Adultery Heavenly angel: deceived by trust continued by gauravbaba
keep up the tempo dear sir, you are absolutely brilliant
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Sheer brilliance.....
Wanting more.....
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Update please
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superb update
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Very interesting. The boys has changed her to bitch now, slowly to slut and then to whore.
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Nice story
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nice story going at bullet train fast... loved it, but as the other member mentioned, we could take it slow

thanks for bringing back to life for one of the best erotica
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Wonderful transformation and she is enjoying it now
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Now Devika will start hating her wimp husband and want to look out for a young men to thirst her lust.
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You have turned the teacher as whore in one single update. Superb
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Devika- both are crazy and making me also crazy.........oooohhhhggoooddddd

Anand- we are also pleased while having you...........your body is so soft

Varun- yes mam, its feeling great, being like ths with you.........mam can be continue this on our place.

Devika- noooooo.......... what you think of me.....u rascals......i am not of that type..........i am only doing this as i not want anybody to fall ill.
While hearing this, varun change the position, and now the situation is devika is on the floor and varun and anand both are on devika on either side , sucking her boobs, smooching her, and devika giving handjob to both of them, after some tme, boys are ready for climax so they both start rubbing devika pussy with their wilding......making devika moan in utter most pleasure.

Devika- oooohhhhh.....aaaaajhhhhhh....nooooo......slowlyyyyyyy.........oooooohhhhgggoooddddd iiiiittts great............and she unrealease her load in their hands.

Devika experienced this wilding rubbing first time in her life, so she unrealeases a huge load and both varun and anand hand filled with her love juice......meanwhile along with devika , both boys also realised their load with full force on devika body ... on her waist, some on her boobs and some droplets on her neck.

Devika- both are really a rascal, you both made me so dirty..

Varun and anand smiling

Varun- anand bro, i think devika mam also made our hand dirty, and he lifts his hand covered with devika’s juice, while seeing devika start blusing......
Devika- how can you both be so wild with me, when you both were doing , it was very difficult to control it..........i was in other world..... but it feels great.
Anand and varun were surprised while hearing this from devika side, when devika realised what she confessed, she again started blushing more of what she has said, in front of her students.

Varun- noooo worries mam, it was our pleasure, we can give same pleasure anytime you want.
Devika- nnnnoooooo...... rascals are you both a playboys or what??????
....taking like this

Anand- for you mam, we can be more than playboys also...and started laughing.

Devika- boys we in your limits........ i am your teacher..........i done this for you three of us only, otherwise we might fall ill.........and now i am feeling very much guilty.......... how i done these thing with you both,........ i cheated my husband.........and started crying.

Varun- mam please, don’t cry we are just joking, we can understand what you are feeling , but mam believe us you have not cheated with your husband, as all three of us will have this secret with us only.....and if nobody will able to know our secret then, whats the point of cheating.

Anand- yes mam, plz don’t cry........otherwise we will also we have also done with you.

Devika stpping crying- ok ok i am not crying..........but now plz leave me, whole night you both eaten me completely.....ooohhhh ggoodd....!!!!!!!
Now all three are on the floor, now the situation is varun and anand is lying with their sleeping dicks and hands covered with devika juice, and devika is lying with having both boys love juice on her neck, boobs, waist and some on her pussy area.

Soon, sun rises and now raining was also stopped, so they deceided to return back to their resort.

Devika when saw herself covered with boys love juices , she asked – now how will i wiped this, really you both made me dirty.

Anand- mam its not dirty, its just like saying you thanks for wonderfull night, and he started licking his hand covered with devika juice,

Devika- nnnnooooooo........ just don’t do these nasty thing....... how you can just lick...oohhhh ggooddd, and she turned her face towards varun, who was also doing the same.

Varun- mam its is not a dirty thing, even you also lick our juices from your body......... it always taste great and also we have to do this as we have no spare cloths by which we will clean this.

Devika- you both are soooo can you both do such things
Anand- mam varun is right, morning is also started, and soon the watchmen
of this lighthouse may come anytime, so we have only one option right now, and ma mi readed it any article by licking the juice , person can be beautifull for more years even in their old ages also....
Varun- mam did your hubby, not make you drink his love juice to you?????
Devika- no, i not like this,

Anand- Mam you can try this now, it will taste really good.........plz mam, and see we both even finshed eating your lovejuice on our hands.
Varun- mam we not have any other choice, plz mam......... it really taste good, atlteast try for once.
Devika think for a while, and decided to do the same, she take the love juice from her neck, bring his finger firstly, she smells it, and then started licking it, and soon she also started eating the love juice.

Varun and anand after seeing this, started smiling, then varun asked- devika mam, how is the taste.........
Devika with closed eyes and enjoying eating juice- lillte wit salty.........but it taste good.........and soon she realises what she spoked and infront of whom, so she she started blusing and covered her face with both her hands.
Anand- wwoooww mam, if you liked it so much, we will more than happy to supply you more or whenever you want.....and started laughing.
Devika- nnooooooooo.....sstoopppppppp it , don’t say a single word or i will beat you both now.

Varun- mam we will be happy to get beaten by you, but not with your hands but with your full body.
Devika smiled and then she pulled both varun and anand with their hairs, both started screaming- aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh.......nnnnooooooooo.........ok mam sorry..... plz leave us, and soon devika realease them
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Devika- now stop kidding and listen..........what we have done yesterday night here, will be kept in of us only........ if anybody come to know about it, then i will me in truble.
Varun- relax can trust us, we will keep yesterday night sexy experience hidden from the whole world.
Anand- yes mam....but, we three can even have more like yesterday.... it will be great
Devika- ohhhh..... you want more like yesterday........ok then can you come near to me now
Anand while walking towards devika- yes mam, how can anyone fulfil his thrust in just single night with a sexy lady like you.
As anand came near to devika, suddenly devika gave a tight slap on anand cheeks and
Devika- did you want more anand.......this also given you a great pleasure......and started laughing
Varun and devika both were started laughing and anand making baby crying face and rubbing his cheeks.
Till now, all three of them are still nude standing and having conversation like, we will not do this in future......... i am feeling very guilty i cheated my husband........plz keep it as secret...and all that.
Now , three of them started wearing their dresses, varun and anand in their clothes , but devika’s bra and panty were dirty so she just wear started wearing his only frock till her upper thighs, anand was behind devika, so he can enjoy her nude ass for some for seconds, and soon anand give a tight slap on devika’s nude right ass
Devika- ahhhhhhhh............what the hell, whats this behaviour anand
Anand- mam this was left in yesterday’s program from my side........ this is also a great pleasureable mam???????
Now varun and anand started laughing and devika was still in her surprising look.
Devika- whhattt....... guys come to reality both still are in yesterday mood only
Varun- mam sorry from his side, but I want to ask you a did you feel yesterday while doing all those with us......... did you like our cum taste?????? Plz mam
Devika- its so embarring to answer these questions varun, plz not ask such questions.
Varun- plz mam, as we all three have promised to keep this in secret and whats the issue......plz mam answer my questions
Devika- ohhhhh god, Yes i really liked whatever we have done yesterday and your both that thing was also good....
Anand- mam, whom love juice you liked most, me or varun and smiling sheepishly.
Devika- now stop, and i will not going to answer you and c’mone lets go , we have to reach resort also and then I also have to go to my house.
Now both of them came out from lighthouse, and started approaching to the resort, devika was ahead of varun and anand, after few seconds a strong wind came , by which devika frock was lifted fully till her waist, exposing again her nude bottom....... in daytime.
Anand and varun in surprise,and devika – oh goodddd......... thank god nobody have seen us
Anand- i cant believe we have enjoyed those ripen pumpkins yesterday night....... wao so delicious
Devika- shut up guys now, behave like teacher and student only from now onwards.

Guys, thank you for appreciating my efforts, now what you want in the story............ where you want to let both varun and anand enjoy devika again...
a) Cinema hall
b) School
c) Devika’s home
d) Other place.
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Guys, i am also starting my fresh new story with title "Rehana- tranformation of homely housewife -cum-student, plz appreciate it as same you have done here.
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When three of them reached hotel, they freshen up themself and ready to leave the resort, now devika is very much feeling free, as now rahim and ramu cannot blackmail her anymore, now he is very happy.
As they are approaching the main gate, a sudden voice came...........EXCUSE ME ALL OF YOU, so three just looked back it was the owner of the resort.
Owner- thank you all of you, the play was really well , especially devika you done a great job, what a great acting, all were appreciating your work.( after it owner gone inside)
Anand coming near to devika left ear, whispered – mam but the yesterday play was really awesome, it has no match what we played here in the resort, and winked her.
Devika- you again started, if you said this anymore, i will kill you now.
Now they came in to the car, varun and anand was sitting infront and devika was sitting behind with a transparent pink sareee in which she was looking like an angel. And was looking outside from the window and was thinking that how her life was changed in just few days, blackmailing of rahim, then having intimate secne with varun in the resort during the play, and then the act with varun and anand in the lighthouse and now she is free from all this , and she looking towards varun and anand , without whom it was impossible to get rid of rahim and ramu.
Devik was lost in his thoughts, so she didn’t realises that with wind effect her saree from the breast area has shifted to other side, and her ample cleavage is visible to both of them from the front, soon they first reached to devika house to drop her.
Devika- thank you guys, for all your both help....... i will never forget you both
Varun- no worries mam, we already got your appreciation yesterday night, and started laughing , ok mam we are going now.
Devika- where you both are going, no come inside, then you go after some time.
Both boys not want to disappoint mam, so they readily accepted her offer and moved with her in their house.
As soon as she entered in the house , the first thing she done is she taken her baby and loved him giving kisses all over her face, as she missed him a lot.
Varun- mam now we are going and signalled anand to get up.
Devika- why you are both in hurry, sit here only for some more time , i haven’t said you thank you in proper way for all what you have done for me.
Varun (acting and said in sad tone)- we are feeling jealous, when you hugged your baby infront of us, after all we are also your babies now after yesterday, and slowly started smiling.
Anand also started- yes mumma.........we are hungry plz feed us like yesterday, and now both started laughing
By hearing this devika was surprised and smiled and then he punched both of them on their shoulder in fun.
After few mins., baby started crying , devika thought he might be hungry, so she said to both of them to just sit in the dinning hall , while she is going to her bedroom to feed her baby.
Anand- mam, we already saw your milk tanks yesterday, so why to go to your room to feed your baby, just sit here and can feed your baby.
Devika- c’mone i still feeling asmed of what i done yesterday, plz not remaind me again
Varun- whatever we done yesterday , is no sin, we just helped each other so we not fal ill, plz mam don’t feel ashmed.
Anand- ok mam, i will not continue this anymore, but plz feed your child here only in front of us , plz mam
Devika- ohhhhhhh god..........ok fine, she sit on the sofa opposite to both of them open her blouse and pull her right breast from the bra and started feeding the baby, and when she looked towards both boys she again felt lill shame.
Varun-( after continuously looking towards her exposed boob)- mam, i think there is a mark on your right boob, devika also saw that, and was surprised and thought how it can be.
Anand- no worries guys, may be anyone one of us has given love bite there.
Devika- you are just impoosible................but plz don’t to say a single word like this infront of others, as they can doubt about us, and looked towards both of them , when she saw that varun in some thoughts
Devika- varun, where you, and what are you thinking, i just said to keep yesterday thing as secret.
Varun- mam trust us, it will always be a actually after 2 days my birthday is coming , so i am thinking wether you will be available on that days, as my family has out of station and i am alone in the house.
Devika- thought for a while, I amm not sure but i will try my best............if possible then we surely will celebrate your birthday.
After it, baby started crying again, so without putting her right breat back in bra she taken out her left breast and started feeding her baby again, now devika is sitting opposite to both of them, with both her boobs exposed in front of varun and anand and both boys are busy in admiring her boobs, which making devika also lilltle uncomfortable, as she is also feeling wet inside the panty.
Varun noticed it- ok mam, now we are going , whenever you want any help plz call us.
Devika- sure, i definitely will, after you both are my trusted ones, and also communicate ur birthday plans, so that i will adjust my work according to it.
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Looking forward how birthday might be
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Excited about birthday party.
Please give a big update in where they rub there cock in Devika juicy pussy......
This is my first reply in this forum so please consider my request.....
Waiting please give as soon as possible
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Hey guys, thanks you for your interest in this story, now I want to ask you guys, where you want Varun and anand to enjoy devika again

a) school
b)devika house
c) Varun house
d) cinema hall
e) forest

Guys plz reply to it, as with it only I will plan coming episodes of the story.
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In the birthday party in varun house, the boyz should sedate her and fuck her brains out. Rahim and Ramu also should join the fun. Smile
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