Adultery My young n fresh sult neighbor
I am living in small city. I am married and 28 years of age. I am married to a slut hot. babe that half of city wants to fuck. She is well known nutrition advisor in our city. When i got married i had big dreams about my wife. But i got disappointed. She was most slutiest person i have met. She was fucked 1000 times before marriage. I was totally disappointed in her. But as per family tradition i just cannot take divorce.

So my unsatisfied soul always searching for new sults everyday. We have our own huge banglow, some of parts of it given on rent. One of them have 3 girls. Elder one is studying for commerce her name is swapna. She is black but have huge ass and boobs. So mostly i ignore her. Whenever we encounter face to face she always give me sluty smile. But i always ignore her because she was not that much attractive. 

Ones i was out with wife in park for evening walk. Park is huge. So mostly couple come for privacy and tik tok. We walked till deep most of the park and my eyes glittered. Swapna was kissing another guy and he was crushing her boobs. They were so intense that they are not noticing anyone. My wife was on phone so she was unaware i said her go ahead meet me in car i will be in car in 10. I opened my camera i started shooting her. He was enjoying swapna. His hands were everywhere in her body. He opened her 2 buttons of her shirt poped her boob out and started suckling her. My eyes glued her on boobs  They were huge. I didn't noticed bacchi kab badi ho gayi. Some couple were coming way they were sitting they somehow noticed that. She warped her boobs. They started to talk to each other as nothing was happening. After couple left boy started again but she resisted . She said someone will see us and it will be big trouble for us. He agreed and they left the park. 

I gone to home watched her boobs and her ass again and again in video. I was gone totally mad about her. I mastrubated on her imaging her getting fucked by me. I just cannot forget what i saw. 

Next morning i was sitting in outside in home garden waiting for her to leave for college. She came out. I stared her every body part. She was so hot. I was cussing my self why did i missed all this these years. 

I made plan in my mind. I wana fuck her madly. Next day she came from college in mid day i was waiting for her. I caught her hand pulled her and said " i want to talk to you, its important come to terrace" she got puzzled and agreed. 

As she came i showed her video. Her face was red by shame and also she got worried i said to her " this is what you do? You want your parents to be shame on you?". She started crying and begged not to show this to her parents or anyone . I said " there is only one way to avoid this" she immediately replied " what it is? I am willing to do anything" i said " i said you have to be my slave". She got confused and asked " what do you mean?" i pushed her against wall and grabbed her boobs and started to muscle them. She started to cried loudly. I closed her mouth by hand and told her keep quiet. I turned her around and started rubbing my dick on her ass. She was still crying but i didn't stopped. I started to rub my fingers on her vagina it was tight. Suddenly i heard sound of my main gate and i stopped and said her Its ur dad go home now. I will whatsapp you for next instructions. Do as what i say or this video will be in ur dads hand. She agreed and i wiped her tears and kissed her on cheeks. 

Next day my wife left for her work. I told I was not feeling well so i will be staying in the house. I texted her to leave college and come home secretly immediately directly to my home. 

My door bell ranged. I was excited to fuck her brutally. She was wearing black jeans and white tee shirt. Her boobs was tightly wrapped in the bra. She looked worried. I said her close the door and be relaxed. I brought her to bedroom and asked her to remove tee and jeans .She hesitated. I came her close and removed both forcefully. I said her '' this should be done with concent of each other, i dont want to foce you, you have drawn this on yourself. Stop worrying and flow with me. " she agreed. 

I closed her eyes tightly with ribbon. Pushed her against wall. Took her hand to windows and bound it with another ribbons. She was mine completely. I started to rub her pussy. My god it was wet. She was aroused . I brought ice from kitchen kept on her neck and started to roll over her back. She was shivering.

I unhooked her bra and let boobs have some air. I removed panties also. Now i was rubbing ice on her pussy. The cold was unbearable for her hot pussy. She moved and ice slipped from my hands. I freed her hands and turned her around and started kissing on her neck, lips, nipples. Now i started to bite her nipples. She screamed with pain. Again i kissed her and thrown her on bed. I gave my dick in her mouth. Before i say anything she started to suck like pornstar. I was enjoying this very much. Now i told her to open her legs. I started to rub my dick on her pussy and suddenly i pushed inside her. She screamed loudly. I was not surprised that she wasn't virgin. She was doing all this like professional pornstar. I started to stroke her pussy vigorously. After 10 minutes distrusting her pussy i cummed inside her. Tears came from her eyes. I asked her why and she replied she had most enjoyment till date. Nobody fucked her like this. She kissed me and said you are the one. 

We warped things up quickly after that as her college time came to end. She gone to her house. We enjoyed both lots of time time after. She got married last month. I wished her good luck for her future. She will always be in my heart forever!
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waiting for your big updates
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(23-12-2018, 12:25 AM)kuskari09 Wrote: waiting for your big updates

Which one?
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Good story
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