Adultery Bhabi, Beggar and Blunder
After Shreya talking with Rani, Shreya thought it was the best to leave Rani alone and give her some private time. 

She wanted to give her time to recover from last night's grueling activity, and also time to come to terms with the fact that Shreya knew about the conversation she had with Chandu. Shreya stepped out of the room, leaving Rani to her own thoughts and closed the door gently behind her. She stood there for a moment, her hand still on the doorknob, her mind whirling with the events of the past couple of days.

The riots outside had only intensified, and the curfew had been extended indefinitely. That meant that Chandu would have to stay with them even longer than they had initially anticipated. Shreya couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease at the thought of having the old man around for much longer. She had seen things that she never thought she would see, and she couldn't shake off the memories that were now burned into her mind.

As Shreya walked into the kitchen, she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread settling over her. She had thought that witnessing the sexual encounter would satisfy her curiosity, but instead, it had only made her hunger for more.
She was hungry for the forbidden, hungry for the taboo, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement at the thought of seeing Chandu and Rani together again.

As she went about making lunch, her mind was filled with dirty, filthy thoughts. She imagined Chandu's rough, wrinkled hands roaming over Rani's lush curves, imagining the soft, wet sounds of their bodies coming together in a passionate frenzy. She imagined Rani's cries of pleasure, her husky moans as Chandu took her again and again.
She imagined the way Rani's lush breasts would bounce as they thrust against each other, the way her nipples would stiffen into tight little buds. She imagined the way her own body would respond to the erotic scene, her heart racing, her breath hitching, her thighs slick with her own arousal.

She felt a rush of wetness between her legs as she thought about Rani's naked body, her smooth brown skin glowing with pleasure and sweat.

She could almost hear the sound of Chandu's grunts and Rani's cries, a symphony of debauchery that tantalized and repulsed her in equal measure. She could feel her desire grow with each passing moment, a hunger that could only be appeased by witnessing more of Chandu and Rani's illicit affair.

But at the same time, she couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt that threatened to crush her. How could she be feeling this way? It was wrong. It was perverted. And yet, Shreya couldn't deny the undeniable pull that the forbidden had over her. She had always been a curious person, always eager to explore new things, even if they were considered taboo by society.

And so, as she sat there in the kitchen, fantasizing about Rani and Chandu, she made a decision. She would continue to secretly watch them, to quench her insatiable thirst for the forbidden. But she also needed to give Rani some time to recover. So Shreya decided to postpone her plans for a little while. She was lost in the thoughts when Kavya, a classmate of hers, knocked on the front door. She was the same girl who called her earlier to inform her about on-going riots in the city.

Kavya had short, brown hair that she kept styled in a chic bob, with a pair of piercing hazel eyes that always seemed to be sparkling with mischief. She had a sharp jawline and high cheekbones, which gave her an angular and striking appearance. Even though she was petite, her boobs and hips were definitely not. They dominated her small frame, making her look incredibly seductive.
Today, she was wearing a black crop-top and shorts, which contrasted beautifully with her fair skin tone and highlighted her assets even more.

Kavya's beauty was undeniable, and she carried it well. Despite her provocative attire, Kavya had an aura of innocence around her, and she always seemed to be radiating positivity.

Shreya had always been annoyed by Kavya due to her extroverted personality. Shreya was always an introvert and was shy being around people. But somehow, Kavya always managed to drag her out of her shell and made her do things that she would never have dared to do otherwise.

Even today she was here to disturb Shreya's peaceful (debatable) morning, as she wanted to do assignments together with Shreya. Shreya had always been topper in her university as opposed to Kavya who barely managed to scbang through her examinations. They had a love-hate relationship. Kavya loved Shreya for making her understand things which she couldn't grasp, and Shreya, on the other hand, hated the disruptions caused by Kavya's frequent visits.

As Shreya opened the door of her house, Kavya crisply said, "Good morning, sunshine!", as if implying that she had brought sunshine with her, whereas, the weather outside was quite gloomy.

Shreya was surprised and shocked to see her on the door. The last thing she had expected was for Kavya, of all people, to show up at her doorstep, especially given the ongoing "issue" in her house.

"Uh, good morning, Kavya. What brings you here in all this commotion?" Shreya asked in a guarded voice, her mind racing as she tried to come up with a plausible excuse for to make her go away.

Kavya looked confused for a moment, then her face lit up in realization. "Oh, right! I completely forgot about the whole, uh, curfew situation. I just wanted to see if you wanted to work on our assignments together?"
Shreya hesitated.

The last thing she wanted was to invite Kavya into her home while Chandu was still here. 

The thought of Kavya witnessing the carnal activities that had been taking place in her house was mortifying. But at the same time, Shreya couldn't help but feel a thrill at the thought of inviting Kavya into her twisted little world, making her a pawn in her the illicit thrill of voyeurism.

"Well, you see, Kavya, I'm actually kind of busy right now," Shreya stammered, trying to find a way to let Kavya down gently without revealing too much.

"I have some family stuff going on, and I don't think it's a good idea for us to work on our assignments together right now."

Kavya's face fell, but she quickly recovered. "Oh, I understand. Is everything okay?"

Shreya started to get annoyed. It wasn't like Kavya to back off so easily. She knew her classmate would persist until she got her way. Shreya had always admired that quality about her, but right now, she found it irritating. She needed to get rid of Kavya before things got out of hand.

"Listen, Kavya, I really appreciate the offer, but I really can't right now," Shreya said firmly, hoping to put an end to the conversation.
Kavya looked disappointed, but she didn't push the issue any further.

She simply nodded and said, "Okay, that's totally cool. Don't worry I won't disturb you. I will just sit in your room and let you do your work. How does that sound."

Kavya replied with an overly sweet smile.

"No, Kavya, I really can't right now." Shreya repeated, her tone firmer this time.

But Kavya, as usual, was persistent. She pushed past Shreya and made her way into the house, her eyes scanning the room with interest.
Shreya watched in disbelief as Kavya walked over to the living room and made herself comfortable on the couch, crossing her legs and pulling out her phone.

"I said I can't right now, Kavya," Shreya said, her voice rising with frustration.

But Kavya didn't seem to hear her, her eyes fixed on her phone as she started scrolling through her social media feed.

Shreya sighed and shook her head. There was no use arguing with Kavya. Once she had made up her mind, there was no changing it.
With a resigned sigh, Shreya closed the door and turned to face Kavya.

She could see the mischief sparkling in her friend's eyes, and she knew that there was no way she was going to get rid of her now.
Making her way over to the kitchen, Shreya began to prepare lunch, her mind still wrapped up in the events that had taken place earlier in the day. She was so lost in her thoughts that she barely noticed when Kavya joined her in the kitchen, her eyes glued to her phone as she scrolled through her social media feed.

"Hey, can I help you with anything?" Kavya asked, looking up from her phone with a bright smile.

Shreya hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say. She had always been a private person, and the thought of sharing her space with someone else made her uncomfortable. But at the same time, she couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through her veins at the thought of inviting Kavya into her twisted little world.

She had always been intrigued by Kavya's vivacious and unapologetic personality, and the idea of corrupting her innocence with the forbidden pleasures that she had been indulging in was a dangerous and enticing prospect.

"Sure, you can help me chop the vegetables," Shreya finally said, her voice barely above a whisper. She handed Kavya a knife and a pile of onions, trying to ignore the fluttering in her stomach as Kavya took her place beside her at the counter.

As they worked, Shreya couldn't help but steal glances at her friend, marveling at her delicate features and her smooth, tanned skin. Kavya was so full of life and energy, always ready for an adventure, always curious about the world around her.
Shreya had always admired Kavya's confidence and her daring spirit, but she had never dared to imagine what it would be like to have her as a part of her own twisted little world.

"Where's Rani?" Kavya asked, breaking the silence that had descended upon the kitchen.

Shreya hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to answer. She couldn't very well tell Kavya that her sister-in-law was currently in her room, recovering from a night of debauchery with a strange old man.

"She has caught a little cold. She's resting in her room."

"What the fuck? It is mid summer, how can she catch cold?" Kavya asked, raising an eyebrow. She was always the observant one, never missing a detail.

Shreya tried to keep her cool, not wanting Kavya to get suspicious. "Y-yes, it's been quite hot these past few days, but she must have caught a chill somewhere. It happens sometimes." She said, trying to play it off casually.

But Kavya didn't seem convinced. She stared at Shreya for a moment, her hazel eyes scrutinizing her every move. 
"If she's sick, maybe I should go visit her and see if there's anything I can do to help," Kavya suggested, a hint of playfulness lurking in her voice.

Shreya felt a cold shiver run down her spine. She couldn't let Kavya anywhere near the bedroom. If she discovered what had been going on, there was no telling what she would do.

"No, no, that's okay," Shreya said hastily. "Rani's a bit of a germaphobe, so I don't think she'd want anyone else coming near her right now. She just needs to rest and recover," Shreya said, trying to put on a reassuring smile.

Kavya looked unconvinced, but she didn't press the issue any further. Instead, she turned her attention back to chopping the vegetables, her movements swift and precise.

As they worked in silence, Shreya couldn't help but feel a stirring of excitement in the pit of her stomach. Should she bringing in Kavya in this mess that she had created? She had never really like Kavya due to her bubbly and out-going nature. Seeing her getting ravaged by Chandu would bring kind of satisfaction to Shreya. But she was not sure if that was a good idea. She wanted to feed her peonied curiosity to watch a sexual act, but that was too far-fetched. She wondered if watching her own sister-in-law in this act was satisfying that itch she had, or did it only make it grow stronger? She had no idea, but there was one thing she was sure about; she wanted more.
Shreya's thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash in the next room.

She immediately tensed up, her heart racing in her chest.

"What the hell was that?" Kavya exclaimed, dropping the knife she was holding and backing away from the counter.
Shreya's mind raced. She couldn't let Kavya find out what was really going on in her house. She had to come up with a plan, and fast.
"It's probably just a rat," Shreya said, trying to sound as casual as possible.
"Yeah it could be a rat, if the rat was fucking size of a dog!" Kavya replied, rolling her eyes.
But before Shreya could respond, there was another crash, much louder than the one before. This time, it was followed by a low, guttural groan. Shreya's heart sank. There was no mistaking that sound. It was the sound of two bodies colliding together in the throes of passion. It was the sound that Shreya had been both fascinated and ashamed to hear the night before. It was the sound of Rani and Chandu.

"Shit," Shreya muttered under her breath.

She couldn't believe what was happening. Was it Chandu? What caused that sound? Whatever it was she had to keep Kavya away from the real source of the disturbance.

"Kavya, I need you to go wait for me in the living room. I need to check on something. It won't take long," Shreya said, trying to keep the urgency out of her voice. Kavya hesitated for a moment, her eyes narrowed in suspicion "It's okay, I'll come with-"


Kavya's eyes widened in shock, and for a moment, Shreya thought she'd crossed a line. But then, Kavya's expression softened "Shreya, what's going on? Why do you sound so scared?"

Shreya hesitated, her mind racing for a plausible excuse. "Please, just do as I say, Kavya. I don't want to scare you, but I think it's best if you wait for me in the living room."

Kavya must have sensed the urgency in Shreya's voice, as she nodded and made her way to the living room, her eyes still filled with questions. Shreya couldn't blame her. In normal circumstances, Shreya would never have spoken to Kavya in such a harsh tone. But these were not normal circumstances.

Shreya was far from the calm, composed young woman that she once was. Ever since she had stumbled upon Rani and Chandu the previous night, her mind had been in turmoil. She was a stranger to the conflicting emotions of arousal and shame, fascination and disgust, that now consumed her thoughts.

As she watched Kavya disappear into the living room, Shreya couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. Kavya was one of her closest friends (even though she was always irritated by her personality), and here she was, pushing her away without a second thought.
But Shreya couldn't risk Kavya finding out the truth.

As Kavya waited in the living room, Shreya slowly made her way towards the source of the sound, her heart pounding in her chest. Her mind raced with questions as she approached the door, unsure of what she would find on the other side. She opened the door to the guest room and found Chandu going through the drawers and closet in the room, pulling out various items of clothing and inspecting them.

"What the hell are you doing, Chandu?" Shreya demanded, her voice sharp with anger.

Chandu turned to face her, and Shreya was shocked to see a sly smile on his face. He had always been a pitiful, broken man, but in that moment, there was something sinister lurking in his eyes. It looked like he was hiding something behind his back. 

Shreya's heart raced as she imagined what it could be – a stick, a knife, or perhaps even something more sinister. She could feel a wave of panic building up inside of her, and for a moment, she was tempted to run away and hide. But she knew that she couldn't leave Chandu alone in her house, not after everything that had happened.

Determined to uncover the truth, Shreya stepped forward, her eyes never leaving Chandu's face. She could see a flicker of surprise in his eyes, followed by a flash of defiance.

She asked him to show what he was hiding. She wanted to know what he had been up to, and why he had been rummaging through the guest room closet. With slow and deliberate movements, Chandu revealed what he had been hiding behind his back: a half full pack of cheap cigarettes. 

A sense of relief washed over Shreya, replacing her initial panic. She couldn't believe that she had suspected him of something so sinister. She felt a little foolish, but she was relieved that her fears had turned out to be unfounded.

"What the hell are you doing with those?" Shreya demanded, trying to hide the tremor in her voice. She had never liked cigarettes, and the fact that Chandu had been hiding them made her uneasy.

Chandu gave out a sly chuckle ""

Shreya was surprised by the improvement Chandu had in his speech in just one night. It was almost as if his vocal cords had been lubricated, and his words were no longer strained and muffled.

"But where did you get those?" Shreya asked, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Chandu shrugged his shoulders and pointed towards the closet. 

"In....there. I....find....them." He said, his voice still strained, but not as muffled as before. Shreya let out a sigh of relief knowing that nothing major was happening.

"You took your time Shre- OH MY FUCKING GOD, WHO IS THIS MONSTER IN YOUR HOUSE? security officer, I AM CALLING THE security officer!!" Kavya's shriek rang through the entire house like a siren as she entered the room.

Shreya froze, her heart skipping a beat. She couldn't believe that Kavya had actually seen Chandu.

This was a disaster.

This was the worst thing that could happen.

Shreya's mind raced with a million different thoughts as she tried to think of a way to fix this situation.
"Kavya you bitch I told you to stay in the living room. Why don't you listen to anyone. I hate you. I hate you." Shreya let out a cry in a defeated manner, as tears welled up in her eyes. She saw Kavya's face turn pale as she looked at the supposed "monster" in front of her. Shreya saw the familiar features of Chandu, the old man they had taken in as a pitiful homeless soul, but Kavya saw something different in him - something darker and scarier.

Chandu, in the meantime, simply stood there as if frozen in time.
"Uhm Shreya, what the fuck is going on? Kavya said looking comically scared and pointing towards Chandu.
"Who-who is this? Why is he in your house? Why is he dressed like that? He looks like a rapist!"
"Kavya please shut the fuck up." Shreya said letting out a sigh as she wiped off the tears and fatigue from her face. "I can't believe this. I should never have let you in the house, Kavya." Shreya said with a defeated tone.

Kavya, still looking terrified, looked at Shreya for a brief moment before turning back to Chandu who still stood silently, almost as if he had accepted his fate.
"Shreya, this guy...he looks like..." Kavya trailed off, unable to find the words to express her terror "he looks like the hobo that lives near our uni. My mom told he is scary and does all kind of bad things. What was his name? Gandu? Bhandhu?"
"Chandu." Shreya corrected quietly. The tension in the room was palpable. The air itself had grown thick and heavy as the three of them stood facing one another.

Kavya looked as though she had seen a ghost - or worse, a monster. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was agape. She looked at Shreya and Chandu, her thoughts swirling with questions and fear.

Shreya knew Kavya was clearly overreacting. She was a cartoon character brought to life. Petite, full of energy and unaware of her surroundings. She was constantly running into situations she didn't understand, but was always able to laugh it off.
Shreya grabbed hold of Kavya and took her into her room. She glanced at Chandu, who remained silent in the corner. He had become nothing more than a mere prop in Shreya's twisted little game.

"What the fuck was that all about, Shreya?" Kavya demanded, her voice shaking with fear. "Why do you have someone like him in your house?"

Shreya hesitated for a moment, considering whether to tell Kavya the truth or not. But then she thought of the excitement that had surged through her the previous night when she witnessed Rani and Chandu together.
It had been so overwhelming that she didn't know how to react initially, but soon she found herself getting pulled into the intimate act. She had never imagined that such a sight could arouse her so much, but it did. And now that she had been introduced to that taboo world, she wanted more.

These conflicting emotions had been warring within Shreya ever since that night, and she still didn't know how to deal with them. But seeing Kavya's reaction, she immediately decided to keep her secret hidden.

Shreya knew the type of person Kavya was. She was innocent, naïve, and a big blabbermouth. She wore her heart on her sleeve and her emotions were always written clearly on her face. She was the kind of person who would scream at the top of her lungs if she saw something unusual or unexpected, and then forgetting about that completely in mere moments. 

She was someone who had a free spirit and lived in her own little world of quirkiness. And that's precisely what Shreya loved about her, despite the annoyance she caused sometimes. Shreya knew she couldn't tell Kavya about the newfound secret world she had recently discovered in her own home. She couldn't risk Kavya's free-spirited nature causing her to tell someone about it.

And even if Kavya promised not to tell a soul, there was always the chance that the news would somehow slip out during one of her many animated conversations. No, Shreya couldn't take that risk. She needed to keep her secret hidden, no matter what.

"Don't worry about Chandu, Kavya. He's not a monster, I promise." Shreya said, her voice soft and soothing, as she tried to calm her friend down. "He's just a homeless man that we took in to shelter him from the riots outside."

"Well there are hundreds of hobos outside, why did you pick him?"
Kavya asked, skepticism lacing her voice.

Shreya bit her lower lip, unsure of what to say. She had never planned on telling Kavya the truth, but she hadn't expected her to react so strongly either.

"He...he caught my eye, I guess," Shreya replied, trying to hide the blush that had crept up her cheeks.
Kavya raised an eyebrow, leaving Shreya in no doubt of what she was thinking.

"Really? That's all you have to say?" Kavya asked, her voice dripping with skepticism. "You expect me to believe that you just decided to take in a random homeless guy because you felt sorry for him?"

Shreya shifted nervously, feeling the weight of Kavya's gaze. She could feel her resolve starting to crumble under the pressure of her probing questions.

"Well, I...uh..." Shreya stammered, trying to gather her thoughts.

Kavya let out a sigh, her shoulders slumping in disappointment. "Shreya, I know you're my friend, but I don't buy this story for a second. You're always so cautious and reserved, and now suddenly you're bringing a strange man into your house? It just doesn't make sense."

Shreya felt a pang of guilt. She knew that Kavya was right. She had never been one to take risks or act on impulse, but ever since she had witnessed Rani and Chandu together, she had felt a strange compulsion to explore the world of sexuality.
She didn't fully understand it yet, but she was keen to learn more.

"Look, Kavya, I know this all seems strange and suspicious, but I promise you that Chandu is not a threat," Shreya said, her voice firm and confident.

She knew she had to convince Kavya to stay quiet about Chandu's presence in her house. If the news got out, there would be no end to the whispers and speculation.

"Please, just trust me on this one," Shreya said, pleading with her eyes.
She could see the skepticism lingering in Kavya's gaze, but she was determined to keep her secret hidden. She couldn't let anyone discover what she had been up to, not yet at least.

"Fine," Kavya said with a heavy sigh. "But if anything happens, I'm holding you responsible."
Shreya nodded, feeling a surge of relief wash over her. She had managed to convince Kavya to keep her secret, at least for now.
There conversation was disturbed by a knock on the door. It was Rani. No, no, no! Shreya couldn't afford to let Kavya see Rani in the state she was in. 

Her disheveled hair, swollen lips, rosy cheeks and multiple hickies would only fuel Kavya's already overactive imagination. But it was too late, Rani unaware of Kavya's presence entered the room.

The moment Kavya saw Rani's face, her eyes widened with shock, her mouth dropping open as she instinctively took a step back. She took in the sight before her, the swollen lips, disheveled appearance, and the redness on her neck.
Shreya's heart sank, quickly moving to stand in front of Rani, shielding her from Kavya's prying eyes. But it was too late, the damage had been done. Kavya's eyes swung between the guilty expressions of Rani and Shreya, realization dawning on her.
She shook her head in disbelief, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

"What the fuck have you girls been up to? Don't tell me that...that you...that you're...fucking him!" Kavya stammered, unable to complete her sentence.

Shreya felt a surge of panic. She couldn't let Kavya spread rumors about Rani and Chandu's encounter.

"No, it's not what you think, okay? Just forget about it," Shreya pleaded, her voice strained.
"I knew something was off the moment I stepped on your doorstep. First you tried to send me back from the door itself. Then, you tried to hide that beggar from me. Then you told me Rani caught cold, which is highly impossible in this summer heat. On top of that you tell that you just felt pity on a hobo and decided to bring him in. You and Rani, the fiery orthodox duo, bring in a complete stranger when the only man in their house is away. Did you expect me to believe all this bullshit?"

Kavya demanded, her voice rising with each word. "First, you feed me a bunch of lies about some homeless man that you just happen to take in, and now I find out that you and Rani have been hiding something even more sinister?"
Shreya's heart raced as she tried to figure out a way to contain the situation. She couldn't let Kavya spread rumors about Rani and Chandu. It would not only ruin their reputation, but could also put them all in danger. She had to do something, and fast.

Taking a deep breath, Shreya turned to Kavya and said, "Look, I know this seems crazy, but it's not what you think. Rani didn't catch a cold, she...uh...she just had a rough night, that's all. And Chandu, well, he's just a homeless man that we're helping out. That's all."
"And those marks on Rani's neck? What are those? Bites from a comically large mosquitos?" Kavya's eyebrow shot up skeptically as she processed Shreya's words, her gaze flitting between the two women. "And this 'rough night' Rani had, was that also because of those mutant mosquitos?"

Her sarcasm felt like a dagger to Shreya. She knew Kavya wasn't stupid, and that her explanation for Rani's state was flimsy. But she couldn't tell the truth, not yet. Not when the truth was so scandalous, so taboo.
"And you Rani. You are epitome of cultured traditional Indian daughter-in-law. Your grace, your elegance, your poise, and your respect for values and beliefs are unmatched. Every one in the city fears your fiery nature. How could you stoop so low?" Kavya spat, her voice filled with disgust.

Rani, looking visibly uncomfortable and overwhelmed, shifted her weight from one foot to the other. She was not used to being spoken to in such a manner, especially not by someone who was of Shreya's age (not much difference though, Rani is 27 and Shreya 21).
"Don't tell me Shreya you too had sex with him. I mean the most popular and handsome boys in our class are dying just to breath the same air as you and you chose this guy? This old, rotten buffoon?"

"Cut the crap. Don't go throwing mud on my Shreya. She is as pure and chaste as a girl can get. It was I who fucked the geezer. I am the sinner. Don't you dare taint my Shreya's image." said Rani, engulfed in flames and bringing in her fiery temperament that the whole world had known her by.

Kavya let out a bitter laugh. "Seriously, Rani? You're going to pretend like you did nothing wrong?"

"I am not say-" Rani was cut short before she could finish.

"Enough, both of you. This is getting out of hand," said Shreya, stepping between Rani and Kavya. "Kavya, I know this is all a shock, but you have to understand that what happened between Rani and Chandu is none of your business.

It's a personal matter and we would appreciate it if you kept it to yourself." Shreya said, trying to maintain her composure.

"But Shreya, this is insane. You can't just condone this kind of behavior. What would your parents say if they found out? What would my parents say if they found out?" Kavya replied, her voice filled with panic.

"Kavya, my parents are long dead and your parents have nothing to do with this. Besides, we're not condoning anything. And don't you dare judge Rani on this matter. She sacrificed everything she stood for just to calm my curiosity. There is no greater woman then her." Shreya said pointing her finger at Kavya and eyes red with anger.

She could feel a vein throbbing in her temple, a clear sign that she was close to losing her cool. There was a tense silence in the room as everyone processed her words.

Rani, with shoulders squared and chin held high, looked triumphant at the defiance in Shreya's voice, while Kavya looked at them both with a look of incredulity.

Shreya, despite her anger, didn't miss the look of shock on Kavya's face. She had never talked to her friend in such a manner before, and she could see that her words had struck a nerve. Kavya, for once, was speechless.

Rani, however, continued to stand tall with a triumphant look on her face. She had never been one to back down from a fight, and she was not about to start now. She glared at Kavya, daring her to challenge her once again.

But Kavya said nothing. She simply stood there, looking back and forth between Shreya and Rani.

"Can you girls please explain to me what's going on?" Kavya said, her voice much calmer and less accusatory than before.

"I don't know if you remember, Kavya," Shreya began, "but we had a conversation a few weeks ago about how we are at the age where our family would arrange our marriage and how scared I was to face that reality. It was not the responsibility or or moving with a whole new family that scared me. It was the thought of how I would be expected by society to lay down with a stranger they call my husband, someone whom I might have never met before. Someone who might use me as a tool to relieve his frustration and fatigue from work. And I have heard sex is really painful for girls. That's what I have always thought. And that scared me. My husband climbing on me every night, fucking the shit out of me, leaving me in nothing but pain and regret. And so I needed answers. Answers that would quell my fear and curiosity, which led me to ask Rani to demonstrate what makes sex so alluring and pleasurable. Rani, who felt a deep affection and protectiveness towards me, couldn't bear to see me distressed. She swallowed her hesitations and allowed me to witness her intimacy with Chandu, a beggar with no value in the society."

Shreya paused, her confession hanging heavy in the air.
Kavya stared at her friend for a long moment, her eyes wide with shock. Finally, she spoke, "Shreya, I had no idea you felt that way. I had no idea you were curious about all of this. Well you could have asked me. I have had sex before. And before you say anything Rani, you are not in a position to judge me."
Rani still gave Kavya a look as if she was judging her for engaging in pre-marital sex.
But instead of engaging in a verbal battle with Rani, Kavya looked at Shreya with empathy. She couldn't comprehend how Shreya and Rani, two individuals who were known for their traditional values and strong moral conduct, had embarked on such a scandalous endeavor.

Kavya's mind raced as she contemplated the implications of Shreya and Rani's actions. It was moments like these that made her feel like a fish out of water. She had never experienced the kind of sexual curiosity and turmoil that plagued Shreya.
Not only did Shreya's confessions shake the very foundation of their friendship, but it also made Kavya question everything she thought she knew about Rani.

Sure, Rani was a traditional Indian woman, but she had never pegged her for someone who would engage in such an illicit affair.
Yet, Kavya couldn't deny the allure of what Shreya had described. She, too, was no stranger to sexual curiosity, but unlike Shreya, she had the guts to try it for herself.
She didn't need to witness it first-hand. She had learned to satisfy her body with her own hands and sometimes with the help of her vibrator. It helped that she was living in college dorm and had a roommate who could keep her company during those late-night experiments. She even had intercourse with a couple of guys from her class, while her roommate took late-night shifts at her part-time job.

"Kavya please don't let anyone know about this. Please I beg you" Shreya said falling to her knees.
Her eyes welled up with tears as she pleaded with Kavya. "Don't ruin our lives. We've already crossed the line, and I can't afford to face the repercussions of our actions. I'm begging you, please keep it a secret."
Kavya looked at Shreya's pleading face, conflicted about what to do next. She could feel the weight of Shreya's worries and fears pressing down on her, making it hard to breathe.

"I don't have any problem or issue hiding your secret. But only on one condition," said Kavya, the corners of her mouth upturned into a sly smile.
"What condition?" Shreya asked, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and hope.
"I too, want to witness the whole act, like you did Shreya," Kavya replied, her eyes gleaming with excitement.
"What?" Shreya exclaimed in surprise. "But, why?"
Kavya shrugged her shoulders and said, "Well, ever since you told me what you saw, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. I feel this strong desire to see it for myself, to experience the kind of pleasure and excitement that you described. Rani is so fucking gorgeous, I want to see how she gets ravaged by that filthy geezer."

Shreya and Rani just stood there, stunned by Kavya's unexpected request. Rani looked even more shocked than Shreya, and for a moment, Shreya thought that her sister-in-law might actually refuse.
But then, to Shreya's utter surprise, Rani nodded.

"Fine. If you really want to see, I will allow it. But only on one condition." Kavya asked, her eyes wide with excitement.
"You can watch us tonight, but only if you promise that you give us something to hold as a guarantee that you will keep our secret," Rani replied, her eyes narrowing as she spoke.

Kavya nodded eagerly, a mischievous smile dancing on her lips. "I promise I won't tell a soul. You can trust me."

"Nope word only won't work. You need to give us something more solid. Something that can prove beyond doubt that you will stay true to your word. Something that will make us trust you." Rani stated, crossing her arms in front of her chest and raising an eyebrow.
Kavya in her usual impulsive manner, pulled out her smartphone and unlocked it, opening up the camera app. She took off her top in one swift motion, revealing her large, round, firm breasts that were already free of her bra, since she was not wearing any. Her nipples were dark, almost the color of a chocolate and were stiff with excitement. She pursed her lips and blew a raspberry at the camera, making her ample cleavage bounce. The pink tip of her tongue darted out to wet her lips, causing Rani and Shreya's breaths to hitch in their throats.

She clicked a picture and sent it to Shreya.

"Here you go, proof of my honesty." She smirked, pirouetting on her toes as she picked up her discarded shirt and pulled it back on. Her chest heaved with satisfaction, the happiness of her new discovery illuminating her features.
Shreya's heart raced as she gazed at the photo on her phone. There was a raw sensuality to Kavya's pose that sent a jolt of electricity through her body. She couldn't believe what was happening.
The forbidden fruits of voyeurism had finally led Shreya to this point. She had never imagined that her innocent curiosity would lead her to such scandalous acts, but here she was, standing in front of her best friend, seeking her approval for a secret that would shame her in front of the entire world.

Kavya, on the other hand, looked like she had just won the lottery. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, and a cunning smile played on her lips.

"Deal," Shreya said, matching Kavya's cunning grin with one of her own.

And so, it was agreed. Kavya would become the newest member of their illicit club, watching from the shadows as Rani and Chandu took center stage. And Shreya couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement wash over her.
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Guys please let me know about this new angle and character added to the story, personally I am not a fan of how this update turned out to be but I had already wasted so much time creating, so I just posted it. Please me know if you liked the addition of Kavya into the mix. Initially I hadn't planned to add a new character but this time I just went with it. But for now I won't be adding and new person in the story unless you want more. 
Thank you user Projectmp, SanjuR and everyone else for providing your views on last update. Appreciate it.
[+] 1 user Likes lattu_pattu's post
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Dear writer - Your detailed story telling skills are impeccable. Really enjoyed reading it. Best wishes for the upcoming parts
[+] 1 user Likes Projectmp's post
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Awesome update

Rani going to change her SIL to a full fledged SLUT
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very nice update bro. keep going on your flow.
as you mentioned dont add too many characters. if want you can do later one by one. make sure kavya will not reveal anything but shreya and kavya can lead rani to take more times intimate with chandu.

waiting for the explanation of 3rd fuck.
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Mind blowing..
So detailed and beautifully written.. just keep going man. Please don’t introduce any further female character to story.
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Brilliantly written. Your writing skills are fantastic. Please keep updating as and when you have time. Cannot wait for the next update.
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The story is awesome and no need of adding any new character right now. Let the old man have relationship with two young and beautiful ladies
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As the late afternoon sun streamed through the windows of Shreya's home, Kavya and Shreya sat at the kitchen table, huddled together in whispered discussion. The air in the room was thick with tension, an undercurrent of excitement and nervous anticipation thrumming like a livewire between them.

Shreya and Kavya exchanged another conspiratorial glance, their hearts racing in unison at the thought of what they were about to witness. Rani agreed to once more demonstrate sexual act to Shreya and let Kavya be a spectator. Rani didn't want to go forward with it after what happened last night but this was the only way to keep Kavya's mouth shut.

While Shreya and Kavya were going on with their assignments, discussing the plans for the night in between, Rani sat in her room, staring blankly at the walls, lost in thought.

The walls of the middle-class bungalow seemed to close in on her as she contemplated the events of the previous night. Her mind was consumed with the memories of Chandu, the old man who had taken advantage of her vulnerability. She could still feel the weight of his body on top of hers, his rough hands groping her, his sweaty forehead pressed against hers, the acrid smell of his breath, and his grunts as he rammed himself into her.

She had agreed to demonstrate intercourse to Shreya just only for that one time, to help her sister-in-law understand her duty as a wife, but she didn’t sign up for this. For this endless humiliation and degradation that this man put her through, all the while pretending that he was doing her a favor.

The thought of having to go through it all again, for the entertainment of Kavya this time, was sickening. Last night Chandu had fucked her not once, not twice, but thrice, each time more forceful and degrading than the last. She could hardly walk properly today, and her entire body was sore and aching.

Shreya had seen what happened the first two times, first act in person and second act in a camera recording. But she didn't want her dead sister-in-law to witness what had conspired the third time. She sat in her bed, tired and rolling back her memories to that third encounter.

[Rani's Room: Previous Night]

It was nearly 2 hours after Chandu had banged her for the second time. They both were lying side by side, panting and drenched in sweat. Rani's heart was still hammering in her chest, and her entire body felt like it was on fire. She could hardly believe what had just transpired between them. She had never experienced anything like this before - not even with her own husband.

Chandu couldn't contain his happiness and lust after screwing such a beautiful young woman. He turned to look at Rani - her eyes were closed, and her chest was rising and falling rapidly. She looked like she was in a trance. 

Chandu raised his hand and placed it on Rani's head and caressed it gently.

His breathing slowly started to return to normal, and his grimy fingers snaked their way down to her plump breasts, gently kneading them and teasing her nipples with his ragged fingernails.

Chandu wished he could speak, but his tongue failed him. He tried to form a coherent sentence, but all that came out were pathetic, incoherent moans. He wanted to praise Rani's beauty, to tell her how good it felt to be inside of her, but he couldn't. Instead, he lay there, his eyes glued to her perfect, naked form, his fingers still toying with her tits, as if trying to memorize every inch of her.

Rani opened her eyes and looked at him, a mix of emotions swirling in the depths of her rich, chocolaty irises. She looked conflicted, almost regretful, but at the same time, there was a faint glimmer of something else - something like remorse. 

She had already sinned. All that was left was to collect some good karma and make up for the sins she committed. One way was to fulfill the desires of this old man on the verge of his end, who had never known such pleasures in all his life. In doing this, she could at least gain some good karma from him, praying to the god that he may pray for her soul to attain peace.

So she said in a hoarse voice, swollen from the countless forced screams that came out of her from the previous encounters, "Just this once, no more after this."

Chandu could feel his ears perking up at her response. His old body suddenly felt like it was accomplishing a great feat. His face broke into a wide gruesome grin, revealing a set of rotten teeth.

He nodded eagerly, as if to reassure Rani of his sincerity. His hands, which had been gently fondling her breasts, suddenly gripped them tightly, causing Rani to gasp in pain.

Without warning, Chandu rolled on top of Rani, his weight pinning her down to the bed. He grunted as he positioned himself between her legs, his rock-hard cock pressing against her wet entrance. 

But before he could carry-on with penetration, Rani stopped him.

"Not right away please. I am still recovering. So please start with something other than penetration. Let me gather my strength again," Rani pleaded, her voice weak and trembling. 

Chandu nodded his head like a good dog, releasing her tits from his grip and moving his body upwards. He began kissing her collarbone, and Rani couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine at the sensation.

No matter how much she tried to deny it, there was a certain thrill to the illicit nature of this encounter. It was wrong, she knew that and she reminded herself not to loose herself into it. She reminded herself, her sexual partner right now was not her loving husband or some handsome young man, but an old, poor man, who had been cursed by fate. 

Chandu's lips followed a trail down her neck, past her bare shoulders, and to her breasts. He lavished attention on her nipples, sucking and biting them until they were hard and sensitive. Rani couldn't help but respond to his touch, her body betraying her as she let out soft moans of pleasure.

She closed her eyes, allowing herself to get lost in the sensations, if only for a moment.

Chandu's hand drifted lower, tracing the curve of her hip and he rolled her onto her stomach. Rani's heart pounded in her chest as he picked up the bowl of coconut oil lying near the bed and began to pour it into his rough hands. She could feel the cold liquid dribbling down her back, pooling in the small of her back before his oily hands began to knead her flesh. His fingers dug into her muscles, working out the knots and tension that had built up from the previous two rounds.

Rani couldn't help but moan as he massaged her, the heat from his hands seeping into her skin, relaxing her. She felt him move lower, his oily hands sliding over her ass, gripping and kneading the flesh there.

She let out a gasp as he slid a finger between her cheeks, teasing her tight hole. She hadn't expected that, and she tensed up at the intrusion.

"No not here!" Rani protested, but Chandu gently tapped her ass cheek to assure her that everything was going to be alright. He spread her cheeks apart and slowly inserted his thumb into her ass, causing Rani to squirm under his touch. She gritted her teeth and tried to relax as he began to finger her. It was uncomfortable but she couldn't do anything. She waited to see if things could get at least a little bit comfortable. But it wasn't happening.

Chandu inserted his second finger into Rani's ass, causing her to whimper in discomfort. She tried to wriggle free, but his grip on her hips was firm. He began to thrust his fingers in and out of her, while his other hand played with her clit. Rani could feel her resolve crumbling as the sensations grew stronger. She clenched her fists, digging her nails into her palms as she tried to hold back.

But it was no use.

With a low moan, she finally gave in, thinking might else well enjoy it if I can't avoid it. Her body shuddered as Chandu inserted his third finger in her bum. She buried her face in the pillow, feeling the warmth of shame and humiliation creeping up to her cheeks.

She couldn't believe what was happening to her. Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine herself being penetrated in her ass by an old man, let alone allowing it willingly. But here she was, being fingered by him and letting out soft whimpers of pleasure despite herself.

Chandu continued to work his fingers in her ass as he rubbed her clit, the dual sensation building up to a crescendo inside her. It was an unusual feeling, and Rani couldn't help but feel a twinge of desire as he hit the perfect spot.

But she quickly pushed the feeling aside, reminding herself that this was all for the sake of good karma. Chandu pulled out his fingers, surprising Rani as he rolled to her sides and got onto his all fours like in a doggy style position. He then signaled towards the bowl of oil. Rani got up on her knees and picked up the bowl not knowing what to do. Hesitantly she poured some into her hands and tried to reach out for his hanging cock but he stopped her. He shook his head and motioned to her for her to massage his crack.

Rani's eyes widened in shock. Was this man really asking her to do what she thought he was? She hesitated for a moment, churning in disturbed emotions of distaste and reluctance. It's just an ordinary butthole, she told herself. But how could she bring herself to perform this humiliating act on a mute, filthy man lying beside her?

He turned to look at her, his intent gaze holding a silent plea. She realized it was just a butthole; human bodies were not repulsive or dirty.

And she didn't think what Chandu did to her during those few hours was anything remotely close to lovemaking. He simply used her for his pleasure and left his filthy mark on her. She begrudgingly complied, as she knew she owed him a debt for the good karma. She poured the coconut oil into her hands and began to massage his asshole, slowly stretching it open. Chandu let out a deep moan as she massaged him, his body relaxing under her hands.

She slowed her movements, coaxing him into a slow, sensual rhythm. She could feel him tensing up beneath her touch, his breathing growing deeper and more ragged with every passing second. Rani noticed that Shreya hadn't done a good job cleaning his behind. It smelled of feces and urine. The stench was enough to make her want to vomit, but she grimaced and continued her movements, knowing that this was the least she could do for him.

As she massaged his butthole, she could feel him getting more relaxed. His moans became more pronounced, and she could feel his cock hardening beneath her. She stretched his cheeks as wide as she could before tentatively inserting the tip of her finger into his tight hole. He let out a gasp as she did, and she wondered if she had hurt him. But he quickly leaned into her touch, his body begging for more. She pressed her finger in deeper, feeling the tight, hot channel around her finger. Her own pussy throbbed in response to the sensation, her clit heavy and aching. She added more oil to her fingers and began to move her finger in and out of his ass, reveling in the slick, taboo sensation. As she pulled out her fingers, Chandu stretched his left hand and grabbed her head from behind and pushed it towards his butt.

"Oh fuck, you want me to lick it?" she thought to herself, feeling a sudden lurch in her belly. She hesitated for a moment, but then she heard a low, guttural moan from Chandu. "Fuck, okay," she thought, and she leaned forward and tentatively flicked her tongue over his asshole.

It was unlike anything she had ever tasted - salty and musky, with a hint of sourness.

It was a strange sensation, having her tongue buried in someone else's asshole, but the noises Chandu was making egged her on. She licked him again, more confidently this time, feeling his body tense up as she did. His hand was still gripping her head, guiding her movements, and she let out a soft moan of submission.

As she licked and probed his ass, she couldn't help but feel a growing sense of arousal.

She had never done anything like this before, but there was something exciting about the forbidden nature of the act. She felt a sense of power, knowing that she was the one in control, the one responsible for Chandu's pleasure. She felt like she was stepping out of her own body, becoming someone else entirely.

Her mind raced with dirty thoughts, and her body responded in kind. Her nipples hardened, and she could feel the wetness spreading between her legs.

"Ok if I am so deep in this and just for this one time." she thought. She then felt a surge of pleasure pulsating through her as she accepted her predicament. And with a final push of her tongue, she let herself go and surrendered to the primal urge to pleasure this man. The taste and texture of his ass was indescribable but it was overwhelming for her, yet she continued to oblige. Her long tongue twirled playfully, swishing around and sloshing around the filth, making the most out of it. 

The taste was foreign and foul, and yet her body tingled with excitement. 

She felt herself growing wetter, her arousal growing with each passing second, and she couldn't stop herself. She pushed her tongue further into him, feeling his asshole quiver and relax around it. He tasted earthy, dirty, and wrong. And yet, she couldn't get enough of it. She never knew she had this kind of kink in her being, but she didn't hate it. She didn't push away the feeling of shame and sin that threatened to engulf her. She welcomed it. She moaned brokenly, letting her own pleasure mingle with his.

The feeling of his chunky balls slapping against her chin and his muscular, hairy thighs quivering in pleasure was almost too much to bear. He moaned loudly, urgently, and she felt his whole body shudder as he climaxed hard, filling her mouth with his salty, earthy essence.

She pulled back, gasping for air and wiping the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand. She looked up at him, her eyes lustful and glazed with pleasure.

She felt so dirty, so debauched, and yet she couldn't bring herself to care. She just wanted more - more pleasure, more taboo, more filth.

Without a word, Chandu flipped over onto his back, his still-hard cock jutting up from a nest of grey curls. He motioned for her to climb on top, and she didn't need to be told twice. With a wicked smile, she straddled him, sinking down onto his shaft with a sigh of contentment.

Her pussy was soaked, and the sensation of his rough, wet cock sliding into her was almost too much to bear. She began to ride him, grinding her hips in slow circles, the slick sound of their bodies meeting filling the air.

She could feel her orgasm building, the pressure coiling tight in her belly, and she threw her head back, giving into the pleasure.

Rani began to increase her pace, bouncing up and down on Chandu's cock, her tits bouncing in rhythm with her movements. Sweat dripped down her forehead, and her breath came in ragged gasps as she slammed her hips down onto him. Her tight, wet pussy gripped his cock like a vise, pulling him deeper inside her with every thrust.

Rani was on top, riding Chandu's cock like a wild animal, her long black hair cascading down her back in a wild tangle. Her tits bounced in rhythm with her movements, her nipples hard and aching for attention.

She leaned forward, her hands braced on Chandu's chest, her nails digging into his flesh as she fucked him with reckless abandon. Her pussy clenched around his cock, pulsing with pleasure as she rode him harder, faster. She could feel her orgasm building, the pressure coiling tight in her belly.

She threw her head back, giving into the pleasure. Chandu's rough hands gripped her hips, guiding her movements as he thrust up into her. She ground down onto him, her clit rubbing against his pelvis, adding to the intense sensation building between her legs.

Their bodies moved together, slick with sweat and coconut oil, the room filled with the sound of their heavy breathing and the slap of skin on skin.

Rani could feel herself teetering on the edge, her orgasm building with every thrust.

She could feel Chandu's cock swelling inside of her, and she knew he was close too. And with a final, desperate cry, she came apart, her pussy clenching around Chandu's cock in a series of intense spasms.

Chandu grabbed her and in one swift motion, he flipped their positions in mid-air, and Rani was now lying on her back. He pistoned his hips, driving his cock into her with a ruthless, punishing rhythm that left her gasping for breath.

She could feel the head of his cock bumping against her cervix with each thrust, the sensation almost too much to bear.

Rani's pussy was deliciously swollen, the lips glistening with her juices. Chandu leaned down, his sweat-slicked chest pressing against hers as he wrapped his hand around her throat.

His grip was tight but not too tight - just enough to make her feel like she was at adjustable mercy. He squeezed, just a little, and Rani's eyes widened as she felt a surge of panic and pleasure course through her body. She knew she should be scared, but she wasn't. Instead, she felt her pussy clenching, her orgasm building again.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper inside her.

"Yes, fuck me, you dirty old man," she gasped, her words shocking even herself. But she couldn't stop. She didn't want to stop. "Give it to me, harder, harder!"

Chandu needed no further encouragement. He fucked her with abandon, his hips slamming into hers with bruising force. His balls slapped against her ass, the sound echoing in the room.

With every thrust, Chandu let out a low growl, his hips bucking wildly.

Rani could hardly believe what was happening. She had never experienced anything like this before.

She had always been a good girl, always following the rules, always doing what was expected of her. But tonight, she was breaking all of those rules.

And it felt good.

Really good.

Chandu's cock felt huge inside of her. She could feel every inch of him, filling her up in a way that she had never felt before.

She could feel her orgasm building again, the pressure coiling tight in her belly, her pussy quivering with anticipation.

"Fuck, yes," she cried out, her voice hoarse from the screaming. "Fuck me harder, you dirty old man."

Chandu's cock was like a piston, driving in and out of her in a relentless rhythm that left her breathless. She could feel himself swelling inside her, his balls drawing up tight against his body.

With a guttural roar, Chandu came hard, filling her pussy with shot after shot of his hot, sticky load.

Rani could feel the warmth of his cum spreading inside her, and it only added to the intensity of her own orgasm. She clenched around him, milking him for every last drop as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her.

When it was over, Rani lay spent, her body trembling and covered in a sheen of sweat. They both lay silently for a few moments, trying to catch their breath, their bodies slick with a mixture of coconut oil and sweat, and as she looked up at the ceiling, Rani couldn't help but feel a sense of shame and disgust wash over her. She had just let herself be used by an old, poor mute man in the most filthy way possible. And worse, she had enjoyed it. Chandu was lying on top of her, their bodies entwined in a sweaty mess. He had wrapped his arm around her head and was caressing her hair all while gently nibbling on her neck.

Rani didn't like it but she was in no shape to move a muscle. Chandu's dick was still inside her while his body crushing her under his weight both, physically and emotionally. She closed her eyes and cursed the day she met him. She didn't know why she bothered to fight it anymore, she lost herself to the sensation of Chandu's empty thrusts. She hated herself for it, but her traitorous body was responding to his touch. Her pussy was still coiled tight around his cock, pulsing in a rhythm that matched her heartbeat.

Chandu's hand was still wrapped around her throat, his thumb absentmindedly tracing patterns on her skin and his teeth gently biting on her neck, leaving multiple hickeys as an unpleasant reminder of her actions tonight.

His body crushed her, Scotch-taped against her own. Chandu soon passed out and so did Rani, their bodies tangled together like a twisted vine in oil, sweat and shame.

[Present time]

Rani was brought back from her memories by gentle breeze of the wind from window which had brought along the aroma of hot parathas from her neighbors house. The savory smell reminded that she hadn't eaten anything since the morning and needed some food to fuel her already tired body for tonight's action.

As she got up, she reminded herself of never repeating the acts from last night and not giving into her lustful desires. She was a respectable woman from a respectable family. She was not a slut to some poor beggar. She was not a tool to satisfy anyone's desire. She made a firm resolve that she was not going to engage in anymore acts of debauchery and filth with Chandu or any other man. Not even if Shreya wanted to gain anymore "knowledge".

Tonight was the last night and the last time and she was not going to fuck around anymore.

But would she be able to stay true to her resolve? Who knows what the night has in store for her? 
[+] 8 users Like lattu_pattu's post
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Superb writing, as u said no additional character required
Make different kind of sex with this 3 girls,
Eagerly waiting for 2 time sex in the video
[+] 1 user Likes Milfaddict's post
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Wow. Stunning update. Wonderful writing
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Awesome, the begger had already made her bitch. This night with approval of Rani he will take the chastity of shreya and make both his sluts.
[+] 1 user Likes drillhot's post
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OMG, what an update tooo hottt,
No doubt ur a excellent writer, thanks for updating regularly
Waiting for next update
[+] 1 user Likes Milfaddict's post
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This story is absolute top class and that's such a rare sight here these days. Definitely one of the best stories here. Great and long regular updates too.  Hope to see more of this. Great going
[+] 3 users Like Sad Ash Rafa's post
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Omg awesome
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Awesome update.

Rani has experience something she never had with her husband and it changed her life now. She thanked the beggar by pleasuring the ass for everything he has given her. Her bodily needs are completely satisfied by him. She cannot escape from this now. The beggar will taste the other two women with the help of this lady.
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Let the beggar be hero of this story. He gets relationship with three ladies who are young and beautiful.
[+] 1 user Likes Vissle's post
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(15-03-2024, 12:24 AM)Sad Ash Rafa Wrote: This story is absolute top class and that's such a rare sight here these days. Definitely one of the best stories here. Great and long regular updates too.  Hope to see more of this. Great going

Agree. The writers consistency in providing long and regular updates is also unmatchable. 

Best regards
[+] 3 users Like Projectmp's post
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The narration has so far been very good. The story should as realistic as possible. Shreya intention is not to degrade her sister in law. No self respecting person would stoop to the levels of licking the bum of a a stinking 70 year old man  who has not bathed nor washed his bum for god know s how long. Shreya still adores her SIL. So  please avoid such descriptions.
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Outstanding writing and story. Keep going
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