Adultery Bhabi, Beggar and Blunder
Very hot update.

Rani dont mind the smell now on compared to her husband small
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
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(15-03-2024, 12:44 PM)Zomato Wrote: The narration has so far been very good. The story should as realistic as possible. Shreya intention is not to degrade her sister in law. No self respecting person would stoop to the levels of licking the bum of a a stinking 70 year old man  who has not bathed nor washed his bum for god know s how long. Shreya still adores her SIL. So  please avoid such descriptions.

I know, but I tried to show what state of mind Rani was in trying to repent for her "sins". But she did get back to her senses later in the morning. I will keep you suggestion in mind. Thank you for helping the story improve
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Sorry guys I was busy yesterday and kind of wrote this update in a hurry so it might be not as detailed as previous ones and things might seem rushed. It will improve from later updates.

As the evening approached, the atmosphere in Shreya's home grew tense with anticipation. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting warm hues of orange and pink across the sky, as shadows lengthened and crept across the rooms of the house. Shreya, Rani, and Kavya were in the process of getting ready for the night's events, each of them deep in thought root in their own world.

Shreya, however, was struggling with the morality of her actions, as she couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for her role in orchestrating this affair. Although she had always been a curious person, she never thought that her innocent curiosity would lead her down such a dark and twisted path.

When she had first planned the entire thing, it was supposed to be just a one-time thing, a way to feed her own curiosity and satisfy her burning questions about the mysteries of sexuality.

She couldn't have anticipated the chain of events that would unfold, leading to the situation that she now found herself in. She couldn't see the state Rani was in. Plus the miniscule little plan she had orchestrated was snowballing into this massive, chaotic thing. She would have never imagined this ending or what she had witnessed that night.

Shreya had always been a curious person, eager to learn and explore new things. However, her traditional upbringing and strict family values had kept her sheltered from the realities of life. As she entered her early twenties, she began to feel a deep sense of dissatisfaction with the world around her. It felt small and limiting, and she yearned to break free from the shackles of tradition and explore the world beyond the safe bubble of her family home. And she did, sacrificing the purity of her sister-in-law in the quest for her own enlightenment. And it was all going fine until Chandu used the entire situation for his own personal advantage. She had seen what transpired after she left last night. Yes she did see both the sessions. 

She couldn't believe how her pure and conservative sister-in-law was manipulated. She couldn't help but wonder if this was all her fault. Maybe if she hadn't been so obsessed with satisfying her own curiosity, none of this would have happened. She felt a rush of guilt and shame wash over her. Shreya was no doubt a traditional Indian girl and respected the values of the Indian culture, but she didn't buy the concept of unseemly sins and repentance, especially for an act as natural as sex. Rani's perspective on the matter of her sinful act was unfathomable to Shreya, who couldn't relate to the guilt and self-loathing that emanated from her sister-in-law's core. Yet, she couldn't deny the part she played in all of this.

Shreya's fascination with sexuality, which started as idle curiosity, had now become something much more than that. It had crept into every single aspect of her life. She found herself consumed by erotic thoughts. It was as if a dark and sensual voice had taken up residence inside her head, whispering sinful fantasies and decadent desires. And the most alarming part of it all was that she enjoyed it. She reveled in the ache of desire that stirred between her legs, as she imagined herself in the throes of passion with countless strangers. It was wrong, forbidden, and yet she couldn't stop. And this all happened in the span of just one single night. She was afraid what would happen if this went on at the pace it was going. 

Shreya shook herself out of her thoughts as she heard Kavya talking with Rani on how things would unfold later during the night. Kavya's voice seemed full with enthusiasm while Rani's voice lacked the desire to be a part of the conversation. She had not signed up for this and she didn't want to be part of this anymore. And Shreya easily understood the state Rani was in. She felt a pang of guilt for putting Rani through this. She had to do something about this.

She couldn't let Rani get hurt anymore. And with that, Shreya started devising a new plan - a plan that would not only remove Rani from the ordeal, but also gained one up on Kavya so that she wouldn't spill any of their secrets. But how would she get things to work the way she wanted? Kavya had agreed to keep her mouth shut if she got to witness Rani having sex with Chandu. But she want to remove Rani out of the conversation itself, Shreya had to think of a way to distract Kavya. She knew she couldn't just flat out cancel the plans, as Kavya would immediately go out and let the world know what was going on in her house.

The only way she could think of was to have Chandu tell Kavya that he was not in mood to have sex with Rani. But would she convince Kavya to accept that? Like why would Kavya believe that someone like Chandu deny a chance to have sex with a nymph like Rani.

Shreya knew that Kavya would never fall for it. She would probably think it was a ploy to keep her away from the action. But Shreya couldn't give up. She had to find a way.

And just then, an idea struck her.  She knew that Kavya had a huge crush on the new boy who had recently joined their college. This guy, like everyone else in the college, was head over heels in love with Shreya. She could easily work her magic on the boy and have him date Kavya. Yes! She could use this as a bait to keep Kavya from going to Rani's room, and in turn, getting Rani out of this mess. She realized that Kavya would still be skeptical, but Shreya had a way with words and making people believe in things that they otherwise wouldn't.

Kavya being the whimsical girl she was, always changing her mind based on what felt right in that moment, would jump at the opportunity to be with the new boy.

Shreya believed that even though it was a bit of a low blow, she couldn't let the situation get out of control, and she couldn't let Rani get hurt any further.

Satisfied with her plan, Shreya started walking over to where Rani and Kavya were sitting and struck up a conversation when she heard Kavya using degrading terms for Rani. She was nonchalantly using words like slut and Chandu's bitch while talking with Rani. Shreya saw Rani's face fall at Kavya's derogatory words and she felt a flare of anger rise up in her. How could Kavya be so disrespectful to her own sister-in-law? Shreya knew she couldn't stand for it. She made a slight change of plans to get back at Kavya for disrespecting Rani. 

She now planned on making Kavya have sex with Chandu instead of cancelling the entire event. This way, Kavya wouldn't be able to brag about witnessing Rani have sex and would also be too embarrassed to tell anyone about what happened with Chandu. Shreya knew it was a mean thing to do, but she couldn't bear the thought of Kavya disrespecting Rani like that. She deserved better.

So she went up to them and broke the conversation, smoothly shifting over to a new topic of discussion. "Hey Kavya" she said, her voice sweet and breezy, "Guess who just texted me?"

Kavya looked up, breaking up the on-going conversation with Rani, "Who might that be?" she asked, her interest piqued.

Shreya replied in a teasing tone, "Well it's Mr. Abhay, our very own new college heartthrob! He just asked me out on date." Rani looked at Shreya, obviously she wouldn't approve Shreya seeing someone before her marriage but she knew that wasn't the case. She had known Shreya for a long time and she knew the face she made she was up to something. She understood with just one glance at her face that she was plotting something and she decided not to intervene and let her continue with whatever she came up with.

Meanwhile, Kavya's face, which was always bubbly and cheerful, suddenly fell at Shreya's announcement. "Wait, what? He asked you out?" she asked, her tone laced with disbelief and a tinge of betrayal.

Shreya nodded, a coy smirk playing on her lips. "Yes, he did. I wants to take me out for coffee and then probably to the movies." Shreya said, watching as Kavya's expression darkened.

"Oh is that so? Well good luck then I am happy for you two." Kavya said, her voice dropping down to as low as a whisper, her face marred by disappointment and jealousy. Shreya noticed this and smiled inside, knowing her plan was working.

"Uhm Kavya, but your face and expression don't seem like you are genuinely happy for me." Shreya remarked, tilting her head inquisitively as she studied Kavya.

Kavya hesitated for a moment, then sighed before saying, "It's just that I also like him, Shreya. I thought maybe he could be the one to help me forget about... my ex." She bit her lower lip, looking downcast.

"Oh, Kavya, I had no idea." Shreya responded, trying to show genuine concern.

"Well I can help you out by hooking you up with him" Shreya continued, with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Really? Are you serious? You would do that for me?" Kavya asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement and hope.

"Of course I would! I always wanted to see you happy, Kavya. And if Abhay is the one that can make you happy, then why not?" Shreya replied, grinning wider.

"Oh my god, Shreya, you are the best! Thank you so much!" Kavya exclaimed, throwing her arms around Shreya in a tight hug. But Shreya stopped her and continued, "However, there's just one tiny catch. You have to do something for me in return."

Kavya pulled back, looking at Shreya with a mixture of curiosity and excitement. "Sure, anything. What is it?"

"Anything you say?" Shreya asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 

Kavya nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Well I know what you want me to do Shreya. You want me to forget about everything you guys have going on and keep my mouth shut. Yes I will do it."

"That's not the only thing I want you to do, I want you to-"

"Fuck Chandu tonight right? Sure I will do anything for Abhay, omg I love him so much." Kavya said practically bouncing with excitement and throwing her hands in the air.

Shreya knew Kavya was an unpredictable girl, but the ease with which she agreed to have sex with the old man was surprising even for her. Shreya couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt and shame for manipulating Kavya in such a manner.

But she quickly shook it off. This was the best way she could think of to not only protect Rani, but also give Kavya a taste of her own medicine. She could never forget someone insulting her sister-in-law like that.

Rani was witnessing all this, and for the first time since her ordeal with Chandu, Shreya had seen a smile on Rani's face. She see satisfaction and relief wash over Rani's face as she gave her a look that said Shreya had made her proud.

Shreya couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and relief as well. She knew she had made the right decision in removing Rani from the equation and replacing her with Kavya. It was a petty tactic, but it would ensure that Rani was spared from any further harm.

As the evening approached and the sun began to set, the anticipation in the air began to build. Rani had decided not to take part as a spectator in all this and retired to her room early after giving a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek to Shreya with a sweet "Thank-you".

Shreya felt a warmth spread through her at the gesture and a feeling of validation that she did the right thing for her sister-in-law, and to her own growing fascination with the complex nature of human sexuality. She could always depend on Rani to give her a firm guidance on the moral lines and Shreya believed that with her sister-in-law's grace, she would eventually make sure the evening comes to a happy conclusion for all the parties involved.

Meanwhile, in the guestroom, Kavya had settled in and was preparing herself for the encounter with Chandu.

Despite her earlier excitement, she couldn't shake off the doubts and fears that had crept into her mind.

She had never had sex with someone as old as Chandu before, and the thought of it made her feel a mix of disgust and curiosity. But Shreya had promised her that this was the only way she could see Abhay, and she couldn't let this opportunity slip away.

As she waited for him to come, she couldn't help but wonder about the unique experience that lay ahead. She heard a knock on the door and she prepared herself for what had to follow. She felt a strange mixture of fear, nervousness, and anticipation. She knew she had to be brave and do this for Abhay, whom she was deeply in love with. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

Shreya stood there, her face a mix of concern and amusement. "Hey Kavya, are you ready for tonight?" she asked.

Kavya nodded, her throat dry. "Yeah, I am. Let's do this."

Shreya gave her a reassuring nod and stepped into the room. Chandu followed close behind, his eyes fixated on Kavya's young, petite form. She was barely 21 while Chandu was way more than thrice her age. She was petite, with shoulder-length brown hair and a slim figure. It seemed as if all the mass in her body went into her breasts and hips, leaving bare scraps to make up the rest of her body. While Chandu, on the other hand, was taller than her and much, much bulkier. He had a belly that could easily fit two Kavyas in it. His skin was tanned, and wrinkly, his hair, grey and thinning, his man boobs, large and sagging, could be a shelter for a family of birds.

He was wearing only an old dhoti and nothing on top while Kavya wore a tight black crop top and brown shorts. Shreya was in her light blue pajamas. She took a seat in the corner of the room, her legs crossed. She had a secret smirk on her face as she watched Kavya interact with Chandu. She couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of satisfaction at the way Kavya's eyes widened in surprise when she saw Chandu's masculine form. She noticed Kavya barely even reached Chandu's chest, and she felt a flush of excitement rising within her.

Shreya watched as Kavya tried to cover up her initial shock with a weak smile, her gaze flickering nervously between Chandu and Shreya. "Uh, hi there," Kavya said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Chandu responded with a toothy grin, his eyes roaming over Kavya's petite form with obvious appreciation. "Hello, my dear," he rumbled in his deep, gravelly voice that sent a shiver down Shreya's spine. Shreya watched as Kavya took a deep breath before slowly moving closer to Chandu, her movements hesitant and unsure.

Chandu reached out a hand to stroke Kavya's cheek, his touch surprisingly gentle. Kavya began slowly moving her hands along his big fat belly, still trying to hide her disgust. Chandu let out a soft moan, clearly enjoying her touch. 

He ran his fingers through her hair, trying to wrap them around his wrist, but her shoulder length hair was not long enough. He wanted to kiss her but she was too short and his huge belly prevented him from bending down to reach her lips. He made a frown on his face as this reality of his huge belly was brought to his notice. He patted Kavya's head and gestured towards the bed. She took a deep breath and reluctantly climbed onto the bed, feeling uncomfortable as she set down next to Chandu's massive, towering form (compared to her).

She looked up at his weathered face and saw the lust in his beady eyes, mirrored her own.

Shreya felt her body tense as she watched them, her mind racing with a mix of fear and excitement.

She pressed a hand to her stomach, trying to ease her own sudden nerves. She had set all of this in motion, orchestrated every moment leading to this, but now that it was actually happening, she couldn't help but feel a bit sick. It was a twisted turn of events. 

A few moments ago, Shreya had been smirking as she watched Kavya struggle with her nerves. But now, as things progressed, she couldn't help but feel a pang of unease. She had never seen someone as young as Kavya having sex with someone as old as Chandu. It was disturbing, to say the least.

But she quickly shook off those thoughts. This was what she had planned for, after all. There was no turning back now.

Shreya watched as Kavya slowly undid the knot of Chandu's dhoti, and let the fabric fall to the side, revealing his thick, veiny cock. It was massive, easily double the size of any cock Kavya had ever seen before. The thought of taking it inside of her made her pussy tingle with a mix of fear and excitement. She couldn't help but feel a surge of arousal as she gazed upon the old man's cock. She knew that tonight, she would be forever changed by this experience. She removed her top and threw it on the floor, exposing her massive tits held back by a tight red bra.

Shreya couldn't help but stare, her breath hitching in her throat as she took in the sight of Kavya's nearly naked body. She looked like a seductive nymph, her body glowing softly in the dim light of the room.

Shreya's eyes trailed down to Kavya's thighs, which were splayed open wantonly near Chandu's leg. He was already taking in the sight of the beautiful Punjabi girl lying on his bed, his old eyes twinkling with lust. Kavya then took of her shorts, tossing it on the floor next to her, now lying there in just her panties and that tight little red bra. She couldn't help but feel vulnerable and exposed as she lay there, waiting for Chandu to make his move.

Shreya watched as Chandu leaned down, his face hovering just inches above Kavya's. She could see the lust in his eyes, reflected in Kavya's gaze. He slowly lowered his mouth to Kavya's, and kissed her deeply, his tongue delving into her mouth. Kavya responded eagerly, her hands roaming over Chandu's greasy back as they kissed.

Shreya felt her own heart rate quicken as she watched them. The sight of Kavya's soft, bare flesh pressed up against Chandu's rough, hairy body was almost too much to bear. She couldn't tear her gaze away from the scene unfolding before her. She watched as Kavya's small, delicate hands explored Chandu's massive frame, feeling the rough, wrinkled skin beneath her fingertips. It was a fascinating sight to behold, the stark contrast between their two bodies. Kavya's youthful, petite form, versus Chandu's aged, bulky stature.

Chandu's hands roamed over Kavya's body, his thick, calloused fingers tracing the curves of her hips, the softness of her thighs. He seemed to relish in the feeling of her young, firm flesh, a small, satisfied smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Shreya watched in fascination as Kavya wrapped her legs around Chandu's waist, pulling him closer to her. She could feel her own body responding to the erotic scene playing out before her, her nipples hardening beneath her clothes.

She squeezed her thighs together, trying to alleviate the sudden ache between her legs. Her voyeur kink had kicked in strongly. Shreya had only experienced this once when she watched Rani and Chandu. It was a beautiful and shameful experience for her, one that had awakened something deep inside her.

Chandu tried unhooking Kavya's bra but couldn't handle the hook with his large sausage like fingers, Kavya sighed and unhooked the bra herself, revealing her beautifully sculpted breasts that matched the size of her ass.

Chandu stared at Kavya's tits like he would never get his eyes off of them. They were big, almost twice the size of Rani's. Chandu continued kissing her while his hands played with her breasts, kneading and squeezing them. Kavya moaned, her back arching off the bed as she surrendered to the pleasurable sensations coursing through her body.

Shreya watched, fascinated, as Chandu's thick, calloused fingers teased and pinched Kavya's hard, pink nipples, causing her to squirm and writhe beneath him. Shreya's own body throbbed with need as she watched Chandu's skilled hands roam over Kavya's petite form. She gave thought engaging directly would be grossing but watching was what fascinated her. She shifted in her seat, her hand slipping between her thighs to touch herself through her pajamas. She was sopping wet, her cunt aching with desire as she watched the older man pleasure the young, innocent Kavya.

Kavya squirmed and moaned beneath Chandu's touch, the older man's skilled fingers plucking and twisting at her hard little nipples while their tongues dueled in a passionate kiss.

Shreya could hardly contain her own moans as she watched the scene play out before her. She was in such a state of arousal that she couldn't help but touch herself, her need growing stronger by the second as she watched the erotic scene unfold.

She slipped a hand under her pajamas, her fingers finding her soaked folds with ease. She let out a soft gasp as she touched herself, her wetness slick and hot against her fingers.

She couldn't believe how turned on she was, how fast she had become wet. She moved her fingers in slow, teasing circles around her clit, letting herself fully feel the surge of pleasure that coursed through her body. She stifled her moan as she didn't want Kavya to know notice her enjoying herself (even thought she was their in the same room).

She bit her bottom lip as she continued watching the steamy scene unfold in front of her. The sight of his greasy, hairy chest pressed up against Kavya's soft, bare skin was almost too much for her to handle.

Chandu moved his hand behind her head grabbing her hair and pulled her into sitting position all while passionately kissing her.

Kavya's nipples rubbed against his chest causing shockwaves of pleasure to pass through her body. Each of his hairs felt like a needle brushing against her sensitive breasts, while the smell of sweat clung to him. It was a strange combination of repulsive and addictive, a scent that only a brute like him could have.

He slid his other hand down her torso, finally touching her hard nipple again, which was aching to be touched and he played with it teasingly while continuing to pull her hair.

Kavya let out muffled pleasure noises, her small hands moved down his chest to his grey pubes now matted with sweat and pre-cum. She wanted to see how big his cock was getting but Chandu had locked her head as he had grabbed her hair tight and was pushing his tongue down her throat. His other hand dropped from her breasts and went lower down her waist. He slid down her panty halfway till her thighs. She could feel his coarse, wrinkled fingers tracing a line along her soaking wet slit, his touch sending shivers down her spine. Without warning, he plunged his index and middle finger deep into her pussy, causing her to let out a loud, guttural muffled moan, her eyes rolling back in her head. Shreya watched with a mixture of shock, awe, and arousal as Kavya succumbed to the pleasure of Chandu's touch.

She could feel the heat radiating off the two of them, the air thick with lust and desire. She watched as Chandu continued to finger Kavya, his fingers disappearing inside of her over and over again, his other hand still tightly gripping her hair. Chandu finally stopped kissing her, leaving both breathless and panting considering how long and rough their kiss had been. Kavya looked dazed and disoriented, her eyes squeezed shut as she rode the waves of pleasure that coursed through her body.

Shreya could feel her arousal heightening with every passing moment, her cunt throbbing in time with her frantic heartbeat. She watched, mouth agape as Chandu pushed Kavya's head down, guiding her towards his massive, engorged cock. Kavya, now fully in the throes of pleasure, was all too eager to comply with his silent demand. She eagerly opened her mouth wide, her lips wrapping around the thick shaft, swallowing as much of it as she could manage.

Shreya watched, entranced as Kavya expertly worked her mouth up and down Chandu's cock, her saliva dripping down her chin as she struggled to fit the entirety of him inside of her. 

Chandu let out a long, low groan of pleasure, his entire body shaking as Kavya continued to suck him off. Shreya couldn't believe the sight before her which fueled her voyeuristic pleasure. Chandu now started using both his hands to grab Kavya's hair, his fingers intertwined in the brown locks as he guided her on his massive cock. The sound of their bodies coming together filled the room as Shreya watched in awe. Kavya's cheeks hollowed as she sucked, her head bobbing up and down with a fervor and determination that Shreya found completely captivating.

Chandu let out a low, guttural growl as he thrust himself deeper into Kavya's willing mouth. Shreya was shocked that Kavya was taking it as well as she was.

She didn't expect it to be a pleasant experience for the young college student, but she also didn't expect her to be this good at sucking cock. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as she watched Kavya expertly work Chandu's shaft with her mouth. The thought of putting dick, something that is used to urinate with, in her mouth was abhorrent to Shreya, but watching Kavya's skills had her cunt feeling wetter by the second. She couldn't tear her gaze away from the scene playing out before her.

As Kavya sucked, Chandu's thrusts became faster and more urgent, his hands clutching onto her hair tighter and tighter. With a final, forceful thrust, Chandu came hard within Kavya's mouth, filling it with his thick, creamy seed. Kavya struggled to swallow it all, some of it spilling out of the sides of her mouth and dribbling down her chin.

Chandu pulled out, his cock glistening with her saliva and his cum. Kavya managed to swallow whatever she could while wiping off the excess from her mouth with the back of her hand. She sat on her knees in front of him, catching her breath and looking up at him with a mix of satisfaction and trepidation.

Chandu smiled down at her, clearly pleased with her performance.

Shreya couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. She had heard stories, read about it in books and watched it in movies, but experiencing it in real life was a completely different ball game. She couldn't tear her gaze away from Kavya's swollen lips and glazed eyes, her own body flush with residual arousal. She shifted in her seat, feeling the slickness of her own arousal between her legs.

She couldn't believe how much the sight of Kavya being used by Chandu turned her on, despite her earlier reservations. The thought of it made her cunt throb and her clit ache.

As she watched, Chandu reached down to stroke Kavya's cheek, then lifted her up and laid her flat on the bed. He climbed on top of her, his massive body hovering over hers.

He positioned his cock at her entrance and slowly began to push inside of her.

Shreya watched, mesmerized, as Kavya's eyes widened with each inch of him that disappeared inside of her. She was so tight, her pussy clenched around his cock like a vise, squeezing and milking him as he thrust deeper and deeper inside of her.

Kavya let out a quiet whimper as he filled her up completely, her small body trembling with pleasure.

Shreya couldn't believe the sight before her, the obscenity of it all, and yet she couldn't look away.

Chandu began to thrust into her, his greasy belly slapping against her small, petite form with each stroke. Kavya's tits bounced with each thrust, the sight was lewd, but Shreya couldn't deny the arousal that pooled between her legs as she watched.

"Oh fuck, Chandu," Kavya moaned, her voice filled with a mix of pleasure and pain.

She threw her head back, the muscles in her neck straining as Chandu continued to plow into her tight, wet cunt.

Shreya watched as his balls slapped against Kavya's ass, leaving behind a wet mark on her pale skin. Kavya's moans grew louder and more urgent, her small body shaking with each powerful thrust.

Shreya couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing that she had set all of this in motion. The time she saw Rani getting fucked didn't actually gave her proper feeling of what sex was like as Rani was repulsive and her face, expression and her overall demeanor when she had sex could be said as something that one would do when they have to do it not because they wanted to. But this, this was different, it was like watching a wild animal in its natural habitat. The way Kavya's body moved and twisted beneath Chandu's hulking form was mesmerizing, raw, and animalistic. Shreya's own arousal spiked, causing her to slip her hand back between her thighs and touch herself through her pajamas.

She was soaking wet, her cunt aching with need as she watched Chandu take Kavya roughly on the bed. She couldn't believe how much the sight of the older man fucking the young, innocent college student turned her on.

Chandu continued to plow into Kavya, his massive cock filling her up completely as she moaned and writhed beneath him. Shreya couldn't help but stare, captivated by the raw, primitive force of their coupling. She never expected Kavya's petite frame to take in entire length of Chandu's massive cock, but she did it effortlessly. She watched as Chandu's callused hands cupped Kavya's ass, spreading her cheeks apart for his own viewing pleasure.

He lifted both her legs and placed them on his shoulders so that he could penetrate into her deeper and with more force.

"Oh, fuck, yes!" Kavya cried out, throwing her head back as her body trembled with delight.

Shreya couldn't take her eyes off of the scene unfolding before her. The way Chandu's thighs slapped against Kavya's ass, the way her tits bounced and jiggled, the way his hips thrust forward, the way his cock stretched her pussy... all of it was too much for her to handle.

Her mind was in overdrive as she watched their primal mating unfold before her.

Shreya could feel her cunt tightening as she watched Chandu fuck Kavya, their bodies moving in a primal dance, completely consumed by their pleasure. The bed creaked under their combined weight, the smell of sweat and lust hung heavy in the air.

Chandu's thrusts grew harder, each one driving his cock deeper into Kavya's willing pussy.

Shreya could see the muscles in his back tighten and release as he moved, his fat ass cheeks rippling with each powerful stroke.

Kavya wrapped her legs around Chandu's waist, her heels digging into the meaty flesh of his ass as she pulled him in deeper. She threw her head back, her brown hair spreading across the pillow like a dark halo as she moaned in pleasure.

Shreya could hardly contain herself as she watched them, her own cunt clenching and unclenching in time with her rapid breathing. She had tried teasing her own cunt with her fingers multiple times but had pulled her hand out in shame.

Despite all her reservations, She couldn't help the excitement that built inside of her as she watched Chandu take Kavya with such savage must, the thought of him dominating her body with his own repulsed her slightly, but the sight of it all stimulated her more than she had ever imagined.

She continued to watch as Chandu mercilessly drilled into Kavya's small, tight body, feeling the pressure build inside her own cunt. She slid her hand into her pajamas again, this time taking her wetness onto her fingertips and rubbing her clit in slow, teasing circles. The sensation of her own fingers on her clit was almost too much, she felt herself tighten and release in anticipation. She moaned softly, biting down on her lower lip to keep herself from making any other noise.

Shreya could feel her orgasm building lower in her stomach as she watched the two lovers writhe in pleasure on the bed.

She slipped a finger inside of herself, feeling the slick, wet warmth of her cunt. She circled her clit with her thumb, imagining that it was a tongue, or a cock. She could feel her entire body tingling with pleasure, her breath coming faster and faster.

Meanwhile, on the bed, Kavya was also nearing her peak. Her entire body was slick with a sheen of sweat, her breath hitching with each trust.

Shreya watched as her body bucked with pleasure, her firm breasts jiggling with the movement. Her nipples were hard as rocks, the dark buds puckered tight with need.

"Fuck, Chandu, I'm gonna cum!" Kavya cried out, her body trembling with the sensation of her impending orgasm.

Shreya couldn't help but glance down at her own hands, still buried beneath her pajamas. She could feel herself on the edge of climax but she thought of something that took her mind away from it.

"NO KAVYA DON'T LET HIM FINISH INSIDE YOU!" Shreya screamed, her body jolting out of its orgasmic trance.

The loud, sharp tone abruptly awoke Kavya from her blissful state and she quickly shot a frightened glance towards her friend, her pleading eyes begging for an explanation as to why she had interrupted their moment of ecstasy.

"You could get pregnant you dumbfuck!" Shreya yelled noticing the confusing look on Kavya's face.

Kavya was suddenly snapped back to her senses and she started banging her heels on Chandu's ass.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit," she muttered over and over again, terrified at the thought of getting pregnant from this random old man.

Shreya watched in shock and confusion as Kavya screamed, "Quickly my ass, my ass! Switch the hole you damn geezer!"

Chandu, confused and disoriented, pulled out of Kavya with a swift, practiced motion. He looked down at Kavya's virgin asshole, and thrusted his cock in it.

Kavya yelped in pain as she never felt such a monstrous thing like this enter her anus. It was much more unbearable than Chandu's cock entering her vagina.

Shreya watched in horror as Kavya let out a piercing scream, tears streaming down her face. Shreya wanted to intervene, but she couldn't move. Her heart raced as Kavya let out another scream, maybe the loudest in the history of humankind.

It felt like an eternity as Chandu's cock went inside Kavya's anus, the older man's member was forced to go inside inch by inch as if going through a fleshy pipe.

"Fuck," Shreya whispered, overwhelmed by the intensity of the situation. Another part of her was fascinated by the exhilaration of it all, the lawlessness, the breaking of taboos. However, it was clear that the primal scene before her was not a sensual or romantic affair, but a power play.

She was shocked as someone rushed in the room through the door. It was Rani.

"I just heard a scream what happened?" Rani exclaimed, her eyes wide with concern.

"Chandu just went down the other hole." Shreya said, getting up from her sit.

"Wh-What!?" Rani said in shock as she saw the action happening on the bed.

Her eyes widened, her hand flew to her mouth in shock.

"Are you okay, Kavya?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Kavya, still in shock, nodded her head. Her ass stung with pain, as did her pride. But that wasn't what caught Shreya's attention, Chandu let out a long, deep groan as he climaxed, his thick, creamy load filling Kavya's tight anus.

Rani's eyes widened in surprise at the sight, her stomach churning in disgust. 

She walked to the bed and kicked Chandu off Kavya.

"How some pity on here motherfucker!" she screamed, her eyes red in anger.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Are you a goddamn animal? Did you seriously just stick your disgusting cock in her ass?"

Rani's words echoed through the room, her voice filled with anger and disgust. Chandu, still dazed from his post-orgasmic high, just laid next to Kavya who was face was wet with tears and residue of semen. He was shaking, her ass still ringing from the brutal violation it endured. She looked up at Rani who was towering over the two of them, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Are you that dumb Kavya, allowing him to enter your ass?"

"He was about to finish inside her vagina until I told her not to let him do that. That's when she suggest to go down her ass to finish." Shreya chimed in, trying to fill in Rani of what has just transpired.

"WHAT!?" Rani exclaimed, her eyes widening even further. "What the hell is wrong with you, Chandu?! And Kavya, why the hell would you let him do that? You could have gotten seriously injured!"

Kavya just lay there in shock, tears still streaming down her face. She felt violated and humiliated, both physically and emotionally. She couldn't believe what had just happened. She closed her eyes as she couldn't meet her gaze with Rani, feeling a mix of shame, disappointment, and fear wash over her. Shreya couldn't believe that she had let things escalate to this degree.

Trying to save Kavya (and herself) from Rani's wrath, she tried to finish thing and said "Di I think we should let her rest, let's go back to out rooms."

"NO!" Rani shrieked.

"We can't let Kavya stay in the same room as him. From experience I know, he will try again later in the night we do so." Rani said as she helped Kavya stand up, still struggling to find her balance due to stinging pain in her ass.

She covered her with a blanket. "She will stay in my room tonight, as he might attempt again to fuck her so you might be in danger too if I let Kavya stay in your room." Rani said, giving Shreya a stern, motherly look.

Shreya gulped, feeling a sense of fear and shock wash over her. She couldn't believe what had just happened, how quickly things had escalated. She had never seen anything like this before, had never even imagined it. She felt a mixture of disgust and fascination, a strange, twisted curiosity. She couldn't tear her gaze away from Chandu, his massive cock still glistening with Kavya's ass juices.
[+] 10 users Like lattu_pattu's post
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Thanking everyone for your likes and kind comments. I am glad everyone is liking the story so far. As always, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated and helps me improve future updates. For now, I am planning to remove Kavya from the story as many of you didn't like introduction of more characters (including me) but I can have her return if liked her character. That being said, thank you for reading and have a good day.
[+] 3 users Like lattu_pattu's post
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Wonderful update. Now Shreyas turn
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I changed my mind. Give some brake to Kavya and then make a strong comeback of her character. Kavya deserves to have a strong character. Chandu needs love of teo ladies right now
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Excellent. The night is still young for chandu and shreya. Will she lose her virginity of all holes to the old beggar????????????????
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(16-03-2024, 07:04 AM)lattu_pattu Wrote: Sorry guys I was busy yesterday and kind of wrote this update in a hurry so it might be not as detailed as previous ones and things might seem rushed. It will improve from later updates.

As the evening approached, the atmosphere in Shreya's home grew tense with anticipation. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting warm hues of orange and pink across the sky, as shadows lengthened and crept across the rooms of the house. Shreya, Rani, and Kavya were in the process of getting ready for the night's events, each of them deep in thought root in their own world.

Shreya, however, was struggling with the morality of her actions, as she couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for her role in orchestrating this affair. Although she had always been a curious person, she never thought that her innocent curiosity would lead her down such a dark and twisted path.

When she had first planned the entire thing, it was supposed to be just a one-time thing, a way to feed her own curiosity and satisfy her burning questions about the mysteries of sexuality.

She couldn't have anticipated the chain of events that would unfold, leading to the situation that she now found herself in. She couldn't see the state Rani was in. Plus the miniscule little plan she had orchestrated was snowballing into this massive, chaotic thing. She would have never imagined this ending or what she had witnessed that night.

Shreya had always been a curious person, eager to learn and explore new things. However, her traditional upbringing and strict family values had kept her sheltered from the realities of life. As she entered her early twenties, she began to feel a deep sense of dissatisfaction with the world around her. It felt small and limiting, and she yearned to break free from the shackles of tradition and explore the world beyond the safe bubble of her family home. And she did, sacrificing the purity of her sister-in-law in the quest for her own enlightenment. And it was all going fine until Chandu used the entire situation for his own personal advantage. She had seen what transpired after she left last night. Yes she did see both the sessions. 

She couldn't believe how her pure and conservative sister-in-law was manipulated. She couldn't help but wonder if this was all her fault. Maybe if she hadn't been so obsessed with satisfying her own curiosity, none of this would have happened. She felt a rush of guilt and shame wash over her. Shreya was no doubt a traditional Indian girl and respected the values of the Indian culture, but she didn't buy the concept of unseemly sins and repentance, especially for an act as natural as sex. Rani's perspective on the matter of her sinful act was unfathomable to Shreya, who couldn't relate to the guilt and self-loathing that emanated from her sister-in-law's core. Yet, she couldn't deny the part she played in all of this.

Shreya's fascination with sexuality, which started as idle curiosity, had now become something much more than that. It had crept into every single aspect of her life. She found herself consumed by erotic thoughts. It was as if a dark and sensual voice had taken up residence inside her head, whispering sinful fantasies and decadent desires. And the most alarming part of it all was that she enjoyed it. She reveled in the ache of desire that stirred between her legs, as she imagined herself in the throes of passion with countless strangers. It was wrong, forbidden, and yet she couldn't stop. And this all happened in the span of just one single night. She was afraid what would happen if this went on at the pace it was going. 

Shreya shook herself out of her thoughts as she heard Kavya talking with Rani on how things would unfold later during the night. Kavya's voice seemed full with enthusiasm while Rani's voice lacked the desire to be a part of the conversation. She had not signed up for this and she didn't want to be part of this anymore. And Shreya easily understood the state Rani was in. She felt a pang of guilt for putting Rani through this. She had to do something about this.

She couldn't let Rani get hurt anymore. And with that, Shreya started devising a new plan - a plan that would not only remove Rani from the ordeal, but also gained one up on Kavya so that she wouldn't spill any of their secrets. But how would she get things to work the way she wanted? Kavya had agreed to keep her mouth shut if she got to witness Rani having sex with Chandu. But she want to remove Rani out of the conversation itself, Shreya had to think of a way to distract Kavya. She knew she couldn't just flat out cancel the plans, as Kavya would immediately go out and let the world know what was going on in her house.

The only way she could think of was to have Chandu tell Kavya that he was not in mood to have sex with Rani. But would she convince Kavya to accept that? Like why would Kavya believe that someone like Chandu deny a chance to have sex with a nymph like Rani.

Shreya knew that Kavya would never fall for it. She would probably think it was a ploy to keep her away from the action. But Shreya couldn't give up. She had to find a way.

And just then, an idea struck her.  She knew that Kavya had a huge crush on the new boy who had recently joined their college. This guy, like everyone else in the college, was head over heels in love with Shreya. She could easily work her magic on the boy and have him date Kavya. Yes! She could use this as a bait to keep Kavya from going to Rani's room, and in turn, getting Rani out of this mess. She realized that Kavya would still be skeptical, but Shreya had a way with words and making people believe in things that they otherwise wouldn't.

Kavya being the whimsical girl she was, always changing her mind based on what felt right in that moment, would jump at the opportunity to be with the new boy.

Shreya believed that even though it was a bit of a low blow, she couldn't let the situation get out of control, and she couldn't let Rani get hurt any further.

Satisfied with her plan, Shreya started walking over to where Rani and Kavya were sitting and struck up a conversation when she heard Kavya using degrading terms for Rani. She was nonchalantly using words like slut and Chandu's bitch while talking with Rani. Shreya saw Rani's face fall at Kavya's derogatory words and she felt a flare of anger rise up in her. How could Kavya be so disrespectful to her own sister-in-law? Shreya knew she couldn't stand for it. She made a slight change of plans to get back at Kavya for disrespecting Rani. 

She now planned on making Kavya have sex with Chandu instead of cancelling the entire event. This way, Kavya wouldn't be able to brag about witnessing Rani have sex and would also be too embarrassed to tell anyone about what happened with Chandu. Shreya knew it was a mean thing to do, but she couldn't bear the thought of Kavya disrespecting Rani like that. She deserved better.

So she went up to them and broke the conversation, smoothly shifting over to a new topic of discussion. "Hey Kavya" she said, her voice sweet and breezy, "Guess who just texted me?"

Kavya looked up, breaking up the on-going conversation with Rani, "Who might that be?" she asked, her interest piqued.

Shreya replied in a teasing tone, "Well it's Mr. Abhay, our very own new college heartthrob! He just asked me out on date." Rani looked at Shreya, obviously she wouldn't approve Shreya seeing someone before her marriage but she knew that wasn't the case. She had known Shreya for a long time and she knew the face she made she was up to something. She understood with just one glance at her face that she was plotting something and she decided not to intervene and let her continue with whatever she came up with.

Meanwhile, Kavya's face, which was always bubbly and cheerful, suddenly fell at Shreya's announcement. "Wait, what? He asked you out?" she asked, her tone laced with disbelief and a tinge of betrayal.

Shreya nodded, a coy smirk playing on her lips. "Yes, he did. I wants to take me out for coffee and then probably to the movies." Shreya said, watching as Kavya's expression darkened.

"Oh is that so? Well good luck then I am happy for you two." Kavya said, her voice dropping down to as low as a whisper, her face marred by disappointment and jealousy. Shreya noticed this and smiled inside, knowing her plan was working.

"Uhm Kavya, but your face and expression don't seem like you are genuinely happy for me." Shreya remarked, tilting her head inquisitively as she studied Kavya.

Kavya hesitated for a moment, then sighed before saying, "It's just that I also like him, Shreya. I thought maybe he could be the one to help me forget about... my ex." She bit her lower lip, looking downcast.

"Oh, Kavya, I had no idea." Shreya responded, trying to show genuine concern.

"Well I can help you out by hooking you up with him" Shreya continued, with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Really? Are you serious? You would do that for me?" Kavya asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement and hope.

"Of course I would! I always wanted to see you happy, Kavya. And if Abhay is the one that can make you happy, then why not?" Shreya replied, grinning wider.

"Oh my god, Shreya, you are the best! Thank you so much!" Kavya exclaimed, throwing her arms around Shreya in a tight hug. But Shreya stopped her and continued, "However, there's just one tiny catch. You have to do something for me in return."

Kavya pulled back, looking at Shreya with a mixture of curiosity and excitement. "Sure, anything. What is it?"

"Anything you say?" Shreya asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 

Kavya nodded eagerly, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Well I know what you want me to do Shreya. You want me to forget about everything you guys have going on and keep my mouth shut. Yes I will do it."

"That's not the only thing I want you to do, I want you to-"

"Fuck Chandu tonight right? Sure I will do anything for Abhay, omg I love him so much." Kavya said practically bouncing with excitement and throwing her hands in the air.

Shreya knew Kavya was an unpredictable girl, but the ease with which she agreed to have sex with the old man was surprising even for her. Shreya couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt and shame for manipulating Kavya in such a manner.

But she quickly shook it off. This was the best way she could think of to not only protect Rani, but also give Kavya a taste of her own medicine. She could never forget someone insulting her sister-in-law like that.

Rani was witnessing all this, and for the first time since her ordeal with Chandu, Shreya had seen a smile on Rani's face. She see satisfaction and relief wash over Rani's face as she gave her a look that said Shreya had made her proud.

Shreya couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and relief as well. She knew she had made the right decision in removing Rani from the equation and replacing her with Kavya. It was a petty tactic, but it would ensure that Rani was spared from any further harm.

As the evening approached and the sun began to set, the anticipation in the air began to build. Rani had decided not to take part as a spectator in all this and retired to her room early after giving a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek to Shreya with a sweet "Thank-you".

Shreya felt a warmth spread through her at the gesture and a feeling of validation that she did the right thing for her sister-in-law, and to her own growing fascination with the complex nature of human sexuality. She could always depend on Rani to give her a firm guidance on the moral lines and Shreya believed that with her sister-in-law's grace, she would eventually make sure the evening comes to a happy conclusion for all the parties involved.

Meanwhile, in the guestroom, Kavya had settled in and was preparing herself for the encounter with Chandu.

Despite her earlier excitement, she couldn't shake off the doubts and fears that had crept into her mind.

She had never had sex with someone as old as Chandu before, and the thought of it made her feel a mix of disgust and curiosity. But Shreya had promised her that this was the only way she could see Abhay, and she couldn't let this opportunity slip away.

As she waited for him to come, she couldn't help but wonder about the unique experience that lay ahead. She heard a knock on the door and she prepared herself for what had to follow. She felt a strange mixture of fear, nervousness, and anticipation. She knew she had to be brave and do this for Abhay, whom she was deeply in love with. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

Shreya stood there, her face a mix of concern and amusement. "Hey Kavya, are you ready for tonight?" she asked.

Kavya nodded, her throat dry. "Yeah, I am. Let's do this."

Shreya gave her a reassuring nod and stepped into the room. Chandu followed close behind, his eyes fixated on Kavya's young, petite form. She was barely 21 while Chandu was way more than thrice her age. She was petite, with shoulder-length brown hair and a slim figure. It seemed as if all the mass in her body went into her breasts and hips, leaving bare scraps to make up the rest of her body. While Chandu, on the other hand, was taller than her and much, much bulkier. He had a belly that could easily fit two Kavyas in it. His skin was tanned, and wrinkly, his hair, grey and thinning, his man boobs, large and sagging, could be a shelter for a family of birds.

He was wearing only an old dhoti and nothing on top while Kavya wore a tight black crop top and brown shorts. Shreya was in her light blue pajamas. She took a seat in the corner of the room, her legs crossed. She had a secret smirk on her face as she watched Kavya interact with Chandu. She couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of satisfaction at the way Kavya's eyes widened in surprise when she saw Chandu's masculine form. She noticed Kavya barely even reached Chandu's chest, and she felt a flush of excitement rising within her.

Shreya watched as Kavya tried to cover up her initial shock with a weak smile, her gaze flickering nervously between Chandu and Shreya. "Uh, hi there," Kavya said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Chandu responded with a toothy grin, his eyes roaming over Kavya's petite form with obvious appreciation. "Hello, my dear," he rumbled in his deep, gravelly voice that sent a shiver down Shreya's spine. Shreya watched as Kavya took a deep breath before slowly moving closer to Chandu, her movements hesitant and unsure.

Chandu reached out a hand to stroke Kavya's cheek, his touch surprisingly gentle. Kavya began slowly moving her hands along his big fat belly, still trying to hide her disgust. Chandu let out a soft moan, clearly enjoying her touch. 

He ran his fingers through her hair, trying to wrap them around his wrist, but her shoulder length hair was not long enough. He wanted to kiss her but she was too short and his huge belly prevented him from bending down to reach her lips. He made a frown on his face as this reality of his huge belly was brought to his notice. He patted Kavya's head and gestured towards the bed. She took a deep breath and reluctantly climbed onto the bed, feeling uncomfortable as she set down next to Chandu's massive, towering form (compared to her).

She looked up at his weathered face and saw the lust in his beady eyes, mirrored her own.

Shreya felt her body tense as she watched them, her mind racing with a mix of fear and excitement.

She pressed a hand to her stomach, trying to ease her own sudden nerves. She had set all of this in motion, orchestrated every moment leading to this, but now that it was actually happening, she couldn't help but feel a bit sick. It was a twisted turn of events. 

A few moments ago, Shreya had been smirking as she watched Kavya struggle with her nerves. But now, as things progressed, she couldn't help but feel a pang of unease. She had never seen someone as young as Kavya having sex with someone as old as Chandu. It was disturbing, to say the least.

But she quickly shook off those thoughts. This was what she had planned for, after all. There was no turning back now.

Shreya watched as Kavya slowly undid the knot of Chandu's dhoti, and let the fabric fall to the side, revealing his thick, veiny cock. It was massive, easily double the size of any cock Kavya had ever seen before. The thought of taking it inside of her made her pussy tingle with a mix of fear and excitement. She couldn't help but feel a surge of arousal as she gazed upon the old man's cock. She knew that tonight, she would be forever changed by this experience. She removed her top and threw it on the floor, exposing her massive tits held back by a tight red bra.

Shreya couldn't help but stare, her breath hitching in her throat as she took in the sight of Kavya's nearly naked body. She looked like a seductive nymph, her body glowing softly in the dim light of the room.

Shreya's eyes trailed down to Kavya's thighs, which were splayed open wantonly near Chandu's leg. He was already taking in the sight of the beautiful Punjabi girl lying on his bed, his old eyes twinkling with lust. Kavya then took of her shorts, tossing it on the floor next to her, now lying there in just her panties and that tight little red bra. She couldn't help but feel vulnerable and exposed as she lay there, waiting for Chandu to make his move.

Shreya watched as Chandu leaned down, his face hovering just inches above Kavya's. She could see the lust in his eyes, reflected in Kavya's gaze. He slowly lowered his mouth to Kavya's, and kissed her deeply, his tongue delving into her mouth. Kavya responded eagerly, her hands roaming over Chandu's greasy back as they kissed.

Shreya felt her own heart rate quicken as she watched them. The sight of Kavya's soft, bare flesh pressed up against Chandu's rough, hairy body was almost too much to bear. She couldn't tear her gaze away from the scene unfolding before her. She watched as Kavya's small, delicate hands explored Chandu's massive frame, feeling the rough, wrinkled skin beneath her fingertips. It was a fascinating sight to behold, the stark contrast between their two bodies. Kavya's youthful, petite form, versus Chandu's aged, bulky stature.

Chandu's hands roamed over Kavya's body, his thick, calloused fingers tracing the curves of her hips, the softness of her thighs. He seemed to relish in the feeling of her young, firm flesh, a small, satisfied smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Shreya watched in fascination as Kavya wrapped her legs around Chandu's waist, pulling him closer to her. She could feel her own body responding to the erotic scene playing out before her, her nipples hardening beneath her clothes.

She squeezed her thighs together, trying to alleviate the sudden ache between her legs. Her voyeur kink had kicked in strongly. Shreya had only experienced this once when she watched Rani and Chandu. It was a beautiful and shameful experience for her, one that had awakened something deep inside her.

Chandu tried unhooking Kavya's bra but couldn't handle the hook with his large sausage like fingers, Kavya sighed and unhooked the bra herself, revealing her beautifully sculpted breasts that matched the size of her ass.

Chandu stared at Kavya's tits like he would never get his eyes off of them. They were big, almost twice the size of Rani's. Chandu continued kissing her while his hands played with her breasts, kneading and squeezing them. Kavya moaned, her back arching off the bed as she surrendered to the pleasurable sensations coursing through her body.

Shreya watched, fascinated, as Chandu's thick, calloused fingers teased and pinched Kavya's hard, pink nipples, causing her to squirm and writhe beneath him. Shreya's own body throbbed with need as she watched Chandu's skilled hands roam over Kavya's petite form. She gave thought engaging directly would be grossing but watching was what fascinated her. She shifted in her seat, her hand slipping between her thighs to touch herself through her pajamas. She was sopping wet, her cunt aching with desire as she watched the older man pleasure the young, innocent Kavya.

Kavya squirmed and moaned beneath Chandu's touch, the older man's skilled fingers plucking and twisting at her hard little nipples while their tongues dueled in a passionate kiss.

Shreya could hardly contain her own moans as she watched the scene play out before her. She was in such a state of arousal that she couldn't help but touch herself, her need growing stronger by the second as she watched the erotic scene unfold.

She slipped a hand under her pajamas, her fingers finding her soaked folds with ease. She let out a soft gasp as she touched herself, her wetness slick and hot against her fingers.

She couldn't believe how turned on she was, how fast she had become wet. She moved her fingers in slow, teasing circles around her clit, letting herself fully feel the surge of pleasure that coursed through her body. She stifled her moan as she didn't want Kavya to know notice her enjoying herself (even thought she was their in the same room).

She bit her bottom lip as she continued watching the steamy scene unfold in front of her. The sight of his greasy, hairy chest pressed up against Kavya's soft, bare skin was almost too much for her to handle.

Chandu moved his hand behind her head grabbing her hair and pulled her into sitting position all while passionately kissing her.

Kavya's nipples rubbed against his chest causing shockwaves of pleasure to pass through her body. Each of his hairs felt like a needle brushing against her sensitive breasts, while the smell of sweat clung to him. It was a strange combination of repulsive and addictive, a scent that only a brute like him could have.

He slid his other hand down her torso, finally touching her hard nipple again, which was aching to be touched and he played with it teasingly while continuing to pull her hair.

Kavya let out muffled pleasure noises, her small hands moved down his chest to his grey pubes now matted with sweat and pre-cum. She wanted to see how big his cock was getting but Chandu had locked her head as he had grabbed her hair tight and was pushing his tongue down her throat. His other hand dropped from her breasts and went lower down her waist. He slid down her panty halfway till her thighs. She could feel his coarse, wrinkled fingers tracing a line along her soaking wet slit, his touch sending shivers down her spine. Without warning, he plunged his index and middle finger deep into her pussy, causing her to let out a loud, guttural muffled moan, her eyes rolling back in her head. Shreya watched with a mixture of shock, awe, and arousal as Kavya succumbed to the pleasure of Chandu's touch.

She could feel the heat radiating off the two of them, the air thick with lust and desire. She watched as Chandu continued to finger Kavya, his fingers disappearing inside of her over and over again, his other hand still tightly gripping her hair. Chandu finally stopped kissing her, leaving both breathless and panting considering how long and rough their kiss had been. Kavya looked dazed and disoriented, her eyes squeezed shut as she rode the waves of pleasure that coursed through her body.

Shreya could feel her arousal heightening with every passing moment, her cunt throbbing in time with her frantic heartbeat. She watched, mouth agape as Chandu pushed Kavya's head down, guiding her towards his massive, engorged cock. Kavya, now fully in the throes of pleasure, was all too eager to comply with his silent demand. She eagerly opened her mouth wide, her lips wrapping around the thick shaft, swallowing as much of it as she could manage.

Shreya watched, entranced as Kavya expertly worked her mouth up and down Chandu's cock, her saliva dripping down her chin as she struggled to fit the entirety of him inside of her. 

Chandu let out a long, low groan of pleasure, his entire body shaking as Kavya continued to suck him off. Shreya couldn't believe the sight before her which fueled her voyeuristic pleasure. Chandu now started using both his hands to grab Kavya's hair, his fingers intertwined in the brown locks as he guided her on his massive cock. The sound of their bodies coming together filled the room as Shreya watched in awe. Kavya's cheeks hollowed as she sucked, her head bobbing up and down with a fervor and determination that Shreya found completely captivating.

Chandu let out a low, guttural growl as he thrust himself deeper into Kavya's willing mouth. Shreya was shocked that Kavya was taking it as well as she was.

She didn't expect it to be a pleasant experience for the young college student, but she also didn't expect her to be this good at sucking cock. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as she watched Kavya expertly work Chandu's shaft with her mouth. The thought of putting dick, something that is used to urinate with, in her mouth was abhorrent to Shreya, but watching Kavya's skills had her cunt feeling wetter by the second. She couldn't tear her gaze away from the scene playing out before her.

As Kavya sucked, Chandu's thrusts became faster and more urgent, his hands clutching onto her hair tighter and tighter. With a final, forceful thrust, Chandu came hard within Kavya's mouth, filling it with his thick, creamy seed. Kavya struggled to swallow it all, some of it spilling out of the sides of her mouth and dribbling down her chin.

Chandu pulled out, his cock glistening with her saliva and his cum. Kavya managed to swallow whatever she could while wiping off the excess from her mouth with the back of her hand. She sat on her knees in front of him, catching her breath and looking up at him with a mix of satisfaction and trepidation.

Chandu smiled down at her, clearly pleased with her performance.

Shreya couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. She had heard stories, read about it in books and watched it in movies, but experiencing it in real life was a completely different ball game. She couldn't tear her gaze away from Kavya's swollen lips and glazed eyes, her own body flush with residual arousal. She shifted in her seat, feeling the slickness of her own arousal between her legs.

She couldn't believe how much the sight of Kavya being used by Chandu turned her on, despite her earlier reservations. The thought of it made her cunt throb and her clit ache.

As she watched, Chandu reached down to stroke Kavya's cheek, then lifted her up and laid her flat on the bed. He climbed on top of her, his massive body hovering over hers.

He positioned his cock at her entrance and slowly began to push inside of her.

Shreya watched, mesmerized, as Kavya's eyes widened with each inch of him that disappeared inside of her. She was so tight, her pussy clenched around his cock like a vise, squeezing and milking him as he thrust deeper and deeper inside of her.

Kavya let out a quiet whimper as he filled her up completely, her small body trembling with pleasure.

Shreya couldn't believe the sight before her, the obscenity of it all, and yet she couldn't look away.

Chandu began to thrust into her, his greasy belly slapping against her small, petite form with each stroke. Kavya's tits bounced with each thrust, the sight was lewd, but Shreya couldn't deny the arousal that pooled between her legs as she watched.

"Oh fuck, Chandu," Kavya moaned, her voice filled with a mix of pleasure and pain.

She threw her head back, the muscles in her neck straining as Chandu continued to plow into her tight, wet cunt.

Shreya watched as his balls slapped against Kavya's ass, leaving behind a wet mark on her pale skin. Kavya's moans grew louder and more urgent, her small body shaking with each powerful thrust.

Shreya couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing that she had set all of this in motion. The time she saw Rani getting fucked didn't actually gave her proper feeling of what sex was like as Rani was repulsive and her face, expression and her overall demeanor when she had sex could be said as something that one would do when they have to do it not because they wanted to. But this, this was different, it was like watching a wild animal in its natural habitat. The way Kavya's body moved and twisted beneath Chandu's hulking form was mesmerizing, raw, and animalistic. Shreya's own arousal spiked, causing her to slip her hand back between her thighs and touch herself through her pajamas.

She was soaking wet, her cunt aching with need as she watched Chandu take Kavya roughly on the bed. She couldn't believe how much the sight of the older man fucking the young, innocent college student turned her on.

Chandu continued to plow into Kavya, his massive cock filling her up completely as she moaned and writhed beneath him. Shreya couldn't help but stare, captivated by the raw, primitive force of their coupling. She never expected Kavya's petite frame to take in entire length of Chandu's massive cock, but she did it effortlessly. She watched as Chandu's callused hands cupped Kavya's ass, spreading her cheeks apart for his own viewing pleasure.

He lifted both her legs and placed them on his shoulders so that he could penetrate into her deeper and with more force.

"Oh, fuck, yes!" Kavya cried out, throwing her head back as her body trembled with delight.

Shreya couldn't take her eyes off of the scene unfolding before her. The way Chandu's thighs slapped against Kavya's ass, the way her tits bounced and jiggled, the way his hips thrust forward, the way his cock stretched her pussy... all of it was too much for her to handle.

Her mind was in overdrive as she watched their primal mating unfold before her.

Shreya could feel her cunt tightening as she watched Chandu fuck Kavya, their bodies moving in a primal dance, completely consumed by their pleasure. The bed creaked under their combined weight, the smell of sweat and lust hung heavy in the air.

Chandu's thrusts grew harder, each one driving his cock deeper into Kavya's willing pussy.

Shreya could see the muscles in his back tighten and release as he moved, his fat ass cheeks rippling with each powerful stroke.

Kavya wrapped her legs around Chandu's waist, her heels digging into the meaty flesh of his ass as she pulled him in deeper. She threw her head back, her brown hair spreading across the pillow like a dark halo as she moaned in pleasure.

Shreya could hardly contain herself as she watched them, her own cunt clenching and unclenching in time with her rapid breathing. She had tried teasing her own cunt with her fingers multiple times but had pulled her hand out in shame.

Despite all her reservations, She couldn't help the excitement that built inside of her as she watched Chandu take Kavya with such savage must, the thought of him dominating her body with his own repulsed her slightly, but the sight of it all stimulated her more than she had ever imagined.

She continued to watch as Chandu mercilessly drilled into Kavya's small, tight body, feeling the pressure build inside her own cunt. She slid her hand into her pajamas again, this time taking her wetness onto her fingertips and rubbing her clit in slow, teasing circles. The sensation of her own fingers on her clit was almost too much, she felt herself tighten and release in anticipation. She moaned softly, biting down on her lower lip to keep herself from making any other noise.

Shreya could feel her orgasm building lower in her stomach as she watched the two lovers writhe in pleasure on the bed.

She slipped a finger inside of herself, feeling the slick, wet warmth of her cunt. She circled her clit with her thumb, imagining that it was a tongue, or a cock. She could feel her entire body tingling with pleasure, her breath coming faster and faster.

Meanwhile, on the bed, Kavya was also nearing her peak. Her entire body was slick with a sheen of sweat, her breath hitching with each trust.

Shreya watched as her body bucked with pleasure, her firm breasts jiggling with the movement. Her nipples were hard as rocks, the dark buds puckered tight with need.

"Fuck, Chandu, I'm gonna cum!" Kavya cried out, her body trembling with the sensation of her impending orgasm.

Shreya couldn't help but glance down at her own hands, still buried beneath her pajamas. She could feel herself on the edge of climax but she thought of something that took her mind away from it.

"NO KAVYA DON'T LET HIM FINISH INSIDE YOU!" Shreya screamed, her body jolting out of its orgasmic trance.

The loud, sharp tone abruptly awoke Kavya from her blissful state and she quickly shot a frightened glance towards her friend, her pleading eyes begging for an explanation as to why she had interrupted their moment of ecstasy.

"You could get pregnant you dumbfuck!" Shreya yelled noticing the confusing look on Kavya's face.

Kavya was suddenly snapped back to her senses and she started banging her heels on Chandu's ass.

"Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit," she muttered over and over again, terrified at the thought of getting pregnant from this random old man.

Shreya watched in shock and confusion as Kavya screamed, "Quickly my ass, my ass! Switch the hole you damn geezer!"

Chandu, confused and disoriented, pulled out of Kavya with a swift, practiced motion. He looked down at Kavya's virgin asshole, and thrusted his cock in it.

Kavya yelped in pain as she never felt such a monstrous thing like this enter her anus. It was much more unbearable than Chandu's cock entering her vagina.

Shreya watched in horror as Kavya let out a piercing scream, tears streaming down her face. Shreya wanted to intervene, but she couldn't move. Her heart raced as Kavya let out another scream, maybe the loudest in the history of humankind.

It felt like an eternity as Chandu's cock went inside Kavya's anus, the older man's member was forced to go inside inch by inch as if going through a fleshy pipe.

"Fuck," Shreya whispered, overwhelmed by the intensity of the situation. Another part of her was fascinated by the exhilaration of it all, the lawlessness, the breaking of taboos. However, it was clear that the primal scene before her was not a sensual or romantic affair, but a power play.

She was shocked as someone rushed in the room through the door. It was Rani.

"I just heard a scream what happened?" Rani exclaimed, her eyes wide with concern.

"Chandu just went down the other hole." Shreya said, getting up from her sit.

"Wh-What!?" Rani said in shock as she saw the action happening on the bed.

Her eyes widened, her hand flew to her mouth in shock.

"Are you okay, Kavya?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Kavya, still in shock, nodded her head. Her ass stung with pain, as did her pride. But that wasn't what caught Shreya's attention, Chandu let out a long, deep groan as he climaxed, his thick, creamy load filling Kavya's tight anus.

Rani's eyes widened in surprise at the sight, her stomach churning in disgust. 

She walked to the bed and kicked Chandu off Kavya.

"How some pity on here motherfucker!" she screamed, her eyes red in anger.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Are you a goddamn animal? Did you seriously just stick your disgusting cock in her ass?"

Rani's words echoed through the room, her voice filled with anger and disgust. Chandu, still dazed from his post-orgasmic high, just laid next to Kavya who was face was wet with tears and residue of semen. He was shaking, her ass still ringing from the brutal violation it endured. She looked up at Rani who was towering over the two of them, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Are you that dumb Kavya, allowing him to enter your ass?"

"He was about to finish inside her vagina until I told her not to let him do that. That's when she suggest to go down her ass to finish." Shreya chimed in, trying to fill in Rani of what has just transpired.

"WHAT!?" Rani exclaimed, her eyes widening even further. "What the hell is wrong with you, Chandu?! And Kavya, why the hell would you let him do that? You could have gotten seriously injured!"

Kavya just lay there in shock, tears still streaming down her face. She felt violated and humiliated, both physically and emotionally. She couldn't believe what had just happened. She closed her eyes as she couldn't meet her gaze with Rani, feeling a mix of shame, disappointment, and fear wash over her. Shreya couldn't believe that she had let things escalate to this degree.

Trying to save Kavya (and herself) from Rani's wrath, she tried to finish thing and said "Di I think we should let her rest, let's go back to out rooms."

"NO!" Rani shrieked.

"We can't let Kavya stay in the same room as him. From experience I know, he will try again later in the night we do so." Rani said as she helped Kavya stand up, still struggling to find her balance due to stinging pain in her ass.

She covered her with a blanket. "She will stay in my room tonight, as he might attempt again to fuck her so you might be in danger too if I let Kavya stay in your room." Rani said, giving Shreya a stern, motherly look.

Shreya gulped, feeling a sense of fear and shock wash over her. She couldn't believe what had just happened, how quickly things had escalated. She had never seen anything like this before, had never even imagined it. She felt a mixture of disgust and fascination, a strange, twisted curiosity. She couldn't tear her gaze away from Chandu, his massive cock still glistening with Kavya's ass juices.

Awesome update, dwell more into rani character falling in love with fucking of chandu. And same for Shreya and kavya.
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Amazing update. So detailed
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Nice update
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Great going, looking forward to more updates, specially with Rani
[+] 1 user Likes Sad Ash Rafa's post
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Shreya had made the old beggar fuck two young pussies. She is now more hot to have the rod of beggar inside her. Will the beggar give right punishment to her.
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Lovely update. Bitches in the making.
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Hot update dude
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Good one
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So good.. very hot.. yourock
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Superb updates
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Waiting for next update
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