Adultery Adventures of Ruby (Naïve and Innocent housewife)
Hello brother. Waiting for your update.
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hi. been a while.. pls update bro
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Heart Heart Heart  
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hi bro....

next update come fast lusty with image

Ruby ab konsa kadam udati hai.. or kitne maze karti hai full randi or housewife wali zindgee...
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any chance of this getting updated?
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Good story
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Sid's heart rate rose a bit as he inserted the DVD into the laptop. It was all a result of anticipation of all possibilities in the video he could enjoy.

He still wasn't sure why any girl who reacted the way Sheena did when the blind fold came off and when she noticed the owner of the dick inside her wasn't her boyfriend but someone she disliked, would come back to that setting. The thought of Sheena moaning while being fucked blind folded made Sid's dick go crazy.
He looked at the clock and was almost 2 in the morning. Sid was still shaking with anticipation. He was sure of one thing. The DVD contains something very interesting and entertaining.

The video started. The room was dark and someone said something and the voice was muffled. The lights came on. Sid was surprised to see that the video was taken in the very room he is in - Rohan's apartment. He noticed one other thing. The person holding the camera was sitting in the very same place he currently is sitting. On the chair, facing the couch.

A few minutes went by and the person holding the camera started talking to someone on the phone. Sid could make out that it was Rohan's voice. He could not understand clearly what he was saying and whom he was talking to, but he could figure out that Rohan was telling someone how to come upstairs to his apartment.

A few moments later, someone entered the apartment. Sid found him familiar, but could not readily recognize him.
He smiled and walked towards Rohan and shook his hand. He then walked back and sat on teh couch. Rohan said, "Been a while Gafur bhai."
Sid , then remembered the guy. It was the guy who runs the chai shop which is located right in front of his college's entrance. All the students hang out there.
The posh students go the canteen but the  tapori gang goes to that chai shop. Sid also had been to that shop a few times.
Gafur was talking but Sid could not understand clearly, what he was saying. A few minutes later, the door opened again and Gopal walked in. Sid knew him as the college janitor. He also came close to teh camera and shook Rohan's hand. He then turned around and said 'Salam" to Gafur and sat next to him.

Rohan then said, "Guys, there is some beer in the fridge. Help yourself while we wait for the others."
"There will be others joining these guys?" Sid wondered. Sid was still trying to figure out why the chai wala and the janitor are at Rohan's place and now started to wonder other would also join?
He was puzzled as to what all this has to do with Sheena.

Sid came out of his thoughts when Gopal spoke. He asked Rohan," Rohan bhai, when would Suri and Ajay come?" and started walking towards the fridge.
"They should be here by now" was Rohan's answer. Suri is the young guy who helps out Gafur at his chai shop and Sid doesn't know who this Ajay is.
Gopal came back with a couple of beers and handed one over to Gafur. They both started sipping it.
"This is very smooth stuff Rohan bhai." said Gafur, "we enjoy the raw stuff." and smiled.
Gafur would be around 45 and Gopal around 35. They both call Rohan bhai, because he is a college student and most importantly, wealthy.
Suri was in his early 20s.

They continued to chit chat for a bit and nothing interesting was happening.

Some time passed and the door opened again and another guy in his mid 20s walked in. "He must be Ajay." Sid thought.
This guy looked a little weird. He did not smile or say "Hi". He just simply walked towards and fridge and picked a beer and some chips and walked next to the dining table and started  downing them.

"Weirdo" Sid thought.
"Where is Suri?" Gafur said with frustration.

"While we are waiting for Suri, please tell us why you wanted us to come today, bhai?"  Gopal asked.
"They themselves don't know?" Sid thought.

"No special reason, just wanted to meet by friends. Do I need a reason for that?" Rohan asked.

"Quit playing Rohan bhai. Do you need anything? I can ask Suri to get stuff." Gafur said, "But you could have just called if you need stuff. Why invite us to your place and what is it with the camera?"

Sid wondered, "Stuff?"

"Really, Gafur bhai. No particular reason. Just a casual gathering." Rohan responded.

Ajay was just staring at all of them and never spoke. Gafur, Gopal started chit chatting.

As time passed, Sid's excitement came down to 0. He started to feel the disappointment and thought  Rohan probably labeled this DVD incorrectly. May be this was something for the boys get together and masti.

He was about to turn it off when he heard Rohan say something he found interesting and paused.
"So what is new Gafur bhai? We haven't met like this in a long time. Last time when we met here, you and Gopal got so drunk and started to open up quit a bit." Rohan said.

Gafur blushed and said, "Sorry Rahul bhai. We had a lot that day. Hope we did not end up saying something to offend you."
"No not at all. It is all good. I just found out that you two fancy the same chick." Rohan responded.

"Oh yeah, why hide that from you now, when you know everything", Gopal said.

"That chick Sheena, what a maal. Just the mention of her name gives me a hard on." Said Gopal.
"She always wears clothes that fit her body tightly. And the skirts and shorts, ooof heavenly." added Gafur.
"Sheena? Interesting" Sid thought.

They finished one beer each and got to the second one.
"She is such a tease. The tight shirts she wears and the short skirts above her knees and the shapely ass swinging as she walks." Gopal went on and on.

Gafur also started to say stuff like, "She not once even looks at people like us. But what a babe, yaar."

By that time the guys finished their third drink and moved on their fourth and started to sound a bit tipsy.
Sid started to lose interest as it was just guys talking about chicks. He slowly stood up to put teh DVDs back and was about to turn teh video off when he heard Rohan abruptly say something he did not expect, which caught his attention.
He stopped and continued to stare at the screen in the standing position.
"What would you do to Sheena if she was here in this room with us now?" were Rohan's words.
"Why would she be here Rohan bhai? Even if she comes here , what can we do except ogle at her assets?" Gopal replied.

"Just a fantasy scenario Guys. If you are allowed to do whatever you want to do to her, what would it be?" Rohan asked.

Everyone went silent and Gafur was the first one to speak.

He was clearly tipsy. "The thing that interests me the most is her facial expression. She makes such a cute expressions for everything. I want to see her expression when I..." and he completely stopped talking.

"When you what?" Rohan asked.

"When I slowly start to penetrate her." Gafur said. Gopal immediately burst into laughter.

But Rohan did not laugh and neither did Gafur. Sid could not see Ajay but no laughter from him either he thought.
Gafur was serious when he said that. And as soon as Gopal realized that he stopped chuckling.
Gafur continued. " Her hole would be very tight for my monster. I am certain. I would like to grab hold of her and rip her shirt off.  Such heavenly melons should be on display always."
"Then push her onto the bed and put my arms under her knees and lift her legs."
" I would not even wait to remove her panties. I would just move them to one side and start the digging. She would need a lot of oil to withstand my digging. Lot s and lots of it."
"I would like to keep it very slow. I do not want to miss any second of it. The expression on her face. It would be like cutting into a cake. Slowly and steadily start to go deep while seeing her cute expression."

"She would not be able to walk for days after I am through with her." Gafur continued.

"How about you Gopal?" Rohan asked.
"I am an ass guy bhai. That round butts are for punishing them. I would show her the sweet pain she would come back crawling for more, again and again." Gopal responded.

Sid thought, "What a disappointment". I thought this DVD would make me cum without jerking off and this almost is gay porn."

Suddenly someone walked out of the bedroom into the main room. Sid was shocked to see that it was Sheena. She was in the bedroom listening to all this.

What these men wanted to or rather fantasized to do to her is their wildest dreams.

Sid could not move and continued to watch. Sheena was yelling very loudly. She walked up to Gafur yelling, "what did you just say you would do to me, you bastard?"
She  got hold of his collar and pulled him up on to his feet. She was pushing him and continued yelling. "Is that what you perverts dream of when you see me daily?"
"You perverts." She slapped him across his face.
Gafur was shell shocked.
Sheena then turned towards Gopal. "Drilling from behind? from behind? huh" she took a step towards him and slapped him as well.

She was shaking with anger.
"Why would Rohan put the guys in this position? Did he not know that Sheena was listening to all this? How could she have come to his place without him knowing about it. Rohan was still filming all this. Why? What is he trying to do here?  Poor Gafur and Gopal." Sid thought.
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superbbb update  clps
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Sid continued watching still feeling sorry for the two guys. Rohan did not make any attempt to defuse the situation. Instead he continued to capture everything in his video camera.
Sheena continued to slap Gafur across his face. She was belittling him with very slap.
"You no good street dirt. You dare think about such things? Forcing yourself on me? Forcing yourself?"
The slaps continued.
Sid noticed something in Sheena's behavior he could not really put his finger on. There definitely was a change.
The rage seems to have subsided a couple of notches. She was still saying nasty things about them but with less temper.
By that time Gopal took a couple of steps backwards and so was not in the screen.
  "All this time you were thinking of R*ping me? R*ping? You know what can happen to insects like you?"
Gafur was really scared by this time.
"You guys think you are men enough to r*pe me? Really? Really? This I would have to see."
"You pussies! One little threat and you are scared like a little girl."
"Show me! Show me how you were fantasizing about ripping my clothes off, about forcing yourself on me.  Especially about not missing the expression on my face when you do it to me.
And you Mr. Ass man. From behind? From behind? Show me you pussies!!!"
One last slap from Sheen made him lose balance and he fell to the ground.
He quickly got to a seated position with legs stretched towards Sheena and his back leaning against the couch.
Sheen a was not done with him yet. She stepped forward and placed her high heel against his chest and started pushing. It could have hurt him.
She was still going on and on. "You low life insects deserve to be exterminated. You know Squashed like a bug.
With her heel still on Gafur's chest and a foot on the floor she turned towards Gopal and signed him to come to her.
Gopal shook his head and the look on his face made Sheena chuckle.
She looked at Rohan and spoke to him for the first time.
"See Rohan, These pussies are shit scared. I told you they are worth less."
And started laughing, with her foot still on Gafur but it slid and landed on his crotch.
Gafur and Gopal had confused looks and they looked at Rohan.
Finally Rohan spoke.
"Guys, Sheena is asking you guys ti show her what you have been thinking of doing to her all this time. I don't think she is kidding.
Are you Sheena?"
She replied, "Dead serious"
She bent forward, got hold of Gafur's collar and pulled him on to his feet.
She pulled him closer to her, close enough to feel his breath on her face.
She said in a whispering tone, "Show me", for real."
Gafur looked at Rohan. Rohan made a gesture to him.
All the slapping and the beer awoke the inner beat.
He went berserk on her.
Sid's jaw dropped to the floor.
Gafur moved forward and slapped Sheena. She did not expect this and tried to retaliate. As she was facing Gafur, Gopal from behind got hold of her arms restricting her movements.
In a jiffy, Gafur ripped her blouse. She had only a bra under it. He then slapped her again.
Tears were rolling down her cheeks.
Rohan did not utter a word. The assault continued.
Gafur held the bra strap between the two cups and pulled with force and it snapped. The elastic material when snaps would have caused her pain. She yelled, "Ouch!"
Then it was her Skirt's turn. Gopal was still holding her arms roughly. She was trying to wiggle her way out but to no avail.
The skirt's band was also ripped and the underwear followed.
Gafur put his rough hands on her melons and squeezed hard.
Sheena started crying and yelling in pain. Gafur took a step back to assess the situation. He started at Sheena for a couple of seconds and said, "Fucking bitch! Bitch!"
"You will see what I can do now."
Saying this, he placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her onto the couch. She fell backwards and before she could regain her stance, Gafur dropped his pants and moved in between her legs.
He did not waste time on the preliminaries at all.
He held her legs apart and rammed his cock into her pussy.
Sid could hear Shenna's cry at the top of her lungs.
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