Adultery Amudha's Escapades Chapter 1,2,3,4, 5, 6, and 7 (COMPLETED)- By Novelist Casanova
As Raju began pulling his cock out of my Pussy and began wearing his Lungi, and I began turning back, I began blushing and began running out of the Kitchen.  When I saw my husband busy talking to someone over the phone, I let out a huge sigh of relief.  The moment he saw me, he smiled at me and gentured me to come towards him.  “It's my Brother,” as my husband exclaimed and gave the phone to me.  As my brother-in-law began saying that he had been calling me several times I was returning him and I began tell him that I was busy in the Kitchen, my husband, looking at my lips which had gotten red, without knowing that fact that my lips have turned red after being kissed nicely by Raju, my husband placed his hands over my waist and as I busy talking to my brother-in-law, my husband began kissing my lips.  As my husband was kissing my lips, with his hands over my waist, I noticed Raju coming out of the Kitchen my White Panties in his hand and escaping from our house.  

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Only after Raju left our house, I dropped the phone on the Sofa and began closing my eyes and began hugging my husband back, and began kissing his lips back.  “Mmmm…. Did you smoke Beedi, babe? Your mouth tastes like Beedi,” as my husband asked, that’s when I realized Raju had kissed my lips nicely and left the smell of his mouth all over my mouth.  As I was quiet without answering, “mmmmmm…. It's making me horny,” my husband exclaimed and began carrying me to the Bedroom in the hugging position.  My husband dropped me on the bed, “take off your Nightie, Amudha.  I wanna remove your Panties and have your pussy now,” as he said and began getting naked, that’s when I realized Raju had removed my White Panties and taken them home, and at the same time my pussy was full of his cum and my juices together.

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When my husband went on a Business Trip to North India along with my Elder Sister’s Husband and my Elder sister from Canada, leaving their Son Arjun at home, for a month to meet all his Business Partners all over North India, I decided to send my sons and his cousin to my Mom’s house, and bring Raju home and have fun, but the problem was, Raju had become busy with his Auto Drivers Association Elections as he was contesting for Leader’s Post and desperately wanted to win the Elections at any cost.  He was so busy that he was not answering my calls and stopped coming to the Auto Stand, where he used to pick me up and take me to the Textile Shop and have fun.  My husband had even called me and informed me that he was going to be back in a day or two.  As I was running out of time to have Raju in my house, I was horny and badly needed Raju in my Bed.  I was so horny that I even went to the Auto Stand and began requesting his three Auto Driver friends at the Auto Stand, to take me to Raju, clearly knowing that they have an eye on me and always ogle at me at the Auto Stand.

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As I went to the Auto Stand wearing my Pink Chiffon Saree and Pink blouse, and of course wearing my White Petticoat, White Bra underneath my Pink Blouse and Red Panties underneath my White Petticoat, and stood in front of the three Auto Drivers and asked “Good Morning guys, have you seen Raju?” The three Auto Drivers could not believe that I was actually talking to them, as I used to ignore them all the time and treat them like shit.  “Amudha Madam?!” as the first Auto Driver exclaimed, “how do you know my name?” I asked.  “We know Madam, we know everything about you,”  as the first Auto Driver began telling me that he knew where Raju would be, the other two Auto Drivers were checking me out from head to toe.  As the second Auto Driver was ogling was shamelessly ogling at my Boobs over my Pink Saree Blouse, the third Auto Driver was cheekily circling me around and having a 360° Degree view of my Body, ogling at my side boobs in my Pink Blouse and my waist, and ended up feasting his eyes all over my Ass cheeks over my Pink Saree.  As I was horny and desperate to meet Raju and take him home and have him in my bed, and these three guys were the only people who would take me to Raju, I let them ogle at me all they wanted, and I could even notice their boners in their Lungi.  Clearly my presence was turning them on and they just loved the way I was letting them stand so close to me and letting them ogle at me all they wanted.  Meanwhile, me being horny already, began enjoying all the attention I was getting from them.  “Amudha Madam, Raju must be at the Union Office,” as the second Auto Driver, who was ogling was shamelessly ogling at my Boobs over my Pink Saree Blouse, while the first Auto Driver was talking to me, ogling at my lips, exclaimed, ogling at my Boobs over my Pink Saree Blouse again, totally ignoring me watching me ogling at my boobs over my Pink Saree Blouse, I started feeling horny and began enjoying the way he was quite shamelessly ogling at me, and I could feel my Panties getting wet already.  “Hey, Govindan, Amudha Madam’s eyes are here, not there,” as the first Auto Driver who was ogling at my lips exclaimed and lifted his chin up, the first Auto Driver and the third Auto Driver began laughing at Govindan.  “Shut up, Vasu,” as Govidan exclaimed in an angry tone looking at the First Auto Driver who made fun of him, “Vasu, don’t make fun of him, look how serious he is getting,” as I exclaimed, “no Amudha Madam, it's just for fun, we like pulling each other’s legs at times,” as the third Auto Driver, who was cheekily circling me around and having a 360° Degree view of my Body, ogling at my side boobs in my Pink Blouse and my waist, and ended up feasting his eyes all over my Ass cheeks over my Pink Saree, exclaimed, as I turned my head towards my left and looked at him, he was ogling at my Ass Cheeks over my Pink Saree, and licking his lips, which was making me more horny.  

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“And, Anbu, Amudha Madam’s eyes were not behind.  You yourself are not looking into her eyes and talking, and making fun of me?” as Govindan made fun of Anbu, who was feasting his eyes all over my Ass cheeks over my Pink Saree, “Shhhh… Stop it guys, Amudha Madam has come to us for help, and we should help us,” as Vasu said ogling at my lips, Govindan and Anbu did not notice Vasu ogling at my lips, but I did.  Coming closer to me, “Amudha Madam, anything else you want us to help you with, other than finding Raju for you?”, as Vasu asked, the smell of Beedi which was coming from his mouth, began reminding me of my Raju, and it strangely began turning me on.  “Hmmmmm?” as I exclaimed, looking at Vasu’s lips which were more burnt than Raju and began reminding me of Raju and began making me more horny.  “Amudha Madam, anything else you want us to help you with, other than finding Raju for you?”, as Vasu asked again, ogling at my lips, aching to kiss my lips, the Beedi Vibe of Raju which Vasu’s lips was giving was making me feel so horny that I felt like kissing Vasu’s lips back if Vasu kissed my lips first.  “No Vasu, just take me to Raju, that’s enough,” as I said, “Vasu, we have to hurry before Raju and his followers leave the Union Office,” Anbu said, and got inside his Auto and began starting his Auto.  Coming towards me even closer, “Amudha Madam, get inside the Anbu’s Auto, and he will take you to the Union Office.  I can come with you if you want,” as Vasu whispered with his lips close to mine, the smell of Beedi that was coming out of lips began reminding me of Raju and began making me more and more horny, “if you are free, you can come,” I whispered.  “Even I will come with you guys,” as Govindan exclaimed, looking at my boobs and licking his lips, I felt horny, “Sure, Govindan, come along,” I whispered.

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As I tried to get inside the Auto and Vasu was following me, “Vasu, you go inside first,” as Govindan nudged Vasu, and Govindan and Vasu were having a small arguments, I noticed Anbu getting an eye full of my Ass cheeks over my Pink Saree, and scratching his cock over his Lungi.  Clearly Anbu did not wear his underwear inside his Lungi as I could see his erect cock already in his Lungi, reminding me of my Raju’s cock inside his Lungi and began making me weak and horny.  “Guys, you both sit behind, let Amudha Madam sit on my lap,” as Anbu said, looking at my Ass Cheeks over my Saree, I shamelessly laughed gently and smiled at him, as I was horny, but Anbu did not see me smiling and continued ogling at my Ass over my Pink Saree.

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“Guys, you are wasting time,” as Anbu exclaimed and got out of the Auto, Vasu began entering inside the Auto First, “get inside, Amudha Madam,” as Govindan said and winked at Anbu who was standing behind me.  As I began bending down and getting inside the Auto, I noticed Anbu enjoying the view of my left Boobs in my Pink Blouse, my deep navel and waist, “my God.. What an Ass.!” Anbu whispered softly, which I could hear clearly, and it made me feel horny and I began pretending to be struggling to be getting inside to let Anbu get a full view of my Ass in my Pink Saree, “let me help you, Amudha Madam,” as Anbu whispered and grabbed my Ass Cheeks from behind, I involuntarily sat on the seat next to Vasu.  As I sat next to Vasu, “move Amudha Madam,” Govindan exclaimed and sat next to me.

As I was sitting between Vasu, who was towards my right and Govindan, who was towards my left, I started feeling nervous as that I was the first time I was sitting between two men, that too two ugly Auto Drivers, and at the same time me being horny, their body odor, their looks, their Lungis, their top three buttons unbuttoned Khaki Shirts were all reminding me of my Raju and was making me feel horny, and at the same time I was enjoying the way these three guys were ogling at me, and I was enjoying all the attention I was getting from them.  As Anbu was driving the Auto fast, my Pink Saree Pallu which was covering my Boobs in my Pink Blouse began drifting aside and revealing my left Boobs in my Pink Blouse.  As I was trying to cover my Pallu, Vasu who was sitting towards my right began talking someone over the phone, asking him about Raju, and meanwhile, Govindan, who was ogling was shamelessly ogling at my Boobs over my Pink Saree Blouse before entering inside the Auto, was sitting towards my left “keep on calling him Vasu, only then he will answer the call,” he exclaimed and began feasting his eyes all over my left Boobs in my Pink Blouse.  As I was trying to cover my left Boobs properly with my Pallu with my left hand, “what is the time now, Amudha Madam?” Govindan asked. 
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As I looked at the watch on my left hand and began telling him the time, my Pink Saree Pallu which was covering my left side Boobs began flying aside in the wind, and revealing my entire left Boobs in my Pink Blouse to Govindan and he began feasting his eyes all over my left Boobs.  “Anbu, driver fast, we are getting late, we might miss Raju,” as Govindan was telling driver to drive fast, so that my Saree Pallu could drift more and more and he could get a clear view of my Boobs in my Pink Blouse, but when I covered my left Boobs with my Pallu again, he got so disappointed.  I kind of felt sorry for him for a moment and let my Pink Saree Pallu fly and let me ogle at my left Boobs in my Pink Blouse.  Govindan, enjoying the view of my left Boobs in my Pink Blouse, “don’t worry Madam, we will find Raju for you at any cost,” as he said, ogling at my left Boobs in my Pink Blouse and licking his lips, “thank you, Govindan,” I said, enjoying the way Govindan was ogling at my left Boobs in my Pink Blouse, and feeling horny, but acting normal.  “Nice Blouse, Madam,” as Govindan exclaimed, looking at my Left Boobs in my Pink Blouse, I started feeling so horny at his boldness that I could feel my Panties getting wet already.  “Thanks, Govindan,” though I exclaimed casually, my eyes were all over Govindan’s eyes which were ogling at my Boobs like he wants to eat them.  I was so horny that I could feel my nipples getting hard and was aching for Govindan to grab my left Boobs in my Pink blouse which Govindan was ogling at.  As Vasu, who was sitting towards my right, was busy calling all his friends and trying to contact Raju, Anbu who was driving the Auto, as soon as he saw Govindan was shamelessly ogling at my left boobs in my Pink Blouse, through the rearview mirror, “Govindan, Madam’s eyes are not down there,” as Anbu said and began laughing, “Shut up you jealous Bastard,” Govindan shouted at Anbu in an angry tone, as he felt Anbu was distracting him from ogling at my left Boobs in my Pink Blouse.  Turning towards me and looking into my eyes this time, “Sorry Madam, I was just admiring your Blouse, he is trying to pull my leg and make you hate me,” as Govindan exclaimed, in an apologetic tone, and gently placed his left hand on my lap, I felt so horny that I began wetting my Panties.  

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Though I was so horny that I felt like wrapping my left arm around Govindan’s neck and giving him a causal hug and letting up feel up my boobs, which he has been aching to feel up all this time, I controlled myself “it's okay, Govindan, he is just playing with you,” as I exclaimed and placed my left hand on his right shoulder, looking into his eyes.  “Thanks for the understanding, Madam,” as Govindan exclaimed, gently squeezing my inner thighs over my Pink Saree over my lap.  I got so turned on and I could feel my Panties getting more wet.  Though I was horny, I maintained a smile on my face, “you are welcome, Govindan,” as I exclaimed patting his shoulder, Govindan could not control himself, “thank you so much, Madam,” he exclaimed, and all of a sudden, taking his left hand off my inner thighs and wrapped it around my neck, and bringing his right hand around my waist and began giving me a hug, “you are welcome, Govindan,” I whispered an began wrapping my left arm around his shoulder and right arm around his back and began hugging him back letting him enjoy feeling up my boobs against his chest.  “Mmmmmmmm…. Madam,” as Govindan moaned, Vasu, who was sitting towards me right, with his phone near his right ear, watching Govindan hugging me and feeling up my Boobs against his chest, “Govindan, Raju’s friend is with Raju, he is telling an address, see if you know where it comes,” Vasu said and gave the Phone to Govindan.  As I broke the hug, and hands were free, Govindan continued hugging me and feeling up my Boobs against him, “Govindan, Raju’s friend is on the call, come on man,” as Vasu exclaimed loud, Govindan reluctantly broke the hug looking into my eyes.  “Don’t worry Madam, I will find Raju for you at any cost,” as Govindan said, looking at my Boobs over my Pink Blouse, that’s when I realized that as the result of hugging Govindan turning towards my right, my Pink Saree Pallu had drifted a lot and had bunched up and ended up between my Boobs, revealing my Boobs in my Pink Blouse to not just Govindan, but also to Anbu who was driving the Auto, and Vasu who was sitting towards my right.  “Sorry,” as I exclaimed looking at Vasu and began covering my boobs in my Pink Blouse with my Pink Saree Pallu, “it's okay, feel free, Amudha, we are friends now,” Vasu exclaimed, looking at my lips.  All this while Vasu was calling me “Madam,” and when he called me by my name, I got surprised, and I kind of liked it, but I was quiet.  “What, you don’t like me calling you, Amudha? I thought we had become friends already.  I will call you Madam, if you want,” as Vasu whispered, looking into my eyes for a second and taking his eyes down and looking at my lips, waiting for an opportunity to kiss my lips.  As he whispering with his left hand behind me, over the seat, and his lips close to my lips, the smell of the Beedi and his bad breath coming out of his dark lips, began reminding me of Raju’s lips and his smell, and began turning me on, and without my knowledge I began licking my lips and making them wet and pink for Vasu, as I was horny as hell and had mentally prepared to get kissed by Vasu.  “No need to call me “Madam,” and all, just call me Amudha,” I whispered, looking into his eyes and enjoying the way his eyes were feasting all over my pink lips, at the same time looking at his dark lips and preparing myself to kiss his lips back if he kisses my lips first.  “So we are friends now, right, Amudha?” as Vasu whispered, ogling at my lips, “yeah,” I whispered.  “Good, let's start off our friendship with a kiss,” as Vasu whispered and brought his lips close to my lips, “on the lips?” as I whispered, “yeah,” he whispered.  

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To Be Continued..!
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Nice story
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To tease him at the same time not to sound like I was horny and desperate, “not on the Lips, Vasu.  Cheeks are fine,” as I whispered, “mmmm,” Vasu nodded and all of a sudden began wrapped his left arm, which was already around me, but on the seat, around my shoulders and began kissing me all over my cheeks, I started feeling so horny that my pussy began to itch and my pussy began to wet more and more, and as Vasu began hugging me and began feeling up my Boobs against his chest and continued kissing my cheeks, I was completely turned on and hugged him tight.  Hugging me tight with his left arm, and holding my waist with his right hand, “Govindan, what is he saying?”, as Vasu asked, “Raju’s friend is telling to go to Govindan’s house and wait for him,” Govindan said.  Gently breaking the hug, and gently placing his left hand on my right shoulder, and taking his right hand off my waist and placing his right hand right on my inner thighs over my Pink Saree, dangerously close to my pussy, “what do you say, Amudha? Shall we wait for him in his House?”, as Vasu asked, “Sure, Vasu,” I said, placing my right hand over his right hand which was close to my pussy and gently moving it aside.  “Thank God, we are going to meet him today, Vasu, from tomorrow on he will be busy with the Elections and he will have no time to meet any of us for months,” as Anbu, who was driving the Auto was saying, Vasu was gently holding my right hand with his right hand and began taking my hand close to his lips.  “Like we promised, we are going to make Madam meet Raju,” Govindan exclaimed and held my left hand with his right hand and began interlocking my left hand fingers with his right hand fingers, and began looking at the contrast colors of his dark skinned right hand fingers interlocking with my fair skinned left hand fingers interlocking, and began directly ogling at my boobs, that’s when I realized, as the result of Vasu hugging me nicely and kissing me all over my cheeks, my Pink Saree Pallu, which had bunched up and ended up between my Boobs while Govindan was hugging me, had bunched up more this time, and my Thaali (Mangalsutra) was circling around my right Boobs over my Pink Blouse.  

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As I tried to free my left hand from Govindan’s hands, “let me help you, Madam,” Govindan said.  Interlocking my left hand fingers tight with his right hand fingers, as Govindan began taking my Thaali (Mangalsutra), which had circled around my right Boob over my Pink Blouse, he began losing control and cupped my right Boobs in my Pink Blouse and squeezed it, “mmmmm,” as I moaned gently and bit my lips and looked at him, he did not care to look at me and began taking my Thaali (Mangalsutra) and began resting my Thaali (Mangalsutra) between my Boobs over my Pink Blouse hooks.  “Let me cover your Pallu as well, Madam,” as Govindan whispered and began freeing my left hand and began squeezing my Boobs over my Pink Blouse, my White Bra began popping out of my shoulders, and by the time I could take my left hand and cover my boobs in my Blouse, “there you go, Madam,” Govidan said and covered my boobs with my Pink Saree Pallu.

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As Vasu who was holding my right hand and kissing my hand and was busy talking to Anbu who was driving the Auto, Govindan interlocked my left hand fingers with his right hand fingers.  “Madam, your Bra Straps are visible, shall I put my hands inside your Blouse and adjust your Bra?” as Govindan whispered near my left ear, the way he was whispering and asking me if he could insert his hands inside my Pink Blouse and adjust my White Bra, began making me horny.  “No Govindan, it's okay,” as I whispered, “let me do it for you, Madam,” he whispered and all of a sudden began inserting his left hand underneath my Pink Saree Pallu and began removing my Pink Blouse hooks, one after the other.  By the time I could free my right hand from Vasu and free my left hand from Govindan, Govindan removed the rest of my Pink Blouse hooks and began grabbing my Boobs in my White Bra, and even inserted his left hand inside my White Bra and grabbed my right Boobs.  

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Though I felt horny and excited, “Govindan..!” I exclaimed loud and grabbed his left hand, which was inside my White Bra, feeling up my naked right Boobs inside my White Bra.  Feeling my naked right Boobs inside my White Bra, as Govindan looked into my eyes, and at the same time noticed I was not trying to pull his hands off my White Bra, and began getting bolder and began feeling up my Boobs inside my White Bra nicely, making me so weak that I lost all my strength to pull Govidan’s hand out of my White Bra, and my pussy began to get more wet and I began enjoying myself.  As Vasu was bending forward and was busy discussing something serious with Anbu, Govindan, with his left hand still inside my White Bra and feeling up my Boobs, put his right hand around my neck, “Govindan, what are you doing?!”, as I exclaimed softly and began grabbing on his hand gently, “mmmmmm,” he moaned and began feeling up my Boobs inside my White Bra nicely, and I was horny that my pussy began to itch and I so badly wanted to touch my pussy.  “My God, mmmmmmm…. I am loving your Boobs, Madam, mmmm,” as he whispered into my left ear and continued enjoying himself feeling up my Boobs, and I felt so horny that I felt like hugging Govindan and letting him make love to me.

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As Govindan began taking his left hand out of my White Bra, and as I was about to feel disappointed, Govindan began inserting his right hand, which was around my neck, inside my White Bra and began feeling up my left Boobs, making me totally weak.  “Govindan, it's a public place,” as I whispered turning my head towards him and covering his right hand which was inside my White Bra with my Pink saree pallu, “look, there is no one around,” he whispered, looking into my eyes and enjoying himself feeling up my Boobs.  As I looked at Vasu and Anbu, who were discussing something, “just don’t worry about them, they are deep into discussion,” Govindan whispered near my left ear and began kissing my Cheek and enjoying himself feeling up my Boobs inside my White Bra one after the other.  “Mmmmmmm… my God, what a Babe you are, Madam, I always wanted to feel up your Boobs like this, mmmmmm,” as Govindan was moaning near my ear, feeling my Boobs up nicely with his right hand inside my White Bra, and I was so horny that I began biting my lips, arching my head backwards, resting my head on his arm, and looked into his eyes, almost telling him to fuck me as I could not control myself and my pussy was aching for something inside.  “Mmmm.. Govindan, noo..!” as I whispered, he began feeling my navel with his left hand, looking into my eyes.  “Govindan, Stop,” as I whispered, “my God.. look at you, you are Beautiful,” Govindan whispered.
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As he brought his lips close to my lips to kiss my lips, since I was horny and my pussy was totally wet and was aching for a cock inside me, and there was already a strong orgasm buildup inside me, I was ready to let Govindan kiss my lips.  As I closed my eyes and began offering my lips to Govindan, all of a sudden, instead of kissing my lips, Govidan began inserting his left hand inside my Saree and Petticoat and began inserting his left hand inside my Panties and began grabbing my pussy with his four fingers and at the same time feeling my Boobs up nicely inside my White Bra, I totally surrendered to Govindan.  “My God, you are so wet down there.  Mmmm… you like me so much,” as Govindan whispered and the moment he began inserting his middle finger inside my pussy and began fingering my pussy at the same time feeling up my Boobs inside my White Bra, I could not control myself and I began clutching and grinding my teeth and biting my lips from moaning, and the moment Govindan began inserting his middle finger deeper inside began fingering my pussy vigorously, began squeezing my boobs nicely with his hand inside my White Bra, and began kissing my lips nicely, I began kissing his lips back nicely and began cumming all over Govindan’s fingers.
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As Govindan began taking his left hand out of my Panties, taking his right hand out of my White Bra, he readily wrapped my arms around my waist and hugged me tight.  “You enjoyed it, didn’t you, Madam?” as Govindan whispered, “Oh Govindan..!” as I let out a sigh of relief and hugged him back with my arms around his neck.  “Mmmmmm… I know you enjoyed it,” Govindan whispered and began kissing me all over my cheek.  As Govindan was hugging me and kissing me all over my Cheeks, “see I told you, she was very friendly,” Vasu said to Anbu, “very Friendly,” as Govindan exclaimed breaking the hug, I whispered covered my White Bra with my Pink Saree Pallu and smiled at Vasu and sat straight.  “Madam, you should be hanging out with us, not that boring Raju,” as Anbu was saying, I quickly began inserting my hands underneath my Pink Saree Pallu and began hooking up my Blouse hooks.  As I was about to hook my last Blouse hook, “your Blouse is tight, Amudha?” Vasu exclaimed and put his left arm around my shoulder.  “No, it's fine,” as I was saying and hooking up my last Blouse hook with my hands underneath my Pink Saree Pallu, gently putting his left hand around my shoulders, and Govindan began to get busy talking to Anbu, “look Amudha, just sitting next to you, Govindan has got a boner in his Lungi,” as Vasu whispered and began laughing looking into my eyes, without knowing that Govindan was having that boner inside his Lungi as a result of inserting his hand inside my Saree, my Petticoat, and my Panties and fingering my Pussy and me kissing his lips nicely.  As I began laughing looking into Vasu’s eyes, that’s when I realized as a result of Govindan inserting his hand inside my Saree tugged portion of my Petticoat, to insert his hand inside my Panties and finger my pussy, my Petticoat knot got lossensed, and I could feel the gush of air entering inside my Saree and Petticoat from above.  

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“Just don’t mind that, Amudha,” as Vasu whispered, with his lips close to mine, the smell of beedi that was coming from his lips yet again began reminding me of Raju’s lips and was drying me crazy.  Vasu’s lips being so close to my lips, and the smell of Beedi from his lips, was tempting me to kiss his lips, and was licking my lips and controlling myself.  “It's natural to have such things when we are friends with the opposite Gender, Amudha, just don’t mind it, okay?” as Vasu whispered, “what?!” I exclaimed, as I did not listen to what he was saying as my eyes and mind were all over Vasu’s lips, waiting for Vasu to make the first move to kiss my lips.  “I said, it's natural to have boners in our Lungis like Govindan is having when we are friends with the opposite Gender, Amudha, just don’t mind, okay?” as he whispered, with his lips close to mine, the smell of his Beedi lips began driving me crazy, “sure, Vasu,” I whispered, licking my lips.  “Don’t lick your lips like that, Amudha, it's tempting,” as Vasu whispered, “tempting to do what?” as I whispered, licking my lips again teasing me and smiling at him.  I could see Vasu already having a Boner, “Amudha, are you sure, I can only kiss your cheeks and not your lips?” as Vasu, who was desperate to kiss my lips whispered, placing his right hand over my waist, “friends don’t kiss on the lips, Vasu,” I whispered teasing him.  “Please Amudha, just once,” as Vasu whispered, wrapping his right arm around my waist and taking me into his embrace and with his left hand around my shoulder, turning my head towards him making my lips face his lips, “it's a public place, Vasu,” I whispered, teasing him more, totally knowing that there was no one around and just our Auto.  “It's not, Amudha, there is no more around,” as Vasu whispered in a desperate tone and tried to kiss my lips, “Vasu, Govindan and Anbu are here,” I whispered, totally knowing that they are busy talking, teasing Vasu more.  “They are busy, Amudha,” as Vasu whispered, taking his right hand off my Back, and with his left hand around my neck, the moment Vasu began inserting his right hand inside my already loose Pink Saree and Petticoat and began inserting his hand inside my Panties and began grabbing my Pussy, “mmmmmmmmm,” as I began to moan, Vasu, who was so desperate to kiss my lips, began kissing my lips nicely.  The Beedi smell coming out of Vasu’s lips and the taste of Vasu’s lips, and the pleasure of my pussy being fingered by Vasu’s fingers began drying me crazy and I began wrapping my arms around Vasu’s neck and began kissing his lips back passionately enjoying his smell and tasting all his saliva. 
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I could feel a strong orgasm buildup inside me already, which even Vasu could feel.  As Vasu broke the kiss and began looking into my eyes “you are gonna Cum, Amudha?” he whispered and as I nodded, biting my lps, Vasu began fingering my pussy nicely to help me cum.  I could feel like I was about to cum, and as my orgasm neared and neared, the moment I held Vasu’s face and began kissing his lips nicely, tasting his lips, tasting all his saliva which he dripped inside my mouth while kissing my lips, “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,” I moaned and hugged Vasu tight and began cumming all over Vasu’s fingers.

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