Adultery The Cheating Wife ?

Why he never tried to confront her ?
He could just ask her hiding having building surveillance video footage.
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Awesome update
[+] 1 user Likes Prabhas Rasigan's post
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What happened at the absences of srini, on every occasion,

My speculations

1. Is srini committed a mistake or something that these people are blackmailing Ganga with that as a reason?

2. Or did they threaten Ganga with sirni's life?

3. May be Ganga has a past, and it haunts her now? And she is doing all these to get a normal life with srini?

4. Last but not least, it just a revenge drama, a tit for tat, carefully planned by Ganga to make srini suffer for his past and crimes he has committed??

Whatever it is, it would be boring to know all these from srini , cctv and his investigations.
-Pickup, drop, escape.
[+] 1 user Likes Hornytamilan23's post
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What happened in the absence of srini, on every occasion,

My speculations

1. Is srini committed a mistake or something that these people are blackmailing Ganga with that as a reason?

2. Or did they threaten Ganga with sirni's life?

3. May be Ganga has a past, and it haunts her now? And she is doing all these to get a normal life with srini?

4. Last but not least, it just a revenge drama, a tit for tat, carefully planned by Ganga to make srini suffer for his past and crimes he has committed??

Whatever it is, would be boring to know all these from srini , cctv and his investigations.
-Pickup, drop, escape.
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Nice update.

FIR says jewels, mobile stolen and srinu mobile broken. Did Ganga give her jewels and mobile to them or did she play a foul sport after they left to fool the husband and cops. She did not have any guilt or fear in her face. She is a more dangerous woman than we thought. Did she enjoyed the raype. She did not come and give them a hug and send off. But they both are happy after fucking the chasty housewife. Did she gave them blow job? For how many hours did they fuck. what is the actual time the ambulance came and what time was mentioned in the FIR. lot more to discover for srinu.
[+] 1 user Likes AjitKumar's post
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There should be Gangas angle of story. Ganga would have got their contact numbers and plannned something for later.

She would have had a plan b to kill her husband if something goes wrong. Great going
[+] 1 user Likes fuckandforget's post
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This guy does not even have the guts to question his wife. 
How he will kill her or kill himself. He is fit only to be a cuck and nothing more.
banana banghead banghead clps
[+] 1 user Likes Gajakidost's post
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Till now there is not even a single sex scene to show whether the wife had a satisfied sex with her husband. The sex with the strangers also not known as story goes on the husband pov. how to understand the current mindset of ganga. you are great writer. keep rocking.
[+] 2 users Like Thangaraasu's post
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Clearly ,wife has a history and husband is unaware of
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(08-05-2024, 10:35 PM)Gajakidost Wrote: This guy does not even have the guts to question his wife. 
How he will kill her or kill himself. He is fit only to be a cuck and nothing more.
banana banghead banghead clps

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(09-05-2024, 08:05 AM)abhinay67 Wrote: Clearly ,wife has a history and husband is unaware of

Possibly yes. With a lover at college, or affair before marriage. If she had worked somewhere before marriage, then her collegues would have bedded her. She is not a virgin at the time of marriage.  

Ganga is pure (dirty) BITCH BITCH BITCH devil2
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Srinu will not believe his own shadow hereafter.
Waiting to see how his behavior changes and gangas actions thereafter.
Very good one.
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Just want to know how frequently the husband wife used to mate. Is Ganga happy and satisifed. Did she get orgasm every time. Most important is how the two men convinced her to change seat and what happened in the second half and in the rest room.

Lovely writing friend Smile
[+] 1 user Likes Karmayogee's post
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This is very interesting moves. The way they laughed while leaving shows ganga had enjoyed whatever happened in the building, they would come back again to her house knowing that they have a homely bitch in heat to fuck any time they need.
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Update plz
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Amazing bro

Just cant wait to read what happened between javed, chacha and Ganga.
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same old habit of the author, stopped in the middle.
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Super thriller.
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