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Tongue Tongue

I remember someone's birthday party in the local church hall, about 1974 or so, and Chrissy and Sue were there.

Even though they were twins, Chrissy was a little shorter and a fair bit plumper than Sue, and she had darker hair. As is often the case with girls, being plumper meant she also got breasts earlier, and later as a grown woman, larger than her skinny sister. I think it was the first time I realised boys and girls grew differently.

I joined the Army just days after my eighteenth birthday and was training as a transport driver. At home on my first leave, after only having had my licence for three days, my father lent me the car. Another cousin had organised a surprise party for Christine and Susan's eighteenth birthday, at the Prince of Wales Hotel in Harcourt. Probably not really a surprise, in hindsight.

I drove cousins Willy and Jennifer to the festivities. The party was under way by the time we arrived. Chrissy and Sue were already quite tipsy.

Susan wore a flowing yellow dress that hugged her torso then billowed out to below her knees. Christine was in a white cotton minidress - sort of tight bodice and miniskirt in one. It didn't hug her form, but there was no mistaking she was all grown up now.

There was the usual raucous laughter and shenanigans that went on for hours. Susan was snogging away in a corner with a local boy, captain of the rugby team, athletic build, well-dressed - you get the picture. Chrissy looked less than pleased with the party. I was dancing with her, and leaned in to ask her why she had a long face.

"That's Ronnie Wainwright my sister is snogging. She met him through me. On a date."

I saw the problem. Her sister had stolen her date. The song ended and we sat down.

"Um, had you and Ronnie been going out long?"

"No, first date. She didn't know it was a date, but still..."

"Yeah. Look, forget him. If he did that to you he'll do it to her when the next pretty face comes along. He's a dick."

"Maybe. I was kinda hoping he'd be my first dick though."

Girls didn't usually talk like that in the '70s. I was shocked.

"Oh. Sorry." She said. "Bit tipsy. Bet you get plenty in the Army though, right?"

I blushed. "Um, no, not yet at least! Jeez Chrissy! You're a funny girl."

"Yeah. Right. The fat ones are always funny..."

"What? No I didn't mean... You're not fat Chrissy."

I didn't know how to handle this. I was an eighteen-year-old squaddie, not a relationship counsellor.

"You think I'm pretty Steve?"

"Yeah. I always thought you were."

"Rubbish. When?"

"Um, OK. Since you were the first of my cousins to get boobs!"

Then she laughed. "Oh I see. Typical boy. Thinking with your dick."

I laughed, then stopped as I felt her hand on my cock. I looked around nervously. Nobody was going to be able to see. My cousin looked straight ahead as if nothing was happening, except of course something was: My cock rose fast into her grasp.

"Ooo Stevie! Maybe you do think I'm pretty. I'm flattered. Follow me. I'm gonna give you a birthday present - on MY birthday."

I knew she was my cousin and probably a bit drunk. I didn't care. I followed her out into the laneway next to the pub, she held my hand and took me around the back and into an old stable there. The inside was bathed in the glow of a streetlamp - not glaring, but enough to see clearly.

Christine kissed me on the lips. That was my first ever tongue-kiss.

"Oh, you've never kissed a girl before?"

"Um, no."

"OK. Learn with me."

Five minutes later, her lipstick was all over my mouth and we were panting hard. I had dared to touch her breasts through her cotton dress, and she let me. But until now she hadn't touched my cock since the squeezes inside the pub.

"You ever wank off, Stevie?"

"Sure. Sometimes. You?"

I winced. Back then female masturbation was a dirty secret. Even boys wanking was considered dirty, certainly by our families.

"Yeah. Lots. You ever wanked a girl?"

"Course not."

"Good. I've never wanked a boy either. We can be each other's first."

I gulped. My voice cracked as I said "Oh, wow Chrissy. Would you?"

She nodded and smiled, turned and gestured to the zip in her dress. I fumbled it down, she wriggled and slipped out of it. I lost my nerve briefly: "What if somebody comes?"

"I'm hoping we both will. Better hurry up if you're scared of getting caught then!"

I undid the wide belt holding my flared jeans up, pulled them and my Y-fronts down, and looked sheepishly at my cousin. I had no idea how big other boys' hardons were. What if their bragging was true and nine inches really was average? I only had seven on a good day. Which this was...

"Mm, nice willy Steve. Come over here so I can rest against the straw bale."

I shuffled the few feet awkwardly with trousers around my ankles as she carefully dbangd the cotton dress over a stall rail. I could see how large her breasts were more clearly now. Her puppy fat had disappeared over the years. Those were firm, round, large - 36 inches in the old measure. I had to see them.

Croaking with a dry throat, I said: "Can I see your, er, boobs?"

"Boobs? My dad calls them boobs. You want to see my tits?"

"Yes. Tits. I want to see your tits."

"I'll do better than that. Come here. You can touch them if you want. I'll show you how."

She leaned back against the straw bale and held her arms out. I went to her, and she put my arms around her waist.

"Lift my petticoat up. Mmfh, watch my earrings!" I put it on the stall rail behind her. We were going to run out of rails to hang clothes on soon. She watched my gaze as she pulled one, then the other bra strap down her arms. Then she teased me by slowly peeling the fabric down, ever closer to the nipples I ached to see. Then she giggled, and pulled down hard so her firm tits flicked upwards: "Ta Daaa!"

I guessed she was smiling, but I only had eyes for those tits. Without thinking I reached up with both hands and touched them gingerly. It must have been quite a sight. A young man standing there with his pants around his ankles, hardon poking straight out, before him a young woman in just cotton briefs whose tits he poked and prodded at.

Chrissy put her hands over mine, saying: "Like this. Mm, see? Yeah. nice. You wanna suck?"

I leaned forwards and kissed a nipple. "Steve, lick and nibble. Suck, but don't bite, OK?"

My Army training taught me how to follow complex instructions. I learned fast, and soon she was panting. My cock was throbbing, but still waving about in the night air like a badly-handled sword. I took it a step further. I ran a hand down her pudgy stomach, my target obvious. She grabbed that hand, brought it back to her breast. I was not to be deterred and tried again.

This time she stopped me just before the waistband of her knickers, but did not remove my hand. Her mouth on mine was panting. The taste of her lipstick was everywhere. I edged my hand lower, got a finger inside the top of her waistband, and she stopped me again. She spoke into my mouth: "We can't go all the way. I'm a virgin and I'm gonna stay that way. Please don't..."

I heard her but didn't give up. Twisting my hand around I got my fingers flat against her belly and just inside her knickers. I pushed downwards. As well as travelling towards her sex, my hand also pushed her knickers down a little. Her hand resisted, but not so much, and I got all the way down inside her underwear until I was able to hook around and cup her steaming pussy. Instinct told me to rub. I did.

My cousin gasped, moaned into my mouth. The hand that had tried to stop mine let go and with it she grabbed my cock roughly.

I felt damp hairs around her minge, framing fleshy lips that moved around under my probing fingers. I found a knob near the top of the fleshy part which seemed to be sensitive to my touch. But mostly I just put fingers in her box and moved them around in her squishy.

"Oh Steve! If I did let you, would you want to?"

"Oh of course Chrissy! You're really beautiful. I mean it. Look at how excited you got me!"

She looked down at the hot fleshy rod and giggled.

"Yeah. I did that didn't I. Ooh, and can you feel how excited YOU got ME?"

"Oh yeah. Jeez Chrissy. I never felt anything like it, all hot and squishy."

"Mmm, I'm hot and soft, you're hot and hard! Oh Stevie. I think I'm gonna come soon. OK?"

"Yeah Chrissy. I never saw a girl come."

"Ooohh. You will now. Oh. Mmmh. Oh"

I felt a new flush of wetness as my cousin's fleshy pussy convulsed against my invading fingers. Despite the sensations she gave me with her hand on my cock, I was fascinated. I saw her face glow, even in the dark, and her features clenched a bit as her thighs rippled.

Perhaps my shyness and fascination was the reason I hadn't spurted already. But now as Chrissy's orgasm faded, mine began.

"Oh shit Chrissy. Watch out!"

She scooted to the side and pulled my dick. My legs quivered as I jetted my spunk out and over the ground, over her hand, and up in the air. Thankfully none fell into my underwear or on my jeans. Looking down when I was spent, Chrissy's hand on my cock was glistening in the streetlight with a coating of my spunk. She was giggling.

"Good one Steve! Wow! Er, I need to..."

"Use some hay."

"Oh yeah. She wiped my come off into the hay. We were careful not to step in it as we giglled back into our clothes. I felt like Jack The Lad - I'd just made a girl come and she'd wanked me off. A fine night's entertainment. But as I strutted back up the lane with my lovely cousin, she brought me back to earth: "Steve. You can't go back in."

"Why not?"

"Because you've got 'Hot Pink' glossy lipstick all over your face. I can sneak in the back to the ladies and fix my makeup - You go round the back. There's an old outside loo where you can wash it off first. I'll see you inside."

The rest of the evening went like any other birthday party, except for the hot glances between me and my cousin, trying not to be obvious. Oh, and the little scene her twin made with Ronnie Wainwright. I was sitting next to Chrissy when it happened. Voices were raised, and over the din of the pub we heard: "You bastard! How could you say that? Piss off!"

He protested but Susan had half a dozen male cousins close by - their stares persuaded him and he left in a huff. Susan slumped next to Christine on the other side from me.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going out with him? I wouldn't have..."

"Yeah I know Suze. I know you wouldn't have. It's OK though."
"You know what that asswiper said? 'I wish you had tits like your sister'. What an asswiper."

They walked towards the bar. Chrissy looked over her shoulder at me. I saw nobody was looking so I gestured towards my groin, held a clenched fist up to show I was hard again, then spread my arms in a way to say 'And what am I supposed to do now?'

I saw her giggle from across the pub. She mouthed a word. I was sure it was "Later!"
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