Adultery Heavenly angel: deceived by trust by duckhunter
please make her be with an experienced person.... who can prolong penetration, intercourse... take longer time to make her surrender and enjoy...
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Please continue
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Let Devika Give Vishnu Her Anal Virginity
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Finally she got rammed now let ganapati takes his chance and Anand alao
[+] 1 user Likes jaksa's post
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Will she get impregnated by her student sperms.
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Chapter - 128

It was 3 pm in the afternoon and they had been walking for the last 3 hours to find a way out. Both of them were tired

Devika - Do you think we are in the right path

Vishnu - I dont know madam, but we have to find the road before it gets dark. We cant survive in the forest for one more night.

They walked slowly without any sense of direction. And atlast around 3:30pm they heard a sound of a vehicle passing by.

Vishnu - did you hear that madam, i heard a vehicle sound. I think there is a road nearby

Both of them were relieved and happy. They walked fast in the direction of the sound heard and after walking couple of meters through the bushes it opened to a small trail. They followed the path and soon it reached a road.

Vishnu - There it is madam, we found the way out atlast.

Vishnu hugged her in happiness. By then both were so tired and thirsty and cant walk an inch more. The road was empty , there was no signs of vehicle or human

Vishnu - lets wait for someone to come

Devika - but Vishnu, how can i travel like this, im only wearing a shirt

Vishnu understood the problem, he thought for a moment and got an idea

Vishnu - i have an idea madam

Devika - what is it?

Vishnu - when the next vehicle comes i will get into the road and stop it. They will be having a phone with them. I will call Anand and will ask him to come here to pick us with some clothes and food

Devika thought for a moment nodded in approval.

They waited there for the next half an hour before another vehicle came. Upon hearing the sound of the vehicle they stood up

Vishnu - madam, you hide here in the bush. I will go to the road and stop the vehicle.

Saying that Vishnu ran to the road. It was a truck coming. Vishnu stood in centre of the road and waved his hands for help. The truck stopped. Vishnu spoke with the driver and said he was alone and asked for his help.

Driver gave his phone and Vishnu called Anand and asked him to come to the location with some food and clothes. Luckily there was internet connection and he was able to share his location. He thanked the driver and came back to where devika was sitting.

They sat in the shade of a tree waiting for Anand to come. It was a 3 hour journey from the city to their location. Soon it got dark and at around 7 pm , they heard a car stopping at the road near to them

Vishnu - it must be Anand. Let me go and see

Vishnu again ran to the road and found Anand getting out of the car, in search of them. Vishnu was so relieved seeing his friend.

Vishnu - Anand , bro im here

Anand - oh my god, vishnu look at you what happened to you. Are you okay?

Vishnu - im so happy to find you bro, i never thought I would come back alive.

Anand - what happened?

Vishnu - Lot of things happened bro, will tell you later. Did you bring clothes

Anand - Yes, where is devika madam?

Vishnu - She is safe. Give the clothes

Anand gave the bag with the clothes

Vishnu - Ok , Bro. You stay here. I will come now with devika madam

Vishnu with the bag ran back to devika

Vishnu - madam , we are atlast saved.

Devika - oh my god. Thank you.

Vishnu - get dressed, we can go back

Vishnu opened the bag

There was a tshirt and pants for Vishnu and for devika, Anand brought a cotton nightie dress. Devika does not care what it is, she just wanted to cover herself up.

They stood there and changed the dress. Vishnu wore his shirt and pant. He watched devika, she has taken off her security officer shirt and stood fully naked infront of Vishnu.

Devika now dont have any inhibition in front of Vishnu. She saw Vishnu watching her. She gave a smile and wore the cream colour nightie. They threw the dirty clothes away and walked to the road where Anand was waiting for them.

[+] 8 users Like Bookkeeper's post
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Thanks for the support guys. There will be only one more update for this story.

Final update will be coming by tomorrow evening. Stay tuned
[+] 2 users Like Bookkeeper's post
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(29-09-2024, 07:42 PM)Bookkeeper Wrote: Thanks for the support guys. There will be only one more update for this story.

Final update will be coming by tomorrow evening. Stay tuned

 Waiting for last update
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As a final update, we want anand and vishnu to fuck her senselessly. She is deceived by trust she had for her husband.She should divorce her wimpy husband knowing his real face and start to live independently with these boys who saved her life.
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Wonderful .. waiting for climax. Will venky come to know about his wife extramarital affairs.
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(30-09-2024, 08:06 AM)Bigil Wrote: As a final update, we want anand and vishnu to fuck her senselessly.   She is deceived by trust she had for her husband.She should divorce her wimpy husband knowing his real face and start to live independently with these boys who saved her life.

Absolutely Right
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Chapter - 129

They started the journey back home. It's around 3 hour journey, Anand was driving the car. Vishnu was sitting beside him and Devika was sitting in the backside.

It was dark outside as they slowly moved through the dense forest. Devika was relieved to escape from Chaami’s trap. Even though she got molested and barely escaped from getting bangd, she was still relieved atlast to get all the villains away from her life and family. Chaami and his gang will not trouble her anymore, Harilal will not trouble her, Ramu and Rahim also got their punishment. Ganapati, even though for a good purpose, exploited her and he also got his share of punishment.

Atlast she felt all the dark clouds from her life has moved away. Now she can see hope and happy life ahead of her with her family. First thing she is going to do is resigning from the college. She had sex with Vishnu, but she is not feeling any guilt at all, as she is going to close that chapter as well. Vishnu was the one who stood beside her in all of her adversities, not even her husband was there. She wanted the relationship with Vishnu to end in a good way. She never planned to have sex with him, but it happened naturally and she is not feeling bad about it. And once reaches home, she will move on and will not see Vishnu ever again. She knew it will be difficult for Vishnu, but it will only do good for him for his future.

Devika slowly drowsed off, as she was so tired. They traveled for almost 1 hour before Anand stopped the car in front of a small tea shop. They are still in the forest area, and this is a small shop run by a village man for the local community. There is only couple of people in the shop which sells snacks and tea.

Devika woke up as the vehicle came to a halt.

Anand - You guys must be hungry, it will take another 1 hour before we reach the city. I will get something to eat

Devika nodded

Anand got out to get something to eat for them. After a moment Vishnu also got out of the car and stretched. He came near the backseat window and asked devika

Vishnu - Do you want to get out and stretch

Devika - no Vishnu, im okay

Vishnu - Madam, you were sleeping

Devika - I was very tired

Vishnu - Hmm

Vishnu looked back at Anand, He was busy talking to the owner inside the shop. Vishnu opened the door and entered the backseat and sat near Devika. Devika was little surprised.

Devika - What happened Vishnu?

Vishnu - i know madam, we are going to part ways and never going to meet again. So I want to sit near you for the rest of the journey

Devika smiled at Vishnu

Vishnu again looked through the closed window to make sure no one is watching him and turned back. He moved more closer to Devika and leaned to kiss her.

Though initially she was surprised, but it took only a moment for her to kiss him back as they both enjoyed each other’s lips.

Soon Vishnu’s right hand moved down to her breast and pressed it. It was easy for him to trace her nipple over the nightie as she was braless inside. Vishnu held her nipple in between her fingers

Devika - hmm

She broke the kiss and looked outside the window to see if anyone is watching

Vishnu - Dont worry madam, no one will be able to watch us from outside. The window is tinted.

Vishnu opened the 3 buttons in front of the nightie and inserted the hand inside and held her naked breast.

Devika - hmm

They kissed again, while Vishnu played with her breast. He circled her nipples with his finger making Devika gasp for air. He took out his hand and then quickly proceeded to raise her nightie, exposing her legs.

Devika - Vishnu, someone will see

Vishnu - No madam

By that time he raised the nightie till her thighs and inserted his hand inside through the gap, devika moved her legs little apart, giving access to Vishnu’s roaming hands. Soon his finger touched her pussy lips.

Devika closed her eyes and laid back on the seat, as Vishnu’s smart fingers played with her choot. He rubbed her pussy up and down, and soon she became wet. He pressed her clit making her squirm.

Vishnu looked outside and Anand was sipping a tea and speaking with the village men there. He used his other hand and opened the zip of his pant and took out his naked lund which was already erect.

Vishnu took Devika’s hand and placed it over his hot rod. Devika without opening her eyes, held his dick firmly and started stroking Vishnu.

This time it was Vishnu’s turn to lay back and enjoy the soft hands of Devika on his lund. She continued to stroke for the next one minute making him fully erect

Vishnu - Madam, can you kiss it please

Devika looked at Vishnu and then looked outside through the window

Vishnu - Dont worry, I will watch if someone is coming

Devika gave a small smile to Vishnu and slowly bent down in her sitting position. Soon Vishnu felt her lips touch her erect penis. First she kissed the side of his lund, followed by another kiss on the tip.

She then extended her tongue and licked the tip by pulling the foreskin down. Vishnu was in heaven.

Vishnu - Ohhh

He placed his left hand on her back and pulled the nightie. Devika raised her ass little, so Vishnu was able to pull the nightie above her ass. He then extended his palm and squeezed her naked gaand, while devika took his dick in her mouth and started slowly sucking it.

Vishnu enjoyed the warmth of her mouth on his lund as it became fully erect. Vishnu pinched her naked ass making her wiggle her sexy bottom.

Vishnu looked through the window and Anand was still waiting for the food to get packed. Devika increased the speed as she felt Vishnu’s manhood had grown to its maximum size and was ready to explode.

Vishnu - I'm going to cum madam

Devika tried to get up, but Vishnu quickly stopped her, by placing his hand on her head. He moved his hip up and fucked her mouth couple of times, before ejaculating with a groan. He sprayed his salty cum in her mouth. Devika soon felt her mouth is getting filled with warm salty liquid from her student. His penis pulsated in her mouth as he cummed continuously. His cum leaked outside through her lips, as vishnu strongly held her head in place making sure the last drop of liquid is deposited in her mouth.

Soon Vishnu laid back exhausted and Devika got up, her mouth is filled with white cum. She quickly took out the towel from the seat and spitted the cum into the cloth. She wiped her mouth and looked at Vishnu mocking anger

Devika - Vishnu, from where did you learn all this , bad boy.

Vishnu smiled.

Devika - you are not at all innocent. You have been so naughty today.

She playfully pinched his ears. She then wiped clean his penis, which was slowly retrieving to its normal state.

Vishnu noted Anand coming back to the car. They quickly rearranged their clothes before Anand entered the car.

After having the food, they began their journey again. They traveled through the isolated forest for the next 1 hour before they entered the city area. Throughout the journey Vishnu held Devika’s hand like a boyfriend. And soon by around 11 pm, they reached Devika’s house. The streets were empty as everyone in the neighborhood has slept. Anand stopped the car in front of Devika’s house.

It was very silent inside the car. Vishnu felt sad as he is going to part ways with his first love, his teacher Devika Madam. For Vishnu, it all started as a usual infatuation with his teacher, which is quite common with any students at that age. But he never expected that it would grow to a deep love. It is hard for him to leave and separate from Devika. But he knew, that he needs to do that to offer a happy life to Devika madam. He does not want her to suffer, she has already suffered a lot. Vishnu wanted Devika to live happily with her family. And he does not want to be an interference in it. He was mature enough to understand that.

Vishnu had tears in his eyes when he looked at Devika. But Devika was very calm and composed. She appeared happy and more beautiful.

Devika - So Vishnu. This is it. The friendship with you, I will cherish forever. You are a good brave boy. You should always be like that. Always keep your good virtues with you, wherever you go. I’m sure you will be a successful man.

Tears rolled down his cheek as Devika spoke

Devika - Be a good boy always. This is it. We will never be meeting again. Thanks for helping me to get my life back. Without you, it would have been impossible.

Devika released her hand from Vishnu’s and wiped his tears away

Devika - Always stay happy Vishnu. There is a bright future ahead of you.

Devika leaned and gave a kiss on his forehead

Vishnu - So madam, you are leaving

Devika - yes Vishnu

Vishnu held her hand and kissed it. Anand who was sitting in the front seat was a little surprised, as he was unaware that such a bond had formed between Vishnu and Devika.

Vishnu noticed, Anand looking through the mirror with surprised look

Vishnu - Anand my friend, are you surprised?

Anand looked back from the front seat with questioning look

Vishnu - Bro, Today is the happiest day in my life and also going to be the saddest day in my life.

Anand looked at Vishnu without understanding

Vishnu - My friend, today is the day I found my love of life and sadly I will lose her as well. Devika madam will always will be my first love, but it will be heartbreaking that we will be parting our ways.

Anand looked at Devika madam and she had a small smile and was looking down. They both were holding each other's hands like love birds.

At this point, Anand understood that Vishnu won the bet that they casually made a year ago along with Rahim after they first saw Devika in their college. Anand also smiled at Vishnu appreciating him.

Anand - Are you in love with Devika madam?

Vishnu - I was always in love with madam, but today she accepted my love

Anand - is it true madam

Devika just smiled

Vishnu - But our love has only life till she exits from this car

Anand - why?

Vishnu - that's the way we want to keep this. We do not want to hurt anyone

Devika - okay, Vishnu. It is time to leave

Saying that Devika proceeded to open the door. But Vishnu stopped her. Devika looked at Vishnu with raised eye brow

Vishnu - Madam, I know you are leaving and after this we will not see anymore. Madam, before you leave. Can we do it once more?

Devika was surprised

Devika - Vishnu..

Vishnu - madam, please one last time. That's my last wish before we part our ways. Please madam

Devika did not know what to tell

Devika - But

Vishnu - I know, madam. You don't want me to come inside your home. If you are okay. We can do it here

Devika - Here!

Devika looked at Anand who was listening to them. He turned back and stood straight in the front seat

Vishnu - Madam, there is no one in the street, everyone in the neighborhood has slept. No one can see what is happening inside the car, as the glass is tinted

Devika - But Vishnu still. I’m not comfortable

Vishnu - Please madam, please one last time. We are not going to see after this.

Vishnu started being emotional and Devika was confused. She looked around to see if anyone is in the streets.

Vishnu - madam, there is no one please madam.

Devika with her eyes indicated to vishnu, how about Anand?

Vishnu - Okay, Anand bro. Can you do a favor to your friend?

Anand again turned back to back side

Anand - What bro?

Vishnu - Bro Can you stand outside the car for sometime?

Anand looked at both of them and he did not know what to do. He without saying anything got outside the car and closed the door. He stood there leaning onto the car and took out a cigarette and lit it.

He was anxious and shocked thinking what was going to happen inside the car. His best friend is going to fuck their dream girl, while he kept guard outside.

He started taking quick puffs and he was very tempted to know what was happening inside. From the corner of the eyes, he tried to peek through the window, but nothing was visible due to the tinted glass.

Its been 5 minutes, Anand could feel the car is shaking a little. He took out another cigarette and with shivering hands lit it.

Another 5 minutes went past and soon Anand felt a cold breeze and a droplet of water fell on his hand. Soon many more droplets fell and within seconds it changed to a heavy rain.

Anand threw the cigarette away and he quickly opened driver seat door and entered inside the car before getting drenched in the rain.

For a second he forgot about what is happening inside the car as he tried to wipe away the water from his face and hair.

But he got interrupted by the moaning sound of devika and Vishnu from backseat.

Devika - hmmmm..uhhh

Anand slowly turned back and he could not believe what he saw in front of him. Vishnu was sitting on the seat and Devika was sitting on the lap of Vishnu facing towards him, keeping her legs on either side. Both of them were kissing passionately. Devika was moving her hips and making a moaning sound. The nightie she was wearing is covering her bottom, so Anand cannot see what is actually happening.

Vishnu had seen, Anand entering the car and looking at them as he was sitting facing the front side. But Devika is not aware as she is sitting facing vishnu and it is heavily raining outside and also she was turned on by the activities of Vishnu.

Anand understood that Vishnu was squeezing her breast from the other side over her nightie. Vishnu saw Anand was looking at them with mouth wide open. Even though he is deeply in love with Devika, by looking at Anand he felt to tease him a bit and make him feel jealous. He felt proud in enjoying Devika madam.

Vishnu brought his hands to Devika’s backside and slowly lifted the nightie up above her round gaand. Anand’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Anand now can see Devika’s naked curvy ass completely infront of him. He can see Vishnu’s erect lund is inside her pussy and she is riding his penis. Anand carefully watched the love making of his friend and teacher infront of his eyes. Vishnu’s two balls are visible and his erect cock his penetrating the choot of Devika. Each time she sit on his lap, Vishnu balls hits on her pussy making “thuk thuk” noise.

Both Vishnu and Devika was in ecstasy. Devika had completely forgotten her surrounding as the thick lund of Vishnu hit her inner spot.

Vishnu gave couple of tight slap on her ass cheek showing the thickness of her gaand to Anand. Each time he slapped her spongy ass jiggled in front of Anand.

Anand felt movement in his pants seeing the hot scene. Vishnu raised the nightie further above her breasts and then held one of the breast and started sucking while fucking her.

In the meantime, Anand got some courage, noticing Devika is not aware that he is in the car. He opened his pant zip and took out his semi erect penis and started stroking looking at her curvy ass.

Vishnu saw what Anand was doing. Anand smiled at Vishnu. Vishnu did not say anything and kept fucking her.

While fucking, Vishnu’s penis suddenly slipped out of her pussy and Anand saw, devika raising her ass little and brought her soft hands behind, held Vishnu’s erect lund which is covered in her juices and she willfully placed it back on her pussy opening and sat back inserting his hot rod in her choot again and continued riding him.

Anand cgot horny seeing the hot scene infront of him. He slowly extended his left hand slowly and touched Devika's ass cheek. Vishnu seeing this rested his hands on the sides, allowing his friend to access her gaand. Meanwhile Devika thought that it was Vishnu who is touching her ass from behind. She had kept her eyes closed as she was nearing the climax.

Anand started roaming his hands all over her naked soft ass while using his right hand to stroke himself. He squeezed the thick ass cheeks one by one enjoying the heaviness and smoothness. Soon he also was fully erect.

Anand also gave couple of spanks on her gaand. He even inserted his fingers in her ass cleavage and rubbed her ass hole. Anand never imagined he would be able to touch devika again.

Both Vishnu and Devika was reaching the climax. Vishnu kept licking and sucking her nipples, while Anand played with her ass.

Vishnu increased the speed as he was going to cum, devika was also in the verge of an orgasm. Anand also sensing it,increased the speed of his stroking.

Anand got more bold, he took his hand up and from behind, he touched and held Devika’s left breast. While Vishnu was chewing her right one. Devika was in no state to notice the strange hand on her left breast as she was enjoying the orgasm building in her. Anand held her breast and squeezed it and even pinched her erect nipple.

Devika - ooohh..uhmm..ohh

Vishnu - Im cumming

Vishnu gave a final push and cummed his next load in inside her. He kept pushing deeper and deeper inside her while his penis kept ejaculating inside her.

Vishnu - uhh..ohh
Devika - hmmmm. Vishnu

Devika was also in her orgasm as her body jerked and she held Vishnu tightly. From the front seat, Anand also reached his climax as he ejaculated to his right hand while holding her breast tightly while cumming.

Vishnu with his eyes asked Anand to move out of the car silently. The rain outside has changed to a small drizzle. Anand released her breast and his right hand was a mess. He looked at devika and she was still in her orgasm. Anand took his right hand and then placed it on her naked ass again and wiped his white thick cum on her ass cheek before silently exiting from the car without attaining attention from devika.

Both Vishnu and Devika came back normal state soon. Vishnu’s penis slipped out of her slippery pussy as it became limp. Devika had her pussy leaking and Vishnu’s cum was leaking out from her pussy.

Soon devika moved to the seat beside Vishnu and took a moment to relax and keep her clothes normal.

In a moment Devika spoke to Vishnu.

Devika - It’s time to say goodbye. I will not look back. I'm going to step back to my little world of joy with my husband and kid. Goodbye Vishnu, This is it.

Devika leaned and gave a peck on his forehead and quickly opened the door of the car and walked to her house. It took a moment for Vishnu to understand that most beautiful woman in his life has just walked away from him. That made him sad and leaving Vishnu heartbroken. It was difficult for him, but he knew, he is going to be okay as Devika was returning back to her happy life. Vishnu watched with teary eyes, Devika entering the house and closing the door on him.

Upon entering the house, Devika directly went to the cupboard where medicine are kept. She took out the pregnancy control pill and swallowed it. Along with that she swallowed away the chapter of Vishnu, Rahim, Anand, Chaami, Ramu and Ganapati.

Final Chapter

It has been six months since Devika walked back to her life of joy. She has moved on. And with the presence of Venki and Adi, it was easy for her to return back to her normal happy life.

She had resigned from the college. And the family had moved to a different city. She is now following her passion of dancing. She has opened a classical dance college at her home. Devika had never been more happier than this. All her wounds in her mind have healed. She is enjoying the new beginning.

One day, when she was preparing for her evening dance class, the doorbell rang. She opened the door to meet the postman.

Postman - There is a letter for Devika

Devika took the letter from the postman, closed the door and opened the letter to read it

Her heart raised as she started reading it


Hey Bitch,

You think you can live happily, hahaha. Not when I’m alive. You tore my family apart. I was living happily in my village until you came.

Ramu is my nephew, it is because of you, he is in jail now. Chaami is my loving father, it was again because of you he was killed. You shattered our family.

Now you have to suffer, I will punish you and your family. I will take revenge. I will strip you naked and will make you stand naked in street. I will not leave you alone.

Are you wondering who I am? This is CHERAN. Hope you remember. I’m going to come after you. Start running you bitch.


Devika finished reading the letter, she was sweating and she felt darkness filling her eye. The letter slipped through her fingers and fell on the floor, as she tried to recollect the person on the letter “CHERAN”

NB - please revisit chapter 71 to know character “Cheran”



Thank you guys for all your support. This was my first story. It was with your support, that I was able to complete the story. Initially I started this story back in 2016 in xossip platform under the name Duckhunter. You guys can understand, how difficult to write the story, as it took me 8 years to complete it. Most of the time, it is so boring to just write without getting proper response from the readers. There were numerous times, I thought of abandoning the story, but was determined to complete what I started.

I do understand there are number of readers who are not impressed with this story as it progressed. I totally get it, as an author, there are various places in the story, which I could have wrote differently to keep the central character “Devika” strong and bold as I originally intended when I started the story. But thats the way it is now.

Atleast Im glad that I was able to complete the story.

Anyone who is interested in continuing the saga of innocent heavenly angel Devika, please go ahead and continue next season. Smile

Thanks guys again for your support and for being the fan of Devika


Bookkeeper a.k.a Duckhunter
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(30-09-2024, 01:39 PM)Bookkeeper Wrote: Thank you guys for all your support. This was my first story. It was with your support, that I was able to complete the story. Initially I started this story back in 2016 in xossip platform under the name Duckhunter. You guys can understand, how difficult to write the story, as it took me 8 years to complete it. Most of the time, it is so boring to just write without getting proper response from the readers. There were numerous times, I thought of abandoning the story, but was determined to complete what I started.

I do understand there are number of readers who are not impressed with this story as it progressed. I totally get it, as an author, there are various places in the story, which I could have wrote differently to keep the central character “Devika” strong and bold as I originally intended when I started the story.  But thats the way it is now.

Atleast Im glad that I was able to complete the story.

Anyone who is interested in continuing the saga of innocent heavenly angel Devika, please go ahead and continue next season. Smile

Thanks guys again for your support and for being the fan of Devika


Bookkeeper a.k.a Duckhunter
I will miss your writting skill.. Please someone start writing new season..
[+] 1 user Likes Albinopukki's post
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Wow.. wonderful ending to this epic tale of Devika and her deceitful suitors. Hard to believe this is your first story!
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Congrats. It is one of the best stories in this forum. You did a wonderful work and glad the story completed in a high.
Hope someone continues the Part 2

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[+] 5 users Like nayagan's post
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Very good story bro. Please start your next story bro as soon possible. Best ever slow story with lot of humiliations of innicent teacher which made me cum more than 100 times .
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Thank you for the lovely story, my top favourite story anyday.
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Thank you for your efforts man. 
Felt climax a bit hurried, but thank you for all the efforts over years ... Cheers mate !
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Hello everyone, 

I followed this story from first episode, and since the original writer opened up the story by setting up the stage for chapter 2... I would love to continue.

I would share my first episode of chapter 2 and let me know your opinion, and continue to give your support, if you guys feel the plot is not good then i would not continue this story.

Episode 1

Vishnu slumped on his bed, his eyes welling up with unshed tears. The room was a mess, half-packed boxes strewn about, a stark reminder of his impending move to Australia. "Why does she have to be so stubborn?" he muttered, punching his pillow in frustration. The knock at his door was soft, barely audible. Anand entered, his face a mix of concern and determination. "Vishnu... I heard..." Anand's voice was gentle, his usual joking demeanor absent. "I heard you talking to yourself just now. And I saw your room... you're really leaving, aren't you?" Vishnu nodded, looking away to hide his tears. Anand sat down next to him, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You know... I've been thinking..." he paused, gathering his thoughts. "I've been thinking that maybe..... maybe I should come with you." Vishnu turned to face Anand, surprise etched on his face. "What? But your family, your studies..." Anand smiled, squeezing Vishnu's shoulder. "My family will understand. As for studies, well, there are universities in Australia too, you know." He grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "And besides, we're supposed to be in this together, right?" Vishnu's face broke into a wide smile as he wrapped his arms around Anand, hugging him tightly. "Thanks, Anand. You have no idea how much this means to me." Anand returned the hug, patting Vishnu's back soothingly. "Don't worry, my friend. I know how much you loved Devika... but yeah, now it's time for her to live happily with her own family."

Pulling back from the hug, Anand grinned mischievously, "Remember the time you thought you were so smooth, wooing her in her car?" he chuckled. Vishnu groaned, "Anand, not this again...". Anand cackled, "Come on! The way you thought you were so stealthy, turning on the music to drown out your whispers...". Vishnu's face flushed at the memory. He quickly cut Anand off, not wanting to revisit those bittersweet moments. "Anand, stop... just stop." He looked away, his voice cracking. "I miss her so much... I miss the way she smiled, the way she laughed, the way she felt in my arms...". Anand's teasing expression softened, and he pulled Vishnu into another hug. "I know, buddy. I know."

Vishnu's eyes took on a far-off look as he described Devika's beauty. "She's like a lotus flower, Anand. So pure, so beautiful. Her eyes shine like the morning sun, and her laughter... it's like music, the sweetest melody...". He paused, lost in his reverie. Slowly, his voice grew huskier, his breaths shallower.

Anand watched as Vishnu's expression softened, his eyes fluttering closed as he continued to paint a romantic picture of Devika. "And her touch... so gentle, like a butterfly's wings...". Vishnu's voice trailed off, his body tensing as he realized the direction of his thoughts. He coughed, clearing his throat and averting his gaze. "Never mind that. Let's... let's pack, okay?"

Devika stood under the steaming hot water, her body relax as the warmth seeped into her pores. But as she closed her eyes, images flooded her mind - memories of Vishnu's touch, his kisses, his voice whispering her name. She cursed under her breath, "How could I have been so foolish? I betrayed my husband, my vows, for a fleeting moment of passion with a student." Her heart ached as she remembered the feel of Vishnu's arms around her, the way he looked at her with those deep, soulful eyes. She pounded her fist against the tiled wall, "Why? Why did I let this happen? I was his teacher, for heaven's sake!" She leaned against the wall, sliding down until she sat on the floor of the shower, hot tears mixing with the spray of water. "I loved him..."
She hugged her knees to her chest, her body wracking with sobs. "I loved him, and he loved me... but it was wrong. So very wrong." She sat there, under the punishing spray, until the water turned cold. Finally, she pulled herself up, turning off the faucet. As she stepped out of the shower, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. "I made a mistake," she whispered to her reflection. "But it's over now," she said firmly, toweling off her hair. "What happened is in the past. I can't change it, but I can control what happens now." She wrapped the towel around herself, her eyes determined. "Venki deserves better. He deserves a faithful wife, not some lovesick fool pining over a mistake." She nodded at her reflection, making a silent promise. "No more. I won't cheat him again." She walked into her bedroom, the cool air prickling her damp skin. As she dressed, she felt a renewed sense of purpose. She would be the wife Venki deserved. She would bury the memories of Vishnu deep down, lock them away where they couldn't hurt her, or Venki, anymore. She took a deep, shuddering breath. "It's over," she whispered to the empty room. "It's over, and it will never happen again."

As Devika finished dressing, a sudden chill ran down her spine. She paused, her mind racing back to the threatening letter she had received from Cheran. Her heart pounded in her chest as she remembered the chilling words. "He said he would take his revenge..." she whispered, her voice shaking. She wrapped her arms around herself, hugging tight. "But what does that mean? What is he going to do?"

She paced the room, her mind whirling. "I have to tell Venki... no, I can't tell him. He'll be furious that I hid it from him in the first place." She bit her lip, torn. "But what if something happens? What if Cheran...?" She shivered, unable to finish the thought. Suddenly, she heard a soft creaking sound outside her door. She froze, her eyes wide. "Venki?"

Devika let out a sigh of relief as she realized it was just their cat scratching at the door. She sank onto the bed, her heart still pounding. "Vishnu..." she whispered, her mind turning to her former student. He was smart, resourceful, and he had connections. He might be able to help, but... "No," she murmured, conflicted. "I can't drag him into this. Not after..." She hesitated, her fingers hovering over her phone. "But if Cheran carries out his threat..." She trailed off, her mind filled with dark possibilities. She closed her eyes, torn. Involving Vishnu again would mean reopening old wounds, reigniting feelings she'd sworn to bury. But the alternative... She took a deep, shuddering breath, her decision made. With shaking hands, she dialed Vishnu's number. "Please, pick up..."

Vishnu's phone rang, breaking the silence in Anand's room as they packed their bags for their trip to Australia the next morning. Anand looked up, noticing the unfamiliar number on the screen. "Who is it?" he asked, setting aside the shirt he was folding. Vishnu's phone rang, startling him out of his packing routine. He glanced at the screen, his eyes widening in surprise. "Devika?" he murmured, showing the phone to Anand. They had agreed to move on, to forget what had happened between them. But now, seeing her name on his screen, he felt a mix of surprise and a warmth he'd thought he'd buried. "Should I...?"

Anand rolled his eyes and smirked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Yeah, go ahead and answer it. I'm sure she just can't live without talking to you." Vishnu shot him a warning look, but Anand just shrugged and continued packing. Vishnu sighed and answered the call, his heart racing. "Hello, Devika mam," he said, trying to keep his voice calm.

"Vishnu, I... I need your help," Devika's voice came through the line, shaky and tense. "It's... it's about Cheran." Vishnu's grip tightened on the phone. Cheran? The name sent a chill down his spine. "What about him?" he asked, his voice cold. Anand looked up, noticing the change in Vishnu's demeanor. "What's wrong?" he mouthed silently, He's... he's threatened me, Vishnu," Devika admitted, her voice barely a whisper. "He said he'll expose... everything, unless I... unless I..." She trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. Vishnu's face darkened, anger flashing in his eyes. "Unless you what?" he growled. Anand watched, concerned, as Vishnu's expression grew stormier. "Devika Mam, tell me,"

Devika continues ..."Unless I drop the case against him," Devika finished, her voice breaking. "He knows, Vishnu. He knows about us, about... everything." She started to cry, her sobs echoing through the phone. Vishnu's heart ached at the sound. "Devika Mam, please don't cry," he said softly, his anger temporarily forgotten. "I'm coming over, alright? I'll be there soon."

Devika says "No, Vishnu, you don't understand..." Devika sniffled, trying to regain her composure. "He said he'll hurt you if I don't drop the case. He knows about your involvement..." Her voice trailed off, but the threat hung heavy in the air. Vishnu's jaw set firmly. "I don't care about the risk," he said, determination in his voice. "I'm coming over."

Vishnu and Anand reached Devika's house in record time, the usually bustling streets whizzing by in a blur. Devika opened the door, her eyes red and swollen from crying. She led them to the living room, her shoulders slumped in defeat. "He's blackmailing me, Vishnu," she started, her voice hoarse. "He has evidence... photos, messages..." She broke down again, burying her face in her hands.

Vishnu's mind raced back to that night, to Ramu's leering face and grasping hands. Had they taken photos then? His stomach turned at the thought. But looking at Devika's distress, he knew he had to be strong. He walked over to her, gently priing her hands away from her face. "Devika Mam, look at me," he said softly. She raised her tear-stained eyes to his. "We'll figure this out,". 
Vishnu pulled out his phone, dialing his father's number. "Appa," he said, cutting straight to the chase. "I need your help. It's about Devika Mam..." He explained the situation briefly, his father listening in silence. When Vishnu finished, there was a pause before his father spoke. "Alright, here's what we'll do..." He outlined a plan, his voice calm and collected.

Vishnu returned to Devika's, his face bearing a solemn expression. Devika looked up at him, concern etched on her face. "What did your father say?" she asked. Vishnu sat down beside her, his eyes meeting hers. "We have a plan," he said, his voice serious. "But I need you to trust me, completely." Devika nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. "I trust you, Vishnu." Spill out the plan, so Vishnu continued, "The plan is to get you out of the country, Devika Mam. My father has arranged a flight ticket for you to Australia. He has a contact there who can offer you a job at a reputed college." Devika stared at him, shock written all over her face. "Australia? But... my husband, my job..." Vishnu anticipated her concerns. "Venki can join you later, on a spouse visa."

Devika's mind raced, her heart clenching at the thought of leaving everything behind. "But what about Venki now? He can't just leave his job..." She paced, wringing her hands. "And what about our home? Our life here?" Vishnu watched her, understanding her turmoil. "I know it's not easy, Devika Mam," he said softly. "But it's the only way. Cheran won't stop." Devika paused, her eyes filling with tears. She thought of Venki, his love and support. She thought of their child, innocent and unaware of the danger looming. She took a deep breath, steeling herself. "Alright," she whispered. "I'll go. For Venki, for our child." She looked at Vishnu, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you, Vishnu. "I don't know how I can repay you, or your father. I was so blind to think that law will work for me...Cheran is powerful and I was naive." Tears spilled over, rolling down her cheeks. Vishnu pulled her into a hug. "You're not naive, Devika Mam. You're strong. Stronger than you think. You're doing what's necessary to protect your family." He pulled back, wiping her tears gently. Devika sniffled, pulling herself together. "Thank you, Vishnu," she said, her voice thick with emotion. Vishnu smiled at her, his eyes warm. "Stop thanking me, Devika Mam. Just pack your things. We leave for the airport in a few hours." He turned to leave the room, then paused. "And Devika..." he said, looking back at her. "This is nothing compared to what you've given me."( Sarcastically) Devika felt a flush rise to her cheeks as she looked at Vishnu. She thought back to their conversations, their moments together. She wondered if he meant something more than just his help and protection. "V-Vishnu, what do you mean?" she stammered, her heart pounding in her chest. Vishnu hesitated, his gaze holding hers. "Never mind," he said finally, turning away. "Just pack your things, Devika Mam."

With hesitation..she ask "Vishnu please explain me Devika demands, if their is any bad intentions then i shall not come with you, i already explained that our relationship was short term and I gave what you need, so now on I have to move on as i have my family and you need to concentrate on your studies too Vishnu , i can't cheat Venki, I hope you understand, she wiped her tears that were rolling down. Vishnu's face shuttered, his expression becoming unreadable. He turned back to face Devika, his voice steady. "Devika Mam, please don't read more into my words. I assure you, I have no hidden intentions. I only meant that your support and guidance meant a lot to me, academically." He paused, his voice softening. "I know our relationship was... brief and I respect that you need to move on. I promise, all I want is to ensure your safety, so you can return to Venki and your child." He took a step closer, his eyes filled with sincerity. "Please, Devika Mam. Don't cry. I would never do anything to hurt you. I owe you too much." Devika looked at him, her breath hitching. She wanted to believe him but her face was not giving that confidence, and Vishnu gently reached out and wiped away her tears with his thumb. "Devika, listen to me," he said softly. "There are no bad intentions. I swear it on my life. All I want is to ensure your safety, so you can return to Venki and your child without worrying about anything else." He paused, his expression sincere. "I know our relationship was short-term, and you've made it clear you need to move on." Devika's tears subsided, and a small smile played on her lips. She nodded, giving Vishnu a tiny nod of acceptance. "Okay, Vishnu. I trust you. But we need to be careful, alright?" She wiped her nose with her sleeve, looking up at him with a hint of happiness. "And... we should meet at the airport, okay? I don't want anyone to see us together again." Vishnu's heart swelled with relief as he saw the smile on Devika's face. He nodded eagerly, his mind already racing with plans. "Airport it is, then. I'll make sure to be there early, so we can leave without drawing attention." He paused, looking at her intently. "Devika, promise me you'll be careful until then. And... please don't worry about anything. I've got this."
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