Adultery Erotic Short and Long Stories by smitanair_999
This was divine, intense sex, each drowning in the other, their eyes locked on each other's faces, no words needed, their soft gasps saying everything. Her face was radiant with pleasure, her lips parted, her eyes glassy, her nostrils flared.

The little nose-stud winked and the moonbeams picked out the dainty birth marks on her face and neck and breasts and belly. On and on they went in a rocking, curving rhythm, neither wanting it to end.

The tide rose higher and the sea lapped at her buttocks and cunt, curled around her back and shoulders, wetting her neck and hair.

His ankles and knees and thighs spluttered in the hissing waves, the rocking of the sea seeming to match their rhythm in half-beat.

Suddenly, Jayant was overwhelmed by a sense of despair. He saw himself losing her forever and the thought was unbearable. He groaned and rocked deep into her, drawing a shuddering gasp.

The years of loving had so attuned one to the other's needs that she understood instantly and knew what to do.

"Jayant," she murmured, pulling his head down to hers. "Fuck me hard. Hurt me. I want you to."

He moaned and, lifting his buttocks, rammed down hard into her. Anuja gasped and arched under him.

"No," she moaned. "Not like this. From behind. Fuck me from behind. Like the other girls you fuck. Like the other men fuck me."

Jayant groaned and slid out of her and she turned over on her forearms and knees in the rising water, facing the far horizon.

Jayant knelt behind her in the white-capped, frothing surf that curled and swept around their bodies and quickly squeezed his cock between her buttocks and into her cunt.

Anuja gasped loudly, arching her back, her head rising, her face radiant with pleasure
as his big cock surged into her flesh.

Jayant groaned desperately and, gripping her hips, began fucking her furiously, ramming and reaming his cock in and out of her cunt, slamming his hips back and forth feverishly.

Anuja cried out, her voice ragged and sharp as his huge penis plundered her flesh, pistoning and plunging madly in and out of her wet cunt-flesh. The sea slapped at her pendulous breasts and the salty spray speckled her pretty face.

Faster and faster he went, fucking her demonically. Her body rocked and jerked under his, her heavy, swollen breasts swinging, her gold necklace in the water.

She came violently and he gasped, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of her buttocks and rammed deep into her flesh again and again till at last he could hold back no longer.

Buried deep in her cunt, he groaned and exploded, shooting thick jets of hot jizz into her hungry, wet slit.

He slid out of her slowly and they stumbled into the surf, panting and gasping, letting the water wash over them.

The sea caressed their naked bodies, the new waves running over them, lifting and rocking their bodies, the retreating tide, slithering sensuously over their flesh.

She turned to him, her body half across his, her hair loosened, sweeping over her face and smiled sadly.

"My love," she whispered. "I don't want to lose you."

Hot tears pricked his eyes and then she broke down and wept like a child, her body wracked by heaving sobs. He couldn't hold himself either and the emotions welled up and poured out in heavy tears that coursed down his cheeks.

His face crumpled and he wept helplessly, sobbing pitifully. They held each other close, kissing and hugging one another fiercely.

The outburst of pain and sorrow drained them. Finally, they quietened and lay together silently, sniffling. He broke down again and she moaned and held his head to her breast, rocking and cradling him like a lost child.

At last, he shook himself out of his fear and anguish.

Slowly, they lurched to their feet and scrabbled in the wet darkness for their clothes. They were drenched and they slipped into them uncomfortably.

They started back down the beach in silence, her hand clenched tightly in his.

Returning to their room, they showered and then made love again in bed, slowly and gently with infinite sadness and intense pleasure.

She mounted him, straddling his lap on her knees and slowly impaling her cunt on his cock. He groaned and arched up into her, his hands sliding up her body to her breasts, cupping and caressing them.

She smiled at him and her eyes were full of a deep sadness that overwhelmed him and made him want to cry again. She saw his reaction and silenced him with a kiss, bending and pushing her tongue into his mouth.
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"No," she whispered. "Not now. Not now, Jayant."

Jayant understood and took a grip on himself. He reared up into her slowly and she rose on her arms, her face tilted back and, biting her lower lip, swirled her hips slowly in tight circles, mashing her cunt-flesh with his massive cock.

They rocked together gently and slowly, her body rising and falling over his bucking hips, her cunt sliding up and down the length of his cock.

Her breasts bounced and her gold necklace tossed as she moved faster, climbing rapidly to her climax, not caring about holding back now, sweeping him with her.

They came together, their orgasms colliding in an explosion of pleasure and grief.

They checked out at eleven and Osmond was at the desk. There would be no charge, he said. Their stay was on the house. Jayant protested, but gave in; Osmond was adamant.

He smiled at Anuja who suddenly leaned across the desk and kissed him, feeling sorry for
the fat man in his loneliness.

As they turned to go, Osmond stopped them.

"Listen," he said. "Please."

He looked hesitant and unsure and Anuja smiled. "What is it Ossie? Tell us."

"I ... er ... well, see, men, it is like this. Next weekend, Saturday night that is, there is a big party over here. Very rich people are coming. They have booked the whole bleddy hotel, men. The whole bleddy hotel."

"So? Good for you."

"No men. I mean yes and business and all will be booming, men, but this is different, men. Not usual."

"Meaning what?"

"A special party, men. They want special treat and special things."

"So do it."

"Yes men, that is why only I am asking y'all. See, they are wanting to have a show, you know what I mean, what kind of show."

Anuja and Jayant looked at him and then at each other, and at him again.

"You mean a live show."

"Yes men."

"A girl being fucked for an audience."

"Oh, yes, that is right, exactly. On the beach it will be, moon and all, very pretty. And they will be paying, also, good money, very good, fifty thousand in cash on the nail."

"And Anuja is the girl you have in mind?"

Osmond choked. "If ... sir, please ... I have promised so many things ...,"

Jayant looked at her and she nodded briefly. He turned to Osmond and grinned, clapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, cool it, dude. We're buddies remember, and we owe you. Thing is, we don't know if we can make it. You know, getting away for the night and all."

"I understand." Osmond looked crushed.

Anuja giggled and pecked him on the cheek. "Oh, Ossie, you silly goose. I didn't say I wouldn't do it. I just meant we'd let you know. Can I call you tomorrow and confirm? If I can't, I'll send someone else. Someone as good. OK?"

Osmond beamed, his round face glistening with relief. "Oh thank you, thank you, Anuja madam. Thank you. You are the best friends for me, men. Swear on god, men. Swear on God. Best friends."

They smiled and reassured him and he followed them out to the car and waited as Jayant backed out carefully and then moved forward.

Jayant waved his hand from the window. In the car, Anuja turned and looked out the rear windscreen.

"I feel sorry for him," she murmured. "He's lonely."

"Are you going to do it?"

"I want to. It's tempting."

"Do it then."

"I will. If I can dodge my parents. You will be here, won't you?"

Jayant smiled at her. "I wouldn't miss it for the world, Anuja my heart. Not for the world."
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They are fortunate. Anuja's parents go off for the weekend with some friends to Lonavla, a hill station south-east of Bombay.

Anuja knows that the house where they will stay has no telephone. She needs to make no excuse to spend the night out at the beach.

She calls Osmond when she learns of her parents' plans and accepts his offer. He is delighted.

Anuja has always loved fucking in live sex-shows. It appeals to the exhibitionist in her. She is not unduly concerned about a scandal; after all, she regularly does shows for Hedon & Venery.

Jayant is as excited as she. Osmond has offered fifty thousand rupees in cash, the price they negotiated the previous week.

Jayant himself will be there and promises that if she suspects anything, they will pull out. He will be her chaperone.

"And," she says, grinning. "My pimp. Ten per cent is yours, remember?"

He laughs, knowing she will not refuse now. Not that either of them needs the money -- they have enough of her own -- but he knows her and knows that being paid for having sex, becoming a whore is one of her most ardent fantasies.

This is a chance to realise it. As he expects, she agrees and he smiles and bends his head to kiss her, rocking his cock slowly in and out of her cunt.

Once committed, Anuja thrills in eager anticipation. She is impatient to get there and Jayant torments her by dawdling, taking time to fuck her again when they should be leaving.

He refuses to budge till she lets him fuck her and she sighs and turns on her front, on her forearms and knees and lets him fuck her heavily and unhurriedly from behind, gripping her hips and thrusting his cock in and out of her cunt.

Their destination is good two hours away by road. They take the car with Tony, the family chauffeur, at the wheel with Baban in front. Anuja and Jayant ride at the back.

Tony has been let in on the secret assignation and worries slightly for her safety. He insists that they not leave the car on the far side of the creek and cross by ferry but take the longer route looping round the north and then heading west.

They will need the car if they have to leave in a hurry, he says. Anuja kisses him gratefully, promising to spend some time with him when they return.

The entire hotel has been booked for the private party. It is perfect, quiet and secluded, far removed from the nearest village. The surrounding roads are deserted, and there are no other houses nearby.

Tony draws the car up the gravel driveway and Baban, Jayant and Anuja alight, while he parks in a separate lot next to several swanky cars.

At the front office, Osmond greets them effusively, beaming hugely.

"Welcome, welcome," he says. "So nice of you to make it. Everything is perfect," he gushes.

"The hotel has never looked better. Come, come and see. I must introduce you to yours hosts."

He ushers them out of the office and, in the restaurant by the pool, Anuja and Jayant are introduced to their hosts, a good looking middle-age man and his attractive wife.

Anuja notices that the man is lithe and well built with a trim, muscular body and handsome features. His wife is a tall, slender, lissom beauty with finely chiselled features and a beautifully curved body.

She takes Anuja aside while the man confabulates with Jayant.

Anuja learns that her hostess' name is Seema and her husband, Vinay, is a millionaire businessman. They are hosting this party for some important business associates Vinay feels he must impress.

Jayant and Vinay finish their discussion and Osmond escorts them to a large villa that has been reserved for them. It is superbly furnished with a big, wide bed, armchairs, sofas, coffee table, elegant wall hangings, attractive lights.

The bathroom is in black and green granite with gold fittings and trim. There is even a jacuzzi built in. Anuja dumps her tote bag on the bed and wanders through the suite.

She strolls onto the wooden sundeck and looks out at the darkening sky, the white tops of the crashing surf. The wind tugs at her hair and ripples her light shirt. Before her, the swimming pool glistens and glitters.
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There is a round white table under a bright umbrella on the deck and several matching wrought iron chairs. Jayant watches her with quiet amusement.

"This is fabulous!" Anuja says. "Jayant, this is what we should use."

"Cost us an arm and leg."

"Aren't I worth it, though?"

"Mm. I'll have to think about it."


They laugh. Jayant goes up to her and puts his arm around her. She leans her head on his shoulder.

"You know what to expect, girl?" he asks gently.

"Not the details, no. Did Vinay tell you?"

"Yes. It's pretty much what we thought."

"So I'm expected to fuck a guy in front of an audience."

"Something like that."

"One of the guys here?"

"No. A stranger. Presumably a gigolo. Anji, you haven't done this kind of thing before, have you?"

"No. Never. But I've often wanted to. Idiot, if I had, I'd have told you now, wouldn't I?"

Jayant smiles. "Guess so. I think it should be fun."

"You know, I'm wondering."

"What about?"

"Seema. She's very lovely, very sexy. Why not her?"

Jayant chuckles. "I asked Vinay just that. Seems he's entertaining some important business guests and wants to do something different.

He says Seema's done this kind of thing before, but only for friends, never formally. They wanted someone younger, preferrably a teenager. And Osmond suggested you."

"Did they find me good enough?"

"Very. Vinay wanted to fuck you right away."

Anuja laughs. "Perhaps he'll get the chance."


"Where's this to happen, d'you know?"

"Outside. On the beach."

Anuja's eyes dance. "That's sexy. How many people are they expecting?"

"About two dozen."

"So many!"

Jayant smiles. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do well."

"All men?"

"No. Couples, mostly, Vinay says, and the odd lone wolf. And there'll probably be an orgy later. Vinay says he and Seem will both be fornicating.

When I told him I was here with Baban and Tony, he just said not to worry, we could have any woman who was willing to have us. Apparently, it's going to be free for all after the show."

"Am I expected to fuck any of the guests?"

"Only if you want to. Of course, they'll pay extra for that. The fifty grand is only for the performance."

"I see. That's fine, then. Incidentally, who's the guy I'm supposed to fuck?"

Jayant grinned. "That he wouldn't say. He assured me he's clean, exceptionally well built and handsome and a very, very skilled lover."

"How does he know?"

"Seema fucks him all the time."

Anuja laughs. "A local then."

"I think so."

They hear cars rolling up. Jayant kisses her quickly. "The guests are arriving. Perhaps you should get ready."

"How long do I have?"

"About an hour. Enough time. Someone will call us. What are you going to wear?"

"I don't know. What do you think?"

"That bikini. It's guaranteed to give every guy a hard-on right off."

They turn back into the bedroom. Anuja strips and moves to the high, wide bed. Lying down, she begins to fondle herself.

"Jay," she says. "Get Tony up here. I want a quick fuck."

"What's wrong with me."

"I want to fuck him, not you."

Jayant grumbles good-naturedly and goes out. He returns a few minutes later with a grinning Tony.

"Come here, Tony," Anuja says. "Come and fuck me. I'm hot."

The chauffeur strips quickly and moves to the bed. Jayant sighs and sits in a chair and watches Tony fuck her steadily and relentlessly for the next half hour.

Tony is a strong young man with a dark, muscular body and clean-shaven, handsome features. His penis is over eight inches long and more than an inch and a half thick.

He keeps it shorn smoothly to the hilt. His balls are thick and heavy. Anuja sucks his cock greedily for several minutes and his penis swells and hardens rapidly, thickening and lengthening in her mouth, distending her face.

He fucks her mouth slowly, rocking her head back and forth in his hands, pumping his hips at her face, his head bent to watch her. Pushing her head away, he bends and thrusts his face into her crotch and licks her slit, finger-fucking her simultaneously.

Anuja moans and writhes on the bed, her hips at the edge, her legs hanging over, her body jerking and rocking, her cunt heaving up and down.

She squeezes her breasts erotically, clenches his thick hair and moves his head round and round in her crotch, moaning obscenely.

At first, Tony fucks her on her back, standing upright at the edge of the bed, holding her thighs apart in his hands and rocking his hips smoothly back and forth.

Jayant watches them, staring at the sight of the chauffeur's distended erection grinding rhythmically in and out his cousin's wet cunt.

"Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh yes, Tony, yes! Ohh uhh ohhh uhh ohhh uhh ohhh uhh yes uhh yes oh god yes ... fuck me! Oh fuck me ... fuck me ... fuck me, baby ... fuck me!" Anuja cries, her body jerking and rocking back and forth under the chauffeur's demanding thrusts.

Her breasts bounce and wobble and she squeezes them erotically, lifting and cupping the swollen mounds, pinching and tweaking her erect nipples.

Her head flips languorously from side to side. The chauffeur moans thickly.

"C'mon ... take it ... take it, baby ... oh fuck yes ... take my cock ... ohhh uhh ohhh uhh yeh ... oh yeh ... oh yeh ... that's it ... take it all, bitch, take it!"

He slows and stops and, moaning and panting, Anuja turns on her front, on her hands and knees at the edge of the bed, her legs sticking out over the side.

Tony takes his cock and slowly squeezes it into her cunt, pushing it in deeper and deeper. Jayant watches in fascination as the huge cock disappears inexorably between the smooth curves of her buttocks.

Anuja moans and arches her back, lifting her head. The chauffeur groans and begins to fuck her smoothly, with long, deep thrusts, holding her hips and rocking his back and forth, his buttocks flexing and unflexing rhythmically.

His cock saws in and out of her cunt, glistening and gleaming with their comingled coital juices. Anuja rocks and jerks to and fro on all fours, her heavy, swollen, pendulous breasts jiggling and bouncing, her gold necklace swinging back and forth.

Faster and faster Tony goes, his thighs slapping softly at her buttocks as he grinds and rams hungrily into her hot, tight, wet cunt.

"Oh Tony! Tony! Oh yes! Oh ma yes! Oh god yes uhhh yes uhhh yes oh yes oh god yes!" she gasps desperately, her voice raw and husky with lust.

"C'mon take it ... take it whore, take it ... oh fuck yes oh yes oh yes oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh OHHHHHH!" he cries.

They orgasm simultaneously, her body stiffening and arching, her buttocks squirming against his thighs as the pleasure lights her face.

Seconds later, the chauffeur plunges deep into her cunt, making her moan thickly and, growling in relief, explodes, his hips twitching at her buttocks as he empties his load.

A few minutes later, Tony leaves and Anuja gets off the bed unsteadily. Jayant rushes to her and holds her. She is still panting and gasping, moaning softly.
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"You okay?" he asks, brushing her forehead with his lips, stroking her hair.

"Yes. Fine. A bit tense, that's all."

"You want a drink of water or something."

"No. Not right now. I'll be fine. Come, I should get ready now."


Anuja goes into the bathroom to shower and clean up. Several minutes later, she steps out naked. Jayant gives her a towel and kisses her gently.

She smiles at him as she towels herself dry and begins to dress. She has just finished when there is a knock on the door, summoning her downstairs.

"Jayant, go ahead."

"What for?"

"Just check it out. I don't want to come down and then turn back."

Jayant nods and leaves. Five minutes later, Anuja goes down and walks through the house and down the wide, curved steps to the garden and the pool.

The house is quiet and deserted. She sees people on the beach and walks down the paved walkway, lit by low, calf-height shaded lamps to the beach.

There are nearly thirty people on the beach, some sitting on the sand, some in deckchairs, chatting, smoking, laughing.

All are casually dressed, some in shorts, others in Bermudas, T-shirts, swimming wear. Servants in white uniforms flit between them with trays of canapés and drinks. Anuja sees Jayant, Tony and Baban standing just inside the curved bower that opens onto the beach and she smiles at them.

"Wish me luck," she whispers. "Here I go."

"Don't worry, babe, we're here," Jayant says.

"I know. I can't tell you how comforting that is."

"Go." Tony's voice is gentle and concerned.

She smiles at him and steps out onto the beach. The hubbub dies and face turn to her. Anuja hesitates, a case of last-minute nerves.

Quickly, she controls herself. There is nothing to fear, and she has done this before. Seema is at one corner and she smiles gently, in encouragement. Anuja's pulse quickens.

Her step falters, and then she takes a quick breath and steadies herself. There is nothing to fear, she reasons. She is here to be fucked and that is something she knows how to do and to do well.

She moves forward, seeing a small, cleared space in front of the guests and walks to it.

Anuja looks lovely. Her long hair is braided and coiled, held high behind her head. She wears a short terrycloth robe that just reaches her knees and is loosely belted.

Around her neck, she wears her long gold necklace. There are rings on her fingers and small stud glitters in her left nostril. Her eyes are thickly rimmed with *kajal*. Her feet are bare.

There is silence, only the sound of the wind and the sea. Even the servants have stopped moving and have stepped back to the rear of the crowd.

Anuja pauses, looking at her audience and then slowly unbelts her robe. It falls open. Slowly, she pulls the lapels wider and wider, lower on her shoulders and then, sensuously, gently, lets it rustle to the sand.

She smiles and steps forward out of the puddled robe at her feet.

There is a collective intake of breath, a gasp from the crowd and suddenly, Anuja exults, her mind leaping with excitement and joy at the knowledge that all these strangers find her sexy and want to see her being fucked right there on the sand in front of them.

Fucking live before an audience is still one of the sexiest ways to orgasm. Her cunt tingles and her breasts swell.

"Good evening," she murmurs. "My name is Anuja."

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She is wearing the outrageous string bikini. The bra has thin, fine strands, the cups little more than the size of Band-Aids, barely covering her nipples. It is small and taut and her full, heavy breasts strain at the cloth, her cleavage deep and enticing, the gold chain nestling in the dark valley.

The panty is ridiculous, a narrow, long strip of cloth descending from the strings that girdle low on her hips and barely covering her cunt-lips, leaving most of her crotch exposed.

Between her thighs, it tapers and narrows again to a single strand that rises between the curves of her buttocks, leaving them entirely naked.

Anuja's body tingles with excitement. She finds the situation very sexy. Her nipples stiffen and her pulse quickens. Her breasts swell, grow hot and hard in the tiny bikini cups.

Slowly, she tilts her head back, lifting her chin and draws her hands up her sides to her breasts, her fingers spread wide, her palms open. Her hands pause over her breasts, the heels of her palms over her nipples and she opens her mouth and runs her tongue sensuously across her upper lip, slowly rolling her hands over her breasts in circular motions.

Her body writhes visibly. Hunching her shoulders, she squeezes her breasts together, crushing them hard in her hands, her mouth now forming a wide O. Her eyes flash with lust, inviting every man in the audience to come up and fuck her.

She lifts and squeezes her breasts in her hands, the outsides of her palms meeting in her cleavage, her face soft and radiant with lust and arousal. Slowly, she releases her breasts and begins to slide her hands down her belly, drawing it inward.

A lascivious smile in her eyes, her body quivering with excitement and delight at the attention, she slides her hands lower, reversing her palms so that her fingers are pointed down to her crotch.

Lower and lower her hands go, her fingers spreading wide. Her feet shuffle apart. Her hands slide down and in from her hips. Her palms pressed to her lower belly, her first fingers raised delicately, she drags her forefingers along the two sides of the V of her crotch, on either side of her cunt.

She drags her forefingers together, closer and closer, and they crawl under the bikini panty to her cunt-lips. Her fingers pressed to her slit, she starts masturbating, moving her fingers sensuously up and down, back and forth.

Her hips start to grind and sway and writhe and pump. She bites her lower lip, then opens her mouth and presses her tongue sexily to her upper lip.

Slowly, she draws the edges of the bikini panty together, squeezing and twisting them into a single thick strand that runs down her cunt-lips.

"Yes," she breathes, "yes ... I want it ... I want it!"

Her voice carries over the breeze, audible to every person present. She hisses softly, her fingers pumping gently in her cunt under the bikini panty, her hips writhing and rocking slowly back and forth.

With one hand she lifts the bikini panty strand aside. Now her cunt-lips are completely exposed and, with a soft moan, she arches a finger into her slit, her hips writhing, her buttocks flexing and unflexing making her body rise and rock gently up and down on her feet. Her finger is visibly wet.

Still masturbating, she turns around, her back to the audience and they can see her naked buttocks now and the rear strand of the bikini panty emerging from the dark cleft between the smooth curves.

She slides her hands to her buttocks, bends forward slightly, pulls them open, exposing her sweetly puckered anus with the bikini strand running over it and looks over her shoulder at the audience with a wanton, glassy, lust-filled expression.

Slipping hand down into her crotch, she lifts the front of the bikini panty and arches a finger into her cunt again so that from behind the audience can see her masturbate.

"Yes," she says again. "I want a man ... I want a cock ... I want to be fucked!"

On cue, timing it to perfection, a figure shimmers out of the shadows in front of her. A man steps silently over the soft sand and Anuja straightens as he comes up before her.

The man is tall and dark and handsome, with a stunning physique. He is wearing nothing but tight, small swimming trunks. His face is lean and hard, with a sharp nose, dark eyes set deep, a thick shock of black hair.

He is clean shaven and his jaw is square and hard, his lips slim and wide. His cheeks are hollowed and lined.

His body is tanned and dark, the skin smooth and supple with not an ounce of fat anywhere on him. His shoulders are wide and broad and his torso is a savagely slashing V from shoulder to hip.

His chest is deep and cleaved, the pectorals bulging, small hard nipples pulled wide and low on either side. His belly is rock-hard, every muscle ridged and defined.

His arms are thickly bunched with strength, his wrists as thick as his forearms. His legs are long and strong, the thighs sturdy and rippling with muscle. His waist is narrow, his hips high, his buttocks small and taut and lean.

His torso is entirely hairless, even the armpits depilated. The bulge in his crotch is thick and promising.

His body glistens and Anuja realises that he has oiled it lightly to accentuate his physique. He looks very sexy. She trembles in excitement and pleasure.

Seema has chosen well, she thinks. This man will be a magnificent lover.

A brief smile flickers on his face. He comes closer, and his hands go around her, slide down her body to her buttocks, pulling her to him. Anuja arches against him, her groin pressed to his, her back bowed, her hands on his arms.

He bends her further back, more and more steeply and her body curves backward in a steep bow. He holds by the waist with one hand and bends his face to her upthrust breasts.

Anuja gasps loudly as he draws one fleshy mound into his mouth, with the bikini cup and sucks on it. Her head falls back, upside down. He squeezes the other breast with his free hand.

He pulls her up slowly and she moves smoothly, in perfect, unspoken understanding. She licks his chest lasciviously, sucks and licks one nipple, then the other, slowly descends to her knees in front of him.

Groaning audibly, she presses her face to his crotch and sucks his penis through his swimming trunks. The man grunts softly.

Gently, she slides her fingers into the legs of his trunks. Her fingers close around his penis. It is huge, at least eight inches long, over an inch thick and not yet erect. Anuja grows hot with lust.

His cock is uncircumcised, the shaft, she notices, shaved smooth to the hilt, the balls heavy and low. Slowly, she drags his trunks down, lower and lower. His cock springs out, thick and long, better than she had hoped.

Whimpering softly, she takes it in her hand and jerks it gently, deftly. It quivers and begins to thicken and grow. She flips back the foreskin, caresses her face with it, her lips open, running it over her lips and cheeks.

Her tongue flickers out and swirls over his cock-head. The man grunts and his hands go down to her head. She looks up. His head is bent, watching her.

His hips grind forward. Jerking his shaft gently, she opens her mouth wider and slowly takes his cock into her mouth. The man's head arches back and he groans loudly, pulling her head deeper into his crotch.

Anuja sucks her anonymous lover's cock slowly and deeply and heavily, jerking his shaft in her fist, her head rocking back and forth between his thighs.

He fucks her mouth unhurriedly, rocking her head back and forth with both hands, pumping his hips at her face.

Her back is to the audience and they cannot fully see her sucking his cock. Somehow, this only adds to the eroticism of the scene. Her buttocks rest on her heels, her toes digging into the sand.

The viewers only see his hips jerking to and fro and her head rocking back and forth between his thighs.
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Anuja pauses and lifts her head slightly, tonguing his navel, taking his cock between her breasts. She feeds it down her cleavage and squeezes her breasts over his penis through the bikini top.

The man groans loudly. She bends her head and resumes sucking his cock, dipping her head now and then to suck and lick his heavy, low balls.

"Mm ... yes ... suck it ... suck my prick, c'mon ... do it!" the man grunts.

His cock is enormous now, over nine inches long and two inches thick, hot and hard and throbbing. Slowly, he shuffles around and she moves with him so that they are now turned sideways with their profiles to the audience.

The viewers watch her suck his cock harder and faster, her head rocking swiftly back and forth, his cock glistening between her lips, distending her face.

Pausing, her head tilted to one side, her eyes hooded, jerking his cock in her fist, she opens her mouth wide and swirls her tongue cunningly around his cock-head.

The man groans. His hands slide down to her shoulders and he slips off the straps of the bikini top. It falls away, revealing her heavy, full breasts. Sucking his cock again, she caresses her breasts erotically.

Pre-cum gunk spurts from his cock-head and she moans and catches it on her face and in her mouth, swallowing it lasciviously.

The man shuffles around slowly, fucking her mouth as he moves, pausing briefly with his back to the audience so they can see his buttocks flexing and unflexing, his hips grinding back and forth.

He moves in a three-quarter circle, returning to their original position facing the audience, her back to them.

The man pushes her head away and sinks to his knees before her. They kiss slowly, deeply, sexily, their mouths wide, their tongues fencing with each other, his hands on her breasts, her fingers stroking his cock.

They fall to the sand with her on her back. She spreads her legs, lifts her knees, pulls the bikini bottom wide, draws her cunt-lips open.

"Fuck me," she moans loudly. "Fuck my cunt!"

The man bends over her between her thighs on outstretched arms and knees, his knuckles on the sand. Anuja groans and arches under him.

"Yes," she says, her hands on his cock, guiding him to her cunt. "I want it! Shove your cock into my slit! Fuck me!"

The man dips his hips, flexes his buttocks. His cock slides into her cunt, past the twisted band of the bikini panty. He gasps, arching his head, his hips dipping lower and lower, his buttocks flexing taut.

Beneath him, Anuja arches and moans, her hips lurching upward. His cock disappears inexorably into her flesh.

"C'mon ... do it! Fuck me hard!" she gasps, clenching his thick forearms, her legs splitting wider still.

The man groans and begins to fuck her on the sand before the silent, gaping audience. His hips rise and fall in a steady, mesmerising cadence, his buttocks flexing and unflexing.

Anuja gasps and whimpers as his cock strokes smoothly in and out of her cunt. It feels wonderful in her slit, hot and thick and hard and long, and she has no need to fake her pleasure.

Her body rocks and lurches under his thrusts, her hips heaving and rocking under his, her breasts wobbling and jiggling as he strokes powerfully and unhurriedly in and out of her slit.

"Ohhh uhhh yes uhhh yes oh god yes ohhh uhhh yes oh fuck yes ...fuck me yes ... do it ... ohhh god yes uhhh oh ma uhh ahhh uhhh yes!" she gasps.

"Take it! Take my cock, whore ... take it all ... oh fuck yeh ...oh yeh that's it ... take it ... ohhh uhhh ohhhh uhh ohhh uhhh ohhhh!" her lover responds.

He swings his hips in tight circular motions as he drives into her, entering her cunt from all angles. Anuja hisses in pleasure, her head arching, her back bowing.

Her face flips from side to side. She squeezes her breasts erotically, moaning obscene
encouragement. The man moves faster, steadily gathering speed. She cries out sharply, moving in unison with him, hissing in joy.

"Oh ... uhh ... ohh ... uh ... ohhh ... uhhh ... oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh ohhhh!"

Her cries are sharp and staccato as he moves faster and faster. His hips now snap sharply as he plunges into her and his buttocks flex and unflex rapidly, bobbing and bouncing over her heaving groin.

Her body lurches and jerks and rocks under his thrusts, her swollen breasts jiggling and wobbling heavily. Her face contorts in an agony of joy, her mouth open, her eyes screwed shut, her head flipping from side to side.

She squeezes her breasts eagerly, crying out loudly.


The man gasps and grunts, his head bent, watching her face, his mouth hanging open, panting and groaning. His muscles cord and stand out in hard ridges.

Sweat breaks out on their bodies. His cock pistons and plunges in and out of her slit.

"Take it ... take it, whore ... take it ohhh uhhh yes uhh yes ohhh yes ohhh god yes oh fuck yes oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck yes oh fuck yes!"

Faster and faster he goes, his body rocking and bouncing furiously over hers, his hips slamming up and down, his cock plunging and pistoning and reaming and ramming feverishly in and out of her cunt.

Her orgasm nears, grows, looms. He senses it and slows immediately to a long, skewering, spiralling, thrusting action. Anuja groans and arches in pleasure under him, gasping and panting deliriously.

The man gasps as her hot, tight, sopping wet cunt convulses on his throbbing penis.
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Slowly, he draws out of her, making her moan loudly. He turns her over onto her front, facing the audience. Anuja whimpers, her hips writhing, and waits for him to fuck her again.

Her swollen breasts are pendulous. Sand flecks her back and thighs and buttocks. The man kneels behind her and pulls off her panties.

She kicks them aside. He squeezes his cock-head between her buttocks and smoothly feeds it into her cunt. Anuja hisses in pleasure, rocking forward on her hands and knees, her face rising, a vision of pure, naked, unfaked lust.

Her mouth is open, her eyes hooded, and her tongue presses sexily to her upper lip. She turns her face over her shoulder to her lover as he flexes his buttocks and pushes his cock deeper and deeper into her cunt.

"Ohhh yes ... ohh fuck yes ... that's it ... shove it in, lover ... shove it all in! Ohhhh yes!"

The man bends over her and kisses her deeply, his hands under her breasts, squeezing them hard. Her buttocks writhe against his groin. He straightens and, holding her hips, begins to fuck her again.

Anuja groans thickly, her face raised, her body jerking and lurching and rocking with his thrusts, her breasts jiggling, her gold necklace swinging back and forth.

Her cunt is on fire and it convulses and spasms frantically on his pistoning penis. The man has hit a swift, hungry rhythm, jerking her body back and forth, dragging her cunt up and down the length of his shaft, groaning and gasping his pleasure.

His thighs slap softly against her buttocks, his balls pressing to her cunt-lips. She is an
exceptionally fine fuck, he thinks and groans aloud.

Faster and faster he goes, building up speed again, his hips snapping back and forth, his buttocks flexing and unflexing, his cock glistening as it goes in and out, appearing and disappearing between the smooth curves of her buttocks.

He stretches his hands forward and squeezes her breasts hungrily. His loins ache for release.

"Fuck me ... yes ... ohh god yes ... fuck me, baby ... fuck me hard ... ohhhh yes ... ohhhhhh uhh ohhhhh uhh ohhhhh uhh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh OHHHHHH!" she cries.

The man groans, on the verge of an orgasm. He flings his head back and gasps, taking several deep breaths, his fingertips in the small of her back, moving her back and forth to suit his pleasure.

They form an erotic sight, the man with his superbly sculpted physique kneeling behind Anuja's luscious curved body, his hips swinging and snapping and rocking back and forth, her body lurching and jerking to and fro with his thrusts.

Several minutes later, they pause, both teetering on the brink of an orgasm. Anuja is panting with lust, hot and hungry as a vixen.

The man turns on his back on the sand, his head to the audience and Anuja kneels between his legs and bends her face over his lap.

Jerking his upright, sticky, rampant erection, she drags her tongue lasciviously up and down the shaft, swirling her tongue over the bulging cock-head, teething the stem.

Bending her head, she starts sucking his cock, jerking it in her fist. Her head bucks and bobs over his lap, her face distended with the thickness of his penis.

The man gasps and groans, holding her head and moving it up and down to suit his pleasure. She sucks harder and faster.

"Yeh ... oh fuck yes ... suck it ... c'mon, whore ... suck my prick ... oh fuck yes!" the man gasps.

He pulls at her arms and she stops and rises, dragging her tongue up his hard body in an utterly wanton action. Higher and higher she goes and pauses to kiss him deeply, thrusting her tongue into his mouth.

He squeezes her heavy breasts. She moves higher and feeds her breasts to his mouth. He sucks them one by one and then, squeezing them together, on both simultaneously. Anuja moans, arching her head.

His hands are on her buttocks, probing her anus and slit. Her hips grind. She moves higher, straddling his face on her knees. With one hand, she claws her cunt-lips open and sinks her hips.

The man grips her thighs and thrusts his tongue into her cunt. Anuja gasps, her head arching back, her face twisting with lust, her hands on her breasts, crushing and squeezing them in unfaked pleasure, moaning erotically.

"Ohhh yes ... c'mon ... do it ... lick my slit, baby ... ohhh ... uhhh yes ... that's it ... ohhhh yes ... ohh that's good baby ... yes!"

She looks devastatingly sexy, her hands on her breasts, her hips writhing and grinding on the man's face.

He drives his tongue up deep into her slit and she gasps and arches her back, squeezing her breasts in a frenzy, pinching her nipples between her forefingers and thumbs.
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She hisses in pleasure, and rubs one hand over her breasts, the other sliding down her sucked-in belly, fingers splayed wide.

"Ohhhh ... yes! Ohhh god yes!" she gasps. "Do it! Ohhh yes ... do it, baby ... lick my slit ... oh fuck yes ... ahhh yes ... there ... oh that's it ... ahhh yes there!"

Her cunt is sopping wet, streaming with cunt-juice and she can barely contain herself. Whimpering, gasping, panting, her chest heaving, she slides off his face quickly and shuffles backward, astride his cock.

She jerks it quickly in her fist. The man moans softly. She moves her cunt over and then, with a loud, shuddering cry, impales herself deeply on his shaft. He gasps and arches under her, thrusting his cock up into her cunt.

She cries out, her head arching back, her mouth wide open, her back bowed. He squeezes her breasts and begins to buck under her.

"Ohhhh ... uhhh ... ohhhh ... uhhh ... ohhhh!" she groans. "Ohh uhh ohhh uhhh OHHHHH!"

"Yeh! C'mon! Take it! Oh fuck yes oh yes oh yes oh yes!" he goes.

Kneeling over him on outstretched arms, Anuja rocks up and down on the man's cock. Her cunt slides up and down the length of his shaft. Her breasts bounce and jiggle. Her gold necklace tosses and flaps on her tawny flesh.

She rears up, her hands on her breasts, grinding her hips round and round on his cock, flexing her buttocks sharply and repeatedly, squeezing his cock with her hot, tight cunt. The man gasps and thrusts and bucks feverishly under her.

Faster and faster they go, their bodies writhing and bucking frantically. Bending over, she kisses him hungrily, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. He cranes his head and sucks her pendulous, swollen breasts.

Somehow, by unspoken accord, both manage to stave off their orgasms which thunder at their loins now. They slow their movements and she smiles down at her lover in pleasure.

"Will you fuck my ass?" she murmurs. "I like being fucked in my butt."

He grins and nods. She smiles, her eyes glittering, oblivious now to everything but him, her audience forgotten.

Slipping off his cock, she kneels on the sand again and bends low on her forearms, lifting her buttocks and hips high, her legs and buttocks spread to offer him her rear channel. The man grins at the sight of her temptingly taut anus.

"Hold it open for me," he commands

Anuja nods and obeys and bends further forward, her shoulders on the ground, her face turned to one side, her arms twisted behind her to pull her buttocks open and offer him her anus.

The man moves back smoothly and, licking four fingers, moistens her anus.

Anuja's hips squirm in wanton desire against his hand. The man chuckles and bends steeply forward and thrusts his face between her buttocks. Anuja moans softly as she feels his tongue ripple over her asshole.

She loves being rimmed and he is very good. His tongue swirls over her anus, caressing the puckered flesh tenderly.

Her buttocks and hips quiver and sway with excitement. Her anus is musky and heady and the man presses his tongue into the cleft, making her moan in lust.

"Yes ... Ohhhhh god yes! Yes!" she gasps.

His fingers press to her cunt and two slide into her flesh. Anuja groans, trembling with lust, her body aflame with desire.

His fingers tease her gorged clitoris, his knuckles pressing and mashing it deftly while his tongue sweeps in dizzying circles over her anus.

"Please ... fuck my ass ... fuck it hard!" she gasps.

Laughing, the man rises to straddle her hips. He adjusts himself slightly, flexing the taut muscles in his legs. He leans over her on outstretched arms, his feet on the ground, his knees deeply bent and dips his hips.

Anuja holds her buttocks open with the fingers of one hand and holding his slippery penis in her other, guides him to her anus.

"There," she gasps, pressing his cock-head to her anus. "I want it there!"

Again the man's buttocks flex slowly and his hips dip. His cock-head squeezes into the young girl's asshole. Anuja's face twists in an erotic mixture of pain and shock and joy.

Her mouth jerks open and she cries out thinly, her neck arching, her face pressed to the earth. Her hands remain behind her, one on his shaft, the other at her buttocks. The man waits, letting her catch her breath.

"Come on, bitch," he rasps softly. "Come on ... take it!"

Anuja moans softly and releases his penis and, gripping her buttocks, pulls them as far apart as she could.
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She yields slowly, her sphincter spasming, and the man gasps and slowly thrusts downward. Anuja's breath comes in short, sharp, ragged, moaning gasps as the huge penis bursts into her rear channel, surging inexorably inwards.

Her sphincter convulses frantically on his penis, and the man's head arches back, suffused with pleasure.

Under him, the young girl moans and writhes. Deeper and deeper his penis goes, till he has buried himself to the hilt in her anus.

Her hand is pinned between his thighs and her buttocks.

"Come on," she moans in a shaking voice. "Fuck my ass! Oh ma oh ma oh ma oh ma oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh yes do it!"

They are like two inverted hairpins, one in the other. Anuja's buttocks and thighs form a great obtuse V under him. Her anus is completely and helplessly impaled by his swollen, massive shaft.

She feels dizzy with the exquisite pain. Her pulse hammers, and her breath is ragged and her voice hoarse. Her breasts are hot and swollen. The man rears, taking his weight on his feet and squeezes her pendulous breasts. Anuja groans.

He pinches her rigid nipples and she gasps thickly. The pain recedes, yielding to delirious joy and desire.

Crushing her breasts in his hands, the man begins to move his hips, slowly fucking the young girl's ass. She gasps as he lifted his hips, drawing his cock out of her anus till only the cock-head is held within.

Moaning, she digs her fingers into the cleft between her buttocks and pulls them wider.

"Come on," she gasps. "Put it in again, quickly!"

There is nothing fake about her lust. She wants it, and she wants it badly. The man smiles and thrusts smoothly into her anus again. Anuja gasps and now it is a call of pure pleasure.

"Yes," she moans. "Oh god yes! Fuck me! Fuck my ass! Fuck it hard! Come on, do it ... fuck me like a whore!"

The man bends forward again, leaning on his broad, thick forearms and, toying with her breasts, begins to fuck her ass smoothly and quickly. His buttocks flex and unflex powerfully, his hips rise and fall and his cock glistens as it goes in and out of her anus.

Beneath him, Anuja moans and gasps, her body rocking and jerking back and forth and she wants it, too, and her motions reflect her desire.

Her face is twisted to one side and, crushing her swollen breasts in his hands, the man kisses her fiercely, forcing his tongue into her mouth.

She sucks on his tongue, squirming her bottom against his hips, bucking her buttocks against his thighs in ardent desire. Her cries are lewd and obscene and, spurred by the erotic, throaty, love-calls, the man begins moving faster.

Steadily, he gathers speed till he is ram-fucking her ass, plunging greedily and deeply into her anus, reaming and ramming his cock into her.

Anuja cries out in a shrill tone, panting and gasping. He claws at her cunt-lips and she gasps as he slides three fingers into her cunt and begins masturbating her furiously.
Instantly, her anus, separated from his fingers by the merest membrane of flesh, convulses frantically on his penis.

He cries out in joy and thrusts hard into her. She orgasms violently, shuddering, gasping, mewing, keening and panting all at once.

The man groans and thrusts his cock into her savagely, slamming his hips at her buttocks, burying his cock in her anus. Finally, he loses control.

Squeezing her breasts hard, he grinds into her anus again and again, his hips jerking at her buttocks. Jerking out of her at last, masturbating violently, he explodes, with a gasp of relief as the heat surges from his cock.

Jizz spurts from his cock-head and spatters her buttocks and back and thighs, dribbles down the cleft between her buttocks, over her cunt-lips. She moans thickly.

Gasping, the man squeezes his cock back into her anus and sodomises her again for a few minutes. Anuja groans, rocking and lurching under him. Satisfied at last, he slides out of her and sinks to his knees.

Anuja remains bent over, moaning and gasping, her breath coming in ragged, heaving sobs. There is a long silence and then the audience bursts into thunderous applause. Cheers, claps, whistles, calls for more, encore, encore, brava, bravo, brava, way to go rent the air.

Slowly, Anuja lifts her head, rises to her knees. The audience has gone berserk, men and women on their feet, whistling and clapping, cheering.

Vinay and Seema are beaming, applauding loudly. Anuja grins in delight. She looks over her shoulder. Her lover gets to his feet and walks up behind her.

She smiles at him and, turning her face, kisses his cock, takes its tip in her mouth. While the cheering audience watches, she begins to suck his cock again.

The applause becomes a rhythmic beat, in time to her incessant back and forth movements of her head. The man grins and fucks her mouth slowly.

She keeps sucking him, moving her head faster and faster and the man groans thickly and lets himself go.

Anuja senses his orgasm and, in the nick of time, jerking his cock, opens her mouth beneath its tip. Jizz shoots from his cock-head and into her open, hungry mouth, spatters her face and breasts as she jerks it, moaning thickly. The applause is deafening.

The man grins and, holding out his hand, pulls her to her feet. She leans against him, an arm around his neck, his hands on her breasts.

He nuzzles the nape of her neck, fondles her breasts, slides his hands down to her cunt, spreads her cunt-lips open for the audience to see. There is more cheering. Gradually, the applause dies. Seema steps closer.

"Thank you," she says. "That was absolutely wonderful."

Osmond scurries forward, rubbing his hands gleefully. "That was bril," he says. "Very bril. I have never something so divine."

Anuja smiles at Seema, ignoring Osmond. "I enjoyed it. Thank you for inviting me."

The audience is dispersing, Anuja notices, people pairing off. Someone calls for Seema. She excuses herself and turns away. Anuja looks at her lover.

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"Thank you," she smiles, kissing him on the lips. "That was incredibly good fucking."

"Thank you. You're fabulous."

"What's your name?"


"The god of love." She smiles. "I'm Anuja."

"That's a pretty name. To suit a pretty face."

Anuja grins. "You're sweet. So. What happens now?"

Krishna laughs. "Everyone fucks everyone else, that's what. Look around. They're all over the place. Want to take a round?"


He takes her hand and they stroll away, their clothes in their hands. Anuja sees that there are people fucking everywhere.

Even Jayant and Baban and Tony have joined in. She sees Baban fucking a lovely looking young woman by the pool, bent over her on his knees and outstretched arms, his hips rocking furiously up and down, his cock plunging madly in and out of her cunt.

The girl, no more than twenty, gasps and cries out, writhing and thrashing deliriously under him. In the garden, Tony is sodomising a curvaceous dark girl, slowly squeezing his cock in and out of her tight little ass.

She gasps and cries out, her face contorted in a rictus of agonised lust. Tony buggers her slowly and heavily, pushing his heavy cock deep into her ass. Anuja smiles; she knows how good it feels.

There are people on the beach, in the pool, in the living rooms, in the restaurant and in the gardens, in the villas and guest suites, all fucking. Even the staff has joined in. Krishna smiles at her.

"How about it? Want to join in?"

"Oh yes, certainly. I'm feeling very horny."

"Good. So am I."

"I'll see you later, then, perhaps."

"Yes. Again, thank you and goodbye."

"Thank you, Krishna. It really was good."

He smiles and turns away, heading for one of the guests, a tall, fair-skinned slender beauty. She smiles at him and Krishna swaggers up to her and grabs her.

The girl laughs and says something and drops to her knees in front of him. Anuja turns away.

Going up the path, she finds Jayant fucking a dusky young girl in her late teens behind a thick, flowering shrub.

The girl is on her back and Jayant is bent over her, fucking her demonically with savage, plunging thrusts, his hips rocking furiously up and down, his buttocks flexing and unflexing feverishly.

Beneath him, the pretty girl moans and cries out loudly, her body jerking and rocking with his thrusts, her breasts bouncing wildly. Anuja steps back without disturbing them.

She gets herself laid in the dining room, bent over a dining table. A handsome young waiter drops his trousers and pushing her forward, squeezes his cock between her buttocks and into her cunt.

Anuja moans softly, closing her eyes and enjoying the rhythmic sawing of the thick long cock in and out of her cunt. She comes in a few minutes and the man follows suit, driving deep into her and exploding.

Anuja sighs and moves on. She finds another lover, a guest, and they go into one of the villas, where he fucks her on the bed, taking her on her back, pumping furiously in and out of her cunt till he is done.

By the time she gets a third lover, another guest, Anuja is beginning to feel bored. She lies on the tiles by the swimming pool and lets him enjoy her till he is done.

He thanks her and she gets up and goes into her villa, packs her bag. She is quite fed up. She collects her bag, straightens and turns and finds Krishna standing at the door, smiling at her.

"Krishna. I thought you were having fun outside."

"I was. Then I wasn't."

She laughs. "Same here. Do you want to fuck?"

"Only if you do. It's you I want to fuck." His voice is gentle and soft.

"Can you drive?"


"My car's outside. Let's go home and fuck. Spend the night with me."

Krishna smiles. "Dressed like this?"

She grins. "Preferrably. But we can go by your place. Do you live far?"

"Not far."

"Let's go then."

"What about your servants? And the other guy?"

"They'll manage. They can find their way home when they've had enough. No reason to spoil their fun."

"Okay. Let's go."

They walk out. Passing another villa, they look in through the big window. A couple is inside, a servant and one of the guests, fucking furiously.

He is fucking her from behind, hammering his hips at her buttocks. The woman moans and cries out, lurching back and forth under his thrusts. Anuja grins and Krishna chuckles softly. They don't even look up.

Outside, she leads him to the car and gets in, fires the engine, and backs out smoothly. The car crunches down the drive and he pulls onto the road.

A few minutes later, he draws up at a cluster of huts off the road, set by paddy fields. He pauses, his hand on the door.

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"Can I bring my brother along, too? He's very good."

Anuja's teeth flash in the darkness. "Yes. I'd like that."

Krishna smiles and disappears. He returns a few minutes later, dressed in jeans and a shirt with another young man, who looks very like him, also handsome and well built.

"Anuja, this is my brother, Mohan."

"Hi, Mohan. Come on, get in."

The two men get into the car, Mohan at the back, and Krishna turns the car about and accelerates down the road. Anuja sighs and settles back in the seat. The lights cut a swathe through the night.



"Tell me, does this kind of thing happen often?"

"All the bloody time. Osmond loves arranging it. Good for business."

"You don't seem to like it."

"I don't. Not much. Oh, we enjoy the live-show fucking, I mean, Mohan and I. They always ask for us. But somehow, all that mad banging after doesn't do much for either of us."


"How come?"

"I usually find it sexy. Somehow, I didn't, tonight. Just ...boring, I guess. No soul. I mean, I loved the way you fucked me, but this business of going from one guy to the other and getting banged ... no finesse. No soul. Too mechanical."

"You said it. Give me a slow, easy fuck any day."

"Me, too," Mohan chuckles from the back seat. "Would you like to come up back?"

Anuja grins and looks at Krishna. He laughs softly.

"Go ahead. You can direct me when we get close."

Anuja slips through the gap between the bucket seats and joins Mohan in the back. He is a handsome young man with a strong, muscular body.

He smiles at her, puts his arm around her and pulls her to him, his lips meeting hers, his hand crawling up to open her shirt, sliding under it to her breasts.

She caresses his cock, unzips his jeans. His cock is thick and long and, with a soft sigh, she bends her head to his lap and takes his penis in her mouth.

It takes them forty-five minutes to reach her house. In that time, she sucks his cock and he finger-fucks her. Then they fuck, with her sitting on his lap, her back to him, her cunt impaled on his cock, his hands on her breasts, rocking slowly up and down.

His penis is thick and long and she groans in pleasure as it tunnels deep into her flesh. She orgasms wildly and he groans and pulls her down onto his cock gasping in relief and making her moan as the heat spews from his cock-head and floods her slit.

Back at her house, Anuja discovers how talented the two brothers are. They fuck her repeatedly, in turns and together, taking their time and possessing her utterly and completely, fucking her every orifice over and over again.

When they fuck her in her cunt and ass together, Anuja is delirious with the joy and pleasure of it. Their huge penises saw in and out of her cunt and ass, the two orifices separated by the merest membrane of flesh, her body writhing and thrashing eagerly between theirs.

They go on and on, swapping places again and again till she loses track of who is fucking her where; it no longer matters. At one point, she is astride Mohan, her cunt impaled on his cock while Krishna sodomises her slowly and heavily from behind, pushing his cock deep into her rear channel.

Under her, Mohan grunts and arches up into her so that both cocks enter her simultaneously, slide out, go in again in an erotic cadence. Mohan squeezes her pendulous, aching breasts, crushing them in his hands.

She gasps and cries out, turning her face and Krishna kisses her roughly, thrusting his tongue into her mouth.

Changing position, Mohan turns her around with her back to him and makes her sit her ass on his cock. She cries out, her face contorting, forcing herself lower and lower on his cock.

Groaning, her anus impaled by his penis, she spreads her legs and opens her cunt for his brother. Krishna chuckles and bends over her, squeezing his cock into her cunt.

Anuja cries out, her face twisting and contorting, her head flopping back, her chest heaving, her breathing ragged, her mind numb, dizzy with lust and pleasure and joy. The huge penis sears into her cunt while the other fills her anus.

The two men are relentless. They fuck her repeatedly and orgasm violently and often. Her body is sticky with sweat and their jizz in her mouth and on her breasts and in her cunt and ass and on her thighs and buttocks.

They fall asleep finally early in the morning in a tangle of limbs.
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She wakes late, squints at the clock. It is past eleven. The two brothers are gone. The door opens. Jayant comes in, grinning. She smiles at him.

"Hi. How was it?"

"You were incredible. The fucking was great."

"Why did you disappear? Tony hates anyone touching his precious car."

"I didn't want to be part of that orgy scene. Krishna drove. He drives well."

"You want the money?" Jayant waves a wad of notes.

"No. Keep it. Give it to Tony and Babs."

"It's yours, babe. You earned it."

"I don't want it. I don't need it. Split it. Keep what you like."

"Love, you worked for it."

"Yes, okay, and I don't want it. I don't want to fuck for money, after all. Not like that. One on one, as a whore, fine. But I want to fuck because I want to fuck not because some rich asshole wants to buy my fucking." She frowns. "And now, I think ... I want to
fuck Baban and Tony. Together. Get them up. And then you."

She flings back the covers. She is naked in bed. Jayant laughs and, ducking out of the door, calls for the servants. They hurry in and look pleased when Jayant splits the money between them. They go into the room and Anuja giggles, naked in bed.

"Come on, get into bed, my heroes. Come and fuck me. I want it nice and hard. Come on."

The servants grin and laugh and quickly shed their clothes. Anuja sighs in pleasure and, turning on her front, closes her eyes.

A penis probes at her buttocks. She lifts them. Another one presses to her mouth and she opens it and begins to suck Tony's cock as Baban presses his penis to her cunt.
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Anuja looked down at the clutter on her nuptial bed. Over a dozen dildoes, vibrators and sheaths of different shapes, colours and sizes were scattered across its expanse. She looked at her handsome bridegroom waiting expectantly at the foot of the bed.

"So. Let me get this straight. You want to watch me masturbate." Her voice was flat and even.


"So that you can video-tape me."


"On our wedding night. On our honeymoon."


Anuja smiled sarcastically. "Tell me, what shall I use? A dildo? A vibrator? Or just my fingers?"

"Whatever you like."

"Anything else you have in mind that I should know about? Tell me now before I get my hopes up."

"Don't get your hopes up."

"Not much chance of that now, is there?"

Anuja tossed aside the sheaths. That left her with four dildoes of different sizes, the smallest not less than eight inches long, and three large vibrators. She looked up at Avinash, arching her eyebrow questioningly. He nodded.

"Yes. Fine. Begin on my call. Take your time."

Anuja closed her eyes. She could hardly believe what had happened.

They left for their honeymoon right after the banns, a prolonged lavish affair that, at his instance, was crammed into one hectic day with the marriage and the reception both spread over a Sunday lunch.

He said he hated large weddings. They flew south to a beach resort. The flight was a short hop and, after a half-hour drive, they arrived at the resort. It was a swanky five-star deluxe hotel.

They were expected and had confirmed reservations.

All through the wedding and reception, and on their trip down, Avinash was suave and polished. In the hotel, he was devastatingly charming, and Anuja smiled to herself as she watched the female receptionists trying to catch his attention, not missing the envious looks thrown in her direction.

Avinash was evidently well-known at the hotel. He greeted the concierge and the lobby manager and the guest relations lady by name.

He introduced Anuja and they were congratulated warmly. He had told Anuja that this was he came here frequently, when he wanted to get away for a few days and just relax.

The check-in formalities were waived and the receptionist handed them their key on a large brass tag.

"Your usual suite, sir," she said with a smile, her eyes devouring him.

"Thank you," Avinash smiled, flashing his perfect smile. "Is everything ready as I had asked for?"

"Yes, of course, sir. If you need anything, please let me know."

She sounded as if she expected him to call her to spend the night.

"We will, thank you," he said and took Anuja's arm. "Come, Anji. You're going to love this." He hoisted his large camera bag on his shoulder.

The suite was truly spectacular, with a huge living-sitting-dining area, a fully equipped kitchen, and two bedrooms, one larger than the other.

It had a huge balcony overlooking lush tropical gardens that stretched to silver sands and the vastness of the ocean. The furnishings were elegant, quiet and very, very expensive.

The bar was fully stocked, there were flowers and fruit everywhere, and a bottle of champagne nestled in its bucket on the balcony with two crystal flutes. A card hung on a thread around the bottle's neck.

With our compliments, it said. The champagne was Dom Perignon. Avinash smiled.

"It's incredible!" Anuja gasped. "Do you always stay here?"

"Always," said Avinash with a smile. "Why slum when you can lord?"

He led her to the balcony. The moon rose in a cloudless sky, and they could see the white tops of the waves and hear the wind in the trees and the crash of the surf.

The lights glimmered in the huge azure pool.

It was breathtaking. Anuja hugged herself with excitement.

"Happy?" Avinash murmured, close behind her.

Anuja nodded. She could smell his musky cologne, deep, masculine, erotic. He brushed the back of her neck with his fingertips.

Anuja shivered. Her long hair was in thick, single braid down her back and she was dressed in a simple printed *sari*.

Avinash drew her against him. She nestled against his broad, deep chest. Her groom was incredibly sexy. He put his arms around her.

She thought he might touch her breasts. His fingers brushed her arms and her naked midriff and she tensed. Her breasts grew hot and swelled and her rigid nipples ached for his touch.

"Tonight will be special," he murmured, his lips close to her ear.

She turned around in his arms. He pressed his lips chastely to her forehead. Anuja closed her eyes and waited, her lips fluttering expectantly.

The kiss never came. He traced the line of her jaw with his fingertip.

"You are very lovely," he said, kissing her eyelids.

Anuja's hands slid up his arms. They were thickly muscled. Her fingers rested on the deep swell of his chest.

Avinash stepped back smoothly, sliding his hands down her arms and locking his fingers in hers, arms stretched.

"Very lovely and very sexy," he smiled. "Will you do something for me?"

Anything, she said to herself, my god, anything, but take me, darling! Take me hard! Her cunt was already tingling in anticipation. She nodded with a bright smile.

"Thank you," he said softly. "Let's go in. I'll tell you what I want you to do."

He took her arm and they moved back to the suite.

"You looked stunning at the wedding," he said with a smile "Absolutely devastating, with all the jewellery and everything”.

“I'd --"

Anuja looked at him and smiled. "You want me to dress up for you?"

He smiled with genuine pleasure. "Yes. Very much. You don't mind?"

She laughed. "Don't be silly, Avinash. Of course not. Give me ten minutes."

"Thank you," he said with a broad smile.

Anuja was moving away when he pulled her back, close to him, his hands on her bare waist. His fingers were hard and strong and seemed to burn her flesh.

She ached to feel his hands on her breasts, in her crotch, at her anus.

"One more thing, if you would," he said. "Dress without any underclothes."

Anuja's heart skipped a beat. Her eyes brightened with excitement. This was very sexy. The man was evidently a master.

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He planned to fuck her slowly and deeply, to savour every minute, to explore every inch of her being. She nodded breathlessly and turned away, her eyes lingering on him. She was used to being fucked, but this was special, very special.

This man would make love to her, long and slow, possess her as a woman should be taken.

Fifteen minutes later, Anuja stepped out of the dressing room into the master bedroom, looking absolutely ravishing. Her hair was drawn back with a centre parting in a long, single, tasseled braid.

Her eyes were rimmed with *kajal*, and she had a *bindi*, but she wore no other makeup. Diamond studs glinted in her earlobes and one nostril.

A thin gold necklace and the long black and gold *mangalsutra* hung around her neck. She had dbangd the rich brocade *sari* in the Gujarati fashion, with the *pallu* down the front.

Her blouse was taut, with a deep V-neck and her breasts jutted out proudly, squeezed together by the tight material to form a sexy cleavage. She had worn the *sari* low, below her navel, and her midriff was bare.

Gold bangles tinkled on her wrists, and she wore rings on two fingers of each hand and on the second toe of each foot. Sexy gold anklets drooped around her slender ankles.

Her eyes flicked to the bed and the smile died on her lips.
Avinash had set up a battery of video and still cameras around the bed. He was fiddling with the controls of a monitor on a laptop computer wired to the cameras. At the sound of her step, he looked over his shoulder and turned.

"There you are. Good." He studied her and his mouth fell open. "My god, you're stunning!"

He saw her looking at the video equipment clustered around the bed and chuckled softly at her bewildered expression.

"That's the other thing," he said, delight in his voice. "I'm sorry I forgot to mention it. I want to preserve this forever. For posterity."

He moved forward, languidly unbuttoning his shirt. As he neared her, he pulled it out of his jeans and flung it aside. For a minute, he stood before, smiling down at her, arms akimbo.

Anuja looked at his handsome face and her eyes slid down over his torso. She couldn't help the sudden intake of breath. She felt a ripple of naked lust: her breasts swelled and her nipples stiffened and her cunt tingled in anticipation.

Avinash's body was like a piece of sculpture. The torso was smooth-skinned and hairless, in a sharply tapering V from the sprawling shoulders to the narrow, high hips.

His chest was deep and broad with a thick cleft between the slab-like pectorals. His belly was hard and flat, paved with strong, square muscles. His skin was stretched taut over the mighty musculature and was almost translucent: she could see the fine tracery of veins under it.

His sharp nipples were set in small aureoles pulled low and far on either side of the mighty W of his chest that swept from armpit to armpit. He was devastatingly sexy.

Anuja felt a frisson of excitement sweep through her. The thought of this demi-god fucking her, and filming it all as well, was incredibly erotic. She looked up at him, and he smiled down at her.

He pulled off his belt. His fingers opened the clasp of his jeans. Her eyes swept down to his belly, and he chuckled dryly. His eyes boring into her face, he stretched his arm and picked up a plastic bag from the bed and turning it upside down, shook out the contents.

Anuja's head turned and she gasped in shock. Her eyes whipped back to Avinash. Suddenly his face was cold and still, his eyes dark and flat.

"Have you been fucked before?"

The quiet words stung like a whiplash. Anuja gasped and recoiled, eyes wide.

"Have you?" There was a sudden malevolence in his eyes that terrified her.

He repeated the question and now there was a distinct threat of violence. Anuja stared at him dumbly.

Suddenly, his hand whipped at her face and Anuja cried out, her head jerking sideways. The blow wasn't hard, but it stung.

"Answer me!" he rasped.

Not looking at him, Anuja nodded, cringing from another slap.

"How often?"

Again, she didn't respond immediately and this time he hit her harder. Anuja cried out, tears streaking her face.

"How often?"

"I don't know," she sobbed softly. "I don't know!"

"What does that mean?" he snarled, gripping her face and turning it to his. "What does that mean? Once? Twice? More than that?"

"More!" she moaned. "More than twice."

"With the same man? Or was there more than one?"

"More -- more than one --"

She was cringing, expecting another blow. Instead, she heard him chuckle softly. His fingers loosened their grip and he touched her chin gently.

"Good," he said, his eyes dancing. "That's better. Whatever the answer, I must have it. Never disobey me. Do you understand?"

He released her and stepped back. "Now. Listen carefully. I know what you expect. I'm sorry, but it is not to be." He nodded as she looked up in horror. "That's right. I will not sleep with you. Not tonight. Not ever."

Anuja could scarcely believe what she was hearing. She looked at him aghast, her ears burning. He went on in his quiet, smooth voice.

"Sex, as you know it, or have experienced it -- and you will tell me about your experience or experiences when I wish to hear them -- is not something we will share. Never. Get it?"

She opened her mouth in protest, but he went on. "There will be no kissing. No fondling. No foreplay and most certainly no copulation. Your cunt will never -- never, you understand? – feel my prick. Nor your mouth or hands or any other part of you."

"I -- I don't understand!" she cried, her mind whirling.

"Don't understand? What is there not to understand? It's quite simple, really. Let me put it in a language you may follow. I will not fuck you. Ever. I think you should be able to follow that now."

"But why?" Anuja cried. "Why are you doing this? Is there – is there someone else? Another woman?"

Avinash smiled. "To answer your last question first, Anuja," he said dispassionately. "There is no one 'other woman'. There are other women, or have been. Frequently. Now, if you satisfy me, you will suffice, at least for the time being. There may be others, if I choose."

"But -- but how do I satisfy you if -- if --"
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Avinash laughed in her face. "As all the others have. In exactly the same way. Like all the other whores I've paid for. As they did."

She stared at him uncomprehending. "I -- I don't understand --"

"No, I don't expect you to. I don't expect anyone to."

"What -- what do you want, then Avinash? How -- how do I --?"

"I like to watch."


"I like to watch. It turns me on to watch a couple fucking. I like seeing it live, or in films. For years, I watched one blue film after the other constantly. After a point, they're boring, not really exciting enough. Fortunately, I have an electronics company and we make or import the latest in audio-visual equipment. So I decided to make my own films. I make extremely sexy films. And I watch them. Again and again. When I get bored, I make new ones. I have an enormous library. Over three hundred tapes."

"But don't you -- don't you want to --?"

He smiled thinly. "No. I prefer to masturbate. Repeatedly. I can come again and again without effort. I find it exhilarating."

Anuja took a deep breath. "Well," she said quietly. "Good for you, then Avinash. And goodbye. I don't want this. Live with your quirks. I won't."

She turned away and headed for the bathroom.

"You're making a mistake."

She turned, anger in her eyes. "I don't think so."

"Perhaps you should see this. It might change your mind."

"Not a chance."

"I think you should consider, Anuja. This could change everything."

He picked up a remote control from the coffee table and thumbed a button. The big colour television set against the wall flickered to life.

Anuja gasped. It was one of her films. One she had made for Hedon & Venery. It was done soon after she joined, and was the first in which she had the lead role.

The sequence on screen showed her thrashing in unfaked passion with an enormously endowed black man in an eye-mask.

He was licking her slit. His tongue was thick and heavy and long, almost animal, a bright sexual organ on its own.

Anuja lay naked on her back and her head rolled from side to side and her hips heaved and bucked eagerly under his face.

Her hands were under her swollen breasts, squeezing the fleshy mounds, tugging at her long, rigid nipples sexily. Her legs were spread, her knees bent, moaning feverishly.

Anuja gaped in dismay and watched her hands roll sensuously over her breasts, then slide down to her lover's head, moving it around between her thighs.

Her hips arched, her back bowed, and her body jerked on the bed.

"Where did you get that?" she gasped.

The film was meant strictly for overseas sales to South American countries.

The camera lingered in a long close-up of his tongue in her cunt, curling and flipping through the sodden cunt-flesh, rimmed with damp curling pubic hair, flicking her swollen clitoris furiously with his tongue and his thick lips sucking it, drawing it in and out between his lips. Her lust was evidently unfaked.

"I told you. This is my hobby," Avinash explained. I found a mail order firm in America that scours local markets for fresh material around the world. This was bought in Rio, of all places. Frankly, I'd be interested to find out what your parents or friends would think if they should chance to see something like this. Personally, I think it's wonderful. You agree?"

He turned up the volume. Anuja heard herself moan and gasp obscenely as the Negro slid up and worked her breasts and nipples with his tongue.

She arched her back, squeezing her breast into his mouth. His large, white teeth tugged on one as he pinched the other, and then he rapped his tongue rapidly across her nipple.

Anuja groaned and arched, her hand pumping his cock.

"I want to suck your cock," she heard herself say. "Let me suck you."

The man moved up and squeezed his thick, dark penis between her breasts, fucking them slowly, raking her nipples down his shaft. Her lips fluttered, questing for his cock-head and, with a dry chuckle, he knelt over her face and pushed his cock into her mouth.

She sucked his penis hungrily, her head rocking up and down between his thighs. His bloated penis distended her face. She licked the gorged cock-head lasciviously, winding her tongue round and round the slimy bulge, her fingers deftly working his balls.

The man's hips pumped gently, pushing his cock in and out of her mouth and then he turned around and they went into a sixty-nine.

The camera retreated to a mid-shot of their bodies writhing together, then moved seamlessly into a series of alternating cuts between his tongue in her cunt and his penis in her mouth.

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After several minutes, the man got up, licking his moist lips. Turning her on her side, he knelt behind her buttocks, lifted her upper leg high and wide and squeezed his ten-inch penis deep into her cunt.

Anuja's body twisted and writhed and her face contorted, in detailed close- up, a vision of naked lust. The man began to fuck her, in time to a cleverly syncopated, pulsating soundtrack rhythm, plunging his cock in and out of her cunt.

Anuja watched as the man's rocking grew faster and remembered how wonderful it felt.

"I got it a little after the marriage was fixed," Avinash said. "You have no idea how relieved I was to find that I was engaged to a rutting whore. You must know that the only reason I consented to marriage was to please my family and get them off my back. This was an added bonus. I have no regrets."

"Put it off. Please."

"Why?" he laughed. "I like the next bit best. Where he fucks you doggie-style. The camera work and editing are pure genius. You must tell me where to get more of these."

"Avinash. Please."

On screen, Anuja saw the black man push her on her front on all fours. He dropped in a low squat behind her and, holding his thick black cock in his hand, squeezed it through her buttocks into her cunt in one long rush.

The film snapped to a shot of her face, arched, riven with lust, her mouth wide, her eyes hooded, her body lurching forward, then cut to a shot of his enormous penis driving in and in and in, disappearing inexorably into her flesh.

It cut back to her face, and her voice came through the background music.

"OHHH yes! Ohhh god yes! Fuck me! Fuck my cunt! Ohgod!"

"Take it! Take it, whore! Take it all!" the man cried, forcing himself deeper into her.

"Ohhhhh yes! Yes! It feels so good! Fuck my cunt, baby! Fuck me hard!"

The film snapped back to a close-up of the monstrously distended penis grinding and rasping and squelching methodically in and out of her cunt.

The huge lance glistened with their juices, and Anuja could see the thick, hard veins along its length. They had scbangd and mashed her inflamed clitoris relentlessly till she was dizzy with pure joy.

The dark penis appeared and disappeared between the curves of her buttocks and the shot dissolved into an even tighter close-up.

Anuja's cunt filled the screen, and she could see the black man's heavy, hairy balls squeezing against her buttocks and cunt-lips, the thick shaft scrunching and grinding and pushing greedily through her cunt-lips, spread wide in eager welcome by her clawed fingers, surging into the sodden cunt-flesh within.

The close-up was pin-sharp and she could see the small, dark hairs of her cunt, damp and curled inward. The man's buttocks flexed and unflexed, his puckered anus winking at the camera as his penis burrowed and squeezed relentlessly in and out of her flesh.

His balls pressed to her cunt-lips and she saw her finger cupping and squeezing them eagerly.

Avinash chuckled at the sight. "Yes," he said. "This is an exceptionally fine movie. Perhaps I should show it to some of your colleagues at the Bar."

He smiled at the ashen look on Anuja's face. Behind him, from the screen, her own voice echoed in joyous delirium, mingling with her lover's heavy grunts.

"Take it! Take it, bitch! OHhhhhh yeh! Take my cock! Ohhhh yeh! OHHHhh unhhh OHHH! Unhhhh -- yes! Ohhhhh yes!"

"OHHhh! OHHHh! Ohhhhh! OhmaunhhhhOHHH!" Anuja's cries rang out. "Ohhh, that feels so good! Ohhhh yes! Fuck -- unhhh -- fuck me! Ohhh god yes! Fuck me hard, baby! Yes! Do it! Ohhhhh yes! Yes! Ohhhh god yes!"

Avinash raised the volume further. Anuja closed her eyes and clapped her hands to her ears. Avinash turned it up further. She could not shut it out.

"Stop it!" she screamed. "Please! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!"

Avinash ignored her. Their cries came over the soundtrack. On screen, the images continued to flicker. Now the black man was ram-fucking her cunt, slamming his hips violently back and forth, the huge penis thundering in and out of her cunt-flesh.

Her body jerked and lurched unsteadily under the heavy pounding, her breasts tossing wildly, the gold necklace around her neck flying this way and that.

It cut to a close-up of her face, contorted in a silent scream of agonised delight, her mouth wide open, her eyes screwed up, her perfect teeth bared. Her cries were loud, lewd, ragged, utterly obscene, evidently unfaked.

"Yes," she heard herself moan. "Fuck me, lover! Fuck me like a whore!"

"So. Do we have a deal?" Avinash murmured.

Anuja nodded. "Yes. Yes. I'll do as you say. Please. Just put it off."

"Why? You made it, and evidently enjoyed it. Why so coy now? Au contraire. I think I rather like having it play. Yes. That's a fine idea. I shall let it play, while you fulfil your – marital obligations, shall we say?"

Anuja closed her eyes. "What do you want? What do you want me to do?"

Avinash laughed. "Quite simple, really. You must perform for me, while I watch. In any way I choose. I will film it. That's all."

"But -- but with whom?"

"Oh, yes. The technical details. Always the technical details. The little -- or," nodding to the black man's penis, "not so little things. Yes. I will indicate the men. Sometimes you may have to go out and get the ones I want. Most often, they will be brought to you. I select them. Anyone I fancy, big, small, fair, dark, hairy, smooth, thin, fat, whatever. From anywhere -- servants, labourers, rank strangers. There may even be more than one at a time. Is that understood?"

Anuja stared at him, stunned and, helpless, nodded slowly.

"Good," he continued. "Also, there will be some business entertaining, when you will be fucked by my friends or business associates. I will not directly watch those, but they will also be filmed, with discreetly hidden cameras."

He grinned. "It's amazing how a little judicious peek at my library can simplify the most complex contracts. But, I hasten to add, I never play dirty. I don't use the material, and once the contract is in, everything is run strictly by the book."

"Very noble," she said bitterly.
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Avinash laughed. "No. Just pragmatic. You can't do business with your enemy. It's wiser to show him your muscle and buy his fidelity. It's amazing how terrified men are of their inability to resist the temptations of flesh."

"What else?" Anuja said in a tired voice.


"What else must I do, Avinash? To buy your silence?"

"Why, nothing further. Beyond this, we'll be a perfectly normal, happily married couple."

"Normal. I see. You have a curious way with words."

Avinash smiled. "Yes, normal, to all intents and purposes. We have a lovely house, with lots of servants -- all of whom will fuck you, of course." He chuckled. "You will have all the money and comforts you desire. Naturally, you are free to pursue your career, if you wish."

"How nice of you. Tell me, do we share a bedroom?" Anuja said bitterly.

"If you wish."

"I don't wish. But it is normal, I believe."

Avinash laughed. "Yes, very well. We will share a bedroom, though I doubt you will like it. But you can also have a room of your own. The house has lots of rooms already, and since we are not going to have children --"

"Naturally." Her voice dripped sarcasm.

"You can have one, and furnish it to your taste," he continued as if she had not spoken.

She stood silent, and he waited. Behind him, the film ran on. The black man finished by fucking her on her back, taking her heavily and slowly at first, then thudding in and out of her repeatedly for several minutes till he was done.

He jerked his enormous cock out of her and came, spattering her face with thick gobs of jizz. She opened her lips wide and took his seed in her mouth.

The sequence faded after a lingering close-up of her cum-spattered face, radiant with joy, her lips questing for his dark, sticky cock.

The next sequence showed her in a car, driving through lush green country. Anuja knew what would follow.

"Well?" asked Avinash.

"Well what?"

"Do we have a deal or not?"

"Subject to one condition, yes."

"You're hardly in a position to demand anything, my dear."

"I could leave. Divorce you."

"Really? Think about it. What would you say? That I was impotent? Who'd believe it? Look at me. Who'd believe it of me? And anyway, how would anyone prove it? Or test it? On the other hand, consider your position. Your family, reputation, career, everything would be ruined, utterly and completely."

"I realise all that," she said calmly. "I'm not a fool. But I think you relish the idea of an in-house, round-the-clock, free sex-slave. I think the notion of your wife being a slut turns you on. I think you'd be willing to give a little to keep that."

Avinash studied her silently and then nodded graciously. "You're right. You're smarter than I thought. Perhaps I underestimated you. Very well, what is it that you want?"

"You can film what you like around the house. I will fuck your associates for your business, too. But nothing beyond that. Then I am at liberty to take any lover I choose, to spend my time fucking as I like."

Avinash looked at her thoughtfully. "That seems acceptable. I shall want copies of any films you make like this."

"That can be arranged. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes. And thank you," he said politely. "Please wait while I rig my film gear."

Anuja watched impassively as Avinash fetched his trunks and set up his cameras, tripods, lights and a sophisticated laptop computer. He moved quickly and precisely, humming to himself. When it was set, he ran a test, and then turned to her.

"Ready when you are."

Anuja looked at him and took a deep breath.



"We are supposed to be honeymooning here for ten days. Do you expect me to masturbate throughout that time?"

Avinash grinned. "Not at all, my heart. I have made arrangements. You shall have suitable companions with whom you can disport yourself. For my pleasure."

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She looked at the television screen and smiled briefly. The car had drawn up under a tree on the grassy bank of a rippling, clear stream that flowed from a natural rock pool under a small waterfall.

Anuja got out of the car and, quickly taking off her clothes, waded in. She slipped into the pool and swam across to the waterfall. The camera caressed her body under the cascade while the soundtrack music hummed gently.

Anuja took the falling water on her face and breasts and groin, arching back, lips moving in silent murmurs of pleasure. Her hips writhed under the thick, heavy spray and the camera closed in to a shot of her spread legs, her unfurled cunt-lips with the water crashing onto her crotch.

After a while, she swam back to the bank and lay down under the tree. The sunlight filtering through the leaves dappled her naked, water-flecked body.

She caressed herself languorously, fondling her belly and breasts and thighs, slowly spreading her legs. The camera closed in on her cunt and showed her fingers toying with her cunt-lips, spreading them, darting around the moist flesh within, knuckling her clitoris while she squeezed her breasts.

Her hips undulated and pumped gently and her head rolled slowly to one side.

The film cut to a shot of two young men hiking through the forest by the stream. One was in jeans and a flannel shirt, his sleeves rolled up his thick forearms.

The other wore only shorts. Both had sturdy hiking boots and carried light packs.

They were strong, muscular, handsome men. Striding through the forest, they stopped in a small clearing and shrugged off their packs.

One of them went down to the stream to refill his canteen. He was shown splashing water on his face, looking up, blinking and staring.

In a mid-shot, the man by the bank was seen scrambling towards his pack. He pulled out a pair of powerful field glasses and raised them to his eyes. A slow grin spread across his face. He turned his head and whistled softly in code.

His companion came jogging down the path. The first man murmured to him and, pointing across the stream, passed the binoculars to him. The second man lifted the glasses to his eyes.

Through the merged double orbs of a binocular shot, Anuja was shown masturbating on the bank. Her body writhed on the grassy verge, and her head flipped slowly from side to side, her chest heaving.

She squeezed her breasts in evident excitement and, between her thighs, two fingers pumped frantically in and out of her cunt. Her sensuous lips were parted, and her tongue arched erotically over her bowed upper lip.

The second man lowered the glasses and grinned at his companion.

"Let's go," said the first.

Abandoning their kit, the two men crept through the undergrowth towards her. They came out by her car and stole silently down to the river bank, closing in on her.

The film cut to her again, writhing on the sloping turf, her hips pumping and undulating and closed in on her lust- ridden face.

The shot dissolved smoothly into a hazy-edged, soft-focus dream sequence of Anuja with another man.

He was fucking her smoothly and steadily, and the film moved to a close-up of his long, thick, dark, vein-ridged penis crushing heavily into her sodden cunt-flesh. The shot lingered for a moment on her cock-filled cunt.

She was obviously being taken from behind, and her fingers clawed her cunt-lips open. His heavy balls squeezed against her buttocks with each slow, spiralling, juddering thrust.

The penis jammed slowly in, paused, drew up, squeezed in again. The sequence cut to a shot of her on all fours, rocking and lurching on her forearms and knees, her face turned to the camera, a vision of naked, wanton lust.

The man's immense penis glided slowly in and out, appearing and disappearing between her buttocks.

The shot dissolved to Anuja by the stream with the two men. Already, she was on her knees before the one in shorts. They were unzipped and she was sucking his large, long, erect penis.

The fingers of one hand encircled his massive shaft and her head rocked steadily back and forth before him. Her tongue swirled with lascivious cunning over the gorged cock-head.

The light sparkled off the rings on her fingers. The camera lingered on a close-up of her face as she sucked his cock, her fingers pumping the tool, her tongue working its head, her lips sliding up and down its glistening, slimy length.

The man grunted, head bent to watch her, his hips pumping at her face. His lips were parted and he was panting and groaning with pleasure, one hand on her head, moving it to suit his pleasure, the other on his hip.

Anuja's motions grew swifter and she took more of his penis in her mouth, her cheeks hollowing as she sucked hard.

The other man was masturbating slowly, watching them. Anuja abandoned the guy in shorts and turned to him and began sucking his cock. The first man took off his shorts and knelt behind her, caressing her naked buttocks and breasts sensuously.

Anuja cupped her hands over his on her breasts and sucked the penis of the man before her, head rocking back and forth. The big cock went in and out of her mouth.

In the honeymoon suite, Anuja felt a ripple of excitement. She remembered the sequence. They had shot it in one go, without retakes. The men were very good, and the sex was fantastic.

She looked up at Avinash with a smile and slowly dropped the *pallu* of her *sari*. He nodded and turned to his laptop computer console. Slowly, watching the movie, Anuja unwound her *sari* and moved onto the bed among the scattered baubons.

Her eyes grew bright with excitement as she watched herself on screen. Now she was sucking both penises simultaneously. The huge, throbbing organs sawed in the air and her face was bloated with the thickness of their cock-head between her lips.

Her tongue worked them frantically, darting from one to the other.
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On the bed, Anuja sat back against the headboard. Her hands slid up under her breasts, weighing them. They were already heavy and hard, her nipples stiff. She squeezed them through the blouse.

With tantalisingly slow movements, she plucked open the buttons of her blouse one by one and then slowly drew it open, revealing her breasts. She squeezed them sensuously with a soft gasp, rolling her palms over the hard nipples, crushing the mounds in her fingers.

"Yes," she murmured. "It was so good --"

She tugged at the drawcord of her petticoat, loosened it, and slid a hand down her belly, between her thighs. With tempting slowness, she slid the petticoat lower, lifting her hips slightly to take it under her buttocks and down her thighs.

With a quick wriggle, she slipped out of it and immediately bent her knees, spread her legs and clawed her cunt-lips open. The dark delta of her crotch was already damp with excitement.

She heard Avinash's soft gasp and the instant whir of a camera lens zooming in to a close up. She held her cunt-lips open for a minute and then arched one long, elegant, be-ringed forefinger inward and, gently swirling it through her cunt-flesh, began to masturbate.

On the screen, she was on her back on the grass. One of the men had his face buried in her crotch, while his companion sat on her face, fucking her mouth.

The leisurely cuts showed the man's thick, heavy tongue in her slit, rippling up and down her crack, darting in and out, flickering against her clit, his heavy finger jabbing and jamming this way and that inside her at the same time.

The film cut to her face rocking up and down under the other man's thighs, his glistening penis sliding in and out of her mouth. Soft, insistent music pulsed over the soundtrack. The men broke away after several minutes and exchanged positions. One of them squeezed her breasts eagerly.

Anuja picked up a long, slim dildo and, holding it elegantly by the base, slowly slid the tapering end into her cunt. She gasped and her hips lurched and her legs split even wider.

Gently, she pushed more and more of it into her. It was eight inches long, with a ribbed surface. She began to masturbate slowly, stroking it gently in and out of her cunt with one hand, the other caressing her heavy breasts. Soon, the toy shone with her cunt-juices.

In the movie, Anuja knelt astride one man's face. His hands were inside her thighs, his thumbs stretching her cunt-lips wide open and his tongue snaked and slithered in the moist softness of her cunt-flesh.

Her hips juddered and writhed and swayed over his face. He arched his head and sucked on her inflamed clitoris. Her belly rippled and shook, and her cunt gyrated on his head.

Her face was turned to the other man who stood beside her, fucking her mouth slowly. With one hand she fisted his cock. The other arm was stretched down, adroitly pumping the penis of the man licking her cunt.

The shot cut to a close-up and her fingers and lips and cheeks were sticky with their precum gunk. The man fucking her mouth bent his face to watch her, his hips pumping rhythmically back and forth, rocking her head with one hand.

Anuja grew excited watching herself. She abandoned the dildo for another, larger one and greedily stuffed it into her cunt and started masturbating again. This one was larger, longer and thicker than the first, and her hips undulated heavily and her hands crushed her breasts in a frenzy. Another camera by the bed whirred, closing in on her cunt and the dildo.

"Oh yes," she gasped. "Oh god yes! It felt so good!"

The two men had exchanged positions for a few minutes. Now they regrouped. She was turned on her hands and knees between them and, while one fucked her mouth, squeezing and fondling her pendulous, swollen breasts, the other slowly stuffed his slippery, throbbing cock into her from behind.

Her body lurched and jerked and rocked between theirs, connecting the two companions in a coital linkage.

"Mmm -- what a whore! Take it! Come on, bitch, take it!" the man fucking her cunt gasped, holding her hips and moving her up and down and back and forth.

"Ohhhh yes -- suck it -- come on whore -- suck my cock -- harder!" his friend said.

Anuja's body bridged the two men. They fucked her rhythmically for several minutes, then exchanged positions and fucked her again.

Anuja's breasts jiggled and swung, hanging pendulous. The man fucking her cunt squeezed them feverishly, mauling them in his hands.

"Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck," the man fucking her face gasped. "Oh fuck yes oh yes oh yeh suck it! Suck it, whore, suck my dick!"

"Yeh, ohhhhh yes! Take it! Take it whore, take it!" the other groaned, his face twisted with lust.

For the next forty-five minutes, Anuja masturbated continuously, using every one of the dildoes and vibrators as she watched the two men fuck her.

Turning on her hands and knees, she fucked herself from behind, a hand between her legs, rocking a thick, heavy vibrator in and out of her cunt.

Meanwhile, the screen showed a close-up of her cunt juddering up and down the cock of a man under her, scrunching and squelching and rasping, while his companion ram-fucked her face with loud gasps and grunts.
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