Living With Mom

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Chapter 1: Office Affairs 

The elevator doors opened, revealing the bustling office floor of my new internship. As I stepped out and scanned the room, I spotted my mother standing at her desk talking to a coworker. Her outfit was a shock to me - a skimpy short dress that left little to the imagination, with her breasts bulging out, showing ample cleavage. The hemline of the dress was dangerously high, making it evident that one small movement could reveal her panties. My heart raced as I tried to process this surprising sight.
"Hey, you must be the new intern!" A friendly voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "I'm Ritesh. Welcome to the team."
"Uh, thanks, Ritesh," I stammered, shaking his hand and forcing a smile. "I'm just trying to find my bearings."

A few minutes later, I found myself alone with Mom in a small conference room. She crossed her arms and looked at me sternly. "You'd better not call me 'mom' in the office," she warned. "I don't want anyone knowing about our relationship."
"Fine," I agreed, still reeling from her appearance. "But why are you dressed like that?"
"None of your business," she snapped. "It's what my boss wants me to wear. And since this job pays the bills, I do what he says." Sravanee's eyes narrowed. "You'd better not cause any trouble for me here."
"Of course not," I replied, trying to sound more confident than I felt. "I'm just here to work and learn."
"Good," Mom said, softening slightly. "Just keep your head down and focus on your job." With that, she walked out of the room, leaving me to grapple with this new reality.
As the days went by, I couldn't help but notice the flirtatious and suggestive comments my coworkers made about Sravanee. They had no idea she was my mother, so they didn't think twice about discussing her latest sexual exploits in front of me. Every time they did, I felt a mix of embarrassment and anger, but I kept my mouth shut and focused on my work.
*Why is she putting herself through this?* I wondered. *Is the money really worth it? And how am I supposed to maintain a professional relationship with her when everyone around us sees her as a sex object?* The questions swirled in my head, but I knew better than to ask them aloud. This internship was an opportunity for me to build my future, and I wasn't going to let anything - even my own mother's scandalous behavior - stand in my way.
As I made my way down the bustling office hallway, the sound of laughter and excited chatter caught my attention. Turning the corner, I found a group of coworkers gathered around Sravanee, who was perched on her boss's lap, her arms dbangd over his shoulders. They were all focused on her, their eyes filled with lustful admiration. Her short dress clung to her body, leaving little to the imagination as she basked in the attention.
"Come on, Candy," one of the men teased, a grin plastered across his face. "Give us a twirl."
"Alright, just for you," Mom cooed before standing up, spinning slowly on the spot. As she did, I noticed the screens that had been installed on the once-glass walls of her boss's cabin. *She must have requested those for some privacy,* I thought, fighting back a wave of disgust.
"Looking good, Candy!" another coworker chimed in, reaching out to give her butt a playful tap. Mom simply giggled, brushing it off as a harmless gesture.
I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. My own mother, willingly acting as an object of desire for her colleagues. The only thing more sickening than the scene itself was the realization that she enjoyed it - the light touches, the aggressive brushes from someone's crotch, everything. It seemed that Mom craved this sort of attention both inside and outside the office, never hesitating to dress provocatively wherever she went.
"Hey, newbie!" someone called out, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What do you think of our eye candy?"
"Uh... yeah, she's definitely... something," I stammered, unsure of how to respond without revealing my connection to Sravanee.
"Something is right!" the coworker laughed, slapping me on the back before returning his gaze to my mother.
As I walked away, my head spun with conflicting emotions. This wasn't the woman who had raised me - not the one I remembered, at least. The MomI knew had been strong and independent, not someone who would sell herself for money or attention. I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to her, and if there was any way to save her from this downward spiral.
But as much as it pained me to see my mother like this, I knew I had to focus on my own future and not let her actions affect my work. It was a difficult task, but one I was determined to accomplish. No matter what, I would make the most of my internship and build a life for myself far removed from the twisted world my mother seemed so eager to inhabit.
I stepped into the dimly lit apartment, the scent of stale cigarette smoke and musky perfume assaulting my senses. A pair of skimpy lingerie lay discarded on the floor next to a half-empty bottle of wine. This was my mother's home, the place where I would be staying for the next month. As much as I wanted to turn around and walk out the door, I knew that wasn't an option. I had nowhere else to go.
"Hey, kiddo," Mom called from the kitchen, wearing nothing but a see-through lace teddy. She took a drag from her cigarette, her eyes heavy-lidded and seductive. "You hungry? I can make us some dinner."
"Uh, sure," I mumbled, averting my gaze and trying to ignore the way her curves were barely concealed by the flimsy fabric.
"Great, have a seat." She gestured to the small table in the corner, wiping her hands on a dish towel.
As I sat down, I couldn't help but notice the various men's clothing items strewn about the living room, evidence of my mother's nightly escapades. The realization that this place was more like a house of ill repute than a home weighed heavily on me.
"Here you go," she said, placing a plate of spaghetti in front of me. "Bon appétit!"
"Thanks, Mom," I replied, forcing a smile as I picked up my fork. My stomach churned at the thought of eating in such an environment, but I knew I needed to keep up appearances.
"By the way," Mom added nonchalantly, "you might want to invest in some earplugs. Things can get a little... noisy around here."
"Right," I muttered, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. *How did it come to this? How could she be so casual about her lifestyle?* I thought to myself.
"Anyway," she continued, flicking her cigarette into an overflowing ashtray, "I've got a date coming over later. Don't worry, we'll try to keep it down."
"Mom, do you ever think about... I don't know, maybe changing your ways?" I blurted out before I could stop myself.
Her eyes narrowed as she regarded me with a mix of amusement and irritation. "What? You mean give up all this fun? Not a chance, sweetie. Besides, I'm making good money, and people love me for who I am."
"Is that really what you want, though?" I asked softly, my heart aching for the woman I once knew.
"Of course! This is the life I've chosen, and I'm damn good at it," she declared, puffing out her chest proudly. "Now, eat up. We wouldn't want you getting too skinny."
As I reluctantly took a bite of my dinner, I couldn't shake the feeling of despair that settled in my gut. My mother had become a stranger to me, and there was nothing I could do to change that. For now, all I could do was endure the chaos of her world and hope that one day, she might see the error of her ways.
The hum of the office's fluorescent lights filled my ears as I sat at my desk, doing my best to focus on the project in front of me. But no matter how hard I tried, the whispers and snickers around me always managed to pierce through my concentration.
"Did you hear about Candy?" one of my coworkers asked another, leaning in conspiratorially. "Apparently, she had a threesome with two guys from accounting last night."
"Really? That doesn't surprise me," the other replied, chuckling. "She's always been insatiable."
I clenched my fists under the desk, trying not to let their words affect me. They didn't know that Sravanee, or "Candy" as they called her, was my mother. And if I had any say in it, they never would.
"Hey, newbie," a voice called out, jolting me from my thoughts. I looked up to see Amit, one of my mom's more persistent admirers, grinning at me. "You've been here for a while now. What do you think of our resident eye candy?"
"Uh, I don't really have an opinion," I replied nervously, avoiding his gaze. "I'm just trying to concentrate on my work."
"Come on, don't be shy," he pressed, winking. "We all know what she's like. You can admit it – she's pretty hot, right?"
"Can we please just focus on our tasks?" I snapped, my patience wearing thin. "I'd rather not discuss my coworkers' personal lives."
"Fine, fine," Amit relented, raising his hands defensively. "No need to get defensive. Just making conversation, you know?"
As he sauntered away, I couldn't help but feel a spark of anger towards my mom. Why did she have to act this way, drawing so much attention to herself and making my life at work unbearable?
But then, a week later, things changed. Mom had been transferred to another department within the same building. Although it wasn't a huge difference, it did put some distance between us, which I was grateful for.
"Good morning, everyone," our manager announced during a team meeting. "As you may have heard, Momhas been transferred to another department. We wish her the best in her new role."
I couldn't help but feel a strange mix of relief and sadness at the news. On one hand, I wouldn't have to endure the constant lewd remarks about my mother any longer. But on the other, she was still in the same building, still subject to the same gossip and rumors. And despite everything, she was still my mom, and I couldn't help but worry about her well-being.
"Hey, cheer up," Amit said, noticing my somber expression. "At least we'll still get to see her around, right?"
"Yeah," I muttered, forcing a smile. "I guess so."
Little did I know that the change in departments would only lead to more complications – and more heartache – for both my mom and me.
The office door swung open, revealing my mom standing there in a shimmering burgundy dress with a plunging neckline. The fabric clung tightly to her curves as she swayed her hips, walking past my desk without even noticing me. I couldn't help but stare, though I knew I shouldn't.
"New dress, Sravanee?" one of my coworkers called out, leering at her.
"Thought I'd try something different for a change," she replied with a sultry grin. "You like?"
"Absolutely," he said, eyes wide with appreciation.
"Ugh," I muttered under my breath, trying to focus on my work. This was just another day in my strange new life – working alongside my mother, who seemed to revel in flaunting her body and making everyone around her uncomfortable.
As the days went on, Mom continued to experiment with her wardrobe. Gone were the days of her skimpy office uniform; now she wore a variety of revealing and lustrous dresses, each more outrageous than the last.
"Hey, have you seen Sravanee's new boss?" Amit asked me one day during lunch. "I heard he's a real playboy."
"Really?" I feigned ignorance, not wanting to discuss my mom's work life.
"Yup, they say he's got a thing for women like her," he said, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.
My stomach churned at the thought, but I tried to keep a neutral expression. It wasn't any of my business what my mom did or who she did it with – or so I tried to convince myself.
A few days later, as I stood near the coffee machine waiting for my cup to fill up, I caught sight of my mom's new boss, Varun, leaning in close behind her. To my horror, I realized he was adjusting her bra strap, his fingers deftly touching the delicate fabric. My blood boiled with anger and embarrassment.
"Varun, you're a lifesaver," Mom said, winking at him and giving him a sly smile. "This thing was driving me crazy."
"Always happy to help, Sravanee," he replied, smirking as he looked her up and down.
I quickly grabbed my coffee and retreated back to my desk, trying to process what I had just witnessed. It was one thing for my mom to dress provocatively and flirt with coworkers, but having her boss touch her so intimately felt like crossing a line.
"Get it together," I whispered to myself, clenching my fists under the desk. "It's her life, not yours. Just stay out of it."
But as much as I tried to ignore it, I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right about the situation. And deep down, I knew I couldn't stand by and let my mom continue down this path without at least trying to intervene.
The door to our apartment creaked open, and I glanced at the clock. It was 2:15 AM, right on schedule. Mom stumbled in, her heels clicking against the cold tile floor. Her dress clung to her body, leaving little to the imagination.
"Hey, honey," she slurred, grinning as she kicked off her shoes. "Sorry I'm late. Varun and I had a long... meeting."
"Mom, it's after two in the morning," I said, my voice laced with concern. "You've been spending a lot of time with him lately. Are you sure everything's okay?"
She waved me off, rolling her eyes. "Oh, relax. Varun sir is a player, you know. And a very talented one at that." She giggled, raking a hand through her tousled hair. "He can unhook a bra with one hand, trust me."
"Mom!" I exclaimed, my face growing hot. "I really don't need to hear about your... intimate moments with him."
"Lighten up, honey," she replied, making her way to the kitchen. "Besides, what's wrong with having a little fun? He makes the best coffee, and I get it brought to me in bed. The only problem is he likes to see me naked all the time, but I guess that's not a big deal."
"Mom, seriously, do you have any boundaries?" I couldn't help but blurt out.
"Look, I know you're worried about me," she said, pouring herself a glass of water. "But I'm a grown woman, and I can make my own decisions. This is just how things are right now."
As she spoke, I could see the vulnerability in her eyes, and I knew she was struggling in her own way. But I also knew I couldn't force her to change if she didn't want to.
"Fine," I sighed, swallowing my frustration. "Just promise me you'll be careful, okay?"
"Of course, honey," she replied, leaning in to give me a quick hug. "I appreciate your concern. But trust me, I have everything under control."
As I watched her retreat down the hallway to her bedroom, I couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in my stomach. I wanted to believe that she had everything under control, but it was getting harder and harder to do so as the days went by. And as much as I tried to keep my distance, I knew I couldn't continue standing by and watching her spiral further out of control.
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Chapter 2: Dominic's Day

The dull glow of streetlights filtered through the blinds, casting eerie shadows on the living room walls as the front door creaked open. Weary from a long night, Mom stumbled in, accompanied by a tall, dark-skinned man with dreadlocks that fell past his shoulders.

"Hey, kiddo," she slurred, her eyes bloodshot and half-closed. "Meet my new friend, Dominic." She leaned in closer, her breath reeking of cigarettes and alcohol. A sly grin spread across her face. "He's a musician from Jamaica."

"Nice to meet you, mon," Dominic said, offering his large hand for a shake. His deep voice resonated through the room, filling it with an air of sensuality.

"Likewise," I replied, taking his hand hesitantly. Their laughter echoed strangely in the dim room as they settled onto the couch.

"Let's have a little smoke before we head to bed, yeah?" Mom suggested, reaching into her purse and pulling out a joint. The smell of marijuana soon filled the air, weaving its way around the room like tendrils of smoke. I watched them, wondering how their night had gone and what had led them here.

"Give me a moment, babe," Mom said as she rose to her feet, swaying slightly. "I'll be right back." Disappearing down the hallway, she returned moments later dressed in a casual, skimpy teddy that left little to the imagination. Dominic's eyes widened, his gaze traveling along the curves of her body.

"Damn, girl," he said, licking his lips. "You lookin' fine."

"Thank you," she purred, sauntering back towards him. The sight of her in such revealing attire made me uncomfortable, but I couldn't deny the electric chemistry between them.

As they continued to smoke and flirt, my mind raced with thoughts. Mom had always been adventurous, but this was a new level of spontaneity. And Dominic, though charming and undeniably attractive, was still a stranger she had only met hours earlier. Yet, here they were, acting as if they'd known each other for years.

"Alright," Mom announced, stubbing out the joint in an ashtray. "Time for bed." She took Dominic's hand, leading him down the hallway to her bedroom.

"Goodnight, kiddo," she called over her shoulder, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Goodnight," I replied, my head spinning from the sudden whirlwind of events. As their laughter and whispered words continued behind closed doors, I couldn't help but wonder what the night held for them and how it would impact our lives moving forward.

I couldn't help but feel a strange mix of curiosity and unease as I listened to the muffled sounds coming from behind my mom's bedroom door. It was one thing to see her flirting with Dominic out in the open, but knowing they were locked away together made me wonder what exactly was happening between them.

As I paced the hallway, trying to shake off my intrusive thoughts, I noticed a small hole near the door frame. It had never caught my eye before, but now it seemed to beckon me, promising a glimpse into the forbidden world just beyond the door. With a hesitant glance around to make sure I was still alone, I leaned in and peered through the opening.

"Damn, you're even more beautiful up close," Dominic murmured, his hands eagerly exploring my mom's body as he undressed her with a feverish intensity. I watched in disbelief as she willingly surrendered to his touch, her eyes filled with a hungry desire that I'd never seen before.

"Kiss me," she whispered, pulling Dominic's face down to meet hers. Their lips crashed together, their passion evident in every movement. As they continued to kiss, Mom's breasts bounced in time with their rhythm, their bodies swaying back and forth like dancers in an erotic tango.

"Is this what you want?" Dominic asked breathlessly, pulling away just long enough to look into her eyes.

"More than anything," she replied, her voice thick with need. "Show me everything."

My heart raced as I took in the scene unfolding before me, torn between fascination and guilt at invading their privacy. And yet, the pull of the moment was too strong to resist; I couldn't tear myself away from the raw, unfiltered passion that was playing out in front of me. It was as if I had been given a backstage pass to a world I was never meant to see, and I was powerless to look away.

The sight of Dominic's muscular hands gripping my mom's hair firmly as he guided his throbbing cock into her eager mouth filled me with a mixture of shock and envy. Their heavy breathing and moans echoed through the room, creating an erotic symphony that was impossible to ignore.

"Take it all," he commanded gruffly, his intense gaze locked onto hers. Mom complied without hesitation, her eyes watering slightly as she struggled to accommodate his length. It was clear from Dominic's expression that he was enjoying every second of this, and I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever experience such pleasure myself.

"Are you ready?" Dominic asked, tension building in his voice as his thrusts grew more forceful. He didn't wait for a response before releasing himself onto her face, causing her to giggle unexpectedly.

"Such a naughty girl," Dominic teased, his tone a mixture of admiration and lust. Mom simply smiled, running her tongue along his still-hard shaft, savoring the taste like a fine wine.

"Seems like you're ready for more," she purred, her own arousal evident in every word. Dominic grinned, his eyes sweeping over her body like a predator sizing up its prey.

"Face down, ass up," he instructed, his fingers digging into her soft flesh as he turned her onto her stomach. My heart raced as I watched him position himself behind her, searching for the perfect angle to enter her once more.

"Please, be gentle," she whispered, her vulnerability making her seem all the more enticing. Little did she know, I was witnessing everything, unable to tear myself away from the intoxicating scene unfolding before me.

The image of Dominic's muscular body poised above my mother, a wicked glint in his eyes, was seared into my mind as I continued to watch through the hole by the door. Dominic seemed to be enjoying every second of it, and my heart raced with a mixture of shock and fascination.

"Please, Dominic, not there," Mom whimpered, her voice strained with fear and desire. "Oh God, not in my anus... I can't handle that."

"Relax, baby," Dominic whispered seductively, running a hand along her back to soothe her nerves. "Trust me, you'll love it."

I could see the trepidation on my mother's face, but she nodded hesitantly, giving him permission to continue. My stomach churned with conflicting emotions, yet I couldn't tear my eyes away from the scene unfolding before me.

"Remember to breathe," Dominic instructed, his fingers gently circling her tight entrance before starting to push inside. Despite her reluctance, my mother obeyed his command, taking slow, deep breaths as he began to enter her forbidden hole.

"Ah! No, please!" Mom cried out, her hands clutching at the bed sheets as pain mixed with pleasure coursed through her body. Her pleas for mercy only seemed to fuel Dominic's passion, urging him to push deeper and harder.

"Come on, baby," he urged, his voice rough with arousal. "Take it all. I know you can handle it."

As I watched, torn between horror and fascination, my mother's cries slowly morphed from pain to pleasure. Tears glistened in her eyes, but her moans grew louder, more insistent, until they filled the room with their carnal intensity.

"Close now," Dominic grunted, his face contorted with ecstasy as he pounded into her without mercy. "Gonna come again, baby, you ready?"

"Y-yes," Mom gasped, her nails digging into the sheets as she braced herself for his climax. In one final, powerful thrust, Dominic unleashed himself deep inside her, his groans of satisfaction echoing in the small room.

As they both lay there, panting and exhausted, I felt a strange cocktail of conflicting emotions – shock, curiosity, and an undeniable arousal that left me feeling more confused than ever.

My heart raced as I continued to watch through the tiny hole in the door, unable to tear my eyes away from the sordid scene unfolding before me. After a brief respite, Mom and Dominic began to kiss passionately once more, their hands greedily exploring each other's sweat-slicked bodies.

"Damn, woman," Dominic growled, his thick Jamaican accent making every word sound like a command. "You got me hard again already." His fingers traced the curve of her hip, lingering at the top of her thigh.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Mom asked, her voice sultry and inviting. The pain from before seemed to have been replaced by an insatiable hunger for more.

As Dominic positioned himself between her legs, Mom reached down to guide him inside her. He didn't hesitate, plunging into her with a force that made her gasp. The bed shook violently beneath them as he thrust into her with animalistic fervor. Watching this raw display of passion, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of shock and arousal, while questioning my own morality for witnessing such an intimate moment.

"Fuck, you're amazing," Dominic panted, his face flush with exertion. Mom could only respond with guttural moans, her body writhing beneath him as she surrendered herself to his powerful advances.

"Harder," she begged, her eyes locked onto his with an intensity that left no room for argument. Dominic obliged, gripping her hips tightly as he increased the tempo of his thrusts. Each impact sent waves of pleasure coursing through her, echoing in the room as she groaned like a sacrificial goat.

"Are you ready for this, baby?" Dominic grunted, sweat dripping from his brow. Mom nodded weakly, her body trembling with anticipation.

"Come on my face," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of their bodies colliding.

With a primal roar, Dominic pulled out just in time to release his final torrent of ecstasy, spraying it all over Mom's face. Her eyes fluttered closed as she accepted her lover's offering, the warm liquid dripping down her cheeks and chin.

"Clean me up," he commanded, his voice thick with satisfaction. Without hesitation, Mom leaned forward and took him into her mouth, licking him clean with an eager dedication that seemed to defy her earlier reluctance.

As I continued to watch, my body trembling with a mix of shame and arousal, I couldn't help but wonder what my life had become. What kind of person was I for taking pleasure in witnessing my own mother's debauchery? And what would happen if they ever discovered my voyeuristic secret?
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Chapter 3: Jamaican Calypso

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting the living room in a warm orange glow as Dominic and his Jamaican friends strolled through the door. They were all smiles and laughter, carrying an air of mischief with them.

"Hey, Mom!" Dominic called out, his voice rich with excitement. "We brought some good company for ya."

Mom looked up from her book, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of the group. But she was never one to back down from a challenge, so she put on her most welcoming smile and gestured for them to join her on the couch.

"Come on in, boys," she said, trying to maintain a casual tone despite the nerves bubbling beneath the surface. "Let's have a drink, shall we?"

They all settled into the living room, passing around bottles of rum and joints as they laughed and chatted. Mom couldn't help but notice that their eyes lingered on her body more than once, and she knew what they were thinking – could she be persuaded to entertain them tonight?

"Hey, Mom," one of Dominic's friends said after a while, his voice slurred from the alcohol and smoke. "How about you show us a little dance?"

Her heart skipped a beat as she hesitated, but she couldn't help the thrill that coursed through her veins. The thought of dancing for these men, of being the center of their attention, made her feel alive. So she took a deep breath, stood up, and kicked off her shoes, revealing a pair of red stilettos that had been hidden beneath her jeans.

"Alright, boys," she said, stepping onto the coffee table in front of them. "You asked for it."

Dominic grinned, pulling out his phone and queuing up a sultry saxophone track that soon filled the room. Mom closed her eyes and let the music wash over her, allowing her body to move in time with the rhythm. She started slow, her hips swaying gently as she unbuttoned her shirt and let it fall to the ground.

The men watched intently, their eyes tracking her every movement as she continued to dance. Mom could feel the heat of their gazes on her skin, and it fueled her performance. She twirled around, the hem of her skirt flaring out as she showed off her toned legs. The red heels clicked loudly against the tabletop, adding an extra layer of seduction to the scene.

"Damn, Mom," Dominic murmured, his voice filled with admiration. "You really know how to put on a show."

Her confidence grew with each article of clothing she discarded, and soon she was down to just her lacy black panties. With one final flourish, she slid them down her legs and tossed them through the air – landing squarely on Dominic's face.

"Enjoy the show?" she asked breathlessly, her eyes shining with mischief as the saxophone track faded away.

The laughter echoed through the room as Dominic's friend continued to play back the video of Mom's strip dance on his phone. Her cheeks burned with a mixture of embarrassment and pride, but she made no move to cover herself up. Instead, she sat there among the group, her nakedness standing out in stark contrast to their fully clothed forms.

"Man, that was something else," one of Dominic's friends commented, shaking his head in disbelief. "You sure know how to entertain."

"Can't argue with that," Mom replied, trying to sound confident even as her heart raced. She couldn't help but wonder what would happen next. Would they be satisfied with just the dance? Or did they have something else in mind?

"Alright, boys," Dominic said, standing up and motioning for two of his friends to join him. "Time to kick things up a notch."

Without any warning, Dominic and his friends scooped her up, each man gripping one of her limbs firmly. She felt a thrilling mix of vulnerability and excitement coursing through her veins as they carried her towards the bedroom. Their laughter filled her ears, drowning out her own racing thoughts.

"Guys, where are you taking me?" she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.

"To the bedroom, of course," Dominic replied, grinning wickedly. "Got a little surprise for you."

"Three surprises, actually," another friend chimed in, winking at her.

Her heart pounded in her chest as they reached the bedroom door and locked it behind them. What were they planning? Was she really about to take on three men at once? And if so, could she handle it? Despite her doubts, she couldn't deny the rush of anticipation that surged through her body at the thought.

My heart raced as I found myself near the hole, my eyes widening at the intense scene unfolding before me. Sweat dripped down my forehead and my breath caught in my throat.

"Please!" she cried out, her voice trembling with desperation and confusion. "I can't... I don't know who to satisfy first!"

"Relax, babe," one of them said with a devilish grin, gripping her thigh firmly. "You're gonna love this."

"Focus on me!" another demanded, his eyes burning with lustful impatience.

In that moment, my thoughts were a whirlwind of emotions – shock, disbelief, and a strange, perverse curiosity. Was this really happening?

As they pulled her legs apart, she let out a gasp, her body tensing up in anticipation. I could see the fear and vulnerability in her eyes, but there was also an underlying excitement – an undeniable need to be used by all of them simultaneously.

"Open wide," the third man ordered, straddling her face and positioning himself above her. She hesitated for a moment before complying, her lips parting slightly to accept him. As he slid deeper into her throat, she gagged, tears streaming down her cheeks. But she didn't stop; she couldn't stop.

"Can you handle us all?" the first man taunted, pushing himself inside her as well.

"God, yes," she managed to choke out between thrusts, her body quivering with pleasure and submission. "Please, use me... I need this."

"Damn right you do," the second man growled, joining the others in their relentless pursuit of satisfaction.

I couldn't tear my gaze away from the spectacle, my mind racing with conflicting thoughts. Part of me wanted to turn away, disgusted by the raw, animalistic nature of it all. But another part of me couldn't help but watch in fascination, my own desires and needs bubbling to the surface.

"Is this what I want?" I thought to myself. "Do I crave this kind of control, this primal exchange of power?"

As I continued to watch, the scene before me blurring into a haze of moans, gasps, and desperate pleas for more, I knew one thing for certain – this was a moment that would change me forever.

The room was thick with sweat and the scent of sex, every inch of it permeated by the grunts and groans of exertion. Mom lay sprawled on the floor, her body a canvas of desire – wet, sticky, and naked.

"Take it," one of the men snarled as they continued to use her, their roughness fueled by their own uncontrollable lust. "You're just a cum dump for us now."

I tried to swallow the lump that had formed in my throat, my heart pounding in my chest as I watched the scene unfold before me. What had started as an exploration of desire had quickly escalated into something far more primal, more raw. And yet, despite the violence, the degradation and humiliation, I couldn't look away.

"Please," mom gasped, her voice broken and desperate. "Enough... I can't... I can't take any more..."

"Shut up!" another man barked, his hand gripping her hair tightly as he forced himself deeper inside her. "We'll be done when we say we're done."

"Maybe she needs a little incentive," the first man suggested, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Let's give her a taste of what's to come."

My mind raced, torn between the horror of what I was witnessing and the dark, twisted part of me that wanted to see where this would go. As the men finished their brutal assault, leaving her covered in their cum, I felt a strange mix of satisfaction and fear.

"Remember your place," one of them hissed as they left the room, leaving mom lying there, battered and spent.

"Is this what it means to submit?" I wondered, staring at the aftermath of the carnage. "To be so utterly consumed by desire that you'd willingly subject yourself to such treatment?"

I knew I couldn't forget what I'd seen, that it would haunt me for the rest of my days. But as I stood there, my body trembling with a mixture of lust and terror, I couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, I was meant to be a part of this dark world.
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Chapter 5: Changing Sides

The office became a hub of gossip when the news of mom and her boss being involved in a scandal of using company funds for personal embezzlement.

The amount was quite much and what is more surprising that they’ve been spent on from things like exotic vacations to pregnancy termination on three occasions.

Mom told me it’s time to switch sides. I’m going to be working with Mr Mehta. Only he can save me. But I have to visit his apartment often. For a month I may have to stay. Dominic is going to miss me. I just can’t get enough of his huge cock.

But isn’t Mehta a family man? Mom said yes but I’ll be in his other apartment. He’s got many houses. One of them has a BDSM room. He’s quite a colourful person you see. He told me has upgraded since I visited last time.

He often brings interesting people to play with. But you have to be very careful not to make him angry. Do as he says and you’ll enjoy. Mehta is my saviour now. Or else I’m going to lose the job.

That’s what happened in real too. Candy kept her job and her boss was kicked out. Everyone was happy that they’d ogle at Candy for a long time to come.

Next day mom saunters down the hallway with an air of confidence and seduction. She's dressed in a form-fitting pencil skirt that clings to her curves, accentuating her ample hips and thighs. The top is a low-cut blouse adorned with ruffles, showcasing generous cleavage while giving subtle peeks of her bra-lined bosom. Her nylons are sheer and tight, framing her full legs as she walks, while her high heels click rhythmically against the floor. Her makeup is bold and eye-catching, emphasizing her smoldering gaze and luscious lips.

She walked straight into Mehta’s office. Later she described what happened afterwards.
her red lips smeared with passion, moans softly as she straddles her boss' lap in the cramped office bathroom. The man, older and powerful, grips her ample curves with obvious pleasure, his eyes locked onto hers as they both lose themselves in their carnal desires. Their heavy breathing fills the small space, punctuated by wet, slurping sounds as she moves against him.

In a dimly lit corner booth of a posh restaurant, your mother sits across from her new boss, her eyes gleaming with curiosity and desire. Their voices lower to murmurs as they discreetly discuss their shared interest in BDSM – a topic that was once taboo but now fuels their growing attraction for one another. She describes her desires in hushed tones, revealing a hidden side of herself that she's long kept concealed. His gaze never strays from hers, his own arousal evident despite the public setting.
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The sun dipped low behind the glass-paned windows of the office, casting long shadows across the room. Mother stood at the edge of her boss's large mahogany desk, her fingers tapping nervously against the polished surface.

"Come closer," her boss commanded, his voice deep and authoritative. Obediently, she took a step towards him, feeling the weight of his gaze as it roamed over her body. The air between them crackled with tension and desire, making it difficult for her to breathe.

"Is there something you want from me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"What I want, my dear, is to see just how much you're willing to submit," he replied, his eyes never leaving hers.

Without warning, his hands shot out, boldly groping her breasts through the thin fabric of her blouse. She gasped, but made no move to stop him. Instead, she found herself leaning into his touch, craving the heat of his skin against hers.

"Ah, so responsive," he murmured, the corners of his mouth turning up in a wicked grin. "Let's see how well you take this, then."

A sharp slap echoed through the open space as his palm connected with her exposed bottom. She bit back a moan, shivers racing down her spine. Another slap followed, each one landing firmly on her delicate flesh – a deliberate display of dominance meant for all to witness.

"Please," she begged, her voice trembling with need. "I can't take any more."

"Can't or won't?" he challenged, his eyes darkening with something akin to hunger. "There's a difference, you know."

"Please," she repeated, not caring about the potential scandal. Their connection was impossible to ignore, and she wanted – no, needed – to feel his lips on hers.

"Very well," he acquiesced, pulling her in for a searing kiss. She melted into him, submitting to his advances without hesitation. Their embrace was open and brazen, daring anyone who might be watching to voice their disapproval.

"Remember," he whispered against her lips, "this is only the beginning."

The whispers began almost instantly, like the crackling of a fire slowly consuming dry wood. Mom could feel the curious gazes from her colleagues, their hushed voices carrying across the open office space, as she pretended to focus on her work. But in truth, all she could think about was him – her boss – and how his touch had ignited a flame within her that refused to be extinguished.

"Have you heard?" Sandra asked, sidling up to her desk with a conspiratorial gleam in her eye. "Apparently something happened between you two."

"Really?" Mom feigned surprise, trying to hide the flush creeping up her neck. "What are people saying?"

"Rumors, mostly." Sandra shrugged her shoulders, but there was no mistaking the excitement in her voice. "But everyone saw how he touched you earlier. It's hard not to talk about it."

"Let them talk," Mom replied, a newfound boldness blossoming inside her. "I won't be ashamed of what I want."

"Wow," Sandra blinked, taken aback by her friend's sudden confidence. "You've changed."

"Perhaps," Mom acknowledged, thinking back to that searing kiss and the way it had stirred something deep within her. "But maybe change is exactly what I needed."

As the day wore on, the rumors continued to swirl, but rather than feeling humiliated or embarrassed, Mom found herself exhilarated by the speculation. It was as if the very air around her crackled with anticipation – each whispered conversation, every furtive glance, only served to fuel her desire for more.

"Meet me in my office," her boss's words appeared on her computer screen, sending a shiver down her spine. She glanced over at him, finding his eyes already locked onto hers – dark, intense, and filled with unspoken promises.

"Alright," she typed back, her heart pounding in her chest.

The short walk to his office felt like an eternity, but as soon as the door closed behind them, the boundaries between public and private blurred – leaving only raw emotion and primal need in their wake. He released her from his grip, their hearts pounding in sync, and for a moment they simply stared at one another, breathless and electrified.

"Are you ready for this?" he asked, his voice low and seductive.

"More than anything," she replied, her eyes never leaving his.

"Good," he smiled, taking her hand and leading her further down the rabbit hole. "Because there's no turning back now."

As they stood on the precipice of the unknown, Mom knew that there was no denying the chemistry that existed between them – a magnetic pull that promised more encounters to come, both daring and forbidden. And she wouldn't have it any other way.

The sun cast a golden glow over the office, bathing the room in warmth as Mom strode in with newfound confidence. The swish of her thigh-high skirt whispered secrets to the air, the slit along the side offering a tantalizing glimpse of her toned legs that seemed to stretch on forever, thanks to the stiletto heels she now donned.

"Morning," she greeted her colleagues with a coy smile, her voice laced with an edge of seduction. Their eyes widened, taking in her transformation from conservative attire to a daringly provocative ensemble.

"Wow, you look... amazing," one coworker managed, unable to tear their gaze away.

"Thank you," Mom replied, reveling in the attention, knowing full well her wardrobe overhaul was designed to catch the eye of one man in particular – her boss.

As she approached his office, her heart raced in anticipation. Each step brought her closer to him, closer to the magnetic pull that drew them together. She knocked softly on the door before pushing it open.

"Ah, there you are," he said, his voice commanding yet sensual. "I've been waiting for you."

"Sorry, I got held up," she lied, feeling a mischievous thrill at the thought of keeping him on his toes.

"Clearly," he smirked, his eyes raking over her body appreciatively. He leaned back in his chair, the picture of control and authority. "Come here," he ordered, gesturing for her to approach his desk.

Mom obeyed without hesitation, her pulse quickening as she leaned over his desk, her chest pressing against the polished wood. She could feel his gaze burning into her, searing her skin like a brand. In this position, she offered him a clear view of her ample assets, her blouse straining against the weight of her breasts.

"Is there something you need?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, knowing full well the effect her actions would have on him.

"Indeed," he replied, his eyes darkening with desire. "But first, let's discuss that report I asked you to prepare."

As they delved into work matters, Mom couldn't help but notice the way his gaze lingered on her body – the curve of her hips, the swell of her chest. She felt a thrill run through her, a mixture of excitement and satisfaction. She had captured his attention, just as she had intended.

I never knew I could feel this powerful, she thought, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. And all it took was embracing my desires and allowing myself to be seen.

"Very well," her boss said after a few minutes of discussion, his voice low and rough with unspoken need. "You may go now. But remember, I'll be watching."

"Of course," she replied, straightening up and leaving his office with a tantalizing sway of her hips. As she walked away, she could feel the weight of his stare on her back – a reminder of the connection they shared, one that promised more daring and forbidden encounters to come.

The sunlight streamed through the office windows, casting a warm glow over the room as Mother confidently strode across the floor in her new attire. Her heels clicked against the polished surface, announcing her arrival with an air of authority that seemed to demand attention.

"Good morning," she greeted her boss with a coy smile, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation at the potential reactions to her new wardrobe choices.

"Morning," he replied, his eyes roaming over her figure appreciatively, taking in every detail – from the tight-fitting blouse that hugged her curves to the thigh-high skirt that showcased her toned legs. He could not mask the surprise and desire that flickered across his face as he registered the transformation. "You look... stunning."

"Thank you," she responded, a flirtatious glint in her eye. She knew her actions were bold, but the thrill of pushing boundaries sent shivers down her spine.

As they worked together that day, Mother took every opportunity to draw his gaze. She bent over to retrieve a file from a low cabinet, allowing her skirt to ride up and reveal a tantalizing glimpse of her thighs. She caught him staring, and he quickly looked away, feigning interest in a document on his desk.

"Is this the file you needed?" she asked innocently, knowing full well that her display had not gone unnoticed.

"Ah, yes," he stammered, struggling to regain his composure. "Thank you."

Throughout the day, Mother continued to test the limits, adjusting her blouse and casually exposing a hint of cleavage. As she did so, her fingers lingered on her breasts just long enough to make her intentions clear. She reveled in the power she held over him, her confidence growing with each subtle seductive act.

I've never felt more alive, she thought, her heart racing with the realization that she was finally embracing her true desires.

"Can I get you anything else?" she inquired, standing near his desk with a sultry smile.

He paused, his eyes locked on hers, the unspoken connection between them crackling like electricity in the air. "No," he replied quietly, his voice thick with restrained desire. "I think we're done for today."

"Alright then," Mother said, her tone laced with satisfaction as she turned to leave, knowing that their secret shared understanding had only just begun to unfold.

With each passing day, Mother's newfound confidence surged like a river breaking free of its dam. Her once timid and demure demeanor had been replaced by a vibrant assertiveness that seemed to command the attention of everyone in the office – especially her boss.

"Your office looks different," she said, stepping into the room with a bold stride. As she gazed around, her eyes widened in astonishment at the sheer opulence that surrounded her. The room was bathed in the soft glow of flickering candlelight, casting dancing shadows over plush furniture, intricately woven carpets, and gleaming metal fixtures.

"Ah, yes. I've made some… improvements," her boss replied with a sly grin, observing her reaction closely. "Do you like it?"

"Very much so," Mother responded, her voice barely more than a whisper as she continued to take in her surroundings. She could hardly believe that this luxurious space was hidden within the ordinary confines of an office building.

Her boss watched her, his gaze never wavering from her face. He could see the fire burning behind her eyes, a passion that had been ignited through their secret game of seduction. He knew he had unlocked something within her, and he was eager to explore the depths of her desires.

"Tell me what you want," he said softly, moving closer to her.

Mother hesitated for a moment, suddenly acutely aware of the intimacy of their conversation. But as she looked into his eyes, she found the courage to voice her deepest longings.

"I want… to be bound by you," she confessed, her cheeks flushing with both embarrassment and excitement.

"Is that all?" he asked teasingly, his fingers trailing along her arm as he stepped closer.

"No," she admitted, her heart pounding in her chest. "I want you to show me the depths of my submission, to push my limits and make me realize how much I crave your control."

"Very well," he said, his voice low and filled with promise. "But first, we must establish trust. Can you do that?"

Mother nodded, her eyes locked on his. "Yes," she whispered, feeling an exhilarating mix of fear and anticipation.

"Good," he murmured, his hand gently gripping her chin as he leaned in to place a soft kiss on her lips. "Then let's begin."

Mother's heart raced as her eyes roamed over the various BDSM equipment lining the walls: whips in all shapes and sizes, leather restraints, chains, and masks – each one whispering promises of intense pleasure and pain. She could feel herself growing warm at the thought of submitting to her boss, allowing him to control every aspect of her desires. The room seemed to hum with potential energy, aching for them to explore every inch together.

"Are you ready, my dear?" her boss asked, his voice smooth and confident. He stood before her, clad in a tailored suit that concealed his desire as expertly as it did his body. His eyes smoldered with promise and intrigue, daring her to take that first step into their shared fantasy.

"I...I am," she stammered, her voice betraying her eagerness. In her mind's eye, she began to imagine the sessions they would share here – the dizzying heights of ecstasy, the blissful moments of surrender, and the thrill of stepping into previously uncharted territories.

"Excellent," he said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice. "Then let me tell you about the plans I have for us." As he revealed more about their time together, Mother found herself growing increasingly eager – eager to explore every inch of this room, eager to feel the touch of his skilled hands, eager to submit to his dominion entirely.

"First, we'll start with the basics," he explained, gesturing to the nearby wall of restraints. "Leather cuffs, rope, and chains – all designed to keep you bound and helpless as I explore your body."

Mother shuddered at the thought, her innermost desires bubbling to the surface. "Yes, sir," she whispered, feeling a jolt of excitement as the words left her lips.

"Next, we'll move on to sensory play," he continued, his voice taking on a teasing lilt. "Feathers, ice, and hot wax – all meant to heighten your senses and make you more receptive to my touch."

"Please," she murmured, her body trembling with anticipation.

"Finally, we'll delve into the world of impact play," he said, his eyes darkening as he glanced at the array of whips, paddles, and floggers. "I'll teach you to embrace both pleasure and pain, pushing your limits until you're sobbing with ecstasy."

"God, yes," Mother moaned, her need for him growing with every word. She could barely stand still, her body aching for the feel of his hands, the taste of his lips, the sting of his whip.

"Patience, my dear," he cautioned, a wicked grin crossing his face. "We have all the time in the world to explore our desires."

As she stood there, quivering with anticipation, she knew that she had found something truly special – a connection that transcended the boundaries of their office lives and delved deep into the depths of their most primal needs. And as she took that first step forward, allowing herself to be swallowed by the darkness and lust that awaited her, she knew that there was no turning back.

The scent of leather and candle wax filled the air, mingling with her own arousal as she stood in the center of the dimly lit room. Her boss's hand, warm and firm, held hers gently as he guided her to the plush carpet underfoot. Their gazes locked, and the intensity of his eyes sent a shiver down her spine.

"Are you ready?" he asked softly, his thumb brushing over her knuckles.

Mother hesitated for only a moment, her heart pounding with both anticipation and apprehension. A whole month alone with him – would it be too much? But as she looked into his eyes, she knew there was no turning back. "Yes," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

"Good," he responded, his smile reassuring and filled with promise. He released her hand and stepped closer, the heat radiating from his body enveloping her like a blanket. "Remember, this is about trust and communication. If at any point you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed, we stop."

She nodded, finding comfort in his words. The way he prioritized her well-being only deepened her desire for him. As his hands came to rest on her waist, she found herself leaning into his touch, craving more.

"Before we begin, I want you to tell me your limits," he instructed, his fingers tracing circles around her hips.

Her thoughts swirled as she considered what she wanted, what she could handle. "I... I don't know yet. I've never done anything like this before."

"Then we'll explore together," he said confidently. "We'll start slow, and if something doesn't feel right, we'll adjust. Just remember to communicate with me."

She took a deep breath, appreciating his understanding and patience. "Thank you."

"Of course." His lips brushed against her earlobe, sending shivers down her spine. "Now, let's begin."

As he guided her through the room, introducing her to each piece of equipment and explaining its purpose, her apprehension began to dissipate. The unknown world that had once seemed so daunting now felt exciting, an adventure she couldn't wait to embark upon.

"Are you still with me?" he asked, pausing in front of a St. Andrew's cross.

"Yes," she replied, her voice steadier than before. "I trust you."

"Good." He smiled, his eyes filled with warmth. "That's the most important thing."

With every passing moment, her longing for him grew stronger, the tide of desire washing away any lingering fears. And as they stood there, their bodies mere inches apart, she knew that the journey they were about to undertake would change them both forever.
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