Adultery Chapter One - The Erotic Party with my wife
Yes please, great story man, just write more
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
very well written.
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Great bro.. waiting for next adventure in Paris
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Thanks for the encouragement guys. Here's the concluding part of the club but don't go anywhere next adventure at French nude village "Cape De Agde" coming up next. The Cape adventure is much more erotic I promise! so keep reading and commenting...

Strange Family

While that 18 year old girl was still licking my pussy, btw, she had extended licking to my thighs and lower belly just below my belly button, Surya leaned over me and said, “Paddu, my darling, I love you for being such a sport today babe” “you have been fabulous today, without you being so nice I wouldn’t have been able to fuck that French hotee Sophia” I just smiled then I realised I couldn’t hear any of them Steve, John or Sophia so I immediately opened my eyes and asked him “Where did they go?” To which he said “They got a call from home something happened which needed their attention so they had to leave in a rush” “They apologised and specially asked me to say goodbye to you and also they said they really enjoyed our company and wanted to gift us something” I again raised my eye brows in a “What gift?” Gesture. “They have a holiday home in some island and they asked us to spend sometime in there, normally they airbnb it but they offered it free to us” “Seems that island is really special and they insisted we must go”. I heard all that Surya said but was too tired to decide either ways hence I postponed the decision by saying “We will see, now lift me up I need to pee badly and also order some nice drink for me, I am thirsty as well”. While saying that I politely tapped on the young girl licking my pussy. “Its fine dear thank you so much, you are a gem” and gave her a smile while getting up as Surya helped me to rise up. I tried to find my cloths all I could find is my top and the skirt, there was no sign of my panty anywhere. I just pulled over my top without bothering to hook it I slid my skirt up after stepping into it. I was feeling weak at my knees but somehow managed to wear my cloths and started to walk towards the bathroom, I was still sore in my pussy due to the heavy fucking I got from Steve and John so was walking a bit slower to avoid more friction in my groins. Thinking of Steve, Sophia and John, I felt good about their nice gesture to offer us their holiday home, felt a bit special. If the island is so special we should visit it. I decided to convey my decision to Surya but that was for later I had to pee so badly so went into the bathroom as soon as I saw one free. Again these bathrooms were gender neutral all Men and women used the same loos and there were no doors yet again on the bathrooms. It was strange watching men pee in front of us while we were peeing in the cubicles. Inspite of all that had happened so far in that club I was still feeling shy lifting my skirt up and peeing in front of all these men and women in doorless bathroom. Given my situation I had no choice so I slowly lifted my skirt knowing very well that people behind me were able to see my naked bum, turned around to give them glimpse of my well shaven and fucked pussy and sat on the WC and started to Pee. It took me full 2-3 mins to finish peeing, all the love juices along with my fresh pee came out gushing from my pussy like a fountain. Finally I finished peeing in that open bathroom and came out quickly. All this while I totally forgot that I had not hooked by bra and along with my naked pussy I had also given a show of my boobs dangling inside my open blouse off course some parts of my boobs were still covered by the hanging blouse at the front.

By the time I came back to our beloved sofas, Surya had kept my drink ready and was chatting with few people. I noticed Surya was talking to a middle aged couple and that 18 year old girl. By this time people had started to leave the club and the sofas we had occupied earlier were still vacant. As soon as I reached Surya introduced me to those people. He said “Paddu, here meet Mr Pierre and his wife Mrs Nichole and their daughter “Michelle”. I said “Hi’ I am Padma” “Surya’s wife” and gave them a closer look. Pierre was average built middle aged man could be somewhere around 50-55, his wife must be around 45ish and that Michelle was definitely not more than 18-19. She was the same girl who was licking me all over to clean me up after my satisfying fuck session with Steve and John. I recognised her and gave her a thank you smile again. What was surprising to me was that Pierre was only wearing an underwear and nothing else, Nichole was in decent but transparent bra and panty but Michelle was stark naked, nothing on her at all. Everyone were chatting with us casually as if nothing was wrong. I was also shocked to know that these middle aged couple had come with their teen aged daughter to this place. It was all very bizarre for me to digest so I just took my seat on the sofa while sipping my drink. Nichole sat next to me saying “so your husband tells me that you are from India?”. I said “yes, we came here to visit Paris”and gave us a smile. “So first time here?” She asked again. “I cleared my throat and said “huh! Yes, first time indeed” she probably was searching for the next question for me that’s when Surya said to Mr Pierre “why don’t you take a seat? Let me grab a chair for you” and without waiting for his response he went ahead and pulled him another single seater sofa and gestured him to sit while he himself took the same old lucky seat where he had fucked Sophia mercilessly.  

Now Pierre sat opposite to me and Nichole while Surya was on our right side. I was seated on the side that was closer to Surya and Nichole was on my left on that tiny Sofa. Just then we all realised we forgot Michelle was there as well and none of us offered her a seat. Surya got up to offer his seat to Michelle by saying “Oh sorry Michelle totally forgot about you, come sit here, I will find another chair for me” but Michelle laughed and said “no need I have my chair right here you see” and pointed at her dad to which Pierre laughed and said “common my darling, I know you love this chair more than anything” to which both Nichole and Michelle laughed and what I saw next was beyond shock for me. Michelle went straight to her dad and sat on his lap, naked! Her naked thighs were touching her father’s thighs she was resting her head on Pierre naked chest so I was sure her full bare back was touching him in the front. Her naked bums were crushing old mans dick. He casually put his hands on her lap while chatting with us “She loves to sit on me you see” to which myself and Surya forced a smile on our faces but still stunned at what we were watching.

To change to topic or to make it more normal, Surya said “BTW Padma I was telling about Cape De Agde to Pierre and he said we must go, its the best place to visit in France” I said “what agde?” “Oh sorry the island where Steve has that holiday home? Its called Cap De Agde” I said “oh that one” “yes lets go”. Then Pierre interrupted “yes, yes Surya and Paaadmaa, You guys must go, its the only nude village in the world” I said “sorry did you say nude?” Surya interrupted and said “No no that’s not what he meant was the best beaches are there” “Beautiful village isn’t it Pierre?”. Pierre looked a bit confused but perhaps didn’t want to get in-between Husband wife tussle so just kept quiet and smiled.

I gestured Surya and said “Surya we must be leaving now, its already late and if we have to go tomorrow we have to pack our bags and checkout early tomorrow?” “He said yes yes that’s right Paddu lets get going” and stood up by addressing to Pierre and family “It was nice meeting you Mr Pierre, Nichole and Michelle, hope to see you again”. “Same here Surya and Padma” and all of them got up to say goodbye to us. We exchanged hugs and pecks and started to leave. I noticed Surya squeeze that young girl’s bums while giving her goodbye hug and Pierre was  feeling my boobs on his chest while hugging me. Michelle was her usual bubbly self and came and gave me a mouth to mouth kiss to say goodbye. I just laughed and left. While coming up the stairs Surya noticed my open blouse, while helping me put the hook back he said nice people he?” “I saw what you did to that poor teenage girl, you perverted fella” to which he said “Common Padma, can’t believe you are jealous of that after all we have done here tonight”. I just laughed and took the stairs and got out of that club. On our way out the same perverted bouncer gave us a smile and greeted us with “good night maam, good night sir!”

On the way back to the hotel myself and Surya were discussing about Pierre and family, he did confess that he was also shocked to see Michelle sitting on her dad naked like that. We both agreed they were a strange family
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Couldn't resist from posting the next part intro chapter so here you go. Next part will come soon..enjoy this one until then

Cape De Agde

The nude beach
As we had agreed we got ready early and checked out of the hotel. I wore nice sari this time, enough of yesterday’s embarrassment so I didn’t give Surya any chance to decide my dress for the day, at least that’s what I thought then. Surya didn’t object but just requested me to were the same sleeveless blouse that I wore to the Party night back in India. I obliged but ensured this time I wore a decent regular thick bra not the transparent one that I wore at the party. So here we were going back to airport to take the flight to Cape De Agde, actually not cape but some other place, we will have to take a bus from there to Cape that’s what Surya told me while we were on the way to the Airport.

The flight wasn’t that long like the India one obiviously, it took us about little over an hour to reach Montpellier, this is where we had to take the bus to Cape. Surya had taken all the details from Pierre on where we need to take the bus how to go there etc so I just followed him. We took a cab to the bus terminal, and after a brief wait we got into the bus to Cape. The bus wasn’t very crowded some young students group, us and few more white couples that’s it. All of them gave me a strange look, I thought that’s because of my dress, they may not be used to seeing women in Sari in this part of the world. I felt a bit proud but also shy at the same time as I don’t really like much attention on me. I am that usual conservative ***** girl who would love to get lost in the mediocre group and doesn’t like to stand out in a crowd much. Anyways here we were on our way to this beautiful Island called Cape De Agde. It took us about 30mins to reach  Cape. After getting down I noticed there was a big wall that separated Cape from the rest of the world, I wondered why? That’s not very usual, Anyways everyone started to walk towards a large gate, it was something like an inter country border like gate. We had to show our passports and formally sign some paper work to enter that gate. Surya took care of all that and I just signed, without even reading the paperwork. I just trust Surya in all these matters.

Finally the guard let us in through a small door on that large opaque gate. Surya said we will need to walk to the Steve’s bungalow from here its just about 500meters. I just nodded and followed him. All our co passengers from the bus went through the same process and started to walk in the same direction as we were. We had just taken about 10-20 steps and I noticed the couple in front of started to take their shirts off. The lady was wearing a cotton skirt and a loose t-shirt type top and the guy was in shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. The lady took her top off and gave it to the guy. She was wearing a black bra, not very transparent but not very thick like mine either. I was a bit taken a back, why are these people stripping? I thought that’s when Surya as if he read my mind said “that’s the beauty of this place” I didn’t understand, I thought it was a bit hot that day and these white people just need an excuse to strip so I ignored it and try to look around. The cool breeze from the ocean was quite soothing so I decided to enjoy that feeling rather. After few mins of walk I involuntarily saw the couple in front of us again and this time I was really shocked, the guy had taken out his shorts and the girl had now removed her bra as well. The guy was walking fully nude and the girl topless. I gripped Surya’s hand and gestured him to look at the couple. He smiled and acted as if it was normal. I asked him “What’s this? Why are they nude?” That’s when the girl in front of us started to take her skirt off as well while walking and within seconds was just walking in her panties or lets say g-string. This was similar to what Sophia had worn in the club. From a distance it just looked like the girl and guy both were nude but when you look more closely you would see the strings around her waist and the one disappearing in her ass creek. While I was still watching them with wide eyes, Surya dropped the bomb “Its a nude beach resort” “what??” That’s all I could say, he continued “Ha ha! Yes you heard it right we have come to a nude island” “Remember the paper you signed at the gate, that says that you consent to the nudity displayed here by other people and will also fit in among them so they don’t feel awkward”. I just stopped there to get a better explanation from Surya or perhaps convince Surya to go back to Paris. I stopped him and said “What are you saying Surya? Will everyone be walking nude here? Do I need to strip like that lady?? No way, I am not going to do anything like that, in fact I don’t want to stay here as well, lets just go back to Paris, I am not comfortable with this public nudity” “Relax! No one is going to eat you up here and your are not expected to be nude right away, you can take your time, we have come all the way from Paris, spent so much time and money, I don’t think we should go back without even exploring this place” “Lets just go to our bungalow and then we can talk”. I knew there’s no point arguing with him, he had made up his mind so I just put my head down and tried to avoid looking at the couple or anyone else passing my us but inspite of my sincere efforts I could’t avoid accidentally looking at some more nude people walking and running around us. The students group behind us had also stripped naked by now and were running and laughing and making jokes at each other. After another 10 mins of that embarrassing walk we reached Steve’s bungalow, it was huge, at least from outside. Surya took the keys from the lockbox and opened the door. I just jumped inside as soon as the door was opened.

Once inside I was mesmerised with the interiors of the place. It was very well decorated place, it was a bit unusual though as there were no rooms at all, just a very big hall like a large xl size studio. On the right side corner there were couple of double beds placed few meters from each other and a large window on right side wall with beautiful blue curtains. On the right side opposite to the beds was a large L Shaped sofa with a big TV on the wall. On the left side of the door was kitchen area and again a large window towards the road. Finally there was a lift on the left side corner, I wondered where would that lead to? One more thing I noticed that there was no bathroom, I thought the lift will take you to the bathroom. as If Surya read my mind he said “Bathroom and pool are upstairs” “Steve told me about this”. I was curious to see upstairs so dragged Surya towards the lift. It was a small lift where 3-4 people could fit in so we got in and went up to the terrace. As soon as the lift opened I saw a large swimming pool with some 3-4 pool chairs on one side and the bathroom was on the opposite corner to the lift. Once again no doors it was open shower area and a WC with a transparent curtain kind of thing. I wondered what is it with these French people why don’t they put doors to their bathrooms. At the club as well the bathrooms had no doors and same here. Anyways I thought, its only me and Surya here so its ok at least its not like I had to Pee in front of strangers like I had to do in the club. But there was one more problem all of this was open air i.e there was no roof. The bathroom and Lift area had a small roof but the pool was open anyone flying on the top would be able to see us clearly. I thought its ok no ones going to fly around here, I am sure there is no super man who would fly over our pool to look at us, I just laughed inside me with that thought. We walked around the pool towards railing facing the road on the other side of the pool. We looked outside it was really beautiful view of blue sky and the wast ocean in front of us. There was a small road in front of the bungalow and then the beach and the ocean. I could again see many people on the beach most of them nude though, people on the road were also walking nude except for one or two people who were wearing similar dresses, it seemed something like an uniform. I asked Surya “So there are clothed people also in this island is it?” “With a hope that I could keep my cloths on like them” Surya saw the uniformed people and said “No no they are not visitors they are the workers, who work in the shops here” “they are given those uniforms so security officer can identify them” “Oh ok” with a disappointment but then immediately asked “Why would security officer want to identify them?” To which he replied “See I told you right all visitors must fit in this place, security officer make sure of that, you are exempted if you are worker as worker is allowed to wear full dress”. Now once again I got scared so I have to strip down like all these people? I thought, no way, I am not going to go out of this bungalow so I don’t have to strip! That was my plan.

We enjoyed the view from the terrace for some more time and then came back, I was still not comfortable looking at those nude bodies on the beach even from this far so I restricted my looks to the sky and the ocean and occasionally looking down at the road to find any clothed people. After we reached downstairs, I tried my luck one last time to convince Surya to take me back to Paris but inspite of my best efforts he did not agree. Instead he said “Look Paddu, it was my dream to visit nude beaches in Europe, they are the best, please don’t deny me of this?” “See nudity is not a crime, we were all born nude and we will be cremated nude these cloths are just a hinderance from us enjoying the nature in purest of the form.” “Don’t be shy or feel bad about it at all, god has given you such a beautiful body so enjoy it in its natural state, I guarantee it! You will love it once you try” “Try it once, please for me” “No way, I am not going to strip nude in front of so many people” “I will stay here as you insist but I am not going to be walking around nude like these shameless people” “But I am fine for you to do whatever you want, please don’t force me” He was content with the fact that I was ready to stay so didn’t argue with me more. “Ok Paddu its fine you go by your own pace but I can’t hold it anymore, come lets go the beach” “I will come but only if you promise you will not force me to strip” he said “its fine dear, come in that Sari if you like no problem” saying that he started to strip, I was thinking he will get stark naked and walk out of that door but he left his underwear on and got rid of his shirt and shorts. Grabbed a towel and took hold of me and literally dragged me out of the bungalow. He locked the key back in the lockbox and we crossed the road and started to walk to the beach. Just few steps and we were on that beautiful beach. I immediately took Surya’s sun glasses and wore them that was perhaps my attempt to hide my identity, I was so stupid! Surya just laughed and walked on the warm beach sand with his arms around my waist. I slowly started become comfortable with nudity around us by now and the sunglasses helped me to look at people straight without they knowing I am looking at them. I observed all these nude people most of them were white but I could also see some brown skin, not sure where they were from perhaps middle east is what I thought. Many people of all shapes and sizes walking around playing in the water and the beach games their pussies and dicks dangling at their movements. They were really enjoying all this, the cool breeze on my exposed skin was feeling heavenly. First time, I wondered, the cool breeze on these nude bodies must be feeling great. For a second, I thought I could enjoy that as well but immediately my conservatism kicked in and I just felt ashamed of myself even for thinking I could go nude in this place.

Anyways we spread our beach towels and settled in the sand few feet away from the water. Surya was still in that half underwear, I could clearly see his hard dick inside, I am sure he had a hard on by looking at all these nude girls around. I was also enjoying the nude dicks dangling around, I also noticed lot of people were giving us strange looks. This time I understood why they were looking at me like that because I was the only one on the beach or perhaps the whole village fully clothed in a Sari not even a bikini or underwear, 100% fully clothed as if I am in a traditional place like a temple or something. To avoid that embarrassment, I decided to lie down on my stomach and closed my eyes. I was just not sure how to feel right now, should I feel proud that I am saving my sanctity by not stripping down or should I feel ashamed that I am the only odd one out in this place while everyone was either nude or almost nude. I was wearing a full Indian traditional dress Sari. Those thoughts were making me restless so I turned towards Surya to engage him in some Casual chat and I get rid of my mixed emotions. Surya was staring at the nude girls and he was literally oogling at them, I felt a sense of jealousy in me that my husband is looking at these people unashamedly like this while I was right next to him. I just slapped him on his arm to which he got distracted and noticed I was looking at him looking at those nude girls, he just smiled as said “what they are beautiful and I am just enjoying the natural beauty” “So I am not beautiful for you is it?” I retorted he said “No darling you are the most beautiful person on this beach but the only problem is you are fully clothed and these beauties are nude, if you strip down and get fully naked like these girls then everyone will only be watching you and no one else, believe me” my face became red by those words from Surya “Shut up! I am not going to do any of that so don’t have any hopes!” I said and smiled. Again he said “Paddu, I can’t take it anymore, my dick is hurting in this tiny underwear, I need to free it” Saying that he got up and started to pull his underwear down, I just got up to stop him but by the time I sat up he had gotten rid of his underwear. It was already down on his ankles to which he bent down and took it off completely and snugged it under the towel. Now he had joined the rest of the nude gang, he looked down at me and said “wow, you look sexy” and I saw his dick was getting stiffer now by looking at me. I looked down and noticed my palu had fallen from my shoulders and sleeveless blouse covered boobs were open with a hint of cleavage. I immediately tried to cover up myself with the palu but he stopped me and said, “Common people are walking nude here and you are worried about your cleavage?” I thought he was right, I shouldn’t overdo it so I left my palu on the ground and sat upright. I am sure I was looking sexy in that pose sitting on a nude beach with my palu on the ground. My entire midriff, belly button and arms were all exposed though my boobs were covered in my sleeveless blouse. While I was getting used to this state, Surya interrupted my thoughts again and said “Paddu, its a bit hot here can you please apply sunscreen on me?” I nodded and got up again leaving my palu down on the ground and took the sunscreen lotion and applied on Surya’s back all the way from his neck to ankles, on the way I also jokingly squeezed his bum while applying lotion. He just laughed due to the tickles he was getting, I made him turn around and applied lotion on the front. First on his chest, then shoulders, arms and legs, I purposefully avoided his dick and balls though went very close to them while rubbing lotion on his thighs. He just shivered when I went inch closer to his balls and then complained “what about this space? That needs lotion as well” he said by pointing fingers to his dick and balls. I just gave a naughty smile and said “You do it yourself” and gave him the lotion. “Oh so, you only touch dicks in the parties or clubs is it? That too of other men and not your husband’s?” I once again got red with those comments from Surya and just slapped him on his arm and didn’t say anything. He just took lotion and applied to his dick and balls himself, I noticed he gently played with his balls and stroked his dick in open while applying lotion. I got a bit jealous at him again now as he was able to play with his privates in the open in front of all these people while I was not even able to touch my pussy inspite of it being itchy and leaky now! Yes I did become wet down there, who wouldn’t, I was witnessing this much nudity around me for the first time in my life, with all the shapes and sizes of dicks dangling around me and those hot masculine bodies of these white hunks! Ooff! I just took a sigh when Surya touched my belly area to apply the lotion saying “You should apply some as well otherwise you will get sun burns” and without asking he went on to apply lotion to my midrift area, arms and neck, He even poked inside my cleavage in the pretext of applying lotion. Just when I was about to sit, Surya said “Paddu, why don’t you get rid of your sari? Your palu is down anyways so it defeats the purpose of wearing the sari around your waist alone besides you might damage the cloth more sitting like that?” I was about to say no but then immediately realised he was right! My sari was not fulfilling any purpose now as the palu was down and not covering my boobs and mid-rift that’s the basic function of the sari. Surya just removed the Sari folds that were tugged into my petticoat just below my belly button without waiting for my response. My hands interjected to stop him but he had done the job by the time my hands tried to stop. My face once again became red with shame and I hid my face with my eyes while my sari was falling down to bunch up around my ankles. Surya held me by my midrift and moved me out of my sari and took my Sari to fold it. He neatly folded it and placed it on my towel. I sat down immediately, with my knees to my chest to hide my exposed belly button area and cleavage. Surya sat next to me and started some casual conversation. “Steve is a great man, who would allow strangers like us to stay in his beautiful bungalow without any charge?” To which I thought “I already paid him and his friend John with my pussy last night what else would he expect?” I just smiled and didn’t say anything but I was feeling naughty while thinking about last nights fucking session with Steve and John, I must admit they really showed me heaven with that rigorous nonstop fucking. My pussy started to leak further with those thoughts. 

“Paddu, Lets go for a swim” Surya said getting up. I just looked puzzled at it him “How? I don’t have spare cloths?” “Too bad, had you been nude like rest of us you wouldn’t need a spare dress” “Ha ha, high hopes, I told you already that’s not going to happen, anyways I can’t wet my cloths so you go on I won’t come” “Its ok baba come to the edge atleast get your feet wet or even that’s not allowed in your culture?” He said sarcastically. I just made a mocking face and got up “ok that’s fine but promise you won’t drench me with your stupid pranks” “yes promise, now come I can’t stand like this with my dick pointing to the sky for the whole day” I laughed as I noticed indeed his dick was rock hard and pointing straight to the sky. Won’t blame him the whole nudity around us was making me wet down there so obviously Surya’s dick is rising seeing all this nudity. Just when I got up I realised I didn’t have my sari on so I tried to get my sari from the towel then Surya retorted again “Common dear, no one will notice you don’t have sari on specially when they don’t have even their underwear on, come just like that you look great” I had no choice as he was right it would be too much for me to wear a sari and go to the water at least in this petticoat and blouse it would seem I am wearing some traditional swim suit but in Sari it would be obvious that I was fully dressed so I just walked behind Surya leaving my sari behind on the towel. I was really feeling shy walking in just petticoat and blouse in the open like that. Back home I wouldn’t even come out of my bedroom without a sari this was already too much exposure for me. Yes I did get fucked in nude while others were watching in the club and at the party in India but that was different it was closed doors, dim lights etc not like this in bright sun and open beach.

I just walked behind Surya keeping my head down and avoiding looking at the nude people on that French nude beach. We finally reached the water, the waves were very mild, I stood right at the edge where just a little bit of water from he waves would touch my feet and go. That cool water was feeling heavenly in that warm sun. Surya was holding my hand while we started to play in water, he was dragging me slowly into the water in the pretext of playing with waves. In order to keep my petticoat from getting wet I was holding it with my hand and as and when we get more and more deeper my hand would pull the petticoat further and further up. I didn’t realise when but seemed like within few mins we had already walked knee deep into the water holding each other’s hands. My hands were getting tired by holding on to that petticoat like that for so long, Surya noticed that and went behind me put his arms around me to hold my petticoat and freed my hands. That was so thoughtful of Surya I felt a bit relieved so while Surya was holding on my petticoat and supporting me from behind I bent down and started splashing water with my hands like a small girl. I even forgot that in the bent position my cleavage would be visible to the people in front of me in that sleeveless blouse. I was just playing like a small child just then don’t know from where a big wave came and before myself or Surya noticed it, it hit both of us very hard. We lost our balance and fell into the water and got swept away with the wave. That wave had fully drenched me, my blouse, bra, petticoat and even panty were dripping wet not only that due to the force of the wave I fell down with my petticoat rising over my waist. When the wave retreated I was lying there fully drenched, catching up my breath and fully exposed down there with my panty visible to the crowd around us. Few people came to my rescue thinking I was choking as I was coughing due to water getting into my nose and mouth. They helped me sit up and asked me if I was fine. That’s when I noticed there was 1 girl and 2 guys around me all of them fully nude, my panty was exposed my white creamy thighs were shining in that warm sun. I was feeling very awkward seeing nude people so close to me and myself being so exposed so I adjusted my petticoat immediately and told them I am fine and looked around for Surya. Surya was a few feet away from me, he was also surrounded by few nude people helping him to get up and asking about his wellbeing. We both saw each other and checked our wellbeing with the eyes. I was really grateful he is fine so got up and went to him running and hugged him tightly. I didn’t even remember that he was standing nude there and all the people around us were watching us. It really didn’t matter to me at that time, all I cared was we both were safe. Surya consoled me with his hands on my back and started to walk back to the place where we had kept our towels. Seeing we were fine everyone went back to their business and we came back to our place.

“That was a killer wave, ha ha ha!” That was Surya laughing at the whole incident. This brought back smile to my face as well. “Yes I was worried about you, thank god we are fine”. “Yes that’s right but look at you you are fully drenched, let me help you” and saying that he took the towel and started to dry me up. He made sure to rub my boobs, cleavage and pussy area in the pretext of drying me. The pussy juices started again with his smooth and rough touch on my body. “Paddu dear, you should remove your cloths and dry them out otherwise you will catch cold” “Nice try Mr, I told you I am not going to get naked in open” to which he said “I get that, at least take the blouse and petticoat out and dry them else you will fall sick today” I just nodded my head from side to side indicating “No”. He came closer to me took me into his arms and slowly leaned forward to kiss me, I tried to move my head away as I was shy to kiss like this in open but he insisted so I just gave it, after all he is my hubby he can kiss me wherever he wants. I reasoned and started to kiss me. While kissing he brought his right hand in between both of us and with the left he kept holding my neck and shoulder so I can’t run away. I thought he wanted to fondle my boobs, though I was shy I thought let him enjoy this moment and made room for his hand to enter between our bodies. As expected he started to fondle my boobs first started with left one and then went on to right one and then started playing in my cleavage area above my blouse. After few mins I felt shy and broke the kiss and separated from him. That’s when I noticed what he had done, bloody hubby had removed the front hooks of my blouse. As soon as I took a step back from him the blouse opened up and the cool breeze started to touch my bra covered boobs. Went to hit Surya, he didn’t stop me but tried to reason out “Darling I just did this for your own benefit, you will fall sick in that wet cloths please, take it off and let it dry” he insisted. I once again felt he was right I will fall sick, I was a bit sensitive to cold so I stopped hitting him and asked him “Are you sure? I am really shy exposing like this” “Look around do you really think you standing there in your bra is going to make any difference to these nude people around?” I realised we were on a nude beach so yes he was right no one would care so with my trembling hands I started to peel that wet blouse from my body. I took it out and handed it to Surya, immediately my hands crossed over my bra to hide my exposed boobs. He just laughed and said “Good girl, now the petticoat”. I said “its fine its not that wet I will manage” “Darling, please don’t be shy, see I am standing here nude why are you worried? Just do it” I closed my eyes still keeping one had across my boobs, I untied the knot of the petticoat with the other hand. The knot was open but petticoat stayed stuck to my body due to wetness and my large hips. Now I was puzzled how do I remove it without taking my other hand from my boobs. Surya understood my puzzle so he came forward to help me. He first kneeled before me, placed his wet hands on my hips just where my petticoat was tied, he held it by the top edge and started to slide it down. The petticoat started to roll downwards exposing first my bums then my thighs then my calves and finally it fell to my feet. I just felt cool breeze touching my entire legs, thighs bums everywhere making me realise how exposed I was. I just closed my eyes and brought my other hand in front of my panty in a desperate attempt to hide the panty covered pussy lips. 

Surya spread my petticoat and blouse on the sand nearby to let them dry and came back to me. Holding me he took me to the towels and made me sit on those. I immediately sat down with my knees up and my head buried in my knees to hide my bra covered boobs and wet panty from being seen by any passer by. Surya put his hand behind on my back and started to move it up and down to console me. I was really feeling so exposed in the open nude beach sitting like that in my panty and bra though everyone around me were nude, I was still feeling shy. I didn’t change my position but was sneaking out my head once in a while to see if my cloths were dry, while Surya went back to oogling at nude girls and enjoying there fully exposed pink pussies.

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(19-08-2023, 03:08 PM)Rajsvs Wrote: Couldn't resist from posting the next part intro chapter so here you go. Next part will come soon..enjoy this one until then

Cape De Agde
You are on fireeeeeeeeee. 
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Please continue
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Sorry for the delay guys, here's the next part enjoy and please don't forget to leave your comments

Known Visitors - The Strange Family

We both were lost in our own little wonderland that’s when we heard someone tapped on Surya’s shoulders and said “Hey Surya how are you?” We both looked back to see who it was. What a surprise it was Pierre with a broad smile on his face. We both were shocked to see him, Surya got up to shake hands with him saying “ what a pleasant surprise, how come you are here?” “You didn’t say you were coming?” “I know, it wasn’t planned until yesterday but when we heard of your plan yesterday at the club we felt like visiting this beautiful place as well so we just came along for a day, we will go back in the night” “that’s great, we could have come together, anyways why do you want to go back tonight?” Surya asked to which Pierre replied, all the places are booked here its a peak season now so no place to stay you see?” “Oh I see, you came alone?” Surya asked again. Pierre said “No Nichole and Michelle are here as well, there they are” he showed us where they were sitting. They were sitting little farther from us towards the road, Michelle and Nichole were sleeping on the beach chairs under the large beach umbrellas. They waved at us, we waved back. “Come join us” Pierre said. I looked at Surya to gesture him to decline but he didn’t even look at me and said “why not!, Paddu lets go” I looked at him with a shock, “How could I come like this?” Was the meaning of my look. He just ignored my question and just held my arm and tried to help me get up. I didn’t want to embarrass him so slowly got up being very well aware that my exposed body in just the bra and panty will be fully visible to Pierre who was standing just inches from us. I couldn’t have hidden my assets using my hands like how I did before as that would have been very rude so as soon as I got up I just went behind Surya so as to hide my nudity from Pierre who btw was was standing fully naked in front of us. We gathered our stuff and walked over to the place where Nichole and Michelle were relaxing on the beach chairs. While we were walking lot of people were looking straight at my exposed skin, some were admiring the beautiful shinny brown skin of a young Indian housewife. I just walked faster to end this embarrassment soon and almost ran towards Michelle and Nichole.

Michelle came straight to me and hugged me tight by giving me kiss on my lips. This had become a routine now. I felt what’s wrong with this girl she keeps kissing every time. She also hugged Surya this time, I noticed Surya’s dick jumped with excitement when she crushed her teenage boobs on his chest and gave him a kiss on his cheek, though he was disappointed that she didn’t kiss him on the lips but he was happy she was hugging him tight crushing her whole body on him. Needless to say she was nude as well like Surya so I could see this young 18 year olds full nude back in that bright sunlight while she was tightly hugging my hubby and placing her boobs on his chest, her flat tummy on his muscular tummy and her pussy on his balls. Surya’s dick was crushed by her belly even her thighs were touching Surya’s thighs. This was way more than a friendly hug. Her smooth white skin was looking really sexy on Surya’s brown skin. Her bum was firm, well shaped and of right size as any young girl would have. I was getting a bit jealous now but decided to let go. Nichole came to me she also gave hug but a friendly one and a peck on my cheek. “You look beautiful Paadmaa” “but why are you wearing that bra and panty, just take it off” “shall I help you?” I just stepped away from her fearing she might unhook my bra and said “No no I am fine” “Sorry I feel shy being like this in open” I said looking down. “Aah I understand, I was like you when I came here first, It took me at least few hours to strip down” “No worries take your time”. “Thanks!” I said and looked at Surya, he was still hugging Michelle and feeling every inch of her young body. I just tapped him on the shoulder as it was getting a bit embarrassing. He got to his sense and left Michelle, she reluctantly broke the hug  and moved away from Surya. Nichole again gave Surya friendly hug and a peck and said “glad we found you guys, we were not sure as this is a big place and you see its very difficult to recognise people when everyone is nude you see?” We all laughed at her joke, even I laughed at the nude joke. When Surya saw me laughing at a joke mentioning nudity he was happy that I was getting used to this nudity. And he was right, I was happy we met someone known and specially Michelle, she really soothed my burning pussy last night by licking all over my pussy area. I was really grateful to her. I was also not trying to hide my nudity in front  of Pierre, Nichole and Michelle one because they were all nude secondly they all seemed so familiar though we had only met them last night, it just felt like we have met some family friends.

“Come take a seat” Pierre said and that’s when we realised there were only 3 chairs and we were 5 people in all. Pierre understood our dilemma and said “its ok, I will share the chair with my daughter, you both take my chair saying that he went and occupied Michelle’s chair and Michelle went and sat next to her dad. While Pierre was lying on the chair Michelle sat on the side facing our chair. Her nude bum was touching her dads mid-rift area. They all seemed cool about all this. I was shocked to know that a teenage daughter is sitting nude touching her father who was laying nude. Wow this is a strange family I thought. Now Surya dragged me to the empty chair and we both somehow lied on that. Half of my semi nude body was on his nude body. It was getting little uncomfortable for me so I got up to sit like Michelle instead of lying back. Surya said “hold on lets lye down on the side then we both will fit it” that was a good idea I agreed and we both lied down on our sides. I was on the side facing Michelle and Pierre and surya was behind me, hugging me tightly from behind. His open dick was poking my bums and one of his hand came around and grabbed my right boob. I just pushed his hand away and hit him with my elbow. Michelle laughed loudly at that and said “Brilliant, I am tired of sitting like this, Dad get on your side I want to lye down as well. I was shocked again with what she said. Is she going to sleep nude besides her nude dad, while he is hugging her and his open dick poking at her nude bums? Unbelievable!, Surya just sneaked his head out to look at that scene and I was looking at her with a shocking look. She didn’t care did exactly that, lied down on the side just like me while Pierre hugged her from behind and placed his hand on on of her boob. Not only that he also kissed her neck saying “My darling!” I was spell bound and Surya’s did was harder than a rock now and almost burried in my panty covered bum. He tried to sneak it in from the side of the panty but I pushed him away so he just enjoyed rubbing his hard dick on my bum and hugging me tightly. He again brought is hands in the front to fondle my breasts, this time I didn’t object. Looking at the scene in front of me where a matured father was fondling his young daughter’s boobs right in front of the strangers like us by hugging her from behind. I am sure his dick would be rubbing Michelle’s bums and she could undoubtedly feel it behind her. Nichole was watching all this and just laughing as if it was some kind of a joke. I couldn’t believe my eyes and was still in a state of shock. Surya was taking this situation to his advantage, he sneaked his hand inside my bra and was now fondling my right boob. He moved to my left boob leaving my right boob. Due to his fondling my bra on the right boob got little misplaced whereby exposing it from the bottom as well as at the top. Most of my right boob was now exposed except for the nipple area. He gave the same treatment to my left boob where by exposing that as well like right one. Michelle, Pierre and Nicole all could see my more than half exposed boobs now. I was fully aroused now, Pierre continued to fondle Michelle’s breasts he was moving from right to left to right freely as they were open and not tied into bra like mine. This went on for sometime and perhaps Nicole thought the whole atmosphere was getting little heated up so she got up and asked “who wants to go for a swim” I came to my sense with that. Surya’s hand was still inside my bra which I pulled out immediately. I said “I want to” and got up immediately, I was kind of worried that Surya might just fuck me there in front of all these people if I don’t break away from him now. He was really getting horny, I was as well getting horny looking at Michelle and Pierre in that state so had to break all this soon so I agreed for the swim immediately. Nicole said “Great, lets go, surya, Michelle, Pierre you don’t want to come?” Everyone said yes and got up. Just when we were about to walk towards water Nicole asked me “Are you seriously going to swim with your bra and panty on?” “Won’t they get wet?” I said “yes they will but I am too shy to remove them, I am fine lets go” she just raised her eyebrows in a “Whatever??” Gesture and started to walk towards the water. I adjusted my bra brought it back to its decent position and started to walk behind her followed by Pierre, then Michelle and then Surya. I knew why Surya waited for Michelle to go first, he wanted to enjoy Michelle’s swinging bums while she walks hence he let her go ahead of him. I thought even Pierre would be getting a sexy view of my swinging bums but mine were still covered in panty so I was better off. I felt a little proud of that, that I was still able to hold off to my bra and panty so was not feeling shy now walking in those and letting Pierre enjoy the view of my swinging bums.
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Nice update
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Please continue
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Thanks for the encouragement guys, here's the next part hope you like it. There are many more to come to so keep sending feedback to receive further updates.

Naughty Father and Daughter

We all reached water and everyone just jumped in straight. I was not wearing Petticoat and Blouse like last time and wasn’t much worried about my bra and panty getting wet as I knew they will dry out soon so I also jumped into the water and went deep along with others. We all walked holding hands until we reached about chest deep into the water. On one side I was holding Nicole’s hand and on the other Pierre’s hand. Surya was holding only Michelle’s hands as He was at the left hand edge while Nicole was on the right hand edge. We decided to stay there and started to splash water at each other. Once in a while Michelle would show us her water tricks like jumping up until her pussy was out of the water. When she did that the water was flowing down from her boobs and her pussy, which was looking so sexy drenched in the water. She challenged Surya do the same. Surya jumped up to show his dick to all of us and we all noticed how hard he had become. Surya did that again and this time when he was still in the air Nicole took a big leap and held Surya’s dick by her right hand. Everyone started to laugh as if it was a joke, I also forced a laugh on my face but it wasn’t too funny for me. Pierre might have felt left out so he decided to show us all a trick and went inside the water. Before I realised he sneaked between my legs and lifted me up on his shoulders and brought me above water fully. Due to that force my bra got misplaced and my right boob along with nipple popped out, I was holding Pierre for balance hence could not hide my boob and had to let my nipple get exposed to everyone around us. He just threw me into the water like that. I fell into the water and somehow balanced myself and came out standing up still panting. Everyone was laughing at my situation, I went on to hit Pierre in a mock anger but lost my balance and fell on him instead crushing my boobs on his chest and taking him down along with me into the water. My now open right boob was touching Pierre’s naked chest giving me shivers down there. Pierre tried to hold me for balance and in that tussle accidentally tore by bra strap from behind. Then what, by the time we got up my bra strap was in Pierre’s hands and bra was dangling in front of my boobs fully exposing them from the sides. I immediately tried to hide my boobs with my hands to save my nudity but Michelle came to me and said, “Its ok, your bra is torn now, you won’t be able to hide them, Look we all are nude here why are you worried?” “You have a such a beautiful body you should be proud of that” “Just let go of that torn bra, its not hiding anything much” saying that she slowly started slide the bra straps from my shoulder, I still didn’t let go of the bra from the front so she literally pulled it from my hands and threw it away. I immediately crossed my hands in front of my chest but despite my best efforts I could only hide my nipples and some portions around it rest of my boobs were naked for anyone to see. Michelle came closer to me and hugged me from the front, I could feel her firm boobs on my folder hands, she leaned forward and placed her lips on mine. I was already so embarrassed to that felt like a soothing touch so I started to kiss her back. Pierre came to our side and placed his hand on both of our shoulders and started to rub our naked backs. He slowly put his hand between myself and Michelle and held one of my folded hand and started to pull it out. After he pulled my right hand fully out my right boob started to crush on Michelle’s left boob. The sensation of our naked boobs crushing into each other was heavenly. I remembered Ruby with whom I had my first ever lesbian encounter at the party. Pierre went to the other side and pulled out my left hand as well. Now both of my boobs were crushing onto Michelle and our bodies were stuck to each other like magnets. Our hands were on each others naked backs and our fingers were feeling every inch of that smooth skin while our tongues were exploring each others mouths. Pierre hugged us from the side and placed his hands on our bums. I could see that his palm was resting on his daughter’s naked bum and mine panty covered bum while his dick was touching our tummies. I also see Nicole and Surya were hugging and kissing each other while Nichole’s hand was moving inside the water. I understood that she was giving Surya a handjob inside the water while kissing him nude. All these things were really making me hot inside. Pierre now slowly slid his hand inside my panty on the back and started to feel my naked bums. I just jerked when his palm touched my naked bum. Michelle noticed this and brought her hands on my sides, I didn’t understand what is she up to. Just then She started to slide my panty down by putting her thumbs into the elastic of my panty. I protested by mumbling inside her mouth but daddy daughter duo didn’t give a hood to my protests and slid my panty fully down. My panty was now bunched up around my ankles, I tried to bend down to pull it up but just then Michelle lifted me up in such a way that my legs went up in the water, no longer touching the ground that led my panty to get swept away from my underneath due to the water flow.

Now I had become fully naked and joined the naked club around me. I just felt the rush of water on my naked bum and pussy lips that feeling was sensual. I really loved it but at the same time I was feeling shy that I am standing naked in open though most of my nakedness was hidden inside the water. Michelle spent few more minutes kissing me like that while Pierre came behind me and hugged me from behind. I could feel is hard dick on my soft bums. His hands slid between myself and Michelle to grab my boobs. He managed to grab both of my boobs while Michelle helped him by making room for his hands to go between our boobs. He was getting the best of both worlds now, back of his hand was getting crushed by Michelle’s firm boobs and front of his palms were feeling my soft globes. He was also pinching my nipples and squeezing them while his dick was poking me from behind all this while his daughter was mouth fucking me with her tongue. All this was too much for me and my pussy was leaking juices like an open tap. Pierre seemed to be an expert fucker, he slowly turned me around and made me hug him instead, I was so aroused that I wasn’t thinking any more just following the instructions like a fuck doll. He placed his lips on mine and immediately pushed his tongue into my mouth. I started to tongue kiss him, his mouth was very different to Michelle’s while Michelle’s lips and mouth was soft and fresh, his was rough and smelly. I didn’t mind any of that in that state of arousal. He understood my position and slowly lifted my left leg and placed it around his waist. With that my pussy got exposed so he placed his dick on my open pussy. Before I realised what he was doing he entered me inside the water. I just left out a loud moan but that got lost in his mouth as he was kissing me while doing all this. He just paused for a second and then took his dick almost fully out and then pushed it back in. I let out another moan which again got lost into his mouth. This went on for a min or two until most of his dick was inside my pussy. In the meanwhile Michelle came behind me and held me to give support and also hide our fucking from others vision. Pierre now lifted both of my legs and wrapped them around his waist, while Michelle put her hand below my bums to support me  from falling and Pierre held me by waist while my hands were around his neck. He now started to fuck me slowly to begin with and then with force. I couldn’t believe myself, I was fucking this old man on a beach in front of everyone. I also started to let out soft moans to show how much I was enjoying Pierre’s fucking. This went on for about 10-15 mins and I finally came with a shudder, Michelle closed my mouth with hers to ensure my scream is not heard by anyone. I just screamed while I came on Pierre’s dick and Michelle’s arms kissing her mouth like crazy. Pierre paused for few seconds to let me catch my breath and then continued his fucking for another 15 mins. He finally came inside me while kissing Michelle and hugging her from the side. Her boobs were crushing on his chest on one side while my boobs were rubbing against his chest  on the other. Pierre gave few more long strokes to empty his siemen inside me fully and took his dick out only after the very last drop had landed inside my pussy. I was really exhausted and I collapsed on his his body with my head resting on his shoulder  while both father and daughter hugged me from front and back.

I was completely lost of my whereabouts, totally forgot that I was standing naked in the water on this beautiful French island beach surrounded by tons of people who were looking at my naked body from the sides. I was just lost in the heavenly sensations i was get from the cool water around me and the hot sun above in the sky. Not sure how long I stayed in that position, when i slowly started to regain my senses back to this real world I started to open my eyes and tried to look around for Surya. My searching eyes met Surya who was hugging Nicole tightly from behind while his hands were inside water in front of Nicole and her eyes were closed. She seemed to be lost in the sensations Surya’s hands were giving her. That’s when I realised what his hands were doing inside the water he was playing with her pussy giving her wild sensations under the water. That’s why she had closed her eyes to enjoy it the most. They both were lost in each other, just didn’t bother to notice who all were around and they probably didn’t even care that everyone around were watching them in that state. Slowly I noticed Nicole’s expressions changed and she seemed to become more and more intense. I understood she was about to cum. Just within seconds of my guess she came with a loud shudder. Everyone around us turned towards her to see what’s going on. She really didn’t care, she was just focused on her orgasm while fully concentrating on the sensations Surya’s hands were giving her pussy. She came and came and came on Surya’s hands with loud moans that were loud enough to be heard by people around us. I am sure her moans were heard by everyone who was in 50 metres of radius from us.

After her volcanic orgasm, it took Nicole at least 5 mins to regain her breath back. Myself, her daughter Michelle and her husband Pierre all were keenly observing everything she was going through. Michelle shouted out loud “there you go mom, well done”. Nicole and Surya were shaken up a bit with Michelle’s scream but laughed as soon as they came back to their senses. The mood became casual again and we all started to play with each other by splashing water everywhere.
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Super update continue
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Thanks for the encouragement guys. Here's the next update, please do let me know if you liked it

Nude bath in open

This went on for 25 more minutes and we all got tired so Michelle and Nicole suggested we better be going back now. We all agreed and held each other to support while we walk back. This time it wasn’t just holding hands rather we held each other’s waist instead. Michelle was at the centre with Surya on the right and Pierre on the left. Pierre was holding me on his left and Surya was holding Nicole. It just seemed like Nicole was Surya’s wife and I was Pierre’s wife. Anyone watching us would think so as Pierre was holding me so close that my entire right side of the body was stuck to him including my right exposed boob. Same with Nicole, Surya ensured her entire right side including her right boob is stuck to him.

As we started to walk towards the shore I realised more and more of my body was getting exposed. My heart skipped a beat when I realised that, I would soon be walking nude on this very beach. So far I was able to hold on to my bra and panty but now I am fully naked. My bra was torn by Pierre and panty removed by Michelle and it’s gone deep inside the ocean. Right now I was protected by water but as we walk out of the ocean to the shore I will be naked. That thought brought up a shiver in me. There wasn’t any choice now I had to face it. As we started to walk back the water level started to decrease and my exposure level started to increase. At one point most of my boobs except for the nipples was above the water and fully exposed. Few steps more and my nipples came out of water, I just closed my eyes when that happened, I couldn’t take the embarrassment. We walked further and my whole boobs came out of water fully open for anyone to see. I couldn’t even cross my arms to hide as Pierre was holding my left hand and Michelle was holding my right one. I never ever felt so exposed in my entire life as I was feeling then. Few more steps and my navel came out and few more my pubic space. I just wanted to stop everyone and just sit inside the water there to hide my naked body. But that wasn’t an option, how long could I sit like that? My bra and panty were gone, they are not going to come back even if I sit here the whole night. The only option I had was to quickly go back to the bungalow and wear my clothes back so I just closed my eyes and continued to walk. It didn’t take long to get my pussy exposed and then thighs and then knees after that nothing mattered. As soon as we were out of water I literally ran towards the chairs we were sitting, I also somehow managed to get away from Michelle’s firm grip on my hand. I had only taken few steps when Michelle called me loudly and said, wait, we need to wash off this salty water before we go back otherwise it will damage the skin. Pierre pulled me towards him to stop me. I just paused there as if contemplating. What would be better? Shall I run to the room like this naked or just hear to this teenage girl? After all I didn’t want to damage my skin, would I? I paused for few seconds and looked back to Michelle and asked, “let’s just wash ourselves out at the bungalow?” To which she said, the water will evaporate by the time you reach your bungalow and the salt will settle down on your skin and damage it “. I got convinced with that and agreed. “Ok where do we wash ourselves?” Michelle pointed me to the open wash area on the right side. I was now really shocked, does this girl really wants me to take a shower here in the open, where everyone can see us? I couldn’t decide but Pierre just dragged me to this open shower area. We reached that absurd place but couldn’t go in as a French couple were already cleaning themselves I mean bathing in open. We stood there for them to finish as we didn’t have any choice. I saw this French couple, must’ve been in their early twenties were taking their sweet time to wash each other off the salt water. They were rubbing each other’s bodies with their hands as if they had the imaginary soap in it.  They also “washed” their private parts with the imaginary soap while we all were watching them from within inches. Finally in another 5 minutes they finished their washing and stepped out. I just jumped in without waiting for anyone as I wanted to get it over with and run to the bungalow to hide my nudity from others. Just then Surya suggested we should pair up and wash so it’s faster and we don’t block others. At first it seemed like a good idea, I thought Surya would come in along with me and I will be able to hide myself behind him but to my surprise he gestured Pierre to get in. I was again shocked what the fuck? why does he want this stranger to wash me in this open bathroom? Why can’t he come in? Pierre jumped in and started to rub my body all over with his bare hands. He brushed my face, neck, boobs, navel, pussy, thighs, bum and my entire back with his palms, he also made me rub all over him including his dick and balls. We both came out of this fucking open shower and Surya immediately jumped in with Michelle and Nicole. Now I understood why he made me shower with this old man Pierre, he wanted to feel the naked bodies of his wife and daughter hence he gave away his beautiful consecutive Indian house wife to this old French man.

Surya took decent time to feel every inch of Michelle’s young and firm body and Nicole’s decently shaped body in the name of cleaning, the mother and daughter also took their sweet time to wash off my husband with their tender hands and fingers roaming all over his body including his dick and balls. Nicole even went a step ahead she even inserted her fingers into Surya’s ass crack and cleaned out his ass hole in the process. All this while Pierre was side hugging me with his one hand wrapped around my waist and half of my body including my right boob crushed into him on one side. Finally in another 5 mins this embarrassing shower came to an end and we all started to walk back to the the chairs we were seated before.

Staying with this nude family

I was finally able to cover myself. As soon as we reached the chairs I took my petticoat and wore it in such a way it was covering me fully from my chest to my knees. Surya was furious with me covering my body but didn’t say anything. Instead Pierre turned towards us and said “well Surya and Paadmaa, we really had a great time with you guys, we better get started to the mainland now it will be night by the time we reach Paris.” Surya was visibly disappointed with that, he turned towards Pierre and asked “why don’t you stay here, it would be fun to hang out for next couple of days we are here” Pierre said “we would love to but we are not able to get any hotel this week so we must go” to which Surya suggested, even without consulting me “ why don’t you stay with us? We have a spare bed you can take if that’s ok with you?” I was really stunned with that suggestion from Surya. How could we all sleep in same room? Also where will Michelle sleep we only have 2 double beds? All these thoughts were going on in my head when Pierre said “Surya, that’s so nice of you but we don’t want to trouble you guys, you enjoy this beautiful island, we will leave “ “don’t worry we are locals here we will come back again next season “. “Yes I agree you can come back anytime you want but we won’t be there when you come next time so I request you to stay with us and let’s enjoy each other’s company”. That was Surya begging Pierre to stay. I was still perplexed to how could we all share the same room? Though there were 2 double beds in the bungalow there was no partition between the beds, it was literally a single bedroom with 2 beds.

Pierre discussed with his family in French. Michelle and Nicole both were visibly giving their consent without hesitation. Pierre like me didn’t have a choice to accept Surya’s offer. “Ok Surya, we will stay, but I would like to apologise upfront to you and your wife for the inconvenience we may cause you both.”

“Yes off course, how could you barge in to stay with a married couple in a studio type bungalow?” Then I realised they really don’t know how is our place so no point blaming them. But Surya continued to insist and finally Pierre obliged. “Ok fine Surya, we agree to stay tonight but we will leave tomorrow evening for sure.” To which Surya gladly accepted. We then started to wind up and take all our belongings and within no time we all were walking back to our bungalow.

All we had to do was to cross over the road and we reached our bungalow. Surya took the key from the lockbox and opened the door, we all 5 naked souls except me who was naked inside but had worn the petticoat to hide my naked body. Surya showed them around while I was thinking of how am I going to change into my night dress, I surely can’t be walking around like this only on my petticoat in front of our guests. “Come guys I will show you the best part of the house “ and grabbed Michelle’s hand and guided her to the lift. “Paddu, you want to join us?” Surya asked but I immediately declined as a brilliant idea just stuck me. I can change when these guys are at the terrace that way I can avoid 4 pairs of eyes watching me change. I felt proud of myself with that thought. The lift is a bit smaller for 4 people to fit in but Surya somehow squeezed everyone in, I could see their naked bodies stuck to each other as the lift door closed. Ufff I took a sigh of relief as soon as they left. Untied my petticoat and looked around for our bags. Surya had kept them inside the wardrobe I found the bags but had no idea where were the keys. I looked everywhere for the keys and after almost 10 mins of searching I finally found them in Surya’s shorts. All along I was running naked around the house while keeping an eye on the lift to check if they had come back from terrace. I finally opened the bag and took out my panty, bra and a full length night gown. I immediately put on my bra and just when I was wearing my panty the lift started to come down. I somehow tried to pull up the panty but in no time lift came down and the doors opened. Michelle let out a big laugh when she saw me in that state, indeed I was really looking funny with one of my leg in the panty and other one in the air and stuck on the half way up panty. My pussy was bare for all of them to see. Everyone joined Michelle and started laughing at my state. My face became red with embarrassment and I just pulled up the panty somehow managing to push my other leg in. By this time Michelle had come to me and grabbed my night gown and started to inspect it. “Wow what is this? Looks like a gown? Are you going somewhere Paadmaa?” She asked, in the meanwhile I had put one of my palm on my bra covered boobs and the other one on my panty covered pussy to hide them from being visible to them. I said “no that’s my night gown.” Then Surya interjected and said “come on paddu you can’t be serious? Here we all are standing naked and you want to wear night gown? That’s not fair, Michelle throw that night gown to me” Michelle did exactly that and Surya took it and pushed it back into the bag. I was still standing in the same position as I was really shocked at Surya’s statements. So he wants me to walk around the house only in bra and panty in front of these strangers? I never did that even when we both were alone at home. I protested “I can’t do that Surya, I am too shy for that” he didn’t listen to me and started to explain me in Telugu our mother tongue. Our guests were looking at us perplexed and Nicole interrupted our argument and said “it’s ok Surya Paadmaa is feeling shy in front of us, I feel bad that your fun is spoilt because of us, Pierre, Michelle let’s go back, let them enjoy their privacy.” I could see she was mad at our arguments, I immediately stopped them and said “sorry Nicole that’s not what I meant I am in general a very shy person, but it’s ok I will do as Surya suggested, please don’t leave, I am sorry.” Saying that I took my hands off my chest and pussy to fold in front of me in a sorry pose. Michelle just jumped up and said “hurray so we are finally staying here, I am taking that corner bed. With that the atmosphere in the room became normal and we all laughed. 
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Update please 

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sorry for the late update guys, was stuck in work. Here you go the next part, hope you enjoy it, please do let me know.

The naughty game

We relaxed a bit watched some tv had some casual chitchat and when it was time for dinner Surya and Pierre ordered something for all of us. We had dinner again by chitchatting all this while 4 of them were fully nude and I was wearing only bra and panty. After dinner we all came to the beds, I was sitting next to Surya on one bed and Pierre family was on the other facing us. Michelle suggested we play a game for sometime as it was too early to sleep. My heart skipped a beat listening to that. These teenagers games are dangerous, I was about to object but Surya stopped me and said “yes let’s play” I didn’t want to create a scene like evening so just agreed with hesitation though. 

Michelle said it’s just truth or dare but no one is allowed to choose truth, it’s all dares tonight. One person will ask the other to perform a dare and once that person is done he/she will ask someone else to perform next dare, very simple. If any declines to perform the dare then they will be thrown out of the house stripping naked and they will have to spend the whole night outside nude. I started to regret my decision to play already.

As usual Michelle started the game by giving a dare to Surya. “Let’s start with simple one, Surya kiss Paadmaa, that’s your dare.” Surya leaned over and placed his lips on mine and started to kiss me. First on the lips and then involving the tongue. I opened my mouth to give him full access. I was really feeling shy to kiss my own husband in front of our guests. Surya brought his hand to my bra covered boobs, I immediately pushed his hand away and broke the kiss to complain to Michelle. “See Michelle he is breaking the rules, you only asked to kiss and he is fondling my boobs, that’s cheating” “Surya you are not allowed to touch her breast, you broke the rule, apologise to her” Michelle said trying to hide the laughter. “Oh ok ok sorry dear” that was Surya’s apology. I gave a satisfactory smile to him though feeling shy inside due to the kissing while they watched. “Now it’s my turn, Nicole I want you to kiss Pierre at the place he likes the most” Nicole without hesitation stood up came in front of Pierre and kneeled down. Without wasting any time she leaned over and kissing Pierre’s dick. Both myself and Pierre’s dick jumped at this. I didn’t expect her to kiss Pierre’s dick like this. She then got up and went back to her seat on the bed. Again without wasting any time she looked at me straight and said “take your bra off Paadmaa”. I was again shocked, thought of protesting but realised there’s no point so slowly took my hands to my back and unhooked the bra. Slowly with shaking hands I removed my bra. My hands went straight to hide my globes but Surya stopped me saying “it’s ok everyone has seen them already besides that would be breaking the rule. I just looked down as I couldn’t see them looking at my breasts up close. My nipples had become hard by now and my boobs were standing up straight without being shy like me. Surya nudged me gesturing that it was my turn now. I looked at Pierre and said kiss your lady love. Thinking he will kiss Nicole but he went straight to Michelle and kissed her on the mouth. I was really shocked by this how could a father kiss his grown up daughter like that? Their kiss went on for few minutes both exploring each other’s mouths. Pierre broke the kiss and came back to his place “isn’t she lovely Surya? Go on show some love to my daughter now” Surya jumped at the opportunity and straight away went to Michelle held her by her waist and made her stand up. He hugged her tightly and started to kiss her by crushing her firm boobs with his naked chest. After few mins of kissing he focused his attention on rest of her face licking her forehead then cheeks and chin, he continued his licking while he traveled south to her neck and then her boobs. He took decent time to lick and suck her nipples and the rest of the boobs. He also pressed them with both the hands one last time before he ended his dare. He was still not satisfied but he couldn’t have continued forever. Michelle sat back with a flushed face while Surya came back to his place still looking at her with lusty eyes. 

This had heated up the room now so carrying the same trend he asked Nicole to give Pierre a blowjob. Nicole once again didn’t waste any time and knelt in front of Pierre and took his dick into her mouth and started sucking it. Pierre started to moan while Nicole was sucking his dick by making audible but familiar voices. This went on for some time and Pierre himself asked her to stop saying “stop stop otherwise I will cum in your mouth now, I want to hold it for special someone” finished his sentence by looking at me straight. I just looked down with shame. He was talking about fucking me in front of his wife daughter and my husband, gutsy fellow. Nicole got up taking Pierre’s dick out of her mouth and said “Michelle where are your manners? We got such a great hosts who let us into their place and you haven’t shown any gratitude, specifically Surya he showed so much love to you before, now kiddo it’s your turn, give him a lap dance that he will remember for ages”. Once again I couldn’t believe what I was listening, mother asking her grown up daughter to sit on a naked strangers lap and not only that but to dance on it nude. Unbelievable!!! But I didn’t know then that there’s lots more unbelievable stuff is about to unfold that night. 

“Yes momma” saying that she came and sat on Surya’s lap facing away from him, her bum was right on Surya’s dick her meaty thighs were on Surya’s thighs and her back was touching Surya’s chest. She slowly started to move on his lap massaging his dick with her soft ass cheeks. Her back was rubbing his chest while she moved slowly with grace. Surya initially placed his hands on her thighs and then slowly moved upwards until they landed on her boobs while feeling her flat tummy on the way up. He started massaging her chest globes while enjoying the lap dance. Michelle leaned back and turned around towards Surya, he understood what she was looking for and gladly took her lips into his mouth and started to suck on them. I could clearly see Michelle inserting her tongue into Surya’s mouth for a proper kiss. Surya accepted her intrusion gladly by opening his mouth. Michelle was fully focussed on the kiss while Surya sucked on her tongue by continuing to massage her boobs. Michelle broke the kiss after 5 full minutes and asked her mom “mumma am I doing it right? Is this how you wanted me to show the gratitude to our host?” To which Nicole replied “baby you are a man pleaser this comes to you naturally, go on you are doing great.” That’s when Michelle looked at me and as if she felt like I was left alone she leaned towards me and placed her lips on mine. I accepted the invitation and started to kiss her back. Few more minutes of kissing went on in front of her parents like that. She went back to dancing and grinding her bum on Surya’s dick. I involuntarily looked at Pierre and my eyes wandered to his dick, he was rock hard and his dick was shining with Nicole’s saliva from the sucking she did a little while ago. I again lowered my eyes in shame.

Michelle finally finished her lap dance and went back to her place. She was all giggly as if she has won a medal. She looked at me and said now Paadmaa it’s your turn” my heart rate increased listening to that does she want me to give a lap dance to Surya now? Or worse to Pierre. My guess was right she said, now you need to give lap dance to my dad. I was shocked and looked at Surya for help, he had closed his eyes perhaps he was still in trance and had not recovered from Michelle’s lap dance yet. Seeing no response from Surya I thought I had no choice but to do as Michelle asked to avoid the punishment of spending the whole night outside without clothes.

With shaky legs I got up and started to move towards Pierre but Michelle interrupted me “you are not thinking of giving him the lap dance with your panty on are you?” I looked puzzled she continued “first rule of lap dance is to strip naked, you have to take that panty off first” my body shivered listening to that this girl makes up the rules on the fly, now I have to strip naked and sit on this old man’s lap with his dick buried in my ass crack. Once again looked at Surya for help but he was still lost in his own world. Once again with shaky hands I started to peel off the last remaining cloth on my body, my panty. I became naked like everyone else in the room and walked over to Pierre noticing the piercing looks of Pierre on my fully shaved wet pussy. I wanted avoid his looks on my pussy and just turned around fast and sat on his lap. His rock hard dick felt hot on my bum. He straight away brought his hands from underneath my armpits and grabbed my boobs. I didn’t know how to dance so I just closed my eyes and started to massage his dick with my ass. He was enjoying my nude body and the sensations it was giving his nude frontal body parts. He tried to turn me over for the kiss but I declined and went on with my dance for some more time. I quickly got up and went back to my place. I wanted to wear my panty back but Nicole objected that once you get nude in the game you can’t wear your clothes back. Again one more on the fly rule. I decided to take my revenge on Nicole for denying me my panty. “Nicole I want you to lick my hubby’s balls” I felt a sense of satisfaction that now I took my revenge. Nicole asked Surya to lie down on all fours like we girls do when getting fucked in the doggy style. I didn’t understand so Nicole explained “you only asked me to lick his balls not the dick so this is the best pose to do that” saying that she went and took Surya’s balls into her mouth. Sucked one ball after another and licked them all the way from his ass hole to his dick. She didn’t take his dick in the mouth though. Surya was moaning loudly while Nicole continued her sucking and licking his balls and surrounding area. Few more minutes and Nicole finished her dare to go back to her seat. “Daddy is feeling lonely Michelle go girl give him some love honey “.  Saying that she got up and came to sit next to me on our bed. I was again not able to understand why she came to our bed? My question was answered immediately when Michelle jumped on her dad and made him lie down on the bed and she fell on him flat. Her entire nude body was resting on Pierre’s nude body. She then started to kiss him like he was her lover and not the father. Pierre had taken his hands on her back and started massaging her ass cheeks. I am sure Michelle would have felt his hot dick on her pussy lips. As Michelle was making love to her dad in front of us her mother Nicole brought her hand around me over my shoulders and grabbed my right boob. She kept massaging it for some time then she turned me to her and started to kiss. While kissing me she made me lie down on the bed. Surya got up to make room for us. Myself and Nicole were now hugging each other with our boobs crushing. Nicole started to lick my entire face and then went to my chest and started licking and sucking my nipples and my boobs. I started to moan as she was driving me crazy with her mouth on my chest. She went further down licking my belly button and the surrounding area. She finally reached her goal my pussy lips. As soon as she placed her mouth on my pussy lips I shuddered and let out a loud moan. Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing to look at me. I just bit my lip and closed my eyes with shame. Nicole continued to explore my pussy with her tongue giving me wild sensations.

In the meantime Surya had crossed over to the other bed and was sensually moving his hands on Michelle’s back. His hands were feeling every inch of Michelle’s back her shoulders back, waist, bum and her thighs. She broke her kiss with her dad and pulled Surya over to her. Surya fell on the father and daughter. Michelle started to focus on Surya now so Pierre sneaked out of their bed and came to our bed and joined Nicole and myself. He straight away came and hugged me and started kissing. While his wife was playing with my lower lips he started to play with my upper lips and boobs. This was heavenly feeling. My moans became louder and louder. Pierre thought it’s time now and moved Nicole from my pussy and replaced her mouth with his dick. I was lying flat he was on me now crushing my entire body with his. While continuing the kiss he spread my legs and placed his dick at the entrance of my wet pussy. I closed my eyes in the anticipation of a start to a rough fuck session. That’s when he gave a push and his dick entered my pussy few more pushes and his entire dick was fully buried into my cunt. I let out a loud scream as he entered me. He waited for few seconds and then started to move his rod in and out of my cunt. I was in heaven, he is no doubt an experienced fucker, he was gracefully fucking me deep thrust’s. Just then we all heard Michelle scream louder than me. Myself and Pierre stopped our fucking to look at her and Nicole went back to their bed to take care of her daughter. We saw that Surya had now entered her pussy, tears rolled from her eyes as Surya started to fuck her. Nicole went to her daughter she took Michelle’s head and placed on her lap. While doing so she also started to kiss her in a consoling fashion. Pierre resumed his fucking so as Surya. Nicole moved over and placed her pussy on Michelle’s mouth and started to kiss Surya. They had now formed a triangle with their threesome fucking. The entire room was filled with moans and grunts from us three ladies and the 2 gentlemen. Ignoring all the noises Pierre just focussed on fucking me hard and fast, I already came once after seeing the threesome of Nicole, Michelle and Surya now Pierre’s fast fucking was making me cum again. Looks like he was also about to cum, I just tried to open my mouth to say “Please don’t cum in there..” Couldn’t say pussy to him directly due to my shyness!! But before I could say anything he sealed my mouth with his in a deep French kiss while increasing his speed, our entire bed was creaking because of his strong fucking. Just then my pussy was also feeling the onset of another orgasm so I just focused on Pierre’s dick that was giving me wild sensations in my pussy and I started to cum. Precisely then Pierre also started to cum downloading all his juices into my already wet and soaking pussy. We both came moaning and grunting into each other’s mouth. It took us at least 2 full mins to catch our breath and become normal. Pierre just made me sleep on the side and he cuddled me from behind. His soft and messy dick rubbing my bum cheeks from behind and his hands rolled up on my boobs. I comfortably cuddled into his arms and started to observe the performance of my hubby with this mother daughter duo. By now Surya had made both the ladies go on all fours next to each other. Both Nicole and Michelle were in doggy position lifting up their assess up in the air so Surya’s dick could easily enter. Surya was now fucking Michelle from behind and fingering Nicole, after 10-15 strokes he shifted his dick to Nicole and fingers to Michelle. He was kind of playing musical chairs with his dick swapping between mother’s pussy and daughter’s pussy alternately every 15-20 seconds. Both the girls were moaning and screaming loudly while Surya’s fucking went on and on and on. I just drifted into sleep watching Nicole and Michelle and Surya’s this unique threesome fucking. Didn’t realise when I went to sound sleep in Pierre’s arms.
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