Adultery Tuition Master (Updated on Sep 17)
**** 1 ****

Day 1

Young beautiful girl is walking in a narrow lane .. she is coming from her tuition class.. its about to get dark.. there is complete silence and almost scary and no one is there and that road is notorious for small time rowdies.. but to reach her apartment this is the only road and she is used to this tension but everyday is not same..
Today two rowdy boys with thick beard and rough look and torn jeans have suddenly came from nowhere.. looking at them she got really scared .. there is nobody else in near sight and there is a small by lane next to them, they can take her into that by lane.. then nobody can save her

She has slowed down the pace.. walking very slowly.. she is not allowed to carry mobile phone by her mother.. she is almost crying and looking at those young studs , its pretty clear today she will lose her virginity which she has been protecting with utmost care.. losing virginity to these goondas is not any girl would aspire.. but what to do .. nothing in our hands.. she stopped walking and getting mentally prepared to be mauled by those heavily built goons

She doesn’t have any weapon to protect.. except the school bag.. those guys are walking towards her .. like a tiger ready to pounce on her pray … she lost hopes.. 
Then comes a small screeching  noice and a light … the sound and light that would save her virginity and life !!! she looked back to notice head lights beaming from a two wheeler .. cant expect four wheeler in that narrow lane and that’s why no security officer patrolling also.. looking at the slowly nearing bullet bike, the goons have stopped coming towards her.. the bike is nearing , but those guys have not disappeared..

On the bike is a man heavily built.. even from faraway can see his build.. the goons are now thinking to take a step back.. the bike man has now seen the girl and goons.. he raised the speed and in a flash reached the spot and in one quick moment, parked the bike and held the two goons by neck and asked that girl ..”do you know these guys” … she is already crying .. no need to wait for her answer , he pinned down the goons and gave a sound thrashing ..

Those goons are not making any sound, else more people will come beat them.. everyone in that street knows these goons

After a minute that man approached her and asked what happened.. she told is coming from tuition and today her friend is not with her and hence she is alone.. he asked boy or girl… she said girl..

“ok ..if you already know this is a dangerous place for girls, why are you coming alone, you should have asked your father or brother to accompany”

Wiping her tears she says “I don’t have parents .. I am living with my aunt”
He feels sorry for her.. “ok.. get on to the bike.. I will drop to the end of the street”, he starts the bike..

While getting on to the bike she says my apartment is nearby only , if you are going that side drop me near the gate..

Ok.. he drops her at her apartment gate

Day 2

Morning 9 AM.. 

He starts his bike and comes out of the apartment gate and next to that gate is a bus stand.. there he saw the same girl.. hey where are you going , he asks.. she murmurs .. sir, the school bus has not come today.. that’s why I have to go in public bus..

Ok, no problem , come, I will drop you
Its ok sir.. I can wait
Look at the sky.. about to rain.. come , I will drop ..
She gets on to the bike..
He drops her at the school

Day 3

The same man is in lift.. ground floor.. about to close the door, then comes that same girl.. looking at him she is stunned.. she enters the lift and asks in surprised voice.. sir , you are hear..

He clicks 4th floor button while she clicks 2nd floor button.. 
Haa.. I am also staying here.. moved recently..
Really ? then why didn’t you tell me the first day. You dropped me and went away
Look.. you are a young beautiful girl, it doesn’t look nice if you are on my bike
Hmmm.. my aunt wont mind
But my wife does..
Oh you are married ?
Why? Am I looking like a boy
No sir.. just asking.. ok.. my floor has come.. will meet again sir as we are in same apartment building

Day 4

Morning 7 .. she opens the door to pick up the milk packet and sees the same man opposite to her flat picking up news paper
She is completely surprised.. he went to 4th floor but why he is here in 2nd floor.. that means he is playing with me.. that day also didn’t tell he is also living in same building

Sir.. you are here.. what a surprise
Hahaha.. its my flat.. I moved here recently..
Then why did you press 4 yesterday in lift ?
To pay rent to land lord..
Oh I see.. you are very clever sir.. we met 4 times and each time you surprised me.. can I come there sir

No .. no.. my wife thinks otherwise that we are already friends.. I will only come to your flat to say hi to you aunt.. anyway today is Sunday only naa.. I will come there.. ok

Ok sir.. please don’t miss.. I will prepare special coffee for you .. I am expert in that
Oh really..i die for coffee.. in fact I killed my first wife because she doesn’t know who to make coffee
Just joking
Ok sir, go inside .. if your wife sees she will misunderstand us
Ok ok

As promised he comes to their flat..
Namsthe aunti .. my name is Rajesh

Haan.. beta.. sit down .. Kalyani told about you

Kalyani ?
You don’t even know her name ? she is my niece .. she lost her parents when she was young .. I only raised her.. she is such a nice girl, these days you wont see such nice girls

Atthaa.. don’t praise me so much in front of others.. I told you so many times

Kalyani .. you keep quite .. go and prepare coffee.. Rajesh , thanks a lot son .. you saved my niece life.. that lane is so dangerous

aunti.. since I happened to pass by that lane I could do whatever I did.. please take care of her .. these days there is no safety for girls

Haan.. beta.. you are right.. but what to do .. her tuition sir resides in that area

aunti, I have retired from military service and I am planning to start tuitions for free

Really ? great .. then Kalyani can join your tuition classes

Sure .. her friends also can come.. I don’t take any money.. just doing it as a service

Very nice beta.. 

Meanwhile Kalyani comes with coffee.. 

While taking first sip , he puts a uncomfortable face..

Sir .. what happened ? you didn’t like my coffee ?

No .. no.. its fine Kalyani

Sir .. I can see your expressions . its ok .. you are the first one not to like.. ok sir I will improve

After completing the coffee he gets up to go.. Kalyani accompanied him till the door .. she says can I come to your flat to meet your wife ?

Yes, you can..

They both enter his flat.. he doesn’t close the door

After entering the flat she looks at the wall pictures .. his wife looks so beautiful.. Kalyani is sitting in the sofa.. he is sitting in the chair opposite to her..

Both are silent .. somehow she is feeling little tensed to meet his wife.. she waits for 5 min and asks .. sir is she coming ?

Yeah.. she is coming in a week

What ? she is so angry and feels cheated.. “you didn’t tell she is not at home”

He retorts .. I never said she is at home

She is still fuming .. you are a cheater.. that day also you pressed 4 to fool me.. and didn tell you are staying in same apartment building .. now you are saying your wife is not at home.. 

He comes and sits next to her on sofa.. “sorry Kalyani.. I never wanted to cheat you .. it all happened like that.. only thing I lied about is your coffee.. I really liked it a lot.. but to tease you I acted like that.. sorry” he holds her hand..

She throws a away his hand and almost with tears in her eyes , “sir .. I never thought you will tease me like this.. I thought you are a gentleman” ..

He holds her close to him and consoles “sorry again.. I teased you for one reason.. I helped you so many times, you never said thanks.. I saved you from those goons.. you didn’t say thanks.. I dropped you at your apartment , school.. you didn’t say thanks.. that’s why I wanted to tease you at your coffee” 

She raises her head and looks at him.. “ sir , first time I saw you there in that lane, I felt so comfortable with you and you looked like a very dear and near person to me .. I never say thanks to my dear and near ones.. thanks will distance us but sorry will bring us nearer.. “ , her voice is genuine and her feelings are genuine .. she is an orphan .. she needs lot of such near and dear ones

He hugs her and pats her on her shoulders.. “I am glad you thought so about me.. yes.. from now on there is no need to thank.. do you mind having my coffee ?” , he asks.. he jumps with joy..
“coffee.. any day.. any time.. sure..lets go”

They went to kitchen.. even though his wife is not there he is keeping it clean..

He starts the stove.. she jumps and sits on the kitchen platform while watching him make coffee

They both are talking and joking.. suddenly he says

Kalyani , you are looking so beautiful

She blushes and doesn’t say anything.. while adjusting her hair and pulling her shirt little down she murmurs something

I cant hear what you are saying

Abbaa.. stop teasing me sir.. you know I cant even say thanks for praising me..

Hahaha.. that’s also true .. 

Sir .. in this age all girls look beautiful

May be.. but anyway .. when my wife is no at home I am praising your beauty .. that too we knew each other since only a week.. you might be thinking I am fast

No sir.. I observed you didn’t close the main door.. with a young girl inside and without wife , you thought its not appropriate to close the door , you are genuine person sir

Hahaha.. anyway .. saying you are beautiful to any girl is like giving compliment and you are genuinely beautiful Kalyani

Sir this is seventh time you used the word beautiful.. so what you liked about me sir

Kalyani.. I said in general.. anyway lets stop the topic.. coffee is ready

He pours the coffee into two mugs and takes her to the balcony .. with two garden chairs and coffee table , it looks so cute to sit there and sip the hot coffee.. its genuinely good.. her facial expressions says it all. With chilling weather , just drizzling rain around .. she feels like in a heaven sipping coffee and talking with someone so warm and nice

Sir .. I am breaking my rule.. from now on I will use thanks when needed.. thanks will never distance the people .. it brings them closer..

After another 10 min .. he gets up and says “Kalyani .. lets meet some other day when my wife is also here.. aunti might be waiting for you” , he says..

With great difficulty she gets up and says “ok sir.. we will meet again .. tomorrow evening .. for tuition”

He smiles and says “ok ok.. its first class.. after the class if you really like then tell your friends , otherwise no embarrassment for me..i am not a professional teacher..ok?”

She nods her head.. while she is leaving , she says thank you sir the coffee..

He says.. don’t call me sir.. call Rajesh .. otherwise  I feel little old with sir..

She smiles and says ok Rajesh.. but in front of your wife and in tuition class I will call you sir.. ok ?

#దసరా,  అక్క , నా మొగుడితో, అతిథి , Village

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Excellent start bro.
[+] 2 users Like Samadhanam's post
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Welcome dude. As usual started wonderful, but important is you complete the story. Dont leave like "Fever..." story.
[+] 1 user Likes Rocky Rakesh's post
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(12-05-2024, 09:39 AM)Rocky Rakesh Wrote: Welcome dude. As usual started wonderful, but important is you complete the story. Dont leave like "Fever..." story.

bro .. thanks for the encouragement .. i have completed so many stories in this great form, you can click on my DP and see

regarding fever, i got frustrated and lost interest due to luke warm response..

anyway this is new story.. new beginning .. lets see
#దసరా,  అక్క , నా మొగుడితో, అతిథి , Village

[+] 1 user Likes opendoor's post
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Good starting sir  yourock
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[Image: images-1.jpg]

[+] 1 user Likes opendoor's post
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(12-05-2024, 02:10 PM)sri7869 Wrote: Good starting sir  yourock

welcome sri
[+] 1 user Likes opendoor's post
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****  2  ****

Next day Kalyani comes for tuition at 5 PM after the school.  Rajesh welcomes her with a friendly hug and says “welcome dear .. you are my first student .. hope everything goes well.. I am not a professional , but will try my best.. “ , he offers her some cold water

Sipping the water Kalyani replies “sir its very hot outside .. you are not to be seen yesterday” , she enquires

He laughs and tells “so you are tracking me ?”

“no.. no..  atthaa asked me to give some curries for lunch , you were not there”

“I see.. I went out to watch movie”

“you didn’t come for dinner also”

“oh.. I was with a friend”

“boy or girl”

He laughs.. now he remembers, he asked her the same question yesterday while saving from goons. Looks like she felt bad.. so she is asking me same question

“no.. no.. Kalyani.. boy only”

“why you are apologetic.. even for married men its common to have girl friends”

“Kalyani.. we can talk all these after tuition .. lets start”

“where ?”

“here only” .. he shows the living room floor

She sat on the floor and spreads the books.. he enquires what subject she is week .. she says math.. he starts from basics… the way he takes pains to explain with lot of examples, she likes that style.. he teaches her for 20 minutes and gives her problems to solve for another 20 minutes

While she sat on the floor and doing the math, he is sitting on sofa and looking at the news paper

When she bends down and writes in her note book… she looks so cute.. with a small strand of hair falling in front of her face , she puts that behind and focusses on the work..

While she is seriously involved in the work.. he is deep into the news paper..

After a while he looks at her and immediately turns away his head.. she noticed him when he turned his head away, then she realizes her situation.. when she is bending so much , her shirt is not able to cover her breasts.. she realized that and felt uncomfortable..

“ok.. you keep doing Kalyani.. I will come in 10 minutes”

He goes off into another room

She understood the discomfort being faced by Rajesh sir.. he is so genuine .. if this is the situation with old tuition sir he would be staring at my boobs .. even though his wife is in the house.. he is so disgusting .. he purposefully asks all girls to come in short skirts.. why ? why dress code for tuition

She regains her composure and starts focusing on the work

After a while Rajesh comes and checks her work.. she is a brilliant student , why does she need tuition

He asks same question

“sir.. I need little push and  the way you are explaining is helping me a lot..”

“ok.. tuition is over..”

“thank you sir”

She gets up and goes to wash room and comes and sits next to Rajesh on the sofa

He switches on TV .. some natural geography channel .. she is not so much interested

“Rajesh.. one question”


“You didn’t answer my question.. what did you notice in me that you think I am beautiful”

“hahaha.. I thought you forgot about that”

“I wont.. genuine person like you feels I am beautiful, then I need to know the reason right ?”

He puts his hand around her shoulder and caresses her gently “Kalyani.. your beauty is in your innocence .. that’s what I liked.. when the goons were around you , the way you looked at me for help with your innocent looks.. i felt so good.. Kalyani , in my view .. girls of your age possess that natural quality of innocence .. but somehow lot of girls put on fake accent , fake attitude, fake make up. You are so simple in your attire.. you are so natural in your conversation and finally you made me feel comfortable in your company”

She is spellbound .. Rajesh is so good at talking .. not only talking .. even his actions, gestures..  he had an opportunity to peep into me boobs while I was doing the work.. instead he went away to another room.. even when his wife is not there..

“ok Rajesh.. whatever you told is true.. but that’s a behavioral observation.. but what about physical attributes.. don’t say you didn’t like anything in me”

He pulls her some more close towards him and looks at her eyes and says.. “dear.. you have mesmerizing eyes .. ofcourse coupled with innocence .. deadly combo.. and one more thing , the way you adjust your falling hair makes you look so cute .. for me these are the girl things.. not nail polish or going to parlor “ , his deep looks into her eyes is causing ripples in her body.. never ever she felt these kind of feelings.. many boys tried to come closer to me.. never allowed anyone.. but somehow .. Rajesh.. seems to be …. Ok ok let me stop here.. he is married man

“sorry dear .. did I say anything wrong”

“no .. no.. absolutely not .. one question.”


“when I was sitting on the floor and bending down you had an opportunity to look at my … but didn’t do that.. but now you are pulling me closer towards you .. not able to understand Rajesh”

“darling that’s a good question in fact.. you came for tuition, purpose is to learn something.. when you were bending and doing the work .. its not inappropriate to look at you like that , also taking advantage of your situation is cowardly .. what you can do if I am staring at you.. you cant focus on work .. you don’t have an escape route whereas now when I caress you , touch you .. you have option to go far away or say no… you didn’t do that, so I understood you also liked it.. when I call you dear, darling then also you are not objecting .. that means you like it”

“hahaha.. Rajesh you should be in corporate world.. not military .. so much clarity in thoughts”

“Kalyani .. you didn’t ask main question .. why am I pulling you closer .. after all I am so genuine guy right , but why am I doing it ?”

‘I don’t  want to know Rajesh”

“but I need to tell you..”


“when I was having coffee with you yesterday in balcony I felt so great.. after 10 years I got the same feeling.. no girl or woman would give me that feeling .. don’t ask reasons”

“oh shitt.. what about your wife”

“she will return in a week”

“2 days back also you said same”

“2 days later also I will tell same”

Kalyani is shocked.. what is he talking about ? she looks at the picture again.. Rajesh looks much younger.. this is not a recent photo..

“Rajesh.. I cant bear any bad news.. please keep all the bad news within you dear”

“darling .. if you like someone you should like his mistakes also”


“yes.. I did a mistake with my wife and paid heavy price for that”

“Rajesh.. please please don’t tell .. I cant bear”

“sorry dear.. ok , we will meet tomorrow”

Kalyani gets up and starts leaving without saying anything

… … ….

Next day Kalyani comes for tuition

There is utter silence  and seriousness

He covers one chapter and gives her home work

After the class, she doesn’t stay, she goes away

… … ….

Same scene repeats next 2 days

… … …

Kalyani comes for tuition..

“Kalyani, how is my teaching, should you call your friends also”

“no sir.. it will be disturbance for me.. however its your call sir.. in my view more students means more noice”

“ok.. you have  a point.. lets continue with you only”

“ok sir”

After the  class, she stays , sits next to him putting her head on his shoulders and leaning towards  him, tucking his hand between her boobs.. both are silent for a while and she says “Rajesh.. now I understood your wife will never come.. I cant digest that news and I am too feeble to hear your sad story.. when I lost my parents I could not recover for 3 years and lost schooling , that’s why looking at me you may be wondering why am in school still…  my friends are studying graduation now..  Rajesh , you said if you like a person you should like his mistakes also.. without going into your wife story , tell me what mistakes you did”

“dear.. I am in such a profession , I am on national duty always.. I cant be with my dear and near ones.. any time I can be called”

“Rajesh.. that’s not a mistake, that’s your duty and made that choice.. anyways lets stop your wife topic, I am not comfortable”

“ok dear.. “

“anyway you retired from military service , no need to worry now”

“that’s not correct.. any ex service man can be called on emergency duty..”

“ok ok.. but its rare situation”

“anyway why are you asking all these”


They watched TV some more time and she goes away
#దసరా,  అక్క , నా మొగుడితో, అతిథి , Village

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Super excellent update  yourock
[+] 1 user Likes sri7869's post
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Great update friend
[+] 1 user Likes Rocky Rakesh's post
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Awesome. Waiting for the Rajesh to start the love lessons for Kalyani. She believes him so much. He seems to lie a lot and not genuine like she think.
[+] 1 user Likes xavierrxx's post
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(12-05-2024, 10:51 PM)xavierrxx Wrote: Awesome. Waiting for the Rajesh to start the love lessons for Kalyani. She believes him so much. He seems to lie a lot and not genuine like she think.

Thanks bro for your comments
#దసరా,  అక్క , నా మొగుడితో, అతిథి , Village

[+] 1 user Likes opendoor's post
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(12-05-2024, 10:51 PM)xavierrxx Wrote: Awesome. Waiting for the Rajesh to start the love lessons for Kalyani. She believes him so much. He seems to lie a lot and not genuine like she think.

Thanks bro for your comments
#దసరా,  అక్క , నా మొగుడితో, అతిథి , Village

[+] 1 user Likes opendoor's post
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(12-05-2024, 10:51 PM)xavierrxx Wrote: Awesome. Waiting for the Rajesh to start the love lessons for Kalyani. She believes him so much. He seems to lie a lot and not genuine like she think.

Thanks bro for your comments
#దసరా,  అక్క , నా మొగుడితో, అతిథి , Village

[+] 1 user Likes opendoor's post
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(12-05-2024, 10:51 PM)xavierrxx Wrote: Awesome. Waiting for the Rajesh to start the love lessons for Kalyani. She believes him so much. He seems to lie a lot and not genuine like she think.

Thanks bro for your comments
#దసరా,  అక్క , నా మొగుడితో, అతిథి , Village

[+] 1 user Likes opendoor's post
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**** 3 ****

Its almost a week since Kalyani started coming to tuition. During this week, both have become good friends and the reason for that is the trust she has on him and of course the trust is built due to the sweet yet logical talk.. For every thing the way Rajesh explains Kalyani is spell bound. Either in the subject or in the interesting conversation after the class

Its tuition time.. as expected Kalyani came to class, but this time in short gown and somewhat tight top. Looking at her , Rajesh told , rather seriously “Kalyani I told you earlier also , this is tuition class, not gym class. I don’t want to have distractions during my class”

She is almost crying .. with a rather sad face “Sir.. I also know.. but all my clothes are in laundry, I have only this dress. Ok, sir.. you don’t like this kind of dress , then lets cancel the class sir, we will meet tomorrow” , she was about to leave..

He grabs her by hand and stops “Sorry Kalyani.. I misunderstood you , ok , lets have the class” , he pulls her closer to him.. she, looking innocently into his eyes with her wet eyes.. “Thank you sir.. next week we have exams, I should not miss any class sir” , she says

Something has hit his heart hard… orey rajesh don’t be so harsh at the young girl.. how does it matter what dress she wears, if you have bad intentions, no matter what kind of dress she wears you can scan her body . your mind should be broad, not her dress… his inner voice is giving lectures to him

Laughing at himself , he says lets go to bedroom

What sir ?

I mean its very hot here in the living room.. we can have it in AC room

She nods and follows him..

First time she is seeing his bed room . its kept very neat and he has study table also

You can sit on the study table , I will sit on the bed.. I bought this yesterday for you.. its inconvenient to sit on the floor and do the work

He starts the class and explains the complex sums.. he puts another chair to explain her.. as usual he is so do at solving complex problems

After giving her some more work , he lays on the bed.. taking rest and looking at the news paper.. he is leaning on the bed while stretching his legs ahead.. the way she is sitting on the study table he can see her from front and also back from the mirror .. but his eyes are not her.. he is reading the news paper like exam question paper..

His eyes are on the news paper but her thoughts are elsewhere ..

Rajesh … please stop.. enough .. I can bear this any more

Dear .. one last round.. please .. after this we cant meet for 6 months.. please have patience darling .. I will do slowly this time..

No rajesh .. your strong build and stronger passion are killing my tame body.. its only 2 years since we married.. I am yet to match your passion and love darling .. please .. next time I will be much stronger darling and we can make love though out the night… trust me dear.. please

Soujanya.. 6 months is long time, my train is at 6 PM .. now its 2 PM .. it takes 1 hour to reach the station.. please.. can we have one more round around 4 PM ? please rey.. understand

Soujanya gives a strong passionate kiss on my lips and says ok dear .. for your pleasure … no no our pleasure… meanwhile I will pack your bags and make strong coffee.. I know you would die for my coffee

Every moment of life with Soujanya is special .. she is so caring , understanding , loving wife.. for sure she cant match my masculine body and the thrusts I give her .. in fact not many woman can withstand me when I am in a roar… I know we need to treat the woman like flowers.. treat them gently.. but once I get into mood nothing stops me.. may be due to the long lay offs.. my military job doesn’t allow me to meet my loved ones regularly.. that’s why

Time is 3:30… I decided not to ask her again on this topic.. I started getting ready for my journey..

I went into shower.. with 2 hours of steamy session with Soujanya , my body needed that soothing flow of cold water..

After 2 min, Soujanya knocks the door.. dear coffee is ready.. open the door… she knew I enjoy shower and coffee together.. yes its rather strange

I opened the door and stretched my hand out for the coffee.. then.. what has happened in next 20 minutes I can never forget in my life… Soujanya suddenly jumps into shower and kneels down and reduces the shower speed and takes my rather limp 8 inch manhood into her warm inviting mouth.. my god.. she never did blowjob .. even though I insisted on this several times.. she pounced on my dick and started giving wild kisses from dick head to my balls.. mmmmmm…. Ahhhhhhhhhh.. Souju….hmmmmmmm… wow so good…. Mmmmmmm……. Isssss… darling … little slow…. Ahhhh. We have time…. Ummmmm…. Uhhhhhhhh …

My moans are becoming bigger and bigger while I am reaching the heaven closer and closer… never expected such pleasure… how long she did that so beautifully like a pro.. but I can se the desire and passion in her eyes… darling .. my pussy is aching , sorry .. this is all I can do to you… mmmmmmm.. I am also liking it…

After 20 min I shouted… ahhhhhhhh souju….

After 1 month I cried …. Aaaaaaaa… souju

I am crying,, still crying .. until Kalyani tapped on my shoulder and asked sir are you fine

Then I realized .. wiping my tears… sorry Kalyani.. your tuition is over ?

Yes Rajesh.. but can I stay here for some more time… you seem to be worried about something

Ok Kalyani.. your wish

Kalyani sat next to him on the bed and consoles him .. Rajesh I never saw you this dull.. what happened dear…she takes his hand between her hands and presses gently..

He pulls her closer into his right side arm pit and starts cajoling her… don’t worry darling .. suddenly Souju came to my thoughts… he presses her more closely and kisses on her forehead ..

Rajesh.. I told lie to you.. you can pardon me I will reveal it… looking into eyes she says.. her eyes are moist.. and she is trembling and wiping her lips ..

He is pressing her naked shoulder gently and says its ok dear.. go ahead.. I have trust on you, whatever you do there must be a reason for that

She starts in low voice.. Rajesh.. I came in short goun purposefully .. somehow I thought I should look special to you on this day when you married your wife Soujanya

Stunned !!!!

Rajesh cant believe what she is saying.. yes today is their wedding anniversary , that’s why she came in his thoughts.. but how does Kalyani know about Soujanya ?

He pulls her into his lap with her face facing him … he takes her chin into his hands and asks “How do you know about this ? cant believe darling..” , he says.. his voice is also shaking and the way he is holding her head.. like a lover.. ready to kiss her wet inviting lips…

She is unable to bear his piercing looks.. she looks down and says.. “darling.. when you said you lost your wife.. I started gathering some data around your life.. searched the social media.. didn’t find much.. you are not a social person.. I don’t know your friends.. one day during the tuition class, you went to wash room with your wallet on the sofa.. I searched your wallet.. I searched your life.. saw soujanya akka photo .. looked at back.. saw her signing the photo … my life.. my man.. found on xx/xx/xxxx .. with love.. after seeing that photo I understood that must be your wedding day.. sorry dear for looking into your wallet.. and into your private life..”

She stops saying.. he starts crying..

She is wiping his tears with her kisses..
#దసరా,  అక్క , నా మొగుడితో, అతిథి , Village

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clps yourock
[+] 2 users Like 3sivaram's post
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Excellent update
[+] 1 user Likes Chitrarassu's post
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Superb update  yourock
[+] 1 user Likes sri7869's post
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(13-05-2024, 09:28 PM)3sivaram Wrote: clps  yourock

Thank you bro for visiting this thread
#దసరా,  అక్క , నా మొగుడితో, అతిథి , Village

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