Adultery Sexy MOM with her Official Colleague Mr. GAJENDRA (UPDATED)
U r maintaining the sunpence very well, we were unable to bare it, plz update earlier
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The last few updates were quick and excellent. Sex quotient could be less but I see a stage is set for some major twists and change in direction of the story arc.
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Story continues from its last part :

That night I was awake for long time. Lying there on my bed I was analysing all those incidents that took place within a time span of last two months. How Gajendra came into ours lives and how his real face got introduced by me day by day.
But the scene that I witnessed few hours hours had complete dominance over my mind that time. My dick was hard and I wanted to release my load anyhow. I went to the washroom and started rubbing my dick with my eyes closed and remembering uncle with both aunties.
How he was sucking their boobs, how he was getting blowjobs, how aunties were moaning.. everything was making me excited and within 3 minutes I bursted out my semen over the floor of the washroom. 

Then after I came to my bed after cleaning that stuffs. I was feeling relaxed and now sleep was taking control over me. 
Next day I woke up early. Around 5 AM. This is because my friend called me over the phone to discuss some physics numericals. 
We both used to practice the numericals early in the morning but since few days I got the habit of waking up late. Anyway, that day I woke up and had few discussion regarding the studies and numericals.

After one hour I came out of my room. I saw mom was already woke up by then brushing her teeth.
She saw me and said -"Wow, very good. Wake up always this time ."
I smiled and went to washroom. After getting fresh I went to garden to enjoy the fresh morning air. The redness of sun was very much soothing . The little cold morning wind was adding the comfort to the soul.
Flowers in our garden were Swinging with the wind. That morning I forgot every stress related to my life . Waking up early and enjoying the view is really a boon for all of us.

After spending half an hour there I came inside the sofa room. Mom was reading the newspaper along with lemon tea. I sat beside her. Mom asked me -"Today would you like to have mushrooms in the lunch beta ?"
I said -"Offcourse mom."
Mom -"Then go to market after your online class get over and bring 3 packets of mushroom."
I replied -"Sure."

Around 9:30 AM I got free from my online class and took my mobile to go out to the market . But my mobile was discharged so I put it to charging and then went to buy the mushroom packets. While I was returning, I saw uncle with both ladies (Sonam aunty and Shubhangi aunty) at his apartment's main gate. Uncle was in T Shirt with half pant. And both aunties were in saree and sleeveless blouse. 
It seemed both ladies were about to proceed towards their respective houses after spending a lustful night with Gajendra.

They both kissed uncle alternatively on his lips for few seconds and then left. Uncle too went back to his apartment from it's main gate.
I had heared that woman never tolerate the existence of another woman into their lover's life. But these two ladies have changed my perception. Possibly they have no emotional attachment to each other. They are just into enjoying the pleasure of sexual life . To my astonishement Sonam aunty was also a part of yesterday's pleasurable night of Gajendra uncle. She was showing her anger over uncle during evening and at night she was giving him blowjobs. So much confused I were regarding her. But I knew that my mom was not like them . She got tortured by her in-laws and even by her husband then only she made herself so much broad minded. 
Otherwise she won't have indulged into relationship with other man. She loved my dad a lot. I knew her.
I came into the house with mushroom packets and gave it to mom. And then went to my room.

I was very upset. Few days ago when mom slapped and left me only to stay with Gajendra uncle I was very much angry on her. But then I realised that Gajendra uncle loves my mom more than my dad and he cares me too and after that I accepted him as my mom's lover. Ignoring his married status. But now...his real face was revealed to me . An anger was taking birth inside me and now my only motive was to protect my mom from this womaniser.

I was aware that if I will say my mom directly about his affairs she will not going to believe me . Even it is possible she will slap me again for doubting Gajendra. 
Hence, I decided to design my plan step by step. I was not aware when I will witness again those aunties with Gajendra uncle whether will I able to see them or not like I did yesterday , so that ignoring my own enjoyment I can fully focus on capturing them on my phone.
Hence, I planned something big which will work regardless waiting for their sexual activities again. The revealing part of uncle's affair infront of my mom as per my plan will be the final step. There were many sequences before that. I made a plan in which uncle's all affairs will come to an end. And at last my mom will kick him out of her life too. That punishment will impact him more.
 But at first I need mobiles of Sonam and Shubhangi aunties in my hand at any cost . 

I knew Sonam aunty will come that day again as per her habit to visit our house daily those days. So I kept waiting for her visit. 

After having lunch I was sitting on the sofa waiting fo her to come. Around 2PM door bell rang . I quickly went to open it and yes , there was Sonam aunty. Seeing her face, my mind got a flash of yesterday's night how she was giving blowjob to uncle and how uncle ejaculated on her face. But then anyhow I controlled myself and greeted her with smile -"Hello aunty, Good Afternoon."
She replied -"Hello beta. Is Sreerupa inside ?"
I -" is in her room."

Then she came inside and I closed the door.
She was in her Blue cotton Saree and this time she was wearing half sleeved blouse of black colour instead of sleeveless. She directly went into my mom's room. I needed her mobile , but asking directly for q woman's mobile by a 20 years old boy like me is not a good manner.

I too went into her room and asked my mom for her mobile. She gave me her mobile and get deeply involved in talking with Sonam aunty.
I came into my room with her mobile and open her contact list. I searched for Sonam aunty's number and save it into my phone.
I then searched for Shubhangi aunty's number but I didn't get her number in my mom's contact list.
Anyway, I then took an unused SIM card from my study table's drawer that I bought three months back . About this SIM card my mom was unware and no one knows among my friends. I bought it because three months ago I got many spam calls over my phone all day and night. Got irritated by those calls I bought the new SIM card but after buying it few days later spam calls got reduced. Hence I forgot to put it in my mobile. Then that day I put that SIM in my mobile and then recharged it online through my Paytm.
After doing all these I finally went to my mom's room and returned her phone back. 

Then I came out of her room and hide myself behind the door from outside of her room. I then called on Sonam's Aunty's number. I heard her phone rang. She took her mobile out of her purse and received it. 
I didn't say anything. She kept saying "Hello Hello" repeatedly. 
Then she cut the call and got busy in talking with mom again. 
I again called her and same thing happened again between us. I did this 3-4 times . Then my mom asked her -"Who the hell is calling you like that ?"
Aunty -"Don't know dear, who this rascal is."
Then I went I side the room and asked -"What happened mom? You two seemed stressed "
Mom -"Someone is calling on Sonam's mobile again and again and didn't saying anything."
I then said to aunty -"Let me see aunty. Who is that idiot."
Aunty gave me her mobile and then I came out of the room. I quickly searched for her husband's number. I didn't even know her husband's name but through call logs and photo attached to all numbers I interpreted a number to be of her's husband. I saved it in my mobile.

And then returned her phone.
Now , messaged on her husband's number that "Your wife is cheating on you behind your back here. If you don't take this message seriously you will lost her"

I knew without any proof my text will not work but at least a spark to burn the continuity of those affair had been placed by that text. I will also get to know how her husband reacts over that text. How much concerned he is regarding his wife.
Now , I needed Shubhangi aunty's mobile. But the problem is that she don't visit our house. Only once she came at our house and just upto our door. So I have to wait till I see Shubhangi aunty's again either at ours house or at Uncle's flat or may be plan something different to get in contact with her husband.
For giving proofs to their respective husbands I know that the pic I will send to them must not be captured at my house . Otherwise the doubt will directly fall over me or my mom to create such disturbance among their families. I must capture their pics outside like I witnessed today's morning.

Around 5 PM Sonam aunty left our house . I asked mom -"Are yo enjoying aunty's company these days?"
Mom smiled and said -"Yes dear. She is very nice lady."
My mind told me -"Nice my foot."
I then smiled too.

That day uncle didn't came to our house. He must be tired handling two sexy milfs together last night. After having dinner I and mom both proceeded towards our respective rooms. I had just lied on my bed , I heared my mobile rang. I took my mobile out of my pocket and saw it was Sonam aunty's husband's number. I got little nervous seeing his number but then motivated myself to be strong and talk to him without any fear. 
I received the call and with a little changed voice I said "Hello". 
The person on the other side of the call didn't say "Hello" , but instead of that he shouted over me -"Who the fucking shot you are? What text you sent me few hours ago?"
I replied -"The text I sent to you is 200% true. If you want to save your marriage, then focus on your married life more than your work"
He -"Shut up you motherf****r , I don't know who are you and who the hell are you to blame my wife with such disgusting..."
I stopped him in between and replied -"Don't waste your such words infront of me. It's time to use these words for your wife's lover."
 He -"I don't have time to listen your rubbish. Bye"
I -"Don't cut the call, it will cost your married life. What I am saying just listen carefully"
He -"What do you want to say now ?"
I -"Your wife is Sonam Singh , right ?"
I -"Do you know about Mr. Gajendra ?"
He -"Yes. He is her friend and colleague since last year."
I -"Your wife is having bedtime relationship with that man."
He -"Shut up you Rascal. Mr. Gajendra is an ideal man. He is married like me. Who has given you right to blame on everyone's character?"
I -"Ideal will get the proof within few days of that ideal man . Just wait."
I then cut the call. I was sweating heavily. I had done a big thing . It will surely impact Sonam aunty's and Gajendra uncle's life to some extent.

Next morning I woke up around 6 AM . I came out of my room and saw mom's bedroom light was ON and some music was coming out of her room. I didn't go there as I was sure mom is fond of music . I directly went to washroom . After getting fresh when I came out of the washroom I saw mom was standing at the main gate of our house. I got shocked. If she is there then who is inside her room. I quickly went into her room and saw Gajendra uncle was lying on her bed and playing some old songs in his mobile. He saw .e and immediately made himself in sitting position. He was just in her trouser. No clothes were on his upper part. As he saw me he smiled and said -"Hey my boy, how are you ? Good morning !!"

I replied -"I am fine." Before he could ask anything more , I came out of her room.
Till then mom came inside the sofa room. She was in her sexy nighty which was sleeveless and have big neck revealing her fleshy huge cleavage and smooth armpits . She saw me and said -"Good morning beta. You got wake up now ?"
I replied -"No. About half an hour ago. I had also got fresh."
Mom -"Very good. Now listen. Don't disturb uncle and me for next few hours."
I -"What happened?"
Mom -"I think you have developed that interpreting power regarding that beta."
I then smiled and said -"Why should I disturb you both...I have class from 7AM"
Mom -"Ohh yes. Attend your class sincerely. Breakfast is in kitchen." Saying this mom went inside her room. 

I was excited thinking about them. But a little anger was also taking place in between that excitement. I didn't want to make this morning wasted by watching their erotic play. Hence, I went into my room . I picked my mobile and saw there were 15 missed calls of the Sonam aunty's husband. 
I called him back. This time when he received the call his voice was very calm .
He said -"Hello. Can I know your name ?"
I replied -"Why you want to know my name. I already told you that wintin few days proof of your wife cheating will be infront of you. There is no need of knowing my name for this purpose."
He -"My wife is very much homely and traditional lady. My mind isn't getting out of the fact that you told me yesterday."
I -"Don't worry sir, you will get each answer. Just wait for my next call." Saying this I cut the call. 
Then I came out of my room to have breakfast before my class begins.
I went to the kitchen and saw Bread , butter and one glass horlicks was there . Mom kept it there for me. I took that and came to dining table and started eating it. Few minutes later I heard mom's moaning voice was coming out of her room. 
It meant uncle and mom have started their lustful activities. In between her moans , uncle's groaning voice was also coming. My dick had started attaining hardness by hearing those voices of them. Somehow I finished my breakfast and went inside my room. My room was little far from my mom's room so their voices could not be heard from their. I left my room's door open so that I can get the sofa room's view properly and my mom's door too.

Around one hour later , I saw my mom's room's door got opened. Uncle came out of the room . His body was full of sweat. And he had wrapped a towel around his waist. He went into the direction of kitchen and then I saw he again entered into the room with one bottle of cold water .
Room got locked again.

To be continued...

Next update coming soon...

Give your reviews regards this update...
[+] 8 users Like Ayush0098's post
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Good update
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Great update
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Acha update hai...
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So,,,the boy is on a mission to save his mom from gajendra and expose his true face.
I'm quite interesting to know if the kid can pull off the task or not.
It looks easy but it's not gonna be a piece of cake.
[+] 1 user Likes Blackdick11's post
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Gajendra should be exposed. Sreerupa should have settled with a gentleman.
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I don't think you are going to expose gajendra soon because you are beyond expectation writer anyways good update
[+] 1 user Likes vishal1516's post
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Gajendra has to be outratly refused by his milfs because of blackmailing, that has tobe brought by ayush
[+] 1 user Likes Paty@123's post
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when will the next update come
[+] 1 user Likes Manju roy's post
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Bro where r you. Update
[+] 1 user Likes Twilight123's post
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Bro, plz update
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Plz update
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whether to update or not
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waiting for nxt part
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Bro ur story plot is branching out a lot....u may feel bored after developing a lot...I am telling from my don't branch ur story much
.make it short and more horny
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Hello Dear Readers !!

I wasn't coming online since last few days due to some important work.

Next Update will come tomorrow (by evening).
Thanks and ENJOY
[+] 2 users Like Ayush0098's post
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(24-10-2023, 12:49 PM)Ayush0098 Wrote:
Hello Dear Readers !!

I wasn't coming online since last few days due to some important work.

Next Update will come tomorrow (by evening).
Thanks and ENJOY

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Okay, will be waiting
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