Romance An Old Debt has to be salir
(16-10-2024, 10:24 PM)Lollobionda Wrote: Wow ... Al Pacino (Meena, you bella regazza, you amaze me!)

As half Italian, half German (Italian father, German mother), I adore Al Pacino. 
I am a big fan of his...

Besides Al Pacino, I am also a big fan of Adriano Celentano. I like his style as an actor, but especially his music.

I will give Jalal the tip; 
Al Pacino's ‘Sent Of A Women’ from 1992, in which he even won the Oscar for best leading actor for his role 
as Frank Slade, until his date (Friday) with Meena 
(probably without Nadir, as he will be very late and tired from the hospital due to a complicated and 
time-consuming case) to see. 

A tango with Meena would melt a lot of ice...

I am curious to see if Jalal will be able to charm Meena like Frank Slade charmed Christine Downes in the movie...

In this sense
All the best


As a movie lover, I have to say that we, Meena and me, have seen the film „Sent of a woman“ with Al Pacino 
from 1992 many times.
Meena especially loves the dance scene. She watches this scene now and then on YouTube. Meena has been an 
enthusiastic amateur dancer since she was a child, unlike me. This topic will be discussed in more detail in the next 
2 or three parts of the story, coincidentally.

But apart from that, I have to mention the Italian primary version that was used for the remake in the USA, 
the movie named "Profumo di donna" and produced in 1972 Italy, directed by Dino Risi, based on a 
story by Giovanni Arpino , „Il buio e il miele“. Dino Risi and the leading actor Vittorio Gassman won for this movie 
some film-awards in France and Italy.

I love this primary version too.

But back to our story: It will come and is an important factor in the next parts of the story but 
I can only reveal just now, that Jalal is an old dance master... 
This has nothing to do with Al Pacino or the film but it is an interesting coincidence that 
you have brought up this topic.

Health & Happiness,

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Lovely update.
The way things are unfolding is masterful! I love how the tension is slowly but surely rising.
[+] 1 user Likes Blackdick11's post
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Dear friends,

This is the tenth installment of this chapter of our story about old Jalal Noori, the pond master and my beautiful Meena...

The next update comes some days later...

Please do not forget to write and send your emotions, 

your comments and even your criticism,

I appreciate all,


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The Pond Master-10

Friday evening, we followed Jalal's invitation. When we arrived, we 
noticed that it was a rather special, expensive club-restaurant. 

Jalal was already there and greeted us.

I noted that he knows the place very well. We later found out that, it is his 
regular restaurant, and the chief who was owner of restaurant, is a close 
friend of him.

We had a round table, Meena wanted to watch the dance floor, 
so I had to sit opposite her. 

Jalal sat next to her. During the meal Jalal was very 
attentive to Meena I could hear his voice as he chatted, with my wife. 

I could hear him, but I couldn't understand what he was saying. 
The music was a bit too loud.

Jalal drank about three glasses of wine before and during dinner. 
I realized that he was a little drunk when he started more or less 
flirting verbally with Meena.

I could tell my wife was captivated as he regaled her with a string 
of stories and anecdotes about all sorts of things. 

From time to time, I noticed him leaning in and whispering in a 
conspiratorial manner into Meena's ear. 

He also placed his hand on hers from time to time, for a very 
short moment, and I was very surprised at his flattery and 
flirting with Meena.

At some point after the meal had finished a band struck up and 
various couples headed for the dance floor. 
I am a reluctant dancer and Meena knew this always. 

I noticed Meena staring wistfully at those dancing.  
I knew she likes to dance. 

I had to leave for some minutes to answer a call from my assistant. 

As I came back, perhaps sensing her wish to dance, Jalal suddenly
 Asked her if she would like to dance. 

Glancing at me Meena said, "is that alright Nadir?"

"Yes sure, go for it" I replied, not wanting to spoil her fun and 
besides I was lightly excited to watch them close while dancing.

Standing up I realised how tall Jalal was, even with her heels, 
he seemed to tower over Meena. 

As he led my Meena to the dance floor, I realised how gorgeous 
she looked. 
She had on a black Knee-length cocktail dress, with a very low 
cut back, black thigh high stockings. 
I was sure that Jalal had noticed and observed her cleavage before, 
while sitting.

I watched intently as they joined the other couples who were dancing. 

I must have watched for four or five dances, when the band slowed
 the tempo down and announced that they were going to a sequence 
of slower numbers. 

I could see Meena turn to come back to the table, but Jalal 
caught her hand and bent down to whisper in her ear. 

I don't know what he said, but I saw Meena glance toward me, 
smile and then turn back to join Jalal for the first slow dance.

I was slightly surprised, but as the tall old strong man took my wife 
in his arms I realised I was also very aroused. 

I couldn't help but feel this tingling sensation. The adrenaline rush. 
Seeing him holding my sexy Meena so close, with one hand on 
her bare back sent shivers through me and I could feel my cock swell. 

I realized that seeing this large dude ogling my beautiful, kind wife, 
excited me. 

Meena was way out of this old guy's league. 

Perhaps that was why he wasn't hiding his interest all that well, 
perhaps he knew he had no chance with a girl like her. 
And may be this was why he was trying his chance without restraint.

They moved in prefect harmony and looked really good together. 

I could see other men obviously drooling over my lovely wife with 
her long legs and strappy high-heel sandals.

As the third slow number started, I noticed that Meena had rested 
her head against the shoulder and neck of Jalal and that he was 
really pulling her in close. 

At one point I could see his leg between hers and knew that he 
must be thrusting his muscular thigh against her mound. 

I could only guess how Meena felt, but imagined in her merry state,
 that she was enjoying the stimulation. 

When the band announced the last slow number, I felt that both 
Jalal and my wife was melding their bodies into one. 

My cock by this stage was threatening to burst free. 

Shortly after the dance ended and they stood there, I saw Jalal 
in a darkened, remote corner of crowded dance floor bent his 
head and kissed Meena on her left cheek.

I could see Meena with her eyes searched to locate me and as she 
found my gaze, she smiled weakly. 

I expected that to be a step too far, but I was wrong. 

After the initial shock, I saw my wife look up into Jalal's face, 
put her hands on his shoulder and kissed him back on the cheek. 

I was so aroused. 
I had never felt like that before in the last few 
months, and realised that I had enjoyed the sight of Jalal flirting 
with and being intimate with my sexy Meena.

They made straight for our table. 

Meena grabbed a large glass of water. 
She downed most of it before she spotted me watching her and 

Meena said, "imagine what, Jalal told me that he had taken dance 
classes in his teens and youth but had not danced for over 
twenty years, he dances masterfully,".

After grabbing a glass of wine for me I said, "that was really hot,".

Meena looked at me to see if I had said something stupid
"Are you drunk, Nadir? That was just a dance," she said.

I knew right away that I worded it imbecile and not suitable, and 
tried to redesign it, "I meant it is hot here, " and laughed.

"Meena is a very good dancer Doki, and she is the most beautiful 
lady here. I am so proud to have permission to dance with her, 
you are a very lucky man." Jalal said.

I looked at Meena who looked very flushed and then back at 
the beaming Jalal. "Yes, she is lovely, isn't she? I'm glad you 
enjoyed dancing with her. She probably told you I am not very 
good at dancing?"

"Ha, your misfortune is my lucky day," said Jalal.

Shortly after they had settled back at the table, I realised that 
the evening was coming to an end soon. 
I also realised that I wanted more excitement to be provided this 
Before I could formulate any kind of coherent plan to make this a 
reality, Meena asked me if we can leave because she has a slight 
heath ache after wine, which is not uncommon for her.

I saw Jalal has lost his temper a bit. 
He said, "it is a pity that it's over and you have to go, but promise me 
we'll definitely do it again, ". 

Maybe he expected more from this evening, too, I thought. 

We thanked Jalal and I told him that we enjoyed the evening and 
we’ll repeat it for sure. 

Meena thanked him for dancing and told him she enjoyed the 
evening too. 

Then we both shook the hands with Jalal and left the restaurant.

To be continued…
[+] 4 users Like Salir's post
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Nice update
[+] 1 user Likes Gajakidost's post
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What an evening it was! 
But it ended all too soon, leaving behind a lingering tension—a palpable energy in the air that hints this is just the beginning.

I'm sure during the dance, Meena must have felt like she was reliving that unforgettable scene from *Scent of a Woman*—her favorite. 

I can almost picture her imagining herself as Gabrielle Anwar, moving with grace and confidence, while Jalal embodied Al Pacino’s intensity. 

the way they moved together must have reminded her of the sensuality and elegance from that dance she loves so much. 

the chemistry between Meena and Jalal has ignited something that promises more exciting twists and turns in the days to come.
[+] 2 users Like RJ668's post
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Just wonderful!
This old man is something else—he’s not just flirting anymore, he’s openly testing boundaries, It’s like he’s daring her to see how far he can push things, and honestly, her reactions are starting to show she might be just as curious as he is.
There’s a quiet storm brewing between them, and it’s only a matter of time before things get even more intense.
[+] 2 users Like Bakchod Londa's post
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Dear friends,

First of all, I must emphasize I love your comments and analyses, they promote me, and provoke me

To continue the story as soon as possible... Our journey together is very

an interested reader has asked me to give some information after such a long time (15 years have passed 

since the start of this journey), where are the main characters and what are they doing.

As I already mentioned, my wife and I have immigrated to a European country.

Mansour unfortunately passed away years ago. About Yakub Kazimi and Hamed, the two characters from 

previous parts, we don't know much and we have no contact with them.

The last we heard about Hamed was years ago and presumably he still works as a lecturer at the university

 where Meena worked.

Our young gardener, Murad, we heard, studied law and is now a successful young lawyer in his homeland.

I don't want to say anything about Jalal for now because he currently plays an important role in the story 

and maybe later I can inform you about his current condition.

I hope our curious friend ist satisfied with these informations…


[+] 1 user Likes Salir's post
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An evening with ‘hands like velvet and silk’ was an experience...

Jalal and Meena have both crossed the threshold without getting caught in a storm, 
which gives us an idea of many things.
In contrast to Mansour, with his dominant manner and the initially forced relationship 
with Meena, Jalal approaches the project of being together with Meena with calculation 
and consideration...

And I think that Meena will go through many emotional swings during this time.

Nadir is in for troubled and turbulent times.

In this sense
All the best

[+] 1 user Likes Lollobionda's post
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(20-10-2024, 07:19 AM)Kismailka Wrote: ................... ........................ ......................... ................... ........................ .........................

Hey, you faggot!

Take your dirty sex pages and wallpaper your rooms with them,
because none of us are interested in your shit!

Do npt you realise that you are annoying us with your pig shit?

So get lost !!!
[+] 2 users Like Lollobionda's post
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it’s fascinating to see two transformations unfolding side by side.
On one hand,  the pool renovation
On the other,,,where an unspoken attraction or say tension between Jalal and meena seems to be emerging.

Both are at their initial stages, where boundaries are being tested and new dynamics are forming.
[+] 1 user Likes Blackdick11's post
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The Pond Master-11

On the way home I did I ask Meena how it was for her?

She looked straight forward and replied, "you know I love dancing, and this 
was never really an issue, it was more the fact that it seemed today you 
willing pushed me into the arms of him, while you were watching us. ".

 "Are you angry with me because of that? I had the impression that you 
are enjoying, otherwise it would have been stopped," I said.

"No, I am not angry. 
You know, for the first time after so many years, I enjoyed dancing with a 
perfect master. 

This evening, Jalal was there as a fix dance partner for me, and he took 
the liberty with what he told and where he put his hands on my body.

It was true, I admit that I enjoyed dancing and even more, being a tease to 
him, especially on my half-drunk state," Meena giggled.

Then after a short pause she continued, "as we sat there, and you were 
shortly absent to go calling, he talked to me, ‘Meena, you look absolutely 
ravishing tonight, an absolute ideal lady. Nadir is a very lucky man you 
know; I trust that he tells you that, on a regular basis?’

At that moment I became aware of just how sensitive and charming and at 
the same time tempting this old man is, I was slightly frightened. 

As I pondered my reply, he added, ‘let's go and dance or if you don't want 
to dance, we can talk some more,’

‘Well, I love dancing but…’ I said, and before I had a chance to object, 
you came, and you know the rest…

Then Jalal grabbed my arm and was steering me to the dance area. 
I was struck immediately by his height. 

Even for me as a woman who is tall enough, Jalal still towered above me, 
he was incredibly dominant. 

He pushed through some other dancing pairs 
and made space for us. 

Effortlessly he started to move to the music and pulled me closer, he said, 
‘Come on Meena, loosen up and dance with me, I heard you are a really 
good mover.’

I allowed myself to be pulled in close by him and it seemed kind of natural 
to allow his hands to rest on my back. 

Once I had relaxed and started to move to the music I looked around and 
was amused to see some other men looking jealously at the pair of us. 

Sensing what I was looking at, Jalal said ‘you know it's me they are 
jealous of, don't you?’

‘What do you mean?’ I asked although I understood what he meant,

‘Well, here I am, an old man, with the best-looking and sexiest young 
woman here, and they all wish they could be me!’

I smiled at the compliment and said ‘well, I expect some of the women 
wish they were me, since I am dancing with such a good-looking, mature 
man, who is beside to that a dance talent and master’
Then he told me that he took dance lessons when he was younger.

After that he looked at me in a curious way and said, ‘what about our 
Doki, Meena? Is he a jealous type?’

‘Not more than other men,’ I realised then what I had said and blushed, ‘I 
mean no other men here but other men as husbands,’. 

He looked in my eyes and spoke. ‘I know what you meant. After all I am 
the oldest male here and yet I am dancing with the most beautiful lady 
here. That's kind of amusing. For sure other men here are also jealous,’

‘This is for me no important. After all this is my first dance with a real 
mature man who knows how to dance, so I count myself lucky,’ I said.

Again, Jalal looked at me, smiled and said, ‘excellent, I like that, now 
enough talk, let's dance.’

“The music continued with slow numbers, and we did. 

He pulled me slightly closer so that I had to put my hand on his shoulders, 
and I lost all track of time. 

Or maybe it was the alcohol that made him more daring, and I was also 
more relaxed!

Jalal was very good at pretending not to notice what he was doing or for 
that matter what effect he was having on me. 

I knew that he must know what he was doing and as he brushed one or 
two times his thighs against and between mine and when I whimpered 
again, in response to a steering when he once pulled me particularly too 
close to him and his broad chest, he looked into my eyes and smiled. "Is 
everything okay?" he cheekily asked me.

I answered, "Yes, sure, but better let us get back to Nadir, or he will get 
worried," and smiled.

"Yes, thanks Meena," was all he replied.


The rest of the journey home was spent in silence, and I was holding 
hands with my Meena.

To be continued...
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* * *
(continuation "Pond Master 11...)

When we were at home in bed, I had the feeling that Meena was 
thoughtful again.

I turned to her, head bowed, kissed her lips and asked, “what is the matter, 
My baby?” 

Meena was for some seconds silent, if she is thinking, how to answer.

“Today, our dancing that was somehow, not okay, …I mean,” she couldn’t 
find the correct wording and right explanation, I thought.

"But I saw you two, that was hot, you know, Jalal and you dancing 
together. You seemed to be enjoying each other." I spoke.

"Oh, well yes, I guess. He is a very good dancer; I had no idea." Meena

She looked at me if she waits for me to say something important to her 
while I tried to choose my words carefully, "You know I don't mind you 
dancing with other men, don't you?"

"Yes, I know, you have often told me that," she replied.

"Well..., I especially like you dancing with him," I said.

"What, why him in particular?" Meena asked.

"He, that is, well… it is obvious how lovely he thinks you are and how 
lucky I am to be married to you. 
Also, you, well the truth is you both look good together. In dancing with 
him you look very natural," I argued.

Meena smiled and said softly, "honestly my dear Nadir, I knew about your 
voyeuristic tendencies and actually the two things complimented each 
And after a short pause if she tries to concentrate her thoughts to 
talk, continued, "my love of dancing, with other men, and you, 
my beloved husband being able to watch. 
This is the one thing, but second thing is that it seemed today you were 
more excited than usual about me dancing with old Mr. Noori, and I am still 
charmed why,"                

"Yes, probably that is it, he is, or better to say that is you have never 
danced with such a man before, have you?"  I tried my best somehow to 

"No, I haven't, but to be honest that didn't really cross my mind. It was 
more that he is a friend of us now, well, yours, and mine too, we 
appreciate him, and I was flattered that he wanted to dance with me,", she 
said, and then, before I find the right answer, she went on, "Nadir, what is 
it about me dancing with Jalal that excites you so strong?" while this 
statement, she looked directly in my direction. 

I felt her deep gaze even in the dim light.

"Yes, well partly. That is exciting because he is a powerful athletic man, " 
and after a short pause, "but it's more than that, let me think… it's because 
he is so fascinated by you, while he seems so…"

"Old but ruling, controlling, predominating, commanding, just like uncle 
Mansi, is this what excites you so much?" Meena said finishing my 
sentence and obvious train of thought. 

She was thoughtful but at the same time she looked relieved if she has 
discovered something.

"I think your love to play with fire and touch danger is slowly but surely 
rises above even normal levels for you. 
This is dangerous my dear. 
It excites more and more, to come into contact with fire, danger and finally 
pain, is this what fascinates you so? 
You want this all, but without getting hurt, you want to move on the border, 
on the edge," Meena spoke.

"Maybe," I said quietly. 

"I have the impression that all stimulates you and that makes you more 
alive, but shouldn't it normally be scarier? I'm on the other side and 
that's exactly the point that scares me, not that I don't have confidence in 

"But that is probably why it appeals to me so much, feeling me alive… " I said.

" I understand, ", she said, ", like a small bad boy, looking for new games 
and toys, even playing with fire, dangerous but exciting...But fire burns, it 
has that in its nature, maybe a child doesn't know this and reaches for fire, 
but you have to know that fire burns..."
And after a short pause she continued, " Did you think about what you 
would do if the fire burns you, if the danger hurts you, and if the pain is not 
bearable, Nadir? " 

"Seen this way, actually you suppose we are on a game field, a game with 
components of fire, fear, pain, excitement and pleasure," I argued,
"And the game means for me to live and to be alive, " 

"I don't think so... then in relation to me and our love and even the third 
person who plays a role here, you are shameless selfish Nadir, aren't 
you?" Meena asked,

"No, nto at all. I'm sorry, in my opinion there is something for 
everyone, enjoyment and pleasure, and I firmly believe that. 
But to finish this unnecessary conversation, my lovely Meena, 
if you don't want to, that's fine, it's just...", I said as my last statement, 
"I don’t want to discuss this with you anymore, this endless discussion 
is getting too much for me., let’s leave it, " I said, slightly upset.

She probably sensed that I was a little angry, even though I didn't mean to be.

" You are right Nadir, this is an endless unnecessary discussion, but it 
means I am afraid, I don't want anyone to get hurt, ", she said, "I feel the 
danger, I need warn you not to play on the edge, it is dangerous, but I am 
going to do what your desire is, I love you and believe that to love is not 
just look at other’s eyes and feel or search the love, but to look at the 
same direction in life…"

Meena then looked at me with another wicked smile. What was she up to 


next day, early in the morning before she wakes up, I thought it was high noon to control my hidden cameras again. 
I hadn't used them for a long time.
I tried whether they work and activated them for the times when Meena is at home.

To be continued, 
[+] 5 users Like Salir's post
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Meena understands that playing with fire can lead to burns,
and she worries that Nadir thrill-seeking could ultimately harm their bond.
Her fears are legitimate,
as she has seen how quickly passion can turn into chaos if not handled carefully.
But Nadir seems more focused on the excitement and pleasure than the danger.
[+] 1 user Likes Bakchod Londa's post
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Meena fears that these shenanigans could destroy the love between the two of them in the long run.
Nadir, on the other hand, is annoyed and dissatisfied that Meena is not trying to connect physically 
with Mr Nouri quickly enough.

There is a huge discrepancy between the two in how they perceive and feel about the development.
It seems that their relationship and marriage are facing a serious test.

The next chapters seem to be very interesting and I am looking forward to them.

I this sense
All the best

[+] 1 user Likes Lollobionda's post
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Meena is finally stepping into Nadir’s game, despite her concerns.
She can sense the danger, but her love for him pushes her to go along with his desires.

what else can Meena do when her husband dismisses all her concerns and warnings,
leaving her with no choice but to follow his lead into the unknown

It's clear that she’s uneasy, yet willing to take the risk.
[+] 1 user Likes Blackdick11's post
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The suspense is building,
and I'm thrilled to see what lies ahead
—ready to witness each step they take forward, wondering just how far they’ll go and what will come of it,
hoping they’re prepared for the consequences of this daring path they're treading.
[+] 1 user Likes ricah43165's post
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Pond Master 12

Saturday was a strange day.
The weather was strange, the temperature was strange and our mood and
behaviour too!
I got up early. Meena was still sleeping. Then I lay down again and slept until late morning.
When I woke up Meena was in basement, in the kitchen.
The weather was rainy and cold, so cold that we couldn't have breakfast outside in the 

Then suddenly the sun came out and after breakfast it slowly became hot and you 
could sunbathe.
We didn't talk much and not at all about Jalal.
I could swear there was something strange in the air, and between us too. 
I had a strange feeling, not a pleasant one.
Meena was sunbathing as I left for hospital until late in die evening.
*   *   *   *   *
Sunday afternoon, Meena drove Nadir to the airport.
When she was back home and changed, she walked into the bathroom to
shower, spotted a note on the bathroom sink left.
‘My lovely Meena,
Have a great time next days!
My love will accompany you all the time.
Jalal knows you're alone, and perhaps will check in.
show him that you are my faithful angel and only I can decide what
happens next,
Meena smiled as she read the paper. she was sure that there will be no
Problems while his absence. ‘She will reject Jalal if he tries anything, that
was for sure.’ she thought, ‘Nadir is insecure because of our recent

That might not be a bad thing. He will be careful and not
Exaggerate the things. 
But do I want him to suffer because of it? It's not Fair. 
I have to talk to him about it when he calls. I have to calm him down,
he needs confidence’
Nevertheless, she decided and hoped not to meet Jalal in the next few
days while Nadir was away but just for pay the bill, it was safer that way.
She wasn't planning on doing much coming days, just chilling out and
relaxing after work, spending time by the new pond. She wanted to rest
alone at home and catching up on her studies.
She sighed then she stuck Nadir’s message paper on the mirror with 
an adhesive tape.
* * *
On Monday Meena didn't have to work long.
After leaving workplace, she sat down with a friend from work in a
Coffee shop and chatted a bit about work and their plans for
the rest of the summer. 
After that she went to the supermarket shopping for die next few days.
On the way home, she thought about what she was going to
do that day and the rest of the week until Nadir was back.
Arriving home, she decided to take a bath and then order a pizza for
dinner while she watched a movie.

She called the pizza place as she ran the bath, knowing it would
take them at least an hour.
Soaking in the bath, she moaned softly as her muscles unwound.
When the water ran cold, she stood up, shaking off the lingering
She hopped quickly out of the tub.
As she was putting on her short bathrobe, she heard the doorbell ring.
As she ran down the stairs to the basement, she thought the pizza boy
arrived very quickly today.
Meena opened the door downstairs but at that moment her stomach filled
with dread. Standing in the entry, with the pizza box in his hands, was
"Oh, Jalal, I'm sorry!" Meena whimpered.
Jalal stared at her, mouth gaping.
He stood watching Meena, then cleared his throat. "No problem,
I thought we could go out to dinner together tonight, but I saw
that you ordered pizza. 
I met the pizza boy at the door, paid him and took it.  I bring it to table, 
the pizza is getting cold!".
Meena was afraid to disagree. 
While trying to cover her breasts,
she could feel Jalal's gaze, like a slimy snail, crawling over her skin.
She knew that her robe was a smaller one and barely covered her body
completely, exposing the tops of her breasts and offering a flash of her
legs up to her thighs if she sat down on the sofa.
She stayed next to the sofa standing.
Jalal sat on the sofa, quietly opened the pizza box, and offered her a
"I hope you don't mind me stopping by, Meena," Jalal purred.
"I wanted to make sure everything is okay. I was thinking of to come
here for a short hour, just to make sure you are not very lonely
without Doki." 
His eyes darkened, a flash of something predatory crossing his face.
"Oh no, Jalal, that's not necessary," Meena stuttered, her stomach
dropping. "I'm sure you have a lot to do and me too," She nibbled at her
pizza, no longer hungry after this shock moment.
"Oh, but dear Meena, it would be my pleasure!" Jalal stood up and
Said, "Okay, if you have something else to do this evening, then
I will leave you, but I would like to ask you to have dinner with me
tomorrow evening. "
Meena was embarrassed by the situation and was wishing that Jalal
 to leave her alone.
She spoke without hesitation, "okay, I had to pay the bill for our pond too.
 we'll see each other tomorrow evening. Thank you for the invitation,".
Monday was a quiet day for me. I only attended a few sessions
and workshops.
In the evening after dinner, I decided to visit the sea and the coast
which was two hundred meters from the hotel.
As I sat down on a rock on the shore, I started thinking about our
lives and the last few days. In the end, I thought about our last
conversation after the night of dancing and her anxious words.
I was suddenly worried.
Why did she talk about risks and danger like that?
Why is she comparing a playful sexual relationship with fire right now?
Women, as we know, have a stronger sense for such things
than men.
I had the feeling that I had to talk to her. The memory of our conversation
after Jalal's invitation and dance night caused me to think deeply and
restlessly. I was unsettled. The more I thought about her sentences, the
more unsettled I became.
I called Meena art once, while sitting there and watching the waves in
Late evening light.
After a few sentences about your and my day I went to my main topic that
bothered me. I asked the question that I wanted.
So, when my voice trembled, I knew that I was very tense what could
have been her answer.
Meena informed me that afternoon Jalal was there for some minutes to
see if the work is done, and they meet tomorrow to settle the invoice.
" I thought about him before… Do you... I mean have you feelings...?"
I asked Meena.
"Yes! I know what you think, Nadir…, " , before I tell something, she
replied, if she knew already what is coming, "He's fun, but not more,"
"Do you want with him...... I mean?......" I stuttered but couldn't finish the
I think she knew exactly what I was asking next, and I think she thought
that I deserved an honest answer.
"No. I don’t want… I just like to mess about but only when you are there
and to an extent and as far as you are happy, that's all, ", then she added, 
", apart from that, this is your wish and fantasy to see me teasing him and
even sometimes flirting with him, then why do you ask such a nonsense?"
Meena replied and giggled.
I said nothing more.
But after a short pause she asked, "Are you jealous Nadir? There's no
need to be.
Jalal is an nice old man, sometimes a bit horny perhaps, but
not my type and not my class, I just mean I can't start anything serious
with him, he is not at all my dream man.
I love you and I do this all only for your happiness."
"I watched you with him dancing so close, even I had the feeling that you
were going to kiss and even more," I said quietly, and in such a manner
that it was clear to her that it was not in any sense, an accusation.
"I know and we talked before about that, baby!" her response silenced
the both of us, until she continued, "I saw you while Jalal tried to kiss
my neck,"
This time and at this moment, I don't know why, suddenly I had a scary
feeling of losing her. I guessed this especially had to do with the dance
night, after this evening and their close and intimate dance.
"Let's say it the way it is, can we please Meena," I said, it was a request
not a directive. "He was kissing and licking your neck, and he had almost
his hand on your butts to grab your ass and caress it. And while he was
doing that, you were standing there and letting him to do this all."
"Firstly, I was not standing, I was dancing are enjoying only dance, and
secondly didn’t you enjoy the show?" It was a question that was loaded
with implications for me, her and our future.
"I did certainly enjoy it, and I was also happy that you were having fun," I
responded, but we both knew that it was a prevarication.
"Please answer my question, Nadir! We've known each other long enough
to have no secrets. You must be honest with me if you like this game or
games to go on or not," Meena said as if she is a little bit annoyed.
Meena knew me well, and she had previously surely seen my excitation
and sexual arousal when she had been with Jalal chatting and dancing, so
she was unsurprised by my answer.
"It aroused me as always," I said added, "but this frightened me at the
same time,"
I could imagine at this moment, that her look is now somehow confused.
I added "he seems to develop serious feelings for you, this is the point
that frightens me,"
"Oh really, do you think so? I don’t feel this, and even if he does, this is his
problem," then she added, "I love you and only you, Nadir. 
This is and stays just a fantasy game and not more for me,", 
after a short pause, "You can stop this game any moment, as always, 
if you want,", and she added with a cool, neutral voice, "I don't mind 
at all if we stop it. I'm looking for your satisfaction and enjoyment, 
this is most important point for me,".
I guess Meena felt my excitement which was simultaneously mixed with
my fear.
"There's no need to be frightened my sweet dream man,", she
emphasized again," I don't have any plans starting any game or
adventure without my baby.
Not even with other men who are more exciting or sexier
than Jalal who could be my father."
"But will you tell me before you do something like that? I mean an
adventure and so on," I insisted.
"I swear!" she replied. "I swear, I can never hide anything from you, you
know that…"."I chose you. And I'll choose you, over and over and over.
Without pause, without a doubt, in any heartbeat, I'll keep choosing you,"
Though I had one hundred percent trust in my Meena, I was just partly
satisfied, but only partly.

First, I believed and still do, everything changes with time, even nature
and cosmos and we are a part of this process, we change exactly the
same way.

There are things that someday happened to a person and sometime later
they seem to him alien and strange.
And second, we are all human and I knew we all make mistakes.
I knew that the purpose of our lives is to be happy, experience
enjoyment and get pleasure.
Love gives these all to us, but sometime love goes his way,
but happiness, pleasure and enjoyment another way. 
This is the point: Love is untamed force.  
If we try to control love, pleasure and enjoyment at the same time,
 love destroys us or we destroy love If we try to imprison love, 
it enslaves us, when we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling 
lost and confused.

I knew that nothing ever remains the same, there could be a lot of drama
in the process of change.

and Meena's and my lives could change dramatically, if we should not be
careful and cautious.
What I didn't think about at all on this day: my mistake, my big
mistake was to even talk to her today, and so worried and scared
and with such concern and anxiety about this topic.
I should have thought that probably and logically, she would refrain from
telling me everything that was happening that might worry me.
Well, I should have foreseen that she will protect me and take care of
me as always.

That means if in the next few days or in the future generally, something specific
happens, an incident between the two of them, no matter in what form
and how intense, physical or whatever, so as not to disquiet me, probably, will not 
tell me and hide...  
And this was a terrible and primitive move from me, like a fatal beginner's
mistake in chess!
To be continued…
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Nadir is on his way to his meeting, but his thoughts are with Meena.
He is completely upset because he can not control his emotions.
At the time, he felt that the sexual relationship between Meena and her uncle Mansi was forced, 
forced because Meena wanted to save her family's honour, especially that of her father.
Nadir therefore saw no danger of Meena developing feelings for her uncle and eventually leaving him.

He is not so sure about Jalal, he sees that a relationship is gradually developing between Meena and Jalal 
that is on a completely different level than the one with Uncle Mansi, because Jalal has a different weight 
and radiates a special aura that partly fascinates Meera.

... And that is exactly what he is afraid of ...

His call to Meena shows his instability and insecurity.
Although he is the one who orchestrates the situation and almost forces Meena into it with his demands...

As for Meena, it is incomprehensible to me (after all the assurances she made to Nadir on the phone) 
that she's keeping Jalal company in the living room in such a state, dressed only in a skimpy bathrobe. 
She could have excused herself for a few minutes to put some clothes on....

I think that dinner together will be a milestone in their developing relationship. 
I'm very curious to see how everything will develop...

In thise sense
All the best

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(29-10-2024, 09:23 PM)Lollobionda Wrote: Nadir is on his way to his meeting, but his thoughts are with Meena.
He is completely upset because he can not control his emotions.....

....His call to Meena shows his instability and insecurity.
Although he is the one who orchestrates the situation and almost forces Meena into it with his demands...

As for Meena, it is incomprehensible to me (after all the assurances she made to Nadir on the phone) 
that she's keeping Jalal company in the living room in such a state, dressed only in a skimpy bathrobe. 
She could have excused herself for a few minutes to put some clothes on....

Thank you for your excellent comment, my friend....

Sometimes in life, when you look back, you realize how you mistakenly overlooked and missed the points, sometimes fractions of moments...

we all always want to create a balance and equilibrium between love, security, passion and pleasure...
in doing so, we move on the red danger line, and our self-confidence leads and...
Self-confidence and self-assurance are important and inseparable characteristics of our main character in this narration, Meena... 
And if one is not careful enough, these two sometimes positive character traits could - especially if they are exaggerated - act like poison....

It seems that in this phase, the one who is playing with fire is not actually the insecure Nadir, but our loving, self-aware Meena...

This game sometimes in real life, requires sacrifices that are called love, relationships and marriage and we will see whether one of them will go that far...

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