Adultery Jaya - young college teacher
Her husband never call her when she fuck with others. There is no guilt therefore. she is a lucky slut.
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(26-09-2024, 03:57 PM)Haran000 Wrote: Mr.Kuttosan, from 2 years, whenever I opened this site, i would head straight to this thread for any new updates. Your plot of Jaya and Mani inspired to write my version of a teacher student story. That's the level liking I got to you and your story.

I commented not much here, may be once or twice or may not. But this story is a classic. I loved Jaya and Mani relationship too much. 

However after few days of no updates, I stopped visiting thread. After all Today I just opened the site and in English forum first thread is this with your reply. I rushed to open it. And boom its an update. Long one. Very incredible and satisfying. Gladly enjoyed to the fullest. Thank you so much you've put effort to update this story. 

Please if possible make time to continue.... I love Jaya. Want to read jaya forever.

Thank you thank you so much Mr.Kuttosan.

(27-09-2024, 12:05 AM)Sasilucky16 Wrote: Super update bro give one update atleast once a week

(27-09-2024, 07:10 AM)Sarran Raj Wrote: Nice update

(27-09-2024, 08:14 AM)Mampi Wrote: dat's great  clps

(27-09-2024, 02:42 PM)dragonslair Wrote: Welcome Back Sir. Amazing updates those were

(27-09-2024, 10:51 PM)aukbalsou Wrote: Hugeeee update.... This was great... thank you

(28-09-2024, 02:00 AM)abhirajfree Wrote: Thanks 4 superb update...

Keep posting

(28-09-2024, 07:37 AM)drillhot Wrote: Great update. Now her pussy is stretched and she will not be happy with Mani or her husband, she needs a cock with another inch bigger.

(28-09-2024, 09:07 AM)couples2k9 Wrote: Super update.... Superb....

(28-09-2024, 06:37 PM)Rahulcool Wrote: Kutto bro , I was huge fan for story you nailed it I read the story more than 8 times from first every it looks like new only .. after sometime update was stopped and thread was also missing I'm very much sad about the thread was missing.. yesterday i suddenly came to site I saw your thread I was very happy  open saw it's long update I was very happy bro u was back in track and we waited for next awesome update from you as soon possible bro ? this best story bro

(28-09-2024, 09:17 PM)Ajay Kailash Wrote: Good one

(28-09-2024, 09:24 PM)krantikumar Wrote: Excellent story.. super update

(28-09-2024, 09:26 PM)krantikumar Wrote: Seriously your writing style is good

(28-09-2024, 09:32 PM)kangaani Wrote: Amazing

(28-09-2024, 09:37 PM)sultan Wrote: Back with the Bang.... superb episode.... looking forward to see some great episodes of Jaya in different sexual experience like threesome and gang bang with her old lovers like Mani and Rahim.

(28-09-2024, 09:47 PM)olumannan Wrote: Her husband never call her when she fuck with others. There is no guilt therefore. she is a lucky slut.

Dear Readers, thank for your good words..................... but i need a detailed review, and i want to know what you like in my story........ please post your reviews.....
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(28-09-2024, 10:31 PM)kuttoosan009 Wrote: kutto bro , wat i like in this story is characterisation each of an character was unique  mainly jaya   and  all male character you  made in prefect line and the way you taking a story in prefect way length its was not too fast or to slow..  its in correct line you do this way length itself bro  ..even you pick the correct size its attractive also give big update like this please don't take much time bro 

your going in correct track only bro keep rocking yourock

Dear Readers, thank for your good words..................... but i need a detailed review, and i want to know what you like in my story........ please post your reviews.....
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I feel like the love for her husband has diminished. Her bodily needs taken upper hand and she is more like unmarried.
[+] 1 user Likes Nesamanikumar's post
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I feel like in the story the way you portray the jaya character is good.. especially erotic sex between jaya and security guard is good.. simply tgecway you narrate the story is ultimate
[+] 1 user Likes krantikumar's post
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I had read many stories in this site but this was my favorite of all.. More than a story I am big fan of the characterisation of jaya the way you created her make me feel she was real..she was innocent with soft nature who don't do any bad or harm for others and her love towards her family and her husband is more than her life... She always like to help her surrounding without any second thought... The arc of her character is so perfect and whenever I see kajal agarwal i don't see her as kajal i see her as a jaya only.. That much I loved her character... I waited so long for an update from you and after reading this update I felt something has changed in the characters of jaya.. The story btw her and reghu felt like a rush everything has happened so sudden..that made me think what happened to her even though she had heart broken with her husband cheating still she thinks it her fault for not satisfy her husband need so that only he cheated her that's the character she wwe..she doesn't hate Or didn't have thought of taking revenge on her husband) before it takes layer by layer for jaya to trust a person(rahim&mani)and becoming friends with them and helping them with their needs and revealing herself to them and making love with them..even in the case of shekhar uncle and Albert also u made a perfect Suitiation for them to explore her body..rahim mixed sex urge portion in her drink that paved a way for shekhar to enjoy otherwise it would have been still a dream to enjoy jaya and with Albert with the heart brake news of her husband cheating on her made her mind blank so she exposed herself to Albert even though she met him few days ago......But with reghu she volunteers herself everything to reghu by knowing him less than a week that made me think this is not the jaya i know....i just want to convey my feeling to you kuttoosan009 know her more than me so you may have reason for it.....This was my detailed review from my view.. And thanks for not stop writing
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Very nice update. The more she open her legs to the low classed men who fuck with prostitutes, she is going to die with AIDS soon.
[+] 1 user Likes Yesudoss's post
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(29-09-2024, 10:17 AM)Iambatmann Wrote: I had read many stories in this site but this was my favorite of all.. More than a story I am big fan of the characterisation of jaya the way you created her make me feel she was real..she was innocent with soft nature who don't do any bad or harm for others and her love towards her family and her husband is more than her life... She always like to help her surrounding without any second thought... The arc of her character is so perfect and whenever I see kajal agarwal i don't see her as kajal i see her as a jaya only.. That much I loved her character... I waited so long for an update from you and after reading this update I felt something has changed in the characters of jaya.. The story btw her and reghu felt like a rush everything has happened so sudden..that made me think what happened to her even though she had heart broken with her husband cheating still she thinks it her fault for not satisfy her husband need so that only he cheated her that's the character she wwe..she doesn't hate Or didn't have thought of taking revenge on her husband) before it takes layer by layer for jaya to trust a person(rahim&mani)and becoming friends with them and helping them with their needs and revealing herself to them and making love with them..even in the case of shekhar uncle and Albert also u made a perfect Suitiation for them to explore her body..rahim mixed sex urge portion in her drink that paved a way for shekhar to enjoy otherwise it would have been still a dream to enjoy jaya and with Albert with the heart brake news of her husband cheating on her made her mind blank so she exposed herself to Albert even though she met him few days ago......But with reghu she volunteers herself everything to reghu by knowing him less than a week that made me think this is not the jaya i know....i just want to convey my feeling to you kuttoosan009 know her more than me so you may have reason for it.....This was my detailed review from my view.. And thanks for not stop writing

Thanks for your valuable review.....

you know after the trip of marriage function, she had broken down in heart. No one is there to share her pain in heart. when she understand that Mahesh make excuses not to calling her daily is for spend time with Christeena make her completely broken. because of him she close with Rahim and sex incidents happens with mani and shekhar. 

after the trip she become angry on her husband and the love become down. she try to become calm and stay in college to divert her mind.
but the masturbation incident with Reghu, (she know about him before that Mani told to her about Reghu about his big black cock) and his innocent and funny nature were makes her more closer to Reghu. She like his care when she alone in staffroom, and she attracted to his physic and his big black cock. That time Reghu was the only reason makes her happy. so she was ready to do anything for him. 
Then the favourable circumstances quickly brought them together. 

I will try to explain this in next episodes as Jaya's words to Reghu.
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(29-09-2024, 10:43 AM)kuttoosan009 Wrote: Thanks for your valuable review.....

you know after the trip of marriage function, she had broken down in heart. No one is there to share her pain in heart. when she understand that Mahesh make excuses not to calling her daily is for spend time with Christeena make her completely broken. because of him she close with Rahim and sex incidents happens with mani and shekhar. 

after the trip she become angry on her husband and the love become down. she try to become calm and stay in college to divert her mind.
but the masturbation incident with Reghu, (she know about him before that Mani told to her about Reghu about his big black cock) and his innocent and funny nature were makes her more closer to Reghu. She like his care when she alone in staffroom, and she attracted to his physic and his big black cock. That time Reghu was the only reason makes her happy. so she was ready to do anything for him. 
Then the favourable circumstances quickly brought them together. 

I will try to explain this in next episodes as Jaya's words to Reghu.

Thanks for your explanation kuttoosan009 bro... And i am excited for your future updates about how you gonna introduce main male character and how you gonna connect ahimsa teacher with jaya life... And i don't but may be if my guess is right reghu will be in shock when he came to know jaya husband is mahesh and she has a sis in law....
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(29-09-2024, 11:19 AM)Iambatmann Wrote: Thanks for your explanation kuttoosan009 bro... And i am excited for your future updates about how you gonna introduce main male character and how you gonna connect ahimsa teacher with jaya life... And i don't but may be if my guess is right reghu will be in shock when he came to know jaya husband is mahesh and she has a sis in law....

Your Guess  Tongue Tongue  Tongue
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Very hot update
[+] 3 users Like Rangabaashyam's post
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Nice updates
[+] 1 user Likes Chitrarassu's post
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kutto bro , i start to ready the story from first but and i completed but every time ready the story it looks fresh bro .your narration off the story was amazing . each and every character of story was awesome especially jaya its was fabulous I'm eagerly waiting for next update ..when we can expect next update bro ....
[+] 1 user Likes Rahulcool's post
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Wonderful update
[+] 1 user Likes Johnnythedevil's post
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Jaya now knows that her husband dont deserve her. She should send divorce notice and start a new life here.
[+] 1 user Likes xavierrxx's post
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Superb update plz update regular
[+] 2 users Like rajumehat's post
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Lovely update
[+] 1 user Likes NovelNavel's post
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Super please continue one thing cant understand. her wimp husband cannot satisfy jaya properly, how can he satisfy christina.
[+] 3 users Like Gopal Ratnam's post
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(01-10-2024, 05:49 AM)Gopal Ratnam Wrote: Super please continue one thing cant understand. her wimp husband cannot satisfy jaya properly, how can he satisfy christina.

Please read the Albert episode, in that he confessed that he has a small penis and he cant satofies his girlfriend Christina. Later he become cuckold.  christina give extra pleasure to Mahesh like blowjob and other things which never gotten from Jaya. Mahesh never ask any blowjob or other things in sex from jaya.

So Mahesh is adicted to christeena and he used tablet for long time erection.
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