Adultery Jaya - young college teacher
(16-08-2019, 10:27 PM)xossipyenjoy Wrote: wonderful seduction man.
Rahim's cock is not circumcised, He is a *****.
May be you used a wrong picture here. he he

Rahim can look like

cock image can look like

Pics r not available....
Why is this so.....
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Do not mention / post any under age /rape content. If found Please use REPORT button.
(17-08-2019, 07:37 PM)adangamaru Wrote: please dont make jaya as slut fucking everyone around. let the affair be only with rahim.

Haaaaa re....aise koi sanskari ladki.... yaaaa aurat kisi se bhi chudayegi  ...aise to kahani.... aaaur sath me mood bhi kharab hoga....
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(20-08-2019, 03:31 PM)AB-the Unicorn Wrote: excellllentttt .... do as your way

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Nice story when is next update
[+] 1 user Likes Riyarani998877's post
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If any role play guys come for chat
[+] 2 users Like Riyarani998877's post
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(11-08-2023, 12:53 AM)Riyarani998877 Wrote: If any role play guys come for chat

Hi my sexy chudakkad raaandi friend Ms Rya raaandi....r u enjoying with any katuas Lund....
R u married...or still enjoying single life...
R u lesbo.... or incest too....
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(24-08-2019, 03:57 PM)kuttoosan009 Wrote: Thanks for all your comments and suggestions. From your suggestions I got idea and try to narrates my own way or includes in my idea. Sorry I can't replay on each comments. 

My Limitations:

1. I am not good in English. Sometimes I don't get proper English words. May be repeat the same words in a paragraph. That time I was translate from my local language by using googl translator. May be grammar mistake also b there. But I believe; for sex everywhere in the world only one language  :D :D :D

2. I am a working person. Don't get proper time to think or make proper situations for the story. If overtime duty is there, I dont get proper sleep also. So may be the update will delay. (actually before writing this story, I never think that, this much followers will come)

3. I am writing this story by typing on my android mobile. So it's little bit difficult to type and to add proper images etc. (writing on a paper is not possible)

Thank you......... Heart

"ln this story all characters are not real. Don't cheat your partner for sex. Sex is not the last word of life. Love each other. If you love your family; you will never cheat them for sex. Before you do any wrong; think about your family, parents, children, relatives. It's my small advice."

Correct.... u can enjoy.... but don't cheat.... until & unless u don't hav choice... &....u don't hav anything else 2 fulfil yr desire & need 4 Lund.... u can arrange something in yr house...instead of enjoying outside.... outsider will blackmail u & than....
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(25-08-2019, 01:33 PM)Sarvesh Siva Wrote: jaya come to take dried clothes and suddenly rain come and rahim also there to check water level in tank. both are wet and move to a corner place sun shade stand very close with bodies touching each other. both bodies get heat.

This is old idea.... lots of stories r there like this...  getting wet in's too old idea....should make some seducing ideas....
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(27-08-2019, 09:32 AM)kuttoosan009 Wrote: Hi friends.... Till now I don't start to write the next update. I am little busy with my work. I need to read the previous update and make changes and upload photos. After that I will go the next update. May be next update will post Saturday night.... Thank you.....

Ohhhh....again waiting....
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(27-08-2019, 09:42 AM)kuttoosan009 Wrote: Subscribe    fishing     this thread and select "Instant Email Notification" option and click  "Subscribe to Thread" 

Then you got email notification for every post in this thread. Thank you. 

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(27-08-2019, 12:18 PM)Siva2019 Wrote: Jus 28

Sexy age....similar 2 me....
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(31-08-2019, 08:38 PM)Ragu Wrote: Every boys first atraction I mean sex feeling there's teacher .  Elder woman affecion started there college life because some beautiful teacher

Sahi hai...lekin....
[+] 1 user Likes imles4le's post
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Next update in next year
[+] 1 user Likes kanikaakochr's post
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(14-08-2023, 01:44 AM)kanikaakochr Wrote: Next update in next year

Ohhhh itna der....
[+] 1 user Likes imles4le's post
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They r waiting for spending time together.
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[+] 4 users Like Herbiee's post
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Excellent story
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Speechless moment of Jaya. What next.!? So exciting. Waiting madly. Please update soon.
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Waiting for more updates

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Please update
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