Misc. Erotica Mom for Sale: Tantalizing Short Reads
Devotion and Motorbikes


The scent of incense wafted through the air, mingling with the faint aroma of freshly made sweets. My mom was always one for devotion and spiritual practices, which is why the sight of a motorbike parked outside our home seemed so incongruous. It stood there, a sleek black machine, contrasting sharply against the serenity of our house, where my mom spent most of her time in prayer or working on her various puja rituals.


"Mom?" I called out as I stepped inside, my voice tentative, unsure if she'd even be able to hear me over the sound of her own prayers. There was no response. The silence that greeted me felt heavy, almost oppressive, spreading through the house like a fog.


"Mom!" I tried again, louder this time. Still nothing. A knot formed in my stomach as my mind raced with possibilities. Was she okay? Had something happened? And who did that motorbike belong to?


"Hello?" I ventured further into the house, approaching the small room where my mom usually conducted her pujas. The door was ajar, revealing the familiar sight of the altar adorned with flowers and the flickering flame of an oil lamp. But my mom was nowhere to be found.


"Is anybody here?" I continued my search, feeling a growing sense of unease as each room turned up empty. The motorbike outside nagged at me, its presence becoming more ominous by the second.






I hesitated for a moment, feeling a mixture of confusion and disbelief. My mom? Talking to this man? It didn't make sense. But as I turned and made my way to the kitchen, part of me couldn't help but wonder if there was more to my mom's quiet, devout life than I had ever realized.




As I stepped through the open front door, the sound of laughter echoed through the house, bouncing off the walls and filling me with a sense of growing unease. It was a man's laughter – deep and unfamiliar, it felt out of place in our quiet, orderly home. The bathroom door was shut tight, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.


"Mom?" My voice came out as a whisper, barely audible over the pounding of my heart. The laughter continued, punctuated by the splashing of water. What was going on? Who could be in there with her?



"Mom!" I called out, unable to remain silent any longer. There was no answer, just the sound of running water and the echoes of laughter.



My heart raced in my chest, and I struggled to make sense of the situation. Why was my mom locked in the bathroom with this stranger? Whatever was happening, I knew I needed to stay hidden and wait for the right moment to confront them. As fear gave way to determination, I steeled myself for what was to come, hoping that I'd be ready when the time arrived.




My heart pounded in my ears as I continued to hide under the table, watching the bathroom door intently. Suddenly, it swung open and there stood my mom, clad in a towel that barely covered her body. It clung to her curves, leaving little to the imagination. The man followed her out, wearing only his underwear, and sneered at her. "You're nothing but a whore," he spat, his words dripping with contempt.


"Shut up!" my mom snapped back, anger flashing in her eyes. But she didn't defend herself further, and instead turned her attention to the kitchen.


I could hardly breathe as I watched the two of them move through the room. My mom prepared lunch, her movements fluid and efficient despite the tension in the air. Meanwhile, the man lounged on a chair, smirking at her as if he owned the place. A cocktail of disbelief, fear, and rage churned inside me, but I knew I had to keep quiet and stay hidden.


"Come here," the man ordered, patting his lap as my mom carried a plate of food over to him. She hesitated for a moment before reluctantly sitting down, perching on his knee as he wrapped an arm around her waist.


"Here," she said quietly, holding up a forkful of food to his lips. He opened his mouth, letting her feed him while keeping his eyes locked on hers. The intimacy of the gesture made me want to scream, but I bit my tongue and willed myself to remain still.


This can't be happening, I thought, my mind racing. This isn't my mom - she would never do something like this! And yet, there she was, sitting on this stranger's lap and catering to his every whim. What had led her to this point? Was she being forced or threatened, or had she willingly chosen this path?


"Delicious," the man said sarcastically, smirking as he chewed. "You're a good cook, at least."


"Thanks," my mom muttered, her voice strained.


I couldn't take it any longer. As the anger inside me reached its boiling point, I knew I had to do something - anything - to put an end to this nightmare. But what? And how could I face my mom after witnessing such a scene? My thoughts raced, searching for answers as I remained hidden beneath the table, dreading the moment when I would finally have to confront the truth.




The man's fingers slipped beneath the edge of my mom's towel, a sinister grin on his face. I watched from under the table, heart pounding in my chest and anger boiling within me as he slowly peeled it away from her body, leaving her completely exposed to his leering gaze.


"Let's give your friend a real show, shall we?" He taunted, pulling out his phone and initiating a video call. My mom stood there, her eyes filled with humiliation, but she didn't resist. Instead, she seemed to steel herself for what was about to happen.


"Hey, look who's here!" The man exclaimed to whoever was on the other end of the call, angling the camera to ensure my mom was fully visible. "Isn't she a sight?"


"Jesus, man," the voice on the call responded, sounding just as crude as the man in our home. "You weren't kidding when you said she'd do anything for you."


I clenched my fists under the table, trying to process the barrage of emotions that surged through me. Betrayal, disgust, confusion – and above all, a desperate need to make it stop. But what could I do? How could I intervene without causing even more harm?


The man made a series of demands, instructing my mom to pose provocatively for the camera while he snapped photo after photo. Each click of the shutter felt like a dagger in my heart, a sickening reminder of the scene unfolding before me. My mom obeyed each command, her face a mixture of shame and determination. It seemed as if she'd accepted her role in this twisted game, but I couldn't help but wonder why.


"Enough teasing," the man said eventually, ending the video call and tossing his phone onto the couch. "Time for the main event."


My stomach churned as I watched my mom sink to her knees before him, her eyes never leaving his as she began to perform the lewd act he'd demanded. The man's laughter filled the air, a cruel reminder of the power he held over her.


"Look at you," he sneered. "You really are nothing more than a whore."


My mom's eyes flashed with what seemed like defiance for a brief moment, but she said nothing in response. Instead, she continued her task, her face a mask of humiliation and resignation.


I couldn't take it anymore. As much as I wanted to burst out from my hiding spot and confront them, I knew that doing so would only make things worse. For now, all I could do was watch in silent heartbreak, praying for a way to save my mom – and our family – from this nightmare.




My heart pounded in my chest as I continued to watch from my hiding spot under the table, the air heavy with tension and the lingering scent of their twisted desires. My mom's face was flushed and streaked with tears, but she tried her best to maintain a façade of acceptance.


"Is this all you've got?" the man taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. "You're even more pathetic than I thought."


"Please," my mom whispered, her voice barely audible. "I'm doing everything you want."


"Fine, let's see if you can handle this," he spat out, suddenly kicking her in the face. The force of the blow sent her sprawling onto the floor, a cry of pain escaping her lips.


"Time for your shower, whore," he sneered, unzipping his jeans and proceeding to urinate on her. My stomach clenched in disgust at the sight, but my mom didn't resist. Instead, she rinsed her mouth willingly, as if accepting this degrading treatment as part of her punishment.


What is going on? Why is she letting him do this to her? I wondered, my thoughts racing as I tried to make sense of the horrific scene unfolding before me.


"Get on your hands and knees," he ordered, then added with a sinister grin, "and clean up this mess with your tongue."


My mom hesitated for a moment, but eventually began to lick the urine-soaked floor, her sobs muffled by the taste of his degradation. The man positioned himself behind her, grabbing a handful of her hair and forcing her head down further as he entered her roughly.


"Such a good little dog," he mocked, his thrusts forceful and unforgiving. "You really know your place, don't you?"


I could hardly bear to watch anymore, my vision blurring with tears as I struggled to process the humiliation my mom was enduring. How had it come to this? What could I do to save her from this nightmare?


"Enough," the man panted, his breath ragged as he pulled away from her. "You're lucky I don't have more time today."


"Thank you," my mom whispered, her voice trembling with relief and shame.


"Remember, this is your life now," he warned, zipping up his jeans and heading for the door. "And if you ever forget that, I won't hesitate to remind you just how low you truly are."


As the front door slammed shut behind him, I remained hidden, my mind reeling from the horrifying reality of what I'd just witnessed. My mom – the woman I'd always known as loving and devoted – was trapped in a situation I couldn't even begin to understand. And as much as I wanted to help her, I knew that doing so would require confronting some hard truths about our family and the darkness lurking beneath the surface.


But first, I needed to find a way to talk to her, to let her know that I saw everything and that we needed to work together to escape this nightmare. The thought terrified me, but I couldn't stand by any longer and watch my mom suffer at the hands of this monster.



"Alright, let's give your friend a show," the man sneered, grabbing my mom by the arm and roughly pulling her toward the bed. She stumbled, trying to regain her footing, tears streaming down her face mixed with the remnants of the degrading act she had just endured.


"Please," she choked out, her voice barely audible. "Don't do this."


"Shut up!" he barked, shoving her onto the bed. "You're going to do exactly what I tell you, understand?"


My heart raced as I watched from my hiding spot, feeling a toxic mix of anger, fear, and helplessness. I wished more than anything that I could do something to intervene, but I knew that it would only put both of us in greater danger. Instead, all I could do was bear witness to the horrors unfolding before me.


The man grabbed his phone and began a video call. As soon as the other man appeared on screen, he hurled insults at my mom, laughing cruelly as he did so. My mom winced with every word, her humiliation deepening by the second.


"Look at this pathetic creature," he said, positioning the camera to give the other man a full view of my mom's trembling form. "She's not even worth the dirt on my shoes."


"Your shoes?" the other man scoffed over the video call. "I wouldn't even let her touch my garbage."


"Right," the first man agreed, smirking. "Now, let's see just how low she can go."


I clenched my fists as I watched them force my mom into a series of humiliating positions, each one more demeaning than the last. Every time she hesitated or tried to resist, they shouted threats and obscenities at her until she complied.


As the sickening scene continued, I felt a surge of determination rising within me. I couldn't just sit here and do nothing. I had to find a way to put an end to this nightmare once and for all.


"Please stop," my mom sobbed, her voice breaking as the tears flowed freely down her cheeks.


"Stop?" the man on the video call sneered. "You really think you have any say in what happens here?"


"Get used to it," the first man taunted, his eyes filled with malice. "This is your life now."


As those chilling words echoed in my ears, I knew that I had to take action. I needed to find a way to confront my mom about what was happening and convince her that together, we could escape this horrifying reality. But first, I would have to face my own fears and gather the courage to step out from the shadows and into the light.



The sunlight streamed through the open doors of the house, casting a harsh glare on the scene unfolding before me. I could feel the heat of the sun's rays on my skin as if they were trying to sear away the repulsive images from my memory.


"Abdul again, I want more, harder!" my mom cried out, her voice a mix of pain and desperation. My heart clenched at the sound, but there was nothing I could do but watch.


"Ha! You can't get enough, can you?" Abdul sneered, his eyes cold and merciless as he continued to violate her.


"Please… stop…" I whispered under my breath, feeling as powerless as my mom looked in that moment.


"Is this what you really want?" Abdul called out mockingly, making it clear he had no intention of stopping.


"Y-yes," my mom choked out, her tears streaming down her face. It felt like a dagger through my heart, seeing her so broken and humiliated.


"Pathetic," Abdul spat, increasing the intensity of his movements. My mom's cries grew louder, and I knew that I couldn't just stand idly by any longer.


I need to do something, anything to make this stop, I thought, panic and determination coursing through my veins. But how? What could I possibly do to put an end to this nightmare?


"Go on, beg for it," Abdul taunted, smirking cruelly as my mom sobbed beneath him.


"Please… more…" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of my own heart. I wanted to scream, to shout at them to stop, but fear held me back. What if they turned their violence on me as well?


As I cowered behind the doorframe, watching my mom suffer, I realized that I could no longer live in fear. I needed to take action, to stand up for her and myself. My resolve hardened, and I knew that no matter the consequences, I would find a way to free us both from this hellish existence.


"Abdul, please," my mom whimpered, her voice growing weaker with every passing moment. "Can't you see you're hurting me?"


"Of course, I can," he snarled in response. "And that's just how I like it."


That was the breaking point - I could no longer bear to watch this unfold. As I stepped out of the shadows, I knew there was no going back. Whatever happened next, at least I would be able to say that I didn't stand by and do nothing while my mom was being tortured. But what if she is willing to do all this?


The sight of Abdul towering over my mom, his eyes filled with rage and cruelty, was burned into my memory forever. The room seemed to have grown colder, the air heavy with dread.


"Swallow it," Abdul ordered harshly, gripping my mom's throat as she choked on his semen. "That's what you're good for, isn't it?"


"Please, no more," she gasped, tears streaming down her face. I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my palms as I struggled to hold back my anger.


"Shut up!" he snapped, slapping her across the face once more before delivering a swift kick to her backside. My heart raced, my whole body trembling with fury and fear.


"Remember this feeling," he spat at 
her, hurling more insults as he started to get dressed. "You need to toughen up if you want me to come back and do this again." His words were like daggers, slicing through any hope that remained.



"Goodbye, you pathetic excuse for a woman," Abdul sneered as he finished dressing, leaving my mom broken and sobbing on the floor.
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Divorce, Lust and Scandal

I stood in the doorway, watching the neighbors' eyes widen as they hurried past our house. The once vibrant and welcoming home had become a place of whispers and sidelong glances ever since my parents got divorced. Mom's insatiable appetite for money and sex had turned our lives upside down and alienated us from the rest of the community.

"Hey, kiddo," Mom called out from the living room, snapping me back to reality. She was sprawled out on the couch, wearing nothing but a skimpy silk robe that left little to the imagination. "What are you staring at?" she asked with a devilish grin.

"Nothing, just... people walking by," I replied hesitantly, trying not to let my gaze linger on her exposed skin. As an only son, it was awkward to see Mom dress so provocatively, but part of me couldn't help but enjoy the untamed side of her that had emerged after the divorce.

"Let 'em talk," she said dismissively, waving a hand through the air. "They're just jealous of what we've got." Her voice was filled with pride, even though I knew deep down that her actions were causing more harm than good.

As much as I wanted to confront her about the recent changes in her life, I couldn't find the words. Instead, I retreated into my own thoughts, recalling how Mom used to be a respected school teacher before all this mess began. Sravanee, as she was known to her friends and colleagues, had left her job shortly before the divorce, ensuring she could claim alimony from my father.

"Mom," I finally mustered up the courage to speak, "do you ever miss teaching? You know, being a part of something bigger than yourself?"

She paused for a moment, her playful expression fading into something more contemplative. "Sometimes," she admitted quietly. "But the money's better this way, and it's not like I'm hurting anyone."

"Isn't there another way we could get by?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. "We used to be happy before all of... this."

"Listen, kiddo," she said, sitting up and looking me in the eye. "I made some decisions, and they might not have been the best ones, but we've got to live with them now. We can't go back to how things were. So we've just got to make the most of what we've got, okay?"

I nodded reluctantly, knowing that there was no changing her mind. As much as I wanted to hold onto the memory of our once-happy family, I had to face the reality of who Mom had become – and accept the fact that I, too, was drawn to her debauchery.

"Alright, Mom," I agreed quietly. "I'll try."

"Good boy," she cooed, reaching over to tousle my hair affectionately. "Now, why don't you go on and do your homework? I've got some... business to take care of."

As I retreated to my room, I couldn't help but wonder if there was any hope for us, or if we were doomed to live our lives in the shadows of Mom's choices. But for now, all I could do was try to find a way to navigate this new world, hoping against hope that we might someday find our way back to the light.

The harsh sunlight filtering through the thin curtains illuminated the multitude of discarded clothing strewn across the living room floor. As I stepped into the room, I couldn't help but notice how Mom's wardrobe had changed since we started living together after the divorce. The once-modest outfits were replaced with skimpy, revealing garments that left little to the imagination.

"Hey, kiddo," Mom called out from the kitchen, her voice light and carefree as she prepared breakfast. "I've got some good news for us."

"Really?" I asked, my curiosity piqued despite my misgivings about Mom's newfound lifestyle.

"Yep!" She grinned, sauntering into the living room with a plate of scrambled eggs and toast. "I've been talking to this man – he's like a business partner, you could say – and he's been helping me build up a nice little client base."

"Client base?" I furrowed my brow, trying to ignore the way her barely-there robe clung to her curves.

"Sure thing. I've got a steady stream of clients now, never more than three a day. And sometimes, they even want me to entertain them in groups." Her eyes sparkled with excitement, and I felt a strange mix of disgust and fascination as I imagined her engaging with multiple men at once.

"Mom, is this really what you want? Don't you worry about what people think of you?"

"Aw, sweetie. I know it's not ideal, but I've got to make ends meet somehow. Besides, I kind of enjoy it," she admitted with a shrug, taking a bite of her toast.

I sighed, letting my gaze drift back to the scattered clothing. As much as I wanted to believe that Mom was only doing this out of necessity, I knew deep down that she reveled in the attention and the thrill of her illicit activities. It was a side of her I never knew existed before the divorce, and I couldn't help but be drawn to it despite my better judgment.

"Mom, you know I'll always support you," I said hesitantly, trying to reconcile my conflicting emotions. "But please, just promise me one thing."

"Anything, honey."

"Promise me that you'll be careful. I don't want anything to happen to you."

She smiled warmly, pulling me into a tight hug. "I promise, kiddo. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

As we embraced, I clung to the hope that maybe, just maybe, we could find a way to navigate this new life together, without losing ourselves in the process.

The school bell rang loudly, signaling the end of another day. As I trudged through the crowded halls, I couldn't help but overhear the whispers and snickers that followed me wherever I went. It seemed my mother's reputation had spilled over into my life as well.

"Hey, have you heard? His mom's turned into a real slut!" someone whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

I tried to ignore the taunts, focusing instead on the sound of my own footsteps echoing through the corridors. But it was getting harder and harder to tune them out. I knew they were talking about her wardrobe, the way she flaunted herself in public, and her insatiable appetite for attention.

"Your mom's been quite the topic of conversation lately," remarked Mr. Verma, the school principal, as he approached me in the hallway. His voice was tinged with genuine concern. "Has she considered coming back to teach here? I think it would do her some good."

I hesitated, unsure of how to respond. I knew Mom enjoyed the easy money that her new lifestyle provided, and the idea of returning to work as a teacher held little appeal for her. But maybe Mr. Verma was right. Maybe this could be the lifeline we both needed.

"Thanks for asking, sir," I finally replied, swallowing my pride. "But I don't think she's interested in coming back."

"Such a shame," Mr. Verma sighed, shaking his head sadly. "She was an excellent teacher. Well, if she ever changes her mind, the door is always open."

"Thank you, sir," I murmured, watching him walk away.

As I made my way home, I couldn't stop thinking about what Mr. Verma had said. Would Mom really be happier going back to her old life? Or was she too far gone to ever return?

When I arrived at our house, I found Mom in the living room, surrounded by shopping bags and dressed to the nines. She was chatting animatedly with a couple of her lovers, her face painted with bold makeup that made her seem like someone else entirely.

"Hey, kiddo," she greeted me with a bright smile. "How was school?"

"Fine," I mumbled, feeling a renewed sense of resentment bubble up within me. It seemed so unfair that Mom could enjoy herself like this while I spent my days dodging insults and judgmental stares.

"Good to hear," she said breezily, turning back to her companions. "Now, where were we? Oh, right, discussing our plans for tonight's party!"

I retreated to my room, trying to block out the sound of their laughter and flirtation. But as I lay on my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, I couldn't help but wonder if there was any hope left for us. Or if we were both simply doomed to live in the shadows of Mom's choices.

My eyes snapped open as I heard the front door slam shut with a force that shook the walls. Mom's laughter, higher pitched and more nervous than usual, echoed through the hallway. The sound of heavy, confident footsteps followed, sending chills down my spine.

"Mom? What's going on?" I called out, peering cautiously out of my room. A man I had never seen before stood in the living room, his tall frame dominating the space. His eyes, dark and dangerous, seemed to hold secrets, and an unsettling energy radiated from him.

"Ah, there you are," Mom said, trying to sound casual but failing to mask her unease. "This is Demon, a new... friend of mine." Her voice wavered slightly as she spoke his name, as if she was afraid of what it might summon.

"Nice to meet you, kid," Demon said, smirking at me as he casually dbangd an arm around Mom's waist, pulling her closer to him. She stiffened but didn't move away, her eyes flicking between us nervously.

"Hi," I muttered, unsure of how to react to this stranger who had suddenly invaded our home. There was something about him that made me want to run and hide, but I knew I had to stand my ground for Mom's sake.

"Your mom tells me you're quite the student," Demon continued, tightening his grip on her. "Must take after your father, huh?"

"Leave him out of this," Mom snapped, finally finding her voice. But her defiance seemed only to amuse Demon further, his grin widening as he stared her down.

"Anyway," she said hastily, attempting to change the subject, "Demon is just here for a business meeting. We'll be done soon."

"Really?" I asked skeptically, my gut telling me there was more to the situation than met the eye. "What kind of business?"

"Adult stuff," Demon answered dismissively, his eyes never leaving Mom's face. "Nothing you need to worry about."

"Right," I muttered, unconvinced. As I retreated back to my room, I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of dread. I didn't know who this Demon guy was or what he wanted with Mom, but one thing was clear: he was bad news. And if she continued down this path, it might lead to something far worse than anything we'd experienced before.

Mom says he can suck your life out of your pussy, I thought, recalling her words. But was it worth risking everything to satisfy her desires? The question haunted me as the muffled sounds of their conversation filtered through the walls, and I feared that I already knew the answer.

The sun beat down on the city streets, casting a harsh light on the grimy buildings that lined them. Sweat trickled down my brow as I made my way home from school, my backpack weighing heavy on my shoulders. Thoughts of Demon and his twisted influence on Mom swirled in my head, making each step feel like a burden.

"Hey kid," a voice called out from behind me, causing me to jump. I turned around and saw Demon leaning against a lamppost, a sinister grin plastered on his face. "Fancy meeting you here."

"Stay away from my mom," I spat, my heart pounding in my chest as I stared him down. I knew I was no match for him physically, but I couldn't let him have complete control over our lives.

"Relax, kid," he said with a mocking laugh. "I'm not here for her today. Just wanted to chat with you."

"About what?" I asked warily, feeling the tension in the air thicken.

"Your mom's quite the woman, isn't she?" he mused, ignoring my question. "But you already knew that."

"Get to the point," I snapped, growing increasingly impatient with his games.

"Alright, alright," he said, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "I just wanted you to know that I never pay your mom for her...services. In fact, I don't pay any woman. I think my gift is payment enough, y'know?"

"Gift?" I scoffed, disgusted by his arrogance. Would he stop at nothing to humiliate us?

"Yep," he replied, a sickening gleam in his eyes. "And I'm not just some average guy either. I've been caught masturbating on a crowded bus, and I could even have sex in a public toilet if I wanted. Your mom knows all about it."

"Is this supposed to be some sort of threat?" I asked, clenching my fists at my sides. "Or are you just trying to scare me?"

"Neither," he replied, his voice dripping with malice. "I just want you to understand who you're dealing with."

"Stay away from us," I warned, mustering all the courage I could.

"Or what?" he taunted, a wicked grin stretching across his face.

"Or I'll make sure everyone knows the kind of monster you really are," I shot back, my resolve steeling within me.

"Good luck with that," he sneered, pushing off the lamppost and sauntering away. "You'll need it."

As his laughter echoed through the air, I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine. This man was capable of anything, and I was more determined than ever to protect Mom from him. But would I be strong enough to stand up to someone as twisted as Demon?

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting eerie shadows on the walls of our living room as I watched Mom pacing nervously. Her eyes darted back and forth, her hands wringing together as if trying to squeeze out the fear that had taken hold of her.

"Mom, what's wrong?" I asked, concern lacing my voice.

"It's Demon," she whispered, her voice trembling. "He wants me to go with him to Bihar for a performance… a dance party, followed by…" She swallowed hard, unable to finish the sentence.

"Isn't that what you do?" I tried to keep my tone neutral, but the disgust was hard to hide.

"Normally, yes, but this is different," she insisted, her eyes welling up with tears. "This man is dangerous, and there's no telling what he might do if I refuse."

"Can't you just say no?" I asked, feeling hopeless.

"Are you kidding? He could release my explicit photos to the public!" she exclaimed, terror in her eyes. "Then what would become of us?"

As much as I wanted to find a way out for her, I knew that Mom was trapped, forced to comply with Demon's twisted demands. The thought made my blood boil.

"Fine," I said through gritted teeth. "You'll go to Bihar and do whatever it takes to protect us."

"Thank you," she replied, relief flooding her face momentarily before being replaced by dread once again. "But don't worry about me. I can handle myself."

"Promise me one thing, Mom," I said, looking into her eyes. "Promise that you won't let him break you."

"I promise," she vowed, her voice resolute despite the fear that still lingered.

"Alright then," I sighed, trying to find some semblance of peace in the decision. "Do what you have to do, and we'll find a way to get rid of Demon once and for all."

As I watched Mom prepare for her trip to Bihar, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were both stepping into a dangerous game with an unpredictable adversary. But I had to believe that, somehow, we would come out on top.

The dim light of the hotel room cast eerie shadows on the walls as I sat on the edge of the bed, lost in thoughts about what my mom had gotten herself into. A soft knock pulled me out of my reverie, and I opened the door to find Mom standing there, her eyes downcast.

"Did you talk to Demon?" I asked, trying to gauge her mood.

"Y-yes," she replied nervously. "He... he has some specific requests for tonight."

"Are you okay with them?" I asked, concern lacing my voice. Mom hesitated before answering.

"Truth is, I don't have a choice. He said if I don't comply, then..." She trailed off, but I knew what she meant. The threat of her explicit photos being released was always hanging over our heads.

"Tell me what he wants," I said, hoping that knowing would somehow make it easier to accept.

"First," she began, taking a deep breath, "he wants me to walk around the hotel naked. He says it's to show that I belong to him."

"Are you serious?" I exclaimed, feeling a mix of anger and disbelief. "That's just so... humiliating."

"Believe me, I know. But it's better than the alternative," she replied, resigned to the situation. "And that's not all. When we're alone, he wants me to let him do things to me that are... painful, but pleasurable at the same time."

"Mom, that sounds dangerous," I warned. "You should be careful."

"I will be," she promised, steeling herself. "But I need you to understand that this is something I have to do. For both of us."

"Fine," I agreed reluctantly, hating the thought of what she was going through. "Just remember your promise. Don't let him break you."

"I won't," she assured me, determination in her voice. "Now, I should go. He's waiting."

As Mom turned to leave, I couldn't help but feel a pang of fear for her safety. But I also knew that there was no going back now; the only way out of this mess was to play along with Demon's twisted games and hope we could find a way to bring him down in the end.

"Be strong, Mom," I whispered to her retreating form. "We'll get through this together."

The sun had barely risen when our car pulled up to the Bihar venue, casting a warm orange glow on the faded exterior of the building. I couldn't help but notice how Mom seemed to relish the attention Demon was giving her during the long drive; his fingers expertly teasing her most intimate areas as he whispered obscenities in her ear. It made me uncomfortable to witness, but there was no denying that it seemed to fuel Mom's desire.

"Welcome, beautiful," one of the organizers greeted as we stepped out of the car. He looked Mom up and down with an approving grin. "You've certainly got Mumbai's finest right here."

"Of course," Demon boasted, wrapping an arm around Mom's waist possessively. "She's mine, and she knows how to please."

"Alright, let's get you two settled in your dressing room," the organizer said, leading us through the bustling backstage area.

As soon as the door closed behind us, Mom practically lunged at Demon, her hands roaming his body hungrily. He responded in kind, pinning her against the wall as they shared a passionate kiss.

"Wait," I interrupted, my voice wavering. "Can't you at least spare me from watching this?"

"Quiet, boy," Demon snarled, not breaking away from Mom. "Your mother is mine now. She enjoys this, don't you?"

"Yes," Mom gasped between kisses, her eyes locked onto mine. "I do."

Feeling both hurt and disgusted, I turned away, trying to focus on anything other than the sounds of their heated encounter. Moments later, a knock on the door announced the arrival of Mom's outfit for the performance – the revealing choli and transparent ghaghra, designed to show off every inch of her curvaceous figure.

"Get dressed," Demon ordered, finally releasing Mom from his embrace. "It's time to put on a show."

As Mom slipped into the provocative outfit, I couldn't help but stare. The barely-there choli and transparent ghaghra left little to the imagination, and I knew that the audience would be in for quite the spectacle.

"Ready?" Demon asked, eyeing her approvingly.

"More than ready," Mom replied confidently, a sultry smile playing on her lips.

The moment she stepped onto the stage, the crowd erupted into whistles and lewd remarks. Their eyes devoured her exposed flesh, their lust palpable in the air.

"Look at them," Demon whispered to me, his voice dripping with malice. "They all want her – but she's mine."

I clenched my fists, unable to shake the sinking feeling in my chest. Mom may have willingly surrendered herself to Demon, but I couldn't help but wonder what it would take to free her from his grasp.

The first thump of the bass echoed through the venue as Mom took the stage, her body swaying to the pulsating music. The crowd's eyes were glued to her every move
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Nice update
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A Night's Escapade

A dimly lit street stretched out before us, the hum of the taxi's engine punctuating the quiet night. I glanced at my friends, their faces tense with unease. The three of us had been out much later than intended, and though we were now finally on our way home, I knew they dreaded the consequences that awaited them.

"Hey," I attempted to reassure them, "I told you, mom's working late tonight. There won't be any trouble."

"Your mom's pretty chill," one friend sighed, nervously running a hand through her hair. "But mine? Let's just say there'll be hell to pay."

"Same here," the other chimed in, his eyes focused on the passing scenery outside the window. "I don't even want to think about it."

I offered them an empathetic smile but couldn't shake the odd feeling that had settled in my gut. My mother had always been dedicated to her journalism career, often working long hours to chase down leads and meet deadlines. But lately, something had felt off. The late nights seemed more frequent, and my once open and communicative mother had become increasingly distant.

*Maybe she's just really busy with work,* I reasoned, trying to dismiss my growing suspicions. *Or maybe there's something else going on?*

"Almost there," the taxi driver announced, breaking me from my thoughts. My friends exchanged nervous glances before shifting in their seats, preparing for the inevitable confrontation at home.

"Good luck, guys," I said as the taxi pulled up to their respective houses. "We'll talk tomorrow."

"Thanks," they muttered in unison before exiting the vehicle. As the taxi resumed its journey towards my own house, I couldn't help but wonder what secrets my mother might be hiding.

As we turned onto my street, I braced myself for the possibility of facing my mother's disapproval. But instead, I found an entirely different, and much more shocking, revelation. My mother's double life was about to become glaringly apparent, and nothing would ever be the same again.

*Evidence doesn't lie,* I thought with a heavy heart, my world suddenly thrown into chaos. *But how do I confront her? How do I even begin to understand this new reality?*

The city lights flickered through the taxi's windows, casting a dizzying array of shadows across the worn leather seats. The low hum of the engine and the occasional honk from passing cars created an eerie soundtrack to my swirling thoughts.

"Hey, can you pull over?" I asked the driver, spotting a woman standing at the side of the road, her arm outstretched in a desperate attempt to flag down a ride.

"Sure thing," he replied, easing onto the curb.

"Thank you so much," the woman panted as she slid into the back seat, her breaths heavy and labored. Her curly hair cascaded around her shoulders, framing her striking features. She was dressed provocatively, with a plunging neckline that left little to the imagination and a skirt that barely grazed her thighs. A butterfly tattoo peeked out from the curve of her hip.

"Where to?" the driver asked, his eyes lingering on her exposed skin for a moment too long.

"Two kilometers down this road, please," she said, smoothing her skirt nervously. "I'll pay extra for the short ride."

"Uh, yeah, sure" the driver stammered, clearly flustered by her appearance.

As I watched the woman fiddle with her purse, something in her profile struck a chord within me. My heart raced, and I couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity.

"Mom?" I blurted out before I could stop myself.

She froze, her eyes widening in shock as she turned to face me. "What are you doing here?" she hissed, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Me? What are *you* doing here, dressed like… like this?" I demanded, my mind racing with confusion and hurt. "Does Dad know?"

"Keep your voice down!" she snapped, her eyes darting between me and the driver. "This is not the time or place to discuss this."

"Fine," I muttered, crossing my arms and sinking back into my seat. My anger simmered beneath the surface, but I knew she was right. We couldn't have this conversation in a taxi with a stranger at the wheel.

"Turn left up here," my mother instructed the driver, her voice now cold and composed. She focused on the road ahead, avoiding my gaze entirely.

*What's going on?* I wondered, my thoughts racing as fast as my heartbeat. *How did we end up like this?*

The taxi pulled over at my mother's destination, and she handed the driver a wad of cash before stepping out onto the sidewalk. "I'll see you at home," she said quietly, her eyes finally meeting mine.

As the taxi sped away, I was left with more questions than answers, and a heavy weight in my chest that refused to budge. This night had changed everything, and our relationship would never be the same again.

The neon-blue glow of my mother's cellphone screen cast eerie shadows across her face as I peered around the corner, heart pounding. She was sitting on the living room couch, scrolling through messages with an expression I couldn't quite decipher.

"Where have you been?" she asked, not bothering to look up. "Your dinner is cold."

"Sorry, Mom," I mumbled, trying to act casual as I crossed the room. I couldn't let her know I had seen her earlier. Not yet.

"Make sure it doesn't happen again," she warned, finally glancing at me before returning her attention to her phone.

"Right, sorry," I repeated, quickly retreating to my bedroom. As soon as my door clicked shut, I pressed my ear against it, listening for any signs that she suspected something.

"Everything okay?" my friend texted, their message lighting up my own phone screen.

"Can't talk now," I typed back. "I'll fill you in later."

I needed to find out more about my mother's double life. What if she was in danger? Or worse, what if Dad knew and they were both involved in something illegal or immoral?

Later that night, I snuck down the hallway, pausing outside my parents' bedroom. The sound of steady breathing told me they were asleep, but a sliver of light escaping from beneath their door hinted that one of them might be awake. Holding my breath, I knelt down and carefully cracked open the door, just enough to see inside.

My mother wasn't in bed. Instead, I found her phone charging on the nightstand, its screen still illuminated. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed it and quickly retreated to the safety of my room.

"Tonight at 2. Park Prime, wear something interesting," read the message from an unknown number.

"Park Prime?" I thought, my mind racing. "That's the hotel downtown." My curiosity piqued, I knew this was my chance to uncover the truth about my mother's secret life.

I set an alarm for 1:45 a.m., careful to keep the volume low, and tried to catch a few hours of sleep. But every time I closed my eyes, images of my mother in that revealing dress haunted me.

When my alarm finally buzzed, I silenced it and tiptoed towards the front door, only to freeze as I caught sight of my mother. She was slipping into a micro mini skirt and a bralette, her back turned to me.

"Good luck," she whispered into her phone before snapping it shut and heading outside.

"Good luck?" I thought, my heart pounding as I watched her walk away. "What is she getting herself into?"

With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I followed her into the night, determined to find out the truth about my mother's double life – no matter the cost.

The cold wind whipped through my hair as I sped down the empty streets on my scooter, following the car's tail lights like a beacon in the darkness. My heart pounded in my chest, an erratic rhythm fueled by fear and curiosity.

"Mom, what are you doing?" I whispered to myself, gripping the handlebars tightly.

The car finally slowed to a stop in front of Park Prime, the luxurious hotel casting a warm glow onto the street. I parked my scooter in a shadowy corner across the road and watched intently.

"Where is she going?" I wondered, my thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and dread.

Instead of my mother getting out of the car, the driver stepped out and opened the back door, allowing a tall man with dark hair to slide into the seat beside her. As the door closed, I caught a glimpse of my mother leaning in towards him, her lips parting for a passionate kiss.

"Hey, can't you find a better place to park that thing?" a passerby grumbled, jerking me from my voyeuristic trance.

"Uh, yeah, sorry," I stammered, my face burning with embarrassment.

I moved my scooter behind a nearby dumpster before returning to my vantage point, now obscured from any prying eyes. Peeking around the side, my stomach churned as the car windows began to fog up, making it difficult to see what was happening inside.

"Is this really happening?" I thought, my hands shaking as I strained to make out the shapes moving within the car.

The man pressed my mother up against the window, her body writhing beneath his touch. Their silhouettes danced together in a frenzied rhythm, mouths hungrily seeking each other between fervent movements. The scene unfolded before me for what felt like an eternity, a display of raw passion and desire that both repulsed and captivated me.

"Mom, why?" I choked out, my voice barely a whisper. "Why are you doing this?"

The minutes ticked by, each second stretching into an unbearable weight on my chest. As the car continued to rock gently, the reality of my mother's secret life bore down on me, crushing any sense of normalcy that remained.

"Who is she?" I questioned, fighting back tears. "And how much more is there to discover?"

The dim light of the basement flickered, casting a sinister glow on the faces of the gambling den's patrons as they whispered and laughed amongst themselves. The air was thick with smoke and the scent of alcohol, making me feel lightheaded as I struggled to process what I was seeing.

"Hey, there she is!" a man exclaimed, raising his glass in my mother's direction as she emerged from behind a curtain.

"Nice outfit, doll," another chimed in, leering at her barely-there clothing that left little to the imagination.

"Thanks, boys," Mom replied coyly, striding confidently through the room as if she owned the place.

"Mom, how can you be so comfortable in this environment?" I wondered, my heart pounding in my chest as I hid behind a pillar, observing her every move.

"Come on, let's celebrate!" a man suggested, pulling Mom onto his lap where she settled without hesitation, wrapping an arm around his neck.

"Sure thing, sugar," she agreed, accepting a drink from a passing waitress and taking a long sip.

"Cheers to a successful night!" the man said, clinking his glass against hers.

"Cheers, indeed," Mom replied, flashing him a flirtatious smile that made my stomach churn.

"Is this really who she is?" I questioned internally, the image of my once modest mother shattering before my eyes.

"Hey, I heard you had quite the adventure earlier," a woman teased, winking at my mother suggestively.

"Let's just say it was a thrilling ride," Mom responded, laughter bubbling up from her throat.

"Thrilling? Try mortifying," I thought bitterly, my anger growing with each passing moment.

"Hey, gorgeous, when are you free for our next rendezvous?" the man holding my mother asked, his hand grazing her thigh possessively.

"Let me check my schedule," she teased, taking another sip of her drink as she pretended to think. "How about next Friday?"

"Sounds perfect," he grinned, leaning in for a quick kiss that sent a jolt of disgust through me.

"Who is this woman, and what has she done with my mother?" I asked myself, feeling utterly lost and betrayed.

"Enjoy the rest of your night, handsome," Mom said, sliding off the man's lap and sauntering away, leaving me to grapple with the realization that my mother was living a double life I could never have imagined.

As I watched from the shadows, the beat of loud music and dim lighting pulsated through the gambling den. My heart raced, feeling as though it was trying to match the rhythm surrounding me. The air was thick with tension, clouding my thoughts and making it difficult to process what I was witnessing.

"Alright, everyone! Time for some real entertainment!" shouted the man holding my mother in his lap. His voice boomed over the din, demanding the attention of all present.

"Are you ready?" he asked my mom, who responded with a mischievous smirk that seemed so foreign on her face.

"Always," she purred, her voice sultry and confident.

My breath caught in my throat as I saw the man's hand raise and land on Mom's behind with a resounding smack. The sound echoed through the room, followed by a collective cheer from the crowd. I felt sick, unable to comprehend how my own mother could be participating in such debauchery.

"Get up, babe," the man commanded, his grip tightening on Mom's waist. She obeyed, standing before him as he quickly yanked her panties down, leaving her exposed to the lustful gazes of the audience.

"Is this really happening?" I questioned internally, my anger morphing into a suffocating feeling of despair.

"Show them what you're made of," the man said, pulling up Mom's dress and initiating an intimate act right there in front of everyone. The room erupted into cheers and applause, as the sound of hands pounding against tables filled my ears.

"Go, go, go!" shouted someone from the crowd, egging them on.
[+] 1 user Likes Erotica_King's post
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Write some detailed intimate scenes
నా కథలు పూర్తి అవుతాయి అని అనుకునే పాఠకులు, 
స్టోరీ చదివాక ఫీడ్ బ్యాక్ ఇస్తారు అని నమ్మే రచయితలు, 
ఇద్దరూ ఒకటే, కాబట్టి రాసినంత వరకు చదివి కొట్టుకుని పో ఎక్కువ ఎక్స్పెక్ట్ చేయకు..
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(24-04-2024, 11:29 PM)dom nic torrento Wrote: Write some detailed intimate scenes

Next story specially for you. ?
[+] 1 user Likes Erotica_King's post
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(25-04-2024, 01:20 AM)Erotica_King Wrote: Next story specially for you. ?

నా కథలు పూర్తి అవుతాయి అని అనుకునే పాఠకులు, 
స్టోరీ చదివాక ఫీడ్ బ్యాక్ ఇస్తారు అని నమ్మే రచయితలు, 
ఇద్దరూ ఒకటే, కాబట్టి రాసినంత వరకు చదివి కొట్టుకుని పో ఎక్కువ ఎక్స్పెక్ట్ చేయకు..
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