Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - part III
(10-12-2024, 01:06 PM)RCF Wrote: This story is giving me jitters. Every character is behaving against their nature and the progress of story is good but no significant milestones, so with 4-5 episodes for end of this series things doesn't seem like they escalated much. Krish confirmed in his message earlier that the story is coming to an end and he has made up his mind about the ending. 90% of readers want happy ending as earlier finish but I thought that was only possible if the couple get separated around episode 43-44 so they will have time to sort out the issues, feelings and insecurities but since they did not part ways now my fear is obviously for the ending that I would hate.

The reason I called this episode as brilliant because it felt like a race between tortoise and Hare fable. Hare always thinks its ahead of the game and game is with its reach and it can win whenever it wants to win.
Tortoise is making steady progress and knows it goal and has plans for everything. It trusts its instincts and believes in being relentless in pursuing the goal and also believes in never give up attitude.
Hare is just complacent that it possess the speed(Marriage & Love) and it can win the race(Meera) and all it needs to do is put the foot down and run but will it run or sleep under the tree(Cuckold nature) thinking speed will save the race and will win it for him.
So we know who is Hare and who is Tortoise here. Unfortunately for this story we thought good side is Hare unlike in the fable but are we sure anymore? Is there any good left in anybody in this tale?

Lines are blurred, morals compromised , feelings out and ugly, desperation at peaks. Who is craving for love here? No one but Desai.

Yes its true..
She doesn't care about her love any more, she gave into cravings of her body more and its on her mind all the time. She says when ever Desai is in town she is struggling to face him and forget him but the truth is he is on her mind always whether he is in town or not. Its hurting to even think and imagine Meera like this and this part made her into completely different person, its like she lost herself in this bodily pleasures that life itself has no meaning other than fuck like rabbits all the time.
Nidhi being young is much better or maybe not because Desai is not pursing her so we will never know it. If she has problem with Krish in bed then she should address those issues herself, talk through them and give confidence to Krish. Instead she is fighting her own demons and ignoring the glaring problem which is making her crave for Desai more. This is second instance where we do not know Meera's stand on affair with Desai. Earlier Krish did not ask if she would tell him if he is not at home so we didn't know if she would have kept it secret or not. Now we again are at that crossroads where Krish knows about their secret arrangement but we don't know if Meera will reveal it to Krish or not.  Perfect cliffhanger again.
I do not think Author would make Krish invite Desai into the house anymore as it will get repetitive as we saw those 3 under the same house million times so would that mean Meera will cheat Krish outside? If yes then what happened to her love? If that happens then we can come to an agreement that Meera has indeed changed and Desai has become important for her than Krish.

Krish is equally messy with his feelings, he is torn between his weakness for fantasies and his fear of losing Meera, Usually one of those should be predominant but in Krish's case he has not control on both of those feelings. When things escalate he gives into his cravings but once he sees or hears something that threatens his position as a husband he regrets. This has been going on this whole part. He is always torn between between his fantasies and fear of losing her. Though it should have stopped the moment he knew Desai is in love with his wife but yet he did not change himself nor he tried to find solution for his wife's obsession. Instead he is still giving into his cuckold nature. People here are mad at waiting for a train to stop at a station that would never come. Krish taking control of his life and taking head on Desai would never happen, Despite knowing that his wife is craving Desai's company more than being with him at this moment we do not see any anguish in him which can kill his dumbness and cucky nature. He is the same man who jerks on his wife's moans from other bedroom. Frankly when I first read the episode where he is hiding in the shelf and he saw that his wife for the first time pat into Desai mouth, I thought he would realize how bad his situation is in his life but now we saw the same thing second time and still he is thinking of inviting Desai to his home so that they don't start meeting outside. What kind of madness drive people into his dumb behavior. Would anybody dare to question him if he walks into that room and drag Desai and throw him out of the house for confessing his love to Meera? Voice recorder is a tiny matter when it comes to Desai pouring his heart out. He should question his wife's intention in giving into Desai's cravings despite knowing that he loves her. She has to decide if she wants Krish or Desai. Of course all this would happen if you are not Krish but alas we only know one krish and he is dumbfuck. He screws himself and he doesn't need anybody for that in his life. Maybe he needs to know more about himself than about his wife.

So who here is truly expressing love? Isn't it Desai? Whether its fabricated or genuine at this point we do not care, we only see what Author is trying to show us and its being portrayed as he is a changed man and changed for Meera and desperate for her love, like truly obsessed. There's two possibilities here
1. Lets take a guess that Desai knows about recorder and that's the reason he was taking Krish's side in the bedroom. He was indirectly manipulating krish into thinking that he cares about him and he is not trying to take her away from him, at the same time he is confessing his love for her, making her realize that he is one woman man now and he is extremely jealous of her when she is with krish while our Krish is jerking his wad next bedroom which usually Meera despises. See the glaring difference between the game of Hare and Tortoise. One is always focused on his goal. When will Meera fall for him? He has been making brownie points one meeting after another trying to make an impression that she is everything to him. Meera at one point despite Desai living under same house never gave him a chance because her husband is bedridden and cannot participate in their game , same Meera now talking about meeting outside or keeping affair secret. Isn't she a changed woman?
2. Desai doesn't know about recorder and he genuinely cares about both of them but then what is his plan? He wants Meera for sure and if not like his wife at least like a lover with an arrangement with Krish. What's stopping him from taking Meera away from Krish? is it really his caring about Krish? I do not think so for a second because he said in this episode he is ready to marry her, so then its about the consent from Meera is exactly what's stopping from taking Meera away from Krish. Meera still hangs on to Krish and wants her marriage to work despite her cravings for Desai. So how will Desai triumph that and try to get Meera. His only option is amplify that cravings into desperation.He is doing exactly that and leaving no stone turned when he gets a chance with her alone.He is pushing her to meet again secretly to make her crave for him more and more.

So my fear of the inevitable ending is getting bigger and bigger. We are in 47th chapter and i still with out making it look like unreal, cannot see how Krish and Meera can find answer for Desai in next 4 chapters. Instead couple are giving into their cravings more and more like drug addicts and Hare is still under the tree while tortoise is near the end line.


I cnt understand you and many others readerders opinion as per your opinion happy ending means Meera and Krish ka puanarmilan but I think Meera and Krish totaly different so why are you bother ki they leave together i think it's much better they leave to geather separation Desai ho na ho krish must leave Meera fir his life
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(10-12-2024, 07:02 PM)Paul5 Wrote: I cnt understand you and many others readerders opinion as per your opinion happy ending means Meera and Krish ka puanarmilan but I think Meera and Krish totaly different so why are you bother ki they leave together i think it's much better they leave to geather separation Desai ho na ho krish must leave Meera fir his life

Because Krish and Meera are the main characters , the story is about them. Its called Knowing My Wife and Knowing Me , not Knowing My Ex-Wife and Knowing Me. The story can go either way , there is still possibility for a happy or a sad ending.
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(10-12-2024, 07:02 PM)Paul5 Wrote: I cnt understand you and many others readerders opinion as per your opinion happy ending means Meera and Krish ka puanarmilan but I think Meera and Krish totaly different so why are you bother ki they leave together i think it's much better they leave to geather separation Desai ho na ho krish must leave Meera fir his life

Simply because they love each other. I as of now did not see Meera confessing her love for Desai and saying she now loves him more than Krish. Krish as always loves Meera a lot. So it would make sense for a people who love each other end up with each other otherwise there is no story. Meera ending up with Desai is only valid if she truly loves him more than Krish and would be only reason when krish will leave her for ever else he will continue to pursue her like in Part 2 with out moving on in his life.

So that mystery on true feelings of Meera are yet to be revealed. She has to share why she craves Desai so much and why she cannot stop him from having his way with her, If it is just pleasure on bed then it would show Meera as shallow and selfish person but if its more than than then we it needs to be revealed.

Any ending whether Meera decides to put a stop to this and tries to change herself and Krish or She parts ways with Krish and ends up with Desai , both cases it should be for valid reasons for all 3 characters not Meera alone.
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In the latest update, the storyline hasn't moved forward much, but some things are becoming clearer:

1. Desai and Meera have both opened up to each other. They enjoy each other's company and the physical relationship, so neither is ready to end things.

2. They want to keep their relationship hidden from Krish. Desai wants to keep everything secret, while Meera wants to hide future encounters.

3. Desai, being clever, likely discovered the microphone in the room, either through thru the app or on his own while everyone was asleep. I suspect he found it using the app, showed it to Meera, and asked her to speak contrary to the finding. They will likely use this to trap, insult, and humiliate Krish in the future; like the last update in the now deleted ending..

4. Krish hasn't changed much. He sends Meera to Desai, enjoys listening to their intimate moments, satisfies himself, and then laments losing Meera, life, and everything else. He is expected to repeat this behavior.

5. Meera and Krish are unlikely to be honest with each other, and Desai will benefit the most. Meera had a chance to change her ways when Krish caught them last time, but she seems emboldened by Krish's forgiveness and his sending her to Desai now. Meera's chance for redemption is lost.

The best outcome for Krish would be returning to the status quo before he fell from the window while spying. In that scenario, he and Meera would live as a couple, and Meera would be with Desai whenever he visits. However, given the current situation, Krish would need incredible luck to return to that state. I'm anticipating a significant move from Desai.

The author seems to be leading towards Meera leaving Krish in a more convincing manner than before. Nidhi's episode is now less significant as Meera has forgiven Desai, and Nidhi seems to be enjoying those moments. Krish has his own affair with Maithrei. No one seems to be considering their life, desires, morality, or honesty.

I believe Krish's best future might be with Parvati ;)
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It has turned as a story which a boat goes asper the wind, same old theme, instead meera can leave Krish and go with Desai who is her bull, her theory eat her and the cake also, And make her husband a fool ana a willing cuck
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(10-12-2024, 08:52 PM)bineeshm Wrote: In the latest update, the storyline hasn't moved forward much, but some things are becoming clearer:

1. Desai and Meera have both opened up to each other. They enjoy each other's company and the physical relationship, so neither is ready to end things.

2. They want to keep their relationship hidden from Krish. Desai wants to keep everything secret, while Meera wants to hide future encounters.

3. Desai, being clever, likely discovered the microphone in the room, either through thru the app or on his own while everyone was asleep. I suspect he found it using the app, showed it to Meera, and asked her to speak contrary to the finding. They will likely use this to trap, insult, and humiliate Krish in the future; like the last update in the now deleted ending..

4. Krish hasn't changed much. He sends Meera to Desai, enjoys listening to their intimate moments, satisfies himself, and then laments losing Meera, life, and everything else. He is expected to repeat this behavior.

5. Meera and Krish are unlikely to be honest with each other, and Desai will benefit the most. Meera had a chance to change her ways when Krish caught them last time, but she seems emboldened by Krish's forgiveness and his sending her to Desai now. Meera's chance for redemption is lost.

The best outcome for Krish would be returning to the status quo before he fell from the window while spying. In that scenario, he and Meera would live as a couple, and Meera would be with Desai whenever he visits. However, given the current situation, Krish would need incredible luck to return to that state. I'm anticipating a significant move from Desai.

The author seems to be leading towards Meera leaving Krish in a more convincing manner than before. Nidhi's episode is now less significant as Meera has forgiven Desai, and Nidhi seems to be enjoying those moments. Krish has his own affair with Maithrei. No one seems to be considering their life, desires, morality, or honesty.

I believe Krish's best future might be with Parvati ;)

I disagree to some but there is definitely a setup that looks like Meera might end up leaving Krish. But judging by that scenario a lot of things can go wrong. Lets see it through each character's perspective.

Krish : If Meera does leave Krish , he will obviously be devastated. But that would also open up the reality on him that he has a problem , his cuckolding kink has always ruined his relation with the women in his life. Ananya went away from him when she learned of his kink , and now Meera might do the same. That would open up the notion for Krish to either ruin himself completely and become a shell of a man or he takes it as a motivation and works on himself and becomes a better man and lives life to his contempt. But still he will be living a life devoid of his Meera , the woman he used to love unconditionally. 

Meera : If Meera does go away from Krish with Desai , he will treat her as a queen. She won't be needing a desk job , she will be a full blown house-wife living under his comfort and care like an obedient wife. But that will also completely change the Meera we know. She will not be the same dominant and strong minded Meera that stood my Krish in hard times and faced the storm. Every quality regarding her will fade away. Eventually Meera will fall apart and she will be just a walking sex-toy for Desai for his enjoyment. Her life of freedom and self identity will be reduced to be Mrs. Meera Desai , wife of Susheel Desai. His mansion and his interests will be her life for the future. And that might look like a lottery to some women , but it will end Meera the woman that married Krish.

Desai : If Desai does take Meera away , what he does with her depends on the love he has for her , could it surpass Krish's affection and feelings? Maybe , possibly. But till now , we know Desai as a manipulator in the past , he never gave up on what he wants and his cravings for Meera is definitely there. He claims he never has sex with anyone else since Meera except for the Nidhi incident. Now even that is on face value since we don't know whether he is saying true or not. But there is another factor in the story that was revealed in the chapter. Desai doesn't simply want to have fun and romance Meera , he wants to do it in Krish's presence. He wants Krish to know what he is doing , basically saying he wants to be the bull in their marriage. Desai wants Krish to accept that he is a cuckold , something Krish still is not willing to accept. Now given that scenario , I don't think he plans to take Meera away from Krish because even though he loves Meera , he also wants Krish to be there. There is a good chance that even if Desai takes Meera away , he won't feel that urge with Meera because he no longer has Krish's presence to feel better for himself. And that doesn't bode well for Meera's future.

We have now a somewhat clear picture of what each character wants for the future and one contradicts the other. If Meera leaving Krish is indeed the future then I want Krish and his character alone to have a satisfying and happy ending. Something in the lines of his business booming and he is becoming a successful man in his own right. I don't want a KABIR SINGH in Krish where he lives a life of hearbreak and turmoil when Meera leaves him but rather reinvents himself and live a life where he focuses more on his ambitions and goals than bickering about his past.
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Now ma is result par pahincha hoo became I was allso in trapp why are we all wasting to think about end of the story here is no any pic or novel in which me maker or author has allready given end but in this case it's ongoing story so here's all in the hand of author any time he can shifted this story so many ways he is totly free to do this so why are we bother about end read and enjoy this story
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ssuupperrbbb,,,,but short update,,, not any process to story,,,

and in advance congratulate 200 pages,, 4000 comments
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We would like to know when the next chapter will come Krish? Alteast a date would be good.
[+] 1 user Likes Harry Jordan's post
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(10-12-2024, 08:52 PM)bineeshm Wrote: In the latest update, the storyline hasn't moved forward much, but some things are becoming clearer:

1. Desai and Meera have both opened up to each other. They enjoy each other's company and the physical relationship, so neither is ready to end things.

2. They want to keep their relationship hidden from Krish. Desai wants to keep everything secret, while Meera wants to hide future encounters.

3. Desai, being clever, likely discovered the microphone in the room, either through thru the app or on his own while everyone was asleep. I suspect he found it using the app, showed it to Meera, and asked her to speak contrary to the finding. They will likely use this to trap, insult, and humiliate Krish in the future; like the last update in the now deleted ending..

4. Krish hasn't changed much. He sends Meera to Desai, enjoys listening to their intimate moments, satisfies himself, and then laments losing Meera, life, and everything else. He is expected to repeat this behavior.

5. Meera and Krish are unlikely to be honest with each other, and Desai will benefit the most. Meera had a chance to change her ways when Krish caught them last time, but she seems emboldened by Krish's forgiveness and his sending her to Desai now. Meera's chance for redemption is lost.

The best outcome for Krish would be returning to the status quo before he fell from the window while spying. In that scenario, he and Meera would live as a couple, and Meera would be with Desai whenever he visits. However, given the current situation, Krish would need incredible luck to return to that state. I'm anticipating a significant move from Desai.

The author seems to be leading towards Meera leaving Krish in a more convincing manner than before. Nidhi's episode is now less significant as Meera has forgiven Desai, and Nidhi seems to be enjoying those moments. Krish has his own affair with Maithrei. No one seems to be considering their life, desires, morality, or honesty.

I believe Krish's best future might be with Parvati ;)

1. Only Desai opened up, Meera is still playing game as talked with Krish. She is obviously moved by Desai's confession of love and has soft feelings for him but she did not open how she is feeling about this affair. She is in a confused state where she has feelings for Desai which are strong enough for her to not be able to resist him and she is not liking it, at the same time she is aware of her problems with krish in her marriage despite love for each other.

2. We do not know yet whether Meera agreed to keep it secret or not. She obviously said no and do not call her, but its true she will take calls if he is in town but would they meet secretly or if she will tell Krish is yet to be known.

3. Meera will never do conspiracy against Krish and humiliate him. Its not in her character to degrade Krish. So whatever Desai planned if he indeed saw recorder is his own plan without Meera's involvement. Though its irrelevant at this point whether Desai found recorder or not. If he did, why did he not show it to Meera when its clear that it will further make Meera dislike Krish? It will only add it to his advantage. By keeping it a secret would he blackmail Krish into agreeing to their secret affair? Yet to be seen but I do not think there would be further plot on recorder.

4. Krish's behavior is as expected. He won't stop until he loses everything.

5. Imagine you are chain smoker and you are pushed into a room full of smoke and cigarettes. That's the state Meera is in at the time when they returned from the wedding. She has been fighting Desai with all her will and keeping him at bay, so when Krish asked her to sort it out in that room and even if they both slip up and sleep its fine, wouldn't the chain smoker grab that opportunity with both hands. So I would not blame her for this mishap rather on Krish for poor planning.

Questions that we need to ask now

What is the significance of Krish sleeping with Maithrei to the plot?
Is there any more plot line with voice recorder? Is there any more plot line for Piyush, Nidhi or Parvathi?
Would there be a secret affair between Desai and Meera? Is Meera that desperate? I do not think so but lets see.
Who can stop Desai when the couple themselves cannot stop their cravings?
Will Krish leave Meera or other way round? 

My prediction based on subtle hint in this episode is Meera will marry Desai at the end of this part, Desai will become Krish and Krish will become Desai. There will be a part 4 but that's just my prediction. If series ends this part and both Meera and Krish are together I will be more happy but doesn't look like it based on my earlier thoughts that they should have already parted ways if they would come back together.

[+] 1 user Likes RCF's post
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Krish bosss 

This stories not ending 55 update 

Is more long stories krish please. New year continue stories 2025

Total 100 update 
thriller fantasy hard update boss

Enjoy life?Long struggle in life with success your foot 
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When will next update will be upload??
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I do not think Krish is thinking or planning to have an affair with Meithrei or Parvathi, now or later.

In the penultimate episode, Krish, - while talking to himself - hinted that he feels satisfaction in getting back at Desai in this way by having sexual intercourse with the women who had an affair with Desai in the past. 
More so, there could be a sexual romp with Nidhi as it is known that she had sex with Desai and is now for Krish to conquer.

On the other hand, Krish should quickly shed this lethargy and rigidity as he must now realize (after overhearing the conversation between Meera and Desai) that his relationship, perhaps his marriage too, is hanging on a thin rope that can snap anytime.

He must realize (that continuing like this!) will lead to a final break between him and Meera...

What Meera and Desai have is not just occasional sex, it is now an obsession - even though she keeps assuring him that she loves him more than anything and that with Desai it is just sex and she is not thinking of separation because she cannot imagine a future without him (Krish) -.etc. etc. 

He should talk about her obsession, about her inability to stay away from Desai's cock. 
He needs to talk to her about it without attacking her directly, but he needs to point out his annoyance at it. 
He has to act soberly and rationally and come up with a new strategy to end the whole thing and banish Desai from his house and bed. 

He needs to take the initiative to make things right.

And quickly...

Otherwise it's over for good.

In this sense
All the best

[+] 1 user Likes Lollobionda's post
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Krish must let Meera go, it is clear that their relationship lacks the passion that Desai and Meera have. Meera is no longer confiding with Krish and is hiding things with Krish . She did not dismiss Desai's professing of love and even was ok with him calling her and may be having a romp behind Krish's back.
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To every commentor in this forum , I would like to recommend a movie to all of you . The movie is called Territorio 2020 ( Closed Quarters 2020 in english) which is a foreign language film and one of the best films to explore the concept of "cuckolding" , but the crazy part is the character in the movie is not exactly a cuckold. The movie is about a couple who wants to have a baby but the husband finds out he is infertile , so in desperation the husband does the crazy idea of having the wife sleep with his new friend and that ends up being the worst thing he could do. His friend ends up impregnating her but that only draws her closer to him , the husband witnesses them having sex in secret thus making him a cuckold but he too doesn't accept it. The guy starts to dominate the husband and the movie culminates with the wife leaving the husband with the friend.

Now the crazy part in this story is that the husband is the one that is financially stable , the new friend that fucks the wife is an immigrant worker and is struggling in life. The guy often humiliates the husband and dominates him , he even sells the things in the couple's house outside to make quick bucks. The husband later finds out that the wife is aware of his activities and is making up excuses in her mind. She is basically completely surrenders her heart and body to this new guy. Crazily the wife in the end tells the husband "You chose him" basically telling him he is responsible for all of this. The husband ends up manning up and telling her that the new guy is part of her life now and not him. She eventually leaves the house with the new guy and the husband ends up burning the baby carriage he built for the future.

What is sad in that movie is that it is very clear the wife made the stupidest decision ever by leaving with a guy that cannot even support himself. The future for her is pretty grim considering the choice she took , most importantly she was pregnant and she went with a man with no support and earnings at a time when a woman needs support and comfort the most. Seeing the wife in that movie makes me think of Meera in this story. Just imagine if Desai is not genuine with his feelings and he is still thinking Meera like another conquest. The way the wife swoons over the guy in the movie makes me understand why would Meera be more involved with Desai , he is giving her things that she never got with Krish. Now there is a mountain of a difference between Krish and the husband in the movie , the husband only wants his wife to fuck the guy so that she can get pregnant and they can have a baby , he isn't interested in cuckolding or any other kind of sexual pleasure. Just this simplle notion that he wants a baby to start a family with his wife with the help of this guy. But the guy ends up dominating him and the wife sees him as the better man.

The way this story progresses makes me feel like it will be a similar ending to what the movie had which I am not a big fan of. Because the man ends up alone and with an empty house with no family or anything. Also keep in mind that his descend to madness began when he found out he was infertile , which is how his mind made up the crazy idea of having his wife get impregnated by his friend. At the end of the movie , all the lives are ruined and it gives a dark situation where nobody wins. I don't want that ending for Krish , which is why I say , if Krish is indeed going to loose Meera and Meera one day chooses Desai. I want Krish to have a happy ending of his own , I don't want him to be a heartbroken fragile man sitting in his empty house contemplating his kinks and decisions and crying about Meera leaving him. If she does leaves Krish , I want Krish so see that as a motivation and develop himself to be better and make the vow in life that he won't do the same mistakes in his past and become a better and successful man. I don't care if the overall story has a good or bad ending. But I definitely want Krish's ending to be a good one , because after all the turmoil in this series since part I and part II , he deserves a high note in his life. I want him to be successful and be contempt in life. Hell do it in an epilogue and show us years later Krish is old but runs a business empire now that started with VSS (Vicky Security Services) and is now at peace with himself. Whether he has Meera with him or not. I want him sitting in a lawnchair watching the sunset from his mansion saying it was worth it.

I know sounds very filmy but I am a sucker for that kind of ending. I don't want that cuckold stays loser ending. Krish ain't a full cuckold , he can be better. He can be a Will Smith!
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(11-12-2024, 08:48 AM)Harry Jordan Wrote: To every commentor in this forum ,  I would like to recommend a movie to all of you . The movie is called Territorio 2020 ( Closed Quarters 2020 in english) which is a foreign language film and one of the best films to explore the concept of "cuckolding" , but the crazy part is the character in the movie is not exactly a cuckold. The movie is about a couple who wants to have a baby but the husband finds out he is infertile ,  so in desperation the husband does the crazy idea of having the wife sleep with his new friend and that ends up being the worst thing he could do. His friend ends up impregnating her but that only draws her closer to him , the husband witnesses them having sex in secret thus making him a cuckold but he too doesn't accept it. The guy starts to dominate the husband and the movie culminates with the wife leaving the husband with the friend.

Now the crazy part in this story is that the husband is the one that is financially stable , the new friend that fucks the wife is an immigrant worker and is struggling in life. The guy often humiliates the husband and dominates him , he even sells the things in the couple's house outside to make quick bucks. The husband later finds out that the wife is aware of his activities and is making up excuses in her mind. She is basically completely surrenders her heart and body to this new guy. Crazily the wife in the end tells the husband "You chose him" basically telling him he is responsible for all of this. The husband ends up manning up and telling her that the new guy is part of her life now and not him. She eventually leaves the house with the new guy and the husband ends up burning the baby carriage he built  for the future.

What is sad in that movie is that it is very clear the wife made the stupidest decision ever by leaving with a guy that cannot even support himself. The future for her is pretty grim considering the choice she took. And seeing that movie makes me think of Meera in this story. Just imagine if Desai is not genuine with his feelings and he is still thinking Meera like another conquest. The way the wife swoons over the guy in the movie makes me understand why would Meera be more involved with Desai , he is giving her things that she never got with Krish. Now there is a mountain of a difference between Krish and the husband in the movie , the husband only wants his wife to fuck the guy so that she can get pregnant and they can have a baby , he isn't interested in cuckolding or any other kind of sexual pleasure. Just this simplle notion that he wants a baby to start a family with his wife with the help of this guy. But the guy ends up dominating him and the wife sees him as the better man.

The way this story progresses makes me feel like it will be a similar ending to what the movie had which I am not a big fan of. Because the man ends up alone and with an empty house with no family or anything. Also keep in mind that his descend to madness began when he found out he was infertile , which is how his mind made up the crazy idea of having his wife get impregnated by his friend. At the end of the movie , all the lives are ruined and it gives a dark situation where nobody wins. I don't want that ending for Krish , which is why I say , if Krish is indeed going to loose Meera and Meera one day chooses Desai. I want Krish to have a happy ending of his own , I don't want him to be a heartbroken fragile man sitting in his empty house contemplating his kinks and decisions and crying about Meera leaving him. If she does leaves Krish , I want Krish so see that as a motivation and develop himself to be better and make the vow in life that he won't do the same mistakes in his past and become a better and successful man. I don't care if the overall story has a good or bad ending. But I definitely want Krish's ending to be a good one , because after all the turmoil in this series since part I and part II , he deserves a high note in his life. I want him to be successful and be contempt in life. Hell do it in an epilogue and show us years later Krish is old but runs a business empire now that started with VSS (Vicky Security Services) and is now at peace with himself. Whether he has Meera with him or not. I want him sitting in a lawnchair watching the sunset from his mansion saying it was worth it.

I know sounds very filmy but I am a sucker for that kind of ending. I don't want that cuckold stays loser ending. Krish ain't a full cuckold , he can be better. He can be a Will Smith!

Yes I am fully agree with you i allso want if Meera leave Krish live another wife to live happily with his family
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(11-12-2024, 09:10 AM)Paul5 Wrote: Yes I am fully agree with you i allso want if Meera leave Krish live another wife to live happily with his family

Definitely , Meera's separation should be an eye opener for Krish and he will completely erase the 'cuckold' kink from his life and reinvent himself. If there is no ending where Meera and Krish are together , then I atleast want a happy ending for Krish's character , because I don't want Krish to suffer the same fate of every Cuckold stories where the cuckold becomes the looser and lives a life of misery. If Meera is indeed gone from his life , he should see it as a lesson and become better.
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(11-12-2024, 08:48 AM)Harry Jordan Wrote: To every commentor in this forum ,  I would like to recommend a movie to all of you . The movie is called Territorio 2020 ( Closed Quarters 2020 in english) which is a foreign language film and one of the best films to explore the concept of "cuckolding" , but the crazy part is the character in the movie is not exactly a cuckold. The movie is about a couple who wants to have a baby but the husband finds out he is infertile ,  so in desperation the husband does the crazy idea of having the wife sleep with his new friend and that ends up being the worst thing he could do. His friend ends up impregnating her but that only draws her closer to him , the husband witnesses them having sex in secret thus making him a cuckold but he too doesn't accept it. The guy starts to dominate the husband and the movie culminates with the wife leaving the husband with the friend.

Now the crazy part in this story is that the husband is the one that is financially stable , the new friend that fucks the wife is an immigrant worker and is struggling in life. The guy often humiliates the husband and dominates him , he even sells the things in the couple's house outside to make quick bucks. The husband later finds out that the wife is aware of his activities and is making up excuses in her mind. She is basically completely surrenders her heart and body to this new guy. Crazily the wife in the end tells the husband "You chose him" basically telling him he is responsible for all of this. The husband ends up manning up and telling her that the new guy is part of her life now and not him. She eventually leaves the house with the new guy and the husband ends up burning the baby carriage he built  for the future.

What is sad in that movie is that it is very clear the wife made the stupidest decision ever by leaving with a guy that cannot even support himself. The future for her is pretty grim considering the choice she took , most importantly she was pregnant and she went with a man with no support and earnings at a time when a woman needs support and comfort the most. Seeing the wife in that movie makes me think of Meera in this story. Just imagine if Desai is not genuine with his feelings and he is still thinking Meera like another conquest. The way the wife swoons over the guy in the movie makes me understand why would Meera be more involved with Desai , he is giving her things that she never got with Krish. Now there is a mountain of a difference between Krish and the husband in the movie , the husband only wants his wife to fuck the guy so that she can get pregnant and they can have a baby , he isn't interested in cuckolding or any other kind of sexual pleasure. Just this simplle notion that he wants a baby to start a family with his wife with the help of this guy. But the guy ends up dominating him and the wife sees him as the better man.

The way this story progresses makes me feel like it will be a similar ending to what the movie had which I am not a big fan of. Because the man ends up alone and with an empty house with no family or anything. Also keep in mind that his descend to madness began when he found out he was infertile , which is how his mind made up the crazy idea of having his wife get impregnated by his friend. At the end of the movie , all the lives are ruined and it gives a dark situation where nobody wins. I don't want that ending for Krish , which is why I say , if Krish is indeed going to loose Meera and Meera one day chooses Desai. I want Krish to have a happy ending of his own , I don't want him to be a heartbroken fragile man sitting in his empty house contemplating his kinks and decisions and crying about Meera leaving him. If she does leaves Krish , I want Krish so see that as a motivation and develop himself to be better and make the vow in life that he won't do the same mistakes in his past and become a better and successful man. I don't care if the overall story has a good or bad ending. But I definitely want Krish's ending to be a good one , because after all the turmoil in this series since part I and part II , he deserves a high note in his life. I want him to be successful and be contempt in life. Hell do it in an epilogue and show us years later Krish is old but runs a business empire now that started with VSS (Vicky Security Services) and is now at peace with himself. Whether he has Meera with him or not. I want him sitting in a lawnchair watching the sunset from his mansion saying it was worth it.

I know sounds very filmy but I am a sucker for that kind of ending. I don't want that cuckold stays loser ending. Krish ain't a full cuckold , he can be better. He can be a Will Smith!

Krish getting happy ending with out Meera will not happen and would look superficial and if it happens it won't be a perfect ending. Krish living his life on a high note means he gets his love back not choosing some successful life over Meera and living peacefully. I would though want him to change his ways on cuckold nature. Either that or Meera accepts Krish as is and they enjoy life with adventures and both of them are good with that kind of life.

We always read only POV from Krish and we know in and out how that guys thinks, He has his weakness and perverted fantasies but at the end of the day even in those fantasies he only has Meera for himself. He never could imagine his life with out Meera. He is the guy who if loses Meera can become 100 times more desperate than Desai, we have seen that phase in part 2. I am 100% positive that couple will end up with each other and reconcile their love but whether its in this part or if there is another one I do not know. In my opinion this story is lost cause if couple ends up parting ways and that's final ending. I would just discard this part and keep the pdf of old ending lol

Anyways lets see how Krish comes up with a plan to solve his problems.

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Next update kab ayega brother krish clps
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When is the next update coming Krish?
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