest.

That was it! What a brilliant idea it was. Yes! It was the solution to all their problems. Shanthi would get pregnant. Mahesh would take Shanthi back. Yes! The plan he hatched in his mind was so diabolically simple that he did not even consider the incestuous nature of what he was going to do. He would first do it and then make Shanthi see the sense in it. Yes. If anyone could convince her it would be he, her loving elder brother. She will object but then would ultimately see the beauty in Vijay's plan. Fuck! Yeah!!


"Anna!! AIYOH!!! What?!! NO!! NO!! Do you even understand what you are suggesting? How.. how..can you think of doing this?! It''s did you..I can't believe we are talking about this! You are my can you think of doing this to me? What will happen....I mean..will it be NO, AIYOOOH!!!"

She moved away from him, wide eyes and scared and put her hands to protect herself from him as he approached her slowly.

"Thangachi (little sister), listen to me. This..this is not what I wanted. I have never..never..thought of and me like this..but..but I do not see any other way. Mahesh will certainly disown you, believe me..."

But she cut him off. "No. He..he..loves me..he will not ditch me..he.. He...will.," But she was not convincing.

"Shanthi, I heard they have already found a willing family. I tell you..he will marry again..your situation is..will be bad..we will support you...but..but.. There is no time..your dignity..our family's dignity is at stake understand? This is not something I wanted to do or thought I would be doing!"

"STOP IT!," she almost screamed. But Vijay realized she was not loud. She certainly did not want their mother to hear the indecent, outrageous, crude, suggestion he was making.

He forced himself on her.

He clamped his hand on her mouth hard to shut her screams as he did it. Initially she was shocked into inaction. She was so horrified at what her loving big brother was doing to her that she couldn't move. Then as she realized what was happening, as he started to penetrate her, she struggled mightily. She tried to bite his hand. She wailed, sobbed and groaned and twisted under him, but he was a bull of a man and had his way.

She knew she had no chance of fighting him off, she just resigned to the atrocious, obscene, incestuous, decadent, shaeful act being performed on her. She turned away. Tears flowed profusely down her cheeks. Never in a million years had she thought of this as the way to salvage her marriage. Never. Never had she imagined that she would be penetrated by any one other than Mahesh in her life!

He had his eyes closed all the while. It took him only about twenty strokes to finish. He felt no lust. No release. No pleasure. It was like one of the compulsory, forced masturbation sessions he did to relieve his stress sometimes. Both of them were still as he spewed his seed into her.

He still had his hand clamped on her mouth tightly after he finished. "Sorry.. Sorry.. Thangachi (little sister). I am" He sobbed, and flopped on her. "Aiyoh..what have I done.. amma..I am sorry!! There's no other way! Please.. Please forgive me. Don't.. don't tell anyone. Aiyoo!"

She was disgusted with him and looked away and tried to push him off her. He pulled himself up and she moaned and cursed, "You fucking bastard! I hope you die soon! I hope you burn...your family will you asshole!! What have you done! I am your sister, you, you disgusting imbecile!"

But he realized that she still had not screamed out loud to draw attention to what he had done. He quickly dressed and was out of the room in a flash.

Vijay was in a trance as he changed his clothes and walked out of the house before his mother came out of her bath. He took a long walk around the town to calm himself and to clear his head. The realization of what he had done struck him like a blow to his stomach.

Oh God! What had he done? His own sister! Shit! All for what? He wasn't even sure if it would be fruitful. He had forever spoiled his relationship with his sister. Something sacred, pure, sacrosanct. Fuck! He was sure she would have complained to their mother. How was he to face them? Fuck, again!

But she had not screamed or shouted at him as he walked out of the room, had she? No, she hadn't. She cursed him and that was all. She was quiet while he explained the consequences and reasoning. She had also nodded as if she understood. So, maybe she would not complain. Perhaps she saw the benefit in what he did, they did, in spite of how horrible and disdainful and shameful it was.

What if nothing came of it? What if it was not enough to get her with a child? Would he have to do it again? Fucking hell, man! No. No, he could not do it again. Once was enough. If it worked then all was fine. If not, they'd all be back to square one.

Vijay entered his house, anxious and full of trepidation. But to his surprise, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Everyone was going about their business, as usual. He picked up the newspaper, looked at it and started chatting with his father, and playing with his son. He had butterflies in his stomach, and he almost fainted when he saw Shanthi come into the room with a tray of snacks and cups of steaming coffee.

"Hi, Anna! You are back," she said, normally, as if nothing had happened. "Come have some snacks and hot coffee." He didn't dare look her in the eye. He quietly finished his coffee and snacks while the others chatted away merrily.

So, she hadn't told anyone after all, though Vijay. She must have seen the sense in what he did. He avoided her as much as possible the rest of the evening and during dinner.

He and his father discussed some important family business after dinner while the women went to their respective rooms to sleep. It was very late when the men finished their discussion and as Vijay walked back to his room, a slight movement caught his eye. He turned in the direction of Shanthi's room, and to his surprise and amazement, he saw her standing near the door of her darkened room. It was as if she was waiting for him! As he looked at her, she closed the door. But not all the way! She left the door slightly open and with a quick glance at him, she turned away.

"Fuck! What the hell," thought Vijay.

That night too, sleep did not come easily to him. He slept in patches, fitfully. He kept thinking about Shanthi leaving her door open. Then, in the very wee hours of the morning, before even the bell at the nearby temple pealed and it was still very dark outside, he arose from his bed. He walked gingerly to the door as if he was making it to the bathroom outside, and quickly walked the few paces to Shanthi's room and tried the door. It was still open!

He entered and closed and latched the door behind him, trying to be quiet. But the noise was loud enough in the room to wake Shanthi. She got up with a start, and even in the dark room Vijay could see that she realized who it was that got in.

She said, softly, "Oh!" and lay back on the bed. But she pulled up her petticoat up to her waist, raised her torso and pulled the clothes under her and bunched them up around her waist, spread her legs and turned her head away from Vijay.

He dropped his shorts. He had a thick erection by now. He wasn't sure of the thoughts in his head that made him so full of lust for his own little sister. But here he was. In her room, with her lying half naked, exposing her privates to him and inviting him inside her.

Vijay lay down between her legs and she parted them even more. He held his thick member in his hand and guided it to her cunt. He did not want to touch any other part of her body. He poked around and in a moment the head of his dick had located her entrance. It felt slick there on his cock-head and he realized she had used some lubrication! Fuck! Automatically and involuntarily, he plunged down and his dick parted her warm outer lips and pushed aside her inner lips that were warm, slick and smooth and silky and he entered her and flopped on her. His pubic hair brushed against her hairy belly and pubes.

She gasped at his weight but did not turn towards him. She looked away as he started his strokes. This time he took a little longer. He stopped only once, and she turned towards him slightly to ask what the matter was. But he continued and without a break, he reached his climax. His cock erupted and they both felt streams of his cum rain down into her belly. Fuck! Vijay felt a little bit of pleasure and his cock ejaculated. He could not deny that. He was fucking his little sister! Her cunt was so tight, was it not? So different from his own wife. His sister's body, so lithe and lively and tight and smooth. Wow!! He lay down on her, enjoying the sensation of his release.

But suddenly, with a start, he realized how wrong it would seem to her. Her brother enjoying fucking her. No! A voice shouted in his head, and he quickly got up and pulled himself out of her.

"Ahh...ayoh!" she let out a gasp as Vijay's now flaccid penis slid from her cunt. Like before, he quickly dressed and walked out of the room. It was getting to dawn outside and a little of the light penetrated the house.

"Ay Vijay," his mother's voice called out to him from behind. He froze, mid-stride. His mother had seen him come out of Shanthi's room!! Fuck!

"Eh.. eh.. What?" He said, turning towards her. Fortunately there was not much light for his mother to make out his dishevelled clothes.

"What? everything OK with Shanthi? Why are you in her roo..," She didn't finish as Shanthi had come out of her room by then.

"Aiyoh, amma, nothing happened. I couldn't sleep. I was crying. Anna must have heard me and he came to see if I was OK."

"Oh!" Their mother said, unconvincingly, looking at her and Vijay alternatively. "Ok. Ok. Do you want some coffee? It's almost morning."

Vijay let out a big sigh of relief as he walked back to his room. That was a very close shave, he said to himself. Next time they would be more careful.

Wait! Next time? Will there be a next time. Fuck!! Fuck!!


But what Vijay and Shanthi were not aware of was the fact that just a few minutes before he had entered Shanthi's room, their mother, returning from the bathroom herself, had caught sight of him quietly opening the door to his sister's room. Her interest piqued, she gingerly made way to Shanthi's door, but try as she may, could not make out the sound of Shanthi crying, or the two of them talking.

What was going on? she wondered. She waited, still and silent, for a few minutes. She heard the sound of the bed creaking. A few more minutes passed, and she still stood there, her heart beating hard, her breath coming fast, thinking, imagining what might be going on in the room. She forced herself to not think the worst. She ran through the many reasons why her two darling children would be in a room together in the middle of the night with lights shut off.

Then she heard Shanthi moaning softly, and Vijay grunt twice. And after a minute, the sound of someone getting off the bed! She was aghast! What were her children doing? Were they in bed together? Why? No! No! Oh god, NO! That couldn't be!! As she heard footsteps approaching the door from inside, she quickly moved away and hid in the darkness of the hallway, just in time to see Vijay coming out of the room stealthily.


The next day Vijay was in a trance. It was as if he was once again on a honeymoon. He couldn't wait to get back home and fuck his..his..his..sister! Man, what had he become! He and Shanthi had committed incest! But it did not feel so wrong. In fact, it felt so good in the end. His release was great and her reaction was amazing also. He was sure she liked it, was certain she wanted more of it. She would get with child but there was no denying her getting some pleasure while at it.

But little did he realize that his mother had her suspicions.

She was filled with horror, imagining the shameful acts her two children had performed. She tried, but failed, to see any other reason why they would be in a room at night together. Why? What had forced them to do it? She was so sure they had slept with each other, lain on the same bed like man and women, that they had sex, they had fucked. There could be no other explanation for the noises and the moans that came out of their room. And the guilty expression on Vijay's face. Shit! Shit!

She saw the glow on Shanthi's face the next morning, and the fear and nervousness and anxiety on Vijay's and her worst fears were confirmed. A mother always knew. She grappled with trying to get to the bottom of it. Would they continue doing such shameful acts. She would wait till the evening or night to find out
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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She was sure Vijay would go to his sister that night and she lay awake in bed, waiting for the slightest sound to indicate that that indeed was happening. She was acutely aware of the slightest sound. And sure enough she heard the softest of soft footsteps from Vijay. She had hid herself behind a curtain and had a clear view of Vijay's progress from his room to Shanthi.

After about a minute she walked to the door and leaned in and listened in horror and shock as the same soft noises emanated from inside.


This time Shanthi was ready. As Vijay entered the room, she rose from her bed and stood and turned towards him. Vijay was surprised at what had occurred to him. He was rock hard. His cock was excruciatingly, painfully erect inside his underpants under his lungi

Neither knew what to do. They were still, looking at each other in the light coming through the glass of the window from a single street lamp outside. Their eyes grew accustomed to the semi darkness.

Then she bent down and caught the hem of her nightie and lifted it over her head and threw it on the bed. She was completely naked!! Vijay could make out the hard, supple semi-circular roundness of her young tits and the dark areola, the outline of her thick, shiny thighs. She turned and lay back down on the bed, and put one arm over her eyes.

In one smooth motion, Vijay pushed down his lungi and his underwear came off with it. His turgid, thick member swayed and throbbed, and he could feel the coolness of the room on its shiny, heavy head.

He lay down softly next to her. She moved slightly away. And spread her legs and brought up her knees. Vijay rose and put himself between her. The outside of his thighs brushed the insides of her and both gasped at the contact.

He lifted his torso and held his cock with one hand, ready to place it on the line of her cunt, to probe and push, to find her hole and enter into her. But she put her palm on his flat stomach and stopped him.

Then she reached down and put her palm on the underside of his throbbing, hot, thick, heavy dick! He gasped at the contact, but realized that her fingers were still playing on his cock. She was grabbing his cock's swollen head and was feeling it with her fingers. She moaned as she realized the length and girth of his penis. She felt the heat of his cock on her palm.

Vijay was beside himself. He could not control it anymore. He reached down between the tangle of arms and legs, putting his hands on her crotch. He expected her to be hairy down there. He had felt her pussy hair the last two times he fucked her. He remembered it well, as they had prickled him like a thousand needles. But now he felt only the smooth, hairless skin, the soft tissue on the sides of her cunt line and her thick pussy lips. She sighed, "ahhhh, aiyoooh," and shook her head from side to side.

He took his hand away in surprise, and instinctively lowered himself on to her. She quickly grabbed his cock in her fist and expertly guided him into the entrance on her cunt. As his cock hit her nether lips, he felt a slickness, a wetness, cool and slippery and his cock entered her effortlessly, and her cunt lips covered and latched onto his smooth, taut cock head. She had lubricated herself with some oil or vaseline jelly, Vijay realized!! She expected him to come to her! She was ready and waiting.

He flopped onto her, softly. For the very first time his chest crushed hers but was cushioned by her two, soft, supple, firm tits. He jerked back and raised himself on his elbows. And he rode her.

He found himself grunting and groaning in pleasure. She heard him sigh as his rigid member entered and exited her pussy. He felt her go soft and relax, and she opened her thighs even wider and he sensed her palms on his hips, holding him lovingly, opening herself to him as he pleasured himself.

"Ah..anna..anna..ahh ahhhh! Nice.. do! Don't.. don't.. You...don''t finnish...ah..aiyo aiyo aiyo!!"

Vijay did not respond. He involuntarily dipped his head and sucked on one of her nipples. It was hard as stone. She gasped as his teeth clamped on to her and he bit her, softly at first, then harder and harder. He put his hand on her crotch and sought her clit and was rewarded when his fingers found her hard knob.

He fucked her like he did his wife - mouth latched on to a hard nipple, his hand on her clit, rubbing and teasing and his cock sliding smoothly in and out of her cunt. The moved his mouth from one tit to another. His cock felt long and hard and his thrusts were exquisitely long and pleasurable.

He did not want to stop! Sweat poured from his face onto her. Their bodies made wet, squelching sounds as they rammed into each other.. He rammed her hard, and she groaned in pleasure. They fucked in this position for a long, long time. She put her hands on his ass cheeks and signed with lust and pleasure as her fingers scratched his heavy, hard skin.

Her moans increased in frequency. He was afraid she was making too much noise.

"Shhh.. Shanth.. Thangachi (little sister).. Shhh! Quiet!!"

Her moans stopped, but she held her breath. For an unusually long time and suddenly she let go and shuddered under him. She grabbed his hips and bucked and shook. Once, and then once more and screamed softly, "Aiyoh..ahh, annn...annnnaaaaa! Aaaaahhhhhh!"

His little sister had an orgasm. With his cock still in her cunt!!

Vijay waited for a while until her breathing subsided. Then he rode her hard. Harder this time and she moaned softly in tune with his thrusts. And then his cock exploded. And he screamed softly as he flopped on her. He felt his cock contract and expand as it pumped his juice into her.

She felt streams of hot jism erupt from his cock and land somewhere in her womb. She held him till he finished. Then he quickly pulled out of her and lay down, painting and breathless. She was also breathing hard and her chest was pumping up and down.

And incredibly, as he watched her in the darkness, she put her hands between her thighs. He stared speechless as she seemed to rotate her hand on her pussy lips, and insert her fingers into her cunt. She was moaning and letting out gasps of pleasure.

His sister was masturbating! With him right next to her, just after they had fucked! Fuck!!

Then she was once again rocked by her second orgasm. And her body shook and buckled and she groaned uncontrollably as she clamped both her hands tightly on her crotch and held them in place with her thick, heavy thighs. As her orgasm subsided, she turned away from him, reached for her nightie and covered herself.


Just outside the door, Vijay's mother was rooted to the spot with her mouth open and eyes wide, her heart beating widely and rapidly. She was flushed and trembling. Why? Why? Why? Why her kids? Aiyoh!! God! What if someone finds out?

She was scared. She flopped down on the for a little away from the door and held her head in her hands and sobbed quietly. Soon, she heard the noises she dreaded coming from the room.


The light from the street lamp coming through the glass panes of the windows was sufficient for Vijay to make out the shape of Shanthi's body. He did not want to leave immediately. He watched her as she became quiet and silent, and incredibly got an erection. What the fuck? He asked himself.

He had no explanation for his subsequent actions. Without thinking he reached out and placed his hand on her ass cheek. Wow! So firm and smooth and round. With his other hand he nurtured his erect cock. He stroked her ass cheeks, squeezed them and ran his fingers up and down her ass crack.

She made to turn towards him, but her pushed her back on her stomach and mounted her. He placed his cock on her ass and rubbed it up and down. Fuck! So beautiful! The thick vein under his cock was distended and he was delirious with pleasure as he ran it up and down her ass.Fucking hell! I may come any moment now! he said to himself.

Bur Shanthi had other ideas. She pushed up against him from below, and surprised, Vijay let her position herself on her knees and spread her legs apart. Vijay did nit hesitate. He positioned himself between her legs, held on to her upraised ass cheeks. He crouched a bit and put his thick, erect penis at her crotch. She reached between her legs and held his penis. Her fingers once again played on the head of his cock as she gasped at the size and heat coming from it. There was the aroma of sex and the smell of semen and cunt juices emanating from their bodies and it was exhilarating! She pulled on his cock and he slipped into her. She was till slick and wet and warm as her cunt walls enclosed his cock on all sides.

"Aaahhh," She whispered. "Ahhhh.. it..for a long time..aahhhhhh, don't finish soon...ahhhhh!"

Vijay had fucked his wife in this position almost every time they had sex. He loved looking at his wife's asshole - deep, dark, puckered and black, with the skin surrounding it being slightly less dar, with her hair spread all over. He reveled at the sight each time and she didn't mind if he put his finger on and in her asshole.

Will Shanthi like it if he did the same to her? He wanted to find out. He placed his hand on her ass crack and ran it down and located her hole and covered it with his thumb.

"Aaahhhh," She whispered, surprised.

Viay immediately took his hand away, but she was quick to respond. "No, there...yes...aahhhh," she said as Vijay once again placed his thumb on her ass hole. She reached back and held his hand and pressed his thumb hard into her own asshole and he realized that she wanted him to penetrate her there with his fingers. He put his index finger on her hole and pushed it inside. It went in with some difficulty.

They fucked in this position for some time. The bed creaked insync with their motions. But they were oblivious to the noises, and were focussed on their act. After a while they placed themselves in the usual missionary position. She raised her legs and locked them around his hips. She clamped her hands on his ass cheeks. He latched onto her tits, and as he heard her gasp out in shock, he came quickly. She let out a contented sigh as he got off her and put on his clothes.


Their mother was in a daze. She somehow made it back to her bedroom and lay down, trembling with fear and shock, horrified at what she had heard and seen. Her own children!

Vijay was happily married. She had heard from her daughter-in-law that he kept her happy and satisfied - an euphemism for having a healthy, married, happy sex life. And Shanthi was married into a rich family and surely had a good sex life, seeing that Mahesh was a handsome, virile man.

Wait... wait.. just.. wait!!! Did her two children have sex her pregnant?!! What! NO! How horrible! Was that their plan? Was Shanthi to have her brother's child? Was Vijay going to father another child, this time with his sister? SO! That was their plan! This was how they were going to solve the problem! Shit!


As Shanthi had predicted, Mahesh arrived the next day and after a lot of chit-chat and small talk, he took Shanthi back home. There was no reason for Vijay and his family to stay now, so they too went back to their home in the big city.

Life returned to normal for most of them. But Vijay, Shanthi and their mother could not forget what had happened back home. Vijay relived those days over and over again. Oh! They ended so quickly. There was so much he wanted to do with Shanthi. His wife was a good cock sucker. He had trained her well. She was always willing to take him in her mouth. He desperately wanted to see if Shanthi would do the same. In the days right after his marriage, Vijay would go down on his wife, chew and eat out her pussy. But as he got to know her and hygiene habits she followed he stopped using his mouth on her. He had a feeling that Shanthi kept herself clean. That last day, the second time, he almost put his mouth on his sister's cunt. Oh! Why did he not do that? Fuck! He may never get the chance again. But then again, you never know - he told himself.

About a month later the news that they all were waiting for arrived. Vijay was super elated at this. It worked! Shathi was pregnant! She can still live with Mahesh, they are saved!!

The best part was that no one was the wiser. It was a secret just between the two of them!!

But how was Vijay to know what transpired back home and the conversation that Shanthi and her mother had.


Mahesh's family came down to Shanthi's parent's house with sweets and gifts to celebrate the news. Everyone was really happy and there was once again joy in the house.

But Shanthi could sense that her mother was not truly happy. She decided to stay back at her house that night and have a talk with her mother.

"What's the matter, amma? Are you not happy for me? I can see you are not...."

"No. No," her mother responded. "I am so happy. Yes. After all this time. did and know..," she trailed off.

"When did we what, amma? Are you asking when Mahesh and know..slept."

"Aiyoh!" Her mother exclaimed. "No, i," She stammered. Then she could not hold anything back. She had to ask. She had to know. "Oh! could you.. I and and Vijay..."

"AMMA!" Shanthi almost shouted, but she only hissed loudly. "What are you saying? What about anna and me?" Shanthi was filled with fear, but she hid it by shouting at her mother. Had her mother seen her and Vijay together? Did they make so much noise that she knew?!! Aiyoh! Oh my God!

Her mother did not say anything but the two women just stared at each other, each of them breathing hard, chest heaving, and red in the face. But the older woman won.

Shanthi body shook in terror and fear. Her eyes widened and she knew her mother knew. She almost fainted. Her head felt weak and she stumbled and almost fell down but she reached out and supported herself using a nearby chair.

'Aiyoh, dear child! What have you both done? It is a sin, in the eyes of god. What..what will people say, society say, if they found out! What will the child look like..will it be normal..why...why..this is so bad and shamefu...."

But Shanthi did not let her complete her sentence. She looked up defiantly at her mother. And her mother shrank back, afraid, scared and knowing fully well what she was getting into.

"Nothing is wrong mother. Nothing! Everything will be fine. I know it. I feel it. And what god are you talking about? The god in front of whom you got me married to a man who cannot give me a child. Who can only fuck but not have enough to be a father? And society? What society? The society that allows him to discard me, throw me out like a piece of garbage? To hell with everybody! My child will be like my anna, my big brother. Strong and heavy and well built. Not puny, now scrawny like my husband or my father!! I will do it again! We will do it again. I am going to have ten sons with anna. You all will see. All of you can go to hell! Fuck..Fuck...Fuck..!"

The End

जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Not sure if you have heard of this yet
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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