Adultery Mily trapped to prostitution
Mily roy was just another regular bengali housewife with a daughter of 8 years old. Her regular chores included getting up early than others, give her hubby bed tea , cooking food for herself and her hubby and daughter.

Pack lunch for both her hubby and daughter , get her daughter ready and escort her to bus stop to see her off to school, do some window shopping and return back to their rented flat and finally settle down with a cup of tea for some time , before rushing off to her chores again.

Though she looked a normal, she was a very pretty Bengali beauty.. Even at age of 37, she did manage to turn heads.
With a height of 5’.6” , very fair and shapely figure of 34b, she was a stunner. She never wore high heels, in fact she could not afford one, but the lone silver anklet on her left ankle did add to her beauty. She mostly was in saree , exceptionally in nighty at home . She wore no makeup except a red lipstick; in fact she hardly needed any.
She seemed a contented woman, but deep down she was broken and needy both due to her lousy sex life and poor financial conditions.
Her hubby “Arup” aged 42 , bald was a mere clerk in a private firm and could hardly meet ends with his meager salary. His frustration pushed him to drink cheap liquors and therefore he hardly remained in true senses to fuck his pretty wife, and gradually lost interest in sex.

She often resorted to window shopping after seeing off her daughter to admire the beautiful dresses and jewelry in the show cases for self and her daughter, hoping someday she might lay hands on them. A day she dreamed off in near future, May be. She stared at them with longing eyes , that often brought tears in those lovely eyes.
Her daughter often asked for dresses, as she saw her friends in dazzling dresses, Mily would console her again and again with a false hope that she will buy her those dresses soon. She often asked Mily for fast foods, but then those wishes were too put off for future.

One fateful day, dressed in a black saree with a maroon half sleeve blouse , after seeing her daughter off, she stared blankly at a “princess dress” in one of the show case. It was so elegant and she imagined how lovely her daughter would look in that. She looked at the price tag, 6000/-, it was that kind of amount she could not even dream off, let alone spend.
She backed away from the show case window and was about to retrace her steps back to her flat, to her loneliness. She was intercepted by another lady , an elegant one , well dressed and with a polished look. “Looking for a dress for your daughter” she quipped. “ No no , just looking” Mily stammered.

“its ok to look , lets go for a coffee, shall we” She told Mily. “But I hardly know you” said Mily surprised.
“Well in that case, I am Sonali and I work for an NGO” and she extended her hands. “Now we are friends” she told as Mily extended her hands too. “ I am Mily”
They went to a nearby “Barista” . Mily wondered that she has seen this coffee shop many times , it was quite a costly one but never had the heart to step in.
They sat across the table with a coffee mug each in their hands and some cookies, which Mily had never tasted or seen before.
Sonali interacted very frankly and enquired Mily about her family , Mily too dazzled by elegance of Sonali confided to her about  husband and daughter , on how they were struggling financially as if she had met a long lost friend.

“I run a NGO” she quipped again “ and we are looking for dedicated homely housewives to work for us , in their free time”
“But I have so much to do at home” replied Mily . “ only 2-3 hours are required from you “ Sonali assured “ That too not daily , say 3 days a week”
Mily was in doubts, how can she manage to spare 2-3 hours . Sonali sensed it and said “ Mily , the amount you will get paid , can help you fulfill your desires and dreams” . With this sentence , Mily looked up.

“You can buy that dress with your income easily, and make your daughter happy” she added. “What all do I have to do” asked Mily eagerly.
Sonali smiled “ Well, lets go to my house, Its quite nearby, there I will explain on what all do we do, you can decide to join us after that”
“but I have to return home before my daughter returns” told Mily.
“Don’t worry I will free you before that and pack some chicken chow mien for your daughter too, am sure she likes it” assured Sonali.
The prospects of getting paid and the packet of chowmien for her daughter dissolved all her doubts as she accompanied Sonali to her place. Her daughter was in fact nagging for few days for the chicken chowmien , she remembered.

They both reached a huge society, with many multi story flats. They entered one such lobby and reached 10th floor by lift.
Mily was taken aback seeing the flat after they entered the drawing room after passing through a corridor. It was gracefully designed and decorated. “I did all this with my money, I earned from NGO” Sonali told Mily, she saw hers eyes twinkle as they entered.
The drawing room was gracefully done, fitted with a spilt AC , huge LED TV , with a glass center table and the sofa so huge , that one could sleep in wondered Mily. The windows were closed and fitted with venetian blinds.

There was a pleasant aroma in the big room and the walls were nicely done too with wallpapers, the room was well lit.
Making her sit in the huge sofa , Sonali wandered off to the kitchen to bring some water as Mily requested, it was summer time in Kolkata.
She came back with the water and sat across. Mily admired the drawing room while sipping the water handed over to her. Sonali told her about on how their “NGO” helps needy women and others, Mily listened absentmindedly as she wondered in back of her mind on how she can have a beautiful flat like this from the money she would earn .

Mily snapped back to reality as the door bell rang. Sonali got off from her seat and went off to answer the bell.
Mily still sitting in the sofa could hear the door open and faint conversation between sonali and a male voice.
The male and sonali soon entered the drawing room .  “Mily he is Mr. Ashim , our director” told Sonali    “ He meets any new member personally , before any new lady joins us”
“And Ashim sir , she is Mily and wishes to join our organization” Sonali introduced the male person to her. The person with golden spectacles was dressed in black trouser and cream shirt. He had trimmed beard and with a stare that could burn through you.

Mily stood up and folded her hands in “namasate” and Mr. Ashim reciprocated.
Mily returned to her seat  as Mr. Ashim sat beside her on the sofa. Mily noticed his burning stares on her as Sonali quipped  “Ashim sir kindly evaluate her and explain her the profile, as I get back to kitchen to prepare some tea for you both”
“We are so grateful to wonderful women like you , to join us in our noble causes” his voice boomed in the drawing room for the first time. “I wish to join , But I don’t have much time” Mily stammered again .

Now Mr. Ashim held her hands in his as if calming her and boomed again “We don’t need much of your time , we know you have a family too. Only 2-3 hours for 3 days a week will be enough for the noble cause”. He didn’t let go off her hands but kept on hold them firmly.
No male has touched her before other than hubby. She shivered as he held her hands, his thumb running over her slender fingers. She tried to pull back her hand, but he didn’t let go rather closed in the gap between them, as he slid very close to her, facing her.

He could now smell the sweet fragrance of her talcum powder, which she applied before leaving home. She on the other hand could smell his sweaty masculine smell, it was turning her on. After all she was physically starved since many months and the touch and smell of another male was dissolving all her inhibitions.
Mily was forgetting that she was a wife and a mother, she now was a hungry woman yearning for a male touch.
Still holding her hands in his left hands , he brushed the hairs of Mily’s face and tucked them behind her left ear with his right hands, caressing her left cheek with his fingers.
She shuddered with this sudden move of his .  “You have so many hidden desires and your pretty eyes are witness of those, You can fulfill all your hidden desires” he whispered in her left ear. She has never been so close to any other male before.

With these words he placed his burning lips on her nape kissing it lightly, as he placed his right hand on her shoulder trying to brush off hem of the saree (Pallu) off it.
“Leave me please” were the last proper words that passed her lips, as the pallu slipped off her shoulder onto  lap as he went one discovering and kissing all over the nape. Her cleavage was exposed , but he was more busy on her neck and nape.
Her eyes were now half closed and her rosy lips were forming an “O” as a soft moan “Ohhh…” escaped her lips. With all her inhibitions dissolved and she forgetting that she was a mother , she knew in back of her mind , that she was going to get fucked by this man , whom she met just 15 minutes back .
As soon as he heard her moan, he knew she was his to take. He rested her head on the sofa head rest lightly as she started to look at the ceiling with her eyes half closed and cleavage exposed, he  started to kiss her front neck.

Soon her neck was wet and shining with his wet kisses, he moved down and placed his lips upon her exposed cleavage. Mily’s hands were on sofa on either side her. He went on to plunder her cleavage as he showered his kisses on her exposed skin and over her blouse. His lips seeked her nipples over her blouse , and his tongue dived deep between her cleavage again and again.
Her moans and shallow breaths escaped her lips now and then and her hands now held onto his arms. Her blouse had hooks in front. He stopped his kissing and concentrated on the hooks and opened them one by one, she looked on with glazy eyes.

Soon the blouse flaps free from the hooks just hung on sides as her 34b boobs encased in white bra was before his eyes. He made her stand as he knelt in front of her on his knees , now her navel was just in front of his greedy eyes.
Mr. Ashim placed  lips on her navel , digging his tongue deep into it as his hands were busy pulling out the saree from her petticoat. A loud moan escaped her lips as he went on kissing her navel and her waist. She placed both her arms around his head.
Soon the saree free from the bondage of petticoat bunched around her ankles on the floor. Mr. Ashim got off on his feet and brushed off the already open blouse and soon it joined the saree on the floor.
This was the first time Mily kissed any guy other than her hubby, as he placed his lips on hers and kissed  holding her by her face. He pried open her lips with his tongue , his tongue met hers and he sucked onto her tongue. She gripped his hands but cooperated and allowed him to suck her tongue.
She moaned loudly in his mouth as he caressed her boobs over her bra. His hands left his face and was now busy opening the knots of her petticoat and soon it also bunched around her anklets.
He moved away from her lips and now was busy undressing him self. Soon his hairy  broad chest came into her view , his pants gave away and he was standing in front of her only in his underwear, the bulge in his underwear seemed quite big to her. His tool was trying to break the bondage of his underware.
She too was standing in front him just in her white bra and panty .
She looked so erotic in the well lit drawing room. She had sindoor on her fore head  , her necklace that hung from her neck, her arms with red and white bangles worn by married Bengali ladies and her lone silver anklet that glinted in her left ankle.
He again moved forward took her in his arms and started kissing her neck and bare shoulder as his hands were busy behind her back to un clip her bra.
He made her sit back in the sofa and took her now open bra and threw it among the clothes on the floor. It was a sight to behold; the earlier tidy room was now littered and messy with their clothes.

Her boobs were taught and showed no sign of sagging with age. His lips now set itself on her nipples one by one while his rough hands caressed the other one. The room was now filled with her moans and shallow breather. It didn’t matter to Mily that sonali was also in the flat , she was lost in lust with another stranger guy whom she just met and she didn’t care as she grabbed him by his hairs.
After his attack on her boobs , he moved and tugged on to her panty by its side. She shamelessly lifted herself up from the sofa , so that he could drag it down through her legs . The panty now hung careless from her left ankle.
He now opened his golden spectacles and placed them onto the glass center table.
He sat between her spread legs and took her left leg on his arm, took off her panty off her ankle and threw it in the corner. And sucked onto her toes and fingers, same he did with the right leg. As he was sucking and licking  her toes and fingers, she looked on and shallow breath escaped her lips. She knew soon she was going to get fucked by  a stranger and she just didn’t care about her sweet family.
She was trimmed , as Mr. Ashim spread her pussy lips and sealed it with his lips and dove his tongue in her already wet pussy, seeking her clit.
This was altogether a new experience for Mily. Her hubby never went down on her like this. She has only read about this and seen it on porn clips, and now a guy of her age was going down on her.

It felt so good , that Mily almost started to scream and moan “ ohhhhhh …maaaa” “ohhhhhhhh”  , she dug her nails on his head as he went on to ravage her pussy. She writhed on the sofa with the onslaught of her orgasms , she came again and again , he had to hold her by  waist to steady her while eating her pussy as her thighs clamped around his neck.
He finally came up from her pussy, and stood up. There she lay on the sofa panting, a housewife and a mother. He smiled at his achievement, but there was more to be done. He was also aware that their every move was being recorded by many cameras placed at various hidden angles .
It was now time for the final nail to be driven. He took off his underwear finally and his big erect tool  just sprang from the bondage ready to attack.
“He is indeed bigger than Arup, both in length and girth” she wondered.

He made her lie on the sofa , she finally became sure that a person could really sleep on this huge sofa. He spread her legs and went between them. “Put me in you” he ordered as his face hovered over her. She obediently moved her left arm down and grabbed his already erect tool. It felt so warm and thick.
She placed it on her dripping pussy lips and he pushed. A scream escaped her lips as he looked on and smiled. He was very big and due to her poor sex life , she was too tight. And his tool stretched her.

She just kept repeating “Please pull out , you are too big” and tried pushing him off by digging her nails on his chest . She jolted to reality with the pain, one she was cheating and secondly this stranger was too big.
 But he was relentless. He just smiled and grabbed her arms and pulled back till his tip and pushed harder this time. Almost half of it went it , her dripping pussy helped. She howled and she sobbed > he wondered for a moment as he let her get accustomed to his size, whether her tears are of pain or guilt. He hardly cared. She was below her and he need to finish the assignment.
He now lay down on her , crushing her taut boobs by his broad chest. He held on to her shoulder for support as he pulled back again and pushed with all his force and his cock slid into her pussy to the hilt.

“ I am in you fully Mily, you now just have to enjoy it” he cooed in her left ear as he kissed and licked her shoulder. Her eyes rolled over as he finally snuggled deep in her.
He gave her some time to rest and get a feel of his cock in her . Her palms now lay on his broad back as he started his slow stroke of pull back and push. His thick rod pistoned in and out of her pussy. Both were sweating now in spite the fact that the AC was running in full blast. His sweat dripped down his face onto her as he licked off her sweat .
Her sobbing were now loud moans as she dug her nails on his back and made deep red marks. Her ankles were locked behind his back, and the cold anklet rubbed on his bare skin. He now rammed hard and fast and she was getting involved in eternal bliss. The thought of her hubby and daughter vanished from her mind and she was busy in enjoying the fucking to the full.
After few minutes of ramming in her pussy, he pulled out and turned her on her knees in the sofa and before she could recover , rammed his hard tool again in her pussy. “ Ohhhhhhhhh” she screamed again.

He held her by her long hairs with his left hand and grabbed her boobs with is right hand and pounded her. Her moans were getting louder and longer. She screamed in Bengali to fuck her faster and deeper, She no longer was just a pretty housewife and mother; she was a slut now, who was being serviced by a cock that did not below to his hubby.
Mily a housewife and mother has already been licked in the pussy by a stranger and now being fucked in missionary and doggy position .
He was about to cum , he could feel that. He increased his speed as he grabbed and mauled her boobs roughly. Mily came many times and lost the count, she was getting tired but carried on.
Soon Mr . Ashim came with a loud grunt and spilled his potent seed deep in her. He came in liters and Mily could feel the splash in her and came with a shattering orgasm. She moaned loud. “ Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh maaaaaaaaaaaa” and fell down on the sofa as he popped out his still semi hard cock.

He finally placed a kiss on her bare back and commented “ You are one hot housewife and a great addition to our organization”.
He left her on the sofa , got dressed and left the flat whistling.
Mily gathered herself up after this rough and wild fuck and began to dress her self. Tears of guilt rolled down her cheeks.
Sonali entered the room with a packet of chicken chowmien and sat beside her.
“Hope you enjoyed the meeting “ She mocked. Mily looked at her with glaring eyes.
Sonali just smiled and pointed her to the various cameras set up at various parts of the room. It was a trap , she understood.
Sonali commanded “ Be here every time we call you , or else …., now take the chowmien and feed your daughter”
She jumped up at the mention of her daughter, it was too late. She was in this filthy place with the stranger for more than two hours and she needs to rush back to the bus stop to receive her daughter.
She just picked up the food packet and ran out of the flat as she could hear sonali laugh.
Later that evening , as her daughter ate the chowmien , she wondered on what her future will be with sonali and Mr. Ashim.  

Note : More to come. It has been adapted from a short bengali movie called "Asati" in my own words. And i ll add more episodes if you like it.
[+] 7 users Like hotguydelhi_sidharth's post
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Super update
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Great effort....
Eagerly waiting for next....
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What a great writing skill
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Hi Author,
Great start and good going. Keep up the good work.
I didn’t knew it was from Bengali short film. However, the scene resembles the movie ‘Astha’ actress by Rekha.
Please take the story to nexts level.
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(17-12-2023, 08:02 AM)befriend007 Wrote: Hi Author,
Great start and good going. Keep up the good work.
I didn’t knew it was from Bengali short film. However, the scene resembles the movie ‘Astha’ actress by Rekha.
Please take the story to nexts level.
Yes I agree  with you
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But make mily Roy to a parfect randi and cheating mom and wife
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Her First call :

That night Mily couldn’t sleep. The guilt ate her up from inside, how could she let another man, that too a stranger touch her and exploit her sexually. She debated in her mind , she was indeed sex starved but still letting the stranger seduce and then letting him ravish was not acceptable.
Mr. Ashim a total stranger used her again and again and that too like an animal, “he must have sensed my desires” she though.
Her oblivious hubby snored just beside her , as she tossed and turned with tears of guilt running down her cheeks. She a rigorous bath after she returned, while her daughter was enjoying the “chicken chowmien” . She scrubbed her body with soap with a hope of rubbing and washing off every part of sin she committed and removing any traces of Mr. Ashim from her body.

Next day she was not to her self , but attended to her daily chores. She was not the same bubbly housewife who pushed her daughter and hubby to get ready for their school and work, lest they might get late.
Her hubby again didn’t notice the change. Mily dropped off her daughter at the bus stop with a fear in her that she might encounter sonali again. But she was nowhere to be seen, Mily returned to her flat with a relief.

Mily was broken and sobbed again, she wanted to talk to someone , to cry out her feeling , her sin , but then she didn’t have a circle or friends with whom she could confide to.
The day passed on without any more incidents and she was almost normal by the time her hubby returned home. At night she nudged her hubby to get close to him and make him hold her in his arms, but alas her hubby snored already drunk and tired. She felt deprived again, however went to sleep as she was tired too from no sleep the previous night.

Next day ie 2nd day since the incident, she was herself again , the same bubbly housewife and mother who scolded both her hubby and daughter to not get late. She pushed the incident as a bad dream in back of her mind. Mily dropped her daughter , did her usual window shopping and returned home. It was 9.30am.
She settled down with a hot cup of tea , just glancing over the daily news paper.

The door bell chimed once and then again by the time she kept her tea on the table and opened the door. A kid with shabby dress was standing there , dressed in a torn shirt and a dirty trouser, naked feet. She looked at him with query in her eyes “ What do you want ?” she asked. The kid extended his left hand, in that was a folded piece of paper. The kid rushed off as soon as she took the paper from his hand. “Who gave you this” she asked but the kid was down her stairs and out on road by then.
She closed the door , came back to her seat beside the table and looked at the paper. It was a neatly folded one. She opened it and read its content. The floor beneath her feet slipped away and tears welled in her eyes. She read the note once again “call me on this number ********** . Beware I know your address” all its said. She could guess immediately name the sender of this note.

With trembling hands, she dialed the number “Hello Mily. How are you” quipped a sweet voice from the other end. There was no doubt in Mily’s mind “Listen, Mr. Ashim is indeed charmed by you” she continued “ he will visit you around 10.30am with his friend, Please welcome them properly”
“Please leave me” sobbed Mily. “What have I done any wrong to you” . Sonali spoke again “Mily , dry up your tears and get ready, or else a pen drive will be delivered to your hubby” she threatened her and cut the call.

The walls in her flat seemed to be falling down all around her. The incident she thought was a bad dream, no longer was a bad dream but a nightmare which has just began.
She sobbed and sobbed as her tea on the table run cold. Her thought were shattered by the gong of the wall clock on her flat wall. It was 10am already and the heinous letchy person would arrive at her door step soon. The mere thought of the person made her skin crawl.

“Get ready” she remembered Sonali ordering in the call. Mily’s eyes became red with anger , “Get ready”” she wont and she doesn’t care. But little did Mily remember that she looked pretty and sexy anyway, with or without any makeup. She didn’t move from her chair, staring blankly. Her tears dried up .

The heinous guy was coming to her house with his friend, “what is his plan ?” She thought. She didn’t have any peeping neighbors, in fact she hardly knew her neighbors  .
As they were in lower middle class bracket ,so they didn’t have any friends or neighbors who cared. Their flat was in 2nd floor and there were four one bedroom flat in each floor. They didn’t have much of a furniture. One double bed in their bedroom , a single folding cot for their daughter in the drawing room along with a dining table and few plastic chairs.

But she kept her flat neat and tidy. No dirt or messed up clothes anywhere .
It was 10.30am , she looked at the clock and her heart skipped a beat. She was expecting the calling bell to chime or a knock on her door. None of it happened.
10.35am, she seemed somewhat relieved, may be they are not coming after all and it was a prank.

10.40am , the door bell chimed and there were several knocks on her door at the same time, this made Mily jump on her chair. She was terrified, it was no prank. Here they were. Sweats rolled down her forehead. The bell rang again. She had to face her fate. Mily got up from her chair and with trembling hands opened the door.
There stood two men at her door step, One she recognized immediately. It was Mr. Ashim the letchy guy who used her, the other one was a total stranger.
The other guy was at least 50 yrs old, partially bald and a huge pot belly. He was dressed in dhoti and kurta and gold chains hung from his neck. “Are they real gold” she wondered. Both the guys were checking Mily from toe to head.

“Namaste Boudi” Beamed Ashim. “May we come in” . She moved aside un willingly as both men entered her homely abode.
She closed the door behind them and turned around to find them sitting in the plastic chairs. She stood by the door as Mr. Ashim broke the silence.
“Choksi seth, she is Mily and has joined our organization recently” Introduced Mr. Ashim “ Seth ji , she is a housewife and mother , and she will take good care of you, I was supposed to stay but as you know I have to rush elsewhere”

Choski seth nodded as he never took his lusty eyes off Mily. Mily on the other hand looked at the floor thinking , where all these would lead to.
Mr. Ashim boomed again “Mily Boudi”. She jerked her eyes off the floor at her name and looked at Ashim with eyes full of rage. Ashim smiled and continued “ Take good care of seth ji, as you took care of me . Seth is very important to us and is in Kolkata for few days” . “ I wanted to stay with you but cannot as I have a urgent matter to take care off” He boomed “ I will visit you some other time, there must not be any complain from seth ji”

Then he turned to Seth “ Seth ji , her daughter will come home at 3.00pm , please free her by then” . Choksi seth spoke for the first time in broken Bengali “ Don’t worry , will free her by then and if I am happy then will give her bakshish too” laughed seth.

Mr. Ashim got up from his chair “Be careful Mily” threatened her and opened the door and left the flat.
Mily closed the door and again stood by the door , now knowing what to do now. She was all alone with this old man whom she despised. There was an awkward  silence in her flat for few moments .

Seth Ji finally quipped again in broken Bengali . “ Apnar bedroom kothai aache” “Where is your bedroom”.
Mily was taken aback by the question, the moment of truth has arrived and she is deep in it , either she was willing or not didn’t matter now. She was going to get touched and used by a second stranger within a week. “what kind of muck am I getting into” she wondered as she pointed her finger towards their bedroom.
“Apni bhi ashun” “You also come” told Choksi seth, as he got up from his chair and walked towards the bedroom, Mily also followed him in slow steps.

Choksi seth was a regular client of sonali and she got him new females each time, he came to Kolkata from Rajasthan on his business trips. He had a special liking for married women and had requested Sonali to get one for him , days before he actually came to Kolkata on business purpose.
This is where Mily came into picture, sonali lured the needy housewife and mother to her house or den , where Mily was tested and tasted and recorded by the devil himself , Mr. Ashim.Ashim was sonali’s main master mind and he himself fucked the prey sonali lured each time. He developed a special liking for Mily , which she would come to know in her days to come.

Choksi seth was thrilled , he had never met someone as pretty as Mily till now in his trips to Kolkata. He was surprised when Sonali and Ashim charged him double the usual rate but he was reluctant to say yes till he has seen the housewife.
He nodded silently to Ashim, behind Mily’s back when he saw such a pretty housewife and mother , Ashim was happy.

Choksi seth wondered as he sat on the bed, on how Sonali and Ashim managed to lay their hands on such a pretty woman. Mily looked very pretty inspite the fact that she wore no make up. Dressed in a yellow saree and red half sleeve blouse Mily looked ravishing.

Mily stood near the door inside her bed room and looked on  , as Choksi seth got off from the bed and took off his white kurta. He looked so ugly with his pot belly fully in view now.

Mily cringed and started to shiver as she looked upon this ugly old man. She thought of revolting and telling this old hog to get out of her house. But the next moment tears came in her eyes as she knew on how they would blackmail her and she would lose his loving daughter and hubby in a single blow.

As she was drowned in her thought, Choksi seth came forward held her left hand and pulled her along to the bed. Now he was sitting in the bed and Mily was standing in front of him. She looked up at the ugly old man. His bare chest and body was full of white hair, His pot belly was just hanging there. His lusty eyes were pinned on her heaving boobs. He was looking at her with lusty eyes and was licking his lips while she looked on with despair. She looked like a deer trapped by a hunter.

After a few moments of silence , Seth extended his right arm and brushed off the pallu from her right shoulder and it just slid from there onto her flat floor. The old revolting hog had planned to ravish her beautiful body right in her own marital bed.
After the pallu fell onto the floor , he un tucked the rest of saree from her waist and soon it bunched around her feet in the floor. She closed her eyes in shame and dislike, as if she could not bear the sight of the old hog undressing her. Indifferent to her feelings , he kept on disrobing her fully, after all he had paid a lot for this housewife and mother. He was his property for next few hours and he did not wish to touch or feel her until she was there without a single thread on her sexy body. He kept on taking clothes off her body as she stood like a statue with eyes closed.

After the saree came off , he focused on her blouse , which had hooks on the front. He opened the hooks one by one as her now taut boobs encased in a cream bra came into his view. After all the hooks were done , he just slipped it off her shoulder onto her floor.

Next came down was her white petticoat, he now got off and reached her back and unclipped her cream bra and it soon met the fate of other clothes , ie on the floor.
She often scolded her daughter for leaving clothes in the floor and now her own clothes were on the floor and she stood silently.
Choksi seth looked at the Bengali beauty , there she stood in the well lit room with her black panty on only . She had red and white bangles on both her arms , and a silver anklet on her left leg that shone in the light. The red sindoor on her forehead looked so alluring . Tears rolled down her cheeks which he didn’t care about. He was drooling at this sight but still held back and didn’t touch her yet.

He got off from the bed , Mily opened her eyes and looked at him, he went on to un furl his dhoti and his black underwear came into the view. He soon got rid of his underwear and his shriveled skinned penis was out. It was semi hard and jutted out of his body. His rest of the body was also covered in white hairs as his upper half. Mily hated herself on prospect of getting fucked by this old ugly man.

After getting naked , grabbed Mily by her right hand and pulled her to bed along with him. She now lay in her own marital bed , looking at the ceiling awaiting his next move.
He was an animal as he grabbed her black panty and pulled it hard . It just shredded due to the force and her came off her body, her nicely trimmed pussy now came into his view.

At last she lay before him without a single thread in her body. “Tum bahut khasa maal aache” (you are an awesome piece) seth ji told her, as he roughly spread her thighs and dove his face on her pussy lips. Mily shuddered , this old hog was the second guy in a week to feel her pussy lips with his tongue. She clutched onto the bed sheet as he plundered her pussy with his mouth and tongue. In spite the fact that she was hating this , her pussy did not agree to her feelings and began to get wetter every moment.

As he was eating and licking her pussy, he pushed in his right hand middle finger deep in her, She moaned loudly “ohhhhhh………..”  un willingly. Her nails dug in the mattress, as the old smelly loathing guy was bringing her on edge of a shattering orgasm just by using his tongue and finger. She thrashed around in the bed so hard that he had to hold her by waist to keep on his pussy plundering.

Her body and mind was reacting to his tongue and finger in her pussy. The picture of cheating second time to his hubby on their own marital bed and the picture of an ugly old man fucking her was soon vanishing from her mind. Soon she reached another mind blowing orgasm and came all over his face. Her pussy dripped and the fluid dripped down her thighs onto her bed, marking her bed sheet. Mily howled “ ohhhhhhhhhhhh maaaaaa “ so loud that she feared that her neighbors might hear her through the wall.

Choksi seth moved his wet face from her still dripping pussy and saw he panting from the aftershock of her orgasm. He didn’t waste any time and moved upon her taut nipples, while he sucked the left one , his left hand mauled the right one and vice versa. He squeezed and mauled and sucked her boobs. The sight was too much to bear, an old man with hairs all over his body was mounted upon a housewife and mother and he was doing as he wished to her nubile body and she didn’t resist.
His dirty and drooling mouth moved between her boobs and her arm pits, he licked her arm pits , dragging his tongue all over her arm pits. A soft moan now and then escaped her lips. Her eyes rolled, she seems to enjoy the on slaught by the old dirty smelly fat man. 

She could feel his shriveled cock resting on her thighs, getting harder every moment. Once he was though with her boobs and arm pits , he kissed her full on lips. He smelled so bad. Mily thought she might puke. He smelled of cheap liquor and gutka (Tobacco). She resisted his invading lips , so he had to be contented by kissing her rosy lips and biting them.

Now choksi seth got up between her legs and positioned his now hard cock on her pussy lips. His pot belly was so big that she couldn’t have a look at his cock . He pushed holding her legs in his arms and half of it went in. She moaned, from the feel , she could sense that he was not as big as Mr. ashim but certainly bigger than her hubby. Though she hated the invasion but her pussy had a mind of its own and was stretching and getting wetter.

He pulled back and pushed again and he was in her fully. Her already dripping pussy grabbed his cock nicely as glove. He looked at her face directly from above , as her face twisted both in pain and pleasure. Her eyes rolled and her lips making an “O” as she moaned “oh oh oh”
“Bibahit mohila ke uske apne bed me chodne ka maza aalag aache” (Fucking a married lady in her own bed is so much fun” he laughed as he continued his strokes in and out.

Mily grabbed his arms with her nails as he pounded her in and out.
His age and pot belly soon took over as he began to pant and fell over her . Saliva drooled from his mouth onto her smooth dusky body. She didn’t care now, he need to finish what he started .

The hidden slut in the Bengali married housewife and mother was taking over. Her nails traced his hairy back and she whispered in his ears,  urging him to fuck her deeper,  Choksi seth was also not willing to let go so easily. He was still hard and embedded deep in her pussy.
He pulled out with a plop and pulled her onto the edge of bed , now he was standing on the floor between her luscious legs.
He took both her legs onto his shoulder and entered his pussy in a single push. Her pussy was too willing to take his cock back in. She moaned loud as her nails dug into the bed sheet.

He licked and kissed around her anklet and sucked her toes and started to pound her harder this time, the writhing pretty housewife in the bed before him poured new energy in the old man . As he kept on pounding her rapidly mouthing obscene words “ saali randi , kutiya saali” (Bloody whore , bitch) and with each words , smelly spits fell on her lovely body. She didn’t care all this now , she was really enjoying this being fucked by an old fat hog again and again.

After fucking her in this position , he pulled out again “ Chal saali kutiya ban ja” (Get into doggy style) he barked. She knew the meaning of “Kutiya position” since Mr. Ashim fucked her.
She complied and turned on her knees and elbow in the bed. He too didn’t waste any time and entered her again, holding her by waist.

She looked at the clock through corner of her eyes as she moaned with each stroke. It was too late , just 2 hours left for her home coming. She will have to set her house right , cook , take a bath and get ready to go to bus stop before that.

She begged between her moaning “Oh Oh Oh seth , jaldi kijiye, beti aane wali hai, jaldi karo seth ji “ she wailed . Choski seth took no pity and kept on banging her hard. He grabbed her boobs now and then and screamed “Saali randi” (whore) in her ears. She closed her eyes in shame as tears flew down her cheeks onto her bed and she kept moaning at the same time.

After few minutes she could feel her his cock swell deep in her and soon burst of cum string showered her un protected womb , as she herself collapsed onto her own bed as she too had a shattering orgasm. His cum dribbled down her legs on to her marital bed. “have to change the bed sheet” she wondered while still trembling from the aftermath.

Choksi seth withdrew from her pussy and almost immediately started to get dressed , then he opened his briefcase and took out 5 crispy note of 1000 and threw it at her and “Abar pore asbe” (will visit you again) he quipped and laughed and rushed out of the house.

She finally sat in her own bed , staring at those 5000/- strewn across her bed. Her first income as Sonali told her she would. “what shall I buy with my first income” she wondered as tears streamed down her face.

She got up , hid the money in her purse , still nude and smelly. Locked the front door and entered bathroom to take a bath and rub off the filth from her body . She noticed the love bites left by that old hog around her boobs, “Hubby wont be able to see them” she assured herself .
Wondered what would come next. As this was the beginning of her journey down.    
[+] 9 users Like hotguydelhi_sidharth's post
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Great mily ko kahi bahar bajo chudwana jaha uska husband ko jhut bola
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Just outstanding...
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At last a relief in this website... Nice story to read... But wish this also not get stopped in the middle
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Excellent story
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Mily Goes on a call :

Mily popped in a contraceptive pill after her bath. She brought the strip just after her encounter with Mr. Ashim, She hid it well under her clothes in the almirah.
Anyway her hubby would be too tired and drunk to find it.

She wondered how this new phase of her life would proceed. She didn’t have sex with her hubby since many months and here she did have earth shattering orgasms with two strangers with a week and got paid for that too.
But deep down she was still a homely housewife and mother. The guilt of getting fucked by strangers was getting too much for her to bear. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she sat in her chair beside the table pondering.

Her phone rang, she snapped back to reality. It was Sonali , Mily reluctantly answered It “you have done a good job, Choksi seth is very happy with you, now take some rest before the next assignment” laughed sonali and cut the call.
She didn’t reply a word as she kept the mobile on the table. She wondered whether she could discuss the situation with anyone. No name came in her mind.
A wife’s best friend ie her hubby was also oblivious.

She got dressed and ready and left her flat to receive her daughter at the bus stop. She returned home and sat for lunch with her daughter, after she changed.
She went in her bedroom, the air in her bedroom was still thick and smelled of the rigorous sex she had with the fat slob just an hour ago. She opened her bedroom window and turned on the fan at full speed to drive the smell away.

Her bed sheet was stained at many places from her own juices. She hurriedly changed the bed sheet and soaked the stained one.
She lay down on bed with her daughter beside for an afternoon nap. How hard she tried to sleep but just couldn’t , as the scene of the animal sex she had flashed again and again in front of her eyes. She wondered on how she could let that fat slob ravish her body, again and again.

The strange part was she too enjoyed the onslaught at some point of time and the crispy notes were an added bonus. “Am I turning into a slut” she thought.
She was tired, so soon she slumbered into sleep after some time.
Rest of the day , went on peacefully , as usual her hubby didn’t not suspect anything, the still lingering light smell of sex , the changed bed cover , nothing.
The next day also passed on peacefully, but she was always on her toes for the dreadful phone call. Her phone did rang  few times and her heart skipped a beat each time , but then they were mere tele marketing calls.

Next day started the usual way, she wore the same red saree and black half sleeve blouse which she wore on the day of encounter with Mr. Ashim and went to drop her kid at the bus stop.
She didn’t have much of a choice of saree as she could not afford new saree every month. Her mind flashed with the scenes between her and Mr. Ashim but then she brushed it off.
As soon as she entered her home and opened her slippers and locked the door, the bell rang.  “who this could be, at this time” she wondered at back of her mind , as she opened the door and immediately her face went white as she could recognize her visitor.

It was the same kid at her door , who carried a note from sonali the previous day. Today also he held a note in his handed, He extended his hand and Mily took it from his hand and closed the door.
She opened the note with trembling hands, “Call me boudi at this number …………..” all it said. She remembered that only Mr. Ashim called her boudi.
She dialed the number with trembling hands “ Yes what do you want “ she spat with anger. “ Nothing Boudi, I am inviting you for a cup of tea at my place” he told her calmly.  “ I don’t know know where you live , so cannot come” she spat again.  “ No issues boudi , the kid is still waiting for you outside your door, just follow him and he will guide you, please don’t be late boudi” he laughed and cut the call.

Mily slumped on her chair , “what to do now” she wondered. She looked at the clock , it was 10.00am. Her daughter will return at 2.30pm .
She got up ,wore her slippers and opened the door. She didn’t care to wear any make up except for the red lipstick she applied while dropping off her daughter.
The shabby kid was still standing outside her door. She locked her door and followed the kid down the stairs onto the street.

She followed the kid onto a huge society, it was quite close to where she lived, got onto the lift , until they reached a flat on 4th floor. Flat No. 409, the kid rang the bell as Mily stood by nervously.
The door opened after some time , Mr. Ashim dressed in a white T shirt and a grey shorts stood before them. He beamed and handed a 500/- note to the kid , who left silently.
“welcome Boudi” he smiled and waved his hand inside. She stepped in without taking off her slippers. Most of the floor was covered in a carpet. He signaled  her to the sofa to seat down , she took a seat on the sofa. It was not as big as the sofa at sonali’s place but very costly.

Her eyes all around admiring the drawing room , as he left the room. It was done to a great taste; oil paintings hung from the walls and the drawing room was sparking clean. Her shabby flat stood nowhere against this flat. “is there a hidden camera here too “she wondered.
Soon he returned with a tray with water glass in it and offered her. Mily could notice the tent forming in his shorts as she took the glass of water from the tray.
Mr. Ashim placed the tray on the glass table in front of sofa as he sat on her right side in the sofa. Mily gulped as he sat beside her as she was sipping the water. It was so awkward for her to be at that person’s house , who drag her into this muck. This lecherous person was the first one to touch and enjoy her after her hubby. This heinous person got the fat slob in her house, who then fucked her in her own marital bed.

Still she was in this person’s house just to save her family and save her from humiliation.
She shivered, when he placed his left hand upon her right thigh and caressed it lightly over her saree. “ Cmon let me show you around the flat” his voice boomed. He left her thigh and held her right hand and urged her to get up from the sofa.

He was standing before her as he tugged her hand and the tent in his shorts was right in front her eyes. It has grown quite big in a short time.
She got up as he held her hand and guided her in a tour of his flat. It was a 3 BHK set , Mily had never seen one before. Her parents and in laws had 1BHk and it was for the first time she set her eyes in a 3BHK.

The bedrooms were huge, her whole rented flat could be set in any one of the bedrooms. All the bedrooms had a double bed fitted in them. On the walls hung his family pictures. His wife and kids. One daughter and one son.

His son seemed same age as her own daughter and His daughter was older, may in class 10th.
Ashim noticed her eyeing his family pics “ My wife with my kids has gone to their grand parents for a week” He quipped.
His wife was pretty but was no where compared to Mily. Though she wore expensive clothes , still Mily looked much ravishing in her simple red saree.

“These bedrooms are for my son and daughter and this one is master bedroom for me and my wife” he explained .As he guided her around the flat , still holding her hand. The master bedroom was special with hidden lights and huge mirrors on the wall and ceiling. “Why are so many mirrors” she wondered.
The kitchen was as big as her drawing room and each bedroom was equipped with an attached bathroom.
After showing around the flat , they returned back to the drawing room.

He made her sit on the sofa and left her alone again. She shifted nervously as she sat on the sofa. She took off her slippers to feel the soft carpet beneath , it felt so soft to her feet . “must be very costly” she thought. She glanced at the elegant wall clock and it was 11.30am.

 Ashim returned soon, but now his white t shift was off, he was dressed only in a white vest and grey trouser with a huge tent in it.
This time he sat on her left side and without wasting time grabbed her face with his both hands and placed a kiss on her red lips.
Mily was stunned by this sudden attack, this was expected, she anticipated but not so suddenly. He tried to pry open her lips with his tongue but she didn’t let it invade her mouth.
Mr. Ashim took off her lips “You have to cooperate Boudi, Sonali wont like you not cooperating” he threatened. She shivered at the mention of sonali.

He set his lips again on her and again pushed her lips  with is tongue and Mily gave it. His dirty tongue now invaded her mouth and he sucked on her tongue and lips , lower one first and then sucked her upper lips. His mouth was assaulting her all over , her lips , her neck . He pushed his tongue deep into her ears , as occasional soft moans “ ohhhh …..” escaped her lips from time to time.

Though Mr. Ashim seemed rich , his hygiene was poor . His mouth smelled badly as if he didn’t brush . Mily’s hands lay on her lap as he kept on assaulting her lips and mouth.
While kissing and invading her mouth with his tongue again and again , he held her left hand and placed it on the tent formed in his shorts.
She jerked her hand off it almost immediately. He grabbed her hand again and placed it firmly on his tent and kept it holding there.
She has no option now other than holding his cock over the cloth. Her hand gripped the already hard cock over the shorts as his left hand now left her hand moved over to her left boobs and started to caress her.

The cock now gripped in her hand felt warm and getting harder as he continued his assault on her lips and boobs. He now made his next move. He left her and removed her left hand from his tight cock and with a single flow , removed the pallu from her left shoulder .
Her cleavage was now exposed to his eyes as the pallu fell on her lap. He whole mouth was shining from his saliva in the well lit drawing room. Next he got off from the sofa and slid his shorts down to the carpeted floor. The already hard cock sprang from its bondage and was standing in an erected position.

He again sat on sofa beside her and grabbed her left hand and placed it now on his naked hard warm cock. Mily gripped it again with her slender finger. It felt so silky and warm and so big to her hand. He urged an upward to and fro motion with is hand over hers on his cock , she obliged . He left her hand and again returned to her boobs and is lips now on her naked shoulder.
He licked and bit her shoulder, her neck . “He is marking me again” she thought as she continued to jerk him.

After some time , she left her again and stood up as her hand slipped off from the hard cock, his cock was not oozing pre cum and some it were already on her hand. “what now” she wondered.
He shifted and now stood between her legs , as such that his cock was now positioned erect just in front her mouth. The cock was smelling very bad “He is indeed having a poor Hygiene and he wants me to suck him” she shuddered at this thought.

She had never sucked anyone till now, not even her hubby. But she knew about if from the porn she saw now and then on her mobile. He rubbed his tip on her lips , coating her red with his pre cum. She almost vomited with the smell.
“Suck it now” he commanded. “What all will I have to go through” she thought as she gripped the cock with her slender right hand and opened her lips.
He pushed forward his cock right in her mouth as her red lips gave way. He grabbed her hair with his right hand and started to fuck her pretty mouth.
He always wanted to have a blow job but his wife denied strictly and now as he has got hold of this much pretty housewife , so he was thrilled and began fucking Mily’s mouth eagerly.
Mily was new to giving blow jobs and that too a huge cock like this one , she began to gag and choke on this cock, But Mr. Ashim had turned into an animal and did not let go off her hairs and kept pounding her face rapidly.

After few minutes of face pounding, she was sweating with this rough pounding and repeatedly gagging. Tears rolled down her eyes onto her lap, her mouth was sore but he didn’t let go and kept fucking. his dream was being fulfilled.
Suddenly he left her hair and pulled out of her mouth , Mily took a deep breath in relief but almost immediately his cock spewed long strings of warm cum all over her pretty face. He held his cock and aimed it at her face, The strings hit her nose , her eyes , her lips and all over her forehead. It spewed in liters.
His cock was semi soft now as cum dripped down her face onto her saree. “will the stain be removed” she thought.

Mily jolted out of her thought as she heard his boom “ lick me clean” as he again held his cock and rubbed it on her lips. Giving in to the fate , she opened her lips again and licked his smelly disgusting cock with her tongue and cleaned it.
Taking out his cock, he told her to go to the master bedroom washroom and clean herself.

She walked with wobbly legs to the master bedroom. She could see herself in every mirror in the master bedroom. Her face , lips and nose and eyes were covered in white cum. It tasted salty on her tongue. She rushed off to the bathroom and took her time to clean every speck from her face, hairs and clothes. She returned to the drawing room after some time and found Mr. Ashim still sitting on the sofa , smoking.

He smiled at her and got up from the sofa after stubbing out the cigarette.
No words spoken , he approached her and started to make her nude . Off came her saree, then her white petticoat. Her black blouse came off exposing the black bra that held her taut boobs. She was aroused too.

Then he unclipped her bra and it joined the other clothes on the carpet. Then he knelt down in front of her and peeled off the black panty of her legs onto the floor.
She was now nude in front of the guy whom she met the third time in a week and who just made her suck him.
All she had was a slim chain around her neck that hung between her boobs , red and white bangles and a lone silver anklet in her left ankle and her simple wristwatch.
The traces of red sindoor on her forehead still proved that she was a married lady . Though she was bit dusky , but her body shone in the bright lit room. Ashim now took off his vest and it fell upon her panty on the carpet, as he too now was nude. His now semi hard cock was again showing signs of life seeing a nude beauty in front of him.
He picked her up in his strong arms and walked to the master bedroom. She clung to his neck scared.

Upon reaching the bedroom, he just flung her in center of the bed like a rag doll. She shrieked as she landed on her butt onto the bed.
She could view herself eagle spread from all angle in the mirrors around her. She now understood the usefulness of the mirrors.
Mr. Ashim climbed onto the bed. She looked like a deer in front of a hungry lion. She looked on as he climbed on to the bed and positioned himself near her feet. She looked at her watch as there was no wall clock in these mirror walls. It was already 12.30 pm and in another 2 hours her daughter will be in the bus stop. “don’t worry boudi , I will free you on time” he assured.
Without wasting any time , he spread her silky legs and placed his lips on her dripping pussy lips. With her feet placed on either side of his shoulder , she grabbed his remaining hairs with her hands and moaned loudly. “ Ohhhhhhh……maaaaaaa”. The invasion in her pussy with his tongue began, he held on to her waist to steady her while attacking her pussy.

He removed his right hand from her waist and shoved his middle finger in her pussy while eating and licking her. The image of a housewife with spread legs and a semi bald head between her legs on the mirror in the ceiling was very erotic and she wondered how much would it cost to set up a mirror like this in her bedroom, while moaning loudly.
May be setting up a mirror like this would raise the interest of sex in her hubby, but she was jolted right out of her thoughts as she experienced a huge orgasm. Her shapely finger nails dug deep in his skull. After ravishing her for few more minutes , in which she came twice, he raised him self on his elbow and moved over her body.

He grabbed her left hand and made her grab his rock hard cock and commanded “ Put me in you”. Her pussy was accustomed in taking over sized cock than her hubby in last few days. She reluctantly put his tip on her pussy lips and he pushed.
She groaned loudly “ ohhhhhhhhhhhh” in his ear as most of it went in her already wet pussy. He pulled back and pushed back again as his cock was embedded till its hilt in her pussy. Her arms on her back already dug her nails on his bare back skin.
She could see her self in the mirror above, a lady with sindor on her fore head , her mouth forming an “O” as she moaned loudly with each stroke. With a semi bald man over her who was not her hubby pounding her roughly.

His teeth sunk into her bare shoulder as his cock pistoned in and out of her slick dripping pussy. Her eyes rolled and her nails dug in his skin , she wrapped her thighs around his waist and locked her heels behind his back, pulling his deeper.
It didn’t matter anymore that the person fucking was not her hubby and that her daughter will be soon waiting for her in the bus stop.
The room was filled with her loud moans and his loud grunts as he pounded her harder and harder. She was moaning “ aaro jore , aaro jore” (faster faster) in his right ear , urging him a guy who was just a stranger to fuck her harder and faster.

Her anklet rubbed onto his back waist.  He grabbed her by shoulder slipping his arms under her shoulder and pumped hard, her boobs were being crushed by his broad shoulder. He went on and on in this missionary position. When ever he felf that he was about to cum, he slowed down and stalled the flow. And again regained the speed and force . However Mily came many times, that she lost count. She wailed loudly each time she came and dug her nails and biting down on his shoulder. Now she was marking him too and he enjoyed that.
The intense fucking in the soft bed was altogether a new experience for Mily.

After many minutes , she could feel her swell up inside her as he blasted liters of his potent hot seeds in her . She again experienced a shattering orgasm as the strings of cum hit her deep in side. Her eager needy pussy milked every drop from his cock and he became soft again and plopped out. He got up from the bed , while she still lay on her back watching herself heaving and panting from the intense sex she just had.

Mr. Ashim returned to the bedroom and threw a thick wad of currency notes at her in bed. She was a whore after all.
She glanced at her wrist watch and gasped it was 1.45pm and she just got up and collected the money from bed and rushed to her drawing room. He sat on the sofa with just his shorts on and smiled.
She collected her clothes in hurry and got dressed . wore her slipper and pushed the thick wad of money in her purse and rushed out of his house. There was no thought in her mind except that of her daughter. She came down the lift , onto the road.

The watchman looked at her with a strange looks in his eyes. I must be looking as if “I have been fucked “ she wondered.
She almost ran down the road to reach the bus stop . and she saw the bus rolling to a stop as she reached.  She was almost late. “Will be more careful in future” she assured herself. She didn’t have time to cook a lunch , but with a thick wad of money she lead her daughter to a restaurant , where they would enjoy their lunch.
[+] 8 users Like hotguydelhi_sidharth's post
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Bro great update but Milly ko late karawao time PE na na pocha larkiko sonali ka pass chor do and khub chudwao 3sum chy ya next update ma
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Nice bro
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Nice bro
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Awesome update
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Wonderful writings dear....
Great development.....
Hope to see story long and epic.....
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Milly ko daru ke aadat daal do.. Ho sake tho drugs... Phir ass fuck.. Uske baat woh family aur bache ko bhul jayegi... Then bache ko sonali ke paas chod do... Acha hoga
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