Adultery The Possession
At last, there is a story in literotica where the husband just didn't accept his fate. He fought to keep his family. Bloodshed was too much, but I can relate with the view of the author. I think it would be more dramatic if only dawa sherpa was killed in front of soma. At least soma would have felt the pain of losing a loved one.
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(29-09-2023, 08:32 AM)eihik197 Wrote: At last, there is a story in literotica where the husband just didn't accept his fate. He fought to keep his family. Bloodshed was too much, but I can relate with the view of the author. I think it would be more dramatic if only dawa sherpa was killed in front of soma. At least soma would have felt the pain of losing a loved one.

Cannot agree more. But in the situation where husband has lost his mind, and want to put world on fire; he won’t think about sparing his cheating wife to see her in pain.
Like erotic stories? check my Profie
[+] 1 user Likes garamrohan's post
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great story
continue writing
can u text me into PM
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(18-02-2023, 11:15 PM)Henry Wrote: [Image: 20413082-ea35-4bd5-8bf1-fb9b0d9fb480.png]
dice number order
Dawa Sherpa
Age: 52

Sherpa looks more like Danny TRejo of Machete movie Big Grin
[+] 1 user Likes xanaduindia's post
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Soma started enjoying her life. Nice updates BrO. I’m keep reading.
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Please write more.....
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Soma experiencing the another kind of pleasures from Dawa. Still reading. . .
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This was perfect, thank you for ending this story. Lot of great stories just get not finished so thank you. Love the ending
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Dawa’s Randi…. Addicted to his manhood.! Woow.
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'Please provide me the pdf of this story ..if anybody have it
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I completed this story. Dawa-Soma forest adventure was awesome. I thought you were planning more erotic scenes in Dava's village this summer vacation. I though  dawa would take her to next level of pleasures. But. . .
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But… This is unexpected… A shocking end.! Like thriller movie script. Anyway, I liked this story. You are such a wonderful writer. Keep go. Waiting for you next story.
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Miss you soma
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At last a realistic end. Though its gruesome, this happens in real world.
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excellent ending.
so natural.
in real life always ends like this.
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This woman left no choice by refusing divorce herself and eubbing her adultery in front of all social contact and their son too
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Good one
[+] 1 user Likes jaksa's post
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Story finish?
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Continue story
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the story is fantastic. However climax could have been more intensed....i would loved the faceoff between soma and subir in the wild .....and dawa being killed by subir first in front of soma and soma begging for her life to subir...
[+] 1 user Likes kamukaurat's post
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fantastic climax.

but I would do it differently.

In forest, where no one was there....
Soma should, say it loudly in acholic voice hey husband, come on.... my lover will kill you... come on man, come on.
shot on Dawa. And blood on soma. she was socked and and say the words su... she got shot.

Subir reading news paper of two peoples death in forest.

Few days later,
He got phone call from Dawa's village. saying your wife and lover. he cut the phone call.
security officer was shocked but understand. he got call back. Subir asking for kids.

When he reached kids are doing village work and crying for parents. After watching subir they are happy and went with him.

Everybody thought this is his first visit. nobody knows how he recognizes dawa house.
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