Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999
The man under her squeezed her swollen, turgid breasts and she moaned, sucking the other's cock, leaning back to cup the balls of the man under her. Leaning forward, she flexed her buttocks rapidly over his cock, squeezing it with her cunt.

He gasped under her and reared upward, jamming his cock into her cunt.

They paused and changed positions and she mounted the other man, her back to him, and started sucking his friend's penis again.

The man under her fingered her anus and the camera lingered on a shot of her cunt sliding up and down his cock while his finger wriggled in her anus. Her buttocks quivered.

On the bed, Anuja flipped over onto her back and, lifting and spreading her legs, jammed the largest dildo from the collection into her cunt.

Her shoulders hunching, her breasts squeezed together, her nipples rigid with excitement, she pumped her hands furiously between her legs, driving the ersatz penis swiftly in and out of her cunt.

"Oh god oh god oh god yes!" she gasped. "Ohhhhh yes yes yes!"

On the screen, too, she was on her back and the men were fucking her one by one. One of them bent over and thrust deep into her cunt and began fucking her quickly, rapidly, hard and deep, his hips swinging furiously over her thighs.

On the bed, Anuja moaned feverishly, moving her hands faster and faster, plunging the ten inch long dildo deep into her cunt, her hips juddering and heaving.

The film ran on, and now she was with the other man, heaving and writhing and arching under him as he plundered her cunt heavily, his huge cock ramming and reaming into her.

The camera cut to a shot of his penis crushing into her cunt, his balls hard at her cunt-lips, rising and falling, pistoning violently in and out of her flesh.

The movie sequence ended with the two men fucking in her ass and cunt simultaneously. She was turned on her side and one man lay behind her, lifting up one thigh and parting her buttocks.

He squeezed his cock slowly into her anus, and the camera cut to a close-up of her contorted face. Instantly, the second man joined in, lying before her and forcing his cock through into her cunt. Anuja cried out, her voice ringing.

"Oh ma uhhh AHHHHHHHHH uhhh OHHHHHHHHH! Oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh
uh oh uh oh uh OHHHHHH!"

The camera lingered on a close-up of the two cocks running alternately in and out of the adjacent orifices with great sawing motions, making her thrash in a frenzy between them.

On the bed, Anuja turned on her front again and slid the thin dildo into her anus with one hand while she masturbated her cunt with a thick vibrator.

Her cries and moans growing sharper, she moved faster and faster, ramming the ersatz penises in and out of her cunt and anus, till she came with an ululating cry and collapsed on the bed, shaking and trembling.

She lay on her front on the bed. Slowly, her eyes opened and she looked dazedly at the television screen. The sequence was ending. The two men were still fucking her cunt and ass together, but now she straddled their cocks simultaneously.

Kneeling astride one man, her cunt impaled on his cock, she rocked up and down, and as
she did, drove her anus up and down the shaft of the second man who knelt behind her, his upright penis buried in her anus.

Her face was twisted with lust, and her body heaved and writhed and thrashed uncontrollably. Each backward thrust drove her cunt and anus down onto the two thick penises and drew a sobbing gasp.

The camera lingered in a close-up of the two orifices being stretched and filled by the throbbing, angry male flesh.


"Take it!" one of her lovers gasped. "Take my cock, whore!"

"Yeh! Take it, bitch -- take it!" the other gasped, driving deep into her anus.

Four hands groped her breasts and she gasped, arching back against the man behind her, turning her face to him and kissing him wantonly, her lips wide, her tongue snaking in and out of his mouth.

She orgasmed on screen and, seconds later, the men followed, coming outside her, one man splashing gunk on her cunt and belly, the other coating her anus and buttocks with his seed.

They fell apart and she lay whimpering on the grass, running her hands through the gunk on her body, licking her fingers and smearing her face with it. The camera closed in to show her radiant, smiling face, and then began to retreat.

It rose slowly, showing the three naked bodies sprawled on the grass. Finally, lifting through the tree-tops, turned to the bright sky in a white-out dissolve.

There was a click and the screen died. Avinash rose slowly from the console, his chest heaving, shining with sweat. Slowly, he turned around. His jeans were undone and his cupped palm was full of jizz.

Anuja looked at his penis. It was fabulous, fully ten inches long limp and correspondingly thick, with low, heavy balls. What a waste, she thought bitterly. He wiped his palm on her naked belly, smearing her flesh with his seed.

"Thank you," he said softly. "You were very good."

Anuja turned her face away. He turned out the lights. The door clicked shut. Surrounded by the dildoes and vibrators, alone in the dark, Anuja wept.

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The taxi driver spun his cheap cigarette out of the window when he saw them coming towards him. He uncoiled his slouched body as they reached the cab and slid across the front seat and put his hand through the passenger window to flick his meter.

"Where to?" he asked as they tumbled into the back seat together.

The girl gave him an address in the suburbs, a good hour away in the traffic. The cabbie nodded and fired the engine. The battered taxi wheezed into life and grunted into the traffic.

He flicked a glance in his rearview mirror. They were laughing and chattering brightly. College kids, no doubt, with the freshness of youth in full bloom. The girl was very attractive, earthy and sensual.

She had a straight, somewhat fleshy nose, full, luscious lips over pearly teeth, the front one crooked sexily over its neighbour, long dark hair tied in a braid, lovely large eyes rimmed with kajal . She had no other makeup.

There were several pretty marks on her face. She wore a baggy striped T-shirt and jeans. The T-shirt clung to the contours of her breasts. The taxi driver eyed them with interest. They were full and ripe and looked heavy.

She wore small diamond earrings, finger-rings, a gold necklace, two gold bracelets, a small nose-stud. Her skin was honey gold, smooth and clear.

She had full hips. Her wrists were slim, her fingers slender, her arms nicely turned. He imagined her legs would be similar.

The boy was a lean, muscular youth, very good-looking. He was tall with a rangy, attractive body and a devilishly handsome face: strong teeth, straight nose, full mouth, square, hard jaw, dark eyes, thick black hair.

His shoulders were broad, his torso a sharply tapering V with a muscular chest and a hard belly above high hips. His arms and legs were long and strong.

It was winter and darkness came early, within a few minutes. He had barely gone a mile when he had to turn on his lights. The traffic was dense and he coasted along, bored, one arm hanging out of the window, his body crushed into the corner of the front seat behind the wheel.

In the back, the two laughed and jabbered. The cabbie paid no attention. As he passed through the city, the traffic eased and he put his foot down. The car was too old and decrepit to build up any real speed, but at least he was out of second gear.

The wind ruffled his khaki tunic shirt through the open window. At a light, while the car idled, the cabbie lit another cigarette. The lights turned and he crunched into first. The taxi lurched on. He flicked a glance at his watch. It would take another hour at this rate.

It was a while before he realised that his passengers had suddenly gone very silent. The cabbie flicked his eyes to his rear-view mirror. What he saw almost made him ram into the road divider.

He swerved, missed another car by inches, earned several curses that questioned his father's relationship with his mother, then steadied himself.

The guy had lifted her T-shirt high under her arms and he was squeezing and fondling her breasts. The girl slouched on the seat, her head back, her eyes closed.

The guy bent his head to hers and they kissed. Her hand slid up his thigh and pressed into his crotch. The guy groaned and bent his head to her breasts. The cabbie swore silently, grinned, adjusted the mirror.

He drew into the left lane, with lighter traffic and eased up on the accelerator. The taxi puttered slowly down the road. The roads were broader avenues now, poorly lit and it was clear up ahead.

The cabbie relaxed and, keeping a peripheral eye on the road, looked in the mirror again. The sight broadened his smile.

The guy was sucking on the girl's breasts, tugging at her nipples with his teeth. She bit her lower lip, stifling a gasp. Her jeans were unbuttoned and unzipped and the boy's hand was between her legs.

He pulled the jeans lower and the cabbie just saw that she wasn't wearing anything under them either. Her legs opened up and the guy pushed his middle finger into her slit and started masturbating her.

The girl's head turned to one side, her forehead on the guy's shoulder. Her hips writhed and jerked. The cabbie saw her lick his ear. Their lips met and they kissed wantonly, their tongues in each other's mouths.
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Her hips bucked and tossed, and the guy's hand pumped between her thighs, moving faster and faster, his finger ramming in and out of her cunt. She came, arching, choking back a gasp or a moan, clenching his head and shoulders.

He sucked sharply on her breasts, his finger still in her cunt. Then, chuckling softly, he
sat back. The girl didn't straighten her clothes, stayed as she was, eyes closed, one hand between her legs, the other on her breasts, her chest heaving.

Slowly, her breathing steadied. She smiled at her companion, and they kissed deeply again. The cabbie saw her hand moving around between his legs, heard the soft krik of a fly zipper being undone. He coasted to a stop at a red-light and looked in the mirror.

The girl had the guy's cock out and she was jerking it gently. The boy grunted and slouched low, his head back, his eyes closed. The cabbie could see the guy's penis. It was big and long and thick in her fingers.

Her fist pumped up and down. The guy squeezed her breast. The girl bent over and her head disappeared below the front-seat's back-rest. The cabbie heard the guy gasp.

Behind him, a horn sounded impatiently. The light was green. The cabbie ground into first and juddered past the intersection.

The car behind him flashed its lights, then pulled out and passed him with another vile invective, this time accusing him of excessive affection for his sister. He didn't have one.

Cruising along, the cabbie's eyes kept returning to the mirror. He could see the back of the girl's head bobbing and bucking up and down over the guy's crotch. The guy gasped and grunted, his mouth hanging open, his head on his chest, watching her.

He caressed her breasts under her T-shirt. The cabbie saw her move, obviously taking his cock between her breasts. Then she went back to sucking his cock, and now her head moved rapidly up and down and the guy's body jerked and writhed uncontrollably.

Suddenly, the guy gasped softly, stiffened, his head back, his eyes closed. A few seconds later, the girl straightened, licking her lips and fingers, wiping her face and sucking her fingertips, her hand still between his legs.

The cabbie grinned at the sight. His erection was enormous. Fuck, what a turn up! He watched as the girl smeared gunk on her nipples and aureoles. Her nipples were long and hard, and her breasts were large and heavy.

The cabbie wondered what kind of fuck she would be and imagined her heaving and writhing passionately under him. He looked back. The kids had straightened their clothes and the guy was smoking a cigarette.

The girl leaned her head on his shoulder, her eyes closed. He put his arm around her.

Five minutes later, as they neared their destination, they moved apart. The cabbie turned into a small, shaded lane as he was asked and then cruised to a stop. The guy opened his door.

He said goodbye to the girl, thanked her, they arranged to meet in college the next day. The girl didn't move. The cabbie's pulse quickened. Maybe, just maybe, he was in luck. He had imagined that the guy would drop off the girl and then go on home.

"Okay. Fine. See you tomorrow."

"'Bye, Anuja. Thanks again."

Anuja. Nice name. The cabbie waited, leaning forward, his head half-turned, hand on the key in the ignition, waiting for her to tell him her destination.

"Where to?" he asked.

"What? Oh yes. Sorry. Uh, Chembur please. Shell Colony."

The cabbie shook his head. Chembur was clear on the other side of town, across the railway lines. This effing detour just so that the guy could finger-fuck her and she could suck his dick? These kids were crazy. He turned around and headed across the city.

Anuja sat back, feeling relaxed. Anish was a good lover and he enjoyed doing wild things like this. It had felt good having his finger in her cunt, his tongue and teeth working her breasts. And she loved sucking his cock, swallowing his jizz.

Her cunt tingled at the memory. She smiled to herself. She was going to have a good time tonight with Mark. This was the first time she was going to his house. Mark didn't stay there during term; the commute was too long.

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This weekend, they were out of town and he had invited her to spend the night saying they'd have the duplex row-house and garden and small pool to themselves. By the sheerest luck, her parents were away in Aurangabad, too, with Jayant's family, and she could get away.

She thought of Jayant and smiled. What a terrific pair they made. Sex with Jayant was the best of all. They could go on and on and on, never tiring of each other.

The cabbie's eyes flicked casually to the mirror again. This time, they met hers. He looked away and looked back. She was still looking at him. Instantly, Anuja knew that he had watched them, seen everything. She smiled to herself.

That was sexy. She felt no embarrassment. She liked being watched. She looked at him in the mirror, and their eyes met. His face was handsome enough, dark, clean-shaven, with deep eyes, a lean jaw, full lips.

From where she sat, the rest of him looked good, too, the shoulders broad, the body lean and tough. A small smile danced on her lips. He caught it, fought his grin, then gave up.

Anuja laughed softly. Stretching her arm, she rested her hand on the seatback behind his head. The cabbie squirmed, tensed, when he felt her cool fingers brush his hair, sliding under his collar, caressing his skin.

She toyed with his earlobe, ran her fingers through his hair. With her other hand, she lifted her T-shirt again, lifting it higher as he watched in the mirror. Lifting her hips, she pulled at her jeans, opening and unzipping them, pulling them down her thighs, and pushed her hand between her legs.

Her hand moved from his head and she pulled her T-shirt high under her arms, cupping and squeezing her naked breast, lifting it in her hand. Her nipples jumped erect.

"Hey," she said softly. "Do you like me?"

The cabbie swallowed, sputtered, swerved, corrected. She giggled.

"My cunt is on fire. Want to do something about it?"

His head snapped around, he stared at her, then jerked his head back and looked at her in the mirror.

"Well? Do you?"

The cabbie nodded slowly.

"Good. Tell me what you want to do."

The cabbie grinned, opened his mouth and waggled his tongue as though licking slit. The girl giggled. She looked lovely, and his eyes lingered hungrily on her splendid breasts.

"Good. I like having my cunt licked. What else?"

The cabbie lifted his fist and pumped it in the universal gesture for a fuck.

"Right. You can fuck me. Where?"

The cabbie looked at her in confusion. She grinned.

"Where do you want to fuck me? My mouth? My cunt? Or --" she leaned forward, her lips very close to his ear. "Maybe even my ass?"

"Fuck!" The cabbie swore violently, pop-eyed.

"Tell me," she murmured, her lips at his ear, nibbling his lobe, her hand in his hair again.

"Tell me how you want to fuck me."

"All of it," he croaked stupidly. "Everything."

The girl leaned back, smiling prettily. "Good. That's what I want, too. So come on, let's go somewhere and fuck. Are you clean?"


"Are you clean? No VD, AIDS, that kind of shit?"

"No. I'm clean."

"Fine. I'm yours then. You can do anything you can like with me, it's okay. But I have to meet this boyfriend at his house soon, so if we're going someplace, you'd better hurry."

The cabbie grinned hugely and jammed his foot on the accelerator. The car shuddered and slowly built up speed. Now he drove like a maniac, concentrating on the road, nipping deftly between cars, swapping lanes at random, slicing through the traffic expertly.

He worked his way off the main road and dived through a series of criss-crossed by-lanes, heading east, away from the sea. He turned into a dark, deserted lane. The car coasted up to a big, dark structure. He killed the engine.

"What's this?" she said peering out of the window.

The building was a half-built high-rise, abandoned midway through construction. A board outside gave the name of the builder, the architect, the engineer and another board announced that the property was in litigation and in the hands of a receiver.

Anuja smiled in approval. This was safe.

The cabbie opened his door, pulled the key from the ignition. She stepped out. He rolled up the windows, locked the car. She waited.
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He led her through the rubble-strewn yard and through what would have been a car park between stilts under the building.

"Careful," he said. "Mind your step."


Half-finished stairs led up from the center, around an empty lift-well. It was very dark. The cabbie went ahead and held his hand out for her.

She took his hand in hers and they went up the steps, stepping over construction material, rubble, empty cement sacks, old rusty iron bars, stacks of floor tiles. They climbed two floors he led her around some columns and stopped.

They were in what would have been an apartment, half-built walls on two sides, the one facing the road an empty hole. Anuja stepped past him and peeked cautiously out. The lane was deserted, and around the corner, she could see the ocean.

She smiled and stepped back. The cabbie was right behind her. She pressed her buttocks against him and leaned back against his body, lifting her arms over his neck, tilting her head back.

The cabbie felt a rush of excitement. His erection strained at his trousers. She writhed her buttocks against his and felt his hardness throbbing eagerly.

"Poor thing," she murmured. "Poor prisoner. Never mind. He'll soon have his freedom."

The cabbie put his arms around her and squeezed her breasts. He slid his hands under her T-shirt, over the heavy mounds. Anuja closed her eyes and murmured softly, writhing erotically against him.

He pulled her T-shirt up, fondling her heavy, wonderful breasts, pinching and tweaking her nipples, then opened her jeans and pulled them down. She squirmed against him as he caressed her buttocks and thighs and cupped her cunt-mound, rubbing his fingers over the soft, downy hair of her pubis.

Her hand slid up his thigh and she squeezed his penis through his trousers.

Anuja turned around and arched her face to his, drawing his head down to hers. Her soft, moist lips flowered under his and her tongue slipped hungrily into his mouth, fencing against his own.

The cabbie's pulse raced with excitement. Anuja opened the buttons of his tunic, slowly pulling it wide, her fingers caressing his chest. The cabbie was an attractive man, with a firm, hard body, a deep chest, a flat belly, his torso strong and smooth, hairless.

The girl broke the kiss and smiled wantonly, dipping her head to kiss his chest, her tongue flickering over his small, hard nipple, sucking it gently.

"Nice," she said. "Very nice."

Her fingers crawled down his belly and she flipped open the button of his trousers, slowly pulled down his fly. His trousers puddle to his feet. The girl slithered down, kissing and licking his hard belly, to her knees before him.

His erection strained at his tight undershorts. She smiled and nuzzled his crotch. The cabbie tensed. Her fingers crawled up his thighs and slipped under his shorts, her fingertips tracing the contours of his shaft and balls.

His cock was big and thick and long, rock-hard already. His balls were heavy and low. Anuja pressed her lips to his cock-head through his shorts.

"Oh fuck!" The cabbie groaned as he felt the warmth of her mouth through the cloth.

"Mm, this is just getting better and better," she murmured with a smile.

Slowly, she rolled his shorts down, tugging them off his penis. His cock bounced out at her face, quivering, hard, thick, swollen. Uncircumcised, it was nine inches long and correspondingly thick. Anuja's eyes danced with pleasure.

"My, my," she said. "What a beautiful cock."

She jerked it in her fist and, opening her mouth, swirled her tongue around the bulging knob in a lightning, snake-like action.

The man grunted sharply, hissing, his hard belly rippling inward. Anuja smiled and tilted her eyes up to his face. He groaned, looking down at her. Her tongue snaked around the slimy cock-head again.

"C'mon! Suck it!" he gasped, tugging her head forward, pushing his crotch at her face.

Anuja groaned softly and, opening her mouth, slipped her lips around his cock-head and shaft. The man gasped, arching his face, flexing his buttocks, pushing his cock deeper into her mouth.

It was wonderfully warm and moist and her tongue worked his cock-head with a languid cunning that took his breath away. Slowly, she drew him deeper into her mouth, her face distending with its size and began to suck.

The cabbie moaned in joy and pumped his hips back and forth at her face, rocking her head to and fro in his hands to suit his pleasure.

"Ohhhh uhhh yes! C'mon! Suck it! Ohfuckyes! Fuck yes -- that's it! Suck it, baby! Suck my cock! Ohhh uhhhh yeh uhhh yeh oh fuck yeh that's it -- that's it, baby yes!"

Anuja sucked his cock harder and harder with a steadily increasing pressure. The musky, tangy smell and odour of his cock and slimy jizz aroused her. Pre-cum gunk spurted into her mouth from the long slit in his cock-head.

She sucked in delight and he moaned. She slid her hands up his strong thighs, her fingers and thumbs spread and cupped and squeezed his heavy balls.

Encircling the base of his shaft in the web between her thumbs and forefingers, she took him deeper still into her mouth, sucking and licking lasciviously.

He gasped, his loins blazing with lust-fire. She slid her hands around and squeezed his buttocks open, pressing her fingertip to his anus.

The man gasped in delight. She sensed the imminence of his orgasm and stopped sucking slowly, gently licking his cock-head, scbanging her teeth along the length of his shaft.
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"You don't want to cream in my face, do you?" she murmured.

He looked down at her, the indecision visible on his face. The temptation was overwhelming and yet, and yet he didn't want to miss fucking her cunt -- or her ass -- she had offered him that, too -- Anuja smiled.

"Don't worry," she said softly. "I like it when guys cum in my mouth. And I'll get your cock up again so you can fuck my slit."

He still wasn't convinced. She grinned.

"Don't believe me? Here, let me show you."

She drew her discarded jeans towards her and, from the front pocket, drew out a small beaded bag with a draw-string. Opening the knot, she tipped the contents on the jeans at his feet.

The cabbie gaped at the jumble of vials and ampoules and brightly coloured pills on the denim. She giggled.

"Yup. Sex-dope. High powered, classy stuff. Ever tried it?"

He shook his head.

"I just love this stuff. Use it all the time. Here, pop this." She handed him two pills, swallowed two herself. "Now. The ampoule. Crack it open and sniff it. Quickly! You've got to inhale it all! Oh fuck yes! Ohhh god yes!"

She snapped a vial under her nose, inhaled deeply. The effect was astounding -- her head jerked back as though pulled by an invisible string, her mouth flew open, her eyes went glassy with lust, her breasts swelled visibly, her nipples shuddering erect, her belly rippling inward.

Her hips and groin lurched as though she was fucking. She squeezed her breasts in a frenzy and jammed a hand into her crotch, masturbating wildly. An orgasm shook her body.

The cabbie stared in awe. He popped the two pills she'd given him and, taking the ampoule, snapped it open and sniffed tentatively. It smelled good. He took a deeper breath and another.

The drug shot into his head and lungs and blood and instantly powered its way through his system. The man gasped. It felt like he had been hit by a heavy electric charge. His body tensed, his muscles corded and popped, rippling downward through his body like little serpents under his skin.

His diaphragm heaved up, forcing the breath from his throat. His skin seemed to tighten over his flesh. His cock felt enormously hard and big, hotter and thicker and longer than he had ever known it.

His balls surged with jizz and the heat in his groin was unbearable. He gasped, rocking on his feet and jerked her head back into his crotch. She moaned and took his cock deep in her mouth and sucked it furiously, rocking her head back and forth, sucking sharply, letting go, sucking harder and harder, whipping her tongue at his cock-head.

"OHHHHHHH uh oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck yes!" the man gasped. "C'mon! C'mon whore! Suck it! Suck my dick, bitch! Take it! Suck harder, cunt!"

Anuja whimpered, exulting at the knowledge that the last of his inhibitions had vanished now with the drug, that he was in his most elemental, animal, primal state. The change in his language reflected it, for he was no longer reticent about using the coarse obscenities she so loved to hear.

She moaned deep in her cock-filled throat and sucked harder and harder. The man gasped
and lost control. The heat surged from his balls and out of his cock. He groaned in relief. Anuja moaned in joy, jerking his cock and opening her mouth wide under it so that he could see his jizz spuming into her mouth and down her throat.

The load was prodigious and it filled her mouth and dribbled down her chin and cheeks, spattered her face and neck and breasts. Swallowing the jizz, she kept jerking his cock, licking it slowly as the flood sputtered out.

"Mm," she said, smiling lasciviously up at him, her eyes glassy. "That was lovely." She took his cock in her mouth again.

The man gasped in shock and wonder at the realization that his erection had not waned at all, that his balls still surged with a full load of gunk.

"Fuck, what is that stuff?" he gasped.

"Magic," she mumbled, his cock between her lips and under her tongue. "Pure magic. Like it?"

"It's great."

"Mm. I agree. Never leave home without it." He'd heard that somewhere. She giggled. "Don't worry. That was just the initial overflow. With the dose you took, you'll be able to fuck me hard for a good long time."

He grinned. He felt immensely powerful and strong, fully in control. His cock was hard and throbbing and he felt he could fuck her endlessly without coming.

He pushed her head away.

"C'mere you," she muttered, going down on her back on the rough floor and tugging his hand. "Fuck me!"
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The cab driver was mesmerized by the teenager. She was lovely, earthy, sensual, erotic beyond belief. Her face was radiant with excitement, the nostrils flared, her little nose-stud winking, her full lips parted, her eyes glassy.

Her large breasts were swollen turgid and her nipples were stiff and nut-hard, the aureoles puckered sexily. He bent his head and drew one breast into his mouth, sucked it tenderly, whipped the nipple's hard point with his tongue, scbangd it across his teeth and gums and the roof of his mouth.

Anuja moaned, her body writhing with lust. He squeezed her other breast. Her legs forked open. Her body burned with excitement. She loved this, it was too sexy for words:

Fucking in an abandoned, half-built building, surrounding by silent brick and mortar, no walls to hold them in, the rough stone and grit under naked back, the man with her, a stranger an hour ago, now exploring the innermost recesses of her body. She felt like a whore, and she loved it.

"Yes," she moaned as he moved to her other breast. "Oh god yes! Suck my tits hard! Ahhhhh uhh yes! Ohhh that's it -- yes!"

The man moved to her other breast and worked it with his lips and teeth and tongue. She shuddered and writhed under him. It felt wonderful.

Ribbons of pleasure leaped from her breast-tips and loin and crackled through her body like liquid fire. He squeezed her breasts together and took both nipples in his lips and whipped them with his tongue, flicking the hard stubs back and forth.

She gasped and moaned, her head rolling languorously from side to side as she mouthed erotic obscenities.

"Ohhhhh uhhhh yes -- ohh fuck yes -- ohhh that's good – suck harder! Ah uhhhh yes! Oh ma uhhhh ahhhh uhhh yes that's it oh god yes!"

The man let her breasts go slowly and slid downward. Anuja whimpered. He dragged his tongue over her belly, swirled it through her navel, went lower.

"Oh fuck -- yes -- do it!" she gasped, lifting her hips erotically to his face as he nuzzled her crotch.

She parted her legs wide and, reaching down, clawed her cunt-lips open for him. Her cunt was wet and open and he could see the moist pink flesh and the delicate stem of her clitoris. He thrust his face into her crotch.

"OHHHHH uhhh yes! Oh ma uhhhh yes!" Anuja gasped, her body arching on the bench, her fingers twining in his hair.

The cabbie's tongue was thick and heavy and long. It jabbed deep into her cunt, swirled through the wet flesh, lapping at her flowing juices, whipped her gorged, stiff clitoris, rippled up and down and in and out.

Anuja's hips heaved and writhed, bucked up and down. Twining her fingers in his hair, she moved his head around in her thighs to suit her pleasure.

"Ohhh yes uhhh yes! Oh god yes! Oh ma yes uhhh oh ma uhhh ahhh uhh yes oh fuck yes!"

She moaned and whimpered ecstatically, her head flipping from side to side, a vision of lust with her eyes half-closed, her mouth open. Her body rocked on the hard floor with rhythmic little jerks, as though she was being fucked.

Her breasts jumped and jiggled, and her gold chain tossed and danced on her skin. Her body glistened with sweat. She slid her hands up her body, lifting her breasts, squeezing them erotically, pinching the nipples in her long fingertips.

Her cries rang in his ears, exciting him further. He stabbed a long finger into her cunt and began masturbating her rapidly, rocking his arm to and fro vigorously. Anuja cried out, her back bowing steeply, her hips crashing up and down, her head flipping wildly from side to side.

Her cunt was hot and tight and it convulsed greedily on his finger. He twisted his finger around in her cunt, pressed his knuckle to her hard stem of her clitoris, curled his finger into a hook and flicked it hard.

Anuja cried out, crushing her breasts in frenzied delight. Meanwhile, his tongue continued lapping at her streaming juices.

"OHHHHHHHH uhhh OHHHHH uhhh OH UHHHHH uhhh Oh uhhh hanh uhhhh hanh
uhhh hanh uhhhhh OHHHHHH!" she cried.

He jabbed a second finger in and masturbated her even more rapidly. Her body whipped frenetically on the floor, her hips crashing up and down.

The cabbie's biceps flexed and unflexed as he rocked his arm back and forth and from side to side. Without pausing in his masturbation of her, he shuffled around on his knees and straddled her face.

Beneath him, Anuja moaned, her mouth already open in avid expectation. He lowered his hips over her face and grunted softly as her lips encased his cock.

He began fucking her mouth in the sixty-nine, his hips rising and falling in a measured rhythm over her face while he finger- and tongue-fucked her simultaneously.

Her cunt was sodden, streaming with juices. He lapped them greedily; they tasted wonderful, warm and sticky and musky, with a heady erotic smell that made his head swim.

He ran his tongue into her slit for more, found her clitoris and tortured it.

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Anuja groaned, her mouth filled with his thick, long cock, his balls brushing her face. She took him deeper into her mouth and bucked her hips under his face as she soared towards a wild orgasm.

She was on its brink when he stopped and rolled off her. She moaned in frustration and dismay and pleasure, pleased that he had bothered to care about her at all.

Grinning, he turned around between her thighs, pulling them wide and leaned over her.

"Real hot piece of ass, aren't you? Right randy little bint!"

"Yes!" she gasped. "God yes!" She took his cock in her hand and guided it to her cunt, moaning at the heat of his cock-head at her cunt-lips.

"Fuck me!" she whimpered, her face glowing with passion. "Fuck me lover! Shove it in!"

The cabbie groaned, transfixed by her loveliness and sexiness. He bent over her on outstretched arms, his knees levering her thighs apart and slowly flexed his buttocks and sank his hips.

His cock-head popped into her cunt. Anuja gasped softly, arching her body, tilting her face upward, craning her neck, thrusting her breasts upward, biting her lower lip. She clenched his thick biceps and slowly arched her hips upward. Her cunt contracted eagerly on his penis.

"Yes!" she gasped. "That's so good, baby! C'mon -- shove it in -- I want it all -- yes! Shove it right in, baby! All the way! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh uhhh yes! That's it! Oh god that's so good!"

His eyes never left her face. He groaned and slowly sank his cock into the wonderfully, hot, tight, wet fissure of her cunt. His muscles corded in tension, his shoulders rippling and flexing and hunching powerfully, his head arching back, his buttocks flexing taut as he went in and in and in, driving his cock into her cunt till he was full embedded in her flesh.

Her cunt was divine, convulsed greedily on his throbbing erection, its wet heat engulfing his being. Beneath him, Anuja gasped and arched steeply, chewing her lower lip, her fingers digging into the thickly bunched biceps and triceps of his outstretched arms.

Her legs split wider still, affording him deeper access and her hips rose to meet his in descent, her cunt grinding up to swallow the intruder. She wound her legs about the backs of his thighs.

Their groins pressed together, squirming hotly.

"Oh baby yes!" she gasped. "That's so good -- god -- you're so sexy -- I want it -- I want it all -- I want it hard -- fuck me lover -- fuck me like a whore -- take me hard! Just don't stop -- fucking me --"

She was incredible. The cabbie's mind whirled in excitement and lust. He groaned and began to fuck her slowly and heavily and deeply.

He swung his hips up and down and back and forth in a measured, even tempo, flexing and unflexing his taut buttocks alternately.

His cock slid in and out and in and out of her cunt like a mechanised piston, glistening and gleaming with their comingled coital juices.

It felt wonderful to have the hot, hard, thick-veined shaft pulverizing her molten cunt-flesh, mashing and scbanging over her inflamed clitoris, invading her body again and again.

"Ohhhh uhhh yes!" Anuja hissed in pleasure, her head flipping wantonly from side to side. "Oh baby yes -- that's so good – keep fucking me -- yes -- like that -- mm, ohhh yes -- that's wonderful -- shove it in again -- ahhhhh uhh yes -- ohhh yes -- deeper, baby -- ahhhhhh uhh oh god yes! That's it! Ohh baby yes! Fuck me! Fuck me, lover! Fuck me! I want it!"

Her cunt was a hot vortex of cramping, convulsing delight. The man powered his cock in and out of her cunt, revelling in the heat and tightness of her cunt and his ability to continue seemingly without tiring or losing control.

He felt good, strong and virile and very macho, as though he could fuck her all night and keep going even after. He kept up a steady rhythm, taking his time, in no hurry to finish with her.

"Yes!" he gasped. "Take it, slut! Take it! Fuck -- yes -- take it all, whore -- c'mon bitch -- take it -- ohh fuck yes -- that's it -- mm, that's good -- yes -- squeeze it, bitch -- yeh -- that's it -- squeeze it with your cunt! Harder bitch! Ohh yeh! That's it!"

On and on they went, moving in unison, their doped bodies enabling them to prolong the pleasure and to draw it out like a fine-spun thread. She caressed his muscular torso sexily, raking it with her fingernails, craning her neck to suck his nipples.

He pushed her back and, bending, sucked her breasts and then kissed her, jamming his tongue into her mouth. Her hips bucked under his. She clenched his buttocks and drew him deeper into her flesh.

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Gradually, they quickened their tempo, moving with rising urgency. His hips swung faster, snapping from the waist, rocking and bouncing up and down.

She gasped and whimpered, rocking and jerking under him, her body jerking as he thudded his cock into her, slamming his hips greedily forward at her crotch, plunging and ramming his cock into her cunt. Their cries rose and rang in the cool still air.

Suddenly, with a wriggle and a twist he couldn't understand, the teenager pulled him down and turned him over on his back and bent over him astride his hips, her cunt impaled on his cock, all without once letting him slip out of her.

He gasped and arched up under her, squeezing her pendulous, swollen breasts, marvelling at the perfection of their size and weight and shape. She bent and kissed him, her hips grinding sexily on his groin, churning her cunt with his cock.

Rearing up on her arms, she smiled down at him, her braid hanging over one shoulder.

"I don't want to come so soon," she murmured.

"Neither do I," he grinned.

"Good," she smiled. "We'll have fun."

She threw her head back and began to buck and rock heavily on his lap, lifting her cunt up along the length of his cock, then forcing it back down again. He grunted and moved with her, heaving and bucking and pumping his hips rhythmically under her.

She moaned and arched her tongue sexily over her upper lip.

"Mm -- yes -- god I love your cock in my slit!" she murmured.

Her hips gyrated and twisted as she spiralled her cunt down on his penis. The feeling was incredible and her cunt convulsed and contracted in a frenzy of its own on his throbbing erection.

The taxi driver pumped his hips up and down under the sexy, irresistible teenager, fondling her breasts, pinching and tweaking her nipples. She groaned, her face radiant with lust and, twisting around, reached behind to cup and squeeze his balls.

He gripped her buttocks, squeezed them open and pressed his finger to her anus. She shuddered, rearing upright on his lap, her hands sliding up her body to lift and squeeze her breasts.

He watched her, immensely turned on by her actions.

"Yes!" she groaned. "Oh fuck yes! That's so good, lover! Fuck me! Ohhhh uhhh yes! Oh god your cock's so good in my cunt! Ohhhhh uhhh yes! Oh ma uhhh ahhhh uhhh yes!"

"Take it!" he grunted, tossing her on his lap, forcing her to move faster. "C'mon, you fucking slut! Take it!"

Goading each other, they began moving faster, their bodies rocking and swinging together. She fell forward on outstretched arms and began bucking and bouncing her hips over his.

Her buttocks flexed and unflexed and her cunt rose and fell along the long stem of his penis. Her breasts tossed and jumped and her gold necklace danced, slapping on her tawny skin.

The taxi driver noticed the sexy little marks on her flesh; there was one between her breasts, too.

This time, it was he who stopped. He drew her cunt down and pulled her down on him, her breasts hot and heavy on his chest.

She bent her head and kissed him hard, pushing her tongue sexily in and out of her mouth.
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"Now," he grunted. "I want you from behind."

"And in my ass," she reminded him.

"And in your ass."

She slipped off his cock and pulled some of their clothes towards her. She knelt on them and leaned forward with more fabric protecting her forearms from the rough, unfinished floor.

Her heavy breasts hung pendulous and her gold necklace swayed against her chin. The taxi driver was behind her and now he dropped in a low squat astride her hips and pushed his cock between her buttocks.

Anuja moaned as she felt it slip past her puckered, taut anus and to her cunt. He grunted and squeezed its throbbing length into her cunt slowly and smoothly and deeply. Anuja moaned, her head lifting, her eyes fluttering shut, her mouth opening, lurching forward as the huge cock surged into her cunt.

She writhed her buttocks against his crotch, squeezing his penis with her strong cunt muscles. The man grunted.

His fingertips in the small of her back he began fucking her slowly and heavily and deeply with a steady, but accelerating rhythm. Anuja whimpered her pleasure.

Her body rocked and jerked under his thrusts. His buttocks flexed and unflexed and his hips swung back and forth and up and down. His cock glistened as it ran in and out of her cunt.

"OHHHHHHh uhh yes! Oh yes oh yes oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh ma uh hanh uh oh ma oh ma oh ma uhh hanh uhhh yes!" she gasped. "Yes! Ohhhh yes, baby yes! Fuck me! Yes! Ohhhhhhhh uhhh yes! Shove it in deeper, stud! Ahhhh yes! That's it -- c'mon -- shove it right in -- all the way! Ahhhhhh uhhh yes oh god yes -- that's so good --c'mon -- fuck me! Fuck me hard! Yes! That's it! Harder! C'mon! Do it! OHHHHHHH uhhhhh OHHHHH uhhh OHH uhhhh OH uh OH uh OH uh OH uh Ohma uh Ohma uh ohma uhh Ohma! Oh ma! Ohma uhh hanh uh yes!"

Her words and cries thrilled him. He moved faster and faster, hammering his hips at her buttocks with loud slaps, his balls bouncing off her cunt-lips, ramming and reaming his cock in and out of her cunt.

Her body jerked and snapped violently under his thrusts. He savaged her slit, thrusting and pounding and plunging madly in and out of her flesh, his mind in a whirl, his loins
ablaze with an uncontainable lust-fire.

"C'mon! Take it, you whoring bitch! Take it! Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck yes! That's it! C'mon! Yeh! Oh fuck yes! Take it! Oh fuck uhh ahh uhh oh uh ah uh ah uh ah uh ahhh uhhh ahhhh uhhh ahhhh uhh yes!"

Faster and faster he went and he thought he could actually hear his cock squelching and scrunching into her cunt-meat, pulverizing and grinding the hot, pulpy, wet flesh of her slit.

Her breasts jiggled violently and he bent over and squeezed them, pinching her nipples hard. She cried out, her head snapping up, her face contorting and turned her face over her shoulder.

He jammed his mouth to hers and pushed his tongue between her open lips. His hips rocketed up and down with a savage fury. He seemed to have no control over his body.

On and on he went, plundering and pillaging her exquisite teenage flesh and she loved every minute of it, every inch of his penis and kept calling for still more.

"Now!" she gasped suddenly. "Take my ass now! C'mon! Do it!"

He jerked out of her and she moaned and sank forward in a steep ,,., pose, her face turned on its side on the floor, her shoulders pressed to it, her buttocks thrust back. Thrusting her hands back, she pulled her buttocks open and exposed the puckered flesh of her anus to him.

"The tube of cream!" she gasped. "Use that! In my ass!"

The cabbie stared, then grabbed the green tube.

"Give me a hit," she grunted. "The ampoule."

He uncapped the tube and pressed the open end to her anus. Her sphincter yielded. He squeezed it. She moaned and, as she sucked in her breath, he snapped an ampoule under her nose.

The drug shot into her head and slammed through her body like a thunderclap. She gasped, going rigid, clawing at her buttocks with the cream tube still stuck in it, her face twisting in joy.

"Now!" she cried. "Fuck my butt, lover! Shove your cock into it!"

The man was overwhelmed, out of control. He tossed the cream tube aside, took a hit himself, gasped as the aphrodisiac surged through his body.

Before him, Anuja moaned, her buttocks swaying and writhing, open in eager anticipation. "Do it," she groaned. "I want it! Come on! Quickly!"

The man pressed his cock-head to her anus. It met no resistance. He flexed his buttocks and pressed forward. His cock-head popped into her anus. Anuja moaned in pleasure, writhing frantically on the floor.

"More!" she gasped. "Shove it all in baby! Come on! Bugger me! Fuck my ass! Fuck it hard!"

The man felt dizzy. The cream was a lubricant and an aphrodisiac. His cock throbbed and burned. The jizz in his loins clamoured for release.

He dug his fingers into her hips and squeezed his cock heavily into her tight rear channel. Anuja cried out as the huge penis crushed through her anus. Her face contorted and twisted in a rictus of unbridled pleasure.

Her hands flew up and clawed at the clothes under her breasts. She squeezed her breasts
frantically in her hands. In and in the man went, incredulous at her ability to take his entire cock, all of it, into her anus.

Anuja's breath came in heaving, wracked sobs. Her face was twisted in an agony of lust, her mouth torn open, her eyes screwed shut, her lips snapped back over her perfect, pearly teeth.
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Her back twisted and writhed under him, her buttocks squirming against his crotch, her anus deeply impaled by his throbbing penis. He flexed his buttocks taut, pressed his hips to her buttocks and, flinging his head back, groaned loudly, wincing as her anus contracted fiercely on his erection.

"Oh ma uhh oh ma," she sobbed, her voice sexily ragged and hoarse. "Yes uhh oh yes -- oh god yes -- do it! Oh ma -- c'mon -- please!"

The man moaned and began to sodomize the teenager slowly and heavily and thoroughly. He slid his cock out of her, moving his hips back, then slid into her again in a long, deep, skewering thrust.

Again and again he drew out and thrust in, drew out and thrust in. Beneath him, Anuja whimpered and gasped and sobbed in joy, egging him on with a litany of guttural obscenities.

The man continued fucking her ass, his muscles rippling and cording in tension, his belly sucking inward. Anuja thrust a hand into her crotch and began masturbating, curling a slender finger into her slit and jabbing it in and out, knuckling her rigid, gorged clitoris.

On and on he went and then she lost control. She came hard, gasping, the breath hissing from her throat. Her cunt convulsed on her finger and her anus cramped on his penis.

The man gasped, winced, moaned and forced his cock into her again, once, twice, three, four times. Each thrust made her moan and cry out.

The heat in his loins was unbearable. He gasped, trying to stem the flood, but it was no use. The heat surged up and out and he moaned in relief as it spurted from his cock-head and out into her tight, clonic anus.

Anuja gasped in pleasure and joy when she felt the sharp sticky sting of his spoot flooding her anus. His load was copious, assisted by the high dosage of the powerful aphrodisiacs and he kept coming.

He slid out of her anus, his cock still spurting jizz and dribbled it on her buttocks and in the cleft between them.

"Fuck yes!" he grunted. "Oh fuck that's good!"

He flicked her hand away and, with a moan of relief, sank his cock smoothly and deeply into her cunt again. Anuja groaned, lurching forward on the floor, her chest heaving, her buttocks swaying and writhing, her body trembling.

The man fucked her cunt slowly and heavily for a few minutes, emptying his awesome load into her slit. At last, it ended and he slid out of her and sank back on his haunches behind her. Anuja's body collapsed on the floor.

She whimpered, her back and chest heaving, her breathing ragged. He groaned, his chest heaving, too, his pulse still hammering. He had never known such incredible fucking. Slowly, she steadied herself and turned around and smiled wantonly at him, her eyes dancing.

"That was lovely. Thank you," she murmured.

He bent over and kissed her. "You're fantastic, babe," he said. "Incredible."

"So are you," she giggled, her fingers working his cock. "What's the time?"

He looked at his watch. "Eight thirty."

"Shit. I said I'd be there at eight. You'll have to drive like a bat out of hell."

"No sweat."

"Let's go."

"That's it, huh? I don't see you again now?"

She got up, getting into her clothes quickly and grinned. "No. Not quite. I'm at this place for the weekend. Then I've got to get back. And guess who's driving me home on Sunday?"

The taxi driver laughed as he dressed. They hurried down to the car. She sat beside him this time. He gunned the engine and put his floor down. The car shot out of the dark lane.

Later that night, Anuja rocked and moaned ecstatically under Mark, her latest lover in college. His cock plowed into her cunt slowly and unhurriedly, entering her from all angles.

She whimpered, heaving up and down under him. Suddenly she stopped.

"What's the matter?" he frowned.

She looked at him and giggled suddenly. "That taxi driver I told you about? The one I fucked on the way here after I dropped off Anish?"

"What about him?"

"That's the point. I don't know anything about him. Not even his name!"

Mark stared at her and began to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"You," he said. "You're a fucking slut at heart!"

"Lucky you," she said softly, her eyes glittering. "Now are you going*to talk all night, or do I get fucked?"

End of PART 9



Moaning By The Sea

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It was the longest, loneliest night of her life. Anuja lay awake for hours in the darkness, numbed and dazed by what had happened. By turns, she raged at herself for her indiscretion, at her want of judgement, at Avinash.

He was sick. The injustice and humiliation were almost too much to bear. She wept repeatedly in anger and finally fell asleep in sheer exhaustion.

The next day, Anuja woke late, feeling surprisingly calm and collected. She did her toilet, coiled her hair loosely in a bun at the nape of her neck and, wrapping a toweling robe around her naked body, went out onto the balcony.

Avinash was at the round, wrought-iron, glass-topped table, reading a newspaper, a tea
service before him.

"Good morning," he said brightly, lowering the paper. "Sleep well?"

"Tea, please." Anuja didn't bother with the niceties.

"Certainly," he said. "I'll call for a fresh pot. Breakfast?"

"No, thank you."

Avinash went into the suite to call room service. He returned with a video camera and settled down opposite her and began to fiddle with it.

Adjusting it to his satisfaction, he raised it to his eyes. She ignored him and picked up the newspaper, screening herself behind it.

"Please," he said softly. "Put that down. You're blocking the shot."

Very deliberately, Anuja folded the newspaper and tossed it on the table.

"Thank you."

Suddenly, all the anger and hurt of the night before returned, but now it was cold and hard. Anuja took a deep breath, looked at Avinash steadily and considered her situation. She had no choice.

She was trapped and there was not much she could do without hurting her family and friends. She would have to work through this. Might as well enjoy it till then, she said to herself.

Avinash was surprised by the sudden, unexpected warmth in her smile. He arched an eyebrow quizzically. Her smile widened. Slowly, she pulled at the lapels of the robe. It parted above and below the belt, showing her naked cleavage, the swell of her breasts, her belly, the dark grotto between her thighs.

Parting her legs, she slid one hand up her thigh and opened her cunt-lips.

"Shall I frig for you?" she said gently. "Would you like that?"

A smile of pleasure creased his face and he nodded. Already, the camera was focussed on her crotch. He held it with one hand and pushed the other between his legs, under his gown. Anuja smiled and curled a finger gently into her slit.

"Slowly," she said, and moved her free hand under the robe over her breast. "Nice and slow, like every morning fuck should be, right?"

Anuja masturbated for the camera, swirling her finger through her cunt-flesh, fondling her breasts and arousing herself unhurriedly.

Opening her legs wide, she slumped in the chair and, moistening one fingertip on her tongue, holding her cunt-lips wide open with the other, rubbed her finger up and down her slit. She sucked in her breath with an erotic groan.

"Mmm -- that feels good," she smiled. "Oh yes!"

She worked her clitoris rapidly for a few seconds, rubbing it with her fingertip and knuckle. Her hips writhed on the chair.

Slowing again, she returned to her leisurely up-and-down, in-and-out, round-and-round finger actions.

Avinash grinned to himself, his penis stirring in his pajamas and slowly zoomed in. She opened her legs for the camera, working her cunt and clitoris sexily with a finger-tip.

He lingered in a close-up of her cunt, the lips pulled wide, the long tongue of her clitoris prominent, flipping back and forth under a long, shapely fingernail.

"Mmm -- yes -- that feels so good -- ohhh -- if only -- I could -- be fucked now! Fucked with a nice big cock, hot and hard!"

"Room service!"

The sharp, sudden rap on the door made Avinash jump. Anuja smiled.

Avinash went in to answer the door. Anuja straightened herself in the chair, crossing her legs at the knee and gathering her robe together again. It was a spectacular day.

Bright and cloudless, the air was sparkling clear. Far away, Anuja could see the golden sand on the beach and the azure waves pounding it.

The leaves of the swaying palm trees rustled softly. The balcony was high and quite private, designed for maximum privacy from the prying eyes of the other guests in the hotel.

The waiter followed Avinash back to the balcony, balancing a large tray with a silver tea service. He was a handsome youth with a bright smile. He wished her good morning and set the tray on the low table before her.

Avinash scrawled his signature on the slip in the leather folder and added an extravagant tip. The waiter looked pleased.

"Thank you, Michael," he said, putting the folder down on the table.

The waiter smiled. "Thank you, sir. Welcome back. Shall I make the tea, madam?"

Anuja looked at the two men. They obviously knew each other. She caught Avinash's eye. He flicked a glance at Michael and inclined his head in a little nod of assent. Anuja looked back at the waiter, who was waiting for an answer.

"Yes, please," Anuja said. "If you would."

"Certainly, madam. Sugar?"

"One please."

The waiter bent over the low table and prepared the tea. Anuja leaned forward. She looked lovely. Her hair, slightly loosened now, framed her pretty face in a wave. She tucked it behind her ear with one hand, the other on her lap discreetly pushing her lapels open again.

The waiter's eyes flicked towards her and he saw the heavy swell of one breast, the long nipple. He added sugar and began stirring slowly, looking at her sidelong. She smiled to herself.

The waiter handed Anuja the teacup. She set it down on the table, and looked up with a smile.

The waiter was clean-shaven, tall, lean, dark, with the slender features of the local people. He wore a brightly printed short-sleeved shirt and dark brown trousers. His forearms were wiry and strong and his shoulders were broad.

He straightened and smiled down at her. Motes of lust glinted in his eyes. She made no move to cover her breast. Again, his eyes slipped to her nakedness. He turned to Avinash for a signal. Avinash nodded again.

The waiter winked and a slow smile creased his handsome features. He turned back to Anuja, who pretended not to notice the exchange between them.

"Will there be anything else, madam?" he asked softly, imperceptibly moving closer.

Anuja clinked her teaspoon delicately against the lip of the cup and set it in the saucer.

"Yes," she said softly. "Yes, there will."

She lifted her hands to coil her hair in a loose knot, and her breasts lifted under the robe, pushing the lapels apart, exposing her naked cleavage and most of her belly. The waiter's eyes lingered on the dusky, firm, roundness of her flesh.

Rising to her feet smoothly, she unbelted her robe, letting it hang open. Her naked crotch was exposed to his view. She stepped forward and the waiter chuckled, his eyes glinting, and slid his hands under her robe.

Anuja smiled gently as his hands slid up her naked body and cupped her breasts. They swelled and grew warm and heavy under his hard hands, her nipples stiffening. She tilted her face to his, her lips flowering under his like a lover's.

She kissed him lasciviously, slipping her tongue deep into his mouth. The waiter drew her closer, his hands sliding from her breasts to her naked buttocks. Squirming erotically against the stranger, Anuja felt relieved.

She could continue to have sex and enjoy herself. She abandoned herself to her naturally sharp lust. If this was how it was to be, well, then, she might even be happy.

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In one smooth, seamless movement, Anuja shrugged the robe off her shoulders and slid to her knees before the waiter. Using both hands, she deftly unbuttoned his trousers and, sliding down the zip of his fly, pulled off his trousers.

They puddled at his feet. With a smile of genuine pleasure, Anuja took the waiter's penis in one hand. It was a handsome organ: Even limp, it was still no less than eight inches long and correspondingly thick.

It dangled from a forest of dense black pubic hair. His scrotum was big and low, and his balls looked heavy. She raked a finger delicately down the length of the dark shaft and it trembled in her fist.

The man waited, head bent, watching her with a wide smile. Anuja's lips parted sensuously, and she began to masturbate the waiter deftly, pumping his penis in her fist.

It quivered and began to swell rapidly, thickening and engorging in her fist, rising up to her lips. Anuja slipped the foreskin back over the bulging cock-head. The penis grew hotter and harder and it throbbed powerfully in her fingers.

Her head moved closer and the man tensed. He could feel her warm breath on his penis.

Suddenly, her tongue snaked out and flickered like lightning over the bulging cock-head.

"OHHH! Oh-uh-OHHHH!"

The man gasped sharply, his belly sucking in. Her tongue darted around for a few seconds and then slowed to wanton, coiling, licking motion. Her lips inched closer.

The man groaned and held her head with one hand, unbuttoning his shirt with the other.

"C'mon!" he gasped. "Suck it! Suck my cock! Come on! Do it!"

Anuja let go of the penis, held the man's thighs and, slipping her lips around the cock-head, began to suck his cock slowly. The man groaned loudly, arching his handsome head.

Anuja's luscious lips parted wide and she took more of his penis in her mouth. Her head rocked steadily back and forth before him.

"Ohhhhhh yes! Yes!" The waiter gasped.

The thick cock-head slipped in and out of her mouth, glistening with pre-cum gunk and her oral ministrations. She worked the cock-head cleverly with her tongue, pressing the sharp tip of it to his glans, then swirling it round the smooth, slippery surface of the cock-head.

His penis was musky and made her head swim with desire. Her excitement grew and she groaned in her throat and, ducking her head, licked his pendulous balls. She toyed with them sensuously, slipping them in and out between her lips, and the handsome waiter grunted, his hips writhing with excitement.

Her face and hair felt softly erotic between his strong, dark thighs. He pulled off his shirt. His dark torso was smooth, hairless, hard and muscular.

Smiling to herself, Anuja sucked his cock again, her wanton greed evident. Her head rocked rapidly back and forth and she held his thick penis in one fist as she sucked it. The waiter groaned and fucked her face, pumping his hips gently back and forth, holding her head with one hand and moving it to suit his pleasure.

Her mouth was warm and moist and her tongue was electric, working his cock-head incessantly, lasciviously.

She took his cock deep in her mouth and held it there, sucking sharply, running her tongue over the cock-head, and the waiter gasped, arching his head, flexing his buttocks, both hands keeping her head pinned to his crotch.

Anuja released the penis slowly and straightened slightly to squeeze her breasts over the cock-head in warm sheath. The waiter chuckled, head bent, watching her.

"You're good, cunt," he grunted. "Very good."

Anuja moved back to the cane chair and slouched low, spreading her legs wide and hooking her knees over the arms.

She parted her cunt-lips with the fingers of one hand and squeezed her breasts wantonly with the other.
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With her dark, kajal -rimmed eyes glittering with excitement, her luscious lips parted, her dark hair framing her pretty face, Anuja looked bewitching.

The light glinted off the gold chain around her neck and the diamond rings on the fingers splaying her cunt-lips open in lascivious invitation.

"Come on, Michael," she said in an erotically husky tone. "Lick my slit."

The waiter chuckled and, dropping to his knees between her forked legs, thrust his face into her crotch. Anuja gasped, her back bowing, and clenched his thick hair.

Her mouth flew open in a wide 'O' and her eyes fluttered ecstatically. Her hips writhed under his face.

Struggling to hold the video camera steady, Avinash zoomed in smoothly to a close-up of his wife's cunt. His erection strained at his pajamas and, sliding his hand into his fly, he pulled out his erect cock.

In the viewfinder, he could see Anuja's sodden slit opened wide and the waiter's thick, heavy tongue rippling around the soft flesh within.

He jabbed a finger into her cunt and Anuja cried out, arching and writhing, her hips twitching erotically. The waiter knuckled her swollen clitoris, twisting his finger this way and that inside her as he flicked his tongue at her cunt.

Anuja's gasps were heavy with lust. The waiter's tongue was thick and heavy and a bright, clean colour. Sexily tightening the tip into a sharp, spatulated point, he flicked it rapidly in the young woman's cunt-flesh.

"Yes! Ohhh yes Michael! Yes! Ohhh god yes!" she cried.

Avinash panned slowly up her body, zooming out slightly. Anuja's head flipped from shoulder to shoulder, her face contorted with excitement. Her lips were bared, her eyes closed and her nostrils were flared like a rutting animal's.

There was no doubt that she was enjoying this. The waiter's tongue rippled into her open cunt, probing into the softness within.

Avinash snapped to a close-up of his heavy, thick, pointed tongue flipping her clitoris back and forth.

Panning up, he watched through the camera as his bride squeezed her breasts in excitement with one hand, mauling the heavy mounds in her hands, tugging and pinching her nipples, the other hand on Michael's head, pressing it to her cunt, moving it round and round between her thighs.

He was a strong, adept lover. Avinash had seen him fuck his girl-friends here, and knew his capabilities. Anuja was going to have a wonderful time. He grinned as Michael jammed his face into her cunt and sucked on her gorged clitoris.

Anuja arched with a loud gasp and then began to moan and pant like a bitch in heat.

"Yes! Yes! Oh! OH YES! OH YES! OH Mike -- yes! Ohh god yes!" she cried.

The waiter grinned to himself and nibbled on her clitoris. Anuja's hips jerked and lurched erotically under his face. She gripped his head and pinned it between her thighs.

The man licked her cunt rapidly, jabbing his tongue in and out of her cunt. When he finally stopped tongue-fucking her, Anuja was panting and whimpering with abandon.

"Come on Michael," she gasped. "Fuck me! Fuck me quickly!"

Grinning, the waiter tormented her instead. He straightened, and jerked her head roughly to his crotch again.

"Come on, whore," he growled hungrily. "Suck my prick again!"

Anuja was feverish with lust. Leaning forward in the chair, she sucked his penis greedily, taking it deep in her mouth, working it frantically with her tongue. Her head rocked rapidly back and forth at his groin and she pumped his cock eagerly in her fist, moaning deep in her throat.

The man moved her head back and forth with one hand, squeezing her breasts with the other. Anuja writhed under his hand, her legs wide, her body bent forward, and, thrusting a hand between her spreadeagled thighs, began to masturbate slowly. Avinash snapped to a close-up shot of her finger in her cunt, the slim, elegant, be-ringed finger with the shapely, lightly varnished nail curving inward to tease the long tongue of her clitoris.

He cut to a shot of her sucking the waiter's cock: Her eyes closed in delirious passion, her face distended with the size of the penis, her lips parted wide and the glistening penis slipping in and out of her face.
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"Mm -- yeh -- suck it! Suck it, bitch! Suck my cock!" the waiter grunted, his hips pumping at her face.

He pushed her head away after several minutes, and moved between her legs, his penis thrusting out proudly. Anuja leaned back with a soft moan, her hands between his thighs, drawing his penis to her cunt.

The waiter leaned forward with one hand on the back of the chair, the other on its arm, below Anuja's bent knee. He flexed his buttocks and lowered his hips, and Avinash zoomed in to a shot of the glistening cock-head pressing to her cunt-lips.

She took his penis and guided him into her flesh. The waiter paused for a second, took a deep breath and then, with a shuddering gasp, flexing his buttocks taut, squeezed his penis into Anuja's cunt.

"OH ma UNHH OHHHH!" Anuja gasped loudly, arching, her head tilting upward, her mouth open in a wide 'O'.

"Yes! Oh god yes!" The waiter groaned and slowly eased himself further into her cunt, his hips dipping, his shoulders cording with the strain.

Avinash watched through the viewfinder, mesmerised by the sight of the waiter's swollen, hard, throbbing penis sliding between his wife's slender, elegant fingers, into her visibly wet slit.

The bulging cock-head squeezed between her cunt-lips, and, slowly, the shaft began to crush through into the sodden cunt-flesh within.

Her hips juddered upward. The gorged penis ground deeper and deeper into her flesh, vanishing inexorably inward.

Avinash snapped to a mid-shot and saw Anuja arching steeply, her mouth open, her head flung back. Michael flung his head back. His face was suffused with lust. Pushing his hips lower and lower, he thrust inexorably inward, burying his penis in Anuja's cunt.

The waiter's penis felt wonderful. It was rock-hard and hot, and throbbed powerfully. Anuja whimpered joyously as it surged into her flesh. He paused for a second with his cock embedded in her cunt, his hips quivering with tension.

"Yes," Anuja moaned. "That feels so good, Michael! Come on – fuck me now! Fuck me!"

With a shuddering gasp, the waiter lifted his hips upward and his cock slid out of her cunt. Flexing his buttocks, he slid into her again. Anuja's face creased with pleasure, and she moaned softly, clenching his shoulders.

"Yes," she gasped. "Oh yes!"

Again he slid out, and slid in, and started fucking her with a heavy, grinding rhythm. Anuja writhed on the chair, and her hands flew to her swollen breasts, squeezing them in excitement.

The waiter's buttocks flexed and unflexed rhythmically, and his hips swung steadily back and forth and up and down and his cock crushed in and out of her cunt. Avinash watched, fascinated, and cut rapidly between shots of her lust-ridden face flipping languorously from shoulder to shoulder, her hands squeezing her breasts, to a close-up of the swollen penis plunging into his wife's cunt.

The penis glistened and shone with their commingled juices and the waiter groaned, his head flung back.

"Yeh! Ohhh yeh! Take it! Take it, whore! Take my cock!" he gasped.

"Oh Michael-Michael-Michael yes! Ohhhh yes! Ohhh god yes! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" Anuja whimpered.

For several minutes more, the waiter fucked Anuja heavily, grinding his cock in and out of her cunt. She moaned and gasped in unfaked pleasure, caressing his hard, muscular torso, murmuring obscene encouragement.

His penis was hot and hard and it squeezed into her tight cunt, stretching the cunt-lips wide open. Avinash filmed the penis stroking in her cunt, lingering in a close-up of
his balls pressed to her cunt-lips.

Evidently, the position wasn't entirely satisfactory. They paused, and she got up and the waiter sat on the chair. Anuja straddled his hips, facing him, her back to Avinash. Taking his penis in one hand, she moved her cunt-lips over it.

Avinash closed in and got a shot of her cunt slipping around his cock-head, swallowing it slowly, sucking it inward.

The penis disappeared up into her molten cunt-flesh, sliding through her fingers till her buttocks were on his thighs and her cunt was impaled firmly on all nine inches of him.
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The waiter's hands slid up to squeeze her breasts and Anuja flung her head back and moaned. Her long hair shook and tumbled down her naked back. She began to move, riding the upright penis, her buttocks flexing and unflexing, squeezing the cock shaft within her flesh.

The waiter grunted and, holding her buttocks and thighs, moved her up and down on his penis. Anuja's body rocked on his lap, and she stretched an arm behind her to cup his balls. Avinash zoomed in close and got an erotic shot of her hair-rimmed slit sliding up and down the dark, throbbing, wetly glistening cock-shaft.

Even over their loud and obscene gasps and moans, he could hear the sexy squelch of her cunt going up and down the penis.

"Yes! Ohhh yes! Oh god yes!" Anuja gasped, frantic with lust. "Fuck me, Mike! Fuck me hard! Take me, baby! Fuck me!"

"Take it! Take it, slut! Take my cock! Ohhh yeh! Take it baby yes!" he rasped. "Oh fuck yes! Take it all!"

Her breasts bounced and jiggled and the gold necklace flapped on her dusky skin. Michael squeezed them together and sucked on her nipples, whipping them rapidly with his tongue.

Anuja gasped, clenching his head and her cunt gyrated on his lap, grinding in tight, erotic circles, mashing her cunt-flesh with his cock-pestle. Avinash watched as the waiter and his wife kissed hungrily and deeply.

She ran her tongue sexily around his lip, and he swirled his through her ear. She murmured in pleasure, her face turned to one side, her cunt grinding on his lap.

"Mmm, yes -- that's good, Mike -- really good --"

Anuja began to move up and down on his penis again, moving faster. Avinash watched her buttocks rise and fall, her cunt slide up and down the length of the waiter's gorged, glistening penis.

Faster and faster she went, her buttocks slapping at his thighs, taking his cock deep into her cunt, crying out passionately.

Gasping and moaning, she paused after several minutes and, rising, turned around with her back to him and impaled herself quickly on his penis, holding it with one hand and squeezing it into her cunt.

Her face glowed with excitement: Her eyes were hooded, her nostrils flared, her lips parted. She hissed sensuously, sliding her hands up her body to fondle her breasts as she moved up and down on his penis.

"Yes," she groaned, arching her tongue over her upper lip. "Fuck me, Michael! Fuck me!" She squeezed his balls erotically. "Give me your jizz, lover -- I want to feel your heat in my slit!"

The waiter groaned under her, his head turned to one side, his hands on her breasts and then on her thighs. He writhed and bucked excitedly under her.

Avinash kept the camera rolling. Anuja was now frantic with excitement. Her breasts jogged and bounced and her head arched and fell and her cries grew huskier and more erotically obscene.

She began to orgasm and the waiter gasped as he felt the fierce contractions of her cunt on his penis. She moaned, trembling and shuddering, gasping sharply as the orgasm washed over like a tidal wave.

It ebbed and she slid off his cock to her knees and buried her face in his crotch once again and sucked his penis hungrily. The waiter groaned, head on his chest, watching her suck his cock.

He rocked her head up and down with one hand, moaning hotly. Pausing, she looked up at him like an eager puppy.

"Again," she murmured. "Fuck me once more. Please."

They moved to the floor and she went down on her back, spreading her legs and lifting her knees, drawing her lover down over her. Between her thighs, bent over her, he pressed his penis to her cunt.
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She moaned softly, eagerly and, spreading her legs still wider, lifting her hips, guided him into her flesh. The waiter entered her slowly with a shuddering moan. His cock slid into her cunt again and she groaned in pleasure, arching sensuously under him.

"Yes -- Ohhhh yes, baby -- that's so good -- shove it in -- all of it," she moaned. "I want it all -- yes -- mmmm yes -- come on now, Michael -- fuck me -- fuck me lover, fuck me!"

He leaned over on outstretched arms, his powerful biceps bunched with the strain, and began fucking her with quick, smooth thrusts. His buttocks flexed and unflexed powerfully and his hips swung rhythmically up and down.

His swollen penis pistoned up and down and in and out of Anuja's cunt. She gasped and moaned, arching under him, her body jerking with his thrusts, her hips moving in perfect unison.

"Harder!" she gasped. "Fuck me harder! Come on, Michael, come on!"

He responded like a thoroughbred and smoothly picked up speed, moving his hips faster and faster, swinging rapidly from the waist. His cock plunged deeply into her cunt, rocking in and out like a trip-hammer. Anuja's cries were loud, ragged, sharp, staccato.

Avinash watched as she jerked and heaved and writhed passionately under the waiter. He kept filming them, watching as she squeezed her breasts in a frenzy, crushing them in her hands.

Her legs twined taut about the waiter's strong thighs. Then she opened them wide, her feet in the air, her hands on the floor and bucked violently under him, gasping and moaning.

"Yes! OHHHH YES YES YES OHHHHH UNHHH OH OH OH OH OH UNHH OHHHH!" she cried as another orgasm crashed over her.

The waiter gasped, his head flung back and hammered his hips at her, ramming and reaming his penis in and out of her cunt.

With a shuddering cry, he jerked out of her. Instantly, she turned around and buried her face in his crotch, sucking his cock hungrily.

Now the waiter could not hold back and with a shuddering cry, he exploded, shooting his load in her open mouth and over her face and breasts.

Anuja whimpered happily, sucking his penis, swallowing his jizz, shaking his cock so that it spattered her breasts and cheeks, licking her lips lasciviously.

The waiter tottered back and sprawled in the chair, gasping and panting. Anuja rose slowly to her feet after a minute and began to walk away without a backward glance, as if nothing had happened.

"I'd like some fresh tea, please," she said, over her shoulder.

"See to it. Then I'm going for a swim."

End of Part 10

Moaning By The Sea

Next Part 11

The Demons Of Youth

(This one is one of my Favorite part and I know every one will love it)

Please send your reviews comments on the story. Hope you people like it

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Anuja's loud moan rang in the silence of the room. Avinash jabbed a button and the image froze and the sound died. He stared at the enormous screen on his bedroom wall.

On either side of the main monitor was a bank of smaller screens. He could watch several movies simultaneously, merge them, edit them, do what he liked. This image was from one of his tapes of their honeymoon.

Her mouth was a wide 'O', and her eyes were half-shut. His wife was on her forearms and knees on the low, broad coffee-table in the centre of the honeymoon suite's living room.

She wore all her bridal jewellery, and nothing else. Around her neck dangled several gold and diamond necklaces and a long *mangalsutra*.

There were lovely earrings in her lobes. A small nose-stud winked in her left nostril. A *bindi* dotted her forehead. Her eyes were lined thickly with *kajal*. She wore no other makeup.

Her dark hair was parted in the centre and caught in a long braid down her back. A gold chain framed the line of her hair, curving from the centre of the forehead, along the hairline and disappearing behind her ears.

A thick gold chain ran up along her parting and twined in her braid which was woven with fine strands of gold. High on her arms were gold bands, and she wore finger-rings and a gold girdle, bangles and anklets and toe-rings.

Her pendulous breasts were swollen and heavy with heat, the nipples long and stiff. Her luscious lips were drawn back over her teeth; her canines were attractively bent forward over the incisors.

Her skin glowed with excitement, the dark birth-marks on her neck and the left of her face and on the inside of her left breast adding to her allure. Avinash knew there was another on her midriff.

Behind her, a tall, handsome, superbly-built young man squatted over her hips, his hands digging into her buttocks, his knees deeply bent, his handsome head flung back, his mouth wide open, his face twisted with pleasure.

Avinash pressed a button and the image shimmered and began to move again. Her body rocked and swung gently back and forth. She gasped softly, chewing her lower lip, her head craned up.

Several gold necklaces and her long *mangalsutra* swung back and forth, dragging on the wooden surface of the coffee-table. The man behind her grunted and, smiling down at her, slowly flexed his buttocks and eased his hips forward.

His enormous penis disappeared inexorably into her cunt. He held her hips and pushed and squeezed his penis deeper and deeper into her, expertly rolling his hips to take her from all angles.

Anuja cried out, her buttocks and hips swaying and writhing erotically under him.

"Yes, Salman, yes! Fuck me!" she gasped.

The man chuckled softly and buried his ten inch penis in her flesh, driving it in to the hilt. He paused, his hips pressed to her buttocks. Anuja moaned, writhing her buttocks against his thighs.

He slid his hands up her body and squeezed her breasts, twining his fingers in her necklaces and rasping the cold metal across her nipples. Anuja gasped, chewing her lower lip in excitement.

Avinash froze the screen. Salman was the swimming pool attendant and lifeguard. He was her fourth lover of the day. After Michael fucked her in the morning, Anuja showered and douched herself.

Fresh tea had arrived when she finished and she had it sitting naked on the terrace. Without asking Avinash, she slipped into a sexy little bikini that concealed very little and, throwing on a T-shirt, started out for the pool.

"Where are you going?" Avinash stood at the door, blocking her.

"For a swim. Do you mind?"

He smiled coldly. "Not at all. You may do as you please. But please understand one thing. In public, you must act like a honeymooning bride. It's part of the deal."

"What do you want me to do, stare soulfully into your eyes?"

"Something like that."

"Forget it."

"Tsk, tsk," his tone was soft and mocking, but the sharp slap of his open palm on her face was menacing. He smiled at her gasp of shock. "Don't act smart, bitch. No funny stuff."

Anuja looked at him with loathing, the hate blazing in her eyes.

"You bastard," she hissed. "I'll get you for what you've done."

Avinash sneered. "Frankly, I doubt it. Though I encourage you to try. I enjoy sport."

Anuja smiled sweetly. "Then I take it you're a good loser."

He laughed. "I never lose."

"You will."

"Do your best."

"Thank you. I intend to. Now, shall we go for a swim, beloved husband?"

He ignored the sarcasm and nodded. "Certainly. After you."

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At the pool, they were the cynosure of all eyes: Handsome, sexy, so visibly in love. Everyone smiled at them. Anuja sensed the envy of both men and women. If only they knew.

Swimming lazily across the pool, Anuja studied the handsome lifeguard and pool attendant. His name was Salman and he sat in his chair, watching the swimmers calmly. He was a handsome, dark, superbly built youth in his mid-twenties.

He had the lean, aquiline features of the local people, and the long, smooth, taut muscles and V-shaped physique of a powerful swimmer. He wore very tight, very small swimming trunks.

Anuja's eyes lingered on the fascinating bulge between his thighs. She thought he would make a strong, demanding lover. He caught her eye and smiled. She stopped at the edge of the pool by his feet.

He looked down at her steadily, his eyes burning into hers. She held his gaze unabashedly and felt his eyes slip down over her body. She was incredibly sexy. Salman's pulse quickened as he took in the superb swell and thrust of her breasts, the firm flatness of her belly, the flare of her hips.

Involuntarily, he saw her in bed, with him, writhing and thrashing and moaning passionately, her dusky body shining with sweat. His penis stirred. Cursing, he took several deep breaths, calming himself.

"Please, will you give me a hand?" Her voice was soft and gentle and erotic.

He looked up with a start. She was holding out her hand. He jumped to his feet and helped her out of the water.

For a second, they paused, their half-naked bodies almost touching, hers glistening wetly, and again he thought of her, looking like this, bathed in sex-sweat. He could smell her perfume, gentle, tempting, teasing, very sexy.

Her bikini was incredible, two Band-Aid size strips that barely covered her nipples and squeezed her breasts together, and a pair of tiny bikini panties that exposed most of her cunt and buttocks.

She smiled gently, and her hand touched his deep, smooth chest. Salman handed her a towel. Their fingers touched under it.

"Thank you," she said, and her fingers caressed his in an unmistakable gesture, locking briefly with his.

Salman's eyes widened in shock. There was no doubt about her intention. He gaped and she giggled and turned away quickly, toweling her hair.

Dbanging the towel low around her hips like a sexy skirt, she walked across the paved patio. Salman fell back in his chair, ogling her lasciviously, lingering on the superbly postured back, the swing of her hips.

Avinash was sun-bathing, dark shades on his eyes. Anuja sat down beside him on the large, wooden-slatted white deck-chair. Plucking his glasses off his head, she smiled.

"Hey, husband."

He opened his eyes and grinned. "Much better, you're learning fast."

"Thank you." Her eyes were laughing. "I just decided that I might as well enjoy this. No point in fighting pleasure to get pain."

"Clever you," he chuckled.

"Mm. Now. Don't freeze up, O Incapable One. This is still an act."

She slid her hand up his superb chest and bent over to peck his lips lightly. Avinash did not react. Her fingers were gentle and feather-light, and her lips were soft and warm and moist.

For a second, Avinash felt a flicker of desire, and then it was gone, replaced by the familiar icy emptiness.

Unerringly, Anuja caught the flash of something beyond. She was too experienced a lover to miss it. She frowned as it vanished.

"You know, Avinash," she said softly, her eyes bright, pinning his. "One day, some day, I think you will want to fuck me."

"No," he said softly. "Never."

She smiled. "Never say never, Avinash. Things change. People change."

He looked at her steadily. "I won't. Believe it."

She studied him quietly for a minute and then said, "Tell me."


"What I need to know."

"I have told you."

"Not that. The other."

"What other?"

"You know what I'm talking about."

"No, I don't," he said with a flash of irritation. "I have no idea."

She sighed and smiled thinly. "Oh, I think you do, Avinash. You know perfectly well what I'm talking about. All right, so not now.

Later, someday, perhaps. When things are right, when it is time, when you're ready and want to tell me what I need to know."

"Whatever the hell it is you're talking about, why do you need to know? And why would I tell you?"


"Because what?"

"Because I agreed to marry you. Because I thought I could love you. That's why I need to know. Why things can't be as they should?"

"And what do you expect me to hear? What should I tell you?"

"Just who it was that did this to you."

"What are you talking about?" His voice was low, barely stifling his shock.

She looked at him for a long minute, her eyes full of sadness. Finally, she shook her head.

"Never mind, Avinash, let it go. You can't, won't, acknowledge it yet. But I know. I know, don't ask me how, that there must have been someone, I don't know who, someone who turned you into --into this --"


She smiled gently. "You said that, not I."

"But you believe it."

"Not really. I did, last night. Not now. I refuse to believe that anyone is born evil or twisted. Things happen, make them that way. They can be undone."

"I disagree."

"That's certainly your prerogative. I prefer to wait and see."

"You can wait all you want. It won't happen."

Anuja sighed and smiled slightly. "Are you a soothsayer, too, then?"

He chuckled. "No such luck."

"At least that's something. Things might turn out differently, after all."

Avinash shrugged. "And what is it you want?"
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She looked amused. "Actually, if you must know, that lifeguard. Salman. I want him. I want to fuck him."

Avinash grinned. "Now that I can understand. Certainly. When?"

"Tonight. After dinner."

"I'll arrange it."

"Good. Thank you. And somebody else this afternoon."

"Fine. Anyone in particular?"

She shrugged indifferently. "No, you choose. I'd like two, if that's possible."

"Together?" he grinned in delight.

"Yes, why, is that a problem?" She looked genuinely surprised.

"No, no problem at all," Avinash laughed. "It's more than I hoped. Thank you."

She nodded and got up. "I want to go back now, Avinash. I'm going to masturbate with that big vibrator.

Unless I find a waiter with a nice big cock on the way, in which case I'll fuck him. Come
along, if you want to watch." She started walking away.


"Yes?" she stopped and turned.

Avinash looked at her. She was very lovely, very sexy. He shook his head.

"Nothing. Forget it."

Anuja smiled and turned back. Avinash watched her for a moment, then leaned back, sliding the glasses back over his eyes, feeling distinctly uneasy.

How had she known?

How had she seen through him, through the thick barricade he had so carefully constructed?

How could she possibly know?

Now, staring at the screen, Avinash went cold as the memory of that morning's conversation flooded his mind.

Anuja had devastated him with her acuity and, after she left him, he remained by the pool, struggling to control the pounding of his heart, to stave off the terrible demons of his youth. But the past could not be denied.

As he thought of that morning, Avinash felt a twinge of uneasiness. So close; she had come so close to knowing everything about him. He groaned softly and, killing the monitors, leaned back in his black leather chair with his eyes closed as the monsters surged forward again.

Her name was Kavita, and Avinash was madly in love with her. She was a year or two younger than him, ravishingly beautiful, and, to his mind, very sexy, although she presented a demure innocence.

They met in college, on the very first day, through a common friend. Kavita was slender and dusky with an oval face, large, doe-like eyes rimmed with thick *kajal*, and a fine, straight nose.

Her mouth was sexy, the slim upper lip curved in a bow over the full, straight, lower one. She had a long, elegant neck and her arms and legs were smooth and nicely turned. The fingers, hands, ankles, wrists and toes were slender and shapely.

Her breasts were full and ripe, sloping like succulent fruit, and her body nipped in at the waist and flared again to erotic hips and buttocks. Her legs were lovely, and her belly was firm and flat. She had a soft, musical voice and her smile was bright and enticing, lighting up her eyes.

Kavita and Avinash shared an ordinary, middle-class background. She lived with her parents and sister in a small, dingy three-room apartment in Central Bombay, near the railway tracks.

Avinash lived nearby, in a similar locality with his parents and elder brother. Neither house had very much privacy.

Avinash pursued Kavita doggedly. He was a handsome, well-built, kind youth, and hard to resist. A week after they met, they were going steady.

It was two months before they first slept together. Those eight weeks were the happiest in Avinash's life. He walked on air. They met daily, and one look at her and Avinash drowned.

The rest of the world simply did not exist. They talked softly, for hours on end, held hands in darkened movie theatres, gently caressed each other's arms and hands, played footsie.

A month later, he kissed her for the first time and was surprised by the hunger in her response as her soft, moist lips flowered beneath his and her tongue rippled into his mouth.
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