Adultery Undercover Desires
Great narration bro
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The Morning of the Marathon :-

The morning of the Mumbai Marathon dawned cool and bright, the city buzzing with excitement. Danish stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his marathon bib. His nerves were on edge, but he tried to steady his breath as he glanced at the clock. Today was the day he'd been working toward for weeks, the culmination of countless hours of training, sweating, and pushing his limits. And just as importantly, it was the day Kavya had been supporting him for from the sidelines.

Kavya, already up and dressed in comfortable clothes, came into the room carrying a water bottle and an energy bar. “Here, you need to fuel up,” she said, handing him the bar with a smile.
Danish took it, giving her a grateful smile. “Thanks. I don’t know how I’d have done this without you. From the meals to the gym to… well, everything.”
Kavya shook her head, brushing it off. “You’re the one doing all the hard work. I’m just here to make sure you don’t pass out from hunger or overwork,” she teased, though her voice was filled with pride.

As Danish finished up his preparations, the nerves finally hit him. “I’ve trained for this, I know I have, but… what if I don’t make it? What if I don’t finish?”
Kavya stepped closer, resting a hand on his arm. “Hey, you’ve got this. You’ve put in the work. I’ve seen it firsthand, remember? You’re stronger than you think. And I’ll be there, cheering you on the whole way.”

Her words calmed his racing thoughts, and he gave her a nod. “Thanks, Kavya. It means a lot to have you there.”
They shared a moment of quiet understanding before it was time to leave. The marathon was starting soon, and Danish couldn’t afford to be late.
The streets of Mumbai were filled with thousands of runners warming up and stretching, their bibs pinned proudly to their chests. Danish stood among them, the buzz of energy in the air making his heart race even faster. He scanned the crowd and spotted Kavya standing a little off to the side, holding a sign she had made that read: “Go Danish! You’ve Got This!”

Danish couldn’t help but smile, feeling a surge of determination. Kavya gave him a thumbs-up, her eyes full of encouragement. He took a deep breath, focusing on the task ahead. The marathon route stretched over 42 kilometers, weaving through the busy streets and iconic landmarks of Mumbai. It was going to be tough, but he was ready.

The starting gun went off, and the runners surged forward. Danish found his rhythm quickly, his feet hitting the pavement in time with his steady breaths. The first few kilometers passed smoothly, and as he settled into his pace, the familiar sense of freedom washed over him. Running had always been his way to challenge himself, and today, he was ready to push those limits again.
As the race progressed, the kilometers added up, and Danish began to feel the burn in his legs. His training had prepared him for this, but the marathon was still grueling. The heat of the city began to intensify, and the sweat dripped down his face as he powered through the streets. His body ached, but his mind was focused.

Along the way, he caught glimpses of the cheering crowd, and every so often, he would spot Kavya holding up her sign, waving and yelling encouragement. Her presence gave him strength, a reminder of all the support she had given him in the past few weeks. From cooking dinner on his long run days to pushing him in the gym, she had been there every step of the way.

By the time he reached the halfway point, his body was starting to feel the strain. He slowed his pace slightly, focusing on his breathing and trying not to think about how much farther he had to go. But then, as if on cue, he spotted Kavya again, this time at the 21-kilometer mark, waving and jumping with excitement as he passed. Her energy was infectious, and Danish couldn’t help but smile as he pushed on, his second wind kicking in.
As the marathon entered its final stretch, the competition heated up. Danish was near the front, his heart pounding with a mixture of exhaustion and adrenaline. The last 5 kilometers were the hardest. Every muscle in his body screamed for rest, but he refused to give up.
Up ahead, he saw two runners pulling ahead, the gap between them and Danish closing. His mind raced—this was his moment. All the weeks of training, the early morning runs, and the gym sessions had prepared him for this exact moment.

He pushed harder, his legs burning as he closed the distance. The finish line was just ahead, and the crowd was roaring with excitement. Kavya’s voice cut through the noise—he heard her shouting his name, and it fueled him even more.
With just a few hundred meters left, Danish was neck and neck with the other runners. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his breath coming in sharp bursts. But he wasn’t going to back down. Not now.

Summoning every last bit of strength, he surged forward in a final burst of speed, crossing the finish line with a close margin ahead of the others. The crowd erupted into cheers as he stumbled slightly, his legs nearly giving out from the effort.
He had done it.

Danish stood at the finish line, gasping for air as the weight of his achievement sank in. He had won the marathon. The exhaustion was overwhelming, but so was the sense of accomplishment. He had pushed his limits and come out on top.
As he caught his breath, he looked up to see Kavya running toward him, her face lit up with pride and excitement. She practically tackled him in a hug, laughing as she held him tight. “You did it! You actually won!” she exclaimed, her eyes shining.

Danish hugged her back, still catching his breath. “I couldn’t have done it without you, Kavya. You’ve been there every step of the way.”
Kavya pulled back, looking at him with a mixture of admiration and affection. “You’re the one who did all the hard work. I’m just glad I could be there to support you.”

They stood there for a moment, soaking in the victory. Danish looked around at the crowd, the finish line, and the other runners still crossing it. It felt surreal, but in the best way possible. He had trained hard, and it had all paid off.
“You were amazing out there,” Kavya said, handing him a bottle of water and a towel. “I knew you had it in you.”
Danish smiled, feeling a rush of gratitude. “Thanks, Kavya. I couldn’t have asked for a better cheerleader.”
Kavya laughed. “And you couldn’t have asked for a better cook, gym partner, and marathon supporter, either.”
Danish grinned. “You’re right about that.”

As they walked away from the finish line, the medal hanging around Danish’s neck, they both knew this was a moment they would never forget. The marathon had been more than just a race—it had been a test of endurance, strength, and friendship. And they had both come out stronger because of it.
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The sun had just begun to set over the city of Mumbai, casting a golden hue on the bustling streets below. In their apartment, Danish sat on the couch, still feeling the adrenaline from his marathon victory earlier that day. He looked at Kavya, who had been his constant supporter during the months of grueling preparation. She stood by the kitchen counter, busy tidying up, but there was a glow of pride on her face.

"How about we go out tonight to celebrate?" Danish asked, breaking the silence.
Kavya turned to him with a smile. "That sounds like a great idea! You deserve it after today."
Danish stretched his legs out and looked at his phone. "I was thinking we could go to that new restaurant downtown, the one with the rooftop view. It’d be perfect."

Kavya nodded, excited at the prospect of an evening out. "I’ve heard it’s amazing. Let’s do it."
Just then, Danish remembered to ask Rahul to join them. He grabbed his phone and dialed Rahul’s number, leaning back into the couch as the call connected.

“Hey, Rahul! Big news—I won the marathon!” Danish said excitedly, the pride evident in his voice.
“Congratulations, man! That’s amazing!” Rahul replied, though his voice carried the sound of stress and distraction, presumably from his busy day at the office.

“We’re heading out to celebrate tonight. You should join us! We’re going to that rooftop restaurant downtown,” Danish offered, hoping Rahul could join in the celebration.
There was a pause on the other end of the line before Rahul spoke again, his tone a little hesitant. “I’d love to, but work’s been crazy. There’s a ton of stuff I need to finish up tonight. I’ll try, but I can’t promise anything.”
Danish exchanged a look with Kavya, who raised an eyebrow. He knew Rahul’s work had been demanding lately, but it seemed like a pattern that he was too busy for these moments.

“No worries, man. If you can make it, great! If not, we’ll celebrate for you,” Danish said with a chuckle, trying to keep things light.
“I’ll do my best,” Rahul said, though Danish could hear the weariness in his voice. “Enjoy the night either way.”
After hanging up, Danish looked at Kavya, who was silent for a moment before speaking. “Rahul’s been working a lot lately. I’m not sure if he’ll actually make it,” she said, her tone neutral but with a slight edge of disappointment.

Danish shrugged. “It’s alright. We’ll still have a great night, and maybe he’ll surprise us.”
Later that evening, Kavya began getting ready for their night out. She pulled out a one-piece dress from her wardrobe—a deep navy blue with a delicate sheen that caught the light perfectly. The dress had a tasteful but deep neckline, accentuating her figure in all the right places. As she stood in front of the mirror, adjusting her hair, she thought back to all the times she had supported Danish during his marathon training. From making sure he had balanced meals to helping him stretch after intense sessions, it felt like her victory, too.

In the living room, Danish was also getting ready, a casual but smart button-down shirt paired with dark jeans. He checked his phone for messages from Rahul, but there was nothing new. He sighed, hoping his best friend could somehow make it, but he didn’t want the evening’s mood to be dampened by uncertainty.

Now, it was time to leave for the restaurant. Danish wanted to remind Kavya that they should head out soon, so he walked over to her room.
As he approached the door, he noticed it was slightly ajar. He raised his hand to knock but paused as his eyes fell on the reflection in the mirror—Kavya, in the midst of getting ready. She hadn’t noticed him yet, focused on her preparations.
Kavya was dressed in a stunning one-piece dress, its deep navy blue fabric catching the light and accentuating her figure. The dress had a daring neckline that plunged elegantly, revealing just enough to be alluring without being overt. The design featured sleeveless cut sleeves, which left her upper arms and shoulders beautifully exposed.

As Kavya adjusted her hair, Danish's eyes were drawn to the details of her dress. The cut sleeves left her armpits completely visible, showcasing the smooth, soft skin that contrasted subtly with the deep blue of her dress. The fabric of the dress dbangd loosely around her upper arms, and as she moved, it shifted slightly, drawing attention to the delicate curve of her armpits.
Kavya raised her arms to adjust a stray strand of hair, and the movement caused the dress to stretch slightly across her upper body. This shift in the fabric brought her armpits into clearer view, the skin there appearing flawless and inviting. The dress’s design accentuated the natural grace of her arms and the gentle curve where her armpit met her upper arm.

Danish’s gaze lingered on the way the fabric brushed against her skin. The light sheen of her skin in the armpit area created a soft, almost luminous effect, contrasting beautifully with the darker tone of the dress. Every small adjustment Kavya made accentuated the smoothness of her skin, and the way the fabric moved with her added to the allure of the moment.
As Kavya continued her preparations, Danish’s eyes were fixed on the way her armpits were framed by the dress. Her skin looked velvety, the soft lines of her body highlighted by the movement of the fabric. The elegance with which she moved, combined with the subtle exposure of her armpits, created a scene of understated sensuality.

As she moved closer to the mirror, Kavya’s attention was focused on her reflection. She gently applied a final touch of makeup, her fingers moving with practiced ease. The way she adjusted the necklace around her neck, her fingers brushing lightly against the delicate skin, only added to Danish’s awe. Every small movement, every adjustment of her dress, seemed to enhance her beauty in ways he hadn’t fully appreciated before.
Danish felt a rush of emotions, a mix of admiration and a heightened awareness of Kavya’s beauty. He couldn’t help but appreciate the intimacy of the moment—seeing her so unguarded, yet so radiant. The sight of her, coupled with the sense of anticipation for the evening ahead, made the moment feel intensely significant.

Realizing he had been standing there for too long, Danish cleared his throat softly. The sound was enough to draw Kavya’s attention, and she turned toward the door with a hint of surprise in her eyes.
“Oh, Danish,” she said, her voice warm and slightly startled. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
Danish stepped into the room, trying to regain his composure. “I just wanted to let you know that it’s time to head out. But I must say, you look absolutely stunning.”

Kavya’s cheeks flushed lightly at the compliment, and she offered him a grateful smile. “Thank you. I’m almost ready.”
She took a final glance at her reflection, adjusting her necklace and smoothing down the dress. The neckline dipped just low enough to hint at her curves, and as she did so, the fabric brushed against her armpits once more. The soft glow of the light highlighted the subtle, graceful contours of her skin, making Danish’s admiration deepen.

Danish extended his arm, a gesture of both chivalry and affection. “Shall we?”
As they left the apartment, Danish carried with him the image of Kavya in her dress—the way it revealed her smooth skin and the subtle elegance of her armpits. The sight had left a lasting impression, making the evening feel even more special as they headed out to celebrate.
The city of Mumbai was alive with the energy of the evening as Danish and Kavya settled into the back of an Uber. The driver navigated through the bustling streets, and the soft hum of the car’s engine created a comfortable background to their conversation.

Kavya looked over at Danish, her smile still radiant from their earlier moments at home. The navy blue dress she wore shimmered under the soft light of the car’s interior, and Danish couldn’t help but steal glances at her as they chatted about their plans for the evening.
“So, what’s the first thing on our celebration agenda?” Kavya asked, her tone light and cheerful.
Danish smiled, his eyes twinkling with excitement. “We’re heading to that new rooftop restaurant. I’ve heard great things about it—perfect place to unwind and celebrate.”

The conversation continued, filled with laughter and anticipation. They were enjoying each other's company and looking forward to a night of celebration. Danish’s phone buzzed on the seat between them, and he glanced down to see a message from Rahul.
“Hey, Danish,” the text read. “Sorry, but I’m swamped with work. I won’t be able to make it tonight. You two carry on and enjoy yourselves. Catch up soon.”

Danish’s face fell slightly as he read the message. He had hoped Rahul might surprise them, but it seemed his friend’s workload had gotten the best of him. He looked at Kavya, who was absorbed in her phone, and then back at the message.
“We might need to rethink our plans,” Danish said, his voice carrying a hint of disappointment. “Rahul won’t be able to join us.”
Kavya looked up, her expression shifting from surprise to understanding. “Oh, that’s too bad. But it’s alright. We can still have a great time.”
Danish’s mind raced as he considered alternative plans. The rooftop restaurant had been a great idea, but with Rahul not joining them, he wondered if a more vibrant setting might be better suited for the evening. He glanced at Kavya, her eyes still filled with curiosity.
“How about we switch things up a bit?” Danish suggested, an idea forming. “There’s a really good club not too far from here. It’s got a great atmosphere—perfect for celebrating.”

Kavya’s eyes lit up with interest. “That sounds fantastic! I’ve heard that place has an amazing vibe.”
Danish nodded, pulling out his phone and quickly updating the destination in the Uber app. The driver adjusted the route, and the car smoothly transitioned onto a new path. The cityscape outside changed as they left the main roads and entered a more upscale part of town.
The conversation between Danish and Kavya shifted to the club they were heading to. Kavya was excited, her enthusiasm infectious. “I haven’t been to a place like that in ages. It’ll be a fun change of pace from what we originally planned.”
Danish felt a wave of relief and excitement. The idea of spending the evening at a chic, vibrant club seemed like a fitting way to celebrate the marathon victory. The atmosphere would be lively and engaging, providing a different kind of celebration that matched their mood.
As they drove, Danish took a moment to appreciate the change in plans. The initial disappointment of Rahul’s absence was quickly fading, replaced by a renewed sense of anticipation. The thought of dancing, enjoying cocktails, and soaking in the club’s ambiance felt like the perfect way to end a day of hard-earned success.

The Uber pulled up to the entrance of the club, the neon lights and stylish exterior hinting at the night ahead. Kavya looked out the window, her excitement palpable.
“This place looks amazing,” she said, her voice filled with anticipation. “I can’t wait to see what it’s like inside.”
Danish nodded, sharing her enthusiasm. “Let’s make this night one to remember.”
They stepped out of the car, the cool evening air embracing them as they approached the club’s entrance. The doorman greeted them with a nod, and Danish gave some money to the bouncer outside as they did not have the reservation. As they walked through the doors, the vibrant energy of the club enveloped them.

Inside, the club was everything they had hoped for—elegant decor, a pulsating beat of music, and an atmosphere that promised a night of fun and celebration. Danish and Kavya made their way to a table, the perfect spot to enjoy the evening’s festivities.
As they settled into their seats and ordered drinks, the initial disappointment of Rahul’s absence was replaced by a sense of excitement and possibility. The night was theirs to enjoy, and they were determined to make the most of it, celebrating Danish’s victory in style.
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Superb update
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Kavya glanced around, taking in the sleek design of the club—the sophisticated bar, the illuminated dance floor, and the lively crowd enjoying the evening. She turned back to Danish, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. “This place is incredible,” she said, her voice raised slightly to be heard over the music.
Danish smiled, clearly pleased with her reaction. “I’m glad you like it. I thought it would be a great way to celebrate.”
As their drinks arrived, Danish took a sip of his cocktail and then leaned in slightly toward Kavya. “You know, you look absolutely stunning tonight,” he said, his tone both genuine and flirtatious.

Kavya’s cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment, and she smiled warmly. “Thank you, Danish. You’re looking pretty sharp yourself.”
Danish chuckled softly, his eyes locking with hers. “Well, I guess we make quite the pair then.”
The conversation flowed effortlessly, with Danish making a point to keep Kavya engaged and entertained. He was attentive, listening intently as she talked about her week and sharing anecdotes from his own experiences. His gaze was unwavering, making Kavya feel like the center of his world for the evening.
As they talked, Danish subtly flirted with Kavya, his compliments and playful remarks adding a layer of charm to their interaction. He leaned in closer, his voice softening as he spoke. “You know, I’ve always thought you had an incredible sense of style. Tonight, you’re proving me right.”
Kavya laughed softly, her eyes bright with amusement. “You’re making me blush, Danish. But I appreciate it.”

Danish’s attention was unwavering. He noticed the way Kavya’s hair fell in soft waves around her shoulders, and how the ambient light highlighted the elegance of her dress. He reached out, gently brushing a strand of hair away from her face, his touch lingering just a moment longer than necessary.
“Every detail about you tonight is perfect,” he said, his voice low and sincere. “It’s like the whole evening was designed to highlight how amazing you are.”
Kavya’s smile widened, clearly touched by his words. “You really know how to make a girl feel special,” she said, her voice carrying a hint of admiration.
Danish grinned, his confidence evident. “It’s easy when I’m with someone as remarkable as you.”
The night continued with laughter and playful banter. As the music picked up, Danish invited Kavya to join him on the dance floor. He guided her with a smooth, confident hand, his touch firm yet gentle. The dance floor was alive with movement, and the two of them moved together seamlessly, their chemistry undeniable.

Danish’s dancing was fluid and charismatic, and he effortlessly matched Kavya’s rhythm. He kept his gaze locked on hers, his playful smiles and occasional teasing comments making her laugh and feel at ease. He led her through the dance with a combination of elegance and energy, making each moment feel intimate and exhilarating.

After a while, they returned to their table, where the drinks were still flowing and the music provided a lively backdrop. Danish poured Kavya another glass, his movements smooth and assured. “To an incredible night,” he toasted, raising his glass.
Kavya clinked her glass with his, her eyes shining with happiness. “To an amazing night,” she echoed.
As the night wore on and the drinks continued to flow, the club’s atmosphere grew even more electric. The music had taken on a deeper, more rhythmic pulse, and the lights cast a mesmerizing glow over the dance floor. Danish and Kavya, now slightly tipsy but still alert, decided to head back to the dance floor.

Danish led the way, his confidence evident in every step. The club’s energy seemed to match the growing intimacy between them. As they reached the center of the dance floor, Danish turned to Kavya with a playful grin. “Ready to get back out there?”
Kavya’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “Absolutely. Let’s make the most of it.”
Danish took her hand and guided her into the throng of dancers. The beat of the music was hypnotic, a deep, rhythmic bass that seemed to pulse through their bodies. Danish’s hand moved to Kavya’s lower back, pulling her close against him. The proximity was electric, and Kavya felt a thrill as their bodies pressed together.

The way Danish held her was both confident and tender. His hand rested firmly on her waist, his touch warm and reassuring. Kavya could feel the strength of his grip, but it was gentle enough to make her feel completely comfortable. She allowed herself to relax into his embrace, her body aligning with his as they began to move to the rhythm of the music.

The dance was intimate, their bodies moving in sync with the beat. Danish guided her with a practiced ease, his movements smooth and assured. His other hand found her other waist, his fingers lightly grazing her skin through the fabric of her dress. The sensation was both exhilarating and comforting, and Kavya couldn’t help but lean into him further.

They danced closely, their faces mere inches apart. The heat of the club and the closeness of their bodies created a sensual atmosphere. Danish’s breath was warm against Kavya’s ear as he spoke softly to her, his voice a seductive murmur. “You look incredible tonight,” he said, his tone low and intimate.
Kavya’s heart raced at the closeness of his voice and the warmth of his body against hers. She looked up at him, her gaze meeting his with a mix of desire and affection. “Thank you,” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. “I feel amazing.”

Danish’s hand slid up her side, his touch lingering on the exposed skin of her upper back. The sensation was electrifying, and Kavya shivered slightly at the contact. Danish responded by pulling her even closer, their bodies pressed together in a way that felt both thrilling and intimate.
The music continued to play, its seductive rhythm guiding their movements. Danish’s hands explored the curves of Kavya’s waist and back, his touch becoming more confident and exploratory. Kavya responded by moving in closer, her body swaying with his in a way that was both sensual and natural.
As they danced, their movements became increasingly synchronized. Kavya’s hands rested lightly on Danish’s shoulders, and she could feel the strength of his muscles under his shirt. The connection between them was palpable, and the dance became a silent conversation of shared feelings and unspoken desires.

Danish’s lips brushed against Kavya’s ear as he spoke again, his voice husky with emotion. “This night has been perfect. I’m so glad we’re sharing it together.”

Kavya’s breath caught in her throat, her emotions swirling with the intimacy of the moment. She turned her head slightly, her lips brushing against Danish’s cheek. “Me too,” she said softly, her voice filled with sincerity. “It’s been an unforgettable evening.”
Their dance continued, the sensuality of the moment heightened by the closeness of their bodies and the intensity of their connection. Danish’s hands roamed over Kavya’s back and waist with a gentle but unmistakable passion. Each touch, each movement, seemed to draw them even closer together.
The club’s ambiance only added to the allure of the evening. The dim lighting and pulsating music created a cocoon around them, making their dance feel like a private celebration amid the larger celebration of the night. The world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them and the intimate connection they were sharing.

Danish and Kavya were immersed in the rhythmic pulse of the music, their bodies pressed close and moving in sync with the beat. The intimacy of their dance had already created a deep connection between them, but the night was about to take a thrilling turn.
Suddenly, the DJ’s voice boomed over the speakers, announcing a special effect. “Alright, everyone! Let’s get wild for a minute—lights out!”
Without warning, the club’s lights were extinguished, plunging the dance floor into darkness. The abrupt change caused a collective gasp and cheer from the crowd, their excitement palpable in the pitch-black room. The music continued, but the absence of light heightened the sensation of touch and proximity, creating an almost primal atmosphere.

In the enveloping darkness, Danish and Kavya were surrounded by a veil of shadows. The sudden lack of visual stimuli heightened their other senses, making every touch, every breath, and every movement more intense.
Danish’s heart raced as he took in the darkness, feeling a rush of boldness and exhilaration. With the lights off, his inhibitions seemed to fade, and he gathered his courage. His hands, which had been resting gently on Kavya’s waist, began to move with a new sense of purpose.
Slowly and deliberately, Danish slid his hand from Kavya’s waist down to her hips. His touch was firm yet tender, and the sensation of his fingers brushing against her curves was electrifying. As he pulled her closer, their bodies pressed even more intimately together. The absence of light intensified their physical connection, the darkness making every touch feel more pronounced and thrilling.

Kavya felt the shift in Danish’s touch immediately. His hands on her hips were both bold and reassuring, and the proximity of their bodies was intoxicating. She responded by leaning into him, her body aligning perfectly with his as they moved to the music. The sensation of his hands on her hips and the heat of his body against hers created a heady mix of excitement and desire.

Their movements became even more sensual in the darkness. Danish’s hands explored Kavya’s hips with a confident touch, guiding her movements as they danced. The music’s rhythm pulsed through them, their bodies swaying in perfect harmony. Every touch, every movement felt magnified by the darkness, making their dance feel like an intimate secret shared between them.

Kavya’s breath was warm and quick against Danish’s neck as they moved together. The lack of light heightened her awareness of his touch, and she could feel the subtle shifts in his grip as his hands traveled over her curves. The sensation of his fingers tracing along her hips was both thrilling and comforting, and she couldn’t help but respond with a deep, contented sigh.

Danish’s touch was both assertive and gentle, guiding Kavya’s movements with a blend of passion and tenderness. His fingers caressed her hips, the contact becoming more exploratory as he pulled her closer. The darkness allowed them to focus entirely on each other, their physical connection becoming the focal point of their interaction.

As they danced, Danish’s lips brushed against Kavya’s ear, his breath sending shivers down her spine. “You feel amazing,” he whispered, his voice low and filled with desire. The intimacy of the moment, combined with the darkness, made his words feel even more charged and sincere.
Kavya’s heart raced at the closeness of his voice and the intensity of his touch. She tilted her head slightly, allowing his breath to mingle with hers. “So do you,” she whispered back, her voice a soft, breathless murmur.

Their dance continued with a heightened sense of connection. Danish’s hands roamed over Kavya’s hips and lower back, his touch becoming more passionate as the music built to a crescendo. Each movement, each caress was amplified by the darkness, making their dance feel like a private celebration of their closeness.

The absence of light made the dance floor feel like a secluded haven, where only the two of them existed. The rest of the world seemed to fade away, leaving them enveloped in a cocoon of shared sensation and intimacy. The music’s rhythm guided their movements, their bodies moving together in a way that was both sensual and exhilarating.

As they danced, Danish took the opportunity to turn Kavya around so that her back was now pressed firmly against his chest. The change in position brought their bodies even closer, and the warmth of Danish’s chest against Kavya’s back was both comforting and electrifying. The closeness created a cocoon of intimacy, where every movement and every touch felt heightened.

As they are in this new position, their body pressed against each other and Kavya’s hips touching the crotch of Danish. As they are tipsy they are busy in dancing they both are enjoying this sensation. Danish slided his hands on Kavya’s tummy and pulling her closer.
In the darkness, Kavya responded instinctively to the increased intimacy. She pressed her hips against Danish’s, the subtle grinding motion creating a thrilling connection between them. The softness of her dress against Danish’s body, combined with the friction of their contact, made every movement feel amplified. The grinding of her hips against him was both deliberate and sensual, each motion sending waves of warmth through both of them.
Kavya’s right hand moved to the back of Danish’s neck, her fingers curling gently around the strong muscles there. The touch was both tender and assertive, pulling him closer as she leaned into his embrace. The sensation of her hand on his neck, combined with the grinding of her hips, created a deeply intimate experience.

Danish, feeling the intensity of their connection, leaned in over Kavya’s shoulder. His nose brushed against the side of her neck, and he took in the subtle, intoxicating scent of her skin. The warmth of her neck and the faint, earthy aroma of her armpits, mingling with her perfume, created a sensory experience that was both alluring and intimate.

As Danish’s breath warmed her skin, Kavya could feel the slight tremor of his exhalations. Her hips continued to grind gently against him, the motion creating a rhythmic, sensual pressure. The friction of her hips against his crotch, combined with the heat of their bodies, made the dance feel even more intense and connected.

Kavya’s breath came in soft, quick gasps as she leaned further into Danish’s embrace. The sensation of his body pressed against hers, along with the grinding of her hips, created a deep sense of closeness. She tilted her head slightly, allowing him better access to her neck, and she could feel the brush of his lips against her skin.

As the music’s rhythm built to a climax, Danish and Kavya remained in their intimate embrace. The darkness around them made their connection feel even more profound, each touch and each movement amplified by the lack of visual stimuli. The grinding of Kavya’s hips against Danish’s, combined with the warmth of their bodies and the sensory experience of her scent, created an unforgettable moment of sensuality and connection.
When the lights finally flickered back on, revealing the vibrant colors of the club, Danish and Kavya remained close for a moment longer. The intensity of their dance had created a deeply intimate experience, one that would linger long after the night was over.
They continued to hold each other, savoring the closeness and the connection they had shared. The night was still alive with energy, and they were ready to enjoy every moment of it together.
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Hot update
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Rahul will see his wife and friend in his marital bed. What will be his reaction?
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Thank you dear author for back to back updates. Certainly one of the best erotica.
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Wonderful dude
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Getting more hot and hot
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Tbh,,,at the moment, there are only two people who really deserve some props and recognition for their hard work— one is the writer of this story & the other is that guy who is keep spamming every thread under different fake names. 
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(08-09-2024, 12:41 PM)Blackdick11 Wrote: Tbh,,,at the moment, there are only two people who really deserve some props and recognition for their hard work— one is the writer of this story & the other is that guy who is keep spamming every thread under different fake names. 

Haha ..the one who is selling his IF stories ? He should be banned
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Awesomeeeee... This night is going to be real first night for kavya.
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Kavya’s cheeks were flushed from the intensity of their movements, and Danish, too, was feeling the adrenaline from their shared experience. Slowly, they stepped away from the dance floor, their eyes meeting for a brief but meaningful glance. Neither of them said anything, but the chemistry between them was palpable.

“Shall we grab a table now?” Danish asked, his voice low and warm, still carrying the weight of their intimate moments on the dance floor.
Kavya nodded with a soft smile. “Yeah, I could use a drink after all that dancing.”
Danish led the way, his hand lightly brushing against the small of her back, guiding her through the crowded club toward a quieter corner where they could sit and enjoy the rest of the night. As they reached their table, Kavya slid into her seat, feeling a soft warmth lingering from the dance. Danish sat across from her, his eyes still lingering on her, but now with a sense of admiration and contentment.

The waiter arrived shortly after, and Danish ordered drinks for them both—a couple of cocktails to continue the celebratory mood. After all, the night had been about celebrating his marathon victory, but it had turned into something much more.
As their drinks arrived, Kavya raised her glass, her eyes twinkling in the dim light of the club. “To your victory,” she said with a playful smile. “And to us surviving that intense dance.”

Danish chuckled, clinking his glass against hers. “To both,” he replied. “And to the incredible company I’ve had tonight.”
They sipped their drinks slowly, the alcohol easing the remaining tension in the air. They talked easily, the conversation flowing naturally as they recounted the marathon, their gym sessions, and moments from the evening. Danish’s confidence, which had shown through during their dance, carried over into their conversation. He was attentive, playful, and charming, making Kavya laugh more than she had in a while.

As they ordered their dinner—a selection of light, gourmet dishes that perfectly matched the upscale vibe of the club—the atmosphere between them remained warm and easy. The club's music still pulsed softly in the background, but their table felt like a private bubble, where they could enjoy each other’s company without distraction.

Kavya leaned back in her seat, sipping her drink and watching Danish as he spoke about the marathon and how much Kavya’s support had meant to him throughout his training. There was a sincerity in his voice that made her feel appreciated, and she smiled as he spoke, feeling the warmth of his words.
“You were really amazing out there, Danish,” Kavya said, her tone soft but filled with admiration. “I’ve seen how hard you worked, and it was incredible to watch you cross that finish line.”

Danish leaned in slightly, his gaze locking onto hers. “I couldn’t have done it without you,” he admitted. “You were there through everything—the late-night runs, the gym sessions. You kept me going.”
Kavya felt a soft flush rise to her cheeks. The way Danish was looking at her now was different. It wasn’t just admiration or gratitude—it was something deeper, something that lingered beneath the surface. She took another sip of her drink, feeling the warmth of the alcohol mixing with the emotions swirling inside her.

As their dinner arrived, they dove into the food, enjoying the flavors and the relaxed atmosphere. The conversation flowed easily between them, and as the night went on, they found themselves laughing more and more. Danish’s ability to make her feel comfortable, appreciated, and entertained made the evening feel special.

As they finished their meal, Kavya leaned back in her chair, feeling content. She glanced around the club, noticing that the energy on the dance floor was still high, but here, at their table, everything felt calm and intimate.
Danish leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table as he gazed at her. “This has been one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time,” he admitted, his voice softer now, more reflective.

Kavya smiled, her eyes meeting his. “I think I can say the same. It’s been... unexpected, but in a good way.”
Their gazes lingered for a moment, the connection between them undeniable. The weight of the night—the victory, the dance, the shared intimacy—hung in the air, making the space between them feel charged with something unspoken.
“Should we get one more drink to end the night?” Danish asked, breaking the moment with a playful smile.

Kavya laughed, shaking her head. “I think I’ve had just enough.
It was 2 AM, and the club’s energy had finally started to wind down. Danish and Kavya, both feeling the effects of the night—the drinks, the dancing, and the laughter—stepped out into the cool night air. Danish pulled out his phone and quickly booked an Uber, and within minutes, the car pulled up to the curb.

As they slid into the back seat, the soft glow of the city lights flickered through the windows. Kavya, clearly tipsy from the drinks, leaned heavily against Danish, her body warm and relaxed. She giggled softly, her head resting on his shoulder, her arm wrapping around him in a loose, affectionate hug. Danish, still buzzed but more in control, smiled down at her, feeling the warmth of her body pressing into his side.
The driver pulled away from the club, and the hum of the car, combined with the quiet night outside, created a soft, soothing atmosphere. Kavya let out a contented sigh, snuggling closer into Danish’s side. Her hand rested on his chest, and she absentmindedly played with the fabric of his shirt, her fingers tracing small circles over his heart.

“I had such a good time tonight,” she mumbled, her voice soft and a little slurred. “I haven’t had this much fun in... I don’t even know how long.”
Danish chuckled, turning his head slightly to look at her. “Yeah, it was a good night,” he agreed, his voice low and steady. “You were amazing out there, on the dance floor. I don’t think anyone could keep up with you.”
Kavya smiled sleepily, her eyes half-closed as she hugged him a little tighter. “You were pretty great too,” she murmured, her words thick with alcohol but filled with sincerity. “I mean, you won a marathon... and then... you danced like that... You’re full of surprises.”
Danish felt a soft warmth spread through him at her words, her praise making him smile. He could feel the weight of her head resting against his shoulder, her body completely relaxed against his. The way she held onto him, the trust and comfort she showed, stirred something in him.
The car ride was quiet, the city lights passing by in a blur as they moved through the streets. Kavya shifted slightly, pressing her face into Danish’s shoulder, her breath warm against his neck. Her movements were slow, uncoordinated, as the alcohol took its toll. But in her tipsy state, she clung to him, seeking his warmth and presence.

“Danish,” she whispered softly, her voice almost a murmur, “thank you... for tonight. It was... perfect.”
He glanced down at her, seeing how peaceful she looked in the dim light of the car. “You don’t have to thank me, Kavya,” he said quietly, his voice gentle. “I’m just glad you had a good time.”
For a moment, there was silence between them. Kavya’s fingers continued to absentmindedly trace small patterns on his chest, her body snug against his. Danish found himself enjoying the quiet intimacy of the moment—the feeling of her so close, the soft rise and fall of her breathing, the warmth of her skin against his.

As they continued the ride home, Kavya shifted again, her arm tightening around his waist as she nestled even closer. Her breath was steady now, and it seemed like she was on the verge of falling asleep. Danish adjusted slightly, making sure she was comfortable, his hand gently resting on her arm, offering her support without thinking twice.
The Uber moved through the nearly empty streets, the world outside growing quieter with each passing minute. Danish’s thoughts wandered as they sat together, his senses filled with the warmth of Kavya’s embrace. The night had been unexpected, but it had brought them closer, in ways neither of them could have anticipated.

By the time they reached their destination, Kavya was barely awake, her body completely relaxed against Danish. The Uber driver pulled up in front of their apartment, and Danish gently shook Kavya’s shoulder, trying to rouse her.
“We’re home,” he said softly.

Kavya stirred, blinking up at him with sleepy eyes. She nodded slowly, sitting up and stretching, but her movements were still sluggish. Danish helped her out of the car, steadying her as they made their way to the apartment building.
As they stepped inside, the quiet of the night surrounded them. Kavya leaned on Danish for support, her arm looped around his as they walked up to their apartment, the bond between them stronger than ever after the night they’d shared.
As they reached the apartment, the quiet of the early morning enveloped them. The hallways were dimly lit, and the only sounds were their footsteps and the occasional rustle of Kavya’s dress as she leaned heavily on Danish for support. She was still tipsy, her movements slow and uncoordinated, but Danish kept her steady, guiding her to her bedroom with care.

They reached the door to her room, and Danish gently pushed it open. The room was softly lit by the faint glow from the streetlights outside, casting long shadows across the bed. Kavya was quiet, her eyes half-lidded as she leaned against the doorway. Danish led her to the bed, helping her sit down gently.
“Here you go,” he said softly, kneeling beside her and helping her lie back against the pillows. Kavya sank into the mattress, her body finally relaxing as she closed her eyes for a moment. Danish stood to leave, assuming she would fall asleep quickly, but just as he turned, he felt her hand grasp his wrist, holding him back.

“Please stay,” she whispered, her voice soft but filled with a need for comfort. Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked at him with a vulnerability that made Danish pause.
He hesitated for a moment, glancing at the door before looking back at her. There was something in the way she asked—her voice, her expression—that made him unable to refuse. He nodded gently and sat down at the edge of the bed, staying close by her side. Kavya let out a small, contented sigh, her fingers still loosely holding onto his wrist.
Danish sat with her in the dim room, the silence between them heavy but comforting. Kavya’s breathing began to even out, and for a while, he thought she had drifted off to sleep. The night had been long, filled with emotions and unspoken feelings, and as he sat there, Danish felt the weight of everything settling in.

But just as he was starting to relax, he heard the sound of the apartment door opening. It was a quiet but distinct noise—the unmistakable sound of Rahul returning home. Danish tensed slightly, realizing that the evening’s end had arrived, and with it, the re-entry of reality.
He gently removed Kavya’s hand from his wrist and stood up quietly, careful not to disturb her. She was too deep in her tipsy haze to notice, her body completely relaxed on the bed.

Danish walked out of her room, closing the door softly behind him. As he stepped into the hallway, he saw Rahul standing at the entrance, still wearing his work clothes and looking tired from a long day. Rahul glanced up and saw Danish, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Hey, man,” Rahul greeted, his voice low, clearly exhausted. “How was the night? I’m sorry I couldn’t join you guys. Work was just... insane.”
Danish forced a small smile, nodding. “It was good. We went out, had a few drinks, celebrated the marathon win.” He paused, then added, “Kavya had a bit too much to drink, though. She’s resting now.”

Rahul chuckled lightly. “Yeah, she’s not used to staying out so late. Thanks for looking after her, man. I appreciate it.”
“No problem,” Danish replied, his tone casual but polite. “She’s fine, just needs to sleep it off.”
Rahul stretched, clearly exhausted from the day, and gave Danish a pat on the shoulder. “I’m gonna crash too. Long day. We’ll catch up tomorrow.”
Danish nodded. “Yeah, sounds good. Have a good night.”

With that, Danish turned and headed to his own room, the door closing softly behind him. As he lay in bed, the events of the night played back in his mind—the dance, the intimacy, and the quiet moments shared with Kavya. It had been a night filled with unspoken emotions, and now, as the silence of the apartment settled around him, Danish found himself unable to shake the feelings stirring inside him.
As he drifted off to sleep, he knew things between him, Kavya, and Rahul might not remain the same after tonight. The boundaries had been blurred, and the weight of what had happened lingered in the air, waiting for the morning light to reveal its consequences.
[+] 6 users Like John446's post
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Awesome update friend
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The first light of dawn slipped through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room, but Kavya felt far from calm. She lay awake, staring at the ceiling, her heart pounding in her chest as the events of last night replayed in her mind. Every detail hit her with a force she hadn’t expected—the music, the intoxicating rush of alcohol, the way Danish had held her on the dance floor.

Her breathing quickened as she remembered the exact moment his hands had slid from her waist down to her hips, pulling her closer. The way her body had instinctively responded, moving against his in a way that felt dangerous, yet so, so right. She closed her eyes, squeezing the pillow tightly to her chest as if that could block out the whirlwind of emotions surging through her.

“I’m married,” she whispered, her voice barely audible in the empty room, as if saying it aloud would ground her somehow. But the guilt that followed was laced with a craving she couldn’t deny.
How could she have let it happen? She loved Rahul—she knew that. But last night, something wild and electric had sparked between her and Danish, and it consumed her. Kavya’s mind was torn, her emotions tangled in a knot of regret and longing. Her lips trembled as she thought about how she had leaned into Danish, the heat of his body, the way his hands had explored her back, pressing her closer until they were practically one on that dance floor.
“I shouldn’t have...” she whispered again, but even as the words left her mouth, the memory of Danish’s touch lingered, sending a shiver through her.
The way his nose had brushed against her neck, his breath warm on her skin, the light scent of his cologne—it was intoxicating, overwhelming, and completely out of bounds. Her hands trembled as she recalled the way her hips had moved in perfect rhythm against his crotch, the feel of his body behind hers. How had she let herself get so lost in him?

Because he made me feel alive. That truth hit her like a punch in the gut.
She had felt wanted, needed, in a way she hadn’t in a long time. With Rahul always busy with work, their intimacy had become... routine. Comfortable, but not exciting. But with Danish, there had been fire, heat, an undeniable chemistry she hadn’t experienced in years.
Guilt gnawed at her now, stronger than before, but it was mixed with something else—something she wasn’t ready to name. Kavya rolled onto her side, hugging the pillow tighter, her mind racing. She knew what she had done was wrong. She knew it had crossed a line. But she also knew, deep down, that she couldn’t stop thinking about it.

She wasn’t just guilty. She was craving it again.
In the other room, Danish sat up in bed, running a hand through his hair, his heart still racing from the vivid memories of the night before. He had tried to sleep, tried to forget the way Kavya had felt in his arms, but every time he closed his eyes, the image of her kept flooding back.
He leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees, his head hanging down as he took a deep breath. What did I do?

He wasn’t naive. He knew exactly what had happened. They had danced close—too close. The way her body had moved against his had been sensual, deliberate, and completely inappropriate given their situation. But he couldn’t deny how much he had wanted it. In fact, he still wanted it.
He clenched his fists, trying to shake off the thoughts that kept creeping in—the way Kavya had looked at him, her eyes heavy with desire, her lips slightly parted as if inviting him to kiss her. He had been so close, his lips almost brushing her skin as they danced in the dark, the heat of her body driving him mad. He could still smell her perfume, still feel the softness of her dress beneath his hands as he held her by the waist, pulling her into him.

“Damn it,” he muttered under his breath, standing up and pacing the room.
It hadn’t just been a dance. It had been more than that—something unspoken but heavy, something that had made his heart pound and his blood rush faster. And it wasn’t just the alcohol; no, this had been brewing between them for a while, hidden beneath the surface, waiting for a moment like last night to explode.

He stopped pacing and stared at himself in the mirror, his reflection tired and conflicted. She’s married to Rahul, your best friend. What the hell are you thinking?

But the voice of reason was drowned out by the memory of Kavya in his arms, her body fitting against his as if they were made to move together. And that wasn’t something he could forget easily. Danish had always admired Kavya—she was beautiful, smart, and confident. But last night, she had been something else entirely. Vulnerable. Sensual. And she had wanted him, too—he was sure of it.
He couldn’t shake the way her hips had moved against him, the way her breath had hitched when he had touched her, the quiet sigh that had escaped her lips when their bodies had pressed together in the darkness. She had been so soft, so warm, and the way she had leaned into him made it clear that she had felt the same pull he did.

Now, standing in his room, Danish couldn’t get her out of his head. I shouldn’t have done that. But even as he thought it, he knew he wouldn’t take it back. Not a second of it.
He needed to see her again, talk to her. But what if Rahul finds out? The thought sent a wave of anxiety through him, but it was quickly overshadowed by his desire.

The sunlight now filled the apartment, warm and bright, signaling the start of a new day. But inside, there was a strange tension—an unspoken undercurrent between Kavya and Danish. Both of them knew what had happened last night, yet neither was ready to acknowledge it. They were pretending, for the sake of normalcy, that nothing had changed.
Kavya stood in front of her bathroom mirror, brushing her hair, trying to focus on her usual morning routine. Her eyes, however, kept drifting to her own reflection, seeing herself differently today. Last night... She shook her head, as if physically trying to push the thought away. She couldn't afford to let it linger. I need to get through today like nothing happened.

She dressed in a casual, comfortable outfit, suitable for a day working from home. But as she slipped on her top, she found herself pausing, her thoughts flashing back to the club, to the feel of Danish’s hands on her waist, how her body had melted against his.
She sighed deeply, shaking herself out of it. “It was just the drinks,” she whispered, trying to convince herself. But deep down, she knew it had been more than that.

Meanwhile, Danish was in his own room, moving through the motions of getting ready for the workday, but his mind was far from clear. He stared at his laptop, then back at his phone, wondering if he should message Kavya—or perhaps just act like nothing had happened. It’s better this way, he thought, trying to compartmentalize everything.

He got dressed in a plain t-shirt and jeans, trying to ignore the pull in his chest that kept tugging him back to last night. The way Kavya had looked at him, the way her body had felt pressed against his—it was all so vivid in his mind, but he knew he couldn’t let it show.
As he left his room and walked into the kitchen, he saw Kavya already sitting at the dining table, her laptop open and a cup of coffee in hand. She glanced up at him briefly, her face unreadable, but then quickly looked away, focusing intently on her screen.

“Morning,” Danish said casually, trying to keep his voice steady.
“Morning,” she replied, equally neutral. Her tone was flat, almost too calm, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened the night before.
For a moment, the air between them was thick with the weight of what they weren’t saying. But neither of them dared to address it. They both knew it would complicate things. So, instead, they fell into their routine, forcing normalcy over the unspoken tension.
Danish made himself some coffee, stealing quick glances at Kavya, noticing how her posture was just a little too stiff, how her fingers moved quickly over the keyboard as if she were trying to distract herself.

Kavya, on the other hand, was hyper-aware of Danish’s presence in the room. Every time he moved, every time he spoke, she felt a flutter of nerves in her stomach. But she forced herself to stay focused on work, to act like everything was perfectly normal.
After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Danish spoke up. “Got a busy day ahead?”
“Yeah, a few meetings,” Kavya responded without looking up. “You?”
“Same,” Danish said, leaning against the counter. He hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not to bring up last night, but then decided against it. 

It was too soon, too complicated.
They both sat in the same room, working quietly, each trying to act like the other wasn’t there. But the tension was undeniable, lingering in the air like a heavy cloud. Every so often, their eyes would meet for a split second, only for both of them to quickly look away, pretending that nothing had changed.
But deep down, both of them knew that everything had changed. They could pretend all they wanted, but the memory of last night was still fresh, still electric, and neither of them could shake it. Even as they worked, their minds were elsewhere—still on the dance floor, still lost in the heat of each other’s presence.

As Kavya sat at the dining table, her fingers moved rhythmically over the keyboard, but her mind wandered far from the work in front of her. She stole a quick glance at Danish, Her stomach tightened, not just with the recollection of their closeness on the dance floor, but also with something she hadn’t expected—something that felt strangely conflicting.

I never thought I’d be this close to a guy who’s... M u s l i m, she thought, biting her lip in uncertainty.
Growing up in a traditional b r a h m i n family, Kavya had never really considered getting too close to anyone outside her cultural and religious background. Her family, and even Rahul, had always been a bit conservative about such things. While they weren’t overtly prejudiced, there were silent boundaries, unspoken rules. And though she never considered herself to be bound by those ideas, last night had pushed her into unfamiliar territory.
Her thoughts swirled with confusion as she remembered how natural it had felt to be so close to Danish, despite these differences. On the dance floor, in that moment of darkness when he’d slid his hand from her waist to her hips, pulling her closer, none of that mattered. Not their backgrounds, not their religions—just the connection between them. The chemistry had felt so real, so intense.
They both knew they couldn’t ignore it forever. But for now, they pretended. They worked in silence, each lost in their thoughts, wondering where this would lead—and how long they could keep up the charade.
[+] 4 users Like John446's post
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Great writing... But I was expecting some hardcore session between then to end the weekend..
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(08-09-2024, 10:53 PM)Blackbull89 Wrote: Great writing... But I was expecting some hardcore session between then to end the weekend..
will be soon, i dont want my readers to wait for that too
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and guys please also tell me what do you like the most in each chapter, which incident it will tell me more about the taste of my audience
thank you
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