My Mom and Mr. Vikram Continuous Secret Fuck
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After sending her asshole photos to Vikram, she sat down on her bed smiling. From the look on her eyes, she looked like a person filled with love and compassion. It was like she was feeling love for the first time in her life despite living with my dad for several years. I noticed another thing and it was that her face became brighter, her curves became more round and firm.

Her beauty intensified by 100% in contrast to when she was with my dad. And the reason why all her adorable features became enhanced was because of Vikram's massive dick and not my dad. Vikram defeated my dad undoubtedly to win over my mom secretly. And I was glad Vikram's covert schemes came to fruition.

My mom betrayed my dad but it is a good betrayal. There is nothing wrong with my mom betraying my dad because she was looking for lust. When a person betrays another person in pursuit of lust, then it is a an accepted betrayal because there is nothing wrong with looking for lust. If all of us did not look for lust, then we will be living a dim life.

About 25 minutes passed and I heard a knock at the door. I ran back to my sitting room lest my mom noticed that I was spying on her through her bedroom window. Before I even reached the sitting room, she was already running towards the door in a manner showing that she was excited about something. She quickly opened the door and there stood the delivery guy.

Again I didn't miss the sight of my mom's jiggling boobs which was causing trouble to her bra. Additionally, her fat booty was giving trouble to her panties because her panties were almost tearing off because it could not cope with the asscheeks wriggling from side to side. When she opened the door, there stood a delivery guy that Vikram promised to send. It was a man in his late 30s wearing a red T-shirt and blue trouser.

He was holding a couple of bags I guess they were meant for us.

Mom - (Gasping for air because of running) Ooh! Hello, how are you doing?

Delivery Guy - I am fine Ma'am, I was sent by Mr......

Mom - Yes yes yes, Vikram right?

Delivery Guy - (Getting surprised by mom's excitement) Yy... yeah you are right ma'am. You are his wife, right?

Mom - Ooh yes, yes! Did he tell you that? (Mom getting confused)

Delivery Guy - Yes ma'am

Mom - Yes dear, he is my lovely husband. (Picking the bags from the delivery guy)

I was shocked by what my mom just said. She confirmed to the delivery guy that Vikram was indeed her husband. It befuddled me and I didn't know what to think. Did my mom just forget about my dad who was her real husband? I don't know what charm Vikram used on my mom but I was sure the charm was indeed controlling my mom's mind.

Delivery guy - Alright Mom there you go, he also gave me this to give it to you (Giving my mom some flowers)

Mom - Ooh thank you. ( Picking them up again in a hurriedly manner which made her boobs shake)

Delivery Guy - You are welcome ma'am. Let me say that you are blessed to have such a loving husband. There is a scarcity of that kind of men in this world.

Mom - Thank you dear, you are right. I just feel that I'm lucky to have him in my life. I am also a good wife to him. He is going to take me and my little son to a luxurious resort tonight. My mom didn't even realize that she was speaking like that while I was standing behind her waiting for my prize Vikram sent me.

Delivery Guy - Woow, that sounds fun. I have known Vikram for the last 5 years, he is a very nice man and I assure you that he will give you surprises tonight. 

Mom - OOh, you know him and his surprises too? Ooh, I love his tantalizing surprises too.

Delivery guy - Yeah that's the make-up of a good husband.

Mom - You are right dear.

Delivery guy - Alright ma'am, that's all I had to deliver. You have a nice evening alright?

Mom - Yoo too, take care (Closing the door with a bang because she was in a hurry to see what was in the bag.)

Me - MOm why are you so happy and in a hurry?

Mom - (Getting shocked because she didn't expect me to be standing behind her because she suspected that I heard the conversation between her and the delivery guy) OOoh.... well you know I love surprises, especially the ones from Vikram. Here you go, I think this bag contains some of the gifts Vikram bought you.

Me - Yeah I think so. Woow it weighs heavy. Did he buy the whole of the mall in this bag?

Mom - Hahahah! Well he didn't but since he is a rich man, he can do it if I tell him so

Me - Really? Can he buy a whole mall for you?

Mom - Well, yeah, you know he is a family friend of ours. He gave your dad a lot of money especially when your dad was travelling abroad. Therefore, he can even buy you and me the whole mall

Me - You are right! He always listens to you. Mom, what's in your bag? (Trying to look at her bag)

Mom - No no! Don't look at it now, remember it's a surprise. Let me go and change in my bedroom. I think he has also bought you a new suit which fits you.

Me - Yeah I see there is a suit here. Ooohh wooow! It looks fantastic Mom. Look at it (Showing it to my mom)

Mom - I told you Vikram knows your sizes and he knows mine too

When my mom said that Vikram knew her size, she forgot the sexual implications of that statement. Maybe she forgot herself when she was saying that because the only person who ought to know her sizes is my dad. But maybe she said it in front of me because she knew I was a little kid who didn't understand the real meaning of "size of my body".

Me - You are right mom, Sir Vikram is a caring man and he really cares for us.

Mom - Yes my son, it's difficult to find that kind of personality you know. Now you go to your room and try out your new suit while I check on mine alright?

Me - Alright Mom, you look extremely excited

Mom - I love surprises. They get the better of me often.

Me - Vikram will surprise you more when he welcomes us to the resort tonight.

Mom - The man is full of surprises you know. The last surprise I ever got was 5 years ago from your dad. But I understand your dad is a very busy man because he works abroad but I love your dad's surprises very much. ( I knew my mom was lying because she already forgot about my dad).

Me - Dad's surprises are the best

Mom - Yes, now hurry up dear, go and change, we need to hurry up. Sir Vikram will be waiting for us.

Me - Alright Mom.

I headed to my room and tried on my the new suit Vikram bought me. It was a full black tuxedo suit. I wore it and I felt like a boss. It was so good looking but I was wondering what dress my mom would be wearing. It took me about 10 minutes to prepare then I went to the sitting room to wait for my mom.

As always, women take longer time compared to men when they are preparing. My mom took almost 25-30 minutes just to prepare herself. I think she did so because she wanted to look more beautiful in front of the man whom she loves the most; Vikram. Since my childhood, I have never seen my mom take long to prepare herself.

She never did so even when she wanted to go somewhere with my dad, but she only did it to endear herself to Vikram who is the love of her life. My dad was working hard, sweating day and night while his wife was slowly being taken away from him. I didn't feel bad at all because mom was doing the right thing any woman would do in her situation.

Me - Mom! Hurry up, it's 25 minutes already and Vikram is already here ( I heard the beep of his car outside our home)

Mom - (From her room upstairs) Ooh! Vikram has already arrived?

Me - Yeah, he is outside with his car. He is honking.

Mom - Alright, here I come

As soon as she said that, she emerged from her door upstairs holding her handbag while she was still putting on what looked like an expensive earring. When I saw my mom, she was like a purplish angel. The reason why I say "purplish" is because of the luxurious purple-ish jumpsuit she was wearing. Let me describe it to you.

Firstly, my mom never ever wore a tight jumpsuit ever in her life time. She normally wears conservative sarees. Besides, Dad typically purchases sarees that fit her nicely, not tight and not baggy. But the one she wore that day was really clinging to her skin. You could literally see her brown skin through the jumpsuit.

That jumpsuit was a casual one, designed with an abundance of utility and assiduously modeled. It was like those you see in movies and the like fashion women wear. My mom looked totally different. For once, I rubbed my eyes twice just to confirm that I wasn't dreaming. Her long hair made her look different from her usual looks.

Here is the exact picture of how she looked.

[Image: WM-Screenshots-20230924212159.jpg]

Me - Woow! Mom is that you or am I seeing another woman?

Mom - ??? What are you talking about? I am your sweet mom. Why? Do I look different?

Me - Sure! You've never worn a jumpsuit in your life, it's your first time ever right?

Mom - Yeah son, how do I look? Does it fit me?

Me - Yeah Mom, you look delightful, Vikram surely got you the best jumpsuit ever. And how does he know your sizes?

Mom - (She was careful to answer this question because it was tricky) Umm,, well you know....ummh... he...he....let's just say he is a good guesser.

Me - Well if he guesses like that, I wish I was like him. I could guess my exams in school so that I could pass.

Mom - Hahaha you are funny, hurry, I hear Vikram honking.

[Image: jiggle.gif]

Let me tell you, my mom looked absolutely like the number 1 beautiful woman in the universe, not even the world. The thing that made me wonder is how she didn't even mind how that jumpsuit exposed her curvy body. Normally, before she knew Vikram, Mom used to be mindful of her dress before she moved out of the house. She always made sure that no curve of her body was overt.

But that day, Mom was actually happy about exposing her curves. I think she did this because she wanted Vikram to go crazy about her. Moreover, she wanted to obey Vikram's orders like his toy. I watched her walk and both her boobs and fat ass were really free in that jumpsuit. Vikram knew very well what he was doing when he bought her that dress. 

He wanted all her assets to be at his observance; especially her fat ass which he sodomized several times and he was sure he was going to fuck it when we reach the resort. Mom walked out of the door while I locked our house from behind. I saw Vikram standing kneeling on his car. His car was a luxurious Rolls Roys.

[Image: rolls.webp]

He was standing kneeling on his car but when he saw my mom, he opened his mouth and eyes wide simultaneously. He was gasping for air just because of the tantalizing look he saw on Mom. It seemed that he didn't even expect my mom to be that adorable in that jumpsuit. My mom walked towards him and hugged him.

Again, this was not normal. Ever since our relatives came home, Mom never used to hug anyone not even strangers. But that day, she was the one who initiated the hug and it was a tight one. She didn't even care about my presence because she still thought I was a young boy who didn't understand anything that was going on.

As mom hugged him, Vikram brought his hands behind my mom and grabbed both juicy globes of my mom's big fat booty. Oooooh! That sight really tormented me to the core. HE was feeling her meaty bubbly buttocks very lusciously. 

Vikram - Oooh Jaya! You look simply incredible! You have literally lighted up my day with this look.

Mom - Thank you, darling, you made the right choice for the occasional attire.

Vikram - And you made it even better. For some women, this jumpsuit wouldn't really look good on them, but for you, it looks lively.

Then Vikram wanted to kiss her on the lips but mom signaled him that I was around. Vikram then cast his eyes towards me and he understood.

Vikram - (Trying to speak to me to divert attention) Oooh there is my son, just look at how smart you are. I can't believe I made the right choices of dress for you two.

Me - Yeah Mr. Vikram, I feel like a cooperate man in this tuxedo suit.

Mom & Vikram - hahahahahahhah

Vikram - Let's get in the car, we will be late.

Then just like how a husband opens the door for a wife, Vikram opened the door for mom like a gentleman would do. All this time, Vikram couldn't get the eyes of my mom's curves. We entered the car and I saw behind while Mom and Vikram sat at the front passenger seat. I just love how Vikram is changing my mom to be the way he wants.

Stay tuned! Don't miss the next update where I will describe how Vikram pounded my mom in one of the resort's hotel.
[+] 4 users Like Rajeev Gupta's post
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Just like the scene how Jaya is so excited about vikram gift and slowly slowly she does not care about son's presence when she get's little intimate with vikram.

Let's make Jaya more bold in front of her son and husband. Bro try to include husband in the scene like when husband in the house, vikram will visit and both will tease each other in front of husband but husband always see gentle, loyal vikram.

Also vikram can invite jaya and her husband in the party in his house. But due to husband busy schedule vikram will take jaya with him to his house and husband will join later from the office. then when husband is in the party vikram can grab her fat booty, big boobs, kissing, humping from behind.

Also mom and son conversation is exciting but if you add more like before: when son said dad should stay more but mom said no no he has lots of work. he should go as early as possible.
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(25-09-2023, 01:06 AM)Rajeev Gupta Wrote: .


After sending her asshole photos to Vikram, she sat down on her bed smiling. From the look on her eyes, she looked like a person filled with love and compassion. It was like she was feeling love for the first time in her life despite living with my dad for several years. I noticed another thing and it was that her face became brighter, her curves became more round and firm.

Her beauty intensified by 100% in contrast to when she was with my dad. And the reason why all her adorable features became enhanced was because of Vikram's massive dick and not my dad. Vikram defeated my dad undoubtedly to win over my mom secretly. And I was glad Vikram's covert schemes came to fruition.

My mom betrayed my dad but it is a good betrayal. There is nothing wrong with my mom betraying my dad because she was looking for lust. When a person betrays another person in pursuit of lust, then it is a an accepted betrayal because there is nothing wrong with looking for lust. If all of us did not look for lust, then we will be living a dim life.

About 25 minutes passed and I heard a knock at the door. I ran back to my sitting room lest my mom noticed that I was spying on her through her bedroom window. Before I even reached the sitting room, she was already running towards the door in a manner showing that she was excited about something. She quickly opened the door and there stood the delivery guy.

Again I didn't miss the sight of my mom's jiggling boobs which was causing trouble to her bra. Additionally, her fat booty was giving trouble to her panties because her panties were almost tearing off because it could not cope with the asscheeks wriggling from side to side. When she opened the door, there stood a delivery guy that Vikram promised to send. It was a man in his late 30s wearing a red T-shirt and blue trouser.

He was holding a couple of bags I guess they were meant for us.

Mom - (Gasping for air because of running) Ooh! Hello, how are you doing?

Delivery Guy - I am fine Ma'am, I was sent by Mr......

Mom - Yes yes yes, Vikram right?

Delivery Guy - (Getting surprised by mom's excitement) Yy... yeah you are right ma'am. You are his wife, right?

Mom - Ooh yes, yes! Did he tell you that? (Mom getting confused)

Delivery Guy - Yes ma'am

Mom - Yes dear, he is my lovely husband. (Picking the bags from the delivery guy)

I was shocked by what my mom just said. She confirmed to the delivery guy that Vikram was indeed her husband. It befuddled me and I didn't know what to think. Did my mom just forget about my dad who was her real husband? I don't know what charm Vikram used on my mom but I was sure the charm was indeed controlling my mom's mind.

Delivery guy - Alright Mom there you go, he also gave me this to give it to you (Giving my mom some flowers)

Mom - Ooh thank you. ( Picking them up again in a hurriedly manner which made her boobs shake)

Delivery Guy - You are welcome ma'am. Let me say that you are blessed to have such a loving husband. There is a scarcity of that kind of men in this world.

Mom - Thank you dear, you are right. I just feel that I'm lucky to have him in my life. I am also a good wife to him. He is going to take me and my little son to a luxurious resort tonight. My mom didn't even realize that she was speaking like that while I was standing behind her waiting for my prize Vikram sent me.

Delivery Guy - Woow, that sounds fun. I have known Vikram for the last 5 years, he is a very nice man and I assure you that he will give you surprises tonight. 

Mom - OOh, you know him and his surprises too? Ooh, I love his tantalizing surprises too.

Delivery guy - Yeah that's the make-up of a good husband.

Mom - You are right dear.

Delivery guy - Alright ma'am, that's all I had to deliver. You have a nice evening alright?

Mom - Yoo too, take care (Closing the door with a bang because she was in a hurry to see what was in the bag.)

Me - MOm why are you so happy and in a hurry?

Mom - (Getting shocked because she didn't expect me to be standing behind her because she suspected that I heard the conversation between her and the delivery guy) OOoh.... well you know I love surprises, especially the ones from Vikram. Here you go, I think this bag contains some of the gifts Vikram bought you.

Me - Yeah I think so. Woow it weighs heavy. Did he buy the whole of the mall in this bag?

Mom - Hahahah! Well he didn't but since he is a rich man, he can do it if I tell him so

Me - Really? Can he buy a whole mall for you?

Mom - Well, yeah, you know he is a family friend of ours. He gave your dad a lot of money especially when your dad was travelling abroad. Therefore, he can even buy you and me the whole mall

Me - You are right! He always listens to you. Mom, what's in your bag? (Trying to look at her bag)

Mom - No no! Don't look at it now, remember it's a surprise. Let me go and change in my bedroom. I think he has also bought you a new suit which fits you.

Me - Yeah I see there is a suit here. Ooohh wooow! It looks fantastic Mom. Look at it (Showing it to my mom)

Mom - I told you Vikram knows your sizes and he knows mine too

When my mom said that Vikram knew her size, she forgot the sexual implications of that statement. Maybe she forgot herself when she was saying that because the only person who ought to know her sizes is my dad. But maybe she said it in front of me because she knew I was a little kid who didn't understand the real meaning of "size of my body".

Me - You are right mom, Sir Vikram is a caring man and he really cares for us.

Mom - Yes my son, it's difficult to find that kind of personality you know. Now you go to your room and try out your new suit while I check on mine alright?

Me - Alright Mom, you look extremely excited

Mom - I love surprises. They get the better of me often.

Me - Vikram will surprise you more when he welcomes us to the resort tonight.

Mom - The man is full of surprises you know. The last surprise I ever got was 5 years ago from your dad. But I understand your dad is a very busy man because he works abroad but I love your dad's surprises very much. ( I knew my mom was lying because she already forgot about my dad).

Me - Dad's surprises are the best

Mom - Yes, now hurry up dear, go and change, we need to hurry up. Sir Vikram will be waiting for us.

Me - Alright Mom.

I headed to my room and tried on my the new suit Vikram bought me. It was a full black tuxedo suit. I wore it and I felt like a boss. It was so good looking but I was wondering what dress my mom would be wearing. It took me about 10 minutes to prepare then I went to the sitting room to wait for my mom.

As always, women take longer time compared to men when they are preparing. My mom took almost 25-30 minutes just to prepare herself. I think she did so because she wanted to look more beautiful in front of the man whom she loves the most; Vikram. Since my childhood, I have never seen my mom take long to prepare herself.

She never did so even when she wanted to go somewhere with my dad, but she only did it to endear herself to Vikram who is the love of her life. My dad was working hard, sweating day and night while his wife was slowly being taken away from him. I didn't feel bad at all because mom was doing the right thing any woman would do in her situation.

Me - Mom! Hurry up, it's 25 minutes already and Vikram is already here ( I heard the beep of his car outside our home)

Mom - (From her room upstairs) Ooh! Vikram has already arrived?

Me - Yeah, he is outside with his car. He is honking.

Mom - Alright, here I come

As soon as she said that, she emerged from her door upstairs holding her handbag while she was still putting on what looked like an expensive earring. When I saw my mom, she was like a purplish angel. The reason why I say "purplish" is because of the luxurious purple-ish jumpsuit she was wearing. Let me describe it to you.

Firstly, my mom never ever wore a tight jumpsuit ever in her life time. She normally wears conservative sarees. Besides, Dad typically purchases sarees that fit her nicely, not tight and not baggy. But the one she wore that day was really clinging to her skin. You could literally see her brown skin through the jumpsuit.

That jumpsuit was a casual one, designed with an abundance of utility and assiduously modeled. It was like those you see in movies and the like fashion women wear. My mom looked totally different. For once, I rubbed my eyes twice just to confirm that I wasn't dreaming. Her long hair made her look different from her usual looks.

Here is the exact picture of how she looked.

[Image: WM-Screenshots-20230924212159.jpg]

Me - Woow! Mom is that you or am I seeing another woman?

Mom - ??? What are you talking about? I am your sweet mom. Why? Do I look different?

Me - Sure! You've never worn a jumpsuit in your life, it's your first time ever right?

Mom - Yeah son, how do I look? Does it fit me?

Me - Yeah Mom, you look delightful, Vikram surely got you the best jumpsuit ever. And how does he know your sizes?

Mom - (She was careful to answer this question because it was tricky) Umm,, well you know....ummh... he...he....let's just say he is a good guesser.

Me - Well if he guesses like that, I wish I was like him. I could guess my exams in school so that I could pass.

Mom - Hahaha you are funny, hurry, I hear Vikram honking.

[Image: jiggle.gif]

Let me tell you, my mom looked absolutely like the number 1 beautiful woman in the universe, not even the world. The thing that made me wonder is how she didn't even mind how that jumpsuit exposed her curvy body. Normally, before she knew Vikram, Mom used to be mindful of her dress before she moved out of the house. She always made sure that no curve of her body was overt.

But that day, Mom was actually happy about exposing her curves. I think she did this because she wanted Vikram to go crazy about her. Moreover, she wanted to obey Vikram's orders like his toy. I watched her walk and both her boobs and fat ass were really free in that jumpsuit. Vikram knew very well what he was doing when he bought her that dress. 

He wanted all her assets to be at his observance; especially her fat ass which he sodomized several times and he was sure he was going to fuck it when we reach the resort. Mom walked out of the door while I locked our house from behind. I saw Vikram standing kneeling on his car. His car was a luxurious Rolls Roys.

[Image: rolls.webp]

He was standing kneeling on his car but when he saw my mom, he opened his mouth and eyes wide simultaneously. He was gasping for air just because of the tantalizing look he saw on Mom. It seemed that he didn't even expect my mom to be that adorable in that jumpsuit. My mom walked towards him and hugged him.

Again, this was not normal. Ever since our relatives came home, Mom never used to hug anyone not even strangers. But that day, she was the one who initiated the hug and it was a tight one. She didn't even care about my presence because she still thought I was a young boy who didn't understand anything that was going on.

As mom hugged him, Vikram brought his hands behind my mom and grabbed both juicy globes of my mom's big fat booty. Oooooh! That sight really tormented me to the core. HE was feeling her meaty bubbly buttocks very lusciously. 

Vikram - Oooh Jaya! You look simply incredible! You have literally lighted up my day with this look.

Mom - Thank you, darling, you made the right choice for the occasional attire.

Vikram - And you made it even better. For some women, this jumpsuit wouldn't really look good on them, but for you, it looks lively.

Then Vikram wanted to kiss her on the lips but mom signaled him that I was around. Vikram then cast his eyes towards me and he understood.

Vikram - (Trying to speak to me to divert attention) Oooh there is my son, just look at how smart you are. I can't believe I made the right choices of dress for you two.

Me - Yeah Mr. Vikram, I feel like a cooperate man in this tuxedo suit.

Mom & Vikram - hahahahahahhah

Vikram - Let's get in the car, we will be late.

Then just like how a husband opens the door for a wife, Vikram opened the door for mom like a gentleman would do. All this time, Vikram couldn't get the eyes of my mom's curves. We entered the car and I saw behind while Mom and Vikram sat at the front passenger seat. I just love how Vikram is changing my mom to be the way he wants.

Stay tuned! Don't miss the next update where I will describe how Vikram pounded my mom in one of the resort's hotel.
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Please make sure that mr vikram makes ur mom feel more special in front of u n tries to touch ,kiss. In front of u to be more bold n show u dat they are deeply in love
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waiting for update
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HerbieeWhere is She??? Missing.!
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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ýHerbieeWhere is She??? Missing.!
जिंदगी की राहों में रंजो गम के मेले हैं.
भीड़ है क़यामत की फिर भी  हम अकेले हैं.

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Why u r taking this much time for the next update buddy??? Please make sure it happens asap.....eagerness is on checking abt the story wheather it is updated or not
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Update plz
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Plz update
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Update kar bhai bohot samay ho gaya abb toh
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Update de de Bhai?
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Waiting for continuation.....
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Waiting for your update
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