Incest A son's KingDOM

It was the last day of my school and I was waiting for my mom and dad to come to school as all parents did. I was more than happy when my Mom Swetha waved her hand looking at me and I was disappointed not seeing dad with her as usual. He is probably at some bar with his drunkard friends enjoying drinks. I know he doesn't care if it's my last day of school or anything. He is least bothered about our family anyways.

I smiled looking at Mom and she came to sit beside me as the meeting progressed with all our teachers speaking one after the other. I was called up on the stage being the merit student of the year and I climbed up the stage. Once on the stage I looked at Mom who was sitting in a green saree with her hair loose looking more beautiful than ever. I took the medal and got down the stage. Once back in my seat, I wondered if I really wanted my dad to be here. I was feeling more comfortable with just Mom here anyways. The only thing I wasn't feeling comfortable with was all the guys ogling shamelessly at Mom including a few of our teachers. I half expected dad to be here. Unlike dad she was a proud parent for me being her son.

Once the event is over, Mom asked if I wanted to stay longer to which I said I would love to go with her back home. She was happy to hear that and went to bring the car. We got into the car and headed home. Once home Mom and me had some quality time together and left for our rooms after dinner.

It was late 11 in the night when I heard a knock on the door and I know it was dad for sure. Mom opened the door and as usual he started to shout at Mom blaming her for ruining his life. He was fully drunken and not in a position to stand properly. It had become a daily routine for me to watch dad shout at her and sometimes he would beat her knocking her. My blood would boil each time I see him lift his hand on her. 

Mom had always been a loyal wife and a careful loving mother keeping our family respectful in the society unlike dad who is irresponsible, addicted to drinking. He would come home late in the nights fully drunk and as a loyal wife, mom would feed him, remove his shoes and clean up when he vomits and what all she does for him. Lucky for us, that our grandfather had left enough money for us to spend with dad still wasting a lot in shares and businesses. I always wondered why Mom married such a brat with her being so beautiful that any man would die to marry her. Today he is shouting at her in a harsher and loud tone. I couldn't stop myself realising that the fight is getting bigger today as Mom had brought the topic of watching dad getting into a hotel with a girl later in the morning that day.

"I watched you Sunil, walking into the lobby with that brunette when I was on my way to school. You don't have time to attend our son's last day at school and you're there with her" she started sobbing as she said that.

"That is none of your business. Who knows how many guys you were fucking behind my back?" He kept yelling at her.

That's it. I can't control it anymore. It had been so long since I have seen Mom suffering because of this man, whom I don't even want to call 'dad' anymore. Now he started doubting Mom who had sacrificed her dreams and life for the sake of our family after all these years of their marriage. I got up and opened my bedroom door and stood outside watching them both. 

"Stop it Sunil. I don't want you to use that foul language before our son" Mom said controlling herself from crying.

"Ah, look what a parivratha we have here. Son, your Mom is a bitch" he kept shouting looking at me in a drunken state. I could feel my anger building inside and with a hard blow, he slapped Mom to which she fell on the couch beside her. I went to her rescue and held dad's hand tight and pushed him to the wall. Mom was crying louder now and when dad tried to hit me back I stopped him and pushed him again. His head took a good hit and he fell down. In his subconscious state, he kept blabbering about Mom fucking guys behind his back.

"Oh my, what did you do Son!" she got up from the couch worried.

"Don't worry Mom. I couldn't stand it anymore" I said in a very confident calm tone. 

Mom was surprised to see me getting back at dad that confident for the first time. I could see that she was feeling relaxed with me standing by her side. We both lifted dad and put him in bed and I left for my room after consoling Mom.

I was not getting sleep and got up after an hour to fetch some water from the fridge. Then I heard some sobbing voice from my parents room and peeked inside. Mom was sleeping on the floor as dad occupied the king size bed spread all over it. Mom was closing her nose with a cloth to avoid the pungent alcohol smell that filled the room. I felt sorry for her and entered inside.

"What are you doing here Akki?" She was surprised to see me

"Nothing Mom, I'm not getting sleep" 

"Don't worry son, everything will be ok. Have a good sleep" she said.

I could see her discomfort sleeping on the floor with the room filled with that smell.

"Mom, you can sleep in my room. I can take the couch" I said to her.

"No problem Akki, I'm tired anyways and soon will sleep sound in a while" she tried to convince me.

"Please Mom, I insist" I said with pleading eyes to which she agreed and got up.

I walked her to my room and as she felt comfortable on the bed, I switched off the lights and closed the room. It was a winter night and the living room had a very cold temperature. The couch seemed small for my 6 feet tall figurine and I tried my best to fit myself in that couch struggling for another hour. Then I decided I'm not going to sleep tonight. It was then when Mom walked towards me to check if I'm sleeping. 

"I know you couldn't sleep here. I'll take the couch and you sleep comfortably on the bed" she suggested.

"No, that's okay Mom" I tried to convince her.

"Then there are only two options left now. Either you sleep in your room and I sleep on the floor in our room. Or we can share the bed in your room and no one has to struggle to sleep on this couch"

I am sure there is no way Mom is going to sleep in that room. I have seen Mom tired with not enough sleep with dizzy eyes in the morning a lot of times and I want to change it now. So there is only one option left now I'll share the bed with Mom.

I got up from the couch and walked into my room with Mom walking behind me. I set the bed and fit myself into one side of the bed. Mom took the other side and we slept on the bed with our backs facing each other.

After a while, when my eyes were about to close I sensed Mom was asleep but shivering in sleep as it was a cold winter night. Unfortunately there is only one blanket in my room and it is big enough to cover us both. I got up to spread the blanket over her and noticed that in the sleep, her pallu is moved aside with her saree along with the petticoat rode up to her knees.

Deep inside I always found my Mom to be a hot and sexy woman. I felt so sorry for her to be leading such a disrespectful life with dad. Any guy would just die to have a good look at her figure. With dad ignoring her, any woman would have easily catch other men to satisfy herself. But I know Mom wouldn't do that. She is always concerned about our family and has sacrificed her life for the sake of us. My irresponsible dad would never understand what she is sacrificing for us 

Now she is on my bed just a few inches away with her legs exposed and her big boobs struggling in the blouse with her pallu disheaveled. I badly wanted to touch her right away. I placed my hand just below her knees and once my fingers touched her soft skin, it was like I was hit by an electric jolt. I kept my hand there for a while and felt up her smooth skin.

After some time, I realised how perverted I was and moved my hand away. I then pulled her saree down to cover her legs and pulled the blanket over us. Then I drifted off to sleep.

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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
Good starting
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Nice start
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It is a very good story but I want that in this story the son should have incest and cuckold and the mother should gradually become a whore who will make the son and at the same time the son should also become the pimp of the mother.
Son= incest+Cucklod+pimp
Mom= sanskari+whore+nymphomaniac
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(13-02-2024, 05:55 PM)Mom.ridhima Wrote: It is a very good story but I want that in this story the son should have incest and cuckold and the mother should gradually become a whore who will make the son and at the same time the son should also become the pimp of the mother.
Son= incest+Cucklod+pimp
Mom= sanskari+whore+nymphomaniac
Thanks for the suggestion. But I'm afraid that's not how the story is going to unfold. I will definitely try to write another story with this version of yours. But for now, this long story is going to unfold in many ways.

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After a long time, I had a great feeling today that I had someone to support me by my side.

I had been a very confident woman from a very young age. It was always my decision that my parents relied on and when I said I wanted to marry Sunil, they agreed right away. But a lot has changed after our marriage and we had Akki as our son. 

Sunil had started to test his luck in new businesses investing loads of money into it. In the process, he made a bunch of friends with whom he started spending a lot of money and time. His father too lost trust in him soon and kept the properties on my name and our son. That must have really hurt Sunil and I tried to convince my father-in-law not to go that far.

"I don't believe him anymore" he said to that.

After a few years, his father passed away and they made Sunil's behaviour even worse. Slowly Sunil changed a lot that he is no more a loving husband or a dutiful father like he once used to be. He got addicted to drinking a lot that he would sometimes crawl into our home unable to stand properly. I once even found him sleeping at the door in the morning. When I tried to question him about this, we had a big fight and I would finally compromise and step back. It became a daily routine and I started to keep quite to raise anymore fights. But still he wouldn't stop. The situations have become even worse nowadays that Sunil stopped coming home for a few days. I tried many ways to bring back Sunil reminding him of our old days together but in despair. I tried my best not to get Akki affected by all these things.

I have always done my best to keep the family happy. This morning when I saw Sunil walking with that woman into the hotel lobby, I felt my heart break and I strongly wished for that not to be true. But when I stopped the car and watched Sunil wrap his arm around the waist of that lady, I know that I can't see it anymore and left from there. I was crying all the way to school and once I reached the parking of the school, I wiped my eyes and looked myself in the rear view mirror.

"Today is a special day for Akki and I don't want to disappoint him" I said to myself and got down 

Akhil has always been a good son and my world. If it was not for Akhil I would have probably ended my life a long time back or it would have been today when I saw Sunil at the hotel.

I felt proud as a parent when Akki was called upon the stage for being a merit student. I would have planned something special for him today if I had not been disturbed by the morning events. I never let Akki intervene in the fight between Sunil and me, but today when he came to my rescue I felt strong seeing Akki stand by my side supporting me. 

Back to the present, I could feel my eyes closing as my son covered me with the warm blanket over me and then I drifted off to sleep. In the middle of the night, I woke up to find myself in my son's bed. He was sleeping on his back and I might have pulled the blanket completely on me in sleep. I switched on the lights to notice that he had a big tent formed in his shorts pointing towards the ceiling. I am not so naive not to know that it is quite common for boys this age to have erections in sleep, especially on these cold winter nights. But this is something different. I have spent ample time watching at his shorts. It looked so big even under the shorts that I could figure it to be much bigger than his father. 

It reminded me of the earlier days of my marriage when I would wake in the middle of the night to find my husband's erection and pull his cock out waking him from sleep with a blowjob. Then we would fuck like rabbits until we satisfied our carnal desires 

"Oh, it has been so many days" I thought to myself.

These days the sex had been entirely different for us. In the middle of the night, Sunil would just bump into me, get on top of me and push his cock inside with a few strokes. Once he is done, he would go back to sleep. That was the only sex I am experiencing since so many years and I miss those days when I used a have a good orgasm. 

After all these wasted years now looking at my son's crotch with a hard shaft poking out so close in front of eyes is making me aroused. Deliberately my hands moved to reach for his cock when the voice in my mind shouted.

"Control yourself Swetha, that's your son"

I pulled my hand back and covered the blanket over him, switched off the lights and slept again.

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Bring more scenes like moms tease bro, Thanks for the new story
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Chapter 03.1


In the morning I got up from the baby sounds coming from my parents bedroom.

"Where the fuck were you all night, you bitch. Your face shows you are fucked all night like a whore" I heard dad's voice yelling at Mom.

"I have nothing to tell you Sunil and I'm not going to sleep here from now on. You are not the only one supposed to go fuck girls as you wish and you expect me to be a chaste wife for you. From now on I'm going to enjoy my life too" I don't know why Mom said that but I felt happy that at least now she is getting back at dad. He deserves it.

"So you have turned into a whore now" dad shouted with increased rage.

"Yes, I've been fucked all night and it felt so good. He was very big and we did it like never before. I was satisfied like you would never make me feel" Mom had become bolder in voice.

I never saw Mom using these kinds of words before. Maybe she was holding back her voice so these days and today she burst out. I think she strongly believes that I'm by her side and that gave her the courage. I have decided that I would do my best to keep her trust strong, no matter what it takes. I stood up and went into the living room where the word-fight between mom and dad was getting heavier. I saw dad lift his hand to hit Mom and right then I moved towards Mom in front of her standing tall with my chest up in the air at if asking dad if he would dare to hit her.

Dad was taken aback seeing me stand strong with fiery eyes and lowered his hand down. He realised I'm not going to keep watching him if he laid hands on her.  He backed off and went to his room, got dressed and left banging the door beside him.

Mom immediately hugged me with teary eyes. I put my arms around her to console her. Then I took her face in both my hands and looked straight into her eyes. There was not even a word spoken between us but my eyes said 'I am here for you mom always' and she blinked her eyes as if saying 'I know son'.

After dad left, for the first time in my life I felt like I am the man of the house now. I roamed all around the house in a t-shirt and shorts feeling that I own this and I am the boss here. Mom too behaved so obediently with me for the rest of the day as the lady of the house would treat the man of the house. Mom was moving joyfully around the house. I loved to watch very happy face all day.

The day went great and it was night around 10 when dad arrived. I noticed the worry on mom's face and looked at her with a face as if asking her to keep calm. Dad came in and straight away went to his room and fell on the bed. After so many days Mom was relieved that there was no sign of a fight in the night without a word being exchanged. I could see the relief on mom's face and smiled at her.

We both had our dinner together in peace and as I was about to leave for my room, Mom came near me and hugged me tight.

"Thanks for everything Akki" saying that she wrapped her arms around me and I felt a tingling sensation in my crotch as I felt her warm body on mine. I moved away in the process pushing her a little away from me not to embarrass myself if my hardening cock touched her and if she felt it. She was surprised that I pushed her away and I regretted it at the moment. I took her face in my hands and planted a soft kiss on her forehead as if I'm apologising for pushing her away. She closed her eyes immediately as my lips touched her skin for the first time. As I moved my face away, I was getting aroused looking at her face with her eyes closed. I loved the way she looked at that moment. She opened her eyes as I moved away from her and there was very minimal conversation between us for the rest of the day. I spent my day watching some series on my laptop.

It was late at night when dad came home fully drunk as usual when we were having our dinner. I could see him unable to walk properly in a dizzy state. He glanced at Mom from the corner of the eye as if to scare her and watching me, he shifted his gaze and walked straight to his room. After dinner Mom walked back to sleep in their room as I retired to mine.

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Nice updates
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Chapter 03.2


It had been a great day again with just my son and myself around in the house. I felt like I got the old days back when I used to walk happy moving freely all around the house without fear of my drunkard husband rushing in anytime to start a fight. It felt like a real home after a long time.

When Sunil came, I was afraid that something might happen. But was relieved soon looking a kind of fear in his face while my son kept staring at him. Now I'm pretty much confident that he is not going to do anything with my son around. My relief soon vanished once I entered inside our bedroom. The room was already filled with all the pungent alcohol smell which I didn't get used to after all these years. Sunil was spread all over the bed with his shoes still on his feet. I am least bothered of him right now and didn't bother about it. I know I couldn't sleep here today 

"I better have my sleep in our son's bedroom today too" I thought to myself and started to walk away

"Oh, there goes the bitch again to get fucked all night with the guys in the street" Sunil shouted only loud enough so that my son wouldn't hear. I can sense the fear in his voice not to get our son alarmed. 

"Stop it Sunil. Just shut up" I shouted frustrated.

"You just go out to get fucked like a street whore and expect me to shut up, you bitch" Sunil said in a louder tone and trying to get up to hit me.

I stood strong on my feet not even blinking looking straight into his eyes as he came near me. He was startled at my posture and didn't dare to lift his hand. He looked like a real big loser now.

"How can he even expect me to respect him" I thought to myself.

"If you're leaving now, I will make sure you will not step into this house again in your life" he tried to threaten me.

"This is my house, remember it is in my name. You have nothing Sunil. You called me a bitch, a whore, right? Let me show you how a real whore would look when she leaves the house" saying that I removed my saree and blouse right there and picked a nice pink transparent saree with a sleeveless blouse to put them on. Then I picked a red lipstick and applied it in my lips. With a little make-up here and there, I looked finally into the mirror. I then turned towards Sunil and held the saree at my waist and pushed it down way below my navel exposing my belly button clearly. If I had pulled the saree another two inches down, it would have shown my pubic hair.

"See Sunil, this is how a real whore would leave the house when she knows her husband would never understand or fulfill her needs in anyways" I said looking him straight in the eyes.

I do want to piss him off but I really didn't know how I gathered the courage to do it. I was shocked at myself for doing that but deep inside I know he deserves it. I don't have any regrets too when I left the bedroom closing the door behind.

Once outside the room, the very first thought that came to my mind is how I'm going to my son's room dressed like this. What would my son even think of me. I really never thought of it. There is no way I'm going back to my room to change the dress. So, I went to wash the make up and pulled my saree up at the waist back in position to walk to my son's bedroom.

I was disappointed to see his bedroom door locked from inside. I can figure the lights are switched on in his room and I'm sure Akki is still awake. I knocked on the door and no reply. So, I knocked harder this time and he opened the door after a while.

"Mom, what are you going here at this time" he asked surprised as he opened the door to welcome me in.

As soon as I walked inside, he ran to close his laptop and I was really surprised by that sudden move. I could see he is feeling uncomfortable.

"Nothing, I'm just not getting sleep. So, I thought I could sleep here tonight too. Only if that's ok with you" I said.

"Please make yourself comfortable Mom. I'll arrange the bed right away. Give me few minutes" he said and started to adjust the sheets on the bed neatly.

While he was arranging the bed, I sat on the chair before the laptop and said

"You are watching movies in the night again. I said not to stare at the screen for long hours already" saying that, I was opening the laptop when in one go he rushed and stopped me from lifting the laptop screen up.

"That's fine Mom. I'm looking at the list of best colleges to join for my graduation" he said and closed the laptop. I know he is hiding something but doesn't want to bother his privacy.

"By the way, I see you've changed the dress" he said looking at me clearly for the first time since I came in.

"Yeah, I felt these are comfortable for sleep"  I lied  "you don't like it?"

"You look great Mom. Infact you are looking absolute gorgeous" he said and was surprised by his compliment.

What woman wouldn't love to hear compliments even when it comes from her son. I felt proud of myself and stood up walking to the bed. In the process, I was deliberately showing off myself to my son and I loved the way he was checking me out. 

Then I wished him goodnight as we both slept on the bed facing our backs to each other. I tried not sure how long, maybe more than an hour but couldn't sleep. I can sense that Akki drifted off to sleep and got up to make sure he was sleeping.

Once I made sure he was sleeping, my curious mind made me get up to check what he was hiding. I slowly walked in my toes and took the chair before the table. I noticed the earbuds blinking which were still connected to the laptop. I put them on and opened the screen and to my shock, there was a video which was paused. My body shivered looking at the screen. It was a porn video where there is a guy and woman butt-naked.

I assumed he was watching porn when I walked in as he didn't expect me to be here. I felt sorry for him that he wasn't able to finish or get a good release as I disturbed his private time. But my mind was occupied with other thoughts now and my finger deliberately went to click on the space button which resumed the video.

There was a huge moan sound filling my ears as soon as the video continued and I immediately reduced the volume. It was a porn video where a woman maybe in her early 40's was sleeping with her legs spread wide as a teenage guy in 20's is fucking her in a missionary position.

"Ah fuck..... Yessss.. fuck meeee.. fuck nee hardddddd. Push your cock deep inside my pussyyyyy. Ahhhhhh... Yessss. Just like that. Shove it in deep inside meeeee" the women kept screaming as the guy kept pounding her. 

My hands moved been my legs and I was pressing myself down there above my saree looking at the video. As the video continued to the next scene, the guy slept on his back on the bed and the woman with her legs on each side of him, lowered herself onto his cock letting it slip into her pussy slowly. The guy then held her ass cheeks with his cock deep inside her as she bent down to kiss him. The guy in the video was slapping and squeezing her ass cheeks harder while she kept riding his cock 

That's it. I can't take it anymore. My pussy is already wet now. I pulled my saree up and pushed the panty aside imagining myself as the woman getting fucked by that big young cock, my finger slipped into my pussy which was already leaking. The woman in the video kept moaning louder riding on his cock as the guy kept hitting her boobs, squeezing them in between and pinching her nipples pulling them. I raised my butt and pulled the panty all the way down and got rid of them as my fingers now freely played with my clit.

I added another finger inside opening my legs wide, now finger fucking mysel faster. Now the scene changed and the woman was on her all fours while the guy pushed his cock deeper into her pussy in one go. He slapped on her ass cheeks harder which made her butt turn red and started to thrust his cock in and out of her pussy. 

"Oh yessssss.. fuckkkkkkk meeeee....grab my ass and shove it all the way in...." the woman kept screaming as he kept fucking her pussy holding her both ass cheeks tight. 

I can feel my juices ready to rush out and kept moving my hand faster as my fingers explored the depths of my pussy. Soon I was fucking myself harder and faster. I know I am going to climax soon and right when that big cock in the video started to fill the woman's pussy, I felt the warm juices gush out of me. I felt my juices flowing all around my fingers and along my thighs as my eyes were struck on the screen watching the big cock slip out of her pussy as his cum kept leaking out of it. It was the orgasm, I was holding up for a long time and I felt so relaxed. 

I laid still for a while there with my legs still open and soon I felt alarmed reminding myself of the surroundings. A sense of guilt overflowed in my mind as I realised what I just did. I was in my son's bedroom masturbating watching porn in his laptop. I pushed the saree down back in position, closed the laptop screen and removed the earbuds to put them back in place. I then turned around to check if he was sleeping. I was relieved to see he was still sleeping and walked slowly to the bathroom making sure he didn't wake up. I cleaned myself and slowly got back in bed to have a good sleep after that huge orgasm I just had

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[+] 7 users Like Mf123's post
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Keep continue the story. Its was amazing
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Good start. Eagerly waiting to read upcoming updates.

(Hope you continue your other stories.)
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(25-02-2024, 04:14 PM)Fun_Lover_007 Wrote: Good start. Eagerly waiting to read upcoming updates.

(Hope you continue your other stories.)

Thanks for that

Few stories I had started with the intention of posting very few nice episodes and ending it there. But due to various reasons, I had continued them and when I noticed the readers are no more interested in updates, I stopped them.

I strongly feel that there is no point in posting updates when no one is going to read them

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Superb update
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Chapter 04


I was in deep sleep in the middle of the night when I heard some faint noises. It was not the sound of someone talking or some music, it was the sound of moaning either with pleasure or pain. It felt like I was dreaming when my eyes struggled to porn.

"Am I really having a dream?" I thought to myself.

Nah, the sounds were real. The moaning increased when I opened my eyes to turn around and see Mom was there watching the screen of my laptop which I might have kept open in the hurry of welcoming her in. But then I remembered that I surely had closed it. Mom might have opened it to check what I've been doing. I can watch her back now hiding the screen 

My eyes widened as I moved my head to a side, to see what Mom was watching and to my horror she was watching the same porn video which I had left paused when she came in. Then I noticed something which caught my eye. I can clearly see her saree bunched at the waist as she was fiddling doing something and I understood clearly what she was doing when she pulled her panties down and pulled it off her legs  

"Oh my God" I thought shocked, unable to believe what I was watching.

"Was she really doing that!" I asked myself.

Then my suspicion got confirmed when I figured that she was masturbating right there in the chair moaning hardly. She must have not known how loud she is being as she was wearing the earbuds which I got to know from the blinking light at her ears. Even from this position, I saw her moving her hand faster and pictured in my mind with her fingers moving in and out of her pussy. I had a sporting hard-on looking at my Mom finger fuck herself just a few feet away from me. 

Even though I couldn't see any sort of skin show, the very thought of her caring herself looking at porn made my cock hard like a rock. Luckily the blanket is covering me and she wouldn't know how hard I am even if she turns around. I felt the need to touch myself and pulled my cock out of the shorts and started stroking it looking at her and listening to her moaning. 

He moaning sound increased and I started to jack off faster and there was a loud moan from her and realised she just reached a huge orgasm. Very soon she started to pull her saree down and I was startled that she might turn around anytime.

"Shit, I would have cum in just a few more minutes" I thought to myself when I watched her take off the earbuds and soon I stuffed my cock and turned sideways to act like I was sleeping.

After a while, I heard the bathroom door open and close. I assumed she must have gone to clean herself up. Fearing she would return soon and not to get caught, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. She came silently and slept on the bed beside me like a baby. It was difficult for me to sleep with that sporting hard-on but I tried to get some sleep for another 30mins. 

I badly needed to relieve myself or I'm going to stay awake all night. Once I was confident Mom was sleeping, I got up and checked on her. She had kept the light of the bathroom on and kept the door a bit ajar. The light from the bathroom has filled the room partly with light and I saw Mom sleeping on her back. Her pallu had moved out of place and was not at all covering her chest. The saree also had rode up almost up to her thighs so that I could see her milky flesh clearly. The sleeveless blouse was showing off the sides of her boobs slightly as she was sleeping with her both arms over her head. The hard cock kept throbbing in my pants. I thought of going to the bathroom to relieve myself but my hands deliberately went to pull my shorts down right there standing beside her. With the huge relief from the orgasm she just had, I was sure that she wouldn't wake up anytime soon. With each breath she took, the heaving chest covering those soft melons was driving me crazy and I started to stroke my cock right there. Stroking my hard cock with one hand, my other hand went to grab her pallu and move it aside exposing her bare navel portion to my feasting eyes.

I kept stroking faster and grabbed the saree where it was tucked at her waist. I pulled her saree down which went hardly 4 inches from its place and my fingers felt a jolt of shock when my fingers touched her pubic hair and I felt the cum bursting out of cock as the jets sprayed all over her navel. A slight moan escaped from my mouth and I tried my best to suppress it. I tried to stop myself from cumming on her but failed. Once the last drops of cum left out of my limping cock, I began to worry.

Luckily for me the wet patches on her bare navel didn't wake her up. I carefully pulled a tissue from the draw with weakened knees and wiped the cum from her belly. I was frightened to see a few patches on her saree and prayed that Mom wouldn't notice them in the morning. Then I put on my shorts back and soon fell asleep 

In the morning when I got up Mom was not beside me. I recollected from what happened night and a wave of guilt and fear crossed my mind. I definitely shouldn't have done it but I was not in control. I now feared to face Mom realising what would be her reaction if she had seen the wet patch on her saree.

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[+] 2 users Like Mf123's post
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Nice update bro
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Nice update.

Both mother and son started to attract each other.

Waiting for next episode.
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Story is interesting. Always a fan of your other story as well. Mom's game. Looking for further updates!!!
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(29-03-2024, 05:33 AM)Vineeth412 Wrote: Story is interesting. Always a fan of your other story as well. Mom's game. Looking for further updates!!!

Thanks for the comment. I started this story to potray the the son as a dominating guy and the Mom to be a submissive slut for him which is generally not my genre. But as usual I am ending up focusing more on the loving bond between the mother and son. This but maintaining the Alpha male character of the son. So I'm holding up this story for a while but surely will continue this after a period of time.

But in the meantime, I'm going to continue my favourite story (A Mom's game) which I think probably is having a good fan base.  The continuation will be named "A Mom's game continues again".

I will try my best to post updates for it as soon as I can.

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Nice Story!
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